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‘The undersigned Affiant. who after being duly ston Dy me. on oath. makes the following statement
Thave good reason to believe and do believe that:
(Suspect) Hunter Dreux Smith (Race) WHITE (Sex) MALE,
(DOB) 01/11/1999
(On or about 06-10-2023 inte incorporated limits of the City of Austin,
County of Travis, Texas. did then and there commit the offense of:
Affiant is Detective Eduardo Pineda #8134, employed as a commissioned peace officer with the Austin
Police Department (APD) for approximately 7 years and is currently assigned to the Investigations |,
Aggravated Assault Unit, Affiant holds an Advane=*™ <1 certification and has been involved in
numerous investigations including robberies, assaults, homicides, burglaries, thefts, narcotics. firearms
‘and financial crimes. Affiant has obtained th “lowing information through personal knowledge.
information prussce ¥; un... — vauivers during the course of their investigation, victim and witness
inter views, video footage, and information contained in APD offense report nuinber 2023-1610186.
On June 10th, 2023, at approximately U.cou, 7 Arigued #9667 - seve suorrison # 1/33
responded to a shot/stab hotshot call, located at 11520 ROCK av. - AVE, Aust... “wis County, Texas
78758. Upon arrival they made contact with the victim named . ‘“vishek Kumar. Abhishek was barely
conscious, had been stabbed in the right abdomen and in the mouth. v...._~sisted in initial treating
and moving Abhishek to an ambulance. Abhishek was transported to a nearby hospital.
Officers then spoke with Saksham Shanna and Prashant Zoting, friends that were with Abhishek,
Saksham stated he and his two friends (Abhishek and Prashant) were walking out of 77 Degrees‘Rose
Room nightclub towards the red garage in the Domain, Suddenly approximately three other individuals
attacked him and his friends. Saksham stated that it happened so fast, he saw his two friends getting
assaulted, then somebody behind him punched him in the face, knocking him out onto the ground.
‘Saksham stated that he wasn't sure what happened after
Prashant stated he and his friends were leaving 77 Degrees nightclub and walking towards the red garage
‘when one suspect jumped them. Prashant described the suspect was a white male wearing a white shirt.
cowboy hat, and black jeans.
Domain security provided Officers with surveillance footage. The security footage showed a white male
with arm and neck tattoos wearing a cowboy hat with a white button-up, blue jeans, and a knife case on
the right side of his waist, and his friend, possibly an Asian male wearing a floral button-up with a fanny
pack strapped on his chest. Also, a female wearing a dark colored dress with a blue tattoo on he back was
with the two men.
“Austin Police Department Incident #:23-1610186 Officer: Eduatdo Pineda Badge #: 8134The ‘shite mate ‘sas late identified by Detective McKenna as Hunter Smith, a white male, born om
January 1*, 1999, futher described by DPS Number ‘TX 45919083,
The Asian male was later identified as Will V
head eis backwards away fiom Hunter, Hunter continues to walk tonandk Salen wae knife in
band, Abhishek is then observed appronching Hunter fiom the left aed punches Hunter. Hunter appears to
dlrect his attention towards Abhishek, Hunter swings the knife towards Abhicick imultiple times as they
Septinue to fight. Abhishek falls to the ground, as he stands back up. you ean see le ie holding the right
Side of his abdomen. You can aso see his white shir is now covered i blood mousd in stent
Col Trinh #8147 responded tothe scene and spoke with Devilliana Williams, a security guard working the
aren. Devilliana stated she was in her vehicle when the ineideut occurred neat ier. She observed a uate
ina cowboy hat with a knife holster on his hip. She stated a white female walked by the sroup of victims
and stated "that’s them, they tried to talk ro me." The male wearing the cowboy hat proceeded to assault
the group of vietims. Devilliana observed a black cellular telephone fall out ofthe pocket ofthe mate with
the cowboy hat. She recovered the cellular telephone and handed it o officers on scene. The plione was
later identified as a gold iPhone with a black carbou-fiber colored case.
Detective McKenna #8004, was working in an on-call capacity for the Austin Police Department's
Aggravated Assault Unit, Detective McKenna responded to the scene aud took possession of the
aforementioned cell phone. Detective McKenna spoke to the director, B, Roach, ofthe security company
Poseidon Protection Services, for the Domain. At approximately 8:00 AM on June 10", 2023, Roach
contacted Detective McKenna and advised a male named Hunter Smith had called the security company
in an attempt to locate a lost cell phone in the Red Garage. Hunter advised Roach that he dropped hic
phone in the Red Garage, and described the phone to be an IPhone with a black carbou-fiber cose.
Detective Mckenna made contact with Hunter who stated his name was Hunter Smith, verified the phone
rnuinber of his cell phone to be 337-561-3518, described the phone to a gold IPhone 13 in a black exrben
fiber case, and described the backaround ofthe phone to be au “upside down prramid of a motivations?
quote." This i all consistent with the phone which officers seized fiom Devilliana, who observed the
phone fall out of Hunter's pocket during the assault
Austin Police officers received another 911 callin reference to this incident. The caller was identified to
be Mary Sweeney, the ex-gilfziend of Hunter. Officer Mooney made contact with Mary: Mary euned
Hunter showed up to her house, located at 707 Hackberry Sueet, Copperas Cove, Texas driving god
Mercedes-Benz. Mary sated htt tld her be ad been in ight a the Domain and stabbed two people
Mary stated Hunter asked her fra vide back tothe Domain so that ie could try to find his cep oe
‘Mary stated she drove Hunter to the Domain, dropped him off, and then called 911,
Once Hunter was dropped off by Mary, he made coutact with Poseidon security director. Roach. Roach
had observed the video evidence of the stabbing and knew what the suspect looked like. Roach ages me
wale looking forthe phone appeared tobe the sane male as in video evidence, Nearby Austin Palingofficers detained the male who was looking for his
‘bom January 11°, 1999, Hi
said warrant. Officer Mooney
‘was transported to APD Headq
and was pl
¢ key to the Mercedes-Benz in his pocket. Hu
rers to be interviewed by Detective McKenn
Detective McKer
read Hunter his Miranda ri
‘dence, and also had the s
changed clothes. Hunter stated him and his friend Wi
bar. They were in the Red garage of
there was a group of Indian males, later i
of these Indian males, Sakshaun, said so
not like when meles disrespect females, s
disrespect females. Hunter began
nbar" to Sal
the knife was
left the scene, Hunter stated his eowboy hat was damage
was blood on
male, bom on
‘TX 45919083, committed the act of Agaravated
ie Texas Penal Code
Deadly Weapon against the peace and dignity of the
ly Of Travis, Texas
‘On this, the 10 day of Jun, 2023, 1 hereby acknowie
Thereby acknowledge that Ihave examined the foregoing affidavit and have determined
"ht probabl cause exis forthe astm fan nest want fr he nl ase heen
stan ker
County of Travis. Texas
‘Signed by the sai affiant, submitted to me by reliable electronic means. and subsequently swom to by the said affant before
‘me through an electronic broadcast system.