Draft Civil Service Training and Development Policy
Draft Civil Service Training and Development Policy
Draft Civil Service Training and Development Policy
Introduction …………………………….…………….……………………………………… 1
Training and Development Policy
1. Purpose of Training and Development …………………………….…………….……. 2
2. Responsibilities for Training and Development within the Civil Service……………... 3
3. Scope and Types of Training and Development…………………………………….…. 4
4. Funding of Training and Development ……………………………….…………….…. 6
5. Financial provisions for Trainees/ Participants/Resource Persons…………………….. 7
7. Bonding of Officers………………………………………………………………….…. 9
Guidelines for Implementation
1. Purpose of Guidelines………………………………………………………….…..…. 10
2. Focus of Implementation……………………………………………………………… 10
3. Determination of Staff Training and Development Needs…………………..….…….. 10
4. Types of Training and Development………………………………………………….. 11
5. Study Leave Facility…………………………………………………………………….15
6. Selection Process…………………………………………….………………………... 16
7. Training and Development Facilities………………………………………………….. 16
8. Monitoring of Training and Development………………………………….…………. 18
9. General Provisions…………………………………………………………………….. 19
IT - Information Technology
The Office of the Head of Civil Service (OHCS) acknowledges the need for Civil Servants to be
equipped with the relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes for efficient and effective service
delivery. The OHCS developed a broad-based Training and Development Policy in 2008, aimed
at ensuring systematic acquisition of training for the continuous renewal and professional
development of its Human Resource Base.
However two major challenges have been identified in the training function of the Civil Service
• Uncoordinated training programmes and courses that are sometimes not directly
and immediately relevant to the career paths and job schedules of Staff.
• Unsustainability of training programmes due to limited training votes;
To keep pace with emerging trends and current practices and to address the above challenges, it
has become necessary to review the 2008 Training and Development Policy of the Civil Service.
This review is also in tandem with the development of the 2015 Public Service Commission
Human Resource Management Policy and Manual.
This policy focuses on innovative ways, fairness, transparent systems and procedures in the
training of Civil Servants. It is aimed at providing an enabling environment to facilitate learning
in a continuous manner to transform the Civil Service into a World class service.
The Training and Development Policy specifies the framework, including the Purpose,
Opportunities, Responsibilities, Types and Funding of training, in order to ensure that all classes
and levels of Civil Servants are covered and their training needs addressed.
The need to have the most competent and committed personnel capable of providing the services
required of the Civil Service cannot be overemphasized. Hence, the relevance of formulating and
implementing a robust Training and Development Policy.
Training and Development, therefore, seek to unearth and enhance the potentials of Civil
Servants to enable them to perform to higher quality and performance standards. Specifically,
training and development in the Civil Service are to;
Improve the knowledge, skills and attitudes of staff to enable them to perform their jobs
Ensure the availability of the requisite skilled/ trained human resource to meet the future needs
of the Service;
i. Educate officers to appreciate the critical role of the service in creating enabling
environment for private-sector-led economic growth;
ii. Enable officers to appreciate the need to increase Public Sector capacity by harnessing
the potentials of Public/Private Partnerships (e.g. Contracting out services when it is more
efficient to do so and introducing cost recovery or cost sharing);
iii. Sensitize Civil Servants at all levels of grades and posts to become sufficiently aware of
their roles and responsibilities so as to discharge them with maximum efficiency and
To this end, the Ghana Civil Service shall provide learning opportunities for personnel to acquire
the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes through systematic Training and Development. This
will enable them to meet the challenges of current and future responsibilities.
There are three (3) major levels of responsibility for Training and Development within the Civil
Service. These are at the level of the OHCS, the Ministry/Department and the individual Civil
Servant. The specific roles are spelt out in the sections below:
The OHCS has overall responsibility for formulating, reviewing, managing and coordinating
arrangements for the implementation of this Training and Development Policy within the Civil
Service. The OHCS will seek to do so by:
i. Sourcing funds and arranging for periodic competency based and Scheme of Service
training and development of personnel of the Civil Service;
iii. Receiving and analyzing reports on Training and Development from the
iv. Offering guidance when necessary to Ministry/Department regarding staff training &
v. Managing the Civil Service Training Institutions and the Training Management Class
The responsibility will be exercised through the Director, Recruitment Training and
Development Division (RTDD), who will liaise with the Director, Career Management
Directorate (CMD) of the OHCS, to provide the following:
Leadership in providing technical advice and other substantive inputs towards the
formulation and reviewing of national policies on Training and Development;
Issuance and effective application of standards, directives, rules and instructions in the
form of operational manuals on staff training and development;
interventions to meet such needs. The training and development needs of officers shall be
indicated in their Staff Performance Appraisal Reports and Training Plans after these have been
agreed upon with their supervisors.
