Defects of Properties in Mathematics
Defects of Properties in Mathematics
Defects of Properties in Mathematics
Quantitative Characterizations
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Gal, Sorin G., and Adrian I. Ban. Defects of Properties in Mathematics, edited by Sorin G. Gal, and Adrian I. Ban,
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Vol. 1 Long Time Behaviour of Classical and Quantum Systems
edited by S. Graffi & A. Martinez
Vol. 2 Problems in Probability
by T M. Mills
Vol. 4 Stochastic Models with Applications to Genetics, Cancers, Aids and
Other Biomedical Systems
by Tan Wai-Yuan
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Series on Concrete and Applicable Mathematics Vol. 5
Defects of Properties in
Quantitative Characterizations
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ISBN 981-02-4924-1
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Preface vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 General Description of the Topic 1
1.2 On Chapter 2: Defect of Property in Set Theory 3
1.3 On Chapter 3: Defect of Property in Topology 8
1.4 On Chapter 4: Defect of Property in Measure Theory 18
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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x Contents
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Contents xi
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Chapter 1
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2 Introduction
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On Chapter 2: Defect of Property in Set Theory 3
In this chapter we consider the measures of fuzziness as measuring the " de-
viation" of a fuzzy set from the concept of classical set, that is as measuring
the defect of crisp (classical) set and the intuitionistic entropies as measur-
ing the "deviation" of an intuitionistic fuzzy set from the concept of fuzzy
set, that is as measuring the defect of fuzzy set. Then, some applications
to the determination of degree of interference (mainly in the geography of
population), to description of systems performance and to digital image
processing are given.
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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4 Introduction
decreasing on [t, 1], such that gx(0) = gx(f) = 0,Var 6 X and gx(t) is the
maximum value of all functions gx,x 6 X. The function d%c : FS(X) —> R
defined by
dtc(A) = h("£9AM^)))
T h e o r e m 2 . 4 / / the functions h and [gx)xeX tisfy the hypothesis in
Theorem 2.3 and, in addition, h is strictly increasing, [gx)x^x strictly
increasing on [0,t] and strictly decreasing on [t, 1], then the function s* :
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On Chapter 2: Defect o] Property in Set Theory 5
st(A) = h t ^ gx (A(x)))
\x€X )
is a t-measure of fuzziness. If N : [0, 1] —> [0, 1] is a fuzzy complement and
the t-norm function ipt verifies
A = {(x, fjtA(x),i/A(x)) : x G X) ,
where the functions \iA,vA : X —> [0,1] define the degree of membership
and the degree of non-membership of the element x G X to the set A C X,
respectively, and for every x £ X,
Theorem 2.6 Let (X,A,m) be a finite measure space and <S> an intu-
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
itionistic norm function. Then, the function dj : XA (X) —>• [0,1] defined
1^A) = ~ilF\l ${x,HA(x),vA(x))&m
Definition 2.11 Let (X,A, m) be a measure space and ip : [0,1] ->• [0,1]
be a continuous function such that if a + (5 < 1 then <p(a) + <p(f3) < 1. The
function 1^ : XA (X) —\ [0,1] denned by
I v =
^ m(X)J i1 ~ <P (nA*)) ~ <P M*))) dm
Theorem 2.8 Let (X,A,m) be a finite measure space, <p : [0,1] —>• [0,1]
be a continuous function and dv : XA (X) —>• [0,1]. The function dv is an
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On Chapter 2: Deject of Property in Set Theory 7
d A
f( ) = T77JK J (1 - <P ( M * ) ) - <f Mx))) dm,
_ population in Si
area of Si
P(Si) = ¥ ^ - ,
and we denote t = J "* .
We p u t T ^ x — s^P), where s£ is a strict ^-measure of fuzziness in
normalized form. Following the axioms of strict ^-measures of fuzziness
(see Definition 2.5), we get properties of the indicator Tv,x which are in
concordance with our intuition:
( 0 1 ) Tv,x has the m i n i m u m value (equal to 0) if and only if the entire
population of V is completely situated in the district with the smallest area;
( 0 2 ) If Tj <Ti <t or t <Ti < Tj then the contribution of the district
Si to IV, x is greater t h a n the contribution of the district Sj;
( 0 3 ) Tx,u has the m a x i m u m value (equal to 1) if and only if in all
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Vb (X) = {Y C X; Y jL 0, Y is bounded} .
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On Chapter 3: Deject of Property in Topology 9
T h e o r e m 3.1 (i) (see e.g. Rus [182], p.85-87 or Banas-Goebel [32]) Let
X,Y £Vb(X). We have:
0<a(A) < diam (A);
A C B implies a (A) < a(B);
a (A) — a (A) and moreover a (A) — 0 if and only if A is compact;
a {V£ (A)) < a (A)+2e, where Ve (A) = {x eX;p (x, A) < e} and p (x, A) =
vai{p{x,y) ;y€ A};
a(AUB) = max{a(A) ,a(B)};
a(AnB) < min{a{A),a{B)};
Let At C X, A'+i C Ai be with A{ closed and nonempty, i = 1,2,....
/ / linin-yoo a (An) = 0 then P ^ L i ^ n zs nonempty and compact.
If, in addition, X is a Banach space, then a (A + B) < a (A) + a (B) ,
a (cA) = |c|a(A) , c £ R, a (convA) = a (A), where convA is the convex
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
hull of A eVb{X).
(ii) (see e.g. Beer [36], Banas-Goebel [32])
h (A) = 0 if and only if A is totally bounded (that is, Ve > 0, 3x\,..., xp £ A
such that \fx £ X, 3a;,- with p (x, x{) < e);
AC B implies h (A) < 2ft ( 5 ) ;
h{Al>B) < max {ft (A), ft ( B ) } ;
ft is continuous on CL(X) = {Y C X; Y is closed, Y ^ 0} with respect to
Hausdorff topology, i.e. if Yn,Y £ CL(X), n = 1, 2,..., satisfy
DH (Yn,Y) —} 0 (where DH is the Hausdorff-Pompeiu distance), then
lim n ^ 0 O ft(y n ) = h (Y). Also, ft is upper semicontinuous on CL(X) with
respect to the so-called Vietoris topology.
In addition,
Then (C, <) is a complete lattice with the minimal element 0 = w. Now
we can define the C-measure of noncompactness as follows:
Definition 3.4 (Kupka-Toma [128]). If A C X then the measure of non-
compactness of A is the element of C defined by
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On Chapter 3: Defect oj Property in Topology 11
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12 Introduction
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On Chapter 3: Defect of Property in Topology 13
D e f i n i t i o n 3 . 1 2 T h e sets
K (<pA) - inf [e > 0;3n G N , (At, <pA,) with D(<pA, )<e,i= l,n,
such t h a t <PA {X) < sup {(pA, (x);i= l , n } , Va: G X}
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14 Introduction
and by
The Hausdorff's measure and the Hausdorff's hypo-measure of noncom-
pactness of (^4, IPA) are given by
and by
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On Chapter 3: Defect of Property in Topology 15
aK(pA) = sup{Ko(Ax);\€(0,l}},
where A\ = {x £ X; ipA (x) > A} a n d K$ is the usual Kuratowski's measure
of noncompactness of usual subsets in (X, d).
T h e (a)-Hausdorff measure of noncompactness of (A, >pA) is given by
Gal, Sorin G., and Adrian I. Ban. Defects of Properties in Mathematics, edited by Sorin G. Gal, and Adrian I. Ban,
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16 Introduction
aM(A) = f] m(Aa),
A C {\>ieIAi)7Als...IAn,
{ki,...,kp} C { l , . . . , n } .
Definition 3.23 A fuzzy set A G Ix is (C, s)-compact if each open iT-cover
of A has a finite J-subcover of A. A fuzzy set ^4 is (£, ?)-compact if for all
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
open s-cover of A and for all e > 0, there exists a finite ?-subcover of B,
where B is the fuzzy set defined by B (x) — max (0, A (x) — e) , V* G X.
Definition 3.24 Let A G Ix ,(X,Tp) be a quasi-fuzzy topological space
and s a triangular conorm. The (C, s)-measure of noncompactness of A is
the element of Cs defined by
msL {A) = {v, G TTS;V£ > 0,3S* C P*, finite, 6, = {(Aj)jeJ,A\ ...,AP}
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On Chapter 3: Deject of Property in Topology 17
[220]) and aM (A) = Oc, then A is compact (in the sense of Definition 3.5
in Weiss [220]).
(ii) If ACB then aM (A) < aM (B).
(in) aM {A V B) = aM (A) D aM (B).
(iv) aM (A A B) < aM (A) U aM (B).
(Here {A V B) (x) = max {A (x), B (x)} ,{AAB) (X) = min {A (x) , B (x)} ,
Vz G X).
dCL(D*)(\Y) = \dCL(D*)(Y),V\>0;
dOP(D*)(\Y) = Ad O p( J D*)(Y),VA>0.
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18 Introduction
This chapter introduces and studies some defects of property for set function
(especially, for fuzzy measures): defect of additivity, defect of complemen-
tarity, defect of monotonicity, defect of subadditivity and of superadditivity.
