June 12 2023 Mitchell Board of Education Meeting Agenda

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Regular Board Meeting
Monday, June 12, 2023
MCTEA Room 110 – 5:30 P.M.


I. Opening
A. Call Meeting to Order
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Roll Call: Aslesen, Christiansen, Flood, Olson, Ruml
D. Determination of Quorum
E. Approval of Agenda:
Motion to Amend:
Motion to Approve:

II. Consent Agenda:

B. Claims
C. Personnel
D. Open Enrollment
E. Conflicts of Interest


IV. Board Canvass and Certification of June 6, 2023 School Board Election Results MOTION TO APPROVE
and Bond Measure.

V. Board Consideration to Approve Bids for the New Mitchell High School MOTION TO APPROVE
Construction Alternates.

VI. Board Consideration of Elementary Handbook for 2023-24 School MOTION TO APPROVE
VII. Board Consideration to Set Meal Prices for the 2023-24 School Year.
VIII.Board consideration to Increase Clerical FTE.
IX. Board Consideration to Approve Bids for MTC School Vehicles.
X. Board Consideration to declare surplus items.
XI. Board Member Report
XII. Superintendent Report

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item
For presentation at the June 12, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board Consideration to Approve Consent Agenda

From: Joe Childs, Interim Superintendent

Nature of action requested from the Board:

Board Action ☒
Board Information ☐
Scheduled report ☐

A. Board Minutes
B. Claims
C. Personnel
D. Open Enrollments
E. Conflicts of interest

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:
Joe Childs, Interim Superintendent
I will be able to review the item further as the school board meeting, if requested:

Name:_____________________________________ Date:6/12/2023

May 22, 2023

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Deb Olson at
5:30 PM at the Mitchell Career Technical Education Academy 821 North Capital Street, Mitchell
South Dakota, Davison County.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll call of members present: Deb Olson, Matthew Christiansen, Shawn Ruml, Terry Aslesen and
Brittni Flood. Absent: None. Others present: Dr. Joe Childs, Interim Superintendent, Steve
Culhane, Business Manager, and Student representative Dawson Schroeder.
Motion #355268
Motion by Flood, seconded by Aslesen to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Motion #355269
Motion by Aslesen, seconded by Christiansen to approve the consent agenda items of the
claims, personnel items, the Bi-annual return to Learn Protocols, which will remain the same
and the minutes of the May 11, 2023 meeting. These minutes had been sent to the Daily
Republic in unapproved form all in accordance as per SDCL 13-8-35.
New Certified Hires: Jeff Sand, ELA Teacher/SH, $57,243, effective 2023-24 school year.
Jeremy Hurd, Assistant Principal/MMS, $75,000, effective 2023-24 school year. Lisa Hurd, 8th
Grade ELA Teacher/MMS, $53,058, effective 2023-24 school year. Classified Hires: Katie
Cornell, Paraeducator/GBR, $17.00/hr., effective August 9, 2023. Elisha Tiede, Accounts
Receivable, $21.50/hr., 8 hrs./daily, effective May 30, 2023. Donna Long, Food Service/MMS,
$16.00/hr., 4.5 hrs./daily effective May 22, 2023. Transfer: Lee Gair, Custodial/LBW to
Custodial/Maintenance, effective May 22, 2023. Resignations: Hailey Robbins,
Paraeducator/LBW, effective May 26, 2023. Grisly Esciba, Food Service, effective May 12, 2023.
Christina Siemsen, Track Coach, effective end of 2023-24 school year, pending suitable
replacement. MTC New Hires: Bethany Florey, Admissions Representative, $4,896, effective
May 30, 2023. Erica Ingerson, Student Welding and Manufacturing Technologies Intern,
$15.00/hr., effective May 8, 2023. Keah Munsen, Farm Ranch Management Instructor,
$10,640, effective May 22, 2023. Isabelle Riggs, Admissions Representative, $5,916, effective
May 22, 2023. Motion carried.
During Public Commentary, Activities Director Cory Aadland told the board that tonight was the
3rd and last open house at the current high school to go through the athletic facilities and that
absentee voting has started for the joint city/school board election as well as on the bond issue
at the Finance Office at City Hall at 612 N Main St.
Motion #355270
Motion by Ruml, seconded by Flood to vote YES on the two Amendments to the SDHSAA
constitution & bylaws. The first is on Article IX, Section 1 on Recruitment of student athletes
and Chapter II, Part 1, Section 9 on student/coach ejections from a contest. Motion carried.
Motion #355271
Motion by Aslesen, seconded by Christiansen to cast the school’s vote for Randy Hartmann of
the Pierre School District for the Large School Board of Education member and Adam Shaw of

the Madison School District for the Division III representative on the SDHSAA Board of
Directors. Motion carried.
Motion #355272
Motion by Flood, seconded by Ruml to approve the Comprehensive Special Education Plan for
the Mitchell School District for the 22-23 school year. Motion carried.
At this time, the board took a comprehensive look at the 23-24 K-12 budgets.
Motion #355273
Motion by Flood, seconded by Christiansen to approve the following as surplus property and to
sell by sealed bid. 13 green office chairs and various size bookshelves. These came from the
old office of Dr. Graves. Motion carried.
Motion #355274
Motion by Olson, seconded by Christiansen to move into executive session at 6:49 p.m. for the
purpose of discussing qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any
public officer or employee as per SDCL 1-25-2.(1). Motion carried.
President Olson declared the meeting back in open session at 7.54 PM.
Motion #355275
Motion by Christiansen, seconded by Ruml to approve the salaries for the 2023-24 school year
for the administrators and personnel not covered by the MEA nor MCEA agreements. Motion
School Board members reported on the meetings they had attended since the last meeting.
Interim Superintendent Dr. Childs informed the school board that the last day of school is
Friday May 26th, and he continues to speak to various groups and citizens around town on the
Bond Issue.
Motion #355276
There being no new business brought forward, Motion by Flood, seconded by Ruml to adjourn
the meeting at 8:00 P.M. Motion carried.

Cash Balance as of April 30, 2023
Beginning Balance, $22,930,009
General Fund Balance $7,275,002, Capital Outlay Balance $5,113,613, Special Education Balance
$907,400, Mitchell Tech Balance $4,779,019, Food Service Balance $1,608,652, Driver’s Ed Balance ($-
2,180), T/A Balance $3,610,117, James Valley Coop Balance $(88,474), Capital Projects Fund Balance
Total Revenue, $3,110,977
General Fund $1,561,766, Capital Outlay $256,948, Special Education $522,416, Mitchell Tech $500,630,
Food Service $186,549, Driver’s Ed $29,401, T/A $48,721, James Valley Coop $4,546, Capital Projects
Fund $-0-
Total Expenditures, $3,938,537
General Fund $1,677,070, Capital Outlay $6,510, Special Education $413,457, Mitchell Tech $1,258,942,
Food Service $138,090, Driver’s Ed $-0-, T/A $399,358, James Valley Coop $45,110, Capital Projects Fund
Ending Balance, $22,102,449
General Fund $7,159,698, Capital Outlay $5,364,051, Special Education $1,016,359, Mitchell Tech
$4,020,707, Food Service $1,657,111, Driver’s Ed $27,221, T/A $3,259,480, James Valley Coop
$(129,038), Capital Projects Fund $(273,139)

Mitchell School District Board Report-10009 Page: 1
06/07/2023 03:13 Pm 6.12.2023 Bills Forum User Id: Dmo
Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 10 General Fund
A & B Business Solutions Copier Supplies 44.77
A T & T Mobility / First Net Cell Phone Usage 513.26
Aadland, Cory Mileage,Meals 2,090.12
Abe Of Mitchell Llc Painting 2,859.19
Acp Direct Classroom Supplies 2,561.59
Ahlers, Noel Tee Shirts 152.55
Al's Engraving Signs 21.70
American Garage Door Wall Repair 242.06
Amplify Education Inc Subscription 94.00
Arctic Refrigeration, Inc. Equipment Repairs 5,305.14
Armstrong Medical Inc Program Supplies 403.23
Asbsd Law Seminar 25.00
Attema, Bonnie Mitch Christian Title Iia Cost 78.85
Automatic Building Controls Fire Alarm Inspection,Parts 756.86
Becker, Sherri Curriculum Meeting 198.07
Bender's Sewer & Drain Drain Cleaning 920.00
Bernard, Marilyn Mileage 325.00
Best Western Ramkota Hotel Rc Lodging 462.00
Best Western Ramkota Hotel Lodging 879.92
Beukelman, Sue Mitch Christian Title Iia Cost 250.00
Big E Auto Service Vehicle Service 3,024.98
Blick Art Materials Art Supplies 189.27
Borgan, Jeremy In District Mileage 112.12
Brad's Instrument Repair Instrument Maintenance 15.00
Bruguier, Kimberly Pe/Music Project 50.14
Bruna, Cade Program Supplies 35.34
Cahoy, Robin Professional Dev Stipend 450.00
Churchill Manolis Freeman Legal Services 2,777.55
City Of Mitchell Landfill Fees 71.52
Ck Bicycles & Locks Llc Service Calls,Key Blanks 834.00
County Fair, Inc Food Supplies 1,518.76
Cubby's Inc Fuel 672.02
Culhane, Logan Socks 4.77
Dakota Pro Striping Llc Restripe S&W Parking Lot 3,724.50
Dakota Wesleyan University Workstudy 1,011.09
Darrington Water Conditioning Water Conditioning 342.75
Day, Alison Program Supplies 44.99
Daylight Donuts Baked Goods 157.56
Demco Inc Library Supplies 1,018.38
Deubrook Area School District Mitch Christian Title Iia Cost 1,200.00
Ehlke, Courtney Semester Indistrict Mileage 171.72
Eitemiller, Heidi Family Fitness 321.60
Ervin Educational Consulting Behavioral Leader Training 3,000.00
Family Career/Comm Leaders Registration Fees 260.00
Farmers Alliance Fuel 1,033.08
Flinn Scientific Science Supplies 478.03
Gauger, Cameron Piano Accompanist 210.00
Gerlach, Tarilynn Refreshments, Books 79.83
Gopher Sport Program Supplies 996.07
Grainger O/M Supplies 1,954.32
Gubbrud, Chris Teacher Gifts 62.21
Heckenlaible, Lisa '22-'23 Mileage, Program Supplies 581.10
Heisinger, Denise Professional Development Stipend 450.00

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Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
Herrmann, Jennifer Professional Dev Stipend 450.00
Hillyard/Sioux Falls Custodial Supplies 44,712.24
Honeywell Inc Service 9,795.67
Hot Shots Expresso Title 1 Family Engagement 288.00
Huber, Jess Summer Academy 26.65
Huber, Lloyd Piano Tuning 180.00
Innovative Office Solutions Program & Office Supplies 575.58
Interstate Glass & Door Service Calls 336.69
J & P Roofing Systems Inc Roof Repairs 255.10
Jimmy Johns - 2399 Meals 106.89
Johnson Controls Service Calls 3,762.17
Jones Supplies Custodial Supplies 9,484.03
Jostens Custom Stole 1,161.29
Kelly, Patricia Mileage 126.50
Kelly-Christensen, Tracy Chamber Bucks 50.00
Kimball High School Track Entry Fee 150.00
Konrad, Erin Flowers 32.92
Krohmer Plumbing Service Call 4,371.00
Lakeshore Learning Materials Classroom Supplies 42.10
Lieber, Sarah Lodging 805.05
Loudenburg, Roxanne Summer Academy 160.88
Lynch, Amanda Course Fees 70.00
Mackin Ed Resources Library Books 1,026.82
Mark's Photographic Images Gbr Memory Books 1,449.50
Mc Mahon, Janelle Professional Dev Stipend 450.00
Mckean, Jordan Program Supplies 41.41
Mcleods Office Supply Printed Material & Supplies 1,493.56
Mebius Nursery Grounds Supplies 270.00
Mebius, Michelle Wevideo Software 150.00
Mega Wash Vehicle Washes 34.00
Menards O/M,Program Supplies 2,731.65
Mentele, Mindy Professional Dev Stipend 450.00
Meyrink, Angie Title Iv Supplies/Mc 651.77
Midco Business Long Distance Service 488.17
Miller, Madison-Ainsley Books 80.54
Mitchell Concrete Inc Gravel 300.00
Mitchell Iron & Supply Inc O/M Supplies 3.00
Mitchell Power Equipment Llc O/M Supplies 80.88
Mitchell Republic Minutes, Advertising 287.55
Mitchell School District Petty Cash 58.69
Mitchell Schools/Food Service Food Supplies 359.62
Moore, Traci Tobacco Coalition Supplies 835.05
Morgan, Dawn Professional Dev Stipend 450.00
Morgan, Teresa Program Supplies 43.03
Morrison, Elizabeth Professional Dev Stipend 450.00
Mueller, Joleen Professional Dev Stipend 450.00
Murphy, Kathryn Program Supplies 19.04
Muth Electric Inc Electrical Service,Supplies 10,020.14
Napa Central Program,O/M Supplies 4.69
Nasco Classroom Supplies 439.47
Ncs Pearson Olsat Scoring 2,509.50
Nebraska Air Filter Inc Air Filters 3,081.53

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06/07/2023 03:13 Pm 6.12.2023 Bills Forum User Id: Dmo
Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
Nepstads Flower Shop Flowers 556.00
Neugebauer, Krista Mileage 325.00
Odp Business Solutions Program Supplies 39.89
Office Advantage, The Printing Contract 199.45
Olson, Katrina Professional Dev Stipend 450.00
On Sight Llc Supplies/Instalation 1,020.20
Ortmeier, Adam Debate Judge 500.00
Osterloo, Nancy Jumpstart Supplies 5.06
Other World Computing Computer Supplies 892.02
Paulson Air O/M Supplies 625.64
Pepper Music 692.79
Performance Foodservice Food Supplies 5,960.11
Peterson Repair Vehicle Repair 1,032.59
Pioneer Valley Ed Press Books 36.30
Pizza Ranch Pizza 167.61
Popplers Music Store Music Supplies 625.35
Premier Pest Control Pest Control 675.00
Qualified Presort Service Llc Postage 770.00
Reiser, Ruth Professional Dev Stipend 450.00
Richard Ewing Equipment Custodial Supplies 298.52
Riverside Technologies Laptops Warranty 157,515.00
Rochester 100 Inc Classroom Supplies 514.75
Rokusek, Megan Professional Dev Stipend 450.00
Runnings Supply, Inc. O&M/Program Supplies 1,680.48
S & M Printing Printed Material & Supplies 650.00
Schmitt Music Music 30.68
Scholastic Book Fairs Books 205.46
Scholastic Magazines Subscriptions 561.30
Scholastic Magazines Subscriptions 158.14
School Specialty Llc Classroom Supplies 3,477.04
Schoolmate Student,Teacher Planners 1,044.50
Schulte, Barb Baked Goods 216.00
Schwartz Kirwin & Fauss Inc Awards 184.55
Scott Supply Co Inc Repair Parts 166.05
Sdacte Membership 180.00
Sdamle Membership Dues 150.00
Sewright, Annette Mileage 325.00
Sherwin Williams Paint Supplies 230.64
Shiffler Equipment Sales O/M Supplies 245.20
Skinner, Suzanne In District Mileage 62.84
Snoozy, Marlett Mileage 19.89
Southeast Area Cooperative Registration Fees 400.00
Stahle, Ryan Mileage, Meals 479.61
Starr, Kristina Mileage 325.00
Stoller, Claire Course Fee 35.00
Subway Meals 146.82
Subway Meals 662.76
Sun Gold Sports Llc Program Supplies 1,193.00
Tessier's Inc Service Call/Mctea 2,237.13
Thompson, Jackie Mitch Christian Title Iia Cost 30.00
Triotel Communications Inc Telephone/Colonies 86.24
U S I Education & Gov't Sales Laminating Supplies 477.49
Us Bank Cm9690 Pay Agent Fee 1,650.00
Vanoverschelde, Kelsey 21st Century Supplies 41.18

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Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
Walmart Program Supplies 1,119.53
Weisz, Penny Mileage 325.00
Yahne, Lynn Professional Dev Stipend 450.00
Zaner-Bloser Writing Supplies 108.19
Fund Number 10 343,844.38
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 21 Capital Outlay
Advantage Auto Glass Llc Glass Table Top 400.00
Demco Inc Curriculum Supplies 128.17
Innovative Office Solutions Markerboards 2,330.58
Menards Refigerator 767.10
Office Advantage, The Printing Contract 2,201.73
Popplers Music Store Saxophone 669.95
Savvas Learning Co Text Books 1,168.68
Unclaimed Freight Chairs 587.98
Us Bank St Paul Debt Service 98,705.00
Xerox Financial Services Copiers Lease 1,045.96
Fund Number 21 108,005.15
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 22 Special Education
Academic Therapy Publications Program Supplies 96.80
Access Health Mitchell Evaluations 414.00
Avera Therapy Therapy Services 5,013.31
Bhssc % Dan Rounds Registration Fee 200.00
Bierman, Cindy Mileage 23.46
Buss, Henry Mileage 220.32
Career Connections Contracted Services 3,415.53
Children's Care Hospital Tuition 24,050.00
Collaborative Solutions Llc Professional Services 15,590.00
Denure, Donna Registration Fee 172.02
Sped Recipient Parent Mileage 244.80
Dpt, Inc Therapy Services 12,827.56
Driscoll, Kristi Registration Fee 45.00
Hieb, Samantha Mileage 141.07
Isi Llc Interpreter Services 11,084.00
Sped Recipient Parent Mileage 61.20
Kelly-Christensen, Tracy Program Supplies 21.09
Lakeshore Learning Materials Program Supplies 366.20
Larson, Karin Professional Services 2,325.00
Life Quest Tuition 2,811.80
Macgill & Co Nurses' Supplies 65.73
Maeschen, Rachel Mileage 18.21
Malde, Kelli Mileage 69.00
Menards Program Supplies 138.93
Ncs Pearson Program Supplies 1,715.71
Palace Transit Student Transportation 10,747.94
Perspective Enterprises, Inc. Special Education Supplies 161.00
Roy, Jacki Registration Fee 77.00
School Specialty Llc Classroom Supplies 2,496.58
Sd Dept Of Human Services Tuition 32,416.44
Super Duper Inc Program Supplies 417.08
Woodburn Press Classroom Supplies 189.22
Fund Number 22 127,636.00
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 23 Post Secondary
44 Interactive, Inc. Advertising 37,617.16
A & G Diesel Inc Dot Inspection - Trailer 1,071.19
A Ox Welding Supply Inc Ultracore 644.99
A To Z Promotions Foundation Pens 1,779.54

Mitchell School District Board Report-10009 Page: 5
06/07/2023 03:13 Pm 6.12.2023 Bills Forum User Id: Dmo
Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
Al's Engraving Name Badge & Name Plate 1,826.10
Bailey Metal Fabricators Inc Powerline Work Benches 1,563.07
Basin Electric Power Coop Lease/Material/Operative Chgs 4,641.54
Big E Auto Service Mti 78 - Buick Regal 1,200.92
Blarney's Llc Css Year End Meeting 214.66
Brookings Area Cpr Ctc Cpr Cards 3,898.00
C & B Operations Llc Fuel Pump 39.62
Cambria Suites Rapid City Clincial Visits 505.00
Catyc Membership 125.00
Churchill Manolis Freeman Legal Services 1,069.57
Cintas Corp Rugs 1,177.65
Commercial Ashpalt Gravel North Of Apt Parking 294.50
Commercial Interior Decor Inc Gloss Surface Treatment 362.44
Corn Palace Graduation Rental 1,410.00
County Fair, Inc Retirement Party 994.68
Crazy Lady Consuling, Llc Consulting Services - May 3,620.00
Dakota Data Shred Document Shredding 138.74
Dakota Supply Group Inc Etc Gate 1,364.93
Division Of Motor Vehicles Title & License Fees Trailer 26.70
Domino's/Mitchell Lpn Meeting 134.35
Experian Credit Bureau Services - May 22.00
Farmers Alliance Pl Fuel 1,603.41
Fm Acoustical Tile Inc Floorings 1,429.25
Fuerst, Doug Replace Led Fixtures 5,200.00
Gaumard Scientific Co Gc Pm Newborn Battery 1,419.00
Gilbert, Tammy Avera Behavioral Health Cinicals 64.00
Golden West Technologies Inc Camera Connection , Camera 5,734.71
Graybar Wifi - Commscope Tech 221.00
Guericke, Janelle Data Feed Used For Ag Business 1,000.00
Herrmann, Lisa Clinical Visits 75.00
Identisys Inc Premium Color Ribbon 2,112.29
Interstate Tire & Auto Ctr Powerline Battery Cables 613.50
James Valley Landscape Graduation Plants 932.00
Jones Supplies Custodial Supplies 1,136.18
Larry's I-90 Service Remove Plow Mounts & Wiring 185.00
Matheson Tri-Gas Inc Victor Cutting Tip 304.08
Mcgough Construction Co Llc Construction Invoice #1 244,246.00
Medical Waste Transport Inc Medical Waste Removal 156.20
Menards Flexible Elbow 200.69
Mercury Marine Cable Kit 898.94
Miedema Sanitation Inc Trash Removal 1,229.48
Motor Market, The Advertising 650.00
Muth Electric Inc Changed Switches 395.67
Office Advantage, The Printing Contract 5,660.47
Pioneer Designs Automatic Door Signs 251.20
Ponderosa Rentals Storage Unit Rent - June 160.00
Proctorfree, Inc. Proctored Exams 663.00
Qualified Presort Service Llc Postage 2,816.55
Regents/University Of Minnesota Finpack Subscript Educator 1,760.00
Runnings Supply, Inc. Utility Brush, Pliers, Hardware 213.68

Mitchell School District Board Report-10009 Page: 6
06/07/2023 03:13 Pm 6.12.2023 Bills Forum User Id: Dmo
Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
S & M Printing Name Badge Labels 637.00
Saga Communications Sd Advertising 220.00
Schoenfelder Portables Portable Toilets 110.00
Sd Dept Of Labor/Regulation Direct Linkage Costs/ Processing Fee 11.17
Shi International Corp Az Backup 1,649.65
Software Unlimited Software Support 50.00
Sun Gold Sports Llc Diesel Power Stickers 604.00
Tebay, Kristina Avera Behavioral Health Clinic 37.00
Tk Elevator Corporation Elevator Service 517.83
Tuttle, Rodney 3rd Qtr Tuttle Bldg Lease Pymt 6,875.00
Unisa, Inc. Payment Center/Perkins Loan 466.90
Us Bank Operations Center May Facility Fees 71,111.72
Varilek,Garrett Expenses For Cnfr 750.00
Voyager Fleet Systems Inc Fuel 5,508.50
Wagoner,Forrest Expenses For Cnfr 750.00
Walmart Program Supplies 589.75
Western Dakota Tech State Authorization Network 1,500.00
Wi Technical College System Wids Web Software - License 12,900.00
Wright, Barbara Rapid City Clinical Visit 64.00
Writebrain Creative Foundation Publication 2,950.00
Xerox Financial Services Copiers Lease 502.24
Fund Number 23 771,551.41
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 26 Mtc Enterprise Fund
Chesterman Company Cafe Supplies 34.00
Cintas Corp Culinary Laundry 387.80
Miedema Sanitation Inc Trash Removal 35.00
Northwestern Energy House 109 43.24
Patzer Woodworking Inc House 110-Doors/Drawer Fronts 3,240.64
Performance Foodservice Food Supplies 980.91
Robinson House Moving Inc House 110 Move 13,608.76
Schoenfelder Portables Portable Toilets 110.00
Tessier's Inc House 109 Ss Sheets Furnish 36.66
Walmart Program Supplies 55.30
Fund Number 26 18,532.31
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 27 Mti - Cte Academy
A Ox Welding Supply Inc Welding Supplies 29.25
Ed's Pet World Program Supplies 15.98
Menards Program Supplies 1,143.32
Napa Central Program,O/M Supplies 20.43
Tower Garden Growing System 1,020.00
Fund Number 27 2,228.98
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 29 Mtc Corporate Training
A Ox Welding Supply Inc Corp Ed - Industry Training 13.03
Aerostay Hotel Slp Day Speaker 169.15
Domino's/Mitchell Corp Ed - C & B 307.70
Jimmy Johns - 2399 Corp Ed - C&B Training 604.40
Pepsi Mitchell Vending/Water 247.78
Voyager Fleet Systems Inc Fuel 38.85
Walmart Program Supplies 23.96
Fund Number 29 1,404.87
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 41 Capital Projects-New Senior
High School

