ABC-EWP-JSA-PRS1-01 (Rev.0) Relocation of Existing Security Facilities

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Obtain appropriate 1 Failure to obtain  Obtain PTW prior to the commencement of the work and hard
Work permit approved work permits. copy to be at the work site at all times.
Failure to identify  Do not start any work preparation until signed permit is in the
unknown hazards, which hand. Construction
can result to Injury,  Conduct joint site inspection between Issuer and receiver to Supervisor / permit
Property Damage and discuss the possible risk on the area. receiver
loss of time.  Ensure all employees are brief and signed the JSA prior to start
the work activity.

2 Working without valid  Secure a valid, correct work permit and, in accordance to GI
and wrong type of permit 2.100 specifying type of permit prior to start work activity. (Note:
Work permit system authorizes specific activity, construction,
maintenance, inspection, confined space entry or repair.
3 Slips, trips fall on the  Good housekeeping standard shall be maintained at the site to
same level prevent slips, trips and fall at the same level.
1  Saudi Aramco specification on safe working practices shall be
fully complied.
 Material segregation shall adhere accordingly with the emphasis
on cleaning the access of any obstructions.
 Ensure daily housekeeping at work site.
 Remove all trash and waste on daily basis from work site to
approved dumping area.
2 Work area 1 Improper Supervision  A competent Supervisor/ Foreman will be present at all times to Construction
preparation and supervise and monitor the job. Supervisor/ Safety
welfare facilities 2 Improper/ defective work  All Hand Tools and Equipment shall be inspected & color-coded Officer/Site
tools & equipment. to ensure safe condition for use. Foreman/Work
3 Faulty or no fire  Firefighting Equipment shall be inspected & color-coded. Permit Receiver
extinguisher.  ABC type UL/FM fire extinguishers shall be provided at work
4 Local traffic (while  The Work Area will be cordoned off from local vehicles using
working in pipe corridor). the right of way. A flagman will be present at all times to control
and direct the approaching vehicles.
5 Incompetent contractor  PTJ provide competent workforce for the activity with SA HSE
workforce orientation and trained worker for specific to the task.
 Contractor workforce shall be familiarized for Operations ERP

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prior to start work
6 Inadequate/Inappropriate  Proper PPE shall be provided and used throughout the work.
7 Inclement weather  Impose staggered working hours. Include substitution of
workforce to allow sufficient rest between employees.
 Provision of cool drinking water and shaded rest place during hot
 Provision of hot /normal drinking water and shaded rest place
during cold weather all the workers shall wear full salves shirt
and jacket
 Supervisor shall monitor their work force by looking for signs of
8 Dust during high wind  Contractor to provided stand-by vehicle for the crew always,
speed during working hours.
 Provision of encloser at work area whenever possible,
 Dust Mask shall be provided
 Water shall be spread as per requirement
3 Commencement 1 Electrocution.  Lock out, Tag-out procedure shall be done and verified prior to Construction
of power shut start of the activity as per GI 6.012. Supervisor/ Safety
down.  Restrict other workers from entering the danger zone Officer/Site
 (Danger zone following the 4 ft. minimum arc flash boundary). Foreman/Work
 Strictly prohibit any conductive tools/materials or belongings. Permit Receiver/
 Use three (3) point check test to ensure that the system, wirings, Electrical Engineer
equipment is de-energized.
 All hand and power tools to be used shall be properly insulated.
 Use Arc Flash suits when doing energize and de-energize
 Area Need to barricade &Safety Signage in place.
 Only properly equipped personnel who are trained and certified
for electrical work shall perform maintenance or operation work
on electrical equipment or be present within minimum clearances
of such equipment.
 Clear the area of all potential hazards associated with an
accidental start-up
2 Injury to  Permit to work system in place.

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personnel/Property  GI 6.012, Isolation, Lockout and Use of Hold Tags System in
damage. place.
 Personnel shall not wear rings, wristwatches, jewelry, or other
similar metallic objects while working within arm’s length of
energized electrical equipment
3 Unclear Communication  Qualified &Training personnel only allow performing task.
with Dispatch & Utility  Qualified persons permitted to work within limited approach
Operating Personnel. boundaries
 Keep circuit fully locked off until all contractors have completed
their work around the Circuit
 Proper coordination between Utility operation departments,
electrical shutdown task performing contractor.
 The knowledge, skills and techniques to work safely on energized
circuits (i.e., arc flash protection and boundaries).
4 Using of inadequate PPE  The proper use of special precautionary techniques, personal
& Using of damage tools protective equipment (Arc rated FRC, Safety shoes, safety glass,
insulating and shielding materials, and insulated tools.
 All hand and power tools to be used shall be properly insulated.
4 Relocation of 1 Electrical shock  Ensure all the existing connections are Isolated Prior to Construction
Cables for commence the work. Supervisor/ Safety
TETRA, NEDAP  Only properly equipped personnel who are trained and certified Officer/Site
ACS Panel and for electrical work shall perform work Foreman/Work
Readers, Hotline, 2 Entanglement with  Provide hazard specific PPE’s Permit Receiver/
telephone to new rotating parts  All portable electrical equipment to be earthed. Telecom Engineer
Guard House with  All rotating parts of machinery/tools to be adequately guarded.
using of power  Refrain from wearing loose clothing while operating electrical
tools &Hand tools
tools with rotating parts.
(Drill Machine,
 Personnel shall not wear rings, wristwatches, jewelry, or other
similar metallic objects while working within arm’s length of
energized electrical equipment
3 Personal Injury  PPE (Cover all, Safety Helmet, Safety Shoes, Safety Glass, Hand
Gloves & Ear Muff/plug) shall be provide.
 All hand tools shall be properly inspected and it shall be color
coded according to Aramco standards
 Appropriate working posture shall be adopted.

