Opportunities For Reducing Cost of Waste
Opportunities For Reducing Cost of Waste
Opportunities For Reducing Cost of Waste
Prepared by:
Isle Utilities
Thanks to the following key contributors to study:
Ian Olmstead
Michael Robinson
Jason Briffa
Colleen Gates
Jenny Downey
Allan Box
Sean Trebley
Neil Rosier
Isle does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise
technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Isle research publications
consist of the opinions of Isle’s research organisation and should not be construed as statements of fact. Isle
disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Executive Summary 5
Background 7
Technology selection 9
Upstream Waste Reduction 11
Wastewater Treatment for Waste Reduction 17
Sludge Treatment for Waste reduction 23
Government Policy Developments for Waste Reduction 27
Government Financial Support / Incentive Schemes 29
Appendix A 33
Appendix B 35
Appendix C 39
Appendix D 41
AS Activated Sludge
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CIP Clean in place
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
DAF Dissolved Air Flotation
DS Dry solids
EC Electro coagulation
FOG Fat, Oil, Grease
IAF Induced Air Floatation
MABR Membrane Aerated Bioreactor
MBR Membrane bioreactor
MBBR Moving bed bioreactor
OPEX Operational Expenditure
TSS Total Suspended Solids
UASB Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor
Executive Summary
Australian dairy processors are striving towards wide range of water qualities achieved. The largest
improved sustainability and corporate responsibility savings of trade waste charges can be made through
though reduced waste organic and solid/ packaging- technologies which reduce flow and BOD. Suspended
related material. As part of this, they have voluntarily solids however, can also make up a significant
committed to reduction targets with respect to a proportion of disposal cost. It is therefore logical that the
number of environmental indicators through their treatment option selected should reflect the area of
participation in the Australian Dairy Industry’s greatest cost saving based on its treatment ability (e.g.
Sustainability Framework. This study is intended to Creative Water Technology for BOD and SS removal as
assist dairy processors in the task of achieving these well as flow reduction).
targets by providing information about emerging
Interestingly, while it may not always be suitable to
technologies that have potential to assist dairy
replace existing processes, there are emerging
processors in their pursuit of reducing the economic
opportunities to retrofit technologies which make the
and environmental cost of disposing organic and
overall system more efficient. An example is the
solid/packaging-related material.
Enviplan Aquatector system which can be installed into
A large quantity of technologies and techniques were existing DAF systems. Such an approach may be
considered for their potential to reduce waste suitable for sites with a small footprint or as a cost-
production as well as reduce waste through treatment. effective upgrade to improve final effluent quality.
These were then filtered to produce a list of seventy-
Many more advanced wastewater treatment processes
five potentially promising technologies. Fifteen
can provide a water quality that would only need
technologies were then short-listed based on a set of
minimal polishing to provide high quality water for re-
selection criteria and examined further through
use. Re-use would also be a way to reduce trade
discussions with Dairy Australia to identify and
waste charges associated with water volume, and
prioritise seven key technologies of interest. These are
water could be re-used in several areas on sites such
detailed within this report.
as wash down of equipment or floors, or even toilet
The technologies are split into three main categories: flushing.
upstream waste reduction (organic and packaging
Sludge treatment
waste); wastewater treatment and sludge reduction.
The technologies investigated are commercially Sludge overall did not seem to be a major issue for
available, though many are based outside of Australia. members who could store the sludge, send to
composting or dispose of as animal feed. The
Each technology of the seven prioritised has been
requirement though for more advanced wastewater
profiled in detail in the report and evaluated in terms of
treatments, either for water re-use or minimising trade
cost effectiveness versus waste reduction potential.
effluent costs, will potentially lead to greater amounts of
The remaining shortlisted technologies are profiled in
sludge being produced. This may also be coupled with
the Appendices.
the need to ensure organic wastes are diverted from
Upstream waste reduction landfill, therefore driving a move towards reduction of
volumes and alternative disposal.
Upstream waste reduction is mainly driven by the
desire to reduce the amount of product that is lost as In the short term though, those companies who are not
this has the biggest financial impact in terms of both already doing so can change chemicals used upstream
upfront costs and backend wastewater to food grade or use chemical free treatment
treatment/disposal cost. This can be achieved either processes to provide greater options for disposal (e.g.
though better operated CIP processes or more intense as animal feed).
monitoring of the production process. This is typically
There are also many opportunities to reduce the
achieved through ongoing process optimisation
moisture content in the sludges to reduce trucking cost
activities but it can be supported through new CIP
via dewatering (e.g. AMCON Volute) and
techniques (e.g. Suez Ice Pigging) and monitoring
destruction/drying technologies (e.g. Pyreg).
equipment (e.g. Alvim and Arenal PCS sensors).
Alternative waste disposal options
In terms of packaging waste, dairy processors have
the ongoing challenge of working with the supply chain Packaging waste without a clear recycling route
to source more recyclable and sustainable options. appears to be a particular challenge for dairy
Resource recovery of unrecyclable material, however, processors. In the course of this study, packaging
offers the potential to divert waste from landfill. washing technologies were raised as a good option for
dairy processors to increase waste diversion rates to
Wastewater treatment
recycling facilities, especially where landfill levies are
Wastewater treatment is a complex space with a huge high. There is also the option to get involved in the
range of options for a huge variety of scenarios, with a CSIRO ASPIRE (Advisory System for Processing,
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 6
The Australian dairy processing sector produces utilisation etc) and waste management costs (i.e.
significant amounts of organic waste and solid/ storage and handling, treatment/stabilisation,
packaging-related material at its processing sites as by- compliance testing etc). The sum of these costs is often
products of ongoing operations. Both types of wastes poorly understood. What is clear is trade waste costs
take on many forms and vary from site to site based on and landfill costs have risen considerably in recent
the scale of production and mix of dairy products years while at the same time regulators such as EPA
produced. An indication of typical waste streams Victoria are placing greater scrutiny on organic waste
generated from a large dairy processing site might, management and disposal practices – thereby
however, include: potentially increasing the costs of regulatory compliance.
