Implementation NEP 2020

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Additional chief secretary to Government of Haryana,

Deperrtment of Higher Education,
1' The \/ice Chancellors of all State Universities under the aegis
Direc:torates of Higher and Technicar Education.
2' The Principals of all Government, Aided and Self Financing
Memo No. DHE -L700os/s/2023-Deputy Director-NpE
Dated: 0frtn -tune , 2023
subject: rding implementation of the key components ,f
tNati'nar Education poricy, 2ozo in corieges and

Kindl'y refer to the subject cited above.

in supet'session of this office letter no. DHE-L7ooa6/ 11l2020-NpE
dated 05'06.202:3, it is stated.that the State Government
has decided to
implement the key components of NEP 2o2o in colleges
and universities irr
a phased mernner. Major key components of NEp zozo
are as below:
1. Quality Universities"and Colleges
2. Towards a l,lore Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education
3. optimal Leerrning Environments and support for students
4. Internationalization
5. Motivated, l:nergized, and Capable Faculty
6. Equity and lnclusion in Higher Education
7. Teacherr Education
B. Reimaginingl Vocational Education
9. catalyz:ing c)uality Academic Research in All Fields
10. Effectil'e Governance and Leadership
for HEIs
11. Promotion of Indian Languages, Arts,
and curture
12. Ethical Values/ Moral Education
13. Technology Use and Integration
14' online and Digital Education: Ensuring
Equitable use of Technology
15. Adult Education and Lifelong Learning
16. KG to PG under one roof
tlu'-^ ^ '.'
Some of the above mentioned components envisages followirrg
. Multidisciplinarry, flexible and equitable education framework for flhe
holistic developrnent of learneis

' Emphasis on skill-based education, vocational education and

a pprentices h i p/i nterns h i p
o Encourag€ critical thinking, creativity and problem-solving skills
r Increase the Giross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education to 50% by
. Promotion of Indian languages, ort, culture and heritarge
' Emphasis on Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary, and Transdisciplinary
research to develop innovative solutions to overcome societal issues.
NEP 2020 advocates that a holistic and muttidisciplinary educatipn
would aim to develop all capacities of human beings -intellectual, aesthetic,
socia!, physical, emotional, and moral in an integrated manner. Such a
holistic education approaqh is necessarily required at under graduate levr-.l.
The 4-year multidisciplinary Bachelor's programme, however, shial!
be the preferred option since it allows the oppoftunity to experience the frull
range of holistic and multidisciplinary education in addition to a focus on
the chosen major and minors as per the
clroices of the student. The holistic four year under graduate education with
multiple entry and exit provisions will help in matching of the
undergradtlate education to international standards and will facilitate the
student mobility for higher studies, research and employability across the
On the erbove mentioned premise, two of our leading State
Universities nantely Kurukshetra University and MDU Rohtak have drafted
Curriculum and Credit framework for implementation at University and
college levrel barsed on the recommendations of a centralised committee.
Report of the rlentralised Committee is enclosed herewith. This is
comprehensive document prepared by a pool of academics from
U,piversitres and Colleges.
,*nn '
The f'ramerwork envisages following structure :

i.CurriculLm and Credlt Framework for Undergraduate Programmes

(M ultid isciprlinary)
ii. Curricu um and Credit.Framework for Undergraduate programmes
(Single Major) (For students who choose to pursue single major from Lst
iii. Curriculum and Gredit Framework for Undergraduate programmes
(Single Maior) (For students who choose to pursue single major after 2nd
semester of multidisciplinary programmes)
iv. Curriculum and Credit Framework for Undergraduate programmes
( Interdisciplina ry)

