A Molecular Dynamics Study of Evaporation Mode Tra
A Molecular Dynamics Study of Evaporation Mode Tra
A Molecular Dynamics Study of Evaporation Mode Tra
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The mode transition of evaporation for single- and multi-component hydrocarbon fuels is investigated
Received 20 April 2022 at the molecular level. This study scrutinizes first the subcritical and supercritical evaporation of n-
Revised 5 September 2022
hexadecane droplets and liquid films by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The mode regime map
Accepted 22 September 2022
of n-hexadecane droplets is obtained. Then the mode transition of evaporation of a three-component
droplet and a six-component droplet is studied. A critical dimensionless number τ 0.9P of 0.5 based on the
Keywords: average displacement increment (ADI) of fuel atoms is used to identify the evaporation mode transition
Hydrocarbon fuels of fuels with any type and number of components. It is found that in the diffusion mode of evapora-
Supercritical conditions tion, the entropy becomes the dominant factor in the evaporation of fuels, and the disorder of the fuel
Mode transition of evaporation
molecules increases significantly compared with that in the classic evaporation mode. Compared with the
Molecular dynamics
case of the quiescent droplet, with increasing relative velocity between the droplet and the ambient gas,
Size effect
Relative velocity effect the mode transition becomes easier, although this is a non-linear process. Fuel droplets and liquid films
with different initial sizes are investigated to understand the size effect. In addition, for the same ambi-
ent temperature and pressure, the smaller the normalized specific heat transfer surface area of the fuel
is, the easier the mode transition of evaporation is. A correlation was proposed to compare the possibility
of mode transition of evaporation for single- and multi-component fuels.
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Combustion Institute.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
1. Introduction conditions, and the surface tension plays an important role. But
in the supercritical evaporation, the vapor-liquid interface almost
Combustion of hydrocarbon fuels under ever high temperature disappears. Several reviews have discussed the theory and mod-
and ever high pressure conditions is an important measure to im- eling of supercritical droplets and jets [3–6]. According to these,
prove the efficiency of power devices such as liquid rocket engines there are still unanswered key questions about the physics of the
and internal combustion engines. Such temperature and pressure mode transition of evaporation for liquid fuels. CFD simulations
often exceed the critical point of the injected fuel so that supercrit- have been extensively attempted to answer these questions [8,9].
ical combustion takes place in the combustion chamber [1]. Due However, the dramatic changes in physical properties of the
to the drastic heat and mass transfer, the evaporation mode of fu- fluids near its thermodynamic critical point may invalidate the
els may undergo a transition from classical evaporation to diffusive conventional CFD approaches [10], especially for complex evapo-
mixing via the transitional mixing [2]. Therefore, understanding ration systems with multi-fuel components [11]. In particular, the
the evaporation mode transition of fuels and its effect on the sub- basic assumption of vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) adopted by
sequent air-fuel mixing and combustion processes has motivated conventional CFD has been shown to be invalid under supercritical
many research efforts [3–6]. and multicomponent conditions [12]. Similar issues have been
Subcritical and supercritical evaporation has significant differ- encountered in the theoretical analysis of supercritical evapora-
ences [7]. There is a sharp vapor-liquid interface under subcritical tion. Dahms et al. [13] applied the linear gradient theory and
proposed a Knudsen-number (Kn) criterion to delineate the spray
regime diagram. When Kn is less than 0.1, the mixing of fuels was
Corresponding author. thought to be in the continuum regime. However, such theoretical
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (X. Ma), [email protected] (K.H. Luo). analyses are usually based on the steady-state hypothesis and
0010-2180/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Combustion Institute. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Y. Gong, X. Ma, K.H. Luo et al. Combustion and Flame 246 (2022) 112397
fail to account for the unsteady nature of mode transition of CFD techniques [24,27]. As reported [21,27,28], the fluid property
evaporation [14]. Due to the limitations of experimental devices data obtained in MD simulations can provide a reliable benchmark
[2], there are limited experimental data available for the validation for CFD to employ the correct equation of state (EoS) and mixing
of models [2,15,16]. In particular, limited by the intrinsic optical rules of components under subcritical and supercritical conditions.
effects under high-pressure conditions, the response of imaging In addition, the knowledge of droplet evaporation will be expanded
system, and image processing techniques for moving objects [2], by such MD simulations, which is valuable for modern combustion
it is hard to experimentally investigate the dynamic details in the devices [17]. In summary, MD is valuable for further understanding
mode transition from evaporation to diffusion. In recent years, MD the physics of evaporation [17,20,24,26], examining assumptions in
simulations have started to make an impact in this field [17,18]. conventional CFD [14] and providing benchmarks for CFD models
MD is based on Newton’s second law and does not require other [27,28].