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 Wear appropriate hand gloves.
 All power tools shall be proper insulated.
4 Work at Height  Correct training in the use of portable ladders & working from
 Ensure work area is clear.
 Use P.P.E equipment such as protective clothing such as overalls
or long sleeves.
 Aramco Construction Safety Manual and
 G. I. 8.001 Safety Requirements for Scaffold.
 All scaffolds to be erected by competent and trained erectors
&All scaffolds must be inspected.
 Scaffolding must be inspected by competent scaffolding
supervisor/Scaffolding Inspector.
 Only certified inspectors to sign, inspect and tag scaffolds.
 Work at height training will be provided for all personnel
working at height.
 Anyone working on scaffold or working at height must wear and
use safety harnesses.
 Safe access and egress shall be provided to access work areas.
 Tools and equipment used in elevated positions must be secured
with lanyards or tied down.
 Throwing of materials from height must be avoided.
 Scaffold platforms should be kept clear of materials.
 Areas below overhead work must be barricaded and appropriate
warning signs displayed.
 Never leave any materials or tools on the platforms which can fall
onto workers underneath. Clear tools, materials and accessories.
Asphalt Cutting 1 Slips, Trips, Falls  Clear walkways, work areas of equipment, Tools, carts and Construction
debris. Supervisor/ Safety
 Mark, identify, or barricade other obstructions. Officer/Site
 Keep cords out of areas. Foreman/Work
5 Permit Receiver
 “Wet Surface” signs shall be posted.
 All area, walkways shall be kept clear from obstructions
2 Rotating Parts  Keep guards in place during use and do not operate saw if guards

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are not placed on rotating parts.
 Workers will consult operations manual before commencement
of work.
 Ensure the saw is turned off prior to changing blades (if
 Don't use a dull blade: replace or have sharpened prior to use.
 Be alert for sharp points and edges. Wear cut resistant work
gloves when sharp edges or objects may cause the possibility of
lacerations or other injury.
 At no time will any crew member stand in front of the saw while
in operation
3 Struck By / Against  Wear reflective warning vests when exposed to vehicular traffic.
nearby vehicles and  Make eye contact with operators before approaching equipment.
heavy Equipment  Do not attempt verbal communication in high noise backgrounds.
 Work area will be barricaded/demarcated. No traffic will be
allowed to move past the cutting area.
 Barriers shall be used to protect workers from vehicular traffic.
4 Pinch Points  Review equipment adjustment procedures, identify pinch points.
 Isolate/block pinch points to limit motion when inserting pins,
fasteners, closing tackles.
 Keep hands, fingers, and feet clear of moving/suspended
materials and equipment
 Stay alert at all times
5 Manual Handling  Due to the weight of the walk-behind saw. crew will not attempt
to lift it for any reason.
 Physically fit persons to be assigned for any manual work.
 Training to be given regarding manual handling.
 Where possible, used mechanical means to transfer loads and
reduced distance if possible.
 Provision of access shall be installed to areas where access is
 Proper manual handling method need to be implemented
 Provide instruction for manual handling during tool box meeting.

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6 Noise  Ample supplies of approved hearing protection (e.g., earplugs)
shall be provided at the job site and shall be worn in high noise
areas (i.e., 85 decibels [dBA] or higher).
 The need for additional hearing protection devices shall be
evaluated prior to performing work
7 Dust  Implement dust control program.
 Water shall be poured adequately to suppress dust.
 Dust mask shall be provided to employees
 Vehicle/ equipment speed shall be restricted at Work site.
 Appropriate respiratory equipment shall be provided (as
necessary to prevent inhalation of dust and/or particulates).
8 Fire  SA hot work permit shall be obtained prior to the use of
equipment with internal combustion engines in restricted areas
per GI 2.100.
 No fuel, oil, hydraulic fluid, water, etc., leaks are coming from
the equipment. Spills shall be immediately contained, cleaned up,
and properly disposed
 Gasoline and diesel-powered equipment shall only be refueled in
well-ventilated areas. Exhaust pipes shall be kept away from
combustible/flammable materials.
 Repair and maintenance shall be as per the manufacturer
instructions and recommendations and equipment shall be shut
off completely while maintenance work
 Equipment must be provided with fire extinguishers in
accordance with Saudi Aramco SAES-B-019.
 All fire extinguishers must be inspected and labelled in
accordance with Saudi Aramco G.I. 1781. (Fire Extinguishers
must be listed i.e. UL) moreover certified fire watcher shall be
available full time at the work location, and he shall not be
dedicated for dual work.
6 Hand/Manual 1 Personal Injuries  SA work permit(s) per GI 2.100 shall be obtained as required Construction
Excavation at by before excavation work is started. Supervisor/ Safety
using hand tools &  Employees shall not work in excavations where there is pooled Officer/Site
power tools such water, or in excavations in which water is accumulating, unless Foreman/Work
as jack hammer adequate precautions have been taken to protect employees Permit Receiver

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with air  Materials and spoils shall be set back at least 0.6 m (2 ft) from the
compressor, Hilti edge of the excavation.
drill machine,  Where personnel, equipment are allowed to cross an excavation,
shovel, forked a tightly planked bridge or walkway with standard guardrails
hoe, pick axe for shall be provided and kept clear of excavated materials or other
excavation tripping hazards
 PPE (Cover all, Safety Helmet, Safety Shoes, Safety Glass, face
shield, Hand Gloves & Ear Muff/plug) shall be provided.
 Ramps and/or other safe means of egress shall be located in
excavations that are no more than 7.5 m (25 ft.) of lateral travel
distance for personnel.
2 Dust Inhalation  Implement dust control program.
 Water shall be poured adequately to suppress dust.
 Dust mask shall be provided to employees
 Vehicle/ equipment speed shall be restricted at Work site.
 Appropriate respiratory equipment shall be provided (as
necessary to prevent inhalation of dust and/or particulates).