Mitchell School District Board Report-10009 Page: 7
06/07/2023 03:13 Pm 6.12.2023 Bills Forum User Id: Dmo
Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
Puetz Design + Build Sh Building Project/App2 433,650.57
Schemmer Associates Professional Services 14,097.42
Fund Number 41 447,747.99
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 51 Food Service
Adventures In Advertising Corp Program Supplies 5,370.23
Aramark Laundry Service 493.97
Arctic Refrigeration, Inc. Equipment Repairs 386.24
Chesterman Company Food Supplies 612.50
County Fair, Inc Food Supplies 32.40
Darrington Water Conditioning Water Conditioning 680.25
Deckert, Paula Meal Refund 35.45
East Side Jersey Dairy Inc Food Supplies 6,059.94
Ems Linq Inc Software Subscription 5,549.69
Grenier, April Meal Refund 605.40
Grindheim, Glenna Meal Refund 44.50
Hillyard/Sioux Falls Custodial Supplies 1,059.84
Jones Supplies Custodial Supplies 1,884.83
Krohmer Plumbing Service Call 658.41
Menards Program Supplies 99.45
Pepsi Mitchell Vending/Water 622.52
Performance Foodservice Food Supplies 87,521.45
Puetz, Meghan Lunch $ Refund 35.00
Robinson, Jamie Lunch $ Refund 35.95
Fund Number 51 111,788.02
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 52 Mtc Campus Store Fund
Branded Custom Sportswear Inc Campus Store Spirit Items 2,532.24
Excel Images Campus Store Spirit Items 628.69
Pepsi Mitchell Vending/Water 79.53
Stitch-N-Time Patches 768.75
Sun Gold Sports Llc Mtc Spirit Items 2,130.00
United Parcel Service Freight 1,422.35
Walmart Program Supplies 41.91
Fund Number 52 7,603.47

Personnel Items/Regular Board Meeting– June 12, 2023
A. New Certified Hire:
Becky Coats- 5th Grade Teacher @ LONG
Compensation- $59,400.00
Effective- 2023-24 School Year

B. Classified Hires:
Annette Kroger- Data Support Specialist
Compensation- $19.50/hr. 8hrs. daily
Effective- May 30, 2023

Elizabeth Martin- Administrative Assistant @ GBR

Compensation- $17.00/hr. 7hrs. daily
Effective- August 2, 2023

Mary Eliason- Librarian @ MHS

Compensation- $17.00/hr. 7.5hrs. daily
Effective- August 9, 2023

Seth Paulson- Head Boys Soccer

Compensation- $2,985.00
Effective- 2023-24 School year

C. Transfers:
Mackenzie Elias- 5th Teacher @ LONG to 5th Teacher @ GBR
Effective- 2023-2024 School Year

Laura Starr- Paraeducator @ GBR 7hrs daily to CCC/Computer Aide @ GBR 7.25hrs. daily
Effective- 2023-24 School year

D. Reduction in hours:
Jeanette Uher- Paraeducator @ MHS 7.25 hrs daily to 5hrs. daily
Effective- 2023-24 School Year

E. Resignations:
Erin Fowkes- Counselor @ MHS
Effective- End of 2022-23 School year

F. MTC Summer 2023 Adjunct Instructor:

Ashley Alarcon- RAD 156- Intro to CT
Compensation- $1,500.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Sarah Ellis- COMM 210- Interpersonal Communications and SPCM 101- Speech Fundametnals
Compensation- $4,500.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Julie Gross- ENGL 110- Workplace Communications

Compensation- $2,250.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Julie Harte-Schutte- SOC 100- Introduction to Sociology

Compensation- $2,250.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Anne Kelly- PSYC 101- General Psychology

Compensation- $2,250.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Nathanial Raak- MATH 103- Mathematical Reasoning

Compensation- $2,250.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Annika Russell-Manke- ACCT 221- QuickBooks and BUS 122- E-Commerce

Compensation- $4,500.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Ryan Van Zee- BUS 170- Entrepreneurship Small Business Management

Compensation- $2,250.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Shirlyce Weisser- MOP 212- Electronic Records and MOP 230- Medical Office Administration
Compensation- $4,500.00 12
Effective- Summer 2023
G. MTC Summer 2023 Internship Instructors:
Jim Mahoney- BC 290- Commercial Internship
Compensation- $3,750.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Tim Goldammer- CA 290- Internship

Compensation- $1,500.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Izaak Goldammer- DPT 290- Internship

Compensation- $1,250.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Joel Rassel- DPT 290-Internship

Compensation- $1,500.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Matt Moore- IST 290- Internship

Compensation- $1,000.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Lynne Smith- MLT 234- Practical Clinical Chemistry

Compensation- $2,000.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Chris Degen- OPRV 190- Internship

Compensation- $1,750.00
Effective- Summer 2023

Mike Benjamin- WBT 290- Internship

Compensation- $2,250.00
Effective- Summer 2023

H. MTC Fall Instructors:

Devyn Killion – Culinary Instructor
Compensation – $48,500
Effective – August 1, 2023

Dale Mesman – CDL Instructor

Compensation – $62,000
Effective – August 1, 2023

Jason Von Eye – Ag Technology Instructor

Compensation – $66,500
Effective – August 1, 2023

Jordan Von Eye – Accounting / Business Management Instructor

Compensation - $62,000
Effective – August 1, 2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the June 12, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Public Commentary

From: General Public

Nature of action requested from the Board:

Board Action ☐
Board Information ☒
Scheduled report ☐

This item is included on the agenda to provide the public an opportunity to address the board
on topics which are not a part of the board agenda. Any topic or issue presented will not
receive action at the meeting by the Board, but will be given further study. Please also note
that individuals who have concerns about district employees or who wish to discuss
individual students should do so through other processes, such as the complaint procedure.
Such issues cannot be addressed in open session.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:
Joe Childs, Interim Superintendent
I will be able to review the item further as the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Date: 6/12/23

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the June 12, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board Canvass and Certification of June 6, 2023 School Board Election Results
and Bond Measure.

From: Joe Childs, Superintendent

Nature of action requested:

Board Action X
Board Information
Scheduled report

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

One of the responsibilities of a school board is to canvass and certify the results of a school
board election. The election to fill one school board seat and the athletic facilities school
bond measure was held on Tuesday, June 6, 2023. The results of that election will be
presented to the Board by Business Manager Steve Culhane during the school board
meeting and pollbooks made available to board members.

I recommend that you review the pollbooks, canvass the election results, and certify those
results by board motion, as required by South Dakota statute.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:

Joe Childs, Superintendent

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Joe Childs, Superintendent Date: June 12, 2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the June 12, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board Consideration to Approve Bids for the New Mitchell High School
Construction Alternates.

From: Joe Childs, Superintendent

Nature of action requested:

Board Action X
Board Information
Scheduled report

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

The construction alternates are those that have been identified as the athletic facilities. In
addition to the athletic spaces, this sequence of construction completes the construction
project—finishes outdoor practice spaces and parking. At this time, Puetz Design+Build and
the Schemmer architectural firm will review submitted bids and Puetz’s identification of the
successful low bidders. Mr. Culhane and Joe Childs will then review the figure totals, as well
as revenue sources, and recommend bid approvals, rejections, and/or other relevant motions
regarding the construction bids.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:

Steve Culhane, Business Manager

Joe Childs, Superintendent
Representative(s) of Puetz Design+Build
Representative(s) of Schemmer Architect Firm

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Joe Childs, Superintendent Date: June 12, 2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item
For presentation at the June 12, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board Consideration of Elementary Handbook for 2023-24 School Year.

From: Joe Childs, Superintendent

Nature of action requested:

Board Action X
Board Information
Scheduled report

Each year we approve the handbooks for our schools. At this time, we are ready to seek
board approval for the elementary handbook.

There are no changes to the elementary handbook from last year, other than dates and other
non-substantive items.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:

Chris Gubbrud, GBR Principal

Joe Childs, interim superintendent

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Joe Childs, Superintendent Date: June 12, 2023

Mitchell Public School
Elementary Student Handbook
G. B. Rogers Elementary
Chris Gubbrud, Elementary Principal
L.B. Williams Elementary
Becky Roth, Elementary Principal
Longfellow Elementary
Lisa Heckenlaible, Elementary Principal

This handbook is prepared for the students and patrons of the Mitchell Elementary Schools. We hope this
handbook will help students understand their school and the policies and regulations that have been established.
No set of rules can be completely comprehensive of all types of incidents that may occur. Items not specifically
addressed by the rules or special circumstances may be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. That may include
penalties greater than those prescribed.


1. To ensure that each student develops proficiency in basic academic skills.

2. To ensure that each student develops the capacity to recognize and cope with the problems of an
unknown future.
3. To ensure the development of meaningful interpersonal relationships among students, staff, and the
4. To ensure that staff, students and parents are afforded maximum feasible participation in the
development and evaluation of programs and policies that meet the educational needs of each
5. To ensure maximum efficiency in the allocation of material resources.
6. To ensure maximum efficiency in the allocation of human resources.


Board of Education meets on the second Monday in January, February, March, July, September, October,
November and December. The Board of Education meets on the second and fourth Monday in April, May, June
and August. Special meetings are scheduled as necessary.


Regular attendance directly relates to a student’s ability to achieve in school. When students are absent, they miss class instruction,
presentations, discussions, and student-teacher contact; all of which are difficult to make-up after the absence.
In order to encourage regular attendance, the following procedures will be in place: 
1. If a student is absent for five days, the parents may receive a letter of concern.
2. If a student is habitually absent from school without extenuating circumstances, a truancy of CHINS (Child In Need of
Supervision) may be filed with the State’s Attorney per SD 26-8B-2 (1). Parents/Guardians that habitually fail to have a child
at school without extenuating circumstances may be cited per SD13-21-11.
3. The principal will monitor absences.
4. After a student is absent 10% of the total number of days in the school year, he or she is to strongly be considered for
Other Notes:
● If a student is more than 30 minutes late in the morning or leaves before 2:45 in the afternoon will be considered
absent for one half day.
● The school administrator may require students to make up lost time when the student accumulates excessive
tardies beyond five.
● A note from a physician will be required by the school administrator as deemed necessary. Absences due to
illness will be exempted with a doctor note.
● Continuous absence for prolonged illness or a series of medical treatments may be counted as one absence.  A
note from a physician will be required.
● Continuous absence due to bereavement or serious illness of the student’s immediate family may be counted as
one absence.  A note from the parent/guardian or physician will be required.
● Absence for school activities will not count as an absence.
● All other absences, including out-of-school suspensions, will count as an absence.


A student who has been absent, upon returning to school, is required to bring a written excuse (if telephone contact has not been
made) stating the reason for the absence. The student is to get all missed assignments from his/her teacher(s) and make up all work
promptly. In all cases, the parent must contact the office by a written note or telephone. The student is to complete the work in
advance of a planned absence.


