Lecture 3
Lecture 3
Lecture 3
M. Siddikov
October 4, 2019
Today’s topics:
Short recap
Principle of minimal action. Lagrangian
of the system.
Motion in central field. Kepler’s problem
Motion of pointlike mass in external field
The three laws of Newton describe all
the dynamics of the mechanical system.
The first law of Newton
If the net force (the vector sum of all forces Laplace’s determinism
acting on an object) is zero, then the velocity The dynamics of the particle is fully
of the object is constant. determined by its initial position and
The second law of Newton
Newton’s formalism is universal, yet
direct solution of (1) sometimes might
d~p d~v ~ (~r , ~v , t) be challenging due to complicated
=m = m ~a = F (1)
dt dt differential equation, unknown reaction
forces etc.
The third law of Newton
All forces between two objects exist in equal Example: par- .
magnitude and opposite direction: if one ticle of mass m
object A exerts a force FA on a second object sliding without
B, then B simultaneously exerts a force FB friction along
on A, and F ~ A = −F
~B .
the wire in the
homogenous gravitational field. Reac-
tion force is unknown
Conservation laws in external field
Momentum conservation
The angular momentum of the particle
If the projection of the force F~ on some ~ = ~r × ~p satisfies
direction ~n is zero, then the projection of
the momentum ~p on this direction is dM~
~ ≡ ~r × F
=K ~,
conserved: dt
d~p ~ (1) ~ is called torque.
where K
Angular momentum conservation
d (~n · ~p )
~ = 0 ⇒ ~p ·~n = const
= ~n · F ~ is zero, all components
dt If the torque K
of M~ are conserved. If projection of the
torque K~ on some direction ~n is zero,
Energy conservation
K · n = 0, then projection of M ~ on that
The pointlike mass m moves in the direction is conserved,
potential field U(~x ), so that the force
acting on particle is conservative, M · n = const
~ = −∇U. Then the energy of the system
Conservation laws (integrals of mo-
m ~v 2 tion) simplify consideration, and in the
E = + U (~x )
2 simplest cases allow to integrate the sys-
tem completely
is conserved along the trajectory.
Minimal action (Hamilton) principle
Formulation in terms of Equations of Newton
is useful, yet is not unique
Formalism of Lagrange in bibliography
Start with Lagrangian formulation and min-
imal action principle (we will see later) Symon: Chapter 9
Marion: Chapter 7
Comment on formalism of Lagrange Goldstein: Chapter 2
Very powerful tool Fetter, Walecka: Chapter 3
Equivalent to the 2nd law of Newton in Landau: Chapter 1
Cartesian coordinates
We will consider in parallel with both
More convenient & easy in curvilinear
approaches, based on 2nd law of New-
ton and approach of Lagrange
Easy to implement conservation laws
We’ll consider it in parallel with 2nd law of
Newton to compare side-by-side and see the
For central motion it allows to integrate
equations of motion much easier
Applicable only for conservative forces
~ = ∇U), not for dissipative forces
Assume that F[q] is a functional of
Functional and functional minimization
q(t) and its derivatives q̇, q̈,..., which
Function vs. functional
has a form
(Scalar) function f (~x ): mapping of space Z t2
R3 → R1 F[q] = dt L (q, q̇, q̈, ...)
Functional: mapping of the space of t1
functions to R1 . δF ∂L d
:= − +
δq(t) ∂q(t) dt ∂ q̇
E.g. if q(t) is some function, then
Z t2 p ... + (−1)n n
F[q] = dt 1 + q̇ 2 (t), ... dt ∂q (n)
The quantity δF/δq is called functional
Examples of functional minimization problems If qe (t) is a local extremum (mini-
Shortest distance between two points mum or maximum), then
Trajectory which allows fastest travel from
= 0. for all t
(x1 , y1 ) to (x2 , y2 ) in a given field δq(t) q=qe (t)
[Brachistochrone problem]
(similar to what we have for the func-
Surface of minimal area connecting two
∂L d ∂L
− =0
∂qx dt ∂ q̇x
|{z} |{z}
=0 =px
Conservation laws in lagrangian formalism
Energy conservation Formulation in Lagrangian formalism:
The pointlike mass m moves in the If the lagrangian of the system doesn’t
potential field U(~x ), so that the force depend on time explicitly,
acting on particle is conservative,
~ = −∇U. Then the energy of the
F ∀λ , L(~x , ~x˙ , t + λ) = L(~x , ~x˙ , t)
then the energy of the system
m ~v 2
E = + U (~x )
2 X ∂L
E ≡ q̇a −L=T +U
is conserved along the trajectory. a
∂ q̇a
is conserved
dE X ∂L X d ∂L dL
= q̈a + q̇a − =
dt a
∂ q̇a a
dt ∂ q̇a dt
X ∂L H X ∂L
q̈ + Hq̇H −
a a
a ∂ q̇a a
X ∂L X ∂L
− Hq̇H − q̈a = 0
∂ q̇a
Conservation laws in external field
• According to definition,
Angular momentum conservation dM~
~ · ~n
· ~n = ~r × F
If projection of the torque K~ on some dt
direction ~n is zero, K · n = 0, then • L does not change under rotations, so
projection of M ~ on that direction is
conserved, dL ∂L ∂ra ∂L ∂ ṙa ∂L
0= = + +
dφ ∂φ ∂φ ∂ra ∂φ ∂ ṙa
M · n = const |{z} |{z} |{z}
=Fa =pa
Euler-Lagrange equations
δF ∂L d ∂L
0= = −
δq ∂qk dt ∂ q̇k
Lagrangian formalism
The lagrangian in terms of variables ra .
Minimal action principle (Hamilton) 3
X µab (r ) ṙa ṙb
L=T −U = − U (ra )
For each dynamical system there is a 2
functional called “action”
Z t2 3
X ∂qk ∂qk
S= L (qi , q̇k , t) dt µab (r ) = m
t1 ∂ra ∂rb
X ∂qk ∂qk
µab (r ) = m
∂ra ∂rb