1 s2.0 S0304885312003873 Main
1 s2.0 S0304885312003873 Main
1 s2.0 S0304885312003873 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: We present a numerical study of the magnetic structure of nanostructured iron fluoride, using the
Received 27 January 2010 Monte Carlo Metropolis simulated annealing technique and a classical Heisenberg Hamiltonian with
Received in revised form superexchange angle dependent interactions. The parameters are adjusted on experimental results, and
20 April 2012
the atomic structure and topology taken from a previous atomistic model of grain boundaries in the
Available online 6 June 2012
same system. We find perfect antiferromagnetic crystalline grains and a disordered magnetic
Keywords: configuration (speromagnetic) at the grain boundary, in agreement with experimental features. Both
Magnetic nanostructure the lowest magnetic energy and the rate of magnetic frustration are found to be dependent on the
Iron fluoride relative disorientation of crystalline grains, i.e. on the cationic topology. We conclude on possible
Grain boundary
extensions of the model.
& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Magnetic frustration
0304-8853/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Fongang et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324 (2012) 3646–3651 3647
the hexagonal tungsten bronze HTB-FeF3 which results from energy contributions: exchange, Zeeman, dipolar, anisotropy,
the superposition of magnetically frustrated planes composed magnetostatic, magnetoelastic and thermal energy. In our study,
of hexagonal and triangular rings based on octahedral units; we only consider the exchange energy which is the main
and the pyrochlore pyr-FeF3 phase which consists of a packing contribution to the Hamiltonian. The Zeeman contribution will
of octahedral units building corner-sharing tetrahedra, and is be added in the future for the study of hysteresis loops. The
thus more frustrated than HTB-FeF3 . Hamiltonian of the system is thus
1X !!
The amorphous to crystalline transition in iron fluoride has H¼ J S S ð1Þ
2 /i,jS ij i j
also been studied using EELS spectroscopy [16]. The glass struc-
ture has been investigated using 57Fe Mössbauer spectrometry /UUUUS denotes nearest neighbors interaction, Jij is the exchange
! !
[17]. Besides, iron fluoride has recently found applications as a coupling constant, Si and Sj are spins corresponding to i and j
cathode for Li-ion batteries [18], for instance deposited as nano- sites. The first step of our work consisted in the determination of
flowers on carbon nanotube branches [19]. Another promising the coupling constant Jij (named J for simplicity) which is related
application of the material is to be found in hydrogen storage to the superexchange angle y by the relation
[20], or as a precursor to bcc iron nanoparticles [21].
Jy ¼ J 1801 cos2 y þ J901 sin2 y ð2Þ
Recent experimental and theoretical studies on the properties
of FeF3 nanostructures obtained by mechanical milling have which can be written in the form
shown that, at the nanoscale, this material is composed of two
Jy ¼ J 901 þ ðJ1801 J 901 Þcos2 y ð3Þ
parts: the grain which behaves as the crystalline rFeF3 phase
and a disordered grain boundary which remains composed of where J901 and J 1801 are the coupling constant corresponding to the
corner-sharing octahedral units, respectively [22,23]. In terms of superexchange angle of 901 and 1801, respectively. From previous
ring statistics, it has been numerically established [23] that all studies, several pieces of information are available for r-FeF3 :
odd rings are localized in the grain boundary of nanostructures,
confirming the speromagnetic structure evidenced from in-field Néel temperature, T N , is approximatively 363 K [15];
Mössbauer spectrometry. The Monte Carlo–Metropolis method The blank angle, yB , (angle for which the constant coupling is
has been successfully applied to study the surface and finite-size zero) is 1151 [29];
effects in nanostructures [24–26]. Nevertheless, no numerical The superexchange angle, yR , in this phase is 153.151 [30].