Heads of Ministries and Departments shall, in consultation with the Heads of Classes, ensure that
Civil Servants under their control receive appropriate Scheme of Service training to enable them
to perform the duties of their posts at a high level of efficiency and to prepare them for career
Heads of Ministries/Departments are to ensure the provision of the necessary facilities and
motivate Civil Servants to pursue self-development training activities.
Ministries/Departments are also to ensure that all Civil Servants receive appropriate professional
training consistent with the requirement of Professional Bodies Registration Act 1973 (NRCD
Chief Directors and Heads of Department shall ensure that appropriate use is made of available
knowledge and skills, especially those acquired through special departmental training and
development programmes.
It is the responsibility of each Civil Servant to avail himself/herself for training and development
opportunities appropriate to his or her post.
Emphasis shall be placed on short-term functional training and development even though Civil
Servants will be encouraged to acquire academic and professional qualifications up to the highest
level such as a doctoral degree necessary for effective job performance. With the review of the
Schemes of Service for selected classes in the service, possessing a Master’s degree, preferably,
in a relevant field of an officer’s occupational group, from a recognized university is a pre-
requisite for career progression for Deputy Directors and analogous grades.
3.2 Types of Training and Development
Training and development programmes specified in the various Schemes of Service for
the various classes are compulsory for all levels of officers in the Service. Staff shall
undertake core and functional training programmes when and where necessary and in
accordance with relevant Scheme of Service or job training recommendations.
3.2.8 IT Training/E-learning
Personnel shall be given the opportunity to acquire skills in new technologies and adopt
best practices for improved systems, procedures and processes. Information Technology
(IT) shall be mainstreamed into all levels of training in the Civil Service.
3.2.9 Competency/Skill Based Training
All categories i.e. Senior, Middle and Lower Level Civil Servants will be expected to
participate in competency based training relevant to their job schedules.
In cognizance of the fact that Ghana is surrounded by French speaking countries and the
importance of having working knowledge of the language, Civil Servants shall be
encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities available to learn French as a second
official language.
4.1 GoG
The Government of Ghana (GoG) has traditionally been largely responsible for funding
the training and development of Civil Servants. Government is encouraged to continue to
make such investments, which are in the form of maintenance of existing training
institutions and expanding them where necessary, and in the training of Training
Managers of the Civil Service Training Institutions as well as in the training of
Government may seek donor support for human resources training and development
schemes as and when desirable.
4.2 OHCS
The OHCS shall facilitate service – wide training and development. It shall actively seek
sponsorship, in addition to the regular budgetary allocations by GoG, for its service-wide
training and development programmes. The OHCS shall collaborate with the Scholarship
Secretariat, Ministry of Finance and other key institutions to ensure a fair and transparent
distribution of scholarships. These Training opportunities shall be merit based and
relevant to organizational goals and objectives.
The OHCS shall facilitate mobilization of funds for the professional development of
personnel in such General Classes as Administrative, Personnel, Executive, Internal
Audit, Programme, Planning, Protocol and Secretarial Classes.
A Training Fund/Facility shall be set up to support the Service wide training and
development for Civil Servants.
The OHCS shall encourage collaboration/partnerships between the Civil Service Training
Institutions and professional bodies, Public Training Institutions and donor partners to
enhance training delivery for professionals.
i. GoG shall commit adequate resources for training and development at all levels of the Civil
ii. The OHCS shall grant study leave with pay to all confirmed Civil Servants undertaking
approved job related training and development programmes within Ghana and overseas in
line with existing regulations. Where a Civil Servant has to stay away from home/station
while attending such programmes; night, travel, per diem, warm clothing and other
allowances where applicable shall be paid to the staff at the approved rates. Warm clothing
allowance is to be paid once every five (5) years to a Civil Servant whose training
programme is organised in the country located in the temperate zone of the world.
iii. Top-up allowance shall be paid to a Civil Servant on a partly sponsored programme or
programmes for which external sponsorship falls below government approved rates.
iv. Financial support for data collection for thesis and long essays, and purchase of books shall
also be provided to Civil Servants on approved short and long courses by the nominating
Ministry/Department, if these facilities are not provided as part of the scholarship.
vi. Personnel who perform as resource persons on training and development programmes
organized by OHCS or Ministries/Departments shall be entitled to the payment of
approved honoraria and allowances.
Study leave Facility shall be available to all eligible Civil Servants. The procedures for
grant of Study Leave with or without pay shall be dealt with in the guidelines.
i. All Civil Servants who are sponsored for training and development shall be bonded to
serve the GoG for periods not exceeding twice the duration of their sponsorship.
However, for prospective PhD candidates, bonding periods shall not exceed five years.
ii. The Officer or their guarantors who do not fulfill the terms of their bonds shall be invited
to redeem the bonds by paying the total amount expended on the officer such as salaries
and allowances/per-diem plus an interest of ten percent (10%) paid during the period of
sponsorship. In addition, the defaulting officers shall not be re-engaged into the Service.
iii. All duly completed and signed bond(s) should be submitted to the OHCS through their
respective Sector Ministries prior to undertaking the course.
i. Each Ministry/Department shall submit to OHCS at the beginning of each year and not
later than 31st March, the costed Training Plans and development programmes planned
for the year.
ii. Heads of Ministries/Departments and Human Resource Directors shall arrange to brief
personnel nominated for training and development on the Purpose and Objectives of the
programmes they are nominated to attend.
iii. Each Human Resource Director in the Ministry/Department shall maintain a database of
all training and development undertaken by the Ministry/Department to include courses
attended by personnel of the Ministry/Department during the year.
iv. Officers who undertake academic programmes for a period of one (1) or more years are
required to submit an inception report within 3 months of commencement of the training
programme. Failure to submit this report will lead to the facility being withdrawn.
It is also mandatory for every Officer to submit an evaluation report at the end of the
training. Failure to submit this report will lead to a delay to the Officers promotion /non-
payment of shipping allowance.
In addition, upon return from the course, officers are required to submit copies of their
Project Work/Thesis, to his/her Ministry/Department and the OHCS.
v. Heads of Department, Human Resource Directors and supervisors are required to hold
conferences with personnel returning from training and development programmes at
which the trainees shall brief the staff of the Ministry/Department on the training
viii. The OHCS shall prepare annual consolidated reports on training and development
programmes undertaken within the Service for the information of the Civil Service
If the aggrieved Civil Servant is dissatisfied with the decision taken by the Chief Director/Head
of Department, he/she may appeal to the Head of the Civil Service within two (2) weeks of
receipt of the decision and the Head of Civil Service shall respond within two (2) weeks.
The guidelines for implementation of Training and Development also specify the purpose, focus
and types of Training.
The guidelines set out the modalities and reference point for implementing the Training and
Development Policy of the Ghana Civil Service.
Staff Training and Development involves huge expenditure. It shall therefore be ensured that
good value is obtained for all training provided. It is essential that training and development
programmes are carried out in a manner that would ensure that maximum benefits are derived
i. The Human Resource Development Directors, under the supervision of their respective
Heads of Ministries/Departments are expected to determine the training and development
needs of the personnel of the Ministry/Department. To this end, they are required to
assess the training needs of newly recruited personnel as well as undertake an annual
assessment of the training and development needs of the existing staff.
ii. Reporting Officers are required to reflect the training and development needs of their
subordinates as part of the annual Staff Performance Appraisal which shall also serve as a
basis for determining the training and development needs/requirements of appraised staff.
iii. Identified Training and Development Needs for each Officer shall be compiled and
forwarded to the OHCS for its information.
iv. The Head of the Career Management Directorate (CMD) of OHCS shall collate these
needs from the Staff Performance Appraisal Reports and submit them to the Director
RTDD for onward transmission to the appropriate Civil Service Training Institutes for
use in the review of their courses.
v. The Director, RTDD of OHCS shall, in consultation with the Director, CMD of OHCS or
any such designated training provider, determine the nature and organization of
programmes in General.
Heads of Ministries and Departments shall place emphasis on short-term and “on-the-job
training” programmes to improve the performance of officers. However, where necessary,
officers will be sponsored to pursue long-term academic or professional courses to enable them
meet the demands of their jobs. Scheme of Service training can take the following forms:
Personnel are expected to obtain certification from the Civil Service Training Institutions
as appropriate (Civil Service Training Centre, Government Secretarial School and
Institute of Technical Supervision)
4.2.2 Specially Arranged /Day-Release Programme
Heads of Ministries and Departments may release Civil Servants, where appropriate, on
part-time basis, to enable them pursue courses either within their organizations or at
external institutions to enable them acquire specific skills, to prepare for promotion
examination or to acquire membership of professional associations. In such instances,
formal arrangements shall be made to release such staff to undergo such training without
reference to the OHCS for authorization or approval.
Such arrangements shall be formalized and it shall be ensured that the Ministries and
Departments benefit from the services of the officers during the periods when they are
not attending classes.
Care shall be taken to avoid such arrangements interfering with the normal work
programmes and schedules of the Ministry/Department.
