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HL Paper 2 2023 MS

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paper 2 2023 [43 

1a. [1 mark]

body temperature increases with ambient temperature / positive correlation;
Since direct can be either –/+, no credit for direct correlation alone.
1b. [1 mark]

humans maintain/regulate a constant body temperature at different ambient
temperatures/maintained by homeostasis;
1c. [1 mark]

As ambient temperature increases, the sloth spends more time with limbs spread
as ambient temperature increases the sloth spends less time curled in a ball
as ambient temperature rises, the posture changes from 1 to 6;
1d. [2 marks]

a. less surface area is exposed when curled up
more surface area is exposed when all limbs spread;
b. curled position prevents heat loss/provides warmth
stretched out position allows more heat loss/body cooled;
1e. [1 mark]

1f. [2 marks]

a. food intake rises as daily temperature increases / positive correlation;
b. the lowest food intake corresponds to the lowest temperature;
1g. [1 mark]

a. the sloth will be more active at higher temperatures as it takes in more food for
b. as temperature rises, the sloth uncurls to dissipate/lose heat;
Reason required.
1h. [1 mark]

a. mammals have mammary glands;
b. produce milk for their offspring;
c. bodies covered in hair/fur;
Characteristic must be exclusive to mammals.
If more than one answer, use the first one given.
2a. [1 mark]


2b. [1 mark]

50 %/ 0.5/ 1/2;
2c. [2 marks]

a. if it was sex-linked it would be on the x chromosome;
b. there cannot be a heterozygous male if the trait is sex-linked
c. males would pass the allele to their daughter;
d. daughter is not shown as heterozygous so it is not sex-linked;
2d. [2 marks]

a. sequence of DNA bases determines the amino acid sequence of a protein;
b. changing one base (on the DNA) can cause the triplet /mRNA to code for a different
amino acid;
c. changing one base (on the DNA) causes a different protein to be made (during
3a. [1 mark]


3b. [1 mark]

a. (nucleosomes can) promote AND inhibit transcription of genes/expression of genes;
b. (nucleosomes can) prevent transcription by (tight)
condensation/supercoiling/packing of DNA;
c. (nucleosomes can) allow/prevent binding of RNA polymerase/transcription factors;
d. tagging/acetylation/methylation of nucleosomes/histones can promote/inhibit
e. movement of histones/nucleosomes (along DNA) can affect which genes are
‘Affects transcription’ is in the question — no mark.

3c. [1 mark]

RNA polymerase;
3d. [1 mark]


3e. [3 marks]

a. lactose binds to repressor protein;
b. repressor protein (with lactose bound) cannot block/bind to the promoter/Y;
c. RNA polymerase/X binds to the promoter/transcribes the gene;
d. lactase produced (if lactose present)/lactase production inhibited if lactose absent;
Accept the converse of mpa to mpd with lactose absent.

3f. [1 mark]

(different) environment/illness/disease/diet;
Not mutation

4a. [2 marks]


Accept not autotrophic/not photosynthetic instead of heterotrophic.

Do not accept that both groups are decomposers or consumers for the similarity.
4b. [1 mark]

food chain of three or more organisms starting with plants;

4c. [3 marks]

a. energy is lost between the trophic levels;
b. transfer between levels is only usually 10% efficient
energy transformations take place in living organisms / the process is never 100%
c. energy is lost by the organism/used in respiration / released as heat/movement;
d. energy is lost as waste/feces/urine/undigested food/uneaten parts;
e. as energy is lost between trophic levels and so (higher ones) have less biomass / less
biomass available for next level;

4d. [1 mark]

a. mutations;
b. meiosis/crossing over/random assortment of homologous pairs;
c. sexual reproduction/recombination/random fertilisation;

5a. [2 marks]

a. testa labelled ✔
b. radicle labelled ✔ (must point to the bottom half of the embryo or the tip).

5b. [2 marks]
a. same amount/type of soil/substrate / pH of soil ✔ e.g.: heater
b. same amount of water / humidity ✔
c. oxygen/aeration ✔
d. same measurement of germination / time ✔ e.g.: emergence of radicle
e. same number/source/age of seeds ✔
Accept discussion of light only in as much as it relates to temperature.

5c. [1 mark]

Vicia ✔
No mark if the species name is included.
Mark can be awarded if the genus is not capitalized.

