AcumaticaERP ImplementationChecklists Commerce Edition
AcumaticaERP ImplementationChecklists Commerce Edition
AcumaticaERP ImplementationChecklists Commerce Edition
Commerce Edition
2022 R2
Contents | 2
Acumatica ERP Retail-Commerce Edition..................................................................................................6
Basic Company Configuration..................................................................................................................7
Preparing an Instance: Implementation Checklist.......................................................................................... 7
Company Without Branches: Implementation Checklist................................................................................ 7
Company with Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: Implementation Checklist................................. 10
Company with Branches that Require Balancing: Implementation Checklist............................................. 13
Accounts Payable..................................................................................................................................17
AP Bills: Implementation Checklist................................................................................................................ 17
AP Bill Payments: Implementation Checklist.................................................................................................18
AP Documents from PDFs: Implementation Checklist.................................................................................. 19
Bill Prepayments: Implementation Checklist.................................................................................................19
Debit and Credit Adjustments: Implementation Checklist............................................................................21
Interbranch Bills Without Balancing: Implementation Checklist..................................................................22
Interbranch Bills with Balancing: Implementation Checklist........................................................................23
Check Reprinting: Implementation Checklist................................................................................................ 24
Multiple Bill Payments: Implementation Checklist........................................................................................25
Payments for a Shared Vendor: Implementation Checklist.......................................................................... 26
Partial Payments: Implementation Checklist.................................................................................................27
Voiding Checks: Implementation Checklist....................................................................................................28
Accounts Receivable..............................................................................................................................30
AR Invoices: Implementation Checklist..........................................................................................................30
AR Invoice Correction: Implementation Checklist......................................................................................... 31
Auto-Applying Payments: Implementation Checklist....................................................................................32
Customer Refunds: Implementation Checklist.............................................................................................. 33
Interbranch Invoices with Balancing: Implementation Checklist................................................................. 33
Interbranch Invoices Without Balancing: Implementation Checklist........................................................... 35
Intercompany Sales: Implementation Checklist............................................................................................36
Invoice Payments: Implementation Checklist................................................................................................38
Invoice Prepayments: Implementation Checklist.......................................................................................... 39
Invoice with Combined Subaccounts: Implementation Checklist................................................................ 39
Payments with Write-Off: Implementation Checklist.................................................................................... 41
Customers and Vendors.........................................................................................................................43
Customer Statements: Implementation Checklist.........................................................................................43
Contents | 3
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Functional Areas
• Basic Company Configuration
• Accounts Payable
• Accounts Receivable
• Cash Management
• Customers and Vendors
• General Ledger
• Financial Periods
• Order Management
• Prices and Discounts
• BigCommerce Integration
• Shopify Integration
Basic Company Configuration | 7
You can use the tables in this topic to quickly check whether the preparation steps are being performed in
Acumatica ERP. The following tables cover both mandatory and recommended preparation steps.
The person who performs the initial configuration uses the admin username and the initial password
only until the accounts for the persons participating in implementation are created (in the last task
of initial configuration). We recommend that aer initial configuration, the users use their personal
usernames and passwords to access the system.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) The default set of features has been enabled for the instance.
Activate License (SM201510) A license key has been entered and activated. The license details are
Security Preferences (SM201060) The system-wide security policy has been configured to ensure that
access to the tenant in implementation is secure and to track activities
performed with the tenant by people involved in the process.
Users (SM201010) User accounts for people involved in the implementation have been
created, by using the Users (SM201010) form.
For each user, at least the following settings have been specified:
• Username (login)
• Initial password to be changed on the first sign-in
• Email address
• Set of predefined roles that allow access to all system resources
You can use the tables in this topic to quickly check whether the basic company configuration steps are being
performed in Acumatica ERP. The following tables cover both mandatory configuration steps and recommended
configuration steps.
Basic Company Configuration | 8
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Standard Financials group of fea-
tures has been enabled.
Companies (CS101500) form Make sure that the necessary company has been creat-
ed and that the necessary ledger has been created and
assigned to it.
Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form Make sure that the necessary accounts for performing
financial operations have been added.
General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form Make sure that all necessary settings to use the gener-
al ledger functionality have been specified, including
the YTD Net Income and Retained Earnings accounts.
Financial Year (GL101000) form Make sure that the first financial year in which the
company will operate has been added and the periods
have been generated.
Company Financial Calendar (GL201100) form Make sure that the periods in which the company will
operate are open.
Cash Management Preferences (CA102000) form Make sure that all necessary settings to use the cash
management functionality have been specified, in-
cluding the Cash-in-Transit account.
Cash Accounts (CA202000) form Make sure that the necessary cash accounts to record
cash entries and funds transfers have been created,
and that the necessary entry types have been assigned
to them.
Payment Methods (CA204000) form Make sure that the payment methods to be used have
been created and defined to use the proper accounts.
Entry Types (CA203000) form Make sure that the necessary entry types for process-
ing cash payments have been created and assigned to
the related cash accounts.
Credit Terms (CS206500) form Make sure that the needed credit terms—those that
are commonly used by vendors in their relations with
your company, and those that are used by your com-
pany in its relations with customers—have been creat-
Vendor Classes (AP201000) form Make sure that the default vendor class, which pro-
vides the default values for vendor accounts and for
other vendor classes, has been created.
Accounts Payable Preferences (AP101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings to use the ac-
counts payable functionality have been specified.
Basic Company Configuration | 9
Statement Cycles (AR202800) form Make sure that the necessary statement cycles, which
will later be used to track customers' outstanding bal-
ances and send electronic or printed statements to the
customers, have been created.
Customer Classes (AR201000) form Make sure that the default customer class, which pro-
vides the default values for customer accounts and for
other customer classes, has been created.
Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings to use the ac-
counts receivable functionality have been specified.
General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form Make sure that the following settings have been speci-
• The Automatically Post on Release check box is
• The Hold Batches on Entry check box is cleared.
Cash Management Preferences (CA102000) form Make sure that the following settings have been speci-
• The Automatically Post to GL on Release check
box is selected.
• The Hold Transactions on Entry check box is
• The Require Document Ref. Nbr. on Entry check
box is cleared.
Accounts Payable Preferences (AP101000) form Make sure that the following settings have been speci-
• The Automatically Post on Release check box is
• A vendor class, which will be used to provide de-
fault values for vendor accounts, is selected in the
Default Vendor Class ID box.
• The Hold Documents on Entry check box is
• The Require Approval of Bills Prior to Payment
check box is cleared.
• The Validate Document Totals on Entry check box
is cleared.
• The Require Vendor Reference check box is
Basic Company Configuration | 10
Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) form Make sure that the following settings have been speci-
• The Automatically Post on Release check box is
• A customer class, which will be used to provide de-
fault values for customer accounts, has been se-
lected in the Default Customer Class ID box.
• The Hold Documents on Entry check box is
• The Validate Document Totals on Entry check box
is cleared.
• The Require Payment Reference on Entry check
box is cleared.
You can use the tables in this topic to quickly check whether the configuration steps for a company with branches
that do not require balancing are being performed in Acumatica ERP. The following tables cover both the
mandatory configuration steps and the recommended configuration steps.
Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form Make sure that the necessary ac-
counts for performing financial op-
erations have been added.
Basic Company Configuration | 11
Financial Year (GL101000) form Make sure that the first financial
year in which the company will op-
erate has been added and the peri-
ods have been generated.
Cash Accounts (CA202000) form Make sure that the necessary cash
accounts to record cash entries and
funds transfers have been created,
and that the necessary entry types
have been assigned to them.
Payment Methods (CA204000) form Make sure that the payment meth-
ods to be used have been created
and have been defined to use the
proper accounts.
Entry Types (CA203000) form Make sure that the necessary entry
types for processing cash payments
have been created and assigned to
the related cash accounts.
Credit Terms (CS206500) form Make sure that the needed credit
terms—those that are commonly
used by vendors in their relations
with your company, and those that
are used by your company in its re-
lations with customers—have been
Vendor Classes (AP201000) form Make sure that the default vendor
class, which provides the default
values for vendor accounts and for
other vendor classes, has been cre-
Statement Cycles (AR202800) form Make sure that the necessary state-
ment cycles, which will later be
used to track customers' outstand-
ing balances and send electronic
or printed statements to the cus-
tomers, have been created.
Customer Classes (AR201000) form Make sure that the default cus-
tomer class, which provides the de-
fault values for customer accounts
and for other customer classes, has
been created.
You can use the tables in this topic to quickly check whether the configuration steps for a company with branches
that require balancing are being performed in Acumatica ERP. The following tables cover both the mandatory
configuration steps and the recommended configuration steps.
Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form Make sure that the necessary ac-
counts for performing financial op-
erations have been added.
Financial Year (GL101000) form Make sure that the first financial
year in which the company will op-
erate has been added and the peri-
ods have been generated.
Cash Accounts (CA202000) form Make sure that the necessary cash
accounts to record cash entries and
funds transfers have been created,
and that the necessary entry types
have been assigned to them.
Payment Methods (CA204000) form Make sure that the payment meth-
ods to be used have been created
and have been defined to use the
proper accounts.
Basic Company Configuration | 15
Entry Types (CA203000) form Make sure that the necessary entry
types for processing cash payments
have been created and assigned to
the related cash accounts.
Credit Terms (CS206500) form Make sure that the needed credit
terms—those that are commonly
used by vendors in their relations
with your company, and those that
are used by your company in its re-
lations with customers—have been
Vendor Classes (AP201000) form Make sure that the default vendor
class, which provides the default
values for vendor accounts and for
other vendor classes, has been cre-
Statement Cycles (AR202800) form Make sure that the necessary state-
ment cycles, which will later be
used to track customers' outstand-
ing balances and send electronic
or printed statements to the cus-
tomers, have been created.
Customer Classes (AR201000) form Make sure that the default cus-
tomer class, which provides the de-
fault values for customer accounts
and for other customer classes, has
been created.
Accounts Payable
To ensure that the system is configured properly for processing AP bills, make sure that the criteria listed in the
table have been met in the system as described.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been enabled as de-
scribed in Company Without Branches: General Information,
Company with Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: Gen-
eral Information, and Company with Branches that Require Bal-
ancing: General Information
Vendors (AP303000) Verify the existence of the vendor accounts for the vendors
for which you will create AP bills. For details, see Vendors: Im-
plementation Activity.
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) Verify the existence of non-stock items that can be used when
creating AP bills. For details, see Non-Stock Item: Implementa-
tion Activity.
To ensure that the system is configured properly for paying AP bills, make sure that the criteria listed in the table
have been met in the system as described.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been
enabled as described in Company Without
Branches: General Information, Company with
Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: Gen-
eral Information, or Company with Branches
that Require Balancing: General Information.
Payment Methods (CA204000) Make sure that the CHECK payment method
has been specified when creating a payment.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for recognizing
AP documents from PDF files, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you start recognizing AP documents from PDF files, you make sure the needed features
have been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Document Recognition Service fea-
ture has been enabled.
System Email Accounts (SM204002) form Make sure that a system email account is created with
incoming mail processing activated and the Submit to
Incoming Documents check box selected on the In-
coming Mail Processing tab.
Rebuild Full-Text Entity Index (SM209500) form Rebuild search indexes before you start using the Doc-
ument Recognition Service feature. For details, see
Building Search Indexes.
Validation of Configuration
To make sure that all configuration has been performed correctly, we recommend that in your system, you perform
instructions similar to those described in AP Documents from PDFs: Process Activity.
To ensure that the system is configured properly for processing prepayments, make sure that the criteria listed in
the table have been met in the system as described.
Accounts Payable | 20
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been
enabled as described in Company Without
Branches: General Information, Company with
Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: Gen-
eral Information, and Company with Branches
that Require Balancing: General Information.
Payment Methods (CA204000) Make sure the CHECK payment method has
been selected when paying a prepayment re-
Implementation Notes
When deciding how many and which prepayment accounts to use to make it easier to track them in the system, you
can select one or any of the following options:
• To use a single prepayment account for all prepayments (to all vendors)
• To specify the prepayment accounts for particular vendor classes
• To specify separate prepayment accounts for specific vendors
If you do not specify a separate account for prepayments, the vendor prepayments will be debited to the vendor AP
To assign the prepayment accounts, do the following:
1. On the Vendor Classes (AP201000) form, specify the prepayment account and subaccount for the default
vendor class and for each of the other vendor classes. This will make it easy to create new vendor classes
and new vendors with the proper prepayment account specified.
2. Use the Vendors (AP303000) form to specify the prepayment account and subaccount for each vendor.
• The following accounts payable settings should be specified on the General tab of the Accounts Payable
Preferences (AP101000) form:
• Select the Hold Documents on Entry check box in the Data Entry Settings section. This setting gives
the created checks the On Hold status.
• Make sure that the Automatically Post on Release check box is selected in the Posting Settings section.
This setting indicates that checks will be automatically posted to the general ledger once they are
• The following payment method settings should be specified for the payment method on the Payment
Methods (CA204000) form:
• Select the Print Checks option in the Additional Processing section on the Settings for Use in AP tab.
With these settings specified and entities defined, users in your company can record and process documents in
Acumatica ERP quickly and accurately, with a minimum of manual actions.
To ensure that the system is configured properly for processing debit and credit adjustments, make sure that the
criteria listed in the table have been met in the system as described.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been
enabled as described in Company Without
Branches: General Information, Company with
Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: Gen-
eral Information, and Company with Branches
that Require Balancing: General Information.
• Make sure that the Automatically Post on Release check box is selected in the Posting Settings section.
This setting indicates that debit and credit adjustments will be automatically posted to the general
ledger once they are released.
With these settings specified and entities defined, users in your company can record and process documents in
Acumatica ERP quickly and accurately, with a minimum of manual actions.
Before users begin processing AP bills between branches that do not require balancing, you must make sure that
the system has been configured properly and that all required entities have been created, as described in the
following table
Company Financial Calendar Be sure that the financial periods You can generate the necessary pe-
(GL201100) form for which bills will be defined have riods on the Master Financial Calen-
a status of Open. dar (GL201000) form.
• If the Hold Documents on Entry check box is selected in the Data Entry Settings section, when new
documents are entered, they are assigned the On Hold status. If the Hold Documents on Entry check box is
cleared, the documents are assigned the Balanced status.
• If the Validate Document Totals on Entry check box is selected, the system adds the Amount box to the
Summary area of the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form. To save a document with the Balanced status,
you must enter the document total in this box aer reviewing the document. If this check box is cleared, the
system automatically validates the batch when the status of the batch is Balanced.
• If the Require Vendor Reference check box is selected, you must fill in the Vendor Ref. box on the Bills and
Adjustments form. If this check box is cleared, you can leave the Vendor Ref. box blank.
Before users begin processing AP bills between branches that require balancing, you must make sure that the
system has been configured properly and that all required entities have been created, as described in the following
Inter-Branch Account Mapping Be sure that the account mapping For details on defining these rules,
(GL101010) form rules have been specified for the see Interbranch Account Mapping:
branches. General Information.
Company Financial Calendar Be sure that all financial periods for You can generate the necessary pe-
(GL201100) form which AP bills for branches requir- riods on the Master Financial Calen-
ing balancing may occur have a sta- dar (GL201000) form.
tus of Open.
• If the Automatically Post on Release check box is selected, the system posts the appropriate transactions
to the general ledger when AP documents are released. If this check box is cleared, you have to post the
batch aer you release the AP document.
• If the Post Summary on Updating GL check box is selected, AP documents are posted to the general ledger
with summarized row amounts if particular criteria are met. That is, if multiple lines in an AP document
specify the same account and branch, then in the GL batch, these rows are combined into one row (that is,
one journal entry) with the summarized amount. If this check box is cleared, the lines of the AP document
are not combined into one journal entry in the GL batch.
• If the Hold Documents on Entry check box is selected in the Data Entry Settings section, when new
documents are entered, they are assigned the On Hold status. If the Hold Documents on Entry check box is
cleared, the documents are assigned the Balanced status.
• If the Validate Document Totals on Entry check box is selected, the system adds the Amount box to the
Summary area of the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form. To save a document with the Balanced status,
you must enter the document total in this box aer reviewing the document. If this check box is cleared, the
system automatically validates the batch when the status of the batch is Balanced.
• If the Require Vendor Reference check box is selected, you must fill in the Vendor Ref. box on the Bills and
Adjustments form. If this check box is cleared, you can leave the Vendor Ref. box blank.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for performing
check reprinting, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially print and reprint checks, you make sure the settings have been specified
and entities created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been enabled
as described in Company Without Branches: General
Information, Company with Branches that Do Not Re-
quire Balancing: General Information, and Company with
Branches that Require Balancing: General Information.
Payment Methods (CA204000) Make sure that the CHECK payment method has been
specified when creating a payment.
• The following accounts payable settings should be specified on the General tab of the Accounts Payable
Preferences (AP101000) form:
• Select the Hold Documents on Entry check box in the Data Entry Settings section. This setting gives
the created checks the On Hold status.
• Make sure that the Automatically Post on Release check box is selected in the Posting Settings section.
This setting indicates that checks will be automatically posted to the general ledger once they are
• The following payment method settings should be specified for the payment method on the Payment
Methods (CA204000) form:
• Select the Print Checks option in the Additional Processing section on the Settings for Use in AP tab.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you reprint checks as described in
Check Reprinting: Process Activity.
To ensure that the system is configured properly for processing a payment of multiple bills, make sure that the
criteria listed in the table have been met in the system as described.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been
enabled as described in Company Without
Branches: General Information, Company with
Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: Gen-
eral Information, and Company with Branches
that Require Balancing: General Information.
Payment Methods (CA204000) Make sure the CHECK payment method has
been selected when creating a payment.
• The following accounts payable settings should be specified on the General tab of the Accounts Payable
Preferences (AP101000) form:
• Select the Hold Documents on Entry check box in the Data Entry Settings section. This setting gives
the created checks the On Hold status.
• Make sure that the Automatically Post on Release check box is selected in the Posting Settings section.
This setting indicates that checks will be automatically posted to the general ledger once they are
• The following payment method settings should be specified for the payment method on the Payment
Methods (CA204000) form:
• Select the Print Checks option in the Additional Processing section on the Settings for Use in AP tab.
• The following vendor settings should be specified on the Vendors (AP303000) form:
• For the vendor whose bills should be paid by separate payments, select the Pay Separately check box in
the Default Payment Settings section of the Payment tab.
With these settings specified and entities defined, users in your company can record and process documents in
Acumatica ERP quickly and accurately, with a minimum of manual actions.
Before users begin processing payments for a vendor shared between different companies, you must make sure
that the system has been configured properly and that all required entities have been created, as described in the
following table.
Company Financial Calendar Make sure that all periods for which You can generate the necessary pe-
(GL201100) form users may process payments for riods on the Master Financial Calen-
a shared vendor have a status of dar (GL201000) form.
Payment Methods (CA204000) form Be sure that the necessary cash ac-
counts have been defined as the
default accounts for the branches
in the payment methods of the ven-
To ensure that the system is configured properly for paying AP bills, make sure that the criteria listed in the table
have been met in the system as described.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been
enabled as described in Company Without
Branches: General Information, Company with
Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: Gen-
eral Information, or Company with Branches
that Require Balancing: General Information.
Payment Methods (CA204000) Make sure that the CHECK payment method
has been specified when creating a payment.
Accounts Payable | 28
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for voiding
checks, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you void checks, you make sure the needed features have been enabled, settings have
been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been enabled as de-
scribed in Company Without Branches: General Information,
Company with Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: Gen-
eral Information, and Company with Branches that Require Bal-
ancing: General Information.
Vendors (AR303000) Verify the existence of the vendor accounts for the vendors
whose bills you will pay. For details, see Vendors: Implementa-
tion Activity.
Payment Methods (CA204000) Make sure that the CHECK payment method has been speci-
fied when creating a payment.
Accounts Payable | 29
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you void a check as described in Voiding
Checks: Process Activity.
Accounts Receivable | 30
Accounts Receivable
To ensure that the system has been configured properly for the processing of AR invoices, make sure that the
criteria listed in the table have been met in the system as described.
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially process AR invoices, you make sure the needed features have been
enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been
enabled, as described in Company Without
Branches: General Information, Company with
Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: Gen-
eral Information, and Company with Branches
that Require Balancing: General Information.
• Clear the Require Payment Reference on Entry check box in the Data Entry Settings section. This
setting means that you do not have to enter a payment reference number in the Payment Ref. box when
creating a payment on the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form.
• Make sure that the Automatically Post on Release check box is selected in the Posting Settings section.
This setting causes AR invoices to be automatically posted to the general ledger once they are released.
With these settings specified and entities defined, users in your company can record and process documents in
Acumatica ERP quickly and accurately, with a minimum of manual actions.
To ensure that the system is configured properly for creating and releasing credit and debit memos, make sure that
the criteria listed in the table have been met in the system as described.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been
enabled as described in Company Without
Branches: General Information, Company with
Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: Gen-
eral Information, and Company with Branches
that Require Balancing: General Information.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for performing
auto-application of payments, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially auto-apply payments or prepayments to customer documents, you make
sure the needed features have been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as
summarized in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been enabled
as described in Company Without Branches: General
Information, Company with Branches that Do Not Re-
quire Balancing: General Information, and Company with
Branches that Require Balancing: General Information.
Statement Cycles (AR202800) Make sure that the End of Month statement cycle has
been configured.
Customers (AR303000) Verify the existence of the customer accounts for the
customers whose payments or prepayments you will
auto-apply to documents. For details, see Customers:
Implementation Activity.
Make sure that the EOM statement cycle has been se-
lected for the customer accounts in the Statement Cy-
cle ID box in the Financial Settings section on the Fi-
nancial tab of the current form.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you perform the auto-application
process as described in Auto-Applying Payments: Process Activity.
Accounts Receivable | 33
To ensure that the system is configured properly for creating a customer refund, make sure that the criteria listed in
the table have been met in the system as described.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been
enabled as described in Company Without
Branches: General Information, Company with
Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: Gen-
eral Information, and Company with Branches
that Require Balancing: General Information.
Before users begin processing invoices between branches that require balancing, you must make sure that the
system has been configured properly and that all required entities have been created, as described in the following
Accounts Receivable | 34
Inter-Branch Account Mapping Be sure that the account mapping For details on defining these rules,
(GL101010) form rules have been specified for the see Interbranch Account Mapping:
branches. General Information.
Company Financial Calendar Be sure that the periods for which You can generate the necessary pe-
(GL201100) form invoices will be defined have a sta- riods on the Master Financial Calen-
tus of Open. dar (GL201000) form.
each invoice is created with the Pending Print status. If this check box is cleared, you can release the invoice
without printing.
• If the Require Invoice/Memo Emailing Before Release check box is selected, you must send an email with
an AR invoice or memo before release for those customers who prefer to receive copies of the documents
by email. That is, if the Send Invoices by Email check box is selected on the Customers form for a customer
account, each invoice is created with the Pending Email status. If this check box is cleared, you can release
the invoice without sending an email.
Before users begin processing invoices between branches that do not require balancing,you must make sure that
the system has been configured properly and that all required entities have been created, as described in the
following table.
Company Financial Calendar Be sure that the periods for which You can generate the necessary pe-
(GL201100) form invoices will be defined have a sta- riods on the Master Financial Calen-
tus of Open. dar (GL201000) form.
the summarized amount. If this check box is cleared, the lines of the AR document will not be combined into
one journal entry in the GL batch.
• If the Hold Documents on Entry check box is selected in the Data Entry Settings section, when new
documents are entered, they are assigned the On Hold status. If the Hold Documents on Entry check box is
cleared, the documents are assigned the Balanced status.
• If the Validate Document Totals on Entry check box is selected, the system adds the Amount box to the
Summary area of the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form. To save a document with the Balanced status,
you must enter the document total in this box aer reviewing the document. If this check box is cleared, the
system automatically validates the batch when the status of the batch is Balanced.
• If the Require Payment Reference on Entry check box is selected, you must fill in the Payment Ref. box on
the Invoices and Memos form. If this check box is cleared, you can leave the Payment Ref. box blank.
• If the Require Invoice/Memo Printing Before Release check box is selected, you must print an AR invoice
or memo before release for those customers who prefer to receive printed copies of the documents. That
is, if the Print Invoices check box is selected on the Customers (AR303000) form for a customer account,
each invoice is created with the Pending Print status. If this check box is cleared, you can release the invoice
without printing.
• If the Require Invoice/Memo Emailing Before Release check box is selected, you must send an email with
an AR invoice or memo before release for those customers who prefer to receive copies of the documents
by email. That is, if the Send Invoices by Email check box is selected on the Customers form for a customer
account, each invoice is created with the Pending Email status. If this check box is cleared, you can release
the invoice without sending an email.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for performing
intercompany sales, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially perform intercompany sales, you make sure the needed features have been
enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure that the following features have been enabled:
• Standard Financials
• Multibranch Support
• Multicompany Support
• Advanced Financials
• Inter-Branch Transactions
Companies (CS101500) If you are going to extend as a customer or vendor any company that has
the Without Branches company type, make sure that the company has
been configured. For details, see Company Without Branches: To Config-
ure a Company Without Branches.
Accounts Receivable | 37
Branches (CS102000) If you are going to extend as a customer or vendor any branches of com-
panies with the With Branches Not Requiring Balancing or With Branches
Requiring Balancing company type, make sure that the companies have
been configured. For details, see Company with Branches that Do Not Re-
quire Balancing: Implementation Activity and Company with Branches that
Require Balancing: Implementation Activity.
