Full Paper - Nataliia Vasiutkina Oleksandr Lazebnyk
Full Paper - Nataliia Vasiutkina Oleksandr Lazebnyk
Full Paper - Nataliia Vasiutkina Oleksandr Lazebnyk
e-mail: [email protected]
Over the last decade the turnover for bottled water European countries show the consumption of nearly 160
has been rising. Moreover, the quality of tap water in L a year per capita. It is explained by the weak bottled
most European countries is high, while Ukraine shows water drinking culture, lower income lever compared
an opposite trend. Considering these conditions, it is to Europe and aversion to plastic. On the other hand, a
vital to study the bottled water consumption trends so quarter of surveyed Ukrainians drink bottled water for
as to provide its production and purchase. So, the aim medical purposes, which is not typical of Europeans.
of this article is to research and compare bottled water Moreover, Ukrainians and Europeans have the common
consumers’ behavior in Europe and Ukraine. features concerning water selection. Firstly, most males
prefer highly carbonated water, while females opt for
The information research base were the materials pre-
non-carbonated one. Secondly, bottled water is mostly
sented by: European Federation of Bottled Waters,
preferred by people older than 25, and its main brand se-
State Statistics Service of Ukraine, statistic portals, such
lection criteria are taste and ability to quench the thirst.
as Statista and Euromonitor, and the data from scien-
tists and publishers around the world. It was decided Unlike Europe, Ukraine shows the weak level of bottled
to use the method of bottled water consumers’ mar- water consumption behavior. On the other hand, it is
kets comparison in leading European countries. Fur- the favourite soft beverage among Ukrainians aged 26
thermore, the water consumption was processed via and above. In addition to this, Ukraine’s tap water has
descriptive statistical analysis of personal online survey very low quality, but there are nearly 500 mineral wa-
among 600 respondents aged 18 - 60 with higher ed- ter springs. Furthermore, the tastes and preferences of
ucation and own income source, who live in the most Ukrainians and Europeans are mostly the same. Due to
developed regions of Ukraine, Europe and the world. these factors there are opportunities for bottled water
consumption development in Ukraine.
The highest bottled water consumption rate among
the European countries is fixed in Italy and Germany,
which is the influence of old local traditions. Moreover, Key words: Bottled water, Consumption, Consumers’
its consumption per capita in Western Europe is more behavior, Europe, Ukraine, Comparison.
than 3 times higher than in Eastern Europe. For exam-
ple, Croatians are skeptical towards bottled water due
to massive anti-plastic campaign and high quality of
1. Introduction
tap water. As for Ukraine, bottled water is a favorite Nowadays there are a lot of soft beverages available
soft drink for the majority of its population. Today the on the market, and most of them display a high level
largest volume of its annual consumption per person of rivalry between each other. In order to become the
(63 L) is recorded in Kyiv. However, this indicator across most successful market player the product has to pres-
the whole Ukraine is 15 L on average, while leading ent the competitive advantages.
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
Speaking about bottled water, despite the fact that it is It was decided to use the method of bottled water
the soft beverage that provides the least harm to human consumers’ markets comparison between leading Eu-
health and well-being, over the last decade the high- ropean countries. Furthermore, the behavioral aspects
est turnover has been obtained by lemonade and cola of bottled water consumption were processed via de-
[1]. Nevertheless, the demand for bottled mineral and scriptive statistical analysis of personal online survey
spring water has been growing [1], which is explained conducted among 600 respondents aged 18 - 60 with
by the popular trend towards healthy lifestyle, lack of higher education and own income source, who live in
artificial colorants, flavors, preservatives and sugar. This the most developed regions of Ukraine, Europe and
cannot be said about other types of soft drinks, and thus the world. The survey was conducted in February -
bottled mineral or spring water is the best option to March 2020.
quench the thirst. Moreover, a huge advantage of bot-
tled water is that it does not get spoilt in hot weather
without fridge unlike cola, lemonade or juice. 3. Results and Discussion
As for the environment, Ukraine has a larger number 3.1 Bottled water consumption in Europe
of mineral springs than in the majority of Western and
To begin with, in order to analyze the bottled water
Eastern European countries [2, 3], and those located
consumers’ behavior it is vital to study the dynamics of
near the Carpathians are believed to be the best ones
basic soft drinks (bottled mineral/spring water, lemon-
in former USSR [4]. On the other hand, the quality of
ade/cola and juice) turnover over the last decade (see
tap water in most European countries, especially Ger-
Figure 1).
