Exp - Meth - in - RF Des
Exp - Meth - in - RF Des
Exp - Meth - in - RF Des
Wes Hayward, W7ZOI
Rick Campbell, KK7B
Bob Larkin, W7PUA
Michelle Bloom, WB1ENT
Paul Lappen
Jodi Morin, KA1JPA
1 Getting Started
1.1 Experimenting, "Homebrewing," and the Pursuit of the New
1.2 Getting Started - Routes for the Beginning Experimenter
1.3 Some Guidelines for the Experimenter
1.4 Block Diagrams
1.5 An IC Based Direct Conversion Receiver
1.6 A Regenerative Receiver
1.7 An Audio Amplifier with Discrete Transistors
1.8 A Direct Conversion Receiver Using a Discrete Component Product Detector
1.9 Power Supplies
1.10 RF Measurements
1.11 A First Transmitter
1.12 A Bipolar Transistor Power Amplifier
1.13 An Output Low Pass Filter
1.14 About the Schematics in this Book
7 Measurement Equipment
7.0 Measurement Basics
7.1 DC Mesaurements
7.2 The Oscilloscope
7.3 R F Power Measurement
7.4 RF Power Measurement with an Oscilloscope
7.5 Measuring Frequency, Inductance, and Capacitance
7.6 Sources and Generators *
7.7 Bridges and Impedance Measurement
7.8 Spectrum Analysis
7.9 Q Measurement of LC Resonators
7.10 Crystal Measurements
7.11 Noise and Noise Sources
7.12 Assorted Circuits
Contents of CD-ROM
The predecessor for this book. Solid State Design for the Radio the natural extension of frequency synthesis. Mixers, including
Amateur I SSL)), was first published by ARRL in early 1977. The frequency multipliers, appear in the fifth chapter. These chapters
goal for that text was to present solid state circuit design methods are laced with projects that can be constructed, but they also
to a community much more familiar with vacuum tube methods. emphasize important basic concepts. Chapter 6 moves on to
But, another goal was integrated into the text, that of presenting present communications equipment, predominantly using
the material in a way that would allow the reader to actually super-heterodyne methods. System design considerations arc
design his or her own circuits. Handbooks of the day presented included, especially with regard to distortion and dynamic range.
only an encyclopedic overview of solid state devices with brief The chapter contains several projects including a high
qualitative discussions about functionality. SSD described circuit performance receiver. Chapter 7 deals with measurement
elements in terms of models that could be used for analysis. methods and includes considerable test equipment that the
Design consists of more than merely combining representative experi menter can build. Chapter 8 then moves on to a fundamental
circuits from a catalog or handbook. discussion of direct conversion. This is followed by a thorough
SSI) succeeded with design becoming the key word in the title, treatment of the phasing method of SSB in Chapter 9. Chapters
especially in later years as the world became accustomed to all 10 and 11 present fundamental concepts of digital signal
electronic equipment being predominantly solid state. What processing and illustrate them with projects. The book concludes
surprised many is that the hook remained popular, even after with Chapter 12 featuring a variety of experimental activities of
many of the transistors used in the circuits were no longer special interest to the authors.
available. A Compact Disc is included with the book. This CD contains
Experimental Methods in Radio Frequency Design (EMRFD) some design software, extensive listings for DSP firmware related
is the sequel to SSD. with design remaining as a central theme. to Chapters 10 and 11, and a sizeable collection ofjournal articles
Our goal is to present models and discussion that will allow the relating to material presented in the text. The design software is
user to design equipment at both the circuit and the system level. written for a personal computer using the Microsoft Windows
Our own interests are dominated by radio frequencies, so the text operating system, while the journal papers are presented in Adobe
discusses problems peculiar to radio communications equipment. Acrobat (PDF) format.
A final emphasis in EMRFD is experimentation. A vital part of This book is a personal one in that we have only written about
an experiment is measurement. Wc encourage the reader to not those things we have actually experienced. We specifically
only build equipment, but to perform measurements on that gear avoided an encyclopedic discussion of material that we had not
as it is being built. actually experienced through experiments. Equipment of interest
The word "experiment." often conjures memories of school to the three of us dominates. The amateur bands up to 2 meters are
exercises where a teacher has assembled equipment and we. as considered, and are illustrated with CW and SSB gear. The book
students, go through a prearranged set of steps to arrive at a uses some mathematics where appropriate. It is. however, kept at
conclusion, also predetermined. Although efficient, this is a poor a basic level.
representation of sciencc. Rather, experimental science begins The book contains numerous projects that are suitable for
with a new idea. An experiment to lest the idea is then generated, duplication. Printed circuit boards arc not generally available for
the experiment is built, measurements are made, and the results these, although boards may become available at a later time.
are pondered, which often results in new ideas to test. This can all Readers should keep an eye on the world wide web for PCB
be done by one person working alone. EMRFD encourages the information and other matters related to the book. See http://
participating reader to build equipment with an attitude of www.arrl.org/notes/8799, Wc generally prefer that builders use
continually seeking to understand the equipment and to the projects as starting points for their own designs and
understand the primitive concepts that form the basis for the experiments rather than duplicating the projects presented.
equipment and the circuits contained therein. Our greatest hope
is that the text will illustrate the potential of amateur radio, and
other personal science, as a training ground for the individual. Acknowledgments
This text is aimed at a variety of readers: the radio amateur who The following experimenters have contributed to this book
designs and builds his own equipment; college students looking through experiments, direct correspondence, encouragement,
for design projects or wishing to garner practical experience with and by example. We gratefully acknowledge their contributions.
working hardware: young professionals wishing to apply their
fresh engineering and physics coursework to kitchen table Bill Amidon (sk); Tom Apcl. K5TRA; Leif Asbrink. SM5BSZ:
projects: non-engineers wanting to dabble in a technical field: Kirk Bailey, N7CCB: Dave Benson, K1SWL: Byron Blanchard,
engineering managers recapturing the fun of making things N1EKV: Denton Bramwell. W7DB: Guy Brennert, K2EFB:
(instead of people) work: and technical explorers of all types. Rod Brink. KQ6F; Kent Britain, WA5VJB: Wayne Burdick.
The first chapter of EMRFD deals with the problems of getting N6KR;
started with experimentation. Numerous projects are presented, Russ Carpenter, AA7QU; Dennis Criss; Bob Culter, N7FKI;
aimed at assisting the experimenter in beginning investigations George Daughters. K6GT: John Davis. KF6EDB: Paul Decker.
in electronics. Chapters 2 through 5 then deal with specific circuit KG7HF; Rev. George Dobbs, G3RJV:
functions. Chapter 2 presents amplifiers while filters are Pete Eaton, WB9FLW: Gerry Edson, WA0KNW: Bill Evans,
discussed in Chapter 3. Oscillators emerge in Chapter 4, including W3FB;
George Fare, G 3 0 G Q ; Johan Forrer. KC7WW; Dick Frev. the book and related experiments.
K4XU; Some folks have made special contributions and deserve
B a n i e Gilbert: Jack Glandon. WB4R.NO; Joe Glass, WB2PJS: special thanks. Colin Horrabin. G3SBI; Harold Johnson.
Dr. Dave Gordon-Smith. G3UUR; Mike Grcaney, K3SRZ: W4ZCB: and Bill Carver. W7AAZ, collectively formed the
Linley Gumm, K7HFD; "Triad," a group building the high performance transceiver
Nick Hamilton, G4TXG; Mark Hansen. KI7N; Markus Hansen. partially described in Chapter 6. We sincerely appreciate their
VE7CA; Neil Heekt; Ward Helms. W7SMX; Don Hilliard. willingness to share their efforts and results with us. Thanks go
W0PW: Fred Holler, W2EKB; Robert Hughson; to Roger Hayward, KA7EXM. for building some equipment
Pete Juliano. W6JFR; described in the book as well as helping with field testing of
Bill Kclsey. N8ET; Ed Kesslcr, AA3SJ; Paul Kiciak. N2PK; numerous designs. Jeff Datum, WA7MLH, deserves special
Don Knotls, W7HJS; O. K. Krienke; (hanks for his efforts. He built equipment described in SSf) and
Beb Larkin. W7SLB; John Lawson, K5IRK; Roy Lewallen. provided encouragement for this version. Special thanks to Merle
W7EL: John Licbcnrood. K7RO: Larry Liljcqvist, W7SZ; B. Cox, W7YOZ, and Jim Davey. K8RZ, for several decades of
F. Logan Jr.. WB2NBD; bouncing around radio ideas, building the second prototypes,
Stephen Maas, W5VHJ; Chuck MacCluer, W 8 M Q W ; Jacob and manning the distant station for countless experiments. Very
Makhinson. N6NWP; Kmic Manlv. W7LHL; Dr. Skip Marsh. special thanks arc extended to Terry White, K7TAU. Terry did
W6TFQ (sk>: Mike Michael, W3TS; Jim Miles, K5CX: high quality PC layouts for several of the designs presented in the
Dave Ncwkirk. W9VKS; text and in earlier QST articles. He also built some equipment
Gary Oliver, WA7SH1: shown in the book and provided measurement assistance on
Paul Paget, N I F B ; several occasions.
Dave Roberts, G8KBB: Mike Reed. K.D7TS: Don Reynolds, Special mention should be made of the efforts of the late Doug
K7DBA (sk); Dr. Ulrich Rohde, KA2WEU; Dr. Dave DeMaw. W1FB. As co-author of SSD, he provided interest and
Rutledge, KN6EK; Tom Rousseau. K7PJT; encouragement for this sequel. One of Doug's greatest qualities
Bill Sabin, W0IYH; Tom Scon, KD7DMH: Marty Singer, was his intense, sincere interest in radio communications. He
K7AYP; Derrv Spittle, VE7QK; designed and built radio equipment, used it on the air, and then
Fred Telewski, WA7TZY; clearly wrote about the efforts, establishing a standard for all lo
Paul Wade. W1GHZ; At Ward, W5LUA; Dr. Fred Weiss; Jim follow. We missed him often through the generation of this text.
Wyckoff, K3BT; Finally, we want to thank our families, and especially our
Bob Zavrel, W7SX: Bob Zulinski, WA8MAM; wives: Charlene (Shon) Hayward, Sara Rankinen, and Janet
Larkin. A book requires time and intense effort that often detracts
We have certainly missed some folks in our list. Please accept from other activities. Our "better halves" have all tolerated these
our apologies for our oversight and our thanks for your help with moments of distraction.
Getting Started
W1FB. had goals similar to those outlined actually built an example of what is dis- neglect them at our peril. The little rigs,
above, plus that of introducing solid-state cussed. we will so state in the related text. and the conccpts they represent, are at the
methods to readers with experience lim- We emphasize the traditional commu- core of wireless technology. It is not
ited to vacuum tube electronics. The later nications modes of CW, the original digi- enough to play with them as a novice and
need has become arguable, for virtually tal mode, and SSB phone. Building little then move on to other things; they need to
all of our equipment is now based upon rigs and radiating and receiving continu- be revisited over and over again at differ-
solid-state technology. ous waves are to a radio experimenter ent stages of o n e ' s vocation, each time
All of the circuits presented in this text much like playing scales and folk tunes achieving a new level of mastery until fi-
have been constructed, tested, and used in are to a musician. They are the first things nally one is probing the deepest mysteries
practical, on-the-air situations. If there arc we learn, are important parts of the daily of the art.
exceptions where the authors have not practice routine throughout life, and we
1.2 Chapter 1
Glue or solder.
Rcactance is little consequence far work method to be especially useful for slightly Fig 1.3—A "quasi-circuit board"
up through 150 M H z or so. High R means massive components such as floating, non- scheme for breadboarding. The
that resistance is high with respect to the grounded, trimmer capacitors. The spe- installed resistor here is soldered to
ground and to a pad that connects to
reactance of the inductance. Wc sometimes cific glue type has little impact on circuit
the rest of the circuitry.
use R values as low as lOkfl. It is often p e r f o r m a n c e . Variations of this method
surprising just how f e w standoff resistors have been called "Manhattan Construc-
are needed in an ugly breadboard. tion." and can be mixed with other bread-
The greatest virtue of the ugly method is boarding schemes. The reader can find
low inductance grounding. Any construc- numerous examples on the Web on sites
tion schcmc that preserves this grounding dealing with Q R P experiments, as well as
integrity will work as well. Picking a in F i g 1.2.
method is a choice that the builder has. a The proponents of Manhattan Construc- when the board is not etched in a circuit-
placc where he or she can develop the tion often use small round pads that are specific pattern. One method, called
methods that work best. glued to a ground foil with epoxy or simi- "checker-board," uses double sided circuit
Integrated circuits can be placed on an lar glue. The pads are placed so that all board with one side functioning as a
ugly board with leads sticking up, "dead components are parallel to board edges ground foil. The other side consists of a
bug" style. There is little need to glue the and close to the ground foil. This produces matrix of small islands of copper. These
chips down, for components and wires will an attractive board resembling a commer- regions are created either by etching or
eventually hold them in place. Grounded cial, PC board. This does not seem to com- manually with a hack saw. Patterns of
IC leads are bent and soldered directly to promise performance. squares on 0.1-inch centers accommodate
the foil. With traditional ugly construction, parts traditional ICs. Holes are drilled in the is-
Some builders prefer to maintain ICs can be moved about to make room for lands where components must reside. A
with the 1C label facing upward, allowing another stage. In the extreme, an entire large drill bit then removes ground foil
later inspection. They then bend all leads circuit can be lifted and moved, a stage at around the hole without enlarging it. N o
out in a "spread eagle" format. a time, to another board. holes are required where a ground con-
We have never had a problem with ugly A primary virtue of a bread-boarding nection is needed. C o m p o n e n t s usually
equipment being less than robust. Many of scheme is construction speed and flexibil- reside on the ground side of the board. See
our ugly rigs have been hauled through the ity, especially important when the primary Fig 1.3.
mountains of the Pacific Northwest in purpose of building gear is information The double sided checker-board can
packs without incident. An outstanding about circuit behavior. also serve for breadboarding with surface
example, the work of a friend, is the W7EL Some folks prefer to rebuild a circuit mounted components. Parts then reside
Optimized Q R P Transceiver, a rig that has after a breadboarding phase, replacing an on the pattern side with holes drilled to
traveled around the world in suitcases and ugly prototype with a more permanent, reaeh ground. Small leaded components
packs. ' Few if any standoff resistors were production-like version. These e f f o r t s take can also be surface mounted.
used in that rig. additional time and rarely produce perfor- The checkerboard s c h e m e . " M a n h a t -
mance superior to the original bread- tan" variants, and even double-sided
MANHATTAN BREADBOARDING boards. Even looks can be deceptive when printed boards have fairly high capaci-
Several other construction schcmes of- one hides ugly breadboards behind more tance from pads to ground. These arc often
fer similar grounding fidelity, including attractive front panels. poor quality capacitors with low Q. under
those where small pads of circuit board 100 for epoxy fiberglass board material,
material are glued or soldered to the QUASI-PRINTED BOARDS and arc subject to water absorption. A
ground foil. These pads then have compo- S o m e experimenters p r e f e r to build single sided format is preferred for critical
nents soldered to them. We have found this equipment that looks like a PCB, even sections of a I X oscillator application.
With Solid-Stare Design for the Radio consist of several sections, each designed • I t ' s not about c r a f t s m a n s h i p : A p o r t i o n
Amateur c a m e c o n s i d e r a b l e interaction so that it can be built, tested, m o d i f i e d , and of the h o m e b r e w i n g c o m m u n i t y was
with the rest of the a m a t e u r radio c o m m u - r e d e s i g n e d as n e e d e d , with m i n i m a l schooled with the idea that "nice l o o k i n g "
nity. A f r e q u e n t question w e heard was c h a n g e to the rest of the system. E v e n the circuit construction went along with good
" H o w d o I get started with e x p e r i m e n t - simplest little rig should be built a stage at p e r f o r m a n c e . But the two factors are gen-
i n g ? " Or, " I ' v e read about and have e v e n a time, turned on sequentially, tested, and erally isolated. This is illustrated in Fig
built some kits and published projects, but m o d i f i e d as n e e d e d . Single b o a r d trans- 1.4. There is no relationship between hav-
1 want to go further. I w a n t to do m y o w n c e i v e r d e s i g n s are p o p u l a r in the Q R P ing a nice looking, orderly circuit board
design. What is the next step?" arena. But realize that the ones that work and good p e r f o r m a n c e f r o m that board. In-
A set of guidelines is o f f e r e d in an at- well are p r o b a b l y the result of several re- deed, those s a d d l e d with the chore of de-
tempt to answer some of these questions. builds, and even then, s o m e d o n ' t w o r k signing a printed board to p e r f o r m as well
These are not f i r m , well established rules, very well; others are s u p e r b . as an ugly breadboard m a y w o n d e r if there
but mere i m p r e s s i o n s and personal biases might be an inverse relationship!
• A v o i d e x c e s s i v e m i n i a t u r i z a t i o n : It
that we have generated, approaches that
takes m u c h m o r e time to build small things • U s e b r e a d b o a r d i n g o v e r a ground plane
work for us. T h e y are o f f e r e d w i t h o u t
than those where the circuitry can expand for communications circuits, especially
without b o u n d . E v e n when building small when investigating new ideas. Use vector
portable Q R P transceivers, it's often board or wire-wrap methods for slow digital
• K I S S : T h i s British term is short f o r circuits, but treat fast digital circuits as if they
w o r t h w h i l e to establish the design with a
" K e e p It Simple, Stupid." W e o f t e n design were R F functions. In general, build with
larger b r e a d b o a r d .
equipment that is more complicated than those methods that will offer the best, low
needed. It is well worth some extra time • B a s e projects on your own goals: Our
inductance, grounding while allowing cir-
during design to evaluate every part to see central personal goal is learning through
cuits to be quickly designed, assembled, and
if it is really needed. T h e function of each experimentation. H e n c e , we base projects
tested. If you are concerned with aesthetic
part should be u n d e r s t o o d and justified. on questions that need investigation rather
details, build a second version. Alterna-
T h e circuit should function as intended. than what we need or want for on-the-air
tively. an attractive panel can be used to hide
This does not imply that designs with the operation. But your goals m a y be d i f f e r -
ugly, but highly functional breadboards.
m i n i m u m n u m b e r of parts are best. H o w - ent. It is w o r t h w h i l e to r e v i e w and d e f i n e
t h e m as a m e a n s of p i c k i n g the best • Build what you use, and use what you
ever. it is rarely j u s t i f i e d to overdesign by
p r o j e c t s for you. Isolate p r i m a r y g o a l s build: T h o s e of us in the h o m e b r e w end of
adding extra c o m p o n e n t s " b e c a u s e a prob-
f r o m those that are serendipity. a m a t e u r r a d i o often kid our appliance op-
lem might o c c u r . " F o r e x a m p l e , designs
erator f r i e n d s , suggesting that a "real h a m "
with a p r o f u s i o n of ferrite beads and "sta- • Be wary of "Creeping F e a t u r e s . " T h e
should build instead of just operate. S o m e
bility e n h a n c i n g " resistors may be suspect. term " a p p l i a n c e " o f t e n d e s c r i b e s the
avid experimenters may take this too far;
• A v o i d lore: Lore, in this ease, refers to transceivers that we purchase for
they build a rig, use it j u s t long e n o u g h to
" k n o w l e d g e " that is based upon experi- on-the-air communications. Appliances,
c o n f i r m f u n c t i o n a l i t y , and go on to the
e n c e s that are d i v o r c e d f r o m c a r e f u l e v e n o n e s that we build ourselves, are
next project, missing s o m e exciting dis-
thought. A classic e x a m p l e in amateur ra- usually expected to have m a n y features,
c o v e r i e s along the w a y . B y u s i n g the
d i o r e g a r d s the thermal stability of L C but these bells and whistles can actually
e q u i p m e n t with t e m p e r e d intensity, the
oscillators. Envision the a m a t e u r experi- i m p e d e e x p e r i m e n t a l p r o g r e s s . A single
e x p e r i m e n t e r will d i s c o v e r the strength
menter w h o built an oscillator using a tor- band, single m o d e transceiver can be as
and weakness of the rig, allowing the next
oid. T h e circuit drifted when he o p e n e d experimentally enlightening and i n f o r m a -
project to be even m o r e s u c c e s s f u l . T h e
the w i n d o w to the w i n t e r w e a t h e r . T h e tive as a multiple m o d e , general coverage
s a m e a r g u m e n t s might be applied to s o f t -
next evening he replaced the inductor with transceiver.
ware d e v e l o p m e n t s !
one w o u n d on a ceramic coil f o r m , notic-
• U s e the literature. P e r u s e c a t a l o g s ,
ing less drift w h e n he o p e n e d the w i n d o w . • B e w a r e of the golden s c r e w d r i v e r : A
data m a n u a l s , w e b sites, and even instruc-
H e concluded that ccramic f o r m s are bet- good friend, W A 7 M L H , encountered a
tion m a n u a l s for circuit ideas. W h e n a cir-
ter than toroids, having never c o n s i d e r e d f e l l o w on the air w h o s e sole m e t h o d f o r
cuit m e t h o d is not understood, it should be
the specific coil f o r m s that w e r e used, the e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n was to a d j u s t all of his
studied in texts appropriate to the technol-
other c o m p o n e n t s in the circuit, or the fact e q u i p m e n t f o r m a x i m u m output. H e did
ogy. It is u s e f u l to build s o m e t h i n g with
that the w e a t h e r had i m p r o v e d . P o o r l y this with a f a v o r i t e s c r e w d r i v e r , which he
the part as a way to really understand that
executed e x p e r i m e n t s like this often gen- treated as g o l d e n . A f t e r c a r e f u l t w e a k i n g
erate erroneous conclusions. T h e result- of all circuit e l e m e n t s that c o u l d be ad-
ing lore, a l t h o u g h interesting, s h o u l d • While p l a n n i n g is n e c e s s a r y , d o n ' t j u s t e d , he w a s a l m o s t a l w a y s able to coax
a l w a y s be questioned. It is a l w a y s better to spend e x c e s s i v e time in the preliminary a 100-W transceiver into delivering 110
do meaningful measurements. design p h a s e of a project. Rather, outline W of output. U n f o r t u n a t e l y , w h a t started
preliminary ideas and goals, do initial cal- as a g o o d piece of e q u i p m e n t had b e c o m e
• P l a n y o u r p r o j e c t s with block dia- culations (on a c o m p u t e r only if they are a distorted disaster. W h i l e w e all tend to
grams: Start with small diagrams w h e r e really c o m p l i c a t e d ) , g a t h e r parts, and a d j u s t circuits for " m a x i m u m s m o k e . " lin-
each block is a global element, p e r h a p s begin b u i l d i n g . E n j o y the f r e e d o m that ear circuitry should be c o n f i n e d to o p e r -
containing several stages. E x p a n d these to a l l o w s you to c h a n g e y o u r mind in the ate under linear c o n d i t i o n s . It is important
show greater detail. Block d i a g r a m s will middle of an investigation. R e f i n e d calcu- that the limits be r e c o g n i z e d and a d h e r e d
be discussed further below. lations can o c c u r d u r i n g and a f t e r c o n - to. T h i s is e s p e c i a l l y i m p o r t a n t w h e n
• G e n e r a t e m o d u l a r e q u i p m e n t : A high struction and are not just "design p h a s e " b u i l d i n g S S B gear. A l i g n m e n t m e a n s ad-
p e r f o r m a n c e receiver, f o r example, should activities. j u s t m e n t to the p r o p e r , m e a s u r e d level.
1.4 Chapter 1
Fig 1.4—"Nice looking" circuit construction does not always equate to good circuit performance.
which may d i f f e r f r o m m a x i m u m . local clubs to find out who is building. Lis- F C C has specifications for spurious emis-
• A l w a y s keep notebooks for experi- ten to the appropriate nets and attend the sions from US transmitters. These specifi-
ments: Record those wild circuit ideas that specialty clubs. Write to fellows who cations depend upon transmitter output
come up while you cut the lawn or watch author articles of interest, especially if power. Even for equipment running full
T V ; record important data during experi- they live nearby. Watch the chat sessions power, the specifications are generally
ments, including the temperature when on the Internet or the Web. Amateur radio easy to meet at HF. When power drops
you open the window; take notes on the is about communications, so d o n ' t hesi- below 5-W output, they become even
circuits that you build, including changes tate to communicate. easier. Throughout this text we take the
thai are made during building and "turn approach that even greater levels of clean-
• Look toward the ordinary for expla-
on". Date the notebook and place small liness will be sought. This book includes
nations: When a design is not working as
dated labels inside the rigs so you can find a chapter on test equipment. One of the
well as it should, we look for explanations
the data when i t ' s needed. Use bound or items featured there is a spectrum analyzer
that will explain the differences. All too
spiral notebooks rather than loose-leaf that will allow the builder to measure spec-
o f t e n we consider the complicated an-
documents, for they are more permanent. tral purity.
swers, only to discover that the real an-
A long term computer based index of note- swer is in the "obvious." It is always
A final "rule:" D o n ' t let any of these
books is very useful. worthwhile to return to fundamentals.
rules get in the way of experimenting and
• Find others with the same passion for • Strive to build equipment that does building! It's OK if there are things that
experimenting: Although this guideline is not pollute the already abused radio spec- you d o n ' t understand even if that includes
pretty obvious, i t ' s also easy for the ex- trum: Make an e f f o r t to generate clean the project you are about to build, for you
perimenter to become isolated in his or her equipment, meaning that it does not emit will understand much more when you are
own world. Builder hams are rarely iso- signals at frequencies other than the in- finished. The real goal of this pursuit, and
lated. Finding the local ones will give you tended ones. While most of this concern is of this book is to learn by doing.The same
a place to communicate your ideas, hear with transmitters, the ideas should also be can be said for other "rules" that may ap-
about new thoughts, and to share junkbox applied to receivers. The difficult ques- pear in the literature or on the web: D o n ' t
parts as well as test equipment. Ask at tion is " H o w clean is clcan e n o u g h ? " The let them keep you f r o m experimenting.
High Gain
audio ftmp.
f «* Quarter 1
This receiver design is one of the sim- tion effort. formance among very low current receiver
plest possible thai will allow CW and SSB The basis for this receiver is the NE602 components. The NE602 contains a mixer
signals lo be received. It offers perfor- (or NE612) integrated circuit. Originally and an oscillator, two essential blocks
mance enough for on-the-air contacts introduced by Signetics in the late 1980s, needed for a receiver. The mixer in a direct
while serving as an introductory construc- the chip is easy to use and offers good per- conversion receiver serves to heterodyne
the incoming antenna signal directly down
to audio. The oscillator provides mixer LO
(local oscillator) injection for this conver-
sion. The oscillator within the NE602 is a
single transistor followed by a buffer am-
plifier of undisclosed complexity. The
NE602 mixer is a doubly balanced circuit
of a type known as the Gilbert Cell with
operation outlined in a later chapter.
The LM386N audio amplifier follow-
ing the NE602 completes the receiver. The
LM386N will drive a small speaker, or
headphones of high or low impedance. The
ideal set of "cans" to use with this receiver
is a light weight pair of the sort used with
jogging receivers or similar consumer
The receiver is shown schematically in
F i g 1.9. Our version is built using the
"ugly" methods outlined earlier. If you use
a pre-etched and drilled circuit board, take
the lime to study the board layout in detail,
and trace the circuit while studying the
schematic diagram. Merely stuffing parts
and soldering will provide you with no
more than soldering practice.
The signal from the antenna connector
is applied to a pot that serves as a gain
control with output routed lo a single tuned
circuit using L I , a toroid inductor. This
circuit drives the mixerinpul at NE602pins
1 and 2. The load within the IC looks like
a pair of 1,5-kQ resistors from the input
pins to a virtual ground.
The NE602 oscillator has acollector tied
to the positive power supply. The base of
that transistor is available at pin 6 while
pin 7 goes to the emitter. Internal bias
resistors set the voltage and establish a cur-
rent of about 0.3 mA in the Colpitts oscil-
lator. Feedback capacitors in our circuit
run between pins 6 and 7 and from pin 7 to
ground. A 270-pF capacitor then ties the
base to the rest of the tuned circuit.
A simplified version of the oscillator
circuit is shown in Fig 1.10. This illus-
trates the way a simplified circuit is used to
calculate the resonant frequency. Fig
1.10A shows the complete oscillator. But.
the two 680-pF feedback capacitors have a
series equivalent of 340 pF, as shown in
part B of the figure. In going from Fig
1.10B to Fig 1.10C. we resolve the 50-pF
variable and 10-pF fixed into 8.3 pF; the
270 and 340 pF become 150 pF. We evalu-
ated both variable capacitors at their maxi-
mum value, Fig 1.10C has nothing but
parallel capacitors which add directly to
1.8 Chapter 1
I 0 0 - Q resistor in the power supply line.
The resistor serves as a f u s e if you have
done something drastically wrong. Insert-
ing the headphones when the output
capacitor is uncharged will p r o d u c e an
audi ble pop. If the audio seems to be work-
ing, turn the receiver off. remove the extra
resistor, and start again. Attach an antenna,
advance the gain control and tune C l. Sig-
nals should be heard. Adjust the front-end
tuned circuit for maximum signal. If you
have a calibrated signal generator you can
inject a signal and see if the operation is at
the right frequency. If you have a general
coverage receiver available, you can attach
the antenna of this receiver to that of the
general coverage receiver where you will
be able to hear the L O signal. 11'an antenna
is not available, you can throw 20 or 30
feel of wire out on the floor. While this is
not going to compete with a good outdoor
antenna, it will provide signals in abun-
Fig 1.11—Direct conversion receiver assembly. dance to listen to and c o n f i r m receiver
some direct conversion receivers. poor strong signal handling capabi lity of the The receiver in Fig 1.11 was built for the
The receiver also has problems. Some, receiver. Although helped a bit by placing 40-meter band. 1 f you want to try a different
the audio images, arc intrinsic to all simple the only gain control in the antenna lead, the band, all that is required is to change the
direct conversion receivers. This is the problem is intrinsic to the NE602 mixer. The two inductors. Increasing the 1.16-|iH in-
price, but also the thrill of such a design. basic Gilbert Cell is capable of much more, ductor to4.S n H will drop the receiver right
The selectivity is lacking. This can be rem- but only when biased to draw considerably into the 80 meter band. A band switching
edied with audio filters that can be placed more current. The current is kept low in the version would be practical.
in the receiver. Examples of audio filters NE602 by design, for it is intended for bat- The first popular receivers of this sort
are found elsewhere in this book. These tery powered consumer equipment and not appeared in the USA in a QST paper by
filters would go between the mixer and the ham gear. Strong, high performance direct W A 3 R N C . 4 Variations of a similar sort
audio amplifier. It is easy to add such conversion receivers are described later in were generated and published in Europe
things to a breadboarded receiver, but more the book. by George Dobbs, G3RJV. George used a
difficult with a printed board. Initial turn-on and adjustment is straight double tuned circuit in the front end to
The greatest performance deficiency is the forward. Apply power initially with a improve signal handling properties.
iok ...
RF Gain | 7
Li ' LS ~ "K
O.GuH °-6uH se„
390 200
Fig 1.13—A regenerative receiver tuning from S.S to 16 MHz. See text for discussion of parts and construction.
1.10 Chapter 1
6 . 8 - 1 6 MHz
j 2.2
f 1.1» t M
Regen. Ret: G3RJV Sprat 105
the operator's hands. However, the rest of becomes overloaded, reduce the R F gain
Rg 1.15—A simple crystal oscillator the receiver could be as simple as a block control. Tune the receiver until an AM sig-
becomes a substitute for a signal
of wood found in the garage. Our receiver nal is found. Then reduce regeneration
was built " u g l y " with scraps of circuit until the "squeals" subside. CW and S S B
board material. One scrap will suffice, are best received with the regeneration
although our receiver used three, an indic- well advanced. While the receiver works
tor of earlier experiments. Other bread- best with an outside antenna, it will func-
boards will work as well, but a printed cir- tion with as little as a f e w feet of wire
cuit board should never be used for a tacked to the wall. The signal generator of
I" 1. a common L M 3 8 6 N output amplifier. regenerative receiver. Even if dozens are Fig 1.15 requires no more than a two foot
This will drive cither low impedance to be built, such as in a club effort, the piece of wire on its output, somewhere in
" W a l k m a n " type phones or a small project should emphasize open ended, the same room as the receiver.
speaker. Walkman is a Sony trademark. Q 4 flexible breadboarding to encourage ex- There are n u m e r o u s interactions be-
is an active decoupling filter that provides perimentation. tween controls, features that o f f e r chal-
hum-free dc to the detector. Although the Some experimentation may be required lenge and intrigue for the experimenter
receiver of Fig 1.13 is shown with a 12-V to set up the regeneration. Increasing L2 w h o takes the time to enjoy them. Numer-
power supply, it worked well with volt- by a turn or decreasing R1 will both ous circuit refinements are available to the
ages as low as 6. Typical current is 20 mA increase regeneration. However, too much experimenter who wishes to continue the
at 12 V. inductance at L2 or too little resistance at quest. The experimenter will discover a
A signal generator with frequency R I will produce such robust feedback that great deal from his or her efforts in operat-
counter is u s e f u l during initial experi- regeneration cannot be stopped or easily ing this receiver. The availability of very
ments with the receiver. However, many controlled. high gain through positive feedback can
builders may not have them available. Fig Operation of this, or any regenerative be used to great advantage. But operation
1.15 shows a suitable substitute, a crystal receiver is a multiple control effort. Begin can be a greater challenge than found with
oscillator that will operate anywhere with the regeneration control, C4. at mini- a more advanced receiver.
within the receiver range. Numerous inex- mum capacitance, unmeshed, and set the A more recent experiment used a differ-
pensive crystals are available from the two tuning controls at half. Set the R F gain ent regenerative detector, shown in Fig
popular mail order sources that will pro- f o r m a x i m u m gain, +12 V on the ampli- 1.16. This circuit eliminates one of the
vide a starling point. For example, a fier. with the audio gain in the middle and variable capacitors used in the other cir-
10-MHz crystal available for under $ 1 will attach anantenna. Tuning C2 may produce cuit, replacing it with a pair of potentiom-
mark the 10.1-MHz amateur and the 9.5 to a signal. Now slowly advance the regen- eters. This circuit was featured in a recent
10-MHz SW broadcast bands. eration. adding C at C4. Tt is normal for issue afSPRATby George Dobbs, G3RJV.
The receiver can be built in any of many background noise to increase with a mild although the circuit seems to be the brain-
forms. A metal front panel is a must, af- "plop" occurring in the headphones as the child o f G 1 3 X Z M . 7 Performanceof the two
fording shielding between circuitry and detector begins to oscillate. If the detector circuits is similar.
1.12 Chapter 1
The direct conversion receiver de- generation. This circuit, using negative feed- feeding Q3 and Q4. The mixer collectors arc
scribed earlier used a NE-602 integrated back. uses a form found throughout the book, bypassed for RF.
circuit to fulfill both the detection and the one where an added component reduces gain The detector output feeds adilTerential sig-
local oscillator functions. Discrete (non- to improve performance. The output drives nal to a LM386 audio amplifier. De-coupling
integrated) components can also be used in the mixing product detector consisting of Q3 became important with this stage, owing to
these applications. The receiver shown in and Q4. An RF signal is extracted from the the internal resistance found with a normal
Fig 1.18 uses a differential amplifier as the antenna through a gain control, low pass fil- 9V battery. An uncomfortable "howling" os-
product detector. This design, shown for tered. and applied to the base of Q5 where it cillation disappeared with high decoupling
operation in the 40-meter band, has been is ampli fied and converted to a current source capacitancc for the audio amplifier.
built with both traditional leaded compo-
nents and with surface mounted technol-
ogy (SMT) parts and appears in Fig 1.19.
Q l functions as a local oscillator. Volt-
age control is used with any of several com-
mon tuning diodes. The Colpitis circuit uses
small powder iron toroids for both leaded
and SMT components. C I is a combination
of NPO capacitors, selected during construc-
tion to resonate at the desired frequencies.
With the parts shown, the receiver tunes
over about a 50-kHz range in the 40-meter
band. The range may be expanded by paral-
leling additional varactor diodes, increas-
ing the value of the 82-pF blocking capaci-
tor. decreasing the value of the 2.2-kiJ
resistor in scries with the tuning control, or
combinations of these measures.
The oscillator is buffered with Q2. a
common-emitter amplifier with emitter de- Fig 1.19—Inside view of SMT direct conversion receiver.
<13 m&, no
will b e h i g h e r by a f a c t o r of 1.414, s o a Rectifier,
12.6-V t r a n s f o r m e r will h a v e a p e a k out- Circuit Filter Cap. Output
put of 17.8 V. T h e t r a n s f o r m e r c u r r e n t rat-
i n g s h o u l d e q u a l or e x c e e d t h e m a x i m u m
desired dc current, so a 0.5-A transformer
T t 7812
is a d e q u a t e f o r this a p p l i c a t i o n . T h i s is
s h o w n in p a r t A of Fig 1.20. A s w i t c h and
! cT i-I
p r o t e c t i v e s l o w - b l o w f u s e is a d d e d to t h e
transformer primary. 117 AC
- ^ U i IK, 1®
1A, S.B.
A b r i d g e r e c t i f i e r u s i n g f o u r d i o d e s is
a d d e d to t h e c i r c u i t to g e n e r a t e a dc o u t p u t .
T h e b r i d g e is p r e f e r r e d o v e r c i r c u i t s w i t h
Fig 1.20—Fundamental power supply. Part A shows the transformer and rectifier, B
j u s t t w o d i o d e s , f o r a c e n t e r l a p p e d trans-
adds the critical output filter capacitor, while C uses a 12-V regulator IC.
f o r m e r is t h e n not r e q u i r e d . B r i d g e recti-
f i e r d i o d e s s h o u l d h a v e an a v e r a g e c u r r e n t
rating above the m a x i m u m power supply Fig 1.21—Wave-
forms for a simple
c u r r e n t . 1-A d i o d e s w o u l d be f i n e f o r this
power supply. The
application. "before filtering"
S o m e w a v e f o r m s arc s h o w n in F i g 1.21. shows the raw
T h e " b e f o r e f i l t e r i n g " v o l t a g e is the r e s u l t rectified signal
without any filter
of r e c t i f i c a t i o n f o r t h e c i r c u i t of F i g 1.20A.
capacitor. The "V-
The " V - c a p " trace s h o w s the voltage cap" shows the
a c r o s s t h e c a p a c i t o r w h e n it is a d d e d to the voltage across the
circuit, F i g 1.20B. T h e s i g n i f i c a n t d e t a i l is filter capacitor
t h e ripple, o r v a r i a t i o n in u n r e g u l a t e d out- attached to the
p u t v o l t a g e o c c u r r i n g at the f i l t e r c a p a c i - rectifier when
loaded to a modest
tor. F i g 1.22 s h o w s r i p p l e for t w o d i f f e r e n t
c a p a c i t o r v a l u e s w h e n the load c u r r e n t is
0 . 5 A.
A s u i t a b l e r e g u l a t o r is t h e p o p u l a r 7 8 1 2 .
T h i s t h r e e t e r m i n a l r e g u l a t o r IC will p r o -
vide t h e d e s i r e d o u t p u t w i t h a dropout of
a b o u t 2.5 V . D r o p o u t is the m i n i m u m v o l t -
a g e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n the r e g u l a t e d o u t -
p u t a n d the h i g h e r u n r e g u l a t e d i n p u t . W i t h Fig 1.22—Wave-
a 2.5-V dropout, the unregulated input forms showing the
m u s t b e 14.5 V o r m o r e o v e r the e n t i r e voltage across
c y c l e . Fig 1.22 s h o w s that a 2 0 0 0 - ( i F ca- filter capacitors of
p a c i t o r will b e a d e q u a t e , b u t 5 0 0 | i F will two values when
loaded with 0.5 A.
not. If w e d e f i n e AV as t h e d i f f e r e n c e b e -
See text
t w e e n t h e p e a k r e c t i f i e d v o l t a g e a n d the discussion.
m i n i m u m u n r e g u l a t e d v a l u e , 17 - 14.5 =
2.5, 1 a s the o u t p u t c u r r e n t , a n d At a s the
t i m e f o r a half c y c l e ( . 0 0 8 3 s e c o n d f o r
6 0 H z ) , t h e m i n i m u m c a p a c i t o r v a l u e in
1.14 Chapter 1
Farads is given by
Unregulated Regulated
Zrsput Output C = (Eq 1.1)
. ..11
Fig 1.23—Extending For this example. Eq 1.1 predicts a mini-
the output current mum C of 1700 p F A practical value of
capability of a 2500 flF would be a good choice.
regulator with a The complete circuit with the regulator
"wrap-around" PNP
transistor. is shown in Fig 1.200. Extra capacitors,
placed close to the regulator IC. serve to
stabilize the IC. The user should check data
sheets for the IC that he or she uses
to evaluate stability. The 1 - k Q bleeder
resistor consumes little current, but guar-
antees that the supply turns off soon after
the switch is opened.
The 0.5-A rating of the 7812 becomes a
problem when more current is needed. Fig
1.23 shows a circuit that will extend the
output current rating by adding a power
transistor, Q1 now carries most of the cur-
rent with the split being determined by the
ratio of R2/R1. The dropout for the total
1-: circuit is now that of the IC plus a little
more than a volt for the diode/transistor
and R1 and R2.
Fig 1.24 shows a supply using a LM317.
This is a programmable voltage part that
can supply outputs from 1.2 up to 37 V. set
389 S7V o a t
with two resistors, for an output current of
1.5 A. The power supply we built, used
extensively for developing many of the cir-
cuits in this book, was variable voltage and
also included a 12-V regulator as a second
output. An 18-V transformer was used, for
we wanted regulated outputs up to 20 V,
Many other regulators are found in ven-
dor catalogs, many with considerably higher
output currents and lower dropouts. The ex-
perimenter is encouraged to build his own
circuits using them. Switching mode regula-
tors offer interesting performance virtues
Rg 1.24—Practical dual output power supply featuring the LM-317 regulator. with equally interesting challenges.
1.16 Chapter 1
Fig 1.31—Simple high impedance
voltmeter for measuring dc voltages
in circuits. It can be used with the RF
probe of Fig 1.29 and Fig 1.30.
s -•
Fig 1.30—Close up view of an RF probe
built on a strip of PC board material.
The probe is a capacitor lead.
1.18 Chapter 1
harmonic-rich. This transmitter uses a has a low pass characteristic, it has only ating harmonic distortion. Spectrum ana-
crystal oscillator operating at the output two components and is not very effective lyzer measurements showed spurious
frequency. The only signals that should be as a filter. If the driver amplifier is going driver outputs at - 2 7 , - 3 0 , - 4 3 , and - 4 9
present anywhere within the transmitter lo be used by itself as a transmitter, an- dBc for the second through fifth har-
are at 7 MHz or harmonics at 14, 21, other low pass filter should be added monics when the driver was delivering
28, ... MHz. The only filtering needed is to the output. There is, however, little full output. The harmonic suppression was
a low pass filter at the transmitter output. value in adding a better low pass filter actually worse at lower output levels. The
While the L-network that makes a 50-Q after the driver if it is to be used only to term dBc refers to dB down with respect
load appear as 200 Q at the Q3 collector drive another stage which will also be cre- to the carrier.
L4 L5 L6
860 860
£70 470
1.20 Chapter 1
T2f 5 bifilar turns #22, FB43-2401
ll=26t#28, T37-6 L2=12t#22,T50-6,space over half core.
Q1,Q2,Q3=21J3904 Q4=2N3906 Q5=2N5321 with Heat Sink
Fig 1.39—A nearly complete schematic of the transmitter. This version combines the PA with the earlier stages, adds shaped
keying, power output adjust, T/R switching, and VXO action.
equate solution. S 1 A applies the +12 V the supply reaching Q2. S I B switches the elsewhere in the book.
supply to the oscillator during transmit antenna f r o m the receiver to the transmit- If this transmitter is to be used with a high
periods. The supply is always available to ter. The miniature toggle switch at S I is quality modern receiver with a wide AGC
Q3 and Q5 and does not need to be suitable for powers up through a few watts. range, a two pole switch is all that is needed
switched. The keying circuit, Q4, controls More refined T/R methods are presented at S1. The user can then listen to the trans-
mitter in the receiver as the key is actuated.
The more common scenario places this
From transmitter with a simple direct conversion
receiver such as that described earlier in this
chapter. It will then be impossible to turn the
gain in that receiver down far enough to pre-
vent overload. An answer to the problem is
presented in Fig 1.40 where a sidetone oscil-
lator is added to the system. A 555-timer
integrated circuit functions as the square
wave oscillator which is keyed on and off
with Q5. Q5 base currcnt routes through a
10-kJ2 resistor attached to the key in Fig
1.39. R2 must be adjusted for the head-
phones used with the transmitter. The head-
phones are disconnected from the receiver
during transmit intervals, attached only to
the sidetone oscillator. Two phone jacks are
included on the transmitter. A short cable
then routes the receiver audio output from
the receiver to the transmitter where it is
switched. This scheme does not prevent the
receiver from being overloaded, but guaran-
Fig 1.40—Sidetone oscillator for the transmitter. This circuit is also suitable as a tees that you don't have to listen when it
code practice oscillator. happens. The rcceivcr won't be damaged by
1.22 Chapter 1
1.14 A B O U T T H E S C H E M A T I C S IN THIS B O O K
T h e schematic diagrams used in this in the circuit with 25 V being typical. In W e generally label schematics with the
book differ slightly f r o m other A R R L pub- some applications we will use C values in parts that we used. But that does not m e a n
lications ill that we use slightly different nF, which stands for nanofarad. 1000 p F = that this is what you might want to use. An
conventions. Not all details are presented 1 nF. example is our frequent use the 1N4152
in all schematics. R F transformers are specified by turns silicon switching diode. In all cases, vir-
Capacitors are in microfarads if electro- ratio rather than impedance ratio. O f t e n tually all of these can be replaced by the
lytic or if they have decimal values less this data is presented within the schematic more c o m m o n 1N4148 or 1N914. When
than l. Values greater than unity are in pi- diagram rather than as part of a caption. there is a question about such details, look
cofarad if they are not electrolytic. Elec- The same holds for inductance values. W e the part up and see if the parts you have on
trolytic caps always have a voltage rating strive to load the schematic with as much hand are similar. Then try the substitu-
greater than the V c c or V d d value used information as possible. tion.
1. W. Hay ward and D. DeMaw, Solid State Radio, ARRL. 2 nd Edition, 1976, p 144. for Beginners," QST, Sep, 2000, p 61.
Design for the Radio Amateur. ARRL, 3. R. Lewallen, " A n Optimized Q R P 6. C. Kitchin, "An Ultra-Simple VHF Re-
1977. Transceiver," QST, Aug, 1980, pp 14-19. ceiver for 6 Meters," QST, Dec, 1997, p 39.
2. R. Hayward and W. Hay ward, "The Uglv 4. J. Dillon, "The Neophyte Receiver," 7. G. Dobbs, "A Stable Regenerative
Weekender," QST, Aug, 1981, pp 18-21. See QST. Feb, 1988, p 14-18. " Receiver," SPRAT, Issue 105, Dec, 2000,
also G. Grammcr, Understanding Amateur 5. C, Kitchin, "A Simple Regenerative Radio p 21.
D 1 I(V)
s —
Fig 2.3—IV characteristic for a refined diode model. Fig 2A—IV characteristic for a common junction diode. This
follows the diode equation.
2.2 Chapter 2
Fig 2.7—The circuit we used to bias a bipolar transistor for Fig 2.8—A current source is added to the diode pair to form i
active operation. See text. representative model. The diode is often ignored as in B.
E q 2.10
R, + R 2
2.4 Chapter 2
+ 12 V
R2, 6.8K
-33K 5.S4K
33K £ i-AAAr-
(2.05v 4f-
Rl, 33K ;>
S.8k|R2 P-45V)
i >330
± TH3
Fig 2.14—PNP biased to the same
conditions as we established with the
Fig 2.13—Evolution of base bias from a voltage divider. NPN example.
Vcc • R 2
R, 4 R 2
• 0.6 Eq 2.12
Vcc '" V R
The Field-Effect
Although the bipolar transistor is our
work horse, various forms of field effect
transistor, or FET, are closc in popularity.
Among FETs, one of the most common is
the junction variant, the JFET. A JFET is
Fig 2.15—Decoupling resistor adds
much like vacuum tube triodes of the past Fig 2.17—Test setup used to evaluate a
negative feedback to the biasing with
and is easily biased and used in amplifier an emitter resistor. JFET.
applications. FETs, including the JFET,
generally lack the uniformity and predict-
ability of a bipolar transistor. JFETs tend
to be low noise devices. Not only is the often called operation in the saturation
noise figure low, but the low frequency region. Saturation is just the opposite con-
flicker, or "1/F" noise is small. This com- dition in a FET from saturation in a bipo-
bination makes the JFET especially useful lar transistor.
for low noise oscillators. Fig 2.19 shows the usual source resistor
Fig 2.17 presents the test setup that al- method used for biasing an N-Channel JET
lows us to measure, and then model the at a current below l ciss . The current flow-
JFET. The example is an N-channel ing through the resistor establishes
Depletion mode JFET. A drain power sup- a positive sourcc voltage. As current
ply. + V d d , is applied. The gate voltage is increases, the source voltage increases,
then varied while examining the current causing the gate-to-souree voltage differ-
that flows. Fig 2.18 is a resulting plot of ence to become more negative. This is the
drain current vs gate-to-source voltage action needed to decrease current, eventu-
with constant drain voltage. The gate volt- ally stabilizing the bias. The action of an
age is negative for most of the curve. The external source R is a form of negative
Fig 2.16—A "wrap-around" PNP biases
gate can be no more than 0.6 V positive, an NPN with grounded emitter. The feedback, just as we used with an emitter
for the gate of a J F E T is actually a diode 0.1-|JF capacitor stabilizes bias and is resistor in the case of a bipolar transistor.
junction. The metal oxide silicon field ef- the dominant element in the bias loop. Fig 2.19 includes some J F E T equations.
fect transistor, M O S F E T , has similar prop-
erties, but uses an insulating gate. There is SMALL SIGNAL JFET MODEL
then no diode clamping action. Fig 2.18 showed a complete curve,
Once gate-to-source voltage drops to an is at -3 V for the example of Fig 2.18. describing large and small signal behavior
adequate level, drain current goes to zero These data are typical for the popular J310 as well as JFET biasing. The simplified
and the FET is said to be in "pinch-off." JFET. A drain voltage higher than the small signal model is shown in Fig 2.20.
The pinch-off voltage, the gatc-source V magnitude of the pinch-off is usually Here an open gate terminal accepts an
where current drops to (or nearly to) zero. required to ensure linear operation. This is input voltage. That signal then controls an
/ D . e„
Basic FET equation I D =I
t e l
+ v
l for
Pinchoff voltage is negative
„ Channel FET
-v j in
Source Bias Resistor V S =R s.-I un so. R5 =—£. I -
E T_ T .
\ ss
- 3 - 2 - 1 0 1
Fig 2.18—Drain Current vs Source-to-Gate Voltage for J310 Fig 2.19—JFET bias circuit and equations. The left circuit is a
type Junction Field Effect Transistor. I d s s =35 mA and V p =-3 V. practical amplifier, while that on the right is the bias
V p is the voltage where drain current goes to zero. I d s s is the equivalent. Pick a desired drain current, l D (must be less than
drain current when the gate and source are both at the same l D S S ), and use the middle equation to find the required source
potential. resistor. The resulting source voltage Is given by Ohm's Law.
output current source related to the input Fig 2.20—Simplified small signal JFET
by a transconductance, g with model.
las (-
=2 1+ E 2 13
^P ' V T' Pl « -
or "amps per volt." From the equations in
F o r example, if we biased the F E T for a Fig 2.19, we see that the D C drain current
gate voltage equaling half of the pinch-off is then 8.75 mA, which is realized with a
value, with I d s s = 3 5 mA and V p = - 3 V , the source R of 171 CI. The low frequency in-
small signal transconductance is 0 . 0 1 1 7 S , put resistance is essentially infinite.
2.6 Chapter 2
open circuit source behind a 1-kQ resis-
tor. so the load that would allow the maxi-
mum available power to be extracted
would be a 1-kQ resistor. The available
input bccomcs 0.5 mV across 1 kQ, or 2.5
x 10"10 watts, leaving a transducer gain of
1572. or 32.0 dB. This is nearly as high as
the power gain. The gain difference is a
consequence of the input impedance mis-
match. We will have more to say about
gains and dB later in this chapter.
A common practice converts a voltage
gain to decibel form with the familiar
20*Log(G v ), 27.6 dB for this example.
This is not a correct result, for the source
impedance is not the same as the load
impedance. The decibel construct is one
that should only be applied to power
ratios. It works with voltage ratios only
when the related resistances are equal.
In the amplifier we analyzed, the input
was applied to the base while the emitter
was grounded through a large bypass
capacitor. Hence, the input was applied
Fig 2.21—Single transistor audio amplifier design. See text for details. between the base and the emitter. The out-
put was extracted from the collector-cmit-
ter port. This is a common-emitter (CE)
configuration, for the emitter is common
to input and output. A common-collector
divided between the l - k Q source resis- schematic shows the input is tied to ground
(CC) amplifier is shown in Fig 2.22.
tance and the 1.39-kQ input resistance. through r e . the I3.8-Q resistor, which
The base input voltage becomes 0.582111V would severely attenuate the signal. How- The complete amplifier circuit is shown
to produce a collector signal current of ever, the current source representing the in Fig 2.22A, while the small signal ver-
i c =g m xv b c =0.0421 mA. This current flows transistor is also attached to the i npul node, sion is in Fig 2.22B. The open circuit dc
through a resistance of 333 £2, the parallel and that current moves in unison with base voltage is 5 V, so the emitter bias
equivalent of the 500-Q load and the 1 -kD the input voltage. This yields the results current is 4.4 mA, leading to r c =5.91 £2.
collector resistance. The output voltage is outlined. The follower of Fig 2.22B is driven from
then 0.0421 mAx333. or 14.02 mV for a We calculated a voltage gain. The gains a l-k£2 source impedance. It is terminated
circuit voltage gain of 24.1, Note that this of greater interest are power ratios. One of in a pair of 1-kQ resistors in parallel. The
is also exactly the ratio interest to the RF designer is, simply, input resistance of a follower is given by
power gain, the output power divided by
R, input power. The output power is calcu-
Eq 2.14 R.n = ( p + ' M r , + R L ) Eq 2.15
lated (for Fig 2.21) as V-/R where R is the
5 0 0 - 0 load and V is the 14.02-mV output.
where the load is the total impcdance seen Output power is then 3.93 x 10"7 W. The while the output impedancc is
by the collector. input power is the base voltage (0.582 mV)
The form of this equation is especially across the transistor input R of 1.4 k£2, or s
R, Eq 2.16
intuitive, emphasizing the role of r c as 2.435 x 10-1" W. The power gain is the
a degeneration resistance. If we placed a ratio of the two powers, 1614. Using a dB
The voltage gain for the emitter follower
10-£"2 resistor in series with the 100-f.tF relationship, this becomes 32.1 dB. This is
emitter bypass capacitor, the net emitter high but reasonable for a single transistor,
resistance would be 10+ 13.8=23.8 Q and for this amplifier operates at low frequen-
the voltage gain would becomc 14. The cies. Such gain from a single transistor at Gv =- Eq 2.17
radio frequencies is more difficult. R, + rc
role of emitter current is clear; Increasing
standing emitter current causes r c to Power gain is fundamental but is not Substituting r e into these equations
decrease, increasing voltage gain. Emitter always the gain we measure. We usually shows that the follow er has a gain of 0.988.
degeneration is a common feedback measure transducer power gain, espe- essentially 1, accounting for the circuit
schcmc. cially when working with RF circuits. name. Setting (3 to 100, the input resistance
We have treated the bipolar transistor as Transducer gain is output power deli vered is 51 k£2 while the output resistance is 15.8
a voltage controlled device. Beta was indi- to a load vs the maximum power avail- CI. The input resistance and the voltage
rectly used in the calculation, but only to able from the input generator. We have gain both grow if the follower is lightly
set transistor input resistance. This, in turn, already calculated output power. The loaded. The output resistance decreases as
established the fraction of the 1-mV input available power from the source is the the source impedance drops.
voltage that appeared at the base. power that would be delivered to a termi- It is very common to dc-couple a fol-
There is a counter intuitive nature to the nation that was impedance matched to the lower to a preceding amplifier; this is
modeling presented in Fig 2.21D. The generator. The generator was a 1-mV illustrated in Fig 2.23.
Small-Signal FET
The field effect transistor families are
similar to the BJT; as three terminal
dcviccs. they can be configured into three
different forms. Fig 2.25 shows the com-
mon source, common gate, and common
drain (or source follower) configurations
Fig 2.24—Common Base Amplifier with small-signal equivalent.
for an N Channel JFET.
There are many similarities b e t w e e n
BJT and JFET circuits, The common gate
FET amplifier (CO) has a low input
impedancc with a high output impedance.
The third basic amplifier configuration The topology o f f e r s excellent reverse
is the common base (CB) amplifier of Fig isolation. The follower (CD) has a low
2.24. output impedance with a very high input
which is normally very close to unity. We
The input resistance for the c o m m o n impedance.
essentially assume that the current injected
base (CB) amplifier is
into the CB amplifier appears at the out- JFET bias current is controlled by the
1 put. The voltage gain is then designer, j u s t as it was with the BJT.
p Resistor values may, however, have to be
Rin ~ rc = 7 ~ E q 2.18
tm G v = a R, E q 2.20 device specific, picked for a given FET to
The current gain for the CB amplifier is establish p e r f o r m a n c e . Within a given
given by the parameter a . The voltage gain for the CB amplifier JFET type, for example, a 3:1 variation in
2.8 Chapter 2
Fig 2.26—A JFET operating as a series
M O S F E T s a r c u s e f u l a u d i o s w i t c h e s in
Fig 2.25—Common Source, Common Gate, and Common Drain JFET Amplifiers, many applications.
T h e F E T s m a y be u s e d as v o l t a g e vari-
a b l e r e s i s t o r s . As s u c h , t h e y can f u n c t i o n
ill g a i n c o n t r o l c i r c u i t s .
ou +
2 0 . Bins 20.5ms 21.0ms 21.5ms 22.5ms 23.0ns
a o » U(COl)
2.10 Chapter 2
reasoning is flawed. ing the voltage across the capacitor to With the emitter voltage at 4.3 V, wc still
The emitter follower circuit is shown in instantaneously change. The capacitor have 4.3 mA flowing in the l-k£2 resistor.
Fig 2.31. A pair of 3.3-k£2 resistors bias could conceptually be replaced by a bat- The transistor current has now dropped to
the base at half the 10-V power supply, tery'- In no-signal conditions the 4.4-mA 2.3 mA. Because it is still positive, the tran-
and the emitter is biased with a l-k£2 resis- transistor current flows in the 1-kQ bias sistor is still controlling the output and the
tor. 15=4.4 mA, setting r s to 5.9 £2. The resistor with zero current in the 50-£2 load. follower continues to follow.
follower is driven from a 2 0 0 - i i source Applying a positive going signal to the But what happens when the drive
resistance for an output resistance of base merely turns the transistor on harder. reaches the full negative value of - 0 . 5 V?
7.9 £2. If this circuit was going to be used As the base voltage increases from the If the linear, small signal model applied,
to drive a 5 0 - f t filter, the 50-£2 resistance 5-V no-signal level to 5.5 V. the emitter the base would drop to 4.5 V. leaving the
would be realized by adding a series 43-£2 will follow f r o m 4.4 V to 4.9 V. W e now emitter at 3.9 V with the output at - 0 . 5 V,
resistor to the output. have +0.5 V on the output load, forcing an producing a current in the load o f - 1 0 mA.
This follower circuit is being driven by a output current of 10 mA to flow. The cur- But the current flowing in the bias resistor
signal source with a peak amplitude of 0.5 V. rent in the 1 -k£2 bias resistor has increased would still be 3.9 mA. implying that the
The input impedance is well above the 200- to 4.9 mA, so the total transistor current is transistor current would be - 6 . 1 m A . This
Q driving source, so virtually all of the avail- 14.9 mA. is not possible! The transistor can supply
able generator signal is present at the base. A negative-going base signal produces current via the model current generator,
The modeling process is applied to complications. A small negative base drive but that current cannot be negative.
capacitors with the same importance that of 0.1 V to 4.9 V would drop the emitter to Fig 2.32 presents the waveforms. The
it is to transistors. A capacitor accumulates 4.3 V, which drops the output to -0.1 V. The negative going excursion is clipped at the
charge through current flow, never allow- current in the 50-£2 load becomes - 2 mA. point when the transistor emitter current
drops to zero, leaving all output current to
flow in the l-k£2 resistor.
This simple circuit has illustrated the
difference between small signal and large
signal models. Currents of either polarity
are allowed in a small signal model. The
large signal behavior is restricted to that
dictated by the model, in this case limited
to the positive current flow predicted by
the Ebers-Moll equation.
The low small signal output impedance
of a follower was a consequence of nega-
tive feedback. T h e load in series with the
output creates a voltage that is applied to
the transistor in opposition to the signal
driving it. If we allow the follower to "run
out of current," the transistor is cut off with
zero current flow. The low output imped-
7.6I1S 7.2US 7.HUS 7.6US 7.Bus 8.Otis ance is no longer present during that part
0 U(bas) » U(eni) of the cycle when transistor current flow
has ceased.
Fig 2.32—Follower waveforms. Fig 2.33 shows the output after the
design was modified. The emitter bias
resistor was changed f r o m 1 k£2 to 330 £2,
increasing the emitter bias current to 12.6
mA. This is larger than the needed 10 mA.
so the output remains clean. But, even a
slight increase in drive could allow
the distortion to return. The ultimate
refinement might be a complementary out-
put such as is found with many audio
T h e next example considered is a
10-MHz Class A amplifier intended to
develop a few milliwatts of output power.
T h e circuit is in F i g 2.34. The base is
biased from a 10-V supply through a volt-
age divider of 10 k£2 and 3.3 k£2, produc-
ing a D C emitter voltage of 1.64 V. The
200-£2 emitter resistor sets an emitter cur-
rent of 8.2 mA, yielding a small signal r e of
3.2 £2. T h e 50-£2 output load sets the smal I
signal voltage gain at 16.
A common approximation sets high
fo ,3 K fT- 1 1 200|
i—v\/v 31-
159 = higher output
10 MHz
2.12 Chapter 2
voltage, and P,,ul is the output in Watts. designed. Rather, he or she wishes to mea-
P (VCC-VB) This form applies to Class B and C ampli- sure the amplifier output with 5 0 - Q instru-
fiers as well as the class A amplifier under mentation and perhaps drive other circuits
discussion. with a 50-U impedance. The solution is
Application of Eq 2.22 predicts a load found in Fig 2.35 where an impedance
where 1 K is the dc bias value. A more
resistance of just over 1000 £2 for maxi- transforming Jt-network is inserted be-
familiar form expresses ihe load in terms
m u m output. Changing the load to 1 k f i in tween the 50-£l load and the collector. This
of a desired output power,
the circuit produces a 10-MHz output of network makes the termination "'look like"
11 V peak-to-peak corresponding to a 1000 £1 at 10 MHz. It also has low pass
power of about 16 mW. Even larger resis- filtering characteristics, attenuating energy
z tance would have produced voltage limit- at 20 MHz, 30 MHz, and higher harmonic
' oul frequencies. Fig 2.36 shows the collector
ing, so this is close to optimum.
More often than not, 1000 £1 is not the waveform when the 50-£i load is connected
where R L is the load resistance in Ohms, impedance that the designer wishes to use directly to the collector. The waveforms af-
V,^ is the power supply. V B is the D C base as a termination for the amplifier just ter matching are shown in Fig 2.37.
R-load impedance Matching
V-gen ^
Fig 2.38—Basic amplifier with resistive input and output Fig 2.40—Power delivered to the load is maximum when the
Impedances. load resistance equals that of the source.
2.14 Chapter 2
c o a x i a l cable
50 Ohm ^ f\I
terminator /
Fig 2.42—Homebrew and surplus terminators.
Fig 2.41—Terminators for oscilloscope Input loading. See
Chapter 7 for additional detail on power measurements.
that this is not too large for the amplifier. with a 10X probe to study the amplifier. of a related term called voltage reflection
The cable is then disconnected, the ampli- Output power can be measured from a volt- coefficient, often signified by the Greek
fier is attached, another section o f cablc is age determination at a load on the amplifier letter Gamma, T. Gamma is given for re-
inserted to connect to the instrumentation, output. But amplifier input power is not de- sistive loads,
the amplifier is powered, and the new fined when the input impedance is unknown.
response is noted. The response will Although common, it is rarely valid to
(hopefully) be larger than it was without merely measure a voltage ratio to calculate a
r=-R - R 0
Eq 2.28
R + R„
the amplifier in place. power or transducer gain.
Several approaches can be used to
determine gain. The first would be to mea- where R „ is the reference resistance. In the
sure the new voltage with the terminated
Measures of impedance examples we have discussed, R n would be
oscilloscope and then calculate a new match and mismatch the source resistance while R is the load.
output power. The transducer gain then In Fig 2.40 we saw that the power trans- Gamma is related to VSWR through
becomes 10 Log (P 0 0 ,/P A V )- scheme ferred from a source to a load depends
works well with a calibrated oscilloscopc upon the match between the two. This
VSWR = l i f t Eq 2.29
operating within it's bandwidth. curve has a symmetry that is not immedi- i-|r|
The alternative method removes all need ately obvious. Although the power trans-
for oscilloscopc calibration and accurate ferred from the source to the load is 100% where the bars around F indicate that only
response at the test frequency, but placcs a only when the match is perfect, the degree the magnitude of T is used. In the general
greater burden on the signal generator. The of match depends only on the ratio of one case. T has both magnitude and angle,
reference is first established with the signal resistor to the other without regard to corresponding to complex impedance with
generator attached directly to the oscillo- which is larger. That is. if the source is 50 both resistive and reactive parts. Also, the
scope. The response is noted, as is the output £i, we see that power transfer is 88.9'"r more general form of Eq 2.28 uses com-
setting for the generator. The amplifier is effecti ve for loads of either 25 O or 100 £2. plex impedance to define Gamma.
then inserted in line, and the signal generator Similarly, 12.5-1} or 2 0 0 - 0 loads produce r=(z-z0)/(z+z„).
output is reduced until the 'scope response is 64% power transfer and so forth. The ratio Fig 2.40 showed power transfer effi-
exactly the same as noted earlier. The new o f these resistances to 50 SI (always with
generator output is examined and found to the larger number taken) is called the volt-
be lower than the original. The difference in age standing wave ratio, or VSWR.
generator settings in dB is then the trans- The term VSWR arises from transmis-
ducer gain. sion line behavior and it relates to voltages
Gain can still be determined, even if the measured along a transmission line that is
signal generator is not calibrated. A step not matched. While we can do this mea-
attenuator is inserted in the generator out- surement with RF volt meters and suitable
put. Attenuation is increased when the transmission lines, this is not the way we J iJ
amplifier is placed in the system until a usually measure the degree of impedance 0-J 0.4 016 08 I
reference 'scope response is duplicated. match. (Actually, some microwave experi-
The attenuator difference is then the gain. menters still do just this measurement.)
Fig 2.43—Power transfer related to
The oscilloscope can, of course, be used Rather, we perform bridge measurements reflection coefficient.
50 Ohm
c i e n c y as a f u n c t i o n of the t e r m i n a t i n g Termination
resistance. A similar plot is given in Fig
2 . 4 3 where power is now plotted against Fig 2.45—Using a return loss bridge with an amplifier.
reflection c o e f f i c i e n t , T.
Although reflection coefficient, r , may
seem like an esoteric impractical parameter,
it is easily measured (in magnitude) using a
- R-L.
simple apparatus that can be built in the home be m e a s u r e d . The bridge is first open cir- 20
T= |() E q 2.31
lab. This circuit, shown in Fig 2.44, is called cuited at the " X " port, and the detector
a return loss bridge, or RLB. The three resis- r e s p o n s e is noted. T h e n , a 50-£J termina- While we have illustrated the RLB with
tors in the bridge are 50 A when building a tor is p l a c e d on the " X " port. A large o s c i l l o s c o p e d e t e c t i o n , a 50-Q power
bridge for use in a 50-£2 system. The signal decrease in detector r e s p o n s e should b e meter or s p c c t r u m analyzer is preferred.
generator is assumed to then have a 50-£2 noticed. This response is a measure of h o w Both are described in C h a p t e r 7. T h e s e are
impedance as well. The transformer is a com- well the R L B is f u n c t i o n i n g and is called 50-£2 instruments, so they do not require
mon mode choke (see Chapter 3.) Construc- the bridge directivity . A n a m p l i f i e r (power the external t e r m i n a t o r so vital to the
tion is discussed in Chapter 7. on) is n o w attached to the " X " port through oscilloscope. T h e 'scope s u f f e r s f r o m t w o
T h e b r i d g e action o c c u r s b e c a u s e all a coaxial c a b l e , and a t e r m i n a t o r is p r o b l e m s that c o m p r o m i s e this applica-
resistors are 50 C2. A s s u m e that the " X " a t t a c h e d to the a m p l i f i e r output. T h e tion. First, it is a w i d e b a n d instrument, so
port, the u n k n o w n , is terminated in 5 0 Q . detector response will be lower than the noise limits the sensitivity, making it dif-
Then half of the v o l t a g e a p p l i e d at the level present with the " X " port open cir- f i c u l t to see the w e a k s i g n a l s that are
" R F " port appears at the j u n c t i o n of R 1 cuited by a ratio called the return loss, a readily seen in a spectrum analyzer. Sec-
and R2. But half also appears at the " X " dB value. T h e step attenuator in the detec- ond, m a n y of the t e r m i n a t i o n s that we
port. T h e voltages are equal on either side tor can be adjusted to attenuate the refer- m i g h t m e a s u r e are n a r r o w b a n d w i d t h
of the c o m m o n m o d e transformer, so no ence to better measure return loss. loads. As such, they will p r o d u c c high
signal appears at the detector. In contrast, Return loss is related to F through return loss at one f r e q u e n c y , but not at the
a larger signal appears when the u n k n o w n harmonics. The usual signal generator is
" X " port is either open or short circuited. R. L. = - 20 • Log r E q 2.30 harmonic rich. T h e h a r m o n i c s are resolved
Use of the return loss bridge is presented and, hcnce, ignored in a spectrum analyzer
in F i g 2.45, where an a m p l i f i e r input will The inverse form is measurement.
2.16 Chapter 2
voltage at the common emitter is then 4.4. tion found most often in integrated circuits First, a differential amplifier is very easy
Total current will be 4.4 mA for an emitter where the emitter resistor is replaced by a to decouple. With constant total current,
resistor of 1 kf2. If the two transistors are third transistor. Set V bJ to 2 volts and pick signals are not injected onto the Vcc power
identical, cach will be biased to an emitter the Q3 emitter resistor for the same 4.4 supply, very important when the diff-amp
current of 2.2 mA. We now apply a differ- m A. This leaves bias conditions for Q1 and is one of many such circuits within an IC.
ential signal causing V b , to increase by Q2 as they were, although the common The other consequence of the constant
10 mV while V b , drops by an equal 10 mode gain is even lower. current source is that drive applied to just
mV. The emitter voltage remains essen- Q3 is a constant current source, a circuit one input will result in differential output
tially constant. V c , decreases while V c2 that acts as if the bias for Q1 and Q2 came signals. This is shown in the amplifier of
increases by an amount related to the gain. from a very large negative power supply Fig 2.47. The two collector voltages have
A useful property of this circuit is that with an equally large resistor. The effect equal amplitudes and are out of phase with
total current does not change with differ- of this topology is to force the sum of the each other.
ential drive. currents in Q1 and Q2 to remain constant. Although differential amplifiers are
Fig 2.46. part B shows the circuit varia- This has two important consequences. abundant in integrated circuits, they are
also useful and practical in discrete form.
Fig 2.48 shows a diff-amp with readily
available parts that might be used to pro-
vide balanced local oscillator drive to a
mixer without transformers. This circuit is
R F C }- S-RFC
0.1 Q1 4 — VC2
0.1 .IK
Fig 2.47—Differential Amplifier that converts a single ended Fig 2.48—Differential Amplifier built with discrete
signal into a differential one having two outputs with a components. The emitter resistors are adjusted for equal
differential relationship. The 2 and 5-V points are fixed current in the two transistors. VBtt represents a base bias
voltage, usually generated within the IC containing this power supply, which could be a simple voltage divider from
differential pair. the higher supply.
2.18 Chapter 2
Fig 2.55—The Ra-Rb-C2 network
Fig 2.54—Feedback reduces an output resistance. establishes DC bias with little impact
on AC gain. C1 and the related resistor
then set AC gain. If C1 has a small
reactance compared with its series
aeteristic is maintained so long as all A highly useful effect of negative feed- resistor, the gain will grow with
inputs and outputs are maintained within increasing frequency.
back is that of altered impedance. The zero
the allowed ranges. voltage difference at the inverting ampli-
The inverting input of a closed loop fier of Fig 2.52 tells us that the voltage at
amplifier is often described as a "summing the " - " input is essentially zero. There is. without feedback) is very high. Negative
node," illustrated in F i g 2.53 with ihree however, signal current flowing into the feedback is also useful in single stage
inputs. All three have the same input resis- node. The e f f e c t of the feedback is to amplifiers using but o n e transistor. The
tor values, so the gain for each input is the reduce the impedance at that node to near effects are similar; parallel negative feed-
same at - 1 . This circuit is sometimes zero. back reduces gain, making it depend
referred to as a " m i x e r " in audio circles, Feedback also decreases output resis- primarily on resistor values, and reduces
although the term mixer has a much differ- tance. F i g 2.54 s h o w s an ideal o p - a m p both input and output impedance. Not all
ent meaning f o r the R F experimenter. with an added output resistance. R 0 0 1 . f o r m s of negative feedback reduce imped-
Analysis is direct. The feedback resistor Feedback is extracted f r o m the output end ance. Emitter degeneration in a transistor
maintains the two op-amp inputs at the of this resistor. Because V ^ , drives the amplifier increased amplifier input R as it
same voltage, which is ground in this feedback resistor, it is this point ( V M ) that reduces gain.
example. Any single input will change the is controlled by the feedback element, R r . Placing capacitors (or inductors) in a
output accordingly while feedback keeps Changing the load (R L<M(J ) may have feedback path will force the amplifier gain
the summing node al ground. We calculate impact on fcllul, the o p amp direct output, to depend upon f r e q u e n c y . An example is
the current entering the summing node for but it has little effect on V,,,,,; the output presented in Fig 2.55 where C , causes gain
each input and note that the total current impedance at V o u ( is very low. a result of to be lower at high frequencies. has the
into the s u m m i n g node, including thai the feedback. effect of allowing R A and R B to set D C
from the output via the feedback resistor, conditions with little effect on gain for A C
The effects of feedback from a parallel
must be zero. This defines the output signals. But. this must done with care to
resistor are most dramatic with op-amps
response. avoid stability problems.
where the open loop gain (that gain
F = - E q 2.33
>™„ / N „
T h i s d e s c r i b e s a c o m b i n a t i o n of signal
Fig 2.57—Feedback amplifier illustrating gain compression and distortion. This
and n o i s e . E s s e n t i a l l y , noise f i g u r e can b e
circuit has 20-mA l c . T, consists of 10 bifilar turns on a FT-37-43 ferrlte torold core,
interpreted to be a d e g r a d a t i o n in s i g n a l to although the specific core type is not critical. This circuit features a small signal
n o i s e ratio as w c p r o g r e s s t h r o u g h the a m - gain of 20.5 dB and a good impedance match to 50 £2 at both input and output. See
p l i f i e r . T h i s e q u a t i o n c a n b e r e a r r a n g e d to text for noise Figure, gain compression, and intercept results.
2.20 Chapter 2
followed by a 15-MHz low-pass filter,
Mol»e Source guaranteeing a drive free of harmonics.
The measurement results are shown in
Table 2.!.
The drive power was varied from - 2 0 to
Receiver +5 dBm with a step attenuator. The 14-MHz
output, although increasing with drive, still
showed gain compression, severe at the
I n e IMS
Voitwtei highest drive. At lower levels the harmonics
(also shown in dBm) grow at a level propor-
tional to the harmonic number. Hence a 10
dB drive change causes a change of about 20
Fig 2.58—Scheme used to measure receiver noise Figure. Audio voltmeter dB in 2" 1 harmonic and about 30 dB in 3 rd
examples are the HP3400A or the Fluke Model 89.
harmonic. This simple behavior disappears
as the amplifier enters gain compression.
Most linear circuits display harmonic ampli-
tudes proportional to order with increasing
simplc constant that may he extracted from A 22.5 dB ENR corresponds to ENR=178 as
a data sheet and applied to a design. a power ratio. If we measure Y of 19 dB for
Rather, data sheet noise figure is specific a receiver, the corresponding power ratio is It is common to specify harmonic (and
to a "typical" amplifier, or more often, is 79.4. F is then 2.27, or NF=3.6 dB. other) distortions in terms of "dBc." which
the best NF one can achieve. The noise is dB with regard to the desired carrier.
Hence, with a drive of - 1 0 dBm, the
figure of a specific design then depends
upon devicc biasing and the impedance
Gain Compression desired output was +11 dBm, and the 2 nd
presented to the device input. Most non-ideal amplifier behavior harmonic was - 3 0 dBm, or -41 dBc.
An example amplifier is shown inFig 2.57 occurs at higher powers with a simple
in connection with our discussion of distor- example being gain compression. Fig 2.57
showed a typical amplifier that illustrates
tion. This amplifier was measured with an
HP-8970 Noise Figure test set as 6 dB at 10 gain compression and other problems. The Distortion, IMD
and 20 MHz. The circuit is discussed further circuit is a feedback amplifier with a We next consider intermodulation dis-
as we investigate feedback amplifiers. 20 mA collector current. This circuit, tortion, IMD. Intermodulation describes
The most common method for noise- fig- which was built and measured, has the behavior of an amplifier when it is
ure measurement is shown in Fig 2.58. This migrated into numerous receiver and driven with two signals ("tones") that are
transmitter applications. No heat sink is generally close to each other in frequency.
drawing deals with a receiver. However, the
needed in normal applications. Second order IMD then creates undesired
same source is used to measure an amplifier
Small signal amplifier gain was 20.5 dB. outputs at the sum and the difference fre-
by following it with a receiver (or spectrum
Repeating the measurement at several quencies. The desired output of a mixer is
analyzer). After a measurement of the cas-
input powers allows one to plot a graph of often a 2nd order TMD product between
cade is obtained, the earlier equation is used
gain Vs power. Eventually a point is the RF and LO. Third order IMD from two
to obtain the NF of the amplifier alone. The tones at f, and f ; generates products at
critical part of the measurement system is reached where the gain begins to drop. The
output power where the gain is I dB below (21'2-f, ) and ( 2 f l - f 2 ) . The order relates to
the noise source. The one used here is a the number of frequencies participating in
Zener diode. When the switch is open, the the small signal value is called the 1-dB
a distortion process where (2f|-f 2 ) can be
diode is off. The pad attenuation, if large, compression point and occurred at an out-
thought of as f,, f j , and f 2 . Order is also
forces the output impedance to be close to put of+16.5 dBm.
ambiguously related to the underlying
5012. When the diode is turned on by clos- mathematical description of the distortion.
ing the switch, the noise increases by a large Harmonic Distortion Consider an example where two equal
amount. The noise increase is called the
A familiar amplifier distortion appears strength, - 1 5 dBm tones at 14.0 and 14.2
excess noise ratio, ENR, and is about 22.5
in the form of harmonics. If an amplifier is MHz are applied to the amplifier of Fig
dB for our noise source, which is described
driven at one frequency, amplifier non-lin- 2.57. The desired outputs occur at the
in Chapter 7.
earity generates a distorted output. That original frequencies at a level of +5 dBm.
With a 22.5 dB ENR, the noise output
output will contain the original input plus 20 dB above the drives. Also present are
of a perfect, noiseless receiver would
harmonic components. A harmonic is an the third order IMD terms at 13.8 and 14.4
increase by 22.5 dB when the source is MHz. A sketch of the spectrum analyzer
integer multiple of the input frequency.
turned on. But the receiver is contributing response is shown in Fig 2.59 with the
The amplifier of Fig 2.57 was measured
noise of its own. so the noise increase will analyzer set for a+10 dBm reference level
with a spectrum analyzer. The input was
be less than 22.5 dB. The output increase at the top of the display. The distortion
from a crystal controlled 14-MHz source
is called the "'Y-factor.'" Noise factor (a
power ratio rat her than dB) is related to the
ENR and Y by
Table 2.1 All powers are In dBm, dB with regard to one mW.
Eq 2 3 7 Drive Power 14 MHz 28 MHz 42 MHz 56 MHz
-20 dBm +1 dBm -51 dBm -72 dBm
-10 +11 -30 -46
where both ENR and Y are power ratios 0 +18 +3 -7 -35 dBm
+5 +21 +11 0 - 1
rather than dB values. Consider an example:
1MDR = 2 • ( l P 3 0 U T - P ( X ; T ) E q 2.38
2.22 Chapter 2
74 dB, leaving the output distortion prod- dBm. (See section 2.5 for the conversion.) (t'l+ f j ) and ( f j - f j ) . These distortion fre-
ucts a t - 8 1 dBm. Once we have the cascade input intercept, it quencies are usually far removed from the
It is not necessary to actually draw the can be moved to the output by adding the gain inputs. Hcnce, they can be removed with a
plot of Fig 2.60 to obtain the intercept. of the cascade. Eq 2.39, derived in Introduc- filter following the amplifier. This is
Rather, it can be inferred f r o m a single tion To Radio Frequency Design,s describes not possible with third order products
distortion measurement with Eq 2.38; this coherent voltage addition of third order dis- very close lo the frequencies causing the
is the usual practice. tortion products, so it represents a worst ease. distortion.
Intercepts have another very important We have experimentally observed that this The test amplifier was found to have a
use. If the output intercepts of all stages in worst-case behavior is usually realistic. second order output intercept o f + 4 4 dBm.
a cascade are known, a composite intercept Fig 2.60 also includes sccond order Second order intercepts are generally
can be calculated for the cascade. Consider TMD. A second order intercept point, and numerically higher than the third order
the two-stage amplifier of Fig 2.61. Each values f o r I P 2 i n and IP2out are defined in ones, although the second order distortion
stage has a gain of 12 dB, but the sccond the same way as those of the third order does not drop as quickly. Second order
stage has lower 1MD than the first. The in- products. If inputs occur at f ( and f 2 . I M D can be a major difficulty in wide band
tercepts of each stage can be normalized to second order I M D occurs at frequencies designs, such as general coverage receiv-
any desired point in the cascade. Picking ers or spectrum analyzers.
the overall amplifier input as that point, It is interesting to compare the 1 dB
the first stage (IP3out= +15 dBm) has compression power with output intercepts.
lP3in=+3 dBm, while the second stage has Our test amplifier had P o u t ( - l dB)=+16.5
G=12 dB G=12dB dBm and I P 3 o m = + 3 0 dBm, a difference of
an intercept at the cascade input of IP3cin=
- 4 dBm, 24 dB below that stage's output 13.5 dB. Differences of 13 to 16 dB arc
intercept. The second stage will dominate common for amplifiers with bipolar tran-
distortion, which becomes clear when they sistors. Smaller values (7 to 10 dB) are
I IP3out(2)=+20
are compared at a single normalized plane more common with silicon JFETs and with
within the chain. We can calculatc the I CiaAsFETs. The difference is not intended
input intercept of the cascade with to be a Figure-of-mcrit. Indeed, smaller
IP3out(1)=+3 =1.9953 mW
numbers indicate that a device can be
IP3out(2)=-4 =0 3981 mW
operated closer to it's intercept. Typically
any of the devices we commonly use for
IP, ( m w ) = ) T + } r Fig 2.61—A cascade of two amplifiers,
each well specified for gain arid output amplifiers cannot operate at powers as
intercept. The composite intercept is high as their output intercepts.
Eq 2.39 easily calculated. An extension of this A test set used to measure 2nd and 3rd
allows an entire system to be analyzed order intercepts is show in Fig 2.62. The
where all powers are now mW rather than for IMD.
key to the scheme is the hybrid combiner
that adds the output of two signal genera-
tors while preserving impedancc match
and isolating the two generators. A 6-dB
hybrid is the preferred scheme owing to
the excellent isolation afforded. But a 3-
dB hybrid can be substituted if good qual-
ity signal generators are used. A 6 - d B
hybrid is a network with an output that is
6 dB lower per tone than each input. Note
that the 6-dB hybrid has the same sche-
matic as a return loss bridge. Hence, one
instrument can be used to measure imped-
ance match and to isolate signal sources.
Every home lab needs at least one hybrid
The intercept formalization is generally
restricted to circuits with constant, or
nearly constant, bias current. A Class AB
or B amplifier where current grows with
applied drive is not generally described by
an intercept. Rather, it is characterized
with a simple I M D ratio, usually at full
power output.
Further information on distortion and
noise is found in Introduction to Radio Fre-
quency Designfi The reader is also referred
to Bill Sabin's presentation in the 1995 (and
later) ARRL Handbook1 concerning distor-
tion. including that of 2nd order IMD.
2.24 Chapter 2
tures. T w o transistors are used, each with resistors are chosen next. A reasonable input
Table 2.2
a separate emitter biasing resistor. How- and output impedance match occurs with
ever, ac coupling causes the pair to oper- Simulated Gain vs Degeneration
R r Rt=R s R, Eq 2.40 and Feedback Resistors for a
ate as a single device with degeneration
set by R k . The parallel feedback resistor, 2N3904 biased with l E =20 mA where
R f , is both a signal feedback element and where RF is the parallel feedback and RU. is r e =1.3 £1. Gain was calculated at 14
the net degeneration resistance, r,.+RH. MHz, so p=300/14=21. Resistors
part of the bias divider. This constrains the
Here R f is the external degeneration, were picked as standard values and
values slightly. Finally, an arbitrary out-
and re is the current dependant value, to provide an input return loss
put load can be presented to the composite
26/I e (mA). For example, an amplifier better than 10 dB. The first example
collector through a Jt-iype matching
driven by 50 ii and terminated in 200 Q is the amplifier described in the
network. This provides some low pass previous section.
filtering, but constrains the amplifier might use 10-£2 external degeneration
Load R-degen R-feedback Gain
bandwidth. and 10-mA current for RE = 12.7 Ohms.
R r = 787 Q would produce RIN = R S and R 0 6 £5 1.3 kQ 20.3 dB
3.9 a 3 kQ 24.8 dB
R l with RIN and R 0 being the input and 4.7 Q 2.7 kQ 23.9 dB
Design Procedure output resistances f o r source and load 5.6 12 2 kQ 22.3 dB
Design begins by picking a bias current, R S and R l . A practical choice would be 6.8 a 1.6 kQ 20.7 dB
usually dictated by output power and IMD RF = 820 Q, a standard value. 10 n 91 o a 16.8 dB
requirements. Next the output load imped- 12 a 750 Q 15.1 dB
There is still a wide range of values that
15 a 560 Q 12.6 dB
ance presented 10 the collector (or drain) is can be used for degeneration and feedback. 18 a 430 Q 10.3 dB
chosen. A value of 200 Q is probably the The final choice is made on ihe basis of 22 Q 330 Q 7.7 dB
most c o m m o n , for it affords good gain desired gain, which can be determined by the 2.7 a 820 a 20.0 dB
with reasonable current. With that load, equations presented in Fig 2.69. The choice 3.9 a 680 Q 18.2 dB
the output power will be restricted to is eased by example data in Table 2.2. While 4.7 a 560 Q 16.9 dB
around 200 m W in 12-volt systems. Pro- the data i n the table is for one current. 20 mA. 5.6 a 470 a 15.6 dB
6.8 Q 390 Q 14.1 dB
gressively lower impedances will allow it will provide an initial estimate.
10 Q 270 Q 10.7 dB
higher output power. Most feedback am- The equations of Fig 2.69 appear long 12 Q 220 Q 8.8 dB
plifiers end up being designed for 5 0 - Q and messy, but are easily programmed for 15 n 150 Q 5.4 dB
input resistance. a calculator or computer.
The emitter degeneration and feedback Fig 2.70 shows the gain obtained when
^ / V W -
Gain vs Degeneration when Matched
Vcc B
R-f r t G(d)
0 .1 7k. 7k
0.1 10 15 20 25 30
5 1
Degeneration Resistance
(|S + l ) 2 - R e J - 2 - | 8 R f < / 3 + l ) - R e + J3 2 R /
G := 10 log 4 R L - R S
; i + f?) -R e + R s ] - R f + ( R l + R s + 0 R s + | 8 - R L ) R e + 0 R S R L + R L *
[(l+/5)-(Rf+Rs)]-Re + Rs-Rf]
R ; « := ( 1 + 0).(R f + RL).
(1+|8)«e+|8-RL + R L + R f
( 1 + J 8 ) - R e + R g + J8-Rs
Fig 2.69—Transducer Gain G in dB, Input resistance, R in , and Output resistance, R 0 , both in Ohms for a feedback amplifier.
The analysis is restricted to the case where parallel feedback is obtained from the collector. R, is the parallel feedback and R„
is the total emitter degeneration (see text.) Rs and R L are the source and load resistances, and are arbitrary for this analysis,
p is the current gain and is approximated as a scalar value, |3=Ft/F where Ft is the current gain-bandwidth product and F is the
operating frequency, both in MHz.
20 40 80 100 50 100 ISO 200 250 300 350 100 450 500
2.26 Chapter 2
using a 2SC1252 transistor (F,«2 GHz) These amplifiers are specified by their dis- greater available gain. The input resistor
with degeneration and feedback resistors tributor f o r a voltage on the output pin with should be driven from a source at D C
of 5.1 Q and 1.8 k O . Noise figure was a specified current allowing the user to ground. Bandwidth depends on the output
measured with an HP8970B test set for pick R , for an available V c c . For example, transformer with severe distortion pos-
differing standing currents. The noise the Minicircuits M A R - 2 is specified for sible at low frequencies if it does not have
figure was 1.8 dB in the H F spectrum 25 mA at 5 V. Hence, for a 12-V power adequate reactance. A typical 7-MHz
for I c =l 0 inA, increasing to 3.3 dB with supply, 280 fi would be needed for R , . application uses a 20-turn primary on a K'l -
63 m A . Noise figure for the 2 N 3 9 0 4 This IC should not be used without a drop- 37-43 toroid with a 5-turn output link.
example amplifier featured in this section ping resistor. The power dissipation in A common base amplifier with trans-
(20 mA, 6 a and 1.3 kll. 200-Q load) was the resistor should be checked. It's only former output coupling is shown in F i g
measured at 6 dB. 175 m W in this example, so a 14-W resistor 2.80. This circuit uses no feedback other
Fig 2.78 shows a feedback amplifier would suffice. than the 47-11 degeneration. This is pre-
with two transistors in a Darlington con- Fig 2.79 presents another two discrete sented as an evolutionary step toward a
figuration. This circuit is typical of sev- transistor feedback amplifier. This is a feedback amplifier, but it is very useful as
eral popular silicon monolithic integrated buffer amplifier designed by W7EL. This shown. The common base topology fea-
circuit amplifiers that arc presently avail- circuit is similar to M A R circuits parts, but tures excellent reverse isolation, and. as
able. Those components within the dotted uses transformer output coupling for even such, it is an excellent VFO buffer. The
line are part of the 1C. Q1 and Q2 usually amplifier is biased to about 4 mA collector
have F t above 5 G H z . so the amplifiers current, so has an input resistance at the
o f f e r useful p e r f o r m a n c e to 2 G H z and emitter of 6.5 SI- Adding a series 4 7 - f i
beyond with gain from 10 to nearly 20 dB. resistor creates a reasonable input match
to a 5 0 - 0 source. The power gain will be
determined by the ratio of turns on the
output auto-transformer.
An interesting variation of this circuit
is presented in Fig 2.81. The 47-S'2 input
resistor has been replaced by a single turn
link through the t r a n s f o r m e r core. The
operation is easily understood if we think
of driving the input with a current source.
The low input impedance at the emitter
has no impact on the current flowing.
Essentially the same current flows in the
collector (recall that the current gain of a
common base amplifier is unity), but it
now flows in the high impedance multiple
turn transformer windings. This allows
the circuit to provide power gain. We now
" s a m p l e " the collector current with a
winding, creating a voltage across the
Fig 2.79—Feedback amplifier, the
Fig 2.78—Feedback amplifier with a design of W7EL, often used as an winding. The new "voltage" is placed in
Darlington connection of transistors. oscillator buffer. series with the low emitter input imped-
Vcc WV-f-
— I f —
I* H-Xi=501
— V W
Fig 2.80—Common base amplifier with an input resistance. Fig 2.81—A transformer feedback amplifier designed by D.
See text. Norton of Anzac.
2.28 Chapter 2
50 Ohm. S21 Ref. 0.00 dB
signal Pad
Generator I
i Wv- -» f-«r-
50 Spectrum
Fig 2.86—Test set for home lab measurement of a bypass Fig 2.88—Network analyzer measurement of 470-pF shunt
capacitor. capacitors. Both SMT and leaded parts are studied.
frequency. The C value was measured with tance dominates, keeping the data on the E a c h capacitor w a s a s s u m e d to h a v e a
a low frequency L C meter. Measurement edge of the Smith Chart, for the Q is moder- series inductance of 7 nH. A parallel reso-
gear is discussed in Chapter 7. ate at 28. Bypassing is "perfect" at only one nance is approximately f o r m e d between
The measured 4 7 0 - p F capacitor is mod- frequency, that of series resonance. An ideal the L of the larger capacitor and the C of
eled as 485 pF in series with an inductancc (no inductance) capacitor would have a the smaller. The Smith Chart plot shows
of 7.7 iiH. The L is larger than we would capacitive reactance of about 2 Q at 150 us that the impedance is nearly 50 Q at 63
see with shorter leads. A 0.25-inch 4 7 0 - p F MHz. The actual 150-MHz value is induc- M H z . Impedance would be even higher
ceramic disk capacitor with zero lead tive with a magnitude of about 5 Q. with greater capacitor Q. This behavior
length will show a typical inductance Traditional lore tells us that the band- is a d r a m a t i c e x a m p l e of lore that is
closer to 3 nH. The measured capacitor Q width for bypassing can be extended by generally w r o n g !
was 28 at self- resonance of 82 M H z but is paralleling a capacitor that works well at Bypassing can be improved by parallel-
higher at lower frequency. one frequency with another to a c c o m m o - ing. However, the capacitors should be
Data from a similar measurement, but date a d i f f e r e n t part of the spectrum. approximately identical. F i g 2.91 shows
with a network analyzer is shown in H e n c e , paralleling the 4 7 0 p F with the result of paralleling two capacitors of
Fig 2.88. Two 4 7 0 - p F capacitors are mea- a . 0 1 - u F capacitor should extend the about the same value. They differ slightly
sured, one surface mounted and the other bypassing to lower frequencies. The cal- at 390 and 560 pF, creating a hint of reso-
a leaded part with 0.1-inch leads. culations are shown in the plots of Fig nance. This appears as a small "burble" in
Fig 2.89 shows two calculated plots for 2.90. The results are terrible! While the the reactance plot and a tiny loop on the
the 470-pF capacitor. The one on the left is low f r e q u e n c y bypassing is indeed Smith Chart. These anomalies disappear
a Smith Chart showing the behavior vs. fre- improved, a high impedance response is as the C values become equal. Generally,
quency, while that on the right is a plot of created at 63 M H z . This complicated paralleling is the scheme that produces the
component reactance vs. frequency. Reac- behavior is again the result of inductance. best bypassing. T h e ideal solution is to
2.30 Chapter 2
have parasitic capacitancc that create their (Amidon) -43 material have Q in the 4 to allel resonance can be a disaster. When the
own self-resonance. 10 region in the HF spectrum. One can also ultimate bypassing is not possible, nega-
A couple of available RF choices were create low Q circuits by paralleling a tive feedback that enhances wideband sta-
measured (now as series elements) with series L of modest Q with a resistor. bility is often used.
the equipment described earlier. A 2.7-|iH Fig 2.92 shows a decoupling network Capacitors also appear in circuits as
molded choke was parallel resonant at 200 and the resulting impedance when viewed blocking elements. A blocking capacitor,
MHz, indicating a parallel capacitance of from the "bypass" end. The 15-uH RFC for example, appears between stages, cre-
0.24 pF. The Q at 20 MHz was 52. A resonates with a 0.1-nF capacitor to ating a near short circuit for signals while
15-fiH molded choke was parallel resonant destroy the bypass effect just above 0.1 accommodating different dc voltages on
at 47 MHz. yielding a parallel C of 0.79 MHz. A low value parallel resistor fixes the two sides. A blocking capacitor is not
pF. This pan had a Q of 44 at 8 MHz. the problem. as critical as a bypass, for the impedances
Large inductors can be fabricated from A major reason for carcful wideband on either side will usually be higher than
series connections of smaller ones. The bypassing and decoupling is the potential that of the block.
best wideband performance will result for amplifier oscillation. Instability that Emitter bypassing is often a critical
only when all inductors in a chain have allows oscillations is usually suppressed application. As we have seen, a few Ohms
about the same value. The reasons for this by low impedance terminations. The base of emitter degeneration can drastically
(and the mathematics that describe the be- and collector (or gate and drain) should alter amplifier performance. A parallel
havior) are identical with those for paral- both "see" low impedances to ensure sta- resonant emitter bypass could be a pro-
leling identical capacitors. bility. But that must be true at all frequen- found difficulty while a series resonant
Low inductor Q is often useful, which cies where the device can produce gain. It one can be especially effective. Clearly,
encourages us to use inductors with ferrite is never enough to merely consider the op- detailed modeling is the answer to compo-
cores. Inductors using the Fair-Rite erating frequency for the amplifier. A par- nent selection.
typical. Class A B a m p l i f i e r s are capable of as a general p u r p o s e gain block for C W output of + 1 0 d B m per tone, the output
higher e f f i c i e n c y , although the wideband transmitters. Total current is about 80 m A intercept w a s + 3 2 d B m . Increasing drive
circuits popular in H F transceivers typi- with no R F drive, reaching 200 mA or more f o r + 2 0 d B m per tone output (100 m W /
cally o f f e r only 3 0 % at full p o w e r . A Class when drive is increased with most of the tone or 4 0 0 m W P E P ) yielded a h i g h e r
C amplifier is c a p a b l e of e f f i c i e n c i e s ap- increase occurring in the second stage. Fig v a l u e of I P 3 o u t = + 3 5 d B m . T h i s is
proaching 100% as the conduction cycle 2.94 shows P o m Vs. P i n at 5 , 1 0 . 2 0 , 3 0 , and expected, for total current is now h i g h e r at
b e c o m e s small, with c o m m o n values of 50 50 M H z for this amplifier when operating 180 m A .
to 75%. Both Class D and E are c a p a b l e of with a 12-V supply. T h e m e a s u r e m e n t s T h e p o w e r supply for the input stage is
9 0 % and h i g h e r e f f i c i e n c y . were done with a signal generator and a normally keyed when used f o r C W trans-
A n e n g i n e e r i n g text treating p o w e r spectrum analyzer. Low frequency gain is mission. T h e bias for the output stage is
amplifier details is Krauss, Bostian, and high at 35 dB, dropping to 28 dB at 50 M H z . derived f r o m the s a m e supply resulting in
R a a b ' s Solid State Radio Engineering.16 Low frequency output power is over half a a typical b a c k w a v e 70 dB below full out-
A landmark p a p e r targeted to the h o m e watt, with over a quarter of a watt available put. " B a c k w a v e " is the r e s i d u a l signal
e x p e r i m e n t e r was that p r e s e n t e d by a at 50 M H z . However, gain is severely com- present f r o m a C W transmitter during key-
group f r o m Cal Tech in QST f o r M a y and pressed at this level. Higher output power up periods.
