XU Et Al., 2010
XU Et Al., 2010
XU Et Al., 2010
DOI 10.1007/s11356-010-0345-8
Received: 4 December 2009 / Accepted: 17 May 2010 / Published online: 30 May 2010
# Springer-Verlag 2010
High nutrient levels in eutrophic and poorly flushed eutrophic freshwaters worldwide. Kurmayer and Kutzenberger
waters are regarded as the main influencing factors for the (2003) reported that the proportion of MC genotypes with
growth of cyanobacteria water blooms (Philipp et al. 1991; Microcystis was low in Lake Wannsee, Berlin. Vaitomaa et
Paerl et al. 2001). Considerable effort has also been made al. (2003) detected both nontoxic and toxic Anabaena in
to elucidate the relationship between cyanotoxin production Lake Hiidenvesi, Helsinki. The presence of toxic genotypic
and phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) concentration (Vézie Microcystis had been found to be positively correlated with
et al. 2002; Downing et al. 2005). Higher P concentrations the nitrate concentrations or total phosphorus (TP) concen-
have been found to cause higher or lower or unchanged trations (Yoshida et al. 2007; Rinta-Kanto et al. 2009).
cyanotoxin levels, respectively, based on investigations However, these studies focused on spatial and temporal
from different laboratories (Utkilen and Gjolme 1995; Oh dynamics of toxic Microcystis during the water bloom
et al. 2000). Field studies have also reached inconsistent seasons and did not pay much attention to the dynamics of
conclusions, with MC production being found to be either Microcystis spp. under unfavorable environmental conditions
positively or negatively correlated with various forms of P before and after the water bloom season. The present study
and N (Wicks and Thiel 1990; Lahti et al. 1997). However, was primarily designed to examine the dynamics of Micro-
little fieldwork has been done to examine how nutrients cystis populations using quantitative PCR method in an
affect the growth of toxic and nontoxic subpopulations urban lake, Lake Xuanwu, from August 2005 to
within Microcystis populations. November 2006. The aim of this study was to (1)
Several studies indicate that Microcystis species rapidly determine temporal and vertical dynamics of water
grew in the water column at the end of spring and then bloom dominating Microcystis in Lake Xuanwu during
dominated during summer period (Preston et al. 1980; the entire year, (2) analyze environmental factors closely
Reynolds et al. 1981). However, Microcystis occurrence at related to Microcystis populations and MC-producing
unfavorable environmental conditions in winter and early Microcystis subpopulations, and (3) provide an insight
spring was also considered to play an important role in the into overwintering of Microcystis and summer recruitment
formation of subsequent water blooms, thus many studies of its numbers in a shallow urban lake.
have paid attention to cyanobacterial recruitment as
determining the contribution of Microcystis in sediments
to subsequent water blooms in the water column (Brunberg 2 Materials and methods
and Blomqvist 2002; Verspagen et al. 2004).
In China, it has recently been shown that many 2.1 Study site
freshwater shallow lakes in subtropical areas have encoun-
tered problems caused by eutrophication and cyanobacterial Lake Xuanwu (32°4′N, 118°47′E), a state-level scenic spot
blooms. Elucidating the mechanism of water bloom in Nanjing city, China, is an urban shallow lake (3.7 km2;
formation and the factors controlling cyanobacterial water mean depth, 1.9 m) located in the highly developed and
blooms have become two major tasks for scientists and lake densely populated Yangtze Delta of Eastern China. Along
managers in China. Therefore, understanding the dynamics with rapid development of the economy during the last
of Microcystis and MC-producing Microcystis in these three decades, increasing external nutrition loads have led
lakes is of great importance. Among these shallow lakes, to hypereutrophication of the lake and a heavy cyanobacte-
the larger ones such as Lake Taihu and Caohu have been rial bloom (Chl-a 671 μg/L) during the summer of 2005.
