Greek Theatre SOW

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Greek Theatre

Year 8

LESSON Greek Theatre Introduction

Learning  To be introduced to chorus work in drama and experiment with unison.

Learning  Students will have an understanding of Greek Theatre and its History.
Outcomes:  Students will have used gestures and facial expressions in unison with others.
 Students will know at least three facts about Greek Chorus.
 To be introduced to chorus work in drama and experiment with unison

Resources:  Lesson One PowerPoint

 Unison Brainstorm Template
Timings: Tasks: Differentiation:
5 Quick Group Task Students to be placed in
 Packs to be created with one letter on each A4 page spelling out differentiated groups by
GREEK THEATRE. the Teacher.
 Students are to work in groups of 5/6 and they are to try and
work out what it spells.
 Winning group win a Pink Slip.

 Groups of 5.
 Mind map the word ‘Unison’ in their groups.

10  Discuss each group’s ideas and opinions.

 Main focus of the lessons is working together, as a chorus – in
Q – What do I mean by Unison?
Q – Has anyone heard of the word before?
If so, what examples are there?
Teacher to target
Pass the Clap – (whole class unison) students with questions
 In a circle and clap in turn one after another in a clockwise and re phrase them when
direction. necessary.
 Emphasise that the aim of this game is to concentrate and be
accurate- energy, focus and eye contact.
 Speed can be an added factor later. Teacher to provide an
Change the Rhythm – (whole class unison)
 Students stand in a circle
 Volunteer is selected to go outside and become the detective.
 Another volunteer is selected to start the rhythm – they must
try and change the rhythm without the detective noticing.
(Focusing on pace, timing, students must work together to avoid
cheating, concentration, and movement.) Students can follow
others at their own pace.
 Volunteer to come back in and to stand in the centre of the
Confident students will
circle – they have 3 guesses.
volunteer to take part as

Greek Theatre
Year 8

Duplicity – (Paired unison) the ‘leader’ and ‘finder’ so

 In pairs, facing each other (Teacher to provide a demo with a lower ability students can
volunteer), you are to copy each other’s movements and facial observe.
10 expressions, just like a reflexion in a mirror.
 Teacher to stress that accuracy, slowness and concentration
are key. -Just mime – no dialogue. Take it in turns to lead (or
Students can be placed in
perhaps change organically mid-session).
differentiated pairs due
 Spotlight a few examples and discuss who’s was the most
to their level and ability.
successful and why?

Q – What are the difficulties with moving in unison?

Brief information given on Greek Theatre to the students via


Choral Choreography – Task 1
 Explain how part of the purpose of the Greek Chorus – while
moving in unison – was to show the emotion of a play’s story with
their gestures and facial expressions.
 Put students into 4-6 students are to find their own way of
representing the following sequence of emotions using facial
expressions, movements and gestures. They must use unison and
no sound. Teacher to summarise to
check understanding of
 They are to consider – pace, a leader, performance shapes – in a
the facts and explain
line or semi-circle?
pictures to class.
Teacher to select groups
and make sure a G&T
student is present within
each one.
 Perform a selection of them and evaluate effectively.
Words projected onto a
board if possible or
printed onto a sheet for
less able students
 Q – What is one purpose of the Greek Theatre you’ve learnt
10 about today? Represent emotion
 Q – What does Unison mean?
 Q – What do you think the most important things to remember Teacher to target
are in creating good unison? Slowness, accuracy, eye contact students with the
5 questions and phrase them
Q What facts can you remember about Greek Theatre? according to ability.

Greek Theatre
Year 8

Learning  To continue to develop chorus work in drama and experiment further with unison.

Learning  Students will have an understanding of Greek Theatre and its History.
Outcomes:  Students will have used gestures and facial expressions in unison with others.
 Students will know at least three facts about Greek Chorus.
 To be introduced to chorus work in drama and experiment with unison
Resources:  Lesson Two PowerPoint
 Chorus Extract Lines

Timings: Tasks: Differentiation:

10 Warm Up Activity – Change the Rhythm Students can follow
 Students are familiar with this activity from first lesson. others at their own
 They are to play the activity as a whole class. pace. Confident students
will volunteer to take
Q - What do we have to focus on throughout this activity? part as the ‘leader’ and
‘finder’ so lower ability
Paired Work students can observe.
 Discuss what they remember from last lesson.