3 Electrocution/  All underground cables shall be identified and mark prior to start
underground Utilities excavation.
 All cables shall be treated as live and energized, contractor
supervision/WPR shall stop the work if encounter any
unexpected UIG facilities and report to plant operation.
 Prohibit/avoid touch or standing on the live cables
 Keep the work area always free from debris and materials.
 Plastic shovel shall be used to dig nearby electrical cables.
Mechanical excavators shall not be used within 3m of any
underground cable.
 Existing live cables shall be protected by wooden Boxes/PVC
 Appropriate PPE shall be used (FRC Cover all, Safety Helmet,
Safety Shoes, Safety Glass, Rubber insulated Hand Gloves).
 Prior to task scan the area with Cable/Metal Detection to find
underground Utilities.
 Pre-Excavation checklist should be available on site in order to

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complete job task according to predetermined instructions. Pre-
Excavation Checklist completed at site and shall be
countersigned by POD as applicable and as per GI 2.100.
 Any underground cable that is exposed during excavation work
shall be assumed to be energized and not to be repositioned or
moved until it has been verified to be de-energized by an
authorized/certified electrician using an approved potential tester
4 Collapse of side walls  Adequate and suitable protective systems (i.e., benching, sloping
or shoring) shall be planned
 Workers shall be trained to look for signs of shoring or sidewall
bulge, surface cracking, sand penetration from behind shoring or
cracked shoring, which can be a warning sign of a collapse that is
about to happen
 Ramps and/or other safe means of egress shall be located in
excavations that are no more than 7.5 m (25 ft.) of lateral travel
distance for personnel
 Keep excavation protected with barricades, warning signs flash
lights etc.
 Warning signs "DEEP EXCAVATION" shall be placed at site.
 A daily excavation inspection shall be done and checklist to be
completed by excavation supervisor
5 H2S/ Hazardous  Gas tests shall be performed per GI 2.709 when there is reason to
atmosphere suspect oxygen deficiency or the presence of a flammable/toxic
atmosphere in an excavation.
 Personnel H2S Monitor shall be provided at work Site
 More than 1.2 meter (4 Feet) deep excavation Confined space
permit shall be secured.
 Entry of excavation crew shall be restricted if there will be
hazardous atmosphere.
6 Electric shock & Fire  All electrically operated tools shall be double insulated and
grounded/ connected with GFCI.
 Tools must be inspected and color coded by competent
 SA hot work permit shall be obtained prior to the use of
equipment with internal combustion engines in restricted areas

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per GI 2.100.
 No fuel, oil, hydraulic fluid, water, etc., leaks are coming from
the equipment (Power generator). Spills shall be immediately
contained, cleaned up, and properly disposed
 Gasoline and diesel-powered equipment shall only be refueled in
well-ventilated areas. Exhaust pipes shall be kept away from
combustible/flammable materials.
 Repair and maintenance shall be as per the manufacturer
instructions and recommendations and equipment shall be shut
off completely while maintenance work
 Equipment must be provided with fire extinguishers in
accordance with Saudi Aramco SAES-B-019.
 All fire extinguishers must be inspected and labelled in
accordance with Saudi Aramco G.I. 1781. (Fire Extinguishers
must be listed i.e., UL) moreover certified fire watcher shall be
available full time at the work location, and he shall not be
dedicated for dual work.
7 Portable 1 Substandard manual  Do not lift heavy load, use mechanical device. Construction
Container, Fence handling techniques of  Avoid over reaching / bending awkward position Supervisor / Safety
roll and Security light materials/Hand  Hand protective equipment shall be wearing. Officer / Site
gate lifting with injury. Foreman / Work
Crane / Boom 2 Incompetent  Operator must have valid SAG license and Saudi Aramco Permit Receiver /
Truck crane/Boom truck certification. Rigger
operator and rigger  Saudi Aramco certified Rigger shall be available full-time during
crane operation.
3 Crane/Boom truck tip  Crane/Boom truck must have a valid third-party inspection
over sticker.
 Do not exceed the maximum safe working load of the
crane/boom truck.
 Know the accurate weight of the loads and lifting gears prior to
 Position the crane/boom truck on levelled and compacted ground.
 Use fully extended outriggers with appropriate float pads and
 Do not leave the crane/boom truck unattended while a load is

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 Safe clearance shall be maintained while position the crane/boom
truck near the excavation/trench.
 Do not perform crane /boom truck lifts at wind speed above 32
km/h unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.
 Strictly adhere to crane/boom truck load chart data.
 Follow manufacture installation instruction.
 Ensure that no oil or hydraulic leakage is available.
 Ensure that limit switch is installed and working functionary.
 When a crane or other mechanical and heavy equipment or boom
truck, is operating near or travelling under an energized overhead
power line, a designated flagman shall be assigned to ensure that
minimum distances are maintained.

