Comparison Between Physical Properties of Ring-Spun Yarn and Compact Yarns Spun From Different Pneumatic Compacting Systems

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Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research

Vol. 40, March 2015, pp. 43-50

Comparison between physical properties of ring-spun yarn and compact yarns

spun from different pneumatic compacting systems
Alsaid Ahmed Almetwally1,a, M M Mourad2, Ali Ali Hebeish1 & Mohamed A Ramadan1
Textile Research Division, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
Faculty of Industrial Education, Helwan University, Helwan, Egypt
Received 30 January 2014; revised received and accepted 26 March 2014

A comparative study pertaining to physical and mechanical properties of ring-spun yarn vis-à-vis compact yarns spun
using three different compacting systems has been reported. Rieter (K-44), Toyota (RX-240) and Suessen (Fiomax) spinning
machines have been used and the condensing process of the fibres in the yarn cross-section as per these compact spinning
systems is accomplished pneumatically. Thus, a yarn of linear density 5.9 tex (100 Ne) is spun on the spinning systems
using Egyptian cotton of the type Giza 86. One way Anova together with least significant difference are employed to feature
the means of the properties of spun yarns and a significant difference among them is observed. According to the performed
statistical analysis, there is a significant difference between ring - spun yarn properties and each of the pnuematic compact
spun yarns. These compact-spun yarns are also found to differ significantly in terms of their physical and mechanical
properties; however, they are all found superior to the ring-spun yarn.

Keywords: Breaking strength, Compact spinning, Compact-spun yarn, Ring spinning, Physical properties, Yarn
imperfections, Yarn hairiness

1 Introduction weaving performance can decrease by 50% and the

In conventional ring spinning, the zone between the weaving efficiency can increase due to decreasing the
nip line of the pairs of delivery rollers and the twisted pollution caused by the fibre fly8-11. A decrease in size
end of the yarn is called the “spinning triangle”. This amount as a result of the usage of compact yarns also
represents the most critical part of the ring spinning decreases the cost of the desizing process, besides the
system. In this zone, the fibre assembly contains no cost advantage achieved in the sizing process9.
twist. The edge fibres play out from this zone and As a result of improvement in yarn structure,
make little or no contribution to the yarn tenacity. various compact spinning designs by different textile
Furthermore, they lead to the familiar problem of yarn machinery manufacturers are in common practice.
hairiness1. The main difference among these systems is the
In compact spinning, the spinning triangle is almost condensing unit. Most of compacting systems are
eliminated and almost all fibres are incorporated into confined between pneumatic and mechanical
the yarn structure under the same tension. This leads to compacting systems. For instance, in Air-Com-Tex
significant advantages such as increasing yarn tenacity, 700 by Zinser, a perforated apron is added to the clas-
yarn abrasion resistance and reducing yarn hairiness2,3. sical drafting system of a ring machine, while
The compact spinning method forms a different ComforSpin by Rieter uses a perforated drum to
yarn structure. The most evident properties of these condense fibres in the drafting region. On the other
yarns are their high breaking strength, high elongation hand, the EliTe system from Suessen differs
and low hairiness3-7. Other yarn properties such as significantly from both systems12.
yarn unevenness and thin/thick places etc. are Mechanical compact spinning is an important
comparable to the conventional ring-spun yarn. The alternative for compact yarn production. The system
structure of the compact spun yarn offers many is cheaper and less complicated than pneumatic
advantages in the further yarn processing. It is compact yarn spinning systems. Furthermore, there is
thought, for example, that by using these yarns, the no additional energy consumption during the spinning
size amount necessary for either warp preparation or process13.
————— Most of the studies on compact-spun yarns have
Corresponding author.
E-mail: [email protected] been focused on the application of compact spinning

