Building Condition Assessment Using Artificial Neural Network and Structural Equations
Building Condition Assessment Using Artificial Neural Network and Structural Equations
Building Condition Assessment Using Artificial Neural Network and Structural Equations
Keywords: Building facilities condition assessment is considered a fundamental aspect of an effective decision-making
Building condition assessment maintenance management plan to fulfill service requirements. A noticeable dearth of studies is believed to
Artificial neural network have delivered condition assessment approaches for existing buildings; however, these approaches are still
Structural equation modeling
deemed premature, with some limitations in demand enhancement. This paper presents a novel physical con
Maintenance management
Facilities management
dition assessment framework for existing educational buildings that contribute to the body of knowledge by
offering a state-of-the-art approach incorporating an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) predictive model and a
Structural Equation Model (SEM). The ANN predictive model aims to forecast the future condition-rating states
for each facility component in various building spaces. Simultaneously, the SEM determines the proportionate
weights of building facilities components. The primary objectives of this paper are to prioritize building com
ponents for maintenance purposes and record the potential effects of several parameters influencing the con
dition state of building components. These objectives can be achieved via four sequential modules: 1) scan to BIM
module; 2) condition assessment prediction module; 3) proportionate weight determination module; and 4)
entire space rating value module. Condition-monitoring data on six different buildings’ internal components are
analyzed to anticipate their future condition. The components carried out are: 1) wooden flooring tiles; 2)
gypsum board ceiling tiles; 3) wooden doors; 4) wooden windows, 5) split air conditioner units; and 6) desktop
computers. The overall coefficient of determination (R2) of the developed ANN models for the predicted six
components conditions are 0.99, 0.99, 0.927, 0.88, 0.97, and 0.972, respectively.
1. Introduction tasks. Building facilities components degrade over time due to external
and internal influences; most external influences are apparently due to
Buildings constitute a fundamental urban infrastructure physical climatic conditions, while user-driven consequences and building
asset, including numerous facilities. There are three main space features maintenance process causes the internal influences.
associated with building sheltering from climate and offering customers In fact, the research problem presented in this study is that,
security, safety, and privacy (Douglas, 1996). Despite the extreme eco currently, facility managers settled their decision-making on mainte
nomic, cultural, and historical vitality of buildings, there is evidence nance and renovation approaches relying on sparse information
that they are degrading and are in a flaccid state due to insufficient or regarding the building facilities’ components’ current actual condition.
misleading information about their facilities conditions, required for These sparse data are insufficient to monitor and predict building fa
building facilities maintenance management (Becerik-Gerber et al., cilities components’ signs of wear, tear, and Age, hindering bench
2012). Hence, Condition Assessment (CA) of the building facilities marking enhancements outcomes and signifying any substantial
components is essential to assist the decision-making process regarding conditions alternations before influencing building facilities compo
effective maintenance management plans and service requirements. nents efficiency. This issue highlights the demand for a condition
Unless there is an adequate CA. for building facilities components, they assessment model, which can portray a proactive alternative picture of
may deteriorate more rapidly and evolve into a less profitable asset, repair and maintenance requirements based on the future condition
coupled with a huge expenditures backlog in supporting their primary prediction of building facilities components (Grussing et al., 2016;
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Gouda Mohamed), [email protected] (M. Marzouk).
Received 8 May 2021; Received in revised form 6 August 2021; Accepted 7 August 2021
Available online 15 August 2021
0957-4174/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Gouda Mohamed and M. Marzouk Expert Systems With Applications 186 (2021) 115743
Grussing, 2018; Sadick & Issa, 2018). Grussing (2018) presented a framework for measuring the signifi
The novel contribution of this research is to present a physical con cance of building component inspection data concerning the decision-
dition assessment model for existing educational building facilities making process for maintenance work planning. This framework uti
components while supporting the mapping out of a long-term plan for lizes an information value decision tree and a Markov component
optimal maintenance and repair resolutions via an ANN predictive condition-forecasting model to estimate the likelihood of the building
model and SEM framework. The primary merit of this model is: 1) component failure. The proposed framework considers the last time
allowing facility managers to accurately predict the future condition inspection took place, the anticipated component condition state, the
data of building facilities components throughout the monitoring pro failure risk consequence, and the cost of risk mitigation associated with
cess, which facilitates determining the service level metrics for in the constructive repair or replacement practices.