The abover framework will be applicable to the programmes such as

E,achelor ol'Science (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (8.A.), Bachelor of Commerce
(B.Com.), lBacht:lor of Comput€r Applications (BCA), Bachelor of Business
A,dministral[ion (BBA) etc.
Main feattlres of Curriculum and Credit Framework CCFUGp inclurJe
the following feertures :
i. Oprportunity for learners to choose the courses of their interest in
all disciplines
ii. Provisir:n of multiple entry and exit options with a UG Certificate
or UG Diploma 0r UG Degree depending on the number of credits earnecl
iii. Flexibility for students to move among the institutions through lre
irnplementation of Academic Bank of gredits (ABC)
iv' Flexibility to switch to alternative modes of learning (Offline, ODL,
Crnline, and Hybrid modes)
v. \/ersalile curricular framework for holistic development of
This will prr:vide foilowing flexibity/mobility to students:
'UG Certificate: Students who opt to exit after completion of the firs1
year and l-rave secured 48 credits (44 credits in case of single major)
will be awarded a UG certificate if, in addition, they complete one
l'internship of 4 credits rluring the summer vacation of the first yeerr.
\r*, '3
Thesre sturlents are allowed
to re-enter the degree programme within
three years and complete the degree programme wlthin the
stipulated maximum peri.od of seven years.
. UG Diplonla: Students who opt to exit after completion of the 2nd
year and ttave secured 96 credits (94 credits in case of single majgr)
will be anrarded thg UG diploma if, in addition, they complete one
vocational course of 4 credits during the summer vacation of the
second year. These students are allowed to re-enter within a period
of three years and complete the degree programme within the
maximum period of seven years.
. 3-year UG Degree: students who wish to undergo a 3-year tJG
programn e will be awarded UG Degree in the discipline/subject after
successful completion of three years, securing t32 credits (1:36
credii[s in case of single major) and satisfying the minimum crerjit
. 4-year UGi Degree{Honours in life sciences etc. ): A four-year LJG
Honours degree in the major discipline will be awarded to those wlro
comprlsfs ia 4-year degree programme with 180 credits (184 credits
in case of single major) and have satisfied the credit requirements.
' 4-year UGi Degree (Honours with Research): Students who secure
75o/o marks and above in the first six semesters and wish to
undeftake research at the undergraduate level can choose a researr:h
stream in the fourth year. They should do a research project or
dissertation under the guidance of a faculty member of tlre
Univerrsity,/College. The research project/dissertation will be in the
majorr discipline. The students, who secure 180 credits (184 credits
in case of single major), including 12 credits from a researr:h
project/disrsertation, are awarded uG Degree (Honours with