thermodynamic assumptions other than the potential function, and Although there have been progresses in understanding mode
the simulation results are statistically treated [19]. MD has unique transition of evaporation using MD [10,14,29], the effect of the rel-
advantages for the study of interfacial transition [20], considering ative velocity between the droplet (or liquid film) and the ambi-
that the thickness of the vapor-liquid interface is usually only a ent gas on the mode transition of evaporation under supercritical
few nanometers [13], which is hard to resolve based on current ex- conditions has not been sufficiently studied. In fact, in a real en-
perimental techniques. Moreover, MD does not need to make any gine combustion chamber, the relative velocity between the fuel
assumptions about the interface, and therefore can easily handle and the ambient gas is very large [16]. In optical experiments, this
the disappearance of the nanoscale interface, which is beyond the velocity effect is hard to investigate because of the difficulties in
conventional CFD [20]. Therefore, MD is ideally suited for investi- tracking the boundary of moving droplets under supercritical con-
gating the physical nature of the evaporation and mode transition. ditions, although there are some useful observations about the at-
It also should be noted that MD has two noticeable limitations. omization regimes in subcritical environments [2]. Based on the
Firstly, MD simulations are computationally expensive and require theoretical analysis of the time-scale of evaporation and breakup,
supercomputing resources, so it is not yet possible to directly sim- Poursadegh et al. [16] found that dense mixing could occur at
ulate the evaporation of macroscopic droplets using MD [17]. Gen- lower ambient pressures and temperatures when the injected fuel
erally speaking, the spatial and temporal scales of such studies are velocity became larger. Ray et al. [30] investigated the effects of
currently limited to a few hundred nanometers and nanoseconds convection velocity on the evaporation of fuel droplets and found
[10], respectively, and the number of molecules studied is limited that the higher velocity gradient near the droplet interface pro-
to millions [20]. In this context, it should be stated how relevant moted the evaporation with ambient pressures ranging from 1 bar
the MD results on evaporation are to the evaporation behaviors oc- to 55 bar. Recently, Liu et al. [29] studied the effect of forced
curring in real combustion chambers [21]. In fact, researchers have convection on the preferential evaporation of light components in
been trying to answer this question since MD was applied to evap- multi-component fuel droplets in CFD simulations and found that
oration studies, including this work. Following the MD work of Lit- there were two different controlling regimes at different convective
tle [22], Kaltz [23] conducted the MD scaling for droplets at a mi- intensities. However, this study was focused on cases at subcriti-
cron level using the Long-Micci method and investigated the va- cal pressures, leaving unanswered questions for supercritical con-
lidity of extrapolating MD results to macroscopic regimes by scal- ditions. Given these situations, it is essential to conduct further in-
ing the intermolecular potential parameters under subcritical and vestigations of the relative velocity effects on the mode transition
supercritical conditions. Qiao et al. [14] demonstrated that MD re- of evaporation.
sults could be used to approximate the transition from subcritical As mentioned, MD can only resolve the evaporation and mode
to supercritical evaporation occurring in macroscopic experiments. transition of droplets/films at nanoscales. However, the droplets
Recently, as reported [24], atomistic simulations have revealed fun- generated by jets after atomization in the combustion chamber of
damental mechanisms that also exist in macroscopic phenomena, an actual engine are usually micron-sized. Therefore, it is neces-
which complements macroscopic experiments. Secondly, the accu- sary to investigate the size effect to bridge MD and experimental
racy and reliability of MD results depend on the interatomic po- studies. In fact, existing studies have inconsistent views on this is-
tentials used [21]. However, as the interatomic potentials are deter- sue. Qiao et al. [14] investigated the size effect of liquid films and
mined by the fundamental interactions between atoms/molecules, found that the results of nanoscale films were size-independent.
there are far less empirical assumptions and uncertainties in inter- They attributed this to interfacial dynamics and thought that the
atomic potentials than in macroscopic models. Thus, the MD sim- interfacial elements were responsible for the phase transition [14].
ulation results are physics-based rather than a priori [21]. Several But in another MD research, Xiao et al. [10] studied the supercrit-
potential models have been successfully developed for complex hy- ical evaporation of n-dodecane droplets with different initial di-
drocarbon molecules [14], which can be divided into two types: ameters (from 21 nm to 43 nm), and found that when the initial
the All-Atom Model (AAM) and the United Atom Model (UAM). droplet size increased, the supercritical transition could occur at
As reported [25], the computational time for MD simulations is lower ambient pressures. Recently similar conclusions were con-
roughly proportional to the square of the total number of inter- ducted by Wang et al. [31]. This was attributed to the fact that
action sites. The AAM regards each atom as one site and is suit- larger droplets had relatively longer evaporation lifetime to achieve
able for systems with a small number of molecules and a higher the mode transition. Clearly, this topic needs further investigations.
requirement for computational accuracy [25]. On the other hand, Actual fuels are usually complex mixtures with hundreds of
the UAM’s treatment of each pair of CH3 and CH2 as one site, components [32]. However, most existing MD studies have only
which keeps a good balance between computational accuracy and considered single-component fuels [20] and two-component fu-
efficiency [10,25,26], is widely used for large molecule systems, els [12,33-35]. Chakraborty et al. [34] studied the evaporation of a
such as hydrocarbons. Jorgensen et al. [25] compared the simula- two-component fuel liquid film in supercritical nitrogen, and found
tion results based on the AAM and the UAM. With suitable pa- that under supercritical conditions, light components and heavy
rameters, the AAM and the UAM could both give highly accurate ones dominated the evaporation simultaneously, which was differ-
descriptions of fluids [25]. Despite these limitations, the physics ent from the preferential evaporation under subcritical conditions.
obtained in MD simulations will be helpful for understanding the Zhang et al. [12] studied the evaporation of a two-component liq-
mechanism of mode transition of evaporation at the atomic level uid film composed of n-heptane and n-dodecane in subcritical and
[10,20,24,26]. MD is a complement to present experimental and supercritical conditions. They concluded that compared with the
Y. Gong, X. Ma, K.H. Luo et al. Combustion and Flame 246 (2022) 112397
Y. Gong, X. Ma, K.H. Luo et al. Combustion and Flame 246 (2022) 112397
Fig. 1. Initial configurations of the n-hexadecane droplet/film: (a) Quiescent n-hexadecane droplet (for case M), (b) Non-quiescent n-hexadecane droplet (for case M) and (c)
n-Hexadecane film (for case F2). Purple particles indicate n-hexadecane molecules and yellow particles indicate nitrogen molecules. Molecules of ambient gasses surround
the fuel, which are not shown here in (a) and (b).
gines [10,17,45]. Many researchers in this field have developed fun- as the droplet. The evaporation lifetime was defined based on the
damental theories about fuel droplet evaporation [3–6], treating it temporal variation of the square diameter (D2 ) of the droplet [10].