Customer Classes (AR201000) Make sure that the customer class to be used for a customer extended
from a company or branch has been defined. For details, see Accounts
Receivable: To Create a Customer Class.
Vendor Classes (AP201000) Make sure that the vendor class to be used for a vendor extended from a
company or branch has been defined. For details, see Accounts Payable:
To Create a Vendor Class.
Validation of Configuration
To make sure that all configuration has been performed correctly, we recommend that in your system, you process
intercompany sales by performing instructions similar to those described in Intercompany Sales: To Process
an Intercompany Invoice, Intercompany Sales: To Pay an Intercompany Bill, and Intercompany Sales: To Pay an
Intercompany Invoice.
To ensure that the system is configured properly for creating a payment and applying it to an invoice, make sure
that the criteria listed in the table have been met in the system as described.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been
enabled as described in Company Without
Branches: General Information, Company with
Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: Gen-
eral Information, and Company with Branches
that Require Balancing: General Information.
To ensure that the system has been configured properly for the processing of prepayments, make sure that the
criteria listed in the table have been met in the system as described.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been
enabled, as described in Company Without
Branches: General Information, Company with
Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: Gen-
eral Information, and Company with Branches
that Require Balancing: General Information.
To ensure that the system has been configured properly for the processing of AR invoices, make sure that the
criteria listed in the table have been met in the system as described.
Accounts Receivable | 40
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the Standard Financials and Subac-
form counts(under Advanced Financials) features
have been enabled.
Non-Stock Items (IN202000), Stock Verify the existence of the non-stock items or
Items (IN202500) stock items (or both) that will be used when
you are creating AR invoices. For details, see
Non-Stock Item: Implementation Activity.
• Make sure that the Automatically Post on Release check box is selected in the Posting Settings section.
This setting causes AR invoices to be automatically posted to the general ledger once they are released.
With these settings specified, users in your company can record and process documents in Acumatica ERP quickly
and accurately, with a minimum of manual actions.
To ensure that the system is configured properly for creating a credit write-off when you process a payment, make
sure that the criteria listed in the table have been met in the system as described.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the basic features have been en-
abled, as described in Company Without
Branches: General Information, Company with
Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: Gen-
eral Information, and Company with Branches
that Require Balancing: General Information.
Chart of Accounts (GL202500) Verify the existence of the GL accounts to The account you use
which the write-off amounts will be posted. to post credit write-
off amounts should be
an Income account;
the account you use to
post balance write-off
amounts should be an
Expense account.
consolidates into a single batch all transactions in the same currency posted to the same period for all
documents being released.)
• On the General Settings tab of the Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) form, do the following:
• Select the Hold Documents on Entry check box in the Data Entry Settings section. This setting gives
the created AR invoices and credit memos the On Hold status.
• Make sure that the Automatically Post on Release check box is selected in the Posting Settings section.
This setting indicates that AR invoices and credit memos will be automatically posted to the general
ledger once they are released.
• Clear the Require Payment Reference on Entry check box in the Data Entry Settings section. With this
check box cleared, you do not have to fill in payment reference information in the Payment Ref. box on
the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form.
With these settings specified, users in your company can record and process documents in Acumatica ERP quickly
and accurately, with a minimum of manual actions.
Customers and Vendors | 43
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for preparing
customer statements.
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially prepare customer statements, you make sure settings have been specified
and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Customer Classes (AR201000) In the Statement Type box in the Default Print and Email Set-
tings section on the General Settings tab, you specify what type of
statement the customers assigned to this customer class prefer—
balance-forward or open-item.
You select the Print Statements check box if you want to make
this customer's statements available for mass-printing on the Print
Statements (AR503500) form.
You select the Send Statements By Email check box if you want to
make this customer's statements available for mass-emailing on
the Print Statements form.
Statement Cycles (AR202800) Make sure that the End of Month statement cycle that you want to
use for preparing customer statements has been configured.
Customers (AR303000) Make sure that the EOM statement cycle has been selected for the
customer accounts in the Statement Cycle ID box in the Financial
Settings section on the Financial tab of the current form.
Accounts Receivable Preferences Make sure that on the General tab (Consolidation Settings sec-
(AR101000) tion), the For Each Branch option is selected in the Prepare State-
ments box.
Customers and Vendors | 44
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you prepare customer statements as
described in Customer Statements: Process Activity.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for restricting
the visibility of customer records, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially restrict visibility of customer records, you make sure the needed features
have been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been enabled, as described
in Company Without Branches: General Information, Company with
Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: General Information, and
Company with Branches that Require Balancing: General Informa-
Make sure that the Multibranch Support feature has been en-
abled, if you need to restrict the visibility of customer records for
particular branches.
Customer Classes (AR201000) Be sure that the customer classes whose visibility you want to re-
strict have been defined.
Customers (AR303000) Be sure that the customer accounts have been defined for the
customers whose visibility you want to restrict.
Branches (CS102000) Make sure that for each branch to which the visibility of any cus-
tomers should be limited, the appropriate role associated with
the branch is specified in the Access Role box (Configuration
Settings section) on the Branch Details tab.
Companies (CS101500) Make sure that for each company to which the visibility of any
customers should be limited, the appropriate role associated
with the company is specified in the Access Role box (Configura-
tion Settings section) on the Company Details tab.
Customers and Vendors | 45
Users (SM201010) or User Roles (SM201005) Make sure that the needed users have been assigned to the roles
specified for branches and companies. For details, see User
Roles: General Information.
Validation of Configuration
To make sure that all configuration has been performed correctly, we recommend that in your system, you perform
instructions similar to those described in Customer Visibility: To Restrict Visibility to a Company and Customer
Visibility: To Restrict Visibility to a New Company.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for preparing
on-demand customer statements.
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially prepare customer statements, you make sure settings have been specified
and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Customer Classes (AR201000) In the Statement Type box in the Default Print and Email Set-
tings section on the General Settings tab, you specify what type of
statement the customers assigned to this customer class prefer—
balance-forward or open-item.
You select the Print Statements check box if you want to make
this customer's statements available for mass-printing on the Print
Statements (AR503500) form.
You select the Send Statements By Email check box if you want to
make this customer's statements available for mass-emailing on
the Print Statements form.
Statement Cycles (AR202800) Make sure that the End of Month statement cycle that you want to
use for preparing customer statements has been configured.
Customers and Vendors | 46
Customers (AR303000) Make sure that the EOM statement cycle has been selected for the
customer accounts in the Statement Cycle ID box in the Finan-
cial Settings section on the Financial tab of the current form. The
statement type should be Open Item.
Accounts Receivable Preferences Make sure that on the General tab (Consolidation Settings sec-
(AR101000) tion), the For Each Branch option is selected in the Prepare State-
ments box.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you prepare on-demand statements as
described in On-Demand Statements: Process Activity.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for regenerating
customer statements and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you regenerate customer statements, you make sure settings have been specified and
entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Customer Classes (AR201000) In the Statement Type box in the Default Print and Email Set-
tings section on the General Settings tab, you specify what type of
statement the customers assigned to this customer class prefer—
balance-forward or open-item.
You select the Print Statements check box if you want to make
this customer's statements available for mass-printing on the Print
Statements (AR503500) form.
You select the Send Statements By Email check box if you want to
make this customer's statements available for mass-emailing on
the Print Statements form.
Statement Cycles (AR202800) Make sure that the End of Month statement cycle that you want to
use for preparing customer statements has been configured.
Customers (AR303000) Make sure that the EOM statement cycle has been selected for the
customer accounts in the Statement Cycle ID box in the Financial
Settings section on the Financial tab of the current form.
Accounts Receivable Preferences Make sure that on the General tab (Consolidation Settings sec-
(AR101000) tion), the For Each Branch option is selected in the Prepare State-
ments box.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you regenerate customer statements as
described in Regenerating Statements: Process Activity.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for restricting
the visibility of vendor records, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially restrict visibility of vendors, you make sure the needed features have been
enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been enabled, as described
in Company Without Branches: General Information, Company with
Branches that Do Not Require Balancing: General Information, and
Company with Branches that Require Balancing: General Informa-
Customers and Vendors | 48
Vendor Classes (AP201000) Be sure that the vendor classes whose visibility you want to re-
strict have been defined.
Vendors (AP303000) Be sure that the vendor accounts have been defined for the ven-
dors whose visibility you want to restrict.
Branches (CS102000) Make sure that for each branch to which the visibility of any ven-
dors should be limited, the appropriate role associated with the
branch is specified in the Access Role box (Configuration Set-
tings section) on the Branch Details tab.
Companies (CS101500) Make sure that for each company to which the visibility of any
vendor should be limited, the appropriate role associated with
the company is specified in the Access Role box (Configuration
Settings section) on the Company Details tab.