' UG Degreel Programmes with Single Major: A student has to secure

mininrum r:f 50o/o credits from the major discipline for the 3 -year/,4-
year UG degree to be awarded a UG degree in major subject.
t^2 4
exarrlple, in a 3-year UG programme, if the total number of credits to
be earned is 136, a.student of Physics with a minimum of 68 credits
will be awarded a B.Sc. in Physics with a single major. Similarly, irr a
4'yeer UG programme, if the total number of credits to be earned is
LB4, a student of Physics with a minimum of 92 credits will be
owarrded er (Hons./Hon, with Research) in physics in a 4-year
UG programme with single major.
The Sltate Government has decided to implement the Framework in
the following manner:
1. The Framtlwork will be implemented by KUK in its affiliated colleges
from the ensuing academic session keeping in view that gre
University had experimented the implementation of NEp creclit
frameworl: in its constituent college/departments. For jts
implementation in affiliated colleges and university teaching
departmerlts, detailed guidelines will be shared by the Kurukshetra
Univerrsity immediately along with the syllabi in all courses. Workshop
of all affiliated colleges, vocational courses, clustering of smaller
colleges, ntodel time table for colleges, online courses(if need be) etc
shall be done by the University. Admissions to UG programmes (!LSt
Year) in afttiliated Colleges/ Institutes will be done in Multidisciplinany
Programme, UG Qingle Major Programme and Interdisciplinary
2. MDU Rohtak and other Universities namely GJU, Hisar, JC Bo:;e
University, Faridabad and DBCRUST, Mufthar wiil imprement the
framerwork in university teaching departments/constituent
wheretver feasible from the ensuing academic session. For
rest of tlre
State Univt:rsities and Private Universities, they may decide about g-re
implernentation of the NEP Credit Framework as per their preparatiqn
and readiness in university teaching departments/constituent
in the first phase. All State Universities will ensure t]^re
implementation of ' NEP 2O2O Credit Framework in all affiliating
coileges and University Teaching Depaftments
from the next
academic session i,e.2024-25 by taking all
needful measures timely.
3. For KUK coileges, centrarised admissions wiil
be done by uhe
Directorat'e of Higher Education inline with NEp alongside lie
admissions of affiliating colleges of other State
Universities on ,ld
pattern blr making necessary changes in
the centralised onli,e
admission portal
4' For the implementation of NEP-2020 in affiliated colleges/ Institutr:s
of Kuruksrhetra University, a workshop wiil be
organized on
16.06.202'3 by Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
to make the
Principals and Facurty in coileges, aware
about the curricurum
frameworks for uG programmes in detair as per
NEp and u-re
implement,ation process. shri Anand Mohan sharan,
IAs, Addition,al
chief secr*tary, Department of Higher Education,
Govt. of Haryana,
will address the stakehorders in this workshop schedured
L6.6.2023. Detairs of sessions and minute-to-minute
programme of
the workshop wiil be shared with the DHE and coileges
by the
Kurukshetra University. It will be mandatory
for the principals of all
affiliated c.ileges to attend this workshop arongwith
their teams.
5. List of programmes according to NEp and their
mapping with the
existing n'menctature is attached herewith as
Annexure-I w.r.t
affiliated colleges of KUK. Detailed guidelines
in the matter wi1 b,e
shared by the Kurukshetra university, Kurukshetra.
6' List of sub'iects categorized according to the disciplines is attached
herewith as Annexure-Il w.r.t affiliated colteges
of KUK. Detailerj
guidelines in the matter will be shared
by the Kurukshetra University,
I have been directed to request you to take necessary action irr
accordance with the above guidelines.

ror Addiriona r .T:l

'"T:H*$;H, Haryana,
Department of Higher Education, panchkula
Endst No. Even Dated Of,th June,2023
A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information
necessary and

3. PS/vice clhairman, Haryana state Higher Education council
4. Director Technical Education, Haryana.
5. PS/Additional Director 'Administration, Department of Higher
6. Deputy Director coordination for onrine admissions
7. All officers; at the head quarter.
B. shri Amarr Kalyan, project Manager, IT for online admissions
9. IT Cell for uploading on the portal

ror Add itio na r i,u,.r, n u,
Department of Higher Education, panchkula
l\nnexure I
Programme Existing li{omenclatur--of - Nomenclature of the Degree pet
Courses in ailfiliated Collleges of NEP in affiliated Colieges ",r
KUK Droposed bv KUK
Multidisciplinary Bachelor ofArts (8.A.) Bachelor of Arts
(Scheme A) Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Bachelor of Life Science
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Non Bachelor of Physical Science
Bachelor of garh.lo. ofLtriH"rs")
discipline with
Bachelor of erts 1n a.yUonsl
Applied Psychology
, Appli.a
Single Major
(Scheme C) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)-(Hons.) Bachelor ofArts (Hons.) in Economics
Bachelor of Arts (8.A.)-(Hons.) Bachelor ofArts (Hons.) in English
Bachelor. of Arts @.A.)-(Hons.) Bachelor ofArts (Hons.) in Geography
Bachelor of Arts (8.A.)-(Hons) Bachelor ofArts (Hons.) in
Mathematics Mathematics
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)-(Hons.) Bachelor ofArts (Hons.) in political
Political Science Science
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)-(Hons.) Bachelor ofAns (Hons.) in
Psychology Psycholosy
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)-(Hons.) Bachelor ofArts (Hons.) in Smskrit
* sq!!k4t
Bachelor oa Sri."re (B-S.) -- Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in
(Hons.) - Inforniation Technolog. Information Technology
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in
(Hons.) - Mathematics Mathematics
Name of the degree will be Ba.chelor
NOTE: rr 3 year dogree prografitme ofArts/Science with Major in
NOTE: r 4 year degree programme Name of the degree will be Bachelor
of Arts/Science (Hons.) in (Subject)
Interdisciplinary Bachelor in Itashion & Apparet Bachelor of Fashion & Apparel
Programnnes Designine
(Scheme D) Bachelor ofArts - Mass Bachelor of Mass Communication
Communication (BAMC)
Bachelor ofArts (8.A.) - Fashion Bachelor of Fashion
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)- Bachelor of Commerce (Hons.)

