V10.2.0 Relnot PE
V10.2.0 Relnot PE
V10.2.0 Relnot PE
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AccuMark Professional Edition
Software Release Notice
Release Contents
This release contains
Electronic documents: AccuMark PE Software Release Notice for 10.2.0, AccuMark PE Configuration
Notes and AccuMark PE What’s New
For New Installations and possibly for Upgrades (depending on the version)
One hardware security dongle (new style key for AccuMark version 10.2.0)
The DVD and software download contains the full set of executable files and the installation program for
the AccuMark Professional Edition System and is marked as:
AccuMark Family
V 10.2.0
August 2016
NOTE: Beginning with AccuMark Version 10, the software requires a new security key. If you updated
your key to the new style device for V10.0, you will need a simple update file for the key. You will need
an update for V10.2.0 even if you previously updated the license to run V10.1.0. Contact your local service
representative for more information.
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Welcome to the AccuMark Family software. AccuMark software is the standard for pattern design, grading
and marker making/nesting in the apparel, transportation interiors, furniture and industrial fabrics
industries. It is used by thousands of companies worldwide in more than 24 languages.
There are different AccuMark software products including Professional, Advanced and Image Edition.
Advanced Edition will satisfy the needs of first-time automation users and Professional Edition for the
seasoned CAD user. Image Edition provides graphic designers with placement tools for textile and trim
images on AccuMark pattern pieces to drive digital printing processes. For more information, please visit
ALL non-Microsoft operating systems including but not limited to: Mac, Mac OS X, iOS,
Linux, Linux distributions, Android
Windows ME
Windows XP
Windows 95 and Windows 98
Windows NT
Windows 2000
Windows Vista, all versions
Windows 7 Home Premium, Home Basic, and Starter
Home or Consumer Editions of any operating system
Non released operating systems (Technical Preview, Insider Preview, or any preview version
of operating systems)
NOTE: Only officially released Operating Systems (and updates) are supported. AccuMark is
not supported on any Technical, Advanced, or Insider Preview Operating System. AccuMark
is not supported as part of participation in the Microsoft Technical or Insider Preview
All versions of Windows 8: Windows 8 X86 and X64 Consumer Versions, Windows 8 Pro,
X86 and X64*, Windows 8 Enterprise, X86 and X64* , RT (tablet PC operating system)
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Microsoft officially ended support of Windows XP in April 2014 (mainstream support ended
4/14/2009, extended support ended 4/8/2014), so moving forward, new versions of AccuMark are no
longer supported on this operating system.
Microsoft will be officially ending support of Windows Vista in April 2017 (mainstream support
ended 4/10/2012, extended support ends 4/11/2017), so moving forward, new versions of AccuMark
are no longer supported on this operating system.
Notes: AccuMark V8.2.2 and earlier releases are not compatible with Windows Vista, Windows 7
Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
Windows Vista support was introduced for AccuMark V8.3 through AccuMark V9.0, providing the system
meets the minimum requirements. Support for Windows Vista ended with AccuMark 9.0
Windows 7 support was introduced for AccuMark V8.4 and higher, providing the system meets the
minimum requirements.
Windows 8 support was introduced for AccuMark V8.5.1 and higher, providing the system meets the
minimum requirements.
Support for Windows 8.1 with updates is introduced in AccuMark V10.0.0
Windows 10 support is introduced for AccuMark V10.1.0 and higher, providing the system meets the
minimum requirements.
Microsoft ended support of Windows 8 in January 2016. Microsoft confirmed that customers on
Windows 8 have to move to Windows 8.1 in order to remain supported after January 12, 2016, so
moving forward; new versions of AccuMark are no longer supported on Windows 8, however
Windows 8.1 is supported.
System Requirements
Adjust the power switch on the back of the computer in accordance to the local power settings (either
115 VAC or 220 VAC).
All systems require a mouse or compatible pointing device and a standard keyboard.
A DVD drive is needed for installing software unless you have downloaded the installation from the GT
software download website.
System settings for Colors must be set higher than 256 Colors.
USB port for the security dongle (key) for workstation (standalone) security and for Network security
keys. Network connection for Concurrent or Networked security. Assure that the USB ports for the
security key is set to not go to sleep. Refer to the documents “AccuMarkV10Licensing” and
“AccuMarkV10NetworkLicensing” in the Training Docs - AccuMark IT Manual folder for details.
Serial connections for digitizers/plotters/Silhouette tables. If the system does not have a native serial
connection, we recommend adding a serial card compatible with the system hardware.
Note: USB to parallel port devices do not generally work with parallel security dongles. It is
recommended to request a Gerber USB security dongle replacement. USB security keys are
USB to serial converter cables may not work properly with peripheral devices.
You must be logged on as an administrator to properly install the software. You may not be fully
able to uninstall an application under Windows if you are not logged on with the same privileges that
you had when you installed the application. For further details please refer to the Configuration Notes
for Windows.
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Latest Service Packs: AccuMark software installations require that you have the latest windows
service packs installed before proceeding with the installation of AccuMark software.
Windows Updates: It is highly recommended to keep your systems up to date with the latest
Microsoft Windows critical updates. Windows Updates can be downloaded from Microsoft’s website.
On Windows 7 systems go to the Start Menu, select All Programs followed by Windows
Update then Install Updates.
On Windows 8.1 systems, you can either type in “windows updates” then click on the link or
select the down-arrow-in-the-circle to display all apps, then in the Windows System section
select Control Panel, then System and Security, then Windows Updates and Check for
Updates, and then Install Updates.
Obtaining windows updates requires an Internet connection.
.Net Framework: Beginning with AccuMark 10.0.0 .Net Framework version 4 or higher is installed
automatically if it is not already installed. Do not uninstall this required Microsoft software.
A browser is used for some AccuMark reports. If you are using Internet Explorer 11, be sure that it
has its latest updates. You can select to let IE automatically install updates through Settings – About
Internet Explorer and clicking-on the option “Install new versions automatically”.
The use of disk compression utilities is not recommended.
Refer to the appropriate Release Notes for compatible optional equipment (plotters, digitizers,
networks, etc.). Not all hardware manufacturers release drivers immediately for new operating
systems. Please confirm drivers are available prior to upgrading your operating system.
User Documentation in XPS file format (XML Paper Specification). XPS files are opened with
Microsoft XPS Viewer, included in Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Internet Explorer 6 or higher.
If your system has trouble with the auto-uninstall, it is recommended to manually uninstall the previous
release using the Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel then proceed with the installation of the
new software (do not use the Repair option, this may not always work).
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Required User Permissions
There are many permutations and combinations of user permissions that an administrator can implement.
The AccuMark installation does not override security permissions (does not take ownership). Since an
administrator can create registry keys at most levels, it is required that a user with administrator privileges
perform all setups. You may want to check the permissions of AccuMark Family data and application
areas if users are having problems with data or programs.
The installation of AccuMark Family Products sets administrator privileges for the Users group to
AccuMark data (storage areas), its program directories and registry entries. Setting Permissions provides
the ability for non-administrator users to access Gerber data and applications.
The following lists the folder and registry locations where it is best to grant Full Control permissions for
users’ logins who will be running the AccuMark software (these locations are specific to AccuMark
environments and will not interfere with other company settings):
Folder locations:
C:\program files (X86)\Gerber Technology (for 64-bit) -OR- C:\program files\Gerber Technology
(for 32-bit)
C:\program files (X86)\Common files\Gerber Technology (for 64-bit) -OR- C:\program
files\Common files\Gerber Technology (for 32-bit)
Registry locations:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\gerber (for 32-bit) –OR-
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\wow6432node\gerber (for 64-bit)
NOTE: AccuMark 3D has additional hardware requirements, please refer to the Release Notes for
this product addition to view these.
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1.1. Additional Requirements
To keep the OS current with updates from Microsoft, on Windows 7 systems go to the Start Menu, select
All Programs followed by Windows Update then Install Updates. Note that this requires an Internet
Windows 8.1 uses a New Approach with the way such features as .NET are installed. For this reason, you
may need an internet connection to download files from Microsoft. On Windows 8.1 systems, you can
either type in “windows updates” then click on the link or select the down-arrow-in-the-circle to display all
apps, then in the Windows System section select Control Panel, then System and Security, then Windows
Updates and Check for Updates, and then Install Updates.
On Windows 10 systems right-click on the Start icon, type “windows updates” then click on “Check for
updates”. Note that this requires an Internet connection.
NOTE: Not all hardware manufacturers release drivers immediately for new operating systems. Please
confirm drivers are available for all hardware being used with your AccuMark system prior to upgrading to
Windows 8.1 or Windows 10.
Note: AccuMark software supports Windows 7 64-Bit operating systems starting with version 8.4.0. For
individual product restrictions/known limitations, please refer to the specific product’s Release Notes, for
example, the AccuNest or AccuScan Release Notes.
NOTE: AccuMark 3D has additional hardware requirements, please refer to the Release Notes for
this product addition to view these. Additionally, AccuMark 3D requires that the OS be 64 bit.
Microsoft has changed where user account profile and program data gets stored. Instead of storing all
profile data under c:\Documents and Settings\ as they did with Windows XP, things are now split between
c:\Users\ and c:\ProgramData\ (on a standard installation).
Under User Account Control, Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 restrict portions of the Windows file system and
registry. UAC also restricts write operations during normal operation (i.e., standard user mode). For
example, applications no longer have unlimited access to C:\Program Files and C:\Windows. The system-
wide file system and Registry writes are automatically and silently redirected to per-user locations that
won't harm the wider system.
To accommodate existing software for Windows that writes to protected file directories, Microsoft provides
a backward compatibility technology known as Virtualization. Virtualization is often referred to as data
redirection because it functions by funneling attempted access to protected locations to new locations
stored under user profiles. For example, if a legacy application attempts to write to the Program Files
directory, UAC silently redirects that operation to an unprotected user-specific folder.
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1.3. Customizing the Windows 8.1 Start Screen: Pinning AccuMark Applications to Start Screen
The Windows 8.1 operating system allows the user to customize their Start Screen in various ways. You
can select which applications are “pinned” or visible on the screen. You can also move the pinned
applications around on the screen by dragging them.
From the Start screen, open the Search charm . Charms display when you move your mouse
cursor to any corner of the Windows screen. Select the AccuMark application you want to pin then
right click ”Pin to Start”.
Right click on the screen, and the task bar displays. The All Applications button can be selected to
display all installed programs.
Hovering over the taskbar will display other selections, allowing applications to be pinned, unpinned, or
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NOTE: Only officially released Operating Systems (and updates) are supported.
AccuMark is not supported on any Technical, Advanced, or Insider Preview Operating System. AccuMark
is not supported as part of participation in the Microsoft Technical or Insider Preview community.
We recommend to avoid upgrading Windows 10 to Insider Preview builds, and only use them for testing,
on dedicated test machines as Microsoft preview builds are still in development phase and are not stable.
For example, a beta version of AccuMark software experienced an “Internal Envelope Error
E0003” error with Windows 10 build 10586. The prior Windows 10 build 10240 worked well.
If at any time you experience such a problem after an automatic update to Windows 10, while the
software performed without error before the Windows Update, rolling back an update may correct
the problem.
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AccuMark Supported SQL Versions
It is highly recommended to install the latest service packs and updates for SQL and SQL Express.
Refer to the Microsoft websites for information regarding the hardware and software requirements for the
various versions of SQL. Localized versions of SQL Server are available and should correspond to your
local language version operating system. Verify that your operating system settings match the language of
the localized SQL Server or SQL Express being installed.