5d. [2 marks]

a. both polymers of glucose molecules / polysaccharides
both form 1,4 glycosidic bond ✔
b. starch is formed by alpha glucose while cellulose is formed by beta glucose
in starch C1 hydroxyl groups are found in same plane while in cellulose on different planes
in cellulose, alternatively the beta glucose needs to be placed upside-down in order to have
C1 hydroxyl groups on the same plane
two types of starch (amylose and amylopectin) but one type of cellulose ✔
One similarity and one difference.
Comparison to cellulose needed.
6. [2 marks]
a. sodium/potassium pump pumps sodium ions Na + out of axon and pumps potassium
ions/K+ in ✔
b. requires energy/ATP/against concentration gradients/active transport ✔
c. three sodium ions pumped out for every two potassium ions pumped in ✔
d. results in charge difference between inside and outside where outside is positive relative
to inside ✔
7. [2 marks]

a. antigen injected into mouse/mammal/host
    Accept animal
b. B cells/B lymphocytes/plasma cells «obtained/extracted from host»
c. fusion «of plasma cell» with myeloma cell/tumour cell
d. division «of hybridoma cells» to produce a clone
[Max 2 Marks]
8. [1 mark]

contracts/flattens/becomes less domed/increases volume of thorax;

Paper 2 section 2 [32 marks]

1. [5 marks]
Describe how DNA profiling can be used to establish paternity.

a. DNA sample is collected from the child and its (potential) parents;
b. from saliva/mouth swab/blood/other body cells;
c. PCR used to amplify/produce more copies of the DNA;
d. short tandem repeats/genes consisting of a repeating sequence of bases repeats
e. number of repeats varies between individuals;
f. unlikely that two individuals have same number of repeats for every gene included;
g. gel electrophoresis used to separate DNA fragments according to length/number of
h. gel electrophoresis generates a unique pattern of bands
i. DNA profile is the pattern of bands / diagram showing pattern of bands as in a DNA
j. all bands in the child’s profile must be in one of the parents’ profiles / OWTTE;

2a. [3 marks]
A wide variety of organic compounds are used by living organisms.
Draw a diagram to show the ring structure of D-ribose.

a. ring with four carbons and one oxygen atom;
b. CH2OH attached to C4;
c. OH and H attached by single bonds to C1, C2 and C3 with OH facing downwards on C2
and C3;
Numbering of carbons not required for mpa.
Carbons in the ring can be shown as a junction of single bonds without the letter C, but
oxygen must be shown as O.
For mpc OH can face up or down.
2b. [7 marks]
Explain how carbohydrates are transported from plant leaves.

a. translocation/movement by mass flow;
b. in phloem sieve tubes;
c. sieve plates/pores in end walls/lack of organelles allows flow (of sap);
d. carbohydrates (principally) transported as sucrose;
e. (sucrose/glucose/sugar/carbohydrate) loaded (into phloem) by active transport;
f. loading/pumping in (of sugars) by companion cells;
g. high solute concentration generated (at the source);
h. water enters by osmosis (due to the high solute concentration);
i. hydrostatic pressure increased/high hydrostatic pressure generated;
j. pressure gradient causes flow (from source to sink);
k. leaves are a source because carbohydrates are made there;
l. transport to the sink where carbohydrates are used/stored;
3a. [4 marks]
Draw the structure of a section of DNA showing all possible bases.

a. sugar, phosphate and base linked correctly to form at least one nucleotide ✔ For mpa,
ignore labelling of the subunits of the nucleotide. Carbon atoms in deoxyribose do not have to
be numbered but the phosphate should be linked to C5 and the base to C1. Shapes other than
circles and rectangles could be used for the phosphate and base.
b. deoxyribose, phosphate and base/named base labelled at least once ✔
c. adenine paired with thymine and cytosine paired with guanine ✔ For mpc, full names of
all four bases are required, but not relative sizes of the purine and pyrimidine bases.
d. two antiparallel chains of nucleotides linked by hydrogen bonds with all sugar-
phosphate bonds in correct position ✔ For mpd, a bond should connect the C3 of deoxyribose
on one nucleotide to the phosphate on the adjacent nucleotide. Two nucleotides in each
strand is sufficient.