as a single entity or contained in the spray [17]. It is of great sig- To avoid the overlap of molecules, the nitrogen molecules which
nificance to study the mode transition of evaporation of droplets initially were located in the same region with the droplet in the
in such combustion applications [10]. However, studying the con- simulation box were deleted. The initial temperature of the fuel
figuration of liquid films is also necessary for research in this field. for all cases was set to 363 K, which was near that of the fuel
In the MD study by Qiao et al. [14], the evaporation of the liq- in real engines before injection [10]. The size of the simulation
uid film is size-independent. The configuration of the liquid film domain was 80 nm × 80 nm × 80 nm. Periodic boundary condi-
seems to be more suitable for studying the dynamics of the gas- tions were applied in all three dimensions. The simulations for fuel
liquid interface [12,48]. Besides, the configuration of the liquid film evaporation were conducted using the micro-canonical ensemble
is also widely used to verify intermolecular potentials in MD by (NVE, which means constant atom number N, constant volume V,
comparing VLE data obtained with experiments [12,14,26]. Com- and constant energy E). The region outside of the sphere with a di-
bining studies of droplets and liquid films will be helpful for an- ameter of 79.8 nm was named “thermostat region”, where molec-
swering the size effect of the transition of evaporation modes and ular velocities were rescaled every time step using a speed reset
bridging MD to practical combustion applications. method [20]. A fuel molecule would be deleted when it reached
In the quiescent case for a droplet shown in Fig. 1a, a single the thermostat region, for simulating the evaporation of the fuel
suspended n-hexadecane droplet was located in the center of a cu- taking place in an infinite space [10].
bic simulation box, with a nitrogen ambient surrounding it. Before Figure 1b shows the configuration of the non-quiescent case.
the simulations of fuel evaporation, the fuel droplet and the nitro- The initializations of quiescent and non-quiescent cases were the
gen ambient were simulated separately to respectively reach their same except few details. To study relative velocity effects, in the
own thermodynamic equilibrium state using the canonical ensem- non-quiescent configuration, the center of mass of the droplet
ble (NVT, which means constant atom number N, constant volume was set to move along the x-direction at a constant speed. How-
V, and constant temperature T). After that, the two were combined ever, the ambient gas had no macroscopic translational speed. Cor-
together for the simulations of fuel evaporation. The initial diam- respondingly, the thermostat region was different. As shown in
eter for the n-hexadecane droplet was 26.0 nm. The boundary of Fig. 1b, the region for evaporation was a rectangular block with
the droplet or the film was defined as the contour surface where a size of 80 nm × 57.68 nm × 57.68 nm to keep the volume of
the fluid density was equal to the average of the maximum and thermostat region in this configuration the same as that in the qui-
the minimum densities of the evaporation system. The diameter of escent case. Referring to the experiments by Crua et al. [2], three
the droplet was defined as that of a sphere of the same volume initial relative velocities of droplets were investigated, which were
Y. Gong, X. Ma, K.H. Luo et al. Combustion and Flame 246 (2022) 112397
Table 2
Simulation details of n-hexadecane droplet/films.
Name S M L G F1 F2 F3
Initial number of molecules in the fuel 9950 19,896 31,998 427,626 8878 13,319 21,075
Initial fuel size, nm 20.4 26.0 30.5 73.0 16.9 25.1 40.0
Simulation box size, nm3 603 803 1003 2203 152 ×200 152 ×200 152 ×200
Thermostat region diameter (V0), nm 59.8 79.8 99.8 219.8 – – –
Ambient temperature, K 750–1500 750–3600 750–1500 750–1500 750–1500 750–1500 750–1500
Ambient pressure, MPa 4–16 4–36 4–16 4–16 4–16 4–16 4–16
Ambient gas (Relative velocity) A1(V0) A1(V0-V2); A2(V0) A1(V0) A1(V0) A1(V0) A1(V0) A1(V0)
0 m/s, 30 m/s and 100 m/s, labeled “V0”,“V1” and “V2” respectively sults can be directly mapped onto macroscopic systems. More dis-
for convenience. It should be noted that, in the simulations here, cussions about the relevance of MD results on evaporation to those
referring to the previous study [23,24,49], the droplet is given de- in real combustion chambers, and the advantages and limitations
sired relative velocity initially. The ambient gas is stationary, that of MD for investigating mode transition of evaporation could be
is, it has no initial bulk velocity. The relative velocity between the found in the Introduction section.
droplet and the ambient gas will decrease slowly [49]. Referring The temperature and pressure for the various cases are initial
to previous MD studies on moving droplets [24,49,50], the evap- values. As mentioned, the simulations for fuel evaporation were
oration simulations here also use the NVE ensemble in the non- performed using the NVE ensemble. The velocities of the molecules
quiescent case. The kinetic energy of the bulk flow is also included located in the thermostat region were rescaled every time step
in the energy term. [20] according to
Figure 1c shows the initial evaporation configuration of the 0.5
liquid film. The initialization of this configuration was similar to 3T Nt kB
Vinew = Viold (4)
that of the droplet in Fig. 1a. The size of the cuboid simula- 2Ek
tion box was 15 nm × 200 nm × 15 nm. The center of mass
where Ek indicates the total kinetic energy of the Nt atoms in the
of the n-hexadecane liquid film was located in the center of the
thermostat region, and T indicates the target ambient temperature.
