6 Readmission With Major Abdominal
6 Readmission With Major Abdominal
6 Readmission With Major Abdominal
Article history: Background: Despite improvements in operative techniques, major abdominal complica-
Received 10 March 2020 tions (MACs) continue to occur after penetrating abdominal trauma (PAT). This study
Received in revised form aimed to evaluate the burden of MAC after PAT.
13 July 2020 Methods: The (2012-2015) National Readmission Database was queried for all adult (age
Accepted 18 July 2020 18 y) trauma patients with penetrating injuries who underwent exploratory laparotomy
Available online xxx and were readmitted within 6 mo of index hospitalization discharge. Patients were strat-
ified by firearm injuries (FIs) and stab injuries (SIs). Primary outcomes were rates of MAC:
Keywords: intra-abdominal abscesses (IAAs), superficial surgical site infection (SSI), and fascial
Major abdominal complications dehiscence within 6 mo after discharge. Secondary outcomes were both nonabdominal
Readmission complications and mortality, postdischarge, and 6-mo readmission. Regression analysis
Penetrating abdominal trauma was performed.
Damage control laparotomy Results: A total of 4473 patients (FI, 2326; SI, 2147) were included in the study; the mean age
was 32 14 y, the Injury Severity Score was 19 (15-25), and 23% underwent damage control
laparotomy (DCL). The rate of MAC within 6 mo was 22% (IAA 19%, SSI 7%, and fascial
dehiscence 4%). Patients with FIs had a higher rate of IAA (27% versus 10%; P < 0.01), SSI
(11% versus 3%; P < 0.01), fascial dehiscence (5% versus 3%; P ¼ 0.03), nonabdominal com-
plications (54% versus 24%; P < 0.01), and postdischarge mortality (8% versus 6%; P < 0.01)
compared with patients with SIs . On regression analysis, DCL (P < 0.01), large bowel
perforation (P < 0.01), biliary-pancreatic injury (P < 0.01), hepatic injury (P < 0.01), and blood
transfusion (P ¼ 0.02) were predictors of MAC.
Conclusions: MAC developed in one in five patients after PAT. FIs have a higher potential for
hollow viscus injury and peritoneal contamination, and are more predictive of MAC and
nonabdominal complications, especially after DCL.
Level of Evidence: Level III Prognostic.
ª 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Quickshot Presentation at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, San Francisco, California, October 27-31, 2019.
* Corresponding author. Division of Trauma, Critical Care, and Emergency Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Arizona, 1501 N.
Campbell Avenue, Room 5411 P.O. Box 245063 Tucson, AZ 85724. Tel.: þ1 520 626 5056; fax: þ1 520 626 5016.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Joseph).
0022-4804/$ e see front matter ª 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
70 j o u r n a l o f s u r g i c a l r e s e a r c h j a n u a r y 2 0 2 1 ( 2 5 7 ) 6 9 e7 8
patients with trauma from multiple centers for quality A multivariable logistic regression model was used to
improvement and benchmarking.9 We reported the 6-mo perform the analysis to determine the predictors of MAC
incidence of superficial SSI, which is a superficial infection within 6 mo postoperatively, while adjusting for measurable
located at the surgical incision. We also collected data on confounding variables. In this regression analysis, we
hospital charges throughout the patients’ index hospitaliza- adjusted for demographic characteristics (age, gender, pri-
tion along with hospital-related variables, such as bed size mary expected payer, and median household income), indi-
(categorized into small, medium, or large based on variable vidual comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic
cutoff points depending on the urban-rural designation of the obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, pe-
hospital), ownership, location, and teaching status. ripheral vascular disease, liver failure, chronic kidney disease,
obesity, alcohol use disorder, autoimmune disease, and being
Damage control versus definitive management underweight), injury parameters (ISS, body regions Abbrevi-
ated Injury Scale, bowel, hepatic, biliary-pancreatic, gastric,
Temporary abdominal closure, as used in the setting of splenic, and kidney, ureter, and bladder injuries), manage-
damage control surgery, is not defined by a single ICD-9 code. ment approach (DCL versus DL), admission physiological de-
Patients who underwent an exploratory laparotomy were rangements (hypothermia, coagulopathy, and acidosis), and
identified using the two ICD-9 codes: 54.11 and 54.19 (explor- hospital parameters.
