Nano Ring Magnetic Tunnel Junction and Its Applications
Nano Ring Magnetic Tunnel Junction and Its Applications
Nano Ring Magnetic Tunnel Junction and Its Applications
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3 authors, including:
Zhenchao Wen
Tohoku University
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07E933-2 Han, Wen, and Wei J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07E933 共2008兲
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07E933-3 Han, Wen, and Wei J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07E933 共2008兲
FIG. 2. SEM images of the typical ring-shaped MTJ arrays and the single MTJ whose outer diameters are D = 200 nm 共a兲, 400 nm 共b兲, 600 nm 共c兲, 800 nm
共d兲 and ring width W = 30 nm, respectively.
The magnetization state of a typical NR-MTJ can usu- tunnel resistance, so that the current does not affect the mag-
ally have three possible stable configurations at the remanent netic state. At a large field, magnetization of both ring-
state: vortex, symmetric onion and asymmetric onion mag- shaped free and reference FM layers is in the parallel onion
netization states. Since our deposited MTJ FM layers have
an in-plane field induced easy magnetization direction
共EMD兲, the magnetization of both ferromagnetic free and
reference layers for the ring-shaped MTJs with remanent
state can usually form the symmetric onion states after the
patterned procedure. Especially, the onion states remain
stable after an external alignment magnetic field is turned
off, although the onion states are metastable states compar-
ing with the vortex state. During the magnetization process
under an external field, the asymmetric onion states also can
be formed due to the magnetostatic interaction of two do-
main walls or the pinning effect of nonsmooth ring-shaped
defects, etc. The different asymmetric onion states can result
to one or multiple interim magnetoresistance states between
the minimum 共parallel兲 and maximum magnetoresistance
共antiparallel兲 states as shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 3 shows the tunnel resistance 共R兲 as a function of
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 The tunnel resistance 共R兲 as a function of the mag-
the magnetic field 共H兲 at RT which were measured with an
netic field 共H兲 at RT for a typical sandwich-type NR-MTJ with outer diam-
in-plane field for a typical sandwich-type NR-MTJ. A small eter of 100 nm and ring width of 25 nm. The barrier was formed by a
current of between 10 and 20 A is used to measure the 0.70 nm Al layer with the oxidation time of 10 s.
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07E933-4 Han, Wen, and Wei J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07E933 共2008兲
FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 The tunnel resistance 共R兲 as a function of the spin- FIG. 5. Tunnel resistance 共R兲 as a function of the magnetic field 共H兲 at RT
polarized current 共I兲 at RT for a typical sandwich-type NR-MTJ with outer for a typical spin-valve-type NR-MTJ with outer diameter of 200 nm and
diameter of 100 nm and ring width of 25 nm. The barrier was formed by a ring width of 35 nm. The barrier was formed by a 0.70 nm Al layer with the
0.60 nm Al layer with the oxidation time of 10 s. oxidation time of 15 s.
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07E933-5 Han, Wen, and Wei J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07E933 共2008兲
Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see
07E933-6 Han, Wen, and Wei J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07E933 共2008兲
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