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6 Adjectives

lou have learnt that adjectives
describe nouns.
Now, draw six of your favourite things, people or
adjectives to say why you like them. places and use suitable
art integration

Kinds of Adjectives
There are nine kinds of adjectives. Let us learn about them.
1. Adjectives of Quality tell us atbout the quality of a person or a thing
For example,
" Ravi is an honest man.
Pradeep is a lazy boy.
2. Adjectives of Quantity tell us about the quantity. Forexanple,
He ate the whole cake.
There is some milk in the jug.
3. Adjectives of Number tellus about the number of people or things. Adjectives #
number are of twvo kinds.
a. Definite Numeral Adjectives which denote an exact nurmber. For exarriple.
Cardinals one two three

Ordinals first second third

b. Indefinite Numeral Adjectives which do not denote an exact nurmber.

For example, all, no, many, few, some, any, certain, several.
4. Demonstrative Adjectives help us to point at a particular person or thing
For example,
" This boy is stronger than mybrother.
These grapes are sour.
5. Distributive Adjectives refer to each one of a Note
number. For example, There are four distributive
Every student must be punctual. adjectives-each, every, either
Either pen willdo. and neither.
6. Emphasising Adjectives are used for emphasis.
For example,
This is the very book Ineed.
He is lost in his own thoughts.
7. Possessive Adjectives show possession or ownership. For example.
This is my computer.
That is her mobile phone.
Adjectives are always followed by nouns. Pronouns stand alone.
Subject Pronouns you he she it We you they
Adjectives my your his her its our your their
Pronouns mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs

8. Interrogative Adjectives help to ask questions. For example,

Which song do youlike?
Whose phone is this?

Proper Adjetives modify rnouns and
nouis I'ropr adje pronouns and are formed from pror
. Iikc Chinese tises are always capital1ed For
food Cxatiple.
This is aGerman car

A. ldentify the adjectives used in the

of adjective. poem and replace each with a
similar kind
Youare old, Father
William, the young marn said.
And vour hair has hecome
And yet you incessantly stand white,
on your head
Do you think, at your age, it
is right?
In my vouth, Father
Ifeared it might Williarn replied to his son,
injure the brain;
But, now that I'rn pertectly sure I
Why, Ido it again and again." have none,
You are old, said the youth, 'as I
And have grown rmost mentioned before,
Yet you turned a uncommonly fat;
back-somersault in at the door
Pray, what is the reason of that?"

In my youth, said the sage, as he shook his grey

Ikept all rny limbs very supple
By the use of this ointment-one shilling the box
Allow me to sell you a couple?

You are old, said the youth, 'and your jaws are too weak
For anything tougher than suet;
Yet youfinished the goose, with the bones and the beak
Pray, how did you manage to do it?

Inmy youth,' said his father, Itook to the law,

And argued each case with my wife;
And the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw,
Has lasted the rest of my life'

Youare old,'said the youth, 'one would hardly suppose
Thatyour eye was as steady as ever;
Yet you balanced an eel on theend of your nose
What made you so awtully clever?"

Ihave answered three questions, and that is enough,'

Said his father; 'don't give yourself airs!
Do you think Ican listen all day to such stuff?
Be oft, or I'll kick you down stairs!'
B. Fillin the blanks with suitable possessive adjectives.
1. Ilove Darjeeling because it is the place of birth.
2. Mr Singh and wife arrived late at the party.
3. Where is Sudeshna's house? Iwant to
meet mother.
4. We must never forget
past,' said the father to his children.
5. Ramesh forgot to take wallet to the market today.
6. Love neighbour as yourself,' said Christ to his followers.
7. Raj loves to ride new bike to work.
8. 'Never give up goal in life, said the teacher to her pupils.
9. They live in house.
10. We must learn tO respect
C. Replace the personal pronouns with
possessive adjectives.
1. That is (I) dress.
2. Ms Wilson is
(we) teacher.
3. Tanya goes to school with
(she) brother.
(They) school is closed on Saturdays.
5. Imnet
(you) sister last evening.
6. Saina Nehwal is
()favourite sports star.
7 (1) husband andI want to start a
8. We went to Egypt to see (it) historical monuments.

9. Leila likes
(she) painting
10. I have a dog. (It) name is Simba.
1. The children have been playing outside. (they) mother is not
at home.

12. This is (he) football. (He) friends will come to

play with him.

D. Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives.

1. Ilove dress.
2. Who are people?
3. bag is this?
4. She is a lady.
5. Can Ipet dog'
6. answer is correct.

7. He wrote letters.
8. Trishala loves dog.
9. Ido not like dresses.

10. Do you have money?

11. We haven't got milk.

12. boys are

13. Idid not have rice today.
14. colour do you like the best?

15. people attended the yoga carmp.

flowers have a smell.

students received awards year.


18. Who was the man to step on the Moon?

19. children nowadays play games.

20. The cat drank up the milk.

Degrees of Adjectives
You have learnt that there are three degrees of adjectives positive, comparative
and superlative.
1. Positive degree: When we talk about the existence of some quality in a person or
a thing, we use the positive degree. For example,
Sushma is a tall girl.
Vasanthi is an intelligent girl.
2. Comparative degree: When we compare two people or things, we use the
comparative degree. For example,
Parul is taller than Sushma.
Jaya is more intelligent than Vasanthi.
3. Superlative degree: When we compare three or more people or things, we use
the superlative degree. For example,
Sukanya is the tallest of all.
Sonali is the most intelligent of al.
Study the table to understand how to form comparatives and superlatives.
Rule Positive Comparative Superlative
Most adjectives fornm the great greater greatest
comparative by adding er and the clever cleverer cleverest
superlative by adding est kind kinder kindest
young younger youngest
short shorter shortest
tall taller tallest
Adjectives ending with e form noble nobler noblest
the comparative by adding r and Wise wiser WIsest
the superlative by adding st able abler ablest

Adjectives ending with y, change early earlier earliest

the y to iand add er and est
costly costlier costliest
heavy heavier heaviest
Adjectives with CVC combination, sad sadder saddest
double the last consonant before
adding er and est big bigger biggest
fat fatter fattest

Rule Positive Comparative Superlative
careful more careful most careful
Adjectives with two or more
syllablesusually form the cOurageOus Imore most

comparative by adding more and courageous courageous

the superlative by adding most magnificent Imore most

magnificent magnificent
Some adjetives follow no rules little less (lesser)
much more most

more most
far further, furthest,
farther farthest
late later latest

Common Mistakes with Comparisons

1. Avoid making a double comparison. For example,
. Iwas more happier in the countryside than inthe city. (Incorrect)
I was happier in the countryside than in the city. (Correct)
2. Some adjectives such as first, last, equal and unique cannot be compared.
For example,
My bike is uniquer/more unique than yours. (Incorrect)
My bikeis unique. (Correct)
E. Correct the errors in the use of the degrees of comparison and rewrite
these sentences.

1. This is the taller building in the town.

2. She is the fast runner among the students.
3. This is the beautiful car I have ever seen.
4. Apples are healthy than French fries.
5. Cars are fastest than bikes.

6. Taranais thinner than all the girls in the class.

7. The weather is finer today.
8. The girls seem the happiest than the boys.
9. The peacock 0s more beautifuler than the
10. This is more boring film Ihave ever seen.

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