If you are storing data in a native language, for example saving AccuMark data items with Chinese data
names, then you will most likely need the corresponding version of SQL that can handle the language
characters. Consult the Microsoft documentation for details and specifications.
NOTE: SQL 2012 is not supported for AccuMark Family V8.5X or earlier
It is highly recommended to use the same version of SQL for all systems that will be accessing the same
storage areas for compatibility purposes.
Microsoft officially ended support of SQL 2000 in April 2013 (mainstream support ended 4/8/2008,
extended support ended 4/9/2013), so moving forward, new versions of AccuMark no longer support
using SQL Server 2000 or SQL 2000 Express editions.
Microsoft will be officially ending support of SQL 2005 in April 2016 (mainstream support ended
4/12/2011, extended support ends 4/12/2016), so moving forward, new versions of AccuMark no
longer support using SQL Server 2005 or SQL 2005 Express editions.
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Allows the ability to create sub-storage areas or sub-folders
Allows the ability to set allow or deny permissions to individual storage areas
Allows the ability to set read or write permissions to individual data types
SQL Server 2000 or MSDE 2000 support was introduced for AccuMark version 8.1
o NOTE: MSDE is not supported in Windows operating systems newer than Windows XP
SQL Server 2005 or SQL 2005 Express support was introduced for AccuMark version 8.2
SQL Server 2008 or SQL 2008 Express support was introduced for AccuMark version 8.3.1
SQL Server 2012 or SQL 2012 Express support was introduced for AccuMark version 9.0
SQL Server 2014 or SQL 2014 Express support was introduced for AccuMark version 10.0
NOTE: Consideration should be used for using the Express versions. Having over 5 users access the
express version and you may start to experience slower response times, more than 20 storage areas and
you may start to experience slower response times.
NOTE: AccuMark SQL Manager application that allows you to set additional permissions or restrictions
on AccuMark data types may require the SQL Server Backwards Compatibility Components to be
installed. These components are needed for SQL 2008, SQL 2012, and SQL 2014 versions. For details on
how to obtain and install the backwards compatibility components, refer to the AccuMark document called
“SQLServer2005BackwardCompatibilityComponents” that is available in the AccuMark Training Docs,
AccuMark IT Manual, SQL folder.
NOTE: SQL storage areas Subfolders were implemented in AccuMark V8.2 and WebPDM 5.1 release.
There are enhancements in this software version that may need to update entries written by AccuMark
into an existing CAD relational database. If you are using an existing CAD relational database it is
recommended to run the “Sync Relational Data…” from the AccuMark Explorer File Options menu in the
Advanced Storage Area tab to update the relational database with these improvements. Newly stored data
entries will automatically populate these enhanced fields. Running Sync Relational Data ensures all
entries are current. Refer to the Training Docs Manuals documents for setup and additional detailed
information for the various SQL versions that are supported by the AccuMark Family of products. For
details related to the enhanced CAD relational database, see the document “RDBMS-
TableVariablesUpdated by AM” located in the AccuMark IT Manual\SQL\CAD RDBMS folder.
By default SQL Server (in Latin languages) installs as a case insensitive collation, for example
SQL_Latin1_general_CP1_CI_AS. If the default collation is accepted, everything is fine. However if the
collation setting is changed to case sensitive, such as SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS at install time,
AccuMark will not be able to create storage areas, and will not be able to populate the CAD Relational
Database (RDBMS).
If a trace is done, the error shown will be: Must declare the scalar variable “@model_type”. This also
occurs for variables @marker_type and Return_Code. The issue is in the pGetCADCatID SQL script, the
variables are declared with a casing that differs from the casing used in the code. This causes a problem
in the case sensitive collation situation.
Please note there are probably other scripts with similar issues. A SQL trace will diagnose this issue
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Software Installation Instructions
AccuMark software installed files have been consolidated into fewer folders, making the install simpler and
more efficient.
Installation methods
New starting with AccuMark V10.1 and continuing into V10.2 is the capability to use a silent install in
addition to initiating the installation through the autorun executable.
The new silent install provides the user with an installation with minimal user interaction. It will proceed to
install the selected software without prompting the user to answer or requiring them to continuously click
“Next” to continue. This makes for a swift “no answer” installation that can also be used with deployment
tools. For details on the new silent install, refer to the document “SilentInstall” in the Training
Docs/AccuMark IT Manual folder.
The following instructions are for the normal method initiated through autorun:
The installation for the AccuMark family will automatically run when the DVD is inserted. It will prompt to
automatically uninstall prior versions. If the installation does not autorun, then double-click on the
autroun.exe in the root folder.
The AccuMark software can optionally be downloaded from Gerber’s website. Go to
www.gerbertechnology.com click the "Software Downloads" link under the "Customer Support" section
from the Gerber Technology main page. Once you log in to the software downloads area, click on the
AccuMark link to see the list of software available.
You must unzip and extract all contents prior to installation (do not try to install from within
the zipped folder). The files should be extracted into a short path, if you get errors similar to “path
too long” then copy the files into a folder without such a long path name. Double-click the
"setup.exe" file to launch the AccuMark html installation page.
A link to GerberNet,
Additional applications such as MTM, AccuNest, AccuScan, and AccuPlan are included with the
professional software media but must be installed separately, and are separate purchasable
Clock Date and Time
It is extremely important to check the date and time BEFORE proceeding with the installation of the
software. Turning back the clock once the software has been installed and running is strongly
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Installing AccuMark Release 10.2.0
IMPORTANT: Close any AccuMark Family related programs and processes before installing the software.
While the installation will try to close any currently opened AccuMark Family applications, its success may
depend on how your system is set up and allowed to terminate applications by non-user initiated software.
Steps to Install
Simply click on the prompt with your mouse (even though it says “Tap” you can use the
mouse to select the prompt).
Then click on the option for “Run autorun.exe”:
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b) From Software Download: Extract the installation files.
You will need to extract all the files before proceeding with the install (you will not be able
to install from within the zip file).
It is also recommended to extract into a short folder path, otherwise you may reach
windows limitations for the lengths of the paths being used.
Locate the folder where the software was downloaded and saved to disk. Double-click on
autorun.exe to initiate the installation.
The AccuMark Family installation screen displays with choices for installing the different
products of the AccuMark Family.
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License Agreement
When you run the AccuMark system for the first time after installing the software an approval of the
licensing agreement is necessary. Once the affirmative response has been entered, the licensing
agreement will not display again for the current user.
Directory Structure
The installation creates the C:\USERROOT directory structure, which contains the data, required by the
system. The default program files are located in the subdirectories under c:\program files\Gerber
Technology, unless a different destination is chosen during the installation.
AccuMark version 9 and higher allows you to create V9 Storage Areas and these areas display each data
item name individually. DO NOT use any application other than AccuMark to manipulate these individual
data items, including but not limited to using Windows Explorer to copy, move, delete, rename any
individual data item. DATA CORRUPTION and DATA LOSS will occur.
The key for version 10 was new for that software version. Updating from a prior version required a
physical key exchange. For V10.2 a new license file must be applied to that key.
If additional features ever need to be added to the key, the key can be updated with an update code.
Instructions to update the key using a code can be found in a document located in the Training docs folder
on the DVD.
Failure of the server to maintain continual contact with the AccuMark workstations will produce
applications errors, security errors, and even possible data modification loss if the AccuMark is attempting
to store data when the connection is interrupted.
It is vital that the network license server maintain communication with the workstations so it must be
dedicated to providing this contact. Be sure other high processing demand software such as AccuNest,
AccuMark, MTM or Winplot software is not running on the license server as an additional AccuMark,
nesting or plotting workstation.
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All other high demand software including but not limited to communication software (Voice over Internet
server software or phone/messaging/voicemail software) also requires substantial computer resources
and should not be run on the Network License Server computer.
Failure to observe these guidelines will result in workstations losing connectivity to the licenser server.
This communication disruption will cause the AccuMark applications to have security errors and even
possible data loss if the disruption prevents data storage.
Be sure that Fast User Switching is disabled for the server and the workstation computers.
And your system does meet the system requirements listed earlier in this document, this check at the start
of the install is detecting that something is set to compatibility mode like for XP.
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Starting AccuMark Professional Edition Components
Start the AccuMark applications from the Start menu by selecting AccuMark Explorer, PDS or
Easy Marking. Or easily start AccuMark Explorer, Pattern Design, or Easy Marking from the
Desktop by double clicking an application icon.
Fill in your information and Functional Area on the left that is similar to your topic.
Then enter a quick summary and description (your information will remain sticky, so you only have to
fill this out once):
Depending on the email you're using - you may need to adjust the settings. Select File - Properties
then choose the option that is right for you, this picture is for Outlook
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If using something like Gmail - select the SMTP option and Change the Post Office to use the email
provider, for example, for gmail enter“smtp.gmail.com”. Then enter your gmail user name and
password and select OK to save the changes.
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Check that the "Send Problem Reports To: has a "." in the name
Select Ok.
If you have problems sending - NOTE the message displayed - it will save the report to a folder on your
system - it will tell you the location it save the files to. Collect those files and reply to this email and we will
submit the report for you.
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AccuMark Software Interaction with Virus Scanning Software
AccuMark software installations in some instances have not proceeded as expected when interacting with
particular virus and malware detection software.
In some instances, the download or installation from a DVD had files quarantined so when the software
was installed, not all the executables or dlls were actually installed. In other cases the software installed in
its entirety but would not run because security programs blocked application launch.
If the error messages point to a missing file, the antivirus software may have deleted the application
executable, either from the GerberNet AccuMark Software download or after the install when the antivirus
software detects an unknown program.
In this case, the exe will have to be whitelisted before reinstalling the software. It may also help to disable
the antivirus program when downloading from GerberNet and also when installing the software.
Remember, if it is related to a file that was deleted from the download or from the installation, you need to
white list the installation source folder as well.
For future prevention, you can Google the antivirus software name like Kaspersky, with “report false
positive” and then go to the link on how to report false positives. Usually, only customers of the tool can
report the false positive. So, you will have to report the exe’s that are being impacted by your antivirus
Be sure to check your virus protection software for specific instructions for making exclusions for Gerber
You may need to make exclusions locally on the user’s system and update your corporate policy.
Be sure all exe’s that were impacted are included in the whitelist. This includes sil2000.exe, medpro.exe,
marking.exe, amxplore.exe and any others that appear in your error messages or Microsoft Event Viewer
Application logs. The AccuMark exe files are included in the above mentioned folders.
In addition to the issues outlined in the following section, as any Virus detection software
performs automatic updates, issues may arise that did not previously appear.
The Gerber Technology website has a Technical Library that is available for more information, including
any current updates to the following known issues. Users who have credentials to log in to download
software also have access to this documentation source.
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Using Standard AccuMark PE Test Data for System
This section describes the procedures for checking the AccuMark Professional Edition system by
using the standard version 9 test data, installed in the DATA90 storage area. The DATA90
storage area will automatically be installed during a typical installation if no other storage area by
that name exists, and may be optionally overwritten if the storage area already exists. It is
recommended for users to create their own storage areas to contain their data (do not use
storage area named DATA90) This area should only be used for training or testing purposes.
Select AccuMark Explorer
Open AccuMark Explorer.
2. To select a marker from the list, highlight the marker name using the mouse, and right mouse
button Open.