Also, in Section 4.5, the defect of measurability for sets is discussed.
Let A be a cr-algebra of subsets of X.
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On Chapter J^: Deject of Property in Measure Theory 19
if the function t : [0, oo) —>• [0, oo) has the form t(x) = £ - ^ , c > 0 , c / 1,
A e (-l,0)U(0,oo).
Concerning the defect a „ j (//) of the above measures, we can prove the
X + U
«n,A (ft) < " Af " 7 1 ^ , Vn > 2, VA G ( - 1 , 0) U (0, oo)
l l
oo,A(^) < 1 - ,VAe(-l,0)U(0,oo).
An useful result is
Theorem 4.4 (see Ghermdnescu [89], p.260, Th. 4.9,) The measurable
solutions of the functional equation f (x + y) — f (x) — f (y) = <p (x, y) are
given by
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
f(x) — B(x) + ax
<p{x,y) = B{x + y)-B{x)-B{y)
Theorem 4.5 Let B(x) be such that B(0) = 0 and f(x) — B(x) + ax
is strictly increasing and f : [0,oo) —> [0,oo). Then n(A) — (/ o m) (A)
(where m is a classical finite measure) is a fuzzy measure which satisfies
the functional equation
1 1
n(AuB)=n(A) + »(B)+v (r (n (A)), r (/i (£))) ,
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20 Introduction
Theorem 4.6 / / fx : A —)• [0, oo) is the fuzzy measure defined by ft (A) =
Xm2(A), where m is a classical finite measure, then an (fi) < tL
for all n > 2 and A > 0.
In (n (A + l ) " ( x ) - n + l )
an,A (M) < „ „ ( * ) [ ^ X T ^ ,
is given by
n+1 - ~ ' -
Theorem 4.8 Let pt, fi' : A -> [0, oo) be fuzzy measures. We have:
(*') 0 < c ( A i ) < l ;
(Hi) c(n) = c(nc), where \f is the dual of \i, that is fic{A) = ft(X) —
[i(A°), Ac being the complementary of A;
(iv) c (a/i) = c (n), Va > 0;
(i-VT+T) 2
CA (I*) < jjj •
Theorem 4.12 / / fj, : A —>• [0, oo) is £/*e /uzzy measure defined by /j, (A)
— \m2(A),\/A G A, where m is a finite measure, then c(fi) < |,VA G
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Theorem 4.13 / / fj, : A —> [0, oo) is the fuzzy measure defined by
n(A) = " infA+i) ' ^ G .4, where m is a finite measure and A > 0, then
In (k^p- + l)
<^2ln(A"(X) + l ) ~ L
A1,A,A2£V(X),A1 CACA2}.
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22 Introduction
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
d SU
SUB (y) = P Y I \JAi ) ~ YJV (Ai) 'Ai^A'
AinAj =9,i^j,i,j = T^n}
and the defect of superadditivity of order n, n > 2, of v is given by
4"JPH = s u p i £ V ( ^ ) - i , ( U ^ ) ; ^ € . 4 ,
.i'=l \i=l
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On Chapter 4' Defect oj Property in Measure Theory 23
/ 00 \ 00
A-DAj =9,i^j,i,j€'N}
CO / CO \
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24 Introduction
T h e o r e m 4.17 (i) 0 < dMAS (A) <<p{X),VAeV (X) and dMAS (A) = 0
if and only if A is tp-measurable;
(11) dMAS (A) = dMAs(Ac),VA£V(X);
(Hi) dMAs ( i U B ) < dMAs (A)+dMAS (B) ,VA,BeV (X) , Af)B = 0;
(iv) Let T be the one to one transformation of the entire real line into
itself, defined by T (x) = ax + (3, where a and (3 are real numbers and
a ^ 0. If for every bounded A C R we denote T (A) = {ax | f t i £ A],
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
dMAs(T(A)) = \a\dMAs{A).
Definition 5.1 (see e.g. Siretchi [199], p.151, p.165, [200], p.239). Let
/ : E —» R. For XQ G E, the quantity defined by
is called oscillation of/ at XQ, where V (x0) denotes the class of all neighbor-
hoods of x0 and S [A] = sup {|ai — a2\;ai,a2 G A] represents the diameter
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On Chapter 5: Defect of Property in Real Function Theory 25
of the set 4 c R .
For XQ limit point of E, the quantity defined by
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26 Introduction
^erellfifll^^supi^Whte^JJI/ll^^supll/WhiG^J,^ «sa
neighborhood of xo and f , g : X -lY, with X, Y C R .
(«) / / we c/e/me ^ (*„; / ) = i £ ^ , Mr ( / ) * = T K ^ e r e
•M = s u P r e x / (x) - inf^ex/ (a;), / : A" -> y , tfien fiH (f)x = n(to f)x,
where t (x) — kx, k > 0 fixed.
Definition 5.4 Let / : [a, 6] —> R and a?o £ [a, 6]. The quantity
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On Chapter 5: Defect oj Property in Real Function Theory 27
Let us denote
E (f) > T>W(x;f);x£Cf}
Let us denote
L[a,b] = {/:[a,6]^R;||/||i<+ao}J
C\ [a, b] = {g : [a, b]—^R;g is differentiable on [a, b]} ,
where \\f\\L — sup < \lizlzllMl -tx,y £[a,b],x ^ y> is the so-called Lips-
chitz norm. If we denote Ei(f) = inf {||/ — g\\L ; g £ C\ [a, b]}, we can
Theorem 5.5 Let f £ L[a, b] be with
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28 Introduction
dcoNC (/) ([a, b]) = sup {A' (/) (a:) - f(x);x€ [a, b]}
dcoNV (/) ([a, b}) = sup {/ (x) - k (/) (x);xE [a, b]}
Gal, Sorin G., and Adrian I. Ban. Defects of Properties in Mathematics, edited by Sorin G. Gal, and Adrian I. Ban,
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On Chapter 5: Defect of Property in Real Function Theory 29
+ (/)(M1) = J^W
/( p ) (*) > 0.
(«') tf / ( p ) (*) > 0, a-e. * G [a, b] then K^ (/) ([a, b}) = 1, t/ /(p> (i) <
0, a.e. s € [a, 6] ffcen A'i p) (/) ([a, 6]) = 1.
(in) Z/e£ us suppose, in addition, that /( p ) is continuous on [a,b]. Then
f is convex (concave) of order p on [a, 6] if and only if K+' (/) ([a, 6]) = 1
(K_ (/) ([a, 6]) = 1, respectively).
Further we study two concepts that measure the " quality" of an inequal-
ity: the absolute defect of equality and the averaged defect of equality.
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30 Introduction
is defined by
/ (R{x)-L(x))diin
dD {L R) {r)
' = M D nH-.r]") '
where [—r,r] = [—r,r] x ... x [—r, r] and fj>n is the Lebesgue measure on
T h e o r e m 5.11 (i) If L(x) and R(x) are given by Definition 5.10 then
we have:
daDb {LlL2,R1R2) < daDb (LltRi) supL 2 (x) + daDb (L2, R2) supiJi {x)
x£D x£D
daDv (LXL2, RiR2) (r) < d% (LUR1) (r) SU P J L 2 ( * ) + ^ ( I 2 ) R2) (r) sup/?! (a:)
xgD are!)
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On Chapter 6: Defect of Property in Functional Analysis 31
Bn{f){x) = j^Cknxk{l-xf-kf
0) ( 0)
Al (Bn ( / ) ) ([0,1]) < sK _ (/) ([0,1]) ,Vn G N ,
:) (
Al (Bn ( / ) ) ([0,1]) < tK y (/) ([0,1]), Vn G N ,
(Bn ( / ) ) ([0,1]) < ud*CONV(f)([0,l]),\/ne-N,
1.6 O n C h a p t e r 6: D e f e c t o f P r o p e r t y i n F u n c t i o n a l A n a l y s i s
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32 Introduction
(x,y) = 0,VxGX,VyGY,
where, in addition, the norm ||-|| is generated by the inner product (•, •).
We write X _L Y.
Corresponding to the concepts of orthogonality in Definition 6.1, we
introduce the following
Definition 6.2 Let (E, ||-||) be a real normed space and X,Y C E. We
call defect of orthogonality of X with respect to Y, of:
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On Chapter 6: Defect of Property in Functional Analysis 33
+ k + Ml )
lax + ;
where a, 6 £ (0,1) are fixed.
{vi) Singer kind, the quantity dj (X,Y) defined by dj {X,Y) = 0 if
X = {0} or Y = {0} and
x y X y
d^ {X, Y) = sup
(vii) usual kind
dx(X,Y)= sup \{x,y)\,
if, in addition, the norm ||-|| is generated by the inner product {•, •) on E.
Theorem 6.1 X _L, V if and only if d^ {X, Y) = 0, where * represents
any kind of orthogonality in Definition 6.1.
Theorem 6.2 Let (E, (•, •)) be a real inner product space endowed with the
norm \\x\\ = \/{x, x), x £ E. We have:
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34 Introduction
dj-(X,Y;l) = 2dji(X,Y;l)
dj-(X,Y;-l) = 2dji(X,Y;-l).
