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International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research

Original Research Paper

Comparison of the Known Hypotheses of Lateral Buckling in

the Elastic-Plastic States of Thin-Walled Semi-Slender
Krzysztof Murawski

Independent Researcher, Poland

Article history Abstract: Stability of structures, as known, is a challenging issue,

Received: 02-10-2020 especially in critical engineering, i.e., in designing structures which in a
Revised: 10-12-2020 wrong design process could cause a catastrophe. The avoidance of possible
Accepted: 21-12-2020 stability troubles is mandatory. In this study, the simplifications and
Email: [email protected] hypotheses of loss of stability by lateral buckling in elastic-plastic states of
semi-slender columns axially compressed by force are presented. The
Tetmajer-Jasiński’s and Johnson-Ostenfeld’s simplifications as well as
Engesser-Kármán-Shanley’s, Ylinen, Březina, Pearson-Bleich-Vol’mir’s
and author’s approximated hypotheses are analysed. The graphs of surface
functions of the compressing critical stress cr depending on the ratios  =
a/t or  = R/t and  = L/t are presented as the theoretical examples of thin-
walled cylindrical and square columns made of steel R35. In order to
compare the results of the author’s approximated hypothesis, i.e., the
modified Engesser-Kármán-Shanley’s hypothesis with others
simplifications and hypotheses are shown in adequately ranges for elastic-
plastic states as the graphs of the functions cr().

Keywords: Stability, Buckling, Elastic-Plastic States, Semi-Slender, Column

Introduction 1898; von Kármán, 1908; Kármán, 1910; Shanley, 1947;

Stowell, 1948; Bijlaard, 1949; Bleich, 1952; Broszko,
Shell structures, in the field of building construction 1953; Ylinen, 1956; Radhakrishnan, 1956; Gerard and
and engineering in general, represent a thin, curved plate Becker, 1957; Gerard, 1957; 1962; Seide et al., 1960;
structure that is optimally shaped to transmit applied Vol’mir, 1965; Březina, 1966).
forces by compressive, tensile and shear stresses that act This phenomenon was later researched by others.
in the plane of the same surface. When we consider the Brank et al. (1997) presented a large-deformation
application of shell elements in load-bearing structures, model for thin shells composed of elastic-plastic
accordingly, the first issue to analyze is their load material. Formulation of the shell model, equivalent to
capacity to sustain axial loads, i.e., their stability and the two-dimensional Cosserat continuum, was developed
susceptibility to potential buckling collapse mechanisms from the three-dimensional continuum by employing
that could compromise the structure and occupant safety. standard assumptions on the distribution of the
In the case of very slender columns, this refers to the displacement field in the shell body. A model for thin
problem of stability in elastic states. shells was obtained by an approximation of terms
The basic theory of slender rods losing stability in describing the shell geometry. Finite rotations of the
elastic states, as known, has been originally director field were described by a rotation vector
formulated by (Euler, 1744; 1759). He first introduced formulation. An elastic-plastic constitutive model was
the concept of critical load Pcr and presented, developed based on the von Mises yield criterion and
according to his theory, the differential equation of an isotropic hardening.
elastic deflected central line. Lepik (1999) considered a bifurcation of axially
The stability phenomenon of semi slender columns in loaded elastic–plastic cylindrical shells in the case of
elastic-plastic states was researched too, by (Tetmajer, axisymmetric buckling. The effect of stress waves
1886; Jasiński, 1894; Engesser, 1889; 1895; Ostenfeld, travelling along the shell was taken into account. It was

© 2020 Krzysztof Murawski. This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0
Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