– Organic waste streams: Apart from the obvious commercial drivers for reducing
the cost of waste, many the largest Australian
– Off-spec raw milk/intermediates/final product
processors have also recognised that demonstrating
– Process first flush/product changeover the principles of sustainability and corporate social
responsibility are key to maintaining a social licence to
– Out of date final product
operate and is increasingly influencing consumer
behaviour. As such, these companies have also
– Process by-products (i.e. whey, mother liquor, voluntarily committed to reduction targets with respect
lactose concentrate) to a number of environmental indicators through their
participation in the Australian Dairy Industry
– Wastewater:
Sustainability Framework. Specifically, these reduction
– Wastewater treatment by-products targets include;
– Dissolved/induced air flotation sludge – Target 9: Reduce the consumptive water intensity
of dairy manufacturers by 20%
– Aerobic treatment sludge
– Based on a 2010/11 baseline of 1.75 litres of
– Anaerobic digestion sludge
water per litre of milk processed
– Solid/Packaging-related waste streams:
– Target 10: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
– Plastic/paper powder bags intensity by 30%
– Film wraps – Based on a 2010/11 baseline of 178.7 tonnes of
CO2-e per ML milk processed
– Cardboard
– Includes Scope 1 and 2 emissions
– Metal
– Target 11: Reduce waste to landfill by 40%
– Timber/pallets
– Based on a 2010/11 baseline of 2.69 tonnes of
– Residual packaging from off-spec product
waste per ML of milk processed
The dairy processors who have made commitments to
The disposal routes for these waste streams is varied these targets report on progress each year and
and often costly. For organic wastes, processors pay substantial in-roads have been made towards
volume/load-based charges for disposal to trade achievement of the goals set. Further work needs to be
waste/sewer, landfill, or compost. Costs can also be done, however, and the industry continues to monitor
incurred for re-use of some of the organics as stock feed and act upon evolving risks and opportunities which
– either due to de-packaging, transport and/or off-take might hinder or support progress.
agreement costs. Costs are also incurred for disposal
One vehicle for supporting processor’s progress
and/or irrigation to land – both in terms of
towards meeting the manufacturing-based Framework
transport/pumping infrastructure and environmental
targets is the Dairy Manufacturer’s Sustainability
monitoring/testing. For solid/ packaging-related wastes,
Council (DMSC). The DMSC is a membership based
in many instances these can be diverted from landfill
community of practice which includes eight core dairy
and recycled/re-purposed. However, there are still
processors. These members include: Devondale
significant packaging waste streams that end up in
Murray Goulburn, Lion Dairy and Drinks, Parmalat
landfill and, as such, processors incur waste
Australia, Warrnambool Cheese & Butter, Bega Cheese,
management and landfill-related costs to their business.
Bulla Dairy Foods, Norco Foods, and Fonterra Australia.
The true cost of waste production for dairy processors, Most of these DMSC members contribute data to the
however, does not just include the final cost of disposal Framework and all of them have an interest in improving
but also costs associated with wasted production inputs the environmental performance of their businesses as
(i.e. milk, ingredients, water, energy, labour, capital well as the overall sustainability of the industry. In
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 8
Technology selection
Aerobic treatment
product streams
DAF/IAF sludges or
Lactose Concentrate
Out of spec raw
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 10
Upstream Waste Reduction
• Opportunity - Work
with packaging
suppliers to inform
them of
Lack of requirements
options • Opportunity - Work
with waste
companies to find
routes for
unrecyclable wastes
Figure 3 Perceived barriers to innovation in upstream
waste reduction
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 12
shredding, diverting an additional 20 tonnes per month
from landfill.
Database of potential waste disposal options
CSIRO ASPIRE (Advisory System for Processing,
Innovation & Resource Exchange)
– An online marketplace which intelligently
matches businesses with potential
remanufacturer, purchasers or recyclers of
waste resources.
– This project is currently active but not in all
areas of the country. Click here for more details.
Upstream waste reduction is mainly driven by the
desire to reduce the amount of product that is lost as
this has the biggest financial impact in terms of both
upfront costs and a backend wastewater
treatment/disposal cost. This can be achieved either
though better operated CIP processes or more intense
monitoring of the production process. It will mainly will
be part of an ongoing optimisation task that will need to
be undertaken by most dairy producers but it can be
supported through new CIP techniques and monitoring
CIP Process
There are improvements to the operation of CIP that
can be made, such as recovering cleaning chemicals
(e.g. caustic) that are becoming more common.
Technologies such as Suez Ice Pigging though have a
high potential to reduce water, are ready to go and
could be validated through demonstration followed by
Product waste
Specific monitoring, such as for COD, conductivity or
biofilm would be most effective at identifying either
unplanned product wastage or contamination which
may lead to product loss.
Dairy processors have the ongoing challenge of
working with the supply chain to source more
recyclable and sustainable packaging. Resource
recovery though of unrecyclable material will be a
potentially interesting area in the future.
Description: The ice slurry forms an “ice pig” which provides enhanced cleaning shear on the pipe walls, and easily
adapts to the local topology of the pipe. It differs from conventional solid pigging in that the Ice Pig is capable of
navigating complex pipework which may incorporate changes in pipe diameter, bends, valve systems, heat
exchangers and other obstructions with no risk of becoming stuck. The Ice Pig is composed of fine ice crystals and a
carrier fluid containing an additive used to maintain the correct fluid characteristics. In most cases the additive can be
an ingredient already used in the product.
Case Studies
Yeo Valley (UK) - Ice Pigging was used to remove a custard product from production machinery. Compared to
the usual flushing process, the process could recover an additional 50 litres of product per run, which was 75%
of the product in the line.
Food manufacturing client - Ice Pigging was used for the removal and recovery of a thick and creamy cake
topping from production lines while also significantly reducing their water consumption and the amount of
effluent produced. Per week the process saves 124,000 litres of water, 121,000 litres of effluent and an
additional 16,000 litres in product recovered.