terventions criteria and the foreseeable timing; 2) prioritizing building Furthermore, Sadick & Issa (2018) examined the development and
facilities components for maintenance purposes based on proportionate adoption of a condition evaluation instrument thoroughly concerning a
weighted method and rate of degradation; and 3) recording the potential building’s space level to evaluate the effect of building components’
effects of several parameters influencing the condition state of building physical conditions on indoor environmental quality, especially in
facilities components. A case study checks and confirms the proposed school buildings. This study examined 52 classrooms, either in new,
model implementation and its functional efficacy via selected space at rehabilitated, or non-rehabilitated schools. Findings of the condition
Cairo University in Egypt. evaluation information of the space level revealed that the highest
proportion of statistical significance discrepancies is amongst new and
2. Related works non-rehabilitated schools, while the lowest amongst rehabilitated and
non-rehabilitated. The condition evaluation scores of the space level and
2.1. Building condition assessment indoor environmental quality field analyses also affirmed that the
highest correlation exists amongst the main envelope of the condition
Assessment of condition is the foundation of ascertaining the rate of evaluation score of the space level and relative humidity in non-
regular maintenance appropriate for building facilities components. A rehabilitated schools.
condition assessment promotes a methodological approach needed for Atef and Bristow (2019) also proposed a tool to evaluate the prop
assessing the capital assets of an entity for the facility repair purpose, agation of existing buildings and the failure of their components during
renovation, or substitution requirements, which will maintain their ca the operational phase. The tool consists of two major algorithms: spatial
pacity to handle the allocated tasks to serve. Abundant research initia and operational interdependency algorithms. The spatial algorithm
tives have been carried out for building condition assessment disintegrates a building into distinct venues and excerpts each venue’s
approaches in various contexts; instances involve distinct assessment components to be assembled into architectural, structural, mechanical,
types such as structural (Sandoval et al., 2017; Cerchiello et al., 2018; electrical, and plumbing disciplines. At the same time, the operational
Hait et al., 2020), environmental (Jung & Park, 2015; Lützkendorf, algorithm excerpts functional interdependency relationships among the
2018; Danivska et al., 2019), Building Information Modeling (BIM)- building’s distinctive systems to attach the building venues to their
based sustainable (Jalaei et al., 2019; Mellado et al., 2020), and physical functional dependencies.
(Elhakeem & Hegazy, 2005; Ahluwalia, 2008; Grussing, 2018; Atef & Nevertheless, Mohd Noor et al. (2019) portrayed a Building Condi
Bristow, 2019). tion Assessment (BCA) implementation on a heritage building depend
Several research attempts have been conducted to assess existing ing upon the maintainability, security, and functionality of structural
buildings’ physical conditions in the context of physical condition and architectural elements, in addition to original construction material
assessment. For example, Elhakeem & Hegazy (2005) created a visual sustainability. This research determines each defect ranking relative to
inspection scheme for buildings. This user-friendly approach can be its condition and maintenance requirement using a rating system via a
employed easily at sites to evaluate a condition to save time and costs comprehensive visual inspection and detailed notes for each current
concurrently. This visual guide scheme was designed for the building defect and drawbacks. Eventually, Piaia et al. (2020) endorsed the
component’s prompt evaluation by capturing images from previous and sustainable conservation and maintenance of cultural heritage buildings
different asset condition states. Furthermore, Langevine (2006) formu through a software platform for the on-site condition assessment and
lated a methodology to evaluate the building components status by asset management with an entrenched Building Information Model
investigating the building components weights through analyzing the (BIM) platform. This framework leverages the existing BIM information
proportionate significance of each component in the hierarchical to accelerate and improve the efficiency of building inspections so that
structure at each tier using thorough inspections developed at the bot conservation maintenance planning can be tailored and optimized
tom tier of the hierarchical building structure, and by employing a roll- concerning various requirements.
up process to evaluate the building condition.