Use the Hardware Configuration icon to configure a plotter. Then open AccuMark Explorer.
1. From AccuMark Explorer, right-click on the marker LADIES-BLOUSE and select Send To
2. Press the green arrow or select PROCESS ALL from the File drop down menu.
Note: Auto Process is turned off by default enabling the plot form to display. If the plot form
does not appear, check the Plot Options.
3. If the plotter is online and properly configured it will begin plotting.
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Coordination of AccuMark Hardware and Software
You can only have one version of AccuMark Professional Edition (PE), AccuMark Advanced Edition (AE),
or AccuMark Image Edition (IE) installed and running on a system.
For PE and AE you can optionally install additional software including Blender for AccuMark 3D, AccuPlan,
AccuNest, AccuScan, MTM, and/or WinPlot software. IE is standalone and may not allow additional
products to be installed.
Check your entitlement and assure you have all the necessary security devices and licenses for all
Supported Software
The following table shows version compatibility between releases of AccuMark and other related software.
Software versions listed are the earliest releases that are known to work with specific AccuMark versions.
A more recent version may exist.
Lconvert for Windows is included in the 8.03 release or later. The AccuMark to Lectra software
component of Lconvert 8.0 is included on the DVD but available for an additional charge to new users.
YuniquePLM V6 – Known Limitation: it was recently found that the marker image does not automatically
update in PLM 6.0. However, the users can right-click on the image and select Refresh. Or you can delete
that marker from the page and re-add it to the page and the image would be correct. There is a patch for
5.1.2 and the fix will be in 6.0.1.
AccuMark V10.1 requires YuniquePLM V7 or later to be able to use all the new integration features. For
more information refer to the What’s New document.
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Cutworks Version 9.0 and higher can open marker/model/piece data directly from an AccuMark v9 and
v10 Storage Areas as well as AccuMark v8 areas. Cutworks may have issues directly opening data from a
SQL subfolder, these directories may not display in the Cutworks look up dialog as selectable.
Cutworks Version and higher can open AccuMark v9 and v10 Generic Plotfiles as well as
AccuMark v8 files.
All Cutworks versions (v3-v9) can open AccuMark v9 and v10 HPGL files as well as AccuMark v8 files.
Supported Plotters
The following plotters are supported on the AccuMark system:
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Software Status Update
Refer to the Configuration Notes and What’s New with AccuMark in the AccuMark documentation folder
for further up-to-date information relating to your software and installation.
Known Limitations
AccuMark V9 Storage Areas
Beginning with AccuMark version 9 you can create V9 Storage Areas and these areas display each data
item name individually. DO NOT use any application other than AccuMark to manipulate these individual
data items, including but not limited to using Windows Explorer to copy, move, delete, rename any
individual data item. DATA CORRUPTION and DATA LOSS will occur.
If your plotter is attached to a plot only station with Winplot installed, be sure to update to Winplot V9.0 or
higher is present. If the plotter is attached to an AccuMark station, then ensure AccuMark 9.0 or higher is
installed on that pc. This will ensure all V9.0 systems networked to the plotter can see and use the
configured plot queues.
Configuration Error 1
Configuration error 1 may occur if the user does not have the adequate permissions to the AccuMark
folder and registry locations. Refer to the section about User Permissions for additional information and
how to set the appropriate permissions.
Configuration Error 2
If you are switching users on the same system a Configuration error 2 may occur. You should be able to
acknowledge the error and continue working with AccuMark software.
Office 365
Office 365 will not work with AccuMark Export Zip – Send to Mail recipient functions. The workaround is to
create zip files and attach to email outside of AM-Explorer.
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Measure Charts with Multiple Tabs without MS Office
If using measure charts with multiple tabs on a system without a current version of Microsoft Office, the
2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components should be installed to avoid potential PDS
software crashes. The free download is available from Microsoft:
Only models in V9 storage areas are allowed to contain the new sketch component. This is as designed.
Updates for the next release will not allow the user to add sketches to models in V8 storage areas.
To get back the arrows and expander bars in the Filter at the top
of AM Explorer, remove these two registry entries:
"DataTypesWidth", "FilterWidth" from the registry key
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AccuMark 10.2.0
Changes since 10.1.0
A SQLupgrade is needed on storage areas created prior to AccuMark V10.0.0 to store image data. Users
with sysadmin permissions automatically perform the storage area upgrade upon the first connection to
the SQL storage area location.
Users who do not have sysadmin permissions are presented with an informational prompt to indicate a
sysadmin must update the storage areas. In prior software versions, if non-sysadmin users ignored the
prompt and instead tried to run check, “Upgrade Pre V8.2 to V8” or “Upgrade Pre V8.2 to V9” then issues
could occur with the display of storage areas/subfolders or data, although the actual AccuMark data is
present and untouched.
Updates have been made to implement additional checks for non-sysadmin users, preventing them from
running those functions on storage areas that need upgrading. Typical AccuMark users may need to
contact their IT department to arrange for a sysadmin to upgrade these Storage Areas prior to use.
AMMS-4202, AMMS-4266
When Printing Alteration tables, all alteration rules will be printed out
The random failure of AutoMark to launch on some Windows 10 systems has been corrected.
The process to obtain maker file size information has been corrected to remove internal errors.
AutoMark no longer hangs at the splash screen when launching.
The CSV Report will now only run on pieces modified not all pieces when overwriting the previous report.
If the CSV is missing a value for layrule when the field was specified, the order will still import.
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Users will now be prompted and prevented from creating subfolders beyond the 10 level limit.
Pasting V8 and V9 subfolders will now be performed correctly if the V8 subfolder is pasted to a V8 or V9
location and the V9 subfolder is pasted to an existing V9 location.
The original subfolder is removed properly after moving to another SQL Storage Area.
Easy Marking
Images cropped for trims in PDS are now maintained in Easy Marking.
Corrected a display issue with Open with - EasyMarking - Open separate work areas that caused markers
on tabs to display incorrectly including showing false gaps and overlaps.
Easy Plan
In Order Size Filter, the field will be automatically filled with * symbol by default.
When importing zipped data, a user is now able to select individual non-AccuMark files.
Improved the system responsiveness when Preview Pane is displayed with data.
Selecting the category column in the Model Editor to delete will no longer cause Explorer to hang.
Corrected an issue with failure to paste data into similarly named Storage Areas.
Creating subfolders will no crash when refreshing display.
Editing subfolders in the Navigation Pane will now refresh the name in the Right Pane.
The EULA (End User License Agreement) displayed during the installation now has the ability to show in
most native languages.
Uninstalling AccuMark no longer removes system path information needed by AccuPlan.
Improved the license message that displays as the installation completes.
The model’s active sizes are updated to reflect PDS edits to sizes.
Selecting the category column in the Model Editor and pressing Delete, will no longer cause AccuMark
Explorer to hang.
If ORDERDATA fields are set in the registry, Lay Limits is no longer required to be filled in to save the
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AMMS-4419, AMMS-4429
Changes the behavior of the ORDERDATA fields. If ORDERDATA fields are enabled in the Model, they
will be used when an order is processed. If the ORDERDATA fields are turned off, tables defined in the
Order will be used.
PLM Integration
Now able to launch PDS and Easy Marking from PLM even if the data is in subfolder.
Improved performance of browser launch.
Improvements have been made to column size and text wrapping when printing.
Using remote desktop to connect to an AccuMark system will no longer display a terminal service error.
Size Code
When "Base Measurements” option is used, there are no longer duplicate ordered sizes in the size code
The base measurements selection will remain in the Size Code table.
When using “Base Measurements”, the first column in a Size Code rule is maintained.
Email Configuration can now be opened after applying an AccuMark language pack.
Easy Marking with translations no longer hangs when prompted with a dialog box.
When the Bill of Materials is translated, the piece fabric information is now correctly displayed.
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AccuMark PDS 10.2.0
Changes since 10.1.0
ASTM Conversion
External Notches are maintained as external when converting from ASTM and other design files.
APDS-2260, APDS-2345, APDS-2429
Reduced the number of prompts for optimistic concurrency when saving modified model data.
APDS-2177, APDS-2468
Annotation size now scales in the view when zooming.
Concurrent message should not appear for each piece when saving a model.
PDS no longer crashes when selecting lines on a mirrored piece for Match Line X.
Normal notch is not selected when using the Smooth Grade>Grade Proportionally function.
Assign Rule Table will correctly apply a rule table with new size line.
Fabric images are maintained on Lectra variants when imported as model data.
Investronica Conversion
Corrected data specific Investronica import of match lines.
Lectra Conversion
Improved import of graded nest with Lectra mdl files.
Tangent notches are now imported with the same position as that in Lectra.
Importing an MDL file will maintain reference notches when added on a developed point in Lectra.
Corrected the graded seam generated for data specific mdl file import.
Improved import of graded points with Lectra mdl files.
Corrected seam placement when importing Lectra mdl files.
Corrected tangent grading when importing MDL file.
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Corrected notch angle for MDL file import.
Fabric images are kept on Lectra variants when imported as model.
Data specific crash resolved when importing mdl file in PDS.
External Notches are maintained as external when converting from ASTM and other design files.
An error message resulting from incorrectly interpreted notch distance no longer displays.
Corrected how Lectra MDL offset lines are interpreted in AccuMark.
Corrected grading on Lectra mdl file imported with a no closed perimeter line.
Intersection points along curved or circular segments are now imported.
Offset curve grading is now correct after MDL import.
Improved processes to interpret tangent at curve point as tangent at projection on a curve segment.
Corrected issue where slider point's segment index is not interpreted properly on SemiCircular curves with
turn points.
Corrected a data specific issue with points of measurement failures with corner and grading issues being
incorrectly displaying.
Options have been added to control the folding side(s) for 3D pleats.
Pieces with manual corners created on AccuMark versions prior to 8.3.1 will now open with these corners
Pieces with manual seam corners can now be correctly saved
User Interface
Using Vertical Tab groups no longer causes pieces to disappear from the work area.
Wizard will no longer fail to play back with failure to find line name message.
Wizard will now play script (skirt) with two charts associated.
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AccuMark 10.1.0
Changes since 10.0
Markers with dynamic alterations will no longer report invalid errors when attaching markers.
Uneven seam are now maintained when Generate Seam Properties function is applied.
F attribute is maintained when exporting as an ASTM file.
All CSV files are processed even if the CSV file has the same first 10 characters in the name.
A watch directory is now automatically created during software installation.
Batch import will now bring in more than 9 CSV files at once.
Block Buffer
Improvements to Easy Marking Save as 1:1 file with Buffering, the image no longer extends to buffered
edge, instead its true scale is kept.
CSV Tools
CSV import will now identify the correct rule and corresponding value in a size code.
Cut Generation
Cutter Defined (M25) in JOB is now the same as in an NC cut file.
Cut jobs larger than 50MB no longer crash the preview window in AccuMark Explorer when viewed.
Added new checkbox options into the Cut Options dialog, default - checked-on "Replace spaces with
dashes in file name" "Truncate M20 message to max 32 chars"
Improvements were made to ensure pieces in NC cut files that were manually rotated incrementally in
Easy Marking have correct cut dimensions.
Pressing F2 will no longer crash the Cut Generation form when attempting to open a Parameter Table that
does not exist.
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Data Conversion Utility
Corrected a data specific issue in DCU with data without a recognized grain line in original data.
Database Engine
User will be prompted when attempting to open a marker without Read permission for the item.