assumed that the shell material had linear strain The hypotheses of axis-symmetrical boundary conditions,
hardening. The analysis was carried out for both the elasticity and perfect bond between the phases, with a new
deformation and for the flow theory of plasticity. For analytical solutions for self-equilibrated axial forces
solving the problem the quasi-bifurcation method was applied were derived. The elastic and post-elastic response
applied. Buckling threshold and spectrum of bifurcation of the overall solid and predictive formulae for estimating
times were calculated. A coefficient characterizing the failure mechanism, in terms of concrete ultimate
exponential growth of the buckling amplitudes was compressive strength, confining pressure and strain at
introduced. The numerical examples were presented. failure, were derived.
Papanastasiou and Durban (1999) presented a linear Voyiadjis and Woelke (2008) presented a finite
bifurcation analysis for pressure sensitive elastoplastic element model for the elastic-plastic and damage
hollow cylinders under radial surface loads. Material analysis of thin and thick shells. Linear elastic, inelastic
response was modeled by the flow and deformation and softening behaviors caused by damage in structural
theories of the Drucker-Prager solid accounting for shells, as well as large rotations were investigated. The
arbitrary hardening. Sample calculations were given for presented formulation was developed primarily for large
cylinders that deformed in axially symmetric patterns scale structural analyses. They provided a constitutive
under uniform radial pressure applied at the boundaries. model which allowed for accurate representation of the
For thick-walled cylinders the dominant bifurcation non-linear shell behavior up to failure, while offering
mode predicted by deformation theory appeared to be a high efficiency and applicability to large scale structural
circumferential surface instability. Deformation theory analyses. This was achieved by representing the elastic-
results for bifurcations were apparently not sensitive to plastic behavior by means of the non-layered approach,
deviations from associativity. with an updated Lagrangian method used to describe the
Dubina and Ungureanu (2000) dealt with the elastic- geometric non-linearities. For the treatment of material
plastic interactive buckling of thin-walled steel non-linearities an Iliushin's yield function expressed in
compression members. The interaction formula for terms of stress resultants was adopted, with isotropic and
local and overall buckling modes of Thin-Walled Steel kinematic hardening rules.
Compression (TWSC) members, the effect of local Leoveanu et al. (2012) searched the steel light
buckling was introduced by means of the effective structures used in tall buildings, bridges piles and
strength of short members. The local overall interactive girders. They realize a smallest loading by the own
buckling modes were regarded as interaction between weight of the structure components by designing in
local rigid-plastic mode and overall-elastic one and elastic-plastic state so the global and local instability was
these two modes were coupled into an adequate important. They designed buildings with using the
interactive equation. welding joint technology. The authors tried to simplify
Alvarenga and Silveira (2006) presented a study the calculation process by use some statistical low to
about the necessary steps to qualify a second-order approximate some of the complex phenomenon and get
inelastic analysis as advanced one. A plastic-zone good estimations on the residual stresses induced by the
approach applied to steel plane frames (portals) and the welded process in the double T profile. The verification
numerical formulation was based on finite element of the influence of technology on the girder instability
model of a Bernoulli-Euler beam-column member called was easy to estimate the critical loads.
“slice technique”. This element was set on a Lagrangian Al-Kamal (2017) analysed the elastic stability of a
updated co-rotational system. The nonlinear problem column bolted at its mid-height to a simply supported
was solved using Newton-Raphson iterative strategy and square plate and subjected to a concentrated load, using
a new axial force iterative integration was shown. This the energy method. A uniform, homogeneous column
process was implemented on a computer program was assumed to be pinned at both ends. From symmetry
PPLANAV* and the minimum requirements of considerations, half of the column was modeled by
advanced analysis (initial geometrical imperfections and making the plate acting as a torsion spring on the
residual stress) were automatically generated. column at its mid-height. The analytical elastic
Fraldi et al. (2008) aimed at deriving assessment and buckling load was compared with a numerical solution
design formulae for determining the elastic–plastic obtained from finite element method using SAP2000.
response and the ultimate compressive strength of Silvestre et al. (2018) studied the influence of the
circular concrete columns confined by Fiber Reinforced nature of the deformation mode (global, local and
Polymers (FRP). A constructive method for obtaining distortional) on the load carrying capacity of beams
closed-form elastic and post-elastic solutions for beyond the yield load. Following recent investigations on
Functionally Graded Material Cylinders (FGMCs), the decomposition of elastic buckling modes into
constituted by an isotropic central core and arbitrary combinations of structurally meaningful deformation
cylindrically orthotropic hollow phases, was proposed. modes, they applied the same concept to the 1st order