Q - Do they remember any specific Greek Theatre Facts? Teacher to put into
Q - What do they remember about Chorus & Unison? differentiated pairs.
 1 minute to discuss. Teacher to target
 Come back and discuss what students remember, recapping and students with the
refreshing where necessary. questions and phrase
 Remind them of the chorus work they completed together in the them according to
previous lesson.

Chorus Activity One

 Explore chorus skills further, particularly moving and speaking in
10 unison. Teacher to put into
 Groups of 5 (if 6 – add an extra line of their choice) differentiated groups
according to ability.
 Each person within the group is given a line from the following

1) The hero had to prove that he was strong.

2) He was set a terrible task. Lines to be written in
3) He fought the terrible monster. size 20 font in comic
4) The fight was hard and bloody. sans on white paper.
5) The hero won.

Greek Theatre
Year 8

 Individually pupils must familiarise themselves with their line,

repeating it.
 Then they must action the line by choosing
actions/gestures/movements to reflect the meaning.
 1 then joins with 2, 3, 4 & 5 to teach each other the delivery of
their lines and learn them all, to join as a group and work on a
whole piece, moving and speaking in unison, encouraging eye focus
and direct address.
 Perform and evaluate

Choral Task 2
 In groups of 4-6 students are to choreograph (check
understanding) a short story (max 3 minutes) from one of the
following titles: Teacher to put students
10 into mixed ability
- ‘Unison on the dance floor’ groups.
- ‘Unison in the cinema’
- ‘Unison on the football pitch’

 The sequence must display unison activity throughout, Improvisation ideas on

10 cue cards to be handed
out to groups if
Extension Activity: struggling.
However, they are allowed more than one ‘layer’ of unison. Eg: the front
row of the cinema can eat popcorn (in sync!), whilst the back row laughs
at the film, holding their shaking chests.

 Accuracy and pace is vital

 Students must not be too elaborate
 Some movements will show emotions, others will show actions in
10 the story. Student can stage the sequence in any way, as long as
the audience can see. NO SOUND TO BE USED.

 Perform & Evaluate

Q – What can you suggest to the groups to improve?

Q – Is there an emotion or action that you can identify that has
helped to tell the story? Teacher to target
students with the
Plenary - Questioning questions and phrase
 Q - Describe two purposes of the Greek Chorus them according to
 Q - Thinking back to last lesson, can you relate any facts you ability.
learnt about Greek Theatre to suggest why the Ancient Greek’s
found a chorus so helpful?

Greek Theatre
Year 8

5 Q - Are there any elements of the Greek Chorus that still exist today?
Teacher to target
students with the
questions and phrase
them according to

Learning  To be introduced to the exaggerated acting style of Greek Theatre

Learning  Students will understand why an exaggerated acting style was necessary to the Greeks
Outcomes:  Students will be able to use exaggerated gestures/facial expressions in performance

Resources:  Lesson Three PowerPoint

Timings: Tasks: Differentiation:

5 Starter – In Pairs Teacher to target
 Q – What is exaggerated acting? individual students and
 Q – Why must actors adopt this style when performing a piece of phrase with questions
Greek Theatre? according to their
 Discuss ideas as a whole class. ability.

Speed Tableaux
 Whole class individually stand in a space in the room and create a Students who are out
frozen image based on a title or action that the Teacher will call can become the ‘judges’
out. and still be involved in
 Students will have 5 seconds initially to get into the frozen image the game
and then FREEZE. Teacher will then shorten the countdown to 3
seconds then 2 when the game is nearly finished.
 Students are out if they do not freeze when FREEZE is shouted,
or are smiling or giggling. Once out they can be judges to say who
else in the room is moving on FREEZE.
Use this list as a starting point:
- Terror
- Please believe me
- Joy
- Dagger through the heart
- Suspicion
- Looking out to sea
- The big idea
- X factor audition
- JLS concert
- Supermarket

Greek Theatre
Year 8

Q – What makes an effective frozen image? - tension, body

language, facial expressions, levels etc.. Create a checklist on the Teacher to target G&T
5 board which the students have devised. students to set the high
Teacher to explain that it wasn’t just the chorus who used exaggeration
in Greek Theatre. Actors used precise gestures to represent clear

Activity One - Exaggeration Experimentation

 In groups of 3-4, students to devise a short original scene based Teacher to group
15 on one of the titles given to them. students to ensure
 An over the top acting style must be used. Each line of dialogue mixed ability
(and actors must only speak one person at a time) must be
accompanied by a posture and facial expression.