 Ensure all lifting gears are correct rated to the load being lifted.
4 Failure the lifting object
 Avoid sharp bends in slings, protect sling from sharp edges and
5 /Falling Objects
 Do not modify, repair, shorten the sling.
 Verify that the manufacturer safe working load and serial number
are clearly marked on each sling
 Ensure shackle and another connecting device are completely
closed or bolted.
 Do not use fasteners or other rigging hardware manufacturer in-
 All lifting gear must be inspected, and color coded by Saudi
Aramco certified rigger.
 All lifting gears shall be certified from 3rd party.
 All lifting gears shall be free from any damage or exposed to hot

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 All lifting gears shall be stored far from sunlight and hot
 All lifting gears shall be inspected visually before use by a
competent certified person.
 Weight of load shall be assed and to be identified before lifting or
 Only checker position shall be used
6 Poor communication  Use universal hand or radio signals for communication between
between rigger and the rigger and crane /boom truck operator.
operator  Do not obstruct the crane/boom truck operator’s line of sight to
 rigger.
 Keep all cab glass clean without obstruction (e.g. Curtains,
cardboards) or damage.
 Only rigger is authorized to give signals to crane operator
 Area shall be evacuated from all unauthorized personnel
7 Personnel Injury  All personnel must wear required personnel protective
equipment. (PPE).
 Do not stand/pass by under suspended load or boom.
 Avoid direct hand contact with the load while lifting.
 Use tag line to control the load.
 Always stay out of the line of fire.
8 Unauthorized entry  Area shall be barricaded or tapped and Precautionary Signage
with white background and red fonts stain sealed “Danger” keep
away lifting in progress must be placed to avoid unauthorized
personnel entry.
 Lifting radius must be properly barricaded and warning sign
posted to prevent unauthorized entry inside lifting radius.
9 Inadequate Emergency  A rescue kit must be located near the area composed by a
Rescue Equipment stretcher, rescue ropes, pulleys, lanyards and portable anchor
points as is required by the Construction Safety Manual. The
stretcher cannot be used to store or transport tools, debris or
materials to be used during the works.
 Emergency Contact number shall be posted at work location

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 Approved project emergency procedure plan shall be available at
site, all workers shall be trained for the emergency response and
preparedness procedure
 Accessible eye wash/Running water station shall be provided.

8 Cable laying and 1 Cable drum falling  Cable Drum’s Steel Roller shall be provided with END Construction
pulling. STOPPER to prevent cable drum from falling. Supervisor/ Safety
 Do not use Steel Roller made of RSC or Pipe tubing. Officer/Site
 Assessment of the weight of cable to be pulled and numbers of Foreman/Work
workers required shall be defined. Permit Receiver/
 Workers shall keep distances to the cable drum being pulled. Electrical Engineer
 Pulling cable crew should not pull the cable fast. Teamwork must
be followed.
 SIGNAL PERSONS shall be provided during cable Laying /
Pulling and shall be equipped with RED and GREEN signal
 Cable Drums should be properly located on CABLE JACK
designed for the purpose and of suitable capacity and base.
 Cable Jack shall be repaired if welded joints are already
2 Personal Injury  Personnel shall wear Personal Protective Equipment such as
Hardhat, Eye Protection, Hand Gloves and Safety Shoes during
 Supervisor or Foreman shall give TOOLBOX talk to his workers
prior to start of work.
 Provide adequate access in all excavations.
3 Manual Handling  Physically fit persons to be assigned for any manual work.
 Adopt most efficient and safest method to accomplish the task.
 Heavy materials requiring manual lifting shall be stored below
waist height.
 The proper tools/lift-assist devices shall be provided for the job.
 Personal protection equipment (PPE) shall be worn as required

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 Training to be given regarding manual material handling
techniques and practices prior to start activity.
 Where possible, used mechanical means to transfer loads and
reduced distance if possible.
 Provision of access shall be installed to areas where access is
 For manual handling good grip shall be maintained (use palm of
hand maximum)
 Person involved in manual handling shall keep their back
straight, the knees and ankles must be bent and the chin kept well
into the chest. The body must be positioned as close to the load as
 Feet shall be spread apart the width of the hips with one foot
slightly in front of the other.
 Arms shall be kept as close to the body as possible.
4 Trapping injuries  CABLE JACK shall be of sufficient capacity and placed on an
even and hard surface.
 WARNING SIGNS shall be positioned adjacent to cable laying
 Area for loading and unloading shall be barricaded properly.
 Damaged Cable Drums shall be repaired before they are loaded
or unloaded for the jobsite
5 Tripping hazards /  Workers shall NOT RUN on installed or laid cables during cable
damage to materials pulling.
 Cables shall be KEPT AWAY from foot and equipment traffic.
Stored materials shall be barricaded and provided with signs.
 Avoid storing materials on walkways or ingress or egress.
 Where personnel, equipment are allowed to cross an excavation,
a tightly planked bridge or walkway with standard guardrails
shall be provided and kept clear of excavated materials or other
tripping hazards
Backfilling and 1 Personal Injuries  Personnel shall wear Personal Protective Equipment such as Construction
Compaction Hardhat, Eye Protection, Hand Gloves and Safety Shoes during. Supervisor/ Safety
9 (Hand tools, JCB  Workers to be made aware and kept reminded of the hazards with Officer/Site
Backhoe, Wheel vehicles. Foreman/Work
Loader, Bobcat, 2 Struck by/ Against Heavy  Verify heavy equipment operators are certified as required by Permit Receiver

