Assignment 7
Assignment 7
Assignment 7
Department of Mathematics
Mathematics-II (MAL-102)
Assignment 7 on Differential Equation (First Order)
5. Find an integrating factor of the following differential equations and solve them.
3 2
(i) (xy sin xy+cos xy)ydx+(xy sin xy−cos xy)xdy = 0 (ii) (y+ y3 + x2 )dx+ 14 (x+xy 2 )dy = 0
(iii) (2xy 4 ey +2xy 3 +y)dx+(x2 y 4 ey −x2 y 2 −3x)dy = 0 (iv) (2x2 y 2 +y)dx−(x3 y−3x)dy = 0
2 )1/2
(v) (1 + y 2 )dx = (tan−1 y − x)dy, (vi) dx + (1−xy2 )3/2 = x+(1−x
(1−x2 )2
7. A moving body is opposed by a force per unit mass of value cx and resistance per unit mass of
value bv 2 , where x and v are the displacement and velocity of the particle at that instant. The
equation of motion of the body is v dx = −cx − bv 2 . Show that the velocity of the particle, if
it starts from rest, is given by: v 2 = 2b2 (1 − e−2bx − cx
8. Use appropriate substitution to convert the following ODE to linear ODE of first order and
hence solve them:
dy dy 2 2 +1
(i) dx dz
+ x sin 2y = x3 cos2 y, (ii) dx + xz log z = xz2 (log z)2 , (iii) dx = x +y
10. (i) Prove that the continuity of f (x, y) is not enough to guarantee the uniqueness of the solution
of the initial value problem: dx = f (x, y) = |y|, y(0) = 0.
(ii) Give an example to show that the existence of partial derivatives of f (x, y) is not necessary
for f (x, y) to be a Lipschitz function.
(iii) If S is defined by the rectangle |x| ≤ a, |y| ≤ b, show that the function f (x, y) =
x sin y + y cos x satisfy the Lipschitz condition. Find the Lipschitz constant.
(iv) For the initial value problem dx = y 2 + cos2 x, y(0) = 0, determine the interval of
existence of its solution given that R is the rectangle containing origin R = {(x, y) : 0 ≤ x ≤
a, |y| ≤ b, a > 21 , b > 0}.
(v) Test the uniqueness of the solution of the initial value problem:
(x − 2y + 1)dy − (3x − 6y + 2)dx = 0, y(0) = 0 over the rectangle R : |x| ≤ 14 , |y| ≤ 14 .
Also determine the interval for x over which the solution is guaranteed.
11. (i) Using Picard’s approximation method find two iterates of the initial value problem:
= y + y 2 , y(0) = 1. Compare this result with exact solution.
(ii) Find the third approximation of the solution of the initial value problem:
= 2 − xy , y(1) = 2 by Picard’s method.