Copy model to a SQL Storage Area by a user without SQL permissions to that area or data item no longer
An error message will display when restoring data without data creator privileges.
When storing data using a slow WAN link, a busy cursor indicator will be displayed.
Improved performance when generating thumbnail images.
Easy Marking
Cursor response time when using slide and bump has been improved.
When a piece is split in pds, both new parts receive a copy of the trim image.
Cancelling while creating a bump line will no longer unplace pieces.
Build scoop up/down placement has been improved
Improvements to undo to allow return be maintained as an undo step.
Marker Info bar will show the piece information when using menu functions
Cut sequence view has been improved to make the information more visible to user.
A marquee selection with right mouse button can be used to Create/Modify Scoop, Add/Delete Piece,
Create/Modify Marry, and Create/Modify BlockFuse.
Copy to clipboard from Easy Marking now copies all pieces within the marker when pasting in Adobe
Improved display of images placed on patterns in Easy Marking
Dynamic alterations can be applied in attached markers.
Memory errors will no longer appear when using Copy to Clipboard 1:1 for markers without images
Proximity to piece for selection in Easy Marking has been improved so that if a user moves the cursor in
an area far away from the marker, the last piece placed will not be automatically selected and unplaced.
Marker Info Bar Length display is now maintained.
Additional piece is no longer added when returning folded pieces to icon menu.
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Easy Order
Marker open default set in AccuMark Explorer now opens in set active or current work space.
Easy Plan and Easy Order will now print the correct shrink/stretch information.
Behavior of delete model in Easy Order is now consistent with Easy Plan.
Fields in Easy Order for V9 storage area data will correctly only allow 50 character maximum to be
Markers without fabric defined in Easy Order will process correctly.
Advanced Edition will now run Easy Order from the ribbon Menu of AccuMark Explorer.
Order description supports special characters
Easy Order supports more than 20 characters when doing a Save As in a V9 Storage Area.
Easy Plan
Update Marker Name is not disabled if results are planned manually.
The selected theme is displayed in combo boxes.
Chinese characters are displayed correctly in CSV files.
EP will not create duplicate markers when generating cut tickets.
SQL Storage areas and subfolders are visible in the Select Model dialog.
Fixed issue where the Address bar in AM Explorer would be grayed out after pressed F5.
Updated AM Explorer for AE-PDS or PE-PDS products to gray out functions that are not appropriate for
these products.
Fixed issue in AM Explorer to properly show the whole address bar and all fields inside after manipulating
the Explorer's windows.
AccuMark Explorer - View Version Information - now displays a more user-friendly identification for the
operating system, for example "Windows 8.1 Enterprise 6.3"
Fixed issue in AM Explorer Print Preview where no data displayed if you had less than 4 columns showing
in the Details pane.
Updated Recycle Bin to allow the user to copy V8 and V9 data and be able to paste it all into a V9 storage
Fixed Quick View to display the data items only once and not multiple times for the same data.
Fixed issue in AM Explorer that changed the DataType filters every time you Install/Uninstall Language
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Fixed issue in AM Explorer where after using the “Up one level” and hiding the Navigation Pane to be able
to select data.
Fixed issue to maintain the status of the marker after copying into a different storage area.
Added the ability for the user to configure email settings in Options -> E-mail Configuration (allow sending
mail other than through Outlook).
Fixed issue with not being able to import data with certain Traditional Chinese characters.
Fixed issue on Hong Kong or Traditional Chinese operating systems where certain Chinese characters
auto changed to different characters after renaming them in AM Explorer.
Fixed issue where the progress bar did not display 100% complete when copy more than 5000 data items.
Fixed issue with not being able to open data in storage areas that had spaces in the storage area name.
Updated Image Edition to only show the AM-Explorer: File - Options - Default Open Options defaults that
are appropriate for this product.
Improved the time it takes to "Select All" data in AM Explorer.
When printing data from AccuMark Explorer with long Chinese names, all pages are now printed as
Fixed issue in Export V9 to V8 and renaming pieces to different names to not create new pieces.
Updated Find to allow opening models from different storage area at the same time.
Removed duplicate "Open" function in the choices when right-clicking on an Order in Find (proper function
is called "Open With").
Fixed issue when selecting models and opening with Marker Wizard to open in the same window. If more
than 4 models are selected they will not be allowed to be opened in Marker Wizard.
Fixed issue in Find to properly maintain marker status when renaming markers.
Fixed issue in Find to correctly process right-mouse functions when select multiple data from different
storage areas in Find list results.
Fixed issue in Find to properly highligh Marker Wizard when it is set to the default for opening models.
Import to ERP
SQL storage areas can now be selected in Model page in Import From ERP.
Period "." is not allowed in Description, and will be replaced with a Space " ".
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Winplot Configuration dialog no longer shows blank in Winplot standalone.
When language packages are uninstalled, user is no longer prompted to install AccuMark
Installation media has been revised to remove the MMC folder.
Lay Limits
Tilt values in LayLimits table are maintained fter Insert Row then save.
The block/buffer rule number assignment in Laylimits will now properly display as an integer.
Lconvert no longer crashes when choosing a model from Data90/Sil2000 storage areas to convert to
Marker Plot
Plotting markers that have 0 quantity for models included in the order will no longer crash.
Debugger Error message will no longer display when creating an HPGL file from Marker Plot.
Dynamic alterations can be applied in attached markers.
Unnecessary prompts to Save in forms no longer appear if no edits are made.
Removed the Save prompt when cancelling Save As model then closing the editor.
Piece Name column width is maintained after resizing.
Model options column width is maintained when performing resize, open and save operations.
Model editor no longer resizes after saving.
Model Editor is no longer resized to its initial size after opening data in the form.
Left click open on piece in Model Option now opens the correct piece in PDS.
Corrected a crash when printing models.
Corrected the display of a SQL subfolder path in the Model Editor Title bar.
Printing the model now shows the correct material type.
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Improvements for model printing, show/hide columns.
Sizes in Model Options tab display completely in the Print Preview window.
Long construct names are not overlapped during print or print preview
Piece Plot
Piece Plot will no longer crash if plotting a model/piece which contain fabric image.
Improved the consistency in size for plotting image line indicators from PDS, from AccuMark Explorer and
the view in the preview in Accumark Explorer.
Model Editor print has been improved to display shown columns.
All grade rules in the specified range will print.
Reports now maintain width measurement in the units of measure defined.
Model Size Line Report and Model Size Code no longer shows blank if a piece listed in the model does
not exist.
Network licensing has been updated to properly release all licenses
Size Code
If user chooses a File name from recent item list that doesn't exist, the title will be set to Drive:\SA
Fixed issue when using language packages and choose a model to Export V9 model to V8, then in the
Export Result window, view the report result, now it displays well.
View/Quick View
Long fabric names in Quick View no longer overlap the piece image.
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AccuMark PDS 10.1.0
Changes since 10.0.0
Increased support of turn back corners on altered pieces.
Base size and piece scale are not changed when importing certain ASTM/AAMA dxf file which contains
size line in lowercase letters.
Using DCU to export AAMA DXF file, pieces are no longer incorrectly rotates 5 to 10 degrees when
opening in a DXF viewer.
Corrected a data specific DXF import - a mirrored piece is graded and oriented correctly.
Correction for data specific issue of DXF file opening. ASTM/AAMA
Import a model as ASTM/AAMA dxf file with "Generate Seam Properties" checked, now all pieces are
imported with corrected seam lines.
Improved visibility of bookmark annotation when pasting.
Fisheye darts now display as internal lines for Easy Marking.
Notches in Standard DXF files are no longer converted into internal lines.
Corrected selections in Custom Toolbar function.
Keyboard zoom now works when the Edit Point/Line/Piece dialog opens.
Custom Toolbar text now displays correctly in Simplified Chinese.
Annotation label B no longer incorrectly mirrors.
Keyboard shortcuts can be used to select multiple objects to save at once.
Prompts will display for data being saved with invalid characters in fabric codes.
PDS will no longer hang when adding piece to a Model in SQL Storage Area with path more than 46
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Unknown control file error will no longer display when saving a copied V8 piece with a default V9 storage
area for data stored to retrieved area.
Correction for a data specific issue opening a model.
After saving a piece then using the hotkey to close model, inaccurate warning to prompt save again no
longer displays
Corrected a data specific crash related to saving pieces with invalid pleat lines.
Copy nestrule now works for stacked pieces.
The wildcard (*) can now be used in assign Rule Table to filter the existing rule tables.
A grade point is no longer added by Create Delta and Create Offset at the select position when Cancel is
Correction has been made when changing base size on pieces with stacking points on.
Export Rules will not change grading no matter what function was previously used.
Improvement to Copy Grade Rule piece to piece to work as in software version 9.0
Size line displays correctly when selecting pieces with different size range.
Selecting Update in Edit Offset after set size range, the correct offset distance value is applied.
Notches no longer disappear after applying match y/x then moving a piece.
Edit Delta with selected sizes is now working properly on non grade points.
Edit Delta functions ClearX, ClearY no longer delete grading in hidden sizes.
Copy Grade Rule with a marquee selection on an internal line with endpoints overlapped on the perimeter
end points, will now allow selection of both the internal and perimeter lines.
Measuring Distance Between Notches will now include smoothing points if smoothing is on.
Large angle entered in User Input box is now calculated to a proper value.
A correction was made for Fold Keep for trim image on mirrored side.
Perimeter line is no longer active for placement once a trim image has been placed.
Improved ability to use Snap to Geometry when placing trim images.
Data specific improvements to images from Corel to ensure placement in pattern preview.
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The fabric symbol lines are removed when combining pieces with fabric then saving the piece
PDS no longer crashes if the fabric image symbol is exactly on the split line of the piece, when splitting a
piece on line.
Symmetry option L/R now displays correctly
Edge Thickness in edge finish image properties will now use the correct unit of measure.
Edge finish image now displays correctly when using copy to clipboard(1:1) then pasting into Paint.
Corrected a grading issue when certain Lectra files are brought into AccuMark. The grading is now
Corrected a data specific issue of a Lectra piece being imported as a draft.
Lectra piece imported with intersection error is now imported as expected, data specific.
Orientation symbols are now displayed for Perp on/off Line on existing line.
Line name no longer displays twice if turn on view line name then use Edit/Copy Line Names function.
PDS no longer crashes when canceling out of create a line.
The creating curve line no longer disappears when Zooming in the option Modify Length. Line
The Right Mouse button will work now even if the measurement name is not completely displayed.
Modified units of measure and precision are now applied on the values in POM chart immediately.
Long Chinese model name displays completely in the POM chart.
The POM annotation is not displayed on piece when measuring with POM chart.
Rounding for measure chart is now available for Metric.
Measure Distance 2 Lines with the option "Select 2 Lines to measure", will display the measurements
between internal and perimeter lines.
If more than one instance of the same piece is in a work area, File>Open>Measure Chart, displays a
warning message and the measure chart will not open.
A duplicate of a placed piece will no longer be placed in the work area after using the POM chart.
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With GEOM on, using Move Notch function with tab key, the tab key will switch between pieces with seam.
Corrected a data specific issue with the direction of Walk piece.
The correct label for a mirror line is maintained so following save, a piece with certain seam types can still
be folded/unfolded as expected.
Corrected a data specific issue with grading on PDS annotation.
Piece rotation in the plot form has been corrected to send the piece in the expected rotated state.
Hot Keys for Multiple Point functions are now visible.