simulation domain, and the liquid film was surrounded by nitro-
As a consequence, the temperature of this region could be kept at
gen molecules. Two separated thermostat regions with a size of
a constant target value [10]. The calculations of temperature in MD
15 nm × 40 nm × 15 nm were located in two sides of the simula-
simulations are based on the average kinetic energy of molecules
tion box in the y direction. Similarly, fuel molecules would be re-
moved when they reached the thermostat region. Periodic bound-
ary conditions were used in all three directions. As a result, the 3 1N
settings, such as the size of a simulation domain and the thermo- where N is the number of atoms in the target atom group, mi
stat setting, were tested before the formal simulations presented. and vi are respectively the mass and velocity of atom i. i indi-
Five replica runs were performed to reduce or eliminate statistical cates the identifier of the atoms. In the case with relative veloc-
errors. For n-hexadecane, seven initial configurations of droplets or ities, the temperature of a group of atoms is calculated after sub-
liquid films with different initial sizes were constructed to study tracting out the center-of-mass velocity of the group caused by the
the size effect of MD, as detailed in Table 2. It is worth men- bulk movement, temperature only depends on the random portion
tioning that the initial size for droplets is the diameter and that of the molecular velocities, that is molecular thermal velocity [23].
for liquid films is the thickness. It should be noted that MD is After the center-of-mass velocity has been subtracted from each
a first-principle method that describes the fundamental interac- atom, temperature is calculated by Eq. (5). The number of atoms
tions between atoms/molecules, without any assumptions about in the simulation domain varies with time due to evaporation, and
the system’s macroscopic behaviours. Therefore, the pros of MD the number of atoms N and their associated degrees of freedom in
simulations are that MD results (1) are more reliable than con- the calculation group are recalculated each time the temperature is
ventional CFD (with prior assumptions of behaviours such as sub- computed to ensure that the temperature is properly normalized.
critical or supercritical evaporation), and (2) can reveal dynamic The removal of the center-of-mass velocity is essentially comput-
evaporation behaviours and provide quantitative information that ing the temperature after a “bias” has been removed from the ve-
are difficult to obtain by experiments. The cons of MD simulations locity of the atoms. Moreover, in the thermostat region, this bias
are the small droplet sizes attainable. It is thus important to inves- will be subtracted from each atom, thermostatting of the remain-
tigate what evaporation properties are size-dependent and what ing thermal velocity will be performed, and the bias will be added
properties are size-independent. And if some properties are size- back in to keep a constant temperature value. The initial ambient
dependent, can scaling laws be obtained to bridge the size dif- pressure was determined by a combination of the initial ambient
ferences? This is an ongoing investigation but some conclusions temperature and the initial number of nitrogen molecules in the
can already be drawn. For example, the regression rates [22,23] simulation box in NVT simulations. However, the ambient pressure
and squares of droplet diameters [10,26] are size-dependent, but was determined by choosing a suitable initial number of nitrogen
with the method of scaling, MD results can achieve satisfactory molecules in the system in NVE simulations [10,20]. The number
agreement with experimental values. More comparisons of distil- of nitrogen molecules ranges from tens of thousands to millions
lation curves and evaporation rate constants from MD simulations in different cases, which depends on the ambient condition and
with experiments could be found in [10,26]. As reported [10,26], simulation domain size [10,20]. As mentioned, a fuel molecule will
although the evaporation rate is size-dependent [22,23], the evap- be removed when it gets to the thermostat region to simulate the
oration rate constant obtained by MD simulations can agree with evaporation of the droplet taking place in an infinite space [10]. It
the macroscopic experiments [45] under subcritical conditions. is worth mentioning that the droplet accounts for less than 4% of
Fortunately, some properties are size-independent [17], and MD re- the volume of the simulation box, so the fluctuations of ambient
Y. Gong, X. Ma, K.H. Luo et al. Combustion and Flame 246 (2022) 112397
was obtained via dividing the mixing time by the evaporation life-
time. The equations of AD and ADI are as follows:
k = m
k=1 (Xk (t n ) − 0 )2 + (Yk (t n ) − 0 )2 + (Zk (t n ) − 0 )2
AD t n =
AD(t n )
ADR0 t n =
ADI t n = AD t n − AD t n−1
ADI(t n )
ADIR0 t n = (6)
Y. Gong, X. Ma, K.H. Luo et al. Combustion and Flame 246 (2022) 112397
Fig. 3. The temporal variation of the dimensionless AD and ADI per fuel atom (for case M, A1(V0)).
Y. Gong, X. Ma, K.H. Luo et al. Combustion and Flame 246 (2022) 112397
ferences in the results of several methods. From Fig. 4, the tran- et al. varied from 0.05 (1/20) to 0.1 (1/10), which was smaller than
sition line obtained here can satisfactorily distinguish the exper- that of the droplet studied here (0.231). Nonetheless, Qiao et al.
imental data [2] between transitional mixing and diffusive mix- [14] concluded that the transition line based on liquid films was
ing, with acceptable differences. Specifically, the transition line for size-independent.
