Machine Learning Structural Equation Modeling Algorithm To Measure Performance
Machine Learning Structural Equation Modeling Algorithm To Measure Performance
Machine Learning Structural Equation Modeling Algorithm To Measure Performance
Article in International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering · April 2020
DOI: 10.30534/ijatcse/2020/148922020
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1 author:
Mahaboob Basha
Audisankara College of Engineering & Tech
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A.M.Mahaboob Basha et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(2), March - April 2020, 1873 – 1881
(AVE) value is 0.5828. The discriminant validity squared correlation between the variables. Comparative fit
measurement is 0.763.The employee compensations factor index [CFI] = .945; TLI = .936; GFI = .907, AGFI=.882.
contains four indicators with 0.901 reliability followed by The CFI for the six-factor model proves 0.90 and the
standardized loadings are "pay in regular intervals (0.788)", RMSEA was 0.060. RMSEA of less than 0.08, in general,
“inequality in payment (0.888)", " inequality in payment as provides a good fit for the data which includes a model [21].
per norms (0.885)", "pay as per performance (0.783)". The The comparative fit index (CFI>0.90) gives good fit of the
average variance extracted (AVE) value is 0.2985 and the model [22]. This goodness-of statistics for the six-factor
discriminant validity measurement is 0.546. model renders evidence of construct distinctiveness for
Confirmatory Factor Analysis:-The above table elucidates training and development, performance appraisal, employee
the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) outcomes. The compensation, ethical dilemma, Organizational
sex-factor model fitted the data fine (chi-square= 729.605; performance and career planning and development. The
df = 237 have shown well [20] the [RMSEA] =0.060; RMR AGFI was 0.882, the recommended criteria value is 0.80
= .031; In fact, to test the validity of discriminant analysis, [23]. The variance-extracted for training and development
the famous authors [24] and [25] suggested the techniques to was 0.308 and performance appraisal 0.511 and career
conduct the analysis. In this study, the variance-extracted planning and development 0.312, employee compensation
observed for all the variables exceeded the recommended 0.503 and ethical dilemma 0.301 have shown significant
level of 0.50 Fornell and Larcker and also exceeded the relationship among the variables.
Standardiz Varianc Variance-extra
te Discriminant Validity
ed e cted estimate
Factors Alpha Reliabil =
loadings (Var(εi =Σ
(λyi ) )) (λ2yi )/((λ2yi )+
(λ2yi )
(Var(εi ))
Performance Appraisal
Trainer Commitment 0.706 0.4984 0.5016
Communication 0.855 0.7310 0.2690
Trainer Approach 0.863 0.6213 0.788
towards employees 0.886 0.7850 0.2150
Treatment/Behaviour 0.686 0.4706 0.5294
Training and Development
Leniency in judgment 0.665 0.4422 0.5578
Differ Evaluation 0.807 0.6512 0.3488
Personal Prejudice 0.806 0.797 0.6352 0.3648 0.5195 0.721
Uniform Evaluation
Criteria 0.591 0.3493 0.6507
Organizational Performance
Good working
conditions 0.943 0.8892 0.1108
Performance 0.965 0.9312 0.0688
0.962 0.8637 0.929
Satisfaction 0.934 0.8724 0.1276
Productivity 0.873 0.7621 0.2379
Career Planning and Development
Counseling for future
development 0.741 0.5491 0.4509
Taking Monitory care
for future 0.899 0.8082 0.1918
Advanced skill 0.804 0.5305 0.728
enhancement 0.743 0.5520 0.4480
Creating ladders for
future 0.461 0.2125 0.7875
Ethical Dilemma
Organizational ethics 0.68 0.4624 0.5376
Code of Conduct 0.791 0.6257 0.3743
0.844 0.5828 0.763
employee aspects 0.875 0.7656 0.2344
Relational aspects 0.691 0.4775 0.5225
A.M.Mahaboob Basha et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(2), March - April 2020, 1873 – 1881
Employee Compensations
Pay in Regular
intervals. 0.788 0.6209 0.3791
Inequality in payment 0.888 0.7885 0.2115
Inequality in payment 0.901 0.2985 0.546
as per norms 0.885 0.7832 0.2168
Pay as per
Performance 0.783 0.6131 0.3869
A.M.Mahaboob Basha et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(2), March - April 2020, 1873 – 1881
A.M.Mahaboob Basha et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(2), March - April 2020, 1873 – 1881
A.M.Mahaboob Basha et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(2), March - April 2020, 1873 – 1881