- “Complaint at the chocolate factory”

- “Argument at breakfast”
- “Crisis in the X Factor studio”
- “Robbery at post office”

Perform and Evaluate

Q – Was there a particular movement/posture that worked
particularly well?
Q – Were there any emotions/key moments in the story that Teacher to target
could have benefited from a movement/gesture that the group individual students and
didn’t use? phrase with questions
Q – How realistic was the piece? according to their

Q – Why was exaggerated theatre so important?
Q – How have these exercises today prepared you to perform an
Teacher to target
original piece of Greek Theatre?
5 individual students and
Q – What skills can you take from today’s lesson for all drama
phrase with questions
lessons in the future?
according to their

Greek Theatre
Year 8

Learning  To explore effective methods of staging Greek drama

Learning  Students will be able to suggest alternative possibilities for the staging of a piece of Greek
Outcomes: Drama
 Students will know how stage positioning can affect the audience’s understanding of a scene

Resources:  Lesson Four PowerPoint

 Theseus & The Minotaur Laminated Myths
Timings: Tasks: Differentiation:
10 Warm Up Activity – Traffic Lights
 Ask students to find a space on their own in the hall.
 They are to walk around the space, not in a circle as to create a
whirlpool effect but in different directions.
 When they hear these instructions they are to react to them:
Red = Stop
Amber = Jump Up and Touch the Floor
Green = Go (Can vary this after a while turning into a brisk walk
or run) – Teacher to shout out instructions in any order.
Q – Why do we play an activity like this? (listen to instructions,
concentration, warm up, work alone etc…)

Starter – Pair Work

5  Discuss with a partner then feedback; what did you learn about
the Greek acting style last lesson? Teacher to pair
 Can you describe a specific performance (or dramatic ‘moment’) according to ability.
from last lesson that stood out as a good example?

Q – What do we know about Greek Myths? Teacher to target

Q – Do they know of any Greek Myths? individual students and
Explain after discussion through the PowerPoint about Greek Myths. phrase with questions
Explain we will be looking at one this lesson according to their
Activity One – Reading Myth
 Read the myth of ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’ as a whole class.
5 (Select students to read a paragraph at a time or go round the

Greek Theatre
Year 8

circle and ask each student to read one sentence at a time.) Teacher to select
confident readers.
Q – What is the moral of the myth?
Inform them of the moral if they are unsure about what it is.

 Put the class into groups of 7.
 Their task is to:
• Get themselves in to a triangle formation
Teacher to group
• One of them will not be included in the formation; this is
according to ability.
because they will be the Narrator.
Mixed ability groupings?
• In their groups they are to use the myth to create a scene in
chorus groups.
 Checklist - should use:
- Narrator
- Use of movement through mirroring one another in the
triangle formation.
- Use physical theatre to create a monster of the Minotaur in
your chorus ensemble.
- Work in Unison.
- Use exaggerated movement. Teacher to target G&T
 Teacher to demonstrate the use of a triangle formation and how students to set the high
they could create movement in unison through the use of their standard
chorus ensemble.
 They are only to use the last 5 paragraphs as their stimulus for Teacher to group
their chorus performances. students to ensure
 One movement for each line and then to create a monster mixed ability
through the physicality of their bodies.

(Give them 10 - 12 minutes to create one movement for each line and to
create a monster.)

 Perform and evaluate Teacher to target

 Use the prompts off the PowerPoint to select two positive things individual students and
and one thing to improve on. phrase with questions
according to their
Plenary ability.
 Inform students that their assessment will be on using a Greek
Myth to create a performance, thinking about including unison
 Ask them to brainstorm in groups any Greek Myths that they
know about and how they could create a performance using a Teacher to target
10 Greek Myth. individual students and
phrase with questions
according to their

Greek Theatre
Year 8

Learning  To rehearse for assessed performance considering chorus, acting style and staging.