User Interface
In the piece menu, the icon for the piece name will no longer display as "?" when the last character in
piece menu icon is a Chinese character.
Point information is kept for piece when applying zoom before the piece is positioned
Docking the current piece box will no longer overlap the user input window.
After using the piece bar scroll, full screen will correctly show all pieces.
The PDS window no longer stays hidden behind other application windows
Shortcuts no longer lost after software upgrade.
Switching work area with filled piece On/Off now shows correct fabric fill.
Sorting icons by fabric color has been corrected.
Point Numbers no longer display overlapped by lines and points.
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When using playback with a tangent notch, the pattern wizard will no longer crash.
While recording a Wizard, disabled menu items, such as File>New/Copy Model Notes, no longer flash.
While Macro Recording and Editing, sample scripts are disabled, and they are enabled after recording or
editing is complete.
PDS will no longer crash when running sample script 'Womens Skirt two charts'.
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AccuMark 10.0.0
Changes since 9.0.0
Improved right mouse button Cut/Copy and Paste behavior in the Alteration field cells. Previously, the
content did not always paste correctly. Now the click in a right mouse field can process Cut/Copy/Paste
functions consistently.
The creation of a "blank" rule tab, created by hitting the space bar is no longer permitted. Previously, it
was not prevented.
Corrected the display of marker's placed area to sqare inches or centimeters.
Piece description will now correctly plot if no order number is found in the Order or Marker Plot in attached
The title bar will now display the Storage Area path when a new Annotation Editor is created.
When the System Environment Variable save_order is activated, the original Order Number instead of
Piece Description will appear on pieces in attached markers when plotting markers.
When creating an annotation table in a V9 storage area, fields that allow up to 50 characters now correctly
display 1-50.
The Model and Rule Table information is now correctly reported in the Description of Import Results
Report when importing from Assyst.
When using Automark for a single marker, now the Cost per marker information displays correctly in the
AutoMark Report.
Units is now included in metric and imperial for the Weight fields in the AutoMark Report. Previously this
was not present.
Corrected Automark processing errors when the combination of a long file name and storage area
exceeds 65 characters on a 64-bit system. This issue is now resolved.
The notation for AutoMark options are now editing correctly.
Cut file information sent to Batch Processing from Easy Plan display the correct order number information.
Improved the performance of the F2 key in an unsaved Batch Parameter Table. Previously users could
only access the linked tables using F2 after the Batch Table was saved.
Printing from Batch with a marker displayed will now properly print the entire marker picture.
A prompt has been added prior to exiting when creating a new Batch Parameter Table.
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The Batch Queue will no longer process orders and markers from a version 7 storage area.
If a group of jobs were submitted to Batch that had errors, the remaining jobs would not process. This has
been fixed
Plot Name, Order number and order description now support 50 characters.
Block Buffer
AccuMark AE failed to save rules in the Block Buffer table, maintaining only the last rule entered. This
issue has been corrected so that all rules are saved properly.
CSV Tools
Importing CSV orders with option "Delete text file after importing" will now delete the text file after
importing csv file. Previously the option was ignored and the files were not deleted.
Corrected issues found with CSV files when a comma was used as the decimal separator in regional
settings. Now, CSV files will import orders correctly with a decimal or a comma as the decimal separator
regardless of the regional settings used.
Previously, generating the CSV Report on Piece type did not display Alpha sizes in the csv file. Now, both
numeric and alpha sizes are correctly reported in the CSV Report.
Csvtools applications like DMPMKHDR.EXE (marker header report) while running the program in the
same work area and using the same path for the output report file will now run in ‘update mode’, just
giving the new information since the last report
Cut Generation
‘Job’ cut file format arrows now display the correct direction in the Cut view window
Removed a duplicate prompt to save a cut file when creating it in a storage area.
Cut Generation copying and pasting has been improved to maintain cut ticket name when multiple pastes
are done.
The short cut key to clear form, Ctrl + R, now clears the cut generation form correctly.
Tab key will now correctly move cursor to the Cut Ticket cell.
Slow cut values now display properly in a JOB file.
The short cut key to clear form, Ctrl + R , now clears the cut generation form correctly.
Pressing the F2 key to open a nonexistent Cut Parameter Table in Cut Generation will no longer crash the
The short cut key to clear form, Ctrl + R , now clears the cut generation form correctly.
The margin settings used for printing the cut process form have been updated to ensure data name is not
hidden, but instead prints fully.
Folded blocked pieces now use the fold overcut value correctly.
A v notch on a mirror line in a cut file in the job format will display correctly.
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The Marker Sequence Number of the small pieces were overlapped in JOB file if set specific Labeller
Margin value. Now the cut sequence can be correctly displayed on pieces in JOB cut file.AMMS-1814
The cut segment slow view properly shows notches on mirror lines for JOB files
Fixes were made for certain external or internal notch directions or angles to be correctly read and
displayed in Cutter simulator
The cut segment slow view properly shows notches on mirror lines for JOB files
Fixed display for marker containing mirrored piece with V notch on mirror line point and another V notch at
the next point to the mirror line point with BiLR mirror cut turned on.
If a mirrored piece with shrink/stretch applied was rotated in a cut file part of the perimeter line could be
left open. This issue has been addressed, and pieces will now close properly in the cut file.
If cut generation fails to process if the cutter parameter table doesn’t exist, a message “Invalid Cut
parameter table” will display in the Status field.
Changed the message stop (M20) output so the length and width are fully displayed at the cutter.
Previously, AccuMark truncated the message stop from the end in NC formats, impacting the length and
width values with longer marker names.
An informational message has been added to indicate non Roman characters are not displayed in
barcode data.
When viewing a JOB cut file, arrows on the piece will always display.
Cut generation Print and Print preview barcodes display multiple colors for a marker.
Corrected a data specific cut file error for mirrored pieces not being fully cut.
Cut data for Invision now has op stops and match points in the correct location.
Piece flip information is now included in the Cut Ticket.
Label data created during cut process now correctly contains the model name.
Columns can now be hidden during cut generation.
View cut will now properly display the cut files attributes for the JOB and NC files.
Resolved a Cut Generation issue for markers containing folded mirrored pieces with no evident corners,
such as circles or ellipses, with notches on mirror line. If the Cut file was generated with “Choose start
points in Quiet Zones” selected, previously Cut Generation would crash.
Corrected an issue for mirrored pieces; the drill tool was engaged more than once per internal drill. This
issue has been corrected.
Cut Parameter Table
All fields in the Cut Parameter Table will now print if values are defined, such as cut small slow or if labels
are selected with tool assignments.
Creating a New Cutter Parameter Table without making changes to existing one will no longer prompt the
user to save the unedited original Parameter Table.
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Now when an error such as invalid value for a label in the cut parameter table has been highlighted, if a
new table is created, the highlight of the error is automatically removed and the default value or blank is
When File/New is selected while in the cut parameter table, the defaults for cut small slow are now
correctly reset, rather than being maintained from the originally opened parameter table.
Cut Plot
Cut plot from a network V8 storage area that is connected to a version 9.0 AccuMark will no longer crash.
Previously, cut plot process with the right mouse button menu Cut Plot form would only process the first
cut file in the list. Now all cut files in the grid will plot process correctly.
Data Conversion Utility
Corrected an issue when importing Lectra PLX files and some of the pieces had the wrong orientation and
caused overlaps.
When missing files are detected in a competitive marker file on import, the error message was misleading.
Now, the Import Results window includes details from the Activity Log and conversion process and it is
enabled after the first marker import.
In DCU, exporting a model as ASTM and selecting a P-Notch table to Copy, a message "Error saving the
clipboard data" would stop the process. This has been resolved. Now Copy creates a new P-Notch table in
the current storage area.
An improvement was made to importing Lectra PLX files where the piece names in the models were
DCU or Marking: Import of a PLX file to a V9 SA no longer truncates piece names stored in the Marker.
Previously, the import process was trimming the piece names in the model. This has been resolved.
Corrected issues with importing non-AccuMark model data in DCU and the storage area is locked or does
not exist. Previously, a failure message would appear regarding an unknown control file error. Now a
detailed error report appears in Report Results.
Resolved a data specific issue with importing Lectra MDL files that failed to previously import. The data
can now be imported without an error in DCU or PDS.
Corrected issue when importing an mdl with "One model for each MDL file, with variants as model
options" checked. V8 models will be created with the related warning of the trimmed model name
When importing a long Lectra model name, the Import Results dialog now displays a warning message
that the model was truncated. Previously, there was no warning when importing to a V8 storage area.
Resolved ASTM import issue when data contained a mirror line. Previously, import would shut down. This
has been resolved so model and rule data can be imported correctly.
Importing an ASTM/AAMA rule table (.rul) when "Overwrite Exising Data" is not checked and conversion
was run twice would cause the conversion to fail with no detailed message. Now, the Results window
describes the file name and details of the error.
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Previously, importing ASTM/AAMA rule table (.rul) would fail without the details when the "Overwrite
Existing Data" wasn't checked and the conversion was run twice. Now, the Results window describes the
file name and the overwrite issue.
DCU:Wrong piece for model in Export Result window when export piece as ASTM/AAMA dxf file in PDS
Corrected conversion between ASTM Right/Left Quantities and AM No Flip/Flip X/Flip Y/Flip XY
Database Engine
When using Read/Write controls for data items, and Orders are set to read-only, Easy Order has been
updated to properly display the prompt message “User denied write access to this data”.
Eliminated extra dialog prompts for Save As with Components.
If you enter a new name that does not exist for the CAD Relational Database into SQL Support, after
selecting the Test button, you get a message informing you that the RDBMS may not exist, but it did not
display the name. It is fixed to display the name
Users will not be allowed to Cut or Delete SQL storage areas if they do not have the appropriate
Users are allowed to make a SQL storage area database read-only using SQL Manager.
Delete/Rename SQL Storage Area in AccuMark Utilities will now be flagged as 'Inactive' (NOTE: AM
Utilities is now in AM Explorer-File: Options: Storage Area)
Copying markers to SQL storage area(s) with "Generate Images" option checked in SQL Support will
create the correct marker .bmp file (no longer is blank). .plt and .wmf image files are also OK
The option to create new subfolder for SQL storage areas and subfolders is now working properly from
the right-mouse selection or the File-New-Subfolder option, and is no longer created with a locked status.
Previous Modified date is properly set to the original Last Modified date on Save action.
When selecting a model to Save As with Components to a SQL Storage Area, the model information will
be saved to the RDBMS correctly.
The contents of similarly named subfolders are no longer removed when deleting a subfolder that has a
similar name.
Easy Marking
Size and Bundle details will now be displayed when Annotation is set to Full. Previously, the Block Fuse
part did not display all of the information in Easy Marking.
Previously, when picking a piece, the mouse was moved to piece center to preserve the piece position.
When piece center was not visible, the mouse moved outside the marker area. Now, if piece center is not
visible in marker area it can still be selected.
Previously Use Grid only saved grid 1. Now, when changed to another grid, the new Grid Number is now
saved correctly, no matter where User Grid Number value is changed (Settings window or EM - Fabric
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Previously, it was not possible to marquee select pieces and unplace them with the Piece Tool. Now,
when using a right click to marquee select some placed pieces, the pieces should be changed to
The forward slash "/" is now a valid keyboard key for the “Fit” function in the Assign Keys-Toolbox
category. Previously it was not available.
