Finn RTL
Finn RTL
Finn RTL
Syed Asad Alam and David Gregg1, Giulio Gambardella and Michaela Blott2 , and Thomas Preusser3
arXiv:2201.11409v2 [cs.AR] 11 Apr 2022
School of Computer Science and Statistics, The University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland ∗
Xilinx Research Labs, Ireland †
Xilinx Research Labs, Germany ‡
FPGA-based accelerators are becoming increasingly popular for deep neural network inference due
to their ability to scale performance with increasing degree of specialization with dataflow archi-
tectures or custom data type precision. In order to reduce the barrier for software engineers and
data scientists to adopt FPGAs, C++- and OpenCL-based design entries with high-level synthesis
(HLS) have been introduced. They provide higher abstraction compared to register-transfer level
(RTL)-based design. HLS offers faster development time, better maintainability and more flexibility
in code exploration, when evaluating several options for multi-dimension tensors, convolutional lay-
ers or different degrees of parallelism. For this reason, HLS has been adopted by DNN accelerator
generation frameworks such as FINN and hls4ml.
In this paper, we present an alternative backend library for FINN, leveraging RTL. We investigate
and evaluate, across a spectrum of design dimensions, the pros and cons of an RTL-based implemen-
tation versus the original HLS variant. We show that for smaller design parameters, RTL produces
significantly smaller circuits as compared to HLS. For larger circuits, however, the look-up table
(LUT) count of RTL-based design is slightly higher, up to around 15%. On the other hand, HLS
consistently requires more flip-flops (FFs) (with an orders-of-magnitude difference for smaller de-
signs) and block RAMs (BRAMs) (2× more). This also impacts the critical path delay, with RTL
producing significantly faster circuits, up to around 80%. Furthermore, RTL also benefits from
at-least a 10× reduction in synthesis time. Finally the results were practically validated using a
real-world use case of a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network used in network intrusion detection.
Overall, since HLS frameworks code-generate the hardware design, the benefits of the ease in the
design entry is less important. As such, the gained benefits in synthesis time together with some
design dependent resource benefits, might make the RTL abstraction an attractive alternative.
1 Introduction
Deep convolutional neural networks, referred to simply as CNNs, have shown a tremendous growth in the past many
years with networks now having millions of parameters. E.g., AlexNet, VGGNet and ResNet-152 have 62M , 138M
and 60.3M parameters, respectively [1, 2, 3]. The computational cost of a CNN is primarily derived from convolution
layers. These convolution operations are typically performed between input matrices, which can be as large as 224 ×
224 with multiple channels as in the popular ImageNet category[4], and filter kernels, which are typically small on
[email protected]
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
the order of 5 × 5 [5] or 3 × 3 [2]. The implied convolutional compute amounts to many dot products between the
filter kernels of all output channels and correspondingly sized, overlapping tiles of the input across the full depth of
input channels. Many networks conclude the convolutions with a small number of fully connected layers. These
layers, indeed, compute one large dot product for each output channel but without any stencil tiling. In consequence,
convolutional layers dominate the total execution time of modern CNNs. In total, these compute requirements are
challenging in CNN deployments especially on resource-constrained devices, say, for enabling Internet-of-Things
(IoT) use cases both embedded and at the edge. The deployment of such networks on edge devices is critical to enable
technologies like smart cities, driver-less cars and other autonomous systems [6] as it is neither energy-efficient to
submit data from an edge device for remote cloud processing nor conducive for the real-time processing required by
such state-of-the-art applications.
The challenging demands of the desired CNNs must be mitigated on embedded devices with limited processing and
memory capacity. It is important to reduce the number of layers or parameters, and the memory required to store them.
There are various ways in which these aspects of a network can be reduced. One of the ways is referred to as pruning.
It involves replacing insignificant parameters in weight tensors by zero. Pruning can be performed at different levels
of granularity ranging from pruning individual weights to complete channels [7, 8].
Another orthogonal measure of reducing the memory footprint of such networks is quantization. It means that the data
inside a network (i.e., input and output activations, weights and biases) are represented using shorter word lengths.
Admissible word lengths have been explored thoroughly for fixed- and floating-point number systems. Capotondi
et al. [9] propose a CNN inference library, called CMix-NN, for integer-only mixed low-precision quantization of
weights and activations at (8, 4, 2)-bits. The library is optimized for the ARM instruction set with vector arithmetic
extensions and tested for the deployment on microcontroller targets like the STM32H7. Garofalo et al. [10] also
propose a library of kernels for quantized neural network (QNN) inference, called PULP-NN, using a homogeneous
quantization scheme with (8, 4, 2, 1)-bits. They optimize for a cluster of low-power RISC-V processors by exploiting
4 × 8-bit SIMD MAC instructions and bitwise extension operations in order to benefit from precisions below 8 bits.
Bruschi et al. [11] extend PULP-NN by targeting the acceleration of mixed-precision DNNs. Hubara et al. [12] present
the quantization with various low-bit representations as small as 1 bit per weight and activation to allow for the use of
bitwise operations during the forward pass. A further contribution in the field of these binary neural networks (BNNs)
is reported by Rastegari et al. [13]. They present two approximations of DNNs by firstly representing all weights with
binary values and secondly approximating both weights and inputs to the convolutional and fully connected layers by
binary values. Their interpretation of the two values as ±1 motivates their term XNOR network as inspired by the
resulting elementary multiplication.
Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are a very suitable platform to implement fixed-point systems due to the
presence of fast multipliers and adders. Their ability to customize datapaths down to the bit level has made them an
attractive target and the technology of choice for very-low-precision QNNs and, of course, BNNs. One framework
exploiting this technological match is FINN, which is able to build FPGA-based accelerators for QNNs. While initially
limited to BNNs [14], FINN was later extended to non-binary word lengths [15]. The prototypes designed using
this framework were demonstrated to improve performance measures, such as latency, throughput, Top-1, Top-5 and
mean average precision (mAP) accuracies, with respect to the state of the art. The FINN framework uses C++-based
high-level synthesis (HLS). HLS allows software engineers and scientists, not well versed with hardware description
languages (HDLs) like Verilog and VHDL to describe digital systems. They can, thus, target hardware platforms like
FPGAs and ASICs using familiar languages like C++ or OpenCL [16, 17, 18]. Designs described in these high-level
languages are translated to traditional HDLs using dedicated compilers. The time required to develop and design a
digital system using HLS is considerably less than what is needed for a genuine HDL implementation. The general
reduction of code complexity is a benefit for design space exploration, optimization, and maintenance. Also, the
debugging of a design can ideally be performed on a higher functional abstraction level, which is more accessible
to the application engineer and considerably faster than a simulation on the register-transfer level (RTL). Finally,
HLS offers more flexibility in code exploration, which is powerful for example when evaluating the many options for
ordering different dimensions in tensors, convolutional layers or different degrees of parallelism.
On the other side, adding an extra layer of abstraction and translation also incurs costs in terms of design imple-
mentation times, hardware resource cost and the predictability of design quality. In this work, we analyse HLS- and
RTL-based implementations of the core compute unit of the accelerator designed for the FINN framework to evaluate
the implied trade-offs. This core unit performs matrix-vector multiplications using different types of compute engines
and uses AXI-Stream-based interfaces for communication. We use Xilinx’s Vivado and Vivado HLS for RTL and HLS
implementations, respectively.
The main contributions of this work are:
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
• RTL implementation of the key FINN compute component, the MVU, available in open source at
• Systematic measurement and analysis of resource utilization, critical path delay and synthesis time for designs
realized using HLS and RTL. We show that:
– HLS uses more FPGA resources for smaller designs and suffers from complex multiplexer structures
when processing large input streams using a limited number of compute units.
– The LUT usage converges between HLS and RTL as the core compute unit increases in size but HLS
consistently uses more flip-flops and block RAMs (BRAMs).
– The RTL implementation results in a significantly reduced critical path delay across different parameters
and for the three different types of compute units as compared to HLS
– HLS takes at least 10× more synthesis time as compared to RTL synthesis and is the limiting factor
towards synthesizing and analyzing designs with large numbers of compute units.
• Implementation and analysis of a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network, consisting of 4 fully connected
layers, for network intrusion detection with the UNSW-NB15 dataset [19].
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 highlights the differences between HLS and RTL and the implied design
and workflow trade-offs before Section 3 provides a literature review of related work. Section 4 briefly describes the
FINN platform for generating HLS architectures for QNN inference. The architecture of the matrix vector compute
unit and its RTL refinement are detailed in Section 4.1.1. The results of our HLS vs. RTL comparison are finally
presented in Section 6 before Section 7 concludes the paper.
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
dispatch, still pose a learning and implementation challenge. This challenge can, however, be approached within
familiar C++ terrain.
HLS technology has, indeed, demonstrated its ability to make FPGA acceleration accessible to a wider audience. It has
triggered a number of contributions using HLS in diverse fields, e.g., scientific high-performance computing (HPC)
[25, 26] as well as machine learning applications like routing congestion prediction [27] and deep neural networks
[28]. FINN [14, 15] is also an example for realizing accelerators for neural networks on FPGAs using C++ HLS.
The design entry in HLS comes with significant benefits. The time and effort to get an initial design up and running
is significantly lower. Its functional validation can be conducted efficiently in software. The higher-level description
is much more flexible and, hence, more amenable for a thorough design space exploration. Re-arranging loop nests
and tuning the degree of parallelism are small changes that can be evaluated quickly. Finally, the quality of the
hardware designs generated from HLS has been improving significantly and constantly over the recent years which
led to meanwhile widespread adoption of this new form in descign entry.
Designing on a higher functional abstraction level does, however, also incur costs. First of all, HLS produces some
wrapping overhead for standardizing all control and communication interfaces of a design. Internally, HLS tools can
brilliantly apply formalized knowledge about transforming and optimizing standard code structures. However, they
have no intuition about exploitable application constraints and the consequences of custom control structures. They
do not automatically push into optimizing congested parts of the design and regularly fail in scaling a design up or
in meeting the expected timing. When a critical generated kernel violates physical design constraints, the available
means and levers are much less clear. Cutting one or two LUT levels from a critical path that did not meet timing
typically turns into a massive investigative endeavor, which cannot even be expected to be approached by the high-
level audience of HLS users. Last but not least, current HLS compilers perform an additional compilation step with
synthesis times that clearly grow superlinearly. The compilation of designs that somewhat fill modern high-end devices
may take days. This may squander the gains of faster turnaround times in earlier design phases. In the end, the system
implementation cost of an HLS application may suddenly surge when operating the tools close to the limits of the
target platform. Particularly for such challenging and for settled use cases, RTL still poses as a worthy option.