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Dump Truck, Equipment (Man SA.
Water Truck and Machine interface)  Only excavating and backfilling equipment are permitted within
Plate & Roller 2 m (6.5 ft) of the edge of an excavation
Compactor)  Equipment operators shall have 360-degree visibility when
operating equipment.
 Walkways/pathways must be clearly marked and separated from
vehicular travel routes. Place physical barriers to separate
walkways from vehicle routes
 Barricade the area to avoid unauthorized entry.
 Flagman wearing high visible fluorescent vest shall be provided
to guide personnel and operators.
 Only authorized person will enter the equipment operational area.
 All authorized person shall wear high visibility reflective vests
and should maintain direct eye contact with operator to aware
him about their presence.
 Reverse backup alarm shall be operatable.
 Clear the work are before entering heavy equipment
 Engines shall be stopped, the parking brake applied, and wheels
chocked when mechanical or heavy equipment is left unattended.
 Passengers shall not be allowed to travel in the skip or anywhere
else on the dumper
 Daily vehicle/equipment pre-use inspections shall be conducted.
3 Vibration  Rotate compaction tasks to minimize worker exposure to
equipment vibration.
 Rotate compaction tasks to minimize worker exposure to
equipment vibration
 Use compactors with vibration dampening devices

4 High Noise  Ample supplies of approved hearing protection (e.g., earplugs)

shall be provided at the job site and shall be worn in high noise
areas (i.e., 85 decibels [dBA] or higher).
 The need for additional hearing protection devices shall be
evaluated prior to performing work
5 Contact with Fire /  SA hot work permit shall be obtained prior to the use of

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Explosion equipment with internal combustion engines in restricted areas
per GI 2.100.
 No fuel, oil, hydraulic fluid, water, etc., leaks are coming from
the equipment. Spills shall be immediately contained, cleaned up,
and properly disposed
 Gasoline and diesel-powered equipment shall only be refueled in
well-ventilated areas. Exhaust pipes shall be kept away from
combustible/flammable materials.
 Repair and maintenance shall be as per the manufacturer
instructions and recommendations and equipment shall be shut
off completely while maintenance work.
 All heavy equipment/vehicles shall be grounded as soon as they
are positioned near overhead power lines for any type of work.
 Flagman shall be provided and minimum distance as per CSM
shall be maintained while working under above ground
10 Relocation of 1 Personal Injuries  Competent personnel need to deploy for task. Construction
Drop Arm  Use suitable PPE (FRC Clothing, Safety boots, Safety glass, Supervisor/ Safety
Barrier/Crash Electrical gloves). Officer/Site
Barrier /  Use right tool for right task. Foreman/Work
Emergency  Conduct Tool box talk with crew members. Permit Receiver/
gates/Security  Adequate supervisor at site. Electrical Engineer

2 Manual Handling  Physically fit persons to be assigned for any manual work.
 Adopt most efficient and safest method to accomplish the task.
 Heavy materials requiring manual lifting shall be stored below
waist height.
 The proper tools/lift-assist devices shall be provided for the job.
 Personal protection equipment (PPE) shall be worn as required
 Training to be given regarding manual material handling
techniques and practices prior to start activity.
 Where possible, used mechanical means to transfer loads and
reduced distance if possible.
 Provision of access shall be installed to areas where access is

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 For manual handling good grip shall be maintained (use palm of
hand maximum)
 Person involved in manual handling shall keep their back
straight, the knees and ankles must be bent and the chin kept well
into the chest. The body must be positioned as close to the load as
 Feet shall be spread apart the width of the hips with one foot
slightly in front of the other.
 Arms shall be kept as close to the body as possible.
3 Slips, trips and falls  Before after and during work all obstructions such as wastes,
unnecessary tools and materials that blocked along the door,
stairways and any walkways or access shall be removed.
11 Cable 1 Personal Injury  Trained and competent electricians using suitable tools shall Construction
Terminations carry out cable termination. Supervisor/ Safety
 Modified Power and Hand tools are not acceptable. Officer/Site
 Avoid slashing cables while sliding it on your hand Foreman/Work
 Use suitable PPE (Safety gloves, safety glass, FRC, safety boots) Permit Receiver/
Electrical Engineer

2 Electrocution  Lock out, Tag-out procedure shall be done and verified prior to
(Working Near High start of the activity as per GI 6.012.
voltage Cables)  Restrict other workers from entering the danger zone
 (Danger zone following the 4 ft. minimum arc flash boundary).
 Strictly prohibit any conductive tools/materials or belongings.
 All hand and power tools to be used shall be properly insulated.
 Use Arc Flash suits when doing energize and de-energize
 Only properly equipped personnel who are trained and certified
for electrical work shall perform maintenance or operation work
on electrical equipment or be present within minimum clearances
of such equipment.
 Clear the area of all potential hazards associated with an
accidental start-up

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 Always use non-conducting platform for access i.e., wooden or
fiber ladder. Maintain safe distance from high voltage cables
 Supervisor or Foreman shall give TOOLBOX talk to his workers
prior to start of work.