4.2.6 Mentoring
Human Resource Managers, will be required to design mentorship programmes to
facilitate the transfer of skills acquired through specific training programmes. In cases
where a public officer with specialized skills is appointed on contract,
Ministries/Departments will assign counterparts to understudy him/her to ensure transfer
of skills within the duration of the public officer’s contract. Quarterly reviews shall be
made to monitor progress regarding skills transfer based on the skills transfer plan.
Officers who are about to retire will be assigned counterparts to mentor in order to ensure
skills transfer. This mentoring programme should be taken at least a year (12 months) to
ensure sufficient time for skills transfer as part of succession planning.
Officers who opt for early retirement will also be assigned counterparts to mentor in
order to facilitate skills transfer. In these circumstances mentorship should take at least
three (3) months.
Mentees and mentors will be required to complete monthly and quarterly progress reports
if the period of mentoring is within six 6 months and one (1) year respectively.
4.2.7 Coaching
Human Resource Directors/Managers shall encourage supervisors to coach employees to
improve their work performance and skill set by receiving one-on-one training to develop
career prospects.
Supervisors should be willing to listen, observe and support the employees ability,
knowledge and resourcefulness.
4.2.11 Conferences/Workshops/Seminars/Retreats
Officers shall undertake conferences, workshops, seminars and retreats to broaden their
knowledge on specific subject area.
Such applications shall reach the OHCS at least six (6) weeks to the commencement of
the training programmes.
Ministries/Departments are required to obtain from the training institutions, half - yearly
and annual academic performance reports on staff who have been released on study leave
with/without pay.
Heads of Ministries/Departments shall also ensure that such staff do not overstay the
study leave period granted them.
i. Staff who do not obtain prior approval from the OHCS before embarking on
programmes/courses that require leave
ii. staff on study leave with/without pay who perform poorly on such leave
iii. Staff who overstays the period granted them for their studies.
iv. Staff who fail to complete the course of study on schedule and submit copy of
thesis to OHCS as appropriate.
In the same way, Ministries/Departments shall be responsible for the payment of the
salaries of officers who are granted study-leave with pay and budgetary provisions should
be made to cover such expenditure.
Clerical/Technical staff who serve a number of four (4) years and seek to upgrade
themselves to become a professional would be considered based on the availability of
vacancies yearly.
4.4 IT Training/E-learning
Ministries and Departments shall encourage and facilitate the participation of eligible
Civil Servants in IT training and e-learning programmes as appropriate.
programmes shall be funded primarily by scholarships offered to Ghana by foreign
governments or international and local organizations.
Study leave is a facility that is provided to a Civil Servant to enable the Civil Servant
undertake an approved course of study in a local or overseas training institution. This is
to enable the Civil Servant keep abreast of current trends and broaden the scope and
experiences of the Civil Servant for the benefit of the organization. There are two types
of Study leave: (a) Study leave with pay and (b) Study leave without pay.
Study Leave with Pay is generally intended for Serving Officers who are sponsored under
department training schemes by their organizations for courses usually at the post-
graduate level in local or overseas educational institutions. Such an Officer is deemed to
be on duty and is, therefore, entitled to the requisite benefits while on the course.
However, in view of the growing desire of Officers to add value to themselves to remain
competitive in an environment of limited job opportunities, an increasing number of
Officers, through their own individual efforts, gain admission into institutions of higher
learning and take up the payment of tuition and other fees themselves. This category of
Officers seeks to access the study leave with pay facility primarily for their own
purposes. Consequently, the facility has been extended to cover such circumstances. The
training may be full time or part time. The part-time training may include distance
learning and sandwich programmes which are relevant to the Civil Servant current job,
duties and responsibilities as well as the future career development of the Civil Servant.
Civil Servants will be eligible for Academic training and awarded study leave under the
following conditions:
i. Applicants must hold a permanent appointment in the Service. They must have been
confirmed in their appointment and done not less than four (4) continuous years’
service and also have undergone the required trainings as prescribed by the Scheme
of Service of the Class of the applicant
iii. In the case of overseas study, the course must not be available in the country.
Applicants must in addition provide adequate evidence of full payment of tuition fees
and of the ability or capability to adequately sustain himself/herself during the entire
period of the programme
iv. An Officer who seeks to pursue a second programme of study shall be deemed to
be eligible for study leave only after the bond term for the first programme of study
has been fully served
The selection of Civil Servants for local training and development programmes, as well
as those tenable outside Ghana shall be done in a transparent manner bearing in mind the
length of service, the grade, relevance of training and development programme and
linkage to identified training and development needs and centrality of training to the
achievement of organizational goals as well as training history.