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

failure modes (elastic-plastic collapse mechanisms). To (simultaneously on the Euler’s hyperbole) and:
achieve this goal, a GBT-based code that performed first-
order elastic-plastic analyses of thin-walled members was  cr   pl  Re* for   0. (2)
employed. The five beams with different cross-sections,
lengths, supports and loadings were analysed. It was
concluded that larger contributions of local and where,  denotes the slenderness ratio.
distortional modes of the beam failure mode lead to a In that case the formula of Tetmajer-Jasiński’s straight
higher post-yielding strength reserve, which implied a line is as follows:
higher beam load carrying capacity beyond the yield load.
Słowiński and Piekarczyk (2017) dealt with a safe Re*  RHEu
 crT  J  Re*   . (3)
and economic design of steel cylindrical shells according el _ lt
to European Standard EN 1993-1-6 often requiring a
non-linear analysis. The plastic collapse load resulting
For semi-slender thin-walled cylindrical columns
from a materially non-linear analysis was to be
determined then in many cases. However, an extraction depending on  and  the critical stresses are (Fig. 1)
of the true plastic strength still was a relatively as follows:
complex matter in a numerical analysis. The authors
used the modified Southwell plot and also the plot
 crT _Jcylindr  Rr*  2 
R *
e  RHEu   
, (4)
between the load factor increment and the arc length el _ lt  
for an evaluation of the plastic collapse resistance of a
steel cylindrical shell. A proposal of an employment of
the relation between the load factor increment and the where,  = R/t and  = L/t, while:
arc length, which permitted to track the structural R Denotes the median radius of the cylinder,
response of the whole shell during the progress of the L The length of the column,
numerical computations, was made. t The wall thickness and
Krishan et al. (2019) presented a theoretical study of el_lt The slenderness ratio limiting the elasticstate.
the structural resistance of compressed short concrete
elements in a glass-fiber reinforced shell. The For semi-slender thin-walled square columns
methodology was based on a nonlinear strain model of depending on  and  critical stresses are (Fig. 2):
how this element reacts to incremental load in. What made
computing of such structures difficult was the need to
 crT _Jsquare  Re*  6 
e  RHEu   
, (5)
account for the continuously changing lateral shell el _ lt  
pressure on the concrete core. The lateral pressure kept
increasing due to changes in the concrete-core and glass
fiber-reinforced shell lateral-strain coefficients, causing where,  = a/t and  = L/t, while: a is denotes the
greater stress in the material. median side of the square.
The Tetmajer-Jasiński’s simplification was described
Stability of Semi-Slender Columns in Elastic- in the paper (Murawski, 2008d).
Plastic States The next simplification which may be used in
An application of thin-walled columns for structures analysis of stability for squat columns to the determining
mainly depends on their load capacity for axial loads, of critical force in practical designing is the one
i.e., their stability. In the case of very slender columns, formulated by (Ostenfeld, 1898).
this will refer to the stability in elastic states, but more The simplification relies on replacement the Euler’s
often in engineering practice in the elastic-plastic states. hyperbole by the Johnson-Ostenfeld’s parabola.
In an analysis of stability in practical designing for For materials having the limit of plastic stress pl = Re*:
squat columns the determining of critical force may be
used by a simplification formulated by (Tetmajer, 1886;  cr   pl  Re* for   0. (6)
Jasiński, 1894), which relies on replacement the Euler’s
hyperbole by the Tetmajer-Jasiński’s straight line. The formula of Johnson-Ostenfeld’s parabola is as
For materials having the limit of the plastic stress follows:
pl( = 0) = Re* ≈ Re (Fig. 16), where Re is the yield stress
and the limit of the elastic stress H( = el_lt) = RHEu (Fig. Re*2
   ,
16) the co-ordinates of Tetmajer-Jasiński’s straight line:  crJ  O  Re*  (7)
4  E  2

 cr   H  RHEu for   el _ lt (1) where, E denotes the Young’s elastic modulus.

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

 cr T-J , 



cr [MPa]



 crT _Jcylindr  Re*  2 

R *
e  RHEu    50

el _ lt  

750 100
850 80
950 70
1050 60
1150 50
 L/t 40  R/t
1350 20

Fig. 1: Surface function T-Jcr_cylindr(,) based on the Tetmajer-Jasiński formula of the cylindrically-shaped columns made of steel
R35 compressed by ball-and-socket joints.

 cr T-J , 




cr [MPa]



 T J
R  *
R *
e RHEu    50

cr _ square e
el _ lt   0
475 100
525 90
575 70
625 60
 L/t 675 50  a/t
725 40
775 20

Fig. 2: Surface function T-Jcr_square(,) based on the Tetmajer-Jasiński formula of the square-shaped columns made of steel R35
compressed by ball-and-socket joints

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

 cr J-O , 



cr [MPa]



R e*   2 50
 J O
cr _ cylin R  *
2  E  2  2

750 100
850 80
950 70
1050 60
1150 50
 L/t 40  R/t
1350 20

Fig. 3: Surface function J-Ocr_cylindr (,) based on the Johnson-Ostenfeld formula of the cylindrically-shaped columns made of steel
R35 compressed by ball-and-socket joints

 cr J-O , 




cr [MPa]



3  Re*   2
 J O
R  * 50

2  E  2   2
cr _ square e

475 100
525 90
575 70
625 60
 L/t 675 50  a/t
725 40
775 20

Fig. 4: Surface function J-Ocr_ square(,) based on the Johnson-Ostenfeld formula of the square-shaped columns made of steel R35
compressed by ball-and-socket joints

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

For semi-slender thin-walled cylindrical columns The determination of the course of the function Et()
depending on  and  critical stresses are (Fig. 3): on the basis of this formula knowing the cr() function
from experiments allows receiving the correct results in
Re*2   range of a population of examined specimens only.
 crJ _Ocylind  Re*   2  , (8)
4  E  2   Later (Ylinen, 1956) used the approximation of the
function Et = d/d = Et() with the equation:
For semi-slender thin-walled square columns
depending on  and  critical stresses are (Fig. 4):  R   cr 
Et  E  e , (12)
2  Re  c   cr 
Re*2  
 crJ _Osquare  Re*   6  .
2 
4  E    Where:
Re = The yield stress and
The Johnson-Ostenfeld’s simplification was c = Denotes dimensionless constant determined by
described in the paper (Murawski, 2008e). experiment (c = 0.977 for steel, c = 0.875 for wood,
The loss stability theory of axially compressed semi- c = 0 for concrete)
slender columns in elastic-plastic states, based on the
concept of the tangent modulus, was formulated by The physical meaning of quadratic equation with
(Engesser, 1889; 1895; von Kármán, 1908; Kármán, respect to cr:
1910; Shanley, 1947). According to the Engesser-
Kármán-Shanley’s hypothesis, the following two zones 2
    R   cr

can be found in the critical cross-section of the axially  crYlien    E  e Ylien 
    Re  c   cr 
compressed column in elastic-plastic state:

 The squeezed zone, deformed plastically on the has its root:

concave side of the neutral layer of the column and
2  Re
 The tensioned zone, deformed elastically on the  crYlinen 
convex side - Fig. 5a  R
   2 R  2
 R
1    e  1    e   4  c    e
  E    E    E
It was assumed, from the equilibrium of forces and  
moments in relation to the elastic line of the column
before the loss of stability that the sum of forces due to For the semi-slender thin-walled cylindrical column
the stresses as well as the sum of moments has to be axially compressed by ball-and-socket joints the critical
equal to zero - Fig. 5b. stress, according to Ylinen (Fig. 6) equals:
In addition, the elastic zone was characterized with
Young's modulus E and the plastic zone - with the so- 2.Re (15)
 crYlinen
_ cylindr 
called tangent modulus Et, determined like Young's  2 
  2   2 R 
 

1   
 1    e   4  c   2    Re
modulus from the graph stress strain , obtained during     E       E   
    E
 
a standard tension test, but from the non-linear range.
The Engesser-Kármán-Shanley’s theory was described
in the papers and books (Murawski, 1998; 2002a; 2002b; 2  Re (16)
 crYlinen
_ square  2
2003; 2008a; 2011a; 2011b; 2011c; 2017; 2018). 2
 6    Re   6  R  2
 6    Re

The formula for the Engesser-Kármán’s critical stress 1     1    e   4  c   

     E     E      E
   
is like Euler’s but instead of the Young’s elastic modulus
E was used Engesser-Kármán’s modulus EEK:
The Ylinen’s theory was described in the paper
 
(Murawski, 2008b).
 crEngesser  Karman    EEK . (10) Březina (1966) used the function () according to
the (Standard DIN 4114, 1953):
Shanley took advantage of this formula, replacing EEK
directly by tangent modulus Et:     R 2 
EtDIN 4114  E  1   x
 , (17)
2   Re  Rx  
 
 Engesser  Shanaly
   Et . (11)

But this formula does not give satisfactorily correct Rx = The limit of proportional stress
results, too. Re = Denotes the yield stress

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

and then the Engesser-Shanlay’s formula was changed to 

 Re  Rx   2    
2 2
1 
the form:    2 Rx   
2      
cr _ cylindr
E 
 
   Brzezina  R   2 (20)
  2 
 crBrzezina     E  1   cr  . (18)   Re  Rx   2    
x 2 2
2 
   Re  Rx   
 2 Rx    4   Rx   Re  Rx   .
  
  
 E        
 
The root of this quadratic equation with respect to cr
would be as follows:
For the semi-slender thin-walled square column
  axially compressed by ball-and-socket joints the critical
  
1 R  R stress, according to Březina is equal to (Fig. 9):
   2 Rx  
e x
 crBrzezina
2    

E   
    
 Re  Rx   6    
2 2
 1 
   2 Rx   
(19) 
 2      
cr _ square
 
2 E 
  
  Re  Rx  
2 
  4 R  R  R  
  (21)
  2 Rx  2 2 
  Re  Rx   6    
2 2
   
2  x e x  2 

 x  e x   .
   2 Rx      2
  
 E   
  E       4 R R R
        

For the semi-slender thin-walled cylindrical column

axially compressed by ball-and-socket joints the critical The Březina’s hypothesis was described in the paper
stress, according to Březina is equal to (Fig. 8): (Murawski, 2008c).

Neutral layer


Central line

(a) (b)

Fig. 5: Axially compressed column (a) and its critical cross-section (b) at the moment of the stability loss, according to the Engesser-
Kármán-Shanley’s hypothesis; the Young’s modulus E, and tangent modulus Et during tension

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

 cr Ylinen , 



cr [MPa]


2  Re
 crYlinen
_ cylindr  2
 2    Re   2   2 R  2
 2    Re
1    
 1    e   4  c   
      E  
    E        E

750 100
850 80
950 70
1050 60
1150 50
 L/t 40  R/t
1350 20

Fig. 6: Surface function Ylinencr_cylindr(,) based on the Ylinen’s formula of the cylindrically-shaped columns made of steel R35
compressed by ball-and-socket joints

 cr Ylinen , 




cr [MPa]


2  Re 100
 crYlinen
_ square  2
 6    Re   6   2 R  2
 6    Re
1     1    e   4c   50
      E      E
    E      
475 100
525 90
575 70
625 60
 L/t 675 50  a/t
725 40
775 20