3 Fire Hazard  Fire extinguisher should be placed in working area.

 Prior to start the task identification and marking of panels should
be done by client electrical leads.
 Need to deploy fire watcher in place.
 Only properly equipped personnel who are trained and certified
for electrical work shall perform maintenance or operation work
on electrical equipment or be present within minimum clearances
of such equipment.
 Clear the area of all potential hazards associated with an
accidental start-up
Splicing Old URD 1 Electrocution (Working  Apply the LOCKOUT / TAGOUT procedures as Construction
To New URD. Near High voltage necessary as practicable. Supervisor/ Safety
Cable Splicing Cables)  Personnel shall wear Hazard Specific Personal protective Officer/Site
using Fusion equipment such as hardhat, eye protection, Arc rated cloths, Foreman/Work
Splicer insulated hand gloves and safety shoes. Permit Receiver/
 Always use non-conducting platform for access i.e., wooden or Telecom Engineer
fiber ladder. Maintain safe distance from high voltage cables
 Supervisor or Foreman shall give TOOLBOX talk to his workers
prior to start of work.
 Only properly equipped personnel who are trained and certified
12 for electrical work shall perform maintenance or operation work
on electrical equipment or be present within minimum clearances
of such equipment.
2 Eye Injury  Never look into a fiber having a laser coupled to it.
 If eye is accidentally exposed to LASER beam immediately rush
for medical assistance
 Personnel shall wear suitable eye protection

3 Fire  Fire extinguisher should be placed in working area.

 Prior to start the task identification and marking of panels should

Page 19 of 29
be done by client electrical leads.
 Need to deploy fire watcher in place.
 Adequate Supervisor on site.
 The fusion splices use an electric spark to make splice, so ensure
that there are no flammable gases in the space where fusion
splicing is done.
 Splicing should never be done in places manholes where gases
can accumulate.
13 Re-Energizing 1 Electrical Shock.  Personnel shall wear Hazard Specific Personal protective Construction
Transformer/Switc equipment such as hardhat, eye protection, Arc rated cloths, Supervisor/ Safety
hing DB insulated hand gloves and safety shoes. Officer/Site
Panel/Breaker/cras  Always use non-conducting platform for access i.e., wooden or Foreman/Work
h barrier panel. fiber ladder. Maintain safe distance from high voltage cables Permit Receiver/
 Supervisor or Foreman shall give TOOLBOX talk to his workers Electrical Engineer
prior to start of work.
 Only properly equipped personnel who are trained and certified
for electrical work shall perform maintenance or operation work
on electrical equipment or be present within minimum clearances
of such equipment.
 Check Tap Changer Voltage Requirements Before Energizing.
Always Check Rotation & Voltage.
 When Multiple Switch Points Are Involved, A Key Person Must
Be Appointed to Ensure Each Point Has Been Switched Properly
and Nothing Has Been Missed or Overlooked.
 Ensure Everyone That Could Be Affected by The Energizing of
The Line(s) (i.e., Inside Electricians) Is Properly Notified Before
Starting the Livening process.
 Watch For Possible Back Feed Conditions, Always Check
Disconnect or Feed, Card and Ground
 Check Grounds at Every Location, Ensure They Have Not Been
Severed or Damaged.

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2 Poor Communication  Use Three-way Communication (Repeat Back) To Ensure
with Dispatch & Utility Accurate Transfer of Information.
Operating Personnel.  Qualified persons permitted to work within limited approach

Testing & 1 Electrocution.  Apply the LOCKOUT / TAGOUT procedures as Construction

Commissioning necessary as practicable. Supervisor/ Safety
 Personnel shall wear Hazard Specific Personal protective Officer/Site
equipment such as hardhat, eye protection, Arc rated cloths, Foreman/Work
insulated hand gloves and safety shoes. Permit Receiver/
 Always use non-conducting platform for access i.e., wooden or Electrical Engineer
14 fiber ladder. Maintain safe distance from high voltage cables
 Supervisor or Foreman shall give TOOLBOX talk to his workers
prior to start of work.
 Only properly equipped personnel who are trained and certified
for electrical work shall perform maintenance or operation work
on electrical equipment or be present within minimum clearances
of such equipment.

Page 21 of 29
2 Equipment / Devices  Visually Check All Switches for Defects Before Operating.
Failure  Use suitable Arc Flash PPE (Arc rated long sleeve shirt &Pants,
Hard hat, safety shoes, electrical gloves, Safety glass) Adequate
 Ensure Grounds Are All Removed Before Testing.
 Double Check to Ensure All Cables Have Been Tested Before
Placing into Service.
 Verify Testing Equipment Is in Working Order at Each Switch
Point, Equipment Must Be Clean, Within Test Dates and
 Check Phasing (Hot Phase/Bottle) Before Energizing.
 Be Aware of The Possibility of Such Conditions and Test.
 Barricading the testing and commissioning areas/zones.

Installation and 1 Personal Injury  PPE (Cover all, Safety Helmet, Safety Shoes, Safety Glass, Hand Construction
Dismantling Gloves & Ear Muff/plug) shall be provide. Supervisor/ Safety
Security fence  All hand tools shall be properly inspected and it shall be color Officer/Site
with using of coded according to Aramco standards Foreman/Work
Hand tools  Appropriate working posture shall be adopted. Permit Receiver
 Wear appropriate hand gloves.