June, 1 9 9 7 . " is available with impedance matching. This design, although lacking in e f f i -
A heat sink is used on the output transis- ciency. is otherwise very u s e f u l and has
tor, f o r dissipation b c c o m e s high with been used in over a d o z e n transmitters or
A Two-Stage General t r a n s c e i v e r s in o u r stations. It can be
large drive. T h e dissipation in the 2 N 3 9 0 4
Purpose Class AB is 3 5 0 mW, safe f o r keyed (low duty cycle) driven by a crystal oscillator on any H F
Amplifier C W applications, but marginal for S S B or band to f o r m an e f f e c t i v e Q R P transmitter.
T h e circuit of Fig 2.93 operates in Class digital m o d e s . Preceding it with a f e e d b a c k a m p l i f i e r pro-
A B with an output of half a watt in the H F T h e third order intermodulation distor- d u c e s a D S B or S S B chain suitable for
spectrum. This circuit was originally built tion w a s m e a s u r e d at 14 M H z . With an Q R P use, or as a driver f o r a five watt PA.
2.32 Chapter 2
This section presents several design the drive cyclc when the base is reverse saving the more expensive output transis-
examples for power amplifiers. A two watt biased. Decreasing this resistance can tor from damage. The typical Zener diode
bipolar power amplifier was presented in improve stability at the price of gain. will have a relatively high capacitance,
Chapter l with the "Beginner's Transmit- Base matching occurs with T1. a simple even before breakdown, requiring that the
ter." Some simple power meter circuits transmission line transformer consisting input C in the low pass filter be reduced in
were also included. of a bifilar winding on a ferrite core. These value.
transformers are discussed in the filter The virtue of this diode is open to
chapter. Other impedance transformation
A CW-QRP Rig Amplifier circuits can also be used, including tuned
debate. It is often seen in amateur applica-
tions, especially with transistors not
A familiar RF power amplifier encoun- L, Jt. or Tee networks. The stage that must intended for Class C RF applications. It is
tered by the experimenter is that used with drive this will probably be loaded with not so common in commercial applications
a low power (QRP) transmitter. The popu- a higher impedance, perhaps 200 Q. usi ng transistors intended for RF. The pro-
lar design provides about 1.5-W output Another bifilar transformer could be used, tection function is easily studied with a
from a 12-V supply. The load resistance or a single ferrite transformer with a 4:1 high-speed oscilloscope.
the collector would "like to see" is then turns ratio could make the transition from An RF choke routes bias to the collec-
200 to 12.5 a in one step. tor. An extra inductor is placed in series
It is important that the base drive be pro- with the supply, providing a series imped-
Eq. 2.42 vided by a low impedance source. A higher ance for decoupling. A resistor then paral-
source resistance might supply the needed lels the decoupling choke, as discussed in
base current, but then develop high voltage an earlier section. An optimum decoupling
Evaluation yields R L =48, so close to during the negative part of the drive cyclc. RFC uses large lossy ferrite beads.
50 Q that no impedance matching network This could lead to emitter base breakdown, A 7-MHz scries tuned circuit is formed
is required at the output. Only a low pass a phenomenon that creates transmitted by the 50-pF. 10-pH combination. The
filler is required to attenuate the strong noise and a slow performance degradation back-to-back diodes provide a short cir-
harmonics that arc often created by the in the output transistor. Emitter-base cuit for large RF signals, generating a con-
circuit. The amplifier circuit is shown breakdown is easily observed with a venient electronic T/R system. This
in Fig 2.9S. The 7-MHz design illustrates wideband oscilloscope. A low driving scheme, and similar T/R methods arc dis-
the design ideas, which are frequency impedance also helps stability. cussed in Chapter 6.
invariant. A small heat sink is needed for a TO-39 A low ripple Chebyshev low pass filter
The amplifier input is to be driven from transistor such as the 2N3866 or 2N3553. with a cutoff frequency of about 7.5 MHz
a 50-Q source. While not required, it pro- A clip-on heat-sink will suffice. The tran- is recommended. Details appear in Chap-
motes convenient measurement. The sistor can even be soldered into a hole in a ter 3. The capacitance at the transistor end
builder can then test and adjust the driver circuit board. If the latter method is used, of the filter should be reduced to account
stages alone, with the earlier transmitter the hole must be isolated from circuit for Zener diode capacitance and the 50 pF
stages, and without the complications of ground with extra capacitance absorbed related to the T/R. No component values
the output amplifier. This amplifier will into the design. are shown for this example.
usually require a drive power of 20 to 100 The amplifier includes extra compo- The ideal transmitter design will include
mW, depending upon the transistor type nents that are not always needed. One is variable RF drive. Besides being useful for
used in the amplifier. The 50-Q drive is the familiar Zener diode at the collector. communications, it is a very useful experi-
transformed downward to "look like" a This should have a breakdown value of mental tool.
12.5-Q source at the base. This transfor- about 3 times V c c but less than the transis- Amplifier adjustment consists of noth-
mation provides the high base current tor breakdown. The diode's purpose is lo ing more lhan varying the drive power
required for efficient operation. The 18-Q load the amplifier if it loses an output ter- while watching the output to a 50-S2 load.
base resistor serves as a wideband load for mination. The diode conducts only if the Amplifier operation without a load should
the input driver, even during the part of collector voltage becomes too high, thus be avoided. The output power should
change smoothly with drive, with any
jumps suggesting instability.
It is interesting to monitor efficiency
while drive is varied. Drive is adjusted,
output power is measured, power supply
current is noted, input power is calculated,
and the resulting efficiency is calculated.
Efficiency is usually low when the output
is considerably less than the design level,
but increases with drive. It will often Im-
possible to drive the amplifier to an output
greater than 1.5 W. usually at the pricc of
efficiency. If you are interested in higher
output, the output network should be
re-designed accordingly.
It is useful to examine amplifier perfor-
mance with a variety of loads. This is eas-
Fig 2 . 9 5 — T y p i c a l o u t p u t a m p l i f i e r in a Q R P t r a n s m i t t e r . ily done with a transmatch. The dummy
E 30 irftf 10 pF yes
rfc: ICt #26 FT23-43
LI: 4.5 uH, Qu=ZOO at 5 MHz, 321 t»26, T50-6.
Fig B—Low drive produces a clean collector waveform in Fig C—Increased drive produces severe clipping in the
the upper trace. The lower trace shows the base voltage. base voltage and an 18-V peak collector signal.
In ail cases, the vertical sensitivity is shown for each trace,
and the 0-V line is marked at the left of the trace.
2.34 Chapter 2
Fig D—Operation with an inductive load allows the Fig E—The Zener diode is attached, effectively protecting
collector voltage to ring up to over 40 V on positive peaks. the transistor from excess voltage.
zero at the bottom of the oscillation. The positive Note the change in vertical scale. The transistor is
collector peak easily reaches twice the supply value. probably on the verge of damage at this point. Note also
Just a hint of base conduction can be seen at the peak that the base voltage has changed, having been altered
of the base waveform. The conduction must be occur- by the stressed collector.
ring only over a small fraction of the applied waveform, The amplifier has no resistive load other than that
for the base spends most of the cycle below 0.6 V. The represented by the unloaded resonator Q and provides
Zener diode is disconnected for the first experiments. no output power. The collector could be loaded by
The RF drive is now increased to 30 mW, more than adding a resistor across the inductor, which would
we would normally use with this small transistor. The reduce the collector voltage. Even with loading, an
base voltage exceeds 1-V peak, which causes the inductive component in the collector impedance will
collector voltage to drop to zero. The base voltage allow high voltages to be generated.
"tries" to stay on for more than half of the cycle, evi- The final experiment connects the Zener diode,
dence of charge storage, a phenomenon intrinsic to the producing the waveforms shown in Fig E. The collector
BJT. But when the base does stop conducting, the voltage is now clipped at the 24-V breakdown of the
collector voltage "rings up" to 18 V, well beyond the 5-V Zener diode. The base conduction duty cycle is still
supply. These results are in Fig C. Base voltage ringing high, a result of the high drive and charge storage. But
at higher frequency is evident. the transistor is now saved from damage.
The collector resonance of the last example is These experiments illustrate the effects of an induc-
eliminated by detuning the capacitor to a low value. The tive collector termination, Zener diode protection, and
collector now sees a predominantly inductive imped- variable drive. The experiments could be extended with
ance, resulting in the over 40-V peak signal of Fig D. other devices, more aggressive applied stress,
and loading that would allow DC collector current
to increase.
"proper" termination. It is not unusual to ply is always useful, if not vital, during all angles. The pad is. of course, removed
see the amplifier go into oscillations dur- experiments of this s o n . after the test.
ing the severe mismatch that happens with Consider p l a t i n g a pad between the
this transmatch experiment. The oscilla- transmitter and the transmatch. If we used,
tions should not be destructive at this for example, a 1-dB pad, the worst-case
A 10-W CW Amplifier
power level, so long as the transistor has a return loss would be twice the attenuation, While the 1.5-W amplifier is ideal for
modest heat sink and is protected against or 2 dB. The corresponding worst-case the seasoned Q R P operator, others may
excessive collector voltage. Tt is a good V S W R is 8.7:1 (see Eq 4.6.) "if the ampli- want a bit more power. Outputs of 10 to 20
idea to monitor the heat sink temperature fier can now withstand all possible adjust- W are interesting. A few <1B gain can m a k e
(by touch is good enough) during these ments of the transmatch, we say that the a big difference in results while still sport-
experiments. A current limited power sup- amplifier can withstand an 8.7:1 VSWR at ing and practical for portable operation.
2.36 Chapter 2
o p e r a t i o n , a l t h o u g h it c o u l d b e m o d i Tied F i g 2 . 9 8 s h o w s an R F a m p l i f i e r u s i n g i n t e r e s t i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r the e x p e r i -
f o r c l a s s A B l i n e a r o p e r a t i o n w i t h little an I R F 5 1 1 o r t h e I R F 5 1 0 , p r e f e r r e d f o r menter. Although more e x p e n s i v e than
o t h e r c h a n g c r e q u i r e d . L i n e a r b i a s i n g is h i g h e r b r e a k d o w n . E i t h e r part h a s a low H E X F E T s , some vendors build parts
discussed below, " o n " r e s i s t a n c e of 0 . 6 £2, i m p o r t a n t f o r especially for R F power applications. A
e f f i c i e n c y . T h i s c i r c u i t is set up f o r an s e a r c h of t h e w e b c a n y i e l d n u m e r o u s d a t a
o u t p u t of a b o u t 6 W f r o m a 12-V s u p p l y .
An Enhanced Efficiency A 2:1 t u r n s r a t i o t r a n s f o r m e r g e n e r a t e s a
w i t h s u g g e s t e d e x p e r i m e n t s . S e e . for e x -
a m p l e , an i n t e r e s t i n g p a p e r by K 4 X U and
Amplifier 12-£2 d r a i n l o a d . T h i s c l a s s A B c i r c u i t will t h e r e l a t e d W e b site of A d v a n c e d P o w e r
An interesting and subtle amplifier from f u n c t i o n in e i t h e r C W o r l i n e a r S S B a p p l i - T e c h n o l o g y at w w w . a d v a n e e d p o w e r .
R o y L e w a l l e n , W 7 E L , is p r e s e n t e d in c a t i o n s . T h e bias s h o u l d b e a d j u s t e d f o r a com.19
F i g 2 . 9 7 . D u b b e d the ' • B r i c k e t t e , " it w a s q u i e s c e n t c u r r e n t of 100 m A o r m o r e f o r
i n t e n d e d to f o l l o w a 1.5-W o u t p u t , 7 M H z S S B while lower levels are suitable for
QRP transceiver. C W . T h e o u t p u t t r a n s f o r m e r is a b i f i l a r S S B Amplifiers
T h i s a m p l i f i e r u s e d an u n u s u a l t r a n s i s - w i n d i n g on a f e r r i t e c o r c and is s u i t a b l e f o r T h e b i p o l a r and F E T a m p l i f i e r s pre-
tor. a G E D 4 2 C 9 . T h e a v a i l a b l e d r i v e is a n y of t h e H F b a n d s . W e h a v e u s e d this sented can b e a d a p t e d for linear o p e r a t i o n
attenuated with a 3 - d B pad, which was c i r c u i t u p t h r o u g h 14 M H z . T h e F E T as s h o w n in F i g 2.100. B i p o l a r transistor
needed for stability. The original W 7 E L should reside on a modest heat sink. base bias should c o m e from a voltage
application used a 6-dB pad. The ampli- The H E X F E T amplifier uses a 1 0 - 0 source. If the m o r e typical current source is
fier contains the usual Z e n e r protection g a t e r e s i s t o r to p r e s e r v e H F s t a b i l i t y . A u s e d , the D C c u r r e n t c a n n o t e a s i l y
diode, but n o w with a 75-V breakdown. A f e r r i t e b e a d s h o u l d n o t b e s u b s t i t u t e d for i n c r e a s e with R F d r i v e as is n e e d e d f o r
peak c o l l e c t o r v o l t a g e of 65 w a s m e a s u r e d the r e s i s t o r . 1 8 Class AB operation. A voltage source
with this c i r c u i t , e v e n with V ( : ( ; =12.0 V . bias uses a d i o d e as a shunt " r e g u l a t o r , "
An interesting dircct-couplcd amplifier
T h e c i r c u i t t r a n s f o r m i n g t h e 5 0 - 0 load to F i g 2 - I 0 0 A . T h e d i o d e is b i a s e d with a
a p p e a r s in F i g 2 . 9 9 . T h i s circuit, a n o t h e r
a l o w e r v a l u e at t h e c o l l e c t o r is a s i m p l e resistor f r o m the s a m e s u p p l y that p o w e r s
c r e a t i o n of W 7 E L , u s e s a d c c o u p l c d
L - n e t w o r k . T h e r e s i s t a n c e p r e s e n t e d to the t h e a m p l i f i e r . T h e silicon d i o d e is in inti-
I R F 5 1 1 to g e n e r a t e an o u t p u t of 5 W at
c o l l e c t o r is h i g h e r t h a n e x p e c t e d , and is m a t e t h e r m a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n s w i t h the
e i t h e r 14 o r 21 M H z with a m e a s u r e d e f f i -
i n d u c t i v e , a l l o w i n g the high R F v o l t a g e s . o u t p u t transistor. S o m e d e s i g n s us a stud-
c i e n c y of a b o u t 7 5 % .
T h e net r e s u l t is a c o l l e c t o r e f f i c i e n c y of m o u n t e d d i o d e bolted to the P A transistor
8 5 % o r g r e a t e r w i t h a n o u t p u t of 7 to 9 W . h e a t sink. O t h e r s a t t a c h the d i o d e to t h e
W h a t b e g a n as a C l a s s C d e s i g n p r o b a b l y Higher Powers transistor with e p o x y .
n o w o p e r a t e s in C l a s s E. T h e m e a s u r e - H E X F E T s o f f e r an i n e x p e n s i v e and T h e B J T a m p l i f i e r is u s u a l l y b i a s e d at
m e n t s h a v e b e e n r e p e a l e d and c o n f i r m e d i n t e r e s t i n g r o u t e to h i g h e r p o w e r . W e h a v e tile q u i e s c e n t level r e c o m m e n d e d by the
w i t h s e v e r a l v e r s i o n s of t h e c i r c u i t , all built single b a n d C W amplifiers for output transistor manufacturer. A 10-W part
showing high efficiency. p o w e r s f r o m 10 to 5 0 W on m a n y of t h e m i g h t u s e an idling c o l l e c t o r c u r r e n t of 2 0
The adjustment procedure was similar H F bands. The inexpensive 1RF530 to 3 0 m A . A l a r g e r c u r r e n t s h o u l d f l o w
to t h a t p r e s e n t e d f o r t h e 10-W d e s i g n . H E X F E T is an e x c e l l e n t c h o i c e f o r the t h r o u g h R - b i a s with the d i o d e s e r v i n g as a
However, Roy kept increasing drive while b a n d s u p t h r o u g h 14 M H z . A 3 0 - W 7 - M H z shunt regulator. Increasing the resistor
adjusting the output network for increased C W a m p l i f i e r is d e s c r i b e d later. c u r r e n t i n c r e a s e s t h e s t a n d i n g c u r r e n t in
power and efficiency. T h e 1 R F P 4 4 0 a n d 1 R F P 4 5 0 h a v e been t h e a m p l i f i e r , o n e of the h a n d l e s a v a i l a b l e
T h e T / R s e r i e s - t u n e d c i r c u i t is a t t a c h e d u s e d in h i g h e f f i c i e n c y C W a m p l i f i e r s d i s - to the e x p e r i m e n t e r f o r i m p r o v e d I M D
to t h e c o l l e c t o r . A l t h o u g h t h e n e t w o r k s c u s s e d later. T h e s e p a r t s s h o u l d a l s o o f f e r p e r f o r m a n c e f r o m the a m p l i f i e r .
p r e s e n t a n i m p c d a n c c less t h a n 5 0 CI to the
r e c e i v e r , the m i s m a t c h is not a p r o b l e m at
7 MHz.
H E X F E T Amplifiers
P o w e r F E T s b e c a m e p o p u l a r in t h e l a t e
1970s. W h i l e s o m e m a n u f a c t u r e r s i n t r o -
d u c e d d e v i c e s s p e c i f i e d f o r R F , the m a r -
ket w a s d o m i n a t e d b y s w i t c h i n g a p p l i c a -
t i o n s . A m a j o r s u p p l i e r is I n t e r n a t i o n a l
R e c t i f i e r w i t h a l i n e of d e v i c e s c a l l e d
T h e H E X F E T s are a v a i l a b l e as both N
and P c h a n n e l e n h a n c e m e n t m o d e p a r t s
with a g a t e t h r e s h o l d a r o u n d 4 V . T h e
t r a n s c o n d u c t a n c e of the typical N - c h a n n e l
d e v i c e is very h i g h , o f t e n r i v a l i n g that of a
b i p o l a r p o w e r t r a n s i s t o r at c o m p a r a b l e cur-
rents. W h i l e the input g a t e is a very high
Fig 2.100—Biasing schemes for linear amplifier operation of (A) bipolar transistors
i m p c d a n c e at D C , h i g h c a p a c i t a n c e at all
and (B) power FETs. The base RFC used with the BJT can have small reactance,
t h r e e t e r m i n a l s limits high f r e q u e n c y gain. for the input impedance is low. The diode is bypassed with a 500-nF electrolytic
H E X F E T s are o f t e n high v o l t a g e d e v i c e s , capacitor. The base resistor may or may not be needed. R-bias in (A) should have
a l l o w i n g a w i d e variety of s u p p l y v o l t a g e s . moderate dissipation, for the current may be high.
Amplifier D e s i g n B a s i c s 2.37
Fig 2.1OOB shows F E T biasing for S S B . region. Second, transformer coupling tially in parallel for biasing. F o r this rea-
T h i s is generally simpler than with a B J T . between device inputs will prevent large son, and to help maintain R F balance, R F
for bias current is low. The F E T bias is reverse voltages on bipolar base-emitter power bipolar transistors arc often sold in
easily controlled with small transistors, junctions. One forward biased junction matched pairs. T h i s has become so com-
easing T / R switching problems. As with serves to clamp the reverse voltage on the mon that the price penalty is minimal.
bipolar transistor amplifiers, the F E T cir- other device. Finally, the balanced opera- The ease of F E T biasing includes push
cuits present a compromise between effi- tion will reduce even order harmonic and pull amplifiers, which is illustrated in the
ciency and linearity. Amplifier TMD can intermodulation distortion. practical circuit shown in Fig 2.101. This
be reduced w-ith higher standing currents, Negative feedback is often used with S S B linear amplifier, the work o f A A 3 X
although the heat sink requirements grow. Class A B amplifiers, usually in the form (now K 3 B T ) . uses a pair of IRF51 Is in a
Amplifier biasing methods are dis- of an ac coupled resistor between base and push pull circuit to develop an output of 30
cussed in more detail in the text by Dye collector, or gate and drain. Feedback sta- W PEP. The circuit uses a solid ferrite block
and Granberg. 2 0 Included are schemes for bilizes gain over frcqucncy. The negative for the output transformer. Fig 2.102 shows
temperature compensation. feedback is applied individually to each a sketch for the output transformer, T 3 .
Push-pull operation is common with device in a push-pull pair. Negative feed- Separate bias lines set up a quiescent
both F E T and bipolar linear amplifiers. back is sometimes extracted from a wind- current for each F E T . A D V M measuring
There are several advantages to this. First, ing in an output transformer or bias ele- total current during bias adjustment allows
two devices are used instead o f one, ment in a push pull pair. the two currents to be set equal to each
spreading the thermal load over a larger Push pull bipolar transistors arc essen- other. While matched transistors might be
IRF511 Low-Pass
Fig 2.102—Transformer detail for T3 of
the AA3X amplifier. The primary, A-B,
shown here as a single turn, but
Fig 2.101—An amplifier using a push-pull pair of IRF511s. This circuit, the creation actually uses two turns, two complete
of AA3X, is capable of up to 30-W output with Vdd=28 V on the lower HF bands. passes through the core. The secondary
Reduced output and gain are available at 14 and even 21 MHz. Input transformer T1 (also just shown as one turn) is 3 turns,
is 12 trifilar turns #26 on a FT50-43 ferrite toroid. T2 is 12 bifilar turns of #22 on a three complete passes through the
stack of two FT37-50 toroids. This amplifier was originally in QST, Hints and Kinks, core. The windings end on opposite
for January, 1993, page 50. 21 See reference and text for practical details. sides of the ferrite block, a BN-43-7051.
2.38 Chapter 2
desirable, K3BT reports that he has had initially applied, the relay was activated. though intended for differing applications.
good results with devices with severely But amplifier current started to grow Class-C amplifiers are designed by pick-
mismatched thresholds. Equal currents of before the output was properly terminated, ing a load resistance using Eq 2.42 and
about 20 mA per transistor are recom- causing the amplifier to draw excessive designing an output network to achieve
mended. This amplifier has been used on current. The power supply was current that load at the operating frequency. The
the amateur bands from 3.5 to 21 M H / . limited at 25 A. As the supply went into device is then biased for zero current with-
although the available output power is less limiting, the voltage dropped to 7 V before out drive. With the usual threshold, appli-
at the higher end. starting to recover. The relay then dropped cation of an input sine wave produces
The output transformer (3:2 turns ratio) out and the cycle repeated. The relay chat- Class-C operation.
presents a load of 22 Q between the two tered for about half a second before stabi- Linear amplifier design is similar. An
drains. The resulting load is lower than lizing. The RF actuated circuitry was output network is designed for the peak
might be desired for high efficiency, a eventually replaced with an electronic T/R envelope output, again with Eq 2.42. Mov-
common tradeoff with linear amplifiers system with diode switching. ing toward even lower load resistance may
favoring lower distortion. The K3BT T2, the output transformer, has a single enhance linearity at the price of efficiency.
amplifier should be built with a large heat turn between collectors with a 4-turn sec- The linear amplifier is biased for class AB
sink, especially if experiments are planned ondary. The 4:1 turns ratio transforms the operation. This begins with class A bias,
with variable bias currents. 5 0 - 0 load to appear as a 3.1-Q load, but usually allows device current to
Careful low impedance termination of col lector-to-collcctor. The load applied to increase with applied RF drive. While
the HEXFET inputs provides stability. The each collector is then 1.56 Q. Rearrange- efficiency at the peak envelope power is
power gain is still high enough to make the ment of Eq 2.42 shows thai an output of 58 poor, the normal voice has an average
parts very useful, even with the reduccd W should be available from each device at power well below the peak, providing a
gain related to the low source impedance. V r c =13.5 V for a net output of 117 W. useful compromise.
The stability problem is largely the result In spite of the T/R problems, the ampli- An amplifier discussed earlier (the Fig
of internal feedback within the FETs. fier is a recommended circuit. The 2.97 circuit by W7EL) featured improved
While extremely difficult with bipolar MRF454 is very robust, and has provided efficiency. It is interesting to examine the
transistors, it becomes possible with FETs us with classic power amplifier experi- networks that produced this result.
to neutralize the circuits, canceling the ence. We recommend modified bypassing Fig 2.104 shows a schematic and a
destabilizing effects of internal feedback. to use parallel capacitors of equal value. Smith Chart impedance plot for the output
These methods were common place with matching network the Beginner's Trans-
vacuum tubes, but have largely been
ignored with semiconductors. A neutral- A Look at some High mitter of Chapter 1. Frequency sweeps
from 3.5 to 21 MHz for this 7-MHz
ized push-pull 18-MHz linear power Efficiency Amplifiers design. The impedance at 7 MHz is nearly
amplifier using IRF-51 Is is included in All of the power amplifiers presented real at about 25 SI, providing the needed
Chapter 11. are conceptually simple, many using the load forClass-C operation. The impedance
A high power bipolar transistor ampli- same or similar schematic diagrams, even is capacitive for all other frequencies. This
fier is shown in Fig 2.103. This circuit was
originally described in a Motorola engi-
neering builletin, EB63 (ref 22), and was
offered in kit form from CCT. (www.
communication-coiicepts.com) The am-
plifier is capable of over 100 W of output
over the entire HF spectrum. A matched
pair of MRF454s is used with a 13.5-V
power supply.
This circuit is a classic, similar to many
of the output amplifiers in typical trans-
ceivers. Brass pipe transformers are used
at both the input and the output. Some
negative feedback is used, along with
capacitxvc loading to improve gain flat-
ness. This version of the amplifier has been
tested over the 2 to 30-MHz band and
found to operate as described in the appli-
cations note, although we did not measure
IMD. The circuit has been used exten-
si vely on the 40-M band. It performed well
as a SSB amplifier, being easily driven
by a 1,5-W QRP SSB transceiver. It has
seen more service following a 1-W CW
The original version of this amplifier
included an RF actuated circuit to control a
built-in T/R relay. The RF actuated scheme
was found to be completely unsuitable for Fig 2.104—Smith chart plot of the impedance "seen" by the collector of the 2N5321
either CW or SSB use. When RF drive was 2-W "Beginner's Transmitter" from Chapter 1.
Fig 2.107—Diplexer, bandpass-bandstop type, used for Fig 2.108—Top view of 100-W bipolar amplifier. The board is
harmonic attenuation from a 7-MHz transmitter. The reader bolted to a large heat sink that is also the top of the module,
should consult the original QST article23 for details.
amplifier <7 M H z . 2 . 2 - W output, 12-voIl C l a s s - C design. Z b e c o m e s capacitive only- has paved the way f o r S S B with non-linear
supply) was stable and reproducible, but a b o v e the 2 n d h a r m o n i c . This amplifier has high e f f i c i e n c y a m p l i f i e r s . 2 4 T h e recent
had only 5 0 % e f f i c i e n c y . excellent e f f i c i e n c y (85 to 903-) at 7 to w o r k of greatest interest to the e x p e r i -
The contrasting amplifier was W 7 E L ' s 9 - W output (7 M H z , 12-V supply) and has menter e v o l v e s from the E E department at
" B r i c k e t t e " of Fig 2.97. T h e output net- been stable. California Institute of T e c h n o l o g y . - 5
work is also a jt-network. and the resulting C l a s s - E a m p l i f i e r s have b e c o m e of Fig 2.106 shows an example of a high
impedance plot is shown in Fig 2.105. T h e increasing interest in the past f e w years. efficiency Class-E amplifier. 2 6 The partial
plot differs f r o m the simple Class-C cir- Recent H E X F E T o f f e r i n g s f r o m Interna- schematic shows two modifications to the
cuit. T h e impedance has a real part of about tional Rectifier provide very high p o w e r simple pi-nctwork used in the other two cir-
17 Q n e a r the d e s i g n f r e q u e n c y , but is capability at modest price. W h i l e the cuits. First, the normal inductor is replaced
i n d u c t i v e for m u c h of the s w e e p . R L is amplifiers are now used only for digital by a scries LC. This provides the same
about twice that we would use for a applications (including C W , ) recent work inductive reactance at the 13.5-MHz
2.40 Chapter 2
of the 13.5-MHz drive frequency of this
example. This amplifier provides an out-
put of 400 W with a drain efficiency of
86%. This circuit, which uses a 120-V
supply, could be adapted to the 20-meter
amateur band. The load impedance is
13.5+j 1 9 n a t the 13.5-MHz operating fre-
quency, bul is purely capacitive by the
Fig 2.109—A 1.5-W 7-MHz amplifier time the 2n<l harmonic is reached. Eq 2.42
using a 2N3866.
would predict an 18-Q load for this output
and V d d . This circuit is very similar to the
7 - M H z design presented in QST for May
Spectral purity is an issue with these
amplifiers. The resonant trap at twice the
operating frequency included in the
designs helps. One would normally insert
Fig 2.110—An RF power amplifier using additional low pass filters to attenuate har-
an IRF510 HEXFET. The output network monics. However, this normal low pass
is an LCC type Tee-network. Up to 10 W filter has an input impedance that is real
was obtained from this circuit. and 50 <2 at the operating frequency, but is
almost a short circuit at the harmonics. An
Fig 2.111—A high efficiency 7-MHz improved harmonic reduction filler form
design frequency, bul greater inductive re- amplifier (circuit of Fig 2.97), is shown in Fig 2.107. This circuit is called
actance at higher frequencies. This pre- a diplexcr and has the characteristic that
sents the needed load to the FET drain voltage across the device is close to zero. the input impedance is 50 fl at all frequen-
needed to allow the voltage to grow ("ring cies. Olher diplexers are used elsewhere in
The other modification is at the load end
the book.
up") to values much larger than the supply of the network. The usual parallel capaci-
and offer the phase control needed for effi- tor is replaced with a parallel-connected Fig 2.108 through Fig 2.111 show some
ciency. A Class-E amplifier is character- series tuned circuit (88 nH and 390 pF). of the design implementations described
ized by high current flowing only when the This circuit is resonant at the 2 n d harmonic in this section.
2.42 Chapter 2
current limiting. Typical current is 2.5 A.
T h e use of slight f o r w a r d bias helps to
guarantee stability.
The present interest in Q R P operation is
g e n e r a l l y a p p l a u d e d as b o t h f u n and
worthwhile. However, many folks miss
s o m e exciting experimental r e w a r d s by an
overly strong a d h e r e n c e to a synthetic
5 - W limit. This amplifier is a chance to
e x a m i n e the other side of the p o w e r
switch. See Fig 2.113 and F i g 2 . 1 1 4 for
t w o views of the 30-W amplifier.
1. W . H a y w a r d , Introduction to Radio 12. C. Trask, " C o m m o n B a s e A m p l i f i e r QEX. Jul. 1999, p 63.
Frequency Design, Prentice-Hall, 1982, Linearization U s i n g A u g m e n t a t i o n , " RF 20. N . D y e and H. G r a n b e r g . Radio
and A R R L . 1994. Design. Oct, 1999, p p 30-34. Frequency Transistors: Principles and
2. P. H o r o w i t z and W . Hill, The Art of 13. C. Trask. "Distortion I m p r o v e m e n t of Practical Applications. Butterworth-
Electronics, S e c o n d Edition. C a m b r i d g e Lossless Feedback Amplifiers Using H e i n e m a n n , 1993.
University Press, 1989. A u g m e n t a t i o n , " Proceedings of the 1999 21. J. W y c k o f f , "Hints and Kinks", QST,
3. P. G r a y and R. M e y e r , Analysis and IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits Jan, 1993, p 50-51.
Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, and Systems, Las Cruccs, N M , A u g , 1999.
22. T. B i s h o p , " I 4 0 W (PKP) A m a t e u r
Second Edition, Wiley, 1984. Vol 2, pp 951-954.
Radio Linear Amplifier 2-30 MHz",
4. IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical 14. V. K o r e n , " A N e w N e g a t i v e F e e d b a c k Communications Engineering Bulletin,
and Electronics Terms, A N S I / I E E E Std A m p l i f i e r , " RF Design. F e b . 1989, p p 54- E B 6 3 , M o t o r o l a S e m i c o n d u c t o r Products,
100/1984, P u b l i s h e d by I E E E and 60. Inc, Phoenix. AZ, Jul. 1978.
Distributed by John Wiley, 1984. 15. R. C a m p b e l l . " A N o v e l H i g h 23. See R e f e r e n c e 17.
5. See R e f e r e n c e 1. Frequency Single-Sideband Transmitter 24. R. C a m p b e l l . " A Novel High
Using Constant-Envelope Modulation", Frequency Single-sideband Transmitter
6. See R e f e r e n c e I. 1998 IEEE MTT-S International Using C o n s t a n t - E n v e l o p e M o d u l a t i o n . "
7. The ARRL Handbook for Radio Microwave Symposium Digest, 98.2. 1998 MTT-S International Microwave
Amateurs, A R R L , 1995, pp 17.5-8, 17.10, (1998 Vol II I M W S Y M ] ) pp 1121-1124. Symposium, Digest 9 8 . 2 . ( 1 9 9 8 Vol. TJ.
17.22-25. [ M W S Y M ] ) : p p 1121-1 124.
16. H. Krauss, C. Bostian, and F. Raab,
8. D . N o r t o n , "High D y n a m i c R a n g e Solid State Radio Engineering, Wiley, 25. See R e f e r e n c e 17.
Transistor Amplifiers Using Lossless 1980.
26. J . f . D a v i s and D.B. Rutledge, " A L o w -
F e e d b a c k , " Microwave Journal, May,
17. E. Lau, K. Chiu, J. Qin, J. Davis. K. Cost Class-E P o w e r A m p l i f i e r with Sine
1976, pp 53-57.
Potter, and D. Rutledge. " H i g h E f f i c i e n c y W a v e D r i v e , " I 998 MTT-S Inter-national
9. U. R o h d e , "Eight W a y s to Better R a d i o C l a s s - E P o w e r A m p l i f i e r s " QST, M a y , Microwave Symposium, Digest 98.2.
Receiver D e s i g n " , Electronics. F e b 20, 1997, pp 3 9 - 4 2 and Jun, 1997, pp 39-42. (1998 Vol. 11. [ M W S Y M ] ) : pp 1113-1116.
1975, p 87. 18. T e c h n i c a l C o r r e s p o n d e n c e , QST, 27. W . Sabin, " D i p l e x e r Filters for an H F
10. See R e f e r e n c e I. p 216. N o v . 1989. p 61. M O S F E T P o w e r A m p l i f i e r , " QEX, Jul/
11. W . C a r v e r , "A H i g h - P e r f o r m a n c e 19. R. Frey, " A 3 0 0 - W M O S F E T Linear Aug. 1999, p p 20-26.
AGC/1F S u b s y s t e m " , QST, M a y , 1996. pp A m p l i f i e r for 50 M H z , " QF.X, M a y , 1999. 28. W. Sabin, "A 100-W M O S F E T H F
39-44. pp 5 0 - 5 4 and " L e t t e r s to ihe E d i t o r , " Amplifier", QEX. Nov/Dec, 1999, pp 31-40.
Filters c o n s t i t u t e one of the m a j o r p e r f o r m a n c e and equipment cost. R C active and crystal filters. Filters can
blocks in a c o m m u n i c a t i o n s system and There are several ways of segmenting also be classified by the way they deal with
are especially i m p o r t a n t to the radio filters into groups. T h e usual s c h e m e seg- impulses of energy. T h e filters presented
experimenter. The performance offered m e n t s filters a c c o r d i n g to f r e q u e n c y in this c h a p t e r are generally " i n f i n i t e
by a filter m a y well d e f i n e the p e r f o r - response, such as low pass vs high pass. i m p u l s e r e s p o n s e " filters, or UR. Finite
m a n c e a n d / o r cost of a p r o j e c t . T h e O t h e r s m e t h o d s segment by the kind of impulse response filters (FIR) are detailed
e x p e r i m e n t e r w h o can design and build c o m p o n e n t s used. In that regard, this c h a p - in a later chapter e m p h a s i z i n g digital sig-
his or h e r o w n filters has control over that ter deals first with L C filters, and later with nal processing (DSP).
3.2 Chapter 3
kind of error. This filter type allows ripples
of equal amplitude to occur within the
passband. Three transfer functions for
Chebyshev low-pass filters are shown in
Fig 3.6. The three circuits are all 5-pole, or
5th-order low-pass filters, now using a l
MHz ripple cutoff frequency. The circuits
have passband ripples of 1. 2 and
3 dB. Even though the three filters show
large ripples, they all show 0 dB loss at
points through the passband. The frequen-
cies are not a function of ripple value.
These filters were designed for ripple cut-
Fig 3.5—Butterworth filter transfer off frequency. That is. a filter with 1-dB
Fig 3.3—Three element, or 3rd-order functions showing the passband passband ripple will have the last point of
low-pass filters. details.
-1 dB response at the ripple cutoff fre-
quency. Chebyshev filters can be designed
for either a desired 3-dB cutoff, or a ripple
o 0 cutoff. Odd ordered Chebyshev filters
VV i fi
have zero attenuation at zero frequency
while even ordered versions will have adc
-20 -1 v //
m -30 *i attenuation equal to the ripple. Stopband
£2 CD - 2
T) *
/ attenuation is a strong function of pass-
13 -40 i band ripple. The more ripple allowed
i within the passband, the greater the
-50 -3 i
i stopband is anenuatcd.
-60 i
t There are numerous other polynomial
-70 -4
0 1 2 3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 types that form useful and interesting
Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) low-pass filters. Some are of direct inter-
est for low-pass filters while others are of
Fig 3.4—Transfer function for low-pass greater utility as the beginnings of other
filters with order 3 , 5 and 7. Adding Fig 3.6—Chebyshev 5th-order low-pass
filter transfer functions showing filter types. For example, the Bessel filter,
sections will increase stopband
attenuation. passband ripples of 1,2, and 3 dB. also know as the max flat delay filter, is
These extreme ripple values are rarely often used as a starting point for bandpass
used, but illustrate the concepts. Note filters with minimum ringing. This will be
that there is a half cycle of ripple for discussed later with LC and quartz crystal
each filter element. bandpass filter design.
Fig 3.3 are 3rd-order filters. A low pass
with 5 elements is a 5th-order circuit and
offers greater attenuation in the stopband.
The component type must alternate as we
Low-Pass Filter Design
progress down the low-pass filter, going The design of practical low-pass filters
from series inductor to shunt capacitor and described as a Butterworth polynomial. begins with tables of normalized values.
so forth. If there were, for example, two Another popular shape is the Chebyshev. These component values, g(n). are either
series inductors next to each other, they There are many more. The ideal is a brick capacitor or inductor values for the «-th
would behave as one single inductor. (The wall low pass filter, an unattainable goal part in a low-pass filter with a 1 Q termi-
term "order" comes from the mathematics. with an absolutely flat response through- nation and a cutoff frequency of" l/(2ir) Hz,
A 5th-order low-pass filter has a transfer out its passband. and infinite attenuation While this is rarely a filter that anyone
function where the denominator is a 5th- in the stopband. The responses of Fig 3.4 would wish to build directly, it is a conve-
order polynomial, meaning that the fre- suggest that achieving the ideal is going to nient form for scaling to practical filters.
quency appears raised to the 5th power.) be difficult. Wanting to do as well as we It's also a mathematical simplification.
can with minimum difficulty, we accept Table 3.1 shows some g(n) values for a
Fig 3.4 shows response plots for three
some compromise. By picking different few representative low-pass filters. The
different low-pass filters. These circuits
compromises, we will end up with differ- Butterworth part of the table gives data in
all have a 3-dB cutoff frequency of 1 MHz,
ent filter shapes. terms of a 3 dB cutoff frequency, while the
but differ in the number of components.
These filters have order 3, 5 and ?. Odd- The Butterworth filter is one that is Chebyshev filter data are calculated on the
order pi filters are popular, offering maxi- designed to be maximally flat within the basis of a ripple cutoff.
mum performance vs the number of in- passband. (The slope of the transfer func- A practical low-pass filter is easily
ductors used. tion is to be zero at zero frequency.) This designed with data from Table 3.1.
is illustrated in greater detail with Fig 3.5. Design begins by picking a cutoff fre-
a repeat of Fig 3.4 showing only passband quency in Hz and a resistive termination,
Filter Shapes details. All of the filters are flat at zero in SI, for each end of the filter. The filters
All three of the filters analyzed in Fig frequency. Although the curves are that are designed from the table are doubly
3,4 used a Butterworth design. This refers smooth throughout the passband, attenua- terminated in equal values. Having pickcd
to the mathematical details that describe tion grows as we approach cutoff. the critical parameters, a low-pass filter
the filter; this one has a transfer function The Chebyshev filter allows a different has inductor and capacitor values given by
3.4 Chapter 3
Table 3.1
Normalized Values for Butterworth and Chebyshev Low-Pass Filters. These are used with the Low Pass and
High-Pass de-normalization equations. All of the data presented are for doubly terminated filters. Butterworth
filters are designed on the basis of a 3-dB cutoff while a ripple cutoff is used for the Chebyshev filters.
1.423 1.18
ripples are not necessarily of equal magni- with a 200-pF mica trimmer.
tude. The Chebyshev filter is a special case Fig 3.8C presents the result of a narrow
of the ultra-spherical. The transfer func- ultra-spherical filter. This circuit has a
tion for three variations of the ultra-spheri- peak 3-dB bandwidth of about 200 kHz at
cal filter is shown in Fig 3.8. All of these 10 MHz while offering 54-dB attenuation
5th-order filters are designed at the high- at the 2nd harmonic of the peak.
est peak frequency rather than at a cutoff While the ultra-spherical filters offer
frequency. Eq 3.1 and Eq 3.2 still apply. band-pass filter like performance with low-
The g(n) values arc shown in Tabic 3.2. pass stopband characteristics, they can also
Fig 3.8A shows what we might call a suffer from high loss with low-Q compo-
wide ultra-spherical filter, a circuit with nents. They should be analyzed or measured
about a 20% bandwidth for 0 2-dB varia- when applied to narrow band applications.
tion. yet having stopband characteristics
like those of a very high ripple Chebyshev
low pass. This example circuit was con-
High Pass Filters
figured for complete coverage of the The low-pass filter is the basis for this
3.5-4 MHz band. section; it is the cornerstone that supports
Fig 3.8B shows a medium width ultra- all other passive LC filters. Occasionally,
spherical filter. The main virtue of this cir- a high-pass filler is required in a piece of
no cuit is the extreme flexibility offered with equipment. A high pass has apassband that
regard to component value. The price of extends upward from a cutoff frequency.
-30 this is the need for an adjustable element in The stopband of a high pass is below the
the middle of the filter. This is especially cutoff.
-40 suited to junk box driven projects. The Once we have a set of normalized low
-50 • • -J • J— example is a filter for a 7-MHz transmitter. pass tables, designing a high-pass filter is
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 1011 1213 14 The end capacitors might, in practice, be an easy extension. The conceptually easy
Frequency (MHz) 1200-pF silver mica while the middle ca- approach is a two-slep process: Having
!B) picked a cutoff frequency, a low pass of
pacitor could be a 1000-pF part paralleled
Fig 3.8—(A)We might call this a wide ultra-spherical filter, a circuit with about a
20% bandwidth for 0.2-dB variation, yet having stopband characteristics like those
of a very high-ripple Chebyshev low pass. This example circuit was configured for
complete coverage of the 3.5-4 MHz band. (B) A medium width ultra-spherical
filter. The main virtue of this circuit is the extreme flexibility offered with regard to
component value. The price of this is the need for an adjustable element in the
middle of the filter. This is especially suited to junk box driven projects. The
example is a filter for a 7-MHz transmitter. The end capacitors might, in practice,
Frequency (MHz)
be 1200-pF silver mica while the middle capacitor could be a 1000-pF part
paralleled with a 200-pF mica trimmer. (C) The result of a narrow ultra-spherical
(C) filter. This circuit has a peak 3-dB bandwidth of about 200 kHz at 10 MHz while
offering 54-dB attenuation at the 2nd harmonic of the peak.
g<2) g<4>
C ( n ) =
g(n). R V2.*.f * » "
L ( n ) = Et
2.*.f° S (n) >3"4
Some Simple
Transf ormat ions
There arc several circuits that can be de-
signed with relative ease oncc a low pass or
high-pass filter is in place. Some will be dis-
cussed here, for they offer considerable flex-
ibility and opportunity lo the experimenter.
W e often need different terminations at
filter ends. A method for doing this is pro-
vided by the Bartlett's Bisection Theorem,
illustrated in the low-pass filter shown in
Fig 3.9.
The first filter, shown in Fig 3.9A, is a
symmetric 5 0 - 0 5th-order low pass. The
filler is a low pass with a 3-dB cutoff of
about 10 MHz. This filter is redrawn in
part B with the filter split in the mid point.
The two half sections are identical. We
wish to changc the output termination to
100 Q while preserving the same filtering
characteristics. The ratio of the new termi-
Fig 3.9—Low-pass filter illustrating Bartlett's Bisection Theorem that allows a nation, 100 £2, to the original 50 Q is 2.
termination to be changed to a new value. The filter is transformed by increasing
series elements (the L) by m=2 in the right
side. The shunt elements are decreased by
the same factor of m. This is illustrated in
Fig 3.9C with the final filter in Fig 3.9D.
The multiplier m can be any value greater
than 0. 5 This method is used later in the
book in the design of some filters for a
SSB transceiver.
The next filter modification that we con-
sider adds capacitors or inductors to a fil-
ter. This scheme is used in the design of
Fig 3.10—Changing an Inductor to a "trap" creates a frequency of very high elliptic, or Cauer-Chebyshev low-pass fil-
attenuation in the stopband. ters where adding components that create
3.6 Chapter 3
0 r-vvv-i. 0 0
j 1.42* J_ J_ ZO.OO
R«f. S-21
0 1 2 3 4
•7 -T
Frequency (MHz)
With parasitic L and c .
3.8 Chapter 3
tL(dB) = - 2 0 1.og| 1 - ^ = -
Eq 3.7
Loss ( d B ) - 4 . 3 4 • — £ — • [ 1 *
Qu•B U J
Fig 3.19—Scheme for measuring and defining coupling between two tuned
where F. B. and Q, were defined above. circuits. C12 is either to or 20 pF while the resonators are both 1jiH paralleled
with 450 pF. "Probe" capacitors are 1 pF.
The g K values are the normalized low-pass
elements for the shape in question.
Assume that we wish to build a 4th order
bandpass filter with a O.I-dB Chebyshev
shape. The low pass parameters are
g 1 = 1.109. g2=1.306. g3=1.77, and
g4=0.818. The sum of the elements is then
5.003. If we were going to build this filter
at 144 MHz with a bandwidth of 5 MHz
and we had managed to build resonators
with QL:=500, wc would then expect an in-
sertion loss of 1.25 dB. This formula is
attributed to Colin.'-*
The sidebar equations may be used to
write a computer or calculator program for
designing these circuits. This can then be
combined with inductance calculations
(for the number of turns on solenoid or
toroids, for example) to generate tables of
filter designs. This has been done to form
Table 3A (see sidebar on page 3.14). The Fig 3.20—Separation of response peaks Indicating coupling between two
inductors used are all wound on toroid resonators. The solid line uses a 10-pF coupling capacitor while the dotted line
cores; the inductance values shown are uses 20 pF.
very close to actual values when the tor-
oids are wound with a single, evenly
spaced winding. The Q, values are Table 3.3
approximate, although they are typical of k and q Values for Two- and Three-Pole Filters
measured data. Larger wire size will
Passband Ripple, dB n k q
increase Q slightly. The data in the table Butterworth 2 0.7071 1.414
are calculated values, but are typical of 0.1 dB 2 0.7107 1.638
those we have built and confirmed on 0.25 2 0.7154 1.779
numerous occasions. 0.5 2 0.7225 1.9497
0.75 2 0.7290 2.091
1.0 2 0.7351 2.3167
Double-Tuned Circuits 1.5 2 0,7466 2.452
The double tuned circuit (DTC) can take Butterworth 3 0.7071 1.000
on many forms, all showing the same 0.1 3 0.6617 1.4328
basic shape around the pasiband so long as 0.25 3 0.6530 1.6330
they develop the same end section Q values 0.5 3 0.6474 1.8640
and the same coupling between resonators. 0.75 3 0.6450 2.0498
A familiar "top coupled" DTC uses a scries 1.0 3 0.6439 2.2156
1.5 3 0.6437 2.5169
capacitor to couple terminations to parallel
3.10 Chapter 3
T h e Triple-Tuned Filter
While the ever-popular double-tuned
circuit is often adequate, there are many
cases where more performance is needed.
The third-order bandpass is a special case,
easily designed with the same equation
(and hence, software) used for a double-
tuned circuit. This possibility emerges if Fig 3.21—A triple-tuned circuit centered at 16.2 MHz with a bandwidth of 0.5 MHz.
you compare a double-tuned circuit with
the example triple-tuned circuit shown in
Fig 3.21. This particular filter is centered
C M =C0-2-C,, Eq3.9
3.12 Chapter 3
-120 + H
1.0MHz 10MHz 180MHz
Fig 3D—The response of the ideal filter and that of the mutual coupling inductor are compared. The ideal response was
realized in measurement when one shield was added to the filter.
to = 2 - 7t - F
C0 = l / ( a T . I . )
k B
c, ; = co ~
q-F Qt
Q e - -
B • QL1 - q • F
1 1
>lRn Qh ~ R
C T = C 0 - C, - C12
Table 3A
Double Tuned Circuits using the sidebar circuit. All filters are doubly terminated in 50 Q at each end.
The core designators use the copyrighted numbering scheme of Micrometals, Inc.
F-MHz BW-MHz Core Turns L-uH Q-u C-end C-12 C-tune
1.85 0.1 T68-2 35 6.98 200 250 pF 41 pF 775 pF
3.55 0.1 T68-2 35 6.98 200 62 5.7 220
3.6 0.2 T68-2 35 6.98 200 93 11 177
3.9 0.2 T68-2 35 6.98 200 79 8.7 152
7.1 0.2 T50-6 17 1.156 250 56 8.7 371
7.05 0.1 T50-6 17 1.156 250 35 4.4 402
7.05 0.1 T50-6 20 1.6 250 30 3.2 286
10.1 0.1 T50-6 17 1.156 250 14 1.5 199
10.1 0.1 T50-6 10 0.4 250 20 4.4 597
14.1 0.2 T50-6 10 0.4 250 21 3.2 295
14.2 0.2 T50-6 10 0.4 250 34 6.3 271
18.1 0.2 T50-6 10 0.4 200 10 1.5 182
21.1 0.2 T50-6 10 0.4 200 6.1 1.0 135
21.25 0.5 T50-6 10 0.4 200 16 2.3 122
25 0.2 T50-6 10 0.4 200 2.9 0.57 98
28.2 0.4 T50-6 10 0.4 150 5.6 0.8 73
28.35 0,7 T50-6 10 0.4 150 9.8 1.4 68
50.2 1.0 T50-6 10 0.4 150 3.5 0.4 21
14.1 0.2 T50-6 5 0.1 200 38.7 12.8 1224
14.1 0.2 T50-6 7 0.196 200 27 6.5 617
14.1 0.2 T50-6 10 0.4 200 19 3.2 296
14.1 0.2 T50-6 15 0.9 200 13 1.4 127
14.1 0.2 T50-6 20 1.6 200 9.5 0.8 69
14.1 0.2 T50-6 25 2.5 200 7.6 0.5 43
14.1 0.2 T50-6 30 3.6 200 6.4 0.36 28.7
14.1 0.2 T50-6 35 4.9 200 5.4 0.26 20.3
Note: Only a couple of core types are needed to cover the entire spectrum from 1 8 to SO MHz. The last eight table entries describe the
same filter, a 14.1-MHz circuit with a 200-kHz bandwidth. The number of turns is allowed to vary, illustrating the freedom available to the
(liter designer. The builder with a computer program set up for design can vary Inductance and bandwidth to realize a desired tiller with
standard (and Junk-box available) component values.
3.14 Chapter 3
Small Numeric Value Capacitors
Top coupled LC bandpass fillers often use
capacitors with small numeric value. These
are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain.
However, a simple substitution will provide
the same coupling, but with larger more
convenient values, picked with the equa- Pick CjjEjplCjK
tions shown. For example, assume a filter
design calls for a capacitor with C J K =1.2 pF. Then
The substitute network can use any value of
C S E R that is greater than 2.4 pF. Assume we
V ;
SER* - 2 C
use series capacitors of 10-pF value. The rW c ' PAR""
parallel capacitor is then C P A R =63.3 pF. A
practical value would be either 56 or 68 pF.
The new network will have an equivalent
parallel component at each end; you must
reduce the capacitance that tunes the
resonators accordingly.
forward chore with a modern computer, tor is resonant at frequencies where the
although i t ' s a j o b for professional-level line is 1, 2, 3, etc wavelengths long.
microwave simulation software. Another popular structure for higher fre-
The total length of each section is 0.5 quencies is the helical resonator. These
wavelength for proper tuning. The two end were very popular for UHF FM mobile
sections are usually identical. The lengths radios of just a few years ago. A helical
of the end sections are 2(X4) + X5 while resonator is a section (usually one quarter
that for the middle section is 2(X4) + X3. wavelength) of line using a helical trans-
End section loading is determined by X2, mission line. A helical line is a solenoid Fig 3.24—Double-tuned circuit with a
essentially the spacing from the center of coil-like structure placed inside a shielded shunt capacitor for coupling between
enclosure. We can think of a wave as propa- resonators. This illustrates one of
the end resonators, a virtual ground point.
numerous bandpass filter topologies
Coupling between resonators is estab- gating along the wire at the speed of lighl. that are mixtures of the two methods
lished across the "gap" shown in Fig 3-27, Hence, the propagation velocity parallel to presented.
analyzed by considering the overlapping the axis is much less than that of light. This
sections as directional couplers. It is is a slow wave structure. Cutting a quarter
important for the computer analysis to in- wavelength section, grounding one end
clude the junctions to the 50-12 lines (Tee with the other open circuited, forms a reso-
junctions) and a proper model for the open nator. The usual helical resonator is just
line ends. The designer must also have under a quarter-wavelength long. The ex-
good information about the board material tra length required for resonance is com-
including loss, dielectric constant, and pensated by adding a small adjustable ca-
thickness between the pattern layer and the pacitor to the end. often nothing more than
ground foil below. a grounded melal screw close to the "hot"
end of the center conductor.
The hairpin filler is generally a lossy struc- Fig 3.25—A quarter wavelength of
ture when buill on conventional circuit board Numerous review articles have transmission line forms a resonant
materials used by amateurs. This material appeared describing the helical resonator tuned circuit.
generally has a loss tangent of .02, produc- and filters using them. Equations are often
ing resonator Q of 50. As such, narrow filters given for resonator dimensions, an impli-
are not possible. Hairpin fillers generally cation that they must conform to a well-
have 10 to 20 % bandwidth unless built on defined structure. Generally, there is much
some of the more exotic materials. greater freedom available to the builder. A
Hairpin filters have responses at har- helical filter may still work well if built in
monics frequencies. A half wave resona- a volume that is "too small."
3.16 Chapter 3
N o element is m o r e intimately related to s a m e w a y , the r e s o n a n t f r e q u e n c y of a T a b l e 3.4 s h o w s s o m e measured repre-
radio receivers than the q u a r t z crystals quartz crystal is related to the crystal thick- sentative v a l u e s f o r s o m e j u n k - b o x
u s e d in filters. T h e early super- ness. T h e Q of a quartz crystal can be very- crystals. A crystal placed between a 50-£2
heterodynes of the 1930s obtained single- high, f r o m 10,000 to over o n e million. The signal generator and 5 0 - Q load s h o w s a
signal selectivity with a crystal filter using motions of a quartz crystal are transverse r e s p o n s e like that of Fig 3.30. If the
but one crystal, a practice that continued with the crystal vibrating parallel to the crystal was a simple series tuned circuit
through the 1970s. T h e use of high quality surface. This allows the Q and resonant without the parallel capacitor, C 0 . the re-
filters using a multiplicity of crystals be- frequency to be altered by surface effects. sponse would be a simple peak,
c a m e popular in the 1950s as S S B replaced T h e reader with an interest in the physics A crystal filter can be built with a single
classic A M as the r a d i o t e l e p h o n e m e t h o d of quartz crystals is referred to the classic crystal with the s c h e m e of Fig 3.31.
of choice. text by Virgil B o t t o m . 1 5 L - n e t w o r k s at each end t r a n s f o r m 5 0 CI to
T h e quartz crystal is modeled as the L C present 5 0 0 Q. at the crystal. T r a n s f o r m e r
tuned circuit shown in F i g 3 . 2 9 . L m and C n , T1 p r o v i d e s an o u t - o f - p h a s e voltage to
Crystal Fundamentals are termed " m o t i o n a l " parameters for they d r i v e a p h a s i n g c a p a c i t o r . This signal
A m o d e r n q u a r t z crystal is usually a relate to the mechanical motion of the crys- c o m b i n e s with the energy flowing through
r o u n d disc of single crystalline quartz with tal. T h e equivalent series resistance, E S R , the crystal parallel capacitance to control
metalization on each side. T h e metal f i l m s is an element representing losses; it is re- the position of the notch. T h e 10-pF ca-
serve to create (and sense) an electric field lated to the crystal Q. T h e final element, pacitor increases the e f f e c t i v e parallel C
within the quartz. T h e basic structure is CQ , is the parallel, or holder capacitance. of the crystal, m o v i n g the notch closer to
s h o w n in F i g 3.28. This C is a simple c o n s e q u e n c e of the crys- the peak while the 2 5 - p F c a p a c i t o r reso-
T h e b a s i s f o r the i n t e r e s t i n g circuit tal construction as a parallel-plate capaci- nates the ferrite transformer. Fig 3.32 and
properties of a quartz crystal is the piezo- tor. This value is the sum of the parallel 3 . 3 3 show the result of tuning the p h a s i n g
electric e f f e c t . T h i s e f f e c t is a material plate C (the dominant element) and some capacitor.
characteristic w h e r e an clectric field stray C related to the p a c k a g e h o u s i n g the C h a n g i n g the terminating L - n c t w o r k s
causes a mechanical displacement. The crystal. The parallel and the can alter the filter response. T h e b a n d -
mcchanical motion is at right angles to the m o t i o n a l c a p a c i t a n c e are r e l a t e d in the width will d e c r e a s e if the t e r m i n a t i n g
electric field in the quartz crystal. An elec- usual A T cut crystal. ( A T cut refers to the i m p e d a n c e is d r o p p e d . A link could be
tric field occurs when a voltage is placed crystallographic orientation of the crystal. used on T1 to replace the input L n e t w o r k
between t h e t w o m e t a l i z a t i o n layers M a n y of the crystals we deal with in radio while an output could b e terminated with
attached to the crystal. The opposite e f f e c t are A T cut.) T h e relation b e t w e e n capaci- another w i d e b a n d transformer. T h e modi-
also occurs; a mechanical motion gener- tors is approximately fied circuit would then function well with
ates an electric field. a wide variety of crystals. Bandwidth will,
T h e action of a quartz crystal w h e n sub- C« = 2 2 0 " C M of course, vary considerably as the corn-
j e c t e d to an electrical impulse is a n a l o g o u s
to striking a bell or c h i m e with a h a m m e r :
the e n e r g y of the impulse causes an oscil-
lation to occur, a ringing that dies out in
time. T h e resonant frequency of the chime
is related to m e c h a n i c a l d i m e n s i o n s . In the
t Thickness
I * / \ I
Wires —
-I \ T
Metal film
Table 3.4
Freq. MHz Lm, H Cm, pF C0, pF O ESR, Q
3.58 0.13 .0152 3.35 50,000 58
5.0 .098 .0134 2.275 240,000 12.8
Fig 3.29—Symbol and circuit model for 10.0 .020 .01267 2.8 200,000 6.3
a quartz crystal.
10 pF
Fig 3.31—A single
4.48UE 4.48UH crystal filter using
the crystal of Fig
3-30. T1 is 12 bifilar
turns #26 on a FT-
50-61 ferrite toroid.
This filter has a
3-dB bandwidth of
1.4 kHz.
5-30 pF
,.• AF R s
+ + + +
: '
. - • » i
-30 30 CM =1.326 10
-t.335 5 5.005 -3C
1.935- 5 5.005
3.18 Chapter 3
d i v i d e d b y t h e filter Q, o r s m a l l lot ( p e r h a p s 10) of a g i v e n c r y s t a l p a r a m e t e r s f o r s e v e r a l c r y s t a l s to g u a r a n -
type. He or she can then measure them for tee that t h e r e is small s p r e a d b e t w e e n c r y s -
Qu Q a n d f r e q u e n c y d i s t r i b u t i o n . If r e s u l t s a r e t a l s . It is a l s o w o r t h w h i l e to m e a s u r e a f e w
F suitable, another order can be placed for a c r y s t a l s f o r Q y . T h e d a t a is then e n t e r e d
larger n u m b e r . T y p i c a l c o s t f o r t h e s e c r y s - i n t o a c o m p u t e r s p r e a d s h e e t w h e r e it is
A 5 0 0 H z b a n d w i d t h f i l t e r at 5 M H z tals is a r o u n d SI e a c h , so a b a t c h of 10 s o r t e d a c c o r d i n g to f r e q u e n c y , m a k i n g it
w o u l d h a v e f i l t e r Q of 10,000. If c r y s t a l c r y s t a l s is still m u c h less e x p e n s i v e than easy to select matched crystals for a filter.
Q , , = 100,000, q „ = 1 0 a n d t h e f i l t e r w o u l d ordering even one special crystal. H o w many crystals should be purchased
be p r a c t i c a l with 5 c r y s t a l s . C r y s t a l s s h o u l d b e m a t c h e d to w i t h i n 5 to m a k e o n e f i l t e r ? T h e a n s w e r is d i f f i -
G e n e r a l l y , t h e m o s t p r a c t i c a l w a y to t o 10% of t h e f i l t e r b a n d w i d t h to b u i l d c u l t , f o r it c o u l d vary a g r e a t d e a l w i t h the
b u i l d c r y s t a l f i l t e r s in t h e h o m e l a b b e g i n s effective filters. Hence, crystals for a c r y s t a l m a n u f a c t u r e r . G e n e r a l l y , the p u r -
with a l a r g e n u m b e r of e s s e n t i a l l y i d e n t i - 500-Hz wide C W filter should be matched c h a s e of 2 o r 3 t i m e s as m a n y c r y s t a l s as
cal c r y s t a l s . T h e s e c a n s o m e t i m e s b e f o u n d w i t h i n 25 to 5 0 H z of a n o m i n a l f r e q u e n c y . t h e n u m b e r of f i l t e r r e s o n a t o r s is a g o o d
at local s u r p l u s h o u s e s , o f t e n f o r very low The recommended measurement proce- start. M o r e is a l w a y s u s e f u l . A l a r g e r lot,
p r i c e s . E q u a l l y g o o d s o u r c e s are m a i l d u r e b e g i n s b y n u m b e r i n g and m a r k i n g ail p e r h a p s 100, a l m o s t g u a r a n t e e s a l a r g e
order catalogs selling microprocessor c r y s t a l s in a set w i t h s t i c k - o n labels. T h e s e l e c t i o n of f i l t e r s u s i n g m o s t of t h e c r y s -
c r y s t a l s . M e a s u r e m e n t s (by W 7 A A Z ) c o n - crystals are measured for oscillation fre- t a l s . L e f t o v e r c r y s t a l s w i l l b e u s e d in
f i r m e d that m a n y c r y s t a l b r a n d s o f f e r g o o d q u e n c y in t h e s a m e o s c i l l a t o r . If t h e o s c i l l a t o r s . It is r a r e l y p r a c t i c a l to b u i l d
Q y with a minimal frequency spread. But " G 3 U U R " o s c i l l a t o r is u s e d , b e s u r e y o u homebrew filters for already existing
this is c h a n g i n g , e v e n at this w r i t i n g . T h e s p e c i f y w h i c h s w i t c h p o s i t i o n is u s e d , and equipment.
experimenter might consider ordering a r e c o r d it in the n o t e s . M e a s u r e m o t i o n a l
Designing Simple
Crystal Filters
H a v i n g c h a r a c t e r i z e d a set of c r y s t a l s ,
we can now consider a filter design. The
+ 12V p r o c e d u r e will d e p e n d o n the q u a l i t y of
the filter to b e built. S o m e f i l t e r s a r e e a s y ,
while others may require extensive and
very c a r e f u l m e a s u r e m e n t as well as c o m -
p u t e r s i m u l a t i o n . B o t h e x t r e m e s will b e
M o s t of the f i l t e r s w e will d i s c u s s u s e
the lower sideband ladder topology. An
e x a m p l e is p r e s e n t e d in Fig 3.36. T h e c r y s -
tals a r e s e r i e s e l e m e n t s in a l a d d e r . S h u n t
capacitors couple energy between adja-
c e n t c r y s t a l s . A m e s h is o n e loop of a lad-
d e r , o n e c r y s t a l a n d the t w o s h u n t c o u p l i n g
c a p a c i t o r s o n e i t h e r s i d e of it. A m e s h
c o u l d also b e a l o a d , a m a t c h i n g c a p a c i t o r ,
a crystal, and one coupling capacitor.
S o m e meshes includc a series capacitor to
tune the m e s h to the s a m e f r e q u e n c y as the
o t h e r m e s h e s in t h e f i l t e r .
T h e first m e t h o d p r e s e n t e d i g n o r e s the
Fig 3.35—The G3UUR method for measuring quartz crystal motional parameters A parallel crystal capacitancc. treating the
simple circuit to measure the motional parameters of fundamental mode quartz crystal as a simple scries L C circuit. This
crystals. A crystal to be evaluated is placed in the circuit at Y1 and oscillation is
s c h c m c is s u i t a b l e f o r s i m p l e C W f i l t e r s .
confirmed. The frequency is measured. Then the switch is thrown and the
frequency is measured again. Typical values are C p =470 pF and C s =33 pF. C m will ( A l t h o u g h w e t h i n k of n a r r o w f i l t e r s as
have same units as C s . Be sure that C s includes the stray capacitance of the b e i n g m o r e e x o t i c t h a n w i d e o n e s , it is
switch as well the circuit part. Then: g e n e r a l l y e a s i e r to build n a r r o w c r y s t a l
f i l t e r s . ) T h i s will b e i l l u s t r a t e d w i t h an
e x a m p l e , a 4 t h - o r d c r f i l t e r at 5 M H z w i t h
Cg « Cp a 400 Hz bandwidth and a Butterworth
then s h a p e . T h e n=A B u t t e r w o r t h is a s y m -
AF metrical filter with q,=q,,=0.7654,
M * 2 C
S ' k | 2 = 0 . 8 4 0 9 , k23=0.4512, and k M = 0 . 8 4 0 9 .
The crystals have a 5 - M H z ccntcr fre-
q u e n c y , a m o t i o n a l i n d u c t a n c c of 0 . 0 9 8
1 H, p a r a l l e l C of 3 p F , a n d Q l : of 2 4 0 . 0 0 0 .
N o r m a l i z e d Q is q 0 = 1 9 . 2 , so t h i s is a r e a l -
i z a b l e f i l t e r . C a l c u l a t i n g the m o t i o n a l C
where co=2tiF with F now in Hz. AF is the F difference observed when the switch is
activated. Example: Use capacitors mentioned above, 10 MHz crystal; F=1x10 7 , f r o m r e s o n a n c e at 5 M H z . w e f i n d
DF=1609 Hz, to yield L m =.0239H and C m =10.6 fF. (1000 fF = 1 pF.) C m = 0 . 0 1 0 3 3 9 p F . W e c a l c u l a t e the c o u -
Return Loss(S-11)
Fig 3.36—Lower sideband ladder filter with four crystals. The four meshes are
labeled for reference in the discussion.
3.20 Chapter 3
solid curve is the response we would detailed design equations are given. The
like, designed with ideal crystals with zero corrections related to the effective induc-
parallel capacitance. C ( l =4 pF produces the tance are included in the program
other response. The filter bandwidth is too XLAD.exe. Both the program and the 1995
narrow and the attenuation is markedly in- QEX paper are included on the book CD.
creased. It is for this reason that this circuit The effective inductance is larger than
is named the lower sideband ladder filter. the norma! motional L by a factor of 2 or
Response distortion results because the more. This reduces the effective motional
parallel C 0 makes the series resonators capacitance by ihe same factor. Accord-
behave as if they had a larger motional L ingly. the coupling capacitors must be
than is measured. This effect is plotted in reduced by the same factor. The change
Fig 3.40 for the 5 - M H z crystals used in the also alters the calculation of end resis-
earlier CW filter design. The lower curve tance. The new terminations and reduced
shows the effect of a 2-pF parallel capaci- coupling capacitors will then alter the fil-
tance while the upper curve is for C 0 = ter tuning.
5 pF. Here. X is the ratio of L e f f to L m . The One can build symmetric filters if the
Fig 3.39—The response of two crystal horizontal axis in the curve is 5F, the o f f - effect of parallel capacitance is eliminated.
filters built from 3.58-MHz color burst
set f r o m the series resonant frequency. One way to do this parallels each crystal
crystals. One uses ideal crystals with
zero CO to produce a symmetrical T h e s e effects were discussed in greater with a large inductance. The value
shape. The other (with dashed line) detail in QEX for June. 1995, where required is one that resonates with C 0 ,
uses C0=4 pF crystals. forming a parallel trap that is then bridged
by the series resonant portion of the crys-
tal. An experimental filter was built to
examine this idea. The inductance used
was smaller than required for resonance,
so small trimmer capacitors were added.
The filter, built with 3.58-MHz color burst
crystals for a 3.5-kHz bandwidth, is shown
in Fig 3.41. The measured response is pre-
sented in Fig 3.42.
Crystal filters built with paralleled in-
ductors s u f f e r from degraded stopband
response. Although the p e r f o r m a n c e
around the filter center is as designed, it
degrades a few hundred kHz away from
center, necessitating the crystal filter be
supplemented with an LC bandpass.
EC, 3 . 1 7
Table 3.5
N k q
2 0.707 1.414
3 0.63 1.587
Fig 3.43—Min-Loss 4 0.595 1.683
type crystal filter 5 0.574 1.741
with equal coupling 6 0.561 1.782
and simplified 7 0.552 1.811
tuning. 8 0.545 1.834
9 0.54 1.852
10 0.536 1.866
3.22 Chapter 3
sponses. although they arc in good agree- that this filter may have severe ringing if f r o m the o r d i n a r y . T h e r e are n u m e r o u s
m e n t w i t h m e a s u r e m e n t s on similar filters. built for narrow ( C W ) bandwidths. p h e n o m e n o n that tend to degraded perfor-
We h a v e built M i n - L o s s crystal filters up Although the t w o filters ( N = 3 and N=8) m a n c e and r e m o v e "crispness." One that
to 10th order. d e s c r i b e d in F i g 3 . 4 4 h a v e d i f f e r e n t can ruin an otherwise excellent receiver is
The data of Fig 3.44 illustrate the responses, they are r e m a r k a b l y similar an IF filter with excessive group delay. All
salient properties of the Cohn filter. The in c o m p o n e n t values. The N = 3 filter used filters have time delay, a truth that cannot
passband shape is smooth with minimal 146-pF capacitors and 181 - Q terminations be avoided. T h e filters that " s o u n d " the
ripple for the low order filters (N=3), but while the N = 8 filter used 168 p F best are those that have small delay for a
becomes distorted as the number of reso- and 155 Q . A filter designed with two or given bandwidth and, of greater import,
nator grows beyond five. The ripples on three crystals can be e x t e n d e d w i t h the behave like a transmission line with little
the passband edges near the skirts b e c o m e s a m e c a p a c i t o r values and terminations. variation in g r o u p delay over the passband.
extreme with wider bandwidth filters. The This b e c o m e s e x t r e m e l y u s e f u l f o r the The group delay of an eighth order Min-
N"=8 data of Fig 3.44B illustrate the excel- experimenter. Loss filter was presented in Fig 3.44C. T h e
lent shape afforded by the Min-Loss filter. T h e M i n - L o s s crystal filter has virtues delay was high, exceeding 10 miIliseconds
However, the lime domain performance as of low insertion loss and good skirts, but at in part of the passband. T h e group delay
depicted in the group delay plot suggests the price of p o o r p a s s b a n d shape with variation over the p a s s b a n d was also
h i g h e r orders. S o m e other filters o f f e r severe. This filter, although very selective,
similar non-mathematical simplicity and w o u l d p r o b a b l y not sound good, e s p e -
better passband p e r f o r m a n c e , with a g r o u p cially with noise pulses.
of crystals all at the s a m e f r e q u e n c y . Fig T w o 5 - M H z filters were designed for a
Ref. -21 - ~ " N 3.45 s h o w s such a filter. This design is a b a n d w i d t h of 5 0 0 Hz. cach with five
. \ Butterworth design at 10 M H z with nor-
\ \ crystals. One filter used a 0.1-dB ripple
// m a l i z e d p a r a m e t e r s of </=0.765. k r = Chebyshev response while the other used a
IJ \ k , 4=0.841, and k , , = 0 . 5 4 1 . T h i s filler "is
V linear phase response. The Chebyshev re-
designed with a pure resistive termination sults are shown in Fig 3.46 while the linear
\ at the e n d s (no shunt end capacitors.) T h e phase response is given in Fig 3.47. Both
a equations predict the end resistance and plots overlay group delay and gain. T h e
/ Gain the shunt capacitors. T h e series tuning ca- "ears" of the Chebyshev group delay plot
/ (S-21) pacitors are yet to be established. H o w - line up with the 3-dB edges of the pass-
ever. the values arc clear f r o m inspection. band. so all delay variations arc heard. In
-200 0 200 400 600 700
Frequency (Hz) If the end capacitors are set to the value of contrast, the region of low group delay in
the center c a p a c i t o r (85 pF.) each mesh the linear phase filter extends well beyond
has the same capacitors in the related loop. the filter bandwidth edges. Both of these
0 filters have been built and tried in an
Design with the equations does not take
the parallel crystal capacitance e f f e c t s into experimental C W receiver. The linear
/ I
\ ef. S-21
a c c o u n t . This is d o n e with c u r v e s like phase filter was more difficult to build, but
those of F i g 3.40 that e s t a b l i s h an sounded much better. The skirts were steep
•s II
\ increased e f f e c t i v e inductance value that in the Chebyshev, so it presented adequate
\ selectivity. We found the linear phase filter
s can then be applied with the equations.
-50 in need of more skirt selectivity. Although
j Gain A p p r o x i m a t e designs without the curves
will still result in practical fillers at not shown in the figures, the Chebyshev
/ (S-21)
/| \
the h i g h e r f r e q u e n c i e s (8 M H z and up)
although the bandwidth will be a bit nar-
filter group delay was 2.5 times as large as
the linear phase filter delay.
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500
r o w e r than the design values. W e have also had good results with an
Frequency (Hz)
intermediate filter shape, Ihe G a u s s i a n -
to-6 dB response. This is a filter with a
Ringing, Group Delay rounded peak shape for the top 6 dB. but
Group Delay Max GD = 12.33
and Filter Passband with steep Chebyshev-like skirts. Transi-
Shape tional filters (Gaussian-to-6 dB, Gaussian-
All serious receiver e x p e r i m e n t e r s have to-12 dB. linear phase, and m a x i m u m flat
their f a v o r i t e e f f o r t s , receivers with speci- delay) are slightly more difficult to build
than the M i n - L o s s , B u t t e r w o r t h . or
fications differing little f r o m others, but
with a "'crisp s o u n d " that sets them apart C h e b y s h e v filters, for they lack the sym-
-1000 -500
J 0 500 1000 1500
Frequency {Hz)
ractrv of the traditional types. If the transi- review the w o r k of Carver 1 8 . Extreme selectivity always seems to bring
tional filters were commercially available, Intuition would suggest that a FIR some ringing. Generally, it is the less
they would probably be very expensive. (finite i m p u l s e response) filter, usually selective schemes with smooth peak shapes
On the other hand, they o f f e r a challenge realized with D S P , would have signifi- that always sound the best, without regard
that is well worth the e f f o r t for the ad- cantly reduced ringing. Some do, but some to the method used to achieve it, traditional
vanced e x p e r i m e n t e r . T h e reader should others still show significant ringing. hardware or digital signal processing.
3.24 Chapter 3
c o n n c c t c d f r o m the a m p l i f i e r o u t p u t to
ground. T h e resistor should pass a stand-
ing current of about 1 m A . Severe cross-
o v e r distortion will result w i t h o u t this
/ \
/ \ High-Pass Filters
Figure 3.52 s h o w s a V C V S type high-
p a s s filter. This circuit is the dual of the
low pass just discussed. It is designed with
equal valued capacitors. T h e resistors now
d i f f e r by a f a c t o r " A " . T h e usual filters
i have the g r o u n d e d resistor as the one with
\ \ larger value. Fig 3 . 5 3 shows the r e s p o n s e
, I h l
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 10 :
Frequency (kHz) — !
V(4) V(14) V(24) V(34) L
m -30 ;
Fig 3.49—Response of the filter shown in Fig 3-48 with A=1, 2, 5, and 10. These -50
curves, and several others in this section, were generated with Super Spice from -60
: \
Compact Software. The solid line corresponds to A=1 while the highest peak is for -70
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
dB (V(12)) Frequency (kHz)
S o m e values of low pass voltage gain at this type is shown in Fig 3.50. Three two-
the response peak are tabulated vs A, the pole sections with A=2 are c a s c a d e d to Fig 3.51—Response for the cascade of
identical low-pass sections presented
capacitor ratio, in T a b l e 3.6. form a 6-pole filter suitable for SSB recep-
in Fig 3-50. This is a calculated result,
T h e r e are n u m e r o u s w a y s to d e s i g n tion. T h e response for this filter is shown in although we have built several similar
practical low-pass filters with the equa- Fig 3.51. The dip at low frequency results designs.
tions. A c a s c a d e of sections like those in f r o m the l-(lF input coupling capacitor.
Fig 3.48 w o u l d f o r m B u t t e r w o r t h or C a s c a d e s of p e a k e d l o w - p a s s filters
C h e b y s h e v filters of high order. E a c h ( A > 2 ) can be very useful. T h e gain can be
capacitor corresponds to one pole in the c o n s i d e r a b l e when several stages are cas-
response, one L or C in the traditional fil- caded. T h e s e filters take on a b a n d p a s s like
ter. G e n e r a l l y , each t w o - p o l e l o w - p a s s shape, o f f e r i n g an attractive r e s p o n s e f o r
section will d i f f e r f r o m the others in higher direct c o n v e r s i o n receivers intended f o r
o r d e r B u t t e r w o r t h or C h e b y s h e v filters. C W use.
For details, see the text by Johnson, et al. 1 -' T h e filter shown in Fig 3.50 is biased
Alternatively, several identical low-pass f o r single p o w e r supply o p e r a t i o n . This
sections can be cascadcd to form a useful s c h e m e is especially attractive with the
circuit. These filters are easy to analyze low-pass filler, for an entire chain of filter
Fig 3.52—Voltage controlled voltage
and design, and o f f e r excellent perfor- sections may be biased with only one source high-pass filter. The operational
mance, especially with simple direct con- divider. If L M - 3 5 8 or L M - 3 2 4 o p - a m p s amplifier is again set for a closed loop
version receivers. An example of a filter of are used, a pull d o w n resistor should be gain of +1.
Fig 3.50—Practical low-pass filter that can be built with common op-amps, such as the 741, 1458, 358, 324, 5532.
H(s) = Eq 3 . 2 0
I + 2 • s • C • R + s" • C - • R"
w h e r e s is n o w t h e c o m p l c x ( L a P l a c c ) f r e q u e n c y , s=j(0 in the f r e q u e n c y d o m a i n . C is
the s h u n t c a p a c i t o r w h i l e A x C is t h e f e e d b a c k c a p a c i t o r . T h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g fre-
q u e n c y d o m a i n r e s p o n s e is
" ,|7 ? l ? " > 4 4 4 4 -> T ) r\
V in y^l-8-Jt-f R -C •A + 16-jr -f R -C -A +16-JI >f R C ) Fig 3.54—Biasing method for high-pass
filter sections. A voltage divider creates
a synthetic ground at half of the single
Eq 3.21
1.5 / \
/ \
l i 11 II .
0.2 0.3 0.4 0 . 5 0 . 6 0 . 8 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
F r e q u e n c y (kHz)
V(4) V(14) V(24) V(34) c a s c a d e d with f o u r p e a k e d h i g h - p a s s s e c -
Fig 3.53—Transfer functions for four versions of the high pass section of Fig 3.52,
The resistor ratio varies, taking on values of A=1, 2, 5, and 10. The solid line
corresponds to A=1 while the highest peak is for A=10.
Active Bandpass Filters
A b a n d p a s s - f i l t e r s e c t i o n is s h o w n in
F i g 3 . 5 6 u s i n g an o p e r a t i o n a l a m p l i f i e r in
an i n f i n i t e g a i n m u l t i p l e f e e d b a c k circuit.
T h e I G M F B circuit is p r a c t i c a l w i t h c o m -
f o r f o u r d i f f e r e n t f i l t e r s , all w i t h 1 0 - n F m o n o p - a m p s s u c h as t h e 7 4 1 . 145S, and
c a p a c i t o r s and a 2 0 - k Q u n g r o u n d e d resis- - A) + • A2 - 4 • A + 4
5 5 3 2 . T h e t o p o l o g y is r e p r e s e n t e d w i t h
tor. T h e g r o u n d e d r e s i s t o r v a r i e s to set 2-n-C-R-A two equal valued capacitors and three
g a i n and p e a k i n g . T h e v a l u e s u s e d a r e 2 0 r e s i s t o r s . O n e of t h e r e s i s t o r s a l l o w s t h e
k Q . 10 k£2, 4 k O , and 2 k Q . user to s p e c i f y c i r c u i t g a i n as well a s c e n -
Eq 3.23
T h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of t h e h i g h - p a s s sec- ter f r e q u e n c y and Q o r b a n d w i d t h . T h e d e -
tion are m u c h l i k e t h o s e of the low p a s s . sign b e g i n s by p i c k i n g t h e s e v a l u e s f o r
T h e c i r c u i t b e g i n s to t a k e o n a p e a k e d re- T h e V C V S h i g h - p a s s s e c t i o n s d o not v o l t a g e g a i n K (a d i m e n s i o n l e s s ratio), Q,
s p o n s e w h e n A e x c e e d s 2. A p e a k e d h i g h h a v e a d c p a t h t h r o u g h t h e m that a l l o w s
f 0 in H z . and C in F a r a d s . T h e r e q u i r e d
p a s s will h a v e a p e a k f r e q u e n c y g i v e n b y t h e e a s y b i a s i n g a f f o r d e d by the low p a s s .
r e s i s t o r s are t h e n
A high-pass scction may be biased with
the m e t h o d s s h o w n in F i g 3 . 5 4 w h e n d u a l
p o w e r s u p p l i e s are n o t a v a i l a b l e . R, Eq 3 . 2 4
Eq 3 . 2 2
2-jt-C-R-^A-2 T h e h i g h p a s s and l o w - p a s s f o r m s m a y
b e c o m b i n e d in a c a s c a d e to f o r m b a n d p a s s
T h e r e is no p e a k if A < 2 . T h e p u r e h i g h filters with excellent stopband attenuation.
pass then has a 3 d B cutoff f r e q u e n c y given A n e x a m p l e r e s p o n s e is s h o w n in F i g 3.S5 R,
Eq 3.25
bv where four peaked low-pass sections are (2-Q2 -K)-«
3.26 Chapter 3
Fig 3.56—Infinite gain, multiple-
feedback (IGMFB) bandpass filter. This
topology is capable of moderately high
Q and gain with practical components.
Fig 3.58—State-variable audio filter for CW receiver applications. All op-amps are
741 or 1458. The op-amp pin numbers are not shown. The builder must also
connect the power supply line to the V c c point on the op-amps. This circuit was
inserted between the audio gain control and the output amplifier in a high
performance CW receiver.
3.28 Chapter 3
RC AcnVP Transversal Filter, 10 Taps
\\ :
1 1
1 \
J \V
D 03 1 15 2 25 3
fohiw Fif^u MI
Fig 3.62—A Finite Impulse Response, or FIR bandpass fitter built from a cascade
of all-pass Alters. This filter has 9 taps. Op-amps U1 through U4 serve to add realization that filtering is a comparati%e
signals from the various taps. p r o c e s s ; a signal is c o m p a r e d w i t h a r e p -
l i c a f r o m an earlier p o i n t in t i m e . T h e
nature o f the c o m p a r i s o n is direct and clear
final result, • Data is eliminated f r o m m e m o r y at e a c h in the FIR filter. It is present in the s i m p l e r
• T h e digital output " w o r d " is applied to a step in the p r o c e s s . W e o n l y g o as far filters, b e it a s i n g l e l . C r e s o n a t o r o r c r y s -
D A C . a d i g i t a l - t o - a n a l o g c o n v e r t e r that b a c k in t i m e as o u r c o m p u t i n g p o w e r tal. o r an a c t i v e v e r s i o n with an identical
p r o v i d e s a signal that c a n be i n j e c t e d will a l l o w . f u n c t i o n . T h e signal c o m p o n e n t s f r o m ear-
into an a u d i o a m p l i f i e r and. e v e n t u a l l y , Among the s i g n i f i c a n t l e s s o n s that lier times vanish f r o m the r e s o n a t o r as they
headphones. e m e r g e f r o m a study o f F I R filters is the dissipate in the tuned circuit losses.
tl L-
erally h a v e f i l t e r i n g p r o p e r t i e s , e v e n if
they are not d e s i g n e d f o r that characteris- Input
tic. W e f o u n d earlier, f o r e x a m p l e , that a Matching
Ijgiut frtra
m o d i f i e d l o w - p a s s filter c o u l d be termi- , „
nated in an i m p e d a n c e that d i f f e r e d f r o m
II OkK (Oj
the original design value, serving a
w i d e b a n d matching role.
Directional Impedances
Consider point A in the circuit of
F i g 3 . 6 4 . A frequent question w e hear is. Fig 3.64—An amplifier with matching networks at input and output illustrating
" W h a t is the i m p e d a n c c at point A T ' T h i s directional impedances. See text
3.30 Chapter 3
is a quarter of a wavelength long with a
characteristic impedance Z„ given by Copper
4 Dielectric
- • R, Eq 3.41
If, for example, we wished to transform
a 10-Q load to appear as 50 U at 7 MHz,
we would use a line with a characteristic
Fig 3.67—LCC type Tee-network impedance of 22.4 Q. The length would be Fig 3.68—Microstrip transmission line
and design equations. X/4 at 7 MHz. about 25 ft in cable with a shown in cross section. The dielectric
material is the insulated portion of a
velocity factor of about 0.7. This charac- printed circuit board. The lower
teristic impedance is impractical, but could conductor is usually a solid ground
with R, = 10. R, =50. and Q=5, be approximated with parallel sections plane. The drawing is not to scale.
The resulting reactance values become of higher impedance lines. (Line with
=88.12. % =102.5. and X, =50. all Z 0 = 2 5 Q can be purchased.) Transmis-
in il. At 7 MHz. these values correspond sion line transformers are sometimes prac-
to 258 pF, 222 pF. and 1.137 }iH, respec- tical at this low frequency, especially in variation that the experimenter can build
tively. These components are especially antenna systems where the lines are without etching in the July 1981 QST.2}
practical for both input and output net- needed anyway. Coaxial transmission Another practical transmission line
works of RF power amplifiers if mica com- lines can be coiled with virtually no form is a simple twisted pair of insulated
pression variable capacitors are used. impact on their behavior so far as the fields wires. Wire insulated with plastic often
within the line. The quarter wavelength produces lines with a characteristic imped-
lines arc often called "Q-Sections." A ance around 100 Q. Enameled #24 wire
R2 ^ R j will produce line with an impedance near
transmission line need not have a X/4 to
Eq 3.36 serve as a transformer. A Smith Chart is 50 Q when tightly twisted.
B = R, • (Q2 + l )
often used for the design of these elements. A variation on the quarter-wave line
Transmission lines become more prac- matching uses synthetic transmission lines.
tical circuit elements at higher frequen- Here, a transmission line is replaced by a
a - I J L - 1 Eq 3.37 cies. One printed line form is microstrip. pi-network using inductors and capacitors.
1r2 shown in Fig 3.68. The lower conductor is A sidebar earlier in this chapter discussed
a ground plane on the back of a circuit the half-wave filter, a variation of this cir-
board while the upper conductor is a cuit. Fig 3.69 shows a synthetic quarter-
X L = Q • R1 Eq 3.38 wave example, the same case considered
printed run. Electric field lines between the
conductors are found in the dielectric as earlier at 7 MHz. Transforming from 10 to
well as in air. Hence, these transmission 50 Q occurs with a 22.4-12 line.
xCl» Eq 3.39 lines have a velocity factor part way
between that of air and that of the higher Powdered Iron Toroid
A R , Eq 3.40
dielectric constant insulator.
Microstrip is versatile, for it can be
Inductors and
designed for about any characteristic Transformers
impedance in the 10 to I00-S2 region, or Inductors are realized with many struc-
more. The wider lines have lower Z () . tures. ranging from straight wire pieces to
Increasing the inductor, then adding a
Robert Wilson, KL71SA and Hal Silver- solenoid and toroid coils. The solenoid is
series capacitor that cancels the added
man, W3HWC, in "Wire Line—A New easy to wind and can exhibit high Q. espe-
inductive reactance, may modify all the
and Easy Method of Microwave Circuit cially at VHF. However, the magnetic field
networks described. The modified net-
Construction," described a wonderful of a solenoid extends well outside the coil
works are more easily adjusted and can
provide narrower bandwidth.
We often view k or T-networks as back
to back L-networks. transforming from a 051 uH
nominal impedance to another, and then AW
back. This has the effect of increasing 1017 pF
overall circuit Q or selectivity. Cascaded
1017 pF
L-networks can have the opposite effect
of decreasing selectivity, an extremely
powerful tool when building circuits to 0 25 wavelength
function over wide bandwidth." 50 Ohms
L = K • n2 Eq 3.42
3.32 Chapter 3
winding open circuited. The two windings the behavior in Fig 3.72. colors, simplifying transformer construc-
are then connected as shown in Fig 3.71 Inductor current increases without tion. (Multifilar® parallel banded magnet
and the composite inductance values are bound in the ideal, lossless case. Losses, wire from MWS Wire Industries.)
measured as L_ and L.. The coupling coef- resistance within the wire and the battery, The dots on the transformer schematic
ficient is then given would limit the current to a finite, but large are useful. An increasing voltage at one
level in a practical circuit. dot produces an increasing voltage at the
Consider now a modified structure. The other. Current entering the A dot equals
(L - L J single winding inductor is replaced with a
pair of windings, shown in Fig 3.73. that are
that leaving the B dot. This behavior arises
because the magnetic field vanishes within
very close together. The wires, although iso- the core. If the primary (A A") had N p turns
lated from each other, occupy virtually the while the secondary (BB') had N s turns,
same space and see essentially the same the currents would obey the more general
This method was presented by Bill
magnetic field. If we left the second winding boundary condition that
Carver, W7AAZ. in the January. 1998
(BB') open circuited, voltage from A to A'
issue of the QRP Quarterly.1* When the
builds up in the same way that it did with the N p • Ip = N s • Is Eq 3.44
method was applied to the test transformer,
simple inductor. Measurement across either
we measured L + =1533 nH and
winding will show the same voltage profile. Bifilar winding and the use of a high
L =872 nH, leading to a coupling coeffi-
But, no current flows in BB' when it is open permeability magnetic material produce
cient of fc=0.357. The input VSWR exceeds
circuited. tight coupling, approaching k= I. Coupling
2:1 for this transformer, even when tuned
The behavior changes when we repeal is measured for a ferrite transformer with
and properly terminated.
the experiment with a load at BB'. As the the same method outlined for a powdered
Ideally, all inductors should be mea-
voltage builds, load current will begin to iron design, Fig 3.71. Strong coupling
sured after they are wound. While
flow. Transformer action begins. The cur- means that all of the magnetic field lines
the traditional tuned transformer is still a
rent in the second winding will generate a created by the primary also couple into the
practical component, it may require more
magnetic field, just as that in the primary secondary. In a practical transformer,
design effort than an impedance transform-
winding did. But the field from the sec- some of the primary field loops out from
ing network built from discrete
ondary is in a direction opposite to that the core, only to return without communi-
from the first winding. Because the net cating with the secondary.
magnetic field has been reduced (nearly) The transformer is often modeled as an
The Ferrite Transformer to zero, current flow is determined by R, ideal one with added components, shown
the external load. in Fig 3.74. The ideal transformer has
The powered iron core transformer dis-
cussed above had to be resonated to func- The transformer described (Fig 3.72). a voltage ratio proportional to the
tion as desired. Even after tuning, it with the two wires in close proximity, is turns ratio and a current ratio defined by
suffered for a lack of coupling. Both prob- said to be bifilar. Bifilar windings are Eq 3.44. L p is the primary inductance, the
lems are overcome with higher inductance, often twisted. One manufacturer supplies value we would measure if the primary was
which occurs with the much higher perme- Multifilar® wire with strands of differing examined without a secondary termina-
ability found in ferrite cores. The toroid is
the most common form, but balun cores,
with their binocular shape, are also popu-
lar. Most of the powered iron cores we use
have initial permeability under 10 while
typical ferrites show |ii values between 40
and 5000.
Recall the classic inductor, a component
that "tries" to maintain whatever current is
flowing at any instant. It is the dual of the
capacitor, which does not allow voltage to
change instantly. Consider a switch that
connects a battery to an inductor. The in- Fig 3.72—Principles
ductor current is zero before the switch of an ideal inductor,
closed, so it must be zero immediately with waveforms.
afterward. There is no restriction on the The current would
voltage. The voltage impressed on L grow lineally
forever in an ideal
changes quickly, soon reaching the battery
value. The current conserving characteris- Resistance
tic of the inductor is a result of the magnetic establishes an
field. When the switch is closed, current ultimate value.
begins to flow. But as soon as the field starts
to build up, the changing magnetic field
generates an electric field (hence, a volt-
age) that opposes the electric effect that
caused the current in the first place. This
is a non-rigorous statement of Faraday's
Law, one of Maxwell's equations. The
inductor is shown with curves illustrating
highest frequency, and loss resistances lar winding, with one wire as primary and
small with respect to the source and load. the other as a secondary. A pair of wires
Inductance of windings on ferrite cores is also forms a transmission line. As such, it
proportional lo the square of the turns, can operate as a transmission line trans-
although the higher permeability of ferrite former such as a Q-scction according to
produces dramatically higher "k" c o n - Eq 3.41. Even if it is not a proper X/4
stants for use with Eq 3.42. For example, length, it will still transform the
the popular FT37-43 ferrite toroid has k of impedance seen at one end from that pre-
Fig 3.73—Current flow in a bifilar
wound transformer. about 360 n H r 2 . Core loss can be modeled sented at the other. The transmission line
as a parallel resistance, which is also pro- properties persist if the line is wound in
portional to the square of «. although this the shape of a coil, including a toroid. But
formulation is not in general use. the structure then assumes a different
Examples of practical transformers are extended behavior, summarized in a clas-
found throughout the text. A wonderful sic paper by Ruthroff. 2 7
treatment of the modeling of this "simple" The simplest ferrite transmission line
component is presented by Clarke and transformer is that shown in Fig 3.75. This
Hess. 2 5 A more complete review of trans- structure, formed with a bifilar winding on
former modeling is presented by Chris a toroid was at one time called a balun. A
Trask.- 6 We generally use powdered iron balun is a structure that generates a bal-
toroid cores for high-Q inductors with anced voltage from one that is single
good temperature characteristics while ended. This connection does not f o r c e
fcrrites are relegated to low-Q wideband such balance and is, hence, not strictly a
transformer application. However, this balun, even though it does perform some
distinction is not required. Some pow- of the isolation chores that we might ask
dered iron cores are suitable for wideband of a balun. Perhaps a better name is isola-
transformers while some ferrites have ex- tion transformer. T r a n s f o r m e r action,
cellent Q at HF. A good example of the described above, does force equal currents
later is - 6 3 material from Fair-Rite Prod- in the two windings, so this circuit is some-
ucts Corp (www.fair-ritc.com), often pro- times also called a current balun.
ducing Q values of several hundred at HF. The isolation transformer is labeled AB
at one end of the winding while the other
ferrite beads over brass tubing that Line Transformers to each other, a useful detail to keep in
mind when winding such transformers
forms a single turn winding. Circuit The example presented above to illus- without wires of differing color. Viewing
board material connects the tubing
trate basic transformer action used a bifi- this structure as a transmission line, cur-
ends with a short at one end. A multiple
wire winding is then threaded through
the middle of the tubing, guaranteeing
tight coupling.