many, is high, whereas Ukraine is showing a completely
opposite trend [5]. This forces Ukrainians to buy more For more than 50 years lemonade and cola have been
bottled water. Because of all those factors it is vital to the most popular soft drinks, and according to the in-
study the bottled water consumption trends in Europe formation obtained from the online survey, most of
and Ukraine and compare them so as to provide its their consumers are aged 25 and younger. This trend
production and purchase. has been driven by bright and aggressive advertising
policies conducted by prominent soft drinks manu-
A significant contribution to bottled water market re-
facturers, such as Coca Cola Company and PepsiCo.
search in Europe and worldwide has been made by
According to Statista, during the 2010s the growth of
Jean-Pierre Deffis and Patricia Fosselard from Europe-
revenue from lemonade and cola has been rapid, while
an Federation of Bottled Waters (EFBW) [2], and the re-
bottled water turnover has been rising slightly, but
search conducted by scientists in marketing, econom-
since 2014 this indicator has begun to grow higher as
ics and statistics reveals the trends in bottled water
during the last five years the annual increase of global
consumption. Mariia Voloshyna, Ukrainian marketer,
bottled water revenue has been exceeding 16 bn € [1].
has researched the status of bottled water consump-
tion in Ukraine [3], while trends in Europe were studied Now let us have a look at how the trends of bottled
mostly by European scientists. For example, Daniela water consumption vary across the world. In terms of
Coppola presents the dynamics of bottled water con- the regions the largest level of consumption per capita
sumption per capita in Italy [6], Nils-Gerrit Wunsch - in is recorded in Europe. EFBW claims that during the last
Germany, Belgium and the UK [7 - 10], and Aitor Arroyo decade the average annual bottled water consump-
- in France [11]. Their pieces of research fully represent tion in Europe has been 109.9 L (Figure 2). However,
the dynamics of bottled water consumption in differ- this figure was calculated considering only the Europe-
ent European countries, although these data are not an Union (EU), excluding the European countries that
full enough to find out the purposes and reasons of are non-EU members, such as Belarus and Ukraine [2].
mineral or spring water drinking as well as consumers’
The reasons why the Europeans prefer bottled water
are simple: ability to quench the thirst and pleasant
So, the purpose of this article is to research and com- taste. The latter is also fair for other soft drinks, but due
pare bottled water consumers’ behavior in Europe and to artificial flavors and colorants they do not hydrate
Ukraine. and refresh the way natural mineral or spring water
does. The online survey has shown that bottled water
is the most preferable soft drink for 52.9% of residents
2. Materials and Methods of European countries, including Germany and Italy,
and the majority of bottled water fans are aged 26 and
The information research base consists of the materials
older, while the youngsters between 18 and 25 years
presented by EFBW, State Statistics Service of Ukraine,
old are mostly lemonade and cola drinking adherents.
statistic portals, such as Statista and Euromonitor, and
For comparison, Latin Americans under 26 are also
the data from scientists and publishers around the
fond of lemonade or cola, whereas older representa-
tives prefer beer.
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
benefits, which results in Czechs selecting the water respondents were selected considering the regions
produced internally [23]. Their most favorite one is the with the highest rate of bottled water drinking per cap-
carbonated mineral water enriched with magnesium ita since they primarily make up the local market. State
[23], and today the Czech bottled water market leader Statistics Service of Ukraine suggests that during the
is Karlovarské minerální vody, a company from Karlovy last years the Top 3 regions in Ukraine with the larg-
Vary that offers the water under Mattoni, Aquila and est average volumes of bottled water consumption
Magnesia brands [24]. per person annually have been Kyiv city, Kyiv region
and Kharkiv region [26, 27]. So, namely these parts of
Furthermore, Hungary has 214 natural springs, which
Ukraine were selected for the survey.
makes the country a rich mineral water source [2].