On the other side, Grussing et al. (2006) adopted a probability dis 2.2. Artificial neural networks
tribution model to assess the building components’ lifecycle condition
and efficiency over time. This model adjusts itself utilizing attribute data Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a refined information model of
gathered throughout the present and recorded inspections so that an biological neuron structures via a simple structure, which aims at
individual element in a building can precisely map the distinctive life emulating the thinking mechanism in the human brain. The human
cycle deterioration scheme. Ahluwalia (2008) established the embedded brain operates data via a sequence of interdependent elements or neu
monitoring and condition evaluation framework to emphasize the most rons that transmit direct data through links. An ANN comprises
critical components required to be inspected. This framework presents a numerous linear or nonlinear information-processing paradigms linked
visual guidance system for building components, supported by a in a parallel scheme, influenced by the human brain processing infor
graphical and descriptive repository, and provides a uniform building mation system. Concerning ANN modeling, each ANN processing unit
hierarchy for location-based inspections. Moreover, Hossny et al. (2013) collects massive inputs via weighted neuron connections in the other
introduced a framework model for educational buildings that in layer, executes adequate computations, and sends the output to other
corporates maintenance data to promote reliable inspection preparation processing layers. Optimization algorithms alter the weighted connec
and expedite condition assessment for interconnected building compo tions among neurons throughout the learning phase to decrease the ANN
nents. The conducted model minimizes field monitoring by incorpo model errors that offer a more precise determinant or predictor. The
rating a degradation model that utilizes neural network techniques to Back Propagation Multi-Layer Perceptron (BP MLP) network is consid
forecast various planning horizon repair approaches. ered one of the ANN model easy types, which decomposes an input
A. Gouda Mohamed and M. Marzouk Expert Systems With Applications 186 (2021) 115743
layer, hidden layers (one or more), and an output layer. External 3. Research gaps
reference supplies input neurons with input information, while hidden
neurons obtain inputs and outputs throughout the network, and they are To sum up, this section provided a comprehensive literature review
not apparent to the external structures. Output neurons give out signals in educational building condition assessment methodological ap
from the network, measured by the system (Liu, 2012). proaches needed for assessing the capital assets of an entity for the fa
Several research endeavors have been conducted in ANN imple cility repair purpose, renovation, or substitution requirements. The prior
mentations in ecological sciences to generate precise prediction models. literature concludes that previous approaches are still deemed prema
For instance, Jahani and Saffariha (2020) developed a landscape model ture, with some limitations demanded to be enhanced. For instance: 1)
to anticipate the aesthetic prioritization and mental restoration values in the prior research approaches apropos of the physical condition
urban parks via employing artificial intelligence approaches like Multi- assessment of building are generic; indeed, it is very challenging to track
Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network, Radial Basis Function Neural down the concerns within each building space; 2) the previous research
Network (RBFNN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The model studies do not assess a building relying on each facility component
recorded 11 landscape characteristics in 200 urban parks. The results condition state; 3) forecasting the building condition state concerning its
revealed that the SVM model depicts the most reliable assessment model internal spaces and their associated physical components using ANN
for anticipating the urban parks landscape score in aesthetic and mental model do not exists, and 4) Preceding models concerned with building
restoration potential prediction. Furthermore, Jahani et al. (2021) components physical condition did not contemplate the proportionate
proposed a decision support system to model and anticipate the land significance of each facility component to prioritize their importance
scape aesthetic value and quality in urban parks via employing ANN. level inside spaces.