3 Related Work
As HLS design entry has become main stream, a number of research contributions for its analysis and evaluation
have been made. Nane et al. [29] present a survey and evaluation of FPGA HLS tools. In addition to evaluating
various tools, they also describe different optimizations and problems being addressed by researchers. They identified
benchmark-specific optimization and constraints that can enable HLS tools to significantly improve performance while
also highlighting the differences between optimizations needed for hardware designs as compared to software designs.
Furthermore, they also present an analysis of academic HLS tools against commercial ones.
An overview of HLS techniques and tools has also been compiled by Coussy et al. [30] who outline the steps involved
in an HLS design flow and compare it against an RTL design flow. A similar overview of a much larger set of tools was
contributed by Meeus et al. [16]. They outline a number of challenges faced by HLS, such as application-specific tool
flows, more optimization options for improving HLS designs, and design entry standardization asking for additional
training for designers to adapt their applications for hardware platforms. Martin et al. [17] divide HLS tools into
generations highlighting both their key features along with their shortcomings. According to the authors, the HLS of
the early to late 2000’s establishes the 3rd generation comprising tools like Xilinx’s AccelDSP, Synopsys Synplicity
Synplify DSP among others. Although not documented, surely we are seeing a new generation of tools like Xilinx’s
VivadoHLS and VitisHLS and Intel’s OpenCL-based HLS tool.
In addition to these contributions towards the analysis of HLS, specific algorithms have been realized in HLS and
compared against RTL counterparts. Homsirikamil et al. [31] present such an analysis for various cryptography
algorithms. They use Xilinx’s Vivado HLS and benchmark the algorithms on throughput and throughput/area metrics.
Another relevant work is presented by Winterstein et al. [32]. They analyze HLS for two types of implementations of
the K-means algorithm, a dataflow and a recursive tree implementation. They demonstrate that dataflow architectures
described using HLS achieve near RTL performance but recursive architectures do not.
It is to be noted that FINN [14, 15], the base for the HLS vs. RTL comparison in this paper, in fact generates HLS
dataflow architectures. This work performs an analysis on a large scale sweeping through the design space of a critical
component of FINN networks. We implement the main compute unit of a neural network layer with varying design
parameters, such as the input feature map size, kernel dimension, output feature map size, input and kernel word length,
both from FINN’s native HLS output and from a drop-in RTL description. We determine the relationship between the
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
chosen design parameters and achieved quality metrics including throughput, resource utilization, end-to-end delay,
and tool execution time.
Xilinx provides an open-source framework called FINN [14, 15] to generate highly specialized accelerators on FPGAs
leveraging reduced-precision datatypes and streaming dataflow (DF) architectures. FINN customizes the hardware
architectures to the specifics of a DNN topology and the exact datatypes used. Each layer is instantiated with its
designated compute units in hardware. On-chip data streams interconnect the compute units to form the desired
network topology. The small and compact size of reduced-precision DNNs allows to store all parameters on the chip -
off-chip memory access and with that potential memory bottlenecks are avoided. FINN produces synthesizable C++-
based HLS code for describing the generated QNN accelerators. HLS was initially chosen for the hardware description
of these highly customized architectures, as C++ templates can be used to parameterize canned designs for different
datatypes, different layer types and different degrees of parallelism. Furthermore, it enables rapid implementation in
comparison with handwritten RTL. In the following, we discuss the hardware architecture and the tool flow of FINN
in separate sections.
As mentioned above, the overall architecture realized by the FINN framework consists of multiple layers connected
using a data-flow model. Popular layers such as convolutions are lowered to a matrix-matrix multiplication between
the filter kernel and an activation matrix resulting from the expansion of the input feature map by the im2col operation.
FINN performs this expansion on the fly using a sliding window moving across the input. As a result, each layer is
a dedicated composition of sliding window unit (SWU) and matrix vector threshold units (MVU), with the MVU
being the central compute block for convolutional layers, and similarly also for fully connected layers. This compute
block, which represents the main compute engine in FINN designs, is the focus of this work. It is parameterized in
terms of number of input and output feature map channels, kernel dimensions, input feature map dimensions and input
and kernel weight precision. Furthermore, the degree of parallelism of a MVU can be specified through 2 parameters,
namely the number of processing elements (PEs) with the width of singe-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) lanes which
will be discussed in more detail in the next subsection on MVU architecture.
MVU: Achieving Parallelism FPGAs allow for massive data parallelism and also the MVU can be parallelized in
various dimensions with the bounds of the resources available in the target device. To achieve this, the MVU is divided
into P parallel processing elements (PEs) and S single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) input lanes for each PE, as
shown in Fig. 2. Here, each PE correspond to a hardware neuron and each SIMD to a hardware synapse [14].
For a fully parallel architecture, the number of PEs should equal the number of rows of the weight matrix. Thus, it
means that each PE reads in a row of the weight matrix and multiplies it with the input image vector to produce an
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
output vector. Within each PE, number of SIMD lanes will be equal to the number of columns in the weight matrix.
