Main Body
Main Body
Main Body
1.1 Origin of the Study
The garment industry of Bangladesh has been the key export division and a main
source of foreign exchange for the last30 years. At present, the country
generates about $9.35 billion worth of products each year by exporting garment.
The industry provides employment to about 4.4 million workers of whom 80% are
women. Two non-market elements have performed a vital function in confirming
the garment industry's continual success; these elements are (a) quotas under
Multi- Fibred Arrangement1 (MFA) in the North American market and (b) special
market entry to European markets. The whole procedure is strongly related with
the trend of relocation of production. It has been reveals that the tendency of low
labor charges is the key reason for the transfer of garment manufacturing in
Bangladesh. Bangladesh Garment Sector and Global Chain cause of this
transfer can be clarified by the salary structure in the garment industry, all over
the world. Apparel labor charge per hour (wages and fringe benefits, US$) in
USA is 10.12 but it is only 0.30 in Bangladesh.
(a) To evaluate and analyze the effectiveness of recruitment and selection process.
1.3 Scope of the Study:
During my internee period I have got chances to visit many buying house,
supervise many production process & work with them. I have done my job
in Ranisha Fashion Limited as asst. merchandiser & as an asst
merchandiser here I try to elaborate the merchandising profession and the
production and marketing process of a garments factory.
1.5 Methodology
1.5.2 Data collection procedure
This report is mainly exploratory and descriptive in nature. Exploratory
research mainly is performed by collecting primary and secondary data.
Based on the primary and secondary data, a brief description is done about
market characteristics, prospects and potentials, problems and solution
strategy of RMG industry in Bangladesh.
Primary data
Meeting with marketing executive of RMG industry.
Interview with various sectors employee.
Discussion with buyers of different company& buying house.
Information collected from Ranisha Fashion Limited
Secondary data
Different journal & text book.
Company website.
Information about different buying house.
Export Promotion Bureau of Bangladesh website.
Chapter: Two
2.1 Factory Profile of Ranisha Fashion Limited
The readymade garments industry acts as the backbone of our economy and as
a catalyst for the development of our country. This industry started its journey in
late eighties and has come Across a long way to position its self as the second
largest exporter of garments in the world. Ranisha Fashion Limited Has emerged
as a part of this transformation to suppy high quality product international market
Since our journey started in 1999,our products are made with utmost care
ensuring world class quality through sophisticated machineries and latest
technology. We strive for the highest lavel of customer satisfaction as we believe
a strong base of satisfied customers in our most valuable asset.
Ranisha Fashion Limited (Pvt.) Ltd.
(100% Export Oriented Garments)
Year of Commencement-2003
Spider Complex
DBID: 346863
Managing Director
1.Md. Mahuuddin Alamgir
Cell Phone # (+) 88 019774477, E-mail: [email protected]
2.MR Ravin ( Director)
Phone : 8801613013865, 88 02 8712751 - 53
Fax : 8802 9832376, Swift: TTBLBDDH002
E-mail : [email protected]
Mirpur Branch,
BSCI Electronics Complex,
Plot # 1/1, Section # 7 , Avenue # 4 , Road # 3 ,
Pallabi, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Swift :BKSIBDDH022
Phone : 88 02 9006249-50
Fax : 88 02 9011732
E-mail : [email protected]
2.2 Vision
Taking inspiration from the past, setting milestones in the present, Ranisha Fashion
Limited continually strive to unravel the opportunities that the future has in store.
Tapping the vast pool of available opportunities and it tremendous experience, TAM
industris wish to work with zeal to implement new ideas innovations, better quality &
providing best possible service to customers, which has kept us ahead. Earning foreign
currency through exporting and participating in the economic growth of the country.
2.3 Mission
Its mission is to expand its business across the globe by ensuring best service,
integrity, reliability & quality. Readymade garments 100% export oriented that try to
keep track most popular trends in fancy fashion including Knittwear, women wear, and
out wear to customer at reasonable prices, right delivery, good quality and services.
Sample Store
Expand business activities.
Produced more standardize quality products.
Ensure higher productivity of the production and more responsible to
customers’ needs and satisfaction.
Participating in economic growth through earning foreign currency by
exporting its products.
Generating higher employment taking newer internship.
Establishing strong brand image through aggressive marketing and
promotional campaign.