~ ~ ! • K n 50
input ^ R-L
f 1
tion. The L-leakage is the inductance
accounting for lhe magnetic flux that does (A)
not pass through both windings. R1 and
R2 account for losses. The transformer is
a bandpass circuit with L p presenting a
short at dc and very low frequency; L-leak-
age. a series element, presents a high
impedance at high frequency.
A practical transformer will have a pri-
mary inductance with a reactance at least 5
times the terminating resistance at the low Fig 3.75—Part A: Basic isolation transformer using a transmission line on a ferrite
frequency limit and a leakage inductance toroid. This structure has some balun like properties. Part B shows a balanced
reactance less than 1/5 the resistance at the load connected to a single-ended drive while C shows polarity inversion.
3.34 Chapter 3
rent at point A' is delayed from that at A. The isolation transformer of Fig 3.75 twice the current that one transformer
However, the ferrite core and traditional has a single ended input. The single ended winding carries, resulting in a true balun.
transformer behavior would force equal drive will appear as a balanced output on for it forces equal, but out of phase volt-
current through a winding, and indeed, in a balanced load such as that in part B. In ages to appear between the ends. This is a
the other winding. this sense, it is a balun structure. However, 4:1 impedance transforming balun.
if the load becomes unbalanced, as in Fig The same structure is reapplied in
3.75C. the input may still be applied to the Fig 3.77. The transformer forces twicc the
termination. current to flow in the output as at the input.
It is instructive to mentally connect the The isolation properties of the transmis-
two wires at one end (A and B) together, sion line transformer are used to parallel
doing the same thing at the other (A' and an output with a "direct connection" to the
B") end. The result is an inductor. Several input. This circuit now serves an unbal-
turns on a high permeability ferrite would anced-to-unbalanced role. This circuit is
produce considerable inductance. This is used for transforming from 50 Q down to
termed a common mode inductance. Sepa- the 12.5-Q input on a RF power amplifier.
rating the wires, a load placed across We also saw it used extensively to cause a
one end. A'B'. is then seen differentially 5 0 - n load to look like 200 Q at the collec-
(between A and B) at the other end. This tor of a feedback amplifier.
structure is often called a common mode These wideband transformers may be
Fig 3.76—A 4:1 step-up balun choke for common mode signals at one end viewed as either transmission line circuits
transformer. are isolated from the other by the large or as conventional transformers. Their
inductance, while differential signals are operation is consistent with either set of
not impeded. boundary conditions. The transformers are
The isolation properties of this structure designed with about A/8 to XJ4 of trans-
1 A A' 2i allow us to drive one end while treating mission line at the upper frequency of the
V... _ _
•uuuu I the other end as if it were a separate gen- circuit. The characteristic impedance of
erator. An isolation transformer (Fig the line is consistent with line behavior
• • n m n _ 1 >R 3.75C) can produce a polarity reversal. for the terminations considered. If, for
B Brb example, we built a 4:1 step down from 50
It is useful (o connect the output of an
isolation transformer in series or parallel to I 2 f l u s i n g F i g 3.76. Z 0 should be 25 fi.
4:1 Step Down wilh the input. An interesting example is This could be realized by paralleling two
shown in Fig 3.76 where a load is con- 50-Q windings on the core. A 50-Q wind-
Fig 3,77—A single ended impedance nected between the input and the inverted ing consists of a tightly twisted pair of #24
step down transformer. output. The composite input will carry enamel wires.
The transformer of Fig 3.78 i s a true 1:1
balun. The termination impedance is that
seen at the input, but the circuit creates
two voltages that are equal in magnitude,
but out of phase.
A useful slep down circuit for high
luuuu"^." power single ended amplifiers is the 9:1
(Two Cores) circuit of Fig 3.79. This transformer uses
two cores to drop from 50 il down to about
6 il. Series connections at the input side
drive parallel ones at the output. A similar
series/parallel circuit is presented in
vi j •n m n ; 31 R Fig 3.80 where two cores form a balanced
to balanced 1:4 impedancc ratio step up
9.1 Unbalanced Transformer transformer.
Numerous other kinds of transmission
Fig 3.79—Illustration of a 9:1
unbalanced transformer. line transformer can be built, some almost
diabolic in their cleverness. The reader
is referred to Motorola Applications
Note AN-593 2 * for further interesting
r~UUULr examples.
3.36 Chapter 3
50 Port 1 Output
W l r «
+45 degrees
0 degrees Ohm
-45 degrees
Hybrid 1 Fig 3.85—Part A shows a general schematic for a directional
coupler while B presents a wideband version using ferrite
core transformers. The coupling on B is 20 dB owing to the
10:1 turns ratio used. This is a practical circuit if wound with
FT37-43 or FT37-75 cores. A single binocular core can be
used for both transformers.
1. W. Hay ward. Introduction to Radio Filters Using Ultrasperieal Polynomials," 9. G. Matthaei, L. Young. E. M . T. Jones,
Frequency Design, Prenticc-Hall, 1982; IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory, Vol Microwave Filters, Impedance-Matching
A R R L . 1984. Also see The ARRL CT-13, No. 4, Dec, 1966, pp 364-369. Networks and Coupling Structures,
Handbook, 1995 or later editions. 5. T o r t o r e l l a , R F D e s i g n , M a r / A p r , 1983. McGraw-Hill, 1964.
2. GPLA accompanies Introduction to 6. Zverev, Handbook of Filter Synthesis, 10. See Reference 6.
Radio Frequency Design (see Ref. I) as a Wiley. 1967. 11. A. B. Williams, Electronic Filter
D O S program. GPLA 2002 is a Windows Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 1981.
7. M. Dishal, "Alignment and
version included on the book CD. ARRL
Adjustment of Synchronously Tuned 12. W . Hayward, Introduction to Radio
Radio Designer was formerly available
Multiple-Resonant-Circuit Filters," Elect. Frequency Design, ARRL, 1994, Ch 3.
from ARRL.
Commun., Jun, 1952, p p 154-164. 13. W. Hayward, "The Double-Tuned
3. W. Hay ward. Ham Radio Magazine,
8. S. B. Cohn, "Dissipation Loss in Circuit: An Experimenters Tutorial," QST,
Jun, 1984,'p. 96.
Multiple-Coupled-Resonant Filters." Dec, 1991, pp 29-34.
4. D. Johnson and J. Johnson, "Low Pass I'roc. IRE. Aug, 1959, pp 1342-1348. 14. R . L a r k i n , " T h e D S P - 1 0 : An All-Mode
3.38 Chapter 3
2-Meter Transceiver Using a DSP IF and 24. W. Carver, "Measuring Capacitors Quadrature Hybrids." IEEE Transactions
PC-Controlled Front Panel, Part 1 Q S T , and Inductors." QRP Quarterly. Jan. on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Sep, 1999. pp 33-41. 1998. p 37. Vol. MTT-21.No. 5. May. 1973. pp 355-
15. V. Bottom. Iniroduciitm to Quartz 25. Clarke and Hess. Communications 357.
Crystal Unit Design. Van Nostrand Circuits: Analysis and Design. Addison- 35. R. Fisher. "Twisted-Wire Quadrature
Reinhold, 1982. Wesley. 1971.' Hybrid Directional Couplers," QST. Jan,
16. S. B. Cohn. "Dissipation Loss in 26. C. Trask, "Wideband Transformers: 1978. pp 21-23.
Multiple Coupled Resonators", Proc IRE. An Intuitive Approach to Models. 36. J. D. Cappucci and H. Scidcl. US
Aug. 1959. Characterization and Design," Applied Patent 3.452.300. Four Port Directive
17. W. Hayward. "Designing and Microwave and Wireless. Nov. 2001. Coupler Having Electrical Symmetry
Building Simple Crystal Filters", QST. 27. Ruthroff. "Some Broad-Band with respect to Both A*es, issued Jun 24.
Jul. 1987, pp 24-29. Transformers", Proc. IRE, Aug, 1959. 1969.
18. Carver. K60LG. "High-Performance 28. N. Dye and H. Granberg. Radio 37. J. D. Cappucci and H. Seidel, US
Crystal Filter Design," Communications Frequency Transistors: Principles and Patent 3,452,301, Lumped Parameter
Quarterly, Winter. 1993. Practical Applications, Butterworth- Directional Coupler, issued Jun 24, 1969.
19. D. E. Johnson, J. R. Johnson, and H. Heinemann, 1993. Ch 10. 38. B. M. Oliver. "Directive Electro-
P. Moore. A Handbook of Active Filters, 29. Hamilton, "Improved Direct Magnetic Couplers." Proc. IRE, Oct,
Prentice-Hall, 1980. Conversion Receiver Design", Radio 1954.
20. H. Berlin, "The State-Variable Communications, Apr, 1991, Appendix. 39. S. B. Cohn. "Shielded Coupled Strip
Filler," QST. Apr, 1978, pp 14-16. 30. W. Hayward. Introduction to Radio Transmission Line." MTT, Oct, 1955.
21. W. Hayward, Introduction to Radio Frequency Design. ARRL, 1994, Ch 4. 40. K. Kurokawa. "Design Theory of
Frequency Design. ARRL. 1994, Ch 4. 31. R. Lewallen, "A Simple and Accurate Balanced Transistor Amplifiers." Hell
QRP Directional Wattmeter," QST, Feb. System Technical Journal, Vol. 44. No.
22. G. L. Matthaei, "Tables of Chebyshev
1990. pp 19-23. 36. 10, Oct. 1965. pp 1675-1698.
Impedance-Transforming Networks of
Low-pass Filter Form." Proc IEEE. Aug, 32. R. Larkin. "An 8-Watt. 2-Meter 41. R. S. Engelbrecht and K. Kurokawa,
1964. pp 939-961. 'Brickette'." QST. Jun. 2000. pp 43-47. "A Wideband, Low Noise. L-band
Balanced Transistor Amplifier." Proc.
23. R. Wilson and H. Silverman. "Wire 33. A. Boulouard. "Lumped-Element
IEEE. Vol 53. Mar. 1963. pp 237-246.
Line - A New and Easy Method of Quadrature Couplers," RF Design. Jul.
Microwave Circuit Construction." QST. 1989. 42. R. S. Engelbrecht, US Patent
Jul. 1981, pp 21-23. 3.371.284. High Frequency Balanced
34. R. Fisher. "Broadband Twisted-Wire
Amplifier. Feb 27. 1968.
Almost all of the Amateur Radio equip- promised by LO systems that suffer from A frequency synthesizer offers outstand-
ment we build will contain at least one cxccss phase noise, effectively limiting the ing thermal stability and frequency accu-
oscillator. It may be a simple crystal con- receiver dynamic range. While quiet os- racy. A synthesizer using a handful of inte-
trolled circuit, a tuned LC variable f r e - cillators, those with low phase noise, can grated circuits, each containing hundreds
quency oscillator, or even a direct-digital be built using traditional methods, these of transistors, is less expensive to manu-
synthesizer, a circuit that provides an out- circuits often lack the thermal stability of facture than a high quality mechanically
put similar to what we might expect from a synthesizer. tuned LO system. Tt is more reliable, owing
a simpler circuit. A basic oscillator might Beyond their practical importance, os- to a reduced number of moving parts. Fre-
be a simple one tuned by a mechanical cillators are extremely interesting circuits. quency synthesis is not, however, the an-
variable capacitor. Alternatively, it might An effective oscillator can be built with a swer to all of the LO problems presented to
be voltage controlled. Combinations of all single transistor. Yet. this simple, primi- the experimenter. Some PLL synthesizers
of these are possible and are common in tive circuit will include both positive feed- are burdened by excessive phase noise.
modern communications equipment. back. causing oscillation to start at the Those using DDS, while quieter, emit spu-
The local oscillator (LO) is a critical desired frequency, and negative feedback rious outputs, often in profusion. Both use
part of any communications system. Mod- that maintains operating amplitude con- an excess of digital circuitry that can often
ern transceiver performance is often com- stant with time. corrupt a receiver environment.
4.2 Chapter 4
C l a p p o s c i l l a t o r , a l s o c a l l e d a series tuned
C o l p i t t s . T h e C l a p p starts w i t h a C o l p i t t s
circuit, but replaces the usual inductor
with a larger o n e . T h e n , the e x t r a i n d u c -
t i v e r c a c t a n c c is r e m o v e d w i t h a s c r i e s
capacitive reactance. Part C shows yet
another variation, the Seiler, where a
C l a p p is m o d i f i e d . T h e C l a p p i n d u c t o r is
r e p l a c e d by a s m a l l e r o n e p a r a l l e l e d with
a c a p a c i t o r . T h e C l a p p is c a p a b l e of
greater e n e r g y storage than a similar
C o l p i t t s w h i l e t h e S e i l e r a l l o w s the a c t i v e
d e v i c e to be well d e c o u p l e d f r o m the r e s o -
n a t o r . T h e s e t h r e e a r e a n a l y z e d in g r e a t e r
d e t a i l in Introduction to Radio Frequency
Design, C h a p t e r 7.
This Hartley Oscillator is mounted in a stamped box. A vernier drive is attached to
A final v a r i a t i o n s h o w n in Fig 4 . 3 D is
the capacitor shaft and is fixed to the box with a single bolt that prevents rotation.
Spade lugs allow a lid to be attached to the box. t h e V a c k a r . In t h i s c i r c u i t , the C o l p i t t s
c a p a c i t o r a t t a c h e d to the b a s e is e x p a n d e d ,
a l l o w i n g the b a s e to b e d r i v e n f r o m a
mal f i x e d c a p a c i t a n c e , it will p r o d u c e a The Colpitts oscillator has several popu- l o w e r s o u r c e i m p e d a n c e . T h i s w o u l d pro-
w i d e r t u n i n g r a n g e t h a n is easily r e a l i z e d lar v a r i a t i o n s s h o w n in F i g 4.3. T h e first v i d e e x c e l l e n t d e c o u p l i n g b e t w e e n the
with a C o l p i t t s . T h e r e is n o o t h e r f u n d a - c i r c u i t ( A ) is t h e b a s i c C o l p i t t s . n o w s h o w n a c t i v e t r a n s i s t o r and t h e r e s o n a t o r . T h e
m e n t a l a d v a n t a g e of o n e o v e r t h e o t h e r . w i t h a b i p o l a r t r a n s i s t o r . Part B s h o w s the V a c k a r is d i s c u s s e d later in g r e a t e r d e t a i l .
1 i
Lower Frequency
\ Tc
Fig 4.5—Squeeging in a Hartley
oscillator, an on-and-off mode where
- r ^ u the oscillator Is not functioning except
during short periods. The vertical scale
shows the gate voltage. Extreme values
of blocking capacitor and bias resistor
1 are required to produce this behavior in
" 1 i the FET Hartley oscillators.
V = CKM ° r CMX
2 - l- y
1 2 V when tank Q u = 30. the gate resistor was
increased to values much larger than 1 M O .
Minimum and Maximum Frequency
and blocking capacitors of 200 p F or more
were used. 2
!•*• I - I C , * - The supply voltage used with this oscil-
C lator should be larger than the magnitude
Cj CjtCjjl i 1 * Cmavf
of the FET pinchoff. A supply of +5 is high
enough for a 2M44I6 with pinchoff of
luntogRa^: F
max mw - 3 V. The supply should be regulated and
come from a moderately low de impedance.
Example with C in pF, L in uH and F in kHz: In one experiment, we built this oscillator
C„i.-10 C„-MS with a 6-V Zener diode with a 3.9-kQ
resistor fed from a 12-V supply. The high
C,-100 Cj-100 C J«I7~ I.J Ret: OSl, H o t , H § 1 p?l
resistance value was picked for overall ef-
F_; =6S89 AF»44J
ficiency. The oscillator would not start. DC
voltmeter measurements showed that the
A simple resonant circuit is tuned with parallel capacitors as shown in the top
section. The tuning range is controlled by the ratio of the variable capacitance FET only had 1 V on the drain. The FET
to the fixed one. was trying to draw a current of l dS5 . leading
to excessive drop across the 3.9-kQ resis-
tor. A smaller (470-Q) dropping resistor
Often an available variable capacitor has greater capacitance than required
solved the problem, but at the cost of higher
for a desired frequency range. While plates can sometimes be removed, a
power consumption. A better solution is a
better solution embeds the variable capacitor in a network of fixed capacitors.
100-Q drain-decoupling resistor supplied
The evolution of this network is s h o w n in the middle section. The variable, C v
by a dc emitter follower with the base ref-
and C 2 are paralleled to form the equivalent C 2 v . This is then placed in series
with C i for the equivalent C 1 2 v . This is paralleled by C 3 to form the total erenced to a Zener diode paralleled by a
capacitor, C N E T . The overall frequency is calculated from the usual resonance large electrolytic capacitor. A small charg-
relationship. The equations are shown, with capacitors in Farads, inductance ing current can then be used, maintaining
in Henrys and frequency in Hz. efficiency. Three terminal regulator ICs
There is considerable flexibility available to the designer, afforded by also work well in this application. This is
picking C , and C 2 values. S o m e combinations with C^ much smaller than the one of many examples where extra cir-
variable capacitor can produce highly nonlinear tuning. cuitry improves efficiency.
although not the ultimate. (Phase noise is Experiments were performed to examine Compensation
discussed later in this chapter.) the effcct of resistor and blocking Generally, the most important character-
The 1-MI2 resistor represents a load on capacitor values, and un loaded resonator Q. istic of oscillators built for radio applica-
the tank. It also discharges the series block- If extreme values (long time constant) were tion is frequency stability. Stability relates
ing capacitor. If a smaller resistance is used with degraded tank Q. the oscillator to a change in frequency other than the
used, the blocking capacitor will discharge could become amplitude unstable, produc- desired ones that occur with tuning. This
more quickly. The energy to maintain bias ing a phenomenon callcd squegging. A change, or drift, occurs in two forms. One
comes from the RF envelope, further load- sketch of the observed gate voltage is shown is the warm up drift occurring when an os-
ing the resonator. Resistor values around in Fig 4.5 for an oscillator using a 2N4416 cillator is first turned on and allowed to
1 M£2 are generally optimum. FET. This unusual behavior was observed operate at constant temperature. The sec-
4.4 Chapter 4
drift! The heat source was only operated
intermittently after the 25-minute mark to
maintain chamber temperature. Oscillator
drift continued as the internal components
came up to temperature.
Measurements are simpler when the
tested oscillator is only a small board with
low thermal mass, capable of quicker
temperature changes.
Thermal frequency stability depends on
the resonator coil and all related capaci-
tors. Most oscillators wc built use toroid
inductors wound on SF ( - 6 ) material. A
newer material with a - 7 designation is
reported to be slightly more stable. The
- 6 material has a permeability of about 10
and a temperature coefficient of induc-
tance (TCL) of +35 parts per million per
degree Celsius (C). This means that an
inductor of 1 micro-henry will increase by
35 pH (i.e.. 0.000035 |aH) when the tem-
perature increases by 1 degree C. Tem-
perature coefficients are generally speci-
fied in normalized, dimensionless form,
(parts per million) allowing convenient
scaling. The normalized rate of change of
simple environmental chamber. The heat was turned on at 10 minutes, it was frequency. TCF. is related to all of the
cycled off and on after 25 minutes to maintain an approximately constant
temperature. The chamber lid was removed and a cooling fan was turned on at 46 components in the oscillator resonator. If,
minutes. for example, a tank consisted of two paral-
lel capacitors and an inductor, the tempera-
ture coefficient of frequency is related to
that of the components by
ond is the drift with changing temperature. possess- All that is needed is a simple en-
Both effect*. arc thermal in origin, but the vironmental chamber with a thermometer.
warm up drift is caused by temperature The chamber is built from an inexpensive !!_!-= =
F 2
changes in individual components result- Styrofoam box. A light bulb is placed in-
ing from heating by the circulating currents side the box along with the circuit being C,L C,
TCI. - T C c l • - + TCC2 —
within ihe circuit. Warm up drift is nor- tested. A small fan stirs the inside air to CT0T CTOT _
mally small compared with the drifts thai complete the chamber. Temperature is
occur when an oscillator is subjected to measured with an integrated circuit in- Eq 4.1
even a modest temperature change. tended for this purpose. Leads supply
Thermal drift may be of little conse- power to the IC and route a dc signal out of where C ( and C 2 arc the capacitors with
quence when equipment is built and used the chamber for measurement with a temperature coefficients TC C) and TC r -,.
in a typical home environment where room DVM. An oscillator to be tested is placed TCL is the temperature coefficient of the
temperatures are stable. But the oscillator in the chamber with cables routed to the inductor, and TCF is the temperature coef-
that was "rock solid" during home opera- outside for power and for frequency mea- ficient of frequency of the oscillator in
tion may become a very poor performer surement. The oscillator is turned on for a normalized pans. C T O t ' h e total capaci-
when subjected to portable environments. while before the heat source is applied, tance, C|+C 2 . The negative sign arises
The most extreme examples we have providing a measure of warm-up drift. because an increase in L or C leads to
encountered occurred when we look equip- Heat is then applied, causing the tempera- decreasing frequency. The factor of one
ment on mountaineering trips. The temper- ture to increase. half comes from the square root relation-
ature at the summit of a glacier clad, cloud Data for a 7-MHz Hartley oscillator is ship of frequency to L and C.
covered mountain can be below freezing, shown in Fig 4.6 where frequency and cham- Consider a 7-MH/ example, using a
even in mid summer. But the temperature ber temperature are plotted vs time. The os- 2-|iH inductor carefully wound on a T50-
can quickly shoot up when the clouds blow cillator was operated for 10 minutes before 6 toroid. Assume TCL is +50 ppm/'C.
away for a few minutes, only to plummet applying the 60-W heat source, producing a slightly worse than the quoted material
downward as soon as the clouds return. It's typical I50-Hz warm-up drift. Chamber performance, which will be explained
important to design for these extremes if temperature immediately started to increase later. Initially assume that the inductor is
they might be encountered. While not as when the heat source was turned on. The paralleled with 250 pF of perfectly
severe, drift problems are common even frequency did not respond immediately, for non-drifting NP0 capacitors. The only part
when we arc on the flatlands. the oscillator was housed in a moderately that will drift will be the inductor. From
Oscillator temperature compensation is light container. When frequency began to Eq 4.1, the 50 ppm/°C will produce a TCF
surprisingly easy, requiring little equip- drop, it moved about 5 kHz for a 15°C tem- of -25 ppm/ 8 C. or - 2 5 Hz per MHz. The
ment beyond the simple frequency counter perature increase. The external heating 15-dcgrcc shift of Fig 4-6 would then pro-
and DVM that most experimenters already induced drift was over 30 times the warm up duce a frequency change of -2.6 kHz.
4.6 Chapter 4
cating a count o f 4, 5. 6, or 7. T h e n e g a t i v e
e d g e of T is detected and used to trigger a
D - F l i p - f l o p that m e m o r i z e s the result. The
s a v e d digital 1 c a u s e s Q o f the F F to be at
5 V. This signal is applied to the input o f an
o p - a m p integrator circuit w h i c h generates
an output that ramps d o w n w a r d , bul at a
very low rale. T h i s s l o w l y c h a n g i n g volt-
age c a u s e s the V F O frequency to decrease.
T h e f r e q u e n c y g o e s d o w n s l i g h t l y as a
result o f the applied signal. F i n a l l y , after a
f e w c y c l e s o f c o u n t i n g , it w i l l h a v e
d r o p p e d e n o u g h that the s i g n a l h e l d in
m e m o r y b e c o m e s a logical zero, resulting
in an integrator input o f 0 V. T h i s n o w
c a u s e s the o p - a m p output to a g a i n ramp
upward, s l o w l y i n c r e a s i n g the f r e q u e n c y .
T h e o v e r a l l e f f e c t o f the a d d e d c i r c u i t
e l e m e n t s is to f o r c e the o s c i l l a t o r to n e v e r
be at a f i x e d , e x a c t f r e q u e n c y , but to m o v e
( h u f f i n g and p u f f i n g ) b e t w e e n t w o f r e -
q u e n c i e s . T h e s e t w o r e f e r e n c e s are 4 0 - H z
apart for our e x a m p l e , s o c h a n g e s are not
n o t i c e d in normal a p p l i c a t i o n s . Greater
r e s o l u t i o n is a v a i l a b l e w i t h a shorter c o u n t
or l o n g e r s a m p l e period.
W e n o w a l l o w a s l o w thermal drift to
occur. T h i s has the e f f e c t of altering the
t i m e w h e n w e reach o n e o f the transition
fig 4.8—This scheme uses normal frequency counter circuitry. A stable crystal f r e q u e n c i e s . H o w e v e r , the drift w i l l b e
oscillator is the foundation.
c a n c e l l e d s o l o n g it is w e l l under 4 0 Hz in
a 0.2-sccond window.
A F E T s w i t c h is placed a c r o s s the inte-
grator ti m i n g capacitor. T h i s F E T is turned
to p r o d u c e a square w a v e w i t h a p o s i t i v e f r e q u e n c y 3 0 0 H z a b o v e 5 . 0 M H z . and is on w h e n the o s c i l l a t o r is tuned.
half period o f l e n g t h T . A s s u m e T = 0 . 1 thermally stable with no drift o f it's o w n . T h e H u f f 'n Puff s c h e m e can be extremely
s e c o n d . A w e l l - b u f f e r e d s a m p l e o f the In a 0 . 1 s c c o n d period the 8 bit counter useful for adding stability to a circuit that is
V F O is a p p l i e d to a c o n d i t i o n i n g a m p l i f i e r input will s e e 5 0 0 . 0 3 0 transitions, s o it will already reasonably solid. Il is a wonderful
f o l l o w e d by a g a t e c o n t r o l l e d by the tim- o v e r f l o w again and again. W h e n the gate tool for the experimenter, for it can be added
ing s i g n a l T . This a l l o w s l i m i n g data to signal terminates at the end o f the period T, to an already existing design. Several ex-
reach a c o u n t e r f o r 0.1 s e c o n d . L e t ' s the 8 bit counter w i l l have o v e r f l o w e d a perimenters have e x p a n d e d the basic s y s t e m
j s s u m e the oscillator to be stabilized has a total o f 6 2 , 5 0 3 times and will e n d the pe- in recent times. 5
riod with a l o g i c I in the output digit, indi-
4.8 Chapter 4
Fig 4.12—A Colpitts VHF oscillator, L1 is 50 nH, 3 turns of
#22 bare wire. It is initially wound on a 1/4-20 machine screw
as a former. The bolt is then removed. The varactor diode is
attached to a tap (approximately center) on the coil in order
to reduce the tuning sensitivity. The diode tunes the
oscillator by 4 MHz around 134 MHz with a voltage from 5 to
12. L2 is a 2.7 nH RFC. The trimmer capacitor allows the
circuit to tune from 71 to 153 MHz. Power output is -2 dBm to Fig 4.13—Negative resistance one-port oscillators for
a 50-Q termination. application at HF and VHF. See text for discussion.
b o t h b e s c a l e d f o r o p e r a t i o n at m u c h
h i g h e r f r e q u e n c i e s . S h o w n in F i g 4 . 1 2 is a 330 +12
V H F Colpitts oscillator. This circuit was
o r i g i n a l l y set up a s a v o l t a g e c o n t r o l l e d
l o c a l o s c i l l a t o r in a S S B t r a n s c e i v e r at
144 M H z . It c a n , h o w e v e r , b e set u p f o r a
wide f r e q u e n c y range by spreading or
c o m p r e s s i n g t h e t u r n s o n the c o i l , w h i c h
uses an air d i e l e c t r i c .
N u m e r o u s o t h e r o s c i l l a t o r f o r m s are
available for wide frequency range appli-
cations. T h r e e arc s h o w n in F i g 4.13. T h e
first b i p o l a r circuit (Fig 4 . 1 3 A ) is a p r i m i -
tive v a r i a t i o n of t h e s c h e m e u s e d in the
Motorola M C - 1 6 4 8 . The version shown
uses N P N transistors with a n e g a t i v e sup-
ply. T h e s a m e c i r c u i t will w o r k w i t h a
single positive p o w e r supply with P N P
transistors such as the 2 N 3 9 0 6 . T h e oscil-
lator is a o n e - p o r t t y p e w h e r e t w o n o n -
i n v e r t i n g a m p l i f i e r s , an e m i t t e r f o l l o w e r
and a c o m m o n - b a s e , a r e c a s c a d e d . T h e out-
put is r e t u r n e d to the input with a s h u n t -
t u n e d circuit a t t a c h e d at the c o m m o n point.
This s c h e m e can b e built on the b e n c h and
m a d e to f u n c t i o n o v e r an e x t r e m e l y w i d e
f r e q u e n c y r a n g e . L o w Q tank circuits are
f a v o r e d . T h i s circuit s u f f e r s f r o m very low
stored t a n k e n e r g y , the result of v o l t a g e
clipping by t h e transistors.
T h e s e c o n d circuit uses J - F E T s in a varia-
tion of the s a m e t o p o l o g y . T h i s circuit, simi-
lar to o n e u s e d in the H P - 8 6 6 2 synthesized
generator 6 , d o e s not s u f f e r f r o m the voltage
limiting f o u n d with the simple bipolar ver-
sion. T h e circuit s h o w n in Fig 4 . 1 3 B is o n e Fig 4.14—The Vackar circuit shown is identical to the Seller circuit presented
that w a s b r e a d b o a r d e d f r o m available c o m - earlier except for the choice of component values.
4.10 Chapter 4
Fig 4.17—A spectrum analyzer output
showing two s i g n a l s with identical
amplitude. The peak at the left is
"perfect," having a vertical spike shape.
12MHz 14MHz The width represents the spectrum
Frequency analyzer bandwidth. The right hand
signal has noise, which appears a s a
modulation on either side of the carrier.
Fig 4.16—An example circuit of an amplifier followed by a resonator. The The flat horizontal line is the
amplitude and phase responses are s h o w n v s frequency. background noise level of the spectrum
ceiver is tuned to it, but nothing as soon as which increases operating gain and in- T1
the receiver is luned away. creases noise. (This effect was treated in
Consider now a carrier with noise, per- the filter chapter.) This degrades the
haps keyed with "CQ" so we can recognize wideband noise floor.
it. As the receiver tunes toward the keyed
carrier, we first hear some keyed noise. The
noise grows in strength as we get closer to it.
• The goal is a high carrier-la-noise ratio,
which is enhanced with a high carrier.
Hence, the best oscillators are those op-
—w 0
JH'Ji04 ] _ [
until finally the carricr is within the receiver t~ 01
erating with high stored energy in the
passband. producing a clean, crisp note. The resonator. This means high power. Even
noise re-appears on the other side, symmetri- with 8 or 10-V power supplies, it is not
cal with the first side. unusual to find oscillators with
We can't always put the blame on "the over 50-V peak-to-peak across resona-
other guy.'' Assume that the keyed carrier tor components. High energy also re-
applied to the receiver is noiseless, but that sults from high capacitance in simple
we now use a noisy oscillator as the I-O in resonators.
our receiver. The perceived result is ex- • Limiting characteristics are critical in an Fig 4.18—Low Noise 10-MHz Oscillator
actly the same as we heard before with the oscillator, with current limiting being designed by K7HFD. L 1 is 1.2 (iH,
noisy CW signal. The effect that we hear is preferred. The circuit should operate in a consisting of 17 turns on a T68-6 toroid
called "reciprocal mixing." way that allows the transistor current to core. The tap Is at 1 turn from the
drop to zero over part of the cycle to limit grounded end while the link is 2 turns
This result is expected. The IF response
wound over L1. The link must be
is the difference (or sum) frequency of the gain. Less desirable voltage limiting oc- properly phased for oscillation.
LO and the RF signal. Any frequency curs when a low impedance is creatcd Although not shown, ferrite beads were
change in either one will cause the IF to over part of an operating cycle; that low used on both bases and collectors.
4.12 Chapter 4
Counter Fig 4.20—Crystal
oscillator used for
receiver reciprocal
measurements. C1
Crystal is adjusted for a
Filter power output of
- 1 0 to -20 dBm.
Fig 4.19—System used to measure
phase noise in the K7HFD oscillator.
4.14 Chapter 4
Fig 4.28—Butler
oscillator for 100 MHz,
L=25 nH. This is formed
with a 1.7 inch piece of
#22 enameled wire
wound in the threads of
a 6-32 machine
screw.(3.3 mm dia, 12.6
turns/cm) The wire ends
are stripped and 3 turns
are wound on the screw,
which is then removed.
C1 and R1 form a
Fig 4.27—More detailed model for a 2-22pF _L 50 ohm network to suppress
quartz crystal. All motional inductance UHF oscillations at 500
values are identical, with motional load to 1000 MHz. The
capacitance scaling with frequency. suppression circuit
See text. generates a UHF load
that is largely absent at
the operating frequency.
74BC04 NC
+11 dBm
\ 1 2 0.1 Output
Fig 4,31—Adding HCMOS inverters can substantially flatten the output of a VXO.
Fig 4.30—Basic VXO circuit. C2 is
Output filtering will be required.
typically twice C1, which is
100 pF at 10 MHz and higher, doubling
for 7 MHz. L is determined by
experiment. C v can be about any
variable capacitor, but should be one
with small minimum capacitance.
L may = 0,2.7 (iH or 5.4 jiH.
4.16 Chapter 4
The oscillators presented so far have
used mechanical variable capacitors for |J1 7 8 L 0 5
tuning. The other traditional tuning scbcmc
is inductivc. the permeability-tuned oscil-
lators of Collins fame. Both depend on
well-cnginecred mechanical designs, a de-
sirable, but disappearing characteristic.
The voltage-controlled oscillator is replac-
ing the "simple" mechanically tuned oscil-
lator of the past. That oscillator is then used
as part of a frequency synthesizer. In a few
cases, the VCO is used "open loop," with-
out synthesis.
The dominant component used for volt-
age control of oscillators of concern in this
text is the varactor diode. Any diode will
exhibit a capacitance. When the diode is
reverse biased, the capacitance will vary
inversely with the applied voltage. The
reverse biased diode is inserted in a V C O
circuit to become the tuning element in that
Figure 4.33 shows a 7 - M H z voltage
tuned oscillator. This circuit was designed
to serve as the main control for a direct
conversion transceiver. (Described lateras
the Western Mountaineer.) Q1 functions
a s a h i g h C C o l p i t t s oscillator. Inductor L I
is resonated with the 470-pF Col pi u s ca-
pacitors and C I , a fixed capacitor of over Fig 4.33—A varactor tuned 7-MHz oscillator with a restricted tuning range of about
600 pF. The value was hand picked for 60 kHz. Temperature compensation is provided with D2, a sense diode. L1=12
turns #26 on a T30-6 toroid, L2 is a 15-(iH RF choke.
resonance, with only a small. 10-pF trim-
mer for final adjustment.
Earlier measurements with a small en-
vironmental chamber had established the
tuning diode temperature c o e f f i c i e n t at
5 V as +442 p p m / ° C . This is generally
quite severe, over ten times worse than
NPO oscillator components.
This oscillator was initially built with-
out the diode, stable operation was con-
firmed, the diode was added, and environ-
mental chamber measurements were done.
The tuning diode D l , a Motorola MV209,
was temperature compensated with a sec-
ond diode, D2. The sense diode is placed in
the same thermal environment as the tun-
ing diode. The complete oscillator and its
buffer are shielded from the rest of the cir-
cuitry, for the oscillator runs at the same
frequency as the transmitter PA in this rig. Inside view of the 14-MHz VCO.
The diode standing current is adjusted by-
picking R l , generating the needed voltage
change with temperature. R l = 1 0 k Q
sense-diode biasing and serves as the sup- ity, phase noise, and tuning linearity. This
worked well in our circuit, but should be
ply for the tuning controls. occurs with low timing voltage and is
picked with the environmental chamber for
The op-amp, U2, combines two tuning usually detected as a decrease in V C O
individual applications. This compensation
controls and an offset voltage while pro- output.
scheme was suggested to us by WA7TZY.
viding a regulated tuning voltage. The cir- The final temperature coefficient realized
The oscillator supply is regulated with cuit is configured to maintain at least 4.3 V with this oscillator was about 2 ppm/°-C. The
U l . a 78L05 three-terminal regulator. The on the tuning diode. In many varactor- transceiver has appeared to be "rock solid"
original Zener regulation was unstable tuned oscillators, R F voltage will be recti- during field operation, including winter
with temperature, adding extra complica- fied by the diode, allowing conduction snowshoeing treks.
tion. The regulated voltage also provides during part of the cycle, degrading stabil- A 14-MHz V C O is shown in Fig 4.34.
f5.6/HFi 100-jiF capacitor. The signal was attenu-
5n/FT '••210 | jlSOK
NPO ]2.2K _L 1K
ated to - 3 1 dBm and applied to the re-
ceiver input through a step attenuator.
Tune EB104
Line Audio output was monitored with an
dual LI: 16t #26 T30-6
varactor HP3400A true-RMS voltmeter with
1 uH riorn.
receiver ACSC set off. The audio noise out-
put in the meter was noted 5 kHz away from
Fig 4.34—14-MHz VCO for use in synthesizer experiments. L=16 turns on a T30-6
the carrier. The receiver was then tuned to
toroid coated with Q-dope to reduce micro-phonic effects.
the carrier and the step attenuator was
increased until the response was the same
as observed with the noise. Additional
VCO Tuning Curve
attenuation of 110 dB was required to reach
this response. The noise bandwidth was
Fig 4.35— 500 Hz. producing a measured CNR of
Frequency vs - 1 3 7 dBc/Hz. It is not clear if this noise
control voltage for
comes from the VCO or from the receiver
14-MHz VCO. An
* F average sensitivity VFO, but this value is a useful "worst case"
for this circuit limit. No phase noise could be detected at
/ over the 2 to 10 V 10 kHz offset. No outboard crystal filler
range is 30 kHz/V.
was used for this measurement, placing us
al the limit of what we can measure with
this setup.
4.18 Chapter 4
A PLL that is " l o c k e d " forces the VCO
io be at exactly the same frequency as the
reference. If the r e f e r e n c e is tuned, the
VCO will follow, maintaining not only the Reference
^ame frequency but a p h a s e relationship
that depends on the characteristics of the
detector. If the loop d y n a m i c s are " w r o n g , " VCO
ihe V C O may not respond smoothly to a • Phase Loop
change in the reference f r e q u e n c y . In the » Detector Filter
extreme, the loop can oscillate.
We begin our discussion of the P L L with
an experiment to evaluate a Mini-Circuits
SBL-1 mixer operating as a phase detector.
Most of us have no easy way to accurately
Fig 4.36—Basic Phase Locked Loop.
measure phase, but wc can do things to
infer it. In this vein, we first characterize a
piece of coaxial cable, a 2 5 - f o o t length
available in a h o m e lab. A "half w a v e "
balun was fabricated f r o m the cable, shown
in Fig 4 . 3 7 A . T h e two balanced output
points were attached to 100-Q resistors 20 dB Pad
with the junction attached to an R F spec- I
RF-in to,
trum a n a l v / e r . T h e signal generator was
tuned until a null was found at 12.88 MHz.
This occurs when the cable is a half wave-
length long, p r o d u c i n g 180 d e g r e e s of
phase shift b e t w e e n the two ends. A half
wavelength in f r e e space at this f r e q u e n c y
38.2 feet, so the velocity factor of our
; o a x is 0.65. which is about what we would
expect. T h e phase delay in the coaxial cable •'l k• « T o DVM
RF-in (O)—^-aaa, • * ( / X
* ill be directly proportional to cable length
m d to f r e q u e n c y . W e k n o w the length and
frequency that yield a phase shift of 180
•Jegrees. so wc can calculate the phase for 10 dB Pad
any arbitrary f r e q u e n c y . 68
The c h a r a c t e r i z e d coaxial c a b l e is n o w
used in the test set of Fig 4 . 3 7 B . T h e signal | 1 0 0 | X
1 0 OS'
g e n e r a t o r o u t p u t is d i v i d e d in a p o w e r 1 25'coax
»plitter c o n s i s t i n g of three 5 1 - f t resistors.
This p r e s e r v e s a 5 0 - Q e n v i r o n m e n t while
equally splitting the input power. O n e sig- Fig 4.37—Part A characterizes the phase shift in a section of coax cable that is
nal is applied directly to the S B L - 1 L O then used in part B to evaluate a SBL-1 as a phase detector.
port. T h e o t h e r is a t t e n u a t e d by 10 d B ,
phase shifted with the cable, and applied
to the m i x e r R F port. T h e output w a s low
pass filtered with a s i m p l e RC filler and
measured with a digital voltmeter. T h e sig-
S B L - 1 as a P h a s e D e t e c t o r
nal g e n e r a t o r a m p l i t u d e w a s a d j u s t e d to 200
p r o d u c e the s p e c i f i e d +7 d B m L O drive
level. T h i s overall circuit is f a m i l i a r as a
delay-line d i s c r i m i n a t o r . 100
A q u i c k tuning of the signal g e n e r a t o r
s h o w e d that the o u t p u t w a s z e r o at 6.4
- 0 \
MHz. w h e r e coax p h a s e shift is 90 degrees. X
Data w a s taken o v e r the 3 to 10-MHz spec-
trum to generate a plot (Fig 4 . 3 8 ) s h o w i n g
output voltage as a f u n c t i o n of phase. T h i s o
is close to a straight line over a w i d e p h a s e -150
range, with the d e p a r t u r e at low angles ~200
resulting f r o m a signal g e n e r a t o r output 20 40 60 SO 100 120 140 160
decrease near 3 M H z . (We used a m o d e s t
drive at the m i x e r R F port; the m i x e r is
Phase, degrees
a p p r o x i m a t e l y linear to R F drive at this
level.) E x a m i n a t i o n of the data in Fig Fig 4.38—Dc output vs phase for a SBL-1 operated as a phase detector.
Re£. i n . VCO. i n .
+7 dBm SBL-1 +7 dBm Input.
1 1
1+12 Fig 4.39—Phase
* • -
locked loop using
L " =
fl2v OOu the phase detector.
to rnpi-L.
22K 112
Jr —vv- 3 j^LMSSS
2 . 2K? 100
0.22 47K _L 47K T
=" 36K 0.22
Fig 4.40—Phase frequency detector
using digital integrated circuits.
4.20 Chapter 4
A Practical Frequency Multiplying PLL LO System without a Loop Filter
The phase locked loops we have described are second a lower frequency crystal controlled oscillator. The harmonic
order loops, ones with a capacitor in the loop filter that signal should be between -40 and 0 dBm at the desired
alters loop response. A simpler form for loops is possible, frequency.
a first order circuit. This occurs when we take the dc A dual op-amp provides the rest of the control for the
output from a phase detector, perhaps with some amplifi- system. U1A is a unity gain voltage follower driven by a
cation, and apply it directly to a VCO. This is exactly the 10-turn 2-ki2 pot. The output signal, from 0.3 to 6 V, is
sort of negative feedback used when we control the gain applied to the diode ring in a way that this level also
of a simple op-amp by connecting the output to the input reaches the VCO. Note that this is not easily realized with
through a resistor. The circuit is stable so long as the gain all ring mixers. Phase detection occurs in the diode ring,
before feedback is inverting. The second order loop, with creating a dc signal that is added to the applied dc bias.
its additional capacitor, introduces the possibility of a This is then differentially amplified with a voltage gain of
delay between an output error and the signal reaching the +11 in U1B and routed to the VCO.
amplifier input to correct that error. The system is generally very easy to use. The 10-turn
An analogy may be appropriate: A rider proceeding pot Is merely tuned until a lock is obtained, producing
down a hill on a bicycle controls direction with a first order stable output signals in the receiver. A chart of the
feedback loop. The VCO represents the bicycle handle- various frequencies vs the setting of the 10-turn control is
bars; a direction error is corrected with immediate kept, allowing an easy return. The capture range (how
feedback applied to the handgrips. The second order loop close you must tune the 10 turn control to achieve lock) is
places springs between the rider's controlling hands and about 100 kHz if the corresponding input is at -10 dBm,
the handlebars, effecting a delay in the feedback. The but drops to 10 kHz for a -30 dBm input. The reference
system with springs might be smoother on a gentle hill, spurious responses in the output at plus and minus 1 MHz
but clearly needs much more effort on the part of the were at
designer. The consequences of failure are dramatic. -60 dBc when the loop was locked.
We had built a VHF transceiver (described later in the This circuit should be built over ground plane with
book) tuning from 52 to 53 MHz that receives most relatively short leads in the RF areas. The U310 common
modes. While normally used with microwave transverters, gate amplifier is critical. While the gain is low, the reverse
we wanted to also use this for casual HF reception. We isolation is very good, needed to prevent 1-MHz energy
needed a stable LO that would operate in the 48 to 70- from reaching the VCO where it can create sidebands.
MHz area that could drive a mixer to convert HF signals to The amplifier is built by drilling a hole in the ground foil for
VHF. The needed LO could take on frequencies that were the FET and soldering it in place. This is possible with the
multiples of 1 MHz. This was done with a first order phase U310, for the gate is attached to the metal can. A J310
locked loop, shown in Fig 4A. The basis for the LO is a could be substituted if caution is devoted to keeping the
pair of off-the-shelf modules from Mini-Circuits: a POS- circuit stable. Such circuits are discussed in Chapter 6.
100 voltage controlled oscillator tuning from 50 to 100 Capacitor C1 is a VHF bypass that filters the dc coming
MHz and a SBL-1 serving as a phase detector. from the phase detector. The value is small enough that it
The VCO output is split with most of the energy routed to does not impact loop performance.
a coaxial output for mixer use. A sample is applied to a The greatest virtue of this circuit is its tolerance to
common gate amplifier, Q1, and then to the SBL-1 phase experimental changes. Because there are no loop filter
detector with a level of about +7 dBm. The RF input to the components to pick, there is little design to be done. Yet
phase detector, the "reference" for the loop, is a harmonic of the resulting performance can be excellent.
Phase Det. VCO 02 POS-lOO Internal
bottom view Details
Reference U3 SBi~l
#h - If
bottom Isolation
-4« to • Amp.
RF i
' r fr*
— *
nnB i/Bi/io
Fig 4A—A first order PLL allowing a VHF VCO to lock to harmonics of a 1-MHz input.
4.22 Chapter 4
The P L L still has filtering properties. A P N P guarantees an operating level that pass is a peaked (ultra-spherical) design,
Jetailed analysis will show that the loop never forward biases the tuning diode. A offering greater than normal harmonic
t e h a v e s like a single tuned circuit at the b u f f e r increases the output to +2 dBm. attenuation. A band-switch sclects the
• i " 0 frequency with a bandwidth equal- There are no large bypass capacitors appropriate output. Even though the 7-
j the loop bandwidth. This tracking within the shielded VCO. for the +12-V MHz circuitry continues to operate when
•t r moves along with the output, trans- supply is keyed. the 14-MHz band is in use, the 40-meter
: _ n n u the characteristics of the reference The V C O output drives a passive power output is still 70 dB below the desired out-
"its the V C O output. This filtering charac- splitter where the two applications are put. The 0-dBm output was used to drive a
teristic is not available to one building the isolated, shown in Fig 4.44. One path two stage, 1-W power amplifier. This was
s » r e conventional heterodyne system. routes 14-MHz energy to Q3 where it is low pass filtered and used on the air for
Schematics are presented for a practical amplified to a 2.5-V pk-pk level to serve Q R P activity, or applied to a FET power
implementation of the system of Fig 4.42. as the L O for Q4, a dual gate M O S F E T amplifier for more aggressive efforts.
i design we used for a 10-year period. T w o mixer. The 12.5-MHz signal is generated The 1.5-MHz output f r o m Fig 4.44 is
-j«put frequency bands were available: 7 with Q5. The level reaching the mixer is applied to the phase frequency detector,
:o 7.1 and 14 to 14.2 M H z . The 14-MHz adjusted to prevent overdriving the mixer. shown in Fig 4.45. This then drives a loop
•utput was also frequency doubled to pro- The mixer output is filtered in a 1.7-MHz filter using a L M 3 0 1 op-amp. The loop
duce a 28-MHz signal. The basic circuit is low pass filter. was designed for a 10-kHz loop band-
i 14-MHz PLL, but the output is digitally The other splitter output is applied to Q6, width. The reference V F O (not shown) for
Avided to produce the 7-MHz component. a stage providing 14-MHz output. Some the phase detector was a J F E T Hartley
The 14-MHz V C O is shown in Fig 4.43. energy is "stolen" at the emitter to dri ve Q7 buffered with a M O S F E T .
A 2N3906 P N P ( Q l ) oscillator is tuned and U l , a D-flip-flop operating as a Keying and timing details, although not
with a M V 2 0 9 abrupt junction varactor divider. The resulting square wave is fur- shown, are critical in this system. The
diode. The grounded collector facilitates ther buffered in Q8 and is low pass filtered V C O was keyed with a "'+12T" voltage
diode biasing. The emitter current in the to produce a clean 7-MHz signal. The low that started as soon as the key was pressed.
^ — @ phase/f req.
0 dBm
m e m w h e r e signals w e r e s p a c e d at 10-kHz
Fig 4.45—Phase-frequency detector and loop filter for the tracking PLL.
intervals. It w o u l d not. a s s h o w n , b e very
u s e f u l as a general p u r p o s e L O .
Modifications could improve resolu-
tion. F o r e x a m p l e , increasing R to 2 0 0 0
produces a 1-kHz reference. N ranging
f r o m 9 0 0 0 to 9 5 0 0 would then c o v e r the
desired r a n g e in 1-kHz steps. (A m e a n s of
pulling the 2 - M H z crystal oscillator by a
m e r e 2 2 2 Hz would then generate all L O
f r e q u e n c i e s within the d e s i r e d range.)
G e n e r a l l y , 1 0 0 - H / resolution p r o d u c e s
u n d e r s t a n d a b l e S S B w h i l e 10-Hz s t e p s
yield natural s o u n d i n g v o i c e s . But d i v i d -
ers of 9 0 , 0 0 0 or 9 0 0 . 0 0 0 are i m p r a c t i c a l ,
e v e n t h o u g h they are easily a c h i e v e d with
digital logic.
C o n s i d e r the 1 - k H z s t e p s y s t e m w i t h
N = 9 0 0 0 to 9 5 0 0 . T h e d c t e c t o r r e f e r e n c e
f r e q u e n c y is 1 - k H z , the s t e p value. T h e
Fig 4.46—A single loop Divide-by-N PLL. loop filtering (plus b a l a n c e e f f e c t s ) m u s t
p r o d u c e c o n s i d e r a b l e a t t e n u a t i o n at
1 k H z . G e n e r a l l y , a s y s t e m with a I - k H z
step w o u l d use a loop b a n d w i d t h of 100
C a r e f u l listening and examination with an where direct division w o u l d p r o d u c e the H z or less. T h e d c f r o m the loop filter
o s c i l l o s c o p e s h o w e d that p h a s e lock was desired outputs. includes a small 1 - k H z c o m p o n e n t that
fast and a l w a y s occurred b e f o r e a signal f r e q u e n c y m o d u l a t e s the V C O carrier at 1
w a s applied to the a n t e n n a . A " h o l d - o f f '
circuit w a s i n c l u d e d that p r e v e n t e d t h e
Divide-by-N Phase k H z . T h e s p e c t r u m is a carrier with I - k H z
s i d e b a n d s . T h e s e would b e t r a n s m i t t e d if
keying v o l t a g e f r o m r e a c h i n g t h e p o w e r Locked Synthesis t h e L O w a s part o f a transmitter. If part of
a m p l i f i e r until the key had b e e n d o w n f o r T h e most c o m m o n scheme f o r f r e q u e n c y a receiver, the contaminated L O would
5 m i l l i s e c o n d s . T h i s w a s applied only on synthesis is the divide-bv-N P L L F i g 4.46. c a u s e a strong signal to be received in a
initial k e y c l o s u r e s . V O X - l i k e circuitry A crystal oscillator at F x is divided by a c o u p l e of e x t r a f r e q u e n c i e s , albeit at re-
then m a i n t a i n e d the s y s t e m in t r a n s m i t (usually) f i x e d integer R . p r o d u c i n g a duced strength.
m o d e ( V C O on and T / R relay c l o s e d ) f o r r e f e r e n c e signal at the phase frequency de- T i m i n g p r o b l e m s o c c u r w h e n N is
half a s e c o n d o r so. T h i s system w o u l d b e tector at F x / R . T h e V C O is divided by a i n c r e m e n t e d t o t u n e such a s y n t h e s i z e r .
c o m p r o m i s e d if the V C O locking had not p r o g r a m m a b l e integer, N. T h e d i v i d e d W h i l e the N c h a n g e is i n s t a n t a n e o u s , the
been q u i c k . V C O must also appear at F x / R , so F V = N F X / result is not. A filter with 100-Hz b a n d -
A n u m b e r of c h a n g e s would be i m p l e - R. Consider an example: W e wish to build width is c a p a b l e of c h a n g e in a t i m e c o m -
mented if this system w a s rebuilt today. a synthesizer for the 9 to 9 . 5 - M H z range. m e n s u r a t e with 1/B w h e r e B is the loop
The dual-gate mixer would be replaced W e divide a 2 - M H z crystal oscillator by b a n d w i d t h , here 10 m i l l i s e c o n d s . T h e ef-
with a b a l a n c e d circuit. T h e o p - a m p would R = 2 0 0 to generate a 10-kHz reference. N fect can be a " c h i r p y " sound with tuning.
b e c o m e an u p - t o - d a t e alternative, such as must be set to 9 0 0 to p r o d u c e a 9 - M H z sig- T h e r e is y e t a n o t h e r p r o b l e m , a degra-
the O P A - 2 7 . H i g h speed C M O S w o u l d nal. Increasing N causes F v to increase in d a t i o n in p h a s e noise. T h e P L L with a
r e p l a c e the L S - T T L used. F i n a l l y , t h e 10-kHz steps, r e a c h i n e 9.5 M H z with d i v i s i o n - b y - N is a f r e q u e n c y multiplier.
V C O would run continuously without N=950. A s s u m e , f o r e x a m p l e , that 1 - H z c h a n g e s
k e y i n g , but w o u l d o p e r a t e at a d i f f e r e n t T h i s s y s t e m w o u l d w o r k well a s a trans- the r e f e r e n c e at t h e d e t e c t o r . W i t h
f r e q u e n c y . T h i s c o u l d b e 28 o r 5 6 MHz c e i v e r local oscillator ( L O ) in an e n v i r o n - N = 9 0 0 0 , that i - H z shift b e c o m e s a 9 - k H z
4.24 Chapter 4
t i n t t in the V C O . If w e think of t h e 1-H/. l o a d e d in t h e c o u n t e r , b e g i n n i n g t h e c y c l e a v a i l a b l e f o r p h a s e locked l o o p s . O n e ex-
a r f e r e n c e s h i f t as a n o i s e , t h e r e s u l t a f t e r a n e w . T h i s o v e r a l l c i r c u i t will d i v i d e b y a m p l e is the M o t o r o l a M C 1 4 5 1 7 0 , w h i c h
f r e q u e n c y m u l t i p l i c a t i o n b y N is a n o i s e t h e n u m b e r l o a d e d at J A to J D ( 0 to 15) p l u s i n c l u d e s p r o g r a m m a b l e N and R dividers,
i n c r e a s e b y 2 0 L o g ( N ) d B . 7 9 d B f o r this 2. S e v e r a l 7 4 H C 1 9 3 s c a n b e c a s c a d e d to p h a s e - f r e q u e n c y d e t e c t o r , crystal oscilla-
case. C l e a r l y , P L L s y n t h e s i z e r s w i t h l a r g e realize large divisors. The 7 4 H C 7 4 forces tor, a n d digital c o n t r o l and m e m o r y
V ihould be avoided. t h e o u t p u t to b e s y n c h r o n o u s with the in- c i r c u i t s . 1 6 T h i s IC f u n c t i o n s up to 160
P L L s y n t h e s i z e r s a r e still p r a c t i c a l . put clock. M H z , r c c c i v i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s as a 16-bit
W i t h l a r g e f r e q u e n c y s t e p s , p e r h a p s 10 M a n y P L L f r e q u e n c y s y n t h e s i z e r s use a serial w o r d . W h i l e the use of a this chip
kHz o r m o r e , t u n i n g s e e m s i n s t a n t a n e o u s p r e s c a l e r , a d i v i d e r that d i v i d e s b y a f i x e d s i m p l i f i e s a s y n t h e s i z e r , it o f t e n m e a n s that
• title k e e p i n g r e f e r e n c e s i d e b a n d s well amount before reaching programmable a m i c r o p r o c e s s o r o r c o m p u t e r m u s t be
suppressed. G a p s b e t w e e n steps can be c i r c u i t r y . T h i s r e d u c e s the c o m p l e x i t y of p r e s e n t in e q u i p m e n t using s u c h a synthe-
Silled in w i t h s c h e m e s u s i n g a d d i t i o n a l t h e p r o g r a m m a b l e p a r t s , but h a s the d i s a d - sizer. T h e M C I 4 5 1 7 0 and the Na'tional
P i t s . V X O t u n i n g of t h e r e f e r e n c e , o r di- v a n t a g e of m u l t i p l y i n g t h e s y n t h e s i z e r L M X 1 5 0 1 A are used in a s y n t h e s i z e r on
rect digital s y n t h e s i s — a m e t h o d that w e s t e p s i z e by the p r e - s c a l e v a l u e . the book C D , the D S P - 1 0 t r a n s c e i v e r .
• ill d i s c u s s later. T h i s d i f f i c u l t y is e l i m i n a t e d w i t h a vari- T h e f r e q u e n c y multiplication and the
N u m e r o u s s c h e m e s are available for a b l e m o d u l u s p r e s c a l e r , a c h i p that d i v i d e s resulting phase noise degradation between
programmable f r e q u e n c y division, limited by o n e of t w o d i f f e r e n t v a l u e s , d e p e n d i n g t h e r e f e r e n c e and t h e V C O is a f u n d a m e n -
!?> the e x p e r i e n c e of t h e d e s i g n e r s . O n e is on the status of a c o n t r o l pin. F o r e x a m p l e , tal p r o p e r t y of a d i v i d e - b y - N s y n t h e s i z e r
ta n in F i g 4 . 4 7 . T h e i n c o m i n g s i g n a l is t h e M o t o r o l a M C 1 2 0 1 5 is a d i v i d e by that c a n n o t b e a v o i d e d w i t h " i m p r o v e d "
digitized a n d a p p l i e d to the d o w n c o u n t i n g 3 2 / 3 3 : it d i v i d e s t h e i n c o m i n g f r e q u e n c y d e s i g n . F o r t h i s r e a s o n , it is b e c o m i n g
c i o c k i n p u t of a n U p / D o w n c o u n t e r , a b y e i t h e r 3 2 o r 33. E x t r a c i r c u i t r y is re- c o m m o n f o r m a n u f a c t u r e r s of P L L inte-
" - J H C 1 9 3 . T h e state of t h e c o u n t e r d e c r e - q u i r e d in t h e p r o g r a m m a b l e p a r t of t h e grated c i r c u i t s t o s p e c i f y t h e p h a s e n o i s e
m e n t s b y 1 with e a c h c l o c k p u l s e . W h e n it s y n t h e s i z e r to a c c o m m o d a t e p r e s c a l e r of t h e i r ICs at the p h a s e d e t e c t o r . S p e c t r a l
r e a c h e s 0, t h e " b o r r o w " line g o e s l o w . T h i s p r o g r a m m i n g , b u t t h e p r o g r a m m a b l e cir- n o i s e d e n s i t y in the - 1 6 0 d B c / H z r e g i o n is
t» fed to the d a t a i n p u t of a D - F F . W h e n the c u i t r y is r e l a t i v e l y s l o w , e a s i n g d e s i g n and c o m m o n . T h e f i n a l s y s t e m d e s i g n is then
Q of that p a r t g o e s l o w , t h e " l o a d " c o m - reducing power. d e g r a d e d b y 2 0 L o g ( N ) . It will be e v e n
s i a n d o n the ' 1 9 3 is e x e c u t e d , c a u s i n g the Numerous commercially manufactured w o r s e if o t h e r n o i s e s o u r c e s c o m e i n t o
data o n t h e " j a m " i n p u t s , J A to J D , t o b e L S I (large-scale integration) chips are p l a y , s u c h as a p o o r V C O .
A VXO Extending
A s i m p l e P L L s y n t h e s i z e r with a s i n g l e
l o o p c a n b e u s e d in c o n j u n c t i o n with a
V X O for numerous special applications.
This could be a divide-by-N design like
that of F i g 4 - 4 6 , o r a m o d i f i e d d e s i g n that
i n c l u d e s a m i x e r , s h o w n in F i g 4 . 4 8 . T h e
c r y s t a l o s c i l l a t o r ( V X O ) n o w s e r v e s as t h e
L O f o r a m i x e r and as a d i v i d e d p r o g r a m -
mable clock for the phase detector. T h e
s t e p size is n o l o n g e r u n i f o r m , a c o n s e -
Fig 4.47—A simple programmable divider. See text. q u e n c e of t h e v a r i a b l e r e f e r e n c e d i v i d e r .
H o w e v e r , t h e s c h c m e is c a p a b l e of p r o -
d u c i n g very s m a l l steps w i t h a r e l a t i v e l y
EP O u t p u t high r e f e r e n c e f r e q u e n c y .
C o n s i d e r an e x a m p l e : A 6 . 8 9 2 - M H z
o s c i l l a t o r is p l a c e d in the c i r c u i t of Fig
4 . 4 8 with N r a n g i n g f r o m 3 2 to 6 4 . S o m e
(but n o t all) o u t p u t f r e q u e n c i e s , s t e p sizes,
a n d r e f e r e n c e f r e q u e n c i e s a r c g i v e n in
T a b l e 4.1.
The reference frequency varies accord-
i n g to the crystal f r e q u e n c y d i v i d e d b y N
while the step size varies with F x ' N 2 . Con-
Table 4.1
N VCO Output Step Size Hef. Freq.
32 7 1 0 7 . 7 kHz 6 . 5 kHz 215.4 kHz
33 7101.2 6.3 208.9
d o.a
i -0.2
Fig 4.50—Measured output of a direct
-1 digital synthesizer using the Analog
Devices 9831. Measurements were
performed with a Tektronix 494A
spectrum analyzer set for a center
Fig 4.49—A sine wave is generated in DDS with a stepped approximation. Both the
stepped, or "sampled" waveform and the desired sine wave result are shown. frequency of 7.0 MHz. The signal is at
7.1 MHz. This DDS device uses a 10-bit
D-to-A converter and the manufacturer
reports similar spurious responses.
verting the crystal oscillator to a V X O fills At time zero, the desired, output sine wave 7.1 MHz was synthesized for this example,
the gaps. When this is done, it may not be will have zero amplitude. But 25 nS later, it producing spurious outputs over a wide
necessary to use all possible N numbers. will have an amplitude calculated by insert- spectrum. Other examples produced spurs
Synthesizers of this kind are useful as a ing 25 nS into the equation, 0.454 V. At 50 confined to li mited regions. There are even
means of extending ihe range of a V X O lo nS. the signal will be 0.809 V, and so forth. some "sweet spots," output frequencies
cover a larger band. However, they are One could plot these values against n lo that are virtually free of spurs'
best used with an independent frequency obtain the usual sine wave. However, this Limited D A C accuracy is a c o m m o n
counter that provides readout. A practical is not what you would see when examining reason given to explain spurs in a D D S
project using this scheme is given else- the DAC with a high-speed oscilloscope. synthesizer. While this is usually domi-
where in this chapter. A practical, general- Rather, you would see a line that is flat and nant. it is not the only source of spurs. The
purpose counter is also presented.' 7 level for 25 nS. It would then jump almost analysis presented above assumed a per-
instantaneously to 454 millivolts and re- fect D A C and still generated spurs. The
main there for another 25 nS. At 50 nS it very stair-step waveform of Fig 4.49 is an
Direct Digital Synthesis would j u m p to 0,809 V. and so on. This approximation 10 a more ideal sampling
DDS. or direct digital synthesis is very behavior is shown in Fig 4.49 where a sine waveform reconstruction. 1 8
powerful and is easily implemented with wave is sampled about 10.7 times percyclc. The wideband phase noise in Ihe output
special, large-scale integrated circuits. If wc had used an even 10 samples for of a DDS synthesizer is often very low,
The concept is deceptively simple: Digi- cach cycle of the sine wave being gener- comparable with the best Divide-bv-N
tal approximations to values for a synthe- ated. the lowest frequency in the overall PLL systems. However, this is of little
sized sine wave are calculated or looked- signal would be that of the output. The consequencc if the noise is merely
up f r o m memory. These values arc loaded only distortion would be harmonics. Con- replaced by a family of coherent spurious
into a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) sider a slightly different case, one where responses.
with a new value being periodically gener- wc use 10.333 samples for cach cycle of Most current commercial transceivers
ated after a fixed sample time. the final oscillation. Three cycles of the use a combination of PLL and D D S tech-
A typical DDS IC might be clocked with output waveform would then be generated nology. Unfortunately, it is very difficult
a 40-MHz crystal oscillator. This signal with 31 samples. There is a longer peri- to gain even a basic understanding of these
serves as a clock for updating the output odic character to the overall waveform that systems from the sketchy manuals. Rohde
with a new sample that will persist for 25 would create spurious outputs at one-third described an excellent example of a dual
nanoseconds (1/40 MHz) until the next the output frequency. All harmonics of the technology synthesizer. 1 9 That design
update arrives. To illustrate the operation, low frequency are also available. The used DDS to generate a 10.7-MHz signal
assume we want to generate a 3-MHz sine spurs become more numerous as the peri- that was tunable in small sleps. The result
wave with a 1 V amplitude. This is given as ods become longer. was bandpass filtered with a 10-kHz wide
Fig 4.50 shows the measured output of crystal filter and then frequency divided to
V = sin (2 x irx f x t ) f = 3 MHz an Analog Devices AD-9831 residing on a 100 kHz where it served as the reference
demo-board f r o m Analog Devices. The for a PLL controlling a 75 to 105-MHz
Eq 4.4 part used a 25-MHz clock. An output of VCO.
4.26 Chapter 4
The "Ugly Weekender" is a viable The VFO is buffered with a keyed dual- tor voltage between modules. This com-
project for both the beginner and the sea- gate MOSFET amplifier, Q2. A JFET ponent was eliminated in the single
soned builder. The major feature, and the source follower driving a feedback ampli- compartment version.
source of the name, is the construction fier would also provide the needed The output power amplifier, Q9, an
method outlined in Chapter 1. This section 10-milliwatt output needed to drive the ever-reliable 2N3866 with a small heat
describes a version of that transmitter frequency doubler. sink, is shown in Fig 4.52. Numerous other
that uses frequency doubling to achieve The 2X-frequency multiplication
improved oscillator isolation. occurs with a pair of diodes, as discussed
The transmitter (Fig 4.51) begins with a in greater detail in Chapter 5. The doubler
3.5-MHz variable frequency oscillator. output is selected with a single tuned
The familiar Hartley topology is used, al- circuit. A 10% bandwidth double tuned
though others would work as well. The circuit would be a better choice in this
oscillator, Q l . runs continuously to avoid position. The power lost in the passive fre-
repeated warm-up drift, oscillating a few quency multiplication is regained with a
kHz above the normal frequency, but is buffer amplifier using Q6 and Q7.
shifted to the desired frequency during The 7-MHz output from Q7 is applied to
transmit intervals. The VFO is tempera- a 500-fi drive control with output to a
ture compensated with a combination of keyed feedback amplifier, Q8, shown in
NPO and polystyrene capacitors in the Fig 4.52. The keying voltage is derived
3.5-MHz tank circuit. The combination from Q4, an integrating waveform shap-
was picked and confirmed with repeated ing circuit.
temperature runs in a home-built environ- A feed-through capacitor in the two box Outside view of " U g l y Weekender"
mental chamber. version of this circuit routes the Q4 collec- transmitters for 7 (left) and 3.5 MHz.
3.5 MHz
""VII Key
u J
T1 15t with 5 bifilar turn output, FT37-43.
T2 45t #28, T50-2, 5 turn links(2).
T3 15t #28 on FT37-43, 4 t link.
L6 15t FT37-43
Fig 4 . 5 1 — V F O and frequency multiplier for the Mk II Ugly Weekender.
parts will function in this position with
circuit details discussed in Chapter 2. T4,T5: 10 b i r i l a r turns #26, r t Y I -
Output power is just over two watts with 1,2: 34" #22, T68-6
the drive control at maximum. A T/R sys- L3,M: 16- #22, T50-6, 1.1 111!
tem is included for QRP applications. L5: 15 uH molded
Q5 is a transistor switch that generates a
grounded line when the key is pressed.
This signal is timed to hold for a short Fig 4.52—Driver and power amplifier portion of the Mk II Ugly Weekender.
period after the key is opened to control an
electronic transmit-receive switch with a
100-W power amplifier sometimes used
with this exciter.
simpler solution was sought, one that was transistor conditioner that drives a gate
A Digital Dial usable without special programming skills. controlled by the counter time base. For
The frequency counters wc see in the This circuit uses a small number of 100 Hz resolution, the gate must be "open"
amateur literature are either general-pur- readily available, inexpensive integrated for 10 milliseconds. However, this design
pose lest instruments or special designs, circuits, including the four-LED displays. has an extra divide-by-10 to suppress last
intended as a readout for a receiver or The design was intended to be cheap digit flicker, so a 100-mS count window is
transceiver. This unit falls into the later enough for repetitive use in a variety of used. After the counting is finished and
category, but it could be expanded to serve projects. The approximate S10 parts cost the gate is closed, a "strobe" signal is ap-
general applications. included the time base crystal, but did not plied to ICs that remember the counted
We wanted this design to use standard include a PC board. 2 0 result and decode it to a format suitable to
parts. Excellent special purpose counter This counter avoids multiplex methods, drive the 7-segment light emitting diode
chips are available, but they are often expen- which are prone to RF noise generation. displays. This is followed by a pulse that
sive and difficult to find. Micro-processors, Frequency resolution is 100 Hz. resets the counters to zero, ready for the
such as the popular PIC and Basic Stamp Figure 4.53 shows a functional block next cycle.
Series, can be configured as counters, while diagram for the frequency counter. Sig- The time base, shown in Fig 4.54, be-
serving all related display chores. But a nals to be counted are applied to a single gins with a crystal controlled bipolar tran-
4.28 Chapter 4
Fig 4.53—Block diagram for counter.
3 . 2 768 MHz
MHz I, J .
lk >
| T~ '
lr Ul — •2
Y0 _T6
H o w e v e r , t h e r e is n o n e e d f o r h i g h s p e e d
in t h e d i s p l a y f u n c t i o n , s o the d e c o d e r
drivers use the slower standard C M O S
5-60 n <* HC390 HC4060 parts. U s i n g s l o w e r p a r t s h e r e s h o u l d h e l p
(strobe) to m i n i m i z e R F n o i s e and c u r r e n t c o n -
09 U3
13 11 sumption. We used c o m m o n cathode,
•A/W HC13 8
39K 13 3 seven segment LEDs, type M A N 4 7 4 0 .
12 E a r l y v e r s i o n s of t h i s c o u n t e r u s e d only
14 2
T OS t w o d i g i t s of d i s p l a y , s h o w i n g o n l y 0 to 9 9
2N3904 k H z . W h i l e this w o r k e d well as a digital
6 I
s u b s t i t u t e f o r a m e c h a n i c a l d i a l , it b c c a n i e
f r u s t r a t i n g in s o m e a p p l i c a t i o n s . W e
found ourselves wanting more resolution,
i n c l u d i n g a digit to the right of t h e k H z
decimal placc. A more complete display
w i t h d i g i t s to t h e l e f t a l l o w s c o m p l e t e
Fig 4.54—Time base portion of frequency counter. e l i m i n a t i o n of m e c h a n i c a l d i a l s in m a n y
systems. The lower current two-digit for-
mat is a v a i l a b l e b y e l i m i n a t i n g the r e l a t e d
4 5 1 1 d r i v e r s a n d L E D s in t h e d e s i g n p r e -
s i s t o r o s c i l l a t o r o p e r a t i n g al 3 . 2 7 6 8 M H z . t i o n e d w i t h Q 1 w i t h t h e r e s u l t i n g logic- sented.
T h e c r y s t a l is a r e a d i l y a v a i l a b l e , o f f - t h e - a p p l i e d to U 4 A , part of a q u a d N A N D g a t e Total current depends upon the digits
s h e l v e part. T h e o s c i l l a t o r is d i v i d e d b y w i t h o t h e r s e c t i o n s s e r v i n g as i n v e r t e r s . b e i n g d i s p l a y e d . W i t h 5 - M H z i n p u t sig-
2> 5 in U 1 and U 2 . a p a i r of 7 4 H C 4 0 6 0 T h e o u t p u t is then c o u n t e d b y U 1 1 a, U 5 , n a l s , c u r r e n t w a s a b o u t 80 m A w h e n t h e
" t i m e r " I C s , r e s u l t i n g in t h e d e s i r e d 100- and U6, 7 4 H C 3 9 0 dual d e c a d e c o u n t e r s . d i s p l a y r e a d " 8 8 8 . 8 " , d r o p p i n g to 3 0 m A
millisecond gale window. Further division T h e s e drive the decoder drivers, U7 with "111.1." T h e sensitivity was excel-
in U 2 p r o v i d e s a c h a i n of a d d i t i o n a l 100 through U 1 0 . using 451 IB decoder-driver lent w i t h a 5 - M H z . i n p u t , c o u n t i n g r e l i a b l y
m S w i n d o w s . T h e s e are d e c o d e d in U 3 to I C s . T h i s c o n f i g u r a t i o n will d i s p l a y k H z w i t h an i n p u t of less than - 4 0 d B m f r o m a
g e n e r a t e s t r o b e a n d reset p u l s e s . to t h e l e f t of a d e c i m a l p l a c e a n d t e n t h s of 5 0 - 0 g e n e r a t o r . T h e c o u n t e r c o n t i n u e s to
T h e rest of t h e c o u n t e r is s h o w n in Fig a k H z t o the right of t h e d e c i m a l p l a c e . f u n c t i o n to o v e r 5 0 M H z , b u t r e q u i r i n g
4.55. T h e signal to be c o u n t e d is c o n d i - W e h a v e u s e d I C s f r o m t w o f a m i l i e s in higher R F drive power.
" "v Minple counter described above is measured. Clearly, this would be a good frequencies. If the crystal frequency is
- of good accuracy so long as the application for a microprocessor. changed, the " d i a l " can still be exactly
-'-:! and the oscillator components arc A simple counter that would still be accu- right for one frequency. It might not be too
i .~ The capacitor in series with the rate over a wide frequency range could be far off at others that are close.
should be adjusted to producc the built with circuitry much like that in Fig4.55. Consider an example, a 7 - M H z trans-
r-.'r count when a known frcqucncy is even if the IF is "unfriendly." The simple up ceiver using a crystal filter at 1.98 M H z .
. • - led to the counter input. counters would be replaced with presetable The V F O will then be tuned to 5.02 M H z
" counter as shown is suitable for use up-down counters. Instead of resetting the when the transceiver is at 7.000 M H z .
- •- -imple direct conversion transceivers counters to zero at the end of each cyclc, the Using the counter with the standard
-jperhet systems where the intermedi- counter would be loaded with an appropri- 3 . 2 7 6 8 - M H z crystal would produce a
i.-equency is an even multiple of 100 ate digital word that causes the LO counting count of " 2 0 . 0 " instead of the desired
i - • The "dial" then functions accuratcly to producc the right readout. "00.0." If the clock crystal was changed to
- ' -n the LO alone is counted, cxccpt for It is possible in some applications to 3.2899 M H z . a 13.1-kHz difference. the
' . .eft most digit. If a "less friendly" IF is obtain reasonable results over a narrow count would be proper at 7 MHz. The error
, - J. other schemes must be applied. The tuning range merely by changing the crys- at 7.1 M H z would be 0.4 kHz. This may be
-jl transceiver might have several inler- tal frequency. This counter uses a clock tolerable for some applications.
• . Jiate frequencies, all of them with oscillator of 3276.8 kHz. That value is di- There are several options available to
•--••en values. The corresponding oscil- vided by a fixed value to produce a lime the builder wanting to use a microproces-
TV including BFOs or carrier oscilla- window that drives the counting gate. The sor controlled counter. Simple units are
'•. could all be counted. A mixture of up final count is the number of cycles that available in kit form, ready for installation
, -J down counting might be required with pass through the gate during the time in- in Q R P rigs and the like, with references
• - various oscillators, depending upon the terval. The display is a number that is a found on the web. Some examples are also
the final frcqucncy is calculated or constant multiplied by the ratio of the two included on the book CD. 2 1
n r
up 74HC74
vxo Input 74HC193 Eor 74HC193 Bor
Load Load D «
U2 U5a
© JO J3 11 JO J3 IT 3
a_L tLS tl (10 19 J14 a_L|15 II 110 p _SJ
to ue
4D, +5
pin 3
+5 12 13
Q3Car 74HC74
so Q3
13 Up
74BC193 n U5b
Dwn load
11 JO J3 a +5
j O T T s |l HO P J l ' « . 22K
: Ext. Load
P10 1 - .1
100K (x8)
5 +5
» J8
300 rnV pp
600 uH,
0.1 ferrite bead,
HE612 1
U7 0.1
: si .001
2| 2L .001
Fig 4.57—Schematic for the experimental synthesizer. See text for details.
4.32 Chapter 4
els with Q2 and Q3.
Two programmable jumpers arc provided
at J-PD1 and J-PD2. While pin 3 of U8 is
normally driven from U5 in applications
with the crystal below the VCO frequency, it
may change to drive from Q3 in other sys-
tems. The frequency schcme shown has the
crystal above the VCO. A VCO tuning po-
larity may also require a change.
The loop filter uses a premium op-amp,
the OPA-27. This fast, low noise part is ideal
for this application. The four input resistors
are all 47 while the feedback elements
are 10 k£2 and 1.0 jiF for the 14-MHz
example. All of these components are sub-
ject to changc with other applications and
are marked TBD in the schematic for "to be
determined." They arc picked with the
PLL computer program that accompanies
Introduction to Radio Frequency Design.
Phase lock loops must be designed with
some care and component values arc not well
suited to casual selection.
The 14-MHz version of this design is
summarized in the equation sheet of F i g
4.58. The programming sets N for values Frequency synthesizer installed in a Hammond 1590BB box. Coaxial inputs are
from 34 to 66 with some frequencies listed from the VCO and reference VXO. All input/output lines are attached to
in the table. The design equations use a feedthrough capacitors.
XC-Low Pass
LC-Low Pass i > Detector
O j Divide iiyN
FX ' X
L -2CCC0 M -13CI
For this variation, wo will start \\ath an existing, available rock Also, for this variation, we wll use Let M^rnax.and L~_cwtreq Then. X
a eiystal that is ABOVE the output This changes the equation
5-10 (VXO range) N "66,'M 13J
H 139 X = 1432J (VXOfreq)
•AtTN) = (l - i j 6 FCM) ™ - (k^M) S(Ni = r. r: :r. - nxo:
mcn'I -: i*
1. W Havward, Introduction to Radio Makhinson. Communications Quarterly. Theory and Design, John Wiley & Sons.
Frequency Design. Chapter 7. Prentice- Spring. 1999. p p 9-17. 1976.
Hall. 1982: R. Rhea, Oscillator Design 9. D. B. Leeson. " A Simple Model of 16. CMOS Application-Specific Standard
and Computer Simulation, Second Edi- ICs, Motorola Inc. Publication DL130/D.
Feedback Oscillator Noise Spectra," Proc.
tion, Noble Publishing, 1995. 1991. p p 5-101. Data sheet has a good set
IEEE, Vol 54, Feb. 1966. pp 329-330.
2. For a discussion of the squeeging prob- of references. Sec also design equation
10. U. R o h d e . personal correspondence
lem, see Clarke. IEEE Transactions on page.
with author.
Circuit Theory. Vol CT-13, No. 1. Mar, 17. W. Hayward, "Variations in a Single-
11. W. Hayward, "Variations in a Single-
1966. Loop Synthesizer," QST, Sep, 1981, pp
Loop Frequency Synthesizer," QST, Sep,
3. W. Hay ward, "Measuring and Compen- 1981, pp 24-26. 24-26: Talbot. "N-over-M Frequency
sating Oscillator Frequency Drift." QST, Synthesis, " RF Design, Sep, 1997.
12. h t t p : / / w w w . q s l . n e t / 7 n 3 w v m /
Dec, 1993. pp 37-41. 18. E.O. Brigham. The Fast Fourier
4. K. Spaargarem, "Crystal Stabilized Transform. Section 5.4, " S a m p l i n g
13. W.S. Mortley. " F r e q u e n c y - M o d u -
V F O . " RadCom, Jul. 1973, pp 472-473. T h e o r m . " Prentice-Hall. 1974. pp 504-
lated Quartz Oscillators for Broadcasting
5. J. M a k h i n s o n . "A Drift-Free VFO.*' 510.
Equipment," IEEE Proceedings. P a n B,
QST. Dec. 1966, pp 32-36; K. Spaargaren, May. 1957. pp 239-249: W . S . Mortley. 19. U. Rohde. "A High-Performance Hy-
"Frequency Stabilization of L C Oscilla- "Circuit Giving Linear Frequency Modu- brid Frequency Synthesizer." QST. Mar.
tors." QEX. Feb, 1996. pp 19-23. lation of Quartz Crystal Oscillator," Wire- 1995, p p 30-38.
6. U. Rohde. Digital PLL Frequency Syn- less World. Oct, 1951, pp 399-403: V. 20. This circuit is similar to one described
thesizers Theory and Design, Prentice- Manassewitsch. Frequency Synthesizers: by G. Adcock, G4EUK, "A Simple Fre-
Hall, 1982. Theory and Design, Third Edition. John quency Counter for D C Receivers." Sprat
Wiley & Sons, 1987, pp 401-405. 73, Winter, 1992/93, p 10.
7. "The R F Oscillator". Radio Communi-
cations Handbook, Sixth Edition, RSGB, 14. See, eg, U. Rohde. Digital PLL Fre- 21. For the ultimate, high performance
1994, p 6.36. quency Synthesizers: Theory and Design, circuit, see W. Carver. "The M o d u l a r
8. U. Rohde, Digital PLL Frequency Syn- Prentice-Hall, 1983: U. Rohde and D. P. Dial," Communications Quarterly,
thesizers Theory and Design. Prentice- Ncwkirk, RF/Microwave Circuit Design Spring. 1998, pp 35-44. See also N.
Hall. 1982: U. Rohde, "Designing Low- for Wireless Applications. Chapter 5, John Heckt, "A PIC-Based Digital Frequency
Phase-Noise Oscillators," QEX. Oct. Wiley & Sons, Inc.. 2000. Display," QST. May, 1997. p p 36-38; and
1994, Fig 15, p 10: H. Johnson, personal 15. F.M. Gardner. Pltaselock Techniques. D. Benson. " F r e q - M i t e — A program-
correspondence with author: " D e m p h a n o Second Edition. Wiley. Apr, 1979: V. mable Morse Code Frequency Readout."
- A Device for Measuring Phase Noise." J. Manassewitsch. Frequency Synthesizers: QST, Dec. 1998. pp 34-36.
4.34 Chapter 4
this may not be the most common scheme, segments by themselves as signals are ap-
it lends itself to analysis. plied to the mixer input. The bias is a fixed
Examination begins with (he bias circuit value: the fixed current does not depend on
of Fig 5.3. Our goal is to model the FET and any applied signal. This is evident in the bias
ro then bias it half way between pinchoff curve in Fig 5.5. which is flat.
and full drain current. The Fig 5.3 circuit is I he linear term becomes more useful. If
built without a "test" resistor, producing a we apply a sine wave to the gate that causes
source voltage of 3.74 V. (These are actual the voltage to oscillate between 0.5 and 0.5
measured results with a J310 FET.) The V.a 1 V peak-to-peak swing, the current w ill
FET current is very low owing to the high vary by about 11 mA peak-peak. A high im-
\alue source resistor, so the FET pinchoff pedance in the drain allows the signal cur-
voltage will be close to -3.74 V. Test resis- rent to develop an output voltage. This is the
tors from 10 kU down to 15 U were then Fig 5.3—Biasing setup for FET modeling. characteristic we seek when we use the JFET
Fig 5.4—Curve fit of data for FET modeling. The bumps are Fig 5.5—The FET current Is split Into three components: a
the result of thermal effects In data, while the smooth curve fixed bias, a linear term and a parabola.
Is calculated.
5.2 Chapter 5
ear device behavior. Mixing can also be input impedances presented to the local cycle, and off for the rest. W h e n on, virtu-
produced in a system with time-dependent oscillator, making drive difficult. Emitter ally all of the R F power available can be
parameters. But. an ideal linear amplifier degeneration reduces drive power, but can delivered to a load at the IF port. But when
will never produce mixing. Even-order compromise noise figure. We have not per- the switch is off, none of the power can
curvature in a device characteristic is the formed careful measurements on this mixer. reach the load. With the R F reaching the
nonlinearity needed for mixing. F i g 5.8 shows a mixer using a single I F load only half of the time, the voltage
The simple single ended JFET mixer of diode. Such mixers were once very com- developed across the load f r o m the R F
Fig 5.6 becomes a practical circuit when the m o n . especially for microwave applica- generator is only half as high as it would
drain is tuned. But, it suffers from the wide tions. They have largely disappeared in be if present all of the time. Accordingly,
spread in FET characteristics, making it dif- modern times. the mixer has a 6-dB loss. F i g 5.9 shows
ficult to use in a "plug-and-play" mode. A T h e usual diode mixer has no bias w a v e f o r m s for a single diode switching
builder really needs to examine the FET to applied, but the L O signal is large enough mode mixer.
determine pinchoff and I D S S . to establish that it causes the diode to conduct. When Switching mode mixers are extremely
bias, and to pick the right LO level. The fol- the diode conducts, it looks like a small common, with most of the mixers wc use
lowing procedure may be used: resistance, allowing current to flow as the in communications operating in this way.
(1) Build the mixer with a 100-kQ source result of the applied RF. We envision the These mixers are typically passive and use
resistor. Measure the source voltage to diode as a switch that is controlled by the no power supply; they o f f e r n o gain. The
approximately establish the pinchoff. LO. The switch is "on" for half of the LO diode mixer of Fig 5.8 uses a series switch,
(2) Place a small resistor or even a short
circuit across the source resistor to in-
fer I D S S . (optional)
(3) Find (mathematically or experimen-
tally) a source resistor that sets the dc
source voltage at half the magnitude
Fig 5.8—A simple diode
of the pinchoff. mixer. RF and LO inputs
(4) Apply 1.0 power f r o m a low Z source generate an IF output,
and increase L O amplitude until the but the output is rich in
peak voltage approaches the dc bias signal feedthrough.
value. In the J310 example, the opti-
mum L O signal would be nearly 2-V
peak, or 4-V peak-to-peak. A high-
speed oscilloscope is required.
The low impedance L O drive allows the
FET to "look like" the source is grounded
for R F input signals. Similarly, the R F
tuned circuit should be one where the gate
looks back into a low impedance at the L O
The single J F E T mixer, when carcfully
done, is capable of excellent performance.
We have measured 4 to 6-dB N F with in-
put intercepts (third order) from 0 to +10
dBm with a 2 N 4 4 1 6 . The J310 is more
difficult to drive owing to the increased
'DSS> t > u l ' s capable of higher IIP3.
A bipolar transistor can be operated as a
single-ended active mixer, shown in Fig 5.7.
Lowest distortion will result from higher
standing current, but this produces very low
Fig 5.9—Time domain waveforms for a single diode switching mode mixer. The IF
output at any instant Is the RF input if the LO voltage is positive, but 0 when the
Fig 5.7—Simple bipolar mixer. LO Is 0 or negative.
n block diagram of i
14-MHz receiver.
The IF is 3.6 MHz,
produced with a
10.4-MHz local
- Bias
Fig 5.10—Switching mode mixer using a
single FET. Although a J F E T is shown,
the mixer can also be implemented with
a bipolar transistor, a MOSFET. or a
GaAs FET. This circuit typically has a
conversion loss of 6 dB. Input intercept
(third order) can be from 0 to +20 dBm,
depending on the FET type. LO energy
at the RF port is typically reduced by 10
to 15 dB. Operating frequency will circuits, are illustrated by the system of ally reasonable impedance match of the
dictate the components in the diplexer
Fig 5.11. a CW receiver for 14 M H z with 3.6-MHz bandpass filter. But all
filter, C1 and L1. See text.
I0.4-.WH/. L O and 3.6-MHz IF. 24.4-MHz energy is generally reflected by
the IF filter. That energy can get back into
IMAGES, SIDEBANDS, SUMS AND the mixer "output" where it might be
DIFFERENCES reconverted back to 14 MHz. but in a dif-
hut shunt switches also work well. KETs The example receiver mixer is preceded ferent phase than the original signal where
and bipolar transistors can be used in by a 14-MHz bandpass filter that ideally it can alter conversion gain and distortion
switching mode mixers. passes only frequencies close to the performance. These problems are espe-
Fig 5.10 shows a single FET as a shunt 20-meter band. The 10.4-MHz L O drives cially insidious with the popular diode ring
switch mixer. Sieve Maas presenled this the mixer to produce an IF output at the mixers. It is for this reason that we often
circuit in detail in a 1987 paper. 1 We have 3.6-MHz difference between the R F and see extra resistive pads used with such mix-
used this mixer extensively in integrated L O frequency. 14 - 1 0 . 4 . ers. They are often used in all three ports,
form in GaAs integrated circuits 2 The FET Temporarily remove the input bandpass Active mixers such as the FET discussed
often has a bias applied to the gate, a nega- filter and attach a wide range signal gen- earlier are much less prone to this problem.
tive voltage equaling the FET pinchoff. The erator at the receive mixer RF input. There Assume that the incoming 14-MHz
1.0 is typically a sine wave with a peak is now also a response at 6.8 M H z . for signal is modulated, containing a single
value equal to or just over the pinchoff. All 10.4 - 6.8 = 3.6. The response to a 6.8- upper sideband at 14.002 MHz. W e ana-
three ports are terminated in 50 Q . but the MHz input is called the image response. lyze the behavior of the sideband by con-
LO presents a severe mismatch. The con- We evaluate the receiver, now with the sidering it to be an independent signal, it
figuration shown is a down-converter with bandpass filter reconnected, by attaching a will be mixed down to IF without any dis-
an IF below the RF and LO. Up-eonverters signal generator to the input. Tune the gen- turbance from the original carrier. The
exchange the RF and IF ports. erator to 14 MHz. deactivate receiver AOC. sideband ends up at 3.602 MHz. still above
The diplexer filter. C I and LI in and measure the receiver output signal. the 3.600-MHz carrier appearing at the IF;
Fig 5.10, isolates the IF from the RF port. This measurement works best with a mod- it is still a USB signal.
The capacitor is a single element high pass est input signal, perhaps -100 dBm. Note Our receiving mixer would function
filter while the inductor is a low pass cir- the audio output, then tunc the generator to just as well if we used a 17.6-MHz LO,
cuit. A common application might use an 6.8 MHz. Increase the generator level until 3.6 MHz above the input. An upper-side-
TF much lower than the RF. One can then the receiver output is identical to the origi- band at 14.002 MHz applied to such a
calculate a '"crossover" frequency that is nal. The ratio of generator power levels is receiver would produce an IF response at
the geometric average of the IF and RF. L I the receiver image suppression. 3.598 MHz. now below the 3.6-MHz car-
and C I are then picked to have a reactance It is straightforward to build a bandpass rier. Sideband inversion has occurred. This
at the crossover equal to the terminations. filter at 14 M H z that will suppress possibility should be investigated in any
Higher order diplexer filters, will be needed 6.8-MHz signals by 100 d B or more. Early SSB system. The analysis is equally valid
if the IF and R F are closer. A bandpass/ receivers, the old instruments now sought when a carrier is suppressed. Sideband
bandstop diplexer can also be used. by collectors, used intermediate frequen- inversion is often a practical advantage to
cies near 5(H) kHz. allowing 14 MHz to be the builder/designer. For example, a popu-
received with a 13.5-MHz LO. The image lar crystal filter form is the lower sideband
Mixer Specification and response would then be at 13.0 MHz. It ladder with greater stopband attenuation on
Measurement was difficult to obtain significant (by mod- one side than the other.
We now examine mixers in more detail, ern standards) suppression of 13 MHz in a
seeking the properties needed to specify 14-MHz filter. ISOLATION
and understand mixers for use in a com- The receive mixer example has two We are always concerned about the out-
munications system. inputs: 10.4 and 14 MHz. We use the put at one port of a mixer as signals are
Chapter 2 included some vital, yet less 3.6-MHz difference output response. But applied to the others. F o r example, we
common specifications for amplifiers the mixer output will also contain a might ask how much L O signal appears at
including noise figure and I M D . T h e s e sum response. 10.4 + 14 = 24.4 MHz. The a m i x e r ' s R F port. This w-ould be impor-
phenomenon, which also occur in mixer 3.6-MHz response is terminated in the usu- tant in a r e c e i v e r we d o n ' t want a large LO
S.4 Chapter 5
s i g n a l t o b e r a d i a t e d , f o r the m i x e r R F port they a r e c o n c e r n e d w i t h p o r t - t o - p o r t iso- F = n•L ± m • R Eq 5.1
m a y b e a t t a c h e d to the a n t e n n a w i t h m i n i - l a t i o n . w h i c h can b e e n h a n c e d w i t h bal-
mal f i l t e r i n g . E v e n w i t h o u t r a d i a t i o n c o n - a n c e d c i r c u i t s , a m e t h o d d i s c u s s e d later.
s i d e r a t i o n s . i s o l a t i o n can b e i m p o r t a n t . If w h e r e n a n d m are i n t e g e r s . T h i s s p u r i o u s
e x c e s s i v e L O w a s p r e s e n t , it c o u l d b e SPURIOUS RESPONSES r e s p o n s e , o r spur g e n e r a t i o n r e l a t e s to
r e f l e c t e d b y a f i l t e r to r e - a p p e a r at the h a r m o n i c s created within the mixer, e v e n
C o n s i d e r the t r a n s m i t t e r a p p l i c a t i o n
m i x e r R F p o r t w h e r e it w o u l d be c o n v e r t e d w h e n the i n p u t s are f r e e of h a r m o n i c s . T h e
s h o w n in F i g 5 . 1 2 . In this e x a m p l e , w e
to p r o d u c e a d c o u t p u t c o m p o n e n t . T h i s u p p e r p a r t of Fig 5 . 1 4 p r e s e n t s w h a t w e
w a n t to build a 7 . 1 - M H z t r a n s m i t t e r that
c o u l d , in s o m e m i x e r s , a l t e r t h e b i a s to w o u l d see if n and m w e r e a l l o w e d to take
w o r k s w i t h an e x i s t i n g r e c e i v e r u s i n g a
change the mixer properties. on v a l u e s f r o m 0 to 7 with t h e b a n d p a s s
5 - M H z IF. T h i s will be a c c o m p l i s h e d by
filter m i s s i n g . T h e l o w e r d i s p l a y is even
I s o l a t i o n is e a s i l y m e a s u r e d f o r a m i x e r mixing the signal f r o m a 2 . 1 - M H z L O with
m o r e e x t r e m e , a l l o w i n g v a l u e s of n a n d
that is n o t a l r e a d y i m b e d d e d w i t h i n a p i e c e that f r o m a 5 - M H z crystal o s c i l l a t o r . T h e
m u p t h r o u g h 15. ( T h e s e d a t a w e r e g e n e r -
of e q u i p m e n t . If y o u a r e c o n c e r n e d w i t h , o u t p u t is f i l t e r e d with a b a n d p a s s f i l t e r t o
a t e d with Spurtune.exe, a program distrib-
for example, L O to R F port isolation, p r o d u c e the d e s i r e d o u t p u t .
uted with Introduction to Radio Frequency-
a p p l y L O at a k n o w n level w h i l e e x a m i n - T h e ideal output response f r o m this mixer,
ing the o u t p u t at the R F port b y a t t a c h i n g a s s u m i n g that the o u t p u t filter is r e m o v e d , is
it to a s p e c t r u m a n a l y z e r o r m e a s u r e m e n t that s h o w n in F i g 5.13. T h e desired s u m T h e s e uncalibrated displays arc dis-
r e c e i v e r . T h e L O p o w e r at t h e R F port will p r o d u c t at 7.1 M H z is a c c o m p a n i e d by a c o u r a g i n g . U n d e s i r e d o u t p u t s in s u c h
be l o w e r ( w e h o p e ! ) t h a n that a v a i l a b l e d i f f e r e n c e r e s p o n s e at 2.9 M H z . abundance would discourage anyone from
f r o m the L O s o u r c e . T h e d i f f e r e n c e is t h e e v e r u s i n g a m i x e r in a t r a n s m i t t e r ! F o r t u -
The ideal is rarely realized. Fig 5.14 shows
s u p p r e s s i o n . T h i s will d e p e n d o n m i x e r n a t e l y , n o t all s p u r i o u s r e s p o n s e s a r e of
what we might actually see. This is a result of
t u n i n g in c i r c u i t s s u c h a s t h e 3 F E T e q u a l m a g n i t u d e . T h e s p u r s t e n d to get
harmonic responses. Specifically, the output
described earlier. O f t e n we hear folks talk- w e a k e r as t h e total o r d e r ( n + m ) i n c r e a s e s .
of a mixer excited by an L O at L M Hz, and R F
ing a b o u t " m i x e r b a l a n c c " in dB, U s u a l l y , F u r t h e r s u p p r e s s i o n c a n o c c u r with s o m e
at R M H z will be at F M H z .
s p u r s as a c o n s e q u e n c e of b a l a n c e t h a t
m i g h t be u s e d in the m i x e r .
S p u r s are also less with s o m e system
a r c h i t e c t u r e s o v e r others. F o r e x a m p l e , if
? MHz Filter the t r a n s m i t t e r c o n s i d e r e d here u s e d a
1 2 . 1 - M H z L O instead of 2.1, the o u t p u t s of
Fig 5 . 1 5 result.
