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Retirement of Asset v2.0 Updated

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Job FI-AA-JA4-1 Retirement of Asset

Aid (Write-off/Scrapping, Donation, External Sale)

Table of Contents

Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 2
T1 – Retirement without Revenue: ................................................................................................ 2
T-1.1 Review notifications for retirement .............................................................................. 2
T-1.2 Run the Equipment Asset report (review the status). ................................................... 7
T-1.3 Retirement of the asset. ................................................................................................ 9
T-1.4 Update the notification status to completed. ............................................................. 12
T2 – Retirement with Revenue (Sale) ........................................................................................... 14
T-2.1 Review notifications for retirement ............................................................................ 14
T-2.2 Run the Equipment Asset report (review the status). ................................................. 19
T-2.3 Retire the asset. ........................................................................................................... 22
T-2.4 Update the notification status to completed. ............................................................. 25
T-2.5 Reminder Record Receivable/Allot funds .................................................................... 27
Appendix: Notifications Report and Reference Table .................................................................. 28

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This Job Aid details the procedure for the retirement of an asset. Depending if it is a retirement with or
without revenue and depending on retirement (Disposal) method, we are using different procedures, T-
Codes and Transaction Types.

Note: Both the FA.15 and FA.16 roles can review, report on, and update Notifications (IW59) and run
asset reports, however only the FA.15 “Financial Accounting: Asset Accounting User” users can post the
actual retirement.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

T1 – Retirement without Revenue:

Methods of Retirements without Revenue can be:

• Write-Off (including scrapping)
• Donation
• Not Found

The procedure and T-Codes are the same for all three methods, however, different Transaction Types
are to be utilised. Equipment User Status will differ based on the the Disposal Method (this information
can be found within the equipment record).

Note: Tables with breakdown of Retirement Process, Notifications and Transaction Types are provided in
Appendix for your easier reference.

T-1.1 Review notifications for retirement

1. Log in to Umoja ECC.

2. Execute Transaction code IW59 to get the report on current Notifications in the system.

3. In the ‘Notification Status’ section ensure Outstanding and In process are checked

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4. In the ‘Notification selection’ section, select Notification Type PW

5. In ‘General Data/Administrative data’ select Coding UNWRTOFF

6. For Coding Code, either leave blank (you can filter later within report) or use appropriate codes:
UN01, UN02, UN10, UN17 (see table in appendix for reference).

7. If necessary, filter by Maintenance Plant under the section ‘Location Data/Acc….’

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8. In ‘Others’, select Layout /ASSETNOTIF

[Alternatively, you can use list of Equipment numbers (if you know them) or list of Notification
numbers for selection].

9. Execute report

10. Filter Notifications based on Type (if not identified in selection as PW) and Notification System
Status (NOPR and NOPT)

[NOPR= Notification in Process, NOPT Notification Printed, OSTS=Outstanding tasks exist).

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11. Filter Notifications based on Notification User Status (REWA and DINP)

12. You can export report in Excel to allow manipulation if necessary.

13. Review each approved notification (REWA, Review Approved; DINP, Disposal in Process). Review to
confirm all relevant documents (approvals) are included and information is sufficient. You can view
Notification with double-click on Notification Number.

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14. Confirm Retirement Task has been created in the Notification, in Tasks tab, and assigned to Asset

15. For all applicable Notifications, from the report itself, identify all Asset Numbers for retirement and
corresponding Notification numbers and methods of retirement. You can verify Asset number in
Notification, in ‘Location data’ tab.

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T-1.2 Run the Equipment Asset report (review the status).

During this task the users will run the equipment/asset report and review the status to ensure the status
is relevant to retirement.

1. Execute Transaction code ZAAEQASREC to run report for Equipment and Asset Reconciliation. Use
Get Variant and select User Variant ZEQAS.

2. Expand All Selections to limit selection of Equipment/Assets:

(You can also restrict by Business Area or other specific elements if required).

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3. Alternatively: If you know Asset Numbers (if you earlier exported from the notifications), the easiest
way is to copy them and paste in multiple selection, using Upload from clipboard:

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4. Look for codes and descriptions in Status Number in User Status List and in User Status Description:

5. Ensure the equipment are appearing with codes relevant to Retirement, as follows:
• EQDE: Write-Off - Scrapping
• EQNF: Write-Off - Not Found
• EQDN: Write-Off – Donation
• EQSL: Write-Off – Sale

T-1.3 Retirement of the asset.

Retirement of Assets can only be done by users granted the Enterprise Role of “Financial Accounting:
Asset Accounting User” (FA.15).

1. Execute Transaction code ABAVN to start retirement of the asset.

2. In the Header enter Asset Number (and Sub-Number if applicable).

3. In “Transaction data” tab:

3.1. Enter current Document and Posting Dates

3.2. Enter actual date of retirement in the Asset Value Date (this should have been in the
notification status)
3.3. Enter reference Text for the Retirement

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4. In “Additional details” tab:

4.1. Select correct Transaction Type, as per reference table found in the Appendix:
4.2. Enter Reference info (Notification Number, LPSB Case No.#)

5. In “Partial retirement” tab:

5.1. If this asset was acquired in prior year, in “Related to” box select “Prior-year acquis.”
5.2. If this asset was acquired in current year, in “Related to” box select “From curr.-yr
5.3. DO NOT enter anything else on this screen.