2d£(X,Y;-l) <dj(X,Y;-l).
for any kind " * " of orthogonality in Definition 6.1, excepting Singer or-
Next we present some applications.
D e f i n i t i o n 6.3 Let (E, (•, •)) be a real inner product space and X C E.
We call defect of orthogonality of X , the quantity
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On Chapter 6: Deject of Property in Functional Analysis 35
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36 Introduction
ayi+/3y2 eY,\fyi,y2eY,a,l3eB..
(Hi) balanced, if
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Definition 6.8 Let (X, ||-||) be a real normed space and D (A, B) be a
certain distance between the subsets A,B C X (D will be specified later).
For Y C X, we call:
(i) defect of convexity of Y (with respect to D), the quantity
dBAL(D)(Y) = D(Y,balY);
dABs{D){Y) = D(Y,B{0,RY))
Ry = sup{||y||;j,eY},
B(0,RY) = {xeX;\\x\\<RY}.
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38 Introduction
(DH)(Y) = dLIN (DH) (Y) ;
dLiN (DH) (Y) = 0 if and only if Y is linear;
dLiN(DH)(XY) = XdLIN(DH)(Y),\fX>0;
dLiN(DH)(Y1+Y2) < dLIN(DH)(Y1) + dLIN(DH)(Y2).
dABS(DH)(XY) = XdABS(DH)(Y),WX>0;
ECONV(Y) = inf{DH(Y,A);AeVb(X),Aconvex},
EBAL (Y) = M{DH (Y, A);AeVb(X),A balanced} ,
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On Chapter 6: Defect of Property in Functional Analysis 39
(It is well-known that this is equivalent with / (^A-i^iVi) ^ S l L i ^ ' / (?/«) >
Vn e N, Vy,- € Y,a{ > 0,t € {1, ...,n},J^=lai = 1);
(M) / : X —> R is called subadditive if
f{Xx) = \X\f{x),VX£R,\/xeX;
V I G I ;
(vii) f : X —> R is seminorm if it is subadditive and absolute homoge-
(viii) f : X —>• R is norm if it is seminorm and / (x) = 0 implies x = 0.
Concerning these properties we can introduce the following defects.
Definition 6.10 Let (X, +, •) be a real linear space.
(i) If Y C X is convex and / : Y —> R, then the n-defect of convexity
of / on Y, rc > 2, is denned by
coJVV (/) (Y) = SU
P "j / ( Ylaiyi ~ X/* 1 '^ (yi) >yi£Y>ai>°>
ie {l,...,n},£\*i = 1 > .
j=i J
(ii) Let Y C A" be a linear subspace of X and / : Y ->• R. The defect
of subadditivity of / on Y is defined by
dsADD (/) (Y) = sup {/ (yi + y2) - (/ (yx) + f (y2)); !/i, jfc G Y} .
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40 Introduction
d(c]oNV if) (Y) < 4 " c U l (/) (Y) < d^ONV if) (Y) + dfONV if) (Y).
(f + 9)(Y)< (9)(Y)
/ G B0 (Y) and
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On Chapter 6: Defect of Property in Functional Analysis 41
Remark. By Theorems 6.20, (i) and 6.21, (ii), there exists the limit
l i m n ^ o o d ^ ^ y (/) (Y) and moreover
For any A £ LC (X), we define the norm |||-||| : LC (X) ->• R + by |||A||| =
sup {\\A (x)\\ ; ||a;|| < 1}, where \\x\\ = ^(x,x).
The following concepts are well-known in functional analysis (see e.g.
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
dsiM (A) = sup {\{A (x), y) - (x, A (y))\; ||*||, |jy|| < 1} ;
dNOR (A) = sup {\\A (A* (x)) - A* (A (x))\\; ||z|| < 1} = \\\AA* - A*A\\\;
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42 Introduction
diDEM (A) = sup {|| A 2 (*) - A (x)\\ ; ||z|| < 1} = || \A2 - A\|| ;
dpERM [A, B) = sup {\\A (B (x)) -B(A (x))\\; |HI < 1} = \\\AB - BA\\\.
DIDEM(Y) = 8up{|||A2-A|||;^6y};
DISO(Y) = Bup{diSO{A);A£Y};
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
EIDEM(A) = inf{|||A-JB|||+|||42-52|||;BeLC(X),
B is idempotent} ,
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ESIM (A) > -^Al,
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44 Introduction
Let us denote
T = {g : X —> X;g has fixed point in X} ,
where (X, d) is supposed to be compact. A natural question is to find the
best approximation of a function / : X —> X, f ^ T, by elements in T. In
this sense, we can define
where D (/, g) = sup {d (f (a?), g (x)) ;x€X} .
The following lower estimate for E? (/) holds.
Theorem 6.26 We have ed (f;X) < E? (/), for any f : X -> X.
Theorem 6.30 Let (X, {,)) be a real Hilbert space, \\x\\ = \/(x, x), x 6 X,
the metric generated by norm |||| denoted by d and M C X.
(i) Let f : M —¥ X be Gateaux derivable on xo G M, x0 interior point
of M, with ed (/; M) > 0. / / ||ar0 - / (x0)\\ - ed (/; M), x0 G M, then
< * o - / ( x o ) , ( l x - V / ( a r o ) ) ( A ) > = 0.
for all heX.
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On Chapter 7: Defect oj Property in Algebra 45
(F) (Y) = sup {d (F [x, eR),x);x£Y}> 0,
then eR will be called best almost-identity element at right of F on Y.
Analogously, if there exists ej, 6 Y such that
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On Chapter 7: Defect of Property in Algebra 47
edREL(F)(Y)=sup{d(x,y);x,yeY,F(z,x) = F(z,y)}
4ISR (F; G) (Y) = sup {d (F (G (y, z),x,),G(F {y, x), F (z, x))) ;
x,y, 2 e Y}
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48 Introduction
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On Chapter 7: Defect of Property in Algebra 49
T h e o r e m 7.2 PFii/j £ne notations in Definitions 7.1 and 7.3, the condition
F < G implies:
(»') 4OM (F) (Y) < kedCOM (G) ( / (Y)) ,W C X . /n parteuZar,
( F ) (X) < k
F y ke
("') 4 s ( ) ( ) < AS (G) ( / ( Y ) ) , VY C X . 7n particular,
(Hi) Let Fi be' the (f,g)-duals of Gi,i £ {1,2}, such that F{ < Gi,i £
{ 1 , 2 } . Then
DiSL (Fi\F2) (Y) < kedDISL ( G i ; G 2 ) ( / ( Y ) ) ,VY C X , and in particular
biSL (G\\ G2) (X) . Similar results hold for ef^isR-
T h e o r e m 7.5 Let (X,-,d) be a metrizable non-commutative group, N a
closed normal divisor of X and d a metric that is left invariant. If d
denotes the induced metric on X/N and 0 the induced operation on X/N,
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
coM (©) (X/N) < edCOM (•
For F,G : X x X —>• X, we define the distance between F and G by
D (F,G) = sup {d(F (x,y) ,G (x,y)) ;x,y e X} .
Also, we define
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50 Introduction
1.8 O n C h a p t e r 8: M i s c e l l a n e o u s
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On Chapter 8: Miscellaneous 51
C-t-zo m (AJ
where the limit is considered for all closed curves C (in D) surrounding ZQ,
that converge to ZQ by a continuous deformation (m (A) represents the area
of the domain A closed by C).
2niJc -d£ < rdA (/) (A)
if we choose C = {u £ C; \u — a\ — r} C D, A = int (C) C D and z £ D
such that |z — a| > 2r.
In the Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries, the concept of curva-
ture and torsion of a curve C in a point M are introduced by (see e.g.
Mihaileanu [148], p. 99-100)
7 (M) = lim ——
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52 Introduction
r (M) = lim —-,
7(C) = sup { | 7 ( M ) | ; M G C }
are called the defect of right line and the defect of plane curve of C, respec-
Definition 8.5 Let ABC be a triangle in a geometry. The quantity
DA {ABC) = \A + B + C - TT|
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q2x\ + x\ + x\ + x\ = 0,
d0RTH(X,Y) = \X-Y\
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On Chapter 8: Miscellaneous 53
cos A = U • V.
Definition 8.7 The quantity
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dpAR(u,v) = |sinA|
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54 Introduction
T h e o r e m 8.7 (i) dnz(x) = min ({a:} , 1 — {x}), where {x} denotes the
fractional part of x.
(H) <^RZ (x) = 0 if and only if x 6 Z and dnz (x) = d (x, Z) .
(Hi) 0 < d R Z (x) < | , V x € R.
(j«) C^RZ (x) = dRZ (~x), Vx e R.
Let us denote by X = {#1, ...,xn} a finite set of real numbers and let
us consider the fuzzy set Ax : R -»• [0,1] corresponding to X and defined
by Ax (x) — 0 if x G R \ X and Ax (a) = {x} if x e X, where {x} is the
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
dj (X) = dc (Ax)
T h e o r e m 8.8 (i) dj (X) = 0 (i.e has the minimum value) if and only if
xk GZ,VA;€ { l , . . . , n } .