During the last decade Hungary has been showing a According to the data obtained from the online survey,
growth of bottled water consumption per year, and 60.5% of Ukrainian participants consider bottled min-
most Hungarians prefer still rather than carbonated eral water to be their favorite soft beverage (Figure 5).
water as it is believed to be more natural [25]. This The most popular reason in favor of bottled water is
trend is totally different from that of Germany [17], that it is the best option to quench the thirst, and the
Croatia [21], and Czech Republic [23]. As for the trade- main criteria of water selection are its taste and quality.
marks, throughout several years the absolute local bot- Though such criterion as country of the brand’s origin
tled water market leader has been Szentkirályi-Kékkúti is not the main one, most surveyed Ukrainians are fond
Ásványvíz company, which is famous for Szentkirályi of national bottled water trademarks.
and Theodora brands [25].
After having analyzed the trends of bottled water
consumption in Europe the next step is to study the
Ukrainian consumers of this beverage and compare
their behavior with European ones.
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
Table 1. Dynamics of bottled water consumption per Speaking about other aspects of consumers’ behavior,
capita by regions in Ukraine both Europeans and Ukrainians mostly drink bottled
Consumption, L water at home. However, many Ukrainians also con-
2017 2018 sume this beverage during trips and at workplaces
Kyiv City 43.8 50.5 or Universities, while very few Europeans follow this
Kyiv 23.2 26.3 trend. For example, in Germany the tap water is good
Kharkiv 22.3 26.1 [5], which leads to high rate of tap water drinking at
Odessa 19.7 25.5 above mentioned places. What is more, unlike most
Dnipropetrovsk 17.9 23.2 Europeans, 3 out of 4 Latin Americans are fond of
Zaporizhia 20.3 22.9 bottled water consumption at cafés and restaurants,
Kirovohrad 18.8 21.2 though some Italians and Spanish also drink mineral
Mykolaiv 15.0 18.2 or spring water at cafés as a part of their old traditions.
Lviv 15.2 17.5 Furthermore, a vital feature is a comparison of the
Zhytomyr 12.6 13.5 reasons for bottled water drinking among Ukrainians
Poltava 11.5 13.5 and Europeans. Although most Ukrainian survey par-
Kherson 11.5 13.1 ticipants are the local residents, 16.7% of them are cur-
Ivano-Frankivsk 10.1 12.9 rently living abroad, including the countries like China
Chernihiv 10.4 11.4 and the USA, which do not form the target group in
Cherkasy 9.9 10.5 this case. So, in order to focus on bottled water con-
Sumy 8.4 8.9 sumption in Ukraine it would be more rational to con-
Vinnytsia 6.5 8.2 centrate exclusively on respondents that live within
Khmelnytsky 6.7 8.2 the country and to compare Ukrainian consumers’ be-
Transcarpathian 6.1 7.7 havior with European ones (Figure 6).
Volyn 6.0 7.6
Rivne 5.9 7.5
Donetsk 4.8 5.8
Ternopil 4.9 5.8
Chernivtsi 4.4 5.0
Luhansk 1.8 2.2
Source: State Statistics Service of Ukraine [26, 27].
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
One of the most popular Ukrainian mineral springs water is the favorite soft beverage among most Ukrai-
is situated near the city of Morshyn in Lviv region, nians aged 26 and above, though such perception is
which is famous for its bottled water brand, Morshy- observed among Europeans as well. Furthermore, the
nska. Among the survey participants 61.3% of the tastes and preferences of Ukrainians and Europeans
residents of Ukraine who drink bottled water select concerning water selection are mostly the same. In ad-
namely Morshynska. The reasons why they opt for this dition to this, Ukraine’s tap water has very low quality,
water are its taste as well as ability to quench thirst but there are nearly 500 mineral water springs with
and provide an invigorating effect thanks to calcium, curative properties. These factors promote the oppor-
magnesium, and other useful substances. As for Kyiv tunities for bottled water consumption development
city, 44.4% of its residents prefer Morshynska, which in Ukraine.
is followed by Borjomi (22.2%). Both these brands are
- Next step is to use the data presented in this article
run by IDS Borjomi Ukraine, and this company is the
so as to forecast the bottled water consumption in
national bottled water market leader [29]. Though Bor-
Ukraine and Europe in the next 3 years as well as to
jomi is a non-Ukrainian trademark of natural sparkling
help the enterprises produce, promote and distribute
water as it is extracted from springs at the mountain-
this beverage to make it available for the appropriate
ous landscape of Georgia, Ukrainians like it for lack of
target groups in the right amount.
acidic taste and rich range of minerals that provide
therapeutic effect [30]. In addition to this, Morshyns-
ka remains favorite bottled water brand among some
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