Learning  Students will work in a group contributing ideas for the performance
Outcomes:  Students will rehearse ideas in a group
 Students to use the ideas of chorus and ensemble work in their performances
Resources:  Lesson Five PowerPoint
 Greek Myths

Timings: Tasks: Differentiation:

10 Warm Up Activity – Traffic Lights
 Ask students to find a space on their own in the hall.
 They are to walk around the space, not in a circle as to create a
whirlpool effect but in different directions.
 When they hear these instructions they are to react to them:
Red = Stop
Amber = Jump Up and Touch the Floor
Teacher to target
Green = Go (Can vary this after a while turning into a brisk walk
individual students and
or run) – Teacher to shout out instructions in any order.
phrase with questions
Q – Why do we play an activity like this? (listen to instructions,
according to their
concentration, warm up, work alone etc…)

40  Discuss with students their assessment.
 In groups they are to use the myth that they have been given by Teacher to select groups
the teacher to create their performance. and place them in mixed
 They must create and devise an interpretation of the Greek ability groupings.
Myth they have been given.
 Their piece must include all the Greek Theatre skills learnt this
half term. Teacher to group
 They might only have one lesson to plan and practice your piece, students to ensure
so inform them to use the time wisely. mixed ability

Greek Theatre
Year 8

 They will be assessed on how successfully you incorporate the

skills into performance as well as individual performance skills.

Performance Role:
Must ensure that they:
- Have a significant role within the piece.
- Stick to the story and it has been thought through.
- Use appropriate language for your role.
- You are expressive both vocally and physically
- Perform in unison as a chorus Teacher to target
- Work in line with the correct rules of the mask individual students and
- You adopt an exaggerated acting style phrase with questions
Remember! according to their
To get top levels you must perform with emotion, empathy and ability. To create a
conviction. checklist.
Students to use the myths they have been given and work in the groups
that they have been placed in.
They are to start devising their performances in their groups.

Teacher to target
individual students and
 Issue groups with a list of questions that they need to consider
phrase with questions
for their performance.
according to their
 A props list, they are to make notes in their homework journals
10 ability.
of props etc.. That they will need.
 Questions to each group what they have listed. What do they
need? What are their ideas for performance?

Greek Theatre
Year 8

Learning  To rehearse for assessed performance considering chorus, acting style and staging.
Objective:  To perform and peer evaluate assessment performance.

Learning  Students will work in a group contributing ideas for the performance
Outcomes:  Students will rehearse ideas in a group
 Students will set themselves a target level and perform their polished piece
Resources:  Lesson Five PowerPoint

Timings: Tasks: Differentiation:

10 Starter
 Students to look at level ladders for this topic (projected onto
the white board if possible) and read what level they are working
towards for the end of this lesson.

10 Group Discussion
 Teacher to tell students that this will be their assessed lesson
Teacher to target
and their levels will be based on their final performance at the
individual students and
end of this lesson.
phrase with questions
 Teacher to question students as to what is successful and what
according to their
needs to be amended to make the performance successful.
 Create a checklist on the board created by students of what
they should be including within performance.

Rehearse final performances in groups

15  Students to treat this as a practice performance as they should
be aiming for a 2-3 min performance. Teacher to group
students to ensure
mixed ability

Greek Theatre
Year 8

Perform and Evaluate

15  Establish what a good audience should be (respectful, quiet,
supportive etc…)

Plenary – Self Evaluation Differentiated self-

10  Student to fill out self-evaluation sheets one each. evaluation sheets.
 Differentiated sheets for lower ability students.


Assessment Task

Your Task:

You will be put into groups by your teacher. In your groups you
must create and devise an interpretation of the Greek Myth
you have been given.

Your piece must include all the Greek Theatre skills learnt this
half term. You might only have one lesson to plan and practice
your piece, so use the time wisely.

You will be assessed on how successfully you incorporate the

skills into your performance as well as you individual
performance skills.

Performance Role:

You must ensure that you:

- Have a significant role within the piece.