The ANN model aims to anticipate the landscape aesthetical value and
prioritize the model’s crucial variables. In this research, the authors 4. Method
integrate the user’s perspective to quantify the landscape aesthetical
quality urban park and the ANN modeling approach to record the This research endeavor proposes a novel physical condition assess
effective features and variables on the visual quality of the landscape. ment model for educational building facilities components that intends
Nevertheless, Jahani and Saffariha (2021) utilized machine learning to support clients’ and facility managers’ actions and decisions
approaches to discern trustworthy predictions for modeling the regarding the maintenance demands. The proposed model scheme relies
responsiveness of trees to wind pressure and developing novel tech on assessing a building facility’s components condition concerning in
niques in forest management. Jahani and Saffariha (2021) proposed a ternal spaces and their associated physical components based on their
Tree Failure Model (TFM) via employing artificial intelligence ap proportionate weighted method. The developed model allows creating
proaches like Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network, Radial an estimate of the recent maintenance services efficacy required for
Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN), and Support Vector Machine determining the severity of the assigned and needed maintenance. Four
(SVM) models to identify impressionable trees in windstorm distur sequential modules achieve the developed model objectives to conduct
bances. Results revealed The MLP model depicts the highest precision of physical condition assessment per each educational building space, as
target trees classification in training and serves as a comparative impact shown in Fig. 1.
assessment model to lessen trees failure in wind circulations.
Numerous ANN modeling attempts have been endeavored to pre 4.1. Scan to BIM module
cisely predict energy consumption in buildings encompassing engi
neering, statistical and artificial intelligence methods. For instance, Scan-to-BIM provides physical 3D laser scanning for indoor spaces or
Elbeltagi and Wefki (2021) proposed a methodological approach to environments to build a precise digital portrayal of these spaces. This
enhance anticipating the energy utilization inside residential buildings digital portrayal can then be utilized or implemented to distinct prac
at the early design stages, relying on ANN modeling. The developed tices in which existing facilities demand to be captured, such as reno
ANN model was operated by employing a dataset retrieved from energy vation, rehabilitation, or restoration activities. The scan-to-BIM process
consumption computations via simulating and integrating various can be sub-divided into three phases; these phases are: 1) automated
design scenarios with the input variables. A user-friendly interface was data acquisition and information capturing; 2) point clouds segmenta
refined to anticipate energy consumption conveniently via an under tion process, and 3) modeling point clouds of building facilities. Auto
standable and trustworthy decision support tool. mated data acquisition and information capturing are accountable for
Furthermore, Amasyali and El-Gohary (2021) developed a machine- data acquisition and scanning indoor building facilities using a terres
learning approach based on an occupant-behavior-sensitive manner for trial laser scanner. The data acquisition process results in discrete re
anticipating building energy consumption. An enormous set of energy- cords of point clouds, representing 3D spatiality information of indoor
use cases were modeled and simulated in EnergyPlus for the learning building facilities. The data acquisition process of building facilities
process. The model was trained via a huge dataset encompassing 3- results in a unified BIM model, incorporating data from multiple chan
month hourly data for 5760 energy-use cases depicting distinct build nels that vary based on similar parameters. Thus, point clouds seg
ing features, including outdoor weather conditions and occupant be mentation aims to segment and decompose point clouds into sets of
haviors. The developed approach employed four machine-learning workable clusters with similar properties via a region-growing algo
algorithms, namely 1) Classification and Regression Trees (CART), 2) rithm. The purpose here is to break down the point clouds into practi
Ensemble Bagging Trees (EBT), 3) Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), cable clusters and detect the scanned features acquiring the same
and 4) Deep Neural Networks (DNN) for testing and comparing with properties, which can be attained using a region-growing-based algo
respect to the four algorithms anticipation precision and computational rithm. The region growing-based algorithm to identify building com
efficacy. ponents from the point clouds is conducted using an object-oriented
Nevertheless, Chen et al. (2021) proposed two approaches to fit and programming language like C++ via the Microsoft visual studio
anticipate the electricity requirements concerning office buildings. The platform.