(ii) di (X) = 1 (i.e. has the maximum value) if and only if C/RZ (X/,) is
maximum, \/k 6 {1,..., n} .
(Hi) Let Y = {j/i, ...,yn} be a finite set of real numbers. If {xk} < {yk}
for{yk}< \ and {xk} > {yk} for {yk} > ±,Vfc 6 {1, ...,n}, then rf/ (X) <
^perfect ( n ) n - J^ k
^amicable (m-n )
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i/m,i^m jln,j^n
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56 Introduction
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Chapter 2
liA : X -+ [0,1]
FS(X) = {A\A:X->[0,1]}.
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58 Deject of Property in Set Theory
A -< B if and only if A (x) < B (x) for B (x) < - and
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Measures oj Fuzziness 59
In the case when X is finite, the best known example in this sense was
given by De Luca and Termini [138]:
Theorem 2.1 (Loo [135]) Let X be a finite set. If the function h : R + —>•
R+ is increasing, the functions {gx)x£x >9* '• $> ^\ ~^ ^ + are increasing on
[0, | ] , decreasing on [|, l] such that gx(0) = gx(l) = 0, Va; £ X and gx ( | )
is the unique maximum value of gx,\/x £ X, then dc : FS(X) —>• R defined
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
dc(A) = h(^^(A(^))
\x€X )
is a measure of fuzziness.
Remarks. 1) If
for every x 6 X and h is the identical function on R+, then we get the
measure of fuzziness in Example 2.1.
2) When for a given w £ [1, oo], we take h(b) = ft™ and
a (A(x))-l > *^*)e[0,|]
gx(A(x))-^ (1 _i4(ar)r> if^ ) G [I,l]
for every x 6 X, the measures of fuzziness proposed by Kaufmann [114] are
obtained. In this way, a measure of fuzziness is introduced as the distance
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60 Defect of Property in Set Theory
- \ 1, XA(z)>±.
^ i , if a; < t
Nt(x) = t
•£i(l-x), if a? > *
Nt(Nt(x)) = N t ( l - ^ - x
Nt(Nt(x)) = Nt[-L-(i-x)
~ V(rr7 ( 1 _ a ; ) ) = a;'Va;€^1]'
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Measures of Fuzziness 61
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62 Deject of Property in Set Theory
decreasing on \t, 1], such that gx(Q) — gx(l) = 0,VJ; £ X and gx(t) is the
maximum value of all functions gx,x G X. The function dfc : FS(X) —> R
defined by
dte(A) = h('£is*(M*)))
\x£X I
f a, ifae[0,<]
*W-{ ^(a)] ifae[M];
where TV is a fuzzy complement, then the conditions in Theorem 2.3 are
verified, therefore
is a N-symmetrical t-measure of fuzziness. Indeed, gx(0) = 0 and gx(l) =
gx(N(l)) — gx{0) = 0,Va; G X,gx are increasing on [0,t] and decreasing
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64 Deject of Property in Set Theory
»tM) = h(^2gx(A(x))
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\x6X /
Proof. We must prove only the necessity in conditions (i) and (in) of
Definition 2.5, the other requirements being proved by the proof of Theorem
If 4 ( A ) = O t h e n ^ e x ^ ^ a ; ) ) = 0, which implies A(x) G {0,1}, Va; £
X, because the functions gx are strictly increasing on [0,t] and strictly de-
creasing on [t, 1].
If Sg(j4) is the maximum value of s', then Ylxcx9x (J^(*c)) assumes the
maximum value, that is gx (A(x)) is the maximum value of gx, Va; G X.
The strict monotonicity of gx on [0, t] and on [t, 1], for every x £ X, implies
A(x) =t,Vx e X. •
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Measures oj Fuzziness 65
we get that the functions (gx)X£x ver ify the hypothesis in Theorem 2.4.
Because h : R + —>• R + , /i(a;) = x, also verifies these hypothesis, we obtain
that the function defined by
ut(Nt(a)) = ——-r +
2(1 -t) 2(1 -t)
1 - i ^ a + 1 - 2* , a ,
= 2(TT^ = l - 2 i = l-«t(«).
«tW(a)) =
2t 2* 2(1 — t)
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66 Defect of Property in Set Theory
, ( l-2t \ , . ,
Hl{ANt) = "£H(ut(Nt(A(x))))='£H(l-ut(A(x)))
x£X x^X
= J2H(ut(A(x))) = H c(A),VAeFS(X).
Example 2.5 The function ipt : X x [0,1] —> [0,1] defined by <pt(x, a) =
(H o ut) (a), where H and ut are defined as in Example 2.4, is a t-norm
Corresponding to Theorem 2.3 we prove the following result.
Theorem 2.5 Let t 6 (0,1), (X,A,fi) be a measure space and <pt : X x
[0,1] —» [0,1] a t-norm function. The function d^ : Tj. (X) —» [0,1] defined
d£*(A)= I Vt{x,A{x))dn
is a t-measure of fuzziness. If N : [0,1] —> [0,1] is a fuzzy complement and
the t-norm function <pt verifies
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Intuitionistic Entropies 67
A = {{x,nA(x),vA{x)) : x £X} ,
where t h e functions fJ,A,vA '• X —> [0,1] define the degree of membership
and t h e degree of non-membership of the element x £ X t o t h e set A C X,
respectively, a n d for every x £ X, HA{X) + VA{X) < l . W e denote by IFS(X)
the family of intuitionistic fuzzy sets on X.
We recall t h e following useful relations a n d operations on IFS(X) (see
Atanassov [5]-[10], Atanassov-Ban [14]):
A < B if and only if [IA(X) < HB(X) and VA{X) < VB(X), VK £ X;
AhB - {(x,h(/j.A{x),HB{x)),hc{i'A(x),UB(x))) : x £ X} ,
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68 Defect of Property in Set Theory
(i) df(A) = 0 if and only if fiA(x) + vA{x) = 1, Vz £ X;
(ii) df(A) = cardX = TV if and only if fiA(x) — vA(x) — 0, \/x £ X;
(Hi) df(A) = df(A),VA £ IFS(X);
(iv) UA<B then 1(A) > 1(B).
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Intuitionistic Entropies 69
of fuzzy entropy.
df(A) = ^(x,pA(x),vA(x))dm
m(X) Jx
with A = {(x, HA(X), VA{X)) '• x £ X}, is an intuitionistic entropy.
Proof. Let A,B e 1A(X),A — {{x, pA(x),i/A(x)) : x G X} and
B = {{X,HB(X),VB(X)) '• x G X}. We notice that A = B m-a.e., that is
PA(X) = VB(X) and VA(X) — VB(X) m-a.e. x G X, implies $ (x, PA(X), VA(X))
= ^(X,PB{X),IIB(X)) m-a.e. x G X, therefore dJ(A) = dJ(B).
We verify the conditions (i) — (iv) in Definition 2.9.
(i) HE = {{X,HE(X),UE(X)) : x £ X} £lA (X) verifies pE(x)+vE(x) =
1, Vx € X, then
^ £ » = ^ o X o d ™ = 0-
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70 Deject oj Property in Set Theory
^ B > = sno/x
ldra = 1
*(^) = -r7T I (i-^W-^Wl^vieiifi).
m A
l J Jx
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tf(A) =
fv\ ®{x,(iA(x),vA(x))dm
rn(A) Jx
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Intuitionistic Entropies 71
But d(A,B) < S implies \/J-A{X) — HB{%)\ < $ and \VA{%) — vB{x)\ < S,^x e
X, therefore
Iv =
i1 ~ <P (VAix)) - <p (vA{x))) dm
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
^ m{X)J
piA) = Z^lF\ I (l-<p(MA(x))-<p{vA(x)))dm,
m(A) Jx
where ip satisfies the conditions:
(i) <p is increasing;
(ii) <p(a) = 0 if and only if a = 0;
(Hi) tp(a) + <p(P) = 1 if and only if a + /? = 1.
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72 Defect of Property in Set Theory
(i) $ (x, /j,, v) = 1 — (<p(fj) + <p (v)) — 0 if and only if <£>(//) + <p (v) = 1 if
and only if fi + v = 1.
(ii) $ (ar, //, z^) = 1 if and only if <p(/i) + ip (v) = 0 if and only if tp(/j.) =
<p(v) = 0 if and only if /z = ^ = 0.
(m) $ (a;, H,V)=1- <p(n) -<p(v) = $ (X, V, fi) .
(iv) If fj, < fj,' and v < v' then ip(fi) + tp(v) < tp(ft') + <p(v'), that is
$ being an intuitionistic norm function, Theorem 2.6 implies that dv is
an intuitionistic entropy.
If a + /3 < 1 then
= l-<p(a)-<p(l3)>0,
which implies <p (a) + <p(0) < 1, therefore dv is an /^-function.
(=>) We assume that d^ is an intuitionistic entropy and an /^-function.