ALCOHOL, DRUGS, TOBACCO:Students are not to have in their possession, use, or be under the influence of any type of tobacco,
drugs, or any beverage containing alcohol in the school building, on school property, or at any school function. Violators will be
subject to disciplinary action. State Law and School Board Policy do not allow weapons on school property at any time as directed.
Students in violation of the weapons policy may be suspended for one (1) year.


In accordance with EPA regulations, Mitchell School District buildings have been inspected for friable materials that contain asbestos.
No friable (sometimes defined as ‘easily crumble-able’) asbestos containing materials are present in Mitchell School District schools
buildings. In fact, all asbestos containing materials have been removed from Mitchell School District buildings except for that in floor
tile at the Mitchell High School and Mitchell Middle School. All such floor tile has been encapsulated. Records of inspections and
locations of asbestos containing materials and a copy of relevant EPA regulations are available at the District Central Office, located at
821 N. Capital, Mitchell, SD 57301


Birthday treats are always welcome. Due to many allergies with a variety of students, store packaged items are suggested for birthday
treats at school. Remember that classrooms are very busy each day. When bringing birthday treats, they must come to school with the
students or be dropped off at the office. If you bring treats that require utensils such as napkins or silverware, please include those
items with the treats. While we celebrate each child’s birthday it is impossible to have a classroom party for each child, so please plan
your child’s celebration with friends outside of the school day.


To avoid hurt feelings, birthday party invitations should not be handed out in class unless all children or all boys or girls in the class
are invited to the party.

Board Policy #111

Persistent bullying can severely inhibit a student’s ability to learn effectively or a member of the staff’s ability to do their job. The
negative effects of bullying can have an impact on a person for their entire life. We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and
safe environment for all of our students so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable. If
bullying does occur, all pupils should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively.

Bullying is repeated and intentional harmful behavior initiated by one or more students and directed toward another student. Bullying
exists when a student with more social and or physical power deliberately dominates and harasses another who has less power.
Bullying is unjustified and typically repeated. Bullying differs from conflict. Two or more students can have a disagreement or a
conflict. Bullying involves a power imbalance element where a bully targets a student who has difficulty defending himself or herself.

The forms of bullying:

Physical-involves harmful actions against another person’s body
Verbal-involves speaking to a person or about a person in an unkind or hurtful way
Emotional-involves behaviors that upset, exclude, or embarrass a person
Sexual-involves singling out a person because of gender and demonstrates unwarranted
or unwelcome sexual advances
Racial-involves rejection or isolation of a person because of ethnicity

The school board expects students to conduct themselves in a manner in keeping with their levels of development, maturity, and
demonstrated capabilities with proper regard for the rights and welfare of other students and staff.

The school board believes that standards for student behavior must be set cooperatively through interaction among the students,
parents and guardians, staff and community members of the school district, producing an atmosphere that encourages students to grow
in self-discipline. The development of this atmosphere requires respect for self and others, as well as for district and community
property on the part of students, staff, and community members.

The school board requires its school administrators to develop and implement procedures that ensure both the appropriate
consequences and remedial responses to a student or staff member who commits one or more acts of harassment or bullying.

The school board requires the principal and/or the principal’s designee at each school to be responsible for receiving complaints
alleging violation of this policy. All school employees, students, parents, visitors or any other member of the community are required
to report alleged violations to the school principal. The school principal and/or principal’s designee are to be responsible for
determining whether an alleged act constitutes a violation of this policy. In so doing, the principal or and principal’s designee shall
conduct a prompt, thorough, and complete investigation of each alleged incident.

Building principals or their designee shall annually discuss the school district policy on bully prevention with students and staff. The
school district will incorporate information regarding this policy in each school handbook.

Cyberbullying is a form of harassment over the Internet or other forms of electronic communications, including cell phones. Students
and staff will refrain from using communication devices or District property to harass or stalk another. The District’s computer
network and the Internet, whether accessed at school or away from school, during or after school hours, may not be used for the
purpose of cyber bullying. All forms of cyberbullying are unacceptable and viewed as a violation of this policy and the District’s
acceptable computer use policy and procedures.

Users are responsible for the appropriateness of the materials they transmit. Hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks, or other
anti-social behaviors are expressly prohibited. Cyberbullying includes, but is not limited to the following misuses of technology:
harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another person by sending or posting inappropriate and hurtful e-mail
messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or web site postings, including blogs. It is also recognized that
the author (poster or sender) of the inappropriate material is often disguised (logged on) as someone else.

Students and community members, who believe they have been victims of such misuses of technology, as described in this policy,
should not erase the offending material from the systems. A copy of the material should be brought to the attention of a principal or

In situations in which cyberbullying originated from a non-school computer, but brought to the attention of school officials, any
disciplinary action shall be based upon whether the conduct is determined to be severely disruptive of the educational process so that it
markedly interrupts or severely impedes the day to day operations of a school, for one or more students or staff. In addition, such
conduct must also violate a school policy. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, threats, or making threats off school grounds,
to harm a member of the school staff or a student.

Malicious use of District’s computer system to develop programs or to institute practices that harass other users to gain unauthorized
access to any entity on the system and/or change the components of an entity on the network is prohibited.

Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, the loss of computer privileges, detention, suspension, or expulsion for verified
perpetrators of cyberbullying. In addition, when kind of threat constitutes a violation of law, it shall be reported to local law officials.


The Mitchell School District offers its educational programs, activities, and employment opportunities to all persons without regard to
gender, race, color, national origin, age, disability, or other constitutionally protected condition. Such assurances include School
District career and technical education offerings, which are available to all students without qualifying criteria, and include courses in
business, welding/manufacturing, construction, auto mechanics, business, health, culinary art, and computers/technology. The Mitchell
Schools have appointed MTI Vice-President for Academic Affairs to coordinate its Title IV, Title IX, and Section 504 compliance
activities and she may be contacted at 1800 E. Spruce Street, Campus Center, Mitchell Technical Institute, Mitchell, SD 57301 or by
phone at (605)995-3023. Additionally, interested persons may contact the Regional Director, U.S. Department of Education, Office
for Civil Rights, 8930 Ward Parkway, Suite 2037, Kansas City, MO 64114-3302. Phone: (816)268-0550. Fax: (816)823-1404. TDD:
(877)521-2172. Email: [email protected].

Parents or students who believe their or their students’ civil rights have been violated may file a complaint with the appropriate federal
regional civil rights regional office by contacting the Office for Civil Rights, Kansas City Office, U.S. Department of Education;
Regional Director, U.S. Department of Education, the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, One Petticoat Lane,
1010 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 320, Kansas City, MO 64106, Phone: (816) 268-0550, Fax (816) 268-0599; TDD (800) 877-8339,
Email: [email protected]


Parents or students who have concerns or complaints about federally funded programs (Special Education, Title I, Migrant, Title III,
Homeless, etc.) may refer to Board Policy 118, available in board policy manuals in all school libraries or on the district website at
http://www.mitchell.k12.sd.us or may file a written complaint directly with the Superintendent of Schools at:

Mitchell Middle School

800 West Tenth
Mitchell, SD 57301

Copies of all Board policies can be obtained at the Administration and School Offices as well as the district website which is found at


The elementary schools provide counseling and guidance services for students. School counselors are professionally trained
specialists with a Master’s Degree. School counselors are involved with the whole education process.

School counselors help students through a variety of services:

Individual Counseling: Counselors help students develop coping strategies to deal with changes in their lives.
Small Group Counseling: Counselors work with students to assist them in developing social skills to relate to peers and adults in the
school setting.
Classroom Guidance: Each grade receives lessons taught by the school counselor. The prepared curriculum strives to develop
self-esteem, strong social skills, coping skills, study habits, and career awareness.
Consultation: Counselors consult with parents, administrator, faculty, and support staff to meet the needs of students.

School staff and parents make referrals. If you have a concern about your child, please contact the school office, your child’s teacher,
or the school counselor directly

Family Education Right and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that the Mitchell School District, with certain
exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education
records. However, the Mitchell School District may disclose appropriate designated ‘directory information’ without written consent,
unless you have advised the District to the contrary in accordance with District procedures. The primary purpose of directory
information is to allow the Mitchell School District to include this type of information from your child’s education records in certain
school publications. Examples include:

--A playbill, showing your student’s role in a drama production;

--The annual yearbook;
--Honor roll or other recognition lists;
--Graduation programs; and
--Sports activity sheets, such as for wrestling, showing weight and height of team members.

Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or any invasion of privacy if released, can also be
disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to,
companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws require local education agencies (LEA’s)
receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request,
with three directory information categories—names, address, and telephone listings—unless parents have advised the LEA that they
do not want their student’s information disclosed without their prior written consent.

If you do not want the Mitchell School District to disclose directory information from your child’s education records without your
prior written consent, you must notify the District in writing by the first day of the school year or the first date of the students’
enrollment if this occurs after the first day of the school year. The Mitchell School District has designated the following information
as directory information: students’ name, address, telephone listing, electronic mail address, photograph, date and place of birth,
major field of study, dates of attendance, grade level, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of
members of athletics teams, degrees, honors, and awards received including honor roll designations, and the most recent education
agency or institution attend.


It is clear that discipline and learning are closely linked. Discipline is necessary in order to facilitate and provide a safe and positive
learning environment.

Mitchell Public Schools promote and encourage a positive approach to discipline. Prevention of situations before they occur is a much
more productive way to approach problems. When students cannot function in this setting, they must be aware that there are
consequences for their actions and be willing to accept those consequences.

The Board, administration and teachers recognize the importance of parents and peers in the social and emotional development of
students and their school success. Their cooperation and participation is an important part of this discipline plan in assuring a positive
school climate for learning.

Consequences utilized in disciplinary situations must be appropriate to the individual student and the severity of the infraction. They
must also be fair and consistent and not applied indiscriminately. Initial offenses are dealt with at the classroom level, while
administrative action is reserved for more serious classroom infractions or problems of non-compliance. In a climate of mutual
respect and cooperation, the discipline policy only serves to set limits for behavior. It is our hope that this positive approach will
become the standard for classroom and general school participation throughout the Mitchell Public Schools.

Refer to Board Policy #1031 & 1033

All consequences for all “problems” may result in an appropriate consequence as defined at the end of this section.
Rules of Behavior Problem
1. Attendance A. Unexcused absence or tardiness from school
B. Leaving school without permission

2. Possessions and/or A. Tobacco in any form

consumption of illegal B. Use or possession of drugs,
substance will not be drug paraphernalia or alcohol
permitted C. Lighters/matches

3. Possession of illegal or A. Possession of a device, weapon

dangerous items will or a look alike weapon that through
not be permitted its use is capable of threatening

4. Bullying A. Being inappropriately physical
B. Severe teasing, bullying and
intimidation (verbal, physical
or written)
C. Harassment
D. Students who laugh at it, go along with it, or fail to report it
become part of the problem

5. Students will respect A. Vandalism

others’ rights and B. Theft of any kind or the finding
property. This includes of lost property and not turning
the school building. it in immediately
C. Breaking or damaging of property
and not reporting it immediately
D. Cheating
E. Lying-forged notes
F. Religious, racial, sexual

6. Non-classroom behavior A. Public display of affection, etc.

B. Cellular devices, i.e. phones, watches, are not permitted during
school hours
C. Inappropriate language
D. Being in the wrong area of the
E. Inappropriate behavior during
lunch - food/drink will be
consumed during lunch in the
F. Abusive language
G. Nuisance items including water balloons, squirt guns, laser pointers
are not permitted unless under direct supervision

7. Classroom Behavior A. Sent from classroom or referral

Each teacher will to the office.
develop a set of rules for
their classroom that will allow them
to teach effectively.
No one will prevent teachers
from teaching. No one will
prevent another person from
learning. Behavior that may
injure others is not permitted.