Users (SM201010) or User Roles (SM201005) Make sure that the needed users have been assigned to the roles
specified for branches and companies. For details, see User
Roles: General Information.
Validation of Configuration
To make sure that all configuration has been performed correctly, we recommend that in your system, you perform
instructions similar to those described in Vendor Visibility: To Restrict Visibility to a Branch and Vendor Visibility: To
Restrict Visibility to a New Company.
General Ledger | 49
General Ledger
Before users begin processing auto-reversing GL batches, you must make sure that the system has been configured
properly and that all required entities have been created, as described in the following table.
Company Financial Calendar Be sure that the financial periods You can generate the necessary pe-
(GL201100) form for which auto-reversing transac- riods on the Master Financial Calen-
tions will be created and the next dar (GL201000) form.
periods have a status of Open.
The following tables provide details that you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
creation of allocation rules.
General Ledger | 50
Ledgers (GL201500) form Make sure that the ledgers used for
allocations have been created.
Before users begin processing GL batches, you must make sure that the system has been configured properly and
that all required entities have been created, as described in the following table
Company Financial Calendar Be sure that the financial periods You can generate the necessary pe-
(GL201100) form for which transactions will be creat- riods on the Master Financial Calen-
ed have a status of Open. dar (GL201000) form.
Before users begin to create intercompany and interbranch transactions, you must make sure that the system has
been configured properly and that all required entities have been created, as described in the following table.
Inter-Branch Account Mapping Make sure that all the necessary ac-
(GL101010) form count mapping rules have been de-
To ensure that the system is configured properly for creating recurring batches, make sure that the features and
settings listed in the table are configured as described in the following table.
General Ledger | 52
Company Financial Calendar Be sure that the financial periods You can generate the necessary pe-
(GL201100) form for which transactions will be creat- riods on the Master Financial Calen-
ed have a status of Open. dar (GL201000) form.
Before users begin processing GL batches, you must make sure that the system has been configured properly and
that all required entities have been created, as described in the following table.
The following table provides details that you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
running of allocations.
Company Financial Calendar Be sure that the financial periods You can generate the necessary pe-
(GL201100) form for which allocations will be run riods on the Master Financial Calen-
have a status of Open. dar (GL201000) form.
General Ledger | 54
Allocations (GL204500) form Make sure that the allocations that The system behavior when gener-
are going to be run have been cre- ating transactions that update the
ated. For details, see Allocation destination accounts depends on
Rules: To Create an Allocation Rule whether the Allocate Source Ac-
That Uses a Fixed Ratio (Weight), counts Separately check box is se-
Allocation Rules: To Create an Allo- lected on the Allocation tab. For
cation Rule That Uses a Fixed Ra- the listed allocation rules, the Allo-
tio (Percentage), Allocation Rules: To cate Source Accounts Separately
Create an Allocation Rule That Us- check box is cleared.
es a Dynamic Ratio of the Period-to-
Date Account Balances, and Alloca-
tion Rules: To Create an Allocation
Rule Based on Budget Data.
Before users begin splitting GL transactions, you must make sure that the system has been configured properly and
that all required entities have been created, as described in the following table.
Before users begin processing GL transactions with subaccounts, you must make sure that the system has been
configured properly and that all required entities have been created, as described in the following table.
Company Financial Calendar Be sure that the financial periods You can generate the necessary pe-
(GL201100) form for which transactions will be creat- riods on the Master Financial Calen-
ed have a status of Open. dar (GL201000) form.
Financial Periods
Before users begin generating financial calendars, you must make sure that the system has been configured
properly and that all required entities have been created, as described in the following table
To ensure that the system has been configured properly for managing financial periods, make sure that the criteria
listed in the table have been met in the system as described.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been
enabled, as described in Company Without
Branches: General Information.
periods, and also post to closed periods even if the Restrict Access to Closed Periods check box is
selected on the General Ledger Preferences form.
With these settings specified, users in your company can record and process documents in Acumatica ERP quickly
and accurately, with a minimum of manual actions.
To ensure that the system has been configured properly for the opening of financial periods, make sure that the
criteria listed in the table have been met in the system as described.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been
enabled, as described in Company Without
Branches: General Information.
Master Financial Calendar Make sure that the financial year for which
(GL201000) you need to generate periods exists. For de-
tails, see To Add the Next Financial Year and
Generate Its Periods.
To ensure that the system has been configured properly for the closing of financial periods, make sure that the
criteria listed in the table have been met in the system as described.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure the minimal features have been
enabled, as described in Company Without
Branches: General Information.
Financial Periods | 58
Order Management
The following sections provide details that you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for
processing direct returns, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin processing direct returns, you should make sure the needed features have been enabled, settings
have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Advanced SO Invoices feature has
been enabled.
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings related to or-
der management have been specified, as described in
Configuration of Order Management: Implementation Ac-
Customers (AR303000) form Make sure that all needed customers have been de-
fined in the system, as described in Customers: Imple-
mentation Activity.
Stock Items (IN202500) form Make sure that all stock items have been defined in the
system, as described in Stock Item Creation: Implemen-
tation Activity.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you process a direct return for testing
purposes, as described in Direct Returns: Process Activity.
Order Management | 60
The following sections provide details that you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for
processing direct sales, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin processing direct sales, you should make sure the needed features have been enabled, settings
have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Advanced SO Invoices feature has
been enabled.
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings related to or-
der management have been specified, as described in
Configuration of Order Management: Implementation Ac-
Customers (AR303000) form Make sure that all needed customers have been de-
fined in the system, as described in Customers: Imple-
mentation Activity.
Stock Items (IN202500) form Make sure that all stock items are defined in the sys-
tem, as described in Stock Item Creation: Implementa-
tion Activity.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you process a direct sale for testing
purposes, as described in Direct Sales: Process Activity.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of sales of non-stock items intended to be drop-shipped, and to understand (and change, if needed) the
settings that affect the processing workflow.
Order Management | 61
Implementation Checklist
Before you initially process sales with drop shipment, you should make sure the needed features have been
enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Drop Shipments feature is enabled.
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form, Purchase Make sure that all necessary settings related to sales
Orders Preferences (PO101000) form orders and purchase orders have been specified as de-
scribed in Configuration of Order Management: Imple-
mentation Activity.
Order Types (SO201000) form Make sure that the SO order type is active and has
been configured as described in Sales Order Types: To
Configure the SO Order Type.
Vendors (AP303000) form Make sure that all needed vendors have been config-
ured as described in Vendors: Implementation Activity.
Customers (AR303000) form Make sure that all needed customers have been con-
figured as described in Customers: Implementation Ac-
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form Make sure that all non-stock items are configured as
described in Creating Non-Stock Items: Implementation
Validation of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, process a sale with drop shipment, as described in the Drop
Shipments of Non-Stock Items: Process Activity.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for processing
items with lot and serial numbers.
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin processing purchase and sales documents that include stock items with lot and serial numbers,
you should make sure the needed features have been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been
created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is
Inventory Preferences (IN101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings related to inven-
tory and order management have been specified, as
described in Configuration of Order Management: Gen-
eral Information.
Lot/Serial Classes (IN207000) form Make sure that lot and serial classes with the needed
settings have been created, as you will learn to do in
Items with Lot and Serial Numbers: Implementation Ac-
Item Classes (IN201000) form Make sure that the needed lot or serial classes are
specified in settings of item classes, as you will learn to
do in Items with Lot and Serial Numbers: Implementation
Stock Items (IN202500) form Make sure that the needed lot or serial classes are
specified in settings of stock items, as you will learn to
do in Items with Lot and Serial Numbers: Implementation
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you process a purchase and a sale
of stock items with lot or serial numbers, as is done in Items with Lot and Serial Numbers: To Purchase and Sell
Serialized Items, Items with Lot and Serial Numbers: To Sell Items in Lots, and Items with Lot and Serial Numbers: To
Purchase and Sell Lot-Numbered Items that Expire.
Order Management | 63
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of sales and purchases with non-stock items, and to specify settings that affect the processing workflow.
Before you start configuring order management, you should make sure that the needed features have been
enabled and settings have been specified, as described in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Inventory and Order Management
feature is enabled.
Order Types (SO201000) Make sure that the IN order type has been configured
and activated, as described in Sales Order Types: To
Configure the IN Order Type.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the order
fulfillment and inventory management processes, and to specify settings that affect the processing workflow.
Before you start configuring order and inventory management, you should make sure that the needed features
have been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following
Multiple forms Make sure that the minimum company settings are
configured, as described in Company Without Branch-
es: General Information.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Inventory and Order Management
and Inventory features are enabled.
