Cross Cultural Communication Assignment Topics

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Cross Cultural Communication

2021 Course syllabus

Linina Phuttitarn ([email protected])
*Note: All lectures, assignments, and activities are conducted via Zoom in accordance with the suggested precautionary measures against the COVID-19

Week Day Topics Activities Materials

1 8 June 21 Introduction to Cross-Cultural - Self-introduction - Handout CCC 01

Communication - Group exercise and presentation on ‘cultural
- Course description, objectives, rules and identities’ - cultural similarities and differences
expectations - Class discussion and mini exercise on ‘culture’,
- Overview of concepts in cross-cultural ‘sub-culture’ and ‘sub-groups’
communication (what is ‘culture’, what
constitute ‘cultural identities’, need and use
of ‘cross cultural communication’, etc.)

2 10 Jun 21 Basic concepts and definition of culture - In-class individual paper: Understand your own - Handout CCC 02
and communication culture at various levels (3 layers of ‘culture’) - - Assignment instructions
- What is ‘culture’? Understanding the why you think, feel, act and interact the way you
complexities of culture and cultural do. Write at least one page about your cultural
identities. Big C and Small C. identity, applying the knowledge you have learned
- What is ‘communication’? Process of in class today.
communication - Group presentation instructions (due next class):
- World religions 20 min each group x 5 groups +
10 Q&A
- Contents structure
- History
- God/spiritual leader(s)
- Main principles and believes
- Influence on culture
- Examples of cultural practices that reflect
the influence of culture
- Sensitivity issues in communication

3 15 Jun 21 Examining variation of faiths and values in - Group presentation: 20 min each group on a
relation to cross-cultural communication religion + 10 min discussion
- Examine influences of religions, faiths,
beliefs and values on cultural practices,
etiquette, customs, identities and ways of
- Identify biases and stereotypes that are
detrimental to mutual respect and
communication processes
- Discuss cultural sensitivity and etiquette in
communication in relation to the variation in
faiths and religions

4 17 Jun 21 Verbal vs non-verbal communication - Debriefing individual paper: Discuss ‘cultural - Handout CCC04
- Nonverbal - gestures and proxemics in diff identity’ that the students have described in their - Assignment - Do a quick
countries exercises - etiquette, greetings, individual paper. On a voluntary basis, students research on stereotypes to share
- VDO clips showing examples of multi- exchange their individual paper with one another in next class.
cultural non-verbal communication: and write a short reply note to their friends,
gestures, proxemics, eye contact, and outlining their responses based on how knowing
etiquette. one another better can lead to a better approach
in communication through their similarities and
- Class discussion: Share non-verbal aspects of
communication in different culture.

5 22 Jun 21 Communication barriers - Group discussion: Define communication barriers - Handout CCC05
- Examine various types of communication by each type. - Readings
barriers. - Class discussion: Students share news or cases
- What are ‘enculturation’, ‘acculturation’, about stereotypes which they were assigned to
‘ethnocentrism’ and ‘stereotypes’? prepare with the class.
- How stereotyping and ethnocentrism can - In-class individual assignment: Read “Differences
lead to discrimination, prejudice, and in U.S. and Chinese conceptions of Happiness”,
confirmation bias? and associate the criteria of
- Ways to overcome or avoid communication ‘happiness’ to their own identification. Using the
barriers points described in the article as the framework,
elaborate ‘what is happiness?’ in their opinion.

6 24 Jun 21 Stereotypes in media - Film screening and in-class exercise (write in - One film screening
sections about keywords, checklist and describe - - Worksheet due next class
what they have gained)

7 29 Jun 21 - High vs Low context communication - In-class reading and discussion - Handout CCC07
- Communication categories by culture - Mid-term assignment instructions - Reading Hofstede’s Model
- Culture shock
- Political correctness

8 1 Jul 21 Hofstede’s Five Dimensions Model - Individual mid-term assignment: Write a paper on
- Power Distance, Individualism/Collectivism, Hofstede’s Five Dimensional Model
Short-term/Long term orientation, - In-class group discussion: Discuss and share
Uncertainty Avoidance, findings.

9 6 Jul 21 Principles of effective communication - Group work and discussion: Each group discusses - Handout CCC09
- Review of communication process, barriers and identifies examples of communication barriers.
and methods to overcome these barriers Propose methods to prevent or overcome these

10 8 Jul 21 Cross-cultural communication in - Discussion: Case studies of businesses going - Handout CCC10
International Business international without doing adequate research about
- International business, international affairs the host countries.
- Multicultural workplace
- Business etiquette and work customs
- Issues related to multiculturalism in
organization and tips for communication
- Language as a dimension in communication

11 13 Jul 21 Applying CCC in practical analysis of real - Individual assignment: Recall a time when you
situations, engaging knowledge about found it very difficult to communicate with
communication barriers and principles of someone. When was it? Where did it take place?
effective communication Who was it? What was the message that you and
the other party try to get across? What barriers
did you encounter? Why did you think it was
difficult to communicate with that person? Was it
due to your and his/her differences in cultural,
education or social background; final goal;
physical or emotional challenge? Describe the
event. Did it turn out well? Why or why not? How
did you cope with it? If you can turn back time,
how would you fix it with the lessons learned from

12 15 Jul 21 Cyber communication - Film: Class discussion - Handout CCC12

- Cyber bullying
- Virtual identity
- Quick judgement leads to certain kinds of
- Marketing language that appeals to various
types of targets and products, and
- Social media behavior
- Online communication
13 20 Jul 21 Final presentation workshop - Group/individual work:
- Develop an outline to brainstorm on
- CCC principles and lessons
- Your project’s structure
- Methodology (participatory approach)
- Scope/target/location/cultural group, etc.
- Filming idea
- Draft recommendations

14 22 Jul 21 Final presentation (equivalent to final exam) - Instruction: Select any topic of interest related to
CCC. Design your presentation format in any or
beyond any of the following options:
● PowerPoint
● Essay or paper
● Musical performance
● Poetry
● Embroidery
● Fine art
● Infographic
● Short video
● Podcast
● Social media post
● Cartoon or illustration
● Augmented Reality (AR)
● Boardgame
● Card or postcard
● Poster
● Etc.

Presentation: 5 minutes brief presentation

Individual or team (maximum 5 persons per group)

Required supplementary material: Half page essay
sharing behind-the-scene work process,
inspiration,methodology, reflection, thoughts,
curiosity, presentation format reason, etc.

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