A s p u r r e l a t e d to o r d e r " m " f o r the R F
J 2.3 MHz [
I 7.1 MHz
Fig 5.14—Mixer outputs with a variety of orders allowed, ri Fig 5.15—Spur spectrum for the same transmitter, but with a
and m to 7 in the upper curve and 15 in the lower. 12.1-MHz LO. Spur orders through 7 are shown.
5.6 Chapter 5
Some intrinsic mixer problems can be Generally, balance improves isolation be- behaving as switches, to turn on during
reduced or eliminated when circuits are tween ports that have differing termination the positive half of the LO cycle. The
modified by adding balance. Consider forms, differential vs single ended. diodes are off for the other half cyclc. This
Fig 5.17, part A. where we start with the The mixer of Fig 5.17, pan C, is a singly mixer is configured as a down-convener;
familiar JFET active mixer. Local oscilla- balanced circuit because balanced cir- a higher frequency RF signal is applied to
tor energy is applied at the source. FET cuitry is used in but one place. the diode junction through C, while lower
gate-source capacitance couples the The JFET balanced mixer could use frequency IF energy moves from the junc-
source voltage to the gate, degrading LO other connections to obtain similar tion to the IF port.
to RF isolation. Connecting a spcctrum results. For example, a transformer caus- It is instructive to examine the trans-
analyzer to the RF port reveals consider- ing differential LO energy to be applied to former action in greater detail. LO power
able LO energy at the RF port. the sources, while keeping single ended causes, at one instant, a positive voltage at
The term balance implies symmetry, a RF at the gates improves LO to RF isola- a dot on the transformer. But a positive
circuit with two sides or parts. A circuit tion. It would also aid LO to IF isolation, voltage on one dot causes a positive signal
becomes a balanced mixer through dupli- but would not improve RF to IF isolation. on the other. The windings are wired to
cation, shown in Fig 5.17. The duplication A variation of the previous mixer might generate the polarities shown, one positive
presented in part B did not improve LO to use a drain transformer at the IF port,
RF suppression, but that in C does. The shown in Fig 5.18. A basic mixer, Q l . is
sources in C are in parallel, but the two duplicated in Q2, with a differential output
gates are differentially driven. LO energy connection through the transformer. The
transferred to the gate of the first FET is LO is still single ended, but is now a cur-
exactly duplicated by that at the second rent from the drain of Q3 applied to the
FET, resulting in gate voltages that are in sources of Q l and Q2. Although RF is
phase. But the transformer gate connec- applied only to the Q1 gate, this is a differ-
tion results in no net current, and no LO ential excitation, for Q l and Q2 are a dif-
frequency signal at the transformer pri- ferential pair. As such. RF at the Ql gate
mary. The LO to RF port isolation is now causes RF signal currents in Ql and Q2
excellent. Practically, one might expect a that are equal, but out of phase. Balance in
30-dB improvement with balance. this mixer improves LO to IF suppression
The reverse, RF to LO isolation is also (single ended to differential ports), but
improved. A signal applied at the RF port does not help RF to IF isolation.
results in gate voltages that are out of The active balanced mixers presented
phase. But the sources are paralleled, are all assumed to be built from identical
resulting in reduced output at the LO port. transistors. Although best when the cir-
RF to IF isolation is similarly improved, cuits are fabricated in integrated form,
for the drains are paralleled. However. LO they can still be practical with discrete
to IF isolation is not altered. LO is applied devices. Fig 5.18—A JFET balanced mixer with
single ended LO and differential IF
as an unbalanced or single-ended signal, Fig 5.19 shows balanced diode mixers. ports. This mixer is similar to a bipolar
with IF extracted form a similar single- Part A presents a simple, yet very useful classic, the RCA CA3028A. The RF and
ended connection. There are no balanced two-diode mixer circuit. LO is applied to a LO ports can be Interchanged with little
currents that can produce any cancellation. transformer and causes the diodes, now performance difference.
5.8 Chapter 5
at) o
m m
Fig 5.21—Waveforms for a diode ring commutation mixer. Fig 5.22—FET ring mixers using MOSFETs. The circuit at A is
The RF and LO signals are those seen when the sources are that originally describe by Oxner while that at B is a
examined into resistive loads. The IF signal is merely the RF minimum transformer topology,
waveform, except that the polarity is reversed when the LO
is negative.
5.10 Chapter S
I +5V
RF 4:35t | 1 35:4t i p
*2\: or
± i 3 7
LO(0^ i 0.1
> Tl:35t#30, 4t l i n k FT37-61
I > 51
1 T2:35t#30, 4fc l i n k FT-50B-43
in balanced loads. This balance could be The mixer was biased lo either 5 or appear in the wideband IF output with both
altered experimentally by bypassing one 15 m A with most experiments performed about 14 dB below the respective input
r n d of tile transformer. Bypassing pin 2 at the higher level. Single-ended drive is levels. Numerous other spurious outputs
r e d u c e d gain by 2 dB and degraded the used for both RF and LO inputs, slightly are present, all expected mixer spurious
itipui impedance match. A similar exer- compromising porl-to-porl isolation. responses. Most would be lower in magni-
cise at the output (pin 5) degraded gain by Fig 5.29 shows the IF port output spectra. tude if the circuil was actually integrated.
t d B . Of greater import, unbalanced ter- Conversion transducer gain for this circuit This circuit had a third-order input inter-
mination at either port degraded port-to- was 18 dB (15 mA. P - L O = 0 dBm, F - L O cept of +11 dBm with 15-mA bias and
port isolation. Balanced RF drive will also = 10.4 MHz and R F = 14.3 MHz.) Increas- 0-dBm L O power.
alter producl detector performance. ing LO drive by 10 dB made no difference Decreasing the standing currentto 5 mA
Our best I M D performance resulted in gain, but a drop to - 1 0 dBm produced a produced a l P 3 i n = - 2 dBm, with 16-dB
iiith a single ended RF drive. IP3in was 1-dB gain decrease. RF and 1.0 signal gain, still dramatically better than the
then - 1 7 . 5 dBm with conversion gain o f
!» dB and 0 dBm L O drive.
Single sideband noise figure was mea-
sured at 7 dB f o r this test circuit. This
measurement was realized with a i 5 - M H z
iow pass RF filter and a 19-MHz LO.
We usually think of the Gilbert Cell as
m integrated circuit. However, there is
nothing fundamental to preclude building 2N3904
rhese mixers in discrete form. A discrete
Gilbert Cell mixer built from 2N3904 tran-
sistors is shown in Fig 5.28. No special
transistor matching was used, although all
transistors came from the same bag with
identical manufacturer and date codcs.
The chance is reasonable that they came
f r o m the same silicon wafer.
The circuit presented some VHF oscil-
lation difficulty when power was initially
ipplied. Although the problems occurred
M VHF, L O harmonics mixed with the
VHF signal lo produce a low frequency
output that moved in frequency as our
hand was moved closc to the circuit. The
frequency could also be tuned with chang-
ing supply voltage. The oscillations were
.oppressed with the 10- and 3 6 - Q resis- Fig 5.28—Gilbert Cell mixer built with discrete transistors. A resistor (300 or 62 £2)
tors included in Fig 5.28. at the bottom sets the bias current for the overall circuit.
5.12 Chapter5
is low and intercepts are generally high,
making it the best choice when dynamic
range is critical. The lack of gain is not, in
itself, a problem. It is important to use the
ring with care if best performance is to be
Probably the most critical characteristic
of a diode ring, and most other switching
mode mixers, is the need to carefully ter-
minate the IF port. A proper termination
(usually 50 12) means that output energy-
available from the mixer is absorbed. If
power is reflected from the IF, it then
impinges back upon the mixer IF port
where it can be reconverted back to the
RF. or to image frequencies. Reconverted
components can then exit the mixer RF
port where they are yet again available for
absorption or another reflection. With
each reflection can come phase shift and
Fig 5.32 illustrates the termination
problem. A diode ring is used in a 14-MHz
Fig 5.31—Schematic for a low noise 10.1-MHz converter.
receiver where a 10-MHz LO converts the
desired signal to a 4-MHz IF. But the mixer
output also contains a 24-MHz signal. The
match to 50 £2. An alternative winding the LO injection. Hence, noise energy mixer is terminated in an IF amplifier with
would allow matching to a crystal filter. within the LO system at the 4-MHz IF and the first selectivity appearing after the
The mixer shown, biased for 3.4 mA at 12 at the 10.1-MHz RF does not reach the amplifier. Typical amplifiers have an
V, has a measured conversion gain of 8 dB mixer output. The same mixer with a input impcdance that varies with fre-
with a noise figure of 10 dB and IIP3 of +5 wideband LO drive circuit will usually quency. Even if the amplifierinput is close
dBm. There is no balance in this circuit, so have a noise figure closer to 10 to 12 dB. to 50 CI at 4 MHz. it probably will not be
LO and R F energy is available at the IF We did not measure IMD with this circuit. 50 £2 at 24 MHz as well. The 24-MHz com-
port. This mixer is used in a simple The traditional dual gate M O S F E T ponent will then be scattered from the
superhet receiver appearing later in the mixer biased for 5 mA at about 10 V will amplifier input back to the mixer output
book. have OIP3 of around +20 dBm. The input where it can participate in further conver-
Many dual gate MOSFETs show very intercept will be this value reduced by the sions. all undesired.
low amplifier noise figure with values of conversion gain. The best dynamic range The mixer needs to be properly termi-
1 dB being common. They can also func- for mixers of this sort will occur when the nated for any and all signals that emanate
tion well in mixer applications. Fig 5.31 impedance presented to gate I (RF input) from it. Assume the rccciver is tuned to
shows a receiving converter with a mea- produceslowcrgain. Lowerimpedanccs will 14.00 MHz, but a strong signal appears at
sured NF of 6.6 dB and a conversion gain also alter noise figure. The advanced experi- 14.01 MHz. That signal, once translated
of 22 dB. This circuit needed an LO of menter (the one willing to measure and to the IF. is probably out of Ihe crystal fil-
14.1 MHz to convert 10.1 MHz to 4 MHz. optimize results) can expcct outstanding per- ler passband. It will (hen be reflected by
An available 7.05-MHz junk box crystal formance from either mixer in Fig 5.30. the filler and returned to the amplifier
was used with a frequency doubler. The output, possibly creating excess distortion
oscillator provides 10 mW to drive the there. If the amplifier uses negative feed-
passive diode doubler. The single tuned Diode Ring Mixers and back. the poor output termination for the
circuit then increases the voltage to the Related Circuits 14.01-MHz signal will be reflected back
required level. This mixer has a low noise The diode ring has become the work- to the amplifier input, creating an
figure because gate 2 "sees" a low imped- horse for the communications industry. improper termination for the mixer.
ance at all frequencies other than that of Although the mixer has loss, noise figure The obvious question that arises when a
good impedance match is specified is
"How good'.'" Generally, we look for an
IF termination that is belter than a 2:1
VSWR. or a 10-dB return loss. This match
is easily measured in the home lab with a
14 MHz IN 4 MHz return loss bridge, signal generator, and
Fig 5.32—A 14-MHz
receiver front end sensitive detector. The detector could be a
illustrating the spccial receiver, a spectrum analyzer,
Bandpass F i l t e r problems of power meter, or even an oscilloscope (sec
terminating a diode Chapter 7). The match should be exam-
ring mixer.
ined over a wide frequency range, and with
a signal level low enough to guarantee that
the tcrminaling circuitry is not overdri ven.
Fig 5.34—Post
mixer amplifier
using a medium
power, high F-t
bipolar transistor.
See text.
tarns, FT37-43
input mismatch. The amplifier will nor- impedance is very close to 50 £1 and is
mally yield an input match (return loss) fairly flat through the HF spectrum. Typi-
better than 10 dB. Good input match and cal OIP3 is +41 dBm if the attenuator is
modest intercepts are found only with high not part of the measured circuit. The 6-dB
Fig 5.33—A post mixer amplifier using a
junction FET. A high FET is current, which happens only with fairly attenuator decreases the overall output
required such as the J310. See the text high 1 D S S FETs. intercept to +35 dBm. The gain is 21 dB,
for transformer discussion. A favorite amplifier of ours (Fig S.34) dropping to 15 dB with the 6-dB pad.
for terminating a switching mixer is a This particular amplifier uses the feed-
bipolar transistor feedback amplifier fol- back resistor for transistor biasing, so
lowed by a 6-dB pad. Negative feedback is changing circuit elements will alter bias-
In many situations the IF port termina- used to set the gain and to stabilize the ing as well as feedback. Altering feedback
tion requirements may be relaxed if the input and output impedances. This circuit with constant bias current will maintain the
match is improved at the RF port. Gener- was discussed in detail in the amplifier output intercept while changing the gain.
ally. distortion and gain measurements chapter. The output termination on a feed- Input intercept will change accordingly.
wiJl reveal the problems. The aggressive back amp will strongly influence the input Noise figure for the amplifier of Fig
experimenter can build the instrumenta- impedance. As such, one should avoid 5.34 will vary with transistor type and bias,
tion needed for these measurements. driving a crystal filter directly with such an but values of 5 dB are typical. Careful mea-
Ideally, the best amplifier for terminat- amplifier. The filter impedance changes surements on one version of this circuit
ing a switching mode mixer is one with rapidly with frequency, especially in the showed lower N F with reduced current,
excellent reverse isolation and a frequency region at the passband edges. What may be offering some DR optimization.
invariant ( " f l a t " ) input impedance. The a fine termination in the passband becomes An attenuator at the input of a feedback
amplifier must have good distortion prop- an open or short circuit in the skirts and amplifier will generate stable port imped-
erties. for it is often subjected to an entire stop band. The resulting mixer termination ances as well as good output intercept.
band full of signals. The noise figure may cause severe IMD problems. However, the input pad degrades noise fig-
should be low. for it will add directly to These problems are largely avoided by ure.
the mixer loss to set the noise figure look- placing a 6 dB pad in the amplifier output. Some receiver designs (with high level
ing into the mixer. Finally, the gain should This then guarantees an amplifier with a mixers) demand amplifiers with higher
be high enough to compensate for mixer stable, frequency independent input imped- intercepts. This is possible with higher
loss and loss in the filter that will follow, ance to terminate the mixer. It also guaran- current. However, the output pad compro-
but not a lot more. Excess gain means that tees a good source impedance for the crystal mises efficiency. A better solution uses
the signals become too large, stressing the filter, another vital consideration. two feedback amplifier stages with attenu-
following filter (crystal filters can be dam- The amplifier of Fig 5.34 uses a transis- ation between. The impedances are stable
aged by excessive signals, and can gener- tor usually specified for RF power or Com- and noise figure and intercepts are main-
ate their own LMD) and stressing the dis- munity T V service. They are bipolar tained.
tortion properties of the amplifier. devices with a I W or better output capa- There are some situations where no
A grounded gate J3I0 JFF.T amplifier bility and with an F x that is at least 10 times amplifier is required. It is still important to
suitable for post mixer applications is the highest frequency IF where they will maintain the proper mixer terminations.
shown in Fig 5.33. This circuit has good be used. The 2N3866and 2N5109 are both An example might be the front end of a
reverse isolation, so a crystal filter may be available at this writing and work well in spectrum analyzer, shown in Fig 5.35. The
driven directly. The output transformer this service. Many other parts are suitable. first mixer is preselected with a low pass
determines gain. A drain impedance o f Paralleled 2N3904s or similar plastic- filter and produces a first I F of 1.5 G H z .
about 1200 Q yields a gain o f about 10 dB. cased devices are also suitable and are The pad in the mixer output stabilizes im-
W e measured a third-order output shown later. The amplifier in the figure pedance in both directions, ensuring mixer
intercept of +28 dBm for this amplifier uses a bias emitter current of 50 mA and a and filter performance. The second mixer
when biased for i j = 14 mA. A noise figure collector termination of 200 £1, provided produces a 50-MHz IF where an amplifier
o f less than 3 dB is possible with a slight with a bifilar transformer. The input with a pad is now used. This topology has
S.I 4 Chapter 5
a much higher noise figure than the usual amplifiers result from a now classic method ample, the TUF-1 H. has a +14 dBm value
receiver, but is capable of cxccllent 1MD described by Kurokawa. et al. l ( ) Such a fil- for P_i(]g, placing IP3in at +24 dBm or
performance, the parameter of greater ter is discussed in the next chapter. higher. Even higher power mixers are
interest for measurements. Parts like the MiniCircuits SBL-1, TUF- available, including some "level 27-dBin"
Fig 5.36 shows a different approach to 1, and ADE-1, a S M T part, represent the devices with P . ^ g = +24 dBm.
the problem. Here, a mixer is followed by standard diode rings. There are, of course, A recent QEX paper examines the ter-
a diplexer filter that then drives a post many more listed in their catalogs. These mination of high-level mixers to improve
mixer amplifier using a dual gate mixers are specified for a LO drive power I M D . " That paper considers diplexer fil-
M O S F E T . (40673, or 3N211 used.) The of +7 dBm. (Recall that this is available ters at both the IF and R F ports, as well as
2.2-k£2 gate resistor is transformed to look power from the LO source.) The mixer is some modified LC filters. It strikes us thai
like 50 £2 to the mixer through an L-net- usually well saturated at this +7 d B m and the Engelbrecht-Kurokawa methods may
work, LI and C I . This only provides a ter- LO drive changes do not alter gain. The also be suitable for R F port terminations.
mination at the IF. 1.9 M H z in this " + 7 - d B m " mixers will continue to func- The excellent paper by Slephensen is
example. Sum products are terminated tion with LO drives as low as 0 to +3 dBm,
included on the book CD.
with a high pass filter paralleling the with reduced gain and degraded intercepts.
L-network. The preselector filter was a Some Mini-Circuits parts are available for
triple tuned circuit in this example with L O power as low as 0 dBm. High Level FET Mixers
about 3-dB loss while the M O S F E T ampli- Mini-Circuits +7 dBm mixers are speci- Very wide dynamic range receivers and
fier has a noise figure of about 3 dB, for a fied for an input 1 dB compression power low noise transmitters both demand high-
net N F o f 12 dB. Overall gain is 9 dB. Mea- of + 1 dBm. A rule of thumb states that the level mixers. While some diodc-bascd
sured input intercept for the system was input intercept of a diode mixer is 10 to designs are suitable, they demand high LO
+ 15 dBm. This two-decadc-old scheme is 15 dB above P_ l d B , placing IIP3 at +11 to power, a practical difficulty. Several
not as strong as others, but can be an effi- + 16 dBm. These values are in line with our workers have examined other dcvices as
cient one for battery operation. The broad- measurements for the TUF-1 and SBL-1. switches. The notable example mentioned
band impcdance match is marginal. 9 earlier was the M O S F E T ring described
Most mixer manufacturers also build
Perhaps the ultimate IF termination for mixers specified for L O power of by Ed Oxner.
the switching mixer is a special crystal fil- + 17 dBm. These mixers usually use two Perhaps the most exciting work pub-
ter that presents a proper impedance at all series connected diodes in each leg of an lished in the past decade in this area was a
frequencies. This filter, and similar otherwise conventional ring. One ex- note appearing in Pat Hawker's ever popu-
lar and consistently informative Technical
Topics column in Radio Communica-
tions. 1 2 Hawker presented previously
unreported work on a new mixer topology
by Colin Horrabin. G3SBI. This four-FET
mixer, shown in Fig 5.37, differed from
earlier circuits. Oxner's design used FETs
as series switches while Horrabin used
the FETs as grounded switches. This is still
a commutating mixer, but transformer
action now generates the needed signals.
Fig 5.35—Front end of a spectrum analyzer showing ring mixers without
amplifiers. Horrabin's circuit used a monolithic quad
5.16 Chapter 5
2F Outf
Fig 5.42—Output
power and
feed-through for
a diode doubler
using the circuit
of Fig 5.40. The
• I F undam sntal | diodes were
1N4152 that had
been matched
with a DVM.
10 12 14
Fig 5.44—
Frequency tripler
using four diodes
and a large
inductance choke
to generate a
square wave. The
output circuits are
tuned to the 3rd
harmonic of the
input drive.
1V V
1H5711 1 0
2. 7uH 2.2uH
rj^ r /* /"T-v
100 I C t 1120 30 MHz
MHz ~ 330uHl 1 ~ Output
Fig 5.45—A simplified tripler circuit using only two diodes. Fig 5.47—Simple limiting amplifier using a digital IC. Here, a
This circuit is described in the Web site from Wenzel HEX inverter generates an output with over 10 mW at the
Associates. See text. fundamental drive frequency. The inputs to unused sections
should never be left floating.
5.18 Chapter 5
The original goal for this project was a
transmitter that would function on the 3F/2
2 1 - M H z amateur band while using an 5F/2
available 14-MHz crystal. The single band .NxF/2
transmitter described here develops an VXO ;
i \
output in the 14-MHz band. 28-MHz and Divide i \
50-MHz designs are presented elsewhere by 2 i \
in the book.
J • i X
Fig 5.49—Schematic for the oscillator, divider, 14-MHz bandpass filter and buffer amplifier for the VXO transmitter.
RFC 2.7u
0.22U I RFC
)• 2.7u
1 6
14 MHz.
= 4W a t
•2 Spurs:
Ch I n
9 . 3 7 3 MHz, - 7 5 dBc.
-L o.iu 0. lu
-31- 16
28 MHz, -60 dBc.
S-10K -Q 5 L5
> 2°
.01 12
5.20 Chapter 5
ing the T - n e t w o r k c a p a c i t o r s f o r m a x i -
1.3 1.3
m u m output.
A subtle instability was noted during the
transmitter turn-on process. In an e f f o r t to
m a k e the transmitter as clean as possible,
an extra 2 . 7 - ^ H R F C had b e e n included in
the drain line. But a low level oscillation
w a s noted in the P A . An o s c i l l o s c o p e
e x a m i n a t i o n r e v e a l e d a f r e q u e n c y of
3 0 0 kHz. This turned out to be the result of
Fig 5.51—A 21-MHz bandpass filter. The inductors and the variable capacitors are a resonance between the 2.7 (aH and the
identical to those used in the 14-MHz design. b y p a s s capacitors. A 6 . 2 - Q resistor was
paralleled across the R F C and the oscilla-
tion was e l i m i n a t e d . This illustrates the
subtlety of wideband b y p a s s i n g of p o w e r
stages in a transmitter. See the i n f o r m a -
tion on d e c o u p l i n g in Chapter 2.
T h e only spurious r e s p o n s e s noted in
the output w e r e at the crystal oscillator
f r e q u e n c y and at the transmitter 2nd har-
monic, but they w e r e below the desired
output by 75 and 60 dB, respectively. Yet
the t r a n s m i t t e r is built with no internal
shielding or other complexities.
A 21 -MHz. version of this design would
be especially practical, for it could use an
existing 14-MHz crystal. A 2 1 - M H z
bandpass filter is shown in Fig 5.51 to aid
the designer/builder in realizing a rig f o r
that band.
Although the digital divider was origi-
nally implemented for use with simple low
power transmitters, it lends itself well to
general-purpose applications with LC
oscillators as well as crystal-based designs.
The 4-W output power amplifier is shown at the top of the photo. The board
includes the keyed driver, drive control pot, and bias pot. The box housing this rig
also includes a 20-meter receiver (The "Easy 90-14") described in Chapter 6.
1. S. Maas, " A G a A s MF.SFET M i x e r with of Analog Integrated Circuits, 2 n d Edition, F r e q u e n c y Balanced A m p l i f i e r , " F e b 27.
Very Low Intermodulation." IEEE MTT- Wiley, 1984. 1968; and K u r o k a w a and Englebrecht, "A
35. No. 4, April, 1987. W i d e b a n d L o w Noise L - B a n d B a l a n c e d
7.B. Zavrel. W7SX, "Feedback Tech-
Transistor A m p l i f i e r , " Proc IEEE. M a r ,
2. W. Hayward. " E x p e r i m e n t s wilh Primi- n i q u e I m p r o v e s Active M i x e r P e r f o r -
tive FET Mixers," RF Design. N o v , 1990. m a n c e , " RF Design. Sep. 1997.
8.B. Zavrel. W7SX, "Double Balanced 11. J. B. S t e p h e n s e n . " R e d u c i n g I M D in
3. E. Oxner, " A C o m m u t a t i o n D o u b l e Bal-
M i x e r and O s c i l l a t o r " . Signetics NE/ H i g h - L e v e l M i x e r s . " QEX. May/June.
anced M i x e r of H i g h D y n a m i c R a n g e , "
SA602, N o v 9, 1987. 2 0 0 1 . pp 45-50.
Proceedings of Ht' Technology Expo '86,
Anaheim. C A . pp 309-323. See also RF 9. W. H a y w a r d , " C E R v e r t e r s , " QST, June. 12. P. H a w k e r , " G 3 S B F s H i g h P e r f o r -
Design, Feb. 1986. 1976, p p 31-35. mance Mixer". Technical Topics.
4. W. Hayward. "Experiments with Primi- Radio Communications. S e p / O c t . 1993. p p
10. K. K u r o k a w a , " D e s i g n Theory of Bal-
tive FET Mixers." RF Design, Nov, 1990. 55-56.
a n c e d Transistor A m p l i f i e r s , " Bell System
5. Li and C o r s e t t o , Microwave Journal. Technical Journal. Vol. 44, No. 10, Oct. 13. C'. Wenzel, " N e w T o p o l o g y Multiplier
Oct. 1997. 1965, pp 1 6 7 5 - 1 6 9 8 . See a l s o R. S. Generates Odd Harmonics," RF
Engelbrecht, U S Patent 3.371,284, "High Design, July, 1987. See a l s o w w w .
6. Gray and M e y e r . Analysis and Design Wenzel.com/documents/2diomult.html.
- 0.5
!„ 400 1000
1 1
F r e q u e n c y , Hz
time, microsecond
Fig 6.4—The frequency-domain graph of
Fig 6.3—The time-domain graph of the three audio tones. the three audio tones.
Ji" v < >
time, microseconds
6.2 Chapter 6
Trig Identities for Signal A n a l y s i s
In high school trigonometry class you may have learned some useful Identities. One of them relates the product of
two sine functions:
sin ( a ) sin ( b ) = — c o s ( a - b ) — c o s ( a - t - b )
where coc = 2ntc is a carrier frequency expressed in radians/sec, with f c in Hz. The amplitude is allowed to vary
about a base value.
A = A , i ( l + msin(co a t))
where <oa is an audio frequency in radians/sec and m is a modulation index. The modulated wave becomes:
The first term is the carrier, which varies only with time at the carrier rate, ojc. The second term is the product of
audio and RF carrier sine waves. Expansion with the identity yields:
and then:
The two cosine waves on the right are the lower and upper sidebands of the AM signal.
Fig 6.7—A three-tone baseband signal modulates a 100-kHz Fig 6.8—Frequency-domain view of amplitude modulation
audio tone. with a three-tone baseband signal. The two sideband
regions are now shaded.
« i -
3 o _
s Suppressed
» 4 («) /
, /,100
Frequency, kHz
1000 aw
Fig 6.9—100-kHz double-sideband Fig 6.10—Frequency-domain view of i
output with 1-kHz audio. time, microseconds DSB signal with a single audio tone.
Two output frequencies are created.
+ 0.5 sin (2 jr f U 3 t )
Fig 6.11—Double sideband with a multi-tone audio, time domain.
T h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g g r a p h s are F i g 6 . 1 3
and F i g 6 . 1 4 .
T h e S S B signal, when viewed in the fre-
q u e n c y d o m a i n , is really n o t h i n g m o r e than
Fig 6.12— an exact replica of the original b a s e b a n d sig-
Frequency-domain nal, except that it is n o w translated linearly
representation of to a h i g h e r f r e q u e n c y . If a l o w e r sideband
DSB with multiple- signal had been g e n e r a t e d , it w o u l d h a v e
tone audio. The been a replica of the original with an inver-
upper and lower
sion. That is, what had started as a high a u d i o
sideband parts of
the spectrum are f r e q u e n c y of 2 5 0 0 H z n o w appears as the
highlighted. lowest f r e q u e n c y .
A f r e q u e n c y - m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l is d e -
scribed by
fns (0 =
sin [2 jt f c ( l + m sin (2 n f., t ) ) t ] E q 6-8
Fig 6.14—Spectrum
of a single- Block Diagrams
sideband signal
W e now e x a m i n e basic transmitters and
resulting from a
three-tone receivers, beginning with s i m p l e C W gear.
baseband audio A C W transmitter generates a carrier at a
input. single frequency with no m o d u l a t i o n other
than the o f f - o n k e y i n g that i m p o s e s the f a -
miliar e n c o d i n g . A s i m p l e C W transmitter is
s h o w n in F i g 6.18. T h e circuit begins with
an osci 1 lator operating at the final o u t p u t fre-
q u e n c y . Typical oscillators are usually fol-
6.4 Chapter 6
tive to this. W i t h the transmitter output at
10 k H z carrier, 1 k H z audio, I M
1A j 1 i 1
a multiple of the oscillator f r e q u e n c y , it no
longer has c o m p o n e n t s within the band-
width of the oscillator tank, so is not sus-
ceptible to the pulling mentioned. Indeed,
5a v(t)
it is often practical to build transmitters
with n o inter-stage shielding w h a t s o e v e r
o if multipliers arc used. A b a n d p a s s filter is
1 11 1
used at the multiplier output to suppress
direct f e e d - t h r o u g h f r o m the oscillator and
» h a r m o n i c s — other than the desired o n e —
CIS 1 1.5 2 that are o f t e n present. T h e filter can often
i be as simple as a single resonator if the
time, milliseconds m u l t i p l i e r is just a b a l a n c e d f r e q u e n c y
d o u b l c r . M o r e o f t e n , we use d o u b l e or
Fig 6.16—Time domain representation of an FM signal.
triple tuning at the output of multipliers.
A mixer is o f t e n used within a C W trans-
the f r e q u e n c y to c h a n g e (pulling) when the mitter with a bandpass filter to select the
- amplifiers are k e y e d on. The output fre- desired f r e q u e n c y , shown in F i g 6.19, This
q u e n c y then d i f f e r s f r o m that when the e x a m p l e has a 2 - M H z variable-frequency
H-> amplifier is o f f . oscillator, a 5 - M H z crystal-controlled os-
> — T h e m o d i f i e d circuit of Fig 6.18B uses cillator, and an output at 7 M H z . T h e V F O
a f r e q u e n c y multiplier between the oscil- t u n e s a 150-kHz range to c o v e r the C W
lator and the p o w e r amplifiers. T h e buff- portion of the 7 - M H z band. The bandpass
•H ering action of a f r e q u e n c y multiplier is f i l t e r m u s t be w i d e e n o u g h to pass the
, 1 1 1 1 i p r o f o u n d . Signals travelling f r o m the out- entire range, but should not be a lot wider,
i i i i i i i put b a c k w a r d in a b u f f e r r e m a i n at the f o r s p u r i o u s mixer p r o d u c t s must also
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 be suppressed by the filter. T h e 5 - M H z
output f r e q u e n c y . T h e b u f f e r input, in-
F r e q u e n c y , kHz c o m p o n e n t will be suppressed by balancc
cluding the oscillator, is not usually sensi-
Fig 6.20—Direct-conversion receiver. The incoming signal is applied to a mixer An instructive experiment tunes the fre-
where it is converted directly to audio without intermediate processing. quency of a signal generator attached to a
direct conversion receiver. One will then
h e a r an a u d i o beat note, the d i f f e r e n c e
f r e q u e n c y b e t w e e n the generator and the
r e c e i v e r local oscillator. T h e output
f r e q u e n c y is s h o w n in Fig 6.21 as a f u n c -
tion of generator f r e q u e n c y . T u n i n g the re-
ceiver with a fixed generator p r o d u c e s an
identical result. T h e r e s p o n s e is d o u b l e
sided; f o r every tuning of a s i m p l e direct
conversion receiver, there are t w o d i f f e r -
ent input f r e q u e n c i e s that can p r o d u c e the
s a m e output signal. O n e r e s p o n s e is called
the a u d i o i m a g e of the other. This m a k e s it
challenging to use such a receiver in se-
verely congested b a n d s . B u t the simplicity
and other good qualities of a direct con-
version receiver will o f t e n c o m p e n s a t e for
this p r o b l e m .
T h e traditional solution to t h e a u d i o
i m a g e p r o b l e m is the single-signal super-
h e t e r o d y n e receiver s h o w n in the block
Fig 6.21—Tuning response of a fixed-tuned DC receiver while varying a signal genera-
d i a g r a m of F i g 6.22. T h e incoming signal
tor applied to the input, A 1000-Hz beat note is available from the generator at
two different generator frequencies. One response is the audio image of the other. is processed in a preselector filter and then
applied to a mixer. T h e output is still at a
radio f r e q u e n c y , but one that is d i f f e r e n t
f r o m the i n c o m i n g signal, an intermediate
f r e q u e n c y , or IF. T h i s 7 - M H z receiver uses
a 1-MHz IF with an L O in the 6 - M H z re-
gion. T h e 1-MHz signal f r o m the mixer is
filtered with a narrow bandwidth circuit. It
is further amplified and applied to a second
mixer, now functioning as a product detec-
tor to produce an audio output. After some
audio gain, headphones are driven. The L O
for the product detector is called a beat fre-
quency oscillator, or BFO.
Assume that the 1 - M H z I F filter has a
bandwidth of 500 Hz, centered exactly at 1
M H z . T h e receiver L O will b e tuned to
Fig 6.22—A simple single-conversion superheterodyne receiver featuring a
"single-signal response." A narrow filter, usually using a quartz crystal, 6.040 M H z . This means that the incoming
follows the mixer. signals that will produce an output are cen-
6.6 Chapter 6
anced mixer. It will be driven with a suit-
able RF local oscillator and l o w level au-
dio from an amplified microphone. The
output, shown earlier in Fig 6.10. contains
Restricted Response of the two sidebands symmetrically spaced
Single Signal Superhet. about a suppressed carrier. Further ampli-
fication and low-pass filtering completes
the transmitter. A simple DSB transmitter
is shown in F i g 6 . 2 4 . A typical simple DSB
transmitter will have a carrier that is sup-
pressed by 30 to 4 0 dB with respect to ei-
ther sideband. Although simple and c o m -
patible with existing SSB equipment, DSB
transmitters are rarely used today, largely
due to the excess spectrum used.
Let's return to the transmitter problem,
but now consider the generation of a
Fig 6.24—A double sideband transmitter.
Fig 6.25—A traditional SSB transmitter using the filter method. A narrow filter follows a balanced modulator to remove one of
two sidebands present on the DSB output o< the modulator.
ftudio Balanced bandpass
Low p a s s Modulator filter
Audio RF Low p a s s
Amp. Filter
Microphone Carrier
(9.0000 MHz)
Fig 6.26—A practical filter type S S B transmitter where a mixer translates the output of a fixed-frequency S S B generator to a
variety of outputs.
6.8 Chapter 6
Fig 6.28—An SSB transceiver, a system for both receiving and transmitting an SSB signal. Economy and operating
convenience are gained by sharing elements between functions. It is most common to share oscillators and a crystal filter,
which is done here. This circuit also shares a mixer between the receiver and transmitter, and uses a bidirectional IF
amplifier, a circuit that, with dc switching, will amplify signals moving in either direction. The amplifier circuits are presented
later in the text.
row b a n d p a s s filter in ihe S S B receiver is through the n u m b e r s to c o n f i r m the be- reception of D S B signals. T h e filter in the
followed by I F amplifiers, a product de- havior. U s i n g popular vernacular. " Y o u r e c e i v e r rejects o n e of the s i d e b a n d s
tector with B F O , and an audio amplifier. do the m a t h . " present at the receiver antenna terminal.
The BFO must be carefully set in Ihe SSB T h e SSB receiver, although designed to Finally, we sec that combining Figs 6.26
receiver. It should be fixed so that one edge receive SSB, is also well suited to C W . So and 6.27 will result in a transceiver where
of the filter (a - 6 dB point) corresponds to long as the filter has good stopband at- many circuit elements can be shared be-
an audio note of about 300 Hz. The other tenuation, the r e s p o n s e will also be single tween transmit and receive functions. Most
edge will be determined by the filter band- signal, as can be c o n f i r m e d by r e p e a t i n g transceivers share all oscillators and the
width. Typically the B F O is at a point on the e x p e r i m e n t we have d o n e with both crystal filter between the two f u n c t i o n s .
the filter response that is 20 or 30 dB below the direct conversion and the C W super- Fig 6.28 shows a typical block diagram,
the nominal, flat response. The same con- heterodyne. R e a d j u s t m e n t of the B F O can here with a design that also shares a mixer
straints are used in setting up the carrier c o m p r o m i s e the single signal characteris- between functions, and uses a bidirectional
oscillator in the filter method transmitter. tic. An S S B filter is o f t e n considered too amplifier. No matter what schemes the de-
T h e S S B receiver can p r o d u c e sideband wide f o r o p t i m u m C W p e r f o r m a n c e , espe- signer may clcct to use, he or she should
inversion just as w e illustrated in the trans- cially in a heavily used band. take care to preserve performance in both
mitter. T h e b u i l d e r / d e s i g n e r s h o u l d go T h e S S B receiver is also well suited for transmit and receive functions.
Medium Z
Fig 6.29—A basic direct-conversion receiver. An audio amplifier with a gain of 87 dB follows the diode ring. See text for
6.10 Chapter 6
output will be an output signal + noise The human ear and brain are a vital part of
Het HF - 3 . 7 dB
power. An output signal-to-noise ratio can the communications system and they are
then be calculated. Noise figure can then
be calculated.
capable of acting like a f ilter of consider-
ably narrower bandwidth than the voice
Noise figure is usually measured with a bandwidth of the receiver. This effect is X
H T K dB HF2=8 dB
noise source of known power, usually well observed with both wide bandwidth super-
heterodyne designs and direct conversion Gain 1 - 12 dB
above the noise power available from a
290-K resistor. See Section 2.6 and noise receivers. Indeed, many seasoned weak-
Fig 6.30—Example calculation for noise
measurements in Chapter 7. signal VHF enthusiasts including moon- figure of a cascade of two stages.
The greatest virtue of noise figure as a bounce specialists normally use wider
receiver parameter is that it is bandwidth SSB-bandwidth filters.
invariant. If we increase the bandwidth Many argue that noise figure is rarely a
during a NF measurement, we will process significant receiver parameter, especially
more noise in the receiver. But the output for HF reception. An NF of 10 or 12 dB at
will also increase in proportion, leaving 28 MHz, with much higher numbers at
the noise gain, the ratio of output noise to lower frequencies will usually provide as
input noise, a constant. much sensitivity as one can use. A practi- 8-dK NF. Related power ratios are F ( = 2,
Another measure of receiver sensitivity cal receiver test is very simple: While F 2 = 6.3, and G, = 15.8. yielding F = 2.34,
is minimum discertiable signal, or MDS. listening to background noise on a band, or NF K E T = 3.7 dB. The first stage noise
This is the available input signal from a disconnect the antenna. If the noise drops performance dominates in Ihis example.
generator that will cause the output power significantly, the receiver NF is as good as Once we know how to evaluate a cascade
to increase by 3 dB over what is present it needs to be. of two stages, we can apply the process in
without the applied signal. In this condi- NF is much more important as a design steps to evaluate an arbitrary cascade,
tion the signal and the noise have equal parameter. The essence of modern re- including an entire receiver front end.
output powers. ceiver design is aquest for dynamic range, Many of the circuit blocks that wc used in
MDS is directly related to room tem- and NF specifies the lower end of such a recei vers and transmitters are room tempera-
perature NF by range. ture passive parts with no gain elements.
Equation 6.10 relates NF to MDS. sug- These include not only the popular passive
MDS (dBm) = - 1 7 4 dBm + NFldBi gesting that little is to be gained with switching-mode mixers, but attenuators and
+ 10 log(B) Eq 6.10 extremely low noise figures. Consider, for filters. Generally, the NF of a passive circuit
example, a receiver with a 200-Hz band- equals the insertion loss of that circuit.
We measured the noise figure of one of width and 3-dB NF. Equation 6.10 pre- Hence, a diode ring mixer with a 6 dB con-
our receivers to be 7 dB with a nominal dicts MDS o f - 1 4 8 dBm. Dropping noise version loss (gain = - 6 dB) will have a 6-dB
bandwidth of 500 Hz. Eq 6.10 then pre- figure to a spectacular 0.5 dB results in NF. A bandpass filter with an insertion loss
dicts MDS of - 1 4 0 dBm. A direct mea- only a 2.5 dB sensitivity improvement to of 2 dB will, similarly, have NF = 2 dB and
surement of MDS where we look for a -150.5 dBm. This is what a careful MDS Gain = - 2 dB.
3-dB increase in output above the noise measurement would demonstrate. But in
Fig 6.31 illustrates a receiver front end
floor as we apply signal produced an al- reality, the practical improvement could
where several elements contribute to the
most identical result o f - 1 4 1 dBm. be much more than this. The dilemma
noise figure. This circuit will include an
It is interesting to listen to this receiver comes about when we pick a noise tem-
RF amplifier, for we are interested in rela-
with the signal generator atlached. We find perature of 290 K for our standard. This
tively low noise figure. Two bandpass
that we can hear the MDS, but nol much choice defined the "input" noise in Eq 6.9.
filters are used. The first is a single resona-
further into the noise. But if the input noise resulted nol from the
tor ahead of the RF amplifier while the
290 K resistor related to our measurement,
Wc now increase the receiver bandwidth second is a double tuned circuit. A diode-
but from an antenna pointed at a quiet part
to 2.4 kHz by switching in a new crystal ring mixer is followed by a feedback am-
filter, increasing the bandwidth factor of the sky. the input noise might well
plifier that uses a bipolar transistor with
in Eq 6.10 to 33.8 dB. MDS becomes relate to a resistor with a temperature as
high dc emitter current. The overall cas-
-133.2 dBm with a 7-dB noise figure. A low as 20 K. A more refined calculation
cade has net gain of 15 dB and a net noise
measurement will usually confirm this would show that MDS could be as low as
figure of 7.1 dB.
number. Noise measurement in a wider - 1 5 8 dBm for this example. A related con-
cept of noise temperature was used to Front-end bandpass filters usually do
bandwidth is generally easier than it is with nol impact overall noise figure. In the re-
narrow band sy stems owing to less fluctua- obtain this result.'
ceiver example just presented the system
tion in the meter movement. But major The noise factor of a two-stage cascade bandwidth is determined by a crystal filler
errors can and often do occur as a result of is that follows the attenuator. This filter is
slight gain variations with frequency in usually narrow (3 kHz or less) and the two
either the IF or the receiver audio cir- F F1 . I *O^" ) L/C bandpass filters shown as the first and
Eq 6.11
cuitry— errors that generate a narrower third elements in the cascade are wide (a
noise bandwidth than expected. A direct where F is the net noise factor. F ( and F 2 few hundred kHz). The crystal filter then
NF measurement is generally preferred sets the overall response. The bandpass
are the noise factors for the first and sec-
over one of MDS, w here only a ratio of two filters in the cascade have no more impact
ond stage, and G, is the available power
noise powers must be determined. on noise figure than an attenuator would.
gain for the first stage. All numbers are
An ideal receiver with measured MDS power ratios and not dB values. The situation would be considerably dif-
commensurate with the filter BW will of- Consider an example shown in Fig 6.30. ferent if the crystal filter was replaced wi l h
ten let a listener hear signals that are much The first amplifier has again of 12 dB and a wide L/C filter with equal or wider band-
weaker than indicated by the MDS. Why'? a 3-dB NF while the second stage has an width than those in the front end. J
6.12 Chapter 6
a t u n e d circuit w i t h a sizable i m p e d a n c e
t r a n s f o r m a t i o n . T h e o u t p u t is then ex-
tracted f r o m the source with a ferrite trans-
f o r m e r . An e x a m p l e a m p l i f i e r m e a s u r e d
gain of 11 dB with N F = 1.9 dB. No stabil-
ity p r o b l e m s w e r e noted. T h e output match
was good, although the input is severely
Dual gale M O S F E T s m a k e excellent R F
amplifiers as shown in Fig 6.35. T h i s cir-
cuit w a s tuned f o r both the 21 and the
14 M H z b a n d s with similar results obtain
with each. T h e 14-MHz circuit is shown.
A p i - n e t w o r k transforms the 50-12 source
to "look like" an i m p c d a n c e of 2 0 0 0 Q at
gate-1 of the F E T . The n e t w o r k was
designed for a Q of 10 and used an existing
2.7-p.H R F C . T h e drain is matched with a
f e n i t e t r a n s f o r m e r f o l l o w e d by a 6 - d B
pad. This a m p l i f i e r p r o v i d e a gain of
16.5 dB (including the loss of the p a d ) with
a 3.6-dB noise figure. The circuit had an
output intercept o f + 12.5 d B m .
T h e gain is often excessive with dual-
gate M O S F E T s . Better o v e r a l l r e c e i v e r
LI: 2.7 u H R F C d y n a m i c range is a f f o r d e d by r e d u c e d
0.1 CI: 0.1 u F gain. T h e pad helps, but it c o m p r o m i s e s
the a m p l i f i e r intercept p e r f o r m a n c e , f o r
L2: 15t # 2 8 , T30-6
the a m p l i f i e r must h a v e a 6 dB h i g h e r
C2: 2 - 1 8 p F intercept to get the quoted value. E v e n the
C3: 33 p F 1200-12 drain load resistor c o m p r o m i s e s
C4: 15 p F 1MD p e r f o r m a n c e . S o u r c e d e g e n e r a t i o n
provides an alternative, achieved by dis-
c o n n e c t i n g the s o u r c e b y p a s s capacitor.
Fig 6.33—A 21-MHz RF amplifier. This circuit, with the values shown, provides a Gain d r o p p e d to 9 dB for the circuit shown
gain of 14 dB with a 5-dB noise figure. Redesign of the input network produced a (with pad), and the noise f i g u r e increased
NF of 1. 5 dB, but with reduced gain of 12 dB. A shield between the source input slightly to 4.1 dB with O I P 3 = + 1 4 d B m .
circuit and the output drain circuit is advised, especially if high-Q solenoid coils
are used. It is generally not required when using toroids, although the gate should The low-Q inductor used in the input pi-
be grounded with short lead length. nctwork compromises the noise figure. Re-
placing it with a toroid dropped the
3.6-dB N F to 2.5 dB. Even lower values are
available if a higher impedance is chosen
for the pi network. The input match is very
poor with all variations of this amplifier.
M a n y of the feedback amplifiers
described throughout this text are suitable
for RF a m p l i f i e r application. T h e noise
figures can be in the 3 dB area with s o m e
transistors. F o r e x a m p l e , we have mea-
sured a 3 - d B N F with a 2 S C 1 2 5 2 operat-
ing with 2 0 - m A emitter current.
T h e m o d e r n trend in a m a t e u r receivers
is to include an R F amplifier that can be
switched into the circuit if needed. That
s w i t c h i n g is best d o n e with relays,
although P I N diodes can also be used if
d o n e with extreme care to avoid second-
order intermodulation. It is also c o m m o n
to include o n e or t w o attenuators that can
be s w i t c h e d ahead of a receiver. An
attenuator equally decreases the strength
of all signals reaching the f r o n t end. O f t e n
the signals we are trying to c o p y are strong
Fig 6.34—Source follower functioning as a low-noise amplifier. The drain resistor enough that an attenuation of 10 dB will
serves to suppress UHF parasitic oscillations. The components shown will tune
not cause a sensitivity p r o b l e m . T h e real
from 6 to 22 MHz.
20:4 t, FT37-43
Ll 270 pF Fig 6.36—A 50-fi, 10-dB pad using
standard resistors and a toggle switch.
100K 57 pF nominal Short lead lengths should be used to
2.7 uH RFC provide good performance over the HF
region. Relay switching could also be
Fig 6.35—Dual-gate MOSFET RF amplifier. This version used an RF choke at L1
with Qu = 50. A higher Q inductor will drop the amplifier noise figure. See text.
+ 12
R1 ^
r E3
Dual-Gate MOSFET
The dual gate MOSFET was a
.01 — V W .01 very popular consumer device from
IB (O) 2H7000
1970 to 1980 and was readily
available from a number of sources.
R2 - The part provides low noise,
moderate to high amplifier inter-
51 Q1 51 < cepts, and reasonable power
R4 RS : consumption. They also offer good
39K!> R9 AGC performance. They are now
: R7 more difficult to obtain than they
were in the past.
But Dual-Gate MOSFETs are still
available. Several suppliers in
Japan continue to manufacture a
R6 .
15 >
variety of components. The NEC
3SK131 is an excellent part, but it is
available only in a surface-mount
Phillips manufactures a large
1114152 variety of dual-gate devices. These
.01; are often listed in some US cata-
logs. Again, these devices appear
R8 < predominantly in SMT format.
10K<> Generally, it is quite straightfor-
ward to substitute one MOSFET in a
RIO 02 circuit designed for another. There
1M may be a few different biasing
details, but these can be extracted
A A A — f < h 2H7000
from data sheets, which are gener-
ally available on the World Wide
Web. Experiments may be required
if data Is not available.
Finally, most circuits using dual-
gate MOSFETs can be built with N-
channel JFETs in a cascode
configuration. This is illustrated in
Fig 6.37—A 10-dB pad using electronic switching. A bridged-Tee pad (R3, 4, 5, 6) is
switched with low-cost MOSFETs, During thru operation, Q1 is on while Q2 is off. the IF amplifier part of this chapter.
Q2 comes on during attenuated operation. Current consumption is about 1 mA.
6.14 Chapter 6
utility of an attenuator is that most distor- The typical miniature toggle switch works attenuation position with the Q 2 gate low.
tions drop faster with signal strength than well for pads of this sort with 10 to 20 dB The Q l channel is then held at 6 V. But
the signals themselves. Hence, if strong attenuation. when Q2 is turned on, R 6 is switched to
signals within a band are causing gain A scheme is shown in Fig 6.37 where R F ground. The dc potentials also change
compression or intermodulation distor- 2N7000 M O S F E T s replace a mechanical to turn Q l off. W e measured an insertion
tion, a small decrease in the strength of the switch. The FETs are both R F a n d dc loss of 0.38 dB with this circuit, with a 10
offending signals can completely elimi- switches in this application. A pair of re- dB gain step. The 14-MHz IIP3 exceeded
nate the problems. sistors. R1 and R2. create a 6-V supply. R9 +35 d B m during low attenuation, and was
A passive attenuator is shown in Fig 6.36 will bias Q1 into conduction in the low +26.5 d B m in the attenuation position.
• Output Input
Dl=MPH3-»04 or
ximi lar.
ALl transistors
It: 10 bifilar
turns FT37-43
Fig 6.40—Bipolar transistor discrete IF amplifier with gain Fig 6.41—Simple gain-controlled amplifier. The inset shows
reduction using the same mechanism as used in the the use of two PIN diodes to increase the control range
MC1350P. Control range was 70 dB, experimentally slightly with the same control current. Many diode types work
controlled with a 10-kQ manual IF gain. with this circuit; see text. The 10-kCl pot establishes manual
IF gain.
6.16 Chapter 6
rig 6.43—A single JFET is biased Fig 6.44—Two variations of a basic dual-gate MOSFET amplifier with variable
toward pinchoff with the reverse bias gain. The circuit at (8) has the larger gain variation. The labeling of FETs is
developed across the Zener diode. arbitrary, for these circuits are intended to be generic. The 3SK131, an SMT device
This amplifier offers 13.S dB gain and a from NEC is popular and is recommended.
37-dB gain range. The transformer,
wound on an FT37-43, was available on
t h e bench at the time of testing. The
10-kQ pot sets gain.
ing all the current offered by Q3. This L1-L2: SO nH on ferrite toroid, 100 uH RFC suitable.
current flows through series elements with
no current flowing in the shunt parts. Some
6.18 Chapter 6
reduced as signals get larger. The IF in a threshold with no output until a minimum Diodes arc often used to combine two
digital receiver (one where an IF signal is input signal is applied. This dc threshold control signals applied to an IF amplifier,
applied to an A-io-D converter) may have must be exceeded before any gain reduc- shown in Fig 6.49. The two signals can
more severe requirements related to tion occurs, resulting in a threshold for RF comc from a manual gain control and an
matching the input signal requirements of detection. Once the signals are strong AGC detector, or they may originate from
the A-to-D. enough to exceed the detector threshold, two parts of an AGC system. Similar meth-
The usual IF system provides two out- the AGC holds the output nearly constant ods are used to mute receive IF amplifiers
puts. One drives the signal detector while with only a slight increase with louder during transmit periods.
the other is applied to an AGC detector, a applied signals. Fig 6.48 shows a plot for Fig 6.50 shows a system with two stages
circuit providing dc output in proportion one of our receivers, showing output sig- of gain with cascade connected J3IOs fol-
to (he RF input voltage. Some AGC detec- nal Vs available input power. The thresh- lowed by a fixed gain differential amplifier.
tors arc shown in Fig 6.47. The two out- old was adjustable and was set to occur A 1:1 turns ratio ferrite transformer couples
puts must be well isolated. It is especially with an input signal of - 9 7 dBm, MDS for the signal from the cascode to the dif-pair, IF
important that BFO energy from the prod- this CW receiver was under - 1 4 0 dBm. so output is extracted from one collector of the
uct detector not reach the AGC detector there is a moderate range of signals avail- pair while the AGC detector is driven by the
where it can be detected to reduce IF gain. able before any AGC action occurs. This other isolated output.
Noise on the BFO (see the oscillator chap- is an "ear-saver" design, one that protects The experimental development of this
ter discussion of noise) that reaches the IF the user from loud signals, but produces a circuit started with the first stage, Q1 and
can also inter-modulate with signals to receiver sound not compromised by AGC. Q2. The gain control range was only 30 dB
compromise performance. Most commercial transceivers use AGC with three diodes in the chain, but in-
systems designed to make all signals creased with 5 diodes. Single stage current
A dc signal emerges from the AGC
sound nearly the same. This is clearly an was 10 mA at maximum gain, but dropped
detector. It is usually amplified and pro-
open area for the individual designer/ to about 1 mA at minimum gain. A second
cessed with op-amps for application to the
builder. stage. Q3 and Q4, was added, sharing the
controlled stages.The detector may have a
Fig 6.47— Several RF detectors suitable for examining the output of an IF amplifier. (A) shows a traditional diode detector
with fast signal diodes. (B) is similar although the diode anode is now biased for a small direct current. (C) shows an emitter
follower functioning as a detector. As the Input voltage becomes more positive, causing the normal rectification in the e-b
diode, collector current flows to charge the capacitor. (D) shows a sensitive detector, suitable for AM demodulation as well
as level detection. The Gilbert cell mixer now functions as a multiplier, for both Input ports are driven by the same signal. A
10-mV input yields several volts of dc output. If that input Is 40% modulated, the audio output will be several volts peak-to-
peak. This circuit was designed by W7AAZ. Many op-amps are suitable Including the TL074 and NES532. (E) uses a pair of
differential amplifiers, each with an 80-mV Input offset, causing each to operate as a detector. Cross coupling of the outputs
cancels ac In the output through balance, producing a current input to an op-amp. A dual supply Is usually required for this
circuit. This detector was used by Carver (W7AAZ) In his high-performance IF system.6
P a
-so /
1 -« /
S "50
•§* -60
O -160 -140 - DO -100 -80 -60 -40 -20
Receiver Input Power, dBm
Fig 6.48—Receiver output vs input for a CW receiver. The threshold was
specifically set in accord with operator preferences. The IF amplifier is shown
later in Fig 6.56.
Fig 6.50—A general-purpose IF Amplifier module using cascode J310 JFETs. See text for details.
6.20 Chapter 6
AGC Response, Cascode .B10 IF
DC Voltage at Op-Amp Output
4? J \
P * V
10 \
& I0
I• —
-100 - 90 - 80 - 70 -Ml - 5 0 "40 " 3 0 "20 "10 0 10 -100 - 9 0 -80 -70 -60 "JO " 4 0 - 3 0 "20 "10 0
diode chain with the first pair. A 1310 the op-amp output is connected to the con- siderable output variation between thresh-
source follower was temporarily added to trolled stages through diode D6. The old and the u p p e r input-signal limit.
provide an output. The gain variation was response is shown in the upper curve of Input resistor was dropped to 10 k Q
now 93 d B at 10 M H z . increasing to F i g 6.51. Although the loop is well (increasing loop gain) to produce the pre-
108 dB at 5 M H z . There was a high pass behaved, it is not very tight, allowing con- ferred response in the lower curve. But the
gam characteristic, a result of the 15 )jH
RFC. Larger values should be used at
lower frequency. The gain control voltage
should be between 0 and 6 V. Values above
6 V produced a slight gain decrease, so <audio)
that region should not be used.
The 9-MHz gain was 28 dB with no
input network other than a blocking
capacitor. N F was then 7 dB with R1 at V-C
10 k£2. A 9-MHz pi network was then added i — t a-recower
to present a 2-kQ impedance to the first
rate, causing gain to j u m p to 44 dB while
SF dropped to an impressive 1 dB. The NF
11 V-c
6.22 Chapter 6
ponents used. A ferrite transformer
TO A u d i o
O u t p u t AmD. m a t c h e s t h e 5 0 - f i d r i v e to the m a i n c r y s t a l
f i l t e r i m p e d a n c e of a b o u t 3 0 0 £}. T h e filter
o u t p u t is then t r a n s f o r m e d up to 2 2 0 0 £2
w i t h a l o w Q p i - n e t w o r k w h e r e a 2.2-k£3
i n p u t resistor at Q1 t e r m i n a t e s the filter.
This topology guarantees a reasonable
noise figure with a proper i m p e d a n c e
m a t c h f o r the c r y s t a l filter, vital ill p r e -
serving the specified p e r f o r m a n c e . T h e
p i - n e t w o r k u s e d an e x i s t i n g R F c h o k e ,
a l t h o u g h a toroid with h i g h e r Q L - w o u l d b e
Fig 6.55—Full wave audio detector for use in simple AGC systems.
This IF has a bandwidth just under
5 0 0 H z with a m e a s u r e d s y s t e m s i d e b a n d
s u p p r e s s i o n in e x c e s s of 120 d B . T h e d c
A G C r e s p o n s e w a s p r e s e n t e d e a r l i e r in
Fig 6.48. The threshold may be adjusted
w i t h R - t h (2.5 k Q ) s h o w n in the s c h e m a t i c .
have e x a m i n e d o b t a i n o n e s a m p l e f o r e a c h should all be of the s a m e type. T h e a t t a c k a n d r e c o v e r y are d e t e r m i n e d
peak of t h e w a v e f o r m b e i n g d e t e c t e d . A u - T h e initial a d j u s t m e n t of the I F a m p l i - by the c o m p o n e n t s in the Timing s e c t i o n
dio w a v e f o r m s have f e w e r peaks, espe- f i e r s t a r t s by r e m o v i n g o n e e n d of R 3 0 of t h e c i r c u i t . An N P N d e t e c t o r , Q 6 .
cially if t h e s i g n a l is a l o w - p i t c h e d C W f r o m the b o a r d . T h e A G C is t u r n e d o n w i t h c h a r g e s a f e e d t h r o u g h c a p a c i t o r that f e e d s
carrier. T h i s a l l o w s the r e c e i v e r to b e o v e r - n o s i g n a l s p r e s e n t and the v o l t a g e on pin 6 a s i g n a l out of t h e m i l l e d e n c l o s u r e to a
w h e l m e d in t h e p e r i o d b e t w e e n p e a k s . of U 2 i s m e a s u r e d a n d r e c o r d e d in the C A 3 1 4 0 o p - a m p that then d r i v e s i n v e r t e r
A partial s o l u t i o n to t h e l o w f r e q u e n c y n o t e b o o k . T h e v o l t a g e o n t h e a r m of R 3 1 Q 8 . T h e Q 8 c o l l e c t o r then d r i v e s the tim-
d i f f i c u l t y lies in a u d i o f i l t e r i n g . A h i g h - is then set for the s a m e v a l u e . R 3 0 is a g a i n ing c a p a c i t o r s . T h e p r i m a r y o n e is a
pass f i l t e r ( w i t h s e v e r a l e l e m e n t s ) a h e a d i n s t a l l e d in t h e c i r c u i t . R 3 1 c a n be r e - .01 | i F . w h i c h is tied to a 0 J | i F / 1 0 k£2
of b o t h t h e A G C d e t e c t o r a n d a u d i o o u t p u t a d j u s t e d later to alter A G C t h r e s h o l d . c o m b i n a t i o n p a r a l l e l e d by a 1 j i F / 1 0 0 k Q
will p r e v e n t v e r y l o w b e a t n o t e s f r o m p a i r . T h e s e v a l u e s w e r e e s t a b l i s h e d with
A s i m i l a r M O S F E T I F a m p l i f i e r is
r e a c h i n g c i t h e r . A c u t o f f of a r o u n d 3 0 0 H z t h e ditter m e n t i o n e d e a r l i e r . T h e v o l t a g e
s h o w n in F i g 6 . 5 6 . T h i s circuit u s e s t h r e e
is s u g g e s t e d . on the t i m i n g c a p a c i t o r a n d the a u d i o sig-
g a i n s t a g e s u s i n g 3N 2 0 9 M O S F E T s , a t y p e
A t y p i c a l f u l l w a v e d e t e c t o r f o r u s e in nal a r e show n in a p h o l o .
a v a i l a b l e in o u r j u n k b o x . T h o s e w i s h i n g
an a u d i o d e r i v e d A G C is s h o w n in F i g 6 . 5 5 to d u p l i c a t e t h i s c i r c u i t s h o u l d c o n s i d e r the
with b o t h p o s i t i v e a n d n e g a t i v e a u d i o 3 S K 1 3 I o r s i m i l a r a v a i l a b l e S M T parts.
p e a k s c o n t r i b u t i n g to the o u t p u t . A s l o w A f t e r t h r e e gain s t a g e s , the s i g n a l is ap-
A Hang AGC System
r e c o v e r y is set b y t h e 1 0 - M Q r e s i s t o r p l i e d to a d i f f e r e n t i a l P N P a m p l i f i e r . O n e F i g 6 . 5 7 s h o w s an A G C s y s t e m with t h e
across C1. which can be made faster with side is t e r m i n a t e d in a 5 1 0 - £ i r e s i s t o r , p r o - u n u s u a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of u s i n g t w o t i m i n g
a s m a l l e r r e s i s t o r . S h o r t i n g C I will turn v i d i n g a p r o p e r l y m a t c h e d d r i v e f o r a "tail s y s t e m s . O n e is d r i v e n b y I F s i g n a l s , so it
the A G C o f f . T h e s y s t e m s h o w n is s u i t a b l e e n d " c r y s t a l f i l t e r . T h i s f i l t e r s e r v e s to has t h e a d v a n t a g e s of q u i c k a t t a c k . T h e
for IF a m p l i f i e r s like t h e M C I 3 5 0 P . L e v e l eliminate noise generated within the IF other c o m e s f r o m the audio.
s h i f t i n g o r i n v e r s i o n m a y be r e q u i r e d f o r a m p l i f i e r at f r e q u e n c i e s o t h e r than that of During receiver operation, signals
other controlled circuits. t h e m a i n f i l t e r . It a l s o d i s t r i b u t e s the s e l e c - within the I F c a u s e C 2 to c h a r g e , w h i c h
M e n t i o n w a s m a d e e a r l i e r of d i f f i c u l t i e s tivity i m p r o v i n g t h e s t o p b a n d a l l e n u a t i o n r e d u c e s r e c e i v e r gain. If the signal is a short
with f i l t e r s w i t h i n an A G C l o o p . T h i s p r o b - of the o v e r a l l s y s t e m . T h e n o i s e f i l t e r is lived o n e o r e v e n a n o i s e b u r s t . C 2 will
lem c a n b e e s p e c i a l l y s e v e r e w h e n a u d i o t e r m i n a t e d in a r e s i s t o r a n d a F E T fol l o w e r q u i c k l y d i s c h a r g e t h r o u g h Q 1 0 . a low
filters a r e i n c l u d e d w i t h i n a l o o p . A u d i o output stage feeding a product detector. p i n c h o f f J F E T switch. H o w e v e r , if the sig-
filtering is b e t t e r a p p l i e d a f t e r d e t e c t i o n T h e m a i n I F i n p u t s e l e c t i v i t y is p r o v i d e d nal is p r e s e n t for a r e a s o n a b l e p e r i o d
for t h e A G C l o o p . b y a 10th o r d e r f i l t e r with a 5 0 0 - H z b a n d - (around a hundred milliseconds), audio
Although audio derived systems present width, designed for a Gaussian-to-12-dB will h a v e been a m p l i f i e d by Q11 to c h a r g e
major design challenges, good perfor- r e s p o n s e . ( T h i s f i l t e r , a K V G X L - 1 0 M . is C I n e g a t i v e l y . T h i s d r i v e s Q 1 0 into
m a n c e is still p o s s i b l e . T h i s b e c o m e s e v i - r e g r e t t a b l y n o l o n g e r a v a i l a b l e . T h e y are p i n c h o f f , w h i c h d i s c o n n e c t s it f r o m C 2 .
dent when high-end professional-level s o m e t i m e s f o u n d on t h e s u r p l u s m a r k e t , T h e only d i s c h a r g e path f o r C 2 is now a
a u d i o - r e c o r d i n g e q u i p m e n t is s t u d i e d . but f e w w e r e m a n u f a c t u r e d . ) T h e I F sys- 22-M£2 resistor, so r e c o v e r y is slow, caus-
tem was breadboarded without printed ing the gain to hang at a nearly c o n s t a n t
b o a r d s in a m u l t i p l e - s e c t i o n s u r p l u s mill- level. But if the a u d i o d i s a p p e a r s f o r a short
Practical FET IF ing. O n e s e c t i o n c o n t a i n s t h e m a i n f i l t e r p e r i o d , C I d i s c h a r g e s . Q 1 0 is no l o n g e r
System Examples input w h i l e a n o t h e r h a s the o u t p u t and the pinched off, and C2 quickly discharges,
The Cascode JFET amplifier presented f i r s t I F a m p l i f i e r . A n o t h e r h o u s e s t h e 2nd r e t u r n i n g the r e c e i v e r to full gain.^ T h e
earlier w a s d e v e l o p e d as a c o m p l e t e , practi- a n d 3 r d I F s t a g e s w h i l e vet a n o t h e r h o l d s a u d i o d e t e c t o r is an " o p e n - l o o p " p r o c e s s
cal m o d u l e . F i g 6.50, f o r use in a M o n o - t h e d i f f e r e n t i a l a m p l i f i e r a n d an N P N that m o d i f i e s the basic c l o s e d - l o o p IF A G C
b a n d S S B / C W T r a n s c e i v e r . T h i s circuit can d e t e c t o r . F e e d t h r o u g h c a p a c i t o r s r o u t e Ihe s y s t e m , so d o e s not alter s y s t e m d y n a m i c s .
be built with other F E T types, with appropri- s i g n a l t h r o u g h the m i l l i n g w h e r e t h e d c T h e h a n g s c h e m e can b e a d a p t e d to o u r
ate circuit c h a n g e s . T h e J F E T s s h o u l d b e p a r t s of the A G C l o o p r e s i d e . F E T I F systems with relative ease, as
roughly m a t c h e d f o r I D S S ( + / - ! ( ) % ) and T h e input c i r c u i t r y is critical to the c o m - s h o w n in F i g 6 . 5 8 . The p a r t i a l circuit in
+8v - — . 5n/FT
^ 0 0 !
5n/ FT
9 MHz IB
5: 12t Q l , 2,3:311209
II i1 see text.
L1,L2: 2.7uH molded RFCS T2: 20t#28, 4t#28 link
Tl: 5t:12t, FT37-43 FB43-2401 or FT37-43.
D1-D7: 1N4152
2N3906 x2
+12 100 ^ .1
To Prod.Det.
IF Output 39K
15:5 t FT37-43
W — G r o u n d to Mute.
Fig 6 . 5 6 — I F amplifier using three gain reduction stages with dual-gate M O S F E T s . See text for discussion.
6.24 Chapter 6
+12 V
1, 5000
Fig 6.57—A full hang-type AGC system with two timing systems. The IF-derived AGC offers quick attack while "hang time" is
established by the audio.
6.26 Chapter 6
The range of signals available 10 our tivity. But they are vital in protecting the dependent on position within the pass-
receivers can be very wide indeed. The receiver from other responses. band. For the four-element filter, side-
weakest signals we can hear are limited The narrow crystal filter in the IF deter- band suppression extends from only 14
by noise, and d r o p to typical levels of mines the receiver selectivity. T h e dB at the low audio end to 4 3 dB at the
- 1 4 0 dtim or less in a C W bandwidth. response of two crystal filters arc shown high end. The 8-elernem filter offers much
These are rare at HF. but common at VHP. in F i g 6.61. Both filters were designed f o r better sideband suppression, but is still
But signals can also be very strong. The a bandwidth of 2 5 0 0 H / . but one filter only 27 dB at the low audio end. It grows
strongest sky-wave propagated signals we uses four crystals while the more selec- to 87 d B at the high audio extreme. Simi-
encounter will depend on our antenna, but tive one uses eight. The beat frequency lar response can be expected in a filler
can sometimes be as strong as a microwatt oscillator ( B F O l is normally placed 300 method SSB transmitter. The improved
1-30 dBm.) or even more with high gain Hz below the lower passband edge for an response of the phasing method is dra-
antennas. upper sideband response. The voice fre- matic for sideband suppression at low
M o s t of o u r concern for large signal quencies then recovered by this 2500-Hz audio frequency. This suggests that com-
performance relates to the receiver front bandwidth filter extend from 300 to 2800 binations of a superhel and the phasing
end, the part of a receiver between the Hz. Opposite sideband response is then method may o f f e r spectacular perfor-
antenna connector and the place where well defined. O w i n g to the filter skirt mance, an old, but still viable option.
receiver bandwidth determining selectiv- shape, sideband suppression is critically Several undesired phenomena occur in
ity is obtained, usually the first crystal fil-
ter. The front end usually consists of much
more than the "'first stage."
We have two concerns when dealing with
the large signals. First. "How loud can the
signals be that we try to copy with our re-
ceivers?" This problem relates to both front
sods and to gain control. Second, "What is
the range of signals that can be present within
the receiver front end without causing prob-
lems when we attempt to receive average or
weak signals?" This is the more complicated
and subtle problem with the more interest-
ing challenge.
Fig 6.59 shows a partial receiver block
diagram for a 14-MHz single-conversion
« p e r h e t with a 2-MHz IF. The calculated
front-end filter response is shown in
Fig 6.60. The center frequency response
is normalized to 0 dB, so the response at
10 MHz can be used to evaluate worst-case 10 12 14.1 13
image rejection, 76 dB for this example. -?s.Q841 -55.233 2e-06 -6S.?<5?5
The front-end bandwidth, over 400 kHz, is
wide enough to not require any adjustmenl
during receiver use. These filters contrib- Fig 6.60—The response of the front end from 10 to 18 MHz. The image rejection at
10 MHz is 76 dB. This is a computer generated ideal plot. The 3-dB bandwidth is
ute little to the receiver signal selectivity
0.41 MHz, centered at 14.1 MHz. This response results from a single- tuned circuit
and do not impact noise figure and sensi- at the antenna and a double-tuned circuit between the RF amplifier and the mixer.
Fig 6.59—14-MHz receiver with a 2-MHz IF. The LO tunes from 12 to 12.2 MHz, so the image extends from 9.8 to 10 MHz.
6.28 Chapter 6
s i g n a l in d B m a v a i l a b l e to t h e r e c e i v e r is
t h e g e n e r a t o r o u t p u t less the a t t e n u a t i o n
50 Ohm
Step v a l u e in d B .
! Attenuator (
After measuring M D S , a second signal
' .1. ' Receiver
s o u r c e is a d d e d to t h e test set. as s h o w n in
\ J «;n under T e s t
F i g 6 . 6 2 B . T h e s o u r c e s a r e a d j u s t e d to
h a v e e q u a l o u t p u t s . T h e hybrid in that fig-
ure is a circuit e l e m e n t that c o m b i n e s t h e
50 Ohm o u t p u t s of t w o 50-£2 g e n e r a t o r s to f o r m
Sources o n e 50-12 s o u r c e w h i l e i s o l a t i n g the (wo
generators f r o m each other. (See Chapter
7 under Return Loss Bridge.) The com-
b i n e d o u t p u t is a d j u s t e d as n e e d e d in t h e
s t e p a t t e n u a t o r . T h e level a v a i l a b l e to
t h e r e c e i v e r i n p u t is a d j u s t e d until t h e
r e s p o n s e on t h e m e t e r is e x a c t l y t h e s a m e
3 - d B - a b o v e - t h e - n o i s e r e s p o n s e that w e
s a w when m e a s u r i n g M D S .
Fig 6.62—Setup for measurement of receiver dynamic range. See text for
C o n s i d e r an e x a m p l e . First, turn A G C
o f f f o r all D R a n d i n t e r c e p t m e a s u r e m e n t s .
W i t h no input s i g n a l s , the a u d i o o u t p u t
f r o m o u r r c c c i v c r is 5 m V . R M S . T h i s is
end filtering d o e s nothing to attenuate the M D S w a s d e f i n e d e a r l i e r a n d is t h e
the result of r e c e i v e r n o i s e . W e n o w i n j e c t
original signals that c a u s e the distortion, available power from a room temperature
a 1 4 . 0 1 0 - M H z s i g n a l f r o m a g e n e r a t o r and
nor d o c s it attenuate the products once they signal s o u r c e that will c a u s e the o u t p u t to
a d j u s t t h e l e v e l and r e c e i v e r t u n i n g until
have b e e n g e n e r a t e d . First i m p r e s s i o n s i n c r e a s e by 3 d B a b o v e the b a c k g r o u n d
t h e a u d i o o u t p u t is 7.1 m V , 3 d B a b o v e the
suggest thai this distortion w o u l d ruin all n o i s e . M D S is r e l a t e d t o r e c e i v e r n o i s e f i g -
n o i s e level. T h i s h a p p e n e d with a g e n e r a -
c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , but things are not that ure a n d b a n d w i d t h by
tor o u t p u t of - 1 3 0 d B m . w h i c h b c c o m c s
severe. T h e detail that saves our rcceivcrs
the M D S . N e x t , w e set u p t h e signal g e n -
is the characteristic that a third-order dis-
M D S (dBm) = - 1 7 4 dBm + e r a t o r s at 14.03 a n d 14.05 M H z , l e a v i n g
tortion p r o d u c t will increase or decrease
the r e c e i v e r t u n e d to 14.01 M H z . W e in-
in proportion to the cube of the input sig- 10 l o g ( B W ) + N F E q 6.12
c r e a s e the l e v e l of the t w o t o n e s until w e
nals. S o . if i n p u t signals b e c o m e 1 d B
g e t t h e s a m e o u t p u t that w e s a w with the
weaker, the resulting distortion d e c r e a s e s w h e r e B W is t h e r e c e i v e r noise b a n d w i d t h
M D S measurement. This occurs with a
by 3 dB. T h i r d - o r d e r I M D in a receiver is in H z a n d N F is t h e n o i s e f i g u r e in d B .
s i g n a l at the input of - 4 4 d B m p e r tone.
characterized b y a third-order input inter- N o i s e b a n d w i d t h is u s u a l l y c l o s e to signal
E a c h tone is 86 d B a b o v e M D S . so o u r
cept. A l t h o u g h t h i r d - o r d e r I M D is an b a n d w i d t h al the - 6 d B p o i n t s . " F o r
t w o - t o n e d y n a m i c r a n g e is 8(5 d B .
insidious p r o b l e m , it is easy to m e a s u r e . e x a m p l e , a receiver with a 2.5-kHz
Generally, a n y t h i n g w c do to a f r o n t - e n d b a n d w i d t h a n d a 10-dB n o i s e F i g u r e h a s a W e can m e a s u r e t h e r e c e i v e r i n p u t t h i r d -
design to i m p r o v e I M D will also i m p r o v e - 1 3 0 - d B m M D S . T h e test s e t u p u s e d t o order intercept directly with the s a m e
gain c o m p r e s s i o n and s e c o n d - o r d e r I M D . m e a s u r e M D S is s h o w n in Fig 6 . 6 2 A . T h e e q u i p m e n t . ( S e e C h a p t e r 2, s e c t i o n 6, to
For these reasons, the third-order input in-
tercept b e c o m e s a central d e s i g n consid-
eration for receivers.
0IP3=+11 0IP3-+20 1JIF3-+30
1 dBm
(LBm v dBm * v
d i f f e r e n c e in d B b e t w e e n the l a r g e s t s i g n a l
that a c i r c u i t c a n h a n d l e and the s m a l l e s t . = 0.137
But w h a t is t h e w e a k e s t s i g n a l and w h a t
d e f i n e s it? H o w l a r g e c a n the l a r g e s t be
and h o w d o w e d e f i n e t h a t ?
W e use the f o l l o w i n g receiver defini- 0IP3=+27.4
tion: T w o - l o n e d y n a m i c r a n g e is the d B .dBm
6.30 Chapter 6
is essentially that of the IC plus the inser- gain to actually increase input intcrccpl add an R l ' a m p l i t i c r . In other situations, an
tion loss of the bandpass filter preceding with only a modest noise figure change. NE602 is used as a second mixer in a
it. Care must be exercised in implement- Some builders claim a 90-dB dynamic receiver, having been preceded with gain.
ing this design if this DR is to be realized. range with N E 6 0 2 front ends with this The trade-off is illustrated in Fig 6.65. A
For example, chip intercept could be al- bandwidth. Clearly, careful measurements bandpass filter with a 1 -dB loss is followed
tered if output is cxtractcd only from one are always worthwhile. by a low gain R F amplifier. The signal then
output terminal. On the other hand, care- In spite of the good MDS obtained from passes through the original 2-dB-Ioss fil-
ful mismatch at the input may decrease the NE602, some builders are tempted to ter before arriving at the mixer. This de-
sign offers a 2-dB improvement in sensi-
tivity. but at the pricc of a 5-dB decrease in
dynamic range.
6.32 Chapter 6
dieted by the analysis presented when us- larly with the FET gate lead. resistance generates even better stability.
ing measured data for the individual A cure for the instability is resistance in We have used 100 Q in this application,
stages. The block diagram for this front series with the drain. This is nol a mere for it provides margin without altering the
end is shown in Fig 6.68. experimental band-aid, but a circuit detail low frequency ( H F and low VHF) gain.
A small circuit board was designed and justified with analytic evaluation. Greater The resistor should be placed as close to
fabricated for this front end and includes a
crystal filter of up to 6 crystals. The 5 0 - f l
impedance of the pad is increased with a
pi-network to whatever value needed by G a i n of a J F E T A m p l i f i e r
the filter. The other end of the crystal lad-
The IF amplifier used in the output of the general-purpose receiver front
der is terminated in the proper resistor and end is a common-source configuration with a transformer output present-
a common source JFET amplifier. A PIN ing a 200-Q load to the FET drain. Amplifier gain depends on the imped-
diode attenuator is also included in the IF ance presented to the input.
amplifier output for those applications
where no other I F gain control is avail-
able. A muting switch for the R F amplifier
200 Ohm Xoad
is also included. The complete schematic
is given in Fig 6.69.
The input pre-selector filter is a single
tuned circuit. It begins as a 3-elcment low-
50 J310
pass filter, but the usual inductor is
Ohm - Parameters:
replaced with a series tuned circuit. This
Input Vp— 3v
simple topology degenerates into a low
pass filter in the V H F stopband, a useful Idss=45 mft
attribute when trying to avoid spurious
responses related to stray V H F signals.
The second bandpass filter, a double-
tuned circuit, appears after the R F ampli-
fier where noise figure has been estab- The "filter" is the combination of an impedance-transforming network
lished. Insertion loss is not as critical as it and a crystal filter in this instance. The 50-ft source is transformed to
might be without the amplifier. This means match a higher resistance, 820 Q in the schematic above, with the
that the filter bandwidth can be narrow composite "filter."
enough to ensure very good image rejec- If 1 mV is presented to the input, the voltage at the gate will be increased
by the square root of the impedance ratio, here a factor of 4.05. So, Vg =
tion. It also allows us to use small toroid
4.05 mV. The FET bias current is 7.92 mA in this instance, so the trans-
cores, if desired.
conductance is gm = 0.0126 S, using equations presented in Chapter 2.
Two bandpass filters should be used in The drain signal current is then
designs that include an R F amplifier. An
RF amplifier that is not preceded by a filter
GM»VG = 0.051 milliampere.
is subject to overload from local signals,
particularly the strong V H F broadcasts
This current develops an output voltage across the 200 £2 load, Vout =
that most of us experience. A filter should 10.21 mV. (The 1 0 0 - 0 resistor is significant only in reducing the effective
also appear after the RF amplifier, imme- supply voltage. It is included to suppress parasitic oscillations.)
diately preceding the mixer. This circuit,
often termed the image-stripping filter, Output power is V 2 /200 = 5.21 x 10~7 W. But the available input power
establishes image rejection. If it was only is 1 mV across 50 £1, or 2 x 10-8 W, so transducer power gain is 26, or
present ahead of the R F amplifier, it would 14.2 dB. The important detail here is that power gain is a strong function
not suppress noise at the image frequency of the impedance terminating the filter, shown in the curve below.
that is created by the R F amplifier.
The R F amplifier we chose is a
Common Source J.HST Amplifier Gain
common-gate JFET design. It is capable of 20
very low noise figure while offering good
intermodulation distortion and high power
output when needed. It also can have very
good reverse isolation, serving to suppress
signals at the mixer that would otherwise 10
find their way to the antenna terminal. But
it can also be challenging, for the common
gate FET amplifier can lend to oscillate.
The spurious oscillations, which usually
occur at a few hundred MHz, occur when
the layout is poor or leads are too long. 500 1000 1500 2000
Generally, too much fuss is propagated in
much of the electronics literature regarding Gate Termination, OJutts
long leads in solid-state circuitry, but this is
a place where it really docs matter, particu-
Emitter Clii'ii'nl, mA
6.34 Chapter 6
Fig 6.72—Audio amplifiers, product detector, and sidetone oscillator for the EZ-90C receiver.
Parts List for the 20-Meter "Easy 90" Receiver
C1,C3: 470 pF SM or NPO ceramic C29: 100 pF R7: 680
C2,C6,C9,C22: 65 pF, 10 mm air C30: 150 pF R8: 1 kQ
variable (Sprague Goodman C31: 100 pF R9: 47
GYC65000) C32: 82 pF R10: 6.8
04,5,13,14,15,16,18,19,35,36,37,39: C33: short circuit R12, R13: 100
0.1 fiF C34: not used R14, R16: 150
C7:82 pF Q1, Q4: J310 R15: 36
C8: 2.2 pF Q2, Q3, Q5: 2N3904 R17: 820
C10: 56 pF D1: MPN3404 or similar PIN diode R18: 220
C11: 22 pF L1: 27t #28 on T30-6 R19:100
C12: 200 pF L2. L5: 4.7 nH molded RFC, Q>=50 R20: 47
C20: 820 pF L3. L4: 1.04 p.H, 16 t #28, T30-6 R21: 1 kQ
C21: 220 pF T1:T2 10 bifilar turns #28, FT37-43 R22: 680
C23: 470 pF R1: 180 U1: TUF-1 or TUF-2 or TUF-3
C24; 68 pF R2, R3: 10 k£i Y1, 2, 3, 4, 5: HC49 crystals,
C25: short circuit R4: 100 5 MHz, Lm=98 mH, C0=3 pF (see
C26: 100 pF R5: 47 text)
C27: 150 pF R6: 1.5 kQ Y6: not used; add short circuit
C28: 100 pF
6.36 Chapter 6
The receiver is packaged with a 14 MHz needed for high dynamic range. IIP3. The amplifieris preceded by a single
VXO transmitter described in Chapter 5. The receiver is a CW only design using resonator preselector and followed by a
The narrow receiver tuning range elimi- filters with reasonable time domain char- double tuned image-stripping filter.
nates most birdies from being a problem. In acteristics. While these filters are no The mixer uses a TUF-1 with +7 dBm
spite of this, one was encountered in the longer available, it should be possible for LO drive. A higher LO level is applied to
form of a feedthrough of 15-MHz WWV the aggressive builder to build viable sub- a 3 dB hybrid that splits the signal into two
energy. This signal got into the enclosure stitutes. The 9-MHz IF system was isolated components. One drives the mixer
on the antenna connector where it then described earlier in detail in Fig 6.56. The while the other is attenuated and available
found it's way onto the grounds that design features three stages of gain using for transceive applications. The mixer
reached the product detector. There, the dual-gate MOSFETs and crystal filters at has two inputs, selected by a small relay.
normal third harmonic response of the di- both the IF input and output. The IF cir- One is the normal 14 MHz signal from
ode ring allowed the 15-MHz component to cuitry is built with breadboards into a mul- the double tuned circuit while the other
be directly converted, to produce baseband tiple section milled aluminum enclosure. comes from other equipment at cither 4 or
audio. The problem was eliminated with a The front end (Fig 6.75) begins with a 14 MHz. The mixer output is applied to the
5-MHz low-pass filter inserted in the line bipolar RF amplifier biased to I e = 12 mA, familiar feedback amplifier and pad com-
between the front end and the detector au- which produces low noise figure while bination. The front end is housed in a 4 x
dio board. The problem would never have maintaining an intercept that is high 4 x I inch milled aluminum box.
occurred if the receiver had not been built enough to not degrade overall receiver The BFO and Product Detector, shown
with completely unshielded boards.
Generally this receiver will hold up well
in a contest environment, although we find
it in need of some AGC for those moments
when a really strong signal is encountered.
Limiting in the audio output op-amp pro-
duces a clipped response when the strong
signals appear, saving the operator's cars.
The very "hot" receiver (low MDS) was
designed for portable situations where
noise levels are much lower than we find
in a home environment.
A 14-MHz Receiver
This receiver is an updated version of
two earlier designs. 1 5 The changes include
repackaging (smaller size) with improved
shielding, a new frequency counter with
lower power requirements, and a reduced
noise IF system. This receiver is simi lar to
the EZ90. but features the shielding General-purpose receiver front end board installed in the EZ90-14 Receiver.
Fig 6.75—Front end for the 14-MHz receiver. The circuit is built largely with breadboarding methods.
in F i g 6 . 7 6 , is t r a d i t i o n a l . A d i o d e r i n g
m o v e s t h e 9 - M H z I F signal to b a s e b a n d
w h i l e a b i p o l a r t r a n s i s t o r s e r v e s the B F O
T h e 5 - M H z local o s c i l l a t o r is s h o w n in
Fig 6.77. T h e design uses a Colpitis V F O
with a JFET. A J F E T buffer drives a feed-
back amplifier output stage. T h e output
p o w e r is l a r g e e n o u g h to d r i v e t h e h y b r i d
s p l i t t e r and m i x e r in t h e f r o n t - e n d m o d u l e .
V a r a c t o r d i o d e t u n i n g will e v e n t u a l l y b e
a d d e d t o p r o v i d e an R I T f u n c t i o n . T h e r e -
lated C M O S f r e q u e n c y c o u n t e r w a s
d e s c r i b e d in C h a p t e r 4.
T h e r e c e i v e r a u d i o s y s t e m is s h o w n in
F i g 6.78. U1 provides a u d i o gain, muting,
and a convenient place to i n j e c t a sidetone
signal. This drives an a u d i o gain control and
the output stage. U2 and Q 2 . T h e output op-
crates as a class A a m p l i f i e r with a s t a n d i n g
current of about 9 0 m A . T h i s will drive a
I 14-MHz receiver. Upper left is the frequency counter, upper right is the small speaker or h e a d p h o n e s of virtual ly any
j, middle is IF chain, and lower right is product detector/BFO. i m p e d a n c e . T h e high current is not a prob-
T50-6 l?t
i T37-6
- r
j y t y \ a _
T l i 330 -1-
220 J_
50-400 t'O) Input
2 " 10-90
Fig 6.76—BFO and Detector for the 14-MHz receiver.
6.38 Chapter 6
Fig 6.77—LO system for the 14-MHz receiver. The N750 capacitor provides temperature compensation as measured with a
small homebuilt thermal chamber. All other capacitors in the oscillator have an NPO temperature coefficient.
-\A/\r-f 01
«2 68'
— STO-in output
- Mute T i m e Ctrl.
4.7K I 2N3906]
r A A A r
\ i o o k : 1 0 k
' 100K
To IF A G C Line
10K< To A G C C a p .
22K 2N3904
7u I 2N3904 2N3904
Key-line S i d e T o n e to
Audio A m p
^ ^ 5 1k
0 1 , 5 %L L 22K
Fig 6.78—Audio and control system for the receiver. See text for details.
6.40 Chapter 6
lem, for the receiver is used only in a home
environment. Q 3 and related components
generate a time delay, establishing the time
the receiver is muted following a key clo-
sure. Placing the function in the receiver
allows use with many transmitters that may
not include interface circuits. The key line
loops in and out of the receiver.
Q8 and Q 9 f o r m an unusual Weinbridgc
sidetone oscillator. In key-up conditions
the two transistors and the two 5.l-k£> emit-
ter resistors form an amplifier with a non-
inverting gain of two. This is not high
enough to support oscillation. But when the
key is pressed, the 4.7-kI2 resistor causes the
voltage gain to exceed 3. allowing oscilla-
tion to begin. The frequency is determined
by the 5% capacitor, and 22-kQ resistors. S21
3.5 4 4.1 4.S
Oscillator output is obtained from the emit-
-29.9443 -J.7487! -1.89152 -30.3939
ter of Q8. This point does not change de 0 0 0 0
value as the circuit is keyed, preventing a
keyed voltage spike in the audio. Fig 6.79—Filter for use at the output of crystal controlled converters to be used
with the 4-MHz Input in the 14-MHz receiver.
Overall Results
This receiver is a design that has evolved this occurred only after a minor struggle. Although a traditional dual conversion
for several years, so the performance is fairly Examination showed lhat an R F choke in system does not o f f e r the dynamic range
stable. Prior to a major rebuild in 1998. the the oscillator F E T source had poor tem- of a single conversion design, it can be
receiver used an IF based upon MC-1350P perature characteristics. Removal of that close if converter gain is kept low. The
integrated circuits. While adequate, the noise component and further compensation pro- typical converters consist of a preselector
performance was marginal. Receiver noise duced a stable oscillator, illustrating the filter, a diode ring mixer with crystal con-
figure is now maintained as I F gain is virtue of careful testing and response to trolled oscillator, a post mixer amplifier,
reduced, producing a receiver that continues test results. The LO, although lacking the and pad. An RF amplifier is used for the
to sound "bright," when used for weak or control features of a synthesized system, higher bands. Some sort of 4 - M H z hand-
strong signals. is completely free of spurious responses. pass filter is then required to guard against
Noise figure was measured as 7 dB. The The receiver is just as much fun to use as any second conversion images. One filter
measured MDS was around - 1 4 1 d B m the original was in 1974. we have used is shown in Fig 6.79 with
while 1TP3 was +1.5 d B m for DR of 95 dB. calculated response. The filter may reside
The LO system, although difficult to with the converter or with the basic re-
evaluate, seems to a have phase noise less Converters ceiver. All of our converters use a crystal
t h a n - 1 4 0 dBc/Hz at a 5 kHz carrier offset. The receiver has been used with crystal- 4 MHz above the incoming band, preserv-
Thermal stability is excellent, although controlled converters for numerous bands. ing the frequency counter accuracy.
The simplest system is that of Fig 6.80A.
A free running LC oscillator operates al
3 dB Hybrid
the desired output frequency. It is buff-
ered, sometimes with m o r e than one
amplifier if higher power is required. Low
pass or bandpass filtering is included to
remove harmonics. The signal will even-
tually drive a mixer, with many types
requiring L O drive that is f r e e of even- Fig 6.80—Local-oscillator systems for use with communications systems. See text
order harmonics. Odd harmonics are for details.
6.42 Chapter 6
Fig 6.81—Possible layouts for
the heterodyne LO system. See
(A) text discussion.
V F O + Buffer
-D ©
RF T V v 1/ l A ,
SRAl-H Post 3H211 MC-1350P x2
Fig 6.82—Block diagram of an early high-dynamic-range receiver. The various elements are shown in schematics. See text for
stage-by-stage discussion.
6.44 Chapter 6
Fig 6.84—Image-stripping preselector filter used with the receiver. This filter provides over 100-dB suppression of images and
other spurious responses.
6.46 Chapter 6
A n o t h e r flaw with the up c o n v e r s i o n
block diagram arises with the V H F crystal
filter. I M D in these filters is o f t e n worse
than seen with l o w e r f r e q u e n c y filters. It
should be characterized and considered in
system analysis. T h e filter s h o u l d have
enough selectivity to allow the V H F I F
signal to be converted d o w n to a lower
frequency IF where additional processing
occurs. T h e c o n v e r s i o n should be rela-
tively spur and image free, it is c o m m o n in
current designs to a m p l i f y and heterodyne
the signal to a low e n o u g h f r e q u e n c y that
it can be applied to an analog to digital
converter (ADC), producing a digital data
stream suitable f o r digital signal process-
ing (DSP.)
Additional distortion sources are found in
the low-pass and. more often, in the
bandpass filters ahead of the mixer. Filter
intercepts depend primarily on the magnetic
properties of the inductors used in the filters.
They will also depend on the peak energy T3.T4: W i n d w i t h # 3 2 w i r e o n B H - 4 3 - 2 4 0 2
stored in the component during operation. h a l u n core. The n u m b e r of turns is s h o w n
Running 1 raW of power through a low-pass in schematic.
6.48 Chapter 6
Fig 6.90—Mixer portion of the high-level front end. Commercially available transformers are used in this design. U1 consists
of four MOSFET switches controlled by lines 1, 4,10 and 13, linked with the dotted lines in the figure. See Chapter 3 for
design of the 0 : 1 diplexer at the IF port for compatibility with the chosen IF.
LO to Mixer
Fig 6.91—Logic circuits provide high-frequency LO drive for the H-mode mixer. Input is at twice the needed LO frequency. The
designer/builder must add power supply connections to the ICs.
r r o4a|
lOOK >
+ 5v
? t f 10X
LO t o M i x e r
? ? ? " 5
ttr 2 s0
4 13 ft B C D Clr U4E
Preset i 3
U4C U4C12 ' EHP U5 Load 3-1
Q. U3B l
"J24 pF
13 s Pulse
—C( U2D
der Modulus A B c
+5V to Enable Blanker
<1 1 1 1 U2 - 74AC00
6 0 1 1 U3 - 7 4AC109
8 1 0 1 u/i = 7 4AC04 ^jo-
10 0 0 1 U5 - 7 4AC163
12 1 1 0
14 0 1 0
16 i 0 0
IB 0 0 D
F i g 6 . 9 2 — L o g i c c i r c u i t s a c c e p t a n i n p u t f r o m a V H F s y n t h e s i z e r . T h e o u t p u t is t h e n d i v i d e d by a n e v e n n u m b e r b e t w e e n 4 a n d
16 b e f o r e r e a c h i n g t h e h i g h - l e v e l m i x e r . T h e d e s i g n e r / b u i i d e r m u s t a d d p o w e r s u p p l y c o n n e c t i o n s to t h e I C s .
r e l i a b l e s u p p l i e r . H i g h crystal Q s h o u l d be
s o u g h t , f o r it w i l l d i r e c t l y i m p a c t filter 1L.
T h e b u i l d e r s s a w their b e s t filters with l o s s 75^ J7-35 13"P
under 1 dB with others under 2 dB. E v e n
if the r e c e i v e r is to b e used m a i n l y o n C W ,
a w i d e r d e s i g n filter b a n d w i d t h is used in
the interest o f l o w loss.
C a r e f u l m e a s u r e m e n t s are r e q u i r e d t o
adjust this filter. A s p c c t r u m a n a l y z e r w i t h
a t r a c k i n g g e n e r a t o r is i d e a l , but s h o u l d
h a v e stability c o m m e n s u r a t e w i t h n a r r o w Fig 6 . 9 3 — C r y s t a l filter s e r v i n g a " r o o f i n g " f u n c t i o n . T h i s c i r c u i t o p e r a t e s at 9 M H z ,
but can be redesigned for other frequencies within the H F spectrum. T h e variable
crystal filters. S w e e p s measuring input
c a p a c i t o r s w i t h Y 3 a n d Y 4 a r e a d j u s t e d t o m a t c h t h e o n e filter t o t h e o n e u s i n g Y 1
and o u t p u t i m p e d a n c e match s h o u l d , h o w - a n d Y 2 . T h e q u a d r a t u r e h y b r i d s a r e a d j u s t e d f o r o p t i m u m i m p e d a n c e m a t c h at b o t h
e v e r . e x t e n d e d f r o m near d c to V H F . ports. S e e text.
6.50 Chapter 6
An Amplifier t o follow plifier featuring low noise, high 1IP3, ex- in Fig 6.95, a lop coupled set of parallel
cellent input and output impedance match, resonators. Reed relays are used at each
t h e Roofing Filter and good reverse isolation. end for band switching. Extensive
Fig 6.94 shows the amplifier that fol- This circuit can be adjusted for an input decoupling (not shown) is used with the
lows the mixer. This circuit must have rea- return loss greater than 30 dB in the 3 to relays. The filters were designed to have a
sonable performance, although not as stel- 30-MHz region. Typical gain is 12.8 dB maximum insertion loss of 2 dB. A 5-reso-
lar as would be needed without the filter. with IIP3 = +24 dBm. A heat sink is built nator filter was used for 160 m while 3 or
With only two crystals per side, the roof- for the four FETs by drilling four holes in 4 were sufficient for the other bands. Tor-
ing crystal filter has limited skirt a piece of '/s-inch-thick aluminum. The oids were used for all inductors with em-
selectivity, allowing some large signals to FETs are pushed into the holes, which arc phasis on larger sizes for high unloaded Q
appear beyond the filter. then filled with epoxy. Carver has also and low IMD. A 6 mix was used for the
The amplifier is a feedback circuit with built similar amplifiers with six FETs. but lower bands with 10 for the upper ones.
four parallel JFETs. The total current is the same 100-mA total current. These cir- Most capacitors were 1 % silver mica types.
high at 85 to 100 mA, so the circuit has cuits require no heatsink. The only variable capacitors were some
good distortion performance. The circuit trimmers used for coupling on the highest
began conceptually as a transformer bands. Components were carefully mea-
matched common-gate amplifier; a topol- T h e Preselector sured prior to installation and inductor
ogy with a well-defined, low input imped- The final element in the front end is the turns were spread or compressed slightly
ance. 2 5 A winding is added to (he preselector filter. The basic form is shown
for fine-tuning. This was sufficient for the
transformer to apply some signal to the
gate. The result is a circuit that has neither
terminal as c o m m o n , yet has a well-
defined 50-H input impedance while fea- C-jk C-jk
turing low noise figure. This circuit has a
e ^ H H t - r ^
typical NF of 1.5 dB with some versions
measuring 1.2 dB. The output is trans-
former coupled with a drain load resistor I T If 2
to ensure a good output match. Relay toil Relay coil
Bill Carver, W 7 A A Z . modified the bifi- Vron?
lar output auto-transformer with another
winding that drives an adjustable capaci-
tor, C-N, to couple energy back to the gale.
