Idc Application Software
Idc Application Software
Idc Application Software
9.5-1 Penduick
9.6-1 LFOV2
12.10-1 CESM
Component IP Address
ADS Computer
1. Use the right mouse button to click in the background of the Browser
screen, then select Service Tools/Service Desktop from the pop-up
2. From the Service Desktop that appears, observe the value of the IDC IP
Address that is displayed towards the bottom left of the Service Desktop.
3. Determine your next step:
If the displayed IDC IP Address is, the Senographe system
is already on its default Internal IP Address scheme and no further action
is required.
If the displayed IDC IP Address is not, the Senographe sys-
tem is not already on its default Internal IP Address scheme. In this case,
do the following:
- Open a command window, and display the /etc/hosts file, by entering:
more /etc/hosts
- Within the "IP address for local additional interfaces" section of the
file, note down the IP addresses for the IDC, ADS and Gantry CPU
IDC IP Address:
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Senographe Essential IDC OS and SW Installation Guide
ADS IP Address:
6. Installation will start. At the end, check that you have the following mes-
sage displayed:
########### RPMS Installation Complete ###########
1. Type the following command:
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Senographe Essential IDC OS and SW Installation Guide
[root@idc cdrom]# ./↵
2. Check that the IDC version displayed at the top of the list matches the
expected version: ATLASIDC_CESM-12.11-1.
3. All packages that are displayed shall be notified as “Found”.
And the final message should be displayed as:
"Result --> All Packages are Installed "
If one of the following messages appears:
######!!!Error!!! XXXXX Package Missing#######
Result ↵ !!!Error!!! One or more package(s) are missing. See the ERROR
message above
In that case you need to check your application CD and restart section 3-1
Operating System Installation.
4. If no error is displayed, type the following commands:
[root@idc cdrom]# cd↵
[root@idc cdrom]# umount /mnt/cdrom↵
[root@idc ~]# eject↵
5. Remove the application CD
6. Perform a complete shutdown (from the ADS Browser) of the system.
If the previous IDC SW version was 9.3-1, 9.4-1 or 9.5-1, or if you have the fol-
lowing IDC error message "34 Detector-FW/SW signature mismatch", follow
the instruction below to update the detector firmware.
If the previous IDC SW version was not 9.3-1, 9.4-1 or 9.5-1, or you did not
have any error message continue to next section.
Detector firmware is included in the IDC application software.
1. From the Browser, right mouse click the background of the Browser
screen, then select Service Tools/Service Desktop from the pop-up
menu to launch the Service Desktop.
2. From the Service Desktop, click the Utilities button.
3. On the Utilities page, under Workstation Tools, click Detector FW Install
to display the Detector FW download home page.
4. From the Detector FW download home page, select the Loader Firmware
radio button and click the START button.
5. The loader FW upgrade takes approximately 3 minutes. Once a message
appears suggesting the Loader Firmware result is SUCCESSFUL, click
the COMPLETE button to return to the Detector FW download home page.
Sometimes "Loader Firmware" fails. In such case, perform the loading
of "Application FW" (step 9) first and then perform loading of "Loader
Firmware" (step 4).
6. Perform a complete shutdown (from the ADS Browser) of the system and
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Senographe Essential IDC OS and SW Installation Guide
then power-on the system from the X-ray Console. Check there is no error
raised while the system restarts. Then login as usual.
7. From the Browser, right mouse click the background of the Browser
screen, then select Service Tools/Service Desktop from the pop-up
menu to launch the Service Desktop.
8. From the Service Desktop, click the Utilities button.
9. From the Detector FW download home page, select the Application FW
radio button and click the START button.
10. The application FW upgrade takes approximately 3 minutes. Once a mes-
sage appears suggesting the Application FW result is SUCCESSFUL,
click the COMPLETE button to return to the Detector FW download home
11. Restart the Generator as follows:
a. Press the OFF button on the X-ray Console.
b. Wait for 30 seconds.
c. Press the ON button on the X-ray Console.
d. Wait for 2 minutes for the Generator and Gantry to fully boot up.
Ignore the following error message
I52 Detector Calibration not optimum.
This message will disappear after a complete shutdown of the system.
12. View the Service Desktop home page. Check that the value of the
DETECTOR_ID on the Service Desktop home page corresponds to the
value written on the LFOV Mammo Detector Manufacturing Data CD-
ROM. The DETECTOR_ID value is of the format LLnnn_nn (e.g.
Bad Pixel Calibration Job Card CAL A041 - Bad Pixel Calibration
Flat Field Tests Job Card ELE M032 - IQ Tools Flat Field Test
Mag Resolution Test Job Card ELE M034 - IQ Tools Mag Resolution Test
Line Artifacts Tests Job Card ELE M035 - IQ Tools Line Artifacts Test
Half Value Layer Job Card CAL A046 - Half-Value Layer Measurement
If Composite Test not OK, repeat all calibrations from Half Value Layer
AOP/SNR Check Job Card ELE A038 - AOP Mode and SNR Check
If AOP/SNR check not OK, repeat all calibrations from AOP Calibration