Previously, when Delete Pieces is used in a Model Option, the order was incorrect in Easy Marking. This
has been corrected. Now, if the model option has deleted pieces, it displays the piece order correctly in
the marker.
Corrected issues detected with dynamic alterations for CCW and CW alteration movement in Easy
Marking. Now, dynamic alteration results are applied correctly for the pieces in the marker.
The title bar now includes the notation. Previously, it was omitted.
Easy Marking and Marker Making now print the Length according to the marker length format(LN).
Previously it did not print the length in decimal format. The LN format is automatically updated in Plot
Options for Marker Plot and View Plot consistency.
Previously, Delete Bundle and Delete Piece failed if the marker was regenerated after a bundle was
added. This has been corrected. Now, these functions will delete the piece or bundle as expected.
The PA field will now display the correct value for a marker with order shrink stretch and pieces with
buffer. Previously, when both order shrink and buffer were added, the piece area was changed, and
generated an incorrect utilization.
Import of a PLX file to a V9 SA no longer truncates piece names stored in the Marker. Previously, the
import process was trimming the piece names in the model. This has been resolved.
Previously, when changing the Piece Line Color in Options & Colors it would always revert to the default
color when reopening EM. Now, the Piece Line Color is preserved and on reopening EM, the piece line
maintains the new color.
When highlighting more than one piece at a time with override on and using Insert or Delete keys to rotate
a group of pieces, it only rotated one piece. Now it rotates all pieces in the group.
Modifying a sliding layrule was prevented it from being used in another marker after it was saved. Now,
sliding layrules can be modified and applied to other markers as expected in Easy Marking and Marker
MM and EM: Previously, if a piece was selected twice while creating a scoop all the pieces were de-
selected and the piece that was selected twice was unplaced and attached to the cursor. Now, it de-
selects the piece and will not unplace others.
Previously, Cancel on the dialog to finish Create Scoop did not stop the function. This has been resolved
so Scoop can be canceled in this case.
Previously, when one work area was closed, the next active area was defaulting to the first tab. This has
been resolved. Now when a work area is closed, the last work area is displayed.
When the Print Option “Fabric Background” is unchecked, Save As Image for a marker which has fabric
background maintained the fabric background. Now, when this option is unchecked the fabric will not be in
the image.
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Updated the Split Piece descriptive tooltip to describe the function more clearly. Now it states two
locations on piece must be selected in order for piece to split”.
Previously, a piece had to be selected twice when Override Block/Buffer, Dynamic Alteration and Dynamic
Split functions were applied. It has been corrected. Now, a single click will select the piece.
Corrected tooltips for placed and unplaced pieces so when Placed or Unplaced is active, pieces may be
selected and manipulated with the right mouse button correctly.
Previously, the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) lost options in the drop down menu if only one command was
in the toolbar. Now the complete drop down menu displays, including the default commands, no matter
how many commands show in QAT.
Resolved issues with assign keys and manipulating multiple pieces. It is now possible to rotate, tilt or flip a
group of pieces.
When using Toolbox and group slide, a marquee select unplaced the pieces when using “P” key on the
keyboard. Only the piece attached to the cursor placed. Now “P” correctly places all pieces in the group
and displays the correct color of the pieces
Corrected tooltips for placed and unplaced pieces so when Placed or Unplaced is active, pieces may be
selected and manipulated with the right mouse button correctly.
Corrected right mouse button behavior issues when using Toolbar functions for the multiple pieces. No,
after using the left mouse button to draw a slide vector, the pieces slide correctly and are placed.
Previously, the Layrule names were not updating automatically when using "Save Searched" to create and
save multiple sliding Layrules in Marking and Easy Marking. Now, the Layrule names are incremented
Size names are now translatable in Easy Marking
Opening a new marker from an existing work area will now correctly display the end of marker line
Corrected Save and Save As issues. Previously, Easy Marking would shut down on Save after using the
Scoop function.
Corrected the text of the float tooltip to “The F key on the keypad can also be used to float a piece”.
Easy Order
Easy Order will now properly maintain all model options entered in the form.
Corrected issues in Easy Order where the Description field did not save the contents on Exit. Now, newly
saved or re-saved orders preserve the description information when opening the orders.
Selecting Help in Easy Order Customize Toolbar will now launch the online help file.
Open Previous and Open Next are now active after saving an order with the option "Create Multiple
Markers" selected.
Some column headers in the Fabric tab were not displaying/hiding properly from the Right Mouse Button
Menu. This issue has been corrected. Columns can be shown/hidden from Options and RMB menu
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An order can now be opened even ift he model and size code table do not exist. Error messages opening
the order no longer display.
Easy Order forms with an AE license now display an accessible laylimits and notch parameter table fields.
All fabric types will no longer be automatically checked
Corrected issues found when adding another model to an order and selecting the Fabric Types in the
Fabric Information on Step 4. Previously, the selection of the Fabric did not always register correctly in
each row.
When a model is unchecked in Step1, associated model fabric rows are now removed from fabric type
field in Step4. Previously they remained in the drop down list, even when the fabric name was not used by
another model in the order.
Easy Order will now correctly display sizes after deleting a size code form.
Easy Order fields Target Utilization and Shrink X field will now save properly if the user is editing an
existing order.
Unnecessary marking icons in Easy Order have been removed for PDS only versions of the software.
Easy Order Advanced Layout target utilization and target length column are now displayed correctly.
Previously, target utilization and length were both displayed at the same time.
Previously, Layrule Process only worked from the Toolbar. Now Layrule Process can also be successfully
invoked from the File Menu.
In previous versions Default Master Type and Direction will not display properly in New Orders created in
Easy Order. This issue has been fixed
In Easy Order, if the marker name exceeded 50 characters it would create an invalid marker name. This
has been corrected so the marker prefix is limited to 40 characters. The Marker Wizard is also limited to
40 characters.
Corrected issues with invalid values in the Width field. Previously, it did not change to a valid value.
Models with invalid characters in the piece description no longer prevent the pieces and sizes from loading
into Easy Order.
Easy Plan
Improvements have been made to Undo/Redo in Easy Plan to allow multiple changes.
When a duplicate marker name is found, it is now possible to save it under a different name. Previously
the save functions were disabled preventing the ability to rename the marker and allow the Process
buttons to be enabled.
CSV files created by Easy Plan will now save the marker "approved" status.
Resolved issue associated with generating Cut Tickets by Easy Plan. Previously, all extensions in cut
tickets were set to “JOB” regardless of cut format. Now, the file extension for Cut Ticket items are
generated according to Cut Options.
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When data is saved to XML format the Model IDs are now properly assigned for each model. Previously, if
multiple models were used in Easy Plan the files failed to open. This has been resolved.
Easy Plan will not correctly read the Add Piece/Add Bundle setting in a template order.
The Settings have been updated to prevent decimal points in fields that should contain integers such as
Starting Marker Number, Min Ply Per Color, Max Ply Per Color, Max Bundle, Quantity in Step2 and
Spreads, Plies, Quantity values in Cut Plan Results
Corrected issues when spread and ply were set to zero during manual planning. Now, when calculating
the plan, if zero is found it will automatically be converted to 1.
Easy Plan will no longer crash when opening View Preferences if the default storage area no longer
In Settings, the minimum ply per color is checked against the number of units/sizes to cut. Previously if the
number of units was greater than the Min/Max Ply per Color setting, it resulted in miscalculated orders.
This has been corrected.
Easy Plan marker prefix cell will now clear the red outline when an error is corrected.
Sometimes while editing a cut plan, especially deleting colors, would result in a plan that could not be
reopened. This issue has been corrected and edited plans will now reopen.
The marker grid in Easy Plan has been corrected so if marker names are dragged, the application will no
longer crash.
Users can now open a CSV file even if was created with data other than the currently open Storage Area.
Previously, an error message would display and the CSV file would not open.
Removed an invalid message from the marker name in the Cut Plan Results when switching from a V8 to
a V9 storage area. Previously, when using a long marker prefix for a V8 model, it would display an error
Multiple spreads were calculated for the same color. Now if a marker contains multiple spreads and
summing up their spread values does meet Settings conditions then those spreads will create a one
marker spread
When creating Sectional Markers in previous versions and the Approved options was checked, a warning
prompt displayed once per each section. This issue has been corrected. Now only one warning message
will display until Create Order/Process is activated
In previous versions when manually changing models in the Cut Plan result table and checking the option
Approve seemed to not process orders properly. This issue has been improve: a warning message now
displays to update size and quantities.
Edit Digitize
Error messages for digitized data have been improved to provide storage area location.
The subfolder location view has been corrected when doing a look up for a SQL storage area in the
Digitizing Processing Options dialog.
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If the Digitize Processing Options dialog was set to display after each piece, a new instance of the dialog
would appear for each piece being digitized. This issue has been corrected so that only one updated
dialog displays while digitizing.
Data with K attributes will not correctly process.
Eliminated extra dialog prompts for Save As with Components
AM Explorer: View: Auto Arrange and Line Up Icons did not function properly, they were obsolete
functionality and have been removed
When Exporting V9 models/pieces to V8, if destination pieces already existed, it would overwrite the
original pieces. Now the pieces that are overwritten or deleted are in the recycle bin.
V7 storage areas are read-only, thus the "Cut" & “Copy” functionality is disabled in RMB for V7 storage
AM Explorer would crash when Import Plot files with > 50 Chinese characters. Now the long names will be
shortened to 50 roman/Chinese characters for V9 SA, and 20 roman or 10 Chinese for V8 SA.
Save as to a different area when user typed in name for the destination storage area, and the names
already existed, overwrite "yes" wasn't working.
Locked V8 SA would be unlocked after executing "Check" on it. This has been fixed to maintain the lock
after running checkfiles.
If a user selected data and then "cut", then created a new storage area and paste the data into it, a crash
occurred. This has been fixed.
When selecting a V8/V9 storage area the File/New/Subfolder menu item was enabled for all storage
areas. Subfolder option is now only enabled for SQL storage areas.
The buttons at the bottom of the Copy/Rename/Delete/Move dialogs no longer lose their labels when the
box is resized into the Task Bar.
When using the AM Explorer's Utilities (Copy, Move, Rename, Delete) when an error was encountered the
'From' path and the 'To' path were transposed, this has been fixed to display the correct path names.
In AccuMark Explorer, right click data items and select Rename, it will now properly display the log file
when the option "Create Logfile" is selected.
Easy Order title is set to and displays the CURRENT storage area from which user click New to create
New order. The Model selection dialog title is also set to current storage area.
Limits are imposed for entering up to 50 characters in "Replace With" field for Move and Copy Utilities.
The warning message "A valid destination storage area name is required" for the Utilities was being
displayed multiple times. Now the message will only display when needed.
Delete Utility delete V7 data with/without “With Components” option, deleted data does not go into Recycle
Bin, but is permanently deleted.
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The marker reports have a new display option to allow using Default Report Viewer's Registered
Data with invalid names will not be allowed to be imported in any version storage area. An error message
will display informing the user and stating the valid characters include alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) &
underscore & dash
User is allowed to type in a data item types in addition to making selection via mouse. The view will display
the data items for the selected data types. The user can type in more than one data type, separated by
commas (characters are not case sensitive
The keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+C for copy & CTRL+V for paste) can now be used in the AM Explorer in
addition to using the right-mouse options.
Spaces before the first valid or after the last valid character will be trimmed from new names when Save
As, Rename, Save w/ Components, Copy or Move.
Models and Piece Lists show their respective columns of information, models show all and Piece Lists
show only 4 columns.