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6. Click on “Simulate” button and confirm values are correct.

7. Post (Save) Retirement and note the posted document number:

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T-1.4 Update the notification status to completed.

1. Execute Transaction IW52 to start modifying Notification – use the same Notification number
identified in IW59.

Enter Notification number and press Enter:

2. Start modifying the Notification, make sure to record comment “Asset ## retired as of …., FI
Document No” in Description in Notification Tab.

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3. In Tasks tab identify Asset Retirement task, add any comments to it as required, select the task line
and click on Complete Task flag in the bottom of the screen to mark Asset Retirement task

4. Save Notification and exit.

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T2 – Retirement with Revenue (Sale)

This is the procedure for Retirement of an Asset with Revenue – Sale.

IMPORTANT: If the asset to be sold has a WBSE in its account assignment elements, the Asset must first
be transferred to an Internal Order. Refer to job aid 5.1 and follow the process for non-budget relevant
transfer. The internal order may need to be created first. The internal order used should be associated
with the same Cost Center and Grant (if relevant).

There are two steps in FI:

1. ABAON (the asset accounting transaction, discussed below)
2. The Sales Order or follow-on FI document posting (e.g. if sold by UNDP recording a UJ document
to clear the posting from the SCA1, or if sold to a staff member manually recording a receivable
on their Vendor BP). Users are reminded to refer to separate job aids in iseek covering both of
these processes.

In the case where the asset is sold by UNDP and the funds from the sales will be received via the Service
Clearing Account (SCA) NO Sales Order will be raised.

Also on Service Notification, the UJ document from the SCA file should be included where possible in the
description. Ensure the sales amount you are using is net of UNDP fees where applicable.

In the case where the asset is sold to a Staff Member there will not exist a Sales Order, instead a
receivable must be manually raised on the staff member’s Vendor BP using a Credit Note (t-code FV65)

Note: Tables with breakdown of Retirement Process, Notifications and Transaction Types are provided in
Appendix for your reference.

T-2.1 Review notifications for retirement

1. Log in to Umoja ECC.

2. Execute Transaction code IW59 to get the report on current Notifications in the system.

3. In the Notification Status ensure Outstanding and In process are checked

The FI posting of the Sales Order is DR Accounts Receivable (GL defined by customer type) CR 69101020. The FI
Posting for ABAON is DR Accum. Depreciation CR Asset Cost DR/CR Loss on sale/Gain on Sale DR 69101020
(postings to 69101020 offset one another).

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4. In ‘Notification selection’ select Notification Type PW

5. In ‘General Data/Administrative data’ select Coding UNWRTOFF, for Coding Code either leave blank
(if you will filter later in report, or you want to see all Retirements) or use appropriaate code: UN01
(see table in Appendix for reference).

6. In ‘Location Data/…’ filter by Maintenance Plant (if necessary)

7. In ‘Others’, select the Layout /ASSETNOTIF

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8. Alternatively, you can use list of Equipment numbers (if you know them) or list of Notification
numbers for selection.

9. Execute report

10. Filter Notifications based on Type (if not identified in selection as PW) and Notification System
Status (NOPR and/or NOPT).
[NOPR= Notification in Process, NOPT Notification Printed, OSTS=Outstanding tasks exist).

11. Filter Notifications based on Notification User Status (REWA- review approved and DINP-disposal in

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12. You can export report in Excel to capture notification numbers.

13. Review each approved (REWA, Review Approved; or already DINP, Disposal in Process) notification
to confirm all relevant documents (approvals) are included and information is sufficient to proceed
with Retirement. You can view Notification with double-click on Notification Number.

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14. Confirm Retirement Task has been created in the Notification, in Tasks tab, and assigned to Asset

15. For all applicable Notifications, from the report itself, note down all Asset Numbers for Retirement,
and their corresponding Notification numbers. You can verify Asset number in Notification, in
Location data Tab.

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T-2.2 Run the Equipment Asset report (review the status).

1. Execute Transaction code ZAAEQASREC to run report for Equipment and Asset Reconciliation.

2. Use Get Variant and select User Variant ZEQAS. Expand All Selections to limit selection of

3. You can restrict by Business Area or other specific elements.

4. If you know Asset Numbers copy them and paste in multiple selection, using Upload from clipboard

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5. Look for codes and descriptions in Status Number in User Status List and in User Status Description:

6. The status relevant to retirement by sale is EQSL: Sale Disposal Method

7. Determine the revenue to be recorded in the Asset Retirement:

a) If there is a Sales Order associated with the Notification, then in the IW59 Report, locate Sales
Order Number and double-click on it.

