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Bahasa - Inggris - Maritim - Ant IV

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Institution Name Date June 2017

Assessor Name Code Item

Program study English maritim Boom Taxonomy C
Level of Competencies Criteria

Basic competence Report events from past voyages; describe main engine and propulsion
question 1. The ship……..to manila last month
a. Sailed c. sailing
b. Sails d. sail

answer A
question 2. The AB…….the hull last week
a. Paint c. painting
b. Painted d. paints

answer B
question 3. The Chief officer….the cargo yesterday
a. Checkt c. checked
b. Checking d. check

answer C
question 4. Last week, MT Barombong ……….tanjung Perak for Makassar port
a. Left c. leaving
b. Is leaving d. leave

answer A
question 5. The ratings……….the pirates on board the vessel last trip
a. Catch c. cought
b. Caught d. catched

answer B
question 6. Because of the weather, we……… a lot of cargo last month
a. Lose c. lost
b. Losed d. loss

answer C
question 7. The AB …..the helm, when I checked the chart last night
a. Took c. take
b. Taken d. taked

answer A
question 8. A bad storm……..us in the South Atlantic
a. Hitted c. hit
b.Hat d. hited
question 9. In March last year the MV Kopervik …(1)………. Stokholm in sweden for
Copenhagen in denmark
a. Leaving b. left c. leaving d. leave

answer B
question 10.On march 14 there …(2)….. a storm and part of the ship was damaged
1. A. Be b. were c. was d. is

answer C
question 11. A pipe………………. and leaked water on to the deck
a. Bursted b. bursting c. burst d. burstd

answer C
question 12. A fitter…………..the pipe quite quickly yesterday
a. arriving b. arrives c. repair d. repaired
answer D
question 13. The water leaked in the hold……………..some of the dry cargo
a. Put c. damaged
b. Putted d. damage

answer C
question 14. The stevedore………….the cargo in Stokholm yesterday
a. Loaded c. load
b. Loading d. loads

answer A
question 15. Last night the ship………north through the South China sea
a. Heading c. head
b. Heads d.headed

answer D
Loss of power
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

16. There were……….ships grounded because of poor visibility in stormy

a. 6 b. 8 c. 10 d. 12
answer C
question spill
Loss of power
17. The incidents which happened mostly was:

Fire b. cargo contamination c. spill d. collision

answer B
question spill
Loss of power
18. The incidents that happened twice from personal injury was:
a. Cargo contamintion b. fire c. loss of power d. spill

answer B
question spill
Loss of power
19. The incident which was rarely happened was:
a. Fire b. grounding c. collision d. spill

answer C
question 20. The look out saw the ship approaching. The look out didn’t ………the ship
a. See b. seing c. seen d. saw
answer A
question 21. ………..there a fire in the galley yesterday?
a. Is b was c. are d. were
answer B
question 22. Captain : Why did the chemical container explode?
Chief officer : ……………………………………………………….
a. At approximately 09.00
b. Because it came into contact with naked flame
c. In the engine room
d. Only the container was damage
answer B
question 23. Captain : What time did the fire start?
Chief officer : ……………………………………………………….
a. At approximately 09.00
b. Because it came into contact with naked flame
c. In the engine room
d. Only the container was damage
answer A
question 24. Some dangerous chemicals spilled on to his hands………..
a. Because the electrical equipment was faulty
b. But he wasn’t wearing safety shoes
c. So he washed them in cold water immediately
d. Although he was hurt
answer C
question 25. To prevent burns, it is important to wear overalls……gloves when
working on chemicals
a. So b. because c. or d. and
answer D
question 26. The ankle was not broken. It was either sprained………badly bruished
a. So b. because c. or d. and
answer C
question 27. The crane was broken. The Mechanic must………the crane
a. Paint b. service c. secure d. clean
answer B
question 28. The following equipments are personal protective equipment when working
on board, except;
a. goggles c. lifeboat
b. gloves d. safety shoes

answer C
question 29. The cook………his arm in the fire.
a. bruised c. injured
b. burned d. broke
answer B
question 30. The man is welding the railing. He protects his face by using……….
a. safety shoes c. safety goggles
b. face mask d. safety gloves

answer B
question 31. The Chief officer has already (speak) to the new master. The correct form of
the verb in bracket is……
a. spoken c. spoke
b. speaking d. speaks
question 32. Choose the corrects sentence.
a. The engineer has seald the pipe c. The engineer have sealed the pipe
b. The engineer has sealed the pipe d. The engineer has sealt the pipe

answer B
question 33. Choose the correct sentence
a. they have greasd the winches c. they have greased the winches
b. they has greasd the winches d. they have greast the winches

answer C
question 34. The engineer has…………………..the engine.
a. repaired c. repair
b. repairt d. repaire

answer A
question 35. The cadet has……….the deck.
a. swept c. sweep
b. sweped d. swep

answer A
question 36. The 3rd engineer has ……………the alarm.
a. painted c. tested
b. read d. docked

answer C
question 37. Has the vessel arrived at the port yet?
a. yes, yet d. nothing
b. no, already d. Not yet

answer D
question 38. The second officer has……………….the chart
a. checked c. loaded
b. painted d. greased

answer A
question 39. Vessel is unmanoeuvrable. The SMCP of the message is:
A: “I am not under command”. C: “I am obstructed in my
B: “I am a hampered vessel”. D: “I am manoeuvring with difficulty”.