Indicative costs
AQL500 system costs approximately $380,000 depending on the hygiene specification. This does not include
the cost of installing valves and pipework in the factory to distribute the ice
Suez can provide a detailed business case of the potential cost benefits of the technology if they have details
of the frequency of the CIP, pipe lengths/diameters, product value etc
An example of the cost benefits of the process using a theoretical situation is shown in Appendix D
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 14
ALVIM – Biofilm monitoring system
Real-time, on line biofilm monitoring system that is able to detect bacterial
colonisation of surfaces from the initial phase
Technology highlights:
Low cost
Biofilm more representative of biology in pipework
Discriminates between biofilm and other kinds of deposit
Description: Biofilm is a major problem in many fields, increasing the corrosion rate of metals and the resistance of
bacteria to sanitation treatments. The ALVIM real-time, on line biofilm monitoring system is able to detect bacterial
colonisation of surfaces from the initial phase (down to 1% of surface coverage). These measurements can be
utilised to automatically adjust, optimise and/or monitor the efficacy of disinfection/sanitation processes. It is based on
sophisticated electrochemical measurement of oxygen reduction kinetics on a metal surface, coupling advanced
analogue signal conditioning with a digital, microprocessor-driven stage.
Case Studies
Milk processing plant – The ALVIM probe was utilised to show that the CIP process was effective and that no
biofilm grew while the pipe was out of service (but full of clean water). This application was able to identify
when CIP runs were not carried out and when lines were left empty
Food production plant – When a flavour was changed at the plant the pipeline was washed with water in a
closed loop that was filtered and treated with UV. Every 3 weeks the loop was cleaned with chemicals and
the filters were sterilised with steam. Over time bacterial concentrations rose and the ALVIM was used to
identify that the cleaning strategy was not robust enough to removal all the biofilm in the system
Indicative costs
The ALVIM system for hygienic use costs approximately $5000 (no spare parts required), this does not
include the cost for fitting the monitor. It is likely that multiple systems would need to be employed depending
on the process. A control for the ALVIM system would cost $550.
Multiple, spatially distributed probes and other devices can be simultaneously connected to the site control
PC or PLC for centralised monitoring
Description: Arenal PCS produces an analyser for the online monitoring of COD and TSS in industrial wastewater
(both organic and inorganic contaminants). The analyser incorporates sensors based on two techniques: ultrasonic
sonochemistry (measuring the propagation of ultrasonic waves as they encounter changes in the environment, a
unique and new method developed by Arenal) and conductivity measurement. COD concentration is determined
using advanced chemometric methods (the science of extracting information from chemical systems by data-driven
means), TSS using acoustic attenuation. A third sensor, e.g. for pH measurement, can be added if the specific
application necessitates it. Ultrasonic sonochemistry offers performance and cost advantages over chemical and
optical measurement techniques.
Case Studies
The distributor Arenal monitor for the food and beverage industry have installed 12 systems so far (6 in
Breweries and 6 in soft drink manufacture). The key reason for installation was to detect peak levels of sugar
(as COD). The sensor was coupled with a conductivity sensor to ensure the readings were corrected
especially during the CIP process.
Indicative costs
A single point Arenal COD+TSS analyser costs $26,000. ROI is less than 2 years when compared to current
TOC or wet-chemical COD analysers (such devices incur annual O&M costs of approximately $15,000).
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 16
Wastewater Treatment for Waste Reduction
•Opportunity -
Balancing tanks to
manage flows
•Opportunity -
Enviplan Treatment
NVP USAB Electro-
Technical Complexity Energy coagulation
Figure 8 Typical treatment technologies mapped by
complexity against treatment ability
MBBR Power
As can be seen from Figure 8 above, typically Water
technologies employed by the dairy industry for Microvi
processing wastewater tend to have a lower level of
complexity and are targeted towards SS and BOD Figure 9 Waste sources and technology opportunities
removal primarily and a medium water quality. This for wastewater treatment
suggests that technologies such as MBBR, USAB, EC
and MBR might be the areas to investigate. Ideally a
technology would have a lower level of complexity (and The technologies selected and their target treatment
likely a lower cost) but achieve the treatment abilities are described in more detail in Table 3 below.
requirement, though these types of technologies are in
the earlier stages of development. Table 3 Shortlist of wastewater treatment
Company Description
Wastewater treatment name
Based on the discussions with Dairy Australia, the FOG, solids, low BOD. Enviplan’s
DMSC and the analyses above, three clear wastewater Aquatector Microfloat (eMF) is a micro-
treatment objectives surfaced: flotation process for water and wastewater
treatment, utilising micro bubbles of 20-50
– Solids reduction Enviplan
µm (>90% of the micro bubbles are in this
range) for separation of suspended solids
– BOD reduction and colloidal material.
High BOD. NVP Energy has developed a
– Volume reduction Low-temperature Anaerobic Digestion (Lt-
Technologies with the potential to achieve these AD) process which can be used for
NVP Energy
secondary treatment of low strength
objectives were investigated and six were shortlisted wastewater (COD <3,500 mg/L) at
using the criteria described in the table above “Criteria temperatures as low as 4°C.
for technology selection” Med BOD. FibraCast designs and
manufactures a unique, high efficiency
Figure 9 below shows key technologies types where FibraCast hybrid immersed UF membrane called
waste reduction could be achieved through wastewater MBR FibrePlate. FibrePlate is used in membrane
treatment and an overlay of the technologies shortlisted bioreactors (MBR) to treat wastewater to
reuse or high-quality discharge standards.
in these areas. Broad spectrum treatment or nitrogen
specific. Microvi has developed an efficient,
versatile waste water treatment system
based on advanced biological carriers
(Biocatalysts). Biocatalysts are small,
Microvi extremely permeable polymer spheres with
complex internal structures, providing a
protective environment for high
concentrations of microbes, specifically
selected for target pollutants.
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 18
Broad spectrum treatment. Technologies prioritised
Sonoelectrochemistry is the next advance in
electro-based water treatment. Combining Following detailed discussions with Dairy Australia, the
Power and power ultrasound with electrolysis. The most applicable technologies, with the greatest potential
Water treatment process offers the advantage of
physical, chemical and oxidative (advanced
cost benefit were prioritised, these were:
oxidation process, AOP) treatments with all – Enviplan
the benefits of physical treatment.