This capacitor is adjusted for low reverse Fig 6.95—General form of preselector filters used for the high-performance
coupling. The result is a neutralized am- receiver. While a 3-element filter is shown, some bands used up to 5 resonators.
3t } • i E L I
-43 FB -43 FB
1! -£-
3. OIK 5K
T t T [>150
- uH
+12, 85 m&
Fig 6.94—Amplifier that follows the roofing crystal filter. This particular version operates at 5.2 MHz, but can be optimized for
any frequency in the HF spectrum. T1 is wound on a BN61-202 two-hole balun (binocular) core. The primary (grounded
winding) is made from small copper or brass tubing through the balun holes. Alternatively, braid from RG174 coaxial cable
may be used. The 5-turn and 1-turn windings are then wound with #28 or smaller wire. T2 consists of a pair of bifilar windings
on a BN43-202 two-hole balun core. One bifilar winding forms the two 3-turn windings while the other bifilar pair is connected
to form the 6-turn winding. Remember that one turn on a two-hole balun core is a pass through both holes. C1 and C2 are
approximately resonant with transformers T1 and T2. FL-1 is a three wire monolithic element, but can be built with discrete
components. C-N is adjusted for best reverse isolation (lowest S12.) All resistors are 1% metal film, ''U W.
Fig 6 . 9 6 — V H F helical-resonator voltage-controlled oscillator. See text for additional detail. Although a back-to-back pair of
varactor diodes is shown, more may be required. It may also be useful to switch extra capacitance Into the circuit with relays
or PIN diode switches.
6.52 Chapter 6
high phase noise of casual PLL synthesiz-
ers will drastically limit the performance.
While somewhat better wideband phase
noise is available from DDS, this is of little
A working
version of the consolation when the noise is merely
Triad built in replaced by numerous coherent spurious
the UK. (TNX responses. Some experimenters expect
to George exciting things to happen in synthesis in
Fare, G3QGQ.) the near future, which will help. 2 8
But synthesis is not the major problem
we face. Rather, it is the compromised
nature of the transmitters that we usually
encounter. It does little good to build a
receiver that is so free of distortion that we
become concerned about receiver damage
call for full transceive capability. not been routinely applied for experi- when we measure it. only to find that the on
The receiver performance has been out- menter equipment. The methods will work the air signals we encounter arc distorted.
standing with different triad members just as well with diode mixers as with FET Modern communications systems have
having obtained slightly varying results. mixers. been engineered with a sense of balance,
With careful adjustment of the prcselcctor The typical high dynamic range receiver using compatible transmitters and receivers.
and post filter amplifier, slightly under of recent vintage has consumed consider- The receives have kept pace with the trans-
10-dB noise figure has been measured in able power. This was generally accepted mitters, but with little extra margin. The
a receiver also showing an input intercept as the price one must pay for such perfor- radio amateur service has not. however,
of +45 dBm. This is slightly under the mance. FET mixer based designs can. grown in this way. Early stations had sepa-
early goal of achieving a 120-dB DR in an however, provide very high intercepts rate equipment for each function. We have
SSB bandwidth, but the ease of duplica- without high power. The oscillator powers had a DX based fetish for receivers, tradi-
tion of the FMT3125 mixer makes it pref- are low. and with no early amplifiers, there tionally dealing with the classic axiom that
erable over one using the Si8901. That is no compelling reason to use a high "if you can't hear 'em. you can't work "6111,"
part had a 3-dB higher conversion loss, power amplifier anywhere in the system, This left us ignoring our transmitters.
making it impossible to achieve a 10-dB especially if higher order, low loss roofing Many solutions to transmitter problems
noise figure without an amplifier in the filters can be designed. Low loss and sim- are found in the receiver design details.
"wide open" part of the front end. The plified matching should be possible with Improved receiver synthesizers will ben-
present system with +45 dBm IIP3 and 10 monolithic filter technology. We can now efit our transmitter. High-level mixers,
dB NF (R = +35 dBm) will yield DR of envision a very high dynamic range re- low-distortion amplifiers, and clean filters
121.3 dB in 50G-Hz BW. ceiver that is as sensitive as we will ever are elements common to both. The problem
There are some dramatic implications need on the HF bands that operates effi- unique to the transmitter is in the higher
embedded within this work, ones that may ciently with batteries. power stages where distortion usually
well alter the way we design the next gen- But adequate challenge remains. The occurs. Even here, there is new technology
erations of receiver. It is clear that a lossy frequency synthesis problem continues to that offers solution. Feed forward methods
mixer can be followed directly by a nar- plague us. We certainly want new trans- offer one route to reduccd I M D . 2 , - , I U I
row fi 1 ter w i thout compromi si ng 1 arge sig- ceivers to include all of the refinements Feedback and prcdistortion offer alterna-
nal performance. Use of the Engelbrecht found in the older ones, and most of these tive routes. 32 - 33 Predistortion is discussed,
technique is not new with filters, but it has features depend on frequency agility. The with references, in Chapter 10.
6.54 Chapter 6
for the output stage itself of +56 dBm, al- phase noise of - 1 2 0 d B c / H z spaced pass filter that would normally follow the
lowing some of the distortion to occur in 20 kHz from the carrier. If the carrier is transmit mixer.
earlier stages, increased output stage gain amplified to a level of 1000 W (+60 dBm), Fig 6.98 shows a two-stage class-A
mould relax the required earlier stage per- the transmitted phase noise has a density amplifier first presented over two decades
formance. but would reduce the margin for 120 dB lower, o r - 6 0 dBm/Hz. If received ago. The design (like aging designers) is
applying feedback in that stage. As in any with a 500-Hz-wide receiver, the noise is useful and robust in spite its age. The first
practical design, this one is a collection of - 3 3 dBm, or 0.5 p W . A low power trans- stage uses a single TO-39 transistor biased
trade-off factors. mitter of this level would probably not be to about 50 mA. Emitter degeneration and
Noise figure is also calculated for the heard at any distance, but can be copied by parallel feedback crcate low input and
cascade, 6.1 dB based upon an assumed stations within a mile. The noise closer to output impedance, presenting a good
N'F of 6 dB for each stage. If we assume the carrier will be much more evident. match at both ports. The second stage uses
i moderately low noise IF followed by a The individual stages in the cascadc of a parallel pair of TO-39 or similar transis-
10 dB loss in the mixer and bandpass filter, Fig 6.97 could be simple feedback ampli- tors biased to about 250 mA. This circuit
she output noise is essentially that of a re- fiers, biased to a high enough current that has a gain of 36 dB below 4 MHz, drop-
sistor attached to the amplifier input. That the individual stage intercepts are realized. ping to 29 dB at 29 MHz. The saturated
noise is - 1 7 4 dBm in a 1 Hz bandwidth. The stages should present input and out- output is a little over 1 W. I M D measure-
Adding 6.1 dB for the NF and 60 dB for put impedances that match the adjacent ments at 14 M H z produced OIP3 of
tain, the wide band output noise density is stages, especially when wide bandwidth is +43.5 dBm, making this a good starting
-107.9 dBm/Hz. If this noise was to be desired. One may be more cavalier for a point for low power SSB equipment. This
sampled in a receiver with a 500-Hz band- s i n g l e - b a n d C W d e s i g n , although matched circuit can also be used in CW applica-
width, total power would be - 8 0 . 9 dBm. feedback amplifiers are still preferred, for tions by keying the positive supply to both
This is a very low power and would prob- they tend to preserve wideband stability. stages with a robust P N P switch such as a
ibly not be a problem for others using the The emitter degeneration may be adjusted 2N5322 or TIP-32.
vame frequency. However, if another in a single band C W design to alter stage A single-ended Class-A power ampli-
20 dB of gain was added, bringing the gain as needed for the desired output fier is shown in Fig 6.99. This was built to
output to 1000 W, the noise would be at power. This practice should be used with investigate the performance of a variety of
-61 dBm. This noise would drop into the more care when dealing with SSB. FETs as low distortion circuits. A 2N5947
background at a distance, but could be
A Class-A R F power chain can gener- bipolar feedback amplifier with measured
troublesome for other stations in close
ally be built on a single board, for gain is OIP3 of +42 dBm preceded the circuit.
proximity. This is a common difficulty
modest. However, the board should end in The first experiments used an 1RF-510
with many stations in close proximity.
a stage of around 1 to 10 W output. Higher- H E X F E T for Q i . With R2 = 1 Q . an input
Transmitted phase noise is usually powered amplifiers should have separate network consisting of R1 = 47 with no in-
imuch) greater than broadband amplifier power supply lines and an isolated ther- put transformer, and with a 15 V power
noise. Consider a poorly designed trans- mal environment. A straight-line layout is supply and bias adjusted for 0.5 A I D . wc
mitter with a synthesized LO generating recommended, separated f r o m the band- measured OIP3 = +48 dBm. Increasing the
6.S6 Chapter 6
Some builders have built very effective
balanced modulators with the SBL-l and
similar Mini-Circuits mixers. Bui ihe
topology is modified slightly f r o m the
expected where audio would be applied to
pins 5 and 6, which were short circuited to
each other. A modification used by W6JFR,
shown in F i g 6.101, opens the short and
inserts a low resistance (50 to 200 12) pot
between pins. Adjustment of the pot allows
the carrier to be nulled. Drive level consid-
erations are still important.
The Gilbert Cell is an effective and popu-
lar balanced modulator. Fig 6.102 shows a
simple speech amplifier and balanced
modulator using the Motorola M C 1 4 9 6 P .
The internal circuitry for the M C I 4 9 6 is
found in the m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s data, with f u n -
damentals presented in Chapter 5. This cir-
cuit is capable of a carrier suppression ex-
ceeding 50 dB. Indeed, one can probably
adjust it to even greater suppression, al-
though it may be difficult to maintain this
p e r f o r m a n c e over time and temperature
variations. T h e output with audio drive
should be kept to about - 2 0 dBm with this
circuit. L O drive is 300 to 500 mV peak-to-
peak. usually measured (in-situ) with an
oscilloscope with a x l O probe.
T h e speech amplifier used in Fig 6.102
will a c c o m m o d a t e both h i g h and low im-
p e d a n c e m i c r o p h o n e s . F E T t y p e is not
critical. M o s t of the gain is provided by the
o p - a m p . T h e builder may wish to use a
d u a l o p - a m p with the other scction c o n f i g -
ured as an active low pass filter. A project
elsewhere in the book used this topology
with a diode ring balanced modulator.
Transmitter IF Systems
T h e modulator output is routed to an IF
amplifier. With a level of - 2 0 d B m f r o m
the modulator and a requirement for only
- 1 0 dBm for a typical transmit mixer, little
IF gain is needed. Indeed, most of the f u n c -
tion of a transmit IF amplifier is that of sig-
nal conditioning and level control rather
than gain. Fig 6.103 shows an I F system.
The first stage uses a c o m m o n base ampli-
fier. which provides good isolation
between the modulator and crystal filter
that follows. T h e amplifier also sets the ter-
mination impedance for the crystal filter.
The amplifier and follower after the filter
will establish the proper output level and
gain. The follower provides a 50-12 output
impedance to drive a ring mixer while a
10-mA bias current sets low distortion.
A c o m m e r c i a l crystal filter was used in
the IF s h o w n , part of an early trans-
Fig 6.102—Speech amplifier and balanced modulator using an MC1496P. The
c e i v e r . 3 5 T h e filter can be as simple as a
transformer is 10 bifilar turns #28 on an FT37-43 with a 3-turn output link, used at
3 MHz. The carrier- balance pot is adjusted for minimum output at the carrier 4th order Butterworth design. H o w e v e r ,
'requency. The dual in line version of the MC1496 is used here. Builders should we h a v e b e e n d i s a p p o i n t e d with these
:onsult manufacturer's data when using other variants. simple filters. Filters with 6 to 8 crystals
1 0 , J
C -I-
responses are presented. The level 6 dB
down from the filter tops is marked, indi-
cating the filter "passbands". The worst-
H M K l
case sideband suppression is about 30 dB.
si 1 S occurring for a 300-Hz audio note. Sup-
pression approaches 60 dB at the highest
audio input.
I tH; A Chebyshev filter shape is recom-
— w v A/W-jJ mended for SSB applications over the sim-
! pler Cohn filter, which often suffers from
poor passband shape. A comparison is
- w ^ made in Fig 6.105, The Cohn response,
however, does have steep skirt attenuation,
comparable to a 1.0-dB-ripple Chebyshev
"-AVV £ filter. Further. Cohn (equal coupling) fil-
ters built with lower Q„ crystals tend to
have a smoother passband shape.
^ H i It is interesting also to compare avail-
able sideband suppressions with Ihe
responses of a phasing transmitter. The
—E phasing system has the virtue of offering
good suppression over the entire passband
including the region closc to the carrier.
Hybrid systems with a phasing exciter fol-
lowed by a filter could o f f e r spectacular
performance. (The same can be said for
SSB receivers. See Chapter 9.)
I H C W Carrier Generation
The IF amplifier of Fig 6.103 includes a
» £ crystal-controlled carrier oscillator needed
for CW generation. The oscillator and fol-
lower are relatively rich in harmonic energy,
which might normally constitute a problem.
However, the harmonics are removed by-
. O ^ passing the signal through the crystal filter.
The carrier is injected into the IF strip at the
i' "^VXAr- common base stage. The 1 -k£2 resistor can
be adjusted so the CWlevel is the same as Ihe
^ peak SSB power. An even simpler IF system
or-« is clearly in order for designs intended ex-
-W\r clusively for CW. The important criterion is
" H h U to provide the right level for the transmit
6.58 Chapter 6
isolate it from the receiver. Oscillator opera-
O dB
tion at a harmonic is often a convenient op-
10. 00
tion. The signal is then divided with a digital
di vider during key down periods. One of our
designs used a 5-MHz IF. but slight chirp
was encountered when a 5-MHz crystal os-
GAIN, dB cillator was keyed. The solution to the prob-
<S —21) lem is shown in Fig 6.106.
Even though the free running oscillator
nef. S-21
in this scheme does not operate within the
receiver IF, shielding is still required. A
steady tone was heard when the 10-MHz
oscillator was physically near the 5 - M H z
I F . a result of B F O second harmonic
energy mixing with the higher frequency
signal. Shielding and use o f feedthrough
capacitors for power and control elimi-
nated the problem.
-so.oo dB
The non-integer frequency multiplica-
FREQUENCY, Hz 1000.00 Hz/Oio. tion schcme described in Chapter 4 would
also be well suited to generation of a C W
Tua 2SOO Hz uide SSB F i l t e r s , N , 0.3 dB Chebtjsheo
carrier. That scheme divides a free run-
Fig 6.104—Two overlapping filters illustrating sideband suppression. See text. In a ning oscillator by 2, then uses one of the
practical application, the filter response is measured and recorded in the builder/ robust odd harmonics present in the square
designer's notebook. The lower frequency 6-dB point is noted (for USB generation) wave. In the prior example with a 5 M H z
and the carrier is placed 300 Hz below this point. The carrier is so marked in the I F . a crystal oscillator at 3 . 3 3 3 3 M H z
could be used. It would be divided by 2 to
produce a 1.667 M H z square wave that has
a strong harmonic at 5 MHz. This could be
filtered in a 5 MHz crystal o r L C filler.
IF Speech Processor
The - 1 0 - d B m signal developed by the
transmitter I F (Fig 6 . 1 0 3 ) is ready to drive
a transmit mixer. Alternatively, it can be
applied to an I F speech processor, shown
in Fig 6.107.
The voltage related t o a - 1 0 - d B m signal
in a 50-12 cable is only 0.1 V peak. This is
not enough to turn on a diode. However, it
can be increased with a transformer until
diode clipping occurs. After the signal has
been dipped, it is amplified and filtered.
The filtering from the second crystal filler
is necessary: without the filtering, inter-
modulation distortion products generated
by the clipping circuitry would appear
O.OO 4000.00
FREQUENCY. Hz S00.00 Hz/Div. outside the I F bandwidth. Clipping cannot
utrtuHHi. ruMruifc i Huutn HNHLYi t ^ , copyrignt w w , hhki. be done prior to initial filtering, for that
0.3 dB Chebushew Us Cohn Crystal F i l t e r s , N=4, 8=2500
clipping of the double sideband signal
would crcatc some distortion products
Fig 6.105—Two 4-element crystal filters are compared. The shape marked with within the eventual IFpassband that would
small squares represents the Cohn filter while the other was designed for a 0.3 dB not otherwise occur.
Chebyshev response. The two filters have similar skirt response, which is much
The I F speech processor has the effect of
better than a Butterworth shape, but much worse than a higher-order filter.
increasing the average power within the
speech sideband without increasing the
peak. This higher average power increases
Q. often a difficult design task. A better often a convenient solution, for R I T cir- intelligibility without excess distortion out
solution uses an oscillator that is not cuitry is already present in the transceiver. of the normal passband. This processor, with
keyed. The receiver B F O usually found in Another alternative is a non-keyed crystal the levels shown, increases the average to
a transceiver is such an oscillator, but it is oscillator other than the B F O . But one can't peak power by about 10 or 12 dB, readily
offset, operating at the wrong frequency. normally use one within the receiver IF observed with an oscilloscope.
This slight change can be compensated bandwidth, for it would be heard unless The I F processor has a second advan-
with a suitable offset in the V F O . This is monumental efforts were taken to shield and tage: It confines the I F level to prevent
Fig 6.106—Alternative carrier-oscillator system for CW generation. A free-running 10-MHz crystal oscillator is divided with a
digital divider to generate 5 MHz when needed. The divide-by-2 circuit is controlled with an IC reset line. See text.
Fig 6.107—IF speech processor. Back-to-back diodes clip the IF signal. The resulting voltage Is amplified and filtered in a crystal
filter. It is then amplified and set to provide the desired - 1 0 dBm to drive the transmit mixer. Schottky diodes are used in the
clipper circuit. The diodes are driven by a 16-turn winding on an FT-37-43 ferrite toroid. The link on the 50-Q line is 3 turns.
6.60 Chapter 6
RX In or Out Audio
to Crystal Input
Filter Filter — ( / \ )
Broad Band Filter
Xmtr Amp Output
14 MHz
5 MHz
LO Input BFO Input
1N914 1N914
6.62 Chapter 6
i n
NES02/ NE6C2/
J T t Z ih»-i h-
; ;ii
612 612
Receiver Input
IK-Cihm Crystal Ladder I
RF to
Transmitter NE602 ME602/
PS CfidJ h 612 512 ...
.1 ^ f47n
TT k n
— zh. 47KJ-
Audio Injiut
11K J-
( X h e f
Tfsmsnit j
Fig 6.113—A scheme for sharing a crystal filter between functions. Part A shows a partial schematic for an NE602. Part B
presents the basic scheme generated by K7RO while C shows FET buffers that allow other mixers and filters of many different
impedances. The scheme in C has not been tried. See text for details.
Fig 6.114—Circuits used to shape keying of a transmitter amplifier stage. Part A is a general case of switching an emitter
current to ground. Part B uses a PNP switch to apply a keyed waveform to an NPN amplifier. If that stage draws 10 mA with
8 V applied, it is modeled as an 800-ft resistor, as in Part C. Analysis of C shows an asymmetry. The rise is controlled by the
equivalent of 390 £2 in parallel with 800 Q while the fall is the result of the 800-Q value alone. Part D provides nearly identical
rise and fall times. E shows a modified switch where the PNP now functions not only as a dc switch, but as an integrator that
shapes the rise and fall. See text for discussion.
6.64 Chapter 6
8. T h e k e y e d s t a g e s a r e s u p p l i e d w i t h t h e M u t i n g a r e c e i v e r c a n be a m a j o r c h a l - ing. T h i s p r o c c s s can o f t e n c r e a t e t r a n s i e n t s
s h a p e d d c Chat c a u s e s t h e d e s i r e d w a v e - l e n g e , e s p e c i a l l y if v e r y h i g h s p e e d is that are a s t r o u b l i n g as t h e p r e s e n c e of sig-
f o r m to b e g e n e r a t e d . d e s i r e d . T h e h i g h - s p e e d o p e r a t i o n is e s p e - nal. T h e better m e t h o d o f m u t i n g a s t a g e
9. T h e d o t o r d a s h c o n t i n u e s to b e s e n t f o r cially useful for Q S K . or break-in C W a p p l i e s a g a i n a l t e r i n g b i a s that r e d u c e s
the d e s i r e d l e n g t h . operation w h e r e ideally a C W operator can gain without c h a n g i n g o t h e r d c p a r a m e t e r s .
10. T h e k e y is o p e n e d . hear other stations between high-speed Even the " s i m p l e " circuit task of
T h e s e q u e n c e o u t l i n e d is r e v e r s e d , w i t h d o t s . T h i s f a c i l i t y is c o n s i d e r e d an a d v a n - injecting an a u d i o sidetone can be a chal-
t h e final e v e n t b e i n g t h e u n m u t i n g o f t h e t a g e in c o m p e t i t i v e o p e r a t i o n s , b u t is a l s o lenge. O f t e n a sidetone oscillator is keyed
r e c e i v e r , a l l o w i n g t h e r e c e i v e r f u n c t i o n to useful while exchanging routine or emer- o n o r o f f in a w a y that c r e a t e s a d c t r a n -
r e t u r n to n o r m a l . gency traffic messages. s i e n t . T h a t is. t h e " k e y d o w n " w a v e f o r m
A l t h o u g h n o t l i s t e d , it m a y b e d e s i r a b l e T h e s i m p l e w a y t o m u t e a s t a g e in a has an average value that d i f f e r s from the
to a c t i v a t e c i r c u i t r y t h a t " r e m e m b e r s " t h e r e c e i v e r is to r e m o v e the p o w e r s u p p l y . U n - v a l u e w h e n t h e k e y is u p . A b e t t e r s i d e t o n e
gain s t a t e of a r e c e i v e r at t h e e x a c t b e g i n - f o r t u n a t e l y . this d o e s not allow the gain to o s c i l l a t o r is o n e t h a t h a s n o c h a n g e in d c
ning of a k e y e d i n t e r v a l s o t h e r e c e i v e r c a n diminish or grow immediately, for level a s it is t u r n e d o n a n d o f f , a n d the b e s t
i m m e d i a t e l y r e t u r n t o that s t a l e a f t e r t h e b y p a s s c a p a c i t o r s w i t h i n the s t a g e m u s t o n e s h a v e s h a p i n g a p p l i e d to t h e k e y e d
t r a n s m i t i n t e r v a l is f i n i s h e d . c h a r g e a n d / o r d i s c h a r g e with the s w i t c h - waveforms.
T h e c i r c u i t in F i g 6 . 1 1 6 A is an L C t u n e d
V F O . T h e f r e q u e n c y is c h a n g e d w h e n a
small v a r i a b l e c a p a c i t o r , C v a r , is s h i f t e d
into the circuit with a diode switch. W h e n
the "control" signal is positive, dc current
f l o w s in the d i o d e a n d C - v a r is p a r t o f t h e
frequency determination. However, when
t h e c o n t r o l v o l t a g e is set at 0, very little
c u r r e n t flows in t h e d i o d e s w i t c h , s o C - v a r
is r e m o v e d f r o m t h e c i r c u i t . T h e s a m e coil
t a p u s e d f o r o s c i l l a t o r f e e d b a c k is u s e d f o r
offset. Additional capacitance, Cx, paral-
leling t h e d i o d e w i l l r e d u c e s h i f t , p r o v i d - +12 Volts
ing a n a d j u s t m e n t . ms Control V
A crystal-controlled oscillator with a
d i o d e s w i t c h is s h o w n in F i g 6 . 1 1 6 B . T h i s
c i r c u i t is ideal f o r s h i f t s of o n l y a f e w h u n -
d r e d h e r t z . T h e s h i f t will d e p e n d u p o n t h e
crystal p a r a m e t e r s a n d t h e c i r c u i t d e s i g n ,
so e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n with C d e l t a is r e q u i r e d .
A t r a n s i s t o r is u s e d a s a s w i t c h in
Fig 6 . 1 1 6 C . T h e t r a n s i s t o r s a t u r a t e s w h e n
the s w i t c h has b a s e c u r r e n t a p p l i e d , c r e a t - Fig 6.116—Oscillator circuits, Including a means for frequency shifting.
Superhet RIT
The most familiar application for the
variable offset is receiver incremental tun-
ing, or KIT. featured in most commercial
transceivers. R I T is a simple function:
During transmit periods, the transceiver
frequency is determined by the main tun-
ing system. But incremental tuning can
b e c o m e active during receive, allowing
the user to adjust the received frequency Fig 6.118—Circuitry to control RIT. Q1 is a TO-92 N-Channel MOSFET such as a
by a small amount around the nominal 2N7000 or VN-10 or Zetex ZVNL-110A. Q2 = 2N3904 or similar. R1 sets the control
voltage during transmit. The SPST switch is closed when the RIT is off. In this
transmit frequency. A typical range is + / - state, the control voltage should be approximately 7.5 V. The control voltage
3 kHz. Usual transceivers have a provi- should vary between 4 and 10 with RIT on. Op-amp type is not critical; it could be
sion to turn the RIT function off, forcing a 741, half of a 5532 or 358, or similar.
6.66 Chapter 6
€W transceiver using a VFO without off- 7041 kHz to listen to a similar 1-kHz audio 10-(iF capacitor and related resistors.
set or RIT circuitry. A simple switch trans- note, again transmitting off frequency. One tuning method emphasizes the
fers the antenna between transmit and Clearly, you must do something so that SPOT switch. When a station is heard that
receive functions, as needed. The trans- you transmit on the right frequency. One you wish to call, the SPOT switch is closed
ceiver is turned on and attached to a suit- simple answer uses an offset generating and the station is tuned to zero beat (zero
able antenna. The VFO is tuned, producing circuit like that shown in Fig 6.116A. This audio frequency.) This switch action is the
the expected collection of signals. A sta- circuit shifts the V FO dnwn ward by a fixed same as pushing the key with the fre-
tion is found calling CQ on 7040 kHz, amount when the control is switched posi- quency shifted to the transmit slate. Once
Assume that you had been slowly tuning tive. The exact shift can be adjusted with a the station is tuned to zero beat, the SPOT
up the band when you beard this station. frequency counter, or by ear by listening switch is opened. The station should then
If you stopped tuning and listen to an to strong signals. The schematic is dupli- be heard with a 1-kHz note.
audio note of 1 kHz, your VFO will be at cated in Fig 6.119, which now includes A second method is faster. When tuning
7039 kHz. If you tried to answer him, there needed control circuitry. and looking for stations to call, be sure
» a high likelihood that he would miss you The system shown in Fig 6.119 is com- that you are always tuning down the band,
and would merely call CQ again. He will mon forD-C transceivers. Pressing the key- taking care not to tune through zero beat.
probably listen most intensely on his trans- causes immediate PNP base current to It may be useful to mark the front panel
mitter frequency of 7040 kHz. flow. The collector goes up to +12 V, shift- with a small arrow next to the tuning knob,
A similar situation would have occurred ing the VFO frequency downward. When indicating the proper tuning direction. An
if you had been tuning down the band. You the key is let up, the frequency remains error in picking the right tuning direction
would have stopped with your VFO at shifted for a short period controlled by the will now produce a 2-kHz error.
Extended use of a D-C transceiver
reveals a subtlety: there is often interfer-
ence when the VFO is on one side of the
desired signal, but the other side is clear. It
would be useful to be able to reverse the
role of the offset. This leads to a modifica-
tion of the usual scheme called "Almost
Incremental Tuning." or AIT. shown in
Fig 6.119—Offset Fig 6.120.
system for a Like the simpler system, the system with
simple direct-
AIT is easy to use with a spot switch. Upon
transceiver. finding a station that you wish to work,
no—vw—4 . SPOT tune to zero beat. Then throw the AIT
switch. If there is interference, tune to zero
beat and toggle the switch again.
6.68 Chapter 6
•lischargcs capacitor C. Resistor R5 in series to charge through R2 until it reaches the much higher, or when additional current
•lib C restricts the current that must be con- Zener voltage. must be supplied for other transmit circuit
ducted in the key when switched. The circuit Plastic switching transistors such as functions. R6 is picked to provide a Q3
(iocs not change states immediately when the 2N3904 are fine for Q1 and Q2. base current of about 5 to 10% of the cur-
Ac key is released- Rather, switching is Fig 6.122C shows a scheme with a P N P rent that must be supplied by the Q3 col-
JeUycd by the lime interval required for C that can be used when the relay current is lector. General purpose PNPs for this
application are the 2N5322 or the T1P32.
Fig 6.123 shows a common transmitter
topology where the power amplifier ( P A ) is
50 O h m s always attached to the antenna. The P A is cut
off during receive periods, so it is essentially
an open circuit with some parallel capaci-
tance. Antenna energy is extracted through
switch SI to the receiver. This scheme is
common, but it must be applied with care.
The PA must not be conducting during re-
ceive; if it was, the collector resistance would
absorb some of the signal that would other-
wise reach the receiver. Also, conduction
would generate excess noise that would
Xnput compromise the receiver. It is also important
to tap the receiver signal from a point in the
Fig 6.123—The RF portion of a T/R switch using a single switch. The transmitter low pass filter where the response will be
is always connected to the antenna.
maintained. For example, replacing the
broadband transformer with a tuned network
might lead to a shunt tuned circuit that would
X-500 short some of the receiver energy to ground.
.X=500 ,
— f —
In some designs, a transmitter matching
01 network might present an impedance lower
FIN < F.~C 2TJ3306 than 50 Q to the PA. This occurs when the
Fig 6.124—T/R output power is more than a watt or so from
switch with a
IK J 5-01.t l — o T f a 12-V supply. It is often tempting to tap
10K shunt PIN diode.
I1K 10K the receiver signal from the PA collector.
+12 This may work, although if the impedance
is much less than the receiver input imped-
ance. the resulting mismatch can compro-
low on TX. open RX mise performance. A matching network
may be needed at the receiver input to
increase the impedance back to 50 O.
The two sides of SI are marked with A
and B. A variety of switch circuits may be
applied to generate the desired function.
One is shown in Fig 6.124. Here, the
switch is not a scries element, but a shunt
one realized with a PIN diode. The PIN
diode is a common type used for RF
switching. It departs from a normal P N
switching diode with an intermediate
region of intrinsic silicon. This has the
effect of reducing switching speed, now a
feature rather than a deficicncy. The diode
appears as a low valued resistor to radio
frequency signals, but still as a diode for
the dc controls. A PIN diode is capable of
switching an RF current that is much larger
than the dc current flowing. In contrast, a
normal switching diode must be biased to
a direct current that exceeds the peak RF
current that is to be switched. The circuit
• •
in the figure biases the diode to 6 raA dur-
ing transmit periods.
6.70 Chapter 6
IN4006 dropped lo 3.6 p F at the same
- We also investigated a Motorola
v a n 17, a 1-A, 600-V part and measured
. rf" at 80-V bias. In our final design we
the NTE8515 for D l and D2 of
- - " 125B. while 1N4006 diodes were used
a m and D4. The 1N4006 was also satisfac-
O at D l and D2 at the 100-W level, al-
- .igh this was not used for prolonged op-
- i t i o n . The details of the T/R switch are
-^n in the QEX paper mentioned earlier.
- . -«ed high-voltage HEXFETs for the bias
• .ijhmg. The switch insertion loss was so
» that we could not measure it. Isolation
• -- dB between the TX and RX ports
* "en the A N T port was 50-£i terminated,
r • « as greater than +40 J B m in the receive
7-:r< The IMD measurement was limited by
- - -pectrum analyzer used and IIP3 may be
: • rn better.
in ten wish lo use a power amplifier
. en by a transceiver. A suitable switch-
topology for this chore is shown in Fig 6.128—A T/R switch topology suitable for use following a low- power
K is 6.128. Three switches arc shown. Only transceiver. We have not built this circuit.
••i: at the PA output. SW3. would require
higher current diodes. SWI and SW2
- J U use the less expensive IN4006 or
Fig 6.129 shows a single band T/R switch
aiing shunt PIN diodes, suitable for VHP Transmitter Antenna
JA well as HF application. Quarter wave-
length transmission lines interconnect the
ports and switches. The diodes have reverse
« zero bias during receive, but arc forward
biased during transmit. D l . behaving as an
open circuit during receive, causes a short t - H ehhhk: IQ-HH5)
circuit to appear at the transmitter output. .01
But open circuit D2 allows the nominal
50-fl input of the receiver lo appear at the 7 7 7
antenna port. Switching to transmit forward
biases both diodes. D l , now a short, reflects
•V on
as an open circuit at the transmitter output. Transmit
D2. also a short circuit, protects the receiver
and presents an open circuit at the antenna
port. The antenna impedance now appears
at the transmitter output. This circuit can be
implemented with true transmission lines H L 15-
or with pi networks as shown in Fig 6.129.
The pi-network that behaves like a quarter
wave 50-H line has L and C each with a 7
50-£i reactance at the operating frequency.
This circuit is used in a !7-m DSP-based
transceiver presented later in the book. Fig 6.129—A T/R switch with shunt diodes using the impedance-reflection
properties of quarter-wavelength transmission lines.
6.72 Chapter 6
Signal flow in the "Main 1 . . ^ J M J m
Fig 6 . 1 3 2 — S c h e m a t i c for the main board. See text for detailed discussion.
6.74 Chapter 6
Crystal filter components and terminations
determined by builder/designer
C 6 , C 7 , C 8 , C 9 = 0.0027 5%
Transmit Bandpass
L: U d t molded RFC, Q>50 Filter
C-v: 65 pF p l a s t i c t r i r m e r . T h e M a i n board R F output al 3.5 to
4 M H z has a 23.4 to 24 M H z image. The
Fig 6.134—Triple-tuned 3.S to 4-MHz bandpass filter for the output of the lower r a n g e is selected with the filter
transmit mixer. shown in F i g 6.134. This circuit is best
6.76 Chapter 6
a s s e m b l e d and tested in a 5 0 - Q e n v i r o n -
m e n t prior to use in the transmitter. A table
L C-tune L u-cune t u-tui of c o m p u t e r generated values is given in
-r ^j. ^.TVY-vi ^ »_rv"W"\ Fig 6.135 for several additional bands.
• rp ?
?-end C-mid C-mid
The Local Oscillator
The 1.0 tunes from 13.5 to 14 M H z with
C e n t e r Freq BW C-end C-mid C-tune L Qu I L.
the heterodyne system of Fig 6.136. Q 4 0 2
MHz MHz pF pF pF tiH dB
is a 2.5 to 3 - M H z Colpitis oscillator b u f f -
;- 0.22 2200 3300 307 27 50 3.6
ered with a c o m m o n - b a s e amplifier, Q 4 0 5 .
; 75 07 470 1000 143 15 50 2.1
Output is kept low, for only - 1 0 d B m is
1j 0.4 820 1750 78 7 200 17
needed by diode ring mixer U 4 0 2 . T h e
•-4 2 0 55 500 1200 34 4 200 2.5
output is established with the pad driving
I! 2 0.65 390 820 20 3 200 3 2
200 24
the R F port. This level, and that at the
28 4 1.1 180 390 11 3
mixer L O port should be m e a s u r e d during
A 3 6 5 - p F variable capacitor tunes only
» >; S 135—Triple-tuned bandpass filters for several HF bands. The required half of the range. T h e other half is tuned by
vloaded Q (vital) is also given.
switching in an additional capacitor, C402.
T h e switching is p e r f o r m e d with a pair of
PIN diodes, D401 and D402. W h e n a posi-
tive voltage is applied to J 4 0 1 . Q401 is
saturated, c a u s i n g both PIN diodes to con-
A crystal controlled 11-MHz oscillator
p r o v i d e s the drive f o r the d i o d e - r i n g
mixer. The t w o oscillators are both placed
inside the shielded L O e n c l o s u r e , along
with the ring mixer. T h e o u t p u t is then
routed through coaxial cable to a triple-
tuned L C b a n d p a s s filter, Fig 6,137.
A c h a n g e in IF f r o m 10.0 M H z will re-
sult in the need for a new L O f r e q u e n c y on
the part of the designer/builder.
Fig 6.136—Transceiver LO system produces output at 13.S to 14 MHz. The bandpass circuit of Fig 6.137 filters the mixer
6.78 Chapter 6
Fig 6.139—Audio system and AGO detector.
Audio Amplifier.
Carrier Oscillator.
the I F d u r i n g t r a n s m i t w i t h D 4 . D 8 , and T h e first t w o stages use a 2 N 3 9 0 4 while H F spectrum. W e realized another 3-dB
Q 1 0 on the M a i n b o a r d . the third uses a 2 N 3 8 6 6 with a small heat gain at 5 0 M H z w h e n Q 1 0 1 and Q 1 0 2 w e r e
sink. T h e three are respectively biased at 10, c h a n g e d to M P S H l O s . I M D was m e a s u r e d
17 and 5 0 m A . A 6 - d B pad is placed after the at 14 M H z f o r the driver chain, producing
The R F Power C h a i n first stage, p r o v i d i n g a c o n v e n i e n t place to O I P 3 = + 3 9 d B m with either transistor type
A four-stage RF power chain, alter gain f o r u s e o n other bands. Fig 6.141 in the first t w o stages. T h e nominal output
F i g 6 . 1 4 0 . c o m p l e t e s the t r a n s c e i v e r . s h o w s gain vs frequency for the three stage for Q I 0 3 is + 1 0 d B m p e r tone with a
Three bipolar transistors drive a H E X F E T bipolar driver. Although gain is d r o p p i n g , t w o - t o n e test, or + 1 6 d B m (40 m W ) P E P .
P A for a 5 - W o u t p u t . the driver c h a i n is u s e f u l t h r o u g h the entire T h e P A . an I R F - 5 1 0 H E X F E T . is b i a s e d
Fig 6.140—RF driver chain for the Lichen transceiver uses 4 stages for an output of 5 W. The T/R relay is a Nals DS2Y-S-DC12V or similar.
1 Frora Output
/ Detector
6000 8(500
Fig 6.142—Spectrum analyzer view of transmitter output under two-tone testing. A view of the 14-MHz bandpass filter
For software, see wwiM.monumental.com/rshorne/gramdl.htnil. used for LO in transceiver.
from a pot driven by UI01, a 78L05. Bias A peak detector is included at J107, use- negative feedback to the IF.
current with no drive is set for about ful during transmitter setup. It can also be An TF speech processor was described
40 mA, a level producing excellent gain and used to drive a front-panel LED through a in an earlier section where limiting within
distortion acceptable for QRP efforts. Trans- circuit like that shown in Fig 6.144 where the IF constrained the output level. That
mitter output is shown in the two-tone test an op-amp serves as a comparator. Alter- scheme had the added advantage of pre-
spectrum of Fig 6.142. This was obtained natively, the detector could drive an auto venting excessive levels in the transmit
with a FFT spectrum analysis program, level control (ALC) circuit to provide mixer and following amplifiers, eliminal-
Spectrogram, running on a laptop computer,
augmented with a converter. (See spectrum
analysis discussion in Chapter 7.) Third or-
der IMD is only 23 dB down from each tone,
or 29 dB below PEP. The 30-dB carrier sup-
pression is also shown. Opposite sideband
suppression was 43 dB for a 1700-Hz single
audio tone. Earlier driver chain measure-
ments confirm the FET PA as the distortion
Printed circuit
source. audio amplifier.
Fig 6.143 shows power chain output (TNX to K7TAU)
power as a function of drive power. This
gain compression measurement was done
with single-tone drive. The amplifier is
relatively linear up to the +33 to +35 dBm
output. This is a measurement that can be
performed in the home lab that has yet to
include a spectrum analyzer.
ing the need for ALC. The IF limiter has Control Circuits vide a similar + 1 2 V - R to control the
the minor disadvantage of requiring an- receivc function. PA bias is shorted with
The transceiver uses push-to-talk (PTT)
other crystal filter. However, it would be Q I 0 4 during rcccive periods. Both sec-
operation, realized with the control cir-
a dramatic virtue in this transceiver. Not tions of the DIP antenna relay are paral-
only would it enhance transmitter perfor- cuitry included in Fig 6.140. When the
leled for the T/R switching.
mance. but it would generate excellent microphone PTT button is pushed, a line
receiver skirt selectivity. goes low at J103 to saturate P N P switch
A seventh-order low pass filter follows
Q106. That transistor powers antenna Extensions and Results
the FHT power amplifier, as shown in relay. K l , and feeds a +12V-T signal to Once the boards are built and measured,
Fig 6.145. The filter is built on a separate the many places in the transceiver marked they can be assembled and combined.
board, isolated from the rest of the PA. with T * " Q107. 108. and 109 then pro- The system using a 10-MHz IF is rea-
sonably clean with the second harmonic at
- 5 7 dBc as the dominant spur. Three non-
harmonic spurs were found with strength
LlflJ Coax to from - 6 7 to - 6 2 dBc. A 9.2-MHz IF ver-
coax (rtm J I M ob BF j-yyy^ ^ ^ ('VYY\
/ Ssteasa
Power Clialn Board Coaaector sion (built by A A 7 Q U ) had similar perfor-
ir^r mance. We were disappointed in the IMD
hi »i r !"••
123 c m I jells T-
I MO • performance offered by the H E X F E T PA.
Receiver performance was adequate for
the 75-m band. The relatively high noise
figure of 18 dB is not a problem for this
L1Q2,L1®4: 2. T M 22 close packfd turns H22 Kieroaetal* T - 5 0 - 2
frequency. Measured 1IP3 was +16 dBm
L103: 3.01IH 24 turns H22 K i c r o r a t a l a 1 - 5 0 - 2
and two-tone DR was 92.7 dB. The
Fig 6.145—Low-pass filter for the 75-meter Lichen. Capacitors can be silver mica dynamic window is skewed to favor high
or ceramic. intercept rather than low noise. A low-
6.82 Chapter 6
• -e RF amplifier with modest gain few, al lowing the designer/bui Ider to mea- and audio board are also band-independent,
i -j[d substantially improve noise figure sure those parameters so critical to success. suggesting a multi-band design. Relay
• ;h little DR penalty, making this gen- If the Main board was built without the input switching is recommended in the receiver
r J topology useful at higher frequency. preselector filler, it would contain no band- front-end over PIN diodes to avoid second-
Several boards were used in favor of a specific components. The RF power chain order distortion problems.
Fig 6.146—Block diagram for the SSB/CW transceiver. The version we built is for the 6-m band, but can be adapted to any
band from 1.8 to 144 MHz. The system shown in the block diagram uses a non-heterodyne VFO system.
LO System
T h e local o s c i l l a t o r s y s t e m f o r t h e 6 - m
t r a n s c e i v e r is s h o w n in F i g 6 . 1 4 8 , begin-
n i n g with a c o n v e n t i o n a l 4 - M H z H a r t l e y
V F O . A n e m i t t e r f o l l o w e r b u f f e r s t h e out-
put to a d i o d e ring m i x e r . A c a p a c i t o r
( C 9 1 5 ) is selected to e s t a b l i s h a f o l l o w e r
o u t p u t o f - 1 0 d B n i . T h e V F O uses a 9 - V
r e g u l a t e d p o w e r supply e s t a b l i s h e d with a
Z e n e r d i o d e . T h a t r e g u l a t e d v o l t a g e is
routed out of (he s h i e l d e d e n c l o s u r e on a
f e e d t h r o u g h c a p a c i t o r to a f r o n t panel pot.
T h e voltage g e n e r a t e d is run back inside
t h e shield w h e r e it c o n t r o l s b i a s o n a
varactor diode. D900. The diode tuning
r a n g e is set up to b e a b o u t 10 k H z . T h e
m a i n tuning c a p . C 9 1 0 . uses a l a r g e k n o b
with no v e r n i e r d r i v e , o f f e r i n g m e c h a n i c a l
s i m p l i f i c a t i o n . This s c h e m e h a s b e e n sur-
prisingly effective, even with a tuning
r a n g e of 3 5 0 k H z , a direct result of a l a r g e
tuning k n o b on a s m o o t h c a p a c i t o r . D i g i t a l
r e a d o u t p r o v i d e s the n e e d e d resetability.
T h e d i o d e r i n g m i x e r and a 3 5 . 9 - M H z
third-overtone crystal oscillator occupy
the s a m e enclosure with the V F O . The
m i x e r o u t p u t is then a p p l i e d to a c o a x i a l
c o n n e c t o r t h r o u g h a s h o r t r u n of c o a x
c a b l e . T h e L O box o u t p u t is r o u t e d on c o -
axial c a b l e to a 4 0 M H z b a n d p a s s f i l t e r ,
s h o w n in F i g 6 . 1 4 9 . A triple t u n e d filter is
used to e n h a n c e s p e c t r a l p u r i t y . W e m e a -
s u r e d 8 0 - d B r e j e c t i o n of t h e 3 5 . 9 - M H z
Fig 6.148—VFO for the 6-m transceiver. L1 is unspecified, but will generally be
c o m p o n e n t a n d the 3 2 - M H z i m a g e .
around 5 p.H. The many resonator capacitors allow flexibility in setting the
frequency. Details are set by the designer/builder. T h e filtered L O signal is r e l a t i v e l y weak
6.84 Chapter 6
Front panel of the 6-meter transceiver. The very large tuning
knob allows surprisingly smooth tuning without a vernier
The audio amplifier and product detector board for the drive. The knob below the main tuning controls a varactor
Universal Monoband Transceiver. fine tune function.
S S B Generator
T h e SSB G e n e r a t o r b o a r d . F i g 6.152.
begins with an o p - a m p speech a m p l i f i e r
f o l l o w e d by an R C active l o w pass filter.
A test point allows the a u d i o signal lo be
To IX Mixer m o n i t o r e d to p r e v e n t o v e r d r i v e of the bal-
n » _ r i u i
< J — M i _L anced modulator. The peak-to-peak
a u d i o signal at T P 6 0 0 s h o u l d be 0 . 4 V
1 1 ' 1 1
T200, 202, 202: 6 miliar turns on FT 17-11 or similar. f o r - 1 0 d B m a v a i l a b l e ai the b a l a n c e d
m o d u l a t o r input, which uses a T U F - 1 or
1.200: 250 nH T30-6
S B L - 1 mixer.
1.201: 130 «H 730-6 Q 6 0 0 a m p l i f i e s the D S B signal f r o m
U 6 0 0 and also sets the driving i m p e d a n c e
Fig 6.150—LO amplifier feeding 40-MHz energy to the two ring mixers used for the
receiver front end and the transmit mixer. T200, 201, and 202 are all 10 bifilar turns for the crystal filter. R617 is picked to have
#28 on a FT-37-43 toroid. L200 is 8 turns of #24 on a T30-6 core. L201 is 6 turns of the s a m e value as R615, which is the de-
#24 on a T30-6. sired termination value for the crystal fil-
Transmitter Power
Fig 6.154 shows the driver stages for
the R F power chain. This is a class-A de-
sign with increasing current in each stage
through the chain. A heat sink is needed
for the second and third stages. Gain
for the chain is 47 dB with an output of
300 m W . The output low pass filter was
included for Q R P use before a "brick" was
added. The low pass could be eliminated
(or abbreviated) if a higher power ampli-
fier is planned to follow Q3. A 2SC2988
might be a suitable substitute for Q3 oper-
ating at 50 MHz.
T h e power amplifier used with this
transceiver is based upon the Mitsubishi
M57735 hybrid integrated circuit,
Fig 6.155. The hybrid (obtained from
Down East Microwave) is an especially
convenient part to use, providing 21 dB of
Fig 6.151—BFO and carrier generator. T301 and T300 each have a 15-turn primary small signal gain f r o m a two-stage class-
with a 5-turn secondary on FT-37-43 cores. The amplifier input resistors, now 6.8
AB circuit. Power output is 14 W for the
kn, can be changed to set the output power.
IC. The chip, which includes a built in low
pass filter, is built on a flange that bolts
directly to a grounded heat sink. A strip of
scrap circuit board material is bolted next
to the IC, offering a convenient place for
additional circuitry.
Three terminals on the R F module re-
quire a power bias. T w o use 12 V and feed
the two collectors while the third provides
base bias networks with 9 V. The 9-V sup-
ply should be regulated. In the process of
setting up a L M - 3 1 7 T regulator, we real-
ized that it could also function as a pro-
grammable circuit. This modification is
included in Fig 6.155 for complete power
control over the amplifier. The bias on pin
3 of the IC module is 9.1 V in transmit,
dropping to 1.27 V during receive.
The decoupling capacitors used are
those suggested by the manufacturer. We
measured these networks, finding that the
22-jxF electrolytic capacitors we used are
modeled with an inductance of 65 nH with
very low Q. A better wideband bypass
might be several parallel 0.01 (lF.
Although the M 5 7 7 3 5 is ideal for gen-
eral-purpose applications, it is an expen-
sive part. Fig 6.156 shows a Q R P power
amplifier that can be used in place of the
The RF power amplifiers up to about +23 dBm output. hybrid. The output from this stage is 3 W
6.86 Chapter 6
R g 6 . 1 5 2 — S S B generator. R615 and R624 should be picked to equal the desired terminating resistance for the crystal filter,
arfiich is a designer/builder-determined element. R614 can be varied to change gain, if needed. R63S is adjusted for 0.4 V peak
to peak at TP601 during transmit. That level should be identical in C W and S S B .
Llf C2 >L2 C3
h Fig 6.153—Triple-
tuned 50-MHz
bandpass filter.
The large board is the SSB generator and transmit mixer. This
version used SBL-1 mixers. The transmit bandpass filter is in
the box fabricated from scrap circuit board material. The control
board is above the bandpass filter.
6.88 Chapter 6
^ T T f T
Fig 6.155—Power amplifier for 50 MHz
using the Mitsubishi M57735 hybrid
integrated circuit. L1 is 8 turns #22, '/«
inch ID.
»•« f
'kj- I t
2* X
11 Si diod
*x F1J 43-HI
r r f — *f liM OK T3»-«
, -L
X x £
Receiver RF
amplifier and
preselector filter
for the 50-MHz
portable station.
The variable
capacitor tunes
the transmitter
Receiver Circuits
The receiver circuits resemble others
used in this chapter and will not be
repeated here. This transceiver uses a low
gain R F amplifier, which would not be
required for the lower HF bands. We used
a shielded double tuned circuit built as a
small, measurable filler module as the
preselector ahead of the diode ring mixer.
The post-mixer amplifier was a 2 N 5 1 0 9
with 30-mA bias.
Control Circuits
Fig 6.157 shows the control circuitry used Fig 6.157—Control circuits for the SSB transceiver.
with this transceiver. The design is quite
general and is suitable for any transceiver
with a relay for T/R. With some modifica-
tion. it should also be suitable for use with signal, generates the shaping required to
suppress clicks.
PIN diode antenna switching.
The board generates three outputs: Most of the signals available at the board This transceiver has generally been a use-
+12 relay. +12 transmit, and +12 keyed. are inputs. These include a +12 V supply, ful and enjoyable addition, having pro-
These are produced by T O - 3 9 P N P tran- a ground-active key line, a similar ground- vided an enjoyable sampling of "The Magic
sistors. We have used 2N540I a n d 2 N 5 3 2 2 active push-to-talk (PTT) line, and a Band." But it is an evolving design that we
in this application. About any P N P c a p a b l e +12 SSB line. S400B is a DPDT front panel plan to modify with better crystal filters and
of switching about 500 mA (often less) switch that provides +12 SSB during a different receiver IF amplifier. The cir-
will do as well. The TIP-32 should work. receive and transmit while in SSB. and cuit is suitable for operation from a batter)',
Q403. which provides the +12-V keyed + 12 CW while in transmit mode in CW. allowing some portable activity.
6.90 Chapter 6
The receiving converter, shown in we were building this station anew, the 6. W, Carver, "A High-Performance AGC/
t ig 6.160. begins with a single limed cir- minimalist phasing SSB transceiver de- IF Subsystem", QST. May, 1996.
. -it driving a M AR-2 RF amplifier with a scribed in Chapter 9 would probably be pp 39-44.
u r n of about 12 dB. A double tuned cir- used. The VXO used with this rig would
. jit then prcsclccts the signal before it is 7. Ibid,
provide the needed 50-MHz injection,
implied to a TUF-1 mixer followed by a 8. For further discussion of AGC loop
- \ ? 1 0 9 post mixer amplifier. A switched dynamics, see U. Rohde and T. Bucher,
I -dB pad can reduce the signal before
-c product detector, A PIN diode at the
REFERENCES Chapter 5, Communications Receivers:
Principles and Design. McGraw-Hill,
; \ e r offers additional attenuation. 1. Krauss, Bostian. and Raab. Solid Slate 1988.
The converter output is 8 MHz, used Radio Engineering. Wiley. 1980. 9. W, Hayward, "A Competition-Grade
- e r e l y because a 42-MHz crystal was 2. An excellent summary of modulation is CW Receiver," QST. Mar, 1974. pp 16-
•s-jilable in the junk box. A betler choice given in Krauss. Bostian. and Raab. Solid 20, 37 and Apr. 1974, pp 34-39. Also see
- _ uld be 43 MHz. The D-C receiver could State Radio Engineering, Wiley. 1980, W, Hayward and J. Lawson. "A Progres-
-en function on the 7-MHz band. The Chapter 8. sive Communications Receiver." QST.
V \R-2 RF amplifier with its input filter Nov. 1981. pp 11-21.
3. W. Hayward. Introduction to Radio
. jld also be eliminated for typical appli- 10. W. Carver, "A High-Pcrformancc
Frequency Design. ARRL, 1994. pp 205
, r u m s . keeping only the double tuned cir- AGC/1K Subsystem". OST. Mav. 1996.
and 349.
preselector. pp 39-44.
Fig 6.161 shows the 8-MH/ VFQ 4. H. T. hriis, "Noise Figures of Radio
with the receiver. This circuit Receivers." Proceedings of the IRE. 32. 7 11. Personal correspondence between the
w-r,es a fully shielded board containing (Jul. 1944). pp 419-422. or R. Pettai, Noise author and Ulrieh Rohde. 1997.
*c product detector, audio amplifier with in Receiving Systems. John Wiley & Sons. 12. W. Hayward. Introduction to Radio
- vhed attenuator, and sidetone oscil- 1984. Frequency Design, pp 219-232. Also see
r. This module is described in Chap- 5. www.ham-radio.com/n6ca/50MHz/ K. Simons. "The Decibel Relationship Be-
12. 50appnotes/lT310.html: See also tween Amplifier Distortion Products."
Gonzalez, Microwave Transistor Amplifi- Proceedings of the IEEE. 58.7 (Jul. 1970).
Double sideband offers a very simple
ui get a phone signal on the VHF ers, Analysis and Design, Prentice-Hall. pp 1071-1086.
* J > . one that is compatible with SSB. If 1984 for designing for lowest noise. 13. W. Hayward. Introduction w Radio
6.92 Chapter 6
8 MHz out to Prod. Detector
111,L12=18t#26, T30-6
51 10bft,FT37-43
L8=12t #26, T30-6 +12 — V A r - f — ^
LS,L10=10t #26, T30-6 -1 T I l 2 2
MAR2 2.7U
Rx I n
150 5-
) .1 i i <coax!
9 2NS109
6.94 Chapter 6
Measurement Equipment
The most basic instrument of electron- sure dc and ac voltage and current and dc user should be careful when using DVMs.
ics is the galvanometer of fundamental resistance. Some have becomc so good and for they create some unique problems.
physics. Current flows in a coil to produce so inexpensive that it is justified to purchase Probably the greatest is the assumption
a magnetic field, interacting with another a general-purpose instrument to build into a that they are as accurate as their resolu-
field to cause force against a spring. The special application.1 The typical DVM will tion. We should not assume that a meter
resulting motion has an attached scale to have an input resistance of 10 M i l when reading a voltage to 1 mV or better is ac-
indicate current. measuring dc voltage. Some traditional curate to that level. See the meter's
The simple 0 to 1 mA meter movement VTV'Ms also had a 10-MJ1 input resistance, manual. Another often-overlooked prob-
is a modern equivalent. This meter usually but also had a resistance (1 M£1 or more) lem is the '"burden" of these meters when
has a very low internal resistance of 25 to built into the tip of the probe used with the measuring current. Burden is the voltage
100 0 . Larger currents are measured with instrument. This allowed the probing of sen- drop across the meter when measuring
meter "shunt" resistors while voltage is sitive circuits with little loading, even at high current. This can often be several tenths of
measured with a scries "multiplier" resis- frequencies. While the modern DVM will a volt for high currents, a departure from
tor. A 1 mA meter movement would need not cause problems with dc loading, the long the classic multimeters of the past.
a 10-kQ resistor to measure 10 V. Hence, test lead can certainly cause problems for We often wish to measure audio signals
a voltmeter so built would toad the circuit circuits containing signals at audio or higher from the output of receivers. This is best
being measured as if a 10K resistor was frequencies. done with a true RMS responding voltme-
attached to ground. See Fig 7.1. While the resolution and accuracy of a ter. Some of the newer D V M s from Fluke
The loading problems are significantly modern D V M is outstanding, many users and other vendors includc this highly use-
reduced when active circuits append the still prefer an analog indication when a ful feature. The user without older meters
meter movements. The traditional active circuit is being adjusted. Some D V M s can still perform true RMS audio measure-
instrument is the classic VTVM, or vacuum approximate an analog meter movement ments by building an appropriate adapter. 1
tube voltmeter. A modem equivalent is a with a digital bar graph. This paper is included on the CD that
voltmeter using an op-amp with an example In spite of their justified popularity, the accompanies this book.
shown in Fig 7.2. The input signal is applied
to a very high impedance voltage divider,
resulting in a signal lo the non-inverting in-
put of an op-amp. The I kfi in series with the
meter, Rcal- c a n become a 2-kQ pot i f cali-
bration is required.
Most experimenters tend to purchase
general-purpose meters rather than build
them from scratch. The typical unit is a
digital voltmeter, or DVM that will mea-
Fig 7.2—A simple op-amp based voltmeter. The meter is one normally intended for
Fig 7.1—A basic 0-1 mA meter (A); use as a 0-15 V meter where a 0-1 mA movement is used with an external 15-kQ
measures higher current (B), or voltage multiplier. The 0 to 15 indication on the meter is now used to register 0 to 1.5 or 15 V,
(C) with the addition of resistors. but with a 15-MQ input resistance. This circuit operates with an op-amp voltage gain
Resistance can be measured with these of about 7, generating an output of 7 V for a full scale response. With a 9-V supply it
through application of Ohm's Law. becomes virtually impossible to damage the meter movement with excess voltage.
7.2 Chapter 7
Fig 7.4—Linear ramp applied to the X
axis of a CRT. A repeated ramp is called
a saw tooth waveform.
7.4 Chapter 7
formancc to the p r o b e tip. they are in p h a s e with each other. But a ducing a digital version of a picture that is
It is common to find beginners who ac- 90 degree phase difference will produce a eventually presented for viewing on an
quire a new oscilloscope, but do not get the circle when both have the same amplitude. inexpensive display. The performance is
probes to go with it. Don't! The 'scope with- These are called Lissajous patterns. T h e often impressive, as are the prices.
out the 10X probes is an invitation to mis- X-Y mode is also useful with other instru- As you b e c o m e accustomed to a new
leading measurement attempts resulting ments that include their own time basis oscilloscope, you will find n u m e r o u s ways
from the loading from high oscilloscope in- (sweep,) such as a homebuilt spectrum to apply it. It is effective in measuring dc
put capacitance. Almost all high frequency analyzer discussed later. levels as well as the ac signals within a
measurements done with a 'scope are per- The up-to-date oscilloscopes offered for circuit. C a r e f u l triggering and setting of
formed with the 10X probe. Even this load- industrial and research applications differ horizontal position will allow surprisingly
ing is extreme in many applications. from the traditional picture we have accurate f r e q u e n c y m e a s u r e m e n t s , al-
Most oscilloscopes also have an X - Y painted. While many of the changes relate though not up to counter standards. We
mode where one vertical channel drives to extended features, others deal with the will c o m m e n t on various applications
the Y axis, but the other is attached to the very nature of the products. Modern scopes throughout the rest of this chapter.
X axis. If you use this setup with two sine rarely feature the high performance CRTs A good general p u r p o s e r e f e r e n c e on
waves, you can infer something about the of earlier times. Rather, the input connec- traditional oscilloscopc m e a s u r e m e n t s is
phase relationship between them. T w o tors drive amplifiers that then drive high the paper by K 7 0 W J , which is included
« n e wave signals of the same frequency speed Analog to Digital converters, pro- on the C D that accompanies this b o o k . 3
will produce a slanted, 45 degree line if
_L 22
CA3140 —
l IK ~ p-'"
I Fig 7.11—This power meter, based on
the work of W7EL, has full scale
.LM358 readings of 0.3 and 3 volts RMS with
sensitivity of less than - 1 0 dBm. The
circuit can be adapted to other ranges.
R3 can be changed to 6 kC2 if a 0-1 mA
movement is used. See text for details.
1.62K u. IV
I '
to a less ideal termination.
/ 0 4 , 8 PAD
Microwatt Meter
Several methods can extend the sensi-
Thirty parallel 2-W, 1.5-kQ resistors
sandwiched between postcard-sized tivity of power measurements, allowing
pieces of circuit board material form a lower levels to be read. One uses an
medium power termination. Although op-amp to follow the RF detector. This
the rating Is only 60 watts, the wide guarantees a high impedance load for the
spacing between resistors allows 100 A 10-dB pad built into a small box is a
defector. Then a matching diode is placed
watts to be dissipated for modest times. valuable piece of test equipment as
The wire hooks are convenient places to well as a station accessory suitable for in the op-amp f e e d b a c k path, which
attach an oscilloscope 10X probe. reduced power experiments. essentially removes the effects of diode
7,6 Chapter 7
offset. This method was presented by
Grcbenkemper in 1987 and ihen applied
lo an in-line QRP power meter by
Lcwallcn in 1990. Both papers are out-
standing and are included on the book
CD, 4 5 Both instruments included built-in
directional couplers that allowed them to
be used for in-line power and VSWR mea-
The simple power meter shown in
Fig 7.11 was adapted from Lew alien's
design. The input is a 50-Q termination
followed by the detector. The following
op-amp includes a diode within the feed-
Nine parallel 470-Q resistors form the back path. The major effect of this diode is
RF load for the 20-W power meter. The to cancel the effcct of the voltage drop
tee box contains three power meters diode detector and meter multiplier across the detcctor diode, forcing the
•fth full scale responses of 100 mW, hang on one side. The BNC connector
meter to generate a reading closer to the
2 w, and 20 W. mounts the board to a wall.
RF value. The panel meter available when
this was buill had a 0-3 raA movement, so
the instrument was set up for full scale
readings of 0.3 and 3 V, RMS. This does
not mean that a true RMS voltage is being
read. It's still essentially a peak reading
circuit, but is calibrated with regard to the
related RMS value. Resistors were se-
lected at R1 and R2 to establish the ranges.
Lewallen used pots in his meter. The cir-
cuit in the figure easily responds to signals
less than - 1 0 dBm.
Fig 7.12 shows a power meter using two
other methods to obtain greater sensitiv-
ity. The first is bias: The diodes arc
Ftg 7.12—Low-level power meter capable of well under 1 |iW full scale. This circuit biased at about 20 (lA in this system. Two
is calibrated against a calibrated signal generator, or against an attenuated QRP diodes are used in a differential arrange-
transmitter that has been measured with a simple power meter. ment to reduce temperature drift. The bias
R3 Reg
6.8 GND
0.22' X
- -J-C3
Except as indicated, oeclmai r i i r r i
values of capacitance ore
En microfarads ( uF); others
are in picofarads (pF);
resistances are in ohms;
k « 1,000.
n.c. - No connection
Fig 7.13—Logarithmic power meter capable of reading signals from -80 to +13 dBm.
7.8 Chapter 7
Coax' Cable
10X Scope
50 Ohm Terminator
at 'scope V-input
Coax' Cable from
Transmitter Under
OK Test
R f 7.15—Power is measured with an oscilloscope and a 50-Q Fig 7.16—A 10X probe is used with an oscilloscope (or power
terminator at the scope input connector. measurement.
Fig 7.17—Random
interconnection of a load RMS
to a scope with coax P ( watts ) • -
sections can produce R
severe error. See text.
peak pkjpk
P( watts)
2-R 8-R
P(mW_50_Q ) = 2.5 V p k j k -
Attenuators form one of the most im-
• -taut a n d u s e f u l c o m p o n e n t s in a n y R F
• .:»uremem laboratory- T h e y b e c o m e
; - x v i a l l v u s e f u l in a h o m e l a b . f o r t h e y
Fig 7.19—
easily constructed and calibrated with Schematics and
,. Once available, they can be used to Pi Tee Bridged-Tee design equations
*cnd n u m e r o u s m e a s u r e m e n t s t o l o w e r for three popular
, ( « I attenuator forms.
• nigher levels. * i v» R i *
r f
To design any of
I hree a t t e n u a t o r n e t w o r k f o r m s arc
U the attenuators,
- -m in F i g 7 . 1 9 . T h e s e r i e s r e s i s t o r s h a v e pick R and A in dB
..>.• S a n d the p a r a l l e l o n e s a r e s i s t a n c e P. and calculate V
• "en t e r m i n a t e d in R ( u s u a l l y 5 0 O ) at the p _ R ( l - V) „ R f i - v, _R-(l- V)
with the formula
• .-lit. the input r e s i s t a n c e l o o k i n g in at the
s» shown. The
1-V 1- V V parallel resistor,
: ' ; « i l i a l s o be R. T h i s c o n d i t i o n l e a d s to
P, and the series
j m a t h e m a t i c a l r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n the „ 2-R : -P R J - S1 one, S, are then
w r i e s a n d the parallel r e s i s t o r s . S e t t i n g the
P« —
i? - R
2 2-S s calculated with
attenuation. w h i c h e s t a b l i s h e d the o u t p u t the equations.
• oltage V f o r a 1 V i n p u t , a l l o w s a n o t h e r
e q u a t i o n for e a c h t y p e t o be d e r i v e d . S o l v -
t \
WWrtta y
10 w
20 dB Pad
51.9 W 5.2 W 470
Fig 7.20—Power dissipated in each resistor is shown for a
10-dB pad with 100 W applied. The numbers are also All 2v, xicon, type 262-xxx unless noted.
I Spec. R RFR ^ ^ |
[—'wv — = — Freq. for R F Maximum
L at R F Measurements Frequency
Part Spec. R DC R RF R (MH) (MHz) (MHz)
A 50 52.2 51.5 6.4 3.5 0.64
B 100 99.6 99.4 0.194 30 40.8
C 50 56,2 59 0.24 30 19.6
D 47 47.2 49 0.0099 250 395
E 47 46 47 0.0095 250 394
Parts Key
A: Lectrohm 1 0 W Wirewound
This photo shows some typical termina- B: Tru-Ohm 2 0 W Non-Inductive
tors. The smaller two are surplus with C: Sprague Kookbhm 5W
power dissipation of 2 and 5 W. The box D: Xicon 3W Metal Oxide
is a homebrew terminator containing E: Allen Bradley 2 W Carbon Composition
four paralleled 200-Q, 2-W resistors.
7.10 Chapter 7
corresponds to VSWR=1.2. The receiver
with the pad is now a good impedance
match. W e o f t e n use pads in the out-
put of signal generators to force a clean
output impedance.
L and C measurement performed, (not necessary with every mea- boarded the circuits, we also tried a Colpilts
The traditional experimenter measured surement) bv placing a known capacitor be- variation that allowed larger capacitor
inductance or capacitance by finding a tween the C and the ground posts with L and values to be determined. Either large C
resonant frequency with a dip meter. An C still shorted. A good calibration value or small L between the C and ground termi-
unknown C was paralleled by a known would be a 1000 pF \ fc capacitor. A new nals can cause oscillation to cease. The
inductor, the combination was "dipped," frequency is measured with the CAL cap in two topologies are otherwise identical.
and the value was calculated. An identical place. From the two frequencies and the Once the instrument is built and in use.
process measured an unknown L. But the known CAL capacitor value, the net fixed a computer or calculator program can be
frequency measurement was poor, leaving capacitance and the inductance value can be written to expedite calculations. Carver
the experimenter wondering about his or calculated. C n and L„. includes such a program in his paper.
her results. Measurements arc now performed by Carver's paper also mentioned a pre-
The same general method can be applied parallel or series connections of the un- liminary version of the instrument that
today, but the dipper is completely elimi- known components. The instrument is used a PTC microprocessor, performing the
nated from the measurement. A stable LC turned on and an initial frequency, Fj, is counting function as well as the calcula-
oscillator is built in its place with a buffer counted. An unknown inductor is then tions. Since that paper was published, a
to drive the frequency counter. Unknown attached either between C and ground, or similar instrument has arrived on the mar-
components are then attached to the oscil- between L and C. The new frequency, Fi. ket by Almost All Digital Electronics,
lator to alter its frequency. This produces is measured. Knowing Co, a new induc- which is offered as an easily constructed
the data needed to obtain the L or C. This tance can be calculated. If a scries con- kit. (www.aade.com/)
method was the basis for a simple instru- nection was used, F : <F, and L is found by The experimenter has a choice of building
ment built by Bill Carver.1" This instru- subtracting L„ from the measured value. his or her own LC Tester or purchasing the
ment is shown in Fig 7.24. If a parallel connection was used, F,>F|, kit from AADE. Whatever the choice, the
The instrument is ruggedly built with and the measured I. will be less than that modem experimenter cannot afford not to
three binding posts labeled L C and Ground. of the one connected. The same resonance have this measurement capability. This in-
Operation always begins by placing a wire concepts give capacitance results. strument essentially replaces the classic grid
between the L and the C terminals and mea- Carver's original circuit used the dipper for the electronics experimenter of
suring frequency. Calibration can then be Hartley circuit shown. When we bread- the 21st century!
7.12 Chapter 7
A signal s o u r c e or g e n e r a t o r is n e e d e d
J i g n and adjust most projects, or f o r
- f u n d a m e n t a l circuit experiments.
"" ">i or m o r e arc r e q u i r e d f o r m a n y o t h e r
r s r i m e n t s . In this section w e p r e s e n t a
• j e v a r i e t y of s o u r c e s
The one i n s t r u m e n t that would do most
• * hat w e need is a " t a b quality R F signal
. .-.erator." But there is m o r e to the n a m e
-si. suspected. A traditional signal gen-
-Mr used f o r servicing c o n s u m e r radio
. • s TV receivers c o n s i s t e d of a wide tun-
; range oscillator c o v e r i n g all input and
- - r m e d i a t c f r e q u e n c i e s that the s e r v i c e
-•--M>n might e n c o u n t e r . T h e s e boxes usu-
. . had m o d u l a t i o n c a p a b i l i t y , a l l o w i n g
- user to align A M receivers. H o w e v e r ,
' o J i d not q u a l i f y as the lab q u a l i t y
• irument w e really want. A good signal
. . - e r a t o r will h a v e the mentioned c h a r a c -
. - sties plus a c c u r a t e f r e q u e n c y readout, a
- i i output i m p e d a n c e , low phase noise.
•» Npurious o u t p u t s close to the carrier Fig 7.25—A simple audio generator for transmitter testing.
'.-juency. excellent buffering, good
i j t i o n f r o m the p o w e r s u p p l y , and
. - - c o m p r o m i s e d shielding. L o n g t e r m sta-
• '(\ and low h a r m o n i c content are also an R C high p a s s f i l t e r . O s c i l l a t i o n o c c u r s
- -.-;ul. but are not d o m i n a n t s p e c i f i c a t i o n s . at t h e f r e q u e n c y w h e r e the total p h a s e s h i f t
M a n y i n s t r u m e n t s p r e s e n t e d as signal is 3 6 0 d e g r e e s , half p r o v i d e d by t h e
i-eneraiors d o n ' t qualify because they frequency dependant feedback network.
c w ' i be m a d e w e a k e n o u g h to test a re- O u t p u t is e x t r a c t e d f r o m t h e c o l l e c t o r ,
ceiver that is u s e f u l for c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , attenuated, low pass filtered, and applied
When you d i s c o n n e c t the g e n e r a t o r , but to an o u t p u t level c o n t r o l . T h i s o s c i l l a t o r
x r h a p s attach an a n t e n n a to a receiver un- o p e r a t e s at 1200 H z . T h e r e is n o t h i n g s p e -
Jer test, the g e n e r a t o r is still heard. T h e cial a b o u t the e x a c t c o m p o n e n t v a l u e s .
problem may be p o o r shielding, signal c o n - T h i s o n e w a s b a s e d u p o n a h a n d f u l of
duction through the p o w e r supply, or both. 0 . 0 0 2 7 u F c a p a c i t o r s on h a n d . T h e m e a -
T h e s o u r c e s w e d e s c r i b e in t h i s c h a p t e r sured 2nd h a r m o n i c w a s 4 0 d B b e l o w the
• ill not result in a lab q u a l i t y i n s t r u m e n t . desired output.
Rather, we will describe specialized T h e circuit is built on a s m a l l s c r a p of
t o u r c e s that w i l l s a t i s f y s o m e of t h e s e circuit board material. Another board
s e e d s , b u t n o t in o n e i n s t r u m e n t . T h e s u r - s c r a p is m o u n t e d to the o r i g i n a l to h o l d a
plus m a r k e t is full of g o o d e q u i p m e n t that B N C o u t p u t c o n n e c t o r and a l e v e l c o n t r o l .
• ill f u l f i l l m a n y of t h e e x p e r i m e n t e r ' s T h e m a x i m u m o u t p u t f r o m this circuit A simple audio oscillator for transmitter
s e e d s . H a v i n g o n e of t h e s e is u s e f u l a s a is a b o u t 2 0 0 m V p e a k - t o - p e a k , m o r e than testing.
m e a n s to c a l i b r a t e h o m e built s o u r c e s . that s u p p l i e d by m o s t m i c r o p h o n e s . U s e
b e g i n s by a t t a c h i n g a m i c r o p h o n e to a
s p e e c h a m p l i f i e r in a t r a n s m i t t e r . A f e w suitable active low pass filters are a d d e d .
Audio sources words into the microphone while looking T h e t w o signals of about 3 V p e a k - t o - p e a k
A whistle or a few w o r d s s p o k e n into a at t h e a m p l i f i e r o u t p u t w i t h a n o s c i l l o - are added and attenuated in U 3 A while U 3 B
m i c r o p h o n e may serve as a f i r s t f u n c t i o n - s c o p e a l l o w s us to set a u d i o g a i n . T h e mi- p r o v i d e s a 6 0 0 - U output i m p e d a n c e .
ality test f o r a p h o n e t r a n s m i t t e r . H o w e v e r . c r o p h o n e is t h e n r e p l a c e d w i t h the T h e r e a r c m a n y o t h e r w a y s to b u i l d
•*'e need s o m e t h i n g m o r e w h e n t e s t i n g a a u d i o o s c i l l a t o r w i t h the level set to e s t a b - audio sources including s o m e special
transmitter. A s i m p l e g e n e r a t o r is s h o w n lish the s a m e m a x i m u m level. This can function generator ICs. These are circuits
in F i g 7.25. This circuit is battery o p e r a t e d then b e u s e d f o r e x t e n d e d b e n c h t e s t i n g . i n t e n d e d to g e n e r a t e t r i a n g l e a n d s q u a r e
from a 9-V cell, a very c o n v e n i e n t f e a t u r e F i g 7 . 2 6 s h o w s a t w o tone g e n e r a t o r use- w a v e s , but w i t h m o d i f i c a t i o n s to also a p -
when s e e k i n g g o o d isolation f r o m o t h e r ful f o r testing S S B transmitters. O n e gen- p r o x i m a t e a sine w a v e . T h e E x a r X R - 2 2 0 6
• o u r c e s . T h i s t o p o l o g y is called a phase erator operates at about 650 H z while the and the M a x i m M A X 0 3 8 are e x a m p l e s . A
shift oscillator. T h e transistor is biased as o t h e r is at 1650, a n o n - h a r m o n i c higher fre- D S P - b a s e d s o l u t i o n is a l s o p r e s e n t e d in
an inverting a m p l i f i e r (180 d e g r e e phase q u e n c y . A W i e n Bridge circuit, s h o w n in C h a p t e r 11.
shift) with a voltage gain of j u s t u n d e r 50. the inset, is used for each source. E a c h os- T h e t w o - t o n e g e n e r a t o r is a t t a c h e d to a
established with f e e d b a c k and biasing. T h e cillator had a m e a s u r e d third h a r m o n i c that t r a n s m i t t e r m i c i n p u t and the level is a d -
output is routed back to the input through was only s u p p r e s s e d by a b o u t 30 d B . so j u s t e d f o r the d e s i r e d o u t p u t . O n e tone c a n
H t — - ^ - f j t ^ j
.1 24OK I —
I—\A/V-# V'A
1 R C
1H4152 Matched pair. I-
Fig 7.26—Two tone audio source. Each oscillator uses a matched pair of diodes with matching done with a DVM in the diode
test position. Matching was done to 10 mV.
General Purpose RF
N o lab is c o m p l e t e w i t h o u t a general
p u r p o s e R F g e n e r a t o r . Like p o w e r sup-
plies and step attenuators, one m o r e is
always useful. T h e early sources we built
consisted of an L C oscillator, link coupled
to a f e e d b a c k a m p l i f i e r and pad lo provide
an o u t p u t p o w e r of + 5 d B m or m o r e ,
e n o u g h to drive a diode mixer. A l t h o u g h
the design was useful, the b u f f e r i n g w a s
s o m e t i m e s inadequate, especially for crys-
tal filter testing. T h e addition of a c o m - Two-tone audio generator for SSB transmitter 1MD measurements.
7.14 Chapter 7
5n/FT •
C2: 5 - 2 0 pF d u a l s e c t i o n cap.
T l , T2: 12 b i f i l a r t u r n s FT37-43
Fig 7.27—General purpose oscillator tuning the range from 3 to 45 MHz in two ranges. See text tor details.
1.1,2: l « t T3«-«
Li: l*t TJI-«, » liak.
7.16 Chapter 7
Crystal controlled within the 7 M H z a m a t e u r b a n d , so it s e r v e s pensive, standard "color burst" crystal to gen-
well as a g e n e r a l a l i g n m e n t tool. T h e har- erate signals at 7.16 M H z and at 50.125 M H z .
sources m o n i c s at 14, 21, and 2H M H z are a l s o use- The marked crystal frequency is 14.318 M l l z .
M o s t of t h e c a r e f u l r e c e i v e r m c a s u r e - ful. T h e 7 M H z o u t p u t is - 2 0 d B m . T h i s This is f r e q u e n c y divided in a 7 4 H C 7 4
aients w e d o r e q u i r e good stability in both unit is built i n t o a H a m m o n d 1590B box divider circuit to produce a squarewave at
the receiver and the e q u i p m e n t used to test with a battery c o n t a i n e d o n the inside, pro- 7.16 M H z . S o m e low pass filtering strips
it. T h e ideal ( a f f o r d a b l e ) s o l u t i o n u s e s viding the u l t i m a t e p o w e r supply filtering. most of the harmonic energy away for use at
crystal c o n t r o l l e d test o s c i l l a t o r s . F i g 7 . 2 9 V H F experimenters are always in need of 7 M H z . The 7th harmonic of the square wave
i h o w s a general p u r p o s e s o u r c e that w a s a source to test Iheir equipment, and a crystal is extracted with a double-tuned circuit to
o r i g i n a l l y b u i l t as a s p e c t r u m a n a l y z e r controlled oscillator will often serve this provide the needed source for the 6-m band.
calibration s o u r c e . T h e crystal c h o s e n lies need. Fig 7.30 shows a source using an inex- This source was built by K A 7 E X M .
Fig 7.30—Crystal controlled source providing output on the 7 and 50-MHz bands.
Fig 7.31—Crystal controlled oscillator tor receiver MDS measurements. The output
is set for about -100 dBm. A builder may wish to add a small resistor or an Crystal Oscillators for
inductor between the feedthrough capacitor and the 0.1 y.F capacitor. A few turns
on a ferrite bead should work well. L1 is chosen for resonance at the crystal Intercept Measurements
frequency—the one or two-turn link provides output. Having measured receiver MDS. we
now need "loud" generators thai can be
used to measure the strong signal perfor-
mance, the receiver input intercept, 11P3.
A Weak Signal Source output is set. a shield lid is soldered to the The measurement was described in detail
for MDS measurement box. If double sided board is used, be sure for an amplifier or mixer in Chapter 2 and
The source shown in Fig 7.31 is similar, that the inside and outside are attached to then applied to a receiver in Chapter 6. The
but has considerable attenuation included each other at the lid. basic source we use for receiver testing is
within the box. This unit is predominantly The unit is calibrated with a C W shown in Fig 7.32. The crystal oscillator is
used as a weak signal sourcc for receiver receiver and another signal generator. The carefully tailored to operate with current
minimum detectable signal (MDS) mea- crystal oscillator is tuned with the recei ver limiting, avoiding the Q degrading voltage
(AGO o f f ) and the output is measured with limiting. The following buffer has an input
surements. The oscillator is bui It at one end
an audio voltmeter. The signal generator impedance dominated by a single resistor,
of a narrow box fabricated from scrap PC
but then operates as a limiter, developing
board. Shields are then added with sections is then tuned to the same frequency and
an output substantially independent of
of attenuation between. The attenuation is the amplitude is adjusted until the same
drive level. That output is low pass filtered
then set to establish the desired output. output response is observed. The level is
and attenuated in a 6-dB pad and then
Levels a r o u n d - 1 l O t o - l O O d B m are good, noted in your notebook and is marked on
applied to a common base output ampli-
for they are easily attenuated further in a the outside of the MDS generator.
fier. picked for good reverse isolation.
step attenuator to drop to the M D S levels MDS can then be m e a s u r e d with the
often found with H F receivers. After the oscillator and a step attenuator. The source W e use two identical versions of the
source of Fig 7.32, usually separated by
about 20 kHz. The sources are always
checked ahead of each use, confirming
power and match between units. The out-
put level chosen is 0 d B m for each source
These are usually applied to 6 dB-pads and
then to a 6-dB hybrid combiner. The com-
Inside one of the
crystal controlled biner, described later, is a return Iom
RF sources. bridge used in a different way. The hybrid
output is attached to a 15 MHz low pass
filter and then to a step attenuator. This
setup, shown in Fig 7.33, provides signal*
of - 1 2 dBm per tone and lower. The role
of the hybrid is to add the two signal*
while preventing the output of one source
from reaching the other. If the output fro®
one oscillator reached the other, inter-
7.18 Chapter 7
modulation could occur, creating spurious
iignals at the same frequencies as pro-
i a c e d by the third order IMD thai is
Eiually measured with this system. low pass
There are alternatives to the 6-dB Receiver
6 da step under test
fc>brid. A 3-dB Splitter-Combiner is some- hybrid atiersuatoi
ames used and can offer excellent perfor-
\ (age off)
oo o
o o
which places a strong signal o f - 4 8 d B m a!
the receiver input. W e record these levels
in our n o t e b o o k and then r e t u n e the
receiver to one of the strong tones. ( I t ' s Fig 7.34—Test setup for testing components.
7.20 Chapter 7
plifier, followed by further attenuation to
maintain signal levels at the receiver in- 10 b f t , FT-37-43
+15v HWV
put. If a receiver is to serve this function,
a must have much better shielding and Pout=+10 dBm
decoupling than it would for normal use, 5 _|f »-W
for we don't want signals f r o m our gen-
erators to enter the receiver via any path
I n p u t Pad,
as needed. 1.5K
150 ?
>36 T
150 >
other than the antenna terminal. .1
± 1 1
22 <
S 10 <
HT Input
RF Input
liqtedance chip
-rrvT^ x1
' InpedtmL C
II: J5t n o OB m i - ( l , it output 11 ml;.
T2: 2 faitilor t o r n EB-13-t01
( o ) Detector
Fig 7.38—RF bridge for HF measurements. R1 is ideally a
100-£2 linear pot, but all we had was 200 Q. The Clarostat
1/2-inch diameter conductive plastic parts should offer
reasonable performance, although we have not used them in
this application. Fig 7.40—Optional variation of the resistance bridge.
7.22 Chapter 7
Interior view of return loss bridge.
This one is built with 49.9 £2, 0.1 W
1% resistors. RF impedance bridge with built in
meter. A reference must be attached
for measurements.
To tl ansT.lt: ft [Operas;
it m » in
• tfc-
; tatttu
JJ1® f ,
SC tram
BP Bridge
R: 91 Dim, 5% i n
Corsiao FM0.
51: 7 wafsr rotary switch
Sii rotary wafer switch
L; picked by designer/builder
CI,2; picked by dengasrAiwilder
ing several. This bridge used 5 1 - 0 . '/m-W bridge are illustrated in Fig 7.42. Generator This circuit functions into the UHF area,
resistors and a transformer consisting of 10 V | causes voltages x and y to be equal and in realized by small lead length and careful
bifilar turns of #28 on a FB73-2401. The high phase if the bridge is balanced. Hence, none symmetry. A photo shows the inside of the
permeability core is preferred, providing an of this power ends up in R 2 , the impedance of circuit. This bridge works well at 144 and
inductance of 175 |lH for each winding. the other source. But V 2 also sees a balanced 432 MHz. as well as the HF spectrum.
A different transformer improved V H P bridge. The power delivered by V 2 forces the A simple resistance bridge with
performance at the cost of H F directivity. node with R, to be at signal ground, so none included detector is often used for the
We saw 30-dB directivity at 144 M H z of the V 2 power ends up in R,. These charac- adjustment of low power antenna tuners.
when the transformer used 5 of the 6 holes teristics provide the isolation that we need This is often preferred over an in-line
in a multi-hole bead, a FB43-5111. This when combining signals from two generators directional power meter, for the transmitter
configuration produces an inductance of for 1MD testing. is always properly terminated during tun-
8.4 n H per winding. A conventional resistance bridge circuit ing. A circuit used with portable transceiv-
The hybrid qualities of the return loss with built-in detector is shown in Fig 7.43. ers is shown in Fig 7.44 where the compo-
7.24 Chapter 7
- • * are appropriate for the 40-meter band, balance. Performance is poor, especially quency modulated by the bridge signal
•r -lidc or toggle switch is put into the for low power transmitters, tor visual out- with the pitch becoming higher with
position to adjust the circuit for best put is zero unti I about 1.6 V biases the LED. greater mismatch. The circuit is used by-
. i It i> then returned to the "operate" pu- But meters are often heavy, difficult to find, sending a siring of dits into the transrnatch.
r: A higher power home station version and expensive. Some refined circuits use The pitch becomes identical for key up and
•.•»n in Fig7.45. The low power variant fertile transformers for greater sensitivity. key down when the match is perfect. The
•£• a germanium diode while a silicon An alternative scheme is shown in primary purpose of Q1. the JFET input, is
• '.Ring diode is used at higher power, Fig 7.46 where ail audio oscillator replaces to generate a dc offset from ground, so
•vine builders have used a light emitting the visual output. The oscillator, a simple JFET type is extremely non-critical. An
in replacc the meter indicating bridge multi-vibrator using 0 2 and Q3. is fre- op-amp w>ould also serve this function.
A • sin(2 • It • f • t)
7.26 Chapter 7
voltage to V i n . This is c o u p l e d to the
inverting input, which causes U l ' s output
to begin increasing. But this is c o u p l c d
back lo the i n v e r t i n g input through the
capacitor. The equilibrium wc require of a
closed f e e d b a c k loop in an o p - a m p is real-
ized when the UI output voltage r a m p s lin-
early upward. T h e current in the capacitor
then equals that in the resistor, V i n /R. H a d
we applied a positive input we would gen-
erate a negative going ramp.
Fig 7.49—Part A In part B of the figure, we drive the
shows an integrator
input of the next stage with the ramp.
circuit. This drives
a level detector Assume U1 is ramping upward and that the
with hysteresis, U2 output of U2 is negative against the
in part B. Feedback - 1 5 V power supply. The non-inverting
then creates a input of U2 reaches 0 when U l ' s output is
sawtooth generator. +7.5 V. a consequence of the voltage divider
See text. action. At this instant, the output of U2
changes state, now "slamming" against the
+15 V power supply. If the U 2 output be-
comes the driving source for the integrator
input with the dotted connection, we obtain
the sawtooth waveform shown for V I .
A practical s w e e p circuit g r o w s slightly
from that described. D i o d e s provide dif-
f e r e n t slopes for the positive and negative
going portions, for we use the left-io-right
as the s w e e p and the other as a retrace.
P o t e n t i o m e t e r s or switched resistors and/
or capacitors are added to change s w e e p
Fig 7.50—Block diagram of a spectrum analyzer the experimenter can build. A practical realization of this design is on the
book CD. The 60-dB step attenuator can be an external accessory or built into the instrument.
Fig 7.S1—4th order monolithic crystal filter. This is a practical design that that has been
widely duplicated.15 Details are presented
in the articles, which appear on the C D that
accompanies this book. The rest of our dis-
cussion of spectrum analyzers is confined to
general comments and thoughts for refine-
ments of the QST design.
i l l fL*JI 1 T w o resolution bandwidths are avail-
able in the QST spectrum analyzer. One
; T« A with a bandwidth of 300 kHz uses an L C
filter while the other uses a commercial 30
kHz bandwidth crystal filter. Our 1 -st and
2nd IFs were 110.0 and 10.0 M H z , but
110.7 and 10.7 allow commercial crystal
Fig 7.52—8th order crystal filter using two of the filters from Fig 7.51. Each filter
filter elements at 10.7 M H z to be used.
block consists of a capacitor-filter element-capacitor-filter element-capacitor
combination. These filters were the efforts of Jack Glandon, W B 4 R N O , and Fred These are ECS types X703ND and were
Holler, W 2 E K B . purchased from Mouser or DigiKey.
To Regulators
IF Gaia
lot FT 05
rr ' j
f x
Fig 7 . S 3 — T h i s IF and Log A m p section using more accurate integrated circuits and replaces all circuitry of Fig 5 of the
original article (see the book CD.) IF gain is variable from 10 to 50 dB. Resistors around the LM317L can be adjusted to set
the 10 V level.
7.28 Chapter 7
which then is routed to the added 2 dB per
division board (dcscribcd below) and then
to the oscilloscope Y axis.
The analyzer contains a video filter,
which consists of nothing more than a ca-
pacitor that is switched to parallel the
video line to the oscilloscope Y-axis. This
component, with the driving output resis-
tance. serves to smooth the noise that
otherwise crcatcs a fuzzy line. The origi-
nal video filter used a SPST toggle switch
and a 0.1 |iF capacitor. This has been re-
placed with a SPDT/Center-off toggle
switch. Two capacitors of 0.1 and 3.3 jjF
are available, shown in Fig 7.54. The
heavily filtered response is especially use-
ful for lioisc measurements. Either filler
may be useful in creating a trace that is
more easily read on screen.
Fig 7.54—Circuit adding 2 dB per division to the spectrum analyzer. The video The spectrum analyzer user soon no-
W e r circuit is also included. tices that the sweep rate must be changed
with changes in filtering. This is usually a
consequence of sweeping. The signal
coming out of a filter can respond only as
fast as the bandwidth of the filter allows.
If, for example, our analyzer had a band-
width of 1 MHz, we would expect to see
10 dB 2 dB
output changes at the log amp commensu-
T rate with I fiS. Any sweep rate available in
the QS7* analyzer would be slow enough to
keep up with such a bandwidth. But
switching a 30-kHz filter into Ihe system
will cause the response shape to distort,
never reaching the peak response seen
with a slow sweep. Narrow video filtering
does the same thing. Modern analyzers
will automatically adjust sweep rates to
Fig 7.55—A 10 dB/div. signal at the left is adjusted to fill much of the screen. match the selected resolution and video
Switching to 2 dB/div. produces the display at the right. Adjusting the offset bandwidths.
controls R1 and R2 allows moving the response anywhere on the CRT screen.
Our spectrum analyzer is configured to
produce 10 dB of change for every major
division on the CRT screen, assuming an S
Fig 7.51 shows the schematic for a 4 pole a picture of the filter shape over the com- division vertical range. This is in line with
filter using two packages. (One "product" plete dynamic range ol'the analyzer, so (he many traditional instruments. There are
from Ihe catalogs includes two filter pack- filter should have a clean, spur-free many situations when greater amplitude
ages.) The termination for this filter is response over this range. resolution is needed. One might be, for
3 k£2 at each end, realized with ferrite The £>ATanalyzer used the received sig- example, a measurement of resonator Q
transformers. Owing to filter loss consid- nal strength indicator (RSSI) function where one needs to accurately see a 3 dB
erations. a Type 61 core is preferred over from an early Motorola 1C for the log change. This measurement is facilitated
the higher permeability cores. amplifier. The parts were inexpensive and with the circuit of Fig 7.54. A front panel
Although the performance was impres- available at the time of publication. The switch is added that allows the user to
sive. the stopband attenuation for the AD8307 from Analog Devices is now toggle between 10 and 2 dB per division.
4-pole filter was not adequate. Two stages commonly available and offers signifi- The first op-amp of Fig 7.54 is set for an
of the circuitry of Fig 7.51 are cascaded to cantly better performance. The AD8307 inverting voltage gain of 2 while the second
form an 8th order filter, shown in Fig 7.52. has a wider dynamic range, improved ac- has an inverting gain of 2.5 for a net of 5. The
This filter has a stopband attenuation in curacy, better temperature stability, and is circuit can be offset by a large amount, which
excess of 90 dB, allowing a wide range of the recommended part. However, it is not can be dialed in with R1 and R2. Any signal
measurements. The filters arc aligned for a a pin-for-pin replacement, and it uses a that appears on the screen in the 10 dB/div
compromise of rounded peak shape, low different input power window, so the de- mode can be offset to appear anywhere on
insertion loss, and stopband attenuation. signer/builder will have to do some circuit the screen with the 2 dB per division mode,
Alignment can be done with the working development. The original system used illustrated in Fig 7.55.
analyzer and any convenient input signal. discrete parts for the IF amplifier. An up- A crystal oscillator presented earlier
IF filters for spectrum analyzer use arc dated version that includes an AD603 as (Fig 7.29) is useful as a calibrator for the
more critical than those used in a receiver. the IF amplifier, is shown in Fig 7.53. This analyzer. It could be built in with a front
The analyzer operation essentially paints circuit drives R2, the "log amp c a P pot, panel BNC connector, or as a battery pow-
7.30 Chapter 7
connector. T h i s is a barrel or bulkhead
connector in B N C cables or the equivalent
in other cable types. It is important lo use
the same cables for the calibration as arc
used with the amplifier. The response is
noted with the through connector. The
amplifier is then inserted in its original
position and the new response is noted. 2
dB per division is used for both measure-
m e n t . The gain is then the difference be-
tween the two levels.
Newer commercial equipment is usually
fairly accurate in the l o r 2 d B per division
ranges, so log errors are not major. How-
ever, when a homebrew analyzer based
upon an IC RSS1 function is used, the
measurement should be done with a step
attenuator rather than with numbers from
the screen. This is a wise procedure with
older commercial analyzers or with any
measurements performed near the bottom
of the log amplifier ranges, or with any
measurements where noise levels are
being compared.
Commercial spectrum analyzers feature
Hg 7.56—Return loss (VSWR) is easily measured during bench testing with a
highly refined frequency readouts. A cur-
simple bridge.
sor function can be activated thai marks a
trace on screen. The exact frequency is
then displayed. Some instruments can be
Fig 7.57—Low pass extremely accurate in this mode. The pro-
Tunable filter and tunable cedure is much more casual with the (JST
15 MHz ripple-cutoff. .05 dB Trap trap are used to and other simple homebrew instruments.
Chebyshev LPF evaluate harmonic When we see a signal on screen with an
distortion in the unknown frequency, we carefully note the
730 nE front end of an
horizontal position, disconnect the input
TV analyzer. These
circuits were used cable and attach a signal sourcc adjusted
Toroid to evaluate for the same response, and read the fre-
>14 " analyzer quency f r o m a counter attached to the
performance for source.
B-140 pF measurement of
14-MHz harmonics The analyzer can be modified to incor-
from a transmitter. porate a frequency counter. The frequency
sweep would be stopped by opening the
line from the center arm of the sweep rale
pot. 1 8 There would still be horizontal mo-
suit of mixing between the spurious oscil- measurements. tion on screen, but the amplitude would be
lation and harmonics of signals thai excite Generally, the best procedure is to place fixed at thai corresponding to screen cen-
the circuit. no trust in the equipment that has not been ter. This is called a "zero span" mode. The
Il is often useful lo investigate the qual- earned. This applies especially to the VCO could then be counted. Subtracting
ity of impedance mulch, even with small homebrew spectrum analysis equipment the first IF f r o m this value gives a "center
signal amplifiers.. A return loss bridge (dis- described in this book, but is also impor- frequency."
cussed earlier in this chapter) is driven by tant for the best laboratory instrumenta-
a signal source and applied to a circuit tion available.
under test. The generator power is turned Assume that we plan lo measure the gain
Harmonic distortion
down to a level that will not overdrive the of an amplifier, and that we wish to get measurements
amplifier under test. The return loss, which the most accurate number possible. The am- Although common, ihis seemingly-
is directly related to VSWR. is then mea- plifier is set up with the appropriate power simple chore can be complicated by har-
sured as shown in Fig 7.56. supply, a signal generator, and the spectrum monics created within the spectrum ana-
analyzer or power meter. The set up is turned lyzer. Measurements are meaningful only
on and generally checked. The calibrations when wc have confirmed the analyzer per-
Calibration During that have already been done for the analyzer formance.