8. Students are expected A. Insubordination

to follow staff B. Physical/verbal/written attack
instructions. or threat of a teacher or staff

9. School Bus A. Violation of rules

10. Habitual abuse of
rules will not be

11. Technology A. Inappropriate use of Internet

B. Inappropriate use of technology
other than the Internet
C. Failure to follow prescribed
procedures in labs, etc.

12. Others A. Behavior which hinders the

smooth operation of the school
and jeopardizes the welfare of
other students and staff members
B. Other behaviors that a reasonable
person would consider to be
C. Any violation, in a school setting,
of any federal, state or local
criminal code

13. Language, graffiti A. Wearing, displaying or exhibiting

hate groups, gang- negative/dangerous behavior
related items/activities related to any of these items
symbols, words and/or
pictures, etc.

Appropriate consequences may include:

1. After School Suspension
2. Community Service
3. Confiscation
4. Consequences developed by teacher/administrator/staff member and/or student as
appropriate. An emphasis should be on alternatives to suspension as well as to
consequences that are appropriate to the offense.
5. Dismissal
6. Expulsion
7. In-School Suspension (ISS)
8. Loss of privileges
9. Lunch Detention
10. Non-School Day Suspension
11. Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)
12. OSS—re-admittance plan/process increase in severity (3-4 step processes to be
presented to student and parents/guardian when implemented).
13. Parent/Guardian Notification
14. Parent Involvement: Education, Monitoring
15. Problem-solving, counseling, anger management
16. Report to Law Enforcement for legal action for violations of local, state, or federal
law (including truancy)
17. Restitution
18. Saturday Detention

Refer to Board Policy #1032

The Board recognizes that it is the prerogative of parents to determine what is appropriate dress and grooming for their children in
accordance with the age and grade of these students. It is hoped that decisions made by parents and students in these matters will
reflect favorably upon the individual, the school and the community. There are certain restrictions necessary on a student’s dress and
grooming when such dress and grooming may create a health or safety hazard; invade the rights of others; or be disruptive to the
educational environment by detracting from the decency and decorum in school. For safety reasons, on physical education days, each
student must bring tennis shoes to participate in class. It will be the responsibility of the building principal to determine violations of
the intent to this policy and to take necessary corrective action.

Some examples of inappropriate clothing include:

1. Brief and revealing clothing: Students must recognize that brief and revealing clothing are not appropriate apparel in
school. Garments that are “see-through”, cut low, halter-tops, spaghetti straps, or expose one’s midriff are not
acceptable. Tight fitting clothing are not appropriate at school (no biker shorts, no boxer shorts, and no short shorts or
2. Sagging pants: All pants must fit around the waist and be properly fastened. Undergarments must not be visible.
3. Headgear: Student shall not wear hats, scarves or other headgear in district buildings except for medical or religious
4. Vulgar, offensive language: Students shall not wear clothing items that contain messages that are vulgar, offensive,
obscene, or libelous; that denigrate others; that promote alcohol or drug use or violence; or that are otherwise contrary to
the school’s educational mission.
5. Clothing which is torn or has parts missing shall not be worn.

Exceptions to the dress code may be made by the building principal or activities director when technical violations occur through a
school uniform or costume or when a student is portraying a character in a play or other dramatic production or during special activity
days as set by the principal.


The student and parent handbooks do not include everything that may possibly happen during the school year. If any situation not
specifically covered should arise, the administration will make every effort to act fairly and quickly. The best interest of the student,
school, and community will be considered. Each situation is different and will be handled on an individual basis.


Personal Electronics are to include, but not limited to cell phones, iPods/iPads, and other electronic devices (eg: internet capable

Bringing personal electronic devices to school is not recommended as their use is prohibited during the school day. Students caught
breaking the rule will have their item confiscated and parents will be required to pick them up in the school office. The school is not
responsible for lost, broken, or damaged devices. The use of headphones is restricted to classroom use as per individual instructor.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”)
certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are:
(1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the School receives a
request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the School Principal (or appropriate school official)
a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The school official will make arrangements for
access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
(2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are
inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violations of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. Parents of eligible
students who wish to ask the school to amend the record should write the school principal (or appropriate school
official), clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the
school decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the school will notify the
parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for
amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible
student when notified of the right to a hearing.
(3) The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education
records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits
disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is
a person employed by the school as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including
health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or
company with whom the school has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using its own employees
or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an
official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assistant to another school official in
performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an
education record in order to fulfill her or her professional responsibility. Additionally, upon request, the school
discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends
to enroll.
(4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the Mitchell
School District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers
FERPA are: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW,
Washington, DC 20202-5920.


The in-school suspension program is an attempt to provide a viable and effective alternative for students who cannot function within
the regular classroom. ISS is also intended to provide an alternative educational program that meets both the needs of the student and
of the school by using the facilities of the educational institution. The purposes of the in-school suspension program are:
1. To provide a safe, supervised place for students to reconsider their behavior and return to the classroom refocused and
ready to work within the classroom structure
2. To help students be more accountable for their behavior

In-school suspension is not the total answer to cure all discipline problems. It is one tool to be used in providing an educational
opportunity for all students. Emphasis is on returning the student to the regular classroom setting. Its purpose is re-entry into and
successful performance in the educational mainstream.


Parents may find more information about Every Student Succeeds Act may be found at the following websites:
www.parentcenterhub.org; www.ed.gov; http://doe.sd.gov


It is the policy of the Board of Education of the Mitchell School District that no otherwise qualified person will be excluded from
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any district program or activity on the basis of race,
religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or disability.


The Mitchell School District will make modifications to its programs, facilities, employment practices, and activities to accommodate
all qualified individuals with a disability. The district will assure that all educational services will be provided and offered to all
students including disabled/disadvantaged students. The district assures that all students will receive an equal opportunity to achieve
educational benefits including Career and Technical Education programs.


The more severe infractions or problems of non-compliance may result in out-of-school suspension.
1. A copy of all letters involving more than one day of suspension and all letters concerning use of outside agencies will be
forwarded to the office of the Superintendent of Schools.
2. Students on out-of-school suspension are not allowed to ride district buses, be on school campus, and be spectators or
participants during the period of suspension.
3. Prior to being readmitted to Mitchell Public Schools, the student and parents/guardians will make a commitment to
proper and acceptable conduct while in school. Much emphasis will be placed on the decision making process.
4. Students on out-of-school suspension will be responsible to make up lost time after school. All work missed must be
made up.
5. Students may be required at the discretion of the Principal to make up OSS time after school or during holiday time.


The federal education law put in place by President Obama called Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires that all parents be
notified and given the opportunity to request information about the professional qualification of classroom teachers instructing their
child. If you are interested in this information, you may contact your building principal or the superintendent of schools who will
provide a written response to the parent with a copy going to the teacher.

The Mitchell School District will provide student transportation to and from school and/or between regular or special academic
programs in accordance with the guidelines established by the school board.

Bus transportation for students is not a right but a privilege, conditioned upon courteous behavior and obedience to the established
rules. Bus safety requires the cooperation of all involved. The following rules are required of all students riding the bus:
● The bus driver may assign seats.
● Remain seated at all times
● Be courteous
● No profanity or obscene language
● Eating and/or drinking on the bus are prohibited.
● Physical endangerment/violence is prohibited.
● No smoking.
● Keep hands and head inside the bus.
● Do not destroy property.
● For your own safety, do not distract the driver through misbehavior.


Building Rules & Regulations

1. Students are expected to treat themselves, others and property with respect.
2. Students are expected to enter the classroom area at 8:15 a.m. when the first bell rings. Classes begin at 8:15 a.m. Any
student not in their classroom at 8:15 a.m. is considered tardy. Students eating breakfast can do so according to the building
3. Students are expected to leave the school building at 3:15 p.m. Students remaining in the school building after regular school
hours are to be there ONLY by teacher direction. Students who remain after school will need to be supervised and will wait
in the office area.
4. Except for the rare emergency, students are not to be taken out of school before 3:15 p.m.
5. Student drop off and pick up may never occur in the bus loading zone.
6. Students are expected to follow a code of conduct while in school, on the bus or on the playground. This code of conduct
includes but is not limited to:

*Non-aggressive play:
No fighting, arguing, teasing or name calling, no snowball or rock throwing, no tackle football or piggybacking, no hard baseball
*Respecting property:
No sitting on desks or tables, no marking walls with shoes, pencils or other objects, any gum or candy in the school
is at teacher discretion and should be disposed of properly.
*Safe traveling:
No running in halls or on sidewalks
*Respecting others:
Stay out of other’s desks or things, no name-calling, no back talk, no use of swear words or vulgar comments


If a child’s typical after school plans are changed, the school office needs to be notified in advance (preferably in writing). Examples
include, if the child is going home with someone else on a different bus, is walking to a different destination or is being picked up by
someone at school. If the school receives no communication that something different is to happen, the child will be placed on
their regular bus or be expected to use the usual route home.


If your child needs to arrive at school before 7:30 am, please check with the building principal for the procedure your child will need
to follow.


If a child is injured or becomes ill while at school, the school nurse or other school personnel will contact the parents/guardians at
home or work. It is essential that an emergency number be recorded with the school office. If a child needs to be transported to
the clinic or hospital for emergency treatment and the parent/guardian cannot be located, an ambulance will be called.


Evaluation is a daily process and one in which teachers, parents, and students work together cooperatively. There will be four (4)
formal reporting periods during the school year with a report card. There will be two (2) days scheduled for parent-teacher
conferences during the year. Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher if additional meetings are desired.


If there has been wear or vandalism to textbooks, workbooks, library books or any school property, students will be assessed the cost
of repair or replacement. Students will be charged for lost or damaged school property.


Actions that are meant to intimidate and embarrass others are very harmful in a school environment because they often result in harm
to a student’s educational experience. It is a type of bullying and a form of violence.

Sexual Harassment in any form will not be tolerated. It is the policy of the school district that no administrator, faculty member, staff
member or student shall be subject to sexual harassment by others. This policy (#115) is available in full at the Central Administration
Office and all building libraries. Students or parents who report sexual harassment shall be free from retaliation, in all cases including
those involving school employees.

All forms of harassment should be reported to school administration.


Health services will be provided to students. The goal is to be supportive to each child in enhancing their lives by teaching
preventative medicine and helping students enjoy a healthy lifestyle. To accomplish this, families are urged to inform us of any
existing health concerns, emotional or physical. This includes recent surgeries, serious illnesses, communicable diseases or accidents.
Also, please inform us of any recent immunizations.


During the school year, students in kindergarten and second grade are screened for vision. Kindergarten and first grade students are
screened for hearing. Fifth grade students are screened for scoliosis. All new students to the School District are screened for vision
and hearing. Parents are notified when screening results are outside normal limits. While mass screenings are scheduled at specific
times throughout the year, parents or teachers can request individual screenings for particular children at any time.


All students are screened for head lice as needed during the school year. Children with live lice will be sent home for treatment. They
are allowed back into school after they have been treated. Head lice are very small, dark brownish insects (less than 1/8th inch long)
that live on human heads. They lay their eggs (nits) close to the scalp. The eggs are tiny (about the size of the eye of a small needle)
and are dark gray or a whitish-opaque color.

Itching of the scalp and neck. Look for 1) crawling lice in the hair, usually few in number 2) eggs (nits) glued to the hair shaft, often
found at the back of the neck or around the ears; and 3) scratch marks on the scalp resulting from the itching.

Lice spreads by direct person-to-person contact and by sharing personal items such as combs, brushes, hats, scarves, jackets, blankets,
sheets, pillowcases, etc.Lice do not jump or fly; they crawl and can fall off the head. Head lice do not live longer than 48 hours off the
head. They only lay their eggs while on the head. Nits that are more than 1/4” from the scalp are dead or simply will not hatch. Also
the eggs do not hatch if they fall off. Lice do not spread to or from pets.


Period of Communicability:
Until treated with a lice-killing medication, crawling forms of the louse are communicable; the nits are not.