Fig. 7: Surface function Ylinencr_square(,) based on the Ylinen’s formula of the square-shaped columns made of birch compressed by
ball-and-socket joints

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

 cr Brezina , 



cr [MPa]


 2 
1  R  Rx 2   R  Rx 2 
2 2

 crBrzezina
_ cylidr    2 Rx  e
2  E
 2 
 
   

 2 Rx  e
 E
 2 
 
    

  4  Rx 2  Re  Rx 2 
 50
    
    

750 100
850 80
950 70
1050 60
1150 50
 L/t 40  R/t
1350 20

Fig. 8: Surface function Brzezinacr_cylindr(,) based on the Březina’s formula of the cylindrically-shaped columns made of steel R35
compressed by ball-and-socket joints

 cr Brezina , 




cr [MPa]


 2 
1  R  Rx 2   R  Rx 2 
2 2

 crBrzezina
_ square    2 Rx  e
2  E
 6 
 
   

 2 Rx  e
 E
 6 
 
    

  4  Rx 2  Re  Rx 2 

     50
    
475 100
525 90
575 70
625 60
 L/t 675 50  a/t
725 40
775 20

Fig. 9: Surface function Brzezinacr_ square(,) based on the Březina’s formula of the square-shaped columns made of steel R35
compressed by ball-and-socket joints

Pearson, (Bleich, 1952; Vol’mir, 1965) used in their  


research the combination of the tangent modulus Et and  crPearson  Bleich Vol ' mir    E  Et . (22)
the modulus E:

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

Using the function () according to the (Standard 2

   E 
DIN 4114, 1953), Equation (17), the root of this quadratic  crGerard  Becker    Es  0.5  0.5 0.25  0.75 t . (29)
  Es 
equation with respect to cr would be as follows:  

  R  R 2  4  The combination of the tangent modulus Et, the

 1   Rx2   Re  Rx  
Rx  Rx2   secant modulus Es and Young’s modulus E used
e x

  4  E2   
  (23) (Radhakrishnan, 1956):
 crPearson  Bleich Vol ' mir  .
  R  R 2  4 
 e x
 1 2
  4  E2    E
   crRadhakrishnan    E t (30)
 Es
For the semi-slender thin-walled cylindrical
column axially compressed by ball-and-socket joints and (Seide et al., 1960):
the critical stress, according to Pearson-Bleich-
Vol’mir is equal to (Fig. 10): 2
  Et
 crWeingarten    Es . (31)
 E
R  R   4  


 1   Rx2   Re  Rx  
Rx  Rx2  
e x

  4  4  E2   
The formulas passed in these works give the
  (24)
 crPearson  Bleich Vol ' mir
 .
_ cylinder
R  R   2 4
 ambiguous, i.e., a possibility of different results in
 e x
 1  dependence on received experimental values Et or Es.
  4  4  E2 
  Therefore, applying these formulas wakes reservations.
The determining the function Et() on the basis of a
For the semi-slender thin-walled square column
non-linear range of the () course obtained during the
axially compressed by ball-and-socket joints the
extension test of one normative specimen or as the
critical stress, according to Pearson-Bleich-Vol’mir’s
standard like also wakes the reservations.
is equal to (Fig. 11):
Elastic-Plastic Stability of Semi-Slender Columns
  R  R 2  36   4  in Own Investigations
 1   Rx2   Re  Rx  
Rx  Rx2  
e x

  4  4  E2   
  (25) The author did his own analysis of stability of thin-
 crPearson  Bleich Vol , mir
 .
walled columns (Murawski, 1998; 2002a; 2002b; 2003;
 e
 R  R 2  36   4 
_ square
1 
  4  4  E2  2008a; 2008b; 2011a; 2011b; 2011c; 2017; 2018)
  In case of stability of columns in elastic states the
author assumed that the loss of stability occurs already at
The secant modulus Es was used by (Stowell, minimum loads, whereas the position of the resultant
1948; Bijlaard, 1949; Broszko, 1953; Gerard, 1957; neutral layer caused by the superposition of pure
Vol’mir, 1965): compression and bending of the elastic line of the
column is changing.
  But for the loss of carrying capacity is responsible the
 crStowell  Bijlaard  Broszko  Gerard Vol ' mir    Es . (26)
 position of a force line in relation to the critical
transverse cross-section outline.
The combination of the tangent modulus Et and the If the force line goes throw the inside of the critical
secant modulus Es used (Gerard, 1962): cross-section, the moments of inside forces in this
section are in equilibrium.
 
2 When the force line exits the critical cross-section
 crGerard    Es  Et . (27) outline, the equilibrium of the moments disappear and
the column losses the carrying capabilities.
In case of stability of columns in elastic-plastic states
Stowell (1948; Bijlaard, 1949) used the
the author assumed, that the column loses the stability
combination of the tangent modulus Et, a secant
when the force line enters the plastic zone in the critical
modulus Es and parameters:
transverse cross-section.

