Poon 2001
Poon 2001
Poon 2001
The strength and durability performance of normal- and high-strength pozzolanic concretes incorporating silica fume, fly ash, and blast
furnace slag was compared at elevated temperatures up to 800C. The strength properties were determined using an unstressed residual
compressive strength test, while durability was investigated by rapid chloride diffusion test, mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), and crack
pattern observations. It was found that pozzolanic concretes containing fly ash and blast furnace slag give the best performance particularly at
temperatures below 600C as compared to the pure cement concretes. Explosive spalling occurred in most high-strength concretes (HSCs)
containing silica fume. A distributed network of fine cracks was observed in all fly ash and blast furnace slag concretes, but no spalling or
splitting occurred. The high-strength pozzolanic concretes showed a severe loss in permeability-related durability than the compressive
strength loss. Thirty percent replacement of cement by fly ash in HSC and 40% replacement of cement by blast furnace slag in normal-
strength concrete (NSC) was found to be optimal to retain maximum strength and durability after high temperatures. D 2001 Elsevier Science
Ltd. All rights reserved.
0008-8846/01/$ – see front matter D 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 8 - 8 8 4 6 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 5 8 0 - 4
1292 C.-S. Poon et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1291–1300
Table 2
Mix proportions of HSC mixtures
28 days
Batched quantities (kg/m3) compressive
Mix SF (%) FA (%) GGBS (%) W/B Water Cement Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate SPa strength (MPa)
HS-CCb – – – 0.30 150 500 758 927 0.5 85.9
HS-SF5 5 – – 0.30 150 475 710 1066 0.6 96.5
HS-SF10 10 – – 0.30 150 450 620 1151 0.8 108.3
HS-FA20 – 20 – 0.30 150 400 618 1147 0.8 82.7
HS-FA30 – 30 – 0.30 150 350 615 1143 0.7 80.2
HS-FA40 – 40 – 0.30 150 300 613 1139 0.7 76.7
HS-SF + FA 10 20 – 0.30 150 350 615 1142 0.8 105.3
HS-BS30 – – 30 0.30 150 350 616 1145 0.7 83.9
HS-BS40 – – 40 0.30 150 300 615 1142 0.7 80.9
SP content in percentage by weight of binder.
Control concrete.
C.-S. Poon et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1291–1300 1293
Table 3
Mix proportions of NSC mixtures
Batched quantities (kg/m3) 28 days
Fine Coarse compressive
Mix SF (%) FA (%) GGBS (%) W/B Water Cement aggregate aggregate SPa strength (MPa)
NS-CC – – – 0.50 195 390 768 917 – 35.8
NS-FA30 – 30 – 0.50 195 273 626 1133 – 39.3
NS-FA40 – 40 – 0.50 195 234 625 1129 – 36.9
NS-BS30 – – 30 0.50 195 273 626 1135 – 46.4
NS-BS40 – – 40 0.50 195 234 625 1132 – 39.8
SP content in percentage by weight of binder.
Control concrete.
at 450C and 73% at 600C, which was almost double than Conclusively, it was found that the PFA improved the
the residual strength shown by pure OPC pastes. performance of concrete at elevated temperatures as com-
Ghosh and Nasser [13] conducted research to investi- pared to silica fume or pure OPC concretes. However, this
gate the effects of high temperature and pressure on the improvement was more significant at temperatures below
strength and elasticity of HSC incorporating silica fume 600C. Moreover, it was discovered that the PFA also
and high-calcium lignite fly ash together. The fly ash reduces the surface cracking of concrete both at elevated
content was 20% or 60% of the weight of binder, while temperatures and after postcooling in air or water [15].
silica fume was added in each mix with a constant dosage
of 10% by weight of the total binder. The exposure 1.3. Fire performance of blast furnace slag concrete
temperature was varied from 21C to 232C, while pres-
sure was varied from 5.2 to 13.8 MPa. A gradual dete- An earlier work on the performance of slag cement at
rioration of strength and static modulus of elasticity was elevated temperatures was done by Grainger [16]. He
observed with a rise in temperature at all pressures. The tested four cement pastes containing 0%, 50%, 70%, and
20% PFA replacement showed more loss; however, in any 90% replacement of slag by weight with OPC. The
case, the residual compressive strength was more than 60% maximum tested temperature was 500C with an interval
of the original strength. of 100C. All slag – cement paste specimens experienced
In a recent research, Wong et al. [14] studied the effects an increase in strength between 100C and 250C. The
of PFA replacement level, water/binder ratio (W/B), and 70% slag replacement showed the best results with a
curing conditions on the residual properties of concrete at residual compressive strength of 190% of the original
elevated temperatures. An increase in strength was observed strength at 110C. Moreover, the residual strength of this
at 250C. All PFA concrete specimens showed better paste was higher at all temperatures as compared to the
performance till 650C than pure OPC concrete specimens; original strength. The other two slag – cement paste speci-
however, after that, there was no significant difference in the mens also showed better residual strengths as compared to
residual strength of all specimens. It was found that a high the pure cement paste specimen.