This arrangement is graphically shown in Fig. 2.
However, resources in an FPGA are limited and a fully parallel implementation of the MVU may not be possible. Or
conversely, throughput requirements are not high. Then, it is important to time-multiplex or fold the QNN onto fewer
hardware resources. Time multiplexing is a general technique where only parts of the input are used in a given time
instant for computation on a given hardware resource and the hardware resource is re-used for other time instances
Consider an example where the weight matrix has a 4 × 4 dimension while the input image is a 4 × 1 vector. Let
the number of PEs equal two with two SIMD lanes in each PE. Assume that the four elements of the input vector are
[x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ] and those of the weight matrix are:
Processing Element and SIMD Lanes Each processing element consists of several SIMD lanes. This arrangement
is shown in Fig. 2. The accumulator is only needed in case of folded architectures to accumulate the outputs of each
clock cycle until the final output is computed.
Each SIMD lane essentially computes the product of the input vector element and weight matrix element, as also
shown in Fig. 3. FINN only used BNNs [14] which was then extended to binary weights and arbitrary precision input
vectors in FINN-R [15]. Thus, the architecture of MVU supports three different types of SIMD lanes/elements for the
different datatypes. The implementations are listed here and shown in Fig. 4 along with associated logic for adding
the output of each SIMD and accumulator.
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
Figure 4: Types of SIMD components used. (a) XNOR, (b) Multiplexer based for binary inputs, where 0 correspond
to −1 and 1 to +1 and (c) Standard multiplier for arbitrary precision inputs.
The output of each SIMD lane in a PE can be added using a pop count, in case of binary inputs or a simple adder tree,
as is used in this work, or even advanced compressor trees as proposed by Preußer [36] or Kumm and Kappauf [37].
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
The FINN tool flow has a highly modular structure as shown in Figure 5, which allows the user to interactively generate
a specialized architecture for a specific DNN. The framework provides a frontend, transformation and analysis passes
and backends to explore the design space in terms of resource and throughput constraints.
Frontend and Intermediate Representation The used training frontend is called Brevitas [38]. It is PyTorch library
for quantization-aware training and enables training DNNs with weights and activations quantized down to a few bits,
then exports the trained network into the intermediate representation (IR) used by the FINN compiler. After training,
the DNN model must be first converted into the IR of the FINN compiler. The frontend stage takes care of this by
converting the PyTorch description into the IR, called FINN-ONNX. This IR is based on ONNX,
an open-source interchange format which uses a protobuf description to represent DNNs. The IR forms the input to
the transformation and analysis passes.
Transformation and Analysis Passes The transformation and analysis passes help to generate an efficient repre-
sentation of the DNN. For this, the FINN compiler performs graph transformation and analysis passes, which analyze
and change the IR of the model. In this part of the compiler flow, synthesizable HLS descriptions are generated for the
various layers (see Lowering and Conversion to HLS Layers) and the degree of parallelization is determined, which is
essential to meet specific resource or throughput constraints (see Folding and Resource Estimation below).
Lowering and Conversion to HLS Layers High-level operations in the graph are lowered to simpler operators
implemented by the FINN hardware library. As mentioned before, convolutions are lowered to a sliding window node
followed by a MVU node. In the resulting graph, each node corresponds to a Vivado HLS C++ function call, for which
an IP block can be generated using Vivado. The resources utilized by each hardware building block can be controlled
through specific attributes passed from FINN to Vivado. For example, multiplications can be performed using LUTs or
DSP blocks, and parameters can be stored in distributed, Block, or Ultra RAM. The main resource adjustment happens
in the Folding and Resource Estimation pass.
Folding and Resource Estimation The folding process assigns compute resources to each layer to obtain the desired
throughput within a balanced pipeline. This process in essence determines values for PE and SIMD. Once the folding
is specified, resource estimates can be produced for each node.
There are several ways to estimate the resources. Even before IP blocks are generated from the HLS layers, an estimate
of the resources per layer can be made by using analytical models based on the concepts from the FINN-R paper [15].
Estimations can also be extracted from Vivado HLS after IP generation, though these results are still estimations that
may differ from the resource usage of the final implementation due to synthesis optimizations.
Backends Finally, backends are responsible for consuming the IR graph and translating these into RTL descriptions
and backend-specific information to create a deployment package. FINN support implementation as a standalone Vi-
vado IP core or integrated into various shells, such as the ones available for Xilinx Alveo boards and PYNQ embedded
Realizing the MVU in HLS only requires defining the matrix vector multiplication, partitioning the matrices and
internal arrays, and defining the pipelining. The control logic required to synchronize all these operations, including
the AXI stream I/O protocol, is handled by the HLS framework. For RTL, however, one needs to define the complete
control logic manually.
For the RTL implementation, the overall architecture of the MVU, as shown in Fig. 6, was divided into two modules,
one containing the other. The top-level module is referred to as MVU batch and incorporates burned-in weight memory,
a control unit, which is responsible for sequencing the stream of weights to the compute in the stream unit, as well
as the stream unit MVU stream itself, which is the second module. The latter implements the main computation
partitioned along the two dimensions of PEs and SIMD accumulations. Both slices of weights and input data are
streamed in parallel into the unit. This partition is inherited from FINN [39].
