Health 10 q4 E4
Health 10 q4 E4
Health 10 q4 E4
Planning A Health Career
Learning Competency:
1. Discuss the components and steps in making a personal health career plan. H10PC-Iva-b-1
2. Prepares a personal health career following the prescribed components and steps. H10PC-Iva-b-2
Directions: Look at the following scrambled letters. Rearrange the following letters to form a word
related to the topic HEALTH CAREER. Write your answers on the space provided.
Basic Concepts:
A career is an occupation or profession that requires special training. Health careers are designed
to familiarize students with the various careers in the medical profession and allied health services.
Students will learn skills necessary for their career path, which in this case is in healthcare. These
include working with others, communication skills, legal and ethical responsibilities, cultural considerations
in the healthcare industry, problem solving, decision making, accepting personal responsibility, and self-
Health Careers are designed to familiarize students with the various careers in the medical profession and
allied health services. Students will learn skills necessary for their career path, which in this case is in healthcare.
These include working with others, communication skills, legal and ethical responsibilities, cultural considerations in
industry, problem solving, decision making, accepting personal responsibility, and self-management. Health Career
Planning refers to an individual’s plan to make a career choice, growing in the chosen career or making a career shift.
Career planning involves the very important step of self-assessment. Self-assessment is necessary to understand
one’s capabilities and drawbacks. The various career options should be explored in detail to find a fit between one’s
abilities and the opportunities provided by a career option. It involves continuous learning and improvement to build
and grow in the chosen career path.
What are the components and steps in making a health career plan
Guidelines to Help you Plan and develop your Health Career Plan
A. Directions. Discuss the components and steps in making a personal health career plan by
completing the flow chart.
Assess your interests, strengths and weaknesses. Identify careers that complement your interests,
strengths and weaknesses.
Decide which among these careers identified What steps do you have to take to make this
careers are you most suited. career possible?
B. Directions. Prepare a personal health career following the prescribed components and steps.
1. Self-Assessment (What skills and talents can be helpful to you in choosing to career?)
I have a plenty of skills, but i have few that i love doing. One of it is the troubleshooting minor computer
problems, I learned this from my father when I was in grade 4. I also love taking care of the elederly,
because my grandmother took care of me when iI was young. Now that she is older, I love giving back the
love that she has always given me, One of my interests or hobbies is playing guitar. I preferred playing the
guitar when my grandmother is around because she always appreciates this.
Given the chance to explore, I prefer community service because i think that the most needy and less
fortunate persons and I have always had the heart in serving others. But apart from that, I will very much
welcome an opportunity to explore other related jobs as well.
I am at crossroads between music and caregiving, but probably the most practical choice would be to focus
my energy towards a job that pays much so I can give back to family as soon as I finish.
Planning A Health Career
Learning Competency:
1. Discuss the components and steps in making a personal health career plan. H10PC-Iva-b-1
2. Prepares a personal health career following the prescribed components and steps. H10PC-Iva-b-2
A. Directions. Discuss the components and steps in making a personal health career plan by
completing the flow chart.
1. Self-assessment 2.
3. 4.
B. Directions. Prepare a personal health career following the prescribed components and steps.