Measurements arc enough to get things started. The evaluation can be done with several
A calibrator circuit was described ear- Once the system is working as expected, experiments. The first applies a signal to
lier. a convenient means for checking ana- wc now do a test set-up calibration. The the analyzer from a generator and looks at
lyzer amplitude and frequency calibration. amplifier is disconnected from the two the harmonic levels. The attenuation in ihe
But there is more to calibration for RF coaxial cables and replaced with a through analyzer front end is changed. If both the
/ v -
Fig 7.58—High-pass filter used for
harmonic measurement. See text.
Fig 7.59—Front end for a triple conversion spectrum analyzer tuning to the low
UHF spectrum. This analyzer has yet to be built, but is planned.
fundamental and the indicated harmonic
change in unison, the distortion is prob-
ably real and not an analyzer spur.
A sccond experiment places a low pass for distortion. A measurement is per- ters are available. A V H F 2nd L O will be
filter in the line f r o m the generator to the formed without the trap to establish the needed, which could be free running or be
analyzer. This will improve the generator fundamental power. The trap and pad are multiplied up from a lower frequency
performance, allowing the first experiment then inserted and the analyzer sensitivity crystal oscillator.
to be repeated with greater sensitivity. is increased by the pad loss. The harmonic A triple conversion version of the ana-
Again, identical tracking of fundamental power is read to calculate a dBc value. If lyzer is shown in the block diagram of
and distortion tend to vindicate the ana- necessary, the trap can be cascaded with Fig 7.59. This version tunes to 400 MHz
lyzer. now al a level commensurate with the high pass for further attenuation of the with a first IF al 500 M H z . The second IF
the new harmonic attenuation level. fundamental. is then 110 MHz using the circuitry from
Traps can be used for further analysis. A the original design. This upgrade could be
tunable trap is shown in Fig 7.57. The trap built as a supplement to the QST analyzer
is placed in the line between generator and Expanding Performance without disturbing (he functionality of the
analyzer and is tuned to attenuate the fun- The QST spectrum analyzer tuned over original. T h i s U H F extension uses only
damental signal. If the trap is sharp, it can a restricted range of 0 to 70 MHz with only- +7 dBm mixers, so the new design will not
dramatically attenuate the fundamental two available resolution bandwidth posi- be as strong as the first with regard to dis-
with little impact on the harmonics. A 20 tions. The V H F experimenter will want tortion measurements. The 2nd L O could
dB or greater attenuation of the fundamen- higher frequency performance. be homebrew or might use a second Mini-
tal without altering the harmonic guaran- Expanding the tuning range to higher Circuits part.
tees the fidelity of the analyzer. frequency is easily realized, beginning The present analyzer can be supple-
An analyzer can still be useful for analy- with a review of the latest catalogs mented with a block converter in much the
sis even when it is generating harmonics from Mini-Circuits and other vendors. A same way that we add converters ahead of
of its ow n. All that is required is to reduce 100-200 M H z V C O was the basis for the receivers for the higher HF or the VHF
the fundamental signal reaching the QST design (Fig 7.50). but this could be bands. A very simple block converter that
analyzer without altering the harmonic- replaced with other parts. One variation we built uses a POS-2(X) (100-200 MHz)
energy. This can be done with a high pass would use the POS-535 tuning f r o m 300 V C O driving a T U F - t mixer. A 4 dB pad
filter, shown in Fig 7.58. The high pass is to 525 M H z as the first LO. The first IF in the signal path sets the overall conver-
preceded by a 10-dB pad, establishing a would become 300 MHz. A good choice sion gain at - 1 0 dB. The 144 M H z ama-
proper impedance environment for the for a second IF would then be 21.4 MHz teur band is converted to 30 MHz when
generator (or transmitter) being evaluated where commercial monolithic crystal fil- the LO is at either 114 or 174 MHz. Recall
7.32 Chapter 7
- the 3 rd harmonic of a LO is generated sponses, but is nonetheless a useful and then drives a log amp. There are two out-
«• :hin a diode ring mixer, often creating simple tool. puts. One is a built in meter while ihe other
• f x but also allowing third harmonic Figure 7.60 shows a narrow tuning is a jack to drive a DVM. This instrument
t ting. So selling the VCO to 157.3 MHz range approach to spectrum analysis. This was originally configured to measure
-.-:«.•> an effective LO of 472 MHz. circuit was configured as a measurement carrier and sideband suppression in single
- - will convert 432 MHz to appear as receiver. It uses an outboard local oscilla- sideband transmitters, but has also found
- MHz. Mixer conversion gain is less tor to drive a diode ring mixer followed by use in the pursuit of spurs from frequency
» th harmonic mixing and depends on the a traditional post-mixer amplifier. The synthesizers using direct digital synthesis.
T-irmonic being used. The block converter post-amp output is then applied to a nar- The instrument could also be configured
'.•.put is filled with numerous spurious re- row bandwidth 5 MHz crystal filter that for baseband measurements close to dc. It
I \
| Mea sured I / \
— /
\ \
j Caiculal ed
/ / \
/ \
/ /
/ \
Fig 7.60—Measurement receiver for measurement of SSB transmitters. This unit used an available 10-mA meter movement
with a high resolution scale, but can be adapted to available meters. This Instrument can be adapted as a narrow tuning range
spectrum analyzer, a refinement that we have yet to complete.
Fate Ml«W Am(> FBtef JSS
™ Step % h 6 o - j > T ^ T 6 o - —
/ / /, Attenuator
110- 180 MHz
Spectrum Analyzer
< S H > 4
Outside of measurement receiver.
Tracking generators
and filter measurements
Swept instruments are ideal for the
alignment of filters of all types. Having a
swept signal means that the entire fre-
Converter for quency response can be displayed at one
baseband spectrum time. A tracking generator (TG) converts
analyzer on a PC. a spectrum analyzer to perform this task.
Used for evaluation If we think of a spectrum analyzer as a
of IMD in an HF
transmitter. spccial purpose receiver, a tracking gen-
erator is nothing more than a transmitter
that transceives with the receiver. A block
diagram is shown in Fig 7.62.
A sample of the swept first oscillator
f r o m the spectrum analyzer is required for
the tracking generator. This signal is am-
plified and becomes the L O for a high
level mixer. U4. The R F input for that
m i x e r i s a crystal controlled signal exactly
at the spectrum analyzer first intermediate
would then be useful for noise measure- inductance of 9 8 mil and average unloaded frequency. This frequency is easily mea-
ments in connection with oscillator phase Q over 200,000. The crystals were sured by injecting a signal f r o m a genera-
noise evaluation. matched within 10 Hz. This response tor into the first IF with the spectrum
The narrow crystal filter used in the shape is generally very tolerant of compo- analyzer set for the narrowest possible
measurement receiver is designed for a nent variations. Note that the traditional resolution bandwidth. This measurement
Gaussian-to-6 dB shape. Measured and symmetry in component values is not needs to be done after the analyzer is fin-
calculated responses are shown in present in this filter, even though the ter- ished and working, but prior to ordering a
Fig 7.61. This filter shape is ideal for mea- minations are equal at 500 Q at each end. crystal for the TG.
surement applications, a consequence of Avoid narrow Chebyshev filters in ana- This TG has an output of 0 dBm, This
the rounded, unambiguous peak with rea- lyzer applications. signal is a swept one that is always tuned
sonable skirt response. The prospective This measurement receiver could be to the same frequency that the analyzer
builder is encouraged to design his or her reconfigured as a spectrum analyzer with sees. The great utility of a tracking gen-
own filter, for the component values relative ease. A simple way to d o this erator over a simpler stand-alone swept
will depend on crystal characteristics. The would be to modify the existing QST ana- oscillator is that the S A - T G combination
crystal used in this filter had a motional lyzer. Power supply and a sweep voltage allows observation in the narrow band-
7.34 Chapter 7
width of the analyzer. This results in a
10 dB/ - 5 d§
dramatic increase in measurement dy- TO ! 1
namic range. T h e evaluation of filter 1
stopband attenuation details at levels well ii
No RF Hdw
below the - 1 0 0 d B c levels are possible • 30
with a S A - T G combination. Full details of 20
the T G are included on the C D that accom- O f f s e t Hz
2EM 500 7 so 10too Hz
panies this book. 10600
The extreme dynamic range comes with
:— i . .4
a price: The shielding of both the tracking Fig 7.63—High resolution spectrum of a signal generator. The noise is phase noise
generator and spectrum analyzer must be on the generator. 120-Hz hum modulation is readily observed as well.
very good. A s mentioned earlier, t h e
S A - T G combination behaves like a
transceiver. H o w e v e r , unlike the usual
transceiver we might build for c o m m u -
nications, the receiver and transmitter
must both function at the same time! Sig-
nals that might leak from the TG to the SA
will interfere with the intended one when
testing filters. The observed result will
often be a distorted filter shape with the
edges of the filter skirts dipping into the
analyzer noise floor. Another tell-tale in-
dicator of these problems is a filter shape
that changes with the position of some of
the interconnecting coaxial cables.
As useful as the SA-TG combination
can be. it presents a problem for the serious
experimenter: Filters a r c so easily
"tweaked" that builders may be tempted to
ignore designing the fillers in favor of
empirical methods. Don't fall into this trap!
observed with a spectrum analyzer running on a PC.
DFT Spectrum Analysis
The spectrum analyzers discussed so far
have been of the swept front end type. The j o r advantages over swept tools: First, speed signal is remembered, it can be read
case where a block converter preceded a they are capable of very high resolution at a lower speed and displayed as a time
swept front end analyzer produced a swept (narrow bandwidth). Second, the spec- signal. The data can also be presented to a
IF analyzer. There is another popular ana- trum shown represents the spectrum at one F F T "engine," or computer to generate a
lyzer that has become very common in instant in time. corresponding spectra. While usually
rcccnt times, the Fourier Transform Spec- A F F T analyzer is very useful as a mea- lacking the dynamic range of an analog
trum Analyzer. In this type, an incoming surement tool. Fig 7.63 shows an example spectrum analyzer, a spcctra with a dy-
signal is converted to a digital stream of where a signal generator was being inves- namic range of 50 dB or better is common
data with an analog to digital converter. tigated for phase noise. The noise shown with such oscilloscopes.
The analog data feeding the converter is in the figure is indeed noise, for a cleaner A block converter can be used to move
filtered with a low pass or bandpass filter oscillator operating with t h e same p a n o f an R F spectrum down t o audio
to restrict the resulting digital data. The analyzer parameters produced a similar where it can be examined with a FFT type
time domain representation is then sub- spectrum, but without the noise. The reso- spectrum analyzer with an example shown
jected to mathematical calculations result- lution bandwidth f o r this example is in Fig 7.64. An external step attenuator and
ing in a frequency domain representation 2.6 Hz! The hardware and software used (optional) bandpass filter precede the con-
of the signal, a spectra. This is then graphi- for this example are discussed in much verter. A diode ring mixer then moves the
cally presented. T h e analysis used is a more detail in Chapters 10 and 11. signal down. The rest of the circuitry is
Discrete Fourier Transform, or DFT. The Although FFT methods often concern very much like that found in direct conver-
most popular D F T form is the so called audio or "baseband," the concepts are ca- sion receivers. This c o n v e n e r can be used
Fast Fourier Transform, or FFT 1 9 pable of much more. So long as a signal ahead of the FFT analyzer implemented
The radio amateur is familiar with this can be sampled in time and converted to with the D S P hardware from Chapters 10
method as a software technique. Audio sig- digital data, it can be transformed to the and 11. We have also used it with a per-
nals are presented to the sound cards of per- frequency domain. Many modern oscillo- sonal computer sound card and modest
sonal computers. The resulting digital data scopes are built with relatively low speed cost software. 2 0 One must be careful with
is Fourier transformed in suitable software displays. But '.he incoming analog signal any of these schemes to avoid overdriving
programs and displayed in one of several is anything but slow. The incoming data is the A-to-D converter; overdrive can turn
forms including the "waterfall" popular with amplified and/or attenuated and presented the entire screen to unrecognized gibber-
digital communications modes. to a high speed "scan c o n v e n e r , " essen- ish! Sound card solutions seem less robust
tially an A to D converter. Once the high than the devoted DSP tools.
DFT spectrum analyzers have two ma-
Measurement Equipment 7 . 3 S
A block converter and a baseband F F T included earlier in this chapter. performance becomes important when a
analyzer arc ideal for evaluation of SSB The narrow resolution available from an SSB transceiver is used to process narrow
transmitter IMD. What had always been a F F T based analyzer will also allow the bandwidth information such as encoun-
difficult laboratory measurement is now experimenter to measure in-band transmit- tered in PSK31. Again, the availability of
available to almost all experimenters. A ter distortion. A tone spacing of around measurement tools provides the experi-
traditional two-tone audio generator was 100 Hz then becomes appropriate. In-band menter with great opportunity.
Series TC St"
i Ii1 Z=50
516.9 J_
»F T1
1 UH{
0.176 |
Parallel TC I •
A test fixture simplifies Q measurement
with the parallel connected series tuned
trap method. The inductor shown was
13 turns of #14 enamel-covered wire
Fig 7.66—Measuring Q by determining the attenuation of a trap. A 7-MHz tuned wound on a 3.5-inch-diameter PVC pipe
circuit is used in this example with L=1 jiH. The 0.176-fi resistor In the series-tuned fitting. This coil had a measured Q of
circuit and the almost 11-k£2 resistor in the parallel tuned circuit are models 371 at 7 MHz. The test fixture includes a
representing a 7-MHz Q of 250. The series-tuned circuit (STC) will have an grounded post allowing additional fixed
attenuation of 43.1 dB while the PTC has 40.9 dB. capacitance to be added.
7.36 Chapter 7
division sensitivity to provide amplitude
resolution. The resonator is then discon-
nected and the generator is connectcd to
the detector through a step attenuator. The
Mtenuation is adjusted until the analyzer
response is exactly the same as produced
M the null. The attenuator value is then the
sull attenuation, A. in dB. Values of 60 dB A(Rs)=-20-iog
or more are possible with some high Q
toned circuits.
This same measurement setup can be
used to determine inductance if a cali-
brated capacitor is used. The unloaded Q
is related to attenuation by
4-ji-f L„ ( a
Qs=- 10*> - 1 Eq 7.4
f. MHz; A, dB; L u , u H ; Z, O h m s Series Resistance, Okras
if the series tuned circuit form is used, Fig 7.67—Attenuation vs R for the series impedance. See text.
A \ It is important that a solid 5 0 - Q load tively, a very well low pass filtered signal
and source impedance (Z in the equations) generator could be used with any detector
Qp=- -•I i o 2 0 -1 Eq 7.5
it- f • L„ be used in this measurement. If the i mped- with adequate sensitivity.
a n c e i s in question, use a l O d B pad at both The virtue of the trap scheme becomes
f. MHz; A, dB; L „ , u H ; Z, Ohms the generator and detector. apparent as soon as the two methods are
It is also important to prevent harmon- compared. The traditional 3-dB bandwidth
ics f r o m c o n f u s i n g the results. This is measurement depends on precisely estab-
...if the parallel tuned circuit is applied. guaranteed if you use a narrow bandwidth lishing the 3-dB down level. A fraction of
Frequency is measured in MHz, A is in dB, detector such as a spectrum analyzer. A one dB error could still impact accuracy. In
and inductance is in |iH for these equations. wideband detector (a power meter or a contrast, the depth of a null is often quite
Z is the characteristic impedance of the mea- 50 Q terminated oscilloscope) will re- large for high Q resonators, and is easily
surement environment, usually 50 Q . respond to harmonic energy that is not measured with a step attenuator.
It is useful to plot series resistance attenuated by the trap. The spectrum ana- An accurate capacitance measurement
against attenuation for the parallel con- lyzer used for Q measurement could be tool such as the A A D E or W 7 A A Z meters
nected series impedance. This is shown in very simple. S o m e t h i n g as simple as a mentioned earlier is quite useful as a
Fig 7.67, The experimenter may wish to single tuned circuit preceding an oscillo- supplement to a Q m e a s u r e m e n t setup.
build a similar curve for the series con- scope would work so long as a pad was With such a tool, accurate calibration of
nected parallel impedance. used to establish impedance. Alterna- capacitors is ensured.
or -C
Fig 7.69—Colpitis oscillator lor crystal testing, based on an Fig 7.71—Sweeping two crystals while investigating their
insightful suggestion by G3UUR. properties as traps. One has a Q of 40,000 while the one
producing the deeper notch has a Q of 200,000. Notch depth
is measured to determine Q.
low notch represents a low Q crystal with spectrum analyzer is not necessary. ESR
Q u = 4 0 , 0 0 0 . The deeper and narrower can be 100 to 1000 Q for very low fre-
notch corresponds to Q u = 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . The quency crystals, so the series connected
crystal Q relates to attenuation A in dB, parallel tuned circuit method might offer
motional L in Henry, frequency in Hz. and better measurements here.
terminating resistance Z in Q with... Parallel capacitance, C fJ , is easily mea-
sured with other tools such as the A A DF.
Fig 7.70—Using the trap nature of the or W7 A AZ circuits. They are effective be-
crystal for a Q measurement.
10 cause those instruments operate at low fre-
Eq 7.6 quency, around 1 MHz, well away from
Q = 4-ir-f-L- typical crystal resonance. With all four
also important that the C s value be deter- crystal paramelers available, the designer/
mined by measurements that include the We performed an experiment with a builder can proceed with the filter designs
switch. The 33 p F capacitor in our test sel crystal that had also been measured with presented in Chapter 3.
plus switch capacitance produced a net earlier methods. The notch method for Q The equipment described has also been
C s =41 pF. measurement yielded Q U = 2 0 2 , 0 0 0 with used to evaluate HF ceramic resonators.
The crystal is essentially a series tuned ESR=17.5 Q. This was within a few per- In one measurement on an ECS type
circuit when operating near series reso- cent of the earlier measurements. The ES R ZTA358MG (from Mouser) we saw
nance. so the scries trap scheme described values for crystals are higher than we usu- L M =761 |iH, C m =2.74 pF, C 0 =31 pF, and
earlier for LC tuned circuits will also pro- ally see with an LC resonator, so the QL7=636. Series resonant frequency was well
vide Qjj. as shown in Fig 7.70. Computer notches are not as deep. This allows mea- below the marked 3.58 MHz frequency at
generated plots arc shown for two differ- surement with a power meter such as Ihe 3.38 MHz. The part is normally used in os-
ent 10 M H z crystals in Fig 7.71. The shal- AD8307 based design described earlier: a cillators with a series capacitance.
7.38 Chapter 7
ihe diode as a Zencr. Wade reports good
results with the noise diodes operating as
series elements.
The noise source of Fig 7.73 had an ex-
Fig 7.72—Noise in
cess noise ratio (ENR) of 178 in the HK D1 is amplified In a
spectrum. This means that the noise power two-stage amplifier,
available from the source is 178 times (22.5 resulting In a
dB) stronger when the diode is biased into strong noise
avalanche breakdown (Zener action) than source suitable for
when it is forward biased. If we were to measurements.
Virtually any diode
attach this source to a perfect amplifier,
or transistor types
one with no noise of its own, the resulting can be used in this
output noise would also change by 22.5 dB source.
as the switch is toggled. An imperfect, real
world amplifier will generate some noise
of its own, so the output noise change will
be less than 178 times when the diode is
toggled. The output noise change is called
the Y-fact or and this measurement tech-
nique is called the Y-factor method. Noise Output SMA
factor is related Y factor by
h =
y | Eq7.7
A Experimenter's
Receiving Converter
There are many situations where one
wishes to receive signals at V H F to facili-
tate an experiment. A junk box crystal and Fig 7 . 7 7 — T h e Ditter, a circuit for generating keyed receiver input from a signal
diode rinir mixer form the basis for the cir- generator.
7.40 Chapter 7
additional signal processing can provide
outstanding selectivity, both close to a sig-
nal and well away from it. The various
forms of frequency synthesis available to
the builder all offer good frequency stabil-
ity with the added bonus of electronic tun-
ing. But the LO systems are compromised.
Phase locked loop (PLL) systems tend to be
plagued with phase noise. Synthesizers us-
ing direct digital synthesis (DDS) are often
dominated by coherent spurious responses.
Although difficult problems to solve, the
measurements are not that difficult. We il-
lustrate the problem here with two measure-
ment examples, the first with a commercial
receiver using a synthesizer with both DDS
and PLL. A crystal controlled oscillator (Fig
7.29) built with an internal battery, all
housed in a well shielded box, was attached
to the receiver input through a 10-dB pad
and a step attenuator, initially set to 0 dB.
The available input signal was confirmed to
be - 3 0 dBm at 7.018 MHz. The receiver, in
CW mode, was tuned to this frequency with
the setting stored in receiver memory. The
receiver was then tuned downward while
Fig 7.78—
listening for responses with a well defined Receiving
tone. AGC was on. for there is no provision converter for
to turn it off in the compromised receiver. A experiments.
spur was found within a couple of kHz. The
spur frequency was recorded in out note-
book. The amplitude response was noted on
an audio voltmeter attached to the receiver
output. The tuning was then returned to the
main signal and attenuation was inserted
until the audio output equaled that seen with
the spur. This occurred with 58-dB attenua-
tion. so we infer the LO spurious response to
be at 58 dB below the carrier, or at - 5 8 dBc.
This procedure was repeated as wc found a
large collection of spurious responses above
and below the desired signal with results Response of a receiver with a "Hybrid" Synthesizer
plotted in Fig 7.79. (DOS+PLL) to a crystal oscillator Input signal.
7.42 Chapter 7
1. W. Sabin. "A Series-Regulated 4.5- to 9. R. Stone, "The UniCounter—A 17. W. Hayward and R. Larkin, "Simple
25-V, 2.5-A Power Supply." 2003 ARRL Multipurpose Frequency Counter/ RF Power Measurement".
Handbook, Ch. 11 at 25-28. Electronic Dial". QST. December 2000. 18. W. Hayward and T. While. "A
2. W. Sabin. "Measuring SSB/CW pp 33-37. Spcctrum Analyzer for the Radio
Receiver Sensitivity", QST, October 1992. 10. W. Carver. "The LC Tester". Com- Amateur".
pp 30-34. munications Quarterly. Winter 1993, pp 19. R.W. Ramirez. The FFT; Funda-
3. D. Bramwell. "Understanding Modern 19-27. mentals and Concepts. Prentice-Hall.
Oscilloscopes." QST, July 1976, pp 18-19. 11. W. Hay ward. Introduction to Radio 1985.
4. J. Grebcnkemper. "The Tandem Match Frequency Design. Prentice-Hall. 1982, 20. R.S. Home, Spectrogram. Version
—An Accurate Directional Wattmeter", and ARRL, 1994. 6.0.8. 2001, www.monumental.com/
QST. January 1987, pp 18-26. 12. R. Bracewell, The Fourier Trans-form rshorne/gram.html
5. R. Lewallcn. "A Simple and Accurate ami its Applications. McGraw-Hill, 1969. 21. W. Sabin, "A Calibrated Noise Source
QRP Directional Wattmeter", QST, 13. M. Engclson, Modern Spectrum for Amateur Radio". QST. May 1994, pp
February 1990, pp 19-23, 36. Analyzer Theory and Applications, 37-40.
6. W. Hay ward and R. Larkin, "Simple RF Artech House, 1984. 22. P. Wade, "Noise Measurement and
Power Measurement", QST. June 2001, pp 14. W. Hayward, "Extending the Double- Generation", QEX, November 1996.
38-43. Tuned Circuit to Three Resonators", QEX, PP 3-12.
7. G. Daughters and W. Alexander, "Low March/April 1998, pp 41-46. 23. W. Sabin. "Measuring SSB/CW
Power Attenuators for the Amateur 15. W. Hayward and T. While, "A Receiver Sensitivity".
Bands," 73 Magazine. January 1967. pp Spectrum Analyzer for the Radio 24. S.O. Smith, "Build a 1-dB Noise
40-41. Amateur". QST. August and September Figure Amplifier for 50-ohm Systems",
8. D. Bramwell, "An RF Step Attenuator." 1998, pp 35-43 (Aug), 37-40. June 27, 1994 Analog Applications Issue.
QST. June 1995. pp 33-34. 16.Ibid. Electronic Design.
Direct Conversion
In the early days of radio, signals were needed for AM. and (inevitably) early RF
collected on a wire, converted from RF amplifiers using vacuum tubes were mar-
voltage and current to audio voltage and ginally stable, which lead directly to
current with a crystal detector, and con- the discovery of regenerative receivers.
verted to acoustic energy with headphones Some RF amplifiers oscillated at two fre-
(Fig 8.1). This worked well for spark and quencies at once—which lead directly to
later AM broadcast signals, but with con- the discovery of the superreeencratixe
tinuous waves, the output of the crystal receiver. Cascading two regenerative de-
detector was just a very weak dc voltage. tectors. one at HF and one at a superaudible
A number of schemes were used to con- frequency around 30 kHz. resulted in the
vert the CW to A M at the receiver, but the superaudiohetcrodyne receiver, which
most sensitive method for detecting CW was tricky to adjust and received every
signals on a crystal detector required the Fig 8.1—A fundamental crystal radio signal at two places on the dial.
use of an oscillator located near the Regenerative receivers were simple,
receiver, as shown in Fig 8.2. When the inexpensive and worked well enough for
oscillator was tuned close to the transmit- amateur AM and CW work that receiver
ted signal frequency, audible beats were innovation stalled for more than a decade,
produced by the crystal detector, The use until the bunds became crowdcd enough
of a "local oscillator" has been standard in that more selectivity was needed. The
receivers ever sincc. superheterodyne had been further devel-
The audible beat signal at the crystal oped for AM broadcasting, and by the mid
detector is very weak. Early experiment- 1930s, the transition to the superhetero-
ers purchased the most sensitive head- dyne for amateur high frequency work was
phones they could afford, and erected nearly complete. High Frequency Regen-
large antennas to collect as much signal as erative receivers remained in The ARRL
possible. Tuners included adjustments for Handbook until the mid 1960s, and
both peaking the desired signal and supcrregens are still widely used in toy
achieving maximum power transfer walkie-talkies, radio controlled cars, and
between the antenna and detector. The garage door openers.
technology for building highly sensitive Signal gain ahead of the detector is
headphones was already mature in the desirable if a diode is used to envelope
early days of radio, because the telephone detect AM. but for the linear modes. SSB
system predated vacuum tube amplifica- and CW, the first stage of the receiver may
tion by several dccades. The first applica- be a lossy frequency converter, directly to
tion of vacuum tubes in receiver circuits audio. Such receivers arc capable of out-
was for audio amplification. The "crystal standing performance at very high fre-
detector" diode is considerably less sensi- quencies—something to think about the
tive as an envelope detector for AM than it next time a State Patrolman recovers a
would be with sufficient LO injection to weak echo from your speeding vehicle
serve as a product detector for CW, but with a direct-convcrsion microwave
early receiver lore involved using very low receiver.
Fig 8.2—A classic radio enhanced with
level LO injection. RF amplification was
a local oscillator. All of the technology—diodes. trans-
8.2 Chapter 8
Low-noise Audio
8 MHz Audio Preamp Amplifier
Low-pass 3 kHz Audio
50 dB Headphones
Low Pass Audio FBter
i I
Portland) is zero beat when the direct con- with conversion gain, and more serious re-
version receiver LO is tuned to 7.038 ceivers have mixers with conversion loss. . TUF-1 .
MHz. and the 34 dB of cxccss conversion Lossy mixers may be either the com-
loss rcduccs it to the equivalent of a mon diode ring and variations, or made up
20-jiV 40-mcter signal at the antenna. It is from transistors used as switches. A num-
easy to prevent these signals from arriving ber of excellent passive FET mixers have
at the RF port of the mixer by using a low been designed in the past few years, and ^/l9""5 Noise Figure N o , s 6 Fl
13 dB Gain 5 7 d B S s
pass filter right at the mixer. They are VHF they are now widely used in a variety of
signals, so VHF construction techniques applications.
must be used. It is also important to pre- Mixer gain or loss does not affect Fig 8.5—A preamp diode ring direct-
vent these FM broadcast signals from en- conversion receiver.
receiver noise figure as much as might be
tering the receiver cabinet on power sup- suspected. Compare two receivers, each
ply wires, speaker wires, headphone leads, with a 2-dB noise figure, I3-dB gain RF
CW key leads and microphone cords—all preamplifier. Receiver #1 in Fig 8.5 has a . Gilbert Cell ^
of which tend to be the right length to make Mini-Circuits TUF-1 mixer with 5.7-dB
efficient FM broadcast antennas. loss and 7-dB noise figure, followed by an
The mixer itself can be any of several audio stage with 5-dB noise figure-
types, but the diode ring is a good choice Receiver #2 in Fig 8.6 has the same RF
for people who want simplicity, good per- preamplifier in front of a Gi Ibert Cell mixer l ^ i ^ T Noise Figure Noise Figure
with 8-dB noise figure and 10-dB gain, 13 dB Gain 10<jBGain
formance, and understanding of how the
mixer works. The details of the NE602 driving the same 5-dB noise figure audio
Fig 8.6—Block diagram of a preamp
schematic are unpublished, and the bias amplifier. Using the cascaded noise figure Gilbert direct-conversion receiver.
controls to improve its performance are formula presented elsewhere. Receiver # I
locked in placc on the die. has a calculated 3-dB noise figure, and Re-
Commonly used mixers have noise fig- ceiver #2 has a 2.5-dB noise figure.
ures between 6 and 10 dB. and may have Now consider the fact that the Gi Ibert Cell If the antenna provides 1 |iV of noise
either conversion gain or loss. At first receiver has 23-dB gain before any selectiv- floor and the headphones require 10 mV
glance, conversion gain would seem to be ity. and remember that short-wave Broad- for comfortable listening, the receiver
an advantage. A receiver needs about 100 cast signals often reach millivolt levels. needs 80-dB gain. Very quiet locations
dB of gain between the antenna connector After the mixer downconverts the entire fre- may have a 0.1 -|iV 40-m noise floor, and
and headphones, and mixer gain makes the quency spectrum present on the antenna and low-sensitivity headphones might require
rest of the receiver easier to design. But folds it in half around zero Hz. the circuitry 100 mV—which increases the gain re-
there is a catch. Mixer gain occurs before connected to the IF port of the mixer selects quirement to 120 dB. Receivers without
any channel selectivity. The filter before a narrow portion of the spectrum and then AGC require less gain than receivers with
the mixer in a direct conversion receiver amplifies it. Selectivity between the mixer AGC, and also need a different listening
passes an entire band, and the filtering and first audio amplifier is needed so that the style. A receiver described in the next
after the mixer selects the desired signal. first stage of audio does not have to linearly chapter has more than 80 dB of undistorted
The mixer must linearly handle all of the amplify the entire HF spectrum at once. A headroom above the receiver noise floor.
strong and weak signals in the entire band, simple 10-kHz low-pass filter will narrow Some operators are accustomed to listen-
without distortion. If the mixer has gain, it the frequency range to just 20 kHz centered ing for weak signals with the receiver gain
amplifies all of the strong, undesired sig- around the LO frequency. Further band-lim- turned all the way up, and the receiver
nals right along with the weak desired sig- iting is normally included in the audio noise floor just below the pain threshold.
nal. High performance receivers, whether amplifier stages, but a wide-open direct If a click, pop or loud signal suddenly
superhcts or direct conversion, limit the conversion receiver sounds better on CW appears in the passband. the receiver is
amount of gain before the channel filter. and SSB signals than any other receiver type, (theoretically) capable of providing an
Thus, minimum-parts-count casually and should be experienced as a baseline for output that will break eardrums and melt
designed receivers tend to have mixers further receiver experimenting. headphones. Human ears have remarkable
dynamic range. It is far more natural to on a FB 2410 ferrite bead. A transformer paragraphs is a nice illustration of how
listen to weak signals 60 dB below the pain made often trifilar turns of plastic covered simple a "real" communications receiver
threshold and match the receiver in-band bell wire on a large ferrite RF1 suppression can be. It also illustrates some of the chal-
dynamic range to the ear's capability. core salvaged from a computer printer lenges of simple receivers. Crystal control
in previous years the author has merely cable also works well. Diodes are 1N4148 strictly limits tuning range, and limited
acknowledged that there are different lis- or similar, and the three transistors are selectivity requires skill in digging signals
tening styles, and some styles of listening 2N3904 or similar small-signal NPNs. out of crowded bands. The challenges
require AGC more than others. How- The two stage audio amplifier has more inherent in simple equipment arc not nec-
ever—two of our close friends (and stron- than enough gain to bring the 40-m band essarily disadvantages—it takes more skill
gest advocates of AGC), are nearing US West Coast noise floor up to the to cross a harbor in a sailing dinghy than a
retirement with serious hearing loss. Both audible level in portable CD player head- motor boat. Copying signals from across
were licensed as novices in the early phones. Coupling and feedback capacitors the oceans with a three transistor circuit is
1950s, and have spent half a century were selected by ear and back-of-the- similarly rewarding.
depending on receiver AGC to protcct envelope calculations from available Just as sailors always want a bigger boat,
their ears. Setting receiver gain so that the values in the author's junk box. Gain is radio experimenters always want to improve
noise floor from the antenna is well below intentionally kept low for ear protection, their receivers. The following paragraphs
the pain threshold and training the ears to and to eliminate the need for special con- dig into the technical fundamentals needed
listen is good hygiene. Weak signals will struction techniques, a volume control, or to understand direct conversion receivers at
then be weak, strong signals will be strong, shielding. The double tuned circuit on the adepth that allows performance to be pushed
and only rarely will AGC be desired. RF input solves any harmonic mixing or to superhet levels and beyond.
AM broadcast detection problems, and the
three adjustments may be tweaked to opti-
A Minimalist Direct mize signal power transfer from the Direct Aversion
Conversion Receiver antenna to the receiver. When signals are Before proceeding with the technical
Not all direct conversion receivers have strong and shortwave broadcast interfer- discussion, it is worthwhile to note that
to be designed for high performance. Since ence is a problem, the coupling capacitor many otherwise rational human beings
the historical appeal of direct conversion may be reduced and the input circuit opti- have an emotional aversion to direct con-
is simplicity, it is appropriate to present a mized for desired signal-to-interference version receivers. The basic block diagram
strict minimalist design. Simple NE602 ratio rather than just maximum signal is so simple and appealing than many
based circuitry is presented elsewhere in strength. The independent 9-V battery unsuspecting designer-builders and engi-
the text. For this circuit, the use of special- supply, balanced antenna and headphone neering managers have fallen into the trap
ized components is avoided. The receiver connections, and no external ground con- of believing that direct conversion is the
in Fig 8.7 has each of the functional blocks nection eliminate ground loops and com- "holy grail" of receivers, able to outper-
from Fig 8 J - Ql and its associated com- mon mode problems. Current drain from form the old. obsolete superheterodyne
ponents is a simple Pierce oscillator. With the 9-V battery is about 8 mA. architecture at a fraction of the cost. Most
the component values shown, it oscillates This simple receiver is fun to listen to. attempts to build something cheaper and
with every crystal tried from the author's particularly when it is open on the bench better than an existing, mature technology
junk box. The frequency may be trimmed with all parts visible, and signals from will fail. When the holy grail turns out to be
a few kHz with a small (about 20 pF) trim- 10.000 km away are rolling in. The a cracked clay cup. the designer involved
mer capacitor in series with the crystal. accompanying photos show two different may end up with a lingering bad taste in his
Since both ends of the trimmer capacitor construction styles. Parts may be pur- mouth. Experienced professional and ama-
are floating, an insulated tuning tool or chased new. or salvaged from old com- teur technical writers tend to either love or
shaft should be used. puter boards and transistor radios. hate direct conversion receivers, and this
_ T1 is 10-trifilar turns of enameled wire The receiver described in the preceding bias has often appeared in print.
8.4 Chapter 8
HQ\- 30 ohm stereo
20pF "W i
-9b Q3
M / W H
Q1 fl
poly r
1 s
101 (rililar
K M 10uF^
on FB
o 50 ohm
(D antenna
3 201 pri 20[pri
5t sec 5IS0C
<S T50-2 T50-2
The level of understanding represented gain. Often oscillations can be cured by in direct conversion receivers with several
in the preceding paragraphs is enough to moving around the wires carrying audio layers of magnetic shielding. The T o k o 10
build dircct conversion receivers and use signals and power. RB series of shielded inductors has been
them to m a k e contacts on the amateur Inductors in the early stages of a direct used for years, although the shielding is
bands, but they will exhibit some strange conversion receiver should be of a self not perfect and ihey will pick up h u m f r o m
behavior that is not explained by conven- shielding type. Conventional Iron E core nearby transformers. A small steel or
tional superhet thinking. Explaining the audio transformers are best avoided, mumetal enclosure around the audio pre-
peculiarities of direct conversion receiv- although they have been successfully used a m p stages of a direct conversion
ers, and more importantly, designing and on the input to high gain audio amplifiers receiver can reduce hum pickup by many
building a new generation that outper-
forms previous attempts, requires further
study and a deeper understanding.
High Audio Gain
There arc significant d i f f e r e n c e s
between the block diagrams and gain dis-
tributions of superhets and direct conver-
sion receivers. Direct conversion pecu-
liarities fall into two classes: problems
f r o m high audio gain and the effects of
local oscillator radiation. AM demodula-
tion. a common problem with direct con-
version receivers, is a symptom of both
high audio gain and LO radiation.
A typical direct conversion receiver has
about 100 dB of gain from the mixer to the
output. The output might be a 1-mA cur-
rent flowing in a wire to the headphone
jack. The ground wire coming back from
the headphones also carries 1 mA. If the
ground wire has 1 milliohm resistance, the
voltage drop will be 1 |iV. which is 100
times larger than the weakest audible sig-
nals. This sets up an ideal condition for Standard
audio oscillation or regeneration. Since it
is impractical to reduce the resistance of
all ground wires (#24 copper wire has
about 2 milliohms per inch), it is very
important that any ground return carrying
output signals be separated from any input
signal ground return. The easiest way to
insure this is to use a separate ground wire
for every component, and connect them
all together a single point. It is particularly
important to treat the speaker or head-
phone jack as a component, and bring it's
ground lead all the way back to the c o m -
mon ground connection rather than just
grounding it to the radio case. This bears
repeating: use two wires, a signal and a
ground wire, to connect to the headphone
j a c k or speaker, and d o not ground the
speaker or headphone j a c k to chassis
ground. With a simple receiver, it is
possible to actually connect the grounded
leads of all c o m p o n e n t s to the <ame
point. Fig 8.8 is a schematic showing how
this can be done with the receiver in Fig
8.7. T h e r e are also magnetic and
capacitive feedback m e c h a n i s m s that
become important at audio with 100 dB of Fig 8.8—Compare the "standard" MicroRI schematic above to the single-point
schematic below.
8.6 Chapters
Low Pass
V LO Leakage
Fig 8.9—Local oscillator radiation. Fig 8.10—A mixer/LO with reflection coefficient.
dB. G o o d direct conversion receivers tend This is not usually a problem at H F with phase, b e c o m e s a I UO-jJ V dc voltage at the
to include h i g h - p a s s filters in the a u d i o large outdoor dipoles, but H F direct con- IF port of the mixer and input to the audio
chain, aggressively rolling off the audio version r e c e i v e r s c o m m o n l y exhibit amplifier. This voltage is t o o small to se-
response b e l o w about 300 H z . d i s a p p o i n t i n g p e r f o r m a n c e with wire riously u n b a l a n c e the mixer, and is
M i c r o p h o n i c s , the loud clicks and pops antennas connected dircctly to the back of b l o c k e d f r o m the f o l l o w i n g audio ampli-
when the receiver is b u m p e d , arc o f t e n the radio. A c h a n g i n g local e l e c t r o m a g - f i e r b y the series i n p u t c a p a c i t o r . H o w e v e r ,
blamed on high a u d i o gain, but they are netic environment around the antenna can if the connection to the load is broken, for
actually a s y m p t o m of Local Oscillator be a particular p r o b l e m at V H F and micro- e x a m p l e , by disconnecting the B N C con-
radiation, and can o f t e n be cured by waves where antennas are small and good nector, the r e f l e c t i o n c o e f f i c i e n t j u m p s
improving receiver shielding. reflectors are n u m e r o u s . f r o m 0.2 at 4 5 d e g r e e s to 1.0 at some other
L O radiation and p i c k u p by the antenna a n g l e . T h e signal at the R F port of the
b e c o m e s more significant when either the mixer j u m p s f r o m 2 0 0 |iV at s o m e p h a s e
Local Oscillator amplitude or p h a s e of the L O signal at the to 1 mV at some other phase. At the I F
Radiation R F port of the mixer is time dependent. port, the signal j u m p s f r o m 100 |iV dc to
Local oscillator radiation raises a whole T h e r e are three m a j o r classes of time varia- 5 0 0 |iV dc. T h e " b e f o r e " and " a f t e r " volt-
new set of p r o b l e m s . F i g 8.9 s h o w s a tion in the L O signal: transients, D o p p l e r ages are both dc, but the j u m p between
simple d i r e c t - c o n v e r s i o n receiver f r o n t and m o d u l a t e d scatterers. E a c h of these them is a transient, and is a m p l i f i e d by the
end with local oscillator radiation arriving will be treated separately. audio amplifier. The output of the audio
at the R F input port of the mixer. Since the a m p l i f i e r with a short transient into the
LO is at the R F f r e q u e n c y , there is no pos- input dc blocking c a p a c i t o r is the impulse
sibility lo use R F selectivity to r e d u c e the Transients in LO r e s p o n s e of the amplifier. (If we recorded
level of L O at t h e m i x e r R F port (in a radiation and reflection the shape of the a m p l i f i e r output pulse on
superhet, the L O and R F are separated by O n e of the m a j o r a n n o y a n c e s with a digital oscilloscope, we could then per-
the IF, so the R F selectivity necessary f o r direct conversion receivers is microphonic f o r m an F F T and see the f r e q u e n c y re-
image rejection usually r e d u c e s the L O clicks and p o p s w h e n a n y t h i n g in the sponse of the amplifier.) 4 0 0 flV is a big
signal between the antenna and RF port of system e x p e r i e n c e s a mechanical change. signal, and probably drives the a m p l i f i e r
the mixer). At first glance, it appears that F i g u r e 8.10 s h o w s a mixer and L O system into saturation. T h e output is a very loud
the L O signal at the m i x e r R F port will c o n n e c t e d to a high-gain audio f r e q u e n c y p o p in the h e a d p h o n e s . T h e level of L O
have no practical e f f e c t , b e c a u s e it is IF a m p l i f i e r and a load with s o m e arbi- isolation in a direct conversion receiver
exactly zero beat. T h e mixer multiplies the trary reflection c o e f f i c i e n t . As an ex- can be quickly j u d g e d by simply discon-
RF port L O signal with the L O , and the
ample, suppose that the mixer is a Mini- necting the antenna while listening. A loud
output is pure dc:
Circuits T U F - 1 and the L O is at 50 M H z . p o p indicates poor LO isolation.
T h e data sheet s h o w s 57 dB of L O to R F As shown in equation Eq 8.1, the dc
low pass {a cos(27tf a t + i|>) cos(2rtf 0 t)} port isolation in this mixer at 5 0 M H z . output of the mixer d e p e n d s not only on
= a/2 cos $ Eq 8.1 With a +7 d B m L O , - 5 0 d B m of L O p o w e r the level of the L O signal at the R F port,
leaves the R F p o r t of the mixer and is but also on its p h a s e <|>. An abrupt c h a n g e
. . . w h e r e f 0 is the L O f r e q u e n c y , a is the reflected f r o m the load connected to the in phase with no c h a n g e in reflection coef-
amplitude of the L O leakage, and <j> is the R F port. L e t ' s pick an arbitrary reflection ficient magnitude will also induce a pop in
phase d i f f e r e n c e between the L O and L O c o e f f i c i e n t , say 0.2 at an angle of 45 the h e a d p h o n e s .
leakage. degrees, f o r the load. T h e magnitude of M i x e r L O port to R F port isolation is
D C at the I F will unbalance a balanced the reflection c o e f f i c i e n t will stay the only one way for L O to leak out of the
mixer, which causes it to radiate m o r e LO. same, but the angle will c h a n g e as we vary system and return to the R F port. A n y leak-
T h e additional L O radiation might be the length of 5 0 - Q transmission line con- age f r o m the L O c o m p a r t m e n t results in a
reflected by nearby objects or an imper- necting the mixer to the load. - 5 0 d B m signal that may be picked up by the an-
fect antenna match. If the new term is in in a 50-S2 system is 1 m V peak. T h e mag- tenna. Often a direct conversion rccciver
phase with the original radiated L O , this nitude of the reflection is (0.2)xl mV or that works exceptionally well in the lab
will f u r t h e r u n b a l a n c e the mixer. Thus the 200 n V . The 200-|a V signal reflected f r o m when connected to signal generators ex-
a m o u n t of L O radiation is a function of the the load arrives at the mixer, and with hibits all m a n n e r of p e c u l i a r b e h a v i o r
physical e n v i r o n m e n t near the a n t e n n a . 6 - d B conversion loss and the appropriate when c o n n e c t e d to an antenna. As long as
8.8 Chapter 8
/ AC Sidebands
i1 ,' i1 i 1i !i i ii
480 360 240 120 f
! I! I
120 240
! I ! I
360 480 Hz
\ the LO to the RF port of the mixer (there
usually is), then at some point in the RF
tuning, the hum will drop into the noise
floor. Often the hum is eliminated at a
point in the tuning where the sensitivity
has been reduced to an unacceptable level.
Tt is interesting to observe that tunable
Fig 8.14—A power supply schematic. 555 hum is absent from image-reject direct
Timer conversion receivers. Common mode
hum may still be present, but it is not tun-
able. An image-reject direct conversion
proliferation of computer design, we are receiver has two mixers with LO (or RF)
entering an age where folks are reluctant C-||||-i-] 9 V ports 90° out of phase. After some base-
to do anything that can't be modeled math- band phase shifting, the IF outputs of these
ematically and simulated. It is a good thing Fig 8.16—A hum probe. two mixers are added. If one mixer has
our ancestors weren't saddled with such zero common-mode hum, the other will
nonsense, or they would have continued have maximum hum. The sum will then
sticking their hands in the fire until medi- have constant common-mode hum, re-
cal science told them to stop. On the other waveform is very rich in harmonics. The gardless of any phase shifts in spacc or in
hand, it is understanding that permits us to spectrum of a typical re-radiated LO signal the receiver RF path. Experimenters with
push the state of the art. is shown in Fig 8.15. The LO signal itself imagc-rejcct direct conversion receivers
We now understand tunable hum well is at dc, and doesn't make il through the who break the I and Q signal paths and lis-
enough to dispense with the ferrite beads audio amplifier (although it may unbal- ten to each channel separately often com-
on battery power supplies and use indoor ance the mixer—increasing the strength of plain that "one channel has a lot of hum, but
antennas on direct conversion receivers the radiated LO), but the sidebands are the other is fine" and try to eliminate the
if we must, but much of old lore is still recovered by the mixer, and particularly hum in the "bad channel" with improved
good. Battery supplies and a full-size out- the higher harmonics at 240 Hz, 300 Hz, bypassing and power supply decoupling,
door antenna are recommended for 420 Hz etc. are subject to the full gain of which is, of course, ineffective.
reasons other than hum elimination. the audio amplifier. It is interesting to study receiver LO
Fig 8.13 shows a typical tunable hum This explains the hum, and the harmonic leakage with a "common-mode hum
experiment. The direct conversion re- content explains the raunchy sound, but probe" consisting of an antenna, diode
ceiver is connected to an antenna directly why is it tunable? Refer again to equation modulator, and modulating signal source.
on the back panel. Right next to the an- Eq 8.1. The IF output of the mixer is a A modulating tone should be chosen that
tenna is a power cord going to a plug-in dc function not only of the amplitude of the is not harmonically related to 60 Hz. At
power supply. The power supply cord is a signal at the RF port, but the phase <|>. Tn HF and VHF. a small loop antenna with a
parasitic element of the antenna system. fact, if the phase of the LO signal at the RF diode and a 555 timer works well. At
The power supply schematic is shown in port is exactly 90° different from the LO microwaves, a dipole consisting o f a diode
Fig 8.14. Note that the power supply sche- drive, there is no detection of the sidebands and its leads serves well. Fig 8.16
matic is almost identical to the diode bal- at all. With a sharp single tuned circuit on illustrates the circuit. If the probes are
anced modulator in the previous chapter. the RF port, the phase varies more rapidly small enough, they may be used to find the
The modulating frequency is 120 Hz, due than the amplitude response as the tuning LO leaks in a direct conversion system.
to the full-wave rectifier. The LO is picked moves through resonance. At resonance,
up from the antenna wire, and then re- the phase shift through the tuned circuit
radiated with the 120-Hz sidebands. This will be zero, but off resonance the phase Eliminating LO
wouldn't be much more than an annoy- will smoothly tune from +90° to -90°. If Radiation Effects
ance, except that the 120-Hz modulating there is some other phase shift path from Understanding common mode hum and
Fig 8.17—A wire pickup in an LO box. Fig 8.18—Capacitor shaft pickup in an LO box.
8.10 Chapter 8
-taker, microphone and key leads. All dc
."J audio leads should be properly
. ;.oupled for RF. This can be a problem
: speaker leads, since bypassing them to
chassis of a direct conversion receiver
• .:h high audio gain will introduce ground
«->p feedback. One way around the prob-
•;TI is to use a separate powered speaker,
-•--•ferably with internal batteries, plugged
•,:o the headphone jack of the receiver.
A conservatively designed and built di- 100 dB
Audio Gain
rect conversion receiver is double
shielded, with internal enclosures around Fig 8.19—AM demodulator.
the VFO and RF circuitry, often a small
»teel or mumetal enclosure to reduce ac
Sum pickup around the audio preanip
receivers with poor shielding have a dif- done continually in real time, it must be
inductors, and an outer shielded enclosure.
ferent set of problems, like multiple inter- recognized that adaptive])' nulling a signal
All RF connections are made using
nally generated spurious responses, poor by adding a sine-wave adjusted for precise
Aielded connectors, preferably BNC at
image and IF rejection, and responses to amplitude and opposite phase is a form of
HF and SMA at VHF and up, and all dc and
strong out-of-band signals near harmon- phase-loeked-loop. Since both phase and
Midio connections to the outside world
ics of the oscillators. Good mechanical amplitude are variables, loop stability
properly bypassed. Care is also exercised
« j that mechanical connections like vol- construction,/shielding of individual analysis becomes complicated. Designing
ume controls and the main tuning knob stages, and proper bypassing and an LO suppression loop that offers real
••haft do not conduct signals into or out of decoupling of power supply and audio benefit and remains stable over a wide
the receiver enclosure. leads makes a tremendous improvement range of operating conditions is an ambi-
in performance, whether the receiver is a tious exercise. Another difficulty is that
One technique that has been part of the conventional superhet, direct conversion, intentionally unbalancing the mixer to
Sore for years is using a VFO followed by a obtain a precise amplitude and phase car-
or a spectrum analyzer. Good mechanical
frequency doubler. A balanced mixer is
construction is too expensive for mass rier signal will null the LO at the expense
insensitive to energy at 1/2 or twice the LO
produced or even kit radios, but is just a of mixer 2nd order distortion performance.
frequency. The expression below shows
matter of planning, carc, some worthwhile
multiplication of a low level 1/2 frequency
>ignal with the LO. There is no output at dc.
mechanical skills, and time for a designer- AM Demodulation
builder of a single radio. This is one area
where a designer-builder can far exceed A common problem with direct conver-
a cos [27t(2f0)t + <|>] cos 27tf0t = the mechanical quality and electrical sion receivers is demodulation of AM sig-
i/2 cos [27c(3f„)t + <(>] + a/2 cos f2jtf„t + <|>] integrity of a mass-produced receiver built nals anywhere in the RF passband of the
Eq 8.4 under severe time and budget constraints, receiver. This is most often observed on
for example, a Collins 75S3C. 40 m when foreign broadcast signals are very
Care must be taken to avoid radiating the strong. Fig 8.19 illustrates the problem. Any
frequency doubled signal, but a passive dou- mechanism in the mixer that produces a dc
bler right at the mixer port could be used. Adaptive Mixer Balance output at the mixer IF port from a signal at
Then only the actual doubler circuitry must Some balanced mixer types may be eas- the RF port will result in the envelope of an
he shielded, and there are not even any dc ily adjusted for LO radiation. The familiar AM signal appearing as weak audio, right at
power leads connected to stages carrying the "carrier balancc" resistor adjustment in the inpul to a 100-dB gain audio amplifier.
cn-frequency LO signal. In particular, the Gilbert Cell mixers is an example. It is DC outputs occur when a mixer has second
VFO shaft and capacitor body only have possible, in concept at least, to measure order distortion. Second order distortion is
half-frequency energy, and may be left the instantaneous LO level at the receiver common when balanced mixers become
unshielded. The 40-m sleeping bag radio antenna terminal, and vary a set of volt- unbalanced. Since the usual way that bal-
described later was built to test frequency- ages in the mixer to force the LO leakage anced mixers unbalance is the presence of
doubling, and there is no separate shielding to zero. This technique permits eliminat- LO signal at the mixer RF port, it is evident
around the half-frequency VFO. As a fringe ing not only stray LO energy from inside that AM demodulation is a symptom of
benefit, a CW transmitter using a frequency the mixer, but energy that arrives via other both poor LO to RF isolation and high audio
doubled VFO is much less susceptible to paths by canceling it with an equal-and- gain. Improving the shielding around the
chirp than one with the VFO operating opposite mixer leakage signal. The mixer VFO, and LO to RF isolation often
directly on frequency. adjustment may be done once, during improve a receiver's immunity to AM
It might seem that it takes an awful lot of alignment or each time the radio is pow- demodulation. Receivers that use VFOs op-
extra effort to build a good direct conver- ered up, and then the balance adjustment erating at half (ortwice) the signal frequency
sion receiver than to build a good superhet. locked in for normal operation. usually have better AM rejection than
This is not true. A good superhet requires There are sobering cautions that need to receivers with fundamental VFOs, due to
exactly the same construction. Superhel be mentioned. If the balance adjustment is improved LO to RF isolation.
The general properties of mixers are rations have dynamic range and noise other at 77K. It is very important to mea-
covered in a separate chapter, but the front- advantages over both Gilbert Cells and sure the resistance of the cold resistor, to
end of a direct conversion receiver is a diode rings. Considerably less has been make sure it is still 50 Q. Most resistors
unique application that puts some differ- published about passive FET mixers, change value when the temperature drops
ent demands on the mixer. To reduce LO although they are standard in cellular tele- that low. A series or parallel combination
radiation to an acceptable level. LO port to phone handsets. This is an important area can be experimentally determined that
RF port isolation is needed. This usually for amateur experimentation. Experiments provides a cold 50-Q resistor. The output
requires a balanced mixer, but some other are encouraged using both integrated quad of the audio amplifier is connected to an
topologies are promising. The anti-paral- analog switches and matched FETs on a averaging true RMS voltmeter reading in
lel diode pair driven by a 1/2 frequency LO single die in small multi-pin packages. dB. and also a speaker or headphones. It is
has been reported to work well, but has Since the LO drive to a passive FET mixer useful to listen w'hile making the measure-
limited dynamic range and critical LO goes to the high-impedance FET gate, little ments. because the difference between hot
drive level requirements. Shunt FETs in LO drive power is needed. The passive and cold resistor noise can be heard in the
switch mode have built-in LO to RF isola- headphones, and the measurements will be
FET itself doesn't have a power supply.
tion. A number of experimenters have corrupted by any extraneous interference
Thus passive FET mixers for direct con-
pickup, which can also be heard on the
reported good success with different con- version receivers offer the potential for the
headphones. Fig 8.20 gives noise figure
figurations of series FET switches using highest performance al the lowest operat-
as a function of the difference between
CMOS parts for several decades. The most ing current of any mixer type.
the noise output from the hot and cold re-
common direct conversion mixers arc Gil-
sistors in dB. The noise figure of the
bert Cells like the NE602 and LM1496. and
diode rings, both homebrew and commer-
Direct Conversion grounded base audio preamplifiers with
cial. Gilbert Cells have usually been used Noise Figure diplexcrs in the receiver circuits in this text
ranges from 5 to 7 dB.
lor low-cost-low-performance applica- The noise figure of a direct conversion
tions, but they should not be ruled out for receiver mixer is generally different than The second step in the measurement
higher performance receivers. the noise figure of the same mixer used in process is to measure the conversion loss
The important specifications for a a superhet application, because of 1/f of the mixer. This can be done with a
direct conversion front-end mixer are noise. Mixer noise figure does not have a known RF signal at the RF port, a low-pass
noise figure (particularly 1/f noise figure neat and tidy definition, and mixer 1/f filter and 50-Q termination on the IF
when used with an audio TF), two-tone noise is even less well understood. Be- port, and an RMS voltmeter across the
third-order dynamic range, 2nd order cause of 1/f noise, diode ring mixers have 50-Q resistor.
dynamic range, and LO to RF port isola- noise figures in direct conversion receiver The last step in the measurement is to
tion. Conversion gain or loss is less impor- applications thai range from within IdB of measure the excess IF noise when the
tant. as it can be made up with gain their conversion loss to 1 5 o r 2 0 d B worse. mixer is connected to the audio amplifier
elsewhere, and can not make up for poor The increased noise figure is a result of and the LO is turned on. The input to the
noise figure. excess noise at the IF port when the mixer audio amplifier is switched between a
is driven by the LO with the RF port termi- room temperature resistor and the mixer,
nated in a room temperature 50-Q load. with LO drive and the RF port terminated
Mixer The noise spectrum is not necessarily a in a room temperature 50-Q load. At 14
recommendations smooth 1 /f curve, so merely observing the MHz, a small sample of TUF-1 mixers
shape of the noise spectrum across a re- produced between I and 6 dB more noise
For the simplest direct conversion
stricted audio passband is not enough to output than the 50-Q room temperature
receivers, Gilbert Cells offer good perfor-
identify 1/f noise. Mixer noise figure is termination. Two homebrew diode ring
mance at low current. The gain of a Gilbert
further complicated by the presence of mixers using hand-wound toroids and
Cell does not enhance receiver perfor-
noise on desired and image frequencies, 1N4184 diodes had less than 1-dB excess
mance. since it occurs before any effective
noise in the bands around the harmonics noise. A small stJmplc of TUF-5 mixers
channel selectivity, but it does reduce the
of the LO, and the fact that the different operated at 1296 MHz and ADE-35 mix-
total receiver parts count. For some appli-
contributions to mixer noise figure may be ers at 2304 MHz had more than 10-dB ex-
cations—carrying a rig into the mountains
partially correlated. Rather than attempt- cess noise. Special low-l/f noise diodes
for a casual non-contest weekend back-
ing to precisely define direct conversion
packing trip, for example—the receiver is
mixer noise figure, this text will present a
far less likely to fail from overload than
few measurements that provide some
from dead batteries. For such applications, £0
insight into noise in receiver systems, and ? 6
"performance"' takes on a different mean-
will at least allow comparisons between
ing, and a receiver that draws 5 mA outper- §> 5
different mixers and direct conversion C
forms one that draws 50 mA. For home
receiver front-ends. O
station use or any kind of contest environ- 3 3
ment, a receiver with poor dynamic range
The first measurement is the noise fig-
can be as useless as one with dead batter- 8 2
ure of the audio amplifier itself. We have
ies. and far more frustrating. For such ap- made this measurement with a hot-cold
plications, diode rings are recommended. noise source. The audio amplifier is run at •5 0
2 4 6 10 12 14
For the designer builder, they have the full gain in an environment with no hum or Noise Figure
advantage of a wealth of applications other noise pickup. The input to the audio
information and a published schematic. amplifier is switched between two 50-Q Fig 8.20—Hot-cold resistor noise figure
Passive FET mixers in various configu- resistors, one at room temperature and the differential.
8.12 Chapter 8
ire used in 10-GHz direct conversion re- fier with enough gain to define the system Based on these limited measurements
eeivers for Dopplcr Radar applications. noise figure. In this case it may be benefi- and theory, a few guidelines for direct
This is a very small data set, and it is un- cial to include a resistive attenuator on the conversion receivers may be suggested. A
wise to draw firm conclusions based on mixer output to optimize mixer dynamic homebrew diode ring with common
this limited information. More measure- range. 1N4148 silicon sw itching diodes, as used
ments are needed. When used ahead of a DSB direct con- in Roy Lewallen's "Optimized QRP
When the excess noise is low. a reason- version receiver, a low-noise RF amplifier Transceiver" 1 7 , with low-loss RF input
able approximation to direct conversion will have equal noise output on the desired circuitry and a grounded base audio am-
receiver noise figure is just the baseband and image bands. The image noise will plifier. will provide an effective receiver
amplifier noise figure plus the mixer con- reduce receiver output signal-to-noise noise figure around 10 dB. which is usu-
version loss. When excess mixer noise is ratio by 3 dB. Image noise may be sup- ally better than is needed at 7 MHz. Be-
present, the mixer loss and noise lend to pressed by a narrow filler after (he RF cause the LO to RF isolation of homebrew
dominate receiver noise figure, and amplifier (practical for fixed-frequency mixers may not be as good as commercial
baseband amplifier noise figure is less applications), or by phasing, discussed in packaged mixers using matched quads of
important. One experiment that may be the following chapter. Schottky diodes, the use of an RF ampli-
done on the bench is to add attenuation Mixers with conversion gain, for fier ahead of the mixer is recommended.
between the mixer and baseband amplifier example the Gilbert Cells used in LM1496 This will tend to negate any 1/f noise ad-
»hile observing-ceceiver sensitivity. A and NE602 integrated circuits, reduce the vantage of the homebrew switching diode
3-dB 50-11 attenuator will drop the desired need for low-noise audio gain. The NE602 mixer. In our HF designs, wc tend to use
wgnals by about 3 dB. but it may also has low noise figure, which makes it small commercial packaged mixers, and
drop the receiver noise floor by about attractive for simple receivers without RF about 10 dB of high reverse-isolation RF
J dB, leaving the signal-to-noise ratio amplification. The LM1496, biased for gain. This results in receivers that have
unchanged. Signals do not drop by pre- improved mixer linearity, is a better choice noise figures in the 10-dB range, have very
cisely 3 dB, because the mixer impedance when an RF amplifier is used. In DSB low LO radiation, and work well with com-
»nd the baseband amplifier input imped- direct conversion receiver applications mon commercial packaged diode ring
ance are not exactly 50 Q. with no provisions for suppressing image mixers. At VHF, we usually use about
One way around the mixer excess noise noise, each of these has the same 3-dB 20 dB of RF gain, and phasing to suppress
uncertainty is to use a low-noise RFampli- image noise penalty. image noise.
f L?
+50 dB
RF Low-Noise Amplifier
The receiver gain distribution was de-
signed for approximately 10-dB of RF
gain ahead of the mixer. RF gain ahead of
a diode ring mixer is not normally needed Fig 8.21—A modular receiver block diagram
-wv- —Ih^-
f •© 1 5uF
u2 r n «
~J~ 4mA O
330 330
I Poly
Universal VXO
0.1 UF 1.0uF
•7 dBm 33uF
Poly 22 <
ilOnF Xi100
I 11 p J - N - W N - !
12 ttrifllar FB -L -L
2401 43 pXc( 100
+ 12
Headphone Amplifier
| p^rnn I I I I I
A / W —
100uF !> 150
Passive audio filters work well, draw no arc a number of reasons for building the
current, and use inexpensive components receiver on separate boards. The first is Applications
available f r o m several sources. The SSB entirely practical—cach piecc is an
evening project than can be built and tested The modular high-performance direct
and C W bandwidth filters shown arc old
as a stand-alone module. The sccond con- conversion receiver presented here works
sideration is equally important: the R F equally well connected to an antenna, or
amplifier is good for only one band; the as part of a superhet receiver. The well-
Headphone amplifier V X O can be easily modified for different defined near 5 0 - i l input impedance to the
The headphone amplifier provides H F f r e q u e n c i e s ; and the mixer-audio RF preamp provides a good termination
audio gain to boost the signals from the low- board can be used on any frequency from for simple crystal filters, and the VXO cir-
levels in the signal processing components 50 kHz through 250 MHz. By making the cuit is a good B F O with enough tuning
up to comfortable listening volume. This is a pieces separate, any of them may be range to cover both sidebands.
For much of their history, direct con- cuit in Fig 8.7. Build it ugly style in a few her if she hears the kind of weak, warbly
version receivers have been viewed as an hours the Thursday evening before Field one and she say yes and then 1 tell her he's
adequate, simple substitute for more seri- Day or the November CW Sweepstakes, in St. Petersburg. Russia—her eves light
ous receivers. It is time to redefine direct string up a temporary 40-m dipole Friday up. Now that's magic!
conversion as an alternative architecture evening, and spend a few hours over the Superhets for SSB and CW have images,
that poses a unique set of problems, but weekend listening. Simplicity is appealing. higher order undesired responses, and
also offers significant advantages. Some Much of this text is devoted to pushing the internally generated birdies. A direct con-
of the important advantages arc: performance envelope for designer built version receiver with a low-pass filter
radio equipment. Spending two years between the antenna and mixer hears only
building a receiver system that offers an signals within a few kHz of the LO. Period.
1. Simplicity
incremental performance improvement It is theoretically possible to design
2. Few spurious responses
that must be measured to be perceived is an superhet receivers for arbitrarily good
3. High spurious-free dynamic range
interesting activity, but with a serious flaw. image and IF rejection, but in practice
4.Very low distortion of the desired
Suppose the number to be exceeded is the superhets must be designed to place
magic "100-dB SSB Bandwidth Two-Tone images and IFs in parts of the spectrum
5. Frequency range independence
Third Order Dynamic Range." Magic to with few strong signals. When image sig-
6. Compatibility with DSP-based receiver
whom? Certainly not my teen-age daugh- nals are 90-dB stronger than the desired
ter! But she will spend a few minutes signal, they will find a way into the re-
7. Compatibility with adaptive receivers
politely listening to CW oil headphones ceiver and causc problems. This severely
and antennas
connected to a hand full of parts with a constrains the choices of IF for frequency
9-V battery and some wires going out into bands in heavily used portions of the spec-
Simplicity is best illustrated by the cir- the trees in the back yard—and when 1 ask trum. For example, what IF should be used
fl Audio
Desired Signs!
n Local
f o r a 14410 148 M H z receiver? The indus- to appear in amateur equipment. the same sense that the term ""wireless"
try standard IFs at 455 kHz, 10.7 M H z . The same block diagram works for allows people who have no understanding
and 21.4 M H z provide a selection of off- direct conversion receivers whether the of radio to claim the title Wireless Expert.
the-shelf filters. 455 kHz is too low for frequency of interest is 24 kHz or 24 GHz. Such good natured competition between
adequate image rejection. 10.7 is useful, A superhet designer will draw completely traditional radio designers and digital sig-
but a bit low for providing good image different block diagrams for a SSB nal processing artists is a natural part of
rejection across a 4 - M H z wide frequency receiver for those two frequencies. Fur- the evolution. Both camps need to realize
range without retuning the R F amplifier. thermore. superhet frequency conversion that receivers of the future will use both
21,4 MHz is attractive, except that with plans must be designed with an under- skill sets. There is magic in simple radio
low-side injection, the image falls in the standing of the levels of all the potential circuits, but there is also magic in watch-
FM broadcast band, and with high side in- sources of image, higher-order spurious ing a signal below the noise level appear in
jection. the image is in T V channel 12. responses, and birdies. A receiver opti- a waterfall plot on a computer monitor.
Direct conversion offers a technique for mized for 10 M H z might have a com- Finally, in it's second hundred years,
tuning across a wide frequency range and pletely different frequency conversion radio will experience significant changes.
recovering 10-nV signals surrounded by plan than one optimized specifically for For six dccades the usual way to collect
10-mV interfering signals. That is 1 2 0 d B 14 M H z . For the amateur interested in a and process HF and VHF signals has been
of spurious-free dynamic range. the entire spectrum, the lessons learned a Yagi-Uda antenna with a single feed line
Because direct conversion receivers and the time spent optimizing a 10-MHz connected to the back of a complex
have only one frequency conversion stage, direct conversion receiver apply j u s t as superhet receiver. Space diversity and
and it operates before significant receiver well to a 2.4-GHz satellite receiver. adaptive antenna interference cancellation
gain, mixer distortion does not signifi- As D S P systems improve and become have been impractical because of the
cantly contribute to in-band inter- more widely used and understood, it amount of hardware required and severe
modulation. The quality of the recovered becomes less and less attractive to com- amplitude a n a p h a s e matching constraints.
audio is almost entirely determined by the promise the signal with multiple fre- The hardware problem is solved if each
distortion properties of the audio ampli- quency conversion. A G C . and crystal dipole antenna element has its own direct
fier chain. Since audio engineers have filter delay and ripple before it enters the conversion down-converter, all of them
spent decades reducing the distortion of DSP. Direct Conversion offers a way to driven by a single LO, and each connected
high-gain audio amplifiers, simply follow- simply translate a desired radio signal to to a separate input port of a computer
ing a diode-ring mixer with a low-noise the frequency range needed by the A to sound card. The actual hardware is very
preamplifier and high-fidelity audio D converters ahead of a D S P engine simple, and with more than two dipoles,
amplifier will produce a receiver with sig- (Fig 8.23). Soft-Radio advocates call this image-reject techniques can be combined
nificantly lower in-channel distortion than Direct Sampling and claim that there is no with noise cancellation in the arrival-angle
any commercial superhet. Audio engi- conventional radio at all—the computer is domain and adaptive C W interference
neers have also developed low-distortion connected straight to the antenna. Such cancellation in the frequency domain to
gain control and gain compression tech- claims obscure the truth. Direct Sampling produce an output signal-to-noise and
niques thai operate strictly at audio, and is just a different and convenient name for interference ratio f a r better than the best
that "audio A G C " technology is beginning entirely conventional I and Q mixing, in conventional, single feed line system.
8.16 Chapter 8
W. Hayward and D. DcMaw, Solid 9. R. Campbell, "Single-Conversion 1995, ARRL Publication Number 200, pp
>"jie Design for the Radio Amateur, Microwave SSB/CW Transceivers." QST. 94-106.
; K R L . 1986,
May. 1993. pp 29-34. 14. R. Campbell, "The Next Generation
; R Lewallen. " A n Optimized QRP 10. R. Campbell. " A Single Board No- of No-Tune Transverters.'" Proceedings of
T'jnsceiver." QST. Aug. 1980, pp 14-19, Tune Transceiver for 1296 MHz." Microwave Update '95, Arlington, T X ,
5. G. A. Breed, "'A New Breed of Proceedings of Microwave Update 93, October. 1995. A R R L Publication
teceiver," QST. Jan, 1988. pp 16-23. Atlanta. GA, ARRL Publication Number Number 208, pp 1-22.
4 R. Campbell, "Getting Started on the 174. 1993. pp 17-38. 15. R. Campbell, " A Small High-
Microwave Bands," QST, Feb, 1992, pp 11. R. Campbell. "Subharmonic IF Performance C W Transceiver," QST,
15-39. Receivers," reprinted from the North Nov, 1995. pp 41-46.
Texas Microwave Society Feedpoint in 16. N. Hamilton."lmprovmg Direct
1 R. Campbell. " N o Tune Microwave Proceedings of Microwave Update '94,
Transceivers." Proceedings of Microwave Conversion Receiver Design." Radio
Estes Park, CO. A R R L Publication Communications, Apr, 1991.
Update '92, Rochester, N.V, ARRL Number 188, 1994, pp 225-232.
Publication Number 161, 1992, pp 41-54. 17. R, Lewallen, "Optimized QRP
12. R. Campbell, "Simply Getting on the Transceiver. C « T . Aug, 1980, pp 14-19.
% R. Campbell, "High Performance
Air from DC to Daylight," Proceedings of
Direct Conversion Receivers." QST. Aug, 18. R. Campbell, "High Performance
Microwave Update 94. Estcs Park. CO,
1992, pp 19-28, Direct Conversion Receiver," QST, Aug,
ARRL Publication Number 188. 1994, pp
' R. Campbell. "High Performance 1992, pp 19-28.
Single-Signal Direct Conversion 19. R. Campbell. " A Binaural I-Q
13. R. Campbell, " A VHF SSB-CW
Receivers." QST, Jan. 1993, pp 32-40, Receiver." QST, Mar, 1999, pp 44-48.
Transceiver with VXO," Proceedings of
V R, Campbell. " A Multimode Phasing the 29H Conference of the Central States 20. J. Reisert. "VHF/UHF Frequency
Exciter for 1 to 500 MHz." QST. Apr. VHF Society, Colorado Springs. CO. Jul. Calibration." Ham Radio, Vol 17, Nr 10,
' « » 3 . pp 27-31. Oct, 1984, pp 55-60.
The phasing method of single-sideband How times have changed. During the move the unwanted sideband. Since the
generation and reception has been dis- '90s the vintage radio craze hit the amateur filter passband frequency is fixed, the re-
cussed in the literature and incorporated in bands, and amateurs across the US began sulting SSB signal must be heterodyned to
commercial products for over 50 years. hearing signals from old Central Electron- the desired final output frequency. Since it
The phasing method fell into disuse in ics transmitters, carefully restored, prop- is difficult to build SSB bandw idth filters
amateur products from the late '60s erly aligned, and conservatively operated. for frequencies above 50 MHz. there may
through the '80s due to the popularity of By comparison, the modern transceivers need to be multiple frequency conversions
transceivers built around a single IF crys- sounded thin and distorted. Modem radios to reach a microwave frequency. Fig 9.2 is
tal filter used for both sideband generation have had to scramble to recapture the lost the block diagram of a phasing SSB ex-
and receive selectivity. During this period, sound quality of the old rigs. Sociology still citer. The signal frequency networks all
prices of old phasing transmitters dropped being what it is, there is now a market for have considerable bandwidth, so operat-
until they were only used on the air in low-distortion transmitters, and one ama- ing the SSB modulator on the final output
modest stations scraped together on a bud- teur manufacturer has even introduced a frequency is an option. Heterodyning the
get, often by folks with no appreciation of full-sized transceiver with a Class A power phasing exciter output to the desired out-
the art of maintaining vintage radio gear. amplifier. The lore has changed, and phas- put frequency also has merit, and was the
Sociology being what it is and amateurs ing transmitters and receivers now have the method of choice in vintage gear. Fig 9,3
being human, phasing transmitters were reputation for sounding better than conven- shows a conventional superhet receiver
soon associated with poor signals, and tional systems that use filters for opposite with a SSB bandwidth IF filter to provide
their unfortunate operators were encour- sideband suppression. As usual, careful rejection of interference outside the de-
aged to upgrade or get off the air. Even study reveals that there is an element of sired bandpass, including rejection of the
scholarly authors during this period often truth in conventional wisdom, but that opposite sideband. Fig 9.4 shows a
used a little over-simplified mathematics deeper understanding provides freedom superhet receiver with a phasing SSB de-
to show that the phasing method was inca- from the bonds of lore. modulator at the IF. Note that the phasing
pable of generating acceptable signals for system just rejects the opposite side-
Fig 9.1 is the block diagram of a con-
the modern amateur bands. band—conventional selectivity is still
ventional SSB exciter using a filter to re-
Fig 9.1—A block diagram of a conventional SSB exciter using a filter to remove the unwanted sideband.
» raits
Filter Filler
© Carrier
V RF RF Image IF IF IF IF Product AF
Filter LNA Filter Mixer Amp Filter Amp Filter Detector Amp
©r \ beat Frequency
RF Image
Filter Mixer
IF Roofing
Amp Amp
1-0" \ 10
/v ^ Local
v j Oscliialor
r A Beat Frequency
Fig 9.4—A superhet receiver with a phasing SSB demodulator at the IF.
needed to protect the receiver from inter- builder needs to be familiar with the ben- don't apply to transmitters become impor-
ference at other frequencies. Fig 9.5 is the efits and limitations of cach before con- tant. The treatment here will take the op-
block diagram of a phasing direct conver- cluding that a particular radio architecture posite tack, and discuss phasing direct
sion receiver (high performance direct is best for a particular application. conversion receivers in detail. There arc
conversion receiver techniques are dis- Traditionally, phasing is presented as a several justifications for this. The first is
cussed in Chapter 8 of this book.) Phasing transmit topic, with receivers tacked on that exploration of high performance
is added in Fig9.6 with baseband process- as an "oh by the way, you can also..." This phasing direct conversion receivers has
ing functions handled using a pair of ana- is fine until one wants to actually begin been a major focus area for the author for
log-to-digital converters and a digital designing and building a receiver using over a decadc. and many of the observa-
signal processor. Each of the systems phasing methods, at which point none of tions. much of the analysis, and the math-
shown in the block diagrams is optimum the math really makes sense, and signal ematical treatment have not been previ-
for certain applications, and a designer- levels, noise, and distortion terms that ously published—or at least not for a very
9.2 Chapter 9
I Mixer Low-Pass
Filter LNA Amp
© Local
I Mixer
Fig 9.6—High performance direct conversion receiver technique with phasing added—with baseband processing in DSP.
long time. T h e second is that most o f this a s (t)cosf2rtf s t + the discussion be- most likely a hybrid superhet that includes
decade o f study has been a purely amateur c o m e s independent o f modulation type, a band-Iimiling filter f o l l o w e d by some I F
activity, pursued because listening to that and serious students o f communications gain and then a phasing product dctcctor.
first phasing direct conversion r e c e i v e r systems will have no d i f f i c u l t y convert- This is certainly the approach being taken
ten years a g o w a s such a profound revela- ing to c o m p l e x - e n v e l o p e f o r m , adding by makers o f high-end amateur transceiv-
tion. Phasing direct conversion receivers correlated and u n c o r r e c t e d noise terms, ers, and the technology will trickle down
are an optimum c h o i c e f o r many applica- and including the e f f e c t s o f various types into the l o w end o f the market, as it is less
tions. amateur and p r o f e s s i o n a l , when- o f distortion. expensive than relying solely on mechani-
e v e r cost, distortion, spurious-free-dy- T h e emphasis will be on direct conver- cal. quartz crystal and ceramic filters f o r
namic range, frequency agility or sion phasing receivers, rather than superhet selectivity. The major difference between
adaptability to d i f f e r e n t bandwidths and receivers with phasing last-converters, be- using the phasing system at the front-end
modulation types are important. Further- cause the direct conversion receiver gener- o f a direct conversion receiver or as the
more. they are a rich f i e l d f o r experimen- ally presents a more difficult set o f prob- product detector f o r a hybrid superhet is in
tation and contribution to the amateur and lems. However, it should be mentioned at the gain, selectivity, and noise distributions
professional literature. F i n a l l y , by de- this point that the ultimate receiver f o r in the receiver. These considerations will
scribing the r e c e i v e r mathematically us- weak C W and SSB signals in the presence be discussed in detail in the R2pro design
ing a general band-limited input signal o f noise and strong-signal interference is exercise.
Some mathematics is necessary for un- If the signal frequency f. is lower than 2 c o s ( 2 ; t f 0 t + < p „ - j r / 2 + 8)(l + e)
derstanding how phasing receivers work. the LO frequency f 0 , then the difference
Fortunately, all of the necessary functions expression (f 0 - f s ) is a positive number. a s ( t ) c o s [ 2 j r f s l + <ps ( l ) ]
and identities may be found in a high
= (l + e)a< ( t ) c o s
school algebra and trigonometry textbook.
That said, there is nothing trivial about the Low-Pass Filter [2n ( f 0 + f s ) t + <ps ( t ) + <p0 -71/2 + 5]
treatment that follows. It is deliberate and In a receive downconverter application,
complete. Tt is also much less interesting the difference frequency expression is se- + ( l + e ) a s (t)cos
than the pictures and schematics of the lected by a low-pass filter following the
projects, and many of the subtleties were mixer, and the sum frequency (f 0 + f s ) ex- [ 2 « ( f 0 - f , ) l - q > s ( t ) + < P o - « / 2 + 8]
not appreciated by the author until long pression is rejected. The downconverter
after the first signals began pouring out of output frequency range may extend from Eq 9.7
the working receiver's speaker. Readers zero Hz up to the cutoff frequency of the Once again, the low-pass filter rejects
with an aversion to math in any form are low-pass filter, and this frequency range is the sum frequency and passes the differ-
invited to skip this scction. Designer- referred to as "baseband.'' The baseband ence frequency, so we are left with:
builders who want to procccd dircctly to output is then:
the R2pro design and projects section are h^ ( t M ' + f-K (0COS
encouraged to skim quickly through the
math. Electrical Engineering graduate stu- [ 2 « ( t ; - f J t - « p , ( t ) + q > 0 - J c / 2 + 8]
dents should work slowly through the ma- = a s ( t ) cos [27t(f 0 - f s ) t - (f.s ( t ) + (p0 ]
Eq 9.8
terial step by step, because this stuff will Eq 9.4
be on the exam. Refer to Figs 9.7A-G that
appear after the equations.
9.4 Chapter 9
...where 2 i t ( f 0 - f s ) t - 0 s ( t ) + $ , , ( 0 = a W e n o w u s e a second a p p r o x i m a t i o n . Tf
[l + F.(f)]a s (t)cos
E and 8 are less than 0.1, then their p r o d u c t
and 8 ( f ) = b must b e less than (0.1) 2 = 0.01. T h u s the
2«(f„-fs)t-%(l)+1S»(f) last term a b o v e is a l w a y s m u c h less than
- it/2-1/2+s(f) the other three terms. O n c e again, the ap-
proximation error becomes vanishingly
= [l + e ( f ) ] a s (l)cos b
q ( 0 = ~ a s (t)cos small f o r high p e r f o r m a n c e s y s t e m s . Dis-
c a r d i n g the last t e r m , t h e Q signal at the
[ 2 * ( f o - O l " < f t (l)*% (f)_,l+ii(f)] ^ ( t o - f J t - P s ( 0 + ? » (f)]«'s[6(f)] o u t p u t of the b a s e b a n d all-pass n e t w o r k
E q 9.9 + a fi (t)sin
T h e I b a s e b a n d output at the output of
the all-pass n e t w o r k is: M f « - 0 ' - < P s ( 0 + f o (f)]sin[a(f)] b
q («)= - a 5 ( t ) c o s
- e(f')as (t)cos
bi(«)- [2*(f0-^)t-1>5(t)+1><,(f)]
a [2*(f0 - f s ) t - 9 s ( t ) + ' P „ ( r ) ] cos [ 8 ( f ) ] + S ( f ) a s (t)sin
s (t)cos[2jt(f0 - f s ) t - ( p s (t)+«p0 ( f ) ]
E q 9.10 + fi(f)as (t)sin
M f o - O t - * (O+v., ( 0 ]
[ 2 a ( f „ - f , ) t - < p 1 (t)+<p0 ( f ) + 8 ( f ) ] ...we m a y then use the " s m a l l a n g l e " ap- LSB out = + 8 ( f ) a s ( t ) s i n
E q 9.12 [2*(f0-fs)t-Vl(t)+q>0 (f)]
sinq> ® (p E q 9.16
- s ( f ) a s (t)cos
E q 9.20
Lq(t> Fig 9.7E knowing that the approximation errors are
very small in the range of interest. T h e ap-
proximation errors b e c o m e vanishingly
small when we reducc 8 still further, to the
Suppressing the Image limits needed for high performance systems.
Using the small angle a p p r o x i m a t i o n s ,
T h e b a s e b a n d I and Q all-pass filter
the f o u r Q t e r m s at the o u t p u t of t h e
outputs are a d d e d to i m p l e m e n t the i m a g c -
b a s e b a n d all-pass n e t w o r k b e c o m e :
r e j e c t f u n c t i o n . T o m a k e the a d d i t i o n
easier, the Q output m a y b e b r o k e n d o w n
into separate terms: b
'q ( t ) = - a s ( t ) c o s
S i n c e t h e r e l a t i v e m a g n i t u d e of t h e
a, ( t ) c o s [ - 2jt(i; - l 0 ) t <ps ( t ) + < p „ ]
a s ( t ) c o s [ 2 7 1 ( 1 ; - f „ ) t + (ps ( t ) + < f > 0 ( f ) ] a d d e d s i g n a l is 2 and t h e m a g n i t u d e of the
Eq 9.22 error t e r m s is:
+ as (i)cos[2e(is - f 0 ) t + (p< ( t ) - ( P o (0]
U s i n g the trig i d e n t i t y :
+ 5 ' ( f ) a s (t)sin toMwrf
cos a = cos (-a) Eq 9.23
[ 2 i r ( f s - f j t + t p , ( t ) + <p0 ( f ) ]
...the f a m i l i a r e x p r e s s i o n f o r o p p o s i t e
...we obtain t h e 1 m i x e r b a s e b a n d o u t p u t : s i d e b a n d s u p p r e s s i o n in d B for a g i v e n set
+ f.(f)as (l)cos
of a m p l i t u d e and p h a s e e r r o r s is e a s i l y
b " ( t ) = a , (l)cos obtained:
[ 2 t ( f « - f o ) ' + 1>5 ( t ) + « P 0 ( l ) ]
E q 9 - 2 4
[27t(f;-fo)t + tps(t)-tp0]
= 2 a , ( t ) c o s [2 7t(l s - f 0 ) t + <ps ( t ) + cp„ ( l ) ] Opposite sideband suppression in dB
+ 5'(f ) a s (t)sin
T h e Q m i x e r b a s e b a n d o u t p u t is (as = 201ogl/2{[8(f)]2+[C(f)]2f2
E q 9.30
before): M l s - f 0 ) t Kps ( t ) - < p „ ( f ) ]
9.6 Chapter 9
phase e r r o r s in d B a n d d e g r e e s . T o c o n v e r t v e r t i n g 0.1 d B to e: T h i s is an easy rule of t h u m b — t o obtain
amplitude error £ to dB, use 4 0 d B of o p p o s i t e s i d e b a n d s u p p r e s s i o n ,
g = 10Kerrordn>/2°l - 1 Eq 9.35 the a m p l i t u d e e r r o r s m u s t be kept u n d e r 0.1
:0log[l+e] E q 9.34 d B and the p h a s e e r r o r s u n d e r 1 d e g r e e .
Tn t h e r e c e i v e c a s e a n a l y z e d h e r e ,
= 1()0.005 _ 1 = 0 . 0 1 1 6
for e = 0.1 in t h e e x a m p l e a b o v e , t h e a m - s u m m i n g the 1 and Q channel o u t p u t s
p l i t u d e e r r o r in d B is 2 0 log ( 1 . 1 ) = 0 . 8 3 s u p p r e s s e s the l o w e r s i d e b a n d . T h e u p p e r
dB. ...and c o n v e n i n g t h e 1 - d e g r e e p h a s e e r r o r s i d e b a n d m a y be s u p p r e s s e d by first in-
T o c o n v e r t p h a s e e r r o r in r a d i a n s 8 t o to r a d i a n s v e r t i n g the Q c h a n n e l a n d t h e n s u m m i n g ,
error in d e g r e e s , m u l t i p l y 5 b y 5 7 . 3 (de- w h i c h s u b t r a c t s the 1 a n d Q c h a n n e l o u t -
grees p e r r a d i a n ) . F o r t h e e x a m p l e a b o v e . 5 = 1/57.3 = 0 . 0 1 7 5 p u t s . N o t e t h a t t h i s is t h e r e v e r s e of
!he p h a s e e r r o r in d e g r e e s is 5 . 7 3 d e g r e e s . w h a t h a p p e n s in a p h a s i n g S S B t r a n s m i t -
As an e x a m p l e g o i n g the o p p o s i t e d i r e e - U s i n g the e x p r e s s i o n for s i d e b a n d s u p - ter, w h e r e s u m m i n g the I a n d Q c h a n n e l
lion, s u p p o s e a p h a s i n g r e c e i v e r s y s t e m pression: RF outputs suppresses the upper side-
has 1 - d e g r e e m a x i m u m p h a s e e r r o r and b a n d . T h i s i n t e r e s t i n g r e s u l t m u s t be c o n -
0.1 d B m a x i m u m a m p l i t u d e e r r o r . W h a t is 2 0 log 1(0.01 16)2 + (0.0175)2] » n sidered when designing phasing S S B
the o p p o s i t e s i d e b a n d s u p p r e s s i o n ? C o n - = - 3 9 . 6 dB E q 9.36 transceivers.
Fig 9.8—If voltages are not sinusoidal, simple low-pass filters will remove harmonics, and if impedances are different from
50 Q, transformers may be used. This technique results in receivers with very predictable performance, and many parts. A
conservative frequency converter using this approach is shown here.
T 0.1 pF
15 pF
220 pF
Fig 9,11—A simple fixed-frequency receiver using a single crystal filter. The two crystals are the same frequency, and the
input circuit tunes from 3.5 to 7.5 MHz.
9.8 Chapter 9
function. The difficulty arises when per-
formance needs to be improved, or the cir-
cuit function is interconnected with other
circuit blocks in a new and different way.
It is important to recognize that both
approaches to RK circuit design are vi-
able—the first offers higher performance
f r o m the out.set. and a path to constant
performance improvement by measuring
and analyzing distortion and making in-
cremental changes to the circuit blocks.
The second approach involves more cre-
ativity and risk taking: attempts at new
minimum-parts-count circuits often fail;
and without 50 £2 ports, it is difficult to
make diagnostic measurements without
upsetting circuit behavior. Creative think-
ing, either in developing original circuits
or pondering why they d o n ' t work as ex-
pected. is the delightful process designers
use to solve problems.
There is a valid argument for both ap-
proaches to receiver projects—delightful
simplicity is always a virtue—but there is a
compelling argument for taking the
methodical, analytical. 50-Q approach to
developing phasing receivers. A phasing re-
ceiver is a balanced system that depends on
Fig 9.12—If the product detector is operated at a fixed frequency, crystal filter matching both amplitude and phase across
selectivity may be combined with a phasing product detector. This figure shows significant bandwidth.*. through at least one
the basic circuit with a single-crystal CW filter connected directly to the product frequency conversion, and with significant
detector. It doesn't work as expected. band limiting needed in both I and 0 chan-
nels. Any deviation from perfect balance
degrades opposite sideband suppression.
Since amplitude and phase are both strong
functions of termination impedances at
mixer and ampli fier ports, defining and con-
trolling these impedances is the first step in
building successful phasing receivers.
As an example of the problems that arise
when impedance matching is ncglected.
let's look at a minimum-parts-count ini-
age-rcjcct detector that might be used in a
simple C W receiver. Fig 9.10 illustrates
the circuit. The RF ports of the two bal-
anced diode mixers are simply tied to-
gether. and the L O and IF ports are quadra-
ture split and combined using hybrid
circuits. This circuit provides a useful re-
duction in opposite sideband interference
The selectivity curve is very similar to the
classic receivers with single crystal filters
and phasing controls.
The circuit in Fig 9.10 might be used as
the product detector in a simple superhet
receiver. For comparison. Fig 9.11 is a
simple fixed-frequency I F receiver using
a single crystal filter. The image-reject
product detector has a f e w more parts.
If the product detector is operated at a
fixed frequency, crystal filter selectivity
may be combined with a phasing product
detector. Fig 9.12 is the basic circuit with
Fig 9.13—This circuit, with a buffer amplifier between the crystal filter and image-
a single-crystal CW filter connected di-
reject mixer, works as expected, with more than 40 dB of opposite sideband
suppression at 1-kHz offset. rectly to the product detector. The crystal
9.10 Chapter 9
In the past f e w years, digital m o d e s that
use a c o m p u t e r sound card connected to
the m i c r o p h o n e input of a S S B transmitter
have become popular. Transmitters for
these m o d e s b e n e f i t f r o m having much
lower distortion than S S B or keyed-car-
rier C W transmitters. C o m b i n i n g a phas-
ing exciter with a crystal filler and very
low distortion R F amplifier would m a k e it
Fig 9.15—This test setup was used for a set of experiments to investigate the possible to generate a PSK-31 signal that
minimum sideband suppression needed for good SSB reception. would be stunningly clean. P S K - 3 1 opera-
tors display the w h o l e s p e c t r u m of re-
ceived in-channel distortion products on
strong signals, so a clean signal is instantly
recognizable on the air. Because P S K - 3 1
stations operate in narrow bands, with tun-
ing p e r f o r m e d in baseband signal process-
ing, a dedicated P S K - 3 1 exciter and crys-
tal filter can be built at the final output
f r e q u e n c y , with no need for heterodyning.
9.12 Chapter 9
using op-amps easily provide more than site sideband, and they are so simple that these receivers are appealing as design
40 dB. Since op-amps, resistors and ca- the question "is additional selectivity projects revisiting the classic homebrew
pacitors are all very inexpensive, the cost desirable enough to warrant significant projects of the past century. The drawback
saving f r o m relaxing the sideband sup- additional circuitry?" must always be to these discrete transistor receivers is that
pression specification f r o m 40 to 30 dB is asked. For many portable, emergency, and they don't take advantage of the remark-
seldom worthwhile. On the other hand, casual listening requirements, the answer able properties of operational amplifiers.
there is interest and value in revisiting is no. Furthermore, the simple receiver is O p - a m p s are little analog mathematical
classic circuitry, and a design using mod- such an important standard of comparison processors, and even if you skipped the
ern discrete components and a classic- that it is useful to periodically design and math, it is important to r e m e m b e r that
passive audio phase-shift network is build simple receivers for applications op-amps do math with fewer errors and
appealing. As an aside—not every design where relaxed selectivity requirements or approximations than discrete components.
should be built. There is tremendous value better sounding audio are the goal.
in notebook designs that work the prob-
lem without making it to the bench, and Receivers Designed for
experiments on the bench that are never Receivers Designed for more than 40 dB
connccted to the antenna. L e s s than 20 dB Opposite Sideband
Opposite Sideband Suppression
Opposite Sideband Suppression If op-amps are to be used in a receiver,
Suppression in Having built and experimented with the there is little point in restricting the audio
Receivers "no selectivity" variant, a simple drop-in phase-shift networks to 2nd order, and al-
image-reject mixer can make a useful im- most nothing to be gained by going to 4th
For receivers, arguments can be made provement in the performance of basic C W order. Standard 3rd order networks can
for almost any level of audio image sup- and SSB receivers. The circuit in Fig 9.22 reliably provide more than 40 dB of oppo-
pression, from 100 dB to none at all. It is
can replace the diode ring mixer in a 40- site sideband suppression, the point at
hard for a receiver with any degree of use-
meter direct conversion rig. Opposite side- which limitations other than audio phase
ful selectivity to compare with the sonic
band suppression will be moderately good shift network phase and amplitude accu-
appeal of a wide-open direct conversion
at a single frequency, near 800 Hz, and racy begin to dominate. The miniR2 block
receiver or properly adjusted Rcgen. On
will degrade rapidly as the receiver is diagram shown in Fig 9.23, is an example
the other hand, C W operators during a
tuned away in either direction. The re- of a good basic design for an image-reject
contest often try to copy weak signals at
ceiver response sounds very much like that direct conversion receiver. For a receiver
the noise floor in the presence of signals
of a 1940's classic receiver with a single without AGC, 40 dB of opposite sideband
90 dB stronger only a few kHz away. There
crystal filter and front panel phasing con- suppression sounds astonishingly good.
is no easy " 4 0 dB is enough" answer for
receivers. Instead, there is a complex rela- trol—with a single deep notch in the oppo- C W signals simply disappear when a good
tionship between receiver topology, spec- site sideband. The performance of this cir- phasing receiver is tuned through zero
tral purity, dynamic range, circuit com- cuit is disappointing on the test bench, but beat. This is a revelation to experimenters
plexity, expense, difficulty of adjustment, it can sound very good on bands with few familiar with conventional superhet de-
the need for AGC, operating habits, audio signals close to the noise level, it is prima- signs using SSB bandwidth filters, or
distortion, LO phase noise...the list is long rily useful for CW. when combined with a simple CW crystal filters. The 40 dB op-
enough that virtually every receiver ex- narrow audio C W filter. Besides the obvi- posite sideband range is the most practical
perimenter will come up with a different ous advantage of being a drop-in replace- realm for direct conversion phasing
requirement. There is, however, one piece ment for a diode ring mixer in a DSB re- receivers. Receivers at this opposite side-
of advice that has been distilled from sev- ceiver, this circuit is also attractive band suppression level sound very good,
eral generations of SSB and C W receiver because it is entirely passive. can be reliably reproduced, provide more
experimenters: time spent experimenting than enough selectivity for most HF and
with a good, straight D S B direct conver-
sion receiver connectcd to an antenna is
Receivers Designed for virtually all V H F applications, and will
perform without adjustment indefinitely.
part of your receiver education. You can't more than 30 dB
be a gourmet if you have never set foot in Opposite Sideband Receivers Designed for
a kitchen, and there is a significant knowl- Suppression more than SO dB
edge gap in your receiver background if
you h a v e n ' t performed the fundamental The next level of circuit complexity in- Opposite Sideband
volves the use of a matched pair of product
experiment of collecting radio signals on a
detectors and audio preamplifiers, driving Suppression
wire, converting them to audio with a
mixer and oscillator, amplifying them with a classic passive RC phase-shift network. A well-designed 3rd order op-amp all-
a few transistors, and listening to them on This is appealing for historical reasons, pass network built with selected compo-
headphones. This basic experience is the particularly if discrete FETs are used to nents can provide more than 50 dB of op-
common ground shared by receiver ex- replace the standard vacuum tube func- posite sideband suppression. 4th order
perimenters. tions. Simple direct conversion receiver networks can provide more than 70 dB of
circuits with good opposite sideband sup- opposite sideband suppression, on paper.