studies by Monte Carlo simulation on the magnetic properties
of ionic nanostructures which focus on the role of grain bound- Taking into account the fact that each Fe atom has six F neighbors
aries have yet been reported. Unlike micromagnetic or molecular and that octahedral units are regular in pure perfectly crystalline
field calculations, the Monte Carlo simulation can take into r-FeF3 , we can use the mean-field theory [31] relation giving the
account the atomic structure of the lattice and the nature of Néel temperature as a function of the coupling constant to
superexchange interactions for ionic materials such as FeF3 . The determine the value of the coupling constant for the rhombohe-
Monte Carlo–Metropolis simulated annealing technique is an dral phase, J yR , in units of the Boltzmann constant kB
effective approach in the study of a system with many degrees
Z9J yR 9S2
of freedom. During such a simulation, random numbers are used T N ¼ 1:45 ð4Þ
to sample conformations of the system with correct thermo-
dynamical probabilities. A typical Monte Carlo simulation consists where Z is the coordination number and Sthe spin. With Z ¼6 and
of two steps: thermalization and sampling. During thermaliza- S¼1 JyR ¼ 250:35 K By combining relation (3) for the rhombo-
tion, the system is slowly led to its thermodynamical equilibrium. hedral superexchange angle (yR ) and the blank angle (yB ), we
After the system reaches this equilibrium, properties of interest obtain the system
can be estimated by averaging over enough samples [27,28]. (
J yR ¼ J901 ð1cos2 yR Þ þJ 1801 cos2 yR
Besides, in the simulated annealing method, it is possible to find ð5Þ
0 ¼ J 901 ð1cos2 yB Þ þ J 1801 cos2 yB
heuristically the lowest energy state of the system. We used, in
this work, the standard Metropolis algorithm to simulate the The resolution of this system leads to
magnetic behavior of iron fluoride nanostructure with an empha-
sis on the role of grain boundaries. J yR cos2 yB
J901 ¼ ð6Þ
cos2 yB cos2 yR
2. Magnetic model
JyR ðcos2 yB 1Þ
J1801 ¼ ð7Þ
Our sample model is chosen as a double grain boundary cos2 yB cos2 yR
constrained in between grains which consists of pure perfectly which gives J901 ¼ 72:42 K and J 1801 ¼ 333:07 K. We can then
crystalline FeF3 with a size ranging from 8 to 12 nm as experi- deduce the relation giving the coupling constant as a function of
mentally measured [22] in iron fluoride prepared by high-energy the superexchange angle, as follows:
ball milling. Those samples are obtained by Voronoı̈ tessellation
Jy ¼ 72:42405:49 cos2 y ð8Þ
and structurally relaxed with a scheme based on a modified
Metropolis algorithm [23]. It has been shown both experimentally This relation is represented in Fig. 1(a). A comparison with the
and numerically in such a system that the grain boundaries are distribution of the superexchange angle in nanostructured FeF3
structurally disordered, but still remain composed of corner- obtained from previous studies [23] implies that all interactions in
sharing octahedral units with odd and even iron rings, thus the GB remain antiferromagnetic. This is observed in Fig. 1(b) by the
leading to magnetic frustration. The macroscopic thermodynamic large peak centered around 1601, all angles being greater than 1401.
properties, such as the temperature dependence of the magneti- It is thus concluded that the frustration in the GB does only originate
zation, the specific heat and the magnetic susceptibility for our from the cationic topology.
system, are obtained from a Heisenberg-type Hamiltonian, which In our simulations we only considered the exchange contribution
in general contains several terms corresponding to different to the magnetic Hamiltonian of the system. We have then neglected
3648 B. Fongang et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324 (2012) 3646–3651
Fig. 2. (a) and (c): X -Y view of the simulation box for the single grain and double grain respectively after annealing. (b) and (d) are specific heat as a function of
temperature for the single and double grain with different initial configurations (see text). In the double grain, the magnetic frustration reduces the Néel temperature.
Along X
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
Along Y
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
(log scale)
Along Z
Fig. 3. Histogram of directions of the magnetic moments in a typical grain boundary (defined as a 0.4 nm wide zone along the interface). These angles are computed as
reverse cosines of the projections on the cartesian axes of the system.
3650 B. Fongang et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324 (2012) 3646–3651
Fig. 4. Magnetic energy as a function of fixed angle boundary. (a) The non-tilted sample displays two magnetic states of lower energy around 901 and 2701. (b) The same
behavior is obtained for tilted, twisted and non-tilted system but with different angles. (c) Coupling angle between grains as a function of t. (d) Relative energy as a
function a function of coupling angle (see text).
for t 4 0:8, ferromagnetic interactions are predominant giving dependence of their properties on their topological ordering, the
rise to a parallel coupling after annealing; thickness of the interfaces and the mismatch between layers.
as shown on Fig. 4(d), some values of t give rise to two
minimal energy states both corresponding to non-collinear
By creating a reasonable amount of frustration in this simple
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