Cam18 - Test 1 - Writing - Sample Task 1

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Sample Writing answers

3 Additional sample Writing answers

in Resource Bank


i his is an answer written by a candidate who achieved a Band 6.0 score.

Tlx line graph illustrates the proportion of urban citizens in Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and
Indonesia between iflo and ZOZO, with the expected population in Z030 and Zo4o .
Overall, it can be easily seen that all four countries has a dramatic rise in population, starting at
the lowest point in I410 and being projected to reach the peak in Zo4o.
Malaysia and Indonesia saw a slightly rise in population, respectively from 30 to about 45 and
around IZ to over ZO percent from 1410 to 1440. After that, both countries has climbed rapidly until
now before being predicted to continue increasing for the next ZO years.
After almost remaining in thelos, Philippines percentage increased dramatically to reach about
41 percent on 1440 and dropped to 40% in ZOiO. Then, this country faced slightly rise in ZOZO.
Meanwhile, Thailand reached approximate 30%, in 1440 and saw not much changes until ZOZO. f?oth
two countries are projected to increase in population in Z030 and Zo 4o.

Here is the examiner ’s comment:

This response covers the requirements of the task. There is an overview in the
second paragraph and key features are presented for each country, with main
trends identified.
Ideas are grouped together with a clear overall progression: countries with a similar
trend are presented in the same paragraph, first Malaysia and Indonesia , then
Thailand and the Philippines. There is some effective use of linkers [ Overall \ After
that | Meanwhile] and other cohesive devices [ respectively | this country ], but a few
errors remain [ Both two ] .
Vocabulary includes a range, with some less common examples [proportion \
expected population \ dramatic rise \ projected to reach the peak ] . There are some
errors [ slightly / slight | almost remaining \ approximate / approximately], which do
not impede communication.
The mix of grammatical structures is good, with some complex sentence forms
[ being predicted to continue increasing for the next 20 years ] . Some errors remain,
but they rarely reduce communication.
To improve the Band Score for this response, there could be more detail on the
similarity of the trends on the graph, more detail on data from 1990 onwards and
fewer errors in spelling and grammar. However, this is a good response that does
address the requirements o

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