Volume reduction and mineral removal. – Creative Water Technology
Creative Water Technology (CWT) is a
Melbourne based Australian company that Power and Water were also considered as a potential
has developed world-class techniques in technology of interest because electro-coagulation
zero liquid discharge (ZLD) and fractional
crystallization of minerals to apply to a wide
could be a suitable alternative to chemical coagulant
range of water treatment and recycling dosing before a physical separation process such as a
applications. DAF and it is particularly effective at removing soluble
or colloidal constituents.
Cost and waste reduction technology mapping Information on this technology and the others that were
not prioritised can be found in Appendix B.
The technologies were mapped to provide an indication
of cost effectiveness and is based only an indicative On the next pages are summary descriptions of each of
cost information because in many cases cost is site the prioritised technologies including information on:
dependent. In addition to the shortlisted technologies, – Applicability
membrane aerated bio-reactors (MABR) have be
mapped on the diagram. This technology is currently at – Effectiveness of the technology
a relatively early stage of development but has potential – Case Studies
for high rate, low energy treatment. This technology is
described in more detail below. – Indicative costs
– Contact details of the supplier
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 20
Enviplan - Aquatector Microfloat
A micro-floatation process that produces a high bubble density for
superior separation
Technology highlights:
Advanced control and optimisation
Uses no or less chemicals than conventional IAF/DAF systems
Self-cleaning valves
Simple to retrofit
Description: Enviplan’s AQUATECTOR Microfloat (eMF) is a micro-flotation process for water and wastewater
treatment, utilising micro bubbles of 20-50 µm (>90% of the micro bubbles are in this range) for separation of
suspended solids and colloidal material. The high bubble density and turbulence free distribution in the micro-
flotation tank provides over 99.9% separation. Particles <10 µm can be separated. Most existing eMF plants
operate without chemicals or flocculating agents. eMF systems offer high hydraulic and solids loading rates in a
small footprint, low energy consumption and maintenance free operation thanks to the iFloat self-cleaning injector
Case Studies
Ehrmann AG – Enviplan installed micro-floatation plant at a site processing raw milk and producing yogurt,
following a demonstration to prove the effectiveness of the technology. The process feed rate is 45m3/h
and achieves 52% reduction in COD and 100% of settleable solids. The pressure in the system is 2.5bar
and the energy requirement is 30Wh/m3.
Molkerei Gropper GmbH & Co. KG – Due to production increases at the site, Enviplan upgraded their own
plant in 2017 which was originally installed in 2009 to treat wastewater from processing raw milk and
producing various dairy products. The process feed rate is 100m3/h and achieves 58% COD removal, 90%
settleable solids removal and 91.5% removal of oily substances.
Indicative costs
As an indication of cost, the CAPEX for an 800m3/d plant is approximately $250,000. The operation costs
will be mainly based on the energy required to pressurise the air in the water
There is an opportunity to rent small microfloat system (1-12m3/h) for testing the performance of the
system. The service cost for this is typically $11,000 (not including transport of the system in a container)
and then there is an ongoing weekly rental fee of $2200
Description: The GENESIS series uses a low temperature, thermal distillation process known as adiabatic
recovery to desalinate, dewater and/or recycle highly saline and highly contaminated wastewater. The technology
has been specifically designed to handle the high levels of contaminant that alternative technologies struggle to
process, with proven results for water samples with TDS levels over 300,000 ppm that were reduced to less than 20
ppm. The unit has a low power cost of 15 kWh per tonne of water evaporated and can use existing thermal energy
sources, such as spray dryers, boiler and cooling towers, as a primary power source (site application dependent).
The GENESIS series has a simple self-cleaning cycle using its own recycled water and no problematic filters or
membranes. Soluble and insoluble contaminants are separately extracted for reuse or, with optional accessories,
dried and/or bagged for sale. The compact nature of the process allows it to be located on a clean site or as a
retrofit to existing water processing plants to treat waste or brine discharge.
Indicative costs
The system is custom designed specifically for each situation, heat available and treatment objectives.
Demonstrations of 1kL - 4 kL process are available at Creative Water Technology’s site.
The GENESIS series system may also be rented for a trial and the cost of this is $2,500 / day onsite
including operator plus all expenses at cost. Expenses include delivery, insurance, and operator expenses.
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 22
Sludge Treatment for Waste reduction
•Opportunity - treatment
Thickening and
Handling dewatering to
issues reduce the volume Secondary
Grease trap
IAF/DAF sludge treatment
•Opportunity - sludge
Drying the sludge
•Opportunity - Destruction
To generate Dewatering
energy / heat to Biodiesel
offset costs Pyreg
Costs •Opportunity -To STC
recover valuable
such as
phosphorous, Drying
that can be sold
• Opportunity - To Figure 12 Waste sources and technology
consider the opportunities for sludge reduction
sludge as a
commodity either
as a fuel or to The technologies selected are described in more detail
Alterna- recover useful
in Table 4 below.
tive components
disposal • Opportunity - Table 4 Shortlist of sludge reduction technologies
routes Changing
chemicals to food Company Description
grade options so
the sludge has The PumpFree approach involves retrofitting
more options for existing grease traps with an organic filter
reuse PumpFree
and an adsorbent media layer. This set up
means that the tankers only pump out and
Figure 11 Perceived barriers to innovation in sludge carry valuable FOG and organic matter
Technologies prioritised
Following detailed discussions with Dairy Australia, the
most applicable technologies, with the greatest
potential cost benefit were prioritised and these were:
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 24
AMCON - Volute
Compact screw press for thickening and dewatering
Technology highlights:
Capable of dealing with oily/greasy sludges
Low energy requirements
Reduced or no chemicals required
Low wash water requirements
Description: The Volute is a screw press made up of fixed rings and moving rings with a uniquely designed tapered
shaft and flights. It has a modular design, operates on a continuous process and the shaft motor is controlled by a
frequency drive and rotates at 2 rpm. The Volute when direct dewatering from an activated sludge plant can
achieve substantial commercial savings on the requirement for polymers, thickeners and sludge storage tank
construction. The system can be quickly installed without significant amount of civil infrastructure work. The system
can be installed for new infrastructure or retrofitted into existing treatment plants. Volute can be installed in places
where placement would not be possible with other technologies for reasons such as low building ceilings or limited
area. Therefore, the construction cost of a large building for installation is not required.
