5thEngSLP2 LS

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PART - 2





PART - 2


Sl. No. Topic Page No.

1 Milestone: 8 Manasa’s family-2 1-14
2 Milestone: 9 Transport -2 15-26
3 Milestone: 10 My School 27-28
4 Milestone: 11 Rhyme time 29-31
5 Milestone: 12 Story posters 32-34
6 Milestone: 13 Let us Punctuate 35-38
7 Milestone: 14 My favourite Toy 39-40
8 Milestone: 15 Save Environment 41-46


Mummy dear, Daddy dear,

I love you, I love you.
See your baby dancing ,
Just for you, just for you.

Mummy dear, Daddy dear,

I love you, I love you.
See your baby singing,
Just for you, just for you.


Toto looked at himself in the
mirror. How grown up I look he
thought. I should go out and let
all people see me. Toto cat walked
down the street wearing the cap.

Toto looked at the mirror.

He went out wearing his cap.
All the people looked at Toto cat.

On the way Toto saw Walla the bull

selling ice cream. Walla rang the
little bell on his cart when he saw
Toto. “Well! Well! Well!” he called
out to Toto. “My Toto! You do look
tall and grown up with the cap”.
Toto’s chest swelled with pride. He
was full of joy.

Toto, you look tall and grown

up, said walla the bull.
Toto cat was full of joy.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew the
cap off Toto’s head. Toto ran after
the cap. He got near the cap and
bent down to catch it.

There came a gust of wind

and off went Toto’s cap.
Toto cat ran after the cap
but it rolled away.

Just then the wind blew

harder and it rolled further
away. The cap flew in the
air and when Toto looked
up, what did he find?
There was the cap sitting
on the tree. “Got you” said Toto throwing a stone.
O no, there went the cap from the tree on to the top
of the wall.
‘Got you” said Toto using a stick to poke the cap. O no,
there went the cap falling from the wall into the well.

The cap sat on a tree.

Toto cat threw a stone at the cap.
There went the cap from the tree
to the wall and from the wall to
the well.


Milestone 8: Learning sheet – 1
Circle the words that you can read aloud
Can Cap Bat Bag Bar Ball Caw
Fan Gap Cat Mag Car Fall Jaw
Man Lap Hat Rag Far Hall Law
Pan Map Mat Tag Jar Mall Paw
Ran Nap Pat Wag Tar Tall Raw
Van Tap Rat Wall Saw

Milestone 8: Learning sheet – 2

2.1 Identify the pictures and read the words given below

2.2 Complete the words and write them in space given below

2.3 Read the sentences and tell the meaning of the words given in bold
The train moves on the rail. Use a cutter to cut your nail.
Do not play in the rain. He broke his leg and was in great pain.
The dog wags its tail.

Milestone 8: Learning sheet – 3

Circle the words that you can read aloud
Den Bet Bed Beg Bell Den
Hen Get Fed Leg Fell Hen
Men Let Led Peg Hell Men
Pen Met Red Jell Pen
Ten Net Wed Sell Ten
Pet Tell
Set Well
Wet Yell

Milestone 8: Learning sheet – 4

4.1 Identify the pictures and read the words

4.2 Identify the pictures and write the words in the space given below

4.3 Read the sentences and tell the meaning of the words given in bold
It is a green leaf We bite with our teeth.
I want a cup of tea. The police go in a jeep.
For lunch, what do we eat? Bananas have a yellow peel.
The parrot has a red beak. Can you hear the buzz of the bees?
My cycle has a blue seat. Look at the smiling baby.
We wear shoes on our feet. We are a small family.
The plant grows from a seed. Do you have any money?
Eating ice-creamsmakes me happy.