2 Contact with sharp edges  Where possible, use a mechanical device to hold the item.
 Avoid direct handling of sharp-edged items
 Cover or otherwise protect sharp edges
 Use personal protective equipment (PPE)
 Ensure sufficient lighting must be in place for safe working and
for immediate exit to the work area in the event of emergency

16 Installation and 1 Contact with Equipment  All tools and equipment shall be inspected and maintained Construction
Dismantling resulting burns or electric properly Supervisor/ Safety
Security fence shock  Generators shall be grounded Officer/Site
with using of  All generators are to be enclosed by standard barrier fencing and Foreman/Work
Power Tools. kept at a safe distance from unauthorized person Permit Receiver
(Generator,  Generator should be without any leakage. Each generator will

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Hammer Drill, have its own fire extinguisher. Provide drip tray.
Grinder, Drill  Containers shall be grounded and bonded during refueling
Machine.) operation
 PPE (Cover all, Safety Helmet, Safety Shoes, Safety Glass, Hand
Gloves & Ear Muff/plug) shall be provided.
 All electrically operated tools shall be double insulated and
grounded/ connected with GFCI.
 Tools must be inspected and color coded by competent
 Appropriate UL listed fire extinguisher shall be provided near the
work area.
 Job rotation shall be implemented; appropriate working position
shall be adopted while handling jack hammer
 Hot work permit as per GI 2.100 shall be secured for hot work.
 Use hearing protection when exposed to excessive noise levels
(greater than 85 dBA over an 8-hour work period.
2 Personnel Injury due to  Provide power tools with dead man switch.
hand and power tools  Maintain safe distance from rotating parts of power tools.
 Rotating parts shall be guarded.
 Avoid wearing of loose cloth and accessories
 Proper hand, foot and face protection shall be worn.
 Use heat resistant hand gloves while working with hot air tools.
 Use right tools.
 Trained personnel only allow performing the task.
 Adequate supervisor in place.
 Obtain Hot work permit as per GI 2.100 prior to start the task.
 All portable electrical equipment to be earthed.
 All rotating parts of machinery/tools to be adequately guarded.
 Power tools inspect prior to start the task by competent personnel.
 Wear gloves and safety glasses.
 Proper body posture while handing drill machine
 Not wear loose fitting clothing that can get caught in moving
 Use proper body positioning.
 Additional PPE should be worn such as a dust mask or hearing

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protection when working around wood or metals dust and/or loud
ambient noises.
3 Manual Handling  Physically fit persons to be assigned for any manual work.
 Adopt most efficient and safest method to accomplish the task.
 Heavy materials requiring manual lifting shall be stored below
waist height.
 The proper tools/lift-assist devices shall be provided for the job.
 Personal protection equipment (PPE) shall be worn as required
 Training to be given regarding manual material handling
techniques and practices prior to start activity.
 Where possible, used mechanical means to transfer loads and
reduced distance if possible.
 Provision of access shall be installed to areas where access is
 For manual handling good grip shall be maintained (use palm of
hand maximum)
 Person involved in manual handling shall keep their back
straight, the knees and ankles must be bent and the chin kept well
into the chest. The body must be positioned as close to the load as
 Feet shall be spread apart the width of the hips with one foot
slightly in front of the other.
 Arms shall be kept as close to the body as possible.
4 Damage to Existing UG  All underground cables shall be identified and mark prior to start
Utilities excavation.
 All cables shall be treated as live and energized, contractor
supervision/WPR shall stop the work if encounter any
unexpected UIG facilities and report to plant operation.
 Prohibit/avoid touch or standing on the live cables
 Keep the work area always free from debris and materials.
 Plastic shovel shall be used to dig nearby electrical cables.
Mechanical excavators shall not be used within 3m of any
underground cable.
 Existing live cables shall be protected by wooden Boxes/PVC

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 Appropriate PPE shall be used (FRC Cover all, Safety Helmet,
Safety Shoes, Safety Glass, Rubber insulated Hand Gloves).
 Prior to task scan the area with Cable/Metal Detection to find
underground Utilities.
 Pre-Excavation checklist should be available on site in order to
complete job task according to predetermined instructions. Pre-
Excavation Checklist completed at site and shall be
countersigned by POD as applicable and as per GI 2.100.
 Any underground cable that is exposed during excavation work
shall be assumed to be energized and not to be repositioned or
moved until it has been verified to be de-energized by an
authorized/certified electrician using an approved potential tester
5 Noise  Ample supplies of approved hearing protection (e.g., earplugs)
shall be provided at the job site and shall be worn in high noise
areas (i.e., 85 decibels [dBA] or higher).
 The need for additional hearing protection devices shall be
evaluated prior to performing work

17 Erection and 1 Scaffolding collapse  Ensure that the scaffold is erected in accordance with SA scaffold Construction
dismantling of safety handbook, construction safety manual and GI 8.001 Supervisor/ Safety
scaffolds. “Scaffold requirements. Officer/Site
 All scaffold materials used must be in good condition Foreman/Work
 Maintain good housekeeping in the area Permit Receiver/
 Scaffold components shall be free from harmful or damaging Scaffolding
corrosion Supervisor
 Scaffold foundations shall be sound, rigid and capable of carrying
the scaffold’s self-weight plus the maximum intended (live) load
without settling or displacement.
 Unstable objects such as barrels, boxes, loose bricks or concrete
blocks shall not be used to support scaffolds
 The ground beneath sills shall be level and compact.
2 Falling hazards  Scaffold craftsmen shall continuously wear a full-body harness
with shock absorbing lanyard while erecting, altering or
dismantling a scaffold
 Scaffold craftsmen shall properly anchor their lanyard whenever