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
Control Control
unit unit
Matrix Vector
Stream Unit
Matrix Vector
Batch Unit
Figure 6: Overall architecture of the MVU batch and stream units.
In order to understand the sequencing and dimensions to parallelize, it is important to consider the layout of the weight
memory. The depth of each weight memory is given by:
Kd2 × Ic × Oc
Dmem = (2)
where Kd , Ic and Oc have their usual meanings as defined earlier. The word size of the data stored in these memories
is SIM D × Bw , where Bw is the weight precision. Since each PE is responsible for one or more rows of the weight
matrix, it is served by a dedicated weight memory resulting in PE memory instances.
The MVU batch unit, as shown in Fig. 6, comprises a small control unit for managing the reads from these weight
memories, whose contents are initialized offline and are also part of the MVU batch unit. The MVU batch unit then
contains the main compute unit shown as the matrix vector stream unit in Fig. 6.
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
Idle EA
EA &
& P
Write Read
Figure 7: State diagram of the finite state machine for controlling the MVU stream unit.
6 Results
In this section, we evaluate the RTL and HLS implementation alternatives of the MVU with respect to different
performance metrics. In Section 6.2, we look at the resource utilization in terms of look-up table (LUT) and flip-flop
(FF) counts and in terms of block RAM (BRAM) usage. We also report the total number of execution cycles, which
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
Configuration 1 2 3 4 5 6
Num. of input feature map (IFM) channels * 64 64 64 64 64
IFM dimensions 32 * 32 32 8 8
Num. of output feature map (OFM) channels 64 64 * 64 64 64
Kernel dimensions 4 4 4 * 4 4
Num. of processing elements (PEs) 2 32 2 32 * 64
Num. of SIMD elements per PE (SIMDs) 2 32 2 32 64 *
are a measure of how long each implementation takes to process the same number of inputs. In Section 6.3, we analyze
the critical path delay while in Section 6.4, we report the impact on synthesis time. Finally, in Section 6.5, we look at
a complete application of network intrusion detection. It uses a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network composed of
four fully connected layers [41]. We start with describing the experimental setup.
We analyse both RTL and HLS designs based on the network and design parameters. A list of these parameters
are given in Table 2. In addition to these parameters, the MVU was synthesized with the three different types of
SIMD elements shown in Fig. 4, which will be referred to in this section as XNOR, binary weights and standard
implementation. In the case of the standard implementation, we four as the precision for inputs and weights, which is
in line with the word sizes typically used in the FINN framework [15].
For analysis, we sweep through each of these parameters while keeping the others constant. Different configurations
for the analysis are shown in Table 2. A star (“*”) in the place of a configuration parameter identifies the one being
varied. For example, in configuration 1, the number of IFM channels is modified while keeping all other parameters
at the named constants.
All the presented results were generated using the Xilinx Vivado and Vivado HLS tools for RTL and HLS, respectively.
The targeted FPGA was a Xilinx’s Zynq-7000 SoC, the XC7Z020-1CLG400C device of the Pynq-Z1 board. A number
of designs, both HLS- and RTL-based, were tested on the board to allow the designs to go through the complete
implementation and validation cycle. However, the reported results are the estimates obtained directly after the out-
of-context (OOC) synthesis of the corresponding design since the MVU implementations are meant to be part of an
enclosing top-level design. The OOC design flow allows units to be synthesized and analyzed independently of a
concrete top-level design [42]. All inputs, outputs and clocks were properly constrained for the synthesis. The clock
was typically constrained to a period of 5 ns, only to be increased to 10 ns in case either HLS or RTL fail to meet the
tighter target constraint. Finally, the reported synthesis times measure the complete processing of the design sources
all the way to obtaining the synthesized netlist. In the case of HLS, this comprises both HLS and RTL synthesis. The
number of PEs and SIMDs/PE are kept low when we modify the IFM and OFM channels so that we can realize circuits
with with values ranging between 2 to 64 for these two parameters.
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
Resource count
Resource count
1.00 1.00
Exec. cycles
Exec. cycles
1500 4000
0.75 0.75
0.50 2000 0.50
500 0.25 0.25
0 0.00 0 0.00
IFM channels IFM channels
(c) 1e7
6000 1.25
Resource count
Exec. cycles
4000 HLS FF Exec. cycles
0.75 RTL LUT
0 0.00
2 4 8 16 32 64
IFM channels
Figure 8: Resource utilization and latency, in terms of look-up tables (LUTs) and flip-flips (FFs), for HLS and RTL
when varying number of input feature map channels with (a) 1-bit precision, (b) binary weights and (c) 4-bit precision.
K 2 ×Ic
, increases with a growing number of IFM channels. Input data to the PEs and SIMDs either comes directly
from the input stream or is provided by the input buffer and with an increase in the depth of input buffer, HLS designs
result in a more complex multiplexer architecture than RTL, thus affecting the total resource usage significantly. A
similar effect is observed in Fig. 9 when we explore different values of the kernel dimension, in the range 3 – 9, which
also affects the buffer length.
