Gad-Checklist Education Ld-Training School
Gad-Checklist Education Ld-Training School
Gad-Checklist Education Ld-Training School
1. Put a check (√) in the appropriate column (2a to 2c) under “Response” to signify
the degree to which a project proponent has complied with the GAD element;
under col. 2a if nothing has been done; under col. 2b if an element, item, or
question has been partly answered; and under col.2c if an element, item, or
question has been fully complied with.
a. For Element 1.0, a “partly yes” to Question 1.1 (or Q1.1) means meeting with
male officials and only a woman or a few women who also happen to be officials
in the proponent or partner agency or organization; or with male and female
officials and some male beneficiaries. In contrast, full compliance involves
meeting with female and men officials and consulting other stakeholders,
including women and men that may be affected positively or negatively by the
proposed project. A “partly yes” to Q1.2 means inputs or suggestions may have
been sought from woman and man beneficiaries but are not considered at all in
designing project activities, choosing and locating facilities, and selecting types
of capacity development activities. A “partly yes” to Q1.3 means only certain
groups of women and men are viewed as stakeholders and agents of change.
b. For Element 2.0, “partly yes” means some information has been classified by
sex but may not be key to helping identify key gender issues that a planned
project must address. In contrast, a full “yes” implies that qualitative and
quantitative data are cited in the analysis of the development issue or project.
c. For Element 3.0, a “partly yes” means a superficial or partial analysis has been
done by focusing on only one or two of the concerns (gender roles, needs,
perspectives, or access to and control of resources).
d. For Element 4.0, “partly yes” means women are identified in the project
objectives but only in connection with traditional roles or economic activities
(Q4.1); or the project token gender equality outputs or outcomes (Q4.2). A full
“yes” to Q4.1 signifies that women’s nontraditional roles are also recognized,
while a full “yes” to Q4.2 denotes that gender equality outcomes and outputs
are consistently pursued in the logframe.
e. For Element 5.0, “partly yes” means having gender equality strategies or
activities but no stated gender issues to match the activities, while a full “yes”
means there is an identified gender issue and there are activities seeking to
address these issues.
f. For Element 6.0, a “partly yes” response to any of the items and questions
associated with superficial or partial effort to address a specific issue or
question. In contrast, a full “yes” involves a coherent, if not a comprehensive,
response to the question.
g. For Element 7.0, “partly yes” means the project monitoring plan includes
indicators that are sex-disaggregated nut not qualitative indicator of
empowerment or status change.
h. For Element 8.0, “partly yes” means the project requires the collection of some
sex-disaggregated data or information but not all the information that will track
the gender-differentiated effects of the project. A full “yes” means all sex-
disaggregated data and qualitative information will be collected to help monitor
GAD outcomes and outputs.
i. For Element 9.0, “partly yes” means there is a budget for GAD-related activities
but this is insufficient to ensure that the project will address relevant gender
issues (Q9.1), or build GAD capacities among project staff or the project agency
or tap external GAD expertise (Q9.2).
j. For Element 10.0, a “partly yes” response to Q10.1 means there is a mention of
the agency’s GAD plan but no direct connection is made to incorporate the
project’s GAD efforts into the plan; to Q10.2 means there is a mention of other
GAD initiatives in the project coverage but no indication of how the project will
build on these initiatives; and to Q10.3 means the project has a sustainability
plan for its GAD efforts but makes no mention of how these may be
institutionalized within the implementing agency or its partners.
3. After ascertaining whether GAD requirement has been done or not, enter the
appropriate score for an element or item under column 3.
a. To ascertain the score for a GAD element, a three-point rating scale is provided:
“0” when the proponent has not accomplished any of the activities or questions
listed under an element or requirement: a score that is less than the stated
maximum when compliance is only partial; and “2” (for the element or
requirement), or the maximum score for an item or question, when the
proponent has done all the required activities.
b. The scores for “partly yes” differ by element. For instance, the score for “partly
yes” for Elements 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, and 8.0 is “1). For elements with two or
more items or questions (such as Element 1.0), the rating for a “partial yes” is
the sum of the scores of the items or questions that falls short of the maximum
c. For Element 9.0, which has two items (9.1 and 9.2), the maximum score for
each item is pegged at “1.0” and “partly yes” is “0.5.” Hence, if a project scores
a full “1.0” in one question but “0” in the other, or if a project scores “partly
yes” (or “0.5”) in each of the two items, the total rating for Element 9.0 will be
“partly yes” with a score of “1.0.” If a project score “partly yes” in one item but
“no” in the other, then the total rating for the element will be “0.5.”
d. For Elements 6.0 and 10.0, which has three items each, the maximum score
for each item is pegged at “0.67” and “partly yes” is “0.33”
4. For an element (col.1) with more than one item or question, add the score for the
items and enter the sum in the thickly bordered cell for the element.
5. Add the scores in the thickly bordered cells under column 3 to come up with the
GAD score for the project identification and design stages.
6. Under the last column, indicate the key gender issues identified (for proponents)
or comments on the proponent’s compliance with the requirement (for
GAD Checklist
(for Designing and Evaluating Education Projects)
Project Design
_________________________ ______________________________________
Program Owner School Head/School GFPS Chairperson
Recommending approval:
District GAD Focal Person
Approved by: