Eg3p Eg6p Eg10p
Eg3p Eg6p Eg10p
Eg3p Eg6p Eg10p
82516 (Rev. R)
Proportional Actuators
The EG-3P/6P/10P (proportional) actuators
are designed for use on diesel, gas, and
gasoline engines, or turbines. They are
particularly well suited for use in control
systems requiring a proportional mechanical • Proportional
output or a proportional electrical input. electric mechanical
DESCRIPTION • Rotary output
The EG-3P/6P/10P actuators convert an • 4.5, 6, or 10 lb-ft
electrical signal to a proportional rotary
(6.1, 8.1, or 13.6
output shaft position to control the flow of
fuel or energy medium to a prime mover. Nxm) work capacity
These actuators are suitable for controlling
SPECIAL FEATURES • Oil motor or oil
diesel and gas engines or steam and
industrial-commercial gas turbines driving pump option
alternators, dc generators, pumps, The actuators can be used for installations
where prime movers operate in tandem to • EG-10P units
compressors, papermaking machines, or
locomotives. A Woodward hydraulic drive a common load. With two actuators available for Class
amplifier can provide larger work capacities. connected in series, only one electric 1, Division 1 & 2,
control is required to supply a common Groups B, C, D
The actuator provides the “muscle” for a signal to each prime mover’s actuator.
Woodward 2301A, 723, 723PLUS, or similar These actuators are also recommended • EG-10P units
integrating electric control system. The for applications involving unattended available for
actuator will provide a mechanical output starts.
position in proportion to a dc control signal
European Zone 1
increasing from a nominal minimum to a Oil Pump Model and 2
maximum value. The actuator with an oil pump requires a
drive from the prime mover or other
means, such as an electric motor, to rotate
STANDARD FEATURES the pilot-valve bushing and to power the
pump gears to develop the required oil
Critical moving parts are made from either pressure. The actuator does not have its
case hardened, through hardened, or own oil sump.
surface-nitrited steels. All o-rings and shaft
seals are made of a fluoro-elastomer base. Electric Motor Drive
All moving parts are submerged in oil. The An electric-motor drive which includes a
actuators may be mounted either vertically self-contained sump is available for use
or horizontally. with the EG-6P/10P. The motors are
available in ac and dc configurations in
most common voltages.
Oil Motor Model CSA Listing:
An oil motor actuator requires a supply of 80 to 500 psi The following CSA-listed actuators are available:
(552 to 3448 kPa) pressure oil from an external source EG-10P
to rotate the pilot valve bushing and to provide the Class 1, Division 1, Groups B, C, D
required work. Work output and stalled torque of the oil EG-10P with RVDT
motor model are in direct proportion to the supply Class 1, Division 2, Groups B, D, T3
pressure. EG-10PS
Class 1, Division 2, Group D, T3
Many EG actuators operate with oil supplied directly
ATEX Compliance (EG-10P):
from the prime mover. Certain multiviscosity motor oils
Zone 1 and Zone 2, Group IIC T3
require a compensation system within the actuator to
CE (EG-10P):
provide needed stability. A needle valve is included in
Compliant with ATEX Machinery and Pressure
the compensation system to allow response adjustment.
Equipment Directives
Hazardous Environments
Radiation Resistance
UL Listing:
Radiation-resistant parts are available for special
The following UL-listed actuators are available:
Class 1, Division 2, Groups B, C, D Position Feedback
EG-10P A position feedback transducer (RVDT) is available to
Class 1, Division 1, Groups B, C, D monitor output shaft position.
Class 1, Division 2, Groups B, C, D, T3
Note: Unless otherwise specified, these actuators are
EG-10P with RVDT
tested and shipped for vertical operation. When used in
Class 1, Division 1, Groups B, C, D
a horizontal application, these actuators will have an 8
Class 1, Division 2, Groups B, D, T3
degree shift in terminal shaft calibration.
Class 1, Division 1, Group D References
Class 1, Division 2, Group D, T3 Manual 82560 EG-3P Actuator
Note: EG-10P oil-motor models with Class 1, Groups C Manual 82566 EG-6P/10P Actuator
and D approval are limited to a maximum of 500 psi Manual 56102 Hydraulic Amplifier (Elec. Controlled)
(3448 kPa) inlet pressure. Manual 25071 Oils for Hydraulic Controls
All Models
Output Shaft ............................................0.375”-36 serrations (standard/EG-3P) both sides of the case; 0.500”-36
serrations (standard/EG-6P/10P) either side of the case. Special output shafts
are available.
Angular Travel .........................................42° nominal travel available with 28° travel from no load to full load at rated
speed recommended.
Calibration ...............................................2° to 3° off minimum shaft position at 20 mA. 36° ±3°additional travel at 160 mA.
Hysteresis................................................Within 3% of maximum stroke.
Linearity ...................................................Within 0.5%
Temperature Drift ....................................Nominally ±1° of output per 100 °F/56 °C.
Transducer Coil Resistance ....................30 to 35 Ω at 20 °C/68 °F.
Nominal Coil Input Current Range ..........20 to 160 mA for single or two actuators operating from one electric control.
Electrical Connector ................................4-pin MS-33682-14S-2P. UL design does not have connector.
Hydraulic Oil Supply Fluid .......................Hydrocarbon oil. Consult Woodward for recommended synthetic oils. If
multiviscosity oils are used, the compensated model is suggested.
Hydraulic Oil Viscosity.............................100 to 200 SUS at operating temperature recommended. 50 SUS minimum,
3000 SUS maximum (7.5 CST to 850 CST).
Oil Temperatures of Continuous
Operation....................................140 to 200 °F/60 to 93 °C depending on oil viscosity.
Ambient Temperature Range..................–20 to +200 °F/–29 to +93 °C. The primary temperature concern is for the
hydraulic fluid properties in the actuator.
Case and Base Construction ..................Cast or ductile iron.
Cover, Subcap, and Drain Adapter .........Cast aluminum.
Mounting Configuration ...........................Vertical (or horizontal with proper adjustments; non-interchangeable).
Mounting Studs .......................................Two 5/16” diameter (EG-3P); four 5/16” diameter (EG-6P/10P).
Oil Pump Models (EG-3P/10P)
Work Output............................................ EG-3P—Maximum 4.5 lb-ft (6.1 Nxm). Travel is 2/3 full travel for a work output of
3.0 lb-ft (4.1 Nxm). Stalled torque rating is 6.2 lb-ft (8.4 Nxm).
EG-10P—Maximum 9.3 lb-ft (12.6 Nxm). Travel is 2/3 full travel for a work output
of 6.2 lb-ft (8.4 Nxm). Stalled torque rating is 12.8 lb-ft (17.4 Nxm).
Time Constant......................................... 0.08 second (EG-3P); 0.17 second (EG-10P).
Hydraulic Source..................................... Engine lubricating system or a separate sump.
Supply Pressure...................................... EG-3P—1 ft (300 mm) of lift to a maximum of 100 psi (690 kPa).
EG-10P—1 ft (300 mm) of lift to a maximum of 50 psi (345 kPa).
Flow......................................................... Peak demand of 2 US gal/min (7.6 L/min) during transients; steady-state flow of
0.5 US gal/min (1.9 L/min) with 250 SUS oil supply.
Filter ........................................................ 20 to 25 µm (nominal).
Pump Capacity........................................ 92.7 cubic inches (1519 cm³)/minute/1000 rpm.
Pump Power Required............................ EG-3P—0.5 hp (373 W) at 1800 rpm recommended for motor drive.
EG-10P—0.18 hp (134 W) at 1000 rpm required for EG-10P. 0.5 hp (373 W) at
1000 rpm recommended for motor drive.
Supply Inlet ............................................. 0.250”-18 NPTF (2). Use one or supply through mounting surface.
Drain........................................................ 11/32” dia. base, must have free discharge. For horizontal mounting, use
0.250-18 NPTF in cover.
Weight ..................................................... EG-3P—9.25 lb (4.2 kg).
EG10P—16.0 lb (7.3 kg).
Drive Rotation ......................................... Plugged for either clockwise or counterclockwise.
Recommended Drive Speed................... 1500 to 4000 rpm.
Drive Coupling ........................................ EG-3P—.562-6 spline extends 0.375” (9.5 mm) from mounting hub (standard).
EG-10P—.562-6 spline extends 0.562” (14.3 mm) from mounting surface
Oil Motor (EG-3P/10P)
Work Output: Recommended Output Shaft
Actuator Operating Maximum Work Travel is 2/3 Full Travel for a
Oil Pressure Output Work Output of:
EG-3P 400 psi 2758 kPa 4.5lb-ft 6.1 Nxm 3.0 lb-ft 4.1 Nxm
300 2068 3.3 4.5 2.2 3.0
200 1379 2.2 3.0 1.4 1.9
100 690 1.1 1.5 0.7 0.9
EG-10P 400 2758 9.3 12.6 6.2 8.4
300 2068 7.0 9.5 4.7 6.4
200 1379 4.6 6.2 3.1 4.2
100 690 2.3 3.1 1.5 2.0
Time Constant......................................... EG-3P—0.5P–1/2 + 0.0028P1/2 sec
EG-10P—1.06P–1/2 + 0.0059P1/2 sec.
where P=supply pressure in psig (1 psig=6.895 kPa).
Supply Pressures.................................... 80 to 500 psi (552 to 3448 kPa). Pressures outside this range are not
Supply Flow ............................................ Peak demand of 4 US gal/min (15 L/min) during transients. Steady-state flow 1.4
US gal/min (5.3 L/min) maximum, depending on orifice size and operating
Filter ........................................................ 10 to 15 µm (nominal).
Pressure Inlet.......................................... 0.250”-18 NPTF to pilot valve.
Orifice (to oil motor supply):
Supply Pressure Orifice Diameter
(psi) (kPa) (inch) (mm)
80 to <100 552 to <690 0.076 1.9
100 to 175 690 to 1207 0.062 1.6
>175 to 300 >1207 to 2068 0.055 1.4
>300 to 500 >2068 to 3448 0.047 1.2
Drain........................................................ 0.75”-14 NPTF on drain adapter. Must have free discharge. For horizontal
mounting, use 0.250”-18 NPTF in cover.
Weight ..................................................... EG-3P—11 lb (5 kg).
EG10P—17 lb (8 kg).
PO Box 1519
Fort Collins CO, USA
1000 East Drake Road
Fort Collins CO 80525
Tel.: +1 (970) 482-5811
Fax: +1 (970) 498-3058
© Woodward 1970
All Rights Reserved
2007/1/Fort Collins