Previous Modified date is properly set to the original Last Modified date on Save action.
The Details pane shows "<n> different users" if the number of different users is more than 5 when you
selected multiple items.
Find can successfully locate information using the Advanced searching capabilities when a single drive is
"Submit Cut Job" is not allowed for Models, and is no longer available for the right-mouse options.
Right-clicking on a Marker in the Find results will allow you to send it to AccuNest providing you have
purchased and installed the AccuNest product.
Dates of imported markers from zip files will maintain the dates of the original data items exported.
An improvement was made to importing Lectra PLX files where the piece names in the models were
The Restart Manager that was introduced with Vista, Windows7, and Windows8 caused issues when the
applications needed to be shut down by the installation. The installation can now properly shut down any
running AM applications.
Version information has been added into the dll files
The AccuMark V10 folder on the desktop will only have shortcuts to legacy applications. Current
applications are accessible from the AccuMark Explorer.
Winplot stand alone has icons place on the desktop and the Start menu.
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Lay Limits
A correction was made to the Block Buffer rule number prompt in the Laylimits to the value of 0-999 for
valid rule numbers.
Validation has been added so that the Laylimits Editor will no longer allow users to enter invalid characters
in the category field.
Layrule Search Param Tbl
When exiting P-Layrule Search, it will no longer prompt to Save when no changes are made. Now when
exiting the form without changes, no prompt is given.
An improvement was made to importing Lectra PLX files where the piece names in the models were
DCU:Corrected issue when importing an mdl with "One model for each MDL file, with variants as model
options" checked. V8 models will be created with the related warning of the trimmed model name
Resolved a data specific issue with importing Lectra MDL files that failed to previously import. The data
can now be imported wtihout an error in DCU or PDS.
When importing a long Lectra model name, the Import Results dialog now displays a warning message
that the model was truncated. Previously, there was no warning when importing to a V8 storage area.
Improved Import processing time before the Report window is generated. Previously, the application would
shut down if there were too many items to process.
Data specific import of marker data without previously importing the mdl file.
Marker Plot
The nonfunctioning lookup button for "Plot Name" column in Marker Plot form has been removed.
Shortcut of Ctrl+r to clear form will now work in the marker plot process form.
When viewing or performing quick view for markers that contain barcode annotation, the marker will now
display with an indicator of barcode location.
Barcode information no longer truncating to less than 20 characters on Infinity plotters.
The confirmation dialog box to overwrite an existing marker plot name no longer truncates the name of the
Corrected an annotation issue with model name not being plotted on pieces in a marker plot file.
Corrected a data specific case for markers with split pieces that did not correctly plot the split segments.
Markers stored on previous versions may need to be saved again to correct the plot.
When System Environment Variable save_order is activated the original Order Number instead of Piece
Description on pieces in attached markers when plotting markers.
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Marker Plot Parameter Table
Creating a new Marker Plot Parameter Table in a version 8 storage area when the last saved table was a
version 9 data item is now possible. A user can search to see the version 8 storage areas and the version
8 restrictions are applied for field lengths
Corrected the error message when entering too many leading "0" in a numeric bundle code for the Marker
Plot Parameter Table. A prompt will appear with the correct limitations of 001 through 999.
Duplicate categories are no longer maintained in the Marker Plot Parameter table so user no longer has to
edit to correct prior to saving.
Comments in the Matching Editor created on previous versions of AccuMark now maintain punctuation
when edited and saved.
Improved error messages in the matching editor when invalid data was entered and the cursor placed in a
different cell of the grid.
In the Model editor, in Rename Mode, you can change the piece name, category, description, quantities in
Flips, etc. However Save was not keeping the changes made to the category and description. It now
saves all updated information.
Enabled ability to change the piece names inside the model option tabs. Option pieces will now be
renamed on save in the same manner as model pieces do on the main model tab.
Model Options were being incorrectly named when creating 10 or more options, the name has been fixed
to no longer have the '?' in the name.
Resolved right click issues when renaming an Option tab. Now it will highlight the original name.
Previously, it would display a blank field and an error message.
Corrected issues when selecting a new piece from a lookup. The piece and image will update
immediately. Previously, the information did not update until the model was saved.
Previously, it was possible to save unsupported characters in the Fabric Code field. This has been
resolved. Characters "/" and "*" are now disabled when typing in V9 fabric columns to prevent them from
saving to the model.
Previously, when typing in lower case, the model did not always save in upper case characters. This has
been resolved. All characters are saved in upper case now.
Corrected an issue with invalid characters being allowed in fabric codes. The user will now be presented
with an error message when saving the model.
Corrected filtering issues when looking up model data or ‘Open With Model’ in a new V8 or V9 order.
Previously, the selection was not restricted to a V8 or V9 storage area. This has been resolved so
selections are fixed to the current storage area.
Order Processing
Corrected issues when clicking on Tab key. Previously it did not tab correctly to the next field and across
rows. In addition Tab+Shift will also move correctly to the previous field on all rows.
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Corrected issue when a second save is invoked in the Order Process form and P-User Environ is set to
“Prompt”. Now an overwrite prompt will appear when the order is processed to the destination storage
area twice.
Enabled "double-click" and right mouse 'marquee-select' to select multiple fabrics or sizes in the Order
Editor. Previously, these controls were not available to select sizes or fabrics.
Data type displays in the open and save dialog boxes for version 9 storage areas have been improved.
Piece Plot
When "use dash as separator" is set, and a plot file is sent to a DOS location, files will now have the
correct extension and the last dash is used as a separator.
When plotting pasted pieces, annotation will now be plotted if defined in the annotation editor.
The cut/copy/paste features have been improved and made consistent in piece plot processing.
The size name can now be translated when plotting title block annotation.Piece Plot Param Tbl
The edit commands of cut, copy, paste, undo will now work in the Piece Plot Parameter Table.
A default name will now appear in the Save As dialog box when creating a a new parameter table. In past
releases, this name field was blank.
Problem Report Utility
PERU requires at least a 5 digit number and will warn the user if a shorter number is entered, the user
must precede the number with 00 to make the five digits.
PERU was updated to allow SMTP server and preferences for smtp.gmail.com, and can now properly
send the report provided the proper user credentials are used.
PERU will now display the operating system in user friendly terms, for example "Windows 8" vs. "WinNT
PERU updated on a 64 bit OS to use SMTP protocol to smtp.gmail.com on port 465, SSL/TLS.
When user selects multiple models, the right click selection for Alter Piece Perimeter Report was grayed
out. Users were previously only allowed to execute an Altered Piece Perimeter report on a single model.
Corrected issues when inserting a column and trying to remove it with Undo. Now, when Undo is used
from the menu or with “Ctrl+Z” the inserted column is removed in one step.
Since Cut & Paste was not working correctly, these operations have be disabled and removed from the
menu for the marker reports.
Modified and customized report layouts are being saved and retrieved properly.
Corrected the MSG.Stop column in the Cut Report to display the full name of the marker and the width
and length information. Previously, the width details were truncated. This is now resolved.
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Rule Table
Inserting a blank rule in the Rule Table Editor will now properly display a message that the value is out of
range and scroll to the rule that needs to be edited.
Cut copy and paste features have been improved in the grade rule editor form.
Size breaks for numeric sizes in excess of 6 digits will now be maintained in a version 8 Storage Area.
A prompt will now display if there are unsaved changes in the Grade Rule Editor on the rules tab.
The Grade Rule editor will now display an error message prompting the user to correct invalid data such
as a size step of 00.
Switching tabs in the Rule table now maintains actions that were undone.
All Network security tokens are now properly returned when applications and any background processes
are closed or finished processing.
Install License: Apply button will proceed to apply the user selections / changes and not automatically
close & exit. Use the OK button to accept the changes and exit. The Cancel button will discard the
changes and exit.
Size Code
Corrected issues with notation in Preferences that did not update in all size code tables. Previously, the
amount was only converted in the current size code and Open Next or Open Previous would not show the
updated notation in other size code tables.
When applying Move or Copy Actual/Ordered Size functions and "create a copy with new name", entering
a new name with more than 30 characters will now give the expected warning "Size name **** is too long.
Corrected the Print Window for the range of Actual Sizes for the From and To fields. Now it is able to
display 30 roman or 30 Chinese characters. Previously, the From and To fields did not expand to support
the new 30 character limit.
Size Code data loss occurred after performing random actions and saving the table. All actual sizes were
removed except for current one. This issue has been resolved
Non smoothing attributes assigned in the rule table are now correctly applied to digitized data.
Forms in metric storage areas were incorrectly converting the numeric values when saving; the forms
have been updated to maintain the correct notation for values.
Model Options were being incorrectly named when creating 10 or more options, the name has been fixed
to no longer have the '?' in the name.
Messages in the Activity Log are now translatable using the Passolo translation tool.
Updates have been made to allow the new strings in this version to be translatable.
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Right-mouse context menus are now translatable or will display with translated text when user installs
appropriate .NET language package for their native OS
DCU strings can now be translated.
Size names are now translatable in Easy Marking.
Fixes for translations to properly display of the drop-down selections.
View/Quick View
The Model Quick View will now display the correct orientation for each of the right pieces when "Display All
Flips" is checked in the preferences.
Updated the Import of Assyst Design files to allow "I" lines rather than automatic G1 label.
Zero grading of point in Assyst Design file will be maintained after importing into PDS
After measuring then exporting models or pieces to ASTM and re importing, these measurements now
display in the original positions and size.
If an ASTM/AAMA dxf file has no size defined, a warning will appear in the log that the dxf file cannot be
A prompt to save has been added prior to exiting when exporting DXF data.
Seam lines are no longer extended when importing/exporting as ASTM/AAMA with Generate Seam
Properties checked
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Opening a Work session previously created containing pieces with long size names and a storage area
that does not exist was showing an incorrect warning message. The message has been corrected. It now
informs the invalid storage area name
There was an issue saving Work Sessions in PDS with an extension file other than SAV. The issue has
been corrected. When saving work sessions the extension SAV is automatically added or updated
Costing Marker
Issues displaying certain Fabric types in the look up table with Costing Marker have been fixed. Now all
fabric types display properly.
Using invalid characters in Costing Marker used to crash PDS. This issue has been fixed. Costing Marker
no longer reads invalid characters.
If spaces are used in at the beginning or end of the size name in Costing Marker they will be removed
when creating the order. If space is added in the middle of the size name and exceeds 30 the order will
not process
Models created in previous versions using special characters in size names used to crash PDS when
used in Costing Marker. Now Costing Marker will not validate special characters and markers will not be
In Create Dart when selecting Opening point in Value mode did not display arrows for P-Beg & P-End.
Arrows now display in the piece.
Corrected an issue saving pieces/models after copying grade rules. Now, the grading is copied correctly
and the pieces/models are saved properly.
Importing Standard dxf with unsupported characters in the piece description will no longer crash and the
characters will be converted as dashes.
Pieces with Bookmarks were not copied/pasted correctly using Copy to Clipboard(1:1). These issues have
been corrected
The Original/Defined bookmark name was showing twice on piece when using Copy to Clipboard(1:1) on
a nesting piece. This issue has been corrected
Work sessions can now be saved if Set Selection has been applied to pieces.
Annotation can now be added to the correct pieces when Set Selected has been used for pieces in the
work area.
Attributes can now be correctly applied to notch locations.
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Edit Piece Info can now be used if Set Selected has been applied to pieces in the work area.