Milestone 8: Learning sheet – 5
Circle the words that you can read aloud
Bin Dip Bit Bill Big
Fin Hip Fit Fill Fig
Pin Lip Hit Hill Jig
Tin Nip Pit Kill Pig
Sin Rip Sit Mill Rig
Win Sip Pill

Milestone 8: Learning sheet – 6

6.1 Identify the pictures, read words, and try to add more words.

6.2 Say and write the words given below

die tie pie lie my cry sky buy

6.3 Read the sentences and tell the meaning of the words given in bold
My tie is on my neck.
I like to eat a pie.
Try to read the page.
Put the socks out to dry.

Milestone: 8 Learning sheet – 7

Circle the words that you can read aloud
Cot Hop Bow Boy Dog
Dot Mop Cow Toy Log
Got Pop How
Hot Top Now
Lot Wow

Milestone 8: Learning sheet – 8

8.1 Identify the pictures and read the words.

8.2 Say and write the words given below

Cool Zoo Moon Food Pool Boot

8.3 Read the sentences and tell the meaning of the words given in bold

He wore boots on his feet. Bones, teeth, toes and noses are parts
of the body.

We use fire to cook food. Ravi went to buy a stool.

He is jumping in to the Some homes have a fire to keep the

pool. room hot.

Milestone 8: Learning sheet –9

Circle the words that you can read aloud


But Cup Bug Bun

Cut Pup Dug Fun

Gut Hug Gun

Hut Jug Run

Nut Mug Sun




Milestone 8: Learning sheet – 10
10.1 Identify the pictures and read the words

10.2 Read and copy the words in the space given below

10.3 Read the sentences and tell the meaning of the words given in bold
Paste the letter with glue. The wind blew my cap.
My uniform is blue. Is the student new.
He blew the balloon. The cat mews.

Milestone 8: Learning sheet – 11
11.1 Read and circle the words that you know from the following table

am most all much together another next

want why too write found first last

11.2 Underline the words or sentences that you can read from the below table

Please write neatly. Look what I found!

Why are you crying. I am going for a walk.

What do you want? Rahul and I went together to the market.

I will finish first. How much does the fish cost?

He came last in the exam. I ate most of the ice cream.

Give me another book. The teacher is in the next room.

The sweet is too good. All the flowers in the garden are red.

11.3 Say and write the words given below

11.4 Read and circle the words that you know from the following table
first moon soon beam last tea buy
meat play most take cook heel much
toes want road neat lake nine pool
wood bake week last next foot sky
bake am pose why goat pain together
found cool coat bean look teeth body
most too feet all soil write rail
rice boat another main heat hay book

Milestone 8 – LET US READ – 1
Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________
Read the sentences and go to your teacher for a review.

Toto cat looked at the mirror. Toto cat walked down the street
Toto cat threw a stone at the cap. wearing the cap.
The cap fell from the wall into the A gust of wind blew the cap off
well. Toto’s head.
The cap came out wet and dripping
with water.

Milestone 8 – LET US DO – 2
Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________
Identify the same sounding words and write them in the space provided

Rail hay pay tail pain main rain way ray nail team
cool baby daddy week seed tree read seat
heat donkey jeep feet family beak see money
leaf happy food pool soon dry cry spy cue blew
flew chew blue due dew glue dew mew new
mail gain say neat key tool try flew few

Dictation: Write the words that your teacher or friend calls out.

Constructive feedback:

Date: Teacher’s signature


It was dark inside the bag. Izzy
tried to find her way. There was a
spot of light coming into the bag.
She moved up towards it and saw
a tiny hole. Izzy quickly peered
through the hole.
She saw a bright, red van.
The words MAIL VAN were written on it.

It was dark inside the

The words MAIL VAN
were written on the van.

A postman dragged the bag, lifted

and threw it into the van. Grrrr,
rrrr, rrr…. The van roared and off
it went.
Bumpety bump. Bumpety bump.
The van went on roads, smooth
and rough. The bags moved up and
down, side to side.
Izzy went from side to side, up and down inside the bag.

The postman threw the

bag into the van.
Izzy moved up and down and
side to side.