Chapter: THREE
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3.1 Business Process of Ranisha Fashion Limited:
Client except the price ,then make counter samples and send to
clients for the feed back
Client confirm the samples , place the order and open L/C or T/T
Make the correct sample with print, embroidery etc. for approval.
Production(Quality maintenance)
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3.3 Buyer / Customer Base:
Ranisha Fashion Limited has established solid business relationships and
customers in Europe and North America and is proud to be highly regarded in
the market for their integrity and commitment to deliver what they have
promised. They are providing services to a wide range of customers of
customer including retail specialty stores, catalog houses and importers.
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3.6 General Ethics & Legal regulation:
Code and Conduct: The Company operates in full compliances
with the applicable laws, rules and regulations, including those
relating to labor, worker health, and safety and environment.
Child Labor: Factory always employed those workers who have
reached the minimum legal age in effort for admission employment,
or at least the age of eighteen. The company with all rules governing
the employment of children.
Work Environment: The Company encourages developing lawful work
place apprenticeship programs for the educational benefit of the workers.
Discrimination: Factory never discrimination in hiring and recruiting
employees, including matters of safety, benefit advancement, disciplinary
measures, social and ethnic origin, political opinion or disability. The
company employs workers on the basis of their abilities to do the job, not
on the basis for their personal characteristics or beliefs.
Hygiene and Health Safety: It provides a safe and healthy working
environment for their workers and takes every necessary step to
prevent occupational accident and illness and censure that
employees are not unsanitary or dangerous working condition.
Wages and Hours: The Company set working hours, wages and
overtime pays in compliances with all applicable laws. Here the main
working hour is 8 am -7 pm. And after 8 hours overtime period is counted.
Trade Union and Freedom of Association: There is the right of
employees to form and join trade union and to bargain collectively.
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Production Pattern
Marker Making
Pressing/ Finishing
Final Inspection
This is the Basic Production Flowchart of a Garment. In advance some of
the process can be added or removed. Here is a brief discussion of major
process steps of Garments & Apparel Manufacturing Technology:
Production Pattern: After making the cloth sample that i have mentioned in the
previous process step; it’s wise to make a production sample that will be hanged
out in front of every labor that are recruited to make this clothing eventually.
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Grading: Grading is done in order to grade various sizes of garment in separate
place so that it would be easier to inspection and maintain the export works at last.
Cutting: After successfully spread the fabric and putting all the marks and
sketch by the marker; this is the time to cut the fabrics according to design.
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3.9 Stages of Sample Making
Fit: Make sure fulfill of buyer’s demand. If 1st fit sample rejected by the
buyer, send 2nd fit sample (if needed). [This stage use actual fabric].
Photo: Photo of the sample send to buyer (If require/buyer’s need). [Use
actual fabric].
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3.11 Functional Departments:
All the functions of Ranisha Fashion Limited are operated under seven
major departments:
1. Merchandising Department.
2. Sampling Department.
3. Commercial Department
5. Production Department.
6. Distribution Department.
7. Accounts Department
Searching buyers: The task of this department started with the searches
of buyers, who want to import garment products from our country, to get the
order of the garment product manufacturing.
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Price negotiation: When this department has the clear idea about the
cost involved in the desired transaction they start price negotiation to
determine a final price that the buyer agrees to pay.
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3.11.4 Accessory Supply Department:
For a smooth manufacturing, the assurance of on time delivery of fabric
and accessories is must. The responsibility of supplying accessories to the
suppliers landed on the ground of this department. To assure this supply
the company utilizes two sources. As a result the manufacturer doesn't
need to be worried about the availability of accessories.
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3.12 Machine Description:
List of Knitting Machines:
Our mission is to provide not only the highest possible product quality but
also a total service to match.
Machine Specification:
1 20"X24GGX60
2 21"X24GGX63
3 22"X24GGX66
4 23"X24GGX69
5 24"X24GGX72
6 26"X24GGX78
8 30"X24 GGX60
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10 36"X24GGX66
11 40"X24GGX69
Inter Lock
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List of Sewing Machines
Our mission is to provide not only the highest possible product quality but
also a total service.
04 PMD 04 ZOJE
08 Kansai 08 ZOJE
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List of Dyeing Machines:
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Chapter: Four
Merchandising Activities at
Works Factory and
Corporate office
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4.1 Marketing merchandising:
Main function of marketing merchandising is
Product Development
Bring orders from foreign buyers
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4.4 Internal & external communication:
Earlier, we had seen the importance of communication with buyers. By the same
way, internal communication is also very much valuable. As the other departments
will follow the instructions given by the merchandising department, they have very
high value.