3b. [4 marks]
Outline the structural and genetic characteristics of eukaryotic chromosomes.
a. linear/not circular DNA molecule
one chromosome is one molecule of DNA/one chromosome is two DNA molecules «after
replication» ✔
b. associated with histone proteins/nucleosomes ✔
c. centromere joins sister chromatids «after DNA replication» ✔
d. telomeres at the end «of the chromosome/chromatid» ✔
e. carries a sequence of genes / each gene occupies a specific locus ✔ Do not accept
‘sequence of bases’ for mpe.
f. alternative alleles of genes / homologous chromosomes carry same sequence of genes ✔
g. chromosomes in pairs / two «homologous chromosomes» of each type «in a diploid cell»

h. non-coding sequences/example of a non-coding sequence ✔ Do not allow mph if the
response states that chromosomes are always condensed.
i. supercoiled/condensed «during mitosis/meiosis» ✔

3c. [7 marks]
Explain how a polypeptide chain is synthesized in a eukaryotic cell.
a. translation occurs on ribosomes ✔
b. tRNA-activating enzymes attach amino acids to tRNAs ✔
c. small and large ribosome units assemble on mRNA
translation/polypeptide synthesis starts at a start codon ✔
d. each tRNA arriving at the ribosome binds to the A site ✔
e. anticodon «on tRNA» binds to codon «on mRNA» ✔
f. according to complementary base pairing/A with U and G with C ✔
g. ribosome moves along the mRNA / mRNA moves over ribosome ✔
h. t-RNA shifts from the A site to P site/from the P to the E site ✔
i. peptide bond between amino acids «on tRNAs at A and P sites» ✔
j. tRNA released from ribosome at E site ✔
k. cycle repeats with other tRNAs / polypeptide grows as tRNAs bring more amino acids ✔
l. until stop codon on mRNA is reached ✔
m. components are disassembled / polypeptide leaves the ribosome ✔
Accept these points in an annotated diagram.
Do not award any marks for events in transcription.

4a. [4 marks]
Draw a half-view of an animal-pollinated flower.
a. sepals as outermost part of flower ✔
b. petals as largest part of flower ✔
c. stamen drawn with recognizable anther and filament
anther and filament shown as parts of the stamen ✔
d. carpel/pistil drawn with recognizable stigma, style and ovary
stigma, style and ovary shown as parts of the carpel ✔
e. nectary at base of the ovary ✔
f. ovule inside the ovary ✔
As the question does not specify a labelled half-view, allow some marks for unlabeled
structures: award one mark for any two of the six structures in the mark scheme (mpa to
mpf). It must be clear what each unlabeled part is. The maximum mark is therefore 3 for an
unlabeled half-view.
b. [4 marks]
Outline the growth of plant shoot apex.

a. growth in shoots is indeterminate/unlimited ✔
b. produces stem and leaves ✔ For mpb, both stem and leaves are needed and buds or
branches should not be accepted as alternatives.
c. growth/cell growth/cell elongation controlled/affected by hormones/auxin/IAA ✔
d. new/extra cells produced by mitosis/cell division / apex is a meristem ✔
e. tropism/phototropism / grows towards the sun/light ✔
f. auxin moved away from sunny side/to shady side of shoot «apex»
auxin efflux pumps set up concentration gradients ✔

4c. [7 marks]
Explain the movement of energy and inorganic nutrients in an ecosystem.

a. autotrophs/producers/plants obtain inorganic nutrients from the «abiotic» environment

b. energy is provided «mainly» by sunlight ✔
c. light energy is converted «to chemical energy» through photosynthesis✔
d. photosynthesis/producers/autotrophs convert inorganic carbon/carbon dioxide and
water into carbon/organic compounds ✔
e. carbon compounds/foods contain/are a source of «usable» energy «for life» ✔
f. carbon compounds/energy are transferred along food chains when eaten by
consumers/heterotrophs ✔
g. respiration returns carbon «dioxide» to the environment ✔
h. respiration releases stored/chemical energy as heat/ATP ✔
i. energy/ATP is used to carry out life functions/synthesis/growth/movement ✔
j. energy is lost/is not recycled ✔ Both related by “or” required.
k. nutrients are recycled / example of recycled nutrient e.g. carbon ✔
l. decomposers recycle minerals/inorganic nutrients ✔
Award [5 max] if only energy is mentioned.


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© International Baccalaureate Organization 2023
International Baccalaureate® - Baccalauréat International® - Bachillerato Internacional®

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