After a while, the driver pressed
hard on the brakes. The van
stopped and the door opened.
He lifted the bags and shouted,
“heyya there, here is your load”.
Izzy saw through the hole a
bright yellow board with the name
written in black.
“Oh it is the railway station” sighed Izzy.

The van stopped at the

railway station.
Izzy saw through the

Chuk buk, chuk buk, the train

streamed in slowly. Izzy saw people
running, pushing and shouting. A
man lifted the bags. Up and down,
she tumbled inside the bag. She
held on tightly. He threw the bag
inside the train.

The train came in slowly

into the station.
A man threw the bag
inside the train.

All the letters and parcels went
swoosh swoosh and settled down.
After all the shaking and moving,
Izzy climbed back to her place near
the tiny hole. She peered out again.
Cookoooooooooo went the whistle.
The train chugged out of the
platform slowly.

The letters and parcels went

swoosh swoosh.
Izzy held on as the bag
The train whistled and
chugged out of the platform


Milestone 9: Learning sheet – 1
1.1 Identify the pictures and write them in the space provided

1.2 Read the following words and say the meaning

1.3 Say and write these words

1.4 Read the sentences.
The sky was blue. We see the time in a clock.
The bear climbed up the hill. The lamp glows in the dark.
The door to the class is closed. We can see through the glass.
The clouds were black. Our daily time table is a plan.
Balloons fly or float in the sky. We stop the water leak with a
All the children clapped and played.

Milestone 9: Learning sheet – 2

2.1 Identify the pictures and read the words.

2.2 Read the following words and say the meaning.

2.3 Say and write these words.

2.4 Read the sentences.

The colour of the bear is brown. The lawn is covered with green
Bats and balls are used to play Apples grow on trees.
We drink water from a glass. The watch is worn on the wrist.

An animal that croaks is a frog. Houses are built with bricks.

People travel to places by train or Babies cry when they are hungry.
Trucks are used to transport The shop sells vegetables and
goods. fruits.
We clean the floor with a broom. Clouds can be black or grey.

The crow says caw-caw. Pencils are used to write.

Sadhwini wore a pretty blue Beat the drum loudly.

Girls wear frocks. We must dress properly for
Milestone 9: Learning sheet – 3
3.1 Identify the pictures and write it in the space provided.

3.2 Read the following words and say the meaning.

3.3 Read and write a few more words with blends:

3.4 Read the sentences.

Fast is the opposite of slow. Swallow is the opposite of spit.

Weak is the opposite if strong. Awake is the opposite of sleep.

Climb is the opposite of slide. Sink is the opposite of swim.

Bland is the opposite of spicy. Sit is the opposite of stand.

Spice is the opposite of sweet. Big is the opposite of small.

Run is the opposite of stop. Blouse is the opposite of skirt.

Straight is the opposite of slant. Ground is the opposite of sky.

Milestone 9: Learning sheet – 4

4.1 Read the words that you know from the given table below
to over under across below above
for forward away behind around

4.2 Pick out and underline the sight words from the below sentences.

He went to the market. He went for a walk.

The cat jumped over the wall. She wore a tie around her neck.
There is a temple behind our
The rat hid under the table.
The dog ran across the play- The cat ran away as soon as it saw
ground. the dog.
Go forward said the bus conduc-
A bird flew above the tree.
The white box is below the red box.

4.3 Say and write the words given below

Milestone 9 – LET US READ – 1
Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________
Read and circle the words that you know from the following table
sleep play glass glove small slow away
street grain globe above grapes flag slip
plate to drink flat step across spoon
for cry drop smart place glad floor
forward plant blue over spring behind smile
draw under free start snail flower black
brother stop blanket around plan below flat

Milestone 9: LET US WRITE – 2

Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________
Read the story Daddu the sleepy donkey and mark the sentences as true or false.
1. Daddu wanted to sleep forever. _______
2. Daddu had many friends. ______________
3. Fefe the fly wanted to wake Daddu up. ________________
4. The animals made a lot of noise. ________________
5. The noise woke up Daddu._______________

