CDRL N.: -
N. di pag. / No. of pages : 40
File : HAT8151734.docx
Calzoni S.r.l.
Prepared by: Calderara di Reno, Bologna – Italy
Milano - Italy
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Rev Date Prepared by Description of the changes
- 24/05/2023 SAN First Issue
Property Information: This document and all information contained herein are property of Calzoni S.r.l. and must not be duplicated, transmitted in any form, transferred
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1. PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 IDENTIFICATION............................................................................................................................................................ 5
2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................................................. 6
3. PRELIMINARY CHECKS ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
4. SET-UP AND START-UP ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 GENERAL CHECKS BEFORE THE FIRST START- UP ............................................................................................................ 9
4.2 FIRST START-UP OF THE SYSTEM ...................................................................................................................................... 9
5. HMI AND DEVICES FUNCTIONAL TEST FROM MCP.................................................................................................. 10
6. HMI AND DEVICES FUNCTIONAL TEST FROM PCU (FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY) ...................................... 23
6.1 VLA-DIM-3U BOARD TESTS ........................................................................................................................................... 24
6.2 VLA-I/O BOARD TEST ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
6.2.1 A20 VLA I/O test (DSD device) .......................................................................................................................... 27
6.2.2 A21 VLA I/O test (Wave Off Device) ................................................................................................................. 28
8.1 TEST PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................................................... 33
9. PCU MAINTENANCE CONTROL DISPLAY TESTS ...................................................................................................... 34
10. GLOSSARY ....................................................................................................................................................................... 38
11. TEST EQUIPMENT USED............................................................................................................................................... 39
12. REMARKS TABLE ........................................................................................................................................................... 40
FIG. 1: SHIP STATUS PAGE ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
FIG. 2: MAIN MENU PAGE .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
FIG. 3: ALARM PAGE (ONLY AS A REFERENCE)............................................................................................................................... 14
FIG. 4: GSI MENU PAGE.................................................................................................................................................................. 15
FIG. 5: DAY/NIGHT MODE VISUALIZATION IN GSI MENU PAGE.................................................................................................. 15
FIG. 6: DAY/NIGHT MODE VISUALIZATION IN GSI MENU PAGE.................................................................................................. 16
FIG. 7: HRB MENU PAGE ................................................................................................................................................................ 17
FIG. 8: DAY/NIGHT MODE VISUALIZATION IN HRB MENU PAGE ................................................................................................ 17
FIG. 9: DECK STATUS DISPLAY MENU PAGE ........................................................................................................................... 18
FIG. 10: KEYBOARD PAGE (ONLY AS A REFERENCE) .................................................................................................................... 20
FIG. 11: CONFIGURATION LIST PAGE (ONLY AS A REFERENCE) ............................................................................................... 21
FIG. 12: SHUTDOWN ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22
FIG. 13: POWER AND CONTROL UNIT - MAIN RACK FRONT PANEL (ONLY AS A REFERENCE) ......................................................... 23
FIG. 14: BRIDGE CONTROL PANEL ................................................................................................................................................... 30
FIG. 15: W AVE OFF REMOTE SWITCH.............................................................................................................................................. 33
FIG. 16: MAINTENANCE CONTROL DISPLAY ..................................................................................................................................... 34
FIG. 17 MCD GSI SETTING PAGE AND HRB SETTING PAGE ......................................................................................................... 34
Property Information: This document and all information contained herein are property of Calzoni S.r.l. and must not be duplicated, transmitted in any form, transferred
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TAB. 1: REFERENCED DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 6
TAB. 2: PART LIST TABLE ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
TAB. 3: INDICATORS AND CONTROLS ON THE VLA-DIM-3U BOARD FRONT PANEL ........................................................................ 24
TAB. 4: VLA-DIM-3U BOARD TEST .................................................................................................................................................. 25
TAB. 5: INDICATORS AND CONTROLS ON THE VLA-I/O BOARD FRONT PANEL ................................................................................. 26
TAB. 6: A20 VLA-I/O DSD BOARD TEST ......................................................................................................................................... 27
TAB. 7: A21 VLA-I/O W AVE OFF BOARD TEST ................................................................................................................................ 28
TAB. 8: DECK STATUS LIGHTS AND BCP TEST ................................................................................................................................ 31
TAB. 9: W AVE OFF LIGHTS TEST ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
TAB. 10: INDICATORS AND CONTROLS ON THE MAINTENANCE CONTROL DISPLAY - GSI .............................................................. 34
TAB. 11: INDICATORS AND CONTROLS ON THE MAINTENANCE CONTROL DISPLAY - HRB ............................................................. 35
TAB. 12: LOCAL DISPLAY TEST ......................................................................................................................................................... 36
TAB. 13: TEST EQUIPMENT USED...................................................................................................................................................... 39
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Scope of this document is to describe the tests to perform the Harbour Acceptance Trial for
Particularly, the document describes all the checks to be performed in order to guarantee the
correct integration between all the units of the system.
This document shall be printed and filled with all informations requested. This document
functions as the official test report.
The tests on the single components of the system are part of specific dedicated WTPs,
including WTP8144580 and WTP8144395 for GSI, WTP8145221 and WTP8145287 for HRB
For every item, a painting certification is stored and available at Calzoni Quality Department.
The weighing of each single item is performed before the FAT and the weight certification is
stored and available at Calzoni Quality Department.
All the WTPs (Workshop Test Procedures and reports) are stored and available at Calzoni
Quality Department.
The Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) on the system have already been performed according to
the document FAT8151733.
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If the Main Control Panel is not available, the light devices of VLA
system can be controlled from the PCU – POWER CONTROL UNIT
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This test allows to verify the functions of the HVLA system through the commands of the boards
inside the PCU – POWER CONTROL UNIT. The functioning from the PCU is provide only in
Emergency case, when the MCP is out of service.
The PCU is divided into two main rack, the upper rack is dedicated to GSI and HRB control,
while the lower rack is for VLA lights controls.
GSI and HRB can be controlled by the Maintenance and Control Display of the upper rack,
while each Control Board of the VLA lights rack is independent and has on the front panel all
the pushbutton and led indicator to actuate the controlled units (see the drawing below).
Fig. 13: Power and Control Unit - main rack Front Panel (only as a reference)
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Perform the above-mentioned verifications for at least 50% of VLA-DIM-3U board installed in
the PCU. As stated at paragraph 1.1, in order to complete the final report, print, fill and attach
as many copies of this page as the number of VLA-DIM-3U under test.
For Wave Off Dim3U, switch off the related VLA-IO.
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The Wave Off Remote Switch (WORS) is composed by a sealed case equipped with:
N° 1 Pushbutton (RED MUSHROOM).
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The maintenance control display is located inside the PCU (D8225515). The MCD can be
turned on/off by pressing the ON/OFF button placed nearby the Display.
Tab. 11: Indicators and controls on the Maintenance Control Display - HRB
ON/OFF Physical button Switch on/off the display
Light state ON/OFF Button Turn ON/OFF light (Button label show the light state)
Select light mode (Mode selected is the one
Light mode DAY/NIGHT Switch highlighted)
Light intensity Label Show the intensity value selected (0 to 100)
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Date: ___________________
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