Kaffah 2019 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1402 077035

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4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (2019) 077035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1402/7/077035

Framework Index security information to support evaluation,

adoption and improvement of methods in developing variables

F M Kaffah1,*, C Slamet1, A B A Rahman2, K Manaf3 and B Subaeki4

Department of Information System, Informatics and Business Faculty, UIN Sunan
Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia
Department of Information Communication Technology AEU, Malaysia
Department of Information System, Sangga Buana YPKP University Bandung,
Department of Informatics Engineering, Sangga Buana YPKP University Bandung,

*[email protected]

Abstract. The governance of information security in the Indonesian Government has not been
completely improved. Many related variables components are not measured. This study aims to
observe an evaluation for application of information security index framework in Indonesian
government institutions as the implementation of electronic government. The analysis is carried
out by adopting an information security index framework produced in the rank of e-government.
The study uses a triangulation approach within a mixed method. This study results in a novel
adoption model of information security index framework equipped by two new variables.
Therefore, a proper policy of the Indonesian government is required for its implementation.

1. Introduction
Along with the very fast development in the digital economy, the government simultaneously tries to
implement an information technology which is assumed to change the service model, reduce the costs
and time that usually occurs in paper-based administrative models. Besides that, the government
continuously tries to increase the active participation the of the community in achieving the goals of the
State [1]. Based on the report issued by ID-SIRTII in 2015, Indonesia does not have sufficient policies
and strategies related to cybersecurity [2]. Symantec Information Security Threat Report Usage Report,
Indonesia's overall global ranking for coding from 7th rank in 2014 to rank 5th in 2015 [3]. This was
due to Indonesia's increasing economic growth and manufacturing is one of the main drivers of
Indonesia's GDP growth in 2015 [4].
E-government or electronic government is the use of information technology by the government to
provide information and services to its citizens, both in matters related to government and business and
business. The importance of e-government is based on the transparent needs of the government and the
demands of changing times. The program certainly has a purpose, one of which is to improve public
services through the use of information and communication technology.

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (2019) 077035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1402/7/077035

2. Literature review
Electronic administration (e-adm) is an electronic substitution expression given to a government that
adopts the internet-based technology, an intranet that can complement and improve its programs and
services. The main goal is to provide the best satisfaction to service users or to provide maximum
satisfaction [5]. Information security governance is the formation and maintenance of a controlled
environment to manage risks related to confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) and supporting
processes and systems [6]. The World Bank views e-government as an adoption of the development of
the utilization of global banking technology. The development of e-gov is intended to improve the
efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, and accountability of government management by using the
internet and other digital technologies [7,8].
Information security is an attempt to secure information assets against threats that may arise. So that
information security can indirectly guarantee business continuity, reduce risks that occur, optimize
return on investment (return on investment) [9,10].
In reference, the comparative analysis of the Information Security Governance Framework: Public
Sector Approach, proposes 9 frameworks for information security governance for the public sector such
as A practical guide to implementing and controlling Information Technology Security Governance,
Business Software Alliance, Information security policy: An organizational- process model level,
Information Technology Security Governance (Von Solms,2007), COBIT, ISO / IEC Standards, ITGI,
NIST, and Software Engineering Institute [11-13].

3. Methodology
This methodology contains the results of interviews involving two government officials who are
authorized to determine the regulation. The first is a consultant from the Indonesian Security Incident
Response Team on the Internet Infrastructure (ID-SIRTII) which is an institution to handle or respond
to cybercrime incidents that occurred in Indonesia. The second is from the Ministry of Communication
and Information (MENKOMINFO) which is authorized to carry out the duties of the law and make
government regulations. This methodology is described in the form of questions that refer to the
following three criteria:

• Q1: What is the basis for the Information Security Index Regulation
• Q2: What security methods can be applied in the implementation of these regulations
• Q3: What are the factors that have caused a security system leak in Indonesia

Next is to prepare data to be designed as a form of description of a case obtained from the interview.
During this process, we can obtain phenomena that can be described in the form of classification,
identification, categories that will be linked to the data obtained from the results of previous interviews.
So that, in the end, we can get an interpretation in conclusion.

Figure 1. Data analysis technique.

4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (2019) 077035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1402/7/077035

This study uses a socio-technical approach in the process of obtaining data, especially those relating to
the security of e-government information technology in Indonesia. This section contains comparative
analysis that is most relevant to the governance of information security in the public sector described
earlier. The absence of a standard framework for comparing types of information security governance
frameworks so that it uses a set of criteria from various fields of research that the author obtained in the
previous reference. These criteria were chosen by considering various types of information security
governance frameworks in the existing public sector such as Government Government Criteria,
Governance Criteria, Security Criteria and Public Sector Suitability

4. Result and discussion

In the results and discussions that are carried out, there can be an architectural model. This is a
description that explains how the maturity of the model can be applied in government management.
Data quality is the main factor that can be part of the socio-technical approach in this research method.
Data accuracy is also a factor that can be a risk in the mistake of implementing regulations made by the
government. As well as facts in law enforcement that are lacking in handling a particular case.
The impact that can occur if government management, especially those related to information
technology security, is data leakage and misuse of these data. Renewal in technology is also a very
complex factor in influencing government policy and also the lack of experts in working as professionals
is a major factor in making information security safeguarded.
The policies made by the government, in general, are closely related to management, regulation,
institutions, and technology. How to get the maturity value is determined from the relevant application
stage category. Each question section has a different application stage category. How to get the maturity
value is determined from the sum of the question scores based on the application category starting from
the largest category. The maturity level of the information security management process, the extension
of completeness evaluation and used to identify the level of maturity of the application of security with
categories that refer to the maturity level used in the information security index standard framework.

Figure 2. Purpose framework index security.

4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (2019) 077035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1402/7/077035

5. Conclusion
The development of this readiness model is basically to determine how much the government is doing
in implementing an information security system in government management. This effort is carried out
as an alternative for stakeholders in determining the direction of their policies. Very rapid technological
renewal, lack of law enforcement and lack of resources, especially professionals who work in
implementing national information security systems. Also, support from all relevant elements is needed
in maintaining national security, especially in information technology security issues in government
management portals.

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