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OPEN A self-cleaning underwater

superoleophobic mesh for oil-water
Lianbin Zhang1, Yujiang Zhong1, Dongkyu Cha2 & Peng Wang1
Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering Division, Water Desalination and Reuse Center, King Abdullah University
of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955–6900, Saudi Arabia, 2Advanced Nanofabrication Imaging and Characterization Core
Received Lab, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia.
13 June 2013
Accepted Oil–water separation has recently become a global challenging task because of the frequent occurrence of oil
17 July 2013 spill accidents due to the offshore oil production and transportation, and there is an increasing demand for
the development of effective and inexpensive approaches for the cleaning-up of the oily pollution in water
Published system. In this study, a self-cleaning underwater superoleophobic mesh that can be used for oil-water
31 July 2013 separation is prepared by the layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly of sodium silicate and TiO2 nanoparticles on the
stainless steel mesh. The integration of the self-cleaning property into the all-inorganic separation mesh by
using TiO2 enables the convenient removal of the contaminants by ultraviolet (UV) illumination, and allows
Correspondence and for the facile recovery of the separation ability of the contaminated mesh, making it promising for practial
oil-water separation applications.
requests for materials
should be addressed to
P.W. (peng.wang@

dvanced materials with desirable wettability are very important in oil/water related applications, such as
oily industrial wastewater treatment and oil spill cleanup1–13. Recently, inspired by the remarkably oil-
repellent characteristic of fish scales in aqueous media, the membranes with hydrophilic and underwater
superoleophobic properties have been developed and shown to be promising materials for oil and water sepa-
ration14–22. These water-loving and water-permeable separation membranes are advantageous over traditional
hydrophobic and oleophilic materials for two reasons: (1) they allow water to pass, which effectively avoids or
reduces the possibility of membrane clogging by the viscous oil; (2) they prevent the formation of the water barrier
between the membranes and the oil phase, which would otherwise occur with the conventional hydrophobic and
oleophilic separation materials due to the fact that water is generally heavier than oil phase and it thus prevents the
contact between oil and separation membranes.
The preparation of the hydrophilic and underwater superoleophobic separation membranes are based on
hydrophilic surface modification of base materials along with generation of surface micro-nano structures, which
contributes to surface roughness and amplifies surface wetting behaviors17–22. The current methods for surface
hydrophilic modification can be categorized into two groups: (1) hydrophilic organic polymer-based grafting17–20
and (2) inorganic material coating21,22. Generally speaking, the inorganic coating is more desirable than the
polymeric one because the latter usually suffers from poor stability and becomes unstable under harsh conditions
which occur during the separation process. However, for the current inorganic coating methods, hydrothermal-
based synthesis procedure is generally required21,22, which prohibits large-scale production and thus not suitable
for practical applications. Furthermore, in practical applications the hydrophilic or superhydrophilic surfaces of
the separation materials are prone to contamination by low-surface-energy substances due to their intrinsically
high surface energy9,23,24. These low-surface-energy contaminants, once adsorbed, are difficult to remove and
often cause the surface wetting behaviors to deteriorate, leading to the materials to lose their separation per-
formance. It is for this reason that frequent washing-based maintenance to the separation membranes is generally
required, which significantly increases the operation cost of these separation processes. It should be noted that
very recently, Feng and coworkers reported a hydrothermal preparation of a double-layer TiO2-based mesh
membrane with superhydrophobicity and superoleophilicity, which could be used for both the separation of bulk
oil from water and the degradation of dissolved pollutants in water25. However, their work did not target the
contamination problem of the separation mesh. Based on these, a facile and low-cost approach for preparation of
inorganic-coating-based oil-water separation membranes, which have self-cleaning capability, is highly desired.