1. Avoid sharing hair care items, towels, bedding, clothing, hats, and headgear.
2. Hang clothing in individual lockers or on assigned coat hooks.
3. Check your child’s head frequently throughout the school year. If one person in the family, day care, school, etc. has head lice, the
others should be checked, too. Everyone who is infested should be treated at the same time.
4. Inform the nurse’s office at your child’s school when live infestations occur and notify those with whom the infested person has had
close contact.

1. Use a lice-killing shampoo. When rinsing the lice shampoo out of the hair avoid using anything other than water. Conditioners in
shampoos and cream rinse may interfere with effective lice treatment.
2. Removing the nits after proper treatment is necessary for controlling the spread of lice. The shampoos may not be effective in
killing the eggs. Fine tooth combs are needed to remove the nits, concentrating on the nits close to the scalp.
3. Cleaning your home is essential. All combs, brushes and similar items must be disinfected by either soaking in the medicated
shampoo for the recommended time, in 2% Lysol solution for 1 hour, rubbing alcohol for 10 minutes, or by heating in water over 130
degrees F for 10 minutes.

Treatment Must Include All Three (3) Steps.

Clean the floors, furniture, mattresses, carpeting and car upholstery by thoroughly vacuuming. The use of insecticide sprays is not

Clothing such as jackets, hats, scarves, pajamas, etc. and bedding and towels should be washed in hot (130 degrees F or higher) water
and dried in a hot dryer for at least 20 minutes before being used again. Un-washable clothing, linens, and stuffed toys can be dry
cleaned or sealed in plastic bags for two (2) weeks.

Treating for lice is a lot of work and results in many expenses. Please speak with your children about not sharing hats, combs, and
brushes in school. If lice occur, be as thorough as possible with your first treatment efforts. Treating the hair with the lice shampoo
and cleaning the home environment must happen simultaneously. It does no good to treat the hair and not wash the linens or

Do not feel embarrassed if a lice infestation happens in your family. Having lice has nothing to do with being dirty. Recruit assistance
from others when dealing with lice. Notify close contacts so they can be checked. Notify the school. Doing so helps to protect your
family from being re-infested.

Follow Up:
The nurse’s office at school will follow up on all known cases of head lice. When a case of lice is discovered or reported, close
contacts of that child which includes siblings and friends are also checked for lice.
Remain Calm!! Spread The Word - Not The Problem.


The Mitchell School District does not provide any type of health or accident insurance for injuries incurred by your child at school or
during extra-curricular activities.

Since children are particularly susceptible to injuries, we encourage parents/guardians to review their present health insurance program
to determine if the coverage is adequate. If the coverage is not adequate or parents/guardians do not have insurance, we encourage
parents/guardians to consider enrolling their child(ren) in the voluntary student accident insurance program. Information concerning
the program and instructions on how to enroll your student can be accessed from your child’s school office.



All students are required to have an information card on file with the school. The information card is completed yearly and is vital in
the case of an emergency. Parents/guardians are responsible for keeping this information current with the school.


Students of Mitchell Public Schools are offered access to the district computer network for Internet use. To gain access, all students
under the age of 18 must obtain parental permission and must sign and return the form to the Office in each building.

Access to Internet will enable students to explore thousands of libraries, databases, and bulletin boards thus enhancing academic
opportunities. Families should be warned that some material accessible via the Internet might contain items that are illegal,
defamatory, inaccurate or potentially offensive to some people. While our intent is to make Internet accessible to further educational
goals and objectives, students may find ways to access other materials as well.

We believe that the benefits to students from access to the Internet, in the form of information resources and opportunities for
collaboration, exceed any disadvantages. Ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the
standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. To that end, the Mitchell Public Schools
support and respect each family’s right to decide whether or not to apply for access.


Refer to Board Policy #976

Students are responsible for appropriate and acceptable behavior on school computer networks just as they are in a classroom.
Communications on the network are often public in nature. General school rules for behavior and communication apply.

The network is provided for students to conduct research. Access to network services is given to students who agree to act in a
considerate and responsible manner. Parent permission is required. Permission is effective until the student graduates; the policy
changes or parents request the child not have access. Access is a privilege, not a right. Access entails responsibility.

Individual users of the district computer networks are responsible for their behavior and communications over those networks. It is
presumed that users will comply with district standards and will honor the agreements they have signed. After parental permission is
given, students will be given training for use of the Internet (or supervised instruction). Misuse of the access privilege will result in
loss of the privilege.

Network storage areas may be treated like lockers. Network administrators may review files and communications to maintain system
integrity and insure that users are using the system responsibly. Users should not expect that files stored on district servers would
always be private.

Within reason, freedom of speech and access to information will be honored. During school, teachers of younger children will guide
them toward appropriate materials. Outside of school, families bear the same responsibility for such guidance as they exercise with
information sources such as television, telephones and movies where potentially offensive material can be accessed. The following
are not permitted:

▪ Using obscene language

▪ Sending or displaying offensive message or pictures
▪ Harassing, insulting or attacking others
▪ Damaging computers, computer systems of computer networks
▪ Violating copyright laws
▪ Using another’s password
▪ Trespassing in another’s folders, work or files
▪ Intentionally wasting limited resources
▪ Employing the network for commercial purposes

Violations may result in loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action.



An after school program is available for all students grades, K-5. The after school program provides students with a variety of before
school and after school activities (sports, games, movies, arts, crafts, computer labs along with homework/reading areas). The EMBE
Kid’s Club program is available at the Elementary Schools from 3:15 after school to 6:00 p.m. Registration can be done through
EMBE at 996-4311.

When school is canceled, has an early release because of weather, Kid’s Club is canceled. It is the responsibility of the parents to
have alternative arrangements on file with the elementary school office for their child in the event the Kid’s Club program is


If a student must leave during the school day, a note signed by the parent/guardian must be sent to school and presented to the office
stating the time of pick-up and estimated return time. Students will need to present the note to the office personnel when they come
into school in the morning. The teacher will dismiss the child at the appointed time. Students need to check out with the office
before leaving.


From time to time, students may visit local businesses or organizations as part of their educational experience. Permission to
participate in these trips is given by the parent/guardian when they complete the applicable section on the Health Data and Emergency
Card Information.


Lost and found items are placed in a box in each school building. Please attach name labels or mark your children’s clothing and
other personal belongings. This makes it possible for children to identify their belongings. Lunches and lunch boxes should be
marked with permanent marker. Students should bring only items to school that are a part of the educational program. Please do not
send your child to school with large sums of money or valuable toys or electronic equipment. The school is not responsible for
lost items.


Subject to change, please see the school website.

Breakfast is available to all students grades K-5. The price guidelines are:
Breakfast - $1.85 Reduced price - $.30
Adult Breakfast - $2.50
The following lunch prices have been set for grades K-5.
Meals - $2.80 Reduced price - $.40
Milk - 40¢
Adult Lunch - $4.00
Milk is included as part of the breakfast and lunch program. Kindergarten milk tickets cost 30¢.

Breakfast, lunch and milk money collection will take place in the mornings. Charges are discouraged. Prompt payment is needed for
any more charges to be made. Students who pay weekly will need to remember to bring money for the following week. Unused
money is carried over. A reminder will be sent home with the student when three meals are left on the account. Please respond the
next school day with payment. K-5 meals from the same family can be purchased with the same check (i.e., milk, lunch,


All checks are to be made out to Mitchell Public Schools. A breakdown of how you would like the funds to be applied is necessary
for proper distribution of funds. In the memo area, list the name(s) of the child(ren) and each child’s teacher’s name. All monies sent,
whether cash or check, need to be in an envelope with the child’s name and the desired purchases. Any questions concerning
breakfast, lunch or milk tickets, please call the Food Service at 995-3081.


The District encourages all families to apply for Free & Reduced Breakfast/Lunch status. All information given on the forms is
CONFIDENTIAL. The Free & Reduced Lunch count is the basis for many of the State funding formulas. There are many families in
our District who are not being reported and there is therefore a reduction of funds to the district. You are not in any way obligated to
participate in the Free & Reduced Lunch Program even if you qualify.


The school district acknowledges that certain students may require medications during the school day. Designated school personnel
are available to give the following medications:
1. Prescription medications required more frequently than 3 times per day. (Medications given 3 times per day or less can be given
entirely outside of the school day).
2. Prescription drugs specifically ordered by the physician to be given during the school day. To dispense medications to
your student, the following procedure is used:
a. Parents will be required to complete and sign a Request and Authorization for Medication and Treatment form provided by the
b. The school must have the medication in a labeled container from the pharmacy or physician with the student’s name, date,
medication name, dosage and frequency to be given. This applies to prescription and over the counter medications.
Ask the pharmacy to fill the medication in duplicated containers with the appropriate amount your student will need
dispensed into the container for school use. Over the counter medications will be given ONLY when prescribed by a
physician and labeled by a pharmacy.
c. A parent/guardian or designated adult MUST deliver all medications, including refills, to the school.
d. Parents are responsible to notify the school immediately of any changes in the administration of the medication.
e. All medications given will be recorded on medication administration records.
f. Medications will be stored in a locked cabinet in the nurse’s office.

Mitchell School District 17-2

Request and Authorization For Medication/Treatment Form

Parents are requested to give medication at home whenever possible. If it becomes necessary to administer medication to students
during school hours the following regulations will be observed:

● A parent/guardian or designated adult must deliver to the school all medications including refills to be administered by
school personnel.
● Medication to be administered must be prescribed by a licensed medical professional. The school may contact the
professional as necessary.
● Medication to be administered by school personnel must be provided in the prescription container with the prescription
attached. Medication improperly packaged or labeled will not be administered.
● Parents of guardians must provide the information requested below and sign the form granting the school permission to
administer the medication.


To be completed by parent or guardian:

I request and authorize officials at ________________________________________________________________

School to supervise the below stated medication and dosage.

Student’s name __________________________________________________________________________________

Medication _______________________________________________________________________________________

Dosage and time ___________________________________________________________________________________

Method (oral, ear drops, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________

Possible side effects or adverse reactions ______________________________________________________________

The student being treated for ________________________________________________________________________

I understand the medication shall be provided in a bottle labeled by the pharmacy to include the student’s name, medication and
strength, dosage and time medication is to be taken, and physician’s name.

I understand that district personnel are rendering a service and will administer the medication only in accordance with the instructions
on the label.

I understand that the school district and individuals involved will not be liable from any adverse effects of the medication.

I understand that the school may contact the prescribing professional regarding the medication and/or it’s effects.

_____________Initial for consent to carry and self-administer inhaler.

Signed (parent or guardian) ________________________________________________________________________________

Date _____________________________________

Immunization Requirements For School Enrollment

In order to remain enrolled in the Mitchell Public Schools the parent/guardian of the student must submit certification from a licensed
physician that the child has received a test for tuberculosis, the child is free from a contagious form of tuberculosis, and the child has
received or is in the process of receiving adequate immunization against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, rubella (measles), rubella,
mumps, tetanus, and varicella (chickenpox), according to the recommendations of the State Health Department.

Minimum immunization requirements for Kindergarten through 5th grade are defined as having received at least:
1. 4 or more doses of DTP. (At least 1 dose must have been given on or after age 4)
2. 3 or more doses of polio (at least 1 dose must have been given on or after age 4)
3. 2 doses of MMR after age 12 months
4. For kindergarten only: two doses of varicella after the age of 12 months, or history of the disease

Legal alternatives to minimum immunization requirements include:

1. Medical exemption to immunization law. Requires a physician’s signature on the SD Department of Health Certificate of
2. Religious exemption to immunization law. Requires a written statement confirming religious affiliation and a copy of the religion’s
doctrine and a parent/guardian signature on the SD Department of Health Certificate of Immunization.

Does the Mitchell Public School really exclude students due to lack of adequate immunization records?


YES WE DO!! We are required by South Dakota Immunization Laws to exclude students who are not in compliance. We sincerely
hope to prevent exclusions and ask for your prompt attention at meeting South Dakota immunization requirements. If you have any
questions, please call the nurse’s office at your child’s school or contact your local health care provider.