diffusion here was slightly higher than that obtained by the ex- In fact, previous studies have proposed the criteria for tran-
periment [2]. In other words, the minimum ambient temperature sition from evaporation to diffusion for liquid fuels. The critical
for transition at constant ambient pressure was slightly higher or locus criterion has been widely used, relying on the calculation
the minimum ambient pressure for transition at constant ambi- of the critical point of a mixture composed of fuels and ambi-
ent temperature was slightly higher in this study. This consistency ent gasses, whose base is the VLE theory [54]. Moreover, this ap-
indicates that although there are huge scale differences between proach relies on numerous thermodynamic assumptions and es-
experiments and MD simulations, atomistic simulations can reveal timations, and fails to resolve complex evaporation systems with
fundamental mechanisms that also exist in macroscopic phenom- multi-components, because the critical points of them are hard to
ena and complement macroscopic experiments, which is consistent be available [11]. As mentioned, the Knudsen number criterion by
with the results on multi-component fuels [24]. The possible rea- Dahms et al. [13] is also proposed to distinguish the mixing regime
sons were as follows. First, the following discussion of the effect of fuels. Nevertheless, the transition from classic evaporation to
of relative velocity (in Fig. 9) showed that when a moving droplet diffusive mixing is assumed to be in steady state in this theory,
evaporated in the ambient gas, compared to the quiescent case failing to resolve the dynamics of mode transition under super-
considered here, the minimum ambient temperature and pressure critical conditions [14]. Qiao et al. [14,34] have tried to indicate
for transition became smaller. The theoretical analyses by Pour- the subcritical-to-supercritical transitions based on the calculation
sadegh et al. [16] led to similar conclusions. Second, the transition of surface tension in MD simulations. However, it has been hard
line shown in Fig. 4 was obtained by the evaporation of quiescent and even impossible to achieve reliable calculation of surface ten-
n-hexadecane droplets with a diameter of 26.0 nm in the nitrogen sion under supercritical conditions [55]. In summary, a reliable and
(for case M, A1(V0)). In optical experiments [2], however, much versatile criterion is urgently needed for supercritical and complex
larger micron-sized droplets were observed. According to the dis- multi-component conditions to distinguish the evaporation mode
cussion of the size effect below (in Fig. 10), with larger size of the of liquid fuels under certain conditions. The criterion of τ 0.9P here
droplet, SSAH decreased, and the minimum ambient temperature is a new attempt to achieve this goal. It should be noted that this
and ambient pressure for the transition tended to decrease. The criterion is based on the profile of ADI of fuel atoms, which is
studies by Xiao et al. [10] and Wang et al. [31] also provided sup- available for the fuel-ambient gas mixing system composed of any
port for this conclusion. Third, the ambient gas was the nitrogen type and number of components, even under highly supercritical
here, while it was the combustion exhaust gas in the experiment conditions.
[2]. According to the following discussion on the multicomponent
effects (in Fig. 11), compared with the nitrogen, the transition of 3.2. Mixing characteristics of fuel droplets in different evaporation
the evaporation mode in the combustion exhaust gas was a little modes
easier, which meant a smaller minimum ambient temperature or
pressure for transition. However, judging from the difference in re- Figure 5 reveals typical snapshots of the molecular distributions
sults, based on the ADI criterion, the results for nanoscale droplets of n-hexadecane droplets in different evaporation modes. In Fig. 5a
slightly larger than here will be in better agreement with the ex- (the non-transition case), the droplet always had a distinct vapor-
perimental values, although size, relative velocity and multicompo- liquid interface and remained spherical during most of the mixing
nent effects still exist. time. However, as shown in Fig. 5b, at higher ambient tempera-
A discussion about the limitations of experimental results tures and pressures, the mode transition of evaporation occurred.
themselves is instructive. Crua et al. [2] investigated the injection Before the transition (Fig. 5b1), the droplets remained spherical
of three single-component fuels into high-temperature and high- with a sharp interface. When mode transition occurred (Fig. 5b2),
pressure ambient gasses using high-speed long-range microscopy. the spherical boundary was already difficult to recognize. After the
However, such optical experiments have intrinsic limitations [2], transition (Fig. 5b3), the droplet was deformed and the original
such as optical effects under high-pressure conditions, the re- vapor-liquid interface was replaced by an expanding mixing layer
sponse of imaging system, and spatial resolution, and it is impos- full of fuel and nitrogen molecules with densities of continuous
sible to investigate actual states of interfacial structures [52]. In changes.
addition, such qualitative observations do not provide quantitative Figure 6 reveals the evaporation histories of n-hexadecane
details such as droplet temperature profiles, and do not directly re- droplets in different evaporation modes. In evaporation mode (4
veal the physics of mode transition of evaporation [10]. Crua et al. MPa@900 K), the profile of fuel molecular number in the droplet
[2] addressed some of these limitations by using high-resolution with time was first convex and then concave. The evaporation rate
microscopy at the University of Brighton [53] and high-speed mi- of fuel molecules gradually increased at first, and then decreased
croscopy at Sandia National Laboratories [15,52]. And, three criteria continuously in the second half of evaporation. In diffusion mode
were proposed to account for optical uncertainty when classifying (16 MPa@1500 K), however, the profile of that with time generally
their experimental results [2]. With these limitations in mind, ex- was concave. The evaporation rate of fuel molecules reached the
periments can provide independent reference data for comparison maximum value soon after the start of mixing, and then decreased
with numerical simulations [2], such as the MD studies by Qiao continuously. Figure 6b shows the histories of the number of newly
et al. [14]. evaporated n-hexadecane molecules leaving from the droplet, cor-
Moreover, the transition line colored by blue from Qiao et al. responding to the evaporation rate defined by the number of fuel
[14] was closer to the experimental transitional mixing line [2], molecules in Fig. 6a. As shown in Fig. 6b, in evaporation mode, the
however, the transition line obtained here was closer to the ex- maximum evaporation rate occurred in the second half of evapo-
perimental diffusion mixing line [2]. This may be due to the fol- ration. In contrast, in diffusion mode, the evaporation rate reached
lowing reasons. The transition line of Qiao et al. [14] was based on a peak soon after the start of mixing. In evaporation mode, the
the MD simulations of liquid films, while that in this paper was density gradient near the droplet interface was larger. Initially, due
based on those of droplets. According to the discussion below on to the large temperature difference between the droplet and the
the size effect (in Fig. 10), SSAH of the liquid film studied by Qiao ambient gas, the droplet temperature increased rapidly with heat
Y. Gong, X. Ma, K.H. Luo et al. Combustion and Flame 246 (2022) 112397
Fig. 5. Snapshots of local molecular distributions of n-hexadecane droplets (for case M, A1(V0)): (a) Evaporation (8 MPa@750 K) and (b) Diffusion (24 MPa@1350 K). Here
τ stands for the dimensionless mixing time. In Figure 5a, the mode transition does not occur. Figure 5(b1), (b2) and (b3) show the situation before transition, transition and
after transition, respectively. Ambient nitrogen molecules are not shown here.
transferring from the gas phase to the liquid phase via the inter-
face [10]. Meanwhile, the evaporation rate became higher, during
which the droplet experienced an initial heat-up period [26,34].