Case Studies
Dairy processor – The volute replaced an existing belt press to dewater a mixture of DAF and secondary
sludge. The wastewater was dewatered from 2.4% total solids to 18% solids with a throughput of 18.7Kg
Indicative costs
The capital cost for the system is between $4,500-$80,000 for equipment that can process sludge at 5%
TDS from 4Kg DS/hr to 800Kg DS/hr. Operational costs will depend on labour cost, disposal cost, power
price, etc. Multiple case studies of this technology indicate that the overall operating costs is lower than belt
process by 20 to 35% and centrifuges by 10 to 30%
The maintenance costs for moving rings starts from $1,800 to $55,000 (largest unit with 843 rings) per unit.
Time required for overhaul service is between 8 - 96 hours per year.
Energy consumed of the units is between 4.06 - 26.14 kWh/d
Volute can be installed in places where placement would not be possible with other technologies for
reasons such as low building ceilings or limited area. Therefore, the construction cost of a large building for
installation is not required.
Contact details of supplier:
Seiji Kikuchi
Deputy General Manager
T: +81-45-540-8580
Email:[email protected]
Description: Pyreg (owned by ELIQUO STULZ) has developed an advanced thermal conversion (ATC) technology
referred to as slow pyrolysis. Pyreg 500 is a carbonisation technology that can treat a wide range of biomasses to
produce a range of products including a mix of fixed carbon, biochar, and mineralised ash and heat. The process
requires temperatures up to 800°C and a retention time of 15-30 minutes, after which biomass feed stocks are
reduced to one third in volume of biochar and two thirds to syngas. The system can process approximately 1,250 t/a
of sludge at approximately 80% DS and will mean an output of approximately 500 t/a ash with up to 20% P and up
to 200kW th excess energy. The feedstock should be characterised by dry solids greater than 50% and particle sizes
lower than 30mm. The footprint of the system is only 8.8m × 3.5m × 2.7m (L/W/H). Typically, the Pyreg technology
is coupled with the EloDry low-temperature belt dryer from ELIQUO STULZ upfront, this is to ensure the correct dry
solids range is reached.
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 26
Government Policy Developments for Waste Reduction
The following section is a brief summary of the used packaging and conserve virgin materials through
current/upcoming national and international policy the encouragement of reuse and recycling.
developments which may provide risk or opportunity
Product Stewardship Act 2011
towards achieving the industry’s waste-to-landfill
intensity reduction targets. This provides the framework to effectively manage the
environmental, health and safety impacts of products,
and in particular those impacts associated with the
International conventions and agreements disposal of products
Australia is party to a number of these international Industrial Waste Resource Regulation Review
conventions and agreements relevant to waste that
The Regulations are an important part of Victoria’s
have been reflected in national legislation. Below is a
regulatory framework for environmental protection, and
summary of the most relevant.
expire in mid-2019. The Regulations categorise
Paris Agreement 2015 industrial wastes by risk profile to ensure that each is
appropriately handled, stored, treated, transported and
The Paris Agreement sets in place a durable and
disposed of. The Victorian Government's response to
dynamic framework for all countries to take climate
the Independent Inquiry into EPA signals an intention
action from 2020, building on existing international
for major reform of the Environment Protection Act
efforts in the period up to 2020.
1970. The reform is likely to require changes supporting
Though the agreement is not strictly about waste, it is regulations such as the Industrial Waste Resource
clear that the targets to reduce greenhouse gas Regulations. The review of the Regulations will focus on
emissions will especially impact on organic waste going the hazard categorisation of waste so that it
to landfill. Australia in particular has set an ambitious appropriately reflects the risks arising from the
target to reduce emissions by 26-28 per cent below management of waste. EPA is reviewing scientific
2005 levels by 2030 understanding of the contaminants and components of
waste, from its creation to disposal. This research will
This may result in policy changing with:
inform the new Regulations to ensure human health and
– A move away from waste incineration to reduce environmental impacts of waste are minimised.
– An increase in levies at landfills
Direct waste reduction policies
– A move towards composting to increase carbon
The first comprehensive domestic approach to waste
management was agreed under the 1992 National
Kyoto Protocol 2012 Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development,
which committed Australia to improving the efficiency
The Kyoto Protocol (Kyoto Protocol to the United
with which resources are used, reducing the impact on
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change),
the environment of waste disposal; and improving the
which entered into force in 2005, obligates certain
management of hazardous wastes, avoiding their
developed countries (including Australia which ratified
generation and addressing clean-up issues. These aims
the Protocol in 2007) to reduce their emissions of six
were eventually put into a dedicated waste policy in
main greenhouse gases. The Kyoto Protocol was
amended in 2012 to incorporate a second commitment
period from 2013-2020. Similarly, to the Paris Australian National Waste Policy 2009
agreement this will influence industry targets relating to
The National Waste Policy is an efficient and
organic waste going to landfill.
environmentally responsible approach to waste
management in Australia. The policy sets Australia's
Australian legislation waste management and resource recovery direction to
2020. The aims of the policy are:
As mentioned, the International agreements have been
– To avoid waste generation and reduce waste
reflected in national legislation and below is a summary
of ones that are relevant to waste.
– Manage waste as a resource;
National Environment Protection Council Act
1994. – Ensure that waste treatment, disposal, recovery
and re-use is undertaken in a safe, scientific
Under this the National Environment Protection
and environmentally sound manner; and
Measures (NEPMs) are a special set of objects and the
key one relating to the dairy industry is the Used – Contribute to the reduction in greenhouse gas
Packaging Materials NEPM. This objective is to reduce emissions, energy conservation and production,
environmental degradation arising from the disposal of water efficiency and the productivity of the land.