   2
E  Approximated Theory of Technical Stability for
 crStowell  Bijlaard    Es  0.33  0.67 0.25  0.75 t , (28) Semi-Slender Columns in Elastic-Plastic States
  Es 
 
This theory can be also named as the modified
as well as Gerard and Becker (1957): Engesser-Kármán-Shanley’s theory.

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

 cr P-B-V , 




cr [MPa]


 R  R 2  4   4 
Rx  Rx   e 4 x 4 2

 1  Rx  Re  Rx 

    E 
 crPearson-Bleich-Vol’mir  50
 Re  Rx 2  4   4 
  1
    E
4 4 2
 0

750 100
850 80
950 70
1050 60
 L/t 1150 50  R/t
1250 40
1350 20

Fig. 10: Surface function P-B-Vcr_cylindr(,) based on the Pearson-Bleich-Vol’mir’s formula of the cylindrically-shaped columns
made of steel R35 compressed by ball-and-socket joints

 cr P-B-V , 




cr [MPa]


 R  R 2  36   4  100
Rx  Rx   e 4 x 4 2

 1  Rx  Re  Rx 

   E 
 crPearson-Bleich-Vol’mir  50
 Re  Rx 2  36   4 
  1
   E
4 4 2

475 100
525 90
575 70
625 60
 L/t 675 50  a/t
725 40
775 20

Fig. 11: Surface function P-B-Vcr_square(,) based on the Pearson-Bleich-Vol’mir’s formula of the square-shaped columns made of
steel R35 compressed by ball-and-socket joints

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

According to the assumption the state of stresses in   

   *  
the critical cross-section after the loss of stability and  KM
    1   R  RH*
 e   E  2  . (39)
   
before the loss of carrying capacity results from the    
el _ lt el _ lt
 el _ lt 
superposition of pure compression and bending. The
modified Engesser-Kármán-Shanley’s theory was or:
described in the works (Murawski, 2008a; 2011a; 2011b;
2011c; 2017; 2018).
  RHEu  *
The formulas for the Engesser-Kármán critical stress  HKM     RHEu  1    RH  RHEu  , (40)
are as follows:   E 
 

 el _ lt    *   RHEu  *  RHEu  1   Eu 

 HKM     RHEu     RH  RHEu  , (32)  crKM     1   Re  RH*  RH  . (41)

  el _ lt  
  E    E  E   

The Re* is attained for 0, i.e., cr( = 0) = Re* and In case of the semi-slender thin-walled cylindrical
RHEu is attained for el_lt, i.e., cr(el_lt) = RHEu. column compressed by ball-and-socket joints the elastic
If in the range (0, el_lt) instead of RHEu we use the stress is as follows (Fig. 12):
linear function HKM(), then similarly the compressive
stress crKM from the range (0, el_lt) is attained for the
2     *    
2 2
   
slenderness ratio as follows:  HKM_ cylinder       E  1   RH   E  , (42)
   
 el _ lt   el _ lt      el _ lt  
el _ lt   *
 crKM      HKM      Re   HKM    , (33)
el _ lt  and the critical stress (Fig. 13):

hence, after taking into account Equation (32):  2    * 2    2  
 crKM     1  R  RH*   E  2  . (43)
 el _ lt   
 e el _ lt   
   el _ lt   
 el _ lt    *
 crKM     RHEu     RH  2 RH Re 
Eu *
  In case of the axially compressed semi-slender thin-
 el _ lt 
(34) walled square column by ball-and-socket joints the
 el _ lt   
   RH  RH  .
* Eu elastic stress is as follows (Fig. 14):
 
 el _ lt 
6     *    
2 2
   
 HKM_ square       E  1   E  , (44)
If RH = H(el_lt) = cr(el_lt) denotes the elasticity       H 
Eu R
    
limit used in Euler’s formula to determine el_lt:  el _ lt   el _ lt   el _ lt  

E and the critical stress (Fig. 15):

elEu_ lt   (35)
RHEu 2
 6    * 6    6  
 KM
    1  
Re  RH*   E  2  ,
el _ lt     el _ lt   
cr _ square
then after inserting Equation (31) in Equation (32):  el _ lt   
   *      where,  = R/t,  = a/t and  = L/t.
 cr     1   R  RH*   RHEu   . (36) The graphs for the columns made of steel R35 were
 el _ lt  e 
  el _ lt   el _ lt 
determined from the author’s studies (Murawski, 1998;
2003; 2004).
    *      The following values were assumed by the author:
 cr      el _ lt  R  RH*   RHEu   . (37)
 el _ lt  1  e el _ lt  1 for steel R35 (Standards: PN-73/H-74240, PN-75/H-
    el _ lt  1 
84019): Re* = 346.54 MPa, RH* = 268.24 MPa, RHEu =
156 MPa, E = 166 614 MPa, el_lt = 102.6 (Fig. 16).
After the insertion of Euler’s formula, we obtain:
In order to compare the results of the author’s
approximated hypothesis with others simplifications and
 *    
2 2
     hypothesis-their results in the case of columns made of
 HKM       E  1    RH    E  , (38)
  the steel R35 were determined and shown as the graphs
 el _ lt   el _ lt    el _ lt  
of the functions cr() in Figs. 17 to 21.