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 3 : 2326 | DOI: 10.1038/srep02326 1


Layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly, which involves alternate depos-

ition of species (building blocks) with complementary interactions
to prepare composite coatings, is a versatile platform for fabricating
various kinds of coatings with well-tailored chemical compositions
and architectures on almost any substrate26–34. We believe LbL
assembly holds a great potential for functionalizing base materials
towards solving the aforementioned problems that occur with the
previous oil-water separation materials based on the following con-
siderations: (1) With LbL assembly, building block species are depos-
ited in a rationally predesigned fashion, which enables judicially
targeted functionalities and even multi-functionalities to be precisely
integrated in a single coating and thus holds promise of imparting
self-cleaning and/or anti-fouling functionalities into thus-prepared
oil-water separating membranes. (2) The LbL assembly enables easy
adjustment of the surface micro-nano structure of the coating, which
is required for special wetting behaviors. (3) The LbL technique
allows for the large-scale deposition of functional coatings on non-
flat substrates with irregular and complicated morphology, which
makes it scalable, versatile, and thus low-cost for oil-water separation
Herein, we for the first time demonstrate the ease and utility of LbL
assembly for the preparation of all-inorganic-coating-based oil- Figure 1 | Morphology and surface composition of the stainless steel
water separation materials. A proof-of-concept is provided by LbL mesh after the LbL assembly of (silicate/TiO2)*20 coating. SEM images of
assembly of sodium silicate and TiO2 nanoparticles on a stainless the original stainless steel mesh (a), and the (silicate/TiO2)*20 coated mesh
steel mesh to fabricate an underwater superoleophobic separation (b). Insets in (a) and (b) show the magnified view of the knitting wire
membrane with self-cleaning ability. The thus-prepared mesh could surfaces. (c) EDS spectrum of the (silicate/TiO2)*20 coated mesh. The
effectively separate water from oil-water mixture and the UV illu- insets in (c) show the SEM-EDS elemental mapping of Si and Ti.
mination provides convenient way to self-clean the contaminated
mesh. The current study contributes to the development of advanced
oil-water separation materials for practical applications.
of the Ti and Si on the surface of the wires (insets of Fig. 1c). We
found that 20 cycles of the LbL assembly of sodium silicate and TiO2
resulted in a sufficient coverage of the nano-aggregates on the mesh
The choice of the steel mesh here as the base material is due to its
surface while when fewer cycles (e.g., 10 cycles) were assembled, only
inherent porous structure, which is suitable for separation applica-
island-like aggregates were discretely distributed on the wire surface,
tions, its good mechanical and chemical stability, as well as its easy
with the underneath stainless steel exposed (see Supplementary Fig.
availability and low cost. The self-cleaning property is imparted into
S1, and Fig. S2 online), which is undesirable.
the mesh-membrane by using photocatalytic TiO2 as one of the LbL
building blocks, which provides a convenient solution to the con- The wettability of water and oil on the (silicate/TiO2)*20 coated
tamination problem35–37. After 20 cycles of LbL assembly of sodium mesh was evaluated by the contact angle measurements. In air, the
silicate and TiO2, which is driven by electrostatic interaction between water wetting behavior on the (silicate/TiO2)*20 coated mesh was
the negatively charged sodium silicate and positively charged TiO2, a greatly enhanced compared with the original uncoated mesh, which
nanostructured composite coating of hydrophilic silica and self- had a water contact angle of 127.5u. As shown in Fig. 2a, when the
cleaning TiO2 (denoted as (silicate/TiO2)*20), was formed uni- water droplet contacted with the surface of the (silicate/TiO2)*20
formly on the surface of the stainless steel mesh. The LbL assembly coated mesh, it quickly spread and penetrated the mesh (within
of sodium silicate and TiO2 in this work is conducted by a non- 16 ms), with a contact angle of , 21.9u above the mesh. When more
drying LbL assembly process, in which no intermittent drying steps water droplets were added on the mesh surface, the water could easily
are involved during the deposition procedure38. As has been drip down, indicating the good hydrophilicity and permeability of
reported, the deposition of the rigid building blocks of sodium sil- the coated mesh to water, which was a combined effect of the hydro-
icate and TiO2 onto the substrates is in their aggregated forms, and philic nature of the LbL assembled coating and the surface micro-
the non-drying LbL assembly process preserves the aggregates on the nano hierarchical structures generated in the non-drying LbL
surface, leading to the loose stack of the building blocks and thus assembly process. The coated mesh also exhibited oleophilic prop-
producing the nanostructured coating38, which along with micro- erty in air with a hexadecane contact angle of , 18.9u above the mesh
scale mesh wires is essential for the extreme wetting behaviors. surface (Fig. 2c). Meanwhile, the current LbL assembly method
Figure 1 shows the scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) images enables the silicate/TiO2 coatings to be readily deposited on stainless
of the original stainless steel mesh and the one after the LbL assembly steel meshes with different sizes, and after coating these meshes all
of (silicate/TiO2)*20 coating. The original mesh has an average pore exhibited good hydrophilicity and water permeable property (see
diameter of , 190 mm, and the knitting wires have a diameter of Supplementary Fig. S3 online).
, 110 mm. The magnified view in the inset of Fig. 1a reveals that the The underwater oil wettability of the mesh was evaluated by
original wires have smooth surface. After the LbL assembly of (sil- immersing the (silicate/TiO2)*20 coated mesh in aqueous media.
icate/TiO2)*20 coating, the macroscopic morphology of the mesh Figure 2d shows the contact angles of a series of typical oil droplets
did not show any significant change (Fig. 1b), and a layer of nano- on the coated mesh in aqueous media, and the shapes of these oil
aggregates with the size from several tens to several hundred nan- droplets were also presented as the insets. Without any exception, all
ometers was uniformly formed on the surface of the wires (inset of of the oil contact angles were larger than 150u on the coated mesh,
Fig. 1b). The energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) measure- confirming its underwater superoleophobic property. Without the
ment reveals the presence of Ti and Si on the surface (Fig. 1c), and the coating, the original stainless steel mesh exhibited oleophilic prop-
SEM-EDS elemental mapping results indicate a uniform distribution erty (see Supplementary Fig. S4 online). Furthermore, we found that