first approach stressed lessening occupants’ activities, including the Eventually, modeling point clouds of building facilities are respon
working hours and non-working hours. The second approach employed sible for evolving segmented building facilities components into a
ANN and fuzzy logic techniques to fit the building baseload, peak load, semantically prosperous as-is 3D BIM model. Further details and ex
and occupancy rate with multi-variables of weather variables. Actual planations regarding this module can be explicitly discussed in the
data retrieved from the University of Glasgow are utilized to verify the research endeavor developed by the authors (Gouda et al., 2020). The
proposed approach for building energy management purposes. output of the scan to BIM module is a 3D digital and physical
A. Gouda Mohamed and M. Marzouk Expert Systems With Applications 186 (2021) 115743
representation of the indoor building components to be extensively other than other methods concerning addressing complicated nonlinear
employed for various approaches. The condition-monitoring data of problems and enduring faults and noise.
these identified building components and their inspection records are The data employed in this research are collected from the Faculty of
considered the significant input variables of the ANN network to run the Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, to operate the ANN model. The
model and prioritize building facilities components for maintenance database concerning condition monitoring has amassed data over the
purposes. last obtainable five years. The condition monitoring data related to
building various components were recorded from inspectors’ visual
observation. In this research, condition-monitoring data on six different
4.2. Condition assessment prediction module buildings’ internal components are analyzed to anticipate their future
condition state. The components carried out are: 1) wooden flooring
This section introduces the construction of a Back Propagation Multi- tiles; 2) gypsum board ceiling tiles; 3) wooden doors; 4) wooden win
Layer Perceptron (BP-MLP) ANN model to forecast future condition dows, 5) split air conditioner units; and 6) desktop computers. A set of
ratings for facilities components in educational building spaces, which is 35 distinct spaces from 4 different buildings at the Faculty of Engi
a satisfactory sign for their deterioration paradigm. MLP is considered neering, Cairo University, are utilized to compute the future condition
one of the ANN model easy types, which decomposes an input layer, ratings from their input data. These 35 spaces involve 35 wooden
hidden layers (one or more), and an output layer. Input neurons are flooring tiles, 35 gypsum board ceiling tiles, 35 wooden doors, 50
supplied with input information from an external reference. Hidden wooden windows, 40 split air conditioner units, and 50 desktop
neurons obtain inputs and outputs throughout the network, and they are computers.
not apparent to the external structures. Output neurons give out signals The amassed dataset encompasses condition information for these
from the network, measured by the system. In MLP, every neuron in the components via a seven-point index scale as a monitoring tool, as clearly
layer is attached to the entire neurons in the succeeding layer via the depicted and discussed in Fig. 2. The collected dataset comprises further
weighted connections. The arrows’ direction illustrates that the data is physical parameters such as components length and width, last inspec
forwarded via the neurons network from the input layer to the output tion date, expected service life, installation date, annual average daily
layer in a forward path; the forward interconnection of this data is usage, Age, and the number of observation intervals per component.
named feed-forward framework. Since ANN can acquire information from the previous observations and
ANN model learns from the input and output parameters mapping then implement the knowledge to successfully handle calculations to
via a learning mechanism called error backpropagation, which includes figure out the numerical values for unforeseen data. The knowledge is
a forward and backward pass through the network. With a defined target attained via the learning process, entitled the training phase. At this
output, the input vector is implemented to the network neurons in the phase, the network is refined by utilizing a training dataset, portrayed as
forward pass, and its impact extends via the network, layer by layer. The the inspection records for the components mentioned above. The ANN
network connection weights are adjusted during the forward pass. The network learns and defines the relation between input and output pa
network feedback is the array of inputs generated at the end of the rameters during the learning phase. The relation is construed via uti
forward pass. On the other hand, the connection weights are adapted lizing the interconnection strengths amidst nodes through weights.
using the error backpropagation algorithm during the backward pass. These weights are stored to be modeled to predict the future condition
the backpropagation algorithm is a probabilistic gradient regression state of the pre-defined components. This research utilizes MATLAB
approach employed to mitigate square error. The algorithm delivers a Neural Network Toolbox (MATLAB R2018a) for developing the ANN
manner to compute the error slope function utilizing the chain differ model.
entiation rule (Jahani & Saffariha, 2021).