dosage of PFA enhanced the residual properties of concrete Diederichs et al. [12] prepared three HSCs mixes incor-
at elevated temperatures. The results were also verified by porating condensed silica fume (CSF), PFA, and granulated
porosity analysis done by mercury intrusion porosimetry blast furnace slag (GGBS) independently. The mixes were
(MIP) technique. subjected to a maximum temperature of 900C. The GGBS
Table 4
Unstressed residual compressive strength of HSCs
Compressive strength (MPa)
Mix 20C 200C 400C 600C 800C
HS-CC 91.3 88.0 (96%) 81.5 (89%) 53.0 (58%) 21.9 (24%)
HS-SF5 106.1 105.5 (99%) 98.7 (93%) 55.2 (52%) 22.3 (21%)
HS-SF10 119.9 117.7 (98%) 104.3 (87%) 52.8 (44%) 19.2 (16%)
HS-FA20 96.6 110.2 (114%) 92.9 (96%) 59.8 (62%) 27.0 (28%)
HS-FA30 102.8 124.6 (121%) 100.7 (98%) 68.9 (67%) 32.9 (32%)
HS-FA40 107.7 131.5 (122%) 112.2 (104%) 61.4 (57%) 32.3 (30%)
HS-SF + FA 123.9 135.3 (109%) 116.5 (94%) 63.2 (51%) 23.5 (19%)
HS-BS30 111.9 126.7 (113%) 108.5 (97%) 59.3 (53%) 30.2 (27%)
HS-BS40 115.5 133.3 (115%) 114.9 (100%) 70.5 (61%) 33.6 (29%)
The values in brackets indicate the relative increase or decrease in residual compressive strength as compared to the original strength before heating.
1294 C.-S. Poon et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1291–1300
Table 5
Unstressed residual compressive strength of NSCs
Compressive strength (MPa)
Mix 20C 200C 400C 600C 800C
NS-CC 38.2 35.5 (93%) 28.3 (74%) 11.5 (30%) 3.8 (10%)
NS-FA30 49.1 50.1 (102%) 42.2 (86%) 18.2 (37%) 7.9 (16%)
NS-FA40 55.6 58.9 (106%) 46.7 (84%) 25.0 (45%) 10.0 (18%)
NS-BS30 61.7 60.5 (98%) 52.5 (85%) 31.5 (51%) 12.9 (21%)
NS-BS40 66.8 61.5 (92%) 54.1 (81%) 36.1 (54%) 13.4 (20%)
The values in brackets indicate the relative increase or decrease in residual
compressive strength as compared to the original strength before heating.
concrete showed the best performance followed by PFA and heating rate, and strength levels were different in different
CSF concretes. studies, which makes it difficult to generalize the results
Sarshar and Khoury [7] prepared cement paste and for a given condition. Moreover, these analyses were
concrete specimens incorporating 65% slag by weight of limited to residual mechanical properties only, and no
cement and firebrick aggregates. The results were compared durability studies were conducted. To compare the strength
with pure OPC cement paste/concrete and 30% PFA cement and durability performance of different pozzolanic con-
paste. The maximum temperature was 700C, while the cretes at elevated temperatures, it is necessary to prepare
residual properties were measured at every 100C interval. and test them under the same set of material and environ-
They found that the slag –cement paste and concrete gave mental conditions. In this study, an attempt is made to
the best results among all the specimens tested. The residual achieve this objective by preparing nine HSC and five
compressive strengths of slag concrete were 102% and 80% NSC mixes incorporating CSF, PFA, and ground GGBS,
of the initial cold strength at 450C and 600C. which were then subjected to heating levels of 200C,
Additionally, Sullivan and Sharshar [17] studied the 400C, 600C, and 800C. In addition to measuring
properties of silica fume and blast furnace slag concretes residual compressive strength, durability analysis was also
prepared with two ‘‘thermally stable’’ aggregates (viz., carried out using rapid chloride diffusion test, MIP, and
Lytag and crushed firebrick). The results indicated that crack pattern observations.
concretes with the lightweight aggregate (i.e., Lytag) had
lower residual strength at temperature above 150C than the
corresponding concrete prepared with firebrick aggregate. 3. Experimental details
The use of firebrick with blast furnace slag in concrete also
resulted in superior elevated temperature performance. 3.1. Materials
3.1.1. Binders
2. Research objectives A locally manufactured OPC complying with ASTM
Type I, a low-calcium fly ash equivalent to ASTM Class
The preceding review reveals that most of the studies F, CSF, and GGBS were utilized as binders. All the binders
used only one or maximum two pozzolans at different are commercially available in Hong Kong. The chemical
dosage levels in concrete to evaluate its fire performance. composition and physical properties of these materials are
The types of aggregate, curing and testing conditions, shown in Table 1.