With time, the temperature difference between the droplet and
the ambient gas decreased, and the droplet became smaller. The
evaporation rate of the droplet decreased after reaching a peak.
In diffusion mode, with higher ambient pressures and tempera-
tures, a lot of nitrogen molecules dissolved into the droplet [20],
the density gradient between the liquid core and the ambient gas
decreased [14], and the evaporation rate peaked rapidly and then
decreased. Meanwhile, the evaporation rate was determined by the
combined effect of diffusion coefficient, mass fraction gradient and
temperature gradient [14]. The temporal variation of the square di-
ameter D2 of the n-hexadecane droplet in evaporation mode (4
MPa@900 K) is shown in Fig. 7. It can be found that the evapora-
tion of droplets follows the classical D2 law after an initial heat-up
period, which is consistent with previous studies [10,26].
The free energy, a function of internal energy, temperature and
entropy, is a crucial parameter for measuring the state of a thermo-
Fig. 7. The temporal variation of the square diameter D2 of the n-hexadecane
dynamic system. Specifically, the competition between energy and droplet. The dotted blue line indicates the fitting of D2 profile [10].
Y. Gong, X. Ma, K.H. Luo et al. Combustion and Flame 246 (2022) 112397
Fig. 8. Temporal variations of the sum of pair entropy and that of its increment for each atom (for case M, A1(V0)).
entropy determines the state of a thermodynamic system, while It should be mentioned that in Figs. 3,6 and 8, the concavity
the temperature determines the relative weight between them. The or convexity of the curves corresponds to different patterns in the
time-dependent profiles of the mean molecular kinetic energy, pair slope change of the curves. In fact, Figs. 3,6 and 8 illustrate the
potential energy, and intermolecular interactions for fuel evapora- physics of different evaporation modes and the mode transition
tion system like here have been presented in our earlier publica- from the perspectives of AD, evaporation rate, and pair entropy,
tion [20] and will not be discussed. The focus here is on the history which reveal different aspects of the same physical process. There-
of entropy of evaporation systems. The pair entropy fingerprint for fore, the physics revealed by these curves are consistent. It was re-
each atom was calculated to investigate the degree of disorder of ported [2,10,14] that even under very high ambient temperatures
the mixing system. The calculation method of the entropy finger- and pressures, the fuel droplet did not achieve the mode transi-
print of each atom was derived from Piaggi et al. [56] and Nettle- tion of evaporation instantly, and the surface tension did not dis-
ton et al. [57]. It should be noted that the pair entropy, which is appear immediately, because heat and mass transfer took time. As
always negative, uses kB as its unit. The lower pair entropy stands mentioned here, the competition between energy and entropy de-
for the more ordered environment. Figure 8 shows the histories termines the state of a thermodynamic system, which is also ap-
of the sum of pair entropy for each atom and that of its corre- plicable for evaporation and mode transition, so the shape of the
sponding increment. The mixture was composed of n-hexadecane curve is determined by a combination effect of energy and entropy.
and nitrogen. As shown in Fig. 8a, although there were some dif- Under this condition, the concavity and convexity of curves and
ferences, the profile of entropy change of the mixture was basically their connection point (inflection point) reflect exactly which fac-
the same as that of the alkane, which meant the entropy change of tor plays a dominant role at that time. In evaporation mode, the
the alkane was dominant. There were significant differences in the surface tension was relatively strong and the interaction energy of
profiles of entropy for evaporation and diffusion modes. In evap- the liquid fuel was dominant compared with its entropy change.
oration mode (4 MPa@900 K), the time-dependent profile of en- The order of fuel molecules in the liquid phase was more or less
tropy of alkanes nearly always was concave and eventually became kept. With continuous heat and mass transfer, the evaporation was
convex. The entropy of alkanes increased gradually with mixing, accelerated, which could be revealed by concavity of the profiles
whose growth rate rose to a peak near the end of evaporation (The slope of profiles increased). In diffusion mode, however, mas-
and then declined, which was indicated by the increment profile sive ambient gas molecules entered into the fuel droplet and fuel
in Fig. 8b. In diffusion mode (16 MPa@1500 K), however, the time- density decreased dramatically [20]. The attractions between fuel
dependent profile of entropy of alkanes nearly always was convex molecules, which was responsible for the molecular order, dramat-
except concave during a short period initially, whose growth rate ically declined. The original order of fuel molecules in the liquid
rose to a peak in the first half of evaporation and then continu- phase was lost because the entropy change caused by the mixing
ously dropped. Special attention should be drawn to the fact that became dominant. The evaporation was first accelerated and then
the physics of the entropy change for the mode transition was con- decelerated due to the reduced density gradient, which could be
sistent with that of evaporation histories shown in Fig. 6 and that revealed by the convexity of the profiles (The slope of profiles de-
of AD and ADI in Fig. 3. This consistency provides a theoretical creased).
support and a further evidence for the ADI criterion. In addition,
from Fig. 8a, the pair entropy for alkane atoms in diffusion mode 3.3. Relative velocity effects
was greater than that in evaporation mode at almost all times. In
diffusion mode, the ambient temperature and pressure were high As mentioned, effects of relative velocity on the mode transi-
enough relative to the critical point of the fuel. Meanwhile, the in- tion of evaporation of fuels have not been well understood. For this
termolecular interactions of fuel molecules declined dramatically purpose, in addition to the quiescent case (V0), we investigated the
[20], the order of molecules of liquid fuel was hardly maintained, evaporation of n-hexadecane droplets with initial relative veloci-
and the vapor-liquid interface no longer existed. The entropy which ties of 30 m/s (V1) and 100 m/s (V2) in the supercritical nitrogen.