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4.3.9 Advising production and quality department about quality level:
Each garment will have different acceptable quality level according to the buyer's
specification and tolerance level. Though the production and quality departments
are taking responsibility of quality, it is the merchandiser and the marketing
manager who decide whether the quality is up to the acceptable level or not.
4.10 Taking responsibility for inspections:
When working for foreign buyers there will be many inspections like pilot batch,
initial, online, mid final and final. If we work with the buyers directly, the number
of inspections will be limited.
4.11 Helping documentation department:
Though the documentation department takes care of all documents, it is preferable
for the merchandiser to check the important things like the prices, quantity,
description, Category, HS code, consignee's & consignor's addresses, payment
terms, delivery terms, purchase order number, port discharge etc.
4.12 Following shipment:
Finally the merchandiser has to make sure the vessel details, ETA, ETD, shipping
lines, B/L instructions and documents of vessel connections, freight & other
charges are in accordance with the buyer's instructions and our suitability.
4.13 Required qualities of a merchandiser:
From the experience of the author of this report following qualities have
been found crucial for someone to be a successful merchandiser –
• Good command in English and adequate knowledge of technical terms
for accuracy and efficiency
• Knowledge of the quota system used in each of the producing
countries, duty rates, customers regulations, shipping and
banking documents etc.
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Chapter: FIVE
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5.1 Letter of Credit (LC)
Letter of credit (LC) is a financial instrument opened by importer.
LC can be opened in favor of exporter. It gives assurance that the importer
is solvent.
Most of the LC is irrevocable. An irrevocable LC means that once the exporter has
accepted the credit, the buyer cannot alter it without any permission of exporter.
7. Authorization of payment
2. LC
Exporter Bank Importer Bank
3. Document 1. Request
5. Of To open LC 8. Debited
6. LC
Exporter Importer
1. shipment
Of good
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1.Buyer requests the bank for open a letter of credit.
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Chapter: SIX
Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR)
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6.1 Corporate Social Responsibility of Ranisha Fashion Limited
Ranisha Fashion Limited has a labour force of more than 1500 employées,
which they see as the most important factor on the over all stability and long-
term development of this organisation.Corporate Social Responsibility is a
comprehensive policy and it relates to more than one entities. The general
principles of the policy include the compliance with legislative regulations, the
protection of workers of benefits of laborers and shareholders and the public.
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Chapter: SEVEN
Job Part
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7.1 Responsibilities of a Trainee officer:
To avoid unnecessary use of sewing machines, reduce man power, use of
folders and attachment to make garment easily with quality, make R & D,
time study for bulk production etc.
5. Time study and updating time study database including videos constant basis.
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7.3 My Activities at Ranisha Fashion Limited
Daily activities are given below:
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Chapter: EIGHT
& Analysis
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8.1 Value Chain Analysis:
As garments factory provide goods and services to foreign buyers, their
success depend on the value they are able to provide to their buyers. So to
analyze its ability to provide value to its buyers I have analyzed Ranisha
Fashion Limited ability regarding this matter. Value chain analysis is a
useful framework for systematically identifying strength and weakness of
any organization. Value chain analysis assumes that a firm is a collection of
activities necessary to design, produce, market and support its products
and each of these activities could add value to product, or service. Each of
them can also be a source of competitive advantage for an industry.
• For the both in source and outsource policy of accessory control Ranisha
Fashion Limited timely receives the accessory and other materials without
any bottle neck situation.
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• Employers of the company are satisfied with the existing productivity of
the employees of Ranisha Fashion Limited
• Only a small percentage of their total annual orders are usually rejected
by their buyers, which proves their efficiency.
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Chapter: NINE
& Conclusion
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9.1 Recommendation:
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Introduction of functional English courses for managerial and
staff and greater attention to on-the-job training, with
appropriate incentives such as tax rebates;
RMG workers of Bangladesh are poor. Many times they do not get
ultimate wages to their hard work. So the wages should be increased
to maintain the government regulation as early as possible.
More flexible functional policies are needed to match the
changing environment of the industry.
Encouragement for relocation of factories outside main urban
with serviced plots being made available and adequate
supervision to ensure that factories are functionally designed.
9.2 Conclusion:
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