13 Number
13 Number
13 Number
State College, PA 1683
814-353-80O0 B00676,6232 Fa 814-352 80
[email protected]
Certificate of Calibration
liget i thetheCalibraticn
waT, 2nd hercfore uncertaintyand Measurement
of the viscosityofCapabilities
water (190/TRofNaticnal Metrology
3646 (199), 0.17%)Institutes, he exgresed
is net uken unseraintyisrelativeuothe visconityof
into aecount
CALIBRATION DATA - The viscometer constant is the same at all temperatures.
Visconities of the sandards used in calibrating were established in Master Viscormeters as described in ASTM D 2162 and in
the ounal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Vol. 52, No. 3 March 1954, Research Paper 2479. Viscositiesare
based on the primary viscanity standard, water. at 20rc TS-0). The internationally accepted value for the viscosity of water
20PC 1TS-) is 1.0016 mPas as listed in 150 366. Dynanic viscosities are traucdile w the viscosity of, waer 150 3666,
2PC T S ) Temperature meavurements are traceable to NIST fixed-point calibration of SPRTs
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