Fig. 1. Residual compressive strength of HSCs. Fig. 3. Relative residual compressive strength of HSCs.
C.-S. Poon et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1291–1300 1295
Table 7
Chloride resistance of normal-strength pozzolanic concretes
Total charge passed (C)
Mix 20C 600C 800C
NS-CC 2941 21,792 35,724
NS-FA30 1826 11,724 24,240
NS-FA40 1454 8550 20,666
NS-BS30 1389 7917 15,836
NS-BS40 1181 6306 15,368
Table 6
Chloride resistance of high-strength pozzolanic concretes
Total charge passed (C)
Mix 20C 600C 800C
HS-CC 941 12,534 23,396
HS-SF5 610 8619 18,390
HS-SF10 285 10,080 25,170
HS-FA20 533 4947 9405
HS-FA30 449 5373 9049
HS-FA40 369 5739 11,625
HS-SF + FA 122 8928 23,951
HS-BS30 334 6772 10,673
HS-BS40 245 7575 11,044 Fig. 5. Resistance of HSC against chloride ion penetration.
1296 C.-S. Poon et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1291–1300
Table 8
Porosity and average pore diameter of high-strength pozzolanic concretes
Exposure temperatures
20C 600C 800C
Porosity Average pore Porosity Average pore Porosity Average pore
Mix (%, v/v) diameter (mm) (%, v/v) diameter (mm) (%, v/v) diameter (mm)
HS-CC 9.52 0.0329 18.32 0.0632 29.13 0.1102
HS-SF5 7.68 0.0294 13.71 0.0526 22.21 0.0938
HS-SF10 5.73 0.0273 9.87 0.0470 32.71 0.1559
HS-FA20 7.73 0.0316 12.77 0.0521 23.31 0.0945
HS-FA30 6.69 0.0309 11.28 0.0522 21.96 0.0921
HS-FA40 6.23 0.0302 10.63 0.0516 22.46 0.0870
HS-SF + FA 5.49 0.0247 8.91 0.0400 30.01 0.1351
HS-BS30 6.29 0.0306 12.71 0.0630 23.01 0.0947
HS-BS40 6.02 0.0299 11.21 0.0562 24.42 0.0899
C.-S. Poon et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1291–1300 1297
Table 9
Porosity and average pore diameter of normal-strength pozzolanic concretes
Exposure temperatures
20C 600C 800C
Porosity Average pore Porosity Average pore Porosity Average pore
Mix (%, v/v) diameter (mm) (%, v/v) diameter (mm) (%, v/v) diameter (mm)
NS-CC 14.82 0.0412 26.56 0.0935 42.12 0.1747
NS-FA30 12.17 0.0379 20.29 0.0760 31.09 0.1458
NS-FA40 11.71 0.0358 18.78 0.0688 29.98 0.1281
NS-BS30 11.46 0.0369 19.39 0.0734 28.89 0.1355
NS-BS40 11.08 0.0347 17.87 0.0671 27.79 0.1260
in NSC at elevated temperatures than in the HSC [19]. Due note that this test was performed only on specimens sub-
to this effect, NSC showed a gradual decrease in strength, jected to 600C and 800C as more damage occurred at
while sharp decrease was observed in HSC between 400C those temperatures. Long testing time was another reason to
and 800C. This topic will be further discussed in the limit the extent of this analysis. Only those specimens that
following sections. did not show very extensive cracking were selected, as this
The beneficial effect of pozzolans was more pronounced test is insensitive to cracked specimens.
at temperatures below 600C for both types of concrete. In A close examination of these results indicate a clear
HSC, PFA concretes gave the best performance followed by relationship between the residual compressive strength and
GGBS, OPC, and CSF concretes, while in NSC, this concrete permeability, as more permeable specimens
sequence was GGBS, PFA, and OPC. The optimum repla- showed more pronounced loss of compressive strength.