Table 1—Spinning particulars for conventional ring, Suessen, Rieter and Toyota spinning frames
Parameter Spinning systems
Ring spinning Rieter –K44 Toyota Suessen Elite
(Platt Saco Lowell) (com-4) (RX-240E) (Fiomax E1)
Drafting system type Mechanical Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic
Load in nep point, dN (delivery roller) 12 14 12 14
Back draft 1.24 1.14 1.18 1.20
Drafting gauge, mm 56/70 46/60 46/60 46/60
Spindle gauge, mm 70 70 75 70
Spindle speed, rpm 10500 13500 12500 12000
Ring diameter, mm 42 38 36 38
Traveller count 15 14 12 12
Traveller type EL1 fHW,15/0 C1ELUDR,14/0 U1ULUDR,12/0 C1ELUDR,12/0
Traveller speed, m/s 23 27 24 24
Delivery speed, m/min 7 9 8 8

to short-to-medium cotton3,14-16. Hence, the present Table 2—Physical and mechanical properties of ring and compact
study highlights the characteristic variations in finer spun yarns
counts cotton ring-spun yarn and compact-spun yarns Yarn property Spinning system
caused by different spinning methods. Throughout the Ring K-44 RX-240 Fiomax
work, compact yarns spun from three pneumatic Breaking strength, cN/tex 17.5 22 19.5 24.2
compacting systems, namely Suessen, Rieter and Breaking elongation, % 4.01 4.62 4.41 5.06
Toyota are compared with the conventional ring-spun Breaking work, 115.5 154.7 137.1 181.4
yarns in terms of their physical and mechanical Irregularity, CV% 18.01 16.84 16.61 16.55
properties. Hairiness index 3.03 2.08 2.75 2.27
Thin places/1000 m 178 85 128 90
2 Materials and Methods Thick places/ 1000 m 224 125 190 160
A standard spinning preparation and modern Neps/1000 m 245 160 215 212
machinery were used to produce sliver with count
3280 tex and the roving with linear density 211 tex procedure are described in standard test method
(2.8 Ne) and 82 turns/m (αe=1.25) from 100% ASTM D 2256. Twenty observations were made for
Egyptian cotton of type Giza 86. After that, each yarn sample and then averages were calculated.
conventional and compact yarns with a linear density All tests were performed after keeping the yarns in
of 5.9 tex (100/1 Ne) were produced under standard atmospheric conditions for 24 h at 65±5 %
comparable technological and kinematical conditions RH and 20±2ºC temperature. The physical and
on the Ring, Rieter, Toyota and Suessen spinning mechanical properties of the used yarns are presented
frames. All yarn samples were spun with the same in Table 2.
twist multiplier, i.e. 4 twist factor. The spinning
2.1 Comparison of Operating Principles for Three
particulars of Suessen, Reiter, Toyota and Ring Compacting Systems
spinning frames are summarized in Table 1. The drafting system of the Reiter compact spinning
After yarn production, the quality of yarn samples consists of 3 over 3 rollers drafting, in which bottom
was tested. Uster hairiness index (UHI), irregularity delivery roller is hollow and perforated drum with
(unevenness) and imperfection index (IPI) of yarn larger diameter using a suction system. Air flow is
samples were tested using an Uster tester 3 (UT3) sucked from the outside to the inside of the drum.
according to standard test method ASTM D 1425. We Under this air suction, fibres merging from the
tested each yarn sample 10 times with 400 m/min test delivery nip of the drafting unit are held against the
speed for 2.5 min. Tensile yarn properties, namely drum surface and moved at the same circumferential
yarn breaking strength (cN/tex), breaking elongation speed as the drum surface. A second top roller presses
(%) and work of rupture ( were measured on on the drum is also used to create a nip between the
the Uster Tensorapid tensile testing machine using the drum and the top roller that acts as twist stop. This
single strand method. The working principle and leads to the yarn formation immediately after this nip