THANK YOU!! We sincerely hope to prevent exclusions and ask for your prompt attention at meeting South Dakota’s immunization


We encourage all students and their parents to attend games to support the Kernels. During football games at the stadium, students are
encouraged to sit with parents or designated areas. We ask that when attending contests at the Corn Palace, that students grades K-8
should be seated on the stage bleachers located on the East end of the Corn Palace. At the Senior High students grades K-8 should sit
in the SE corner across from the scorer's table. At both sites, students will only be allowed to use the restroom and/or concession areas
during quarter breaks, halftime and in-between games. All students need to be in their seats while the games are being played.
We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you at the games. If you have any questions, please call the Activities Office
at 995-3082.


No posters or signs are to be posted in the school building without permission of the Central Administration. Any unauthorized
posters or advertisements will be removed.


Refer to Board Policy #997

The administration and teaching staff must strive to create plans of instruction and instructional organization that will permit students
to progress through school according to their needs and abilities.

Students will normally progress annually from grade to grade. However, exceptions to this general policy may be made when it
becomes evident that a student should proceed more slowly.

Retention will not be used until other possibilities have been exhausted, including special help, remedial work, and summer school

In all cases of retention, parents must be informed of such possibility well in advance (usually by the third reporting period) and a
conference with them sought. In all instances teachers will use the advice and help of the guidance counselor and other special school

Although teachers may recommend retention, all retention (as well as promotions) will be assigned by the school principals. Teachers,
in recommending retentions; or principals, in assigning them; will give the reasons why they feel the student should repeat. The
school system shall have final authority in the promotion/retention of a student in grades 1-12.

The principal will take particular care in assigning more than one retention during a child’s elementary school life. The superintendent
must approve a second retention assigned any student.



PPRA affords parents certain rights regarding our conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and
certain physical exams. These include the right to:

1. Consent before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one or more of the following protected areas
(“protected information survey”) if the survey is funded in whole or in part by a program of the U.S. Department of
Education (ED)—
a. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent;
b. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family;
c. Sex behavior or attitudes;
d. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
e. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships;
f. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors or ministers;
g. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents; or
h. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.

2. Receive notice and an opportunity to opt a student out of---

a. Any other protected information survey, regardless of funding;
b. Any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a condition of attendance, administered by
the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of a student, except for
hearing, vision or scoliosis screenings, or any physical exam or screening permitted or required under State law;
c. Activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information obtained from students for marketing
or to sell or otherwise distribute the information of others.
3. Inspect, upon request and before administration or use—
a. Protected information surveys of students;
b. Instruments used to collect personal information from students for any of the above marketing, sales, or other
distribution purposes; and
c. Instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum.

These rights transfer from the parents to a student who is 18 years old or an emancipated minor under State law.

Parents who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-5920


During periods of inclement weather, parents and students are requested to listen to their radio, television, or social media websites..
Information concerning late starts, early releases or school closings can be heard on these radio stations: KORN, KQRN, KMIT or
seen on these television stations: KDLT, KELO, KSFY, Q107. This information can also be obtained on the Mitchell School District


Textbooks, workbooks, newspapers, magazines and some art materials are furnished free of charge by the District on the assumption
that they be given reasonable care. Students will be expected to purchase such working materials as pens, pencils, rulers, crayons,
folders, glue, scissors and Kleenex. As a reminder, gum, candy and toys are not a part of our school supply list and should not be in



Section 504 is the part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that applies to persons with disabilities. Section 504 is a civil rights act that
protects the civil and constitutional rights of persons with disabilities. It states that no person with a disability can be excluded from or
denied benefits of any program receiving federal financial assistance. Section 504 and special education are two separate services.
Should you have questions about Section 504, please contact your building principal or the office of the superintendent of schools at

US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: Regional Director, U.S. Department of Education, the Office for Civil Rights, U.S.
Department of Education, One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 320, Kansas City, MO 64106, Phone: (816)
268-0550, Fax (816) 268-0599; TDD (800) 877-8339, Email: [email protected]


Speech and Language services are available for students who have deficits in one or more of the following areas: 1.) articulation, 2.)
language comprehension, 3.) voice quality, 4.) fluency, 5.) language. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact
the speech and language clinician at your child’s school.


Special education services are provided for students who qualify. Services are available for students with academic, intellectual,
motor, sensory or behavioral/emotional issues. If you are concerned about your child, please contact the principal of your child’s


Common Core Standards are on line at: https://doe.sd.gov/contentstandards/

Or are available from your child’s teacher or administrator.


Refer to Board Policy #1045

Students who wish to file complaints or appeal decisions of school officials, or parents who wish to do so on their child’s behalf, may
do so through the process outlined in Board Policy #1045, available in school libraries and administrative offices. The primary
purpose of the procedure outlined in this policy is to secure, at the earliest level possible, equitable solutions to a complaint or appeal,
if justifiable. The proceedings at each level of this procedure shall be kept confidential by school officials. The process begins with
the student/parent and teacher. If the problem is not resolved, the teacher’s decisions can be appealed by the student/parent to the
principal using the Appeal Filing Form as part of the same policy.


Refer To Board Policy #1044

All students are entitled to due process when they are subjected to disciplinary actions such as suspension or expulsion. The Board
and school officials have the legal authority to deal with disruptive students and student misconduct. Due process, for most situations,
shall be met when:

1. The pupil is given oral or written notice of the charges against him/her;
2. The pupil is given an oral or written explanation of the facts that form the basis of the proposed suspension; and
3. The pupil is given an opportunity to present his/her version of the incident.

In more serious situations, as when expulsion is under consideration, additional due process steps are required.

Refer to Board Policy #1061

Student records are maintained for each student attending Mitchell Public Schools for the purpose of maintaining an accurate account
of the student’s educational history and progress. These files are open to parents/guardians and may be reviewed in the presence of the
building principal upon request.


Emergency messages will be given to children immediately. Children will not be called to the office to answer general phone
messages. The office staff will relay messages to students but will not disrupt class time to do so. Parents/guardians are asked to limit
messages as much as possible. Students are allowed to utilize phones for urgent calls. The student’s phone is to be used only with
adult permission.


Notice is given to all students, parents and staff that all technology (hardware and software) is owned by the Mitchell School District
and may be observed for appropriate and legal use.


Title I is a federally funded reading and math program. Its purpose is to provide additional help for students in grades K-3 with needs
in reading and math. The classroom teacher, parent referral and additional assessment (some individual) are utilized to identify
students who would benefit from participating in this program.


Rockport Colony Elementary
Rosedale Colony Elementary

Title I is a federal and state funded program to provide remedial services to children in the areas of reading and math. Title teachers
are certified staff specifically trained to teach strategies for reading and math skills. Services in the area of reading and math are
provided to children in grades K-3 primarily plus 4th grade if available. Reading Recovery is implemented at the first grade level.


All guardians of the Title I student will receive individual results within 30 days of the first day of school.


Title 1 regulations require that the targeted school jointly develop with and distribute to parents of participating children, a written
parental involvement policy agreed on by the parents that described the requirements of (C) through (F) as listed below and outlined in
Title 1 law:

All parents will be informed about the school’s participation in Title I and their rights to be involved. Information will also be
disseminated at the annual open house held in August, plus during Parent/Teacher Conferences. Furthermore, quarterly newsletters
will share ideas and strategies for parents to effectively assist their children at home to improve academic skills. The Title I Committee
will accomplish the following each year as a requirement of the Federal and State Title I Funded program:
● Convene an annual meeting, at a convenient time, to which all parents of participating children shall be invited and
encouraged to attend, to inform parents of their school’s participation under this part and to explain the requirements of the
part, and the right of the parents to be involved.
● Offer a flexible number of meetings, such as meeting in the morning or evening, and may provide, with funds provided under
this part, transportation, child care, or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement. This includes but is not
limited to Open House, Parent Teacher Conferences, Jumpstart program and the Parent Teacher Organization.
● Involve parents, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of programs under this
part including planning, review, and improvement of the schools parental improvement policy; Set aside funds are available
each year for the Mitchell School District to provide opportunities for parents to learn about meeting the needs of his or her
child. This includes parents being involved with the Title I Committee, and at the district level as well.
● Parents of participating Title I students will be sent information about the Title I program at the beginning of year or when a
child begins to receive assistance from the Title I program. Updates about the program will be provided to parents of
participating children includes the following but not limited to:
▪ Timely information about programs under this part;
▪ A description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment
used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet; and
▪ If requested by parents, opportunities for regular meeting to formulate suggestions and to participate, as
appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and to respond to any such suggestions
as soon as practically possible.
● If the school wide program plan is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children, submit any parent comments on the
plan when the school makes the plan available to the local educational agency.
● The federal education law put in place by President Bush called: No Child Left Behind, requires that all parents be notified
and given the opportunity to request information about the professional qualification of classroom teachers instructing their
child as a substitute for more than 4 weeks. If you are interested in this information, you may contact your building principal
or the superintendent of schools who will provide a written response to the parent with a copy going to the teacher.
● As a component of the school-level parental involvement policy, the school will collaboratively develop the compact with
parents for all children served under this part a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and
students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement in the areas of math and reading. Each
person must make a commitment to provide high quality curriculum and instruction, support, and/or effective learning
environment that will enable students served to meet the state student performance standards. Ongoing communication
between teachers and parents will be accomplished through two Parent-Teacher conferences held each year. Student progress
reports will be sent to the parents at the end of each quarter. Meetings may be scheduled on-going throughout the year if


● The school will actively work to provide opportunities for parents and school staff to become informed about a variety of
topics. School staff will also be involved in activities to promote communication between school and parents, understanding
the value of parent contributions and building ties between school and home. To ensure effective involvement of parents and
to support a partnership among the school involved. Parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement,
each school and local educational agency assisted under this part –
● Shall provide assistance to the parents of children served by the school or local educational agency, as appropriate, in
understanding such topics as the State’s academic content standards and State student academic achievement standards, State
and local academic assessments, the requirements of this part, and how to monitor a child’s progress and work with educators
to improve the achievement of their children;


● Shall provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their children’s achievements, such as
literacy training and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement.
● Shall educate teachers, pupils services personnel, principals, and other staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and
utility of contributions of parents, and how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners,
implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school;
● Shall, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities with Head
Start, and public preschool and other programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage
and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children;
● Shall ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meeting, and other activities is sent to the parents of
participating children in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language parents can understand;
● Shall involve parents in the development of programs through gathering feedback informally and formally.
● Shall provide necessary literacy training from funds received under this part if the district has exhausted all other reasonable
available sources of funding for such training; Avenues taken to educate parents will be pursued through the annual District
Title I meeting, newsletters, parent-teacher conferences, and parent teacher organizations.
● May pay reasonable and necessary expenses associated with local parental involvement activities, including transportation
and child care costs, to enable parents to participate in school-related meeting and training sessions;
● May train parents to enhance the involvement of other parents; This may involve lead parents teaching other parents about a
variety of strategies to improve skills at home.
● May arrange school meeting at a variety of times, or conduct in-home conferences between teachers or other educators, who
work directly with participating children, with parents who are unable to attend such conferences at school, in order to
maximize parental involvement and participation;
● May adopt and implement model to improve parental involvement;
● May establish a district parent advisory council to provide advice on all matters related to parental involvement in programs
supported under this section;
● May develop appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses in parent involvement activities; and
● Shall provide such other reasonable support for parental involvement activities under this as parents may request.

In carrying out the parental involvement requirements of this part, districts and schools, to the extent practicable, shall
provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with children with limited English proficiency, parents with children with
disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports in a format and, to the extent
practicable, in a language such parents can understand.