Order Types (SO201000) Make sure that at least one order type (SO) is config-
ured and activated, as described in Sales Order Types:
General Information .
Reason Codes (CS211000) Make sure that the reason codes to be used for pro-
cessing inventory transactions and vendor returns
have been defined in the system as described in Rea-
son Code Creation: Implementation Activity.
To be able to keep stock items and track the sales and purchase orders that include these stock items, you should
specify and save the minimum settings listed in the following table.
Inventory Preferences (IN101000) Specify the Receipt Reason Code, Issue/Return Rea-
son Code, Adjustment Reason Code, and Phys. In-
ventory Reason Code; save these settings.
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form Specify SO as the Default Sales Order Type, and save
your change to this form.
Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) Specify the PO Return Reason Code, and save your
change to this form.
Recommended Settings
To speed the processing of documents and minimize errors, you should specify and save the recommended
settings listed in the following table.
Order Management | 65
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of prepayments for purchases of stock items, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings
that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially process prepayments for purchase orders, you make sure the needed
features have been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the
following checklist.
Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings related to pur-
chase order management have been specified as de-
scribed in Configuration of Order Management: Imple-
mentation Activity.
Vendors (AP303000) form Make sure that all needed vendors have been config-
ured as described in Vendors: General Information.
GL Accounts Specify the prepayment account in If you do not specify a separate ac-
the Prepayment Account box. count for prepayments, the vendor
prepayments will be debited to the
vendor AP account.
To learn how to configure the settings, you can complete Prepayments for Purchase Orders: Implementation Activity.
• To cause an accounts payable bill to be created automatically on release of a purchase receipt by default,
select the Create Bill on Receipt Release check box on the Purchase Orders Preferences form. In this case,
when a user creates a purchase receipt on the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form, the system automatically
selects the Create Bill check box. (The user can clear this check box for a particular bill.)
• To cause the system to automatically release accounts payable bills that are generated on release of
purchase receipts, select the Release AP Documents Automatically check box on the Purchase Orders
Preferences form. For information on processing bills, see AP Bills: General Information.
• To cause purchase receipts to be created with the On Hold status (so that users can verify them before
processing them further), select the Hold Receipts on Entry check box on the Purchase Orders Preferences
• To cause the system to automatically release inventory receipts generated on release of purchase receipts,
select the Release IN Documents Automatically check box on the Purchase Orders Preferences form.
• To cause the system to automatically post general ledger batches generated during processing purchase
documents, select the Automatically Post on Release check box on the General Ledger Preferences
(GL102000) form. For information on processing general ledger batches, see GL Transactions: General
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, you can process a prepayment for a purchase order, as
described in Prepayments for Purchase Orders: To Process a Prepayment.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of purchase returns at the original cost, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that
affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin processing purchase returns at the original cost, you should make sure the needed settings have
been specified, as summarized in the following checklist.
Purchase Orders Preferences Make sure the Process Return with By default, the system copies the
(PO101000) form Original Cost check box is select- state of this check box to each pur-
ed. chase return that is created. (You
can change the way to specify the
cost in an individual purchase re-
turn by selecting the Cost by Is-
sue Strategy or Manual Cost Input
options on the Purchase Receipts
(PO302000) form.).)
Order Management | 68
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you process a purchase return at the
original cost, as described in the Purchase Returns at the Original CostPurchase ReturnsPurchase Returns at the
Original CostPurchase Returns at the Original Cost: Process ActivityProcess ActivityProcess ActivityTo Process a
Return at the Original Cost.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of purchase returns at the cost calculated by the system, and to understand (and change, if needed) the
settings that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin processing returns at the calculated cost, you should make sure the needed settings have been
specified, as summarized in the following checklist.
Purchase Orders Preferences Make sure that the Process Return By default, the system copies the
(PO101000) form with Original Cost check box is state of this check box to each pur-
cleared. chase return that is created. (You
can change the way to specify the
cost in an individual purchase re-
turn by selecting the Cost by Issue
Strategy or Manual Cost Input op-
tions in the Cost of Inventory Re-
turn From box on the Purchase Re-
ceipts (PO302000) form.)
Order Management | 69
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you process a purchase return at the
system-calculated cost, as described in the Purchase Returns at the Calculated CostPurchase ReturnsPurchase
Returns at the Calculated Cost: Process ActivityTo Process a Return at the Calculated CostProcess Activity.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of purchases for sale, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing
Implementation Checklist
Before you initially process purchases for sale, you should make sure the needed features have been enabled,
settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Sales Order to Purchase Order Link
feature is enabled.
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form, Purchase Make sure that all necessary settings related to sales
Orders Preferences (PO101000) form orders and purchase orders have been specified as de-
scribed in Configuration of Order Management: Imple-
mentation Activity.
Order Types (SO201000) form Make sure that the SO order type is active and has
been configured as described in Sales Order Types: To
Configure the SO Order Type.
Vendors (AP303000) form Make sure that all needed vendors have been config-
ured as described in Vendors: Implementation Activity.
Customers (AR303000) form Make sure that all needed customers have been con-
figured as described in Customers: Implementation Ac-
Order Management | 70
Stock Items (IN202500) form Make sure that all stock items are configured as de-
scribed in Stock Item Creation: Implementation Activity.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, process a sale for purchase, as described in the Purchases
for Sale: Process Activity.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of purchases of non-stock items (including services) with purchase receipts, and to understand (and
change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially process purchases of non-stock items which may include services, you
make sure the needed settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following
Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form • Make sure that all necessary settings related to pur-
chase order management have been specified as
described in Order Management Basic Configuration:
General Information.
• Make sure that the Process Service lines from
Normal Purchase Orders via Purchase Receipts
check box (in the Other section of the General tab)
is selected.
Order Management | 71
Vendors (AP303000) form Make sure that all needed vendors have been config-
ured as described in Vendors: General Information.
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form Make sure that all non-stock items have been config-
ured as described in Creating Non-Stock Items: Imple-
mentation Activity.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure that the Inventory feature is enabled to be
able to create purchase receipts.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings have been configured correctly, process a purchase order, as described in Purchases
of Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipts: To Process a Purchase of Non-Stock Items and Purchases of Non-
Stock Items and Services with Receipts: To Process a Purchase of Services.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of purchases of services that will not be included in a purchase receipt, and to understand (and change,
if needed) the settings that affect the processing workflow.
Order Management | 72
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially process purchases of services without receipt, you make sure the needed
settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form • Make sure that all necessary settings related to pur-
chase order management have been specified as
described in Order Management Basic Configuration:
General Information.
• Make sure that the Process Service lines from
Normal Purchase Orders via Purchase Receipts
check box (in the Other section of the General tab)
is cleared.
Make sure that all necessary settings related to pur-
chase order management have been specified as de-
scribed in Order Management Basic Configuration: Gen-
eral Information.
Vendors (AP303000) form Make sure that all needed vendors have been config-
ured as described in Vendors: General Information.
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form Make sure that all non-stock items to be purchased
have been configured, as described in Creating Non-
Stock Items: Implementation Activity.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings have been configured correctly, process a purchase order, as described in Purchases
of Services Without Receipts: Process Activity.
Order Management | 73
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of purchases of stock items with billing before receipt, and to understand (and change, if needed) the
settings that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially process purchases of stock items with billing before receipt, you make
sure the needed features have been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as
summarized in the following checklist.
Vendors (AP303000) form Make sure that all needed vendors The system copies the state of the
have been configured as described Allow AP Bill Before Receipt check
in Vendors: General Information and box from the vendor settings to
the Allow AP Bill Before Receipt is each purchase order that is created
selected on the Purchase Settings for this vendor. (You cannot change
tab for the applicable vendors. the state of this check box in indi-
vidual purchase orders.)
Stock Items (IN202500) form Make sure that all stock items have
been configured as described in
Stock Item Creation: General Infor-
• To cause purchase receipts to be created with the On Hold status (so that users can verify them before
processing them further), select the Hold Receipts on Entry check box on the Purchase Orders Preferences
• To cause the system to automatically release inventory receipts generated on release of purchase receipts,
select the Release IN Documents Automatically check box on the Purchase Orders Preferences form.
• To cause the system to automatically post general ledger batches generated during the processing
of purchase documents, select the Automatically Post on Release check box on the General Ledger
Preferences (GL102000) form. For information on processing general ledger transactions, see GL
Transactions: General Information.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, you can process a purchase order with billing before receipt,
as described in Purchases with Billing Before Receipt: Process Activity.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of customer returns for credit with the returned items being received to inventory, and to understand
(and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin processing returns for credit with the returned items received to inventory, you should make sure
the needed settings have been specified, as summarized in the following checklist.