(i.e. no triangle). The condensation of fibre flow takes Suessen Elite compacting system consists of an
place in the intermediate zone between the two top additional “drafting zone”, which is mounted on a
rollers sitting on the perforated drum. Rieter introduced standard 3-roll ring spinning machine (Fig. 1). In this
air guide element 6 which results in lateral drafting zone an air–permeable lattice apron runs over
condensation of the fibres on the perforated drum. This a suction tube. The suction tube is under negative
feature greatly assists in providing more fibre pressure and there is a slot tilted in the direction of
compactness both against the drum and in the lateral fibre movement for each spinning position. After the
direction as illustrated in Fig. 1(refs 14, 17). fibres leave the front roller nip line, they are guided
by means of the lattice aprons over the openings of
the suction slots where they move sideways and are
condensed due to suction air flow. The openings of
the suction slots are at the inclined position to the
direction of fibre flow. This helps condensing by
generating a transverse force on the fiber band during
the transport over the slot and causing the fiber band
to rotate around its own axis. The lattice apron carries
the fibers attached to it up to the delivery nip line. The
diameter of delivery (driven) top roller is slightly
bigger than the diameter of the front top (driving)
roller. This generates a tension in the longitudinal
direction during the condensing process. The tension
ensures the straightening of curved fibers, and
therefore, supports the condensing effect of the
negative pressure acting on the fiber band in the slot
area of the suction tube18-20.
The Toyota compact spinning system (Fig. 1) has
an alteration in the 3/3 double apron standard drafting
system. This system has a condensing unit which
consists of a mesh apron and suction slot. This
condensing unit is driven by the front bottom roller
with a positive drive mechanism, specially designed
by Toyota. The fibre stream that entered in the
condensing zone is compacted by the mesh apron,
which is under negative pressure.
2.2 Statistical Analysis
In this study, all test results were evaluated using
one-way ANOVA to detect the significant difference
between the means of the properties of yarns spun on
the four spinning systems. The difference between yarn
properties was examined at 0.05 and 0.01 significance
levels. When the analysis of variance (ANOVA) gives
a significant result, this indicates that at least one group
differs from the other groups. Yet, the omnibus test
does not indicate which group differs. In order to
analyze the pattern of difference between means, the
ANOVA is often followed by the least significant
difference (LSD) test. The main idea of the LSD is to
compute the smallest significant difference (i.e. the
Fig.1—Principles of Reiter, Suessen and Toyota compact LSD) between two means (i.e. with a t test) and to
spinning systems declare any significant difference larger than the LSD.

The least significant difference (LSD) procedure mean square of the error in the ANOVA analysis. If
uses the F statistic for testing H0 : µi= µj the design is balanced (n1 = n2 = ……. = na = n), the
least significant difference is equal to
yi − y j
t0 = … (1)
1 1 2 MS E
MS E ( + LSD = tα /2, N −α … (3)
ni n j n
To use the LSD procedure, we simply compared
where MSE is the mean squares due to error (Within
the observed difference between each pair of averages
treatments) in ANOVA analysis. − −
Assuming the two-sided alternative, the pairs of means to the corresponding LSD. If yi − y j ≥ LSD, we
µi and µj would be declared significantly different; if
conclude that the population means µi and µj differ.
− − 1 1 The results of multiple comparison LSD test for
yi − y j ≥ tα /2, N − a MS E ( + ) … (2)
ni n j yarn tensile properties, yarn hairiness, imperfection
and irregularity are introduced in Tables 3 and 4.
1 1
the quantity LSD = tα /2, N − a MS E ( + ) is called 3 Results and Discussion
ni n j 3.1 Breaking Strength
the least significant difference, where N is the total The breaking strength of yarn is an important
number of observations; a , the number of treatments; criterion in assessing yarn quality. The number of
n, the number of observation; α, the level of yarn breakages in spinning, weaving and knitting
significance; and N-a, the degree of freedom of the processes largely depend on breaking strength. It is

Table 3—Results of multiple comparisons LSD test for yarn tensile properties
Spinning system Breaking force Breaking elongation Work of rupture
Absolute mean Significance Absolute mean Significance Absolute mean Significance
difference level difference level difference level
Ring K-44 26.5 0.000 *** 0.6 0.003*** 39.3 0.001***
RX-240 12.0 0.055* 0.4 0.053* 21.7 0.069*
Fiomax 39.9 0.000*** 1.1 0.000*** 65.9 0.000***
K-44 RX-240 14.6 0.020** 0.2 0.313* 17.6 0.139*
Fiomax 13.3 0.033** 0.4 0.031** 26.6 0.027**
RX-240 Fiomax 27.9 0.000*** 0.7 0.002*** 44.2 0.000***
*The mean difference is not significant.
**The mean difference is significant at 0.05 level.
***The mean difference is significant at 0.01 level.
Table 4—Results of multiple comparisons LSD test for yarn hairiness, imperfection and irregularity.

