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Certificate of Calibration


Size 13 Serial Number 547D
Viscometer Constant, K(H -h)", at 40.0 kPa dífferential vacuum "

Constant, Pa-s /s Constant, Poise/Second" Expanded Viscosity Range

Uncertainty* (k-2)
B C B C Pas i 4P
5.390 1.803 53.90 18.03 1.5 1,200-24000

liget i thetheCalibraticn
waT, 2nd hercfore uncertaintyand Measurement
of the viscosityofCapabilities
water (190/TRofNaticnal Metrology
3646 (199), 0.17%)Institutes, he exgresed
is net uken unseraintyisrelativeuothe visconityof
into aecount
CALIBRATION DATA - The viscometer constant is the same at all temperatures.

Viscosity Viscosity Fill Time, Seconds Constant, Pas/s

Standard Pas
I150K 554.2 102.72 307.55 5.395 1.802
I150K 896.2 166.43 496.55 5.385 1.805

Average 5.390 1.03

Shear raste (at wal) in reciprocal seconds 300 /t for Bulb B, 800 t for Bulb C.
Timed volume in millilters 0.56 for 1.58 for
Liquid head (approx.) in millimeters 33.00 for B, 60.00 forC
Liquid bead (approx.), h, in kPa 5.50 for B, 10.00 rC
Liguid density ofsampleassumedto be 1000 ky/m (1.0 g/e) fthis assumption is in error by : 10%, the calculased viscosity
s inflhuenced by less than 02% at 40 kPa (300 mm Hg) vacuum
Vacum is atways represented as differential (gaze)from atmospheric pressure
This Viscometer Constant column provided for convenience in conversion from SI units to cys unit
The gereral equation for the measurement ofviscosity by this viscometer is: Viscity (Pas) = K (H - b)t
Where Kis an instrument constant for each fill bulb (Pas/s/ kPa) H is the applied differezitial vacuurm (kPa)
h is the average liquid head in each fill bulb (kPa) tis the fill time for each fill bulb (seconds)

Visconities of the sandards used in calibrating were established in Master Viscormeters as described in ASTM D 2162 and in
the ounal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Vol. 52, No. 3 March 1954, Research Paper 2479. Viscositiesare
based on the primary viscanity standard, water. at 20rc TS-0). The internationally accepted value for the viscosity of water
20PC 1TS-) is 1.0016 mPas as listed in 150 366. Dynanic viscosities are traucdile w the viscosity of, waer 150 3666,
2PC T S ) Temperature meavurements are traceable to NIST fixed-point calibration of SPRTs

Calibrated by DLH on 4/24/2019

Issue Date 4/24/2019

ZA Ca La Cen s124201 under supervisson of

mpywtteatienisppsdtaprns DT.Trowtridge Ph.D LaboratoHiechnical Director
T Mastr opierto Deputy Laboratory Tectaical Direco
M.T. Zubler Director of Quality Asvurance
L #1O40 OM

100139 Pue I od 2

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