caused molecular disorders, instead of energy which maintained Figure 9 shows the relationship between fuel temperature and mo-
molecular orders, became the dominant factor in the mixing pro- lar fraction of the fuel for different droplet relative velocities at an
cess. As a result, the disorder of the fuel molecules increased sig- ambient pressure of 8 MPa. The temperature was calculated from
nificantly compared with that in the two-phase evaporation. the average kinetic energy of the molecules [14]. The estimated
Y. Gong, X. Ma, K.H. Luo et al. Combustion and Flame 246 (2022) 112397
Y. Gong, X. Ma, K.H. Luo et al. Combustion and Flame 246 (2022) 112397
Fig. 10. Size effects on the mode transition of evaporation of fuels. Here D indicates the diameter for droplets or the thickness for films.
Fig. 12. Comparison of Tr∗ Pr.^0.5 of several single-component fuels. The experimen-
tal data were from Crua et al. [2].
though the mode transition maps obtained by droplets or liquid
films with different initial sizes were slightly different, the results
of droplets or liquid films with sizes of tens of nanometers studied
tions. When the ambient gas was nitrogen, in the order of six-
here were acceptable for practical applications. Moreover, in Ref.
component fuel, three-component fuel and single-component fuel,
[10], the droplet size effects on evaporation of single-component
τ 0.9P decreased in turn, and the mode transition of evaporation be-
fuels have been investigated, and no qualitative differences are ob-
came easier. When the fuel was n-hexadecane, due to the ambient
served but there are gradual quantitative changes. Similar conclu-
gas molecules changing from A1 to A2, τ 0.9P slightly decreased,
sions have been drawn in Ref. [31]. Further work is needed in this
and the transition also became easier, which is consistent with a
area, provided computational resources are made available.
previous study on multicomponent fuels [24].
Figure 12 exhibits the mixing regime of Crua et al. [2] for
3.5. Multicomponent effects several single-component fuels (n-heptane, n-dodecane and n-
hexadecane) which evaporated in the exhaust gas. The critical
Although there have been some attempts [12,33,34] for the dif- temperatures of n-heptane, n-dodecane and n-hexadecane were
ferent multi-component evaporation systems, if subtle differences 540 K, 658 K and 722 K; and the critical pressures were 2.74 MPa,
of the evaporation process are ignored, there has not yet a con- 1.82 MPa and 1.4 MPa, respectively. The reduced ambient temper-
sensus concerning which factor plays a decisive role in the mode ature Tr and the reduced ambient pressure Pr were both calcu-
transition of evaporation. In other words, which factor is primarily lated by dividing ambient values by critical values of fuel. Based
responsible for the difference in the mode transition of evapora- on their experimental data, Crua et al. [2] proposed a regression
tion for a mixing system composed of different components? Fol- model, whose expression was Tr∗ Pr.^0.5, to unify the results of
lowing the author’s previous publications [20,26], this work was different single-component fuels. If Tr∗ Pr.^0.5 was larger, it meant
a new attempt to answer this question. Four evaporation systems that the mixing regime of the fuel tended to be the diffusive mix-
were set up to study the multi-component effect, that is, a six- ing. As shown in Fig. 12, Tr∗ Pr^0.5 of the three fuels under the
component fuel droplet (A1), a three-component droplet (A1), n- same ambient temperature and pressure was calculated for inves-
hexadecane droplet (A1), n-hexadecane droplet (A2), respectively. tigating the possibility for mode transition of the three fuels un-
As mentioned, for n-hexadecane, the three-component fuel and der the same ambient conditions, using that of n-hexadecane as
the six-component fuel studied here, the estimated critical tem- a reference. As shown, in the order of heptane, n-dodecane and
peratures are 1.4 MPa, 1.89 MPa and 2.45 MPa, and the esti- n-hexadecane, Tr∗ Pr^0.5 increased in turn, which meant that the
mated critical temperatures are 722 K, 697 K and 686 K, respec- mode transition became easier. In other words, for the three in-
tively [20,26]. Figure 11 illustrates τ 0.9P for several evaporation sys- vestigated fuels, under the same ambient temperature and pres-
tems under the same ambient temperature and pressure condi- sure, n-hexadecane had the largest Tr∗ Pr.^0.5, and was the easiest
Y. Gong, X. Ma, K.H. Luo et al. Combustion and Flame 246 (2022) 112397
to achieve the diffusive mixing. Based on the above discussions, an and number of components. If τ 0.9P was less than 0.5, it indi-
interesting consistency between multi-component fuels and single- cates the diffusion mode. Otherwise, it signals the evaporation
component fuels was found. It is generally believed that the crit- mode. The comparison between mode transition map from ex-
ical pressure and temperature of the fuel have important effects periments and MD simulations revealed that based on the ADI
on its evaporation. Here, Pc1 and Pc2 indicate critical pressures of criterion, the results from droplets with diameters of tens of
Fuel 1 and Fuel 2, respectively. And Tc1 and Tc2 indicate critical nanometers could be in satisfactory agreement with those from
temperatures of Fuel 1 and Fuel 2, respectively. For the three fuels experiments of micro-sized droplets. This consistency indicates
investigated (including two multi-component fuels and one single- that although there are huge scale differences between exper-
component fuel), when the fuel with a larger critical pressure is iments and MD simulations, atomistic simulations can reveal
regarded as Fuel 1, if Pc1/Pc2 > Tc1/Tc2, then Fuel 2 is easier to fundamental mechanisms that also exist in macroscopic phe-
achieve the mode transition of evaporation, compared with Fuel 1. nomena and complement macroscopic experiments. The molec-
This correlation implies that pressure seems to play a more im- ular physics obtained in MD simulations will be helpful for un-
portant role than temperature for mode transition of evaporation. derstanding the mechanism of mode transition of evaporation.