Spinning system Uster hairiness index Yarn imperfection index Irregularity

Absolute mean Significance Absolute mean Significance Absolute mean Significance
difference level difference level difference level
Ring K-44 1.0 0.000*** 277 0.000*** 1.0 0.000***
RX-240 0.3 0.017** 114 0.000*** 0.3 0.000***
Fiomax 0.8 0.000*** 185 0.000*** 0.8 0.000***
K-44 RX-240 0.7 0.000*** 163 0.000*** 0.7 0.302*
Fiomax 0.2 0.096* 92 0.000*** 0.2 0.194*
RX-240 Fiomax 0.5 0.000*** 71 0.000*** 0.5 0.784*
* The mean difference is not significant.
* The mean difference is significant at 0.05 level.
*** The mean difference is significant at 0.01 level.

well known that the breaking force of a spun yarn yarns may be ascribed to the difference in the
depends largely on the characteristics and structural structure of spinning triangle in both systems. In ring
arrangements of its constituent fibres. Every spinning spinning, the gradual transmission of twists with the
technology produces a yarn of unique structure owing traveller along the yarn balloon causes a certain
to its unique method of fibre integration and nature of tension in the fibre bundle that forms the spinning
twisting. Hence, the geometric configurations of triangle, a tension which is not distributed
fibres are different in the yarns spun on different symmetrically in the yarn cross section. It is greatest
spinning systems. in fibres that are positioned at the edges of the
The effect of spinning systems on breaking strength spinning triangle, and the smallest in fibres lying in
of spun yarns was depicted in Fig. 2. Obviously, the the middle of the triangle. This asymmetric
statistical analysis shows that the type of spinning distribution is the reason for fibre breakage according
systems has a significant effect on the breaking to their position in the spinning triangle during
strength of spun yarns at 0.01 significance level. From subsequent processing 19, 21, 22. Furthermore, the fibres
this figure it can be observed that all compact spun gradually take over the external axial yarn loading;
yarns had a higher breaking strength in comparison therefore, they also break one after the other. The
with the conventional ring-spun yarn, which is a very consequence is lower yarn strength and poorer
important feature from both quality of the yarn and the utilization of the fibre tenacity (35 - 50%).
efficiency of the spinning process points of view. It is In compact spinning, minimization or even
also proved that the average values of breaking strength elimination of the spinning triangle enables almost all
of conventional ring-spun yarn and K-44, RX-240 and fibres to be incorporated into the yarn structure with
Fiomax compact spun yarns are 17.5, 22.0, 19.5 and maximum possible length and almost equal pre-
24.2 cN/tex respectively. tension of the fibres, irrespective of their position in
The difference in yarn breaking strength between the spinning triangle. The uniform pre-tension of the
conventional ring-spun yarn and the compact-spun majority of fibres enables more synchronic breakage
of the majority of the fibres, which contributes to
higher yarn strength and better utilization of the fibre
tenacity (from 65% up to even 80%).
The results of the multiple comparison LSD tests are
listed in Table 3. The higher significant difference is
found between conventional ring yarn and Fiomax
compact-spun yarn and between RX-240 and Fiomax
compact-spun yarn. These results are confirmed in
Fig. 2 which shows that the yarn spun on Fiomax
compact spinning is characterized by the highest
breaking force followed by those produced on K-44
and RX-240 compact spinning systems respectively.
The higher breaking force associated with yarns
spun on Fiomax compact spinning system may be
related to the presence of additional drafting zone,
which generates a tension in the longitudinal direction
during the condensing process. This tension ensures
the straightening of the curved fibres, and therefore
supports the condensing effect, which, in turn,
increases the tensile properties of the produced yarns.
On the other hand, the lower breaking force brought
about by RX-240 spinning system might be because
of the weak compacting power of this system.
3.2 Breaking Elongation
Fig. 2—Effect of spinning systems on the tensile properties of The elongation percentage is defined as the ratio of
spun yarns elongation of the specimen to the initial length thereof

