Bid Data Sheet - Template
Bid Data Sheet - Template
Bid Data Sheet - Template
ITB Clause
Error: The Procuring Entity is [insert name of purchasing organization].
source not The name of the Contract is [insert the name of the contract].
The identification number of the Contract is [insert identification number of
the contract as provided in the Invitation to Bid].
The name of the Project is [Insert the name of the project or “Not
Error: State either “Subcontracting is not allowed.” or specify the portions of Works
Reference and the maximum percentage allowed to be subcontracted.
source not
found NOTE: The contractor shall undertake not less than 50% of the contracted
works with its own resources.
Error: The Procuring Entity will hold a pre-bid conference for this Project on
Reference [State date and time] at [State address of venue] {insert if applicable and
source not through video-conferencing/webcasting via [insert website, application or
found technology to be used].}.
13.2 The ABC is [insert amount]. Any bid with a financial component
exceeding this amount shall not be accepted.
Error: Insert value engineering clause if allowed, otherwise state “No further
Reference instructions.”
source not
The bid prices shall be quoted either in Philippine Pesos or United States
Dollars at the discretion of the Bidder.
Error: The bid security shall be in the form of a Bid Securing Declaration or any of
Reference the following forms and amounts:
source not
found 1. The amount of not less than __________ [Insert 2% of ABC], if bid
security is in cash, cashier’s/manager’s check, bank draft/guarantee or
irrevocable letter of credit;
Error: Each Bidder shall submit [insert required number] original and [insert
Reference required number] copies of the first and second components of its bid.
source not
27.3 Select one of the following paragraphs and delete the other:
All infrastructure projects are packaged in lots listed below. Bidders shall
have the option of submitting a proposal on any or all lots and evaluation
and contract award will be undertaken on a per lot basis. Lots shall not be
divided further into sub-lots for the purpose of bidding, evaluation, and
contract award.
In all cases, the NFCC computation, if applicable, must be sufficient for all
the lots or contracts to be awarded to the Bidder.
28.2 List licenses and permits relevant to the Project and the corresponding law
requiring it or state “None.”
Error: List additional contract documents relevant to the Project that may be
Reference required by existing laws and/or the Procuring Entity, such as construction
source not schedule and S-curve, manpower schedule, construction methods, equipment
found utilization schedule, construction safety and health program approved by
the Department of Labor and Employment, and PERT/CPM or other
acceptable tools of project scheduling.