The ANN is selected to carry out this research because it can 4.2.1. Collected data processing
accommodate several parameters that substantially impact the output This model uses the Facility Component Average Rating (FCAR), as
results. ANN can acquire information from accessible data and establish shown in Eq.1, to construe the condition of the components from the
the relationship between the output and exogenous input variables. data assembled. By employing the computed FCAR per component, the
Besides, an analysis of the weights determined by the ANN model may data are screened to be refined from any enhancement in components
be beneficial in determining the most significant parameters influencing condition during the inspection. Any enhancement in the FCAR value
the model output. Moreover, ANNs have numerous remarkable features
A. Gouda Mohamed and M. Marzouk Expert Systems With Applications 186 (2021) 115743
per each component signifies that maintenance intervention has been standardized using Z-score (Eq. (2)) to meet the transfer function criteria
carried out. These recorders will be exempted from the analysis process utilized in creating the ANN model, Sigmoid Feature. In Eq. (2), z depicts
to reliably experience the future deterioration trend in components the standardized or scaled values, μ is the mean or average value of each
condition. Table 1 depicts an original sample from the dataset amassed input variable, X is the non-standardized or raw data, and σ depicts the
for training and testing the selected components. As previously standard deviation of each input variable.
mentioned, the adopted condition state scale is a seven-point index, in
X− μ
which condition state 1 implies that the component condition state z= (2)
ranges from 99% to 100%. This index means that the component seems
to be either new or has been retained lately and does not reveal any
4.2.3. Input and output layer
indications of deterioration. In this case, the action required is preven
The input variables matrix for each facility component is designed
tion Maintainance, as seen in Fig. 2.
and represented as n1 × n3, in which n1 is the input parameter number to
Moreover, condition state 2 implies that the component condition
the network (n = 5), and n3 is the number of components. The input
state ranges from 92% to 99%. This index implies that trivial sub-
number prescribes the size and node number on the ANN model’s input
components may endure slight deterioration, and the action required
layer. The output dimensions use the same configuration as the input
is very slight serviceability. The other condition state from 3 to 7 are
dimensions. The network output layer comprises seven nodes, initiating
explicitly depicted in Fig. 2, including their condition index range, lin
from condition state 1 to condition state 7, as represented in Fig. 2. The
guistic depiction, and action required.
ANN model output size is n2 × n3, in which n2 is the number of output
parameters (n = 7), and n3 is the number of components, as shown in
( )
7P1 + 6P2 + 5P3 + 4P4 + 3P5 + 2P6 + 1P7
FCAR = x100 (1) Fig. 3.
FCAR is the facility component average rating value, and Pi is the 4.2.4. Hidden layer and activation function
facility component percentage with a condition rating of “i divide by During this stage, the neuron number in the hidden layer is deter
100”, as “I” ranges from 1 to 7. mined to achieve optimum outcomes. Eq. (3) computes the number of
hidden neurons in a single layer commonly adopted in several research
4.2.2. Input parameters identification efforts (Xu & Chen, 2008). Where n depicts the optimum neuron number
The ANN model output precision relies heavily upon the accurate in a single hidden layer, Ip is the input layer size, and Op is the output
identification of the input variables. To identify the significant input layer size.
variables of the network, factors listed in prior research endeavors (ISO,
2011; ISO, 2012; Grussing et al., 2016); besides, around 25 facility n=
2 × (Ip + Op)
managers’ feedback to identify the substantial variables for educational 3
building facilitates components, which act as the network input pa In the network properties, the transfer function used for the hidden
rameters. The final selected input parameters are Age, Observation In layer is “TANSIG,” which is accountable as a transition function from the
terval (OI), Last Inspection Date (LID), Expected Service Life (ESL), all input layer to the hidden one and transitioning from the hidden layer to
are in years, and Annual Average Daily Usage (AADU) as a percentage the output one. The hyperbolic tangent sigmoid function is utilized for
value. The inspection records of these input variables concerning the activation, which has a broad set of output values that range from − 1 to
trained components are collected as numerical values. These numerical 1.
values are scattered. Their deviation is enormous; thus, they need to be
Table 1
Sample of the data collected for wooden door components.