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

 cr KM , 



cr [MPa]



  *   
   1  2    Re  RH* 2     E   2   
 KM
   2   
 el _ lt   el _ lt  
   el _ lt 

750 100
850 80
950 70
1050 60
1150 50
 L/t 40  R/t
1350 20

Fig. 12: Surface function crKMcylindr(,) based on the author’s formula of the cylindrically-shaped columns made of steel R35
compressed by ball-and-socket joints

 H KM , 


cr [MPa]




 2    *
 HKM    RHEu  1  
el _ lt   

RH  RHEu  50


750 100
850 80
950 70
1050 60
1150 50
 L/t 40  R/t
1350 20

Fig. 13: Surface function HKMcylindr(,) based on the author’s formula of the cylindrically-shaped columns made of steel R35
compressed by ball-and-socket joints

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

 cr KM , 





cr [MPa]


    
 KM
   1  6    Re*  RH* 6     E  2 6    50

 el _ lt    el _ lt     el _ lt   


475 100
525 90
575 70
625 60
 L/t 675 50  a/t
725 40
775 20

Fig. 14: Surface function crKMsquare(,) based on the author’s formula of the square -shaped columns made of steel R35
compressed by ball-and-socket joints

 H KM , 




cr [MPa]



 6    *
 HKM    RHEu  1 
el _ lt   

RH  RHEu  50

475 100
525 90
575 70
625 60
 L/t 675 50  a/t
725 40
775 20

Fig. 15: Surface function HKMsquare (,) based on the author’s formula of the square-shaped columns made of steel R35 compressed
by ball-and-socket joints

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

Re*  Re  346.54 MPa Steel R35  ( )

RH*  268.24 MPa


 [MPa]

   *
150  HKM    RHEu  1 
el _ lt

 RH  RHEu

  RHEu  150.74 MPa
100    *    
 crKM    1   Re  RH*    E  2 
   
 el _ lt  el lt   el _ lt 

el _ lt  102.6
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Fig. 16: Functions cr() for columns made of steel R35 according to the modified Engesser-Kármán-Shanley’s hypothesis




cr [MPa]

150   *  1   Eu  2
 KM
   1   RHEu  Re  RH* 
RHEu    RH 
 E 
  
E  E  
Re*  RHEu
 T J
R 
 el _ lt
50 cr e

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 17: Functions cr() for columns made of steel R35 according to the modified Engesser-Kármán-Shanley’s hypothesis and to the
Tetmajer-Jasiński’s simplification

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253




cr [MPa]

150    *  1   Eu  2
 crKM    1 
RHEu  Re  RH*  RHEu    RH 
  E   E  E  
  
50  J O
R *
 2
4  E 
cr e 2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 18: Functions cr() for columns made of steel R35 according to the modified Engesser-Kármán-Shanley’s hypothesis and to the
Johnson-Ostenfeld’s simplification




cr [MPa]

150   *  1   Eu  2
 KM
   1   RHEu  Re  RH* 
RHEu    RH 
 E 
  
E  E  
2  Re
 crYlinen 
 R    2 R  2
 R
1    e  1    e   4  c    e
  E    E    E
 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 19: Functions cr() for columns made of steel R35 according to the modified Engesser-Kármán-Shanley’s hypothesis and to the
Ylinen’s hypothesis

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253




cr [MPa]

   *  1   Eu  2
150  crKM    1 
RHEu  Re  RH*  RHEu    RH 
  E   E  E  
  
100  2 
    
2   2 
R  R x    2 R   R e  R x    4  R 2   R  R 2
50  crBrzezina

 2 R x  e

   

    x   
2 2 x e x
2 
E    E   
    

     

 

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 20: Functions cr() for columns made of steel R35 according to the modified Engesser-Kármán-Shanley’s hypothesis and to
Březina’s hypothesis




cr [MPa]

   *  1   Eu  2
 crKM    1 
RHEu  Re  RH*  RHEu    RH 
150    E 
  E   E  

100  R  R 2 4
Rx  Rx   e 4 x 2
  E

 1  Rx  Re  Rx 
2 2

 
 crPearson - Bleich - Vol’mir 
50  Re  Rx 2 4 
  1
  E
4 2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 21: Functions cr() for columns made of steel R35 according to the modified Engesser-Kármán-Shanley’s hypothesis and to
Pearson (1950)-Bleich (1952)-Vol’mir (1965)’s hypothesis

