E Commerce Unit II
E Commerce Unit II
E Commerce Unit II
Traditional marketing predominated until the 1990s when the internet began to
take off. It is still considered a viable method for marketing with a core focus on
the product offering. Here are the features of traditional marketing:
Today, there are still niches, places, locations, etc. where digital marketing
doesn’t work. For example, rural areas or places where the internet is rare. In
such cases, people are well aware of the traditional marketing techniques that
they have seen in their lives.
Even pricey items and complex products require marketers to use traditional
marketing as it is more effective than digital marketing in most cases.
Traditional Marketing Channels
Traditional marketing is not extinct in the age of digital marketing. Cold calling
is still a popular way to create leads and revenue today. Even as the digital
revolution continues, traditional marketing is far from obsolete, and linked firms
are thriving as well. Traditional marketing approaches continue to be a valuable
secret weapon for interactive, face-to-face, and expert marketing. Below is a list
of various traditional marketing channels that have an outstanding ROI even
The world is becoming a digital arena. Thanks to the digital world, many of the
customers’ daily activities, such as reading the newspaper and banking, have
shifted online. The traditional market still has an audience, but it is shrinking
due to digital advancement. But without traditional marketing, marketing
strategies won’t be as effective.
So, both types of marketing have their own sets of pros and cons. Here’s a
rundown on how traditional marketing varies from digital marketing.
Basis Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing
This six-step guide to setting up an online marketing presence will walk you
through the most important aspects of growing your business online. After
establishing an online presence, you can identify and focus on the channels that
are most effective for your individual business.
You don’t always need an online presence consultant to get started with internet
marketing. You can use this six-part plan to build a foundation, then bring
a digital marketing agency in once you’re ready for the next stage of growth.
An example goal might be: Leverage online marketing to grow profits by 25%
over the next two years. You will then need to create short term objectives that
help define the immediate activities required to reach your goals.
2. Create an SEO Strategy
With an estimated 3.5 billion Google searches per day, optimizing for search is
a cornerstone of building an online presence. Not to mention, 35% of searches
for products start on Google. The fact is, search engine optimization (SEO)
should be baked into every digital marketing strategy you build at your
Don’t focus all your efforts on ranking for keywords that your customers or
clients don’t recognize you for (unless you’re introducing a new product or
You can use tools like the Google Ads Keyword Planner or SEMrush to do
keyword research. These tools can help you find popular search phrases and
identify how competitive you must be to rank well for them.
Creating a solid SEO strategy will be paramount for your web design (in step 3)
and content marketing strategy (in step 6). Reach out to MARION today if you
need help from a reputable SEO company in Houston.
The next step in creating an effective web presence is building your business
website. But first, why create a website when you can make a Facebook page in
1/20th of the time for free?
The simple answer is that you own your website. If Facebook decides to make a
change or Instagram throttles the reach of your posts, your digital presence
could be smothered. However, you can always maintain control over your
business website. The best approach is to keep your core web presence on your
website and use other digital channels like social media and content syndication
to drive traffic back to your site.
SEO Web Design
Most people naturally understand the need for a visually appealing website that
makes it easy for users to navigate and find what they want. What some
business owners don’t naturally intuit is the need for your website to cater to
searchers and search engines. Your digital real estate cannot sit idly by – it must
attract users.
Did you know that 68% of adults in the US claim to use Facebook? For a
platform that is said to have more than 2 billion active users, this is a huge
opportunity for your business. It’s not just Facebook ads that you need to
consider – platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter all have significant
users bases that can be tapped into.
Surely email is too old and boring to be an effective marketing channel for your
business these days, right? Even today, email continues to be a SIGNIFICANT
method for maintaining or creating an online presence for your business. Email
marketing is said to generate $38 for every $1 spent, which makes it one of the
highest performing marketing channels available.
If you struggle to believe the statistics, it’s likely because your perception of
“email marketing” and an effective email marketing strategy are very different.
Email is more than just sending a blanket message to your entire contact
database every time you release a new product or service.
Workflows, segmentation, and (a healthy amount of) personalization are the
keys to an effective email marketing campaign. For example, imagine that you
manage a lawn care business in the greater Houston area and you’re trying to
use email marketing in Houston to grow your client base.
There are very few channels where a captive audience will subject themselves
to an irrelevant product or service offering. Content marketing gives businesses
a way to establish their relevance and solve consumer problems.