Since there is no easy sideband suppres- pression—30 dB across a SSB bandwidth Large polyphase networks are capable of
sion number, we will take a different ap- or 40 dB across a CW band—may be de- similar numbers. The difficulty is that very
proach to receiver opposite sideband sup- signed by optimizing for reduced parts small differences in the phase-versus-au-
pression: how difficult it is to meet a count. Numerous examples of such receiv- dio frequency andamplilude-versus-audio
particular spec. T h e simplest receivers ers have appeared in European journals frequency between the two channels puts
have no provisions for reducing the oppo- such as Sprat over the years. Once again. a limit on sideband suppression. For 40 dB
L / r r r v n n r r v ^
I XL84 J XL84 T l
Xc xc
100 100T
22 pF 82
-|( 1—VvV-
470 pF
9.14 Chapter 9
RF In/Out
LO In f -
XC1 35 Ohms
XC2, XC3 70 Ohms
XC4, XC5 100 Ohms
50 Ohm USB Rx Audio Out
XL1, XL2 70 Ohms
T1 Bifilar Each Winding 50 Ohms 50 Ohm LSB Tx Audio In
Audio Capacitors Poly Film
Audio Inductors Toko 10RB Series
Fig 9.21—A modulator-demodulator circuit using a dual quadrature hybrid that provides 20 dB of opposite sideband
s u p p r e s s i o n over a reasonable portion of the audio range.
L / T T T V .
L2 X
" J .
LO In Fig 9.24—The complete schematic of
the bandpass diplexer used in the R2.
Fig 9.23—An example of a good basic design for an image-reject direct conversion receiver.
9.16 Chapter 9
I Amplitude
. . . VdB<l3) - V d B (Q3)
4 Od
Fig 9.26—The simplified diplexer
networks used in the miniR2.
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0
o « » VdB (13) Frequency in kHz
9.18 Chapter 9
In a Binaural IQ receiver the I and Q
channels are preserved all the way to the 1 pF
headphones. Fig 9.29 (see next two pages)
is a binaural receiver circuit from March
1999 OST. Sorting out the signals and
interference is done using the ear-brain
processor. As illustrated in the experiment
described earlier, an outboard network
built around an audio phase-shift network
may be used to further process (he I and Q
channels. The network shown in Fig 9.30
provides some sideband suppression and
CW selectivity. The network in Fig 9.31
provides [SB headphone output. Phasing
circuitry and recombining are normally
performed at low signal levels in receiv-
ers, to keep the amount of circuitry that
must be precisely matchcd between the 1
and Q channels to a minimum. Binaural
receivers built with standard tolerance
components do not provide the I Q phase
and amplitude precision needed to achieve
high levels of opposite sideband suppres-
sion with outboard networks. Binaural re- Fig 9.30—This outboard binaural network provides some sideband suppression
ceivers are a delightful way to listen, and and CW selectivity.
also have many uses on the experimenter's
bench. For example, a binaural receiver
tuned across a C W signal from a crystal
oscillator is a precise, low-distortion au- 1.8 fjF
dio signal generator with matched I Q out-
puts—just the ticket for making circles on
an X-Y oscilloscope.
221 #22 on
Tap at 5 Turns
9.20 Chapter 9
Switched +12 V to VFO
citcr is to tune its low level output on a observed on an oscilloscope, and phase level 1000-Hz sine wave tone injected into
receiver with low distortion, very good and amplitude trimmers adjusted to reduce the microphone input, the SSB exciter will
selectivity, and selectable sidebands. In- the audio amplitude variations in the out- have a little output at the suppressed car-
ject a pure sine wave audio tone into the put waveform. It is difficult to reduce spu- rier frequency f„; a desired sideband out-
microphone input and switch back and rious outputs by more than 40 dB while put 1000 Hz away; a suppressed opposite
forth between the desired and undesired observing the exciter output on an oscillo- sideband 1000 H i on the other side of the
sidebands while adjusting the exciter scope, because the carrier, opposite side- carrier frequency; and distortion products.
phase and amplitude trimmers. Then band. distortion products, harmonics on The distortion products can be made arbi-
sweep the audio tone frequency from the audio input tone, and power supply trarily small by reducing the audio tone
300 to 3000 Hz to verify that sideband sup- hum and noise all contribute to amplitude level at the microphone input. The desired
pression holds across the desired audio modulation of the desired sine wave RF sideband, carrier, and opposite sideband
passband. output. all beat together in the diode detector, and
An SSB exciter with a pure sine wave There is a elever old technique for ad- the audible beats may be heard on the
audio tone into the microphone input gen- justing opposite sideband suppression that headphones. Imperfect carrier suppres-
erates a sine wave RF output. Residual does not require a good receiver or oscil- sion results in a 1000-Hz audio tone, and
carrier and opposite sideband energy am- loscope. The exciter output is connected poor opposite sideband suppression re-
plitude modulates the desired sine wave through a suitable attenuator into a diode sults in a 2000-Hz audio lone. The SSB
RF output. The SSB exciter output may be detector with headphones. With a low- exciter phase and amplitude trimmers may.
1 Mixer Low-Pass
9.22 Chapter 9
Varying L2 from 710 nH Trim
through 870 nM gives ± 2 0 s 7.5 k
C2 160 pF £R3
phase shift wfth± 0.4 dB L1 {Ls1} ?S0
amplitude offset PTHfHPt
790 nH
F« -
L2{Ls2) 1003
ct ; L r r m .
330 pF 790 nH
V C3 : : ' 6 0 pF
S11 R1
1M Varying C3 from 128 pF through 192 pF (20%)
gives ± 4.0° phase shift with less than 0.025 dB
amplitude offset.
w invert
_ _ Aii-pass r*}
tracted to the I channel signal. T h e s a m e
principle may be applied to receivers. It is
necessary to d o the phase t r i m m i n g at a
point in the audio circuitry where the sig-
nals in the two channels are 90 degrees
apart, that is. between the mixers and the
audio phase shift networks in both receiv-
ers and exciters.
4 1 - , TO
q ^ t AFPSN 2
Sideband Selection
In the mathematical description of a
phasing receiver, the lower sideband is sup-
pressed when the 90° shifted audio is mul-
tiplied with the 90° shifted LO, and the
outputs of the two mixers are added. A
single change in sign anywhere in the math-
ematical description will result in the sup-
pression of the upper sideband instead. The
sign change may be accomplished in prac-
tice by using a 180° combiner to sum the
mixer outputs, inverting the audio drive to
one of side of the audio phase shift net-
work, interchanging the LO I and Q mixer
connections, adding a half-wavelength of
transmission line to one of the LO ports or
between the RF splitter and one of the
mixer RF ports, or interchanging the mixer
I F ports. The block d i a g r a m in Fig 9.36
illustrates all of these options, but remem-
ber that only one is needed. Switching side-
bands will generally introduce a different
set of amplitude and phase errors. For sys-
tems that need lo perform equally well on
sideband, the I and Q channels a f t e r the Q channel to the I channel. If the phase either sideband, the phase and amplitude
a u d i o p h a s e - s h i f t network in an exciter error is in the opposite direction, then a a d j u s t m e n t s may either be front panel
need to have the s a m e signal, but 9 0 small a m o u n t of the Q channel signal can mounted and adjusted every time the other
degrees out of phase. If there is a phase be s u b t r a c t e d to a c h i e v e cxactly 9 0 sideband is selected, or an independent set
error, the angle b e t w e e n the I and Q c h a n - degrees p h a s e shift. T h e o p - a m p circuit in of phase and amplitude adjustments may
nels will not be 90 degrees. It is possible to Fig 9.35. s i m i l a r to one p u b l i s h e d by be used for each sideband. Fig 9.37 shows
obtain exactly 9 0 degrees of phase shift by Blanchard. permits a small a m o u n t of Q one way this may be accomplished.
adding a small a m o u n t of the signal in the channel signal to be either added or sub-
9.24 Chapter 9
hqual amplitude I and Q LO may be ob- use from 300 to 3000 Hz, but we wouldn't menters who build their first phasing rigs
' dined by following such a network with a want to use a wideband unity-gain op-amp are often amazed at how much different an
miter. Phase shift networks using split- circuit as the RF input stage of a receiver. LO phase shift pair works when connected
-•:>. and lengths of transmission line, ei- On the other hand, there are many simple to mixers than when it is observed with
ther actual coax or lumped element in-phase splitters that provide good phase 50-£2 loads on an oscilloscope. It is com-
iquivalenis, have well matched amplitude and amplitude accuracy over a wide band- mon for the phase adjustment range to be
over a wide frequency range, but 90" phase width. For this reason, we almost always too small, and additional capacitors often
thift at only one frequency. It is difficult put the 90° phase shift network in the LO need to be tacked on the bottom of the cir-
to build a passive network that provides path and an in-phase splitter in the RF path. cuit board at one mixer LO port or the
both precise amplitude balance and a 90° One reason that we might choose to use other. In many applications, the phasing
output pair over a wide RF bandwidth. in-phase LO and quadrature RF is that the receiver or cxcitcr only needs to operate at
With wideband op-amps, we can use the RF ports of diode-ring mixers are often a single frequency or over a very narrow
same circuitry from 3 to 30 MHz that wc better behaved than the LO ports. Experi- band—for example, when following a
Fig 9.38— A good combination of LO quadrature network and RF splitter for HF and low VHF single-band receivers and
9.26 Chapter 9
5V p-p encouraged. C M O S logic with a 5 V sup- is often not in the "high-performance re-
Square Wave ply can drive +7 dBm into diode mixers ceiver" category, and the miniR2 circuit pro-
/ L using the circuit in Fig 9.41. The pi net- vides more than enough signal processing
work converts the high-impedance IC performance. The extra design and construc-
square wave output into a sine wave and tion time and expense to use the R2 and
transforms the impedance down to drive R2pro circuitry is wasted if receiver system
the 5 0 - a load. The pi network output ca- performance is limited by the LO.
pacitor is a convenient point to trim the Digital L O generation, and L O buffer
phase. A simple logic L O phase-shift net- amplifier distortion generate L O signals
work is shown in Fig 9.42. Instead of a that may be very rich in harmonics. Har-
Hg 9.41—CMOS logic with a 5 V supply frequency divider to obtain the 90° output monics are important in phasing systems,
ean drive +7 dBm into diode mixers pair, an RC network is used. The inverters because a phase shift in a harmonic will
w i n g this circuit The pi network following the R C network act as hard lim- shift the phase of the composite waveform.
converts the high-impedance IC square iters, and the networks on the output pro- Even if the I Q 1.0 provides a perfect pair
save output into a sine wave and vide +7 dBm into 50 £J and a convenient of sine waves, harmonics are generated in
transforms the impedance down to
phase trim. the mixer. A conservative approach to
* i v a a SO-n load.
Some DDS ICs provide I and Q outputs. control of harmonic phase is to drive the
These may be used with a broadband RF mixer LO ports with wideband b u f f e r
splitter and switched RF low-pass filters to amplifiers and resistive attenuators. For
build simple general coverage phasing rigs, most applications, a more practical ap-
and experiments along these lines are en- proach is to have a wide range available on
couraged. For wideband rigs, it is convenient the phase trim adjustment to compensate
to do both the amplitude and phase trimming for harmonic phase effects.
at baseband, using the op-amp circuitry- If the phase trim adjustment docs not
shown earlier. The phase noise performance have enough range, a c o m m o n technique
of wide range DDS based Local Oscillators is to tack a small value (start with a few pFi
capacitor f r o m one mixer LO port to
ground. If the opposite sideband suppres-
sion improves, leave the chip capacitor in
place and readjust. If opposite sideband
network. suppression degrades, move the capacitor
to the other mixer. Add enough capaci-
tance that the phase trim adjustment range
Mages of a phasing rig. It is much better to permits the opposite sideband suppression
adjust it once, solder everything in placc, to be nulled. It may be necessary to add a
«nd then leave it alone. If the rig has cables surprisingly large value capacitor before
with connectors, they will eventually be the phase is equalized. 100 p F will shift a
needed for other projects and borrowed. 40-meler signal in a 50-12 system about
Then new cables will have to be made up 10 degrees.
to get the phasing rig running again, and at
2 meters a few tenths of an inch makes a
difference. Three of the most reliable rigs Fig 9,43—This simple quadrature hybrid
Audio Phase Shift
at KK7B use phase shift networks that circuit has good performance at only Networks
were adjusted by squeezing turns on a tor- one audio frequency, but it is truly A collection of audio phase-shift net-
oid. and then the turns were locked in place elegant in its simplicity and provides
trivial sideband switching, draws no works is shown in the next set of figures.
with nail polish. All three still provide
current, and offers the possibility of The simple quadrature hybrid circuit in
more than 40 dB of opposite sideband sup-
binaural independent sideband listening. Fig 9.43 has good performance at only one
pression after years of portable operation
and world travel.
Digital ICs configured as frequency di-
viders can provide accurate 90° phase
shift, and have o f t e n appeared in print.
They have been used less often, partly
because logic levels are not the appropri-
ate drive f o r any of the more c o m m o n mix-
ers used in receivers and exciters, and
partly because m a n y m o r e people have
written about phasing rigs than have actu-
ally designed and built them. There may
be parts of the brain that, once used to
grasp fundamental digital concepts, are no
longer capable of understanding basic RF.
If so then the reverse is also probably true.
Experiments with logic phase shift net- Fig 9.44—A broadband version of the circuit in Fig 9.43 provides marginal
works and commutating mixers are highly performance over a wider bandwidth, but good performance nowhere.
Fig 9.4S—FET drive and load circuits for using classic Fig 9.46—BJT drive and load circuits tor using classic
second-order RC networks in exciters and receivers. second-order RC networks in exciters and receivers.
audio frequency, but it is truly elegant in capable of good performance in both ex- the gain f r o m Vi through the non-invert-
its simplicity and provides trivial sideband citer and receiver applications, but will not ing input is 0, and the gain f r o m Vi through
switching, draws no current, and offers the provide the same level of performance as the inverting input is still - 1 . The sum is
possibility of binaural independent side- the c o m m o n third-order op-amp networks - 1 . The frequency f Q occurs when XC1 =
band listening. It offers a real performance or polyphase R C networks. Since net- R I . The voltage at the non-inverting input
improvement over the simplest DSB di- works with better performance are n o at f„ is 0.5( 1 -j). The gain f r o m Vi through
rect conversion and regenerative receiv- more difficult to build, there is no obvious the non-inverting input at f 0 is 1 -j. The sum
ers. The broadband version in Fig 9.44 technical reason to use the classic circuitry of the outputs from Vi through the invert-
provides marginal p e r f o r m a n c e over a in a rig with modern parts. There is. how- ing and non-inverting inputs is - 1 + (1-j)
wider bandwidth, but good performance ever, an appeal to simple circuitry, and = -j. Thus, the all-pass op-amp circuit has
nowhere. One difficulty with passive LC even the solid-state circuits of the "60s are unity gain all the way from dc to high fre-
audio quadrature hybrid networks using now old enough to be included in the clas- quencies, and a phase shift o f - 9 0 " at f 0 . A
pot-corc inductors is maintaining induc- sic category. A complete phasing trans- phasing rig with j u s t one op-amp
tor tolerances. The inductance can vary mitter using point-to-point wiring and all-pass network could have perfect oppo-
over a wide range depending on the tight- only two and three terminal devices (no site sideband suppression at one frequency
ness of screw holding the pot core halves ICs) could be part of a '60s vintage home- f 0 . By adding a second all-pass network in
together, and a mechanical jolt can result brew station, and more importantly, could the other channel with a d i f f e r e n t fre-
in a big inductance shift. sound exceptionally good on the air. It is quency f 0 , a phase difference of approxi-
critical to remember that the drive and load mately 90° can be maintained over a small
Second-order R C audio phase-shift net-
impedances, and the relative drive levels, bandwidth. This might be u s e f u l f o r a
works were used in the classic homebrew
are part of the network. Figs 9.45 and 9.46 simple C W receiver or a SSB transmitter
and commercial rigs of the '50s. They are
show several different drive and load cir- with very relaxed (20 dB) opposite side-
cuits f o r using classic second-order R C band suppression requirements. Fig 9.48
networks in exciters and receivers. C o m - is a pair of ail-pass networks with the 90°
ponents are standard 1® resistors and frequencies chosen for good suppression
matched capacitors. over an audio band f r o m 4 7 0 to 9 0 0 Hz,
and Fig 9.49 is a pair that provides at least
Fig 9.47 is a single stage op-amp all-
21 dB suppression from 360 Hz to 2050
pass network. This is such a c o m m o n
Hz. Figs 9.50 and 9.51 show the phase
circuit in phasing rigs that it is useful to
errors f r o m 0 to 4 kHz. The errors may be
examine its behavior. At DC. C1 is an open
reduced by adding more sections and re-
circuit. The gain from Vi through the non-
Fig 9.47—A single-stage op-amp all-
inverting input is +2. The gain f r o m Vi
through the inverting input is - 1 . These
two add together for a net gain of +1 at
DC. At high frequency, CI effectively
calculating the all-pass network frequen-
cies. Adding a second pair of op-amps al-
lows us to achieve better opposite
sideband suppression p e r f o r m a n c e over
wider bandwidths. Fig 9.52 illustrates a
pass network. shorts the inverting input to ground. Then
9.28 Chapter 9
achieve almost 60 dB of sideband suppres-
sion f r o m 2 7 0 Hz through 3600 Hz. if the
rest of the receiver were pcrfect. With this
10.0 k
n e t w o r k , other receiver c o n s i d e r a t i o n s
will set the practical limit for sideband sup-
10.0 k / " s T T pression. F o r most applications, the third-
^ f—I
r 6.81 k
' order all-pass network pair shown in Fig
9.56 is r e c o m m e n d e d . Fig 9.57 s h o w s the
p h a s e errors. O p - a m p s , resistors and ca-
pacitors arc inexpensive, and this network
0.010 has been widely duplicated. Note that one
'i resistor value, 1.52 kf2. is not a standard
1% c o m p o n e n t . A 1 . 5 0 - k f i and a 2 0 - f J
10.0 k
r e s i s t o r i n series will stand side-by-side on
the PC board.
10.0 k /V »OK /V
265 Hz-1360 Hz Maximum phase error 1* • 0.0175 radians. 226 Hz - 4250 Hz Maximum phase error 5 6 = 0.087 radians,
Minimum opposite sideband suppression 41 dB Minimum opposite sideband suppression 27 dB
Fig 9.52—A second-order all-pass network pair for CW Fig 9.54—This second-order all-pass network provides more
receivers that provides more than 50 dB of opposite sideband than 36 dB of opposite sideband suppression from 250 Hz to
suppression from 300 Hz to 1120 Hz. 3650 Hz for SSB operation.
2nd Order Op-Amp CW All-Pass Phase Error 2nd Order Op-Amp SSB All-Pass Phase Error
40(1 ,
0.0 OS t.O 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 0.0 0.5 1-0 1.5 2.0 2.5 30 3.5 4.0 4.5
Frequency ficHz) Frequency (kHz)
9.30 Chapter 9
Fig 9.56—Adding a third pair of op-amps allows us to build a Fig 9.57—Phase errors in the network shown in Fig 9.56. Note
network with small enough amplitude and phase errors that the change in scale.
we could achieve almost 60 dB of sideband suppression from
270 Hz through 3600 Hz, if the rest of the receiver were
Fig 9.58—A simulation of the phase error when component Fig 9.59—A simulation with 0.5% errors,
values vary by 1% or less. Selecting the resistors and
capacitors by hand using an accurate ohm and farad meter
will improve performance.
9.32 Chapter 9
The R2pro is an image-reject direct eon- nates sensitivity to dc power supply volt- Multiple Circuit Boards
version receiver subsystem consisting of age variations.
There is a significant problem with direct
several circuit boards. Ii is intended for Many experimenters have used the ba-
conversion receivers built on a single circuit
applications where a performance im- sic R2 and miniR2 circuitry as the foun-
board. RF grounding and shielding tech-
provement over the basic miniR2 circuit is dation for experiments using DDS fre-
niques are very different than the grounding
desired, or for experimental applications quency synthesizers and DSP audio signal
and shielding techniques needed for high-
where access to signals throughout the processing, as suggested in the original
gain audio amplifier circuitry. If the low-
system is needed. For most applications, QST articles. We have built a dozen dif-
level RF signals, high-level LO signal, all
the miniR2 circuit provides excellent per- ferent R2 and miniR2 receivers and trans-
the mixer conversion products, and high-
formance using off-the-shelf parts. The ceivers for a wide variety of fixed and
gain audio amplifier are all on the same cir-
R2pro requires hand-matched components portable applications—often with out-
cuit board, there must be compromises in
and careful measurements during con- standing results, and sometimes immedi-
grounding and shielding. These compro-
struction. It is intended to be used with RF ately indicating directions for further
mises were handled on the R l , R2 and
gain, and its design flexibility requires that work.
miniR2 boards by designing the ground
some engineering decisions be made by After all this learning experience, it was traces such that the audio stages saw an ap-
the builder. natural to update the original high-per- proximate single-point-ground and the area
formance phasing receiver circuit. A around the mixers was an unbroken ground
number of revised versions have been plane. Any of these single-board receivers
Review of Previous built—but the requirement that the new- can be made to oscillate by connecting the
version work better than the original is
Work tough. The original circuitry, and the cir-
power-supply or speaker ground wire to the
wrong point on the circuit board ground,
The phasing receiver described in Janu- cuit board layout, were optimized over a even though all of the grounds arc connected
ary 1993 QST was developed in parallel period of more than a year of continuous together. For a review of audio grounding
with the "High Performance Direct Con- activity. techniques, see Horowitz and Hill, The Arr
version Receiver," described in the Au- of Electronics.
gust 1992 issue. All of the basic circuitry
from the straight DSB receiver was dupli- Updating the R2 The conflicting requirement for an RF
cated onto the phasing receiver circuit tight enclosure and a single-point audio
The first task in updating the R2 circuit
boards, with appropriate additions for ground makes it difficult to package single
was to determine what needed to change. board direct conversion receivers. Early
eliminating the undesired sideband. The
The following list was formulated: versions of the Rl and R2 direct conver-
audio quality of the August 1992 DSB di-
rect conversion receiver remains a bench- •Replace the SBL-1 mixers with the sion receivers pictured in QST were en-
mark for amateur receivers. The phasing TUF-3 package. closed in soldered-up copper-clad PC
version sounds good, but summing two •Replace the LM 387 audio IC with a mod- board enclosures. Other packages, par-
channels with different time delays (as re- ern low-noise dual op-amp ticularly those made of aluminum pieces
quired by the imagc-reject circuitry) •Revise the audio diplexers for belter tol- held together with screws—are prone to
erance to component variation intermittent audio oscillations and micro-
modifies the impulse response of the
•improve opposite sideband suppression phonics. Breaking up the receiver into
channel, and the receiver loses some of its
•Improve receiver system noise figure separate functional blocks—each with its
presence. This is exactly the same effect
•Improve audio stability own circuit board—provides more
one encounters with a SSB bandwidth
•Make it easier to build advanced experi- grounding flexibility. Then the PC board
crystal filter in a conventional supcrhet.
mental receivers with the mixers can be completely
After several hundred R2 receivers had
•Design a receiver circuit that rewards shielded, and the PC board with the audio
been built, the second-generation miniR2
component selection with performance output amplifier can have a single point
circuit was developed. The miniR2 cir- •Eliminate distortion from the muting ground. By optimizing the gain partition-
cuit board is half the size of the original circuit ing and packaging of the receiver, hum
R2, and has only headphone output. and microphonics can be eliminated and
MiniR2 circuitry is simplified and has •Improve LO reverse isolation
the placement of ground connections be-
improved tolerance of component varia- The new receiver was named the R2pro. comes much less critical. As a fringe ben-
tions, so that good performance may be The philosophy is that the R2pro trades efit. breaking up the PC board makes it
obtained without hand-matching the au- more expensi ve construction, more expen- easier to build experimental versions us-
dio diplexer components. The audio filter sive components, component matching, ing DSP. different mixers, audio proces-
component count was reduced to fit all of design flexibility, and a higher level sors and power amplifiers etc.
the parts on the small circuit board, but of builder knowledge and experience
audio quality was not compromised. The for slightly improved performance over
miniR2 is suitable for use with head- the miniR2. The miniR2 circuit is a
Block by Block R2pro
phones or an external audio power ampli- better choice for most applications,
fier. The complete schematic for the particularly when small size or battery Circuit Description
miniR2 circuit board is in Fig 9.62. There operation is desired. The R2pro is for The R2pro block diagram is shown in
is only one modification from the original designer-builders who want to go to the Fig 9.63. Note that ihe R2pro system de-
QST article circuit—the O.l.uF capacitor extra effort and expense required to push sign includes an RF prcamp, and that the
in series with the inverting input to the a receiver to the limits of the direct con- audio output stage is a completely sepa-
summing amplifier. This capacitor elimi- version architecture. rate block.
S'F . r r r r i
T < 5 1 2.7 k
rb p ^ T
. 1 uF
^ P o l y
10.0 k 10.0 k
r W r -
220 3.9 m H
j - . r r m
T 1 5 1 1_5jjF_L
- V A — 1
0.1 |JF
H ( —
' 10 p F
220 pF
220 pF
harmonics of the LO. The bias switch is
part of the receiver mute circuit, and
switches the amplifier gain between +13
dB and - 4 0 dB. The grounded gale topol-
ogy is a strong 40-dB attenuator when it is
reverse biased, a n d e a n be switched in as a
front-end attenuator when very strong sig-
nals are present, without introducing
front-end distortion. It is common for
direct conversion receivers to experience
Fig 9.63—The R2pro block diagram. audible pops during full break-in C W op-
eration. One source of these pops is the dc
shift at the mixer IF port when the strong
T X signal appears at the mixer RF
RF PREAMP receivers are sensitive to signals near the port. One solution is to switch in a large
odd harmonics of the desired signal, it is attenuator between the antenna switch and
The first block in the R 2 p r o receiver
necessary to provide significant attenua- mixer R F port. The "sleeping bag radio"
subsystem is the R F preamp. The use of a
tion to signals above the band of interest. described in Chapter 12 uses a similar
preamp permits additional mixer loss in
This is particularly important in metro- preamp circuit in front of a miniR2 board,
the design for improved dynamic range,
politan areas with many FM broadcast sig- and has absolutely clean transmit/reccive
improved phase and amplitude balance
nals. A separate RF-iight enclosure is switching at all volume levels. Fig 9.65
over the baseband frequency range, con-
appropriate. shows the swept frequency response for
stant impedance at the downconverter R F
several different bands. The typical input
port, and lower L O radiation from the re- The grounded gate circuit in Fig 9.64
intercept of +13 dBm is a good match for
ceiver RF port. The basic design shown in was designed specifically to use in front of
receivers with standard level diode ring
Fig 9.64 is highly recommended, but any direct conversion receivers at M F through
low-noise, moderate-gain 50-£2 bandpass VHF. Low-pass filtering in the input and
amplifier with high reverse isolation (S12) output match to the transistor provides the The amplifier noise figure of approxi-
may be used. Because direct conversion necessary attenuation of signals near odd mately 4 dB and the relatively low gain of
8 8 8 88 • 12 v |l Wv-
J -XJ ^ si/ I
otAku? rrt rh
Band C1 L1 C2 L2 C3 C4 L3 C5 L4 C6 C7
3-4 820p 1.3.U 1800p 4.0)11 820p 100p 20|± 6 8 Op 3.8U 4 7 Op 2200p
6-8 470p 680n 820p 2.0M 470p 56p 10|I 390p 1.9u 220p 1000p
9-11 330p 450n 680p 1.5p 330p 39p 6.8M 270p 1.4u 180p 1000p
13-15 220p 330n 470p 1.0fi 220p 27p 4.7M 180p 1.0u 120p 1000p
18-22 180p 240n 270p 760n 120p 18p 3.5M 120p 760n 100p 1000p
24-30 150p 160n 220p 560n 100p 12p 2.7M 82p 540n 56p 680p
Fig 9.64—The use of a preamp permits additional mixer loss in the design for improved dynamic range, improved phase and
amplitude balance over the baseband frequency range, constant impedance at the downconverter RF port, and lower LO
radiation from the receiver RF port. The basic design shown here is highly recommended, but any low-noise, moderate-gain
50-n bandpass amplifier with high reverse isolation (S12) may be used.
9.36 Chapter 9
accepted numbers in the amateur and pro- board should be 1% metal f i l m . T h e input audio preamp c a n ' t i m p r o v e r e c e i v e r noise
fessional literature. F o r mountain portable splitter is s o m e w h a t d i f f e r e n t than earlier f i g u r e , but it can reduce the e f f e c t o f m i x e r
operation, r e c e i v e r noise f i g u r e s should b e versions. Rather than attempting to match 1/f noise. A d v a n c e d r e c e i v e r artists are
b e l o w 10 d B f o r all H F bands, and much to 50 fl, the splitter shown matches the encouraged to study this. T h e R 2 p r o cir-
better noise f i g u r e s m a y be useful a b o v e m i x e r inputs to a l o w e r impedance—but cuit balances preamp gain and p o s t - m i x e r
20 meters, particularly w h e n using direc- a c h i e v e s nearly p e r f e c t amplitude balance attenuation to set the r e c e i v e r noise f i g u r e
tive antennas. and very l o w loss o v e r a v e r y w i d e f r e - and d y n a m i c range, so that r e c e i v e r per-
F o r w i d e - b a n d systems, a b r o a d b a n d q u e n c y range. T h e upper f r e q u e n c y limit formance is r e l a t i v e l y independent of
i m p e d a n c e t r a n s f o r m e r can r e p l a c e the is reached w h e n the w i n d i n g on T 1 ap- m i x e r 1/f noise.
tuned l o w - p a s s output on the R F preamp. p r o a c h e s a quarter w a v e l e n g t h . A t the T h e third v e r y important function o f the
This will permit coverage of multiple l o w e r f r e q u e n c y limit, amplitude balance p o s t - m i x e r attenuators is to set the d r i v i n g
bands, but the l o w - p a s s f u n c t i o n is still is still p e r f e c t , but i s o l a t i o n is p o o r . I f point i m p e d a n c e to the matched d i p l e x e r
important and must be i n c l u d e d some- operation d o w n to 5 0 k H z is desired, m o r e networks. In the o r i g i n a l R 2 . the d i p l e x e r s
w h e r e in the r e c e i v e r R F path. W h e n a turns on a type 71 core c o u l d be used. A t are c o n n e c t e d directly to the m i x e r I F port
l o w e r noise f i g u r e is desired, a t w o stage 144 M H z and a b o v e , a f e w b i f i l a r turns i m p e d a n c e , w h i c h varies w i t h L O d r i v e
grounded-gate RF preamp is a good through a small f e r r i t e bead w o r k w e l l . T h e l e v e l . I f o n e m i x e r has m o r e L O d r i v e than
choice. T w o o f the F i g 9.64 circuits pack- mixers are type T U F - 3 , w h i c h o f f e r better the other (a c o m m o n c o n d i t i o n ) the phase
aged separately with c o a x connectors is a p o r t - t o - p o r l isolation and l o w e r c o n v e r - and amplitude response o f o n e d i p l e x e r
h i g h - p e r f o r m a n c e construction option. sion loss than T U F - 1 m i x e r s f r o m 150 k H z n e t w o r k w i l l be slightly d i f f e r e n t than the
through 225 M H z . the usual operating other. These differences are typically
In summary, here are a f e w g o o d rea-
range o f R 2 t y p e systems. T U F packaged e n o u g h that the ultimate o p p o s i t e sideband
sons to include R F gain in any direct con-
m i x e r s are a v a i l a b l e f o r direct c o n v e r s i o n suppression o f R 2 systems across an S S B
version r e c e i v e r :
applications at frequencies up to bandwidth iS about 41 d B — e v e n with
2 5 0 0 M H z . T h e small s a m p l e o f m i c r o - p e r f e c t a u d i o phase-shift n e t w o r k s . By-
1. I m p r o v e d N o i s e Figure.
w a v e d i o d e m i x e r s w e have measured have contrast, the m i n i R 2 w i t h off-the-shelf
2. E l e c t r o n i c front-end gain s w i t c h i n g
higher 1/f noise than w e h a v e seen with c o m p o n e n t s o f t e n exhibits nearly 50 d B o f
3. R e v e r s e i s o l a t i o n to e l i m i n a t e LO
T U F - 1 , T U F - 3 and S B L - 1 mixers. M i c r o - o p p o s i t e sideband suppression.
w a v e D o p p l e r R a d a r systems use special
4. I m p r o v e d r e c e i v e r gain distribution T h e d i p l e x e r n e t w o r k s are slightly sim-
l o w - 1 / f noise d i o d e s .
p l i f i e d f r o m the o r i g i n a l R 2 networks. T h e
F o r phasing direct c o n v e r s i o n r e c e i v e r s A f t e r the m i x e r s are a pair o f matched R 2 n e t w o r k s p r o v i d e d rapid roll o f f both
there are additional advantages: attenuators. T h e 6 d B attenuators shown a b o v e and b e l o w the 300 to 4 0 0 0 H z audio
in the schematic should be used f o r most band. T h e roll o f f b e l o w the audio range
1. P r o v i d i n g m i x e r R F port i m p e d a n c e applications. I f m o r e gain is a v a i l a b l e be- does not contribute much to useable re-
that d o e s n ' t c h a n g e with antenna tuning f o r e the m i x e r s , m o r e attenuation may be c e i v e r d y n a m i c range, but it does intro-
2. O p t i o n to use attenuators on all m i x e r used. T h e s e attenuators serve three very duce rapid phase shifts in the critical 300
useful purposes: they ensure t e x t b o o k ter- to 6 0 0 H z f r e q u e n c y range. W h e n R 2 re-
mination o f the m i x e r I F ports; they at- c e i v e r s arc o p t i m i z e d f o r S S B operation,
DOWNCONVERTER tenuate m i x e r 1/f noise; and they p r o v i d e the suppression o f the opposite sideband
a w e l l d e f i n e d source i m p e d a n c e to d r i v e in the 300 to 600 H z range is o f t e n right at
A f t e r the p r e a m p l i f i e r is the d o w n - c o n -
the matched d i p l e x e r networks. M i x e r I F t h e 4 0 d B spec. If the r e c e i v e r is o p t i m i z e d
verter b l o c k , s h o w n in F i g 9.66. ( A layout
termination has been w i d e l y discussed in f o r C W operation, sideband suppression
and p h o t o are s h o w n in F i g s 9.67 and
the literature. M i x e r 1 /f noise degrades re- usually f a l l s o f f at h i g h e r audio f r e q u e n -
9.68.) T h e d o w n c o n v e r t e r includes an R F
c e i v e r noise f i g u r e . D i f f e r e n t mixers, e v e n cies. T h e m i n i R 2 and R 2 p r o eliminate the
in-phase splitter, two mixers, IF port
matched T U F - 3 s with the same date c o d e , rapid roll o f f at the l o w end o f the audio
attenuators, a m a t c h e d pair o f d i p l e x e r net-
have w i d e l y v a r y i n g amounts o f 1/f noise. range, w h i c h permits g o o d performance
w o r k s , and a matched pair o f audio L N A s .
A t t e n u a t i o n b e t w e e n the m i x e r and the through the C W range w h e n the r e c e i v e r is
A l l o f the resistors in the d o w n c o n v e r t e r
o p t i m i z e d for S S B . A n o t h e r c h a n g e f r o m
the R 2 and m i n i R 2 circuits is the e l i m i n a -
tion o f the e l e c t r o l y t i c capacitors f r o m the
critical audio signal paths. T h e R2pro
has o n l y matched p o l y p r o p y l e n e capaci-
tors in the audio path prior to the summing
T h e roll o f f a b o v e the audio range is
retained f r o m the R 2 , w i t h slight changes
C=> e- -e
0.68 I - 6 \ ' to m a k e the r e c e i v e r less sensitive to c o m -
ponent tolerance. F o r g o o d p e r f o r m a n c e ,
o ,
0.68 I - O / ' N. it is necessary to match the d i p l e x e r c o m -
ponents in R 2 p r o to within 1%, just as in
the o r i g i n a l R 2 . I f this is not done, o p p o -
site sideband suppression is l i k e l y to b e
p o o r across the audio band. B y contrast,
the d i p l e x e r s in the m i n i R 2 w e r e d e s i g n e d
Fig 9.68—A view of the downconverter to be used with standard tolerance c o m p o -
Fig 9.67—The downconverter board board.
nents. T h e b e n e f i t o f using the R2pro
It i s c r i t i c a l that e v e r y t h i n g in t h e I a n d
Q c h a n n e l s o f the d o w n c o n v c r l c r b l o c k b e
w e l l m a t c h e d . I n m o s t e a s e s , it is the 1 Q
d o w n c o n v e r t e r b l o c k , and not the audio
p h a s e - s h i f t n e t w o r k , that s e t s t h e u l t i m a t e
limitation on receiver opposite sideband
s u p p r e s s i o n . T h e b a s e b a n d L.N A p a i r i s
n e a r l y i d e n t i c a l t o the v e r s i o n u s e d in t h e
m i n i R 2 . w i t h t h e e x c e p t i o n that 1 1 r e s i s -
t o r s a r e u s e d in all l o c a t i o n s and t r a n s i s t o r
pairs Q1 — Q 3 and Q2—Q4 should be
matched. T h i s may be done by comparing
t h e d c v o l t a g e s o n the 1 and Q o u t p u t s o f
the d o w n c o n v e r t e r b l o c k u s i n g a d i g i t a l
v o l t m e t e r . First insert a t e m p o r a r y j u m p e r
b e t w e e n the e m i t t e r and c o l l e c t o r h o l e s f o r
t r a n s i s t o r s Q 2 and Q 4 . T h e n s e l e c t a p a i r
o f d e v i c e s f o r Q 1 a n d Q 3 that r e s u l t s in
equal output v o l t a g e s . T h e v o l t a g e s should
b e m a t c h e d to w i t h i n 2%. T h e n s o l d e r in
QI and Q3. remove the j u m p e r s , and
s e l e c t a s e c o n d pair o f d e v i c e s for Q 2 and
Q 4 that r e s u l t s in e q u a l d e v o l t a g e s at t h e
I and Q o u t p u t s . S i n c e t h e g a i n and input
impedance for these c o m m o n base bipolar
a m p l i f i e r s are set by the q u i e s c e n t cur-
r e n t s . a n d t h e c u r r e n t s r e s u l t in v o l t a g e
d r o p s a c r o s s t h e 19c r e s i s t o r s , s e t t i n g t h e
d c v o l t a g e s e q u a l r e s u l t s in w e l l - m a t c h e d
g a i n a n d input i m p c d a n c c f o r t h e b a s e b a n d
L N A pair.
9.38 Chapter 9
shift networks and the lossy bandpass fil- output signals include dc bias for the Op- selecting these components, the builder
tering. The downconverter PC board gain Amps in the analog signal processor. For can be assured that the audio phase shift
ts set by the ratio of the op-amp series and connection to the high impedance inputs network is not limiting receiver perfor-
feedback resistors to a value that over- of a DSP processor or oscilloscope, dc mance. The image-reject mixer provides
rides the noise of the analog signal proces- blocking capacitors may be used. The dc an attenuation band that covers the entire
sor but that does not severely compromise power supply lead should be connected opposite sideband from 200 Hz to over
m-band dynamic range. With the compo- using a feedthrough capacitor and exter- 4000 Hz. This attenuation band is ideal for
nent values shown, the mixer loss is nal series resistor. CW or SSB receivers, and provides very-
approximately 6 dB, there are 6-dB pads good selectivity when combined with
following each mixer, the bandpass audio channel filters.
ctiplexers have just under 2-dB loss, ANALOG SIGNAL PROCESSOR Following the audio phase-shift net-
the grounded-base LNA stages have The third block in the R2pro system work is a summing amplifier. The ampli-
a noise figure of about 5 dB and approxi- is the analog signal processor (ASP) tude balance adjustment is conveniently-
mately 40-dB gain, and the op-amp LNAs shown in Fig 9.69. (A board layout and located at the input to the summing ampli-
have 11 -dB gain. Thus the total gain for photo is shown in Figs 9.70 and 9.71 fier. The summing amplifier drives a 250
the downconverter stage is about 37 dB respectively.) This board contains the Hz to 4000 Hz bandpass filter. This filter
and the noise figure at the downconverter audio phase-shift network, the summer, serves as a roofing filter, and provides
RF input is approximately 19 dB. With all and a wideband passive audio filler. The optimum performance from optional ex-
components matched to within 1%, the audio gain is low, but the signal levels are ternal digital and analog filters that may be
amplitude and phase errors in the 1 and Q also low, so this board should not be lo- added lo the output of the analog signal
outputs should be less than 0.1 degree and cated where it can pick up power supply or processor block. Roofing filter perfor-
0.02 dB across the baseband output range computer noise. There arc no RF signals mance is good enough that it can serve as
from 200 Hz to 4000 Hz. present, so audio grounding rules apply. the only bandpass filtering in the receiver
Since the downconverter block contains The single audio ground rail runs up the for high-fidelity listening. The output of
both RF and low-noise audio signals, it middle of the PC board between the ICs. the roofing filter drives a second gain
must be constructed using good RF and The power supply line is decoupled by the block that provides an ideal filter termina-
audio practice. Audio signal levels are low 100 (iF capacitor and 100 il series resis- tion for textbook bandpass response. The
and the gain is moderate so conventional tor. Do not bypass the hot end of the 100 gain of the output gain block is set by the
RF grounding and shielding practices may £2 resistor to ground. The dc bias to the feedback resistor. With the values shown,
be used for the downconverter block. With non-inverting inputs to the analog signal the gain of the analog signal processor
LO signals floating around on the same processor comes from the previous stage. block is approximately 13 dB. It is pos-
frequency as the desired input signal, There is only one change in the audio sible to increase the gain of the output gain
shielding is very important The circuit phase-shift network from the version used block to directly drive medium impedancc
board is designed to fit inside a Hammond in the miniR2. 1.52 klJ is not a standard headphones. The analog signal processor
1590B die-cast aluminum box. An enclo- value in the 1% series. It is obtained by block also contains a mute circuit.
sure soldered up from tin sheet or PC board connecting a 1.50-kli and 20-0 resistor in Grounding the mute terminal drops the
scraps is even better. The RF and LO in- series. With the audio phase-shift network gain of the summing amplifier to zero. The
puts should enter through coax connectors. components (resistors and capacitors) se- mute circuit uses a reed relay with com-
Type BNC. SMA and RCA phono are all lected to within 0.1% of their marked pletely independent power, ground and
acceptable. The audio outputs should leave value, more than 60 dB of opposite side- control circuit. This permits the relay to be
through either coax connectors or matched band suppression could be obtained—if controlled by front panel switches and TR
InF feedthrough capacitors. The audio the rest of the receiver were perfect. By- switching logic without corrupting the
P Q. 1 i
[ ^ [ f e i t e c r o c P
G- Q-
P i
CU •
Fig 9.71—The analog signal processor.
Fig 9.70—ASP layout.
Fig 9.72—A pair of useful audio 500-Q SSB and CW filters using standard value inductors and capacitors that have been used
in a number of our radios.
9.40 Chapter 9
t r a n s m i t t e d s i g n a l s and a l l o w a m u c h bet- p o s s i b i l i t y of i n t e l l i g e n t a u d i o A G C s y s - p o i n t s in t h e c i r c u i t . D o not use t h e c h a s s i s
ter p e r c e p t i o n of t h e t e x t u r e of the b a n d . t e m s that g o well b e y o n d the b e s t c o m m e r - as t h e n e g a t i v e s p e a k e r lead c o n n e c t i o n o r
Interestingly, low-audio-frequency im- cially a v a i l a b l e a m a t e u r r e c e i v e r s y s t e m s . as the n e g a t i v e p o w e r s u p p l y lead to t h e
p u l s e r e s p o n s e is d o m i n a t e d by t h e T h e R 2 p r o is set up so that s o p h i s t i c a t e d a u d i o o u t p u t a m p l i f i e r . T h e circuit b o a r d
e f f e c t i v e l y v e r y s t e e p s k i r t s of the r e c e i v e r l a b o r a t o r y i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n m a y b e u s e d to l a y o u t w o r k s well w h e n c o n n e c t e d d i r e c t l y
r e s p o n s e d u e to the h i g h - p a s s f i l t e r i n g a n d o b s e r v e the d i s t o r t i o n at all p o i n t s in the to the s p e a k e r , a n d to the p o w e r s u p p l y
the o p e r a t i o n of t h e p h a s e - s h i f t i m a g e - signal p a t h . T h e e a r can o f t e n d e t e c t dis-
reject circuitry. tortion that is d i f f i c u l t to m e a s u r e , and t h e
S w i t c h e d - c a p a c i t o r and D S P f i l t e r s m a y e a r - b r a i n q u i c k l y l e a r n s to r e c o g n i z e d i f -
a l s o be u s e d at this p o i n t in t h e c i r c u i t . It is ferent d i s t o r t i o n a n d n o i s e m e c h a n i s m s .
n e c e s s a r y to o b s e r v e a p p r o p r i a t e input sig- T h e acid test is to set up the r e c e i v e r with
n a l l e v e l s , a n d b e a r in m i n d t h a t t h e a s w i t c h that c o m p l e t e l y b y p a s s e s t h e D S P .
d y n a m i c r a n g e and n o i s e f i g u r e of the D S P and e q u a l g a i n in the D S P a n d n o n - D S P
may l i m i t r e c e i v e r p e r f o r m a n c e . At the m o d e s . W h e n t h e D S P is set f o r w i d e b a n d -
ouLput of t h e a n a l o g p r o c e s s o r , t h e re- w i d t h , a n d s w i t c h i n g b e t w e e n m o d e s is
c e i v e r has an i n - c h a n n e l t w o - t o n e d y n a m i c c o m p l e t e l y t r a n s p a r e n t , the o p e r a t o r c a n
r a n g e of well o v e r 6 0 d B and total har- be c o n f i d e n t that t h e D S P s y s t e m is not
m o n i c d i s t o r t i o n l o w e r than 0.1 %. B y t h i s corrupting receiver performance.
p o i n t in t h e r e c e i v e r , t h e n o i s e f l o o r ,
dynamic range and in-channel distortion AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER
h a v e b e e n s e t . D S P at this point c a n not A n a u d i o p o w e r a m p l i f i e r c i r c u i t is
improve these n u m b e r s — i t can only pro- s h o w n in F i g 9 . 7 4 ( a l s o see the b o a r d lay- Fig 9.75—Board layout for the audio
v i d e w o n d e r f u l l y f l e x i b l e f i l t e r i n g and out in Fig 9.75 and the photo in Fig 9.76.) power amplifier.
a d d i t i o n a l w h i s t l e s and b e l l s . W h e n t h e
A n y a u d i o a m p l i f i e r w i t h e n o u g h gain m a y
d i g i t a l s i g n a l p r o c e s s i n g is c a r e f u l l y
b e used at this p o i n t , but it is a s h a m e to
d e s i g n e d , it c a n a d d to the utility of t h e
c o n n e c t a l o w d i s t o r t i o n r e c e i v e r to an
receiver without corrupting basic perfor-
i n e x p e n s i v e IC a m p l i f i e r w i t h q u e s t i o n -
m a n c e . If t h e D S P s y s t e m h a s l o o few bits,
a b l e f i d e l i t y . T h e v e r s i o n in F i g 9 . 7 4 h a s a
if the A - t o - D c o n v e r t e r s h a v e a high n o i s e
g a i n of 4 6 d B , with the v o l u m e c o n t r o l
f i g u r e , or if t h e s i g n a l l e v e l s a r e set up
arrangement shown. Since the audio
i m p r o p e r l y so t h a t the a v a i l a b l e D S P
p o w e r a m p l i f i e r h a s high g a i n a n d is
d y n a m i c r a n g e i s n o t u s e d — a p o o r re-
c a p a b l e of m e d i u m p o w e r o p e r a t i o n , sig-
c e i v e r with w o n d e r f u l l y f l e x i b l e f i l t e r i n g
n a l c u r r e n t s f l o w in t h e p o w e r s u p p l y
will result. T h e a u d i o r e c o r d i n g i n d u s t r y
w i r e s . It is critical t h a t t h e p o w e r a m p l i f i e r
has p u s h e d the s t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t in D S P w e l l
b e y o n d the n e e d s of this r e c e i v e r . In p a r - use appropriate audio amplifier construc-
ticular. n o i s e - f r e e digital d e l a y o f f e r s t h e tion p r a c t i c e . In p a r t i c u l a r , b o t h s p e a k e r
w i r e s m u s t c o n n e c t to t h e a p p r o p r i a t e Fig 9.76—The audio power amplifier.
+12 V
9.42 Chapter 9
Fig 9.78—Connecting the I Q balanced mixer output pair into the I and Q inputs of the R2pro analog signal processor using a
pair of differential op-amp circuits.
9.44 Chapter 9
After completing the R2pro design, it
was natural to take a similar approach to
the basic phasing exciter. The design of
the resulting circuit is described hero. In
block diagram form, and even in simple
circuit implementations, a phasing SSB
exciter and SSB receiver have much in
common, but as circuitry is optimized for
each application, significant differences
become apparent. A f e w differences are:
Microphone Amplifier
The microphone amplifier input is the
connection point for a dynamic or electret
mike element. It needs to interface to a
wide variety of signal sources without
changing its gain or passband characteris-
tics. The microphone amplifier defines the
noise floor inside the channel during
pauses between words, or when using an
external digital signal source connected to
the exciter audio input. Typical inexpen-
sive electret elements with integral FET
amplifiers have an output voltage of about
20 mV and a signal to noise ratio of more
than 60 dB. The mike amplifier needs to
- f +12 V
:1000 mF |jF 3.3 mH
50.1 30
AW- ^^^nrrrv -VA-
~©f 1 ° M F " 1000 (JF 0.1mF 51 < <160 < T J-220 ~rb
Poly < < 150< T PF
0.68UF I'
1 0 0 0 MF pF 3.3 mH
10 mF -t-A/W
1000 m F 0.1MF;L 515 .220
Poly ' PF
Fig 9.83—The modulator circuitry shown here is connected directly to the output of the audio phase-shift network.
9.46 Chapter 9
broadband noise f r o m the active phase- phase and amplitude errors between the Measurements
shift network and I and Q power amplifi- two channels. Not only do such errors limit
A TUF-1 mixer was measured with two
ers. These 50 12 L C low-pass filters were the amount of sideband suppression that
- 1 0 dBm IF tones and a 22 MHz, +7dBm
designed for amplitude and phase errors may be obtained, they will change when
»mall enough for more than 50 dB of op- LO. The desired outputs dropped to - 1 5 . 3
tuning across the band, and require read-
posite sideband suppression when built dBm, and the 3rd order intermod products
justing the exciter when switching side-
with \% matched components. dropped to 47.5 dB below each desired
bands. A significant reduction in phase
tone. - 1 5 . 3 dBm outputs from - 1 0 d B m
and amplitude errors caused by diode ring
inputs indicates a conversion loss of only
IF port impedance variations may be made
Buffer Amplifiers by adding a 6-dB 5 0 - f l attenuator between
5.3 dB. The 22 M Hz carrier feedthrough is
at - 6 3 . 3 dBm, o r 4 8 . 0 d B below either tone
The LC speech filter termination drives the LC filter and the diode ring IF port.
of the two-tone output. At 7 M H z the car-
i pair of b u f f e r amplifiers through the This attenuator may also improve diode
rier suppression improves to 49.9 dB be-
amplitude balance pol. These b u f f e r am- ring intermod distortion performance.
low either of the two tones.
plifiers provide low impedance drive to the The input termination to the I Q LC fil-
From these experiments with - 1 0 dBm
j u d i o phase-shift network. This is a ter pair is provided by a the low imped-
two-tone drive into a single mixer, the car-
change f r o m the April 1 9 9 ^ Q S T circuit ance output of the audio power amplifier
rier and intermod products are both more
that drove the phase shift network directly circuitry with a 5 0 - Q series resistor and
than 47 dB below either tone. This puis them
from the amplitude balance pot. The origi- 1000 ,uF dc blocking capacitor. The dc
- 5 3 dB below the PEP output. Combining a
nal circuit could be adjusted for more than blocking cap could have been used to
pair of these mixers as a SSB modulator
40 dB of opposite sideband suppression, shape the channel, but then it would have
makes a further improvement. The carriers
but both the amplitude and phase needed had to be a precision component. Since 10
from the two mixers are 90 degrees out of
significant re-adjustment when switching u F capacitors with the necessary tolcrance
phase, so the resultant voltage is 1.414 time
sidebands. The new circuit may be ad- are both expensive and very large, the ca-
the voltage of each carrier. The desired side-
justed for almost 50 dB of opposite side- pacitor value was increased to the point
band adds in phase, so the resultant voltage
band suppression with very little trimming where a standard tolerance electrolytic
is 2.0 times the voltage for either mixer out-
needed when switching sidebands. could be used. A 1000 tiF capacitor with a
put. A passive combiner involves an imped-
50-£2 load has a high-pass pole at 3.2 Hz.
ance transformation, so the resultant volt-
A +50% capacilance error from 1000 ^ F
Audio Phase Shift to 1500 u F in just the I channcl introduces
ages are reduced by 0.707 into a 5 0 - f i load.
Network less than 0.1 degree of differential phase
The final output tones are then 3 dB stronger
than the tones from a single mixer, but the
The audio phase shift networks are cop- error in the low end of the audio passband.
combined carrier outputs are the same as for
ied directly f r o m the R2pro circuit. There The appropriate drive level for the di-
a single mixer.
is no need to change component values. ode rings is determined by the desired
The situation is more complicated for
There is some degradation of sideband sup- amount of third order distortion. There is
intermod products. Some of them add in
pression at audio frequencies below 200 a trade-off between third-order distortion,
phase, some cancel, and some add with 90
Hz. but less than one would experience carrier level, and exciter noise. Exciter
degree phase shift. The worst case is when
with a filter exciter. Using the values de- third order distortion may be reduced to an
the intermod products add in phase, ex-
rived for the receiver provides maximum arbitrary low level by driving the IF port at
actly the same as the desired sideband.
suppression of adjacent-channel interfer- low level, but then the RF output is low
A SSB modulator built with two TUF-1
ence. Dual op-amps arc used instead of the relative to the diode-ring L O output, and
mixers operating at a carrier frequency of
quad op-amps specified in the earlier QST more noisy gain must be used to reach the
22 MHz, with two - 1 0 dBm tones into each
circuit to ease board layout and reduce the desired RF output level. With +7 dBm 1.0
mixer IF port, will have desired sideband
number of parts that need to be kept in drive and two 0 dBm tones on the IF ports
output tones o f - 1 2 . 3 dBm ( - 1 5 . 3 d B m + 3
stock. With parts selected to 0.1% toler- of a T U F - 1 mixer, the R F third-order prod-
dB), a carrier 51 dB below either tone, and
ance, this phase shift network pair will pro- ucts are only 15 dB down from the - 9 . 0
intermod products at least 47 dB below
vide more than 50 dB of opposite sideband d B m desired outputs. This might be ac-
each tone. This performance is a good fit
suppression from 300 to 3500 Hz. ceptable for some simple V H F or micro-
with a precise phase shift SSB system that
wave applications where the mixer is con-
provides 50 dB of opposite sideband sup-
nected direclly to the antenna—but il is
Mixer IF Port Driver hardly in keeping with a high-performance
The IF amplifier driver amplifiers are
Amplifiers phasing exciter.
also potential sources of distortion. With a
The modulator circuitry shown in Fig Of particular importance is the fact that 6-dB pad between each LC low-pass filter
9.83 is connected directly lo the output of mixer intermod products do not have the mixer IF port, filter loss, and the 6-dB loss
the audio phase-shift network. As in the same phase relationships between the 1 and through the 50-Q series termination resistor,
R2pro circuitry, this connection is dc Q channels as the desired signals that pro- the total loss between the driver amplifier and
coupled and carries the 6 V bias for the duced them. The largest signals in the op- mixer IF port is about 14 dB. Two - 1 0 dBm
modulator op-amps. The I and Q output posite sideband of a phasing exciter are tones is - 4 dBm PEP. so the driver amplifier
audio amplifiers are changed significantly usually intermod products, not the sup- must supply a two-tone +10 dBm with distor-
from the earlier design. One issue is that pressed sideband. Thus it is meaningless tion products well below the level produced
diode ring IF port impedance is a function to build a phasing cxcitcr with phase and by the mixer. Fortunately, a suitable ampli-
of both L O drive level, and for modulator amplitude accuracy to provide 50 dB of fier was designed as the audio output stage
service, IF drive level. Since the diode ring opposite sideband suppression, and then for the R2pro. At the +10 dBm PEP output
IF port is the termination for the LC noise over-drive the I and Q mixers so that the level, distortion products are al I more than 60
filter, any change in impedance will create intermod products are only 30 dB down. dB below each of the desired tones.
Fig 9.85—An AM exciter that generates a DSB signal and then adds the correct amount of carrier to obtain 100% modulated AM at very low distortion.
Mixer Environment sion when LO connections are changed (or likely to need very little trimming when
cables are flexed). LO port pads should be switching sidebands. The sideband selection
To obtain 50 dB opposite sideband sup- used if sufficient LO drive level is avail- method chosen depends to a large extent on
pression. amplitude errors between the I able. Above 20 MHz, the Mini-Circuits whether the exciter is to be used at a single
and Q channels across the entire speech MAV-11 provides a simple way of obtain- frequency, or will be required to cover a
passband must be held to less than about ing +17 dBm of LO drive. After a twisted- multi-octave range, and whether the I and Q
0.03 dB. and phase errors must be held to wire hybrid splitter, the I and Q LO levels audio drive is obtained from a DSP chip or
less than 0.007 radians (0.4 degrees). will both be +14 dBm. 6 dB pads (and a an analog 1C chain.
Since mixer port terminations affect both little circuit loss) will drop this to the ap-
conversion loss and the phase behavior of
any LC networks connected to the ports, it
propriate drive level for standard level di-
ode ring mixers. A 6 dB pad on the RF port
A DSB Modulator
is important for the mixers to operate in as helps maintain constant mixer behavior The same basic circuits that are used to
ideal an environment as possible. Good across a wide RF band. An alternative to a build up a phasing exciter may be used to
50-0 terminations on all three mixer ports, resistive pad on the RF port is an amplifier build up a DSB or filter-type SSB exciter.
constant LO drive level, and good isola- with a good, broadband, resistive input Fig 9.84 is a complete low-distortion DSB
tion between the RF ports of the 1 and Q match and high reverse isolation. The re- modulator with 50-Q output. The micro-
mixers are all necessary to maintain side- verse isolation prevents changes in the am- phone gain should be set up so that the
band suppression. Isolation between the I plifier output load from appearing at the output level at cach sideband is - 1 5 dBm.
and Q mixer RF ports is needed because mixer summer.
the LO leakage from one mixer is 90 de-
grees out of phase with the LO drive to the DSB with Carrier
other mixer. This is precisely the phase
that results in maximum sensitivity to re- Sideband Selection
There are applications for a very low dis-
tortion AM exciter. Fig 9.85 is an AM ex-
covery of phase noise or other fluctuations There are a number of options for side- citer that generates a DSB signal and then
on either mixer. band selection. Reversing the LO connec- adds the correct amount of carrier to obtain
On each mixer port. 6-dB resistive pads tions to the mixers, reversing the I and Q 100% modulated AM at very low distor-
will generally improve opposite sideband audio drive connections to the modulator tion. Two inputs are provided, so that the
suppression across the audio and RF pass- drivers, or introducing a 180 degree phase exciter may be connected directly to the ste-
band. In transmit applications, the noise shift in either the I or Q audio drive will all reo output of a CD player. With a +10 dBm
figure penalty is less of a concern, so the work. One advantage of taking great care LO in the I MHz range, this exciter may be
use of a 6-dB pad on each IF port, and a 6 to operate the mixers in a 50-£2 environ- used to play collections of vintage radio
dB increase in audio drive level, is good ment and making the audio phase shift programs over lovingly restored AM broad-
practice. Pads on the LO ports of the mixer network as accurate as possible is that the cast radios. Use low-pass Pi networks to
help maintain opposite sideband suppres- amplitude and plrase trim adjustments are connect to the 25-Q RF and LO ports.
1 . R . Campbell, " L O Phase Noise Estes Park, C O , October 1998, ARRL QST, November 1981, pp 11-21.
Measurement in A m a t e u r Receiver Publication number 241. Newington, CT. 9. S. Bedrosian, "Normalized Design
Systems", Proceedings / Microwave 1998. ISBN: 0-87259-703-2, pp 34-49. of 90° Phase Difference Networks", IRE
Update '99. Piano. TX. October 1999. 5. A. Ward. "Noise Figure Measure- Transactions on Circuit Theory, June
ARRL Publication number 253. ments". Proceedings/Microwave Update 1960. pp 128-136.
Newington. CT, 1999, ISBN: 0 - 8 7 2 5 9 - '97, Sandusky, OH, October 1997, A R R L
772-5. pp 1-12. 10. R. Fisher. "Broad-Band Twisted-Wire
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2. R. Campbell, "A Binaural IQ 1997, ISBN: 0-87259-638-9. pp 265-272.
Microwave Theory and Techniques, May
Receiver". QST. March 1999. pp 44-48. 6. R. Campbell, "Direct Conversion 1973, pp 355-357.
3. R. Campbell. "Medium Power Diode Receiver Noise Figure". QST. February I l . R . Harrison, "A Review of SSB
Frequency Doublers", Proceedings / 1996, pp 82-85. Phasing Techniques", Ham Radio, Vol.
Microwave Update '99, Piano. TX, 7. R. Campbell. "Binaural Presen-tation of 11. No. 1. January 1978, pp 52-63.
October 1999, ARRL Publication SSB and CW Signals Received on a Pair of 12. J. Rcisert. " V H F / U H F Frequency
number 253. Newington, CT. 1999. ISBN: Antennas". Proceedings / 18'1' Annual Calibration", Ham Radio, Vol. 17, No. 10.
0-87259-772-5, pp 397-406. Conference of the Central States VHF October 1984, pp 55-60.
4. R. Campbell, " M i c r o w a v e Down- Society, Cedar Rapids, IA. July 1984.
13. B. Blanchard. " R F Phase Shifters for
converter and Upeonverter Update", 8. W. Hayward and J. Lawson, " A Phasing-Type SSB Rigs". QEX. January/
Proceedings / Microwave Update '98, Progressive Communications Receiver". February 1998, p 34.
9.50 Chapter 9
10.2 Chapter 10
trol p u r p o s e s a n d c o n n e c t i o n s a r e s u p p l i e d extra time available for conventional con- the n o i s e , f r o m the A / D e n c o d i n g p r o c e s s ,
for a d d i n g a l m o s t a n y k i n d of m e m o r y o r trol f u n c t i o n s , s u c h as d i s p l a y s o r being spread over a wider frequency band-
I/O d e v i c e . switches. w i d t h a n d a s m a l l e r p e r c e n t a g e of t h i s
F r o m a m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s p o i n t of v i e w , n o i s e h i t t i n g w i t h i n the c o m m u n i c a t i o n s
w h e r e a c o m m e r c i a l p r o d u c t is i n v o l v e d , channel.
Mixed-Modes m u c h of this can r e s u l t in l o w e r p r o d u c - The EZ-Kit Lite uses the A D 1 8 4 7
All r e a l - l i f e s i g n a l s are a n a l o g in t h e i r tion c o s t s at high v o l u m e s . F o r the e x p e r i - C O D E C f o r both the A / D a n d D/A c o n v e r -
n a t u r e . T h i s m e a n s t h a t a s i g n a l level is n o t menter, producing a project for himself, s i o n s . T h i s is of the sigma-delta* type2
c o n s t r a i n e d to a f i x e d set of l e v e l s , but this can s i m p l i f y the p r o j e c t as well, a s s u m - that is c o m m o n l y used in D S P a p p l i c a t i o n s .
rather m a y t a k e o n a n y l e v e l as t i m e p a s s e s . ing that m u c h of the p r o j e c t can be based on T h e internally g e n e r a t e d noise f o r t h i s c o n -
Even t h e o u t p u t s of digital l o g i c c i r c u i t s e x i s t i n g p r o g r a m s . H o w e v e r , if one must version process can be considerably
are n o t j u s t " 0 " o r " 1 " b u t i n s t e a d c o n s i s t d e v e l o p the entire p r o g r a m , it may well turn g r e a t e r than that a s s o c i a t e d with a least-
of w a v e f o r m s that h a v e r i s e - t i m e s , r i n g i n g out that the t i m e required is c o n s i d e r a b l y s i g n i f i c a n t bit. F i g u r e 1 0 . 3 is an oscillo-
and o t h e r v a r i a t i o n s . A l l of t h e R F , IF, a n d a b o v e that of similar h a r d w a r e . scope p i c t u r e of the noise a s s o c i a t e d w i t h
a u d i o s i g n a l s u s e d in r a d i o s y s t e m s arc, A r g u m e n t s in f a v o r of u s i n g a n a l o g the A / D c o n v e r t e r r u n n i n g with a 4 8 - k H z
more obviously, analog. components generally center about the fol- s a m p l e rate and no input s i g n a l . T h e levels
D S P p r o v i d e s an a l t e r n a t e w a y to deal lowing considerations: w e r e m e a s u r e d by using the D S P to multi-
with t h e s e a n a l o g s i g n a l s . T h i s i n v o l v e s T h e A / D and D/A conversion processes ply the A / D n o i s e by 100, m a k i n g it of
approximating the analog signal with a se- tend t o r e s t r i c t t h e d y n a m i c r a n g e of t h e s u f f i c i e n t l e v e l to c o v e r t h e D / A n o i s e .
ries of digital n u m b e r s , p r o c e s s i n g t h e s e process. T h e R M S A / D n o i s e c a n be seen to be
n u m b e r s w i t h s o m e sort of c o m p u t e r a n d • T h e b a n d w i d t h of t h e p r o c e s s is t o o 153 p V , o r a b o u t 8 t i m e s the level attribut-
then c r e a t i n g a p r o c e s s e d a n a l o g s i g n a l great for a DSP. able to the least-significant bit. T h i s e f f e c -
that a g a i n only a p p r o x i m a t e s t h e d e s i r e d tively limits the u s e f u l bits to 1 6 - 3 or 13.
• T h e b a s i c c o m p l e x i t y of t h e D S P is n o t
result. It is i m p o r t a n t to k e e p in m i n d that justified, T h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g D / A n o i s e , s h o w n in
the signal of real i n t e r e s t is t h e a n a l o g o n e . F i g 1 0 . 4 , h a s an r m s l e v e l of a b o u t 2 0 0
• T h e p o w e r c o n s u m p t i o n is h i g h e r t h a n
T h e d i g i t a l c a l c u l a t i o n s are o n l y a m e a n s | i V , w h i c h is s l i g h t l y g r e a t e r t h a n t h e A / D
the analog counterparts.
to o b t a i n t h e p r o c e s s e d s i g n a l . I n o r d e r to n o i s e . It is m o r e d i f f i c u l t to q u a n t i f y this
• P r o g r a m s a n d d e b u g g i n g of p r o g r a m s
m a i n t a i n a n a d e q u a t e a p p r o x i m a t i o n of t h e s i n c e t h e b a n d w i d t h of the n o i s e on the
r e q u i r e s n e w skills.
a n a l o g signal, o n e m u s t e x a m i n e t h e c o m - o u t p u t of the D / A c o n v e r t e r is m u c h w i d e r
A s with any other technology, one must
p u t e r r o u t i n e s a n d in s o m e c a s e s t a k e s p e - than half t h e s a m p l e rate. T h e level g i v e n
w e i g h t h e v a r i o u s c o n s i d e r a t i o n s and
cial p r e c a u t i o n s . T h e h u m a n c a r is o f t e n
d e c i d e if D S P is t h e best a p p r o a c h to a par-
the f i n a l j u d g e of D S P d i s t o r t i o n . M o s t
ticular application. *Sigma-delta A/D converters use low-reso-
people cannot hear digitized distortion
lution conversions (usually 1 bit), operat-
w h e n 7 o r 8 bits a r e u s e d in t h e r e p r e s e n -
ing at very high conversion rates. The very
tation. E v e n w i t h a 16-bit p r o c e s s o r , c a r e Dynamic Range high digitizing noise is reduced by digital
m u s t b e t a k e n to e n s u r e that this n u m b e r of filtering, which accepts only a small part of
In a n y c o m m u n i c a t i o n s s y s t e m t h e l o w -
bits is r e t a i n e d a c c u r a t e l y . the noise frequency spectrum. Further
est level of a s i g n a l t h a t can b e h a n d l e d is
noise reduction comes from feedback
l i m i t e d by n o i s e , a n d s o m e f o r m of o v e r -
loops that are able to shape the noise
l o a d s e t s the h i g h e s t l e v e l . T h e r a t i o of spectrum to move much of the noise
Why DSP? t h e s e t w o l e v e l s , u s u a l l y e x p r e s s e d in d B energy to high frequencies allowing it to be
Traditionally signal generation and pro- is the d y n a m i c r a n g e of t h e s y s t e m . S y s - removed by the digital filters. Similar pro-
cessing has used analog c o m p o n e n t s . Most t e m s u s i n g D S P h a v e d y n a m i c r a n g e limi- cesses are used to reduce the noise in the
sigma-delta D/A converters.
of this b o o k i n v o l v e s t h e s e t e c h n i q u e s . A t a t i o n s , as d o a n a l o g s y s t e m s , b u t t h e f o r m
t r a n s i s t o r o s c i l l a t o r can c r e a t e a s i g n a l of of n o i s e a n d o v e r l o a d e f f e c t s c a n be q u i t e
good spectral purity. Inductors and capaci- d i f f e r e n t . In w e l l - d e s i g n e d s y s t e m s , t h e
tors m a k e fine signal filters. C o m b i n e d limitations on d y n a m i c range n o r m a l l y
with a f e w t r a n s f o r m e r s and d i o d e s , o n e c o m e f r o m the c o n v e r s i o n s to o r f r o m a n a -
h a s a m i x e r c a p a b l e of h a n d l i n g a very log signals. Internally, the D S P can handle
w i d e r a n g e of signal levels. T h e s i m p l i c i t y a w i d e r a n g e of s i g n a l s , b e c a u s e of t h e
of this a p p r o a c h h a s g r e a t a p p e a l a n d f o r r e s o l u t i o n of d a t a w o r d s a n d by the use of
m a n y p r o j e c t s , it is c l e a r l y t h e p r o p e r level shifting algorithms, such as A G C .
approach. The arguments for putting some F o r both A / D a n d D / A c o n v e r t e r s , n o i s e
p o r t i o n of t h e e q u i p m e n t into a D S P p r o - is i n t r o d u c e d by t h e m i n i m u m r e s o l u t i o n
c e s s g e n e r a l l y are: of the c o n v e r t e r s . In a d d i t i o n , as w i l l b e
• I n c r e a s e d p e r f o r m a n c e in n e t w o r k s seen below, some converters may have
such as filters, 9 0 - d e g r e e p h a s e - s h i f t net- h i g h e r l e v e l s of n o i s e a s s o c i a t e d with the
w o r k s a n d b a n k s of f i l t e r s . c o n v e r s i o n p r o c e s s itself. A s c o n v e r t e r s
• B e t t e r p r e c i s i o n in o p e r a t i o n s s u c h as g e t f a s t e r , t h e y t e n d to Have f e w e r bits p e r Fig 10.3—Oscilloscope trace of the A/D
SSB generation. w o r d with a l a r g e r l e a s t - s i g n i f i c a n t bit and converter noise in the EZ-Kit Lite. There
• S i m p l e r r e p r o d u c t i o n of s o f t w a r e , rela- t h i s r e p r e s e n t s m o r e n o i s e . T h i s is n o t al- was no input signal to the converter
tive to h a r d w a r e . ways a problem, since a faster converter and the DSP was used to amplify the
noise by 100. This was then applied to
• T h e a v a i l a b i l i t y of f u n c t i o n s that a r e s p r e a d s the n o i s e o v e r a w i d e r f r e q u e n c y
the D/A converter to produce the trace
d i f f i c u l t to i m p l e m e n t in h a r d w a r e , s u c h r a n g e . T h e n o i s e in a s i n g l e c o m m u n i c a - shown. Each vertical division is 50
as a d a p t i v e f i l t e r s . t i o n s c h a n n e l m a y a c t u a l l y be l e s s w i t h the millivolts and each horizontal division
• T h e D S P p r o c e s s o r l i k e l y will h a v e w i d e r b a n d w i d t h c o n v e r t e r . T h i s is d u e to is 1 millisecond.
10.4 Chapter 10
with very detrimental results. The program Certain items, such as hardware interrupts,
must be designed to keep all processing require extra effort for simulation but can
sufficiently short to prevent this. In addi- be omitted for much program testing.
tion, the background will generally be us- When this is the case, the call to initl can
ing a variety of computational registers. If be "commented" out of the program.
the interrupt routine changes these regis- For our shell program the background
ters, there will be errors in the resultant process is particularly simple:
data in the background process. The inter-
rupt routines must make sure that any reg-
ister that it uses is restored before the back- again: { W e h a v e no background
ground process resumes. In the case of the process. If we did, it would go here.}
Analog Devices ADSP-2100 series of pro- jump again; { G o round a n d round
cessors, this is very easily done for one forever}
Fig 10.6—Main flow of the DSP programs, interrupt. All of the computational regis-
To give some feel for the numbers ters are duplicated and they can be changed
involved, the interrupt rate is shown as by the single instruction e n a s e c _ r e g or This starts with a label "again:" that is
48,000 per second. Depending on the dis s e c _ r e g . As one might surmise from not an instruction, but merely a name for
application, this rate might range from the instructions, the two register banks are the location in memory where the actual
6,000 to 100,000 interrupts per second. instruction jump again is located. The net
referred to as primary and secondary.
result of this is that the instruction is
executed repeatedly. This does nothing
Programming within the useful, but does allow the program to wait
the types of process that must be done pe-
riodically are the reading of the A/D data, Shell for an interrupt to occur. When this hap-
pens, the operation of the program is trans-
the computational update of a digital filler, No attempt will be made here to go ferred to the interrupt routine. The return
or the outputting of data to the D/A con- through all the details of the shell program. from the interrupt routine will once again
verter. If any of these events do not occur A copy is included on the CD-ROM as go back to the "jump again" loop.
on their precise, periodic schedule, there SHLPRG.DSP. Comments have been added
The interrupt routine, often called an
will be considerable distortion in the signal to the original Analog Devices program
"1SR" for interrupt service routine, is
waveforms coming from the processor. which explain most of the operation.
again simple:
When the processor receives an inter- Although it is not necessary to know all the
rupt, the background program instruction details of this code, it is instructive to see a
in progress is completed and the program few lines of the program to understand the input_samples:
then "jumps" to the location assigned for overall structure of a DSP program. ena sec_reg; { use secondary
processing the interrupt. After the inter- For those that have not yet written a DSP register b a n k }
rupt processing is completed, the program program, this programming information
jumps back to the next place in the back- may seem mysterious and difficult to fol- mr0=dm(rx_buf+1); { Get left audio
ground proccss and continues with the low. It may be useful for the reader to skim from A/D}
background computations. This leaves a through this section and the following one mr1=dm(rx_buf+2); { Right}
maximum amount of time for background on "autobuffering", with the idea of return-
processing, while still guaranteeing that ing when it is time to actually put a pro- { This shell d o e s no processing
the periodic needs will always be met. gram together. The concepts here are to the signals, other than to p a s s
Recall thai the basic processor can execute important for making the DSP program, them through. P r o c e s s i n g would go
33 million instructions per second, much but not necessary for seeing how DSP fits here.}
faster than the 48-kHz rate of jumping lo into the "bag of tricks" for improving our
an interrupt routine.'" communications circuitry.
dm(tx_buf+1) = mrO; { S e n d left audio
Several things can go wrong when the When the DSP program first runs, a to D/A}
program is jumping to different places in number of hardware and software param- dm(tx_buf+2) = mr1; { Right audio}
the program at seemingly random limes, eters are initialized. In the program this dis s e c _ r e g ; { Back to primary
however. The interrupt process could take looks like: registerbank}
longer than 20.8 microscconds. in which rti; { This u n d o e s t h e interrupt}
case the next interrupt would arrive before
the first processing was complete. Called start: imask=0; {Turn off all interrupts}
an interrupt overrun, this results in only call initO; {Instructions that simu- The first instruction switches all com-
partial completion of the interrupt proccss late easily} putational registers to the secondary set.
call initl; {And those that do not} All computation will be performed using
the values in the secondary register set,
"The ratio of the Instruction rate and the while the primary register set is fully pre-
interrupt rate determines the maximum The first instruction is to prevent an served for future use. The next instruction.
number of instructions allowed in the in- interrupt from occurring in the program mr0=dm(rx__buf+1). uses the computa-
terrupt routine. For our case, this is operation, before the initialization is com- tional register, mrO as temporary storage
33,000,000/48.000 or 687 instructions. Of plete. The two subroutine calls, "call initO" for the number that was in memory at the
course, if the interrupt routine always used
this maximum number, there would be no and "call initl" do the initialization. Two address rx_buf+1. This is the data from
lime left for the background process. The calls are used as a convenience when test- the A/D for the left channel signal. Then,
balance between the two processes is part ing the programs using the emulator mri is loaded with the data from the A/D
of the design process. program provided with the EZ-Kit Lite. for the right channel signal.
DSP C o m p o n e n t s 10.5
To make a more useful program, we the symbolic names rx_buf for incoming j u m p i n p u L s a m p l e s {14: S P O R T O r x }
could now perform some signal processing data and tx_buf for outgoing data. Left rti; { Three filler instructions }
action on one or both of these signals. How- channel data is located 1 address rti; { so that there are a total of 4 }
ever. since this is only an "empty" shell we location past the start of the data areas, rti;
will just send the data to the D/A converters referred to as rx_buf + 1 and the right
for both the left and right signals. Putting channel data is 2 address locations past the The j u m p instruction is all that is needed
the numbers back in memory at the start of the data area. The transfer of the for our shell program and so the remaining
addresses tx_buf+1 and tx_buf+2 does data lakes place without any processor three instructions arc filled out with
this. The primary registers are then brought instructions being required. do-nothing instructions, in this case they
back as the active computational registers Every 1/48,000 second the CODEC, which are rti, or return-from-interrupt instruc-
and the processing is restored to the back- includes the A/D, initiates a serial data trans- tions. The particular instruction is not
ground process by the rti instruction. fer that is handled through the autobuffering. important. The use of rti is often intended
The completion of this transfer causes an to prevent problems in case of accidental
interrupt in the DSP. This, in turn, causes the interrupts, but the utility of this is ques-
Autobuffering background activity to be stopped and our tionable and the real reason is to comply
A potentially puzzling question is " w h o interrupt processing to begin. with a convention!
put the data into memory at d m ( r x _ b u f + 1 ) The interrupt routine is in program There are always I I more interrupt
and who is taking it back out from memory at the symbolic address mini-programs, most of which are not
d m ( t x _ b u f + 1 ) ? " There is specialized input_samples. This address is jumped to used. As can be seen f r o m the full program
hardware, called autobuffering, built into at the time of the interrupt as the result of listing, each serves a particular interrupt,
the processor that is able to exchange data a table of instructions that is placed in the if the interrupt mask enables it. Each of
between a serial port and data memory. first 48 instructions of program memory. theses has a specific address in memory.
The address in memory where this occurs These mini-programs are each 4 instruc- Our serial-port program is at address 14
is set up as part of the initialization pro- tions long and the one used for the serial hex (20 decimal.)
cess. These memory address were given port used with the CODEC looks like:
10.6 Chapter 10
Signal in
Signal in r i
1 Most
Most Least i J
Significant Significant
/ w \ ) Siqnal Out
T \ * J ( x 3.5
Signal Out x 4
28672 in 1.15 Format
Fig 10.8—DSP gain of 4 using a shift register. The shift Fig 10.9—DSP gain of 3.5 using a shift register and a
operation allows any amount of shifting, either up or down, multiplier. A gain of 4 is first applied by the shift register,
in a single operation. as was done in Fig 1 0 , 8 . Following the shifter, an
attenuation of 0.875 is applied, using the multiplier of
Fig 1 0 . 7 . This brings the net gain to 3.5.
sr=ashift mr1 by 2 (hi);{ The signal is in The examples shown here arc for con- that the n u m b e r of bits of shift is not
mr1; shift 2 bits } stant values of attenuation. In many more than necessary. If a large amount of
my0=28672; { 0.875 in 1.15 f o r m a t } instances, it is ncccssary to have the gain shift is followed by a large amount of at-
mr=sr1 *myO (ss); { Multiply the shifted the result of s o m e calculation. The si tenuation. there will be a loss of accuracy
signal by myO } register is useful for this case, allowing (dynamic range). The attenuation con-
the number of bits of shift to depend on stant in myO should be between 0.5 and
with the result again in the mr1 register. a register value. One should take care 1.0.
10.8 Chapter 10
Index R e g i s t e r s
The sin program uses index registers, in particular i4, ters, named iO to i7. The mO to m7 modify registers are
along with the modifying registers m4 and 14. These used to change the address of the index registers after
allow access to sequential addresses in memory they are used. With some restrictions, the number of the
without having to spend DSP computational time. index register need not be the same as that of the
In the sine wave calculation, m4=1 indicates that after modify register. For instance, 10 can be modified by mO
the index register i4 is used, we want to move sequen- ml, m2 or m3 The length registers always correspond
tially to the next higher address. 14=0 indicates that to a particular index register and can be a value such as
there is never a wrap-around in the addresses that are 10 = 10 which means that the buffer that starts with the
generated by adding on the m4 value. And address in 10 has a length 10. When the 10th value is
i4= A sin_coeff sets index register 4 to the address of either read or written, the address in 10 will not be
sin_coeff, a table in program memory that was loaded incremented again by mO. Instead the address will be
with five polynomial coefficients by the assembler taken back to the initial value given to iO. This is the
directives: meaning of a circular buffer. If 10 had been given a
value of 0 the DSP would interpret this as a special
case with 10 indexing into a conventional non-circular
.var/pm sin_coeff[5]; buffer.
.inlt sin_coeff: H#324000, H#005300, H#AACC00,
Program memory is 24 bits per instruction. Tables are
H#08B700, H#1CCE00;
often stored in program memory, but most often only 16
bits worth of data is used, since this corresponds to the
This usage of the index registers is illustrated by the size of most computations and of the data memory
instruction mx1=pm(i4,m4); indicating that the compu- words. To make the data line up properly, 8 zero bits
tational register mx1 will be loaded with the contents of must be appended to each table entry stored in program
program memory at address 14, and then i4 will have memory. As an example, the first sin_coeff entry is the
the value m4 (one) added to it, for use next time. Other hex number 324000. The last two zeros are the extra 8
values of m4 can be used, including negative ones, to bits. Removing these we have the hex number 3240,
allow stepping through tables in any equal arrangement. which converts to a decimal value of 12864, which is
The ADSP-2100 series of DSP have 8 index regis- the first coefficient of the sine calculation.
We should remember that we have only need for this conversion becomes more ob- continuous sine wave by the application of a
calculated a series of numbers that represent vious as the frequency of the sine wave in- low-pass filter at half the sample rate, on the
the sine wave at specific points, as shown in creases and fewer points are calculated output of the D/A converter. If one studies
Fig 10.11. Before this is a "clean" sine wave per cycle.* Fig 10.12 illustrates this for an the apparently random collection of dala
it is necessary that this be converted to a con- 8500-Hz sine wave with a 48-kHz sample points, it will become apparent that they are
tinuous curve. In the case of the bZ-K.it. the rate. To a good approximation, this collec- indeed sample points along a sine wave with
low-pass filter to accomplish this is included tion of sample points will be converted to a about 48/8.5=5.6 data points per cycle.
in the D/A converter of the CODEC. The
* See chapter 4, section 4.7, for further discus-
sion of hardware DOS computations. The
process is identical, except that in the DSP
case, one may need to use the sine-wave for
internal functions such as driving a software
mixer instead of always driving a D/A con-
verter to produce an analog output signal.
30000 ! .i.:
-10000 — 7— • — —
-20000 ~ / j
.30000 ••
'-.....*"' • —i 5
-40000 1 — - -I 1
0 10 20 30 40 Si 60 70 80 -40000
Data Pom! 30 40 50 70 80
Data Point
Fig 10.11—Calculated points for a 1000-Hz sine wave Fig 10.12—Calculated points for a 8500 Hz sine wave. The
sampled at 48 kHz. The ability of these points to be smoothed sample rate is identical with that of Fig 10.11. Careful study
to a continuous sine-wave curve Is readily apparent. will show that these are indeed sample points on a sine
wave. The ability of the low-pass filter to connect these
points Into a smooth curve is not so obvious, yet the
resulting sine wave is exact.
D e c i m a l N u m b e r s in a F i x e d Point DSP
The fixed point DSP use an arithmetic system called result exceeds 1 instead of when it exceeds 9. For the
2's Complement." In this system, positive numbers start binary system this occurs when we add 1+1. That is:
at zero, represented by all binary bits being zeros, and
progress to larger values by adding 1 to the next lower 0 + 0 = 0 No Carry
number. This progresses until all of the bits are 1, 0 + 1 = 1 No Carry
except for the farthest left bit that is always a zero for 1 + 1 = 0 Carry Generated
positive numbers. In the simple case of a three-bit
system, the positive values would be When there are multiple places in addition, the carry
is added as a 1 in to the next position to the left.
011 binary 3 decimal
010 binary 2 decimal
So, for our 3-bit example, decimal values 1 plus 2 is
001 binary 1 decimal
000 binary 0 decimal
The 2's complement negative numbers are created
or decimal 3. This applies equally well to negative
by interchanging all binary values, bit-by-bit, and then
numbers and extends to subtraction, which starts to
adding 1 while saving the right-hand three bits. For
explain the wide use of 2's complement arithmetic
instance, the decimal value +2 is 010 and if we inter-
systems in binary computers!
change the binary values, we have 101. Adding 1 to this
yields 110, which represents the decimal value -2. The Our 3-bit example shows the operation of the
same two operations will also bring us back to +2 number system, but it does not convey a feel for
indicating consistency. Applying this rule to the four working with numbers in a 16-bit DSP system. The
values above produces the following table for the following table shows a few of the decimal values, and
negative values: their binary representations for the larger number
000 binary -0 decimal
111 binary -1 decimal
Largest positive number
110 binary -2 decimal
0111 1111 1111 1111 binary +32767 decimal
101 binary -3 decimal
0000 0000 0000 0111 binary +7 decimal
The values for - 0 and +0 are the same, which fits our
idea of "nothing!" And the three true negative values all
0000 0000 0000 0010 binary +2 decimal
have a leading one, which is consistent with the positive
0000 0000 0000 0001 binary +1 decimal
values having a leading zero. However, the binary value
0000 0000 0000 0000 binary +0 decimal
of 100 does not appear in either table. Since it has a
1111 1111 1111 1111 binary -1 decimal
leading one, indicating a negative number, and it fits in
1111 1111 1111 1110 binary -2 decimal
the binary sequence either below - 3 or above +3, it will
be assigned the decimal value of - 4 . It does not follow
1111 1111 1111 1001 binary - 7 decimal
the 2's complement rules for negation, since it produces
the same 100 value. The last table entry is thus:
1000 0000 0000 0000 binary - 3 2 7 6 8 decimal
10.10 Chapter 10
these constants, as can be read about in the a, c. m are constants m = 2M=4,294.967,296
references. From the point-of-view of the mod m means dividing by m and taking
noise-generator user, it is usually suffi- only the remainder. The length of time before the random
cient to borrow upon others study of these noise repeats is determined by m. The value
constants and apply them. This generator The constants are carefully chosen not used here is the largest that can be used with
comes from the formula only to produce good random numbers, a 32-bit word size. This requires double pre-
but also to simplify the computation using cision calculations, but if we restricted out
v ( n + l ) = (axv(n) + c) mod m our fixed-point processor. One good set is calculation to 16 bits, the result would re-
where peat 2 1 6 =65536 times faster, or about every
v ( n + l ) = current generator output a = 1664525 1.36 seconds. For some purposes, this could
v(n) = last generator output c = 32767 cause strange results.
Largest positive number 0111 1111 1111 1111 binary Fractional 32767 / 32768=0.99997
0000 0000 0000 0111 binary 7 / 32768=0.00021
0000 0000 0000 0000 binary 0 / 32768=0.0
1111 1111 1111 1111 binary (65535-65536) / 32768= -0.00003
1111 1111 1111 1001 binary (65529-65536) / 32768= -0.00021
Most negative value 1000 0000 0000 0000 binary (32768-65536) / 32768= -1.00000
total range is from - 1 . 0 to almost 1.0. With 16 bits cases, a formal check of the numerical values is
available, the step size (the fractional value of the required with appropriate adjustment of the data.
least-significant bit) is 1/32768 or about 0.00003. Multiplication of numbers occurs frequently in DSP
Sometimes the range of numbers being represented programs. The sign bit adds an extra complexity to
do not lie between - 1 and +1. This is handled by this operation. For instance, 3 times 2 would seem to
dividing the binary representations by some other produce the following, in binary signed 1.3 format
power of 2 than 32768. If the numbers were between - numbers:
8.0 and 8.0 the divisor would be 4096 (2 to the 12th
power.) The price paid for this is the resolution step 0010 Signed 2
size is now 1 / 4096 or about 0.00024. x0011 Signed 3
Note that the divisors such as 32768 or 4096 are 0010
only implied, and not carried in any way with the 2's 0010
complement numbers. When writing a DSP program it 0000
is necessary to keep track of the number form. If a 0000
subroutine is expecting numbers in one format and they 0000110 Signed 6
arrive in a different one, erroneous results will occur.
Comments in the DSP program should carry the format But this is not what is found if one operates a DSP
information. microprocessor. Instead, the result will be shifted one
The notation describing the divisor value is not bit to the left and the result, in binary, is 00001100 that
consistent in all literature. Often times a divisor of would seem to be 12 in decimal. The DSP signed
32768 is called Q15 notation, since there are 15 bits to multiplier has been built to acknowledge that each
the right of the implied decimal point. The divisor of number being multiplied has a sign bit, but the result
4096 would be Q12. In their literature, Analog Devices doesn't need two sign bits. Thus all results of signed
uses the terminology 1.15 for Q15, 4.12 for Q12 and so multiplies are shifted left.
forth. In this book we will continue this notation. This all sounds somewhat arbitrary until it is seen
Addition is the operation for which 2's complement that if there is an implied decimal point in the numbers,
arithmetic fits perfectly. So long as the implied decimal it will move one position to the right with each multiply,
points are the same for two numbers, they can be unless the shifting of one bit occurs. Dividing the
added without regard for their sign. As long as there are numbers in the previous example by 8 turns them into
enough bits for the result, it will be correct. However, if Q1.3 format numbers. Doing the example again with
there is not sufficient room for the result, bad things Q1.3 format and the decimal point shown results in:
happen. For instance if we add the decimal representa-
tions of 15,000 and 20,000 together, one would expect
to get 35,000. However, this is larger than can be 0.010 or Signed 2/8
represented with 15 bits, which is 32767. This will result xQ.011 or Signed 3/8
in generating a carry bit that hits, of all places, in the 0010
sign bit. If we proceed blindly ahead we will have the 0010
erroneous negative value 35000-65536=-30536. This is 0000
called wrap around. 0000
DSP program writers must take steps to prevent 0.000110 or Signed 6/64
wrap around from occurring. In many cases, the DSP
microprocessor can cause the results of computations Notice that only 6 places are needed to the right of
to go to maximum positive or negative values in the the decimal point. Along with a single sign bit, 7 bits
case of overflow, preventing wrap around. In other are required.
DSP C o m p o n e n t s 10.11
The generator, in DSP code is:
my 1=25; { Upper half of a ( 1 6 6 4 5 2 5 / 6 5 5 3 6 ) }
Probabilit y Density
my0=26125; { Lower half of a, the r e m a i n d e r }
mr=sr0*my1(uu); { 32 bit multiply: a(hi)*v(lo)} 0.5
{ and a(hi)*v(lo)+a(lo)*v(hi)} 0.4
mr=mr+sr1 *myO(uu);
si=mr1; { Temp storage to free m r l } /0.3
mr1=mr0; { LS W o r d of a*v(mid) } / 0.2
mr2=si; { 8 bits of j / 0.1 Value
mrO=h#fffe; { c=32767, left-shifted by 1 }
- 3 - 2 - 1 1 2 3
mr=mr+srO*myO(uu); { ( a b o v e ) + a(lo)*v(lo)+c )
sr=ashift mr2 by 15 (hi);
sr=sr or (shift mr1 by -1 (hi); { Right-shift by 1 }
sr=sr or Ishift mrO by -1 (lo); { Now have uniform rn in sr1 Fig 10.13—Gaussian noise probability
curve, showing relative probability of
being in the vicinity of any value. The
curve extends forever on either side of
This program from ihe Analog Devices approximations. There is always some the graph, but the probability of
library 8 is an example of a routine thai is overload point in real hardware, and achieving these values rapidly becomes
carefully tuned for a particular applica- Gaussian noise does not allow this! Fortu- insignificant.
tion. In order to make the repeat period nately, the probability of achieving these
very long, the random number is gener- levels is very small, and as a practical
ated as a 32-bit unsigned number. The con- matter can generally be ignored.
stant multiplier, a, is 21 bits long and so One simple way to generate Gaussian
the product can be up to 32+21=53 bits. noise is to simply add several of the outputs
The final operation of the algorithm, as of our uniform random number generator
shown above, is to divide by 232 and then together. This is well founded on a math-
take the 32-bit remainder. At this point the ematical principle known as the Central
top 32 bits will be discarded. The program Limit Theorem. 9 The more numbers we add
does this, in part, by never generating that together, the better the approximation
part of Ihe product at all. If one examines becomes. This is done in DSP by a loop (see
the construction of a 64-bit product f r o m box at bottom of page).
two 32-bit numbers (using a 16 bit proces-
Most of the instructions in the loop are to
sor) it is seen that there are four terms to be
free up the shift register for the division by 8.
added together. The product of the high-
The division is needed to prevent overflow
order 16 bits of v. with the high-order 16
when 8 numbers are added together. One
bits, need never be produced.
subtle operation is the use of an arithmetic
The choice of m as a power of 2 is a shift (rather than a logical shift) to
common trick lo avoid explicit division. A divide by 8. Doing this implies that the ran-
right shift of the data equal to the value of dom number that ranged between 0 and
the exponent is all thai is needed. 65536 is now being treated as a signed num- Fig 10.14—Oscilloscope picture of
random noise as generated by the
Selecting the desired words does a shift ber ranging between -32768 and 32767. In
listings in the text. The upper trace is
of 32 bits. This makes the three shifts at fractional. 1.15 format this corresponds to uniform random noise and the lower
the end of the listing a surprise, at first. numbers between -1.0 and 0.99997. trace is Gaussian.
These three shifts are really only a shift of
1 bit corresponding to a division by 2. It is
needed to correct for the shift in the mul-
tiplier result for unsigned multiplies, as
Program For Generating Random Gaussian Noise From 8
discussed in the Decimal Number sidebar. Uniform Noise Samples
The resulting random numbers, left in getrnd:
the sr1 register, are equally likely to be my1 =25; { Upper half of a (1664525/65536) )
anywhere between 0 and 65535. the full my0=26125; { Lower half of a, the r e m a i n d e r }
range of a 16-bit number. This is referred af=pass 0; { Clear the arithmetic a c c u m u l a t o r )
to as a Uniform Random Number. cntr=8; { The number of uniform rn added }
{ Now loop 8 times to generate a noise sample: }
Gaussian Random do randloop until ce; { Decrease cntr until 0 }
Numbers sr1=dm(seed_msw);
{ Get the 32 bit seed from l a s t }
{ call to this fen or last loop }
What we have from the Uniform ran- { The Random Number Generator, shown above, goes here,
dom number generator is not quite the leaving the result in the srO and sr1 registers }
noise that occurs in receivers, called dm(seed_msw)=sr1; { Save new seed, high 16 bits }
Gaussian noise. Gaussian noise can take dm(seed_lsw)=sr0; { and low 1 6 }
any value, bul with decreasing probability { Uniform random number still in sr1. Add to accumulator: }
as the magnitude of the value gets greater, sr=ashift sr1 by -3 (hi); { Divide by 8, ie, shift right 3 )
as illustrated in Fig 10.13. There are a sev-
randloop: af=sr1+af; { Accumulate 8 uniform rn )
eral ways to convert our random numbers
rts; { Random 16-bit value in a f }
into Gaussian noise, all of which must be
10.12 Chapter 10
One of ihe advantages of the DSP ap- +1.0 uniform random numbers. The generation of each Gaussian noise
proach of noise generation is the ability to • This is diminished in power by (Vs) 2 = value by this method requires 134 instruc-
know the noise power precisely.* This is 1/64 for the shift by 3 bits. tion cycles, or about 4 microseconds of
found by considering the proccss used to • This is increased by 8 for adding the 8 EZ-Kit Lite processor time.
generate the noise samples: numbers together. Fig 10.14 is an oscilloscope plot showing
• 1/3 is the average power for - 1 . 0 to • The final result is a total noise power both the uniform random numbers before
of 1/(8x3) = 0.04167 W. scaling (top) and the Gaussian noise, both to
'The normalized values of numbers range The process of combining the 8 uniform the same scale. It can be seen that the
from - 1 . 0 to 0.99997, which can be thought random numbers has reduced the power Gaussian noise clusters about the center
of a s voltages. In order to think about f r o m 0.333 to 0.04167. but the maximum value, much more than the uniform genera-
power in the DSP computation we must possible values have been kept at - 1 and tor. It is not so obvious that the attainable
square the voltage and divide by the "re-
+ 1. We are increasing the peak-to-average peak values are the same for both plots. The
sistance." For simplicity, the resistance
value is chosen to be 1 Q and the power is ratio, a necessary operation if a Gaussian Gaussian generator produces these peak val-
just the normalized value squared. approximation is to result. ues very infrequently!
IIR Filters Fig 10.16—The charging response for the RC filter and the IIR filter approximation.
10.14 Chapter 10
accumulator, mr which is a 40-bit register
consisting of mrO for the least significant
16 bits, mr1 for the middle 16 bits, and an
8-bit overflow register mr2. In addition
two multiply input registers mxO and myO
are loaded with data from the delay line.
dm(i0, mO) and a coefficient pm(i4, m4).
Here is where the efficiency of storing the
coefficients in program memory occurs.
Separate hardware exists inside the DSP
microprocessor for accessing data and
program memory1. This allows the loading
of mxO and myO to occur simultaneously.