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

Discussion Table 1: Maximal differences  [%] between results obtained

according to other simplifications and hypotheses and
The Tetmajer-Jasiński’s surface Equation (4) and (5) the author’s approximated hypothesis
shown in Figs. 1 and 2 are linearly decreasing with the  St  35:
cr _ max

T  J / KM
 %
ratio and strongly non-linearly with second degree
St  35:
 cr _ max

T  J  KM
 MPa 
increasing with  or  ratio.   KM T J

  crKM   crT  J   cr cr
  100%
The Johnson-Ostenfeld’s surface Equation (8) and (9) max
  crKM max
shown in Figs. 3 and 4 are slightly non-linearly 28.04 10.39
decreasing with the  ratio and strongly non-linearly St  35:
cr _ max

J  O / KM
 %
with second degree increasing with  or  ratio.
St  35:
 cr _ max

J  O  KM
 MPa 
  KM
 J O
The Ylinen’s surface Equation (15) and (16) shown   crKM   crJ  O   cr
  100%

in Figs. 6 and 7 are strong non-linear with the third max

  cr
degree, with 2 points of changing of inclinations, of -19.17 -7.03
decreasing with the  ratio and very strong hyperbolic  cr _ max %
St  35: Ylinen / KM
St  35:
 cr _ max

J  O  KM
 MPa 
non-linearly increasing with  or  ratio, so big part of   KM   Ylinen 
the surface function is almost flat.   crKM   crJ  O    cr KM cr   100%
  cr max
The Březina’s surface Equation (20) and (21) shown
-65.10 -25.25
in Figs. 8 and 9 are almost linearly decreasing with the 
 cr _ max %
St  35: Brezina / KM
ratio and strongly non-linearly with second degree of St  35:
_ max
 KM
 MPa
increasing with  or  ratio.   KM   Brezina 
  crKM   crBrezina    cr KMcr   100%
The Pearson-Bleich-Vol’mir’s surface Equation max
  cr max
(24) and (25) shown in Figs. 10 and 11 are slightly -15.76 -5.45
non-linear with the second degree of decreasing with
the  ratio and hyperbolic non-linear of increasing St  35:
 cr _ max 
P  B V  KM
 MPa 
St  35:
 cr _ max 
P  B V / KM
 %
with  or  ratio, so a part of the surface function is   KM   P  B V 
  crKM   crP  B V    cr KMcr   100%
almost flat. max
  cr max
The author’s surface Equation (42) and (44) for the -40.40 -14.58
limiting elastic stress shown in Figs. 13 and 15 are linear
decreasing with the  ratio and slightly non-linear The biggest maximal differences are between the
increasing with  or  ratio, so a big part of the surface Ylinen’s and approximated author’s hypotheses: -65,10
function is almost flat. MPa and -25,25%. The least maximal differences are
The author’s surface Equation (43) and (45) for the between the Březina’s simplification and author’s
critical compressive stress shown in Figs. 12 and 14 are approximated hypothesis: -15,76 MPa and -5,45%.
linearly decreasing with the  ratio and non-linearly with
second degree of increasing with  or  ratio, so a part of Conclusion
the surface function is almost flat. The surface functions for the Tetmajer-Jasiński’s
In order to compare the results of the author’s straight line, Johnson-Ostenfeld’s parabola, Ylinen’s,
approximated hypothesis, i.e., the modified Engesser- Březina’s and Pearson-Bleich-Vol’mir’s theories
Kármán-Shanley’s hypothesis with others simplifications depending on  = R/t and  = a/t and  = L/t, for the same
and hypotheses-their results in the case of columns made ranges of arguments-adequately for cylindrical and square
of the steel R35 were determined and shown for columns made of steel R35, shown in Figs. 1 to 4 and
adequately ranges for elastic-plastic states as the graphs of Figs. 6 to 11, give a possibility to compare them in
the functions cr() in Figs. 16 to 21. Because these relation to the modified Engesser-Kármán-Shanley’s
functions are currently various then above differences theory with the surface functions shown in Figs. 12 to 15.
absolute and relative are not connected. The review and analysis of those theories shows that
In Fig. 16 is shown how are determined the those theories are rather pure, simplified and give
limited, inaccurate results, e.g., the surface functions for
parameters Re* - as the limit of the plastic stress Re but for
the cylindrically-shaped and square-shaped columns are
 = , RH*- as the RH but for  =  and RHEu - as the limit
the same for adequately ranges for elastic-plastic states.
of the elastic stress RH but for  = el_lt. For the Johnson-Ostenfeld’s, Ylinen’s, Březina’s and
The maximal departures the results of those Pearson-Bleich-Vol’mir’s theories the surface functions
simplifications and hypotheses from the author’s are almost flat in the most part-the blue parts of the
approximated hypothesis are presented in Table 1. surface functions in Figs. 3 and 4 and Figs. 6 to 11.

Krzysztof Murawski / International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research 2020, Volume 4: 233.253
DOI: 10.3844/sgamrsp.2020.233.253

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