studied extensively (Chen et al. 2003; Ke et al. 2008). In
addition, not only large shallow lakes but also small urban 2.2 Sampling method and environmental parameters
lakes located at many populated cities in Eastern and
Central China have been found to be eutrophic or Monthly water samples were collected at a depth of 20 cm
hypertrophic and have experienced water blooms (Fan et below the surface at four stations as shown in Fig. 1, from
al. 2005). Different from these larger lakes, urban lakes are August 2005 to November 2006. In addition, monthly
characterized by their small size, subject to resident samples of surface water (at 20 cm), intermediate water (at
activities, less affected by hydrodynamics, and experience 80 cm), and bottom water (at 150 cm) were collected on
less resuspension of sediments. However, no studies have windless sunny days from January to June 2006. One liter
been conducted concerning the dynamics of water bloom- water sample was preserved with Lugol’s solution, for
forming cyanobacteria and MC-producing cyanobacteria in counting of algal cells, and kept in a refrigerator before
these Chinese urban lakes. laboratory analysis, and 500 mL water sample, used for
Recent studies on diversity and/or dynamics of MC- DNA extraction, was filtered through 0.22-μm polycarbon-
producing cyanobacteria using polymerase chain reaction ate membrane filters (Millipore), which were immediately
(PCR)-based molecular approaches have been performed in frozen (−20°C) until processing.
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2010) 17:1581–1590 1583
( 104 cells•ml-1)
Microcystis cells were detected at all sample sites in Lake
Xuanwu during the whole survey period. Based on qPCR
assays, patterns of temporal dynamics among the cyano- 50
during November 2005 and November 2006 (Fig. 3). Cell Fig. 2 Microcystis cell numbers by microscope in Lake Xuanwu during
abundance of Microcystis ranged from 3.6×102 cells ml−1 the study period. The error bars indicate standard deviations (n=4)
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2010) 17:1581–1590 1585
NO 2 N were shown to be 40 to 551 μg L and 6 to Microcystis, Y2 is the cell number of mcy genotype, and Y3 is
74 μg L , respectively (Fig. 5d). Chlorophyll a concen- the cell number of cyanobacteria.
trations ranged from a minimum of 3.0 μg L−1 in March
2006 to a maximum of 697.3 μg L−1 in August 2005. 3.4 Dynamics of Microcystis in the water column
As shown in Table 2, amounts of each gene examined at different depths during winter and spring
were positively correlated with chlorophyll a, TP, PO4–P,
and pH and negatively correlated with TN:TP ratio. Water Using the qPCR method, Microcystis cells were detected in
temperature was positively correlated with the number of the whole water column during the 2006 survey and ranged
Microcystis and cyanobacterial cells, rather than mcyB from 4.6×102 to 2.0×105 cells ml−1 (Fig. 6). It was shown
genotype levels. The percentage of mcyB genotype within in 2006 that Microcystis cells declined from January to
the Microcystis population was shown to be positively April then sharply increased in June.
correlated with TN, NO 3 N, and TN:TP ratio and Variation in Microcystis cells among different depths in
negatively correlated with PO4–P. In addition, no significant the water column was observed from January to June 2006,
correlation was found between N concentration and cell and vertical profiles of Microcystis cell density (Fig. 6)
numbers of Microcystis and mcyB gene-containing Micro- revealed that Microcystis abundance at the bottom of the
cystis. Major environmental factors were taken to estimate water column were higher than that at the surface and middle
the contributions to the growths of phytoplankton by of the water column in January, May, and June 2006.
stepwise regressions analysis. Equations were given below:
lnðX 1Þþ1:002 lnðX 2Þ
Y 1 ¼ 1014:689þ1:081 ;
4 Discussion
8:363þ0:698 lnðX 1Þþ1:034 lnðX 2Þ
Y 2 ¼ 10 ;
lnðX 1Þþ0:691 lnðX 2Þ1:086 lnðX 3Þ 4.1 Dynamics of cyanobacteria and Microcystis
Y 3 ¼ 1015:212þ0:567 ;
where X1 is the concentration of PO4, X2 is the concentration This outbreak of a heavy water bloom in Lake Xuanwu has
of TP, X3 is the concentration of NO3, Y1 is cell number of led to several studies for investigating the compositions of
Fig. 5 Phytoplankton and environmental parameters for the lake from nitrogen (TN) and TP concentrations. c Nitrate (NO 3 ) and phosphate
August 2005 to November 2006. a Changes in the density of (PO34 ) concentrations. d Ammonium (NH4 ) and nitrite (NO2 )
chlorophyll a (chl-a) concentration and water temperatures. b Total concentrations. The error bars indicate standard deviations (n=4)
r P n r P n r P n r P n
bacteria and cyanobacteria in the lake (Wang et al. 2007; Microcystis community during the water bloom season,
Zheng et al. 2008). However, no studies have been much higher than those in waters of European and
performed to examine seasonal dynamics of cyanobacteria American countries. Xu et al. (2008) concluded that M.