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 28
Government Financial Support / Incentive Schemes
The following section is a brief summary of experiment that is undertaken to generate new
current/upcoming national funding programs available knowledge. Other non-experimental activities that
which have the potential to reduce the cost and directly support a core R&D activity may be eligible as
intensity of waste production (directly or indirectly) for supporting R&D activities. Core and supporting R&D
Australian dairy processors. activities are defined under sections 355-25 and 355-30
of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
Potential appropriate financial support /incentive
schemes (Table 50 More details can be found here
Name Link State Agency Status Description Funding Ratio Contact details
Dairy Australia National Dairy Open An initiative providing financial assistance to Australian $50K 100% Ian Olmstead
Technology Australia dairy processors to undertake a detailed commercial Program Manager
Assessment Scheme assessment of an innovative technology or practice which T: 03 9694 3811
(DAT) Scheme the project proponent can demonstrate has clear potential
to significantly improve the Australian dairy industry’s
economic or environmental performance
Dairy Australia Grant National Dairy Open An initiative funded by Dairy Australia(DA) which provides $10K 100% Ian Olmstead
Access Support (GAS) Australia financial assistance to Australian dairy processors to Program Manager
Scheme engage specialist grant writers and technical consultants T: 03 9694 3811
to assist with developing submissions for project funding
The Enterprise Link National FIAL Open The programme aims to boost competitiveness and $50K 50% T: 03 9731 3422
Solution Centre capability in the Australian Food and Agribusiness Sector [email protected]
by providing matched funding to industry partners to
deliver innovation that addresses a technical challenge
that is limiting a company’s ability to maximize their
market potential.
Innovation Link National AusIndustry Open Provides small and medium sized businesses with access $50K 50% T: 13 28 46
Connections to expert technology advice to address technology and
knowledge gaps, and collaborate with the research sector
in developing new ideas with commercial potential.
Organics Link NSW NSW EPA Round 4 The Waste Less, Recycle More Organics Infrastructure T: 1300 361 967
Infrastructure Large Closed (Large and Small) Program provides $43 million over four [email protected]
and Small years to fund infrastructure and equipment to reduce food
and garden organics waste going to landfill.
Bin Trim Rebates Link NSW NSW EPA Open Bin Trim Rebates Program, part of Waste Less, Recycle $50K 50% T: 1300 361 967
Program More initiative, aims to increase workplace recycling by [email protected]
providing rebates to small and medium-sized businesses
for recycling equipment.
AgriGrowth Loan Link TAS Business Open Scheme to provide low interest loans to Tasmanian farm $1.5M T: 1800 440 026
Scheme Tasmania businesses and agri-food businesses with the aim to [email protected]
increase the value of the agriculture and agri-food sectors
in Tasmania.
Resource Recovery Link VIC Sustainability Round 1 Program to support the development of infrastructure $500K 50% T: 1300 363 744
Infrastructure Fund Victoria closed which improves the collection and processing of recycled [email protected]
materials. The program seeks innovative projects that will
increase jobs in the resource recovery industry while also
increasing the recovery of priority materials.
Advanced Food Link SA SA Food Round 3 The AFM grants program is designed to encourage T: 08 8226 0109
Manufacturing Grants Innovation closed collaboration between food manufacturers and research [email protected]
Program Centre and development providers, creating partnerships that will
lead to future opportunities. Grants are available to
support South Australian food businesses to partner with
public or private research providers to develop innovative
or novel products or processes.
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 30
Name Link State Agency Status Description Funding Ratio Contact details
Recycling Link SA Green Open Aims to help companies and organisations install $300K 50% Justin Lang
Infrastructure Grants Industries SA equipment and/or provide innovative ways to reuse, Program Manager
Program recycle or repurpose resources and decrease the amount M: 0419 948 931
of landfill waste
Food and Beverage Link SA Green Open Food and Beverage Implementation Grants offer eligible $300K 50% Oliver Lovat
Implementation Grants Industries SA businesses the opportunity to install, upgrade, or add to Project Officer,
trade waste management infrastructure at a reduced cost. M: 0437 641 138
Certain Input to Link National AusIndustry Open The Certain Inputs to Manufacture (CIM) programme aims to improve the T: 13 28 46
Manufacture competitiveness of Australian industry. CIM does this by providing import duty
concessions on certain imported raw materials and intermediate goods such as
good used in food packaging
Supplier Improvement Link National AusIndustry Open Supply Chain Facilitation services are tailored to assist and enable eligible T: 13 28 46
Plan Australian small and medium businesses to participate in domestic and global
supply chains, generate sustainable business growth and find opportunities to
connect and network with their customers
Business Evaluation Link National AusIndustry Open Provides businesses with access to experienced, independent Business T: 13 28 46
Advisers to review the business and provide a Business Evaluation Action Plan
with recommended strategies for business improvement or growth. The
Evaluation includes up to 12 months of mentoring to help implement the
ACTSmart Business Link ACT ACT Open ACTSmart Business Recycling is a free, 10-step program that helps T: 13 22 81.
Recycling Program Government businesses with efficient recycling and waste management. [email protected]
Better Business Link NSW Better Open Better Business Partnership aims to help reduce energy and water bills of Nathan John
Partnership Business businesses in Sydney’s North Shore region. Businesses will gain recognition Manager
Partnership for joining the scheme and reducing their energy, water and waste. T: 9777 7516
Participation in the Better Business Partnership is free for small to medium
sized businesses located in Ku-ring-gai, North Sydney and Willoughby City
Council areas.
ecoBiz Queensland Link QLD CCIQ Open The program provides Queensland businesses and organisations access to T: 1300 731 988
complimentary tools and events including one-to-one coaching, site survey, [email protected]
online benchmarking, workshops and webinars to reduce energy, water and
Resource Productivity Link SA Green Open Aims to identify opportunities for improving business operations by making it Oliver Lovat
Assessments Industries SA more efficient, saving resources (materials, water, energy), preventing waste Project Officer,
and increasing productivity, all of which can help reduce operating costs and M: 0437 641 138
improve business performance and profitability.