expressed as a percentage. Breaking elongation of a With regard to the type of compact spinning system
spun yarn is basically related to the fibre extension and from Table 3, it is shown that there is no
and the way fibres are arranged in its body. Breaking significant difference between RX-240 and each of K-
elongation of spun yarns versus the type of spinning 44 and ring spinning machines with respect to yarn
systems is plotted in Fig. 2. From this figure and the work of rupture. It is also noticed that the work of
statistical analysis it is clear that the breaking rupture of yarns produced on Fiomax compact spinning
elongation of ring-spun yarn and compact-spun yarns machine exhibits the highest value, while the work of
differs significantly. Irrespective of the type of rupture of those spun on RX-240 compacting system
compact spinning system, compact-spun yarn exhibits shows the lowest. This is rather anticipated because of
higher breaking elongation in comparison with ring- the higher breaking strength and elongation of yarns
spun yarn. Breaking elongation of a compact yarn spun on Fiomax compacting system.
produced on the K-44 spinning machine surpasses the
conventional ring yarn by 15% while this value is 3.4 Hairiness Index
higher by up to 10% and 26% in the yarns spun on the Yarn hairiness is one of the essential parameters
RX-240 and Fiomax spinning machines respectively. which influences the performance of yarn in the
Compact-spun yarns are characterized by better subsequent processes. Yarn hairiness has a
fibre integration23,24 and uniform fibre arrangement25 considerable effect on the appearance and handle of
that probably lead to greater contribution of intrinsic fabric, as well as on the formation of pilling.
fibre elongation to yarn elongation. In present work, hairiness index is measured using
The results of LSD test listed in Table 3 show a Uster tester 3 (UT3) instrument. Hairiness index (HI)
significant difference between ring and K-44 and can be defined as the total protruding fibre lengths that
between ring and Fiomax spinning systems in terms projects from the yarn body of length 1 cm. Provided
of yarn breaking elongation. It is also seen that the that HI is the relationship between two lengths (of hairs
difference between ring and RX-240 and between K- and yarn), it is a non-dimensional quantity.
44 and RX-240 is not significant. From Fig. 2, it can The relationship between yarn hairiness index and
also be seen that the breaking elongation of yarns the type of spinning system is illustrated in Fig. 3.
spun on ring and compact spinning systems follows The statistical analysis proves that spinning system
the order: Fiomax > K-44 > RX-240 > ring spinning type has a profound effect on the yarn hairiness index
machine. The higher breaking elongation of yarns at 0.01 significance level. In general, ring-spun yarn
produced on Fiomax compact spinning machine as exhibits higher hairiness level compared to compact-
compared to the other spinning systems may be due to spun yarns regardless of the type of their compacting
the higher compacting power of this system. system. Regarding the type of compacting system, K-
44 compact spinning system is the least hairy yarn
3.3 Work of Rupture type, whilst RX-240 spun yarn is the most hairy. It is
Meredith26 reported that the work of rupture is also particularly notable that the hairiness index of K-
represented by the area enclosed by the stress-strain 44 compact-spun yarn has hairiness level of 31%
curve and the strain axis and would be half the product lower than the hairiness of ring-spun yarn, while RX-
of breaking load and breaking extension if Hooke’s law 240 and Fiomax compact-spun yarns show hairiness
were obeyed. The variation in work of rupture of spun level of up to 9% and 25 % lower than the hairiness of
yarns according to the variation in spinning systems is ring-spun yarn.
illustrated in Fig. 2. Evidently the spinning system has The higher hairiness values of ring yarn as
higher influence on the yarn work of rupture. compared to compact-spun yarns could be associated
As expected, and irrespective of the type of with the presence of large spinning triangle, which
spinning system, compact-spun yarns exhibit causes a large difference in the path followed by the
considerably higher work of rupture than ring-spun edge and center fibres. Because of this the edge fibres
yarn and the difference is statistically significant. The do not properly integrate into the yarn body. In
statistical analysis proves that work of rupture of addition, the reduction in spinning triangle in the
yarns spun on K-44, RX-240 and Fiomax compact compact spinning system brings about less hairiness
spinning machines is more than those produced on in the yarn.
conventional ring spinning machine by 34, 19 and The results of multiple comparison LSD test are
57% respectively. given in Table 4. It is obvious that there is no