-*-iiiis tinsl$ililhiiiil **-
Programme ;f Nomenclature ol'the Degree ;rp*l
Courses in affiliated Colleges of
KUK nrnnnspd hrr trlf TII
NEP in affiliated Colleges ",as

Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Business Administration

A@ulqqqon (BBA)
Bachelor of Commerce (I).Corn) Bachelor of Commercer
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Conr) - Bachelor of Commerce - Banknrf&
- Banking & Insurance Insurance
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Corrr) - Bachelor of Commerce - Ecornmerce
Bachelor of Commerce (B.CornL) - Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor r:f (lommerce (B,Con:r- Bachelor of Commerce (Vocationary
Vocational) - Toursim & Travel Tourism & Travel Managernent
_--_-.-- Management
Bachelor of Co*n r- 8""h"1", Cb*mer*
Vocational) - Advertising,
"f Sales Promotion iL
Sales Advertising, lSales
Promotion & Sales Management Management
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com- Bachelor of Clommerce (Vocational) -
Vocational) - Computer Compr.rter App lications

Bachelor of Commerce (B,Com- Bachelor of Clomrnerce (Vocat:Lonaly -

Vocational) - Foreign Trade - Foreign'frade - Practices &
Practices & Procedures Procedures
Bachelor of Clommerce (B.Com- Bachelor of Commerce (Vocatr.onal)
Vocational) - Office Management Office Management and Secrr:tarial
and Secretarial Practice Practice
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com- Bachelor of Commerce (Vocational) -
Vocational) - Principles And Principles And Practice of Insrrance
Practice of Insurance
Bachelor of Clommerce (B.Com- Bachelor of Commerce (Vocational) -
Vocationa[) -'Principles And Principles And Practice of Insurance
Practice of Irrsurance - Ev.enins
Bachelor of Clommerce (B.Com- Bachelor of Commerce (Vocational) -
Vocational) - Tax Procedures dr Tax Procedures & Practicr:s
- Practices
Bachelor of Computer Application Bachelor of Computer Applicat.ion
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Bachelor of Fine Arts
- - Brchet*;f Library S"i"n;-
Bachelor of Mass Communication Bacheto, of Mass Com-urrrcatr;

narf,efo. of efryrica nO*itror, - Br.Gl", Phf,cal Educalron

(B.P.Ed) "f
Bachelor of Spience (B.Sc.) - Bachelor of Fashion & Apparel
Iglhtgl, & Apparel Desiening Designins

Programme Existing Xomonciaiur" of - -N;m;i;irtil" ol th; Dededipef
Courses in affiliated Colleges
of NEP in affiliated Colieges a,s
*KUK ___-- prolu!!4 by KUK
l--__- Bachelor ol'science (B:S.) _*-- Bacheloi of l,brlriont T*lftn."g,
**_lA$!qLdi Tex{le pesisn
Baohelor of' SciencelnSfrI
Bachelor of fastrion n.rrg,*,g -
_lg$Lqn Designine
Bachelor rT sE&Glilsi; :

Bachelor of Home Screnr;-

Horne Science

1 uachelor of Science (B.Sc.) _
_**=-*r-*:.Intenor Desigrl _*__
Bachelor of Science (B.S;J:

Physical Education, Health

d.hrffif phyri.rl Ed*rtirr, -
Flealth Education & Sporls
Education & Snorrq
nacnffi Bac[elor of To.r"r"r rrd Mrrqpr".rt
Managemen! (BTM)
Bachelor of \/ocation (b'\roc}
uachelor ot'Vocation in Businerss
Business process Ousgggq
ttr.h"lri"f \6ation (B,\bc) - Bachelor of Vocation in nastr-n