atory laparotomy and other laparotomy, respectively). DCL was To evaluate the association between each potential pre-
defined as a second laparotomy based on the recurrence of the dictor variable and the development of MAC, we performed a
same two ICD-9 codes or the additional presence of the ICD-9 univariate analysis. Potential predictors with a P value <0.2
code 54.12 (reopening of recent laparotomy site). The number of were then included in the multivariable logistic regression
code recurrences was also used to decode the number of model. Variables were considered significant predictors of
abdominal re-explorations. DL was defined as those without a MAC at a P value <0.05. We then performed the Hosmer-
second laparotomy or a reopening of a recent laparotomy site. Lemeshow test to assess the fitness of our overall model. In
our logistic regression model, the Hosmer-Lemeshow test
exceeded 0.05 and the tolerance was >0.1 for all independent
Transferred patients
variables with a variance inflation factor of <10.0. A Kaplan-
Meier survival analysis was performed to ascertain the me-
On the transfer of patients to another institution, the NRD
dian time to developing MAC in both groups. The median time
does not allow the hospitalization at the receiving hospital to
to developing MAC was compared using the log-rank test. A
be counted as a readmission. The database collapses the pairs
subanalysis comparing outcomes among patients who un-
of records representing a transfer into a single “combined”
derwent DCL was performed to evaluate the effect of the
record and removes the original separate discharge records.
number of subsequent laparotomies on outcomes. We
considered a P value of <0.05 as statistically significant. All
Outcome measures statistical analyses were performed using the Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, version 23; SPSS, Inc,
Primary outcome measures were the 6-mo incidence of MAC: Armonk, NY).
IAA, superficial SSI, and fascial dehiscence. Secondary out-
comes were the 6-mo incidence of nonabdominal complica-
tions (acute respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia, Results
myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, deep vein
thrombosis, and acute renal failure), mortality, and read- A total of 4799 patients with trauma met the inclusion and
mission. Both primary and secondary outcomes were exclusion criteria of the study, of which 4473 survived their
collected in the postdischarge period. index admission and were followed longitudinally. Figure 1
represents the patient flow diagram. The mean age was
Statistical analysis 33 14 y and 87% were male. Most patients belonged to the
lowest income quartile (48%) and were covered by Medicaid
To decide on the optimal statistical test to compare variables (32%), followed by self-pay (24%) and private insurance (20%).
across the two groups, we performed normality testing In addition, 37% of patients had associated comorbidities
including the Shapiro-Wilk test, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (Charlson Comorbidity Index >0). In terms of their injuries,
test, visual inspection of histograms for continuous vari- most patients sustained moderate injuries, as the median ISS
ables, and Q-Q plots to assess alignment with normal theo- was 10 (4-18), and 35% sustained serious injuries (ISS >15).
retical quantiles. Continuous parametric data were reported The most commonly injured organ was the small bowel
as means (with standard deviations), continuous nonpara- (15%), followed by the liver (12%), large bowel (10%), genito-
metric data were reported as medians (with interquartile urinary organs (8%), and biliary-pancreatic organs (5%).