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings related to sales
orders and purchase orders have been specified, as
described in Configuration of Order Management: Gen-
eral Information.
Order Types (SO201000) form Make sure that the RC order type is active and has
been configured, as described in Returns for Credit with
Receipt: Implementation Activity.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you process a return for credit with
returned items received to inventory, as described in Returns for Credit with a Receipt: Process Activity.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of returns for replacement, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the
processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin processing returns for replacement, you should make sure the needed settings have been
specified, as summarized in the following checklist.
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings related to sales
orders and purchase orders have been specified, as
described in Configuration of Order Management: Gen-
eral Information.
Order Types (SO201000) form Make sure that the RR order type is active and has
been configured, as described in Returns for Replace-
ment: Implementation Activity.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you process a return for replacement,
as described in the Returns for Replacement: Process Activity.
Order Management | 76
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for processing
sales from multiple warehouses, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin processing sales from multiple warehouses, you should make sure the needed features have been
enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Inventory and Order Management,
Inventory, and Multiple Warehouses features are en-
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form, Inventory Make sure that all necessary settings related to sales
Preferences (IN101000) form orders and inventory have been specified, as de-
scribed in Configuration of Order Management: General
Warehouses (IN204000) form Make sure that all warehouses have been configured,
as described in Warehouses: Implementation Activity.
Order Types (SO201000) form Make sure that the SO and TR order types are active.
The configuration and activation of these types is de-
scribed in Sales Order Types: To Configure the SO Or-
der Type and Sales from Multiple Warehouses: Imple-
mentation Activity.
Customers (AR303000) form Make sure that all needed customers have been de-
fined in the system, as described in Customers: Imple-
mentation Activity.
Stock Items (IN202500) form Make sure that all stock items have been defined in the
system, as described in Stock Item Creation: Implemen-
tation Activity.
• To cause general ledger batches generated during the processing of sales and inventory documents to
be posted automatically, select the Automatically Post on Release check box on the General Ledger
Preferences (GL102000) form. For information on the processing of general ledger batches, see GL
Transactions: General Information.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you process a sale of stock items from
multiple warehouses, as described in Sales from Multiple Warehouses: Process Activity.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of sales of stock items, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin processing sales of stock items, you should make sure the needed features have been enabled,
settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Inventory feature is enabled.
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form, Inventory Make sure that all necessary settings related to sales
Preferences (IN101000) form orders and inventory have been specified, as de-
scribed in Configuration of Order Management: General
Order Types (SO201000) form Make sure that the SO and SA order types are active
and have been configured, as described in Sales Order
Types: To Configure the SO Order Type.
Customers (AR303000) form Make sure that all needed customers have been de-
fined in the system, as described in Customers: Imple-
mentation Activity .
Stock Items (IN202500) form Make sure that all stock items have been defined in the
system, as described in Stock Item Creation: Implemen-
tation Activity.
• To cause general ledger batches generated during the processing of sales documents to be posted
automatically, select the Automatically Post on Release check box on the General Ledger Preferences
(GL102000) form. For information on processing general ledger batches, see GL Transactions: General
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that you process a sale of stock items, as
described in Sales of Stock Items: Process Activity.
The following sections provide details that you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of sales orders, and to specify settings that affect the processing workflow for orders of different types.
For each sales order type that you are going to use, you should specify the following minimum settings to configure
and activate the order type.
The General tab of the Order Types (SO201000) form • The Order Numbering Sequence, which is the se-
quence to be used to assign order reference num-
bers, is specified.
• The Invoice Numbering Sequence, which is the se-
quence to be used to assign reference numbers for
invoices prepared for orders of this type, is speci-
• The Freight Account, which is the account for post-
ing freight charges, is specified.
Order Management | 79
The Summary area of Order Types (SO201000) form The Active check box, indicating that the order type is
available for use, is selected.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of sales orders with payments and prepayments, and to understand (and change, if needed) additional
settings that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin processing sales orders with payments and prepayments, you should make sure the needed
features have been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the
following checklist.
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form All necessary settings related to sales orders have
been specified, as described in Order Management Ba-
sic Configuration: General Information.
Order Management | 80
Order Types (SO201000) form The SO order type is active and has been configured,
as described in Sales Order Types: To Configure the SO
Order Type.
Customers (AR303000) form All needed customers have been defined in the sys-
tem, as described in Customers: Implementation Activi-
Stock Items (IN202500) form, Non-Stock Items All stock and non-stock items to be sold have been de-
(IN202000) form fined in the system, as described in Stock Item Cre-
ation: Implementation Activity and Creating Non-Stock
Items: Implementation Activity.
Credit Terms (CS2065000) form For each applicable set of credit terms, if you need to
predefine the prepayment percent that must be paid
before the shipment can be created, the Prepayment
Required check box is selected and the required per-
cent is specified in the Prepayment Percent box.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of sales of non-stock items with shipping, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that
affect the processing workflow.
Order Management | 81
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin processing sales of non-stock items with shipping, you should make sure the needed features
have been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings related to sales
orders have been specified, as described in Order Man-
agement Basic Configuration: General Information.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Inventory feature is enabled.
Order Types (SO201000) form Make sure that the SO order type is active and has
been configured, as described in Sales Order Types: To
Configure the SO Order Type.
Customers (AR303000) form Make sure that all needed customers have been de-
fined in the system, as described in Customers: Imple-
mentation Activity.
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form • Make sure that all non-stock items have been de-
fined in the system, as described in Creating Non-
Stock Items: Implementation Activity.
• Make sure that the Require Shipment check box is
selected for non-stock items that you plan to ship.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings have been configured correctly, we recommend that you process a sale of non-stock
items, as described in Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping: Process Activity.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of sales of services, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing
Order Management | 82
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin processing sales of services, you should make sure the needed features have been enabled,
settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings related to sales
orders have been specified, as described in Order Man-
agement Basic Configuration: General Information.
Order Types (SO201000) form Make sure that the SO or IN order type is active and has
been configured, as described in Sales Order Types: To
Configure the SO Order Type. (If needed, you can set up
and activate both of these order types.)
Customers (AR303000) form Make sure that all needed customers have been de-
fined in the system, as described in Customers: Imple-
mentation Activity.
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form Make sure that all non-stock items have been defined
in the system, as described in Creating Non-Stock
Items: Implementation Activity.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings have been configured correctly, we recommend that you process a sale of stock
items, as described in Sales of Services: Process Activity.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of sales for drop shipment, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the
processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
Before you initially process sales for drop shipment, you should make sure the needed features have been enabled,
settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Drop Shipments feature is enabled.
Order Management | 83
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form, Purchase Make sure that all necessary settings related to sales
Orders Preferences (PO101000) form orders and purchase orders have been specified as de-
scribed in Configuration of Order Management: Imple-
mentation Activity.
Order Types (SO201000) form Make sure that the SO order type is active and has
been configured as described in Sales Order Types: To
Configure the SO Order Type.
Vendors (AP303000) form Make sure that all needed vendors have been config-
ured as described in Vendors: Implementation Activity.
Customers (AR303000) form Make sure that all needed customers have been con-
figured as described in Customers: Implementation Ac-
Stock Items (IN202500) form Make sure that all stock items are configured as de-
scribed in Stock Item Creation: Implementation Activity.
Validation of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, process a sale with drop shipping, as described in the Sales
with Drop Shipping: Process Activity.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
correcting of SO invoices, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing
Order Management | 84
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin correcting SO invoices, you should make sure the needed settings have been specified and
entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form, Inventory Make sure that all necessary settings related to sales
Preferences (IN101000) form orders and inventory have been specified, as de-
scribed in Configuration of Order Management: General
Order Types (SO201000) form Make sure that the SO order type is active and has
been configured, as described in Sales Order Types: To
Configure the SO Order Type.
Customers (AR303000) form Make sure that all needed customers have been de-
fined in the system, as described in Customers: Imple-
mentation Activity.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, we recommend that for testing purposes, you correct an SO
invoice, as described in SO Invoice Correction: To Correct an SO Invoice, and cancel an SO invoice, as described in
SO Invoice Correction: To Cancel an SO Invoice.
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the
processing of purchases of stock items, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the
processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially process purchases of stock items, you make sure the needed features
have been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following
Order Management | 85
Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings related to pur-
chase order management have been specified as de-
scribed in Configuration of Order Management: General
Vendors (AP303000) form Make sure that all needed vendors have been config-
ured as described in Vendors: General Information.
Stock Items (IN202500) form Make sure that all stock items have been configured as
described in Stock Item Creation: General Information.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, process a purchase order, as described in Purchases of Stock
Items: Process Activity.