Fashion Technology
Technology i

Bachelor of V'ocation
1A@ *""il
Igg{ qg19!99,& euatity Conirol ,& f)rroti*., r1^^t*^1
w vrrurrr y LUrltrul I

I Bacheloi of Vbcati"(B1,,"") _ - Bachelor of G"ution in Hospir"lity

I Hospitality.Management
[- Bacfrelor of Vocarton (BJdc) - - Bachelor oivocation in Irte.G_-
L _ lnterior Desisnins
_ = __
I Brch.l"*,rvo,attoffiar1 _ rr:- Bachelor of Vocation in ITAnd--
| _
And Software Development
I nachelor of,"rcrtrc) - - = ,S9tu1rqpqyeleplqgl!_
Bachelor of Vocation in Medi;l
Medical Laboratory Technology
Laboratory Technology
Bachelor otVr"ut,or, (f.V;) _ -l B*h"t"r V*atG t" N"t*"**rg &
_N?y:rtn* vrobile applicaiionl "f
Bachelor of Vication (B.toc) _
_l Mobile Apolications
Bachelor of Vocation-E Software
Software Development
Bachelor of Vocation (g.Voc) - gachelor of Vcrcation in
Textile ariLd
Textile and Fashion D-esigning Fashir,n l)pcio-i-^
Bachelor of V.cation lnVoc;T Bachelor of Vocation in fn"atr" arra
Theatre and Teleyision
Br"h"#"f V"*tr"(B .\/". ) - Bachelor of Vo"ation in Aa"t<rra-oa
Banking and Financial Services
Financial Services
lJachelor of Vocation(B. Voc.) Bachelor of Vo."tlo, in nurf<ir[,-
Banking, Financial Services & Financial Services & Insurance
Bachelor of Scierrce 1nS..lI
Physical Bducation, Health
Health Education & Sports
Education & Soorts

Prograrnme Existing l{omenclature of Nomenclature of the Degree as per
Courses in affiliated Colleges of NEP in affiliated Cotleges as
KI]K proposed by KUK
Master of Science (M.Sc.) - Master of Science (5 years Integrated)
Forensic Science Integrated in Forensic Science


Annexure If
Arts Life Science Interdisciptrinal
_- Physical Science
A.I.H Culture & Programme
Anthropology Computer
Archaeolog)' Commerce
Additional English Biochemistry Computer Food Scienco &
Maintenance ity Control
Computer Science,/ Joumalism &;
ComputerApplications biotechnology Computer Science Mass
Anivarya Vyakran Botany Tourism
Electronics I & Tr:avel
I Manasement
AppliedArts Chemistry Equipment Home Science
Appltg4l[lti ti on Er akerv !ruit Preservatio4
Arts Genetics
Geography ;t"
Commercial r\rts* Industrial Industrial -- ---l
Microbiology Chemistry
Dance Environmental
Defence Studies Loology cfn
Designins & lpaintinox Forensic Science
u4rry UnuO.n0,OO C&Ie & Clinical Nutriti; ard
Education Dietetics Physics
tlrti$aberyqL Forensic Science
Fine Arts
Functional En,glish
Ijunctional Hindi
I{ealth and ph'ysical
History (Option II)
Human Rights
Journalism &ldass
Macro Econom,lcs

u L2
Arts Life Science Interdisciplinary
Physical Science
Mass Comur*i.aion t
.Video Produrction
Mlcro Economics
_Music (I)
_rvrustc ( IaDtil)
Music (V)
Music (Vocal)
{rytt tstrumental)
Political Sciernce
Public Admirristrati
l'uniabi (Elective)
Rural IndustrialirJi^-
*D aqryelyjqbe sh Adhyan I
j*,..J4 I rPll;su au.uyan Il
Tailoring & Htosiery
Tourism & Travel
Management _
urqu (trIecttvrs)


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