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 3 : 2326 | DOI: 10.1038/srep02326 2


Figure 2 | Wetting behaviors of the (silicate/TiO2)*20 coated stainless

steel mesh. (a) Time-resolved snapshots from the contact angle Figure 3 | oil-water separation by the (silicate/TiO2)*20 coated stainless
measurement video of a water droplet contacting on the (silicate/TiO2)*20 steel mesh. (a) Oil-water separation by the (silicate/TiO2)*20 coated
coated mesh in air. (b) Shape of a water droplet on the original mesh. mesh. The mesh was pre-wetted by water and fixed between two glass tubes
(c) Shape of a hexadecane droplet on the (silicate/TiO2)*20 coated mesh in as the separation membrane. A mixture of gasoline and water was poured
air. (d) Contact angles of a series of typical oil droplets on the coated mesh into the upper glass tube. The water passed through the membrane,
in aqueous media. Insets in (d) show the shapes of the oil droplets on the whereas the gasoline remained on top of the membrane in the upper glass
mesh surface. tube (right panel). (b) Photograph shows collected water and gasoline after
the separation. No visible oil and water was observed in the collected water
these oil droplets were quite unstable on the (silicate/TiO2)*20 and oil, respectively, indicating a complete separation.
coated mesh surface and they could easily detach from the surface
by gentle disturbance, suggesting a low adhesion of the surface to the
oil droplets in the aqueous medium. As previously shown, the (sil- Discussion
icate/TiO2)*20 coated mesh exhibited a micro-nano hierarchical As discussed earlier, self-cleaning property of a separation mesh is
surface structure and hydrophilic nature, so water could be trapped very desirable. It is well known that under ultraviolet (UV) light
in these micro-nano structures when the mesh was immersed in illumination TiO2 materials can generate photo-electrons and holes,
aqueous medium. Because of the high repellency between polar mesh which then react with oxygen and water to produce highly reactive
surface (water and silica) and non-polar oil phase, the mesh surface species of superoxide anions and hydroxyl radicals35–37. The highly
exhibits oleophobicity, which is further amplified by the surface reactive species can then decompose and thus remove organic con-
micro-nano hierarchical structures (i.e., surface roughness), leading taminants and fouling species that are absorbed on the surface of
to an underwater superoleophobic surface14–22. separation membrane. In order to evaluate the self-cleaning capabil-
Having demonstrated the underwater superoleophobicity, as well ity of the silicate/TiO2 coated mesh, the mesh was first contaminated
as the hydrophilicity and the water permeable properties of the with a model contaminant of oleic acid. Once contaminated by oleic
coated mesh, the coated mesh was then used for the separation of acid, the surface of the (silicate/TiO2)*20 coated mesh lost its hydro-
oil and water mixture. As shown in Fig. 3a, the stainless steel mesh philicity and the underwater superoleophobic property, and showed
with the (silicate/TiO2)*20 coating was fixed between two glass a hydrophobic property with a water contact angle of , 105u in air,
tubes, and then a mixture of commercial No.95 gasoline and water which undesirably led to its inability to separate oil and water (see
(151, v5v) was poured into the upper glass tube (see Supplementary Supplementary Fig. S5, and Fig. S6 online). With the oleic acid con-
Movie S1 online). Because of the underwater superoleophobic prop- tamination, both water and oil passed through the (silicate/TiO2)*20
erty and the higher density of water than gasoline, the water in the coated mesh indiscriminately. The contaminated mesh was then
mixture passed through the mesh quickly, and no visible oil was subject to UV light illumination (wavelengths centered at 360 nm)
observed in the collected water. As shown in Fig. 3b, a complete and under UV exposure for about 30 minutes, the mesh restored its
separation was achieved for the oil-water mixture. Gravity was the hydrophilicity, with water contact angle returning to its original
only available force and no other external force was used during the value of , 20u (Fig. 4a). The recovery of the mesh’s hydrophilicity
separation. in air was a result of the removal of the surface-absorbed oleic acid.

