Detailed Lesson Plan Health 9

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4A’s Detailed Lesson Plan

Grade 9

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson 100% of the students must be at least 75% level of proficiency

a) Differentiates intentional injuries from unintentional injuries.

b) Describes the types of intentional injuries.
c) Classify the given situation as to whether they refer to intentional or unintentional injuries.
d) Appreciate the importance of intentional awareness and intentional injury and prevention.

II. Subject Matter


Reference: Module in Health Grade 9, pp. 371-373
Materials: Video, laptop and projector
Skills: Understanding
Value: “Prevention is better than cure”.

III. Procedure
Teacher’ s Activity Student’ s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
Good morning class!
How are you today? We’re doing fine Maam!

Well, I’m glad to know that.

So what time do you usually go to school in the

morning? I go to school 5:3O in the morning I have
Why do you have to leave your house that early? to leave the house early so that I can catch
the bus before 7:3O O’clock in the morning
and attend the flag ceremony in school.
How about the others, what are your means of
transportation in going to school?
Where do you ride in going to school? I prefer to ride in a motorbike because I
can save time and effort. I ride on a jeep
because the fare is cheaper than riding a
So where do you think is much safer, to ride on a motorbike.
bus, a jeep, motorbike, or tricycle?
Why? That’s true class!
We can never say or we cannot assure
that riding a bus, jeep, motorbike and
Accidents may happen anytime, anywhere and to tricycle is safe because we are always
anybody, whether you are rich or poor, old and expose to danger.
young so it is very important that we are aware of
what these possible dangers are. Everywhere is a danger zone that’s why
we should be careful always in our
In connection to this class, let’s have a short everyday life activities.


Look at the slides, what do you see? There are incomplete sentences and
picture of persons with different
Alright class, so you are going complete the
sentences of each characters.

You can give as many injuries as you can and

explain how possible this kind of injury might
happen to these persons. The constructor might be
injured by his nature of work
Example: For a Doctor, injury may be a laceration __________________________________
on the hand while doing the surgery ___

The fire fighter might be

injured by his nature of work
Very good! through: ____________,
____________ &_________________.

What concepts or conclusion can you make from A Basketball player might be
the activity that you have done? injured through:

Very good class! So who can guess what will be

our topic for today?
I can say that we are living in fear and the
uncertainty of danger every day. We are
always expose to danger regardless of
3. ABSTRACTION age, sex, status and profession.
So for us to further know about our lesson, let’s
have another activity.
I think our lesson for today is all about
The class will be divided into 3 groups. injury.
Group 1 will discuss and give the definition of the
Group 1
Group 2 will work on the classification of injury. INJURY is a harm or damage to a person
Differentiate intentional injury from unintentional cause by events or act of someone.
Group 2
Then group 3 will classify the given news headlines INTENTIONAL INJURY- is the result of
as to whether they are intentional and unintentional purposeful human action, whether directed
injury. at oneself or others.
unplanned or considered as accident or
not intended to happen.

Group 3
1. Shooter kills 4, 19 injured A NEWS BULLETIN
2. Assistant Principal, tackled student INTENTIONAL UNINTENTIONA L
3. Nurse, poisoned herself to death a. Student f. Boy accidentally
4. Teenager raped and slain committed suicide drowned himself.
5. Student committed suicide after after being bullied g. Teenager raped
being bullied. b. Teenager raped and slain
6. Teenager raped and slain and slain h. Shooter kills 4, 19
7. Shooter kills 4, 19 injured c. Shooter kills 4, 19 injured
8. Assistant Principal, tackled student injured i. Assistant
with knife d. Assistant Principal, tackled
9. Nurse, poisoned herself to death Principal, tackled student with knife
10. Boy accidentally drowned himself student with knife j. Nurse, poisoned
e. Nurse, poisoned herself to death
herself to death
Divide the class into 2 groups Each group will
present a role play regarding the:
Group 1- intentional injury
Group 2- unintentional injury

You will be rated according to the following rubrics.

I will show you various pictures of injuries
and you will tell me whether it is intentional
and unintentional injury. Yes ma’am!
Did you get it class?
I. Identify the following pictures.





II.  Direction: Multiple Choice. Choose the
correct answer from the given choices.
1. You are being bullied in school. What is
the best thing to do?
A. Report him/her to the school authorities.
B. Get even with him/her by asking friends
for vengeance.
C. Confront the bully and tell him/her that
you don’t like what s/he is doing.
D. Do not do anything. S/he will eventually
stop when s/he finds someone else to bully.
2. You noticed that you are always being
followed by someone whom you don’t know.
What will you do?
A. Nothing S/he is just a harmless admirer
B. Run away and hide from the person who
is always following you.
C. Tell your parents or other authorities that
you can trust about your stalker.
D. Make a scene to catch the attention of the
public, then confront the person following
you 3. Which is not verbal abuse?
A. Words that are manipulative and
B. Words that can cause a gradual
diminishing of self-confidence.
C. Words that are used to explain to a child
his/her mistakes.
D. Words that are hurtful and usually attack
the nature and abilities of the person.
4. You heard your friend John telling your
other friends to shun Aaron because they
recently had a fight. What will you do?
A. Nothing. No harm will happen from it.
B. Nothing. I do not want to get involved.
C. I will convince all of my friends to shun
Ricky instead because he is a bully.
D. I will confront Ricky and tell him to stop
what he is doing because it is bullying.
5. Self-defense is one of the best ways to
prevent intentional injuries. Which of the
following best describes it?
A. Physical strategies, such as learning self-
defense skills
B. Mental preparedness, in order to be alert
for the possibilities of danger
C. Emotional preparedness and having self-
D. All of the above 

List down unintentional injury that happens
inside you house.

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