cement levels were 30% PFA for HSC and 40% GGBS for In HSC, all specimens showed a very low permeability
NSC. Spalling was observed in 28% of CSF concrete before subjecting to elevated temperatures. However, as
specimens and 5% of OPC concrete specimens, while the temperature was increased, a severe loss in imperme-
PFA and GGBS concretes only showed visible network of ability was observed. In percentage of original value, this
fine surface cracks. loss ranges from 500% to 2000% and far more than the
loss in compressive strength. The ASTM specifies the
4.2. Resistance against chloride ion penetration concrete as highly permeable if the charge that passes
through it is more than 4000C. Since all the specimens
This test determines the electrical conductance of con- showed higher values than 4000C after fire, such con-
crete to provide a rapid indication of its resistance to the cretes can be considered as nondurable depending upon the
penetration of chloride ions. The chloride ion resistance of situation, even if they retain a higher proportion of their
concrete gives an indirect measure of its permeability and compressive strength. The NSCs also showed the imper-
internal pore structure, as more current passes through a meability loss; however, this loss was smaller than the loss
more permeable concrete. The details of this test can be seen in HSCs.
in ASTM C1202-94 and its results can be used to assess the A comparison among different concretes showed better
durability of concrete. performance of pozzolanic concretes at elevated tempera-
The results of rapid chloride diffusion test are summar- tures even in the case of CSF. In HSC, the lowest
ized in Tables 6 and 7 and Figs. 5 and 6. It is important to impermeability loss was shown by PFA concretes, while
Table 10
Calculated values of worsening indices d1 and d2
Exposure temperature
600C 800C
Mix d1 d2 d1 d2
HS-CC 0.419 0.620 0.760 0.829
HS-SF5 0.480 0.660 0.790 0.887
HS-SF10 0.560 0.681 0.840 0.913
HS-FA20 0.381 0.605 0.720 0.748
HS-FA30 0.330 0.543 0.680 0.753
HS-FA40 0.430 0.586 0.700 0.764
Fig. 9. Average pore diameter in HSCs.
HS-SF + FA 0.490 0.716 0.810 0.947
HS-BS30 0.470 0.595 0.730 0.792
HS-BS40 0.390 0.587 0.709 0.787
for NSC, GGBS concretes gave the minimum values.
This is consistent with the residual compressive strength NSCs
test results. NS-CC 0.699 0.558 0.901 0.731
NS-FA30 0.629 0.500 0.839 0.666
4.3. Porosity and pore size distribution measurements NS-FA40 0.550 0.524 0.820 0.693
NS-BS30 0.489 0.541 0.791 0.651
NS-BS40 0.460 0.520 0.799 0.633
The porosity and pore size distribution were measured
using MIP. The test was conducted on specimens subjected
to temperatures of 600C and 800C due to the reasons GGBS in concrete is fast due to its high fineness as
mentioned earlier. The results are reported in Tables 8 and 9, compared to PFA, and results in a dense structure with
and plotted in Figs. 7 –10. higher compressive strength at early ages. With the increase
The MIP test results clearly indicate an increase in in temperature, this dense structure suffered more loss
porosity and average pore diameter with the increase in particularly in terms of durability due to the internal
temperature. This effect can be pronounced as coarsening cracking produced by evaporable water and expanded
of the pore structure [20,22] and was responsible for the siliceous aggregates.
strength and impermeability loss. In both HSC and NSC,
a significant decrease in porosity and average pore dia- 4.4. Integrative analysis of compressive strength
meter was observed by the addition of pozzolans as and durability
compared to the pure OPC concretes even at elevated
temperatures. An exception is the mixes with 10% CSF, To compare the performance of different pozzolanic
which suffered severe internal cracking due to the very concretes integratively, two worsening indices, d1 and d2,
dense internal structure. as defined by Chan et al. [20], are used. The index d1 is the
Among HSCs, PFA concretes had the lowest porosity worsening index of mechanical strength and d2 is the
and average pore diameter at all test temperatures. These
values were higher in GGBS concretes having the same mix Table 11
proportions. This explains why the HS-GGSB concretes Surface crack widths in selected concrete specimens
showed less relative residual compressive strength at 600C Crack widths (mm)
and 800C, although their overall residual strengths were
600C 800C
higher than the PFA concretes. The hydration reaction of
Mix Min Max Min Max
HS-CC 0.32 1.26 0.75 1.84
HS-SF10 0.71 1.74 1.30 2.89
HS-FA20 0.15 0.98 0.48 1.32
HS-FA30 0.19 1.09 0.52 1.44
HS-FA40 0.21 1.16 0.52 1.49
HS-BS30 0.21 1.19 0.56 1.46
HS-BS40 0.23 1.24 0.59 1.52
NS-CC 0.28 0.94 0.59 1.44
NS-FA30 0.16 0.95 0.48 0.98
NS-FA40 0.17 1.06 0.52 1.10
NS-BS30 0.16 0.75 0.38 0.82
NS-BS40 0.15 0.90 0.44 0.88
Fig. 10. Average pore diameter in NSCs.
C.-S. Poon et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1291–1300 1299
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