significant difference in Uster hairiness index 3.6 Yarn Irregularity

between yarns spun on K-44 and Fiomax compact Yarn irregularity is a measure of the level of
spinning systems. However, a significant difference is variation in yarn linear density or mass per unit length
detected between the other spinning systems in of yarn. In other words, it refers to the variation in
relation to hairiness level. Finally, the K-44 compact yarn count along its length. A common method of
spinning produces yarns with significantly lower expressing the irregularity of a yarn is to use the
hairiness than the other spinning systems. The lower statistical term CV or coefficient of variation.
hairiness levels of yarns spun using K-44 compact Obviously the higher the CV value, the more irregular
spinning system may be attributed to the larger area of is the yarn.
its compacting zone in comparison with the other The variation in yarn irregularities versus type of
compacting system. spinning systems are plotted in Fig. 3. The statistical
analysis reveals that, irrespective of the type of
3.5 Imperfection Index
compacting systems, the differences between the mass
The imperfection index (IPI) of spun yarns can be
irregularity values of ring- and compact-spun yarns
defined as the sum of yarn thin places, thick places
are statistically significant at 0.01 significance level;
and neps per 1000 meters of yarn length. In the
the evenness of compact-spun yarns is better than that
USTER evenness tester, thin and thick places refer to
of conventional ring yarns. The average values of
imperfections that are within the measuring sensitivity
yarn irregularity for conventional ring-spun yarn, K-
range (±50% with respect to the mean value of yarn
44, RX-240 and Fiomax compact-spun yarns amount
diameter), while neps are classified as the yarn
to 18, 16.8, 16.6 and 16.55% respectively. This result
imperfections which may exceed the 200% limit. For
is quite surprising because yarn irregularity is largely
ring-spun yarn, imperfections adversely affect yarn
governed by the average number of fibres in yarn
and fabric quality. A yarn with more imperfections
cross-section27. Since the number of fibres in yarn
will exhibit poor appearance grade, lower strength
cross-section should remain the same for a given fibre
and poor performance in subsequent processes.
and yarn linear density, the better regularity of the
The effect of types of spinning systems on the
imperfection index of the spun yarns is depicted in
Fig. 3. Based on this figure and statistical analysis, it
is apparent that spinning system type has a great
influence on the imperfection index of spun yarns.
Generally, ring-spun yarn has a higher imperfection
index compared to compact-spun yarns. The average
values of thin places, thick places and neps per
kilometer of yarns produced on Ring, K-44, RX-240
and Fiomax spinning machines are recorded in Table
2, from which it is noticed that ring-spun yarn has the
higher values of thin places, thick places and neps in
comparison with the compact-spun yarns.
From Table 4, a significant difference is observed
at 0.01 significance level among all spinning systems
in relation to the imperfection index of spun yarns.
With respect to the type of compact spinning system,
the K-44 spinning system has the lowest value of yarn
imperfection, whereas RX-240 spinning system yields
the highest imperfection value. The yarns spun by K-
44 and Fiomax compact spinning systems has 44%
and 13% less IPI respectively as compared to the yarn
spun by RX-240. The unsatisfactory values of
imperfection index associated with RX-240 spinning
system may be related to the lower power of its Fig. 3—Effect of spinning systems on hairiness, imperfection and
compacting system. irregularity of spun yarns

compact-spun yarns is the expected consequence of of view. However, the K-44 compact-spun yarn is the
the improved integration of fibres at twisting triangle most effective from the aesthetic point of view.
and the reduction in fibre loss from the yarn body.
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9 Egbers G, Int Text Bull, 4 (1999) 11.
4 Conclusion 10 Olbrich A, Melliand Int, (2000) 20.
4.1 By and large, compact-spun yarns are superior 11 Hellwig A, Melliand Eng, 6 (2002) 84.
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13 Jayavarthanavelu D, Technical Newsletter (Textile Machinery
4.2 Fiomax compact-spun yarn is more effective in Division, Japan) , 2006, 2-4.
terms of breaking strength, breaking elongation and 14 Fatma Goketepe, Demet Yilmaz & Ozer Goktepe, Text Res J,
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4.3 K-44 compact spinning system is the least hairy Res, 27 (2002) 362.
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The RX-240 and ring-spun yarns are close to each Manufacturing Technology, 1st edn (Cotton Incorporated N.
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18 Kampen, W, Melliand Int, 6 (2000) 98.
4.4 K-44 compact-spun yarn is also more effective 19 Stahlecker F, Melliand Int, 6 (2000) 30.
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other compacting systems. 21 Stalder H, Melliand Int, 6 (2000) 22.
22 Nikolić M, Cerkvenik J, Lesjak F & Štritof A, Tekstilec,
4.5 With respect to the yarn evenness, the compact Special edn (1999) 19.
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K-44. 24 Stalder H, Text Asia, 31 (2000) 43.
25 Artzt P, Int Text Bull, 49 (1) (2003) 40.
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that the yarns spun on Fiomax compact spinning 27 Tyagi G, Bhowmick M, Bhattacharyya S & Kumar P, Indian J
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