At no time shall the number of Officers approved for training affect the performance of a
Ministry or Department.
The training of Civil Servants shall, in the main, be done in local public and private
institutions, but more particularly in the training institutions specifically set up to train
Civil Servants.
The under listed training institutions offer the following training and development
programmes indicated under them for Civil Service at modest fees to cover tuition,
boarding and lodging and the maintenance of the school facilities where applicable.
The Centre advertises its training programmes annually and Heads of Ministries/Departments
invited to sponsor candidates to these courses.
The School has its headquarters in Accra and branches in Koforidua, Kumasi, Sekondi, Ho and
Government Secretarial School regional branches offer In-service training for Stenographer
Grade Two (II) only.
The schools demand payment of fees to enable them to become self-financing in order to
upgrade their equipment holdings and also to effectively compete with similar training institutes
for candidates).
Two training programmes per year, i.e., the Junior Supervisory Management Course and
the Senior Supervisory Management Course. (These courses improve the technical
competence of officers and also equip them with supervisory skills). The Institute
advertises its courses annually.
Maintenance Management
Managing Occupational Health and Safety
Workplace Improvement Technique
GIMPA offers the following courses, among others for the Civil Service:
A number of nationally accredited privately owned training institutes which offer a wide range of
courses operate in the country. Heads of Ministries/Departments may use the services of these
institutions to satisfy the training needs of their staff if the private institutions are more cost-
effective than the public ones.
For effective monitoring and evaluation, each Ministry/Department shall submit a quarterly
report on the types of training organized and the impact of the training intervention on the
organization for the information of the Head of the Civil Service.
Heads of Ministries/Departments shall design systems for facilitating the assessment of the
impact of training and development interventions on the performance of officers. Data collected
from such a system shall be used to justify the request for financial support for existing and/or
additional training and development programmes.
i. Every Civil Servant selected for training and development programme shall
attend/participate in the classes/training sessions regularly and pass all prescribed
ii. Officers on long courses shall be offered the opportunity to take a second examination in
case they fail at the first attempt. Officers whose progress is below average and those
who fail their examinations on two occasions shall have their sponsorship withdrawn.
v. Arrangements shall be adequately made for the physically challenged persons to benefit
from training and development programmes offered. There shall be no discrimination on
account of this.
vi. Effort should be made to ensure Gender mainstreaming in training and development.
Appendix 1: CSTC
46 Proof Reading and Editing Skills
47 Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basic level for Public Servants
49 Public Service Administrative Skills for Middle Level Public Servants
50 Quality Productivity Improvement
51 Report Writing Skills
52 Scheme of Service Training ( SG2‐SG1, Front Desk Officers)
53 Scheme of Service Training ( SS‐PS and Analogous)
54 Scheme of Service Training (ADI - Dep. Directors and Analogous)
55 Scheme of Service Training (ADIIA, ADIIB and Analogous)
56 Scheme of Service Training (SG2‐SG1, Front Desk Officers)
57 Security Education (Advanced)
58 Security Education (Intermediate)
59 Security Education (Introduction)
60 Self and People Management
61 Speech Writing and Delivery Skills for Public Servants
62 Staff Performance Reporting (Public Servants)
63 Staff Performance Reporting for Senior Public Servants
64 Strategic Management and Leadership
65 Supervisory Skills for Middle Level Public Servants
66 Supervisory Skills for Public Service
67 Task Analysis and Target Setting (Public Servants/Senior Level)
68 Task Analysis and Target Setting for Senior Level in the Public Servants
69 Training of Trainer (ToT) Part 1 for Training and HR Directors)
70 Training of Trainer (ToT) Part 2 (Training and HR Directors)
71 Work Ethics and Work Standards
Appendix 2: GSS
Appendix 3: ITS
1 Effective Driving Techniques
2 Effective Maintenance Management
3 Effective Occupational Health and Safety
4 Effective Practice of Supervision
5 Effective Security Techniques
6 Effective Stores Management
7 Facilities Management
8 Junior Course Module 1
9 Junior Course Module 2
10 Junior Course Module 3
11 Junior Technical Supervisory Management Course
12 Planning For Your Formal Retirement
13 Robotics and Automation
14 Senior Technical Supervisory Management Course
15 Special Senior Course Module 1
16 Special Senior Course Module 2
17 Special Senior Course Module 3
18 Technical Report Writing
19 Workplace Improvement Technique
3. Lesotho Public Service. (2013). Lesotho Public Service Training and Development
Policy. Maseru, Lesotho.
4. Mininstry of Public Service. (2006). The Public Service Training Policy. Kampala,
5. Internet Searches