answer A
question 40. 1: “Repeat” is used when a message or part of a
message has not been clearly understood.
2: “Say again” is used when an important
message or part of a message is repeated.
A: 1 and 2 are both right. C: 1 is right.
B: I and 2 are both wrong D: 2 is right

answer B
question 41. Fire has been located in no. 2 hold.
The cargo is on fire; smoke is not poisonous.
A: “Number-2 hold on fire; cargo is burning; smoke not poisonous”.
B: “Number-2 hold and cargo burning; smoke not toxic”.
C: “Fire is in number-2 hold; cargo on fire; smoke not harmful”.
D: “Fire is in number-2 hold; cargo on fire; smoke not toxic”.

answer D
question 42. Six crew members have been wounded; two crew members were killed.
A: “Number of casualties: eight”.
B: “Number of wounded crewmembers: six; number of casualties: two”.
C: “Number of injured persons: six; number of casualties: two”.
D: “Number of injured persons: six; number of dead: two”.

answer C
question 43. Water is entering the vessel belowthe waterline.
A: “I am leaking water”. C. “Water is coming into the vessel”
B: “I am flooding below waterline”. D. “ Water is entering the vessel below

answer B
question 44. Vessel is heeling over dangerously to port side;
cargo will be put overboard to stop heeling.
A: “I have a dangerous list to port; I will jettison cargo to stop listing”.
B: “I am heeling over to port; I will jettison cargo to stop heeling”.
C: “I have a dangerous list to port; I will put cargo over board to stop listing”.
D. “I have a dangerous list to port; I will put cargo over board to stop listing”.

answer A
question 45. Vessel needs helicopter for medical assistance.
A: “I need helicopter for medical assistance”. C. “I require helicopter with
B: “I want a helicopter with doctor”. D. “I want medical assistance in

answer C
question 46. Vessel is being attacked by pirates.
A: “Vessel is being attacked by pirates”. C: “Pirate-attack on my vessel!”.
B: “Pirates are attacking my vessel”. D: ”I am under attack of pirates”.

answer D
question 47. Vessel is underway to distress position to render assistance.
A: “I am coming to help you”. C: “I am proceeding for your
B: “I am underway to assist you”. D: “I am proceeding to

answer D
question 48. Vessel has had a collision withMV Garland.
A: “There has been a collision withMV Garland”
B: “I have collided with MV Garland.”
C: ”My vessel and MV Garland had a collision.”
D: ”My vessel has had a collision with MV Garland.”

answer B
question 49. Search for missing person stopped – nobody was found.
A: search for missing person stopped –nobody found”.
B: no result of search - search stopped”.
C: search for missing person stopped –result of search negative”.
D: search stopped – negative result”. javascript:PlaySound

answer C
question 50. Traffic must proceed carefully.
A: “You must proceed with care”. C: “You must navigate with caution”.
B: “You must navigate carefully”. D: “You must proceed carefully”.

answer C
question 51. Water is not deep enough.
A: “There is not enough depth of water”. C: “Depth of water insufficient”
B: “Depth of water not sufficient”. D: “Water not deep enough”.
answer B
question 52. Vessel S of us is going to decrease her speed to 8 knots.
A: “Information: vessel to the South of you decreasing
speed to eight knots”.
B: “Information: vessel to the South of you reducing
speed to eight knots”.
C“Information: vessel to the South of you proceeding
more slowly at eight knots”.
D. “Information: vessel to the South of you underway
more slowly at eight knots”
answer B
question 53. Vessel asks whether she must take a pilot.javas cript:PlaySound
A: “Question: must I use pilot service?” C: “Question: is pilotage
B: “Question: is it compulsory to take a pilot?” D: “Question: do I have to
take a pilot”

answer C
question 54. Tide is getting low.
A: “Tide lowering”. C: “Tide falling”.
B: “Tide will be reduced”. D: “Tide will be decreased”.

answer C
question 55. MV in posn. West of Bondpier is changing her course to the North
A: “Information: vessel W of Bondpier turning to the North”.
B: “Information: vessel W of Bondpier changing course tothe North”.
C: “Information:vessel W of Bondpier altering course tothe North”.
D: “Information:vessel W of Bondpier alternating course tothe North”.
answer C
56. Coastal Station wishes to know where the vessel is going to and where the
vessel is coming from.
A: “Question: where do you go to?
Question: where do you come from?”
B: “Question: what is your destination?
Question: what was your last calling port?”
C: “Question: what is your destination?
Question: what was your last port of call?”
D: “Question: what is your next port?
Question: what was your last port?”

57. The master said,’ I have sent the telex’.
The reported speech of the sentence is:
a. The Master said that I have sent the telex
b. The Master said that he has sent the telex.
c. The Master said that he had sent the telex.
d. The Master said that I had sent the telex.

58. Thanks. Your message has been received. The short form (telex) of the
sentence is:
b. Thanks. MSG RCD d. TKS. YR MSG has been RCD

59. The ship.............. .................. by the naval architec five years ago.
a. is built b. was build
c. was built d. is build

60. The cook burned his hands...................... he went to see the doctor.
a. so c. because
b. and d. but

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