ranges), and categorical data were reported as proportions. To Moreover, 17% of the sample had at least one element of
analyze the differences between the two groups on a univar- hypotension, coagulopathy, or hypothermia. A total of 1031
iate level, we used the chi-square tests for categorical vari- (23%) patients underwent DCL, and the remaining patients
ables, the Mann-Whitney U-tests for continuous underwent a DL. Of those who underwent DCL, the median
nonparametric data, and the independent Student t-tests for number of subsequent laparotomies was 1 (1-2). The median
continuous parametric data. index hospital length of stay was 7 (3-13) d, and the median
72 j o u r n a l o f s u r g i c a l r e s e a r c h j a n u a r y 2 0 2 1 ( 2 5 7 ) 6 9 e7 8
index hospitalization health care charges were $72,200 mortality (8% versus 6%; P < 0.01). Table 2 outlines the uni-
($36,569-$157,650). Most patients were admitted to hospitals variate analysis of outcomes. On Kaplan-Meier survival anal-
of large bed size (69%), which were private nonprofit owned ysis, the overall median time to developing MAC was 8 (6-13)
(63%) and were located in large metropolitan areas (60%). d. Patients in the FI group had a significantly shorter time to
Overall, 82% of patients were admitted to teaching hospitals. developing MAC relative to patients with SI (7 [6-12] versus 10
Table 1 outlines the baseline characteristics of the study [8-14] d; P < 0.01). Figure 2 outlines the development of MAC
sample. over time for the two study groups.
In comparison to patients with SIs, patients with FIs were On multivariable regression analysis, FIs were an inde-
younger (P < 0.01), more likely to be male (P < 0.01), in the pendent predictor of MAC (odds ratio [OR] 1.4 [1.11-1.77];
lowest income quartile (P < 0.01), and covered by Medicare P < 0.01) relative to SIs. Other significant predictors were
(P < 0.01). However, patients with FIs were less likely to have DCL (OR 1.63 [1.19-2.24]; P < 0.01) versus DL, large bowel
comorbid conditions (P < 0.01) relative to those in the SI group. penetration (OR 2.56 [1.98-3.3]; P < 0.01), biliary-pancreatic
In terms of their injuries, victims of FIs had a higher ISS injury (OR 1.64 [1.13-2.36]; P < 0.01), hepatic injury (OR 1.57
(P < 0.01) and a greater proportion of serious injuries (P < 0.01) [1.21-2.04]; P < 0.01), age 65 y (OR 1.13 [1.09-1.27]; P < 0.01),
relative to those in the SI group. They were also more likely to packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusion (OR 1.27 [1.04-1.56];
sustain small bowel (P < 0.01), large bowel (P < 0.01), hepatic P ¼ 0.02). Of all the comorbidities included in the model, the
(P < 0.01), biliary-pancreatic (P < 0.01), and genitourinary in- presence of alcohol use disorder (OR 2.69 [2.14-3.33]; P < 0.01),
juries (P < 0.01). A higher proportion of patients in the FI group diabetes mellitus (OR 3.31 [2.13-5.14]; P < 0.01), autoimmune
underwent DCL (P < 0.01) relative to those in the SI group. diseases (OR 5.21 [3.05-6.17]; P < 0.01), and being underweight
The usage of a cell saver transfusion was restricted to 1% of (OR 1.51 [1.12-2.03]; P < 0.01) were associated with the occur-
the patient population. For these patients, 67% had hepatic rence of MAC. However, cell saver transfusion was not asso-
injuries, 48% had biliary-pancreatic injuries, 20% had kidney- ciated with the occurrence of MAC (OR 0.68 [0.52-1.27];
ureter-bladder injuries, 10% had omental injuries, and 4.1% P ¼ 0.65). Table 3 outlines the independent predictors of
had small and large bowel injuries. MAC obtained from multivariable regression analysis.