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 3 : 2326 | DOI: 10.1038/srep02326 3


assembly of sodium silicate and TiO2 nanoparticles on stainless steel

mesh. The thus-prepared mesh could effectively separate water from
the oil-water mixture and the UV illumination is a convenient
approach to the self-cleaning of the contaminated separation mesh.
The current study contributes to the development of advanced oil-
water separation materials for practical applications.

Materials and chemicals. Stainless steel mesh (80 mesh) was purchased from Alfa
Aesar. Sodium silicate solution, titanium isopropoxide, poly(diallyldimethylam-
monium chloride) (PDDA, 20 wt%, Mw ca. 100 0002200 000), silicone oil, 1,2-
dichloroethane, diiodomethane, hexadecane, hexane, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, oleic
acid, and mineral oil were all purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used as received.
Water purified in a Milli-Q (MilliPore) system was used during all the experiments.
The colloidal TiO2 suspension was prepared by the controlled hydrolysis of titanium
isopropoxide according to a previous reported method39. No. 95 gasoline was
purchased from a local gas station.

Fabrication of silicate/TiO2 coatings on stainless steel mesh. The LbL assembly of

silicate/TiO2 coatings on the stainless steel meshes was conducted automatically by a
programmable dipping robot (Dipping Robot DR-3, Riegler&Kirstein GmbH) at
room temperature. A pre-cleaned stainless steel mesh was first immersed in aqueous
PDDA solution (1.0 mg mL21) for 20 min to render its surface positively charged,
followed by rinsing with water and drying with N2 flow. Then sodium silicate and
TiO2 were alternately deposited on the PDDA-modified mesh surface38. The mesh
was first immersed in a solution of sodium silicate (0.15 M, pH 5 11.6) for 10 min,
followed by rinsing in three water baths for 1 min each. Then the mesh was
immediately transferred to and stay in a TiO2 colloidal suspension (1.3 mg mL21 pH
5 2.5) for 10 min, followed by rinsing in three water baths for 1 min each. By
repeating the above deposition process in a cyclic fashion, silicate/TiO2 composite
coating was prepared. The assembly of silicate and TiO2 was repeated until the desired
cycle number was reached. No drying step was used in the deposition procedure
unless it was in the last layer. The LbL assembled silicate/TiO2 coatings with n cycle
deposition are denoted as (silicate/TiO2)*n.

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(2012). To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 3 : 2326 | DOI: 10.1038/srep02326 5

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