Flyer ZAplus
Flyer ZAplus
Flyer ZAplus
Movement by Perfection
Z Ap lus
Flexible, economical and eco-friendly
ZAplus –
the modern air feed method
The ZAplus housing allows an optimal air feed, which was deve- On the pressure side, the volume flow rate of an axial fan gen-
loped using CFD (the most up-to-date flow simulations). The erally contains a high rotating flow proportion, which is disad-
housing was produced by means of high performance composite vantageous for efficient and low-noise operation. ZAplus pos-
injection moulding. The production process ensures the exact sesses guide vanes and a short diffusor to counteract this flow
reproducibility of all shapes. On the suction side, the air feed is behaviour resulting in a consistently noticeable improvement in
decisive for optimal fan operation. The well-known FE2owlet blade performance data and acoustics.
design and ZAplus nozzle interact in perfect harmony.
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Unique advantages –
convincing performance
In addition to the initial equipment, ZAplus can be easily Existing end devices can be kept in use thanks to a simple
retrofitted. Fan systems with ZAplus offer, depending on fan replacement. Also in light of global warming, existing
requirements: systems can be upgraded with ZAplus systems in order
to meet new requirements. An appropriate flange on the light
▪ More air handling capacity with the same area ZAplus housing makes the conversion fast and uncomplicated.
▪ The same air handling capacity with significantly reduced
power consumption and noise generation
Without ZAplus
With ZAplus
Savings with ZAplus
Savings [%]
Fan characteristic
Without ZAplus curve without ZAplus
With characteristic curve with ZAplus
Savings with ZAplus
with ZAplus
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All-purpose –
efficiently designed
Energy-related improvements have become a global trend. ZAplus offers a flange on both sides, and can thus be used
Also on account of more stringent environmental guide- for both airflow directions as standard. In many cases, one
lines, existing systems are being increasingly converted fan in stock can be used for numerous devices saving time
to enable further potential years of operation. ZAplus systems and money. Fans with ZAplus can continue to be assembled
are ideally suited for such purposes. Lower weight ensures in four variants: On-top, semi-flattop, flattop, Q-plate, thus
easy handling during conversion. Efficiency levels of fans providing devices with every design option possible.
achieve the desired result.
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ZAplus –
pays off
Savings Durability
Operating costs make up over 90% of the total product life Every product development undergoes an extensive approval
costs of a system. Thanks to the high efficiency levels of fans, process at ZIEHL-ABEGG, which includes the following pro-
system operating costs are significantly reduced. cesses:
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and sustainable
The high system efficiency levels of ZAplus systems ensure Transport takes place without repackaging. This has a twofold
low energy requirements, thus protecting the environment - on positive effect: due to a reduction in cardboard boxes and
a daily basis. Legal requirements concerning environmental faster handling during delivery and assembly.
protection and stipulated minimum efficiency levels are easily
met with ZAplus systems. In this way, systems can be globally Fans with ZAplus are virtually 100% recyclable. The housing
equipped to be future-proof. and most of the fan can be completely recycled.
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Ventilation systems by perfection
A wide variety of application areas, successfully tested ZAplus systems can be used in a wide
variety of ventilation system applications. Since the market launch, application areas where they
have proved successful include the following:
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Accessories for ZAplus –
We don't believe in impossible
Special applications require special equipment. Fan systems with ZAplus can be expanded with special
accessories for special purposes. Simple to assemble and in the accustomed high ZIEHL-ABEGG quality.
Even more volume flow rate in 1:1 exchange of existing Prevents head gap icing-up
the lower pressure range Q-plates
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Finger Completed Cable/plug
protection terminal box
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Heinz-Ziehl - Straße
D -74653 Künzelsau
+49 79 40 16 - 0
info@ ziehl - abegg.c om
ziehl - abegg.c om
© ZIEHL-ABEGG SE - 00704500 - EN - MA - 10/2016 - 2.000 - Klunker & Ewald - Subject to technical modifications.
This brochure contains information for your guidance. No guarantee is provided with regard to the accuracy of all information and
no legal claims may be derived from this. Reproduction of this information, or extracts thereof, is permitted only with written approval.