and Microcystis using a molecular approach. wesenbergii from Chinese waters represent a non-MC
During the study period, two peaks of Microcystis producer, which explains that the lower mcyB-containing
abundance were found, one in August 2005 and one in Microcystis ratios detected in Lake Xuanwu were caused
August 2006, while the lowest number occurred in by the relative abundance of M. wesenbergii.
February 2006. This reflected the water temperature as the Cell numbers of Microcystis detected by the qPCR
primary factor affecting Microcystis abundance in the lake. analysis were found to be 1–30 times higher than those by
The results from both microscopic examination and qPCR microscopic examination, which is consistent with results
indicated that the cyanobacterial community was mainly of several previous studies (Vaitomaa et al. 2003; Hotto et
composed of Microcystis (over 95%) during the blooms, al. 2007; Yoshida et al. 2008). Lower values of cell
followed by Anabaena flos-aquae and Planktothrix agard- abundance examined by the microscopic counting method,
hii. Larger numbers of Anabaena and Planktothrix species especially for Microcystis and cyanobacteria that occur in
in the cyanobacterial community after the Microcystis- late winter and early spring having low numbers, may result
dominated water blooms led to a pattern as found in this from the low detection limit, colonial decomposition, and
study, where higher total cyanobacterial cells but lower cell loss during the longer fixation procedure by the
Microcystis cells were found in November of both 2005 and microscopic counting approach (Hotto et al. 2007).
2006, indicating that Lake Xuanwu exhibited a significant
population succession in the cyanobacterial community. 4.2 Relationship between Microcystis and environmental
It is generally known that cyanobacterial blooms, dominated factors
by either Microcystis or Planktothrix, consist of both toxic and
nontoxic populations (Kurmayer et al. 2002, 2004; Yoshida et The present study revealed no significant correlation between
al. 2008). Several recent studies using qPCR or competitive water temperature and relative abundance of the mcyB
PCR to amplify fragments of the mcy gene involved in MC genotypes in Lake Xuanwu. This finding was consistent
production have revealed that proportions of mcy-containing with the field studies by Kurmayer and Kutzenberger (2003)
Microcystis were relatively low, i.e., 1–38% for mcyB and Yoshida et al. (2007), in which the relative abundance of
subpopulations in Lake Wannsee, Germany, 0.5–35% for mcyB genotypes did not depend on temperature. In Lake
mcyA subpopulations in Lake Mikata, Japan, 0–37% for Xuanwu, pH showed a significant positive correlation with
mcyD subpopulations in Lake Oneida, USA, and 0–48% abundance of Microcystis, cyanobacteria, and mcyB geno-
for mcyD subpopulations in Lake Erie, respectively type. This is consistent with previous reports in which
(Kurmayer and Kutzenberger 2003; Yoshida et al. 2007; cyanobacteria could outcompete other phytoplankton species
Hotto et al. 2008; Rinta-Kanto et al. 2009). However, in our under high pH conditions using their carbon concentration
present study, the proportions of mcyB genotypic subpopu- mechanisms (Wick and Thiel 1990; Kotak et al. 2000;
lations in Lake Xuanwu were shown to be even lower than Rantala et al. 2006).
those of the above studies, i.e., 0.1–12.8%. M. wesenbergii It is striking that the abundance of Microcystis and mcyB
was found to account for an average of 56% of the total genotypes were significantly positively correlated with TP
1588 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2010) 17:1581–1590
and PO4 and negatively correlated with TN:TP, suggesting tion. The present study showed that Microcystis spp. were
that P loading may be a factor in governing the growth of present in all of the samples and were able to be detected
both MC-producing genotypes and Microcystis population. even at very low cell abundances during low temperature
This finding agrees with Rinta-Kanto et al. (2009) who periods using the qPCR method, indicating that Microcystis
obtained similar results during a 3-year survey in Lake Erie. can overwinter in the water column even during low
Davis et al. (2009) also found P loading yielded signifi- temperatures of 4–5°C for lakes of the middle and lower
cantly high growth rates for both toxic and nontoxic reaches of the Yangtze River.