Helpful and relevant blog posts can be used as a driving force in your social
media marketing strategy, email marketing strategy, and SEO strategy. Not only
are you able to share your insightful content via social media and email, but
your blogs help to attract backlinks and organic traffic. You can even extend
your content marketing to third-party sites by implementing a guest blogging
strategy with related organizations.
Concept of E-Advertising
Online advertising is a marketing strategy that involves the use of the Internet as
a medium to obtain website traffic and target and deliver marketing messages to
the right customers. Online advertising is geared toward defining markets
through unique and useful applications. Since the early 1990s there has been an
exponential increase in the growth of online advertising, which has evolved into
a standard for small and large organizations.
Online advertising is also known as Internet advertising.
Examples of online advertising include banner ads, search engine results pages,
social networking ads, email spam, online classified ads, pop-ups, contextual
ads and spyware.
The advent ages of e-mail are its low cost and the ability to reah a wide variety
of targeted audiences. Most companies develop a customer database to whom
they send e-mails. E- mal is emerging as a marketing channel that affords cost-
effective implementation and better, quicker response rates than other
advertising channels.
Web banners or banner ads are advertisements that are embedded into web
pages similar to the way advertisers pay for space within a magazine. Web
banners are designed to drive traffic to a website and account for 54% of total
online advertising revenue [2]. Web banners and pop-ups can be the useful tools
for online advertisers; however new web browsers provide the web surfer with
options to prevent pop-ups and turn off images from selected (or all) websites.
Beside that, similar to the protection of computer against the virus here come
the anti-spyware or anti-adware software, such as Spyware Blaster and Lavasoft
These are extra-long ads running down the right or left side of a web site.
Banner swapping
Banner swapping is nothing but a direct exchange of links between web sites.
To be precise, company A may agree to display a banner (in the form of a link)
of company b in exchange for company B displaying company A’s banner.
Effectiveness Tracking
This is an upstart Dynamic Logic designed by a pioneering service to help
traditional advertisers gauge the impact of their marketing by placing tiny files,
called cookies, on viewers’ computers. This helps them track where people go
after seeing their ads.
Email marketing is the most utilized form of direct marketing in the online
environment. Email is an effective format for marketers to use as it provides a
quick and efficient way to communicate both commercial messages to a
specified audience, allowing customized mass communication.
People commonly use links and searching tools on a portal site to search for
information on the internet. Typing in the words or phrases related to what they
are looking for and waiting for the search engines to list out the relevant sites.
Thus Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a highly effective method of driving
highly targeted visitors to one’s web site. SEM is based on search engine
optimization (SEO), search engine submission, link popularity, and log file and
traffic analysis. These basics allow positioning of one’s site for maximum
search engine visibility.
Pay Per Click (PPC)
Pay per click (PPC) or also known as cost per click (CPC) is the amount or
commissions that the advertisers will pay to the affiliate for each click on their
ad banners. Pay per click advertisements are commonly used in web portal and
affiliate programs, for example Google AdWords and Hits4Pay respectively. In
web portals, it is mostly in the form of text ads which are placed near the search
Rich Advertising
Interactive media
RSS Advertising
RSS is stands for Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication which is a
XML- based format to syndicate content among different websites. RSS
advertising is the integration of RSS into online advertising. According to
Pheedo, by integrating online advertising into an RSS feed, a new online
advertising technique, it has achieved measurably better results than e-mail for
its client. RSS advertising can avoid from Spam, email filtering and pop-up
blocking system
Concept of E-branding
Elements of Branding
If a brand has established that it is different fro competing brands and that it is
relevant, and inspires a perception of value to potential purchasers, those
purchasers will buy the product and become familiar with how it provides
value. Brands become established only when they reach this leavel of
Spiral Branding
The Internet does indeed open new possibilities and new dangers for anyone
who ignores the signs. The advent of Internet sites and mailings make possible a
new form of marketing called spiral branding.
There are two reasons. First, as consumers, it pays to be aware of the tactics
marketers are using to influence us. Second, many of us will need to understand
and use these techniques ourselves, in our own businesses.
Use each media for its best purpose (for instance, don’t try to create a
television experience on the web)
Do it fast (get something up now and fine-tune as you go along).
Iterate constantly (make improvements each time around the spiral).