- Stick to the story and it has been thought through.

Greek Theatre
Year 8

- Use appropriate language for your role.

- You are expressive both vocally and physically
- Perform in unison as a chorus
- Work in line with the correct rules of the mask
- You adopt an exaggerated acting style


To get top levels you must perform with emotion, empathy and conviction.

Good Luck!

What Level are you working towards today?


 Show an attempt to their role with little content, language and physical and vocal expression.
 Attempt to use a limited range of Greek theatre skills. Demonstrate no characterization or skill when
using masks.


 Show a limited understanding of their role with little content, language and physical and vocal expression.
 Show limited expression both vocally and physically and show lack of imagination with staging
formations. Demonstrating an exaggerated acting style for a limited amount of time. Demonstrate limited
characterization when using masks.


 Show a basic understanding of their role with limited content, language and physical and vocal expression.
Perform chorus work in unison with some faults.
 Show basic expression both vocally and physically and show some imagination with staging formations.
Adopting an exaggerated acting style in a basic way. Demonstrate basic characterization when using
masks and perform work in line with some rules of mask.

 Show a good understanding of their role with appropriate content, language and physical and vocal
expression. Perform chorus work in Unison with little faults and good timing.
 Show good expression both vocally and physically most times and show some imagination with staging
formations, adopting an exaggerated acting style. Demonstrate good characterization when using
masks and perform work in line with the rules of mask.

Greek Theatre
Year 8


 Show a excellent understanding of their role with excellent content, language and physical and vocal
expression. Perform chorus work in Unison with faultless accuracy and timing.
 Be expressive both vocally and physically most times and be imaginative with staging formations,
maintaining an exaggerated acting style. Demonstrate excellent characterization when using masks and
perform work in line with the rules of mask.


 Shows an outstanding understanding of their role. The content, language and physical and vocal expression
are considered and thought through. They perform chorus work in Unison with faultless accuracy and
 Be expressive both vocally and physically at all times and be creative with staging formations, leading
examples of an exaggerated acting style. Demonstrate outstanding characterization when using masks and
perform work in line with the rules of mask.

Year 8: Greek Theatre: Self Evaluation


Understanding the genre through rehearsal and performance

What are the features of Greek Theatre? How did you include these in your

Developing a character
What role did you have within performance? How did you perform your role?

Developing performance skills

Did you perform your role well? Did you consider your audience in your performance?
Did you sustain your role during the performance?

Greek Theatre
Year 8


PLTS: Team Work

Did you co-operate with your group? Did you solve problems? Did you provide
constructive feedback?

PLTS: Effective Participants

Did you find ways of moving forward? Did you identify improvements?
Year 8: Self Evaluation
Unit Title: Greek Theatre

Circle the statements you think you have achieved. You can choose any from the following

Type Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Group I work well with my friends I can work with a variety of I am able to work sensitively
Work I can offer suggestions for people with some confidence. I and co-operatively with others.
devising drama. can offer suggestions and I am able to listen to and
develop others’ ideas. develop others’ ideas as well as
suggesting my own.
I can support the planning I can plan and structure plays, I can use my skills and
Making and structuring of plays I showing knowledge of different knowledge of drama to devise
can help write and perform drama techniques. I can devise plays of different types for
simple scripts for different purposes. different purposes. I can refine
and improve my acting through
the rehearsal process.
I can establish a character, I can create, perform and I can give a clear, short and
with some control over voice sustain different characters in coherent performance for an
Performing and movement. I can performance. I can perform audience. I can use an increasing
perform with some with confidence. range of dramatic techniques in
confidence my performances.
When asked by the teacher, I can discuss the difference I can discuss how plots are
I can discuss the difference between my work and that of developed and characters are

Greek Theatre
Year 8

between my work and that others. I can use the correct portrayed and make
Responding of others and can suggest drama vocabulary when improvements based on this. I
improvements. I can use commenting. can use technical terms when
drama vocabulary. talking and writing about
Dramas I have seen and
How many statements did you circle for each level?
The column with the most statements circled roughly indicates your level.
Your Level is:

Target for next term:

Your teacher’s level for you:

Your teacher’s signature:


Parent Comment and Signature:


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