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 32
Appendix A
Upstream Waste Source – Technology profiles
Advanced disinfection treatment for difficult liquids
Technology highlights:
Directly treats process liquid
Utilises strong but short-lived oxidants
High capacity
Designed for CIP systems
Reduces chloride discharges
Description: BioIonix has developed an electrochemical process that is primarily used in food processing
applications to disinfect process liquids and in many cases also products. The BioIonix process treats contaminants
by applying an electrochemical field in the liquid as it passes through a reactor. This generates a range of
complementary oxidants (including hydroxyl radicals and various superoxides) that provides both virtually
instantaneous disinfection, and a safe, low-level, long-term residual disinfection effect. BioIonix utilises advanced
catalytic ceramic plate materials that optimise specific performance parameters and extend running times. In
addition, the BioIonix automated control system minimises (or eliminates) operator intervention and provides an
online estimate of disinfection efficacy.
Indicative costs
Systems range from $100,000 – $525,000+ depending on requirements. Typically, the ROI is from 3
months to 1 year and this achieved through the cessation of chemical dosing, enhancement of existing
treatment system performance, reduction of cleaning down time, increased production rates, increased
product shelf life and reduction of chloride discharge.
Description: ResourceCo manufacture process engineered fuel (PEF) from commercial and industrial waste. This
material is typically comprised of mixed light loads which usually contain a mix of timber, metals, plastics, cardboard
and paper. This material is sorted and the ferrous and non-ferrous metals, inert fractions (bricks, concrete etc.) and
non-recyclables are removed from the combustible portion of this material stream. The combustible material is then
processed for manufacturing of PEF. PEF has a high calorific value and can be used as a fuel substitute for coal
and gas in high combustion facilities. Their facility in South Australia was built in 2007 and has the capability to
convert up to 350,000 tonnes of raw material per annum into 100,000 to 150,000 tonnes of PEF. All raw materials
are separated during processing and over 90% of the material is recycled.
Case Studies
ResourceCo have a facility in Wingfield, SA which has the capacity to convert up to 350,000 tonnes of raw
material per annum to 100,000 to 150,000 tonnes of PEF. The finished alternative fuel is transport to the
Adelaide Brighton Cement Birkenhead plant for use as a fossil fuel substitute in the cement making process.
Indicative costs
The gate fee for ResourceCo will depend upon the waste composition and the quantity, but will be within
the range of local landfill costs.
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 34
Appendix B
Wastewater treatment – Technology profiles
NVP Energy
Low temperature anaerobic digestion
Technology highlights:
Low sludge production
Low temperature
Suitable for retrofit and new installations
Description: NVP Energy has developed a Low temperature Anaerobic Digestion (Lt-AD) process which can be
used for secondary treatment of low strength wastewater (COD <3,500 mg/L) at temperatures as low as 4oC. The
technology attenuates high levels of COD (~80%) and TSS (~50%), producing biogas as a by-product. Low-strength
wastewater enters the reactor at the base and travels up through the tank at a rate of 3m3/hr, mixing with
suspended granular seed sludge to initiate anaerobic digestion. The wastewater then passes through a filter to
remove solids, after which it is either re-circulated or removed from the top of the reactor vessel. Biogas is collected
at the top of the reactor. Sludge production is almost negligible.
Case Studies
A pilot scheme with dairy wastewater has been trialled at Arrabawn Dairies Co-op, Carbery Foods and
Kerry Group, Ireland.
Arrabawn Co-op – After installation the influent COD 2,466 mg/L was treated to 657 mg/L (73% removal).
Equally the Influent BOD was 1,675 mg/L and treated to 157 mg/L (91% removal)
Kerry Group - After installation the influent COD 2,197 mg/L was treated to 193 mg/L (91% removal)
Indicative costs
Modular system so CAPEX and OPEX are dependent on the characteristics and volume of the wastewater
requiring treatment. Although CAPEX may be more than activated sludge treatment the OPEX is much
lower, so there are significant whole-life cost benefits over conventional technologies.
No energy intensive aeration is required. Thanks to its biogas production capabilities the system can be
energy positive.
Typical 2 MLD of dairy wastewater (4 NVP Energy reactors) has a CAPEX of $7 million and OPEX of
$110,000 per year
Description: Fibracast designs and manufactures a unique, high efficiency hybrid immersed UF membrane called
FibrePlate. FibrePlate is used in membrane bioreactors (MBR) to treat wastewater to reuse or high-quality
discharge standards. FibrePlate combines the strengths (omitting the weaknesses) of conventional hollow fibre and
flat sheet membranes configurations into a new, smaller, smarter and stronger hybrid platform with superior
backwash capability and excellent hydraulics. The result is a reinforced sheet with hundreds of hydraulically efficient
channels that act as fibres for permeation and back pulsing.
Case Studies
Fibracast has 25 sites operational or in construction in North America, Europe and Asia
Fibracast have retrofit into both flat sheet and hollow fibre MBRs
Applications in municipal water and wastewater treatment, as well as industrial MBRs
Indicative costs
FibrePlate systems have a lower CAPEX requirement thanks to smaller footprints, fewer connections and
higher peak flux capabilities. OPEX is reduced through energy and chemical savings in the membrane air
scour process.
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 36
Power and Water - Soneco
Next generation electro-based water treatment
Technology highlights:
No chemical (flocculants / coagulants) addition
Small footprint
Description: Sonoelectrochemistry is the next advance in electro-based water treatment. Combining power
ultrasound with electrolysis. The treatment process offers the advantage of physical, chemical and oxidative
(advanced oxidation process, AOP) treatments with all the benefits of physical treatment. Adaptive software
ensures optimum treatment performance and energy efficiency. Chemical-free, with no moving parts, the design is
simple, safe, and effective, with lower CAPEX and OPEX compared to comparable water treatment technologies.
