OrgMan - Week 5 - Tools in Business Decision
OrgMan - Week 5 - Tools in Business Decision
OrgMan - Week 5 - Tools in Business Decision
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MELC: Apply appropriate planning, techniques and tools in business decision making.
(ABM_AOM11-Ia-b-3 (Week- 5)
1. Identify what is appropriate planning.
2. Discuss planning techniques and tools in business decision making.
3. Apply appropriate planning, techniques, and tools in business decision making.
Let’s Try
Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before each number.
_____1. Which of the following planning techniques that attempt to predict what may
happen in the future of business operation?
A. Controlling C. Organizing
B. Marketing D. Forecasting
_____2. What types of planning techniques that involve comparison of company’s
practices/technologies with those of other companies?
A. Goal - Setting C. Fast track plan
B. Benchmarking D. Simple plan
_____3. Which statements BEST describes about forecasting?
A. Sta Monica group of company is projecting its economic profit with 80%
higher compared from last 5 years ago actual operation performance.
B. Sta Monica group of company is looking backward and analyzing their
previous failure of operation.
C. Sta Monica group of company compares their operation with their nearest
competitors for reference in decision making.
D. Sta Monica group of company decides with any techniques they only rely
in their daily operation.
______4. Which of the following is NOT a forecasting types of planning techniques in
business plan?
A. Prognostication C. Estimating
B. Prediction D. Evaluation
______5. Which of the following statement is NOT CORRECT?
A. Benchmarking generally involves external comparisons of company’s
practices and technologies with those of other companies.
B. All types of planning must use a forecasting technique.
C. Many companies know how to plan but they couldn’t execute their plan
D. Contingency plan must be prepared by managers, ready for
implementation when things do not turn out as they should be.
____6. What type of plan must be prepared by managers, ready for implementation when
things do not turn out as they should be?
A. Operational Plan C. Benchmarking
B. Contingency Plan D. Forecasting
______7. What type of decision making that is repetitive and can be handled using a
routine approach?
A. Decision making
B. Contingency Plan
C. Structured or Programmed Decision
D. Forecasting
____8. Which of the following planning techniques that begin with problem identification
and ends with the evaluation of implemented solutions?
A. Decision-making C. Short-Term Plan
B. Specificity D. Pure Plan
______9. Which of the following statement is NOT CORRECT?
A. Identify the problem; The problem may be defined as a puzzling
circumstance or a discrepancy between an existing and a desired
B. Identify the Decision Criteria, these are important or relevant to resolving
the identified problems.
C. Every company has no identified problem to tackle about.
D. Allocate weights to the criteria; This is done to give the decision maker
the correct priority in making the decision.
______10. What type of decision-making condition, that ideal in deciding problems, a
situations in which a manager can make precise decision because the results of
all alternatives are known?
A. Identify the problem C. Identify the decision Criteria
B.Implement the Chosen D. Certainty Condition
d. Decision-making- is a process which begins with problem identification and ends with
the evaluation of implemented solutions.
Types of Decision
Structured or Programmed Decision- a decision that is repetitive and can be handled
using a routine approach. Such repetitive decision applies to resolving structured problems
which are straightforward, familiar, and easily defined. For example, a restaurant customer
complains about the dirty utensils the waiter has given him. This is not an unusual
situation, and therefore, standardized solutions such a problem may be readily available.
Unstructured or non-programmed decisions- applied to the resolution of problems that
are new or unusual, and for which information is incomplete. Such nonprogrammed
decision are described to be unique, nonrecurring and need custom-made decision. For
example, a hotel manager is asked to decide regarding the building of a new hotel branch
in other another city to meet the demands of businessmen there, needs unrestructured or
nonprogrammed decision to resolve it.
Types of Decision-making Condition
a. Certainty condition- Ideal conditions in deciding problems; these are situations in
which a manager can make precise decision because the results of all alternatives
are known.
b. Risk or uncertainty conditions- a more common condition in deciding problems.
Risk or uncertainty conditions compel the decision maker to do estimates regarding
the possible occurrence of certain outcomes that may affect his or her chosen
solution to a problem.
Let us look at the steps on decision-making process according to Robbins and Coulter.
(Source: Helena Ma. F. Cabrera, Antony DC. Altarejos, and Riaz Benjamin, Organization and
Management Textbook, Pasig City: Vibal Group Inc., 2016, 40-44.)
Let’s Practice
Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer inside
the circle provided before each number.
Directions: Match column A to column B just draw a line that will connect the words
in appropriate statement
Column A Column B
The problem may be defined as a
Identify the Decision puzzling circumstance or a
Criteria discrepancy between an existing
and desired condition.
Why is it important to follow the step by step when you are making a decision?
(Explain Briefly)
Let’s Do More
Directions: Write T when the statement is True. F when the statement is False.
Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
_______ 2. Certainty condition ideal conditions in deciding problems; these are situations
in which a manager can make precise decision because the results all
alternatives are known.
_______ 6. Implement the Chosen Alternative this step puts the decision into action.
changes in the environment must be observed and ass3essed, especially in
cases of long-term decisions, to see if the chosen alternative is still the best
_ _______ 7. Identify the Problem the problem may be defined as a puzzling circumstance
or a discrepancy between an existing and desired condition.
_______ 8. Analyze the Alternatives must be carefully evaluated by the decision maker
the criteria identified in Step 2.
_______ 9. Develop Alternatives this step requires the decision maker to list down the
possible alternatives that could help resolve the identified problem.
_______ 10. Allocate Weights to the criteria this is done to give the decision maker the
correct priority in making the decision.
Directions: Preparation of appropriate planning techniques, and tools in
business decision making, in 10-15 sentences, explain how these may affect
the operation of a certain business. Use separate sheet of paper for your answer.
In your own opinion, is it necessary to use an appropriate planning technique and tools in
decision making? Why or why not? (Explain Briefly)
Let’s Sum It Up
Directions: Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct answer.
Contingency Plan
Decision Making
Certainly Condition
Let’s Assess
Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before each number.
_____3. Which of the following planning techniques that begins with problem identification
and ends with the evaluation of implemented solutions?
A. Decision-making C. Short-Term Plan
B. Specificity D. Pure Plan
_____4. Which types of decision making that is repetitive and can be handled using a
routine approach?
A. Decision making
B. Contingency Plan
C. Structured or Programmed Decision
D. Forecasting Plan
_____5. What type of plan must be prepared by managers, ready for implementation when
things do not turn out as they should be?
A. Operational Plan C. Benchmarking
B. Contingency Plan D. Forecasting
Answer Key
Let’s Practice
Column A Column B
The problem may be
A Identify the Decision defined as a puzzling
Criteria circumstance or a
discrepancy between
an existing and desired
These are important or
Develop Alternatives
relevant to resolving
D the identified problem.
This is a process which
Decision-making begins with problem
B identification and ends
with the evaluation of
implemented solutions.
C This step requires the
decision maker to list
down the possible
Identify the Problem.
E alternatives that could
help resolve the
identified problem.
1. T 6. T 1. Forecasting
2. T 7. T 2. Benchmarking
3. F 8. T 3. Contingency-Plan
4. F 9. T 4. Decision Making
5. T 10. T 5. Certainly Condition
Cabrera, Helena Ma. F., Antony DC. Altarejos, and Riaz Benjamin, Organization and
Management Textbook, Pasig City: Vibal Group Inc., 2016
4. Was there any part of this CLAS that you found difficult?
If yes, please specify what it was and why.
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