Being /^-function it has the form
<1<P(A) = m—nF\
I ^-f{^A{x))-<p{vA{x)))Am
l ; Jx
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
if A = {{X,P,A(X), VA{X)) '• x G X], where <p : [0,1] —> [0,1] is a continuous
function such that a + /? < 1 implies <p(a) + <p((3) < 1. We prove that <p
satisfies the conditions (i) — (Hi) .
(i) If a < a1 and a, a' 6 [0,1], we construct the following intuitionistic
fuzzy sets: A — {(x, a, 0) : x e X} and B = {(x, a1, 0) : x 6 X } . Because
A^B,it follows /(>!) > 1(B), that is
= -Tv^l ( 1 - P ( 0 ) - P ( 0 ) ) d m = 1-2^(0),
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Intuitionistic Entropies 73
«>W = T^ln
m(A) /"
Jx (1 - ^ («) - p(/3)) dm = 1 - ^(a) - p(/?).
We obtain 9? (a) + <f{/3) — 1.
Conversely, let y> (a) + <p(P) = 1. If we assume that a + /? 7^ 1, then two
cases may occur:
(a) a + p < 1
= l-<p(a)-<p(0) = O,
¥>(ar) + y > ( / ? ) + p ( l - a ) + p ( l - / ? ) = 2 ,
dv({<a:,l-a,l-/?> : i ^ } )
= - T W / ( l - v ( l - « ) - ¥ ) ( l - W d m = 0.
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74 Deject of Property in Set Theory
f^ = ^TrY / {I ~ <P {»A(X)) - v (vA(x))) dm,
m(A) Jx
with ip verifying the conditions (i) — (Hi) in the same theorem. We obtain
d^(0x) = d^({(x,0,l):xEX})
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Intuitionistic Entropies 75
^y^(1_(¥'(0)+¥'(1)))dm =0
Let (^4n)n£N ^ ^ (^0 be an increasing sequence of intuitionistic fuzzy
sets, An = {{x,fiAn(x),vAn(x)) : x EX}. Then
^TTV / t 1 - (^ C1 (^A^), /ifl(^))) + *J C»c (^(a;), ^B(S))))) dm
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+—— / (l-(<p(hc(iiA(x)iiiB(x)))+<p(h(vA(z),i/B(x)))))dm
m(x) J ( 1 -(^(^( a ; )) + ^(^( ; , ; )))) d m
= dv(A) + dv(B).
For / = Tjvf the proof is similar and the conclusion is true even if <p is not
additive. •
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76 Deject of Property in Set Theory
2.3 Applications
(«•) c , i nc i = 0,Vi,ie{i,...,n},^j.
We name atoms the elements of X and we denote by T{U) the class of all
partitions of U.
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Applications 77
T h e o r e m 2.10 The function IPQ : T(U) —> [0,1] defined as above, veri-
fies the requirements (II) — (13).
Proof. It is obvious. •
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78 Defect of Property in Set Theory
= -T^-lJ2u^(1-A(Ck))log2u^t(l-A(Ck))
I &, ifaG[0,<]
I 5 ^ + ^ . if«e[<,i],
-t(1"a) =
| ^ ? ifae[0,t],
we get wt(a) + «i_t(l — a) = l,Va £ [0,1], therefore
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Applications 79
4 40 70
3 6 22
4 9 14
If X = {Ci, C2, C3, C4} with the values in above table, then we obtain
t = 0.4. For this value, by using the indicated ^-measure of fuzziness, we
Now, let us assume that each district has more counties and let us denote by
Ckj, the set of habitants of the county j from district k. Also, we denote
by Pkj and q^j, the number of persons (expressed in tens of thousands)
from Ckj belonging to the nationality " P " and " Q", respectively. For this
territorial structure, that is for the partition X' = {Cii,Ci2> ...,644} (see
table), we obtain the degree of interference of nationality " P " with the
nationality " Q",
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80 Defect of Property in Set Theory
1 because the ratio of the number of habitants of nationality " P " and the to-
tal number of habitants, calculated for each district ( ^ , k G {1,2,3,4})
is relatively close to the same ratio calculated for the level of whole country,
that is t = 0.4. IPQ (X1) has a smaller value because in more counties the
ratio —^r*— have remote values from t = 0.4, for example „ PV„ = 0.8
and P" = 0.15 (see also (12)).
P42+942 \ II
not significant.
Let us denote by Tme({, the density of population in V, that is
total population in V
1 med — r~Tr '
area of V
by TMAX, the maximum possible density of population in a district of V,
that is
__ total population in V
area of the smaller district 5,
and by I \ , the density of population in Si,i G {1,..., n}, that is
population in 5,-
area of Si
We define the fuzzy set P : X -> [0,1] by
P(Si) = - ^ ,
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Applications 81
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82 Defect of Property in Set Theory
We introduce a normal index H<$tx (that is, 0 < H^x (A) < 1, for
every fuzzy set A) of the degree of homogeneity for a system with the set
of its components, X = {x\, ...,xn} and the performance function \P. We
assume t h a t t = ^ (a\,..., an) 6 [0,1] is the performance level of the system
X, where a,- is the performance level of component Xi, for i 6 {1, . . . , n } .
T h e following four requirements appear to be reasonable and intuitively
acceptable to characterize the degree of homogeneity H^x •
(HI) H$tx (A) = 0 if and only if a,- = 0 or a,- — 1, for all i £ { 1 , . . . , n},
t h a t is the index H%x assumes the m i n i m u m value if and only if all the
components of the system are in two states: operating or failed.
(HI) Let i,j £ { l , . . . , n } . If a; < a,j < \P ( a i , ...,a„) or a* > a,j >
vp ( a i , ...,a„) then the contribution of the component X{ to H^x (A) is
smaller t h a n t h a t of the component Xj, t h a t is the contribution of a com-
ponent is greater if its working is near to the working of the system.
(H3) H<ix (A) = 1 if and only if a,- = ^ ( a 1 ; . . . , an), for all i £ {1, ..., n},
t h a t is the index H^x assumes the m a x i m u m value if and only if the
performance level of every component is equal to the performance level of
the entire system.
(HA) T h e degree of homogeneity of the system is the same if the perfor-
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Applications 83
and only if a,- = 0,for all i £ {1, ..., n} and decreases when the performance
level of components decreases.
Even if any strict and symmetrical i-measure of fuzziness can be used
to determine the value of the index Hytx{A), a suitable choice is given
by Example 2.3, taking the fuzzy complement in Example 2.2. If X =
{x\,..., xn}, then we normalize and simplify and this /-measure of fuzziness
(t € (0,1)) becomes
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84 Defect of Property in Set Theory
a = 0
q(3—a — b — c)
a G (0,1) a 6 c a
a = 1 1 1
a = 0 3
a(3 — a — 6 — c)
ae(0,l) a c 6 3(l-a)
a= 1 1
a = 0 3-e
b — ab+a — a2+a — ac
a G (0,1) b a c 3(1-a)
a= 1 3
a = 0 3-6
a G (0,1) c a b c— ac-\-a — a2-\-a — ab
a= 1 e+2
6= 0
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
6G(0,1) C 6 a
6= 1
c= 0
-c -\-b — bc-j-c—ac
c G (0,1) 6 c a
c= 1 b+2
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Applications 85
information Pt(A):
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86 Defect of Property in Set Theory
0 < A(x0) < A(Xl) < ... < A(xk) < A(xk+i) <1
given up on the common values. In this case we obtain
Msi{A)= min {stc"{A);A{xp) <tp < A(xp+i)\ .
" p6{0,...,fe}
and the values of i for which is obtained this minimum represent an interval.
2) In practice, the members of family {stc]t€,f) t \ are of the same kind,
for any t G (0,1).
Definitions 2.4 and 2.7, Example 2.5, Theorem 2.5 are in Ban [16], Defini-
tion 2.6, Theorem 2.4, Examples 2.2 and 2.3 are in Ban [21], Definitions
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
2.9, 2.10 are in Ban [18] and Theorems 2.6-2.9 are proved in Ban [18]. Def-
initions 2.12, 2.13 are in Ban [17], Theorems 2.10, 2.11 and Example 2.4
are in Ban-Fechete [20]. The application to systems performance is in Ban
[21] and to the calculus of degree of interference is in Ban-Fechete [20].
Completely new are Definition 2.5 and Theorem 2.3.
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Chapter 3
Defect of Property in Topology
Vb {X) = {Y C X; Y ^ 0, Y is bounded} .
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88 Defect of Property in Topology
Concerning the quantities a (Y) and h (Y) the following results are
T h e o r e m 3.1 (i) (see e.g. Rus [182], p.85-87 or Banas-Goebel [32]) Let
X,Y eTb(X). We have:
0 < a(A) < diam (A) ;
A C B implies a (A) < a (B) ;
a (A) = a (A) and moreover a (A) = 0 if and only if A is compact;
a (V£ (A)) < a {A)+2e, where V£ (A) = {x £ X; p (x, A) < s} and p (x, A) -
ini{p(x,y) ; y £ A} ;
a(Al)B) = max {a (A), a (B)} ;
a(AnB) < min {a (A), a (B)} ;
Let Ai C X,A{+i C Ai be with Ai closed and nonempty, i = 1,2,....