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In the Sales Order header, locate Net value to be recorded in Asset Retirement as revenue

b) In the case where the sale proceeds are collected by UNDP there will be NO Sales Order. The
Notification itself should have recorded, in the Sales area, corresponding UNDP Office Business
Partner/Customer Number in the ‘Sold-To Party’ field. The revenue to be used will not be shown in the
Notifications Report, nor there will be associated Sales Order, instead the revenue should be based on
the value in the UJ Document from the SCA file. The Senior Asset Accountant will reference however,
the UJ Document from the SCA file in the Service Notification, if known, otherwise they should note in
the description that the proceeds were collected by UNDP. The UJ document will be posted to offset the
posting in GL 691010202. For Further information, please refer to the job aid UNDP Advance and

c) In the case where the asset is sold to a Staff Member there will be NO Sales Order. The Notification
itself should have recorded, in the Sales area, corresponding Staff Member’s Business Partner/Vendor
Number in the ‘Sold-To Party’ field. The Senior Asset Accountant will reference documentation in the
Service Notification to determine the sales revenue. An Accounts Payable User will post a document to
offset the posting in GL 69101020.

The FI posting of the UJ Document is DR 18105020 Advance UNDP Pay Agent Request CR 69101020. The FI
Posting for ABAON is DR Accum. Deprec. CR Asset Cost DR/(CR) Loss on sale/(Gain on Sale) DR 69101020 (postings
to 69101020 offset one another).

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T-2.3 Retire the asset.
Retirement of Assets can only be done by users granted the Enterprise Role of “Financial Accounting:
Asset Accounting User” (FA.15).

1. Execute Transaction code ABAON to start retirement of the asset.

2. In the header enter Asset Number (and Sub-Number if applicable).

3. In “Transaction data” tab:

3.1. Enter current Document and Posting Dates

3.2. Enter actual date of retirement in the Asset Value Date
3.3. Enter reference Text for the Retirement
3.4. Enter Manual Revenue value = Net value from Sales Order

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4. In “Additional details” tab:

4.1. Select correct Transaction Type, as per reference table in the Appendix:
4.2. Enter Reference info (Notification Number, LPSB Case, Sales Order as applicable)

5. In “Partial retirement” tab:

5.1. If this asset was acquired in prior year, in “Related to” box select “Prior-year acquis.”
5.2. If this asset was acquired in current year, in “Related to” box select “From curr.-yr
5.3. DO NOT enter anything else on this screen.

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6. Click on “Simulate” button and confirm values are correct.3

7. Post (Save) Retirement, note message and note posted document number:

The posting to 69101020 will be cleared by the FI posting generated by the Sales Order/UNDP UJ Doc.

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T-2.4 Update the notification status to completed.

1. Execute Transaction IW52 to start modifying Notification – use the same Notification number
identified in IW59 above or run IW59 again to list available Notifications. Enter Notification number
and press Enter:

2. Start modifying the Notification, make sure to record comment “Asset ## retired as of …., FI
Document No” in Description in Notification Tab.

3. In Tasks tab identify Asset Retirement task, add any comments to it as required, select the task line
and click on Complete Task flag (Checkered Flag) in the bottom of the screen to mark Asset
Retirement task complete.

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4. Save Notification and exit.

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T-2.5 Reminder: Record Receivable/Allot funds

1. As mentioned the Receivable should be processed as well as a part of the process. In most cases
(where the entity is receiving money from the customer directly) a Sales Order will be raised (please
refer to the relevant job aid on Sales Orders).

2. In the case where UNDP sells the asset and the funds are received via the Service Clearing Account
(SCA), a sales order is not raised. However, a UJ document is posted to record the receivable and the
offsetting account is 69101020 as earlier mentioned. Refer to the relevant job aid on the UNDP
process “UNDP Advance and Reconciliation”.

3. In the case where the asset is sold to a Staff Member there will not be a Sales Order. Instead, if sold
in the current year, an Accounts Payable User should raise a receivable against the staff member’s
vendor BP using transaction FV65, posting to 69101010 as the contra account to the staff members

4. When posting ABAON there would have been a posting to 69101010, (NSP Gain Sale Fixed Asset). If
the Revenue is however spendable an FV50 document will need to be raised to move the amount
from SP Gain Sale Fixed Asset 68001010. Please consult with FM colleagues (or the relevant Budget
Office to determine whether funds received are spendable or non-spendable).

5. Tasks should be open in the Service notification related to the sales order (or UJ document if UNDP
collected the sales proceeds) and budget allocation (if relevant) to ensure no step is forgotten.

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Appendix: Notifications Report and Reference Table

Sample of Notifications Report with various types of Notifications and Statuses:

Reference Table for Asset Retirement:

Transaction Type
(Prior Year / Current Year)

Process Process Notification Notification Notification Equipment (DURING (IN

Type Coding Code System User Status User RAMPUP) PRODUCTION)
Status Status
yet: AAPD
Write-Off UN02 NOPT REWA EQDE X21 / X26 200 / 250
Write-Off UN10 NOPR DINP EQNF Z21 / Z26 Z21 / Z26
Retirement (Not
without Found)
Donation UN17 NOPR REWA EQDN X20 / X25 Z20 / Z25
Donation UN17 NOPT REWA EQDN X20 / X25 Z20 / Z25
Incorrectly N/A N/A N/A Any Z22 / Z27 Z22 / Z27
as Asset
Retirement Sale UN01 NOPR REWA EQSL X21 / X26 210 / 260

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