Component I.D Condition State FCAR Age OI LID ESL AADU
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. Gouda Mohamed and M. Marzouk Expert Systems With Applications 186 (2021) 115743
√ (yi − Å⋅i)2
RMSE = i=1 (6)
i=1 |yi − Å⋅i|
MAE = (7)
A. Gouda Mohamed and M. Marzouk Expert Systems With Applications 186 (2021) 115743
A. Gouda Mohamed and M. Marzouk Expert Systems With Applications 186 (2021) 115743
Table 2
Input parameter sample for the selected components.
Component Category Component I.D Age Observation Interval Last Inspection Date Expected Service Life AADU
Table 3
Output sample for the selected components.
ID C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
WFT_11 0 0 0.85 0.10 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.52 0.32 0.02 0.01 0.05
WFT_17 0.75 0.22 0.02 0.01 0 0 0 0.4 0.43 0.15 0.01 0.01 0 0
GCT_7 0.1 0.08 0.12 0.23 0.01 0.07 0.4 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.1 0.08 0.10 0.68
GCT_13 0.26 0.74 0 0 0 0 0 0.21 0.48 0.26 0.01 0.03 0.01 0
WD_13 0.02 0.71 0.24 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.67 0.22 0.05 0.04 0 0.02
WD_24 0.01 0 0.11 0.84 0 0 0.04 0 0 0 0.85 0.08 0.03 0.04
WW_2 0.01 0.01 0.16 0.67 0.14 0.01 0 0 0 0.05 0.36 0.59 0 0
WW_21 0.64 0.24 0.08 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 0.01 0.61 0.31 0 0 0.01 0.06
SAC_14 0 0.17 0.01 0.15 0.67 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 0.1
SAC_19 0.67 0.16 0.08 0.05 0.02 0.02 0 0.18 0.70 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.02
DC_5 0.52 0.48 0 0 0 0 0 0.07 0.45 0.08 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
DC_20 0.69 0.05 0.07 0.00 0.09 0.07 0.04 0.01 0.38 0.56 0.05 0 0 0
Table 4
The results of ANN models validations.
Component Category Test Set Training Data
Wooden Flooring Tiles 0.948 0.036 0.190 0.167 0.997 0.014 0.118 0.084
Gypsum Ceiling Tiles 0.959 0.158 0.397 0.762 0.944 0.033 0.182 0.153
Wooden Doors 0.959 0.084 0.290 0.533 0.923 0.023 0.152 0.111
Wooden Windows 0.945 0.074 0.272 0.357 0.862 0.017 0.130 0.108
Split Air Conditioner 0.986 0.124 0.352 0.574 0.97 0.019 0.138 0.106
Desktop Computers 0.97 0.177 0.421 0.855 0.965 0.027 0.164 0.175
predicted FCAR; for instance, the average FCAR of the data amassed introduced by Olden et al. (2004) to rank the significance of the input
regarding the 50 wooden windows, computed using Eq. (1), is 72.22; on parameters in descending order by categorizing the entire significance
the contrary, the predicted FCAR after five years time horizon (without measure of each parameter. The number of hidden neurons, weights
any maintenance intervention) is 61.42. From Fig. 7, it can be inferred between the input parameters and hidden neurons, and weights between
that the deterioration rate of wooden flooring tiles, gypsum board hidden neurons and the output neurons are essential factors to compute
ceiling tiles, wooden doors, wooden windows, split air conditioner units, each input parameter’s entire significance measure. The results
and desktop computers are 12.56%, 22.69%, 16.85%, 14.95%, 16.38%, retrieved from connection weight analysis reveal that the Annual
and 19.78 respectively. Average Daily Usage (AADU) acquire the highest significance in iden
The proposed approach is the first research endeavor to predict the tifying the component’s condition state, which Age follows, Observation
building’s components condition state via an ANN predictive and SEM Interval(OI), Expected Service Life (ESL), and Last Inspection Date (LID).