Before you start processing two-step transfers, you should make sure that the system is configured properly, as
described in the following sections.
Order Management | 86
Implementation Checklist
In the following table, you can find features, settings, and other actions that are required for processing two-step
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the following features are enabled:
• Inventory
• Multiple Warehouses
Inventory Preferences (IN101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings related to inven-
tory have been specified, as described in Order Man-
agement with Inventory.
Warehouses (IN204000) form Make sure that the required warehouses have been
created, as described in Warehouses: Implementation
Stock Items (IN202500) form Make sure that the required stock items have been cre-
ated, as described in the Stock Item Creation: Imple-
mentation Activity.
Validation of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, process a sale of stock items, as described in Two-Step
Transfers: Process Activity.
Prices and Discounts | 87
To ensure that the system is configured properly for defining sales price common to all customers, specific to a
particular customer price class, or specific to a particular customer, make sure that the following features and
settings are configured as described in the following table.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) The Standard Financials feature has Standard Financials provides the
been enabled. standard financial functionality.
The Inventory feature has been en- Inventory provides the function-
abled. ality of maintaining stock items
and must be enabled if you plan to
The Volume Pricing feature has maintain prices for your stock items
been enabled. in Acumatica ERP.
The Multiple Warehouses feature Volume Pricing supports the main-
has been enabled. tenance of prices based on the
The Multiple Units of Measure fea- quantity or amount of items being
ture has been enabled. sold.
Multiple Warehouses supports
the distributed structure of ware-
houses. This feature is required for
defining warehouse-specific prices.
Multiple Units of Measure supports
multiple units of measure for each
stock item and the rules of conver-
sion between these units. This fea-
ture is required for defining UOM-
specific prices.
Customers (AR303000) Make sure that the customers for For more information on configur-
which you want to define sales ing customers, see Customers: Gen-
prices have been created. eral Information.
Customer Price Classes (AR208000) Make sure that the customer price
class for which you want to define
sales prices have been created.
Prices and Discounts | 88
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) and Make sure the required stock and For more information on configur-
Stock Items (IN202500) non-stock items have been config- ing non-stock items, see Creating
ured and activated. Non-Stock Items: General Informa-
Units of Measure (CS203100) For UOM-specific prices: Make sure For more information, see Stock
that the necessary units of measure Items: Units of Measure.
are configured.
BigCommerce Integration
You can use the information in this topic to quickly check what needs to be configured in the BigCommerce store
and in the Acumatica ERP instance, and what information must be obtained before you can start implementing the
integration with the BigCommerce store.
Store Admin Path The permanent URL of the e-commerce store followed by /manage.
This path is used for navigating to BigCommerce pages from the Sync History
(BC301000) and Process Data (BC501500) forms.
REST Settings
Access Token An access token provided by BigCommerce when a new store is set up on the
BigCommerce platform.
For synchronization to work properly, the access token should have the nec-
essary access permissions in BigCommerce. We recommend that you grant
the maximum access permissions, as described in Initial Configuration: To
Capture Store Connection Information
WebDAV Settings
WebDAV Path The URL of the store used for file management, which facilitates the ex-
change of data between the e-commerce store and the users and external
systems. This URL is the store's permanent URL followed by DAV. This URL
is used by Acumatica ERP to upload files and images to the BigCommerce
WebDAV Username The email address of the registered owner of the BigCommerce store, which
is used to connect to the BigCommerce store.
WebDAV Password The password that is used to connect to the BigCommerce file storage.
The WebDAV password is a string of random letters and numbers, which you
can find on the File Access page in your BigCommerce store.
BigCommerce Integration | 90
Store profile The basic information about the online store, including the store name, ad-
dress, country, and contact details.
The store country is important because it determines which payment and
shipping options are available for your store.
Default currency The default currency in which prices are displayed to users and which trans-
actions are made. The default currency should be the same as the base cur-
rency in the Acumatica ERP instance.
Payment methods for the de- The payment methods that can be used for transactions in the default cur-
fault currency rency.
Shipping rules The shipping zones and rates that you want to use in your store.
Enable/Disable Features The following required features are enabled: See Preparing an Instance:
(CS100000) Acumatica ERP Features.
• Business Account Locations
• Commerce Integration
• BigCommerce Connector
• Custom Order Types
• Inventory
• Scheduled Processing
• Volume Pricing
The Inventory Subitems feature is disabled.
Customer Classes The customer class for e-commerce customers See Accounts Receivable:
(AR201000) has been created. This customer class is used Customer Classes.
for creating customer records in Acumatica ERP
for customers imported from the BigCommerce
Customers (AR303000) The customer account for importing to Acumati- See Customers: General Infor-
ca ERP orders placed in the online store by guest mation.
users has been created.
Numbering Sequences • A numbering sequence has been defined See Use of Numbering Se-
(CS201010) for the auto-numbered segment that will be quences.
used for generating customer IDs on import.
• A numbering sequence has been defined
for the auto-numbered segment that will be
used for generating customer location IDs on
Item Sales Categories The sales categories under which the stock items See Managing the Invento-
(IN204060) and non-stock items are placed have been con- ry Catalog in the Self-Service
figured and assigned to individual items. Portal: General Information.
Order Types (SO201000) A unique order type has been created for orders See Sales Order Types: Gen-
imported from the online store. eral Information.
Taxes (TX205000) The sales taxes applicable to the products that See Sales Taxes: General In-
you sell have been configured. formation.
Ship via Codes (CS207500) The ship via codes for the delivery services that See To Create a Ship via
the company uses have been created. Code.
Cash Accounts The cash accounts associated with payment See Cash Management: To
methods used in the e-commerce transactions Create Cash Accounts.
have been created.
Payment Methods The payment methods used in the e-commerce See Cash Management: Pay-
transactions have been configured. ment Methods.
Processing Centers The Authorize.Net processing center to be used See Setup of Card Payment
for processing credit card payments has been Processing.
Shopify Integration | 92
Shopify Integration
You can use the information in this topic to quickly check what needs to be configured in the Shopify store and in
the Acumatica ERP instance before you can start implementing the integration with the Shopify store.
Store Admin URL The permanent URL of the store followed by /admin.
This path is used for navigating to the Shopify store's pages from the
Sync History (BC301000) and Process Data (BC501500) forms.
API Key The API key of the custom app created in the Shopify store to inte-
grate it with Acumatica ERP.
API Access Token The API access token that was generated for the custom app added to
the Shopify store to integrate it with Acumatica ERP.
API Secret Key The API secret key that was generated for the custom app created in
the Shopify store to integrate it with Acumatica ERP.
Store profile The basic information about the online store, including the store
name, business name and address.
The store country is important because it determines which payment
and shipping options are available for your store.
Default currency The default currency in which prices are displayed to users and which
transactions are made. The default currency should be the same as
the base currency in the Acumatica ERP instance.
Payment methods for the default cur- The payment methods that can be used for transactions in the de-
rency fault currency.
Shopify Integration | 93
Shipping rules The shipping zones and rates that you want to use in your store.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) The following required features are See Preparing an Instance: Acumati-
enabled: ca ERP Features.
• Business Account Locations
• Commerce Integration
• Shopify Connector
• Custom Order Types
• Inventory
• Scheduled Processing
The Inventory Subitems feature is
Customer Classes (AR201000) The customer class for e-commerce See Accounts Receivable: Customer
customers has been created. This Classes.
customer class is used for creating
customer records in Acumatica ERP
for customers imported from the
Shopify store.
Shopify Integration | 94
Customers (AR303000) The customer account for import- See Customers: General Information.
ing to Acumatica ERP orders placed
in the online store by guest users
has been created.
Numbering Sequences (CS201010) • A numbering sequence has been See Use of Numbering Sequences.
defined for the auto-numbered
segment that will be used for
generating customer IDs on im-
• A numbering sequence has been
defined for the auto-numbered
segment that will be used for
generating customer location
IDs on import.
Order Types (SO201000) A unique order type has been creat- See Sales Order Types: General In-
ed for orders imported from the on- formation.
line store.
Taxes (TX205000) The sales taxes applicable to the See Sales Taxes: General Informa-
products that you sell have been tion.
Ship via Codes (CS207500) The ship via codes for the deliv- See To Create a Ship via Code.
ery services that the company uses
have been created.
Cash Accounts (CA202000) The cash accounts associated with See Cash Management: To Create
payment methods used in the e- Cash Accounts.
commerce transactions have been
Payment Methods (CA204000) The payment methods to be See Cash Management: Payment
mapped to store payment methods Methods.
used in the e-commerce transac-
tions have been configured.
Processing Centers (CA205000) The processing center to be used See Setup of Card Payment Pro-
for processing credit card pay- cessing.
ments has been configured.