Armageddon Rulespack
Armageddon Rulespack
Armageddon Rulespack
DATE 3rd June 2023
Doors Open 09:30
Introduction 10:00 – 10:30
Game 1 10:30 – 11:30
Game 2 1145: – 12:45
Lunch 13:00 – 14:00
Game 3 14:00 – 15:00
Game 4 15:15 – 16:15
Game 5 16:30 – 17:30
Terrain will be setup similar to the screenshot sent in whats app group
Army lists must be submitted on the date announced in the whatsapp group. All lists must be produced using
either Battlescribe or the Warhammer Official App and uploaded to the BCP app. If using Battlescribe, please
update your data repository on the deadline date prior to sending us your list. Any codex released after the
list submission will not be allowed in this event.
We aim to have the army lists released a few days after deadline.
<General Rules>
• Army is to be comprised of 500 points or less
• No Warlord Traits or Relics will be in use
• No Named Characters are allowed
• Must include 1 and only 1 HQ Unit with 6 wounds or less and has the infantry keyword.
• Only units with the INFANTRY Keyword allowed and less than 3 wounds per model
• Must be battle forged
• All models must painted to a battle ready level deemed acceptable by the TO
• Army must be WYSIWYG. However, certain non-visible upgrades (e.g. various Character wargear,
grenades, etc) are allowed some leniency. If you have made any conversion work and are unsure to whether
they will be legal, just contact us beforehand at [email protected]
• Armies painted in any specific chapter/regiment/hive world/etc schemes must use the rules
associat-ed to them (e.g. An army painted as Ultramarines cannot use any chapter trait besides those for
<Detachment Rules>
Armies must contain one detachment as chosen from the rulebook with the following restrictions:
• All game scores will be recorded on the BCP app during the event. The event rankings are sorted by:
Number of wins (a draw is worth 0.5 of a win).
• All games will be scored 3pts for win, 1pt for draw and 0 for loss
Any rulebooks, cards or codex used at the event must be in English. The official language to be spoken during
the games must also be English.
Please read and follow the ITC Code of Conduct during the event, found here.
Chess clocks must be used if one player requests to use one. Guidance on how to use them can be found here.
Games must be played out until the timer ends, unless either one player concedes, or you finish turn 5. Players
are not allowed to “talk out” the remaining turns of the game, scoring points for battle rounds of which they
did not reach.
Any problems or concerns that arise during a game, please inform the TO immediately. Very little to nothing can
be done after the game or event has finished.