The overall 6-mo incidence of MAC was 22% (IAA 19%, SSI On subanalysis of patients who underwent DCL, 1031 pa-
7%, and fascial dehiscence 4%), postdischarge mortality was tients were identified and restratified into those who under-
7%, and 19% of the patients were readmitted within 6 mo. On went a single subsequent laparotomy (SL) (824 [80%]) and
univariate analysis, patients with FIs were more likely to those who underwent more than one SL (207 [20%]). Relative to
develop an IAA (27% versus 10%; P < 0.01), SSI (11% versus 3%; those who underwent one SL, those who underwent more
P < 0.01), fascial dehiscence (5% versus 3%; P ¼ 0.03), and than one SL had higher rates of IAA (34% versus 26%; P < 0.01),
nonabdominal complications (54% versus 24%; P < 0.01) within SSI (26% versus 15%; P < 0.01), fascial dehiscence (87% versus
6 mo postoperatively than patients with SI. In addition, pa- 77%; P < 0.01), and 6-mo postdischarge mortality (6% versus
tients with FI had a higher rate of 6-mo postdischarge 2%; P ¼ 0.004). However, no difference was found in the rate of
hanna et al abdominal complications after trauma 73
Table 1 e (continued )
Variables Overall Firearm injury Stab injury P
(n ¼ 4473) (n ¼ 2326) (n ¼ 2147) value
Medium 939 (21) 582 (25) 386 (18) <0.01
Large 3086 (69) 1605 (69) 1481 (69) 0.13
Government 1163 (26) 628 (27) 537 (25) 0.14
Private nonprofit 2818 (63) 1465 (63) 1374 (64) 0.38
Private investor owned 492 (11) 233 (10) 258 (12) 0.17
Large metropolitan 2684 (60) 1535 (66) 1181 (55) <0.01
Small metropolitan 1655 (37) 768 (33) 859 (40) <0.01
Micropolitan 89 (2) 23 (1) 86 (4) <0.01
Rural 45 (1) 23 (1) 21 (1) 0.88
Teaching hospital 3668 (82) 1977 (85) 1696 (79) <0.01
AIS ¼ Abbreviated Injury Scale; CCI ¼ Charlson Comorbidity Index; IQR ¼ interquartile range; ISS ¼ Injury Severity Score; KUB ¼ kidney-ureter-
bladder; LOS ¼ length of stay; RBC ¼ red blood cell; SD ¼ standard deviation.
6-mo readmission (34% versus 23%; P ¼ 0.116). Table 4 outlines also promotes preventive practices that improve the quality of
the results of the subanalysis of patients who underwent DCL. care and reduce readmission rates.
Despite multiple improvements in operative interventions,
peritoneal irrigation, the range of available antibiotics, and
critical care, the incidence of MAC remains relatively high,
Discussion and it should be taken into consideration when evaluating the
safety and quality of care at trauma centers. There are no
The results of our study indicate that in a cohort of operatively recent reports describing the overall incidence of MAC over a
managed PAT patients with moderate to severe injury who long-term period, and many studies evaluating these com-
underwent exploratory laparotomy on admission, approxi- plications vary in terms of their follow-up period. Morales
mately one in five patients will develop MAC within 6 mo et al.11 conducted a prospective cohort study of 916 abdominal
postoperatively. They also indicate that there is a spectrum of trauma patients who underwent an exploratory laparotomy
MAC (i.e., IAA, fascial dehiscence, and SSIs) that can occur aiming to estimate the incidence of intra-abdominal in-
with significant rates in the postdischarge period. The data fections over 30 d after operative intervention and to identify
demonstrated multiple factors that increase the likelihood of pertinent risk factors that contribute to the overall incidence.
MAC, including firearm involvement, patient age, and man- They reported that the incidence of abdominal infections was
agement approach (DCL versus DL). These complications may 11%, which is lower than the incidence reported in our study.
require the escalation of the acuity of care and lead to multiple Despite a comparable ISS between the two cohorts, there are
organ failure, abdominal wall defects, and possibly gastroin- multiple reasons that could potentially explain this discrep-
testinal tract fistulae.10 Understanding these factors is of ancy. They studied a relatively younger patient population
paramount importance to clinicians who need to risk stratify and used an age cutoff of 12 y. There was also a significantly
patients and gauge their index of suspicion in the setting of a lower rate of utilization of DCL as only 2% of their patients
readmission event. The identification of patients at high risk underwent an abbreviated procedure. We hypothesize that
IAA ¼ intra-abdominal abscess; IQR ¼ interquartile range; Non-abdominal complications ¼ ¼ acute respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia,
myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, or acute renal failure; SSI ¼ surgical site infection.