Milestone 9: LET US DO – 3
Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________
Form words from the jumbled letters given below.
1. ibrkc   9. rfog
2. owrc 10. rpya
3. ubel 11. sasgr
4. lafg 12. klcab
5. slacs 13. eret
6. aslgs 14. rowng
7. talpn 15. ilems
8. prod 16. imws
Milestone 9: LET US READ – 4
Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________
Read the sentences and go to your teacher for a review:
l It was dark inside the bag.
l The letters Mail Van were written on the van.
l The postman threw the bag into the van.
l The bags moved up and down and side to side.
l The van stopped at the railway station.
l A man threw the bag inside the train.
l Izzy climbed back to her place near the tiny hole.
l The train chugged out of the platform slowly.

Milestone 9 – LET US WRITE – 5

Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________

Dictation: Write the words that your teacher or friend calls out.

Constructive feedback:

Date: Teacher’s signature

1.1 List out the names of your classroom items. 

1.2 Write the names of the classroom items on a paper and paste them in the
correct place. Example:

1.3 List out the names of the things you have seen in your school surroundings.
(with the help of your teacher) 

1.4 List out the messages written in and around your school.

1.5 Write the messages given below on a paper and paste them wherever necessary
in your school surroundings. Take the help of your friends or teacher. Use the
same in your home.
Use masks   Don’t pluck the flowers.
Water is precious  Don’t touch the plants.
Stand in a queue  Don’t feet on the lawns.
Use me  Put waste in the dustbins only.
Use the toilets   No entry
Flush the toilet  Keep clean
Wash your hands  Be careful
Wash hands with soap  Keep silence 
Boys toilet Take one book at a time 
Girls toilet  Keep library books clean 
Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________

Participate in a group activity as per teacher’s direction:
Read the given messages and put () mark where the messages are used.
Play Class Library Assembly Kitchen Toilet
ground room
Keep silence
No entry
Water is precious
Girls toilet 
Wash your
hands properly  
Raise your hand 
Make a circle  
Keep books clean  
Pay attention  

Constructive feedback:

Date: Teacher’s signature

1.1 Recite and act (Recite the given rhyme with action and write the rhyming
words with the help of your teacher.)
Up the street, I look to see
If any traffic’s near to me,
Down the street, I look as well
And listen for a horn or bell.
There’s something coming- wait a bit,
If I run out I may be hit,
But now the road is nice and clear,
No car or motor-bus is near,
I’ll run across the road so wide,
And so get safely to the other side.

1.2 Write the rhyming words for the following, from the above rhyme.
Ex: see -me side- bit- far- book-

bun- near- town- wide- born-

1.3 Read and guess the rhyming word with the given picture clues.

aan et
een it
ion at
Green Qu______ Cat B_______

on age
en dge
an Bridge ege
Spoon Mo______ Fri_______

1.4 Complete the rhyme by choosing the rhyming words given in the Bracket:
(rice, pink, hops, me, walks, stops, jumps, queen, drink, wise)
A. Tomatoes are red, beans are green
A brinjal has a crown, just like a __________
Potatoes are brown, onions are _________
Carrots have juice, which I can __________
Vegetables make me healthy and ___________
So eat vegetables daily with roti and ____________

B. When the sun shines, I can see

My shadow right in front of _______
When I walk, my shadow _________
When I hop, my shadow ___________
When I jump, my shadow ____________
And when I stop, my shadow stops.

1.5 Pick out the rhyming words given in the sentences.

The frog sits on the log. Ex: frog – log
She can hop with a mop. ________________
The king likes to sing. ___________________
Jack and Jill ran up the hill. ________________
The car went as fast as a shooting star. ____________________
I wanted to sell my golden bell. ________________________

1.6 Write the sentences by using the rhyming word from the given pictures.

The cat sleeps on the mat. ______________________________

_____________________________ ______________________________

Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________
Make sentences using the following rhyming words.
Book Pin Now Pool Boat Wicket
Six Stick Look Cart Ball Fan
Gain Toy Bin Float Cow School
Rain Boy Fix Pick Doll Chart
Jump Kill Cat Round Hen Feed
Took King Zero Pot Sing Hero
Hot Cook Pen Ground Hump Ran
Will Meet Play Tree Foot Sat
Sun Feet Clay Free Shoot May
Seed Bun Book Sound Number Plumber
Ex: Look at your book.
Cat chases the Rat.