7/lim n _ ) . 00 a (An) — 0 then pl^LjAi is nonempty and compact.
If, in addition, X is a Banach space, then a (A + B) < a (A) + a (B),
a (cA) = \c\a(A),c G R, at (convA) — a (A), where convA is the convex
(ii) (see e.g. Beer [36], Banas-Goebel [32])
h (A) = 0 if and only if A is totally bounded (that is, Ve > 0, 3a; i,..., xp 6 A
such that \jx £ X, 3xi with p (x, xi) < e);
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Measures of Noncompactness for Classical Sets 89
Because of these properties, we also can call a (A) and h (A) as defects of
2) The Kuratowski's measure of noncompactness has many applications
to fixed point theory (see e.g. Darbo [60], Sadowski [188]).
Definition 3.3 (Banas-Goebel [32]). The function n : Vb{X) -> [0, +oo)
is called measure of noncompactness (or defect of compactness, in our ter-
minology) with the kernel K. (denoting ker fi = K.) if satisfies:
(i) n(A) = Q if and only if A £ K;
(ii) n(A) =fi(A);
(Hi) n (convA) = /j, (A);
(iv) Ac B implies p (A) < \i (B);
(v) fi (\A + (1 - A) B) < \fx (A) + (1 - \)/i{B),V\ £ [0,1];
(vi) If An eVb(X),An = An and An+1 C An,n= 1,2,... and if
lim„^ooA« iAn) - 0, then f f ^ l i ^ " # ®-
If K, = RC(X) then /i will be called full (or complete) measure.
n(A) = 2h(A),
norm | | / | | p = (j* \f {t)\p dtj " and let /3 : [0, +oo) -)• [0, +oo) be with the
property l i m ^ o / ? (2) = (3 (0) = 0. For / £ X, let us define the Kolmogorov
modulus of continuity of / with respect to /? by
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Measures of Noncompactness for Classical Sets 91
(where fh (t) = f (t + h) ,Mt G [a, b]) and for A G Vb{X), let us define
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92 Deject of Property in Topology
P = {(n-l,B+l);n£Z}
of X does not contain a finite subcovering neither of the set A nor of the
set B.
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The next example shows that if A is not closed, then the equivalence (i)
of Theorem 3.3 may not be true, because in general we can have m (A) ^
m (A), where A is the closure of A. This also shows that topological mea-
sure of noncompactness can distinguish such subtle differences which are in-
distinguishable by the classical (metric) measure of noncompactness. More-
over, one can easily see that m (A) = 0 is in topological case stronger than
m (A) = 0 in the metric case.
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Measures of Noncompactness for Classical Sets 93
Example 3.9 Consider R with the a-topology (open sets are the sets of
the form 0\N where O is an usual open set and N is a nowhere-dense set
(see Njastad [160]). Let us take the following a-open set
A=(0,1)\ j i ; n € N J .
contains a finite subcovering of the set A, namely {A}, and therefore V G
m(A). But, V £ m(A) because the points ^ € A cannot be covered by
finite number of sets from V.
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94 Deject of Property in Topology
nonempty values. If for each x G X, limber m (F-y (x)) = Q, then the multi-
Fn(x) 0,l + z + - \ { 1 }
F{x) [0,1 + ar] \ {1} i f x # 0 , F ( 0 ) = [0,l)
Then Mx G X, Fn (x) D Fn+1 (x) and F (x) = f]n€NFn (x). The multifunc-
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Fn(x) U{1}:
nx + 1
F(x) -00, U{1} ifx£Q,F{0) = {1}.
The multifunctions Fn are all u.s.c. but their limit F is not, because it is
not u.s.c. at the point 0.
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Random Measures oj Noncompactness 95
Example 3.12 Let X = (—§•, f) with the usual topology. We can con-
sider two families of open coverings of X:
For e tending to 0, the coverings Ve (resp. Q€) are getting finer in obvious
way. The space X with the family 7Ti evokes (—§,§) with usual metric, X
with 7T2 evokes R with the usual metric. The second space is complete, the
first one is not. Let us take the decreasing sequence of closed subsets of X
/ 7T 7T 1 \
Let C\ = 27ri,C2 = 2*2• If we consider mi (resp. m2) -the measures of
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96 Deject oj Property in Topology
(Hi) If FPtg (x) = 1 and F g>r (y) = 0, \fp, q,r G S then Fp>q (x + y) — 1.
(HereF P i ,( a ! ) = F(p,g)( a r).)
Definition 3.6 (Egbert [69]). Let ^ C S,A # 0. The function £>A (•)
defined by
DA (X) ~ sup inf Fp q (x), x G R
aA (x) = sup < £ > 0 ; 3 u £ N , At, i = 1, n with A = 1 ) A and DAt (x) > e\
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Random Measures oj Noncompactness 97
aA (x) = H (x - a (A)), Wx G R ,
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98 Deject of Property in Topology
3.3 M e a s u r e s of N o n c o m p a c t n e s s for F u z z y S u b s e t s i n
Metric Space
In this section we will extend in various ways the concepts and results in
Section 3.2 to fuzzy subsets of classical metric spaces.
Let (X, d) be a metric space and the box metric d* : X x R —¥ R + de-
fined by d* (P, Q) = max{d(x,y) , \r — s\], for all P — (x,r) ,Q = (y, s) £
X xR.
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Measures of Noncompactness for Fuzzy Subsets in Metric Space 99
and by
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and by
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100 Deject of Property in Topology
Also, we have:
T h e o r e m 3.10 Let {A,ipA) C {B,ipB) be two bounded fuzzy subsets of
(X,d). We have:
(i) K{<pA) <D(<pA).
{ii) (A, (pA) C {B,<pB) implies K (<pA) < K(<pB), where {A,<pA) C
(B, ips) means <pA (x) < ipB {x), Va; G X.
{Hi) K (ipA V <ps) = max{A' (ipA), K (<PB)}, where (ipA V ipB) (x)
= m&x{(ipA) (x) , (<PB) {X)} ,VZ G X.
Proof, (i) and (ii) immediately follow from Definition 3.13.
{Hi) Since {A, (pA) C {C,<pc) and (B,tpB) C {C,<pc), where <pc {x) =
tpA {x) V ipB {x) ,\/x G X, by (ii) we immediately get
fA {X) < sup {(pA, (x); i = T~n~) , <pB (x) < sup {<pB. {x); j = T~^} , x G X,
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
such that
ifiA (x) or 0 < r < ipB (x) and 0 < r < (pA (x) V <pB (x), i.e., (x,r) G
HGO(<PAV <PB)- By Lemma 1, (/) in Beer [36] and by Theorem 3.9, we
hH(<pAV<pB) = h*(HGo(vAV<pB))
= h*(HGo(<pA)UHGo(<pB))
< m<ix{h*(HG0(vA)),h*(HGo(<PB))}
= max{hH ((fA) ,hH (<pA)} ,
i = 1, n, such that 0 < (fiA (x) < sup {fAi (x) ;i = l,n\ , Vx G X) ,
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102 Deject of Property in Topology
Indeed, let e > 0 be such that 3n £ N, (Ai,<pAi) with D* (G0 (<pAi)) < £ and
0 < <pA (x) < sup {ipA, (x) ;i = \,n) ,Mx £ .A. Then if (x,y) £ G0 (<fiA),
i.e., 0 < y = <pA(x), we get that there exists j £ {l,...,n} such that
0 < y = <pA {x) < <pAj{x), i.e., (x,y) £ HG0(tpAj) C U?=1HG0{<pAi),
which immediately proves that K (fA) > M.
Conversely, let e > 0 be such that 3n £ N, (Ai,tpAi) with £>* (GO (V?A,)) <
£, i = 1, n and Go ( ^ A ) C U"=1.ffGo {<pAi)- Suppose that x £ A. We have
0 < ipA (x) — y and by (x, y) £ Go (<pA) there exists j £ {1,..., n} such that
(x,y) £ # G 0 (^4,), i.e. 0 < <pA(x) < <pAj (x) < sup {<pAi (x);i= l , n } .
This implies that M > K (<pA) and as a conclusion we get (3.1).
Further we will prove that
where Do represents the usual diameter of subsets in (X, d). Indeed, let
£ > 0 be such that 3n £ N,(Ai,(pAi) with D* {Go(<fA,)) < e,i = T/n
and Go {(fA) C U" =1 ffGo {<pAi) • By £>* (Go {<pA,)) < £ we immediately get
d* [(xi,yi) ,(£2,2/2)] < £ for all (xk,yk) £ GO(<£>A,), Ar = 1,2. This implies
^(*i,*2) < e, 12/1 - 2/21 < £ , for all xi,x2 eA,0<yk= <pAi (xk) ,k = T^2.
where A\ = {x £ X; <PA (X) > A} and A'o is the usual Kuratowski's measure
of noncompactness of usual subsets in (X, d).
T h e (a)-Hausdorff measure of noncompactness of (A, IPA) is given by
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104 Deject of Property in Topology
(Hi) aK (<PA) < Ko(A), where A'o represents the usual Kuratowski's
measure for subsets in (X,d), and in general we have not equality.