Case Studies
Mining water remediation (UK) - Sono-electrochemical treatment (combined electrolysis and power
ultrasound) was used to produce magnesium hydroxide to raise pH of the water, precipitate iron as
insoluble iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)2) and preferentially precipitate other metals in their stable hydroxide
forms. Iron was reduced from 800mg/L to below 0.02mg/L and copper from 40mg/L to <0.1mg/L.
Indicative costs
Based on the case study above and a flow of 12L/s the CAPEX is $1.4million for the Soneco reactor and
power supply excluding the solid-liquid separation tank. The OPEX is $380,000 per annum for the Sono-
electrochemical plant excluding replacement anodes.
The operation costs will vary from application to application depending on what the treatment requirements
Description: Microvi has developed an efficient, versatile waste water treatment system based on advanced
biological carriers (Biocatalysts). Biocatalysts are small, extremely permeable polymer spheres with complex
internal structures, providing a protective environment for high concentrations of microbes, specifically selected for
target pollutants. The Biocatalysts are suspended in an MBBR-like reactor. Polluted water enters the permeable
biocatalysts and is biologically degraded into harmless end-products (e.g. N2, CO2, H2O). Biocatalysts are retained
in the system through hydraulic design. Microbes never leave the biocatalysts and remain functional for years with
no loss of performance. The high concentration of purpose-built pollutant removers accelerates biodegradation
processes, offering significantly faster treatment compared to conventional biological processes
Case Studies
BOD removal case study, Sydney - Influent into the process has a BOD range of 4,000-6,000 mg/L, after
treatment the effluent has <100 mg/L COD. Hydraulic retention time is 8 hours
Municipal WWTP application - Influent into the process has a BOD of 120 mg/L after treatment it is <10
mg/L. Similarly, influent COD is 250 mg/L and after treatment effluent has <40 mg/L COD. Hydraulic
retention time is 2 hours
Indicative costs
Much smaller footprint and significant lower CAPEX compared to conventional treatment, with savings of
50% for new plants being common. Higher savings are achievable when retro-fitting to existing
OPEX savings of around 30% are realised through lower air and pumping requirements, as well as reduced
sludge generation.
Example Project: 10 MLD Municipal WWTP – Retrofitting the Microvi reactor, secondary clarifier, solids
disposal and blower system. Estimated CAPEX - £5,000,000. Estimated OPEX - £173,000 per year.
Significant savings over activated sludge and MBR alternatives
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 38
Appendix C
Sludge treatment – Technology profiles
Onsite grease trap cleaning and
Technology highlights:
Onsite grease trap cleaning
FOG, BOD and SS reduction
Oil recovery for use as a biodiesel
Description: Onsite Grease trap cleaning technology which removes the need to haul ~90% of water with Fats, Oils
& Greases (FOG) from grease trap. The Pumpfree technology consists of an organic filter and proprietary media
installed into a grease trap. Organics and food waste are trapped by the filter and FOGs are absorbed by the media.
To extract the FOGs, the media is vacuumed out of the grease trap and processed to desorb the FOG, the clean
media is then returned to the grease trap. The organics and food waste in the filter are also vacuumed out of the
grease trap for disposal. These FOGs can then be used a biodiesel feed stock. The water left in the grease trap is
has reduced FOG, BOD and SS.
Case Studies
Trials have been completed in conjuncture with Sydney Water, focusing on restaurant grease traps and
decreasing trade waste costs. Removal rates in these trials have been between 40-60% of BOD and 60-
80% of FOG
A large restaurant saved up to $6,000 per year through the reduction of trade waste costs.
Indicative costs
Capital and operational costs will depend on the volume of FOG and whether it is more economical for the
dairy processor to purchase the equipment to regenerate and extract the oils from the media on site or
whether an outside contractor performs this task.
In the trials with Sydney Water trade waste customers it was estimated that they each will make a saving
between $2,000-6,000 per annum.
Description: STC is a Spanish company that specialises in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance
of drying equipment through hot air convection processes. The STC thermal dryer takes dewatered sludge, with a
dry solids content as low as 20%, and produces sludge pellets with greater than 90% DS. The first stage of the
process consists of an extruder which produces strings of the dewatered sludge and evenly spreads them across
the drying belt. As the sludge travels along two consecutive belts, hot dry air circulates perpendicular to them and
the resulting hot moist air is drawn into heat exchangers where the water is condensed. The energy needed to heat
up the sludge and evaporate the water is recovered from the saturated air at the same time as condensation takes
place, maximising the use of residual heat. The dryer operates using water at temperatures of between 85 and 90°C
and is perfectly suited for coupling with low grade or waste heat sources such as CHP engines, gasifiers or
pyrolysers. The final product then passes through a crushing mill to produce a homogenous pellet.
Case Studies
Industrial case study – Cement plant in Spain: 60,000 tonnes per year capacity equipped with two drier
units with a capacity of 3,000 litres per hour of evaporated water per unit. Heat used for the process is
waste heat recovered from the plant
Shanganagh Municipal Wastewater treatment (Ireland) – The system has 2 lanes each with 1260 kg H2O/h
and uses residual heat from CHP generators combined with a biogas boiler
Yorkshire Water (UK) - 1.000 Kg/h of urban digested sludge is dried from 25% to 90% dry matter in one
unit with an evaporation capacity of 700 L/h and the heat is from the cogeneration engine on site.
Indicative costs
Higher CAPEX compared to competitors, but less OPEX due to utilisation of spare heat from the site
Approx. 0.3 kWe consume per kg H2O evaporated
Opportunities for Reducing Cost and Intensity of Waste Production in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector 40
Appendix D
Suez Ice Pigging cost example
Below is an example scenario provided by Suez for the installation of Ice Pigging including assumptions and
Key Outputs
Cost Quantity
AQL500 cost $380,000 1
Installation cost per line $8,500 8
Additional assumptions:
Electricity price of 0.13kWhr
A product value of between 1-2$/L
Freezing point depressant used is Sugar at $0.64/Kg
Cost of water $3.39/1000L
Cost of effluent $23.70/1000L
Cost of NaOH $0.25/L
N.B This calculation does not factor in a monetary value for time savings.