It is noted that the minimum ambient temperature (750 K) stud- In addition, the knowledge of droplet evaporation will be ex-
ied here is greater than the critical temperatures of three fuels in- panded by such MD simulations.
vestigated (722 K, 697 K and 686 K, respectively). As reported by 2) The pair entropy fingerprint for each atom was calculated to
Zhang et al. [12], compared with the fuel composition, the ambi- investigate the degree of disorder of the mixing system. The
ent pressure and temperature were more crucial factors for deter- entropy change of the alkane dominated that of the mixture.
mining the transition time. Qiao et al. [65] found that at an am- In evaporation mode, the time-dependent profile of entropy
bient pressure fixed to the critical pressure of n-heptane, when of alkanes nearly always was concave and eventually became
the ambient temperature was higher than the critical tempera- convex. The entropy of alkanes increased gradually with mix-
ture of n-heptane, the required transition time from evaporation to ing, whose growth rate peaked near the end of evaporation
diffusion decreased extremely slowly with increasing temperature. and then declined. Nonetheless, in diffusion mode, the time-
On the other hand, according to Gong et al. [26], for single- and dependent profile of entropy of alkanes nearly always was con-
multi-component fuels, at an ambient temperature higher than the vex but concave during a short initial period, whose growth
critical temperatures of fuels, when the ambient pressure was far rate peaked before half of evaporation and then continuously
higher than the critical pressure of the fuel, the fuel evaporation dropped. The physics of the entropy change for the mode tran-
lifetime decreased very slowly with increasing pressure, while that sition was consistent with that of evaporation histories and that
decreased rapidly with increasing temperature. Similar results are of AD and ADI. The competition between energy and entropy
reported by Xiao et al. [10] and He et al. [66]. The above discus- determines the state of a thermodynamic system, which is also
sions show that the evaporation lifetime has different sensitivities applicable for evaporation and mode transition, so the shape of
to the changes of pressures and temperatures. Since τ 0.9P is a di- such curves is determined by a combination effect of energy
mensionless time via dividing the absolute time by the evapora- and entropy. Under this condition, the concavity and convex-
tion lifetime, it may lead to the fact that the effect of pressure ity of curves and their connection point (inflection point) re-
on mode transition of evaporation indicated by τ 0.9P is greater flect exactly which factor plays a dominant role at that time.
than that of temperature. As reported [10,14], having the time In the diffusion mode, the entropy became the dominant factor
normalized by the evaporation lifetime is a common method in in the mixing process, and the disorder of the fuel molecules
this field. In fact, experimental results of the single-component increased significantly compared with that in the two-phase
fuels by Crua et al. [2] are also consistent with the above evaporation. Moreover, MD can reveal dynamic evaporation be-
correlation. haviours and provide quantitative information that are difficult
to obtain by experiments. For some size-dependent evaporation
4. Conclusions properties, it is promising to obtain scaling laws to bridge the
size differences. For some size-independent evaporation proper-
The evaporation processes of n-hexadecane droplets in the ties, MD results can be directly mapped onto macroscopic sys-
nitrogen or exhaust gas ambient were studied using MD sim- tems.
ulations. Moreover, three-component droplet and six-component 3) Compared with the case of a quiescent droplet, the mode tran-
droplet evaporation processes were also studied. The ambient pres- sition became easier with increasing relative velocity between
sure ranged from 4 MPa to 36 MPa and the ambient temperature the droplet and the ambient gas, although this was a non-linear
ranged from 750 K to 3600 K, which covered ambient conditions process. This was due to the promoted gaseous heat and mass
for both subcritical and supercritical evaporations. Significant find- transfer and stagnation effects. Moreover, the slip effect pos-
ings of this study included: sibly exists during the evaporation of nanoscale droplets, es-
pecially for moving droplets. However, even if considering real
1) The profiles of the average displacement (AD) and average dis- spray combustors, such as diesel engines, it is estimated that
placement increment (ADI) per fuel atom with time under var- the slip effect on evaporation is really limited and will be nat-
ied ambient conditions were investigated in detail. At low am- urally included in the MD results. For the same ambient tem-
bient pressures and temperatures, the ADI per fuel atom grad- perature and pressure, the smaller the normalized specific heat
ually increased with time until near the end of the mixing transfer surface area (SF ) of the fuel, the easier the mode transi-
process. However, at high pressures and high temperatures, tion. The possible explanation for this is that the smaller SSAH
the time-dependent profile of the ADI had a peak soon af- of the fuel, the slower the evaporation of the fuel, the longer
ter the start of evaporation. Considering scale differences, the the evaporation lifetime, and the more sufficient time for the
time in this paper is normalized by the evaporation lifetime. fuel to achieve the transition. SF proposed here could give uni-
A dimensionless number τ 0.9P was proposed here which was fied analyses for droplets or films with different initial sizes,
the smaller dimensionless mixing time corresponding to 90% of which will be helpful for answering the size effect on the mode
the peak of the time-dependent ADI profile for fuel atoms. A transition of evaporation and bridging MD to practical com-
critical dimensionless number τ 0.9P of 0.5 was used to iden- bustion applications. A correlation was proposed to compare
tify the mode transition of evaporation of fuels with any type the possibility of mode transition of evaporation for single-
Y. Gong, X. Ma, K.H. Luo et al. Combustion and Flame 246 (2022) 112397
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