However, when sweeping through the number of output channels (number of channels in the output activation), this
increase is not seen since the buffer length and other associated logic remains the same. The only thing affected is the
number of clock cycles needed to process all the inputs which is manifested in execution time. This is visualized in
Fig. 10.
The core MVU used for Figs. 8, 9 and 10 is small, only consisting of two PEs and two SIMDs. For small designs,
HLS tends to use more resources as compared to RTL, indicating an already large generated basic control logic in the
implemented design. However, the amortization of this logic improves as the core MVU design is expanded by the
increase in the number of PEs and SIMDs. This is highlighted in Fig. 11 where the IFM dimensions are swept from 4
to 16 in steps of powers of 2. Here, the number of PEs and SIMDs is 32, indicating a large core MVU design. There
is little difference in the resource usage by HLS and RTL and since the IFM dimensions do not impact the design
complexity (only results in an increase in the execution cycles), the resource usage remains fairly consistent across the
range of values.
In order to see how HLS and RTL resource usage converge, we increase the number of PEs and SIMDs separately,
again keeping the other dimensions constant. Fig. 12 shows how the difference between HLS and RTL shrinks with
increasing number of PEs. A similar effect is shown in Fig. 13 for increasing the number of SIMDs. In order to
properly illustrate this relationship, Fig. 14 shows a heat map of the difference between resource utilization of HLS
and RTL as PEs and SIMDs/PE are increased, with positive values showing RTL using fewer resources and negative
ones otherwise.
The heat map for the LUTs in Fig. 14(a) shows that RTL uses less LUTs as compared to HLS for smaller designs and
as designs are made larger by increasing the number of PEs and SIMDs, the LUT usage by HLS design is lower as
compared to RTL design. However, the flip-flop usage by HLS is always more than RTL for all designs.
The convergence between HLS and RTL for resource usage is further emphasized by Table 4 for the configurations
given in Table 3 where we increase the number of IFM channels for a larger design with PE=16, and SIMD=16. The
effect of an increase in the input buffer depth and base control logic is no longer significant, and HLS and RTL use
similar amounts of resources with a trend of HLS eventually even outperforming RTL for larger designs in terms of
LUTs. However, HLS always consumes more flip-flops (FFs). This is primarily due to HLS pipelining the generated
design aggressively in a pursuit to meet the timing constraints while also attaining an initiation interval (II) of one.
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
(a) (b)
12500 40000
Resource count
Resource count
150000 30000 150000
Exec. cycles
Exec. cycles
100000 20000 100000
2500 10000
50000 50000
0 0
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kernel dimensions Kernel dimensions
Resource count
Exec. cycles
40000 HLS FF Exec. cycles
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kernel dimensions
Figure 9: Resource utilization and latency, in terms of look-up tables (LUTs) and flip-flips (FFs), for HLS and RTL
when varying kernel dimension with (a) 1-bit precision, (b) binary weights and (c) 4-bit precision.
Resource count
1.00 1.00
Exec. cycles
Exec. cycles
1500 4000
0.75 0.75
0.50 0.50
500 0.25 0.25
0 0.00 0 0.00
OFM channels OFM channels
(c) 1e7
6000 1.25
Resource count
Figure 10: Resource utilization and latency, in terms of look-up tables (LUTs) and flip-flips (FFs), for HLS and
RTL when varying number of output feature map channels with (a) 1-bit precision, (b) binary weights and (c) 4-bit
Table 3: Configuration parameters for larger designs with an increasing number of IFM channels.
Configuration 0 1 2
IFM channels 16 32 64
IFM dimensions 16 16 16
OFM channels 16 16 16
Kernel dimensions 4 4 4
Weight precision 4 4 4
Input precision 4 4 4
PE 16 16 16
SIMD 16 16 16
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
(a) (b)
250000 250000
200000 15000 200000
Resource count
Resource count
Exec. cycles
Exec. cycles
4000 150000 150000
100000 100000
2000 5000
50000 50000
0 0 0 0
IFM dimensions IFM dimensions
Resource count
Exec. cycles
150000 HLS FF Exec. cycles
20000 RTL LUT
10000 50000
0 0
4 8 16 32 64
IFM dimensions
Figure 11: Resource utilization and latency, in terms of look-up tables (LUTs) and flip-flips (FFs), for HLS and RTL
when varying input feature map dimension with (a) 1-bit precision, (b) binary weights and (c) 4-bit precision.
(a) (b)
25000 25000
20000 60000
20000 20000
Resource count
Resource count
Exec. cycles
Exec. cycles
15000 15000 40000 15000
10000 10000 10000
5000 5000 5000
0 0 0 0
Resource count
0 0
1 2 4 8 16 32 64
Figure 12: Resource utilization and latency, in terms of look-up tables (LUTs) and flip-flips (FFs), for HLS and
RTL when varying the number of processing elements (PEs) with (a) 1-bit precision, (b) binary weights and (c) 4-bit
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
(a) (b)
25000 60000 25000
20000 20000
Resource count
Resource count
Exec. cycles
Exec. cycles
15000 15000 40000 15000
10000 10000 10000
5000 5000 5000
0 0 0 0
Resource count
Exec. cycles
100000 15000 HLS FF Exec. cycles
0 0
1 2 4 8 16 32 64
Figure 13: Resource utilization and latency, in terms of look-up tables (LUTs) and flip-flips (FFs), for HLS and RTL
when varying the number of SIMD elements per PE with (a) 1-bit precision, (b) binary weights and (c) 4-bit precision.