Constructive feedback:

Date: Teacher’s signature

1.1 Look at the following cover pages of story books, write the title, scene and
character’s name in the box given below.

Title: Title:

Scene: Scene:

Characters: Characters:

1.2 Make a story poster by choosing any scene and characters and giving a suitable
title. Cut and paste the characters that you like to create your story.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cut here_ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cut here_ _ _

Write the character’s Title:

name, scene and title
of the poster you
selected. Characters:

1.3 Write a few lines about any two characters for the poster

This is a Rabbit.
It runs fast.
It likes carrot.

1.4 Write a few lines about the scene you selected for the poster:
Ex; This is a river. Fishes are in the river. The River gives us water.


Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________

Write a simple story by using the poster you have selected with the help of your
teacher and the keywords given below. And narrate your story to your friends,
class and your parents. Display your story on the school panel board. (you can
choose your own words)
Keywords: lion, bird, dog, girl, monkey, deer, snake, elephant, rabbit,
jump, eat, happy, cruel, fruits, trees, grass, run, morning, water, way,
tall, fast, stop, flower, mountain.

Write your story here:

Constructive feedback:

Date: Teacher’s signature


1.1 Circle the Capital letters:

This is Toto, the baby cat. He lives with Papa cat and Mama cat.
1.2 Identify the name of the place and person and write it in the boxes provided:
Mangaluru, Toto, Rahim, Punjab,Karnataka, Bhima, Geeta, India

Person Place

1.3 Use the Capital letters wherever necessary.

once upon a time, there was a little girl. her name was sushma. she lived
on a farm. there was a big tree at the farm. an owl lived in the tree.
sushma called the owl cutie. they were good friends.

1.4 Use the full stop at the end of each sentence.

1. The letters went into the bag

2. The box goes into the van

3. There is Izzy up on the wall

4. Gowri the cow said moo-moo

1.5 Use the full stops wherever necessary:

I am Radhika I have a pet animal at home It is a cat I love her and I

cannot stay away from her

1.6 Read the following paragraph, use capital letters and full stop wherever

1. india is my country karnataka is one of the state in india bengaluru is

the capital of karnataka

2. rahul is a student of class 4 he goes to school rita, lalitha, rekha are
studying in a school they are friends


1.7 Circle the commas given in the below passage:

Once in a village, there lived a farmer. He had a small farm, two cows,
two sheep, five rabbits, a hen, and a cock.

Gopu went to the market. He bought a kilo of onions. Some were big,
some were small, some were tiny, some were pink, some were red, some
were white and some were green.
1.8. Use commas wherever necessary.
1. Thank you little fly said all the animals.
2. He wanted five buns two bats two mugs and one cup.
3. Tony Sony and Rony go to a hotel.
4. Good morning madam.
5. This is my son Raju.

1.9 Use punctuation marks appropriately such as comma, full stop, and
capital letters.

1. this is a van a thin a bin a pot a pen and a pin

2. mama got him one bun one bat one car and one mug
3. off goes the van zip zap zoom
4. tomatoes are red beans are green brinjal has a crown just like a green

1.10 Read the paragraph and use capital letters, full stops, and commas wherever

radha was a cute baby she was studying in 5th standard on sunday’s she
plays with a doll teddy one sunday she didn’t find it she searched for it
in the cupboard in the hall under the sofa on the shelf and in the kitchen


1.11 Circle the question mark:

1. Where do they all go?

2. What is your name?

3. When do you get up?

4. Who is your father?

5. When is your birthday?

1.12. Rearrange the words of the below sentences and use question marks:

1. does How cost it much _________________________________

2. is the cat name baby of What the ________________________
3. How pens many you do have _____________________________
4. is your colour Which favourite ___________________________
5. your is What name ____________________________________