Attributes B and Q are now correctly applied in the Edit Point Info dialog box.
Previously you would receive an export error for V7 piece data to ASTM/AAMA/DXF format. Now PDS
exports V7 piece to ASTM/AAMA/DXF without error.
A prompt to save has been added prior to exiting when exporting DXF data.
The error message displayed when a storage area referenced in a work session file does not exist has
been improved to "Save the data in the work session before proceeding."
Save As Image will no longer open the Plot Form.
The path of File/Import and the import path in Preferences are editable and no longer require the location
userroot\import be present.
Corrected an issue opening a work area with the Export function enabled. Users can now open a new
work area while using the Export function without errors.
The error message displayed when copying the current model has been corrected to now display the
proper model name.
When Save or Save As models or pieces with a defined bookmark, a message will display to prompt that
bookmarks are not supported for V8 data.
Work sessions opened by double-clicking the file will not have a piece attached to the cursor. All pieces
will be placed on the work area as the session was saved.
Check boxes in the Copy Model dialog are now sticky and will retain previous selections.
Corrected an issue where an error would appear when adding pieces to a new model. The model is now
created without error messages showing.
Copy Model issues when applying Undo have been corrected.
Piece Properties will now update when the piece is added to a new model.
Corrected a problem that caused mirrored pieces to reposition when they were saved. Now, the pieces will
retain their position in the work area.
Point of Measurement information will now be removed from newly created pieces.
Corrected an issue with grading calculations after copying a rule. The grading will display correctly now.
Corrected an issue with the Update button in Specify Length. It will now fill the sizes below the base size.
Corrected an issue with the piece display after Create Offset is used to change grading. The piece will
now display properly.
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Resolved issues with open perimeters in pieces on import of Lectra MDL files.
Data exported as ASTM/AAMA dxf file then imported back with "Generate Seam Properties" option
checked in Import Options, now correctly maintains internals.
Corrected an issue where importing Lectra MDL files that resulted in false or ‘empty’ draft pieces.
Corrected a data specific instance for importing Lectra models, pieces are in the Icon menu but the
Conversion log displays error messages.
Corrected a grading issue when certain Lectra files are brought into AccuMark. The grading is now
Resolved issues with open perimeters in pieces on import of Lectra MDL files.
Corrected a scaling problem when certain Lectra models are brought into AccuMark PDS. The pieces now
come in the correct scale.
Corrected an issue where importing Lectra MDL files that resulted in false or ‘empty’ draft pieces.
MDL imported data no longer has perimeter line distortion.
The circle symbol will now display at the center of the circle being drawn. In previous releases, the symbol
was displayed away from the center of the circle.
Users can now use the zoom tools while the Mirror Line function is active.
Corrected an issue with the display of measurements after flipping pieces. The measurements now
display correctly.
A long model name will now display properly when printing a measure chart.
Corrected an issue displaying long size names in a Measure Chart. Longer names will now display with an
ellipsis (...) if they are longer than the field can display.
Calculator was giving different measure results with Measure Line. Now both Calculator and regular
Measure Line tool give the same correct result.
Corrected a problem with the display of measurements in a Measure Chart. The chart will now resize to
display the complete measurement
Corrected an issue with measurement annotation on a piece. If the measurement is not added to the
chart, it will be labeled as a regular measurement.
Measure Chart
Point of Measurement information will now be removed from newly created pieces.
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Issues displaying Angled Notch: Same Dist On Seam option in the User Input box have been fixed.
Issues plotting pieces and additional notches appearing in the plot out piece have been fixed. Only real
notches will plotout.
Corrected an issue displaying check notches on a mirror line. The notches will now display as V notches.
Corrected an issue using tangent grading on notches located on end points. The notches can now be
graded properly.
When creating a new piece in a version 8 storage area, entering a piece name is now properly restricted
to twenty characters.
A newly created piece will now have the correct size line of the model if add piece to model was selected.
The prompt in Define Position has been updated to make it easier to understand the selection.
Piece names will not be truncated when added to V9 models when a V8 area is identified in Preferences.
Opening a V8 model and saving it to a version 9 storage area will now allow the piece names be edited to
the new version 9 long file name length of 50 characters.
If a storage area defined in preferences no longer exists and data is saved to this location, a prompt has
been added to correct the location.
The "Add Piece to Model" options for Restore Original and Restore Defined bookmark now work
independently and retain selections.
PDS was crashing when closing a work area from the tab "X" button and last function was not finished.
This issue has been fixed.
Corrected an issue with restoring bookmarks on certain pieces. Restored bookmarks will now display in
the correct orientation.
Piece Menu
Seam lines were displaying when Rotate and Set & Rotate were applied and Hide Seams were ON. This
issue has been fixed, now if Hide Seams is ON, seam lines will remain invisible at all times
Piece name is now editable when creating fusible.
Corrected an issue using Taper Slash n Spread with Value mode. The value will now be applied correctly
to all pieces in selection.
The SHIFT key can now be used to create horizontal or vertical lines in pleat and fullness functions.
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Plot – PDS
Model name was not included in a nested piece when plot out and indicated in Preferences. This issue
has been fixed. Model name will be included in a plot out piece as single or nested sizes
Icons in the Plot Form Window were not displaying if Large size was used. This issue has been corrected.
Icon tool bars display correctly using any icon size
Issues when placing mirrored pieces in the Plot form window and P-Piece Plot table had grade rule
numbers active has been fixed. Mirror pieces should place and plot properly from the Plot Form window.
Pieces displayed in filled mode used to have some graphics issues when darts and pleats were created.
This issue has been corrected. Now pieces in filled color mode will update correctly when creating darts
and pleats
Model name was no plot out when plotting pieces and Model name was selected in Preferences>Plot and
the selected Annotation table didn't have the correct information. Now model name will plot out if indicated
in Preferences
Plot Piece Message option in the Preferences>Plot tab has been removed. MicroMark data no longer valid
in PDS
Export/Import Report Results were showing when the option in Preferences was unchecked. This issue
has been fixed.
Adding new pieces to active models in PDS used to add a blank space in Prefences>Color>Fabric Type
list. This issue has been corrected.
Print and print preview now maintain color fill.
Seam lines are no longer extended when importing/exporting as ASTM/AAMA with Generate Seam
Properties checked
The escape key can now be used to exit a function by cancelling.
Some pieces and model were not converted when importing TIIP dxf file to V8 storage area with "Append
Style Name to Piece Name" option then save. This issue has been corrected and the data imports
Importing TIIP data with Japanese characters as fabric codes will now appear as alpha characters on
English operating systems lacking Japanese fonts.
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The 'File' menu in the ribbon can now be translated via the Passolo translation tool.
Provided the ability for the new PDS and Marking ribbon contents & tooltips to be translated.
Customize toolbars text and right-mouse context menus can now be translated via Passolo translation
Dialog boxes have been enlarged to accommodate translation text so it can be displayed properly.
User Interface
Corrected a problem of the display of floating screen elements when multiple work areas are open. Now,
toolbars and screen elements display properly.
The PDS info bar and icon bar are now resizable to allow long names to be displayed fully.
Mirrored and Squared Corners did not display in icon toolbars imported from previous versions. This issue
has been fixed.
Print Preview will now correctly display the Current Piece list.
Piece name will now fully display in the icon menu.
Viewing notch shape now displays symbols with the correct color.
Small empty toolbars are no longer incorrectly created when upgrading or installing older user settings.
Corrected an issue with the display of toolbars after importing user settings from previous versions. Now,
toolbars display correctly after importing user settings.
Fixed grading function icons so the correct images show in the ribbon and in the toolbars.
View functions, such as Point Numbers and Grade Rule Numbers, once again apply to all work areas.
Icons for Copy Grade Rule and Copy Table rule have been corrected.
The 'Line' function name has been corrected to 'Move' in Modify tab / Line Actions panel.
Icons for Copy Grade Rule and Copy Table rule have been corrected in the toolbar.
Corrected the tool tip display for piece name after using scroll bar in piece menu.
Corrected an issue for Advanced Edition customers that caused some icons to not display. The icons now
Improved the tool tip for Generate Seam Properties.
Corrected a problem with the display of function names in the User Input box when using the Calculator.
Now, the function name displays correctly.
Corrected a problem that caused mirrored pieces to reposition when they were saved. Now, the pieces will
retain their position in the work area.
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Notch shapes can now be viewed on draft pieces.
Models now open in the correct work area when notch shapes are displayed.
Closing the active work area then closing the calculator will no longer crash.
Corrected an issue in the software that caused a crash when exiting measure functions in the Calculator.
Now, the functions can be exited without issue.
Calculator was giving different measure results with Measure Line. Now both Calculator and regular
Measure Line tool give the same correct result.
Corrected an issue with piece placement when default scripts are played back. The pieces are now
located at the center of the source pieces.
Corrected an issue recording multiple circle or oval pieces. Users can now record subsequent pieces
without errors.
Text corrections were made for scripts using Create Fusible function.
Duplicate measure chart names will no longer display when recording a script.
Editing sample scripts will no longer cause a PDS crash.
Intersection x/y is now available while recording a script.
The playback of a script will now correctly show grouped notches.
Slash n Spread Fullness functions are available while recording a script.
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Software Components Acknowledgements
Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Adolfo Marinucci
All rights reserved.
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. http://fsf.org/ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute
verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. This version of the GNU Lesser General
Public License incorporates the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public License, supplemented
by the additional permissions listed below.
0. Additional Definitions.
As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License, and the "GNU GPL"
refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
"The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License, other than an Application or a Combined Work as
defined below.
An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided by the Library, but which is not otherwise based
on the Library. Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
of using an interface provided by the Library.
A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an Application with the Library. The particular
version of the Library with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked
The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the Corresponding Source for the Combined
Work, excluding any source code for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are based on the
Application, and not on the Linked Version.
The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the object code and/or source code for the
Application, including any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
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1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License without being bound by section 3 of the GNU
If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by
an Application that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked), then you may
convey a copy of the modified version:
a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to ensure that, in the event an Application does not
supply the function or data, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful,
b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of this License applicable to that copy.
The object code form of an Application may incorporate material froma header file that is part of the Library. You
may convey such object code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated material is not limited to
numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates (ten or
fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its
use are covered by this License.
b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document.
4. Combined Works.
You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, taken together, effectively do not restrict
modification of the portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse engineering for debugging
such modifications, if you also do each of the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and
its use are covered by this License.
b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document.
c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during execution, include the copyright notice for the Library
among these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the copies of the GNU GPL and this license
0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, and the Corresponding Application
Code in a form suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to recombine or relink the Application with a
modified version of the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the manner specified by section 6
of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source.
1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at
run time a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer system, and (b) will operate properly with a
modified version of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked Version.
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e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise be required to provide such information under
section 6 of the GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is necessary to install and execute a
modified version of the Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the Application with a modified
version of the Linked Version. (If you use option 4d0, the Installation information must accompany the Minimal
Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source.)
5. Combined Libraries.
You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side by side in a single library together with other
library facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this License, and convey such a combined library
under terms of your choice, if you do both of the following:
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other
library facilities, conveyed under the terms of this License.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining where
to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License
from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address
new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library as you received it specifies that a certain
numbered version of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option
of following the terms and conditions either of that published version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Library as you received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser General
Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser General Public License ever published by the Free
Software Foundation.
If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General
Public License shall apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is permanent authorization for
you to choose that version for the Library.
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