The do-loop counter, cntr, is loaded
with 9, the number of coefficients, less I.
Fig 10.18—Block diagram of the software operations for the FIR filter. The input
signal samples are delayed by multiples of the sample period. After multiplication Do ftrloop until c e : is an instruction that
by the filter coefficients, shown here as b„ the results are summed to produce the does housekeeping chores necessary to do
filtered output sample. The output values are not brought back into the calculation repealing calculations and prepares us for
as was done with IIR filters. The filter can be extended to the right to increase the the FIR filter.
performance. Filters with more than 100 coefficients are common. With everything in place we are ready to
do the actual FIR filter calculation:
Firloop: mr = mr + mxO * myO (ss),
dent filter we start with the initialization and, importantly, to increment iO to the mxO = dm(i0, mO), myO = pm(i4, m4);
shown in Box I. next location in the buffer. Since the buffer is another multifunction operation that
These three instruclions are part of ini- is circular the new data point will replace executes in a single instruction cycle. It
tialization of the program and are executed the oldest data in the buffer and leave the multiplies the contents of registers mxO
oniy once, when the program is first run. address in iO pointing to the next oldest and myO. adds these onto the contents of
The first instruction again uses index reg- data point. mr and then reloads mxO and myO with
isters that were described on page 10.8. Next are three instructions to setting up new values from data and program
All three instructions set up the registers the index register. i4, which is the address memory. The designation ( s s ) indicates
for the indexed access to the input data of a series of constants that are our FIR that both mxO and myO are to be treated as
delay line. The 'hat' symbol seen in filter coefficients. These registers could 2 ' s complement signed numbers. The
iO = A c i r c _ d a t a _ b u f f e r should be read as have been set up at initialization time by label 'Firloop:' indicates that this is the end
"the address o f and creates a constant that making 14 = 10. but are shown this way to of our do-loop. In this case, the loop is
can be automatically determined when the emphasize that the FIR filter calculation only one instruction long, and so this mul-
program is assembled and linked. always start with the same coefficient. The tiply and accumulate operation is repeated
The remainder of the instructions for the coefficients arc. interestingly, stored in 9 times.
FIR filter are executed periodically when program memory. pm(i4, m4). This is a After the multiply and accumulate
new data points arc available. The new sig- convcnicncc for speeding up the calcula- operations, we fall through to one last mul-
nal value arrives in the axO register as tion as will be seen below. tiply and accumulate. This one uses the
shown in Box 2. Proceeding in the program, we encoun- (rnd) designator that still treats the inputs
The filtered output is in the multiplier ter mr = 0, mxO = dm(iO, mO), myO = as signed numbers, but also rounds the mr1
accumulator register. mr1. The instruction pm(i4, m4); which is a multifunction register (the output) according to whether
dm(iO, mO) = axO: uses the index registers operation executed entirely within one mrO is more or less than a half. Rounding
to place the new data point into our buffer instruction cycle. This clears the multiply is done on only the last accumulate.
Note that at this point we have used all 10
Box 2 - DSP program for FIR filter computation dm(3)=New data value
dm(i0, mO) = axO; { Enter t h e n e w d a t a point into delay line } mr=0
i4 = A fir_coeffs; { Points to start of a t a b l e of 10 c o n s t a n t s } mr=mr+dm(5)"pm(2)
14 = 0; { This buffer n e e d not b e c i r c u l a r } mr=mr+dm(6)"pm(3)
m 4 = 1; { I n c r e m e n t i4 by 1 a f t e r u s e } mr=mr+dm(7)'pm(4)
mr = 0, mxO = dm(i0, mO), myO = pm(i4,m4); {Initial d a t a load } tnr=mr«-dm(9)"pm(6)
cntr = 9; { This s e t s t h e n u m b e r of 'do' l o o p s } mr=mr+dm(10)"pm(7)
d o firloop until ce; { Loop 9 times, ie, until c o u n t e r e m p t y ( c e ) ) mr=mr+dm(1 )*pm{8)
Firloop: mr = mr+mx0*my0 (ss), mx0=dm(i0,m0), my0=pm(i4,m4); mr=mr+dm{2)"pm(9)
{ End of loop )
mr = mr + mxO * myO (rnd); { This is t h e tenth calculation } mr=mr+dm(3)"pm(10)
D S P Components 10.15
T a b l e 10.1 shows what is happening. FIR Filter Design by the f L and f H are the lower and upper band-
Here we have used the shorthand terminol- Window Method pass cutoff frequencies, and f s is the
ogy of dm(i) being the ith memory loca- sample rate, all in Hz. Only half of the
tion in our circular buffer. Likewise pm(j) The relationship between the frequency coefficients are calculated since they
is the jth coefficient in the program response of a FIR filter and the coefficient divide into halves that arc symmetric, as
memory table. We assume that we came values is a mathematical formula called the shown in Fig 10.19. This same formula
upon this calculation at a time when d m ( 2 ) discrete Fourier transform.' 0 The details of applies equally well to low-pass and high-
had just been read and we nexl need to use the transform wi II not be dealt with here since pass filter design by setting f L = 0 or f H =
d m ( 3 ) . This is where we put the new data for most purposes it is not necessary to actu- (f</2) respectively.
point. The multiply and accumulates can ally evaluate it. Instead, one can start with a
Unfortunately, filters designed by this
be seen to occur 10 times. At the eighth of general transform of an ideal rectangular fre- formula have several flaws. The response
these we have reached d m ( 1 1 ) . which is quency response. Forinstance, if we wish to curve of Fig 10.20 is the result of analyz-
outside our buffer, so we "wrap around" to pass 400 to 800 Hz the ideal frequency re- ing our filter. The pass-band is not flat, the
the start of the circular b u f f e r at d m ( 1 ) . sponse would be 1.0 within that frequency sides of (he filler are not vertical and prob-
band and 0 elsewhere. The Fourier Trans- ably worst of all. the out-of-band response
Observe that we have incremented the iO
form of this simple response shape has been is only 20 to 30 dB below that of the pass-
value 11 times for our 10 coefficients. This
done for us, and all wc need to do is to plug band. What went wrong? Well, we have
causes the operation to start one location
in the values corresponding to 400 and 800 tried to describe the filter response with
further around in the circular buffer next
Hz. Since this is a sampled data operation the too few elements. Our sampled data can-
time a data point is processed. This is
sample frequency, say 8000 Hz, is involved not describe the extremely fast transitions
equivalent to pushing the data through a
as well. In equation form the coefficients are: such as occur at the edges of the pass-band.
delay line, but requires no actual movement
This design approach c o m p r o m i s e s the
of data, only the pointer to the data. iO.
fH ft. out-of-band attenuation in favor of small
The FIR filter calculation can be seen to sin 2;tk- sin 2;tk transition bands.
be straightforward. In the ADSP-2181 it re-
quires about 10+N f instruction cycles for a Fortunately, it is possible to easily cure
;tk 7ik
filter with N f coefficients. A complex, high the poor out-of-band attenuation. By sys-
performance filter of 200 coefficients Eq 10.6 tematically adjusting the c t coefficient
would need 210 instruction cycles, if this values, it is possible to push down the out-
was repeated at an 8-kHz rate we would be of-band response. The process for doing
using 8000x210=1.680,000 cycles out of a for k=0 to N t / 2 - l , and N, is the number (an this is called windowing. The price that we
possible 33.3 million, or only about 5% of even number*) of coefficients to be found. pay for improved out-of-band rejection is
Ihe available processing time. A special case is k=0: a more gradual transition between the
So far we have a way to compute the pass-band and the stop-band. This is usu-
filter output if we could find out what ally an acceptable tradeoff.
coefficients to use. The next section shows Eq 10.7 Most FIR filter design descriptions
a way to find them. include a variety of windowing methods.
Here we will only show one method, the
Kaiser window. This is a particularly use-
ful technique:
' The formulas are shown here for an even
• It provides an adjustable method for
number of coefficients. The form for an odd
number is slightly different and although trading off m a x i m u m out-of-band re-
not covered here, is included in the design sponse, in dB, for cutoff rate at the pass-
program. band edge.
10.16 Chapter 10
• The out-of-band response drops rap- Coefficient 5 = .5243738 as '00" on the end. each corresponding to
idly as one moves away from the pass- Coefficient 6 = .5243738 four binary bits each equal to zero. A Basic
band edge. Typically, close-in responses Coefficient 7 = .0379926 program to convert the original decimal
arc not as troublesome as those far out. Coefficient 8 = -.0976571 b(j) coefficients would be:
• The design process, though not trivial, Coefficient 9 = .0304284
involves a computation not a great deal Coefficient 10 = .0158115 DIM H$(301)
more complicated than other standard F O R j = 1 T O nf
windowing methods. The coefficients are decimal numbers H$(j) = H E X $ ( b ( j ) )
Implementation of a Kaiser window and not the integers required by many IF b(j) > = 0 T H E N G O S U B P O S H ELSE
involves choosing a dB level for the maxi- DSP. Conversion to integers is accom- G O S U B MINH
mum out-of-band attenuation response, plished by the following pan of a Basic P R I N T H$(j)
Kdb. This would typically be a number in program that could be attached onto our N E X T 1%
the 30 to 80 dB range. A B A S I C program >1 FIR design program: STOP
can be used for determining the Kaiser
window as well as the coefficient values F O R j = 1 T O nf POSH:
for the FIR fi Iter. The results of using this b y ) = INT(32768 • b(j)) GS = H$(l%)
program to apply a 30-dB Kaiser window IF b(j) < 1 T H E N b(j) = b ( j ) + 1 IF L E N ( G S ) = 1 T H E N G $ = "000" + G $
to our band-pass filler can be seen in Fig P R I N T " C o e f f i c i e n t " ; j ; " = "; b(j) + "00"
10.21. NEXT j IF L E N ( G $ ) = 2 T H E N G S = "00" + GS
To better understand the design of a FIR + "00"
filter using the Basic program, we will This works for 16-bit integer arithmetic. IF L E N ( G S ) = 3 T H E N G S = "0" + G $ +
show the details for a simple 10 coefficient For 24 bit integer arithmetic we replace "00"
low-pass filler. Keep in mind that our per- the 32768 which is 2" 15 by 8388608 IF L E N ( G S ) = 4 T H E N G $ = G $ + "00"
formance will not be particularly good and which is 2 A 23. Here is what we get from HS(I%) = GS
most FIR filters use more coefficients, per- running this program on our 10-coefficient RETURN
haps 30 to 300. Assuming our sampling rate filter (because of the symmetry we will
is 8 kHz and we want the low-pass to cutoff only show the first 5 coefficients): MINH:
at 2.5kHz, wc run the program as follows: H S ( I % ) = R I G H T $ ( H S ( I % ) , 4 ) + "00"
Coefficient 1 = 518 RETURN
FIR Filter Design, Low-pass, Band-pass Coefficient 2 = 997
or High-pass Coefficient 3 = -3200 Again the resulting hex output for the
Number of FIR coefficients? 10 Coefficient 4 = 1245 first 5 coefficients is:
Sample rate, Hz? 8000 Coefficient 5 = 17183
Lower Cutoff Frequency, Hz, between 0 020600H
and half of sample rate ? 0 FIR filter coefficients will normally be 03E500H
Upper Cutoff Frequency, Hz. between 0 placed into program memory ( P M ) for the F38000H
and half of sample rate? 2500 Analog Devices ADSP-21 o o ' s e r i c s of DSP. 04DD00H
Slop-band Attenuation. dB (e.g. 55.0)? 30 The assembler for the Analog Devices HZ- 431FOOH
Coefficient 1 = .0158115 Kit requires that this data be presented in
Coefficient 2 = .0304284 24-bit format, left justified and right pad- These coefficients would normally be
Coefficient 3 = -.0976571 ded with zeros. This is most easily handled placed into a separate data file, rather than
Coefficient 4 = .0379926 in hexadecimal since the right zeros appear cluttering up the assembly listing.
/ .- ••..">)
m • 1 I -
•o • 1 1 •
« -15 1 1
1 t ;
1-20 1 1
a. 1 1 •
| -25 1 1 \20
-30 1
1 ( 200 [so •
1000 2000
4000 50Cn
Frequency in Hz
Frequency in KHz
Fig 10.22—Response of three FIR filters designed to cover
500 to 2000 Hz at 6 dB points. The number of coefficients has
Fig 10.21—Response Curve for the 50-coefflclent FIR filter of been set to 20, SO and 200. The sampling rate for the system
Fig 10.20 when using a 30-dB Kaiser windowing function to was 9600 Hz. The sharpness of the filter is seen to be
reduce the out-of-band response. strongly dependent on the number of coefficients.
f }
if -30
5j -50
500 tooo 1500
Frequency In H z
I °" 04
g 0.02
C 0
~ -0.04
Time in milliseconds
Fig 10.25—Impulse response of a Kaiser-window FIR filter Fig 10.26—Response of a Kaiser-window FIR filter designed
designed for a center frequency of 800 Hz, using 200 for a center frequency of 800 Hz, using 200 coefficients and *
coefficients and a sampling rate of 9600 Hz. The - 6 dB- sampling rate of 9600 Hz. The - 6 dB-bandwidth was designee
bandwidth was designed to be 500 Hz. to be 200 Hz. The two response curves correspond to design
side-lobe levels of 40 and 65 dB.
10.18 C h a p t e r 10
Alternate DSP Devices
The examples in Chapters 10 and 11 are all built check the manufacturers Web sites for the current data.
around a single DSP processor, the Analog Devices In addition to specialized DSP processors, it is quite
ADSP-2181. This makes the programs easier to follow practical to use a PC directly. High-end Intel, AMD or
since the language is not changing from example-to- Motorola processors are able to provide performance
example. However, it obscures the fact that a number of levels comparable to the better dedicated DSP device.
excellent alternate devices are available form several A sound board provides the CODEC functions. This is
manufacturers. For specific applications, a particular not as compact a solution as the dedicated DSP board
device may excel over others. and thus can't easily be regarded as a "component."
At 33 MHz, the ADSP-2181 does not represent the The programming environment is complicated by the
fastest available processor, either. For audio applica- general-purpose operating systems in use.
tions, this is often not important. With a little care In An example of an alternate demo-board is the
programming, it is usually possible to pack the last IF "TMS320C3x Starter K i f from Texas Instruments. The
and audio functions of a communications receiver and hardware consists of a 3.5 by 5.0 Inch PC board with a
transmitter into a device such as this. Examples of this TMS320C31 32-bit floating-point processor and a
are in Chapter 11 of this book. TLC32040 A/D and D/A converter. It is bundled with an
Bread-boarding of fast processors such as used for assembler and an emulator type of debugger. An
DSP is not simple. Multi-layer PC boards are of major interface is provided to control the board from a PC.
benefit and the IC packages most often use a large
number of fine-pitch pins, making connections unsuit-
able for wires. For these reasons, the use of a "demo
board" makes experimentation much easier. Most
manufacturers offer demo boards for their DSP devices,
often bundled with some collection of support software.
Before selecting a particular DSP device for a project, it
is best to determine the current offerings of these
boards. The prices vary widely, often reflecting the
bundled software.
Representative families of low-cost DSP processors
are reflected in the table below. These are not the high-
end products from the various manufacturers, since
these often represent unneeded expense as well as
higher power consumption. The changing nature of The TMS320C3X Starter Kit from Texas
these processor families suggests that one should Instruments.
10.7 DSP IF
Computers, and specifically DSP micro-
processors. are limited in their processing
speed. The instruction set for the D S P
makes it faster for signal processing, but
D S P is still best suited for signals in the A/D
10's of kHz or less.* Audio processing is Converter
easily in this range and not surprisingly,
has been a major application for D S P in
radio systems. Interesting applications are
possible by use of a low frequency IF.
Fig 10.27 is a block diagram of a radio
receiver, implemented with the last IF in a
D S P at 7.5 kHz. One would prefer an IF as
low as possible, which is often quite prac-
tical. For instance, if the analog IF has a
bandwidth of 5 kHz. the 60-dB points for
a reasonable crystal filter might be 15 kHz
apart. This will allow the use of an IF as Fig 10.27—Block diagram of a CW/
low as 2.5 to 7.5 kHz with the image rejec- SSB receiver with a DSP-based IF.
tion being always greater than 60 dB (see
Fig 10.28). With the proper A/D converter,
this would be supported bv a sampling rate
of about 20 kHz.
D/A Audio
Converter Out
Fine Tuning
A m a j o r advantage of the D S P IF is the
simplicity of fine frequency control. Wc
have already seen that we can easily gen-
erate a sine wave in software with good
frequency resolution. This is ideal for use
as the oscillator for frequency conversion.
This can be a shift in the IF, or more often. it is the final conversion often called the
BFO. As we will see, the input and output
frequencies of the conversion process can
overlap and so there is considerable free-
The ADSP-2181 in the EZ-Kit Lite that has dom in choosing the IF.
been used for the examples executes 33
instructions per microsecond. Each instruc-
tion can be a simple operation, such as add-
ing of two numbers, or it can be a multiple
part instruction that multiplies two numbers
together, adds these to an existing sum, Fig 10.28—The required response curve
fetches two different values from memory for the crystal filter used in the receiver
and updates a loop counter. This latter type of Fig 10.27. The frequencies shown are
of instruction is an example of the special- relative to the IF center. Image responses
ized instructions that allow high computation are limited by having 60 or more dB of
rates in a DSP microprocessor. rejection at 5 kHz from the band edge.
10.20 Chapter 1 0
The double-balanced mixer of Chapter is required. Tf mxO and myO registers This very high isolation allows the
5 has wide application as an analog com- represent sine waves, then mr will repre- input and output frequencies to be i n over-
ponent. The simplicity of a DSP imple- sent a signal containing only the sum and lapping bands. Additional processing is
mented mixer can be surprising at first in- difference frequencies. The rejection of needed since one usually only desires
troduction: signals passing from the inputs (mxO, Or only the sum or the difference frequen-
myO) to the output (mr). callcd port- cies. An example of this is a Hilbert Re-
mr=mx0*my0 (ss); to-port isolation in conventional mixer tuner described by Forrer. 12 This process
descriptions, is for practical purposes corresponds to the Phasing method of
That is. only a simple signed multiply perfect. SSB detection, described in Chapter 9.
RF Amp Mixer l-F Fitter l-F Amp
Gain AGC
Control A 3C Control
• Point
Loop D/A
Fig 10.29—DSP-based feedback type of AGC showing a combination of analog and digital gain-control points.
RF <)
Converter Delay
Feed Forward
Loop AGC
Fig 10.30—DSP-based AGO with analog feedback and digital feed forward control.
FM Reception
A s is the c a s e f o r a n a l o g F r e q u e n c y
Preemphasis Phase to FM
Modulating \ Modulated (FM) discriminators,14 a num-
FIR Sinewave — ( Modulated
Audio (
Filter — O - 0 -F (DDS) Wave Out b e r of m e t h o d s e x i s t f o r the D S P - b a s e d
d e t e c t i o n of an F M s i g n a l . F M is a s p e c i a l
c a s e of p h a s e m o d u l a t i o n a n d o n e of the
Delay best F M d e t e c t o r s s t a r t s w i t h a p h a s e
d e t e c t o r , as s h o w n in F i g 10.32. T h e F M
Frequency s i g n a l at IF. s h o w n h e r e a s 9 to 21 k H z is
m i x e d with a p a i r of c o n s t a n t f r e q u e n c y
s i g n a l s at m i d - b a n d (15 k H z ) . T h e s e t w o
Phase Increment
for m i d - b a n d s i g n a l s d i f f e r in p h a s e by 90
Center Frequency d e g r e e s a n d , with D S P , can b e g e n e r a t e d
as t w o s e p a r a t e s i g n a l s . L o w p a s s filters,
in this e a s e at 5 k H z . r e m o v e the s i g n a l s at
the s u m f r e q u e n c y , l e a v i n g j u s t the d i f f e r -
Fig 10.31—Direct generation of FM signal.
ence signals. Since these two signals were
d e r i v e d f r o m the 9 0 - d e g r e e m i x i n g p r o -
c e s s they a r e called q u a d r a t u r e s i g n a l s (see
5 kHz
C h a p t c r 9) and c a n be s h o w n to r e t a i n all
of the i n f o r m a t i o n that w a s o r i g i n a l l y in
Vq the I F signal.
-I V'q
<p =t tan — E q 10.8
A r c t a n g e n t f u n c t i o n s c a n be c o m p u t e d
b y p o l y n o m i a l a p p r o x i m a t i o n s , in a f a s h -
ion very s i m i l a r to that u s e d to c o m p u t e a
Fig 10.32—An FM detector built using an arctangent phase detector and a
differentiator. sine w a v e e a r l i e r in t h i s c h a p t e r . ^
F r e q u e n c y is d e f i n e d as the r a t e - o f -
c h a n g e of p h a s e . T h e m a t h e m a t i c a l t e r m
f o r this o p e r a t o r is the d e r i v a t i v e and the
FM Transmission ing t h e p h a s e i n c r e m e n t in a c c o r d a n c e f u n c t i o n a l b l o c k f o r f i n d i n g it is the
E a r l i e r in this c h a p t c r t h e D D S m e t h o d w i t h t h e m o d u l a t i o n w a v e f o r m . T h i s is in- d i f f e r e n t i a t o r . W h e n reduced to a D S P
of g e n e r a t i n g s i n e w a v e s w a s d e s c r i b e d h e r e n t l y of v e r y low d i s t o r t i o n . M o s t F M p r o g r a m , all that is r e q u i r e d is to s u b t r a c t
that w a s b a s e d on i n c r e m e n t i n g a p h a s e s y s t e m s e m p l o y s o m e p r e e m p h a s i s f o r the the c u r r e n t p h a s e value f r o m the p r e v i o u s
value by a constant amount called a phase h i g h e r m o d u l a t i o n f r e q u e n c i e s thai c a n b e v a l u e . In g e n e r a l it is n e c e s s a r y to w a t c h
i n c r e m e n t . T h e f r e q u e n c y of the s i n e w a v e a c c o m p l i s h e d by p l a c i n g a F I R or I I R f i l - the p h a s e v a l u e w h e r e p a s s e s t h r o u g h 3 6 0
is p r o p o r t i o n a l to the p h a s e i n c r e m e n t . F M ter a h e a d of t h e m o d u l a t o r . F i g 1 0 . 3 1 d e g r e e s , s i n c e that p o i n t and 0 d e g r e e s are
m o d u l a t i o n can b e a c c o m p l i s h e d b y v a r y - shows the overall arrangement. t h e s a m e . If t h e p h a s e v a l u e h a s b e e n
10.22 Chapter 10
scaled so that 360 degrees is the entire treated correctly for either direction of eral. it is necessary to place this through an
range of the 2 ' s complement arithmetic (0 rollover. appropriate de-emphasis filter to reduce
to 65535 for 16-bit arithmetic) then the Thus the output of the difference opera- the high frequency boost introduced at
rollover at 360/0 degrees is automatically tion is the FM demodulated signal. In gen- transmission time. This could be the
simple RC IIR filter described earlier.
In Chapter 7 we explored using Spec- bined with an oscilloscope for displaying Spectrum Analyzer, using the Discrete
tram Analyzers to observe the content of the signal amplitude, analysis of the signal Fourier Transform (DFT). has some at-
•signals in the frequency domain. They spectrum was possible. tractive features. The swept local oscilla-
consisted of a detcctor for measuring sig- An alternate DSP implementation of the tor and associated mixer are not needed in
nal amplitude coming from a receiver
along with a local oscillator for tuning the
receiver. The local oscillator was made Mixers Low-Pass Fitters
voltage tunable so that it could be swept IrvPhas-e
across a range of frequencies. When corn- Square
I COS 2rrf L t 500 Hz
Filter Signal RMS
Input ( — 1 Square!) Vo|(age
13 kHz HSH 500 Hz
Output 13 kHz Local Oscillator
10 to 20 kHz
© Hg>\)
Local Quadrature
Oscillator Square
10 to 2D kHz Output
500 Hz
Fig 10.33—A first implementation of a
circuit to measure signals in the 10- to Fig 10.34—An improved Implementation of the circuit of Fig 10.33. The in-phase and
20-kHz frequency range. The output of quadrature outputs will never be zero simultaneously, regardless of the input phase
this circuit is sensitive to both the relative to the local oscillator. Blocks have been added to square the in-phase and
frequency of the input signal and its quadrature outputs, add these together and then take the square root. This
phase, relative to the local oscillator. produces the RMS voltage of the signal input at the frequency of the local oscillator.
Xi k = X V R « ' s i n
( 2 l c k n / N
and... n=o
N-l , . N-l .
i k = I V Rn s i n ( 2 * k n / N J + T V ln cos(2*kn/N These are the versions that are described by circuit
analogs in the text.
90-degree phase shifter. Now, as the phase Fig 10.35—A filter bank type of Spectrum Analyzer, built from multiples of the
of the input is varied, we will see the out- in-phase/quadrature filters of Fig 10.34. As discussed in the text, this structure
put of one mixer go to zero while the other is equivalent to a Discrete Fourier Transform, followed by the RMS squaring and
peaks. The true (RMS) output voltage square-root circuits.
magnitude is obtained by squaring each of
the two mixer output voltages, adding, and
DSP mixers, one driven with a cos(2rcf L t) 20-kHz band. The original 13-kHz signal
taking the square root.*
signal while the other is driven in quadra- is supplemented with a weaker one at 11
Clearly, we can replace the hardware ture by sin(2*f| t). The outputs are low- kHz, and perhaps another at 16 kHz. One
mixers with a DSP version. The 10-to-20- pass filtered to eliminate any sum terms, way to estimate the overall spectra wouli
kHz signal is applied to an A-to-D con- leaving only the base-band outputs. These be to add two more mixer pairs with a pur
verter to produce a time-sampled version can be used to calculate the output volt- driven at each of the new input frequen-
of the signal. This is applied to a pair of age, just as we did with the hardware cies. However, let's get even more gen-
mixer. This is just a phasing method re- eral. Instead of adding just two more mixer
ceiver as discussed in Chapter 9. pairs, we will assemble a collection of 11
*lf one only wants the power of the signal as
an output, the square-root block can be Let's continue our thought implemen- of these circuits with a quadrature pair at
omitted. tation by adding more signals in the 10- to each I -kHz increment from 10 to 20 kHz:
10.24 Chapter 10
Fig 10.36—A detailed block diagram of the DFT with only "real"
input data, such as from samples of a time waveform. The
Operation Performed for All
multiplying (mixing) signals are calculated sine and cosine
Values of K from 0 to N-1
values with frequencies spaced every f s /N Hz, where f s is the
sampling rate for the data. The resulting outputs are referred to
here as "In-phase" and "Quadrature" data. Mixer
F i g u r e 1 0 . 3 5 s h o w s a b l o c k d i a g r a m of o u r g r o w i n g c o l l e c t i o n
of t h o u g h t h a r d w a r e . M o s t o u t p u t s will b e c l o s e to z e r o , b u t w e
will see s u b s t a n t i a l o u t p u t s c o r r e s p o n d i n g to 11, 13 a n d 16 k H z .
W e n o w h a v e a " b a n k of f i l t e r s " type s p e c t r u m a n a l y z e r . W e
c o u l d h a v e a c h i e v e d t h e d e s i r e d result by a c t u a l l y b u i l d i n g 11
b a n d - p a s s f i l t e r s , e a c h f o l l o w e d by a s u i t a b l e d c t e c t o r . i n s t e a d ,
w c h a v e a c h i e v e d the s a m e result with m i x e r s d r i v e n b y q u a d r a -
ture-Iocal-oscillator signals.
T h e s e s y s t e m s are f u n d a m e n t a l l y d i f f e r e n t than the usual
" s w e p t f r o n t - e n d " s p e c t r u m a n a l y z e r . If w e w e r e to build o n e of
t h o s e f o r t h i s e x a m p l e , w e m i g h t u s e a s w e p t local o s c i l l a t o r that
t u n e d f r o m , f o r e x a m p l e , 6 0 to 7 0 k H z . A s i n g l e m i x e r w o u l d
h e t e r o d y n e the i n p u t up to a narrow b a n d - p a s s f i l t e r at 5 0 k H z .
f o l l o w e d by a s u i t a b l e d e t e c t o r . As the o s c i l l a t o r s w e e p s the
i n p u t f r e q u e n c y f r o m 10 lo 2 0 k H z . t h e s i g n a l - a m p l i t u d e o u t p u t
for the i n c r e m e n t a l k H z p a i n t s will be v i r t u a l l y t h e s a m e as w e
o b t a i n e d f r o m the b a n k s of m i x e r pairs. H o w e v e r , w h i l e the s w e p t
s y s t e m p r o v i d e s i n f o r m a t i o n f o r o n e f r e q u e n c y at a t i m e the
filter b a n k p r o v i d e s all o u t p u t s s i m u l t a n e o u s l y .
B a n k s of oscillators, mixers and l o w - p a s s filters b e c o m e un-
wieldy if built f r o m hardware. But w e can build up their equivalent
D S P c o m p o n e n t s as is s h o w n in Fig 10.36. A s s h o w n in F i g 10.37,
oscillators are replaced by q u a d r a t u r e sine and cosine w a v e c o m p u -
tations. N u m e r i c a l multipliers replace the mixers. T h e low-pass fil-
ters are replaced by s u m m i n g several multiplier outputs. T h i s n e e d s
to be repeated f o r each of the f r e q u e n c i e s of interest, such as o u r
integral f r e q u e n c i e s f r o m 10 to 2 0 kHz. Put into this m a t h e m a t i c a l
f o r m , w e h a v e recreated the D F T algorithm.* T h o s e inclined to-
w a r d s m a t h e m a t i c a l descriptions can also see this f r o m the e q u a -
tions in the sidebar, " M a t h e m a t i c s of the Discrete F o u r i e r T r a n s -
f o r m . " Most i m p l e m e n t a t i o n s of the D F T w o u l d c o m p u t e t h e
spectral outputs f r o m 0 to 9 k H z as well as the 10- lo 2 0 - k H z outputs
shown, but this is not r e q u i r e d to b e a D F T ,
'As will be discussed, the full DFT is more general and allows the
input to be a complex number. Here, we are dealing with a simpli-
fied case where the "imaginary part" of the input is zero.
Sin 2TT f k ^
T h e Ins and Outs of the Fig 10.39—Block diagram of the Discrete Fourier Transform with a time waveform
DFT input. The output information is referred to here as "In-phase" and Quadrature."
For this case of all "real" inputs, the number of output pairs is half the number of
When one uses the DFT. interpretation input samples. The upper figure applies to any number of sample data points.
of the input and output data can be confus- The lower figure is specific to 8 input sample data points.
10.26 Chapter 10
D F T on a real t i m e s c r i e s in block d i a g r a m q u a d r a t u r e o u t p u t s c o r r e s p o n d t o t h e sides seen on the d i s p l a y . T h e D S P - 1 0 also u s e s
f o r m . T h i s is s h o w n w i t h a " r e a l " i n p u t of a r i g h t t r i a n g l e a n d the p o w e r to t h e h y - t h e D F T o u t p u t s to p r o v i d e w e a k s i g n a l
s i n c e the i m a g i n a r y i n p u t w a s set to zero. potenuse squared: c o m m u n i c a t i o n s m o d e s . T h i s is i l l u s t r a t e d
T o m a k e their role more obvious, b y e x a m p l e s in C h a p t e r 12.
the outputs are n o w called " i n - p h a s e " pi = V, i2 + V Q i 2 Eq 10.11
a n d " q u a d r a t u r e . " N i n p u t s n u m b e r e d 0 to
N - l will p r o d u c e p a i r s of o u t p u t s n u m -
Other DFT Applications
An e x a m p l e of a s p e c t r u m a n a l y z e r bui 11
b e r e d 0 to ( N / 2 ) - 1 . T h e l o w e r f i g u r e s h o w s using the p o w e r outputs f r o m the D F T
for Signal Processing
this f o r the s p e c i f i c c a s e o f N = 8 . T h e r e are is the D S P - 1 0 2 - M r a d i o , originally T h e s p e c t r a l p o w e r d a t a is u s e f u l f o r un-
8 i n p u t s , n u m b e r e d 0 to 7 a n d 4 p a i r s of d e s c r i b e d in QST.19 T h e n a r r o w b a n d w i d t h s d e r s t a n d i n g the n a t u r e of s i g n a l s b e i n g re-
o u t p u t s n u m b e r e d 0 to 3. that are achieved with the D F T are useful for c e i v e d . T h e r e arc c h a r a c l e r i s t i c s i g n a t u r e s
detection and observation of w e a k signals. or " l o o k s " f o r p a r t i c u l a r m o d u l a t i o n
F i g 111.41 is the S p e c t r u m A n a l y z e r display forms. C W , SSB, F M and data signals can
DFT Spectral f r o m that r a d i o w h i l e r e c e i v i n g w e a k c a r - be identified by their spectrum, without
Frequency Response riers. S i g n a l s b e l o w a b o u t - 1 5 0 d B m a r e k n o w i n g a n y d e t a i l s of t h e i n f o r m a t i o n
S i n c e the D F T of a t i m e w a v e f o r m is t o o w e a k to b e h e a r d by the ear, but n a r r o w c o n t e n t . In a d d i t i o n , the D F T can be u s e d
e q u i v a l e n t to a b a n k of b a n d - p a s s f i l t e r s , b a n d w i d t h s of t h e D F T m a k e t h e s e e a s i l y to p r o v i d e d a t a for o t h e r f u n c t i o n s , s u c h as
they must have a frequency response. W e F M s q u e l c h , n o i s e b l a n k e t s a n d a trans-
can use the m i x e r / l o w - p a s s filter (LPF) m i t t e r p r c d i s t o r t e r (hat is d i s c u s s e d b e l o w .
a n a l o g y lo f i n d t h i s r e s p o n s e . F i g 1 0 . 4 0 In t h e c a s e of the F M s q u e l c h , t h e p r e s e n c e
s h o w s t h e r e s p o n s e of a L P F c o n s t r u c t e d of a s i g n a l c a u s e s a r e d u c t i o n in t h e h i g h
by a d d i n g 16 p o i n t s t o g e t h e r , j u s t as is frequency noise f r o m the F M detector. By
d o n e for a 1 6 - p o i n t D F T . T h e d a t a s a m p l e e x a m i n i n g the p o w e r in v a r i o u s D F T out-
rale w a s set at 1000 H z p r o d u c i n g a f r e - p u t s it is p o s s i b l e to s e n s e t h e p r e s e n c e of
q u e n c y bin s p a c i n g of: c 0.5 a s i g n a l . In a s i m i l a r w a y . c o m p a r i n g the
5 0.4 v a r i o u s o u t p u t s of the D F T c a n s e n s e the
g> 0.3
B = f s / N = 1000/16 = 62.5 Hz Eq 10.10 b r o a d b a n d n a t u r e of i m p u l s i v e n o i s e .
10.28 Chapter 10
sor instructions. More general predictors are
also possible for cases such as noise input or 12 kHz
a SSB signal.
Fig 10.44 shows a block diagram of a
DSP implementation of a noise blanker.
The envelope detector determines the Detector
maximum amplitude of the IK signal. It
would look at both the positive and nega-
tive excursions of the signal in order to
respond, as quickly as possible, to any rap-
idly rising noise burst. A 2500-Hz low-pass
Adjustable i
filters extracts the signal envelope. In a Compare
Threshold >
similar fashion, the output of a
12-kHz filter responds to all signals
present in the pass band. If only the desired Moise-Slaftked
signal is present, the outputs of the two Delay Gate I-F Signal
fillers would be very similar. However, a Output
noise burst would produce a greater re-
sponse from the wider-band filter. This dif-
ference can be sensed by taking the ratio* Fig 10.44—Block diagram of a noise-blanker suitable for implementation as a DSP
of the two outputs. A comparator can sense function. An envelope detector follows the amplitude of the wide-band (12 kHz)
signal. Two low-pass filters are used to determine the presence of a noise burst,
if the noise response is over a threshold
which then gates the received signal. A signal delay allows time for the decision
and then produce a blanking signal. making.
K t - V . + K 2 - V . a + K 3 - V . j + ...
H> Amplifier
with Distortion
Fig 10.50—Waveforms before and after
Fig 10.48—Block diagram of a gain expander that could be implemented in a DSP the predistorter. Only the extreme
system. The A/D and D/A converters are shown to emphasize the points where voltages are increased by the
the signal has a digital form. In general, it would be combined with other digital predistorter. This increases the drive to
blocks. As the complexity of the polynomial gets greater, the potential for reducing the amplifier to overcome the amplitude
distortion improves. compression in the amplifier.
10.30 C h a p t e r 10
the simulated amplifier, both with and
without the predistortion. For small sig-
Amplifier Relative Output Spectfum nals the predistorter has no effect on the
5 waveform. This seems reasonable, since
4 small signals tend to have very little
i amplifier distortion. As the signal levels
exceed 0.5 V the effect of the predistorter
b e c o m e significant. The drive level is
increased considerably on the waveform
peaks. As the amplifier output tries to com-
-2 press. the predistorter drives it enough
-3 Compression T harder to bring it back to linearity. Fig
' i 10.51 is a plot of the resulting amplifier
10 20 30 -5
0 0.2 0,4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 spectrum when the two desired outputs
Input voltage Magnitude have the same level as for Fig 10.49. The
third order intermodulation products are
now about 48 dB below the peak output,
an improvement of 17 dB.
Fig 10.51—Output spectrum for the
same amplifier as used in Fig 10.49, Fig 10.52—Simulated amplifier and The gain characteristics for this example
except with the predistorter ahead of predistorter gain characteristics. The are shown in Kig 10.52.The amplifier gain is
the amplifier. The third-order products predistorter has been designed to down about 2.6 dB for an input level of 1.20
have been reduced by about 17 dB. minimize the error in the net gain for V. For this same level, the predistorter has a
Fifth and seventh order products can be voltages from 0 to 1.25. All voltages are
gain increase of 2.6 dB and the net gain is
seen on either side of the third-order referenced to the input to the
products. The predistorter and Its predisorter, and the input to the about 0 dB, representing no distortion.
interaction with the amplifier amplifier can be greater due to the Below this level, the correction is not perfect,
characteristics introduced these. predistorter gain expansion. but stavs within about 0.2 dB of 0 dB.
Fig 10.53—Block diagram of a SSB transmitter with predistortion in both amplitude and phase. The lower portion of the
diagram is conventional phasing type of SSB generator that serves to determine the desired envelope amplitude, which
determines the polynomial predistortion. All components shown are implemented in DSP.
DSP C o m p o n e n t s 10.31
II this predistorter was applied to a real to improve this by changes in the coeffi- trial-and-crror. This, easy-to-follow proce-
amplifier, the results would be disappoint- cients. The first step in such a process is to dure changes one of the coefficients by a
ing. This is because we have built a paper make a measurement of the amplifieroutput small amount and then observes the ampli-
amplifier thai has no phase distortion at distortion. This could be a spectral analysis fier output. If the distortion is reduccd, the
large signal levels. Transistor amplifiers are of the output spectrum, since we desire to change is left. If not. a trial in the opposite
not this simplistic and require correction not have any power outside a particular fre- direction is made. A lack of improvement at
for phase as well as Tor amplitude. How- quency band. The spectral analysis can be this point means that the original coefficient
ever, the technique shown above works done by converting the frequency of the was satisfactory. Then the procedure repeats
equally well for phase corrections. A poly- amplifier output back to a low frequency the steps for the next coefficient. So long as
nomial of the input voltage can be used to and applying a DFT to the signal, using the starting coefficients are not totally un-
determine the needed phase predistortion. DSP. Alternatively, one could take the con- reasonable. this will normally progress to the
Fig 10.53 is a block diagram of a SSB trans- verted signal and compare it with the de- optimum set of coefficients.
mitter with both amplitude and phase cor- sired signal in Fig 10.52. attempting to make Fig 10.51 shows that 5th and 7th order
rections being applied. It is necessary to the amplifier output a multiplied replica of intermodulation products have been intro-
know the envelope of the desired signal and the drive signal. This again is straightfor- duced by the predistorter. These high-order
the lower SSB generator in the figure serv es ward in a DSP implementation, but one must products are potentially more harmful than
this purpose. Amplitude and phase modu- allow for delays and constant phase shifts the original, but larger, 3rd order product.
lation for the predistortion can be applied that occur in the amplifier. The high order products are controllable in
to a sccond SSB generator as shown. All
Next, a process for changing the predis- amplitude by a combination of the operat-
local oscillators (LO) are at the frequency
tortion polynomial coefficients must be de- ing level and the predistorter design. Care
of the (suppressed) transmit I-F earner.
signed. This can proceed at a slow rate rela- should be taken to evaluate these efects.
In general, it is not satisfactory to use a tive to the changes in the transmitted signal. Predistortion systems can be seen to have
fixed set of coefficients for the polynomi- It is only necessary to foEow temperature or some complexity in their operation. But
als. Time, temperature, load impedance and other long-term affects. A number of sophis- the rewards are quite great. Not only does
other factors will change these. This sug- ticated procedures exist for determining the the amplifier distortion reduction mitigate
gests a feedback process that can observe coefficients.21 But, it is possible to get good "spcctrum pollution," but the efficiency of
the success of the predistorter and attempt performance from operations as simple as the amplifier is effectively improved.
1.D. Smith. Digital Signal Processing 7. P. Horowitz and W. Hill. The Art of the basis for an FM detector.
Technology, ARRL, 2001. Electronics. 16. E. O. Brigham, The Fast Fourier
2. P. Horowitz and W Hill, The Art of 8. See Reference 4. Transform, Prentice-Hall, 1974. For those
Electronics, Cambridge University Press, 9. W. Davenport and W. Root. AH comfortable with the concepts of calculus,
1989, Chapter 9. This is a discussion of Introduction to the Theory of Random Signals this is a wonderful reference book. The
A/D converters including sigma-delta. and Noise.McGraw-Hill, 1958, Ch. 5. The Discrete Fourier Transform properties and
3. D. Garcia, "Precision Digital Sine-Wave Central-Limit Theorm of statistics states that the "fast" implementations are both well
Generation with the TMS320IO," paper #8 under some very general conditions, the sum covered. Similar material is covered in R.
in Applications Manual, Digital Signal of a number of random variables approaches W. Ramirez, The FFT Fundamentals and
Processing with the TMS320 Family, the Gaussian distribution as the number gets Concept. Prentice-Hall. 1985. In addition,
Theory, Algorithms and Implementations, large. Most collcgc level statistics books there is a summary of the DFT in the ARRL
Volume J, Texas Instruments. 1986. This cover this theorm as well as signal analysis Handbook. Reference 10 above.
gives a good discussion of the books such as this one. 17. Chapter 6 of Reference 4 contains a
approximation tradeoffs associated with 10. The ARRL Handbook for Radio variety of FFT routines.
lookup tables. Program listings are specific Amateurs, ARRL, 2002. Chapter 18 18. Section 14.5 of Reference 4 contains
to the TMS320I0. but the discussion is contains an introduction to the Fourier an implementation of the Gocrtze!
quite general. transform. algorithm for DTMF decoding.
4. Digital Signal Processing Applications 11. The FIR filter design program is 19. R. Larkin, "The DSP-10: An All-Mode
Using the ADSP-2100 Famih. Volume 1, included on the CD-ROM for this book as 2-M Transceiver Using a DSP IF and PC-
Prentice-Hall, 1992. FIRDES1.BAS. The Basic program will Controlled Front Panel." QST, in three
5. D. J. DeFatta, .1. G. Lucas, W. S. Hodgkiss, run on most Basic interpreters such as have parts. Sep 1999, pp 33-41: Oct 1999. pp
Digital Signal Processing: A System Design been included with DOS and Windows™ 34-40; Nov 1999, pp 42-45.
Approach, John Wiley, 1988. This is a great operating systems up through 20. See Reference 5.
book, if you are comfortable with some Window s98™.
college level math, but it is not a math book 21. T. R. Cuthbert, Jr., Optimization Using
12. J. Forrer. "A DSP-Based Audio Signal Personal Computers With Applications to
like some DSP books! Processor," QEX, September, 1996. pp 8-13. Electrical Networks. John Wiley & Sons.
6. W. H. Press. S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. 13. U. Rohde. personal correspondence 1987. This book covers the mathematical
Vetterling. B. P. Hannery. Numerical Recipes with Wes Hayward. 1997. side of optimization and is good for those
in C. Cambridge University Press. 1992. This wanting to spend some time on the subject.
book discusses the background, 14. The ARRL Handbook, reference 10
above, includes examples of several types Knowledge of Calculus and Linear A Igebra
implementation and limitations of the is required to fully use the material, but
method, as well as a large number of computer of FM detectors.
BASIC programs and examples are
methods for numerical calculations. 15. Reference 4, Chapter 4 includes an provided for those who wish to approach
Arctangent routine that could be used as the subject experimentally.
10.32 Chapter 10
DSP Applications in
In Chapter 10 a number of DSP build- The control of the communications an existing receiver and used directly for
ing blocks, such as oscillators, filters and equipment can usually be improved by on-the-air experiments.
modulators were explored. In many cases some sort of computer, which is often a This chapter focuses on the processing
the blocks were alternatives to traditional dedicated microprocessor. This may be a of signals, but before getting to that we
analog functions, while in other cases, good approach, depending on the com- need to look at some basic control tech-
such as the discrete Fourier transform, we plexity of the devices. An alternative, niques. The first issue we will address is
are introducing functionality that was not however, is to use the same DSP device that of computer interrupts, which are fun-
previously practical. In this chapter, we that is processing signals to do the control damental to having the DSP programs
will explore methods for combining functions. This approach will be used sev- operate in synchronism with the attached
several blocks to produce a piece of com- eral times in this chapter, with the result of hardware.
munications equipment. We will be inte- needing less total hardware and only a AH the DSP programs needed to bring
grating three types of functions: single computer program. life to these projects are included on the
• Traditional analog components, such The journey of an experimenter who CD-ROM with the book and are not re-
as RF amplifiers and RF mixers. decides to investigate these DSP projects pealed in the text. Shown in this chapter
• DSP components, such as were cov- will begin with the EZ-K1T Lite from Ana- are a few fragments of the programs to il-
ered in Chapter 10. log Devices. The first things that might be lustrate a number of detailed operations. It
• Controls for both of these types of done with this DSP board are simple dem- is recommended thai the reader look at the
components. Most often this is associated onstrations such as audio filters, which arc complete program, on occasion. ThU
with operator interaction, involving both well describedin the manuals supplied with gives a "big picture" view of combining
displays and interface controls. the board. Several of these can be tied into fragments into a working DSP program.
11.1 P R O G R A M S T R U C T U R E
All computer programs have some form when needed. "Real-time" programming Interrupts
of overall structure, ranging from trivial to becomes problematic under these circum- As discussed in Chapter 10. data pro-
excessively complex. Often times the stances. cessing devices require some method to
structure is largely determined by a group For simple DSP programs, it is often change the program operation, based on
of programs, collectively referred to as an possible to operate with no real-time oper- some elcctrical input. Called interrupts,
operating system. For a P C . this constrains ating system. All resources arc allocated these methods involve some internal dedi-
all programs to certain conventions while when the program is designed. The over- cated hardware to make changes to the
allowing multiple programs to share re- head of the operating system is avoided processor state. Normally the minimum
sources, such as memory" or processor and the programs are guaranteed to com- operation is a change in the address of the
time. To the person writing a program this plete their tasks on time. All the programs program being executed. The programmer
can be both a convenience as well as a in this chapter will use this approach and must have placed appropriate instructions
source of anxiety. Having a set of subrou- have same structure. This consists of a at the interrupt-altered address.
tines available to handle standard opera- background program that processes all A complication for interrupt program-
tions can speed up program writing. How- data that has no time deadlines, and a ming is the potential for multiple inter-
ever, if there arc multiple users of single Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) that rupts. For example, in a DSP program,
resources, there may be no guarantee that includes all routines that must be com- these might be an operation to output data
a particular program will finish its task pleted on a periodic basis. to a D/A converter and a need to output
11.2 Chapter 11
Serial Latch In PF1
G RCK (Part}
Serial Clock In I
Serial Data in Qb
Shift Qc
Register Eight
Oil - Digital
n« Outputs
Qh LMX1501A
1k Freq Synth
Oh' - W r - DAT
serial devices using a common set of three serial due to the clock signal. Some devices may clock fast
programming lines. This requires more clocking events enough for the network to not be needed, but this must
per program, but the time for this activity is often avail- be examined on an individual basis.
able. Sometimes the time required to program a very long
For example, Fig B shows a serially programmed serial stream is excessive, or the serially programmed
National LMX1501A frequency synthesizer cascaded device may not have an output to support cascading.
with an 8-bit shift register. The shift-register arrangement For these cases, it is possible to share data and clock
is identical with that of Fig A, except that the cascading wires, but to have separate latch wires as is shown in
output QH' is used to send data on to the frequency Fig C. The data is clocked into both devices at the
synthesizer IC. The data passes through the shift same time, but only the device receiving a latch signal
register and on to the internal shift registers of the will act on the data.
synthesizer. Common clock and latch lines are used for The three-wire interface is quite flexible in its usage.
both devices. We need to be careful that all timing In many cases it is the only form for which a particular
constraints for the various devices are met. An example device may be available. However, in some sense it
of such a constraint is the RC network on the data line transfers the simplicity of the interface back to the
going into the synthesizer. This provides a delay of software that provides the drive. This generally is a
about a half microsecond, guaranteeing that the synthe- satisfactory result since wiring up parallel interfaces
sizer has clocked in the data from QH' before it changes with 8, 16 or possibly more wires is very repetitious and
not as challenging as software!
Gnd ADSP2181
ways to accomplish this. Here the two en- (Part)
coder outputs arc connected to Program-
mable Flag inputs, PFO and P F 1 . These
inputs are part of a set of 8 pins that are
d e d i c a t e d to input and output of digital
data (T/O). Within the p r o c e s s o r these pins
can be d e f i n e d as cither inputs or outputs
by writing to a m e m o r y - m a p p e d register.
Once this is done the pin logic levels can
be read f r o m a second m e m o r y - m a p p e d SER Clock
register. T h e only constraint on this imple- G RCK PF1
mentation is Ihe limited n u m b e r of pins r f T SER PF2
Expansion of the n u m b e r of digital I/O
lines can be a c c o m p l i s h e d by connecting ADSP 2181
Shit Qf _ Five Unused
f l i p - f l o p s to what is referred to as I/O Digital Outputs (Part)
Register OR
Space. This allows 16 bits to be read (or 74HC595
written) at a time and requires m i n i m a l
support h a r d w a r e . An alternative is to
continue using the P r o g r a m m a b l e Flags, Qc Vcc
but adding serial-to-parallel c o n v e r s i o n Qb
h a r d w a r e (shift registers) as is illustrated Qa
in F i g 11.3. A m a j o r a d v a n t a g e of this Gnd 8 Input
scheme is its compatibility with multitudes Six D7 Digital
1 Qg Multiplexer
of serially p r o g r a m m e d d e v i c e s (see Unused
Digital "
sidebar " T h r e e - W i r e Serial Interfaces"). D5
Inputs s
R e f e r r i n g to Fig 11.3. there are three lines.
tiara, cluck and latch, to transmit the serial
data f r o m the processor to the shift regis-
ter. F i g 11.4 shows the timing diagram for Rotary
producing 8 bits of parallel data f r o m the 22 Encoder Out A D1
shift register. T h e data line sets the value
of the individual bits. A f t e r the data line
•5V (1—VW
r Vcc
Out B DO
I x
has achieved a w e l l - d e f i n e d value, the
clock m a k e s a zero-to one transition thai
loads the current data value into the shift
register. This is repeated a total of 8 times, Fig 11.3—An alternative approach to expansion of the number of digital I/O lines
at which point the entire 8-bit byte has is the addition of serial-to-parallel conversion hardware as shown here.
been loaded into the s h i f t register. T h e
order of the shift register is such that the
most significant bit (Qh) is the first bit in, Qg Qa
and the least significant bit (Qa) is the last
bit into the shift register.
T o this point, we have converted serial Clock
data f r o m the processor into parallel data
lines. If we are to read the logic levels of a
multiplicity of external lines, it will easily
use up the f r e e p r o g r a m m a b l e flag lines.
O n e simple interface that is particularly
Latch Occurs
suited to occasional reading of lines is the
digital multiplexer. Figure 11.3 shows the Earliest
11.4 C h a p t e r 11
P3 Func.
Data ^ 2 8 PF3
Clock o-
Serial rt27__Pf2_
Optrex DMC-1611TA
Fig 11.5—Schematic diagram of the hardware interface between a DSP device and multiple control devices, including a
rotary knob, four push buttons, two LED indicators and an LCD display.
register. The output of the multiplexer goes followers. Q1 and Q2, f r o m two of the we look at the methods for using the D S P
to the processor pin PF3. This is pro- parallel outputs. as a control device.
grammed to be an input pin during the ini- The L C D panel has several options for
tialization of the processor. an interface. Rather simple is the seven-
As a final step in the evolution of control
Programming the
wire arrangement shown in Fig 11.5. Four
box schematics, Fig 11.5 shows a complete wires are for data that can be sent a half-
Rotary Encoder
interface including the rotary encoder for byte at a lime and the other three wires A complete example program for the
the knob, four push buttons, two L E D in- control the reading of the data by the LCD. rotary encoder is CUKNOB.DSP, in-
dicators and a 16-character L C D panel. All seven wires come f r o m the parallel cluded on the book CD. The software is
Four of the parallel inputs are used to read output interface produced by the shift reg- centered on a routine, knob. This routine
the state of the push buttons. The two L E D isters U l and U2. The control of the L C D compares the two bits that dcscribc the
indicators are driven by simple e m i u e r panel will be discussed further below when current knob state with those for the previ-
11.6 C h a p t e r 11
simple character display to a large matrix the particular panel for details. application using the box. the two sine
with colors. We will only deal with the Programming the LCD panel through wave plus noise generator. Both of these
least complex of these, but the principles the serial-hardware lines is straightfor- projects are shown later in this chapter.
required to extend the complexity will be ward. but will appear to be somewhat la- When a character is sent to the LCD, it
the same. The display shown here has 16 borious. The panel requires a sequence of is displayed at the left edge, and all exist-
characters, arranged in a single row. Any commands be sent to initialize the con- ing data on the display are pushed a char-
of the alphanumeric characters and a vari- troller. Once this is done, the individual acter to the right. If one wants to write any
ety of symbols can be displayed. The par- characters of the display can be set by two new character, it is necessary to write all
ticular display used here is the Optrex byte commands. The emphasis here will 16 positions in sequential order. For an
DMC-16117A. but a variety of products be on the general nature of using the DSP example, we will display a 16-bit number
are available from Optrex and other manu- as a controller, rather than on the specific in decimal form. This will include a lead-
facturers. The programming of many of procedures for this display. The details of ing negative sign if appropriate, or a lead-
these displays is similarto that shown here. this example are included with the pro- ing blank if the number is zero or positive.
Cheek the manufacturer's data sheets for grams for the "Knob Box." along with an These numbers, in decimal form, can range
from -32768 to 32767. Including the
minus sign, up to six characters are needed.
A complete ORP To simplify the display arrangement, we
rig for 2-meters,
the DSP-10, is will always leave room for six characters.
built around a We could write a long program routine to
minimal amount convert the number into numeric charac-
of hardware and ters and to load these into the LCD display.
the software Doing this can make a program difficult to
running In the
laptop PC. Along follow and prevents reuse of any of the
with the RF program pieces for other purposes. Writ-
hardware in the ing the program as a collection of subrou-
die-cast box is tines minimizes these problems.
an Analog
Devices EZ-KIT We will now look at some of the details
Lite that serves of these five subroutines. For selected por-
as the last IF and tions of the routines, the detailed program
audio portions of
the transceiver. instructions are shown. The fully com-
See page 11.27 mented source programs are included on
for more the Experimental Methods in RF Design CD
information. as part of the program CI 1 KNOB DSH
The table that is stored at the program memory table numbers are B'A'BA where the primed values refer to the
"encoder" is reconstructed here with the table address last measurements and B and A are the two logic
offset in binary and the table entries as decimal numbers: outputs from the encoder.
Some of the address offsets, such as 0101 or 1111,
4-Bit Address Offset Entry have the same old and new values and correspond to no
0000 0 motion ot the knob. All four of this type can be found in
0001 -1 the table to have an entry value of 0 indicating "no
0010 1 change."
0011 0 Next are address offsets such as 0001. Here the B
0100 1 output has remained logic-level 0, but the A output has
0101 0 changed from 0 to 1. Referring back to the encoder logic
0110 0 of Fig 11.1 it can be seen that only if the knob has
0111 -1 counter-clockwise motion is this possible. This results in
1000 -1 an entry of -1. In a similar fashion, an offset of 0010 can
1001 0 only occur for clockwise rotation and an entry value of 1
1010 0 results. If the knob is controlling a value, such as
1011 1 frequency, the new value can result from adding the
1100 0 table entry to the old frequency.
1101 1 Note that there are four address offsets, such as 0011
1110 -1 or 1001 that should never occur. These correspond to
1111 0 both A and B outputs of the encoder changing at the
same time. Fig 11.1 would suggest that this cannot
The address offset is shown as a binary number, occur. However, if the knob is rotated so fast that a state
corresponding to decimal equivalent numbers of 0 to 15. is skipped over, the 0011 combination may be encoun-
The binary values are the encoder-output logic levels for tered. This combination tells us that the encoder has
the last measurement followed by those for the current changed by two positions, but there is no clue as to the
measurement. All 16 possible combinations are in the direction. For this reason, the table entry must be zero,
table. Relating these to the knob encoder, the binary meaning that no change will be made.
Called 6 Times
Divide each ASCII
character into two four bit Subroutine outch
nibbles, add a binary 1000
into the bit positions 4 to 7. Left (Most Significant)
Four Bits
Send 8 bits to transfer
most significant nibble.
Subroutine !cd4
Right (Least Significant!
Four Bits
11.8 Chapter 11
W e n o w h a v e six c h a r a c t e r s in a m e m o r y
Box 4 - DSP program to determine the ASCII value a r r a y r e a d y to he sent to the d i s p l a y . T h i s
corresponding to the 10,000's digit. is t r a n s m i t t e d to t h e L C D as nibbles, each
containing four-bits of the character. T o in-
{ The n u m b e r to b e converted to BCD is in data memory d m ( t e m p l ) }
dicate that this i n f o r m a t i o n is display data, a
ayO = 10000; ( Find the 10,000s digit}
ay1 = h#30; { '0' to count the subtractions } binary one is placed in the left-hand position
n2a: ar = d m ( t e m p l ) ; { Test the current reduced n u m b e r } of the eight. All of this is handled by a sub-
af = ar - ayO; routine, called out_ch.
if It jump n2b; { Done for this digit}
ar = ar - ayO; { Not done, r e d u c e working n u m b e r } G o i n g b a c k to t h e s c h e m a t i c of the d i s -
d m ( t e m p l ) = ar; p l a y in F i g 11.5. of the 16 bits of s h i f t -
ar = ay1 + 1 ; { Increase current d i g i t ) r e g i s t e r o u t p u t lines, o n l y s e v e n g o to t h e
ay1 = ar; { This is w h e r e it is k e p t } L C D . S o . w e n e e d to be c a r e f u l that s e n d -
jump n2a; { Continue subtractions }
n2b: dm(digit + 1) = ay1; ing data to the L C D d o e s not c h a n g e the
{ store the ASCII value in memory }
o t h e r o u t p u t s . T h i s is a c c o m p l i s h e d by
u s i n g a logical O R i n s t r u c t i o n with a c o p y
of all the o u t p u t s k e p t in d a t a m e m o r y as
d m ( d a t a ! 6 ) . O t h e r data manipulation
s t e p s arc n e e d e d to b e c o n s i s t e n t with the
r e q u i r e m e n t s of the L C D h a r d w a r e . T h e
s u b r o u t i n e lcd4 p e r f o r m s t h e s e o p e r a t i o n s
f o r both n i b b l e s . Fig U . 8 s h o w s the f l o w
of this s u b r o u t i n e .
( Start
T h e o n l y m i s s i n g o p e r a t i o n n o w is a
m e t h o d to load the 74HC595 shift r e g i s -
( Start "N
LCD4 J t e r s w i t h serial d a t a (see t h e s i d e b a r o n
p a g e 11.2. " T h r e e - W i r e S e r i a l I n t e r -
f a c e s " ) . T h i s is a c c o m p l i s h e d by use of a
Move 4-bits of Data s u b r o u t i n e toad 16. o u t l i n e d in Fig 11.9.
to Bits 8 to 11 O n e a d v a n t a g e of this m o d u l a r s u b r o u t i n e
Read s t r u c t u r e is the ability to u s e t h i s s a m e rou-
Most Significant Bit tine f o r a n y o p e r a t i o n that r e q u i r e s alter-
ing the o u t p u t s of the s h i f t r e g i s t e r s . T h e
'SR' Bit: 0x0080 for Data
0x0000 for Command f i g u r e and the c o m m e n t e d listing on the
Experimented Methods in Radio Fre-
Shift Bits Left quency Design C D - R O M c a n b e e x a m i n e d
to see the d e t a i l e d o p e r a t i o n . H o w e v e r ,
Maks Bits 8 to 11 of Data o n e r e c u r r i n g e l e m e n t is to s e n d a p u l s e on
a h a r d w a r e l i n e . In a s s e m b l y l a n g u a g e
Set Data Line sending a positive going pulse typically
to Value of MSB looks like Box 5.
OR in 'SR' Bit
The routine " d e l a y j " does nothing for 3
(Data or Cmd)
microseconds. This allows plenty of lime for
the feed-through filters coming from the P F
Raise and Lower
leads to achieve their full rise. The delay rou-
Clock Line
OR into Existing 'Data16' tine could have been written as a loop, such as
Decrement Counter
Send Using 'LOAD16' Routine cntr=97;
with Enable Line High
d o d l y 3 a until c e ;
dly3a: nop;
11.10 Chapter 11
© 13>
in n o i s e . Each sine w a v e can h a v e its
f r e q u e n c y set to an} 1 v a l u e f r o m 1 H z to Out
2 0 k H z . and the R M S amplitude can be
varied in 0 . 1 - m V ( 1 0 0 - m i c r o v o l i ! steps. Sine Wave #1
0 to 20 kHz
T h e n o i s e is a l w a y s Gaussian and flat with
f r e q u e n c y . T h e n o i s e R M S amplitude can
also be varied in 0 . 1 - m V steps.
Gaussian . i
This a u d i o generator also illustrates the Random v
building b l o c k a s s e m b l a g e that w e are us- Noise
ing. T h e sine w a v e and n o i s e generators
c o m e f r o m Chapter 10 routines, and the
k n o b and L C D hardware and s o f t w a r e are
those that have j u s t b e e n d i s c u s s e d . In the
f o l l o w i n g s e c t i o n , w e w i l l tie these t o -
gether into a handy test b o x . Parte!
A l l s i g n a l s f r o m the g e n e r a t o r have —
great r e l a t i v e - a m p l i t u d e accuracy. The & Amplitude
absolute a c c u r a c y o f the D / A converter
output is o n l y about 1 0 % . This is a scaling
error o n l y and can be r e m o v e d by calibra-
tion o f the particular converter. Even with- Serial/Parallel
out an absolute calibration, the s i g n a l - t o -
n o i s e ratio o r the ratio o f t w o signal - O ^ O - DSP
v o l t a g e s can be set very accurately, typi- Control
K ^ O -
c a l l y better than 0.1 d B . Switch Program
11.12 C h a p t e r 11
©H>®MK> H>
VFO Mike
M Amp
MHz 10 d6m
Tr» Receive Mixers A/D
Rncotve RF A m p
r | ^
MSA06 I MAR6 < « f ^am (kXjV
o -Q—
f SOdB AD164?
2-Pole, 2kHz Pari of
2 Way 2 Way EZ-Kit Lite
1-Poto, 18MMz r20dB
D Deg MS) Dm)
2-Pole, 18MHz A® Audio
X"T\TUF Converter
o - f
Recoivo RF
20dB 12 dB 20dB
3 KHz LPF Hilbert Transmit Only CMOS
3T USB Select
Part of
Filter Stilecl Filer Select 5»» Relative EZ-Kit Lite SWetorw Headohones )
500 H z BPF 90 degree ( A Phase Shift Wv J
Phase Shift I y
Gain D/A
Q n _ Control Converter
Audio 3 M z LPF Hilbert Receive Only CMOS*-
Delay Right
Delay Gain
Filler Select
Filter Select
10 mn Control
500 Hz BPF
RF Gain
Rcvr In
" Q6 and Q7
R8 I 10k R10 Fastened to
r f y * J k
Q7 Current
Fig 11.14—Schematic diagram of the hardware used with the 18-MHz transceiver (continued on next two pages).
11.14 Chapter 11
• 10 V +10R +10T Audio Preamplifier
Rcvr In
180J 90 Deg
Note: The circuitry on these two pages (11.14 and 11.15) should be contained in a shielded enclosure. The 1500 pf
feedthrough capacitors filter the leads coming into the enclosure.
+12to o I Q 5 ^ ^ , r r m , REG ,
18 Volts -rj 47(jH Gnd
r h 1NS401 i L T
' I ""% ZVP2106A
Fen 1
Fen 2
P3-27 PF2 O -
P3-28 PF3 O -
I 10 k
| 10 k
i—Wv— r W r
I 10k 10 k
I 10k
Key P3-30 PF5 O -
Audio On P3-31 PF6 O-
P3-32 PF?
Transmit P3-33 FLO
P3-34 FL1 O-
P3-35FL2 O- +5 ¥ from Vcc
P3-49 Vcc O-
+10V 1
10 k ?
820 Not Used
47pF U7B C
0/1 I/O
" M r
3.3 k*
Audio Output
DACJ DAC_Q 0.47|iF 200+Ohm
1 0/1
'Note: The 3.3 k resistors
4. Phones
C +10 R_E
• 10k
Mike AT
C1 D Mike
11.16 Chapter 11
T h e I and Q a u d i o signals are put m o d u l a t i o n levels. T h e s e d e v i c e s are ports; this is the transmit carrier rejection.
through i n d i v i d u a l a u d i o filters in the available in a n u m b e r of d i f f e r e n t gain and T h e L O drive differs in phase by about 90
DSP. T w o filter bandwidths are provided, p o w e r levels. T h e y require external block- degrees for the t w o mixers p r o v i d i n g one
a 3 - k H z low pass filter and a 5 0 0 - H z filter, ing capacitors, dc p o w e r feed R F C s and of the necessary elements for the "phasing
suitable only for C W . Due to the D S P c u r r e n t limiting resistors. Probably the m e t h o d " of S S B detection and generation.
i m p l e m e n t a t i o n , the I and Q f i l t e r s arc biggest drawback to the use of these de- T h e R F p h a s e - s h i f t network (see the
identical in their response. In order to have vices is their p o w e r c o n s u m p t i o n . Their e f - discussion in Chapter 9) consisting of a
single-sideband reception, a broadband ficiency is about half of that achievable tightly c o u p l e d i n d u c t o r , T 2 , the t w o
9 0 - d e g r e e p h a s e d i f f e r e n c e m u s t be ap- with a well designed transistor amplifier, 8 2 - p F capacitors and the 51-12 terminat-
plied lo the two audio signals. This is done due mainly lo the p o w e r lost in the current ing resistor. This network has rather so-
with a D S P filtering technique called the limiting resistor. phisticated operation, c o n s i d e r i n g its sim-
Hilbert t r a n s f o r m . T h e received u p p e r - P r e c e d i n g the R F amplifier is a single plicity. The L O signal is divided into two
sideband signal can then be f o r m e d with a tuned circuit built around the inductor 1,1. equal mixer drive signals with the 90-dc-
simple subtraction of the audio signals. Di- This restricts the signals that are seen by gree phase d i f f e r e n c e . In addition, there is
viding the audio signal into left and right U l . It is particularly important to reduce isolation between the t w o outputs that go
c h a n n e l s and applying a delay to one of the level of inputs at half f r e q u e n c y , or to the mixers. Ideally, no p o w e r is trans-
these provide binaural reception. A D/A about 9 M H z . Otherwise, these signals are ferred to the 51 -£2 resistor. It serves to
converter then converts the a u d i o back to prone to being doubled in the amplifier, provide isolation when one a signal is ap-
analog f o r m , ready to go to h e a d p h o n e s . making the 17-meter band c o m e to life at plied at just one of the mixers.
T r a n s m i s s i o n reverses most of the sig- times it is not! T w o m o r e tuned circuits, T h e drawback of this phase-shift net-
nal paths from those of reception. F o r S S B . built around L2 and L 3 provide most of the- work is that it only works over a narrow
a m i c r o p h o n e p r e a m p provides some volt- R F selectivity. This filter uses a c o n f i g u r a - band of f r e q u e n c i e s . The p o w e r division is
age gain ahead of the A / D converter. L o w - tion of S. B. C o h n 3 - 4 u s i n g capacitive cou- equal only at the center f r e q u e n c y , and the
pling on the ends to m a t c h i m p e d a n c e lev- isolation deteriorates o u t - o f - b a n d as well.
pass D S P audio filtering restricts the trans-
els. T h e 15 p F on the input m a t c h e s to 50 T h i s causes the harmonic energy gener-
mitted b a n d w i d t h , r e m e m b e r i n g that we
£2 w h i l e the 22 p F on the o u t p u t side ated in (he mixer diodes, due to the L O
have no I - F filtering to do this. Hilbert
matches to 25 £1, suitable for c o n n e c t i n g to drive, to redistribute itself in strange ways,
t r a n s f o r m s p r o d u c c the 9 0 - d e g r e e phase
the t w o 50-£2 mixers. as c a n be o b s e r v e d on an o s c i l l o s c o p e .
d i f f e r e n c e needed for the suppression of
the lower sideband. T h e transmitter signal B e t w e e n the R F a m p l i f i e r and the filter H o w e v e r , the important equal p o w e r and
is a P I N diode switch controlled by the 90-degree relationship is preserved at the
is converted to analog f o r m in the same D/
transmit receive (T/R) voltages. F o r trans- f u n d a m e n t a l f r e q u e n c y . B e c a u s e of this,
A c o n v e r t e r that was used in the a u d i o
mit, this connects the filter to the transmit the circuit generates outputs of the correct
output of the receiver. A f t e r going back
R F amplifier. In the receive case, it serves amplitudes and phase.
through the 1-Q mixers, the R F signal is
quite low in a m p l i t u d e . F o u r stages of this s a m e switching function but, also the
amplification raise this to about 5 - W S S B current through the diode can be varied by
the R F gain control. This allows about 4 0 AF Circuitry
P E P or C W amplitude.
F o r C W t r a n s m i s s i o n , the o n - o f f key d B of control range, and is of considerable T h e receive path signals are generally
signal goes through a 500-Hz L P F to re- value when w o r k i n g strong local stations. too weak for the A/D converter without
strict key-clicks. The filtered signal am- A two-way isolated p o w e r splitter. T l , amplification. Full scale for the A / D con-
plitude modulates a pair of 800-Hz tones. applies the received signal to the t w o mix- verter is about +2 V or a 4 V swing. About
T h e s e tones are generated in the D S P to ers. Usually these splitters include a trans- 14 bits are a b o v e the A / D noise level
d i f f e r in p h a s e by 9 0 degrees, again ready f o r m e r to c h a n g e the impedance level f r o m within an audio b a n d w i d t h . This sets the
to be c o n v e n e d to analog signals for the 50 to 25 £2. As was discussed above, this m i n i m u m i n p u l - s i g n a l r e q u i r e m e n t s at
I-Q mixers. W e again used a method that i m p e d a n c e t r a n s f o r m a t i o n is part of the R F about 4 / 2 u = 4 / 1 6 3 8 4 = 2 4 4 microvolts.
w o r k s well b e c a u s e of the a c c u r a c y of filter. Bringing a 0.1-microvolt signal up to this
D S P , but is c o n s i d e r e d p o o r practice in T h e mixers are double-balanced T U F - 1 level requires about 67 dB of audio gain.
h a r d w a r e form. types f r o m Mini-Circuits. T h e s e provide This is provided by g r o u n d e d - b a s e tran-
The V F O is quite conventional. A fre- excellent isolation between the L O and R F sistor Q1 (or Q2) and a low-noise op-amp,
q u e n c y d o u b l e r i n c r e a s e s the isolation U 6 A (or U 6 B ) . Further details of this cir-
between the 9 - M H z V F O and the 1 8 - M H z cuit can be f o u n d in C h a p t e r 8.
R F signals. T h e receive audio path to the A / D con-
verter has switches, U 7 C and U 7 D , allow-
ing the m i c r o p h o n e audio to be connected
RF Hardware Details to the A / D c o n v e r t e r d u r i n g transmit.
T o simplify the hardware, a n u m b e r of T h e s e arc 7 4 H C 4 0 6 6 C M O S types, which
silicon M M I C s are used as a m p l i f i e r s . As how an " O n " resistance of 35 £2, typi-
shown in t h e R F schematic, Fig 11.14, the cally. F o r reception this can have an e f f e c t
receiver R F a m p l i f i e r . U l , is a b r o a d b a n d on the noise figure. O n e simple method of
d e v i c e with a gain of about 20 dB. This is linimizing this a f f e c t is to parallel t w o or
an A g i l e n t ( H P ) M S A 0 6 8 5 , or e q u i v a - m o r e switches by mechanically stacking
lently. the M i n i - C i r c u i t s M A R - 6 . T h e s e t h e m and s o l d e r i n g the pins together.
devices have input and output i m p e d a n c e s A l t e r n a t i v e l y , four M O S F E T d e v i c e s ,
that are close to 50 £2, broadband gain and General inside view of the 18-MHz such as the 2 N 7 0 0 0 . could be substituted
r e a s o n a b l e o u t p u t p o w e r s and inter- transceiver. for the C M O S switches.
11.18 Chapter 11
sense, the d e m o board is a component that cal juncture between the R F circuits and
is generally easier to install than the parts the D S P is at the outputs of the mixers. The
that it replaces. first of the low-pass filtering is done in
One might argue that it takes more time hardware. This limits the level of out-of-
to write the D S P software than building band signals levels that are seen by the
, 50 l : I . J L. hardware. This is almost certainly true for A/D converter.
Center 18.to Span 10.0
MHz the first time with a circuit block. How- Almost all of the band-pass shaping is
ever, seldom do we need to write software done in the DSP. T w o identical filters are
Fig 11.16—Measured isolation of the the "first time." In many cases, we can used, one in the 1 channel and another one
antenna T/R switch between the borrow from previous work or find suit- in the Q channel. If the signal that we are
transmitter and the receiver. able beginnings in reference books. The receiving is of a single frequency, such as
material presented here falls in this cat- a C W signal, the I and Q channels will be
egory. However, this is not to discourage a single-frequency audio signal. The fre-
T h e inverting networks are relatively anyone f o r m taking the code apart and try- quency will be the difference between the
non-critical. Any tuning that might be ing there own ideas and algorithms. There 18.1-MHz L O and the incoming signal.
needed can c o m e from squeezing or can be great fascination with writing a pro- Ideally the amplitudes will be identical and
spreading the turns on the coils. gram and seeing it produce useful results, they will be 90 degrees out-of-phase. T h e
The Antenna T/R switch was tested as a such as a D X Q S O ! actual phase difference will track that of
component by breaking the leads going to The DSP program for the 18-MHz trans- the L O s applied to the mixers.
the transmitter output and the receiver in- ceiver not only processes the audio signals Applying a 90-degree phase-shift
put. The 18-MHz insertion loss from the for the transmitter and receiver, but controls across the audio spectrum and either add-
antenna c o n n e c t o r was 0.33 dB to the the simple functions such as transmit and ing or subtracting the resulting two signals
transmitter (in transmit) and 0.25 dB to the receive switching, reading the panel button accomplishes SSB reception. The 90-de-
receiver (in receive). Receiver isolation is switches and lighting the transmit LED. In- gree shift will bring the two audio signals
a measure of the amount of power going stead oflaboriotLsly describing all of the DSP so that they are either in-phasc. or 1 SO de-
f r o m the transmitter to the receiver input, programs, the following will describe the grees out-of-phase. Addition, or subtrac-
when the switch is in transmit. As can be most important elements of the program. tion, then makes the two signals either add
seen in Fig 11.16 this was measured to be Much of what will be left out is repetitious or to double amplitude, or to cancci to zero
about 33 dB at 18 MHz. For a 5 - W trans- is obvious, once one understands the basics The choice of sign determines whether
mitter this keeps the power at the receiver of the program writing. upper or lower sideband reception is being
input below 4 dBm. well below the maxi- The full D S P program listing for trans- used.
mum safe input level f o r the R F ampli fier. ceiver is available on the book C D - R O M Regardless of how it is implemented this
as TR1S.DSP. "phasing m e t h o d " has a two standard
problems. First, producing a constant am-
DSP Circuits
For this rig we have chosen to move
Reception plitude, constant 90-degree phase shift
over a wide band of frequencies is always
much of the circuitry into DSP. This is an The basic reception scheme, shown in an approximation. Second, the mixers.
alternative to conventional analog circuits. F i g 11.17, is the direct-conversion 1-Q LOs and analog filters all introduce small
In some cases we can improve upon the (phasing) method. The basic principles phase and amplitude errors. Both of
performance that could be expected f r o m have been around for a long lime and have these factors, explored in some detail in
the analog equivalent, bul in most cases it been implemented in analog circuits, as Chapter 9, serve to limit the ability to
comes down to what is easiest. The D S P is was shown in Chapter 9, and DSP as was eliminate the undesired sideband, referred
again done with a demo board. In some done by Rob Frohne, K L 7 N A . 7 The logi- to as opposite side-band rejection. A DSP
LP Filter
Transform USB
18.1 MHz
2 Way 2 18.1 MHz ! 90' Relative USB Audio
RF Input
ODeg ( LO Phase Shift Out
'Q Delay
LP Filter
Hardware DSP Software
Fig 11.17—Simplified block diagram showing the phasing method ot reception used in the 18-MHz transceiver. The circle at
the right with a minus sign subtracts input signal 2 from input signal 1.
11.20 Chapter 11
Box 7 - DSP program for computing a 90° differential phase shift using t h e Hilbert
{The following are constant and memory declarations placed at { This is the Hilbert transform subroutine. It is called during
the top of the overall program:) the 48-kHz rate interrupt to generate a 90-degree phase shift
between the I and Q channels. Hilbert has independent inputs
.const H3=247: { Num taps in Hilbert and outputs for delayed and phase shifted paths. Uses
FIR filt) HIL_3_48.DAT running at 48 KHz in order to get response down
.const H3P10N2=124; {This is (H3+1)/2 } to 300 Hz.}
.const H3M10N2=123; { ...and (H3-1 )/2 } Delayed path: ar in, ax1 out.
.const H3M30N2=122; { ...and (H3-3)/2 ) 90 deg path: mr1 in, mr1 out.}
{The Hilbert coefficients are stored in program memory(pm) so do_ hilbert: { 48 KHz Hilbert for receiving }
they can be fetched at the same time as data is brought in from data dm(m1_sav) = m l ;
memory (dm). The values are read from a file hil_3_48.dat where ml = 1;
the values are given as 24-bit hex numbers. The values are left
justified 16-bit numbers and padded on the right with two hex zeros. { First the delayed path to compensate for the Hilbert delay
A sample of coefficients would look like:} }
021EOO iO = dm(h3delay_i0_sav); m0=0; I0=%h3delay;
01F500 ax1 = dm(i0, mO); { get ax1, the delayed output}
01D000 dm(i0, m l ) = ar; { Put new data in, update p t r }
01AF00) dm(h3delay_i0_sav) = iO; { Save pointer}
.var/pm/circ hilbert3_coeff[H3P10N2J;
.init hilbert3_coeff: <hil_3_48.dat>: { Next the actual Hilbert transform: }
i0=dm(h3dataJ0_sav); m0=2; I0=%h3data; { iO
{ Each data memory location for the Hilbert transform is points to data }
declared as follows: } i4= A hilbert3_coeff; m4=1; I4=%hiibert3 coeff:
.var/dm/circ b3delay[H3M10N2]; { Delay line } dm(iO, m1)=mr1; { Enter new data and bump ptr 1
.var/dm/circ h3data[H3]; { Buffer for data } }
.var/dm m1_sav; { Allows reuse of m l } mr=0, mxO=dm(iO, mO), my0=pm(i4, m4);
.var/dm b3delayJ0„sav; { Allows reuse of iO } { FIR multiply and Accumulate loop: }
.var/dm h3da!a_i0_sav: { Allows reuse of iO } cntr=H3M30N2;
{ } do h i l j o o p until ce;
{Initialization of the Hilbert transform takes place once at the hiljoop: mr=mr+mxO*myO(SS), mxO=dm(iO, mO),
beginning of the program operation. Zeroing of arrays is useful for my0=pm(i4, m4);
simulation, but is not needed for transceiver operation, and is not { Process the last point: }
done here. ) mr=mr+mxO*myO(SS), mx0=dm(i0, ml), my0=pm(i4. m4):
iO=Ah3delay; { Address of delay line mr=mr+mxO*myO(RND); { rnr1 = phase shifted
memory } output}
dm(h3delay_i0_sav)=i0; if mv sat mr:
i0= A h3data; dm(h3data_i0_sav)=i0;
dm(h3dataJ0_sav)=i0; m l = dm(m1_sav);
p h a s e s h i f t n e t w o r k s , t h e r e is a f i x e d d e l a y
that is m u c h g r e a t e r than the d e l a y a s s o c i -
ated with t h e 9 0 - d e g r e e p h a s e s h i f t . F o r
Sampled 123/48,000
Data Inputs the 2 4 7 - l a p H i l b e r t t r a n s f o r m , and o u r
4 8 - k H z s a m p l e r a t e , this d e l a y is 0 . 5 *
Q ( 2 4 7 - l ) / 4 8 . 0 0 0 or 0 . 0 0 2 5 6 2 5 ' seconds
T T ( a b o u t 2 . 6 m s ) . O t h e r t h a n the n e e d to
2 / 48.000 2 / 48,000 c o m p e n s a t e f o r this d e l a y , t h e r e are no op-
e r a t i o n a l p r o b l e m s for a S S B o r C W r a d i o .
T h e s e c o n d p r o b l e m in o u r p h a s i n g
m e t h o d of S S B r e c e p t i o n w a s p h a s e and
a m p l i t u d e e r r o r s b e t w e e n the t w o c h a n -
nels. T h e s e e r r o r s are a s s o c i a t e d with the
90' m i x e r s and L O h a r d w a r e and will m o s t
O — - o - O -'Output l i k e l y s t a y r e l a t i v e l y c o n s t a n t o v e r t i m e . If
we k n e w what the errors were we could
a d d in an " a n t i - e r r o r " a n d h a v e p e r f e c t
- Q -
Delayed by t seconds
9 -
Add Two inputs
opposite side-band rejection. The degree
to w h i c h this c a n be a c c o m p l i s h e d in prac-
t i c e r e s u l t s in t y p i c a l l y 20 d B in i m p r o v e d
side-band rejection. T e m p e r a t u r e ex-
t r e m e s will n o t a l l o w t h i s to b e k e p t with
Two Inputs
a s i m p l e c o r r e c t i o n , but ihe r e s u l t s c a n be
Fig 11.20— Block diagram of the Hilbert transform with 247 taps. The blocks s u r p r i s i n g l y g o o d . T h e p r o b l e m of k n o w -
marked 'T' are delays of multiples of sample periods, as indicated on i n g w h a t t h e e r r o r is c a n b e s o l v e d b y
the diagram. Each sample period is 1/48,000 second. m e r e l y a d j u s t i n g the c o r r e c t i o n until the
Mixers Transform
90' Relative USB Audio
2 Way
2 Way
0 Deg
_ J 1 8 . 1 MHz
Phase Shift
( t H Out
I " LO
Cross Hilbert
Gam Delay
LP Fitter
Q Gam
Hardware DSP Software
Fig 11.22—Block diagram of a phasing method receiver with DSP software error correction. The cross gain is shown
going from the I channel to the Q channel. It will work equally well going in the reverse direction, but both directions are
never needed.
11.22 Chapter 11
suppress the opposite sideband are entered low-pass filter suitable f o r either all guish between a C W tone and the noise.
as constants. This is a very simple system, modes, and a 5 0 0 - R z w i d e band-pass f i l - O n C W , the tone takes on the e f f e c t o f
but requires re-assembly o f the program to ter f o r C W use. having a spatial position that depends on
null the sideband. Experience has shown T h e index register pointer, iO, o f the the tone frequency. T h e noise position is.
this a reasonable approach, since the set- D S P is used to find the data points f o r the in e f f e c t , always m o v i n g around "inside
tings d o not normally need to be changed FIR filter. Initialization o f this register is your head."
o f t e n . Multiplication by both RGAINJ critical. Omitting this can cause hours o f A s a signal is tuned, the phase relation-
and R G A I N _ Q occurs each time through grief in getting the D S P program to oper- ships between the tones heard by the cars
the routine, even though one o f these con- ate. T h e program may function at times changes for the delay system. For the 1-Q
stants will have the value o f 1.0. This sim- and fail at others, depending on the ran- binaural, it is a constant 90 degrees while
p l i f i e s the adjustment o f the constants d o m initialization. The program instruc- the phase shift f o r the delay binaural in-
since w c don't know which will have the tions for ihis initialization are: creases with frequency. For the 10 milli-
1.0 value. second delay the phase shift is 90 degrees
The Hilbert transform, discussed above, at 1/(4*0.01 )=25 H z and changes quite
i0= A idata;
is a subroutine invoked by 'call rapidly with tuning. Thus, the two systems
d o _ h i l b e r t . ' This applies the differential dm(fir1 i J0_sav)=i0; d o not have the same sound when tuned. In
phase shift so that the U S B can be f o r m e d either system the noise is uncorrected and
with simple subtraction " a r = a x 1 - a y 1 . " the sound is similar, not unlike an F M ste-
A l s o shown in the listing is the audio gain r e o radio without an antenna. Probably the
W h e n the F I R filter is called, the pointer
control. One o f the conveniences o f a D S P biggest d i f f e r e n c e is that the 1-Q binaural
iO is loaded by the instruction
implementation is having gain control steps system receives both sidebands, whereas
in constant dB amounts. For analog gain the delay binaural is compatible with S S B .
controls, this is approximated with what are i0=dm(fir1 i _ i 0 _ s a v ) ; T h e delay binaural is in the final audio path
called " l o g " potentiometers. Our D S P imple- and is compatible with any mode.
mentation starts with the binary shifter as a Implementation o f a binaural delay re-
basic component. If the signal word is shifted all o f which allows iO to be reused in quires some memory for storing the sig-
left by one bit, the result is an increase in many routines. nal, but very little computation is needed.
level of 6.0 dB. Shifts to the right decrease L i s t i n g T R 1 8 E is the portion o f the D S P
the audio level by the same amount. This has program required.
the desired equal dB amounts per step, as Binaural Delay Operation o f this delay line is closely
well as great simplicity. The drawback is that This feature is always in operation f o r related to the address generators used b\
the steps are too big. Experience suggests the transceiver. T h e addition o f a delay o f the A D S P - 2 1 8 1 DSP. "
that 1-dB steps seem too small, but 1.5 to about 10 milliseconds in the sound heard A segment o f memory , such as our "de-
2-dB steps allow one to choose a comfort- by one ear. relative to the other has inter- lay [ D E L A Y _ S I Z E 1 can be designated as
able audio level with a reasonable number o f esting e f f e c t s , very closely related to the circular by the key word "circ."
button pushes. I - Q binaural e f f e c t s used in Chapter 9. T h e D E L A Y S l Z h is the same as the constant
W e implement 1.5-dB steps by having a noise heard by the t w o ears loses correla- 512 and so this many words o f data
table o f four entries corresponding gains tion and allows the mind to better distin- m e m o r y are set aside. Each word is 16 bits.
o f 0, - 1 . 5 . - 3 . 0 . and - 4 . 5 dB. This table,
stored in program memory, is called
' a u d _ g a i r f and provides multipliers that Listing TR18E
can be used between the 6.0-dB steps. As
an example, a gain o f - 1 . 5 dB is a voltage DSP program snippets for delay binaural sound.
ratio o f 10 A (-1.5/20)=0.8414. In frac-
{The following are constant and memory declarations, placed
tional arithmetic this is a value of
at the top of the overall program:}
0.8414*32768=27571, w h i c h i n hexadeci-
mal form is H#6BB3. The program .const DELAY_SIZE=512;
.var/dm/circ delay[DELAY SIZE]: i The delay line, binaural }
memory words are 24-bits w i d e , but only
var/dm del rO.sav: { Storage when not In interrupt)
16 bits o f this are available when used as
data. T h e bits w i l l be properly aligned if {
the hex values are padded on the right with
{ This part of the program is executed at startup to initialize the
"00." Thus, the - 1,5-dB entry in hexadeci- pointer to the delay line. delayQ.}
mal is H # 6 B B 3 0 0 . axO = "delay: ( Get the address of delay line )
dm(del_i0_sav) = axO; ( The pointer is saved here }
T h e button control parts o f the program
have setup t w o values for the audio gain {
control, ' a f _ g a i n " which contains one o f
( This program snippet is executed at each 48 kHz interrupt to put the
the 1,5-dB step multipliers, and " a f _ s h i f t \ left channel data into the delay line, and to take the delayed data
which is the number o f 6-dB steps. These out for the rlpht channel. Left data Is In register srl:}
shifts can be either plus or minus. i0=dm(del_i0_sav); { Load iO pointer}
m0=0; j Do not adjust the pointer, now }
I0=DELAY_SIZE; { The length of the circular line }
mr1=dm{i0, mO); { R e m o v e the delayed signal }
Audio Filtering m0=1; | Now increment pointer on write }
T h e general nature o f F I R filters has dm(i0, m0)=sr1; { Put the new signal in the line]
dm(deUO_sav)=tO; j S a v e the pointer for next time ]
already been covered. Here w e apply these dm(tx_buf+2) = mr1: { Send audio data to right D/A }
principles with t w o receive filters, a 3 - k H z
11.24 Chapter 11
I - Audio
F i g 1 1 . 2 6 — O u t p u t s p e c t r u m of 1 8 - M H z
t r a n s c e i v e r in C W m o d e . T h e c a r r i e r is
a t t h e c e n t e r of t h e s c r e e n . T h e
t r a n s m i t t e d s i g n a l is t h e l a r g e
r e s p o n s e 1.7 d i v i s i o n s t o t h e r i g h t .
The small response the s a m e distance
Fig 11.25—Schematic d i a g r a m a circuit for Increasing L-R isolation o( a balanced t o t h e r i g h t is t h e u n w a n t e d s i d e b a n d .
m i x e r . In o r d e r to m i n i m i z e t h e c a p a c i t a n c e v a l u e s , o n e s h o u l d n e v e r u s e b o t h C 1 Measurements were done with a
a n d C1 o r C 2 a n d C 2 ' , a s t h i s w o u l d o n l y I n c r e a s e t h e s i z e of b o t h c a p a c i t o r s . A l l Tektronix 494 analyzer.
c a p a c i t o r s a r e a f r a c t i o n of a p F , m a d e f r o m g i m m i c k w i r e s , w h i c h a r e m e r e l y t w o
e n a m e l c o v e r e d w i r e s t w i s t e d t o g e t h e r . T h e t r a n s f o r m e r , T 1 , is 5 t u r n s of # 2 6
bifilar w i r e o n a s m a l l f e r r i t e c o r e , s u c h a s A m i d o n F T - 2 3 - 4 3 .
m o r e i f . n o t o n l y t h e r i s e - t i m e is l i m i t e d ,
b u t t h e k e y i n g w a v e f o r m is m a d e t o h a v e Listing T R 1 8 F
r o u n d e d c o r n e r s at t u r n - o n a n d t u r n - o f f . A
DSP routines used to generate a C W transmit signal
d i r e c t w a y t o i n s u r e thai t h i s h a p p e n s is t o
pass the keying w a v e f o r m through a low- E If k e y is down, put a . 9 ( 2 9 4 9 1 ) into C W fir
pass filter and then use the resulting w a v e - filt.
f o r m to a m p l i t u d e m o d u l a t e the R F signal. Modulate fir output o n t o carrier. T h i s s c h e m e
allows top s p a c e for o v e r s h o o t in t h e fir. }
In o u r c a s e , t h e m o d u l a t i o n t a n b e a p p l i e d
axO = dm(key); { G e t h a r d w a r e C W key d a t a )
t o t h e 8 0 0 - H z l o n e , b e f o r e it g o e s t o t h e n o n e = p a s s axO;
H i l b e r t t r a n s f o r m a n d t h e n to the m i x e r s . ar = 0 ; { C W off S
if n e j u m p xi c w 1 ; { C W key is up )
A s an a d d e d b e n e f i t , t h e SCO Hz is a v a i l -
ar = 2 9 4 9 1 ; { 0 . 9 to key click f i l t e r )
a b l e f o r u s e as a t r a n s m i t t e r s i d e l o n e , e n - xi_cw1: call fir_xmt_cw; { Input in ar. output In mr1 }
s u r i n g thai a s t a t i o n is t u n e d in c o r r e c t l y myO = mr1;
w h e n t h e r e c e i v e d t o n e is t h e s a m e as t h e axO = d m ( c w _ d p h a s e ) ; ( P h a s e increment for lo }
ayO = d m ( c w _ p h a s e ) ; { Last p h a s e j
side tone. ar = axO + ayO; { New p h a s e )
d m ( c w _ p h a s e ) = ar; j F o r next time ]
T h e f i l t e r u s e d h e r e is a 5 0 0 - H / , I.PF.
T h e 4 8 - k H z s a m p l i n g rate requires about axO = d m ( c w _ p h a s e ) ;
2 0 0 t a p s on t h e F I R f i l l e r , bul t h e D S P is call sin: { a x 0 = P h a s e , S i n returned in AR ]
not b u s y d u r i n g C W t r a n s m i s s i o n , s o t h i s mr=ar'my0(SS); ( CW Gate )
a r = -mr1; { Make U S B )
is n o t a p r o b l e m . A s s h o w n in Listing
T R 1 8 F , a m p l i t u d e m o d u l a t i o n in t h e D S P my1 = G A I N J ; { G a i n correction f a c t o r }
is a c c o m p l i s h e d by generating a sine-wave mr = a r * my1 ( S S S ; { K e y e d s i n e w a v e * correction }
ar = mr1; { Corrected I s i g n a l }
at t h e C W o f f s e t < 8 0 0 H z ) a n d m u l t i p l y i n g
this by the output o f the k e y - c l i c k LPF. my1 = GAIN J Q ;
T h i s is repeated for a 9 0 - d e g r e e phase mr = a r * my1 ( S S ) ;
dm{t1) = m r l ; ( C r o s s - c o r r e c t i o n for Q )
shifted Q signal by generating a cosine
dm(tx_buf + 1) = ar; { I n - p h a s e transmit i-f sig o u t }
w a v e and repeating the modulation. T h e
output o f the k e y - c l i c k l o w - p a s s filter has { T h a t t a k e s c a r e of I. now Q : }
o v e r s h o o t that is s l i g h t l y g r e a t e r than t h e axO = d m ( c w _ p h a s e ) ; { T h e p h a s e u s e d for I Chan J
ayO = 1 6 3 8 4 ; { 9 0 d e g r e e s for q u a d r a t u r e lo }
i n p u t . T h i s i s a necessary 1 part o f l i m i t i n g a r = axO + ayO; { Q chan phase j
the transmit s p e c t r u m . T o ensure that this axO = ar;
is not s a t u r a t e d b y t h e l o w - p a s s F I R f i l t e r , call sin; i C o s lo sig, sln() p r e s e r v e s myO ]
mr = ar * m y 0 ( S S ) ; j C W G a t e for Q signal }
the input t o t h e f i l t e r is r e d u c e d in a m p l i -
my1 = GAIN_Q; { Q c h a n gain correction }
tude by a f a c t o r o f 0.91, as s h o w n . mr = mr1 " my1 ( S S ) ;
ayO = dm(t1); { Now add In c r o s s - c o r r e c t i o n }
T h e I and Q c o r r e c t i o n s f o r i m p r o v i n g ar = mr1 + ayO;
the s i d e - b a n d s u p p r e s s i o n uses the e o n -
slam values GAINJ, GA1N_Q and dmftx buf + 2 ) = ar: ! Q u a d r a t u r e transmit sig out 1
11.26 C h a p t e r 11
the processor. Wilh a sampling frequency
of 48 kHz. there is a maximum time of
l/48(XK!=20.833 microseconds to process
the interrupt. The ADSP-21S1 processor
completes 33 instructions per microsccond
and so there are a m a x i m u m of
20.833x33=687 inslruciions per interrupt.
During reception these are allocated
roughly as:
Fig 11.31—Overall block diagram for the DSP-10 2-meter transceiver. The portion Inside the dashed lines is implemented as a
DSP program. Not shown here are the control and display functions that are implemented in a PC.
11.28 C h a p t e r 11
c e s s e d . E v e n t h o u g h the p r o c e s s i n g load
will g e n e r a l l y not b e e v e n l y d i v i d e d b e -
t w e e n the f i v e 9 6 0 0 r a t e r o u t i n e s , all of the
r e m a i n i n g t i m e is still a v a i l a b l e f o r t h e
b a c k g r o u n d r o u t i n e s . T h e key d e s i g n p a -
r a m e t e r is t h e l o n g e s t r u n n i n g of the f i v e
routines. T h i s must not e x c e e d the
1/48000 second (20.833 microseconds)
t h a t is a v a i l a b l e b e t w e e n i n t e r r u p t s .
P r o v i s i o n is m a d e f o r u s i n g a t r i g g e r e d
e R B jw'T jw " B R B
o s c i l l o s c o p e to m e a s u r e t h e a m o u n t of
7 T 7 T \ 7 1 One Line of Waterfall
R O R O R t i m e s p e n t in the i n t e r r u p t r o u t i n e s . At t h e
start of e a c h i n t e r r u p t r o u t i n e , a h a r d w a r e
Fig 11.32—Diagram showing how the upper spectral is "sliced" into colors to form l o g i c level o u t p u t is set h i g h . R e t u r n i n g
the one line of the waterfall display. While this simplified diagram has only four f r o m the i n t e r r u p t r o u t i n e sets