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they are not protected by a guardrail system and could fall more
than 1.8 m (6 ft).
 The lanyards shall be anchored to the scaffold only if it is not
possible to anchor to a stronger anchorage (including a lifeline).
 Scaffold erection and dismantling shall be supervised by SA
certified Scaffold supervisor
 Scaffold shall be inspected by SA certified scaffold inspector and
approved tags shall be installed.
 Enforce the use of PPE / Full body harnesses to all scaffold
erectors and others workers using scaffolds
3 Defective or missing  Ladders shall be utilized in job sites when it requires access to
access ladders scaffold.
 Ladders used shall comply with SA CSM (section II; 9.2- ladders
and step ladders)
 No fabricated ladders shall be allowed on the site and ALL
defective ladders shall be removed.
4 Manual Handling  Physically fit persons to be assigned for any manual work.
 Adopt most efficient and safest method to accomplish the task.
 The proper tools/lift-assist devices shall be provided for the job.
 Personal protection equipment (PPE) shall be worn as required
 Training to be given regarding manual material handling
techniques and practices prior to start activity.
 Where possible, used mechanical means to transfer loads and
reduced distance if possible.
 Provision of access shall be installed to areas where access is
 For manual handling good grip shall be maintained (use palm of
hand maximum)
 Person involved in manual handling shall keep their back
straight, the knees and ankles must be bent and the chin kept well
into the chest. The body must be positioned as close to the load as
 Feet shall be spread apart the width of the hips with one foot
slightly in front of the other.
 Arms shall be kept as close to the body as possible.

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5 Falling Objects  Toe boards shall be installed along all edges of scaffold platforms
and stair/ladder landings that are more than 1.8 m (6 ft) above a
lower level, unless personnel access to the lower level is
physically prevented.
 Wear hard hats while working near scaffolds
 Barricading the area below where objects can fall and not
permitting personnel to enter the hazard area.
Removal / loading 1 Personal injuries  Personnel shall wear Personal Protective Equipment such as Construction
and shifting of Hardhat, Eye Protection, Hand Gloves and Safety Shoes during. Supervisor/ Safety
Spoil, Material  Workers to be made aware and kept reminded of the hazards Officer/Site
and Debris from associated with vehicles Foreman/Work
Worksite Permit Receiver
2 Struck by/ Against Heavy  Verify heavy equipment operators are certified as required by
Equipment (Man SA.
Machine interface  Equipment operators shall have 360-degree visibility when
operating equipment.
 Walkways/pathways must be clearly marked and separated from
vehicular travel routes. Place physical barriers to separate
walkways from vehicle routes
 Barricade the area to avoid unauthorized entry.
 Flagman wearing high visible fluorescent vest shall be provided
to guide personnel and operators.
 Only authorized person will enter the equipment operational area.
 All authorized person shall wear high visibility reflective vests
and should maintain direct eye contact with operator to aware
him about their presence.
 Reverse backup alarm shall be operatable.
 Clear the work are before entering heavy equipment
 Engines shall be stopped, the parking brake applied, and wheels
chocked when mechanical or heavy equipment is left unattended.
 Passengers shall not be allowed to travel in the skip or anywhere
else on the dumper
 Daily vehicle/equipment pre-use inspections shall be conducted.
3 Manual Handling  Physically fit persons to be assigned for any manual work.
 Adopt most efficient and safest method to accomplish the task.
 Heavy materials requiring manual lifting shall be stored below

Page 27 of 29
waist height.
 The proper tools/lift-assist devices shall be provided for the job.
 Personal protection equipment (PPE) shall be worn as required
 Training to be given regarding manual material handling
techniques and practices prior to start activity.
 Where possible, used mechanical means to transfer loads and
reduced distance if possible.
 Provision of access shall be installed to areas where access is
 For manual handling good grip shall be maintained (use palm of
hand maximum)
 Person involved in manual handling shall keep their back
straight, the knees and ankles must be bent and the chin kept well
into the chest. The body must be positioned as close to the load as
 Feet shall be spread apart the width of the hips with one foot
slightly in front of the other.
 Arms shall be kept as close to the body as possible.
Working in 1 Sunburn,  Sufficient drinking water must be supplied around the site. Construction
sunlight and hot Heatstroke/Stress Drinking water stations must be located near to the working Supervisor/ Safety
atmosphere areas. Officer/Site
 Covered shelters also shall be provided to the workers could rest Foreman/Work
at time intervals to minimize the effect of heat. Permit Receiver
 Tool box talks must be conducted and information shall be
circulated to all workers to aware of heat effects and ways to
improve body resistance against heat.
19  SA Approved Temperature/Humidity meter should be available
on site.
 SA Heat Index chart should be available on work site
 Periodically monitor and record Heat index by measuring air
temperature and relative humidity.
 Follow the instructions about work/rest periods, mentioned in SA
heat index chart.
 If temperature is determined high for workers to resist the
management should consider adjustments on work timings.

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Housekeeping 1 Sharp objects  Proper PPE (Hard hat, safety glass, safety shoes and hand gloves) Construction
shall be provided. Supervisor/ Safety
 Ensure that used lumber, planks and plywood have been de- Officer/Site
nailed before storing and stacking. Foreman/Work
 Properly barricade the working area access route at all time. Permit Receiver
2 Ergonomic and Improper  Awareness training shall be provided.
20 handling method  Appropriate housekeeping shall be ensured all the time. Allocate
an adequate number of dumpsters and trash bins
3 Lack of information on  Spoil materials shall be removed in daily basis.
Waste disposal  Proper manual handling method shall be implemented.
 Properly identify the types of waste and Segregate accordingly
before discarding

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