Longfellow Elementary School
G. B. Rogers Elementary
L. B. Williams Elementary

Statement of Purpose
Mitchell elementary schools are committed to providing quality education programs and establishing high levels of performance for
all children. Title I law requires that each school develop jointly with parents a policy which describes how the school intends to
comply with the requirements of this law. The following policy was developed by the school’s Parent Advisory Committee and will
be distributed to all parents in a way they can understand. The policy will be reviewed annually. Because parent involvement and
support are essential components for each child to be successful, the school is committed to establishing a home-school partnership to
ensure academic success for every child.

Part I: Policy Involvement

Mitchell elementary schools will:
Convene an annual meeting.
● An annual Title I meeting will be held in order to share the School Parent Involvement Policy, and the Schoolwide
Title I Plan.
● Invitations will be sent to guardian(s).


Offer flexible meeting time and varied activities designated to support and encourage the involvement of all parents:
Mitchell elementary schools will ensure the involvement of all parents by offering the following activities, planning and reviewing the
Title I program by:

● Conducting a Title I Survey

● Reviewing and revising the Policy to incorporate suggestions based on feedback
● Sending home Parent Compacts as well as providing compact in the student handbook
● Reviewing the Division and School Parent Involvement Policies at the Annual Title I Meeting(s)
● Family Night
● Parent Workshops
● Parent Conferences
● PTA Activities
● School Committees

Provide timely information about the Title I Program, the academic curriculum, assessments used to measure progress, grade level
expectations, and opportunities to interact with teachers regarding the education of their children:
Parents will be provided with timely information through:

● Parent Conferences
● Parent Open Houses
● Family Nights
● Newsletters
● Report Cards
● School Web Site
● Parent Workshops
● Home Visits
● Day/Weekly Take Home Folders
● Student Journal Communication with parents involving homework.
● Student Handbook

Inform Parents if their child has been taught for four (4) ore more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified as
defined by the Title I law.

Part II: Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement

Mitchell elementary schools will:

Develop jointly with parents and teachers a School/Parent/Student Agreement. The agreement will outline ways in which the parents,
school staff, and students will work together to ensure high academic achievement.

Part III: Building Capacity for Involvement

Mitchell elementary schools will:

Provide information and assistance to parents regarding the state and local academic standards and assessments.
To ensure that parents are informed about academic standards and assessments we will provide the following:

● Parent Conferences
● Star Assessments Results
● Smarter Balanced Results
● ACCESS results for ELL students sent to parents
● Local assessment information
● DOE (Department of Education) link available to parents


Provide materials and training to parents.
Mitchell elementary schools will offer training and materials to parents through the following events and activities:

● Family Nights
● Math Night
● Schoolwide Take Home Book Program
● Kindergarten Orientation
● Parent Involvement materials to CORE Reading Program
● Parent Workshops
● 21st Century After School Program for Students (Longfellow and LBW)
● Provide lists of community resources to individual parents and assistance in accessing the resources, as needed.

Educate the academic community regarding the value of parent involvement, ways to communicate effectively with parents, and
implementation of parent programs.

Inform parents of school and parent programs in a timely and practical format they can understand:
To ensure that all parents are informed in a timely manner, we will provide:

● Communication Folders
● Notice of school functions
● Report cards

Part IV: Accessibility

Mitchell elementary schools will:
Make parent involvement accessible to all parents.
Mitchell elementary schools will ensure that parent involvement activities are accessible to all parents by providing the following:

● Notices of meetings/events
● Flexible meeting times
● Handicapped Accessible Facilities
● Home Visits
● Phone Conferences
● Collaboration with community agencies


Students, their parents, and employees of Mitchell School “District 17-2 are hereby notified that this school district does not
discriminate on the basis of sex and is required by Title IX not to discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational activities and
employment practices. Any person having inquiries concerning the Mitchell School district’s compliance with Title IX is directed to
contact the administrative office at (605) 995-3010 or 800 W 10th Avenue , Mitchell , SD 57301.


WEAPONS: No student shall carry on his or her person, in any way have in his or her possession, store, keep, leave, place or give to
or put in the possession of another student a controlled dangerous or deadly weapon, any destructive device or explosive, any ballistic
knife, any stun gun or any firearm or air gun whether such firearm or air gun is designed, adapted, used or intended primarily for
imitative or noise make purposes or not in or on any school property or premises, in any school vehicle or other vehicle being used for
school purposes or function or at which a school related activity is being conducted. Paintball guns or any other item deemed
inappropriate or dangerous will be considered a weapon. As per SDCL 13-32-7 any student who has intentionally brought a weapon
onto school premises shall be expelled for not less than 12 months. The superintendent may increase or decrease the length of a
weapon related expulsion on a case-by-case basis. Any student violating this policy shall also be referred to the criminal justice or
juvenile delinquency system.



We welcome parents, guardians, and grandparents to the Mitchell Public Schools. However, for the safety of all the children in the
school, anyone entering the building that is not a staff person must sign in at the office and pick up a visitor’s pass. Please contact the
teacher or principal to set up an appropriate time. If you plan to eat at school, the office needs to know by 9:00 that day. If a
parent/guardian is picking up a child unexpectedly, they will need to come to the office and we will send for the child. Children who
have a written note from their parent/guardian stating that they will need to leave early will be dismissed from the office.

Relatives, friends, or students from other schools, are not allowed to visit during the school day. Our classrooms are workplaces, and
other children unfamiliar with the routine are distracting.


We welcome and appreciate any time that parents/guardians or community members are willing to share with us. Please stop in the
school office or call the school at any time. Volunteer efforts provide an educational advantage to the students.


School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the June 12, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board Consideration to Set Meal Prices for the 2023-24 School Year.

From: Joe Childs, Superintendent

Nature of action requested:

Board Action X
Board Information
Scheduled report

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

After discussing the matter with food service director Leann Carmody, it is my
recommendation that food service prices for students and adults remain unchanged for the
2023-24 school year. Meal prices would be:

Student/Reduced Price $0.30 $0.40

Student/Regular Price
Elementary $1.85 $2.80
MMS & MHS $2.00 $3.00

Adult $3.00 $5.00

Given a number of efficiencies that have now been built into the food service program along
with increased participation rates, we should be able to hold the meal prices unchanged
without adversely affecting the fiscal health of the program and account balance.

Having said that, and although the cost of a full lunch remains unchanged, the price of milk
will increase from $0.40 to $0.50.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:

Joe Childs, interim superintendent

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Joe Childs, Superintendent Date: June 12, 2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the June 12, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board consideration to Increase Clerical FTE.

From: Joe Childs, Superintendent

Nature of action requested:

Board Action X
Board Information
Scheduled report

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

The school district administration will be moving to the business office. With that move,
Special Services Director and Special Services Admin Assistant will move from Longfellow
Elementary School to the business office. This move will allow the district administration to
utilize the clerical services of the district registrar and special services admin assistant. The
move also leaves a void at the Longfellow office. I am asking the board to consider
increasing the clerical FTE, by 7 hrs daily and 10 mo., to meet the needs of Longfellow and
the district administration office/business office.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:

Joe Childs, Superintendent

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Joe Childs, Superintendent Date: June 12, 2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the June 12, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board Consideration to Approve Bids for MTC School Vehicles.

From: Joe Childs, Superintendent

Nature of action requested:

Board Action X
Board Information
Scheduled report

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

Mitchell Technical College recommends approval of bids for school vehicles – bids to be
opened June 12, 2023, and will be a walk-in item.

Vehicles will be purchased with state GOED funds with 2/3rds of cost covered by the State.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:

Scott Fossum, Mitchell Technical College

Joe Childs, Superintendent

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Joe Childs, Superintendent Date: June 12, 2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the June 12, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board Consideration to declare surplus items.

From: Joe Childs, Superintendent

Nature of action requested:

Board Action X
Board Information
Scheduled report

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

Mitchell Technical College recommends approval of surplus item list. Items will be sold by
sealed bid sale in July 2023. Subsequent pages contain list of surplus items.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:

Scott Fossum, Mitchell Technical College

Joe Childs, Superintendent

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Joe Childs, Superintendent Date: June 12, 2023

Quantity Item Description
1 1999 Chevrolet Van 1500 -12 passenger
1 1997 Chevrolet Pickup single cab, long box
1 2016 Chevrolet Impala Limited
1 2019 Chevrolet Equinox LT

1 2011 Chevrolet Impala

1 2013 Ford E350Van Econoline Van E350
1 2013 Ford E350Van Econoline Van E350
1 2016 Buick Regal Turbo
1 2016 Buick Regal Turbo
1 2015 Ford F250
1 2001 Dodge Ram 3500
1 2016 Chrylser200 Limited
1 Computer desk
1 50 gallon fuel tank
1 10' tire snow plow euro mount
1 10' tire snow plow skidloader mount
1 Chamberlain Lift Master Gate opener
1 Milwalkee HD Elec Drill
1 BTI 24V Battery Charger
1 Powr-Flite 36V Battery Charger
1 E-Series Batter Charger
1 Quid 36V Battery Charger
1 2 White Boards Approx. 4'x4'
1 Milk Carafes Vintage looking milk bottles personal size
1 Classic Glass Milk Shake Classic Glass Milk Shake
1 Stemmed Glass Stemmed Glass
3 Bowl Center Piece Bowl Center Piece
1 Glass Stemmed Shot Glass Glass Stemmed Shot Glass
1 Iced Coffee Mug Glass Iced Coffee Mug Glass
4 Glass Wine Glasses - Variety Glass Wine Glasses - Variety
4 Coffee Mugs Coffe Mugs
1 Heinz Ketchup Holder Heinz Ketchup Holder
1 Colored Plates Colored Plates
2 Floral Designed Plates Floral Designed Plates
3 Floral Color Designed Plates Floral Color Designed Plates
1 Plastic Soda Classes Plastic Soda Classes
2 Plastic Soda Classes Plastic Soda Classes
1 Steak Locker Humidity and Cooler for dry aging
1 Work Bench Work Bench DPT

1 Ford tractor Chassis Ford tractor Chassis

1 File Cabinet 4-drawer file cabinet
1 Milling Machine Beveler SKF 20 Plate/Pipe Bevel Milling Machine
1 Band saw Hydmech PH261 band saw
1 TIG Precision 225 TIG
1 Grinder Bosch 7" grinder

Quantity Item Description
8 Welder ESAB Multi 300
2 Welder Lincoln Powerwave300
2 Xray View Boxes 2 Xray view boxes
1 Motorized Wheel Chair Quantum Q6 Edge 2.0
1 Dry Erase Board 5' X 10'
1 Dry Erase Board 4' X 12'
12 Classroom desk/tables CC175 tables
25 Rolling desk chairs black and tan pattern
21 Heavier desk / tables with front privacy guard
33 Rolling desk chairs black with some square back, some rnd
2 black 4 drawer file cabinets
2 Classroom teacher desks laminate
1 padded sectional lounging system 4 pieces
15 Heavier desk/tables with front privacy guard
30 Rolling desk chairs tan with black dots
1 4 drawer filing cabinet tan
1 Wood book shelf
2 Green Vinyl Chairs
1 Green Vinyl Couch

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the June 12, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board Member Reports/ Commentary

From: Board Members

Nature of action requested from the Board:

Board Action ☐
Board Information ☐
Scheduled report ☒

Board members will report on meetings attended since our last regular board meeting.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:
Joe Childs, Interim Superintendent
I will be able to review the item further as the school board meeting, if requested:

Name:_____________________________________ Date:6/12/2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the June 12, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Superintendent’s Report From: Joe Childs, Superintendent

Nature of action requested from the Board:

Board Action ☐
Board Information ☐
Scheduled report ☒

This time will be devoted to the Superintendent’s Office sharing information with the Board
that doesn’t require board action and may not necessarily fall into the category of a report. It
might include curricular developments, professional development possibilities, possible
legislative issues, issues that other schools, particularly those among the Large Schools Group,
are facing and other items that would be of interest to the Board and the public.

Superintendent Report

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:
Joe Childs, Superintendent
I will be able to review the item further as the school board meeting, if requested:

Name:_____________________________________ Date:6/12/2023

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