Name: ___________________ Date: _______
1.13 Read the paragraph. Rewrite it with capital letters, full stop, commas,
question marks.
one day ramu with his mother went to the market in mangalore he saw
vegetables fruits flowers toys bakery items he felt very happy he asked
his mother what vegetables we were going to buy mother said one kilo
tomato half kilo brinjal two kilos of onions 1 kilo potatoes and green
chillies too ramu said I want some toys she asked which toy do you like
he said teddy bear she bought the toy for ramu now ramu was happy
they bought everything and returned home


Constructive feedback:

Date: Teacher’s signature


1.1 LET’S SPEAK: Select a picture. Tell your friend about the picture without telling
the name of it. They have to identify it. [You can say the Colour, Size, Shape, De-
scriptions like wheels, legs, eyes, numbers, etc.]

1.2 Name the toy and write a message to it.

You are my best friend.

1.3 Let’s TALK: Bring your favourite toy from your home, talk and write simple
sentences about it.

Ex: I am Seema.
This is my favourite toy.
It is black and white in colour.
It tells me to be strong and hardworking.

Draw a picture of your favourite toy and write a message to it.
Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________

Game: “Identify the toy” (Play the game as directed by the teacher)
Prepare models of your favourite toy by using clay. And write a message to it.

Constructive feedback:

Date: Teacher’s signature


1.1 Sing a rhyme and list out the words related to the environment:
Leaves are falling Flowers are blooming Bird isflying
Leaves are falling Flowers are blooming Bird is flying
from the branch from the plant. in the sky
Rain is falling Sun is shining water is flowing
Rain is falling Sun is shining water is flowing
from the sky from the sky in the river.




1.2 Go out and Observe the real objects of nature. Your teacher will guide you
to identify objects and say the name in English. Write down the words that you
Ex: Sun,

1.3 Identify the picture and rearrange the letters.

tmaonuin dlief rsta aes

_________ ___________ ____________ ____________

mnoo erivr ndsa ekla
___________ ___________ ____________ ____________
1.4 Pick out the hidden words.

a) Earth: ear, hear e) Sand:

b) Plant: f) Cloud:
c) Soil: g) Water:
d) Stone: h) Field:

1.5 Complete the paragraph with suitable words given in the bracket.
(tree, branch, bird, Sun, flowers, children, water, sky, nest, house,
plants and leaves)

I saw a________ sitting on the ___________ of a ____________.

It built its _________________ skillfully and went in search of food. At
the same time the ___________ shines brightly in the____________
and ___________ bloom in many ____________. Meanwhile I heard
the sound of rustling of ____________ in the surrounding of nature.
Beside the tree ____________ flows gently. My ______________
has such beautiful surroundings. Many _____________ enjoyed in the
midst of nature.
1.6 Pick and Speak. Pick a chit and speak on the following topic.
Sun, moon, river, star, flower, leaf, school, forest, earth, bird.
1.7 Read the statements given below and tick the correct statements:

1. We need fresh air. 6. Water does not flow.

2. Fish lives on land. 7. We should cut down trees.
3. The Sun shines at night. 8. We keep our environment clean.
4. We must wash our hands regularly. 9. Plastic bags are dangerous.
5. Water is needed for plants also. 10. Plants need sunlight.

1.8 Select any 3 words related to the environment and write simple sentences:
Ex: Tree.
Trees are green in colour.
It gives us air.
I will plant trees.
Trees give us fruits.
Trees give us flowers.
Don’t cut down trees.

Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________

Look at the picture and read the slogan.

Don’t cut down the trees.

Plant more trees.

Read the slogan below and draw the picture according to the slogan:

Don’t pollute weather.
Please save the nature.

Draw a picture to save environment and write slogan to it.


Constructive feedback:

Date: Teacher’s signature




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