(a) (b)
8 16 32 64
0 30000
2 4 8 16 32 64 2 4 8 16 32 64
Processing elements (PEs) Processing elements (PEs)
Figure 14: Heat map of difference in resource utilization between HLS and RTL in terms of (a) LUTs and (b) FFs
when changing the number of processing elements (PEs) and SIMD lanes (SIMDs), for 4-bit inputs.
Config. #0 7528 7572 8400 5838
Config. #1 7354 7599 7560 5857
Config. #2 7919 8102 9634 5659
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
(a) (b)
4 4
2 2
0 0
2 4 8 16 32 64 2 4 8 16 32 64
IFM channels OFM channels
(c) (d)
50 50
25 25
0 0
1 2 4 8 16 32 64 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
Processing elements (PEs) SIMDs
4 8 16 32 64
IFM dimensions
Figure 15: Number of block RAMs (BRAMs) for HLS and RTL when varying different layer and implementation
parameters with 1-bit precision for inputs feature map and kernel weights.
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
The RTL implementation was designed with an II of one to begin with. As it has an explicit cycle-accurate compute
schedule by design, its only possible failure mode is the violation of the set clock period constraint.
The critical path delay of a circuit determines the maximum clock frequency it can run at. All the designs were
properly constrained in terms of clock period as well as signal input and output delays as described in Section 6.1. All
the results shown in this section correspond to those shown in Section 6.2 for the resource usage.
Table 5 gives the critical path delay, in terms of minimum, maximum and mean delay, of HLS and RTL designs when
exploring a range of values of different parameters. When changing the number of IFM and OFM channels, the critical
path delay of both RTL and HLS remain consistent, indicated by similar minimum, maximum and mean delay. This
is because for HLS, critical path is typically in either in the the adder tree required to add the SIMD outputs or the
SIMD elements per PE which remains the same since the number of PEs and SIMDs do not change. For RTL, critical
path is in the control logic which also does not change, apart from adjusting to the increase input buffer length with
increasing IFM channels.
Furthermore, RTL designs are consistently faster than HLS. They are around 45% faster for designs with 1-bit precision
inputs and binary weights. For the 4-bit precision inputs, the HLS designs become significantly more slower, around
80%, as compared to RTL.
As the number of PEs and SIMDs are increased, the critical path of RTL is also either in the SIMD elements or the
adder tree, like that of HLS designs and the critical path delay is directly proportional to the number of PEs and SIMDs.
Thus, the delay increases for both HLS and RTL indicated by increase in the maximum and mean critical path delay
as these two design parameters are increased. In all cases, RTL designs are 45% – 75% faster than HLS designs.
The overall design time needed for an RTL implementation is significantly higher than that needed for HLS. However,
it is important to analyze how long it takes to synthesize the two design approaches and to see whether the benefits
achieved with a shorter design time for HLS can be carried over to actual synthesis time.
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
Table 5: Critical path delay (ns) for HLS- and RTL-based designs.
Paremeter SIMD type
Min. Max. Mean Min. Max. Mean
XNOR 2.427 2.636 2.549 1.4 1.423 1.412
IFM channels Bin. weights 2.445 2.641 2.567 1.4 1.424 1.413
Standard 7.357 7.441 7.409 1.406 1.609 1.526
XNOR 2.458 2.715 2.570 1.333 1.42 1.394
OFM channels Bin. weights 2.476 2.651 2.560 1.421 1.424 1.422
Standard 7.384 7.384 7.384 1.529 1.609 1.545
XNOR 2.47 2.747 2.552 1.613 2.644 1.992
PEs Bin. weights 3.842 4.009 3.917 1.833 3.327 2.598
Standard 8.087 8.977 8.617 2.0 4.884 2.898
XNOR 2.244 2.936 2.667 1.437 2.644 1.859
SIMDs Bin. weights 2.698 4.531 3.387 1.684 3.231 2.336
Standard 7.063 9.374 8.037 1.814 3.072 2.453
(a) (b)
2500 HLS 2500 HLS
Synthesis time (sec.)
Figure 16: Total synthesis time for HLS and RTL when varying the number of PEs and SIMDs/PE.
For the results shown earlier, tool execution time was measured for both HLS and RTL when modifying various
network and design parameters. Only compilation and synthesis times were considered and results are shown in
Fig. 16
It can be clearly seen that the synthesis time of HLS is at least 10× more than RTL with a superlinear growth for
larger designs. For other network parameters, like the number IFM and OFM channels, the dimension of the IFM and
filter kernel, HLS also uses significantly more time to synthesize, though they are not shown here. However, the HLS
synthesis time does not grow significantly as we modify other parameters, mainly because they either only impact the
depth of the input buffer or have no impact at all on the overall design complexity of the MVU. In addition to this,
HLS synthesis time was a limiting factor towards synthesizing larger designs than those presented in this work.