hanna et al abdominal complications after trauma 75
Fig. 2 e Major abdominal complication development over time. Color version of figure is available online.
the major reason for the observed discrepancy is the differ- but could be related to immunologic alterations and immu-
ences in the mechanism of injury between the two patient nologically active substances, such as cytokines, histamine,
cohorts. Only 10% of their patient sample sustained PAT, and proinflammatory lipids usually found in stored PRBC
whereas the majority sustained a blunt abdominal trauma units.15 Intraoperative cell salvage was not commonly used in
unlike our patient cohort where all patients presented with our patient cohort, and it did not increase the odds of MAC.
PAT. When examining their data for the rate of abdominal However, its usage was restricted to patients with relatively
infections including only patients with SIs or FIs, the inci- lower peritoneal contamination. A randomized controlled
dence would be 18.1%, which is roughly in line with the trial by Bowley et al.16 concluded that the use of cell salvage
findings of our study. did not lead to an increase in the rates of infection and mor-
On multivariable logistic regression analysis after adjust- tality in patients with PAT. Although the effect of cell salvage
ing for measurable imbalances between the two groups, we on infection rates is in line with the findings of that particular
observed that FIs had higher odds of MAC. Although different trial, our results do not completely support this conclusion
weapons have the potential to lead to injuries of varying given the low overall rate of utilization of cell salvage and
severity, stabbing weapons are usually more localized and lower degree of peritoneal contamination.
may have a lower depth of penetration, thus limiting the Patients who underwent DCL had significantly higher rates
insult to the peritoneal cavity.12 FI, however, may traverse the of complications. Apparently, the rates of MAC were
abdomen through a certain trajectory and at a higher velocity augmented when the number of re-exploration events was
of penetration, resulting in the potential to cause more dam- higher. George et al.17 conducted a matched analysis
age.11 Consequently, the degree of peritoneal contamination comparing DL to DCL. Although there were sample size limi-
may differ when considering the weapon causing PAT. All tations in the study that could have led to a type 2 error, pa-
these circumstances may dictate the eventual probability of tients who underwent DCL had clinically significant higher
infection. Not surprisingly, injuries with a higher potential for rates of MAC and fascial dehiscence. This could be attributed
peritoneal contamination were found to be independent pre- to the morbidity of temporary abdominal closure.18-22 A trial is
dictors of MAC, such as large bowel penetration, biliary- being conducted regarding this question to provide definitive
pancreatic injury, and hepatic injuries. Regardless of injury answers on the benefits and risks of DCL.23 Regardless of the
patterns and operative interventions, there are also pertinent impact of DCL, the percentage of patients who underwent DCL
intraoperative variables that played a role in determining the in our patient cohort approaches the upper limit of what was
incidence of MAC. reported in the literature. According to estimates, up to 25% of
Receiving a PRBC transfusion, which could be intra- trauma patients undergoing emergent exploration of the
operative or not intraoperative, was found to be indepen- abdomen may be unsuitable for primary fascial closure at the
dently associated with adverse outcomes. This is in index operation.24
agreement with the existing body of literature.13,14 The Multiple measures can be taken to limit the occurrence of
mechanisms behind this association are not fully understood, MAC. Timely exploration of the abdomen25 to control
76 j o u r n a l o f s u r g i c a l r e s e a r c h j a n u a r y 2 0 2 1 ( 2 5 7 ) 6 9 e7 8
IAA ¼ intra-abdominal abscess; Nonabdominal complications ¼ acute respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia, myocardial infarction,
pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, or acute renal failure; SL ¼ subsequent laparotomy; SSI ¼ surgical site infection.
hanna et al abdominal complications after trauma 77
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