Opthalmology Cases 2

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10 years old boy came to the hospital for consultation, his mother said that he

doesn’t see in far distance and he had no problem in near , she said he works very
hard in phone and computer . she said that his father and brother uses glasses in
family. Not other complains ?

Answer : Myopia
20 years old female students has complained small redding for watching in
computer , she has starting pain in her eyes itching tearing forign body in the eye ?

Foreign body in the eye

17 years old boy who has problems for long and short distance whole
watching TV he corrected opportunity before coming to us, they went to
primary care center but could not give a perfect correction?
Astigmatism (difficult to correction ?
90 years old pts women came for consultation, with completely blurred vision
in both eye , slightly in her left eye , she has no other complains she said that
the vision is gradually decreased in the last 5 years and has become very low
at first it was only .. up 45 years she was glasses in close range as such
moment the correction could not help

60 years old man come to the hospital with pain in his left eye which radiate to the
head. he has blurred vision and sensitivity to light . he could open in his eye . 3
years ago he was in hospital with ophthalmologist he was given prescription, the
pts does not remember the diagnosis

But he was asked to visit ophthalmologist once every 3 month for observation. He
had no complains and last week the pain become constant and become not

Acute close angle glaucoma

24 years old men with sx of tearing itching redness and sharp pain
and sensitivity foreign body and excretion with legging of the
eyelid is fixed by this discharge and could not open the eye_
bacterial conjunctivitis
55 years old women diabetes , typ2 came to the hospital. Was diagnosed
in last 20 years and she has be taken insulin 10 years. She has been ,,,
last 3 month blurred vesion.. ´
Diabetic retinopathy

10 years old boy came to the hospital for consultation, his mother said that he
doesn’t see in far distance and he had no problem in near , she said he works
very hard in phone and computer . she said that his father and brother uses
glasses in family. Not other complains ?
Answer : Myopia
20 years old female students has complained small redding for watching in
computer , she has starting pain in her eyes itching tearing forign body in the
eye ?
Foreign body in the eye

17 years old boy who has problems for long and short distance whole
watching TV he corrected opportunity before coming to us, they went to
primary care center but could not give a perfect correction?
Astigmatism (difficult to correction ?

90 years old pts women came for consultation, with completely blurred vision in
both eye , slightly in her left eye , she has no other complains she said that the
vision is gradually decreased in the last 5 years and has become very low at first it
was only .. up 45 years she was glasses in close range as such moment the
correction could not help

60 years old man come to the hospital with pain in his left eye which radiate to the head.
he has blurred vision and sensitivity to light . he could open in his eye . 3 years ago he was
in hospital with ophthalmologist he was given prescription, the pts does not remember
the diagnosis

But he was asked to visit ophthalmologist once every 3 month for observation. He had no
complains and last week the pain become constant and become not stronger

Acute close angle glaucoma

24 years old men with sx of tearing itching redness and sharp pain and sensitivity
foreign body and excretion with legging of the eyelid is fixed by this discharge and
could not open the eye_

bacterial conjunctivitis
55 years old women diabetes , typ2 came to the hospital. Was diagnosed in
last 20 years and she has be taken insulin 10 years. She has been ,,, last 3
month blurred vesion.. ´
Diabetic retinopathy

78 years men were admiidited to the hospital. With symptoms that

blood spot in the central Visual distortion in right eye blurred vision
Distorted near vision and metamorphopsia, micropsia
AGE related macular degeneration
78 years men were admiidited to the hospital. With symptoms that
blood spot in the central Visual distortion in right eye blurred vision
Distorted near vision and metamorphopsia, micropsia
AGE related macular degeneration

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