High-performance packet processing systems, as for network intrusion detection (NID), are typically implemented on
FPGAs because of the inherent parallelism of the FPGA architecture and the streaming nature of the accelerators which
can deliver far lower latency. Such systems enable increased network security and may be implemented using deep
neural networks (DNNs) [41]. The DNN used for this NID is a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network of four layers,
the parameters of which are given in Table 6. Depending on the throughput requirements, different configurations of
PEs and SIMDs/PE can be used and the ones used in this work are also given in Table 6.
The results of the synthesis of the four layers with the given network and hardware parameters of Table 6 are presented
in Table 7. We see the same behavior as earlier: RTL produces smaller circuits than HLS for smaller designs but not
for larger ones. RTL designs, however, have an improved critical path delay and a significant reduction in synthesis
time. However, the synthesis time needs to be seen in the context of the larger design effort to write RTL to describe
an architecture. The execution cycles for both RTL and HLS are fairly similar and both achieve an initiation interval
(II) of one.
Thus, the findings of earlier experiments are re-affirmed by evaluating a real-world use case of network intrusion
detection using an MLP network.
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
Table 6: Configuration parameters for multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network of 4 layers for intrusion detection.
Layer 0 1 2 3
IFM channels 600 64 64 64
IFM dimensions 1 1 1 1
OFM channels 64 64 64 1
Kernel dimensions 1 1 1 1
Weight precision 2 2 2 2
Input precision 2 2 2 2
PE 64 16 16 1
SIMD 50 32 32 8
7 Conclusion
High-level synthesis (HLS) has become a popular alternative to the design of digital systems on the register-transfer
level (RTL) using hardware description languages (HDL). HLS provides flexibility to designers, especially to software
engineers, and allows them to describe their designs in a high-level language like C++. It reduces the design time and
requires less specialized training as compared to RTL design entry. Over the years, HLS has improved significantly,
and the performance gap between HLS and RTL has reduced.
HLS has been used successfully to describe designs of various applications like high-performance computing and
neural networks. The FINN framework is one such example. It generates DNN accelerators targeting FPGAs by
producing synthesizable C++ HLS code. These accelerators are constructed as streaming dataflow (DF) architectures
and leverage reduced-precision data types. The main compute units in FINN accelerators are instances of the matrix-
vector unit (MVU). They multiply input feature vectors with the kernel weight matrices of a neural network layer. This
work presented an alternative RTL description of this MVU and evaluated the attained design trade-offs in comparison
to the baseline HLS implementation.
The RTL description is tailored to the requirements of the MVU and is designed to achieve an initiation interval (II)
of one. By implementing an AXI-stream input/output interface, it is a drop-in replacement for the generated HLS
cores. The design comparison, which was conducted for a Zynq-7000 FPGA target platform, analyzed the resource
utilization, the critical path delay and the needed synthesis time. The resource utilization was further detailed into
look-up table (LUT), flip-flop (FF) and block RAM (BRAM) usage.
The analysis was carried out by sweeping through a number of network and design parameters, namely, the number
of input feature map (IFM) and output feature map (OFM) channels, the dimensions of the IFM and the kernel as well
as the numbers of processing elements (PEs) and SIMD slices per PE. It was shown that HLS requires significantly
more FPGA resources as compared to RTL for smaller designs due to a large base implementation to cater for I/O
protocols, buffers and overall architecture. Increasing the design complexity, i.e. the number of PEs and SIMDs,
lets the resource utilization figures of HLS and RTL designs, particularly the LUT usage, converge. However, HLS
consistently consumes orders of magnitude more flip-flops and at least 2× more BRAMs than the RTL design. This
is caused by the HLS synthesis aggressively pipelining the generated RTL code as a proactive measure for reducing
the risk of later timing violations. Finally, it was demonstrated that the resource consumption by the HLS design is
particularly sensitive to the number of IFM channels. The increase of this parameter mandates larger input buffers,
which the HLS design accesses through an unfavorably growing multiplexer structure.
The critical path of the MVU is in the control logic for RTL and in the SIMD elements or the adder tree for HLS for
small number of PEs and SIMDs. As the design becomes larger, the critical path of the RTL designs is also in the
SIMD elements or the adder tree and the delay is directly proportional to the number of PEs and SIMDs. This results
in similar delay through the circuit as the number of IFM and OFM channels are changed while keeping the number
of PEs and SIMDs constant. As the design becomes larger with an increase in the number of PEs and/or SIMDs, the
On the RTL Implementation of FINN Matrix Vector Compute Unit A P REPRINT
critical path delay increases for both RTL and HLS designs. In all cases, however, The RTL produces faster designs,
between 45% – 80%, for all types of networks as compared to HLS.
HLS also suffers from significantly longer synthesis times compared to RTL. This was a limiting factor on the size
of designs that can be synthesized. It took at least 10× more time to synthesize an HLS design as compared to RTL.
This has the potential to undo any gains achieved in the reduction of the original design time when the design space
exploration of debugging demand additional complete design cycles.
To conclude, the RTL abstraction is an attractive alternative for code-generated hardware designs of frameworks
such as FINN and hls4ml, given the gains achieved in synthesis time together with some potential resource benefits
depending on the design size.
This material is based upon work supported, in part, by Science Foundation Ireland under Grant No. 13/RC/2094 P2
and, in part, by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-
Curie grant agreement and Grant No. 754489. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed
in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Science Foundation Ireland and
European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.
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