(iv) aK (ipA V <ps) = max{o;K (<pA) , aK (<PB)}, where (<pA V <ps) (x) =
max {if A (x) ,<PB (X)} , V i € l .
(v) aH (<PA) — 0 if and only if each A\, A G (0,1], is totally bounded.
(vi) If (A, <pA) C (B, <pB) then aH (<pA) <2aH (<pB).
(vii) aH (ifA V <PB) < max {aH (ipA), aH (<PB)} •
«A:(VA) <KQ(A).
(iv) By (ii) we easily get
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Measures of Noncompactness for Fuzzy Subsets in Metric Space 105
aK (PA) < K (<pA) < K* (Go (<pA)) < K* (HG0 (fA)) < hK (<pA).
l e
Proof. Firstly we will prove t h a t hK (<pA) > K* (Go (<PA)), - - that
hK(<pA) = M{e>Q-,3neN,{Ai,<pAi)mthir{HGo{<pAi))<e,i =
1, n, and 0 < ipA (x) < sup {<PA, (%); i = 1, n) , \/x G ^4}
> inf {e > 0 ; 3 M j C l x(0,1] with D* (Mi) < e, i - Y~h,
n \
such t h a t HGo (tpA) C M M , - > .
<=i J
So, let e > 0 be for which there exist n G N , (Ai,(pAi) with D* (HGo (fA{))
< e, i = 1, n, such t h a t 0 < ipA (x) < sup [<PA, (x); i = 1, n } , for all x E A.
Let us d e n o t e M,- = # G o (<PA,) ,i = l , n . We have D* (M,-) < e. O n t h e
other hand, let (x,y) £ HGo (fA), *-e.. a; £ ^4,0 < y < <PA(X). Then
by y>A (X) < sup { P A , (a?); i = 1, n } , there exists j G { 1 , . . . , n} such t h a t
<PA(X) < <PAJ(X), i-e., 0 < ?/ < P A , - ( * ) , which m e a n s (a;,?/) G Mj C
U ^ - J M J . As a conclusion, hK (<PA) > A'* (Go ( p ^ ) ) , which together with
the obvious inequality A'* (HGo (<PA)) > K* (Go (f>A)) and with t h e Theo-
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PA ix) = inf
{f ix); fA < P on X, p : X - » [0,1],
upper semicontinuous on X} ,
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106 Defect of Property in Topology
i — 1, n such t h a t A — \\Ai \ .
»=i J
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Measures of Noncompactness for Fuzzy Subsets in Metric Space 107
hKi{<pA) = inf {e > 0;3n G N, (Ai,<pAi) with hD{<pAi) < s,i = l,n,
such that ^ (x) = sup {^^ (I);J'= l,n} , V i G ^ } ,
and <p*A. (x) < (fA (x),Vai G X, however G 0 (<p*Ai) £ G0 (<fA,) and D (<p*Ai) •£
In order to obtain K\ (<PA) = A* (Go (<PA)), firstly we will prove the
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108 Defect of Property in Topology
Case 6). Let fA (x) — 0 and suppose t h a t there exists j G { 1 , . . . , n } with 0 <
y = y ^ . (x). T h e n by (3.4) we get (x,y) G Go (fA) a n d t h e contradiction
<PA {X) > 0. Therefore, fAl (x) = 0, for all i = l , n and 0 = V?A (a;) =
sxvp{tpAi ( « ) ; i = l , n } .
As a conclusion, X * (GO(<£>A)) > K\ (<PA)> which combined with t h e
inequality K\ (<PA) > A'* (Go ( ^ A ) ) proves (ii). O
This implies
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Measures oj Noncompactness for Fuzzy Subsets in Metric Space 109
We have
the usual metric space with a fuzzy metric space. At the end of this section
we introduce some concepts concerning this idea.
First, we need some known concepts, i.e., those of fuzzy real n u m b e r
and of fuzzy metric space (see e.g., Mashhour-Allam-El Saady [142]).
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110 Defect of Property in Topology
Now, let (X, df) be a fuzzy pseudo-metric space and (A, <PA) be a fuzzy
subset of X. We can introduce the following
Definition 3.19 The fuzzy diameter of the fuzzy set (A, <PA) will be
such that VP = (x, r) £ M (<pA), 3Pk with d* (P, Pk) (s) < e} , s £ R,
where for simplicity, M (<PA) denotes any between Go (<PA) and HGo ('PA) •
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Measures of Noncompactness for Fuzzy Subsets in Topological Space 111
3.4 M e a s u r e s of N o n c o m p a c t n e s s for F u z z y S u b s e t s i n
Topological Space
aM{A)= p| m(Aa),
m(Aa) C m(Af})).
2) If A is a classical set, then Aa — A for all a G (0,1] and aM (A) =
m(A). Therefore, in this case aM one reduces to the classical m in Defi-
nition 3.4.
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112 Defect of Property in Topology
A C (Vie/A-) sA1s...sAn,
Now, let ns be the set of all open s-covers of (X, T) ,CS - V (KS) the
family of all subsets of 7r 5 , ordered by the relation A < Q if and only if
Ci C A , VA, Q G C S , where C means the classical inclusion. Then, obviously
(Cs, < ) is a complete lattice with the minimal element 0^ = ns.
We can introduce the following.
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Measures of Noncompactness for Fuzzy Subsets in Topological Space 113
m £ (A) = { p . e 7r 5 ;Ve > 0,36f C £>*, finite, <S» = {(Aj)j€J,A\ ..., Ap}
msL (A) < msc (A) (i.e. msc (A) C msL (A)).
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114 Defect oj Property in Topology
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aM(A)naM{B) = I Q m ( ^ a ) ) n ( f] m(Ba)
\«e(o,i] / \ae(o,i]
= f) (m(Aa)C\m(Ba)) = f] m((AV B)a)
»6(o,i] «e(o,i]
= aM(AVB).
The next example proves that the inequality in (iv) can be strict.
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Measures of Noncompactness for Fuzzy Subsets in Topological Space 115
t \
aM(B) D m(Ba) | fl •((-oo,0]),
\«6(0,i] \ae(i,i]
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116 Defect of Property in Topology
A, that is
A C (Vk€KAk)sAklI...sAk".
which implies that ICllC — i (Aj)-eKuL ,Akl,..., Ak», Ah, ...,Alr > is a finite
s-subcover (in V) of A V S. This proves that V £ m^ (A V B) .
(iv) The proof is evident by (ii). •
The next examples prove that for s = So and s = SQO the converse
statement in (i) can be false even if A is C-closed (i.e. in the Chang's
sense, see Chang [54]).
Example 3.14 Let X = R be endowed with the quasi-fuzzy topol-
ogy Tp = {D; D (x) = c £ [0,1], \/x £ R } . If s = s0, where s0 (x, y) —
max(x,y) is the triangular conorm corresponding to the usual union, then
the fuzzy set A (x) = | , Vz G X is a C-closed fuzzy set and obviously
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TF = {/„ : X - ^ [ 0 , l ] ; / „ ( a : ) = l - ^ ) n € N * ) n - e v e n | u
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Measures of Noncompactness for Fuzzy Subsets in Topological Space 117
X = (V,-6/Ai) s 0O A 1 s 0O ...s 0O A m s 0O (1 - A) .
1 = max {A- (x) ;i£ J} s00Ahl (x) Soo ...scaAk" (x) sTC (1 -A(x)),Vx G X,
l = B(x)8oo{l-A{x))tVxeX,
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118 Deject of Property in Topology
• sat ^ i At \ U B(x)-A(x) +2 \B(x)-A(x)\
1 = mm{B(x) = 1-A(x),l}= ,
0= (B(x)-A(x))-\B(x)-A(x)\,Vx£X.
This immediately implies A(x) < B (x) ,\/x £ X, where B (x) is a finite
2) Let (X,Tp) be an arbitrary quasi-fuzzy topological space (not nec-
essarily (C,Soo)-compact) and A C X,A being C-closed and satisfying
m£~ (A) = 0c°°- If moreover ,4 (a;) > 1 - £ 0 ,Vx G X (where £ 0 G (0, § ) )
then for any e G [eo, 1] and any 5oo-cover of A, there is a finite Soo-subcover
of A - e.
Indeed, let A C (VieiAi) 's00Al's00...'s00Am = B. Reasoning exactly as
the above remark, we get X = BSco (1 — A), and taking into account t h a t
msc°° (A) = 0;?°°, we can write
A C (\JiejAi)'soaAkl's00...s00Ak<'
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A C {ViejAi)s00Akls00...'s00Ak<>s00 (1 - A),
2A-1C (Vi€jAi)scoAklsO0...s00Ak'>.
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Measures of Noncompactness for Fuzzy Subsets in Topological Space 119
max (A (a;) - e , 0 ) < (\ZkeKAk) (x) sAkl (x) s...sAk" (x) ,Va; G X.