populations of Microcystis. Rapala and Sivonen (1998) Chen et al. (2003) and Ke et al. (2008) found that
found that hepatotoxic water blooms dominated by Micro- temperature played an important role in changes within the
cystis spp. were associated with high PO4–P concentration, phytoplankton community during the spring–summer succes-
whereas nontoxic blooms occurred over a wide range of sion period in Lake Taihu. Based on their laboratory and field
nutrient concentrations. However, the importance of nutri- studies, Robarts and Zohary (1987) showed that the temper-
ent factors may vary with different environments. Yoshida ature optima for the growth rate of Microcystis was 25°C or
et al. (2007) reported high NO 3 N loading as a significant greater, and growth of Microcystis will be severely limited by
factor enhancing the growth of MC-producing genotypes temperatures below 15°C. In our present study, Microcystis
within the Microcystis community. abundance was found to drop to its lowest level along with a
Interestingly, the percentage of mcyB within the Micro- decrease in water temperature below 15°C in late November,
cystis population was positively correlated with TN and and to increase sharply in June when the water temperature
NO 3 N and negatively correlated with PO4–P. This rose to 27°C. This result is similar to the finding by Zhang et
implies that higher N and lower P would favor the growth al. (2005) that the cyanobacterial biomass sharply increased in
of non-MC-producing strains instead of MC-producing Lake Taihu during the month of May.
ones in interspecies competition within the growth of a It is generally acknowledged that overwintering Microcystis
Microcystis population under complete nutritional mainte- populations might become inocula in the water column
nance. Vézie et al. (2002) demonstrated that higher levels during the spring and promote the development of dense
of N and P may favor MC-producing strains outcompeting surface blooms of Microcystis during summer. Visser et al.
non-MC-producing strains. While Davis et al. (2009) (1995) demonstrated that Microcystis sank during the
found, based on experiments under different concentrations autumn, and the colony number was lowest during spring.
of N and P, that P loading yielded significantly higher This was due to formation of a cellular carbohydrate ballast at
growth rates for both toxic and nontoxic populations of reduced temperatures. We observed that Microcystis abun-
Microcystis. These findings reflect the different response dance at the bottom of the water column was 20 times as
strategies that Microcystis populations have under different much as that at the surface in January 2006, and then
environmental conditions. Microcystis cells in the whole water column sharply
decreased during February, March, and April 2006. During
4.3 Microcystis populations in the water column May 2006, Microcystis abundance at the bottom of water
during the low temperature season column increased greatly and was much higher than that of
the surface water (Fig. 6). This made it apparent that
Overwintering of Microcystis cells (colonies) has been Microcystis colonies (cells) were distributed differently at
regarded to play a key role in formation of water blooms depths in the water column, and this difference has attributed
the following spring. However, previous studies performed to the higher detecting capacity of the qPCR method. Such a
in European deep or shallow lakes led to the argument of difference has not been documented for shallow lakes so far.
overwintering locations, whether in sediments or in the Despite the fact that Microcystis cells were detected in the
water column (Boström et al. 1989; Brunberg and Blomqvist water column at depths for only 6 months in this study, the
2002). In subtropical shallow waters of China, detecting tendency, for higher Microcystis numbers at the bottom of
overwintering Microcystis using the traditional microscopic the water column before and after water blooms in Lake
counting and pigment measurement methods has been Xuanwu, was evident. Therefore, it is suggested that Micro-
performed in different scales. Li et al. (2004) found that cystis in the water column, especially at the bottom of the
Microcystis cells would not be detected in the water column water column, play an important role in forming next seasons
when the water temperature went below 10°C in a fish pond water bloom This conclusion supports those by Verspagen et
located in Wuhan, China. Song et al. (2007) also found that al. (2004) and Cao et al. (2008). More importantly, these
Microcystis cells can widely distribute in the water column results suggest that lake management should pay more
of Lake Taihu, except in February 2005 and January 2006, attention to Microcystis abundances at the bottom of the
during their 2004–2006 survey using microscopic examina- water column in order to effectively control water blooms.
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