framework, which is dissimilar to the previous research works that aim Table 5 depicts the input parameters’ entire significance as the ANN
attention at ANN implementations in ecological sciences to generate model derivative of the wooden flooring tiles component.
precise prediction models (Jahani & Saffariha, 2020, Jahani et al., 2021,
and Jahani & Saffariha, 2021), and ANN interventions in predicting 5.2. Proportionate weight determination
energy consumption in buildings (Elbeltagi & Wefki, 2021; Amasyali &
El-Gohary, 2021; Chen et al., 2021). The developed ANN models are The questionnaire survey comprises two parts: part one concerns the
validated using the R2, MSE, RMSE, and MAE to monitor their accuracy. questionnaire results acquisition; part two deals with analyzing the
Compared with previous research endeavors validation values, their gathered results to identify the proportionate weight per each facility
values are satisfactory and compelling to predict each component’s component in each space category. Eq. (8) and (9) calculate the infinite
condition state, relying on the input variables. and finite population sample size, as follows:
This research adopts the connection weight analysis (CWA)
A. Gouda Mohamed and M. Marzouk Expert Systems With Applications 186 (2021) 115743
Fig. 5. A sample of the coefficient of determination plots for the ANN models. (a) R-squared value for wooden flooring tiles; (b) R-squared value for gypsum board
ceiling tiles; and (c) R-squared value for wooden doors.
• An infinite population sample size = (1.962 × 0.3 × 0.3)/0.082 = 54 ascertain the four spaces components framework. After creating the SEM
• A finite population sample size = (54)/(1 + (54 – 1)/2,500) = 53 framework, depending on recapped questionnaire survey findings,
components inside the four designated spaces are assessed using CFA to
The questionnaires are delivered to approximately 90 field experts, determine the components loading factor inside each space category.
whether facility managers or academic staff, aged around 10 and 30 CFA outcomes portrayed the ranking and preference of components
years of professional experience. These experts are elected to cover all inside each space category, as shown in Fig. 9, via loading factors. Fig. 9
aspects and dimensions of specified building spaces. According to pop summarizes the questionnaire survey findings that inferred the sub
ulation sample size equations, the questionnaire answers percentage is stantial proportionate weight per each of the selected components inside
approximately 68.88%, which is convenient and regarded as compelling the four different space categories. Results revealed that the “desktop
support for this research study. computers” and “split air conditioner units” components acquire the
highest proportionate weight among other components predominantly.
5.2.1. The computational process of components proportionate weights This outcome attributes the fact that the educational building spaces
The questionnaire survey findings are imported into Amos software, category relies heavily, in its functionality, on desktop computers and
developed by IBM. Firstly, four Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) split air conditioner units.
frameworks for classrooms, computer labs, staff offices, and lecture halls
components are designed (see Fig. 8) to attain and reach the “goodness-
of-fit” that is demanded by the SEM implementation to validate and
A. Gouda Mohamed and M. Marzouk Expert Systems With Applications 186 (2021) 115743
Table 5
Input parameters’ entire significance of the wooden flooring tiles component
ANN model.
No. Input Parameter Entire Significance
6. Conclusion weighted method, and record the portable influences of multiple pa
rameters impacting the building facilities’ condition state. At the same
This paper portrays a novel physical condition assessment model for time and different from prior research endeavors, this model supports
existing educational building facilities components via an ANN predic generating an assessment of the latest maintenance services effective
tive and SEM framework. This model aims to anticipate the condition ness designed for identifying the severity of the designated and
state of the building facilities components, prioritize building facilities demanded maintenance. The model objectives could be attained via four
components for service-level interventions based on proportionate consecutive modules: 1) scan to BIM module; 2) condition assessment
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