Also, there exist a finite subset L C I and {/i, ...,/ r } C {1, ...,n} such that
The equality
max((.4(a:) V B ( i ) ) - e , 0 )
< {VJZKULAJ) (X) sAkl (x) s...sAk" (x) sAh (x) s...sA1'- (x),
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120 Defect of Property in Topology
Definition 3.26 Let (X, T) be a topological space and (T, < r ) an upward
directed set. Then (A^ G I X ; 7 G r ) is called decreasing net if fi < r 72
implies A ^ C A™. If (Y,TF) is a quasi-fuzzy (or fuzzy) (see e.g. Lowen
[136], p.622) topological space, then a m a p p i n g F : X —¥ IY will be called
fuzzy set-valued m a p p i n g (see e.g. Gal [85]).
We can present the following two results which are extensions of the
Theorems 1 and 2 in K u p k a - T o m a [128].
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Measures of Noncompactness for Fuzzy Subsets in Topological Space 121
V{B}£C,3lo£T:BC f| m ( A ™ ) , V 7 > r To
or equivalently
that is
limm (i4W) = 0 c , V a G ( 0 , l ] .
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122 Deject of Property in Topology
= limm
o-k nm(0) = Oc.
T h e o r e m 3.19 £e£ (A", T) fee a topological space, (T, <p) an upward di-
rected set and (Y, TF) a quasi-fuzzy topological space. If (F(T) : X ->• J y ;
7 6 T) zs a decreasing net of (a)-u.s.c. fuzzy set-valued mappings on X
such that each F^"1' (x) = Ax is a closed fuzzy set (in the sense of Propo-
sition 3.3 in Weiss [220]) which satisfies condition (3.5) in Theorem 3.18
and if for each x £ XAimy^rotM [Ax') = Oc, then the fuzzy set-valued
mapping F : X —t IY given by F (x) = A 7 e r ^ ' 7 ^ (x) ,x £ X, is (a)-u.s.c.
on X, with nonempty and compact values (in the sense of the Definition
3.5 in Weiss [220]).
Proof. limygraM lij. 1 ') = 0C, Vx G X implies (see the proof of Theo-
rem 3.18),
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Fa : X^V(Y),
Fa(x) = f][F^(x))a
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Measures of Noncompactness for Fuzzy Subsets in Topological Space 123
We present
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124 Defect of Property in Topology
0f~ = l i m m £ ~ ( A ( 7 ) ) = inf [ m ^ ° ( ^ h ) ) , 7 G r }
> m£~ ( A 7 6 M ) = ™c~ (A) > 0|~,
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Dejects of Opening and of Closure for Subsets in Metric Space 125
(AyzrA^') (x) = ^,Va; £ X and A is not (C, s)-compact (see also the
example after Theorem 3.16).
At the end of this section, we briefly present another kind of measure
of noncompactness in fuzzy topological spaces.
Let (X,Tp) be an arbitrary fuzzy topological space.
Definition 3.31 (Lowen-Lowen [137]). We say that X is (a, e)-compact
(where a £ (0,1] ,£ £ (0,a)) if each open a-cover has a finite sub-(a,e)-
We say that X is a + -compact (where a £ (0,1]) if it is (a, s)-compact for
all e £ (0,a).
We say that X is ^"-compact if it is (a, e)-compa,ct for all a £ (s, 1).
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126 Defect of Property in Topology
for all convex Y C X, when (X, ||-||) is a normed space and p(x,y) =
Ik - 2/11 (by using the relation Y = intY for convex Y, see e.g. Popa [165],
p. 13).
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Bibliographical Remarks and Open Problems 127
D* (Y Y\ = 1 °' if Yi = Y2
1 U V
\ sup {p(y1,y2)]yl£Yl,y2£Y2}, ifYx^Y2,
where Vb {X) = {Y C (X, p) ; Y ^ 0, Y is bounded} (we recall that by def-
inition Y is bounded if diam (Y) = sup {p (x, y) ;x,y £ Y] < +oo).
dCL(D*)(\Y) = \dCL(D*)(Y),V\>0;
dOP{D*)(XY) = XdOp(D*)(Y),VX>0.
Proof. While the first two relations are obvious, the last two relations
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Definitions 3.12-3.14, 3.16, 3.19, 3.20, Theorems 3.9, 3.12-3.14 and Corol-
laries 3.1, 3.2 are in Gal [84], Theorems 3.10, 3.11 are in Gal [85], Definitions
3.21-3.24, 3.26-3.28, 3.30 and Theorems 3.15-3.21 are in Ban-Gal [22]. New
are Definition 3.34 and Theorem 3.23.
O p e n problem 3.1 An open problem is to introduce and study concepts
of measures of noncompactness for fuzzy subsets of a PM-space. In what
follows we point out some helpful details. Firstly we need to recall some
concepts in random analysis.
It is known (see e.g. Istratescu [105], p.25) that to any usual metric space
(5, p) can be attached the so-called simple probabilistic metric space of
Menger-type, for any *-norm T, denoted by (S,FP,T), with Fp : S x
S -> A defined by Fft,{x) = G(x/p(r,s)), if r ^ 8,Fft,(x) = H (x),
if r = s, where G £ A is fixed and satisfies limn-KxjG (x) = 1 and
H(x) = 0, if x < 0,H{x) = 1, if x > 0. Also, if ( S i , F , T ) and (S2,G,T)
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128 Deject of Property in Topology
are two PM-spaces, by the T-product of them we mean the ordered triplet
(Si x S2,T(F,G),T), where T(F,G) : (Si x S2) x (Si x S2) - • A is de-
fined for all r,s £ Si x S2, r = (ri, r2), s — (s\, s2) by
(see e.g. Egbert [69], Xavier [226], Istratescu [105], p.81-82). Given (S, F, T)
a PM-space of Menger-type, by a fuzzy subset of it we mean a mapping
A : S —> [0,1]. Let us attach to the metric space ([0,1] ,p) ,p* (x,y) =
\x — y\, its PM-space ([0,1], Fp , T) and let us consider its T-product with
(S, F, T), that is (S x [0,1], T (F, F"') , T).
In Gal [83] were introduced the concept of probabilistic HausdorfF distance
between two fuzzy subsets A,B of (S, F, T), by
D{p (A, B) (x) = supT ( inf sup T (F, FP') (r, s) (t),
t<x \r6G0(A)s£Go(B) \ J
If sup {Dp (A) (x); x 6 R } = 1 then we say that the fuzzy set A is proba-
bilistically bounded.
Then we can introduce the random probabilistic Kuratowski's and Haus-
dorff's measures of noncompactness of the fuzzy set A, by
with Dp (At) [x) > e and A (t) < sup {Aj (t); i = M } , Vt G S}
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Bibliographical Remarks and Open Problems 129
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Chapter 4
Gal, Sorin G., and Adrian I. Ban. Defects of Properties in Mathematics, edited by Sorin G. Gal, and Adrian I. Ban,
World Scientific Publishing Company, 2002. ProQuest Ebook Central, .
Created from boglib on 2016-12-29 04:29:34.
132 Deject of Property in Measure Theory
a„ (n) = sup •
** IM< -I>(^-)
Gal, Sorin G., and Adrian I. Ban. Defects of Properties in Mathematics, edited by Sorin G. Gal, and Adrian I. Ban,
World Scientific Publishing Company, 2002. ProQuest Ebook Central, .
Created from boglib on 2016-12-29 04:29:34.
Deject of Additivity: Basic Definitions and Properties 133
A{ £A,Air)Aj = 0,i ^ j}
At G A, Vi e N , A,- n A,- = 0, i # j }
We have
** \UA': -X>M=
^ IM -I>(^-) < lim a„ (//)
"5> ( j 4 < ) ^ IM -&(^«-
< aoo (//) ,
therefore an (fi) < a ^ (/x) , Vn > 2. Passing to limit with n —> oo, we get
lim n ( / i ) < a T O (//) •
As a conclusion,
Gal, Sorin G., and Adrian I. Ban. Defects of Properties in Mathematics, edited by Sorin G. Gal, and Adrian I. Ban,
World Scientific Publishing Company, 2002. ProQuest Ebook Central, .
Created from boglib on 2016-12-29 04:29:34.
134 Defect of Property in Measure Theory
(Hi) We get
n \ n
| » M U S) - A* (i4) -p(B)\<p(X), VA, B & A,
Copyright © 2002. World Scientific Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
then we obtain
MCM* -i>(* = C U * -&(^)<A*W
<»'=! »'=1 U=l t= l
Example 4.2 If po is the fuzzy measure which models the total ignorance
(see Dubois-Prade [64], p.128), that is pi0 : V (X) -> [0,1], pi0(A) - 0 if
A 7^ X and /io(^4) = 1 if A = X, then an (po) — 1 for all n > 2. Indeed,
because / J 0 ( X ) - ^0 (A) - p0 (X \ A) = 1,VA € V(X),A £ X,A ± 0
we have 02(^0) > 1, that is (see Theorem 4.1, (i)) a n (//0) > l,Vn > 2.
Gal, Sorin G., and Adrian I. Ban. Defects of Properties in Mathematics, edited by Sorin G. Gal, and Adrian I. Ban,
World Scientific Publishing Company, 2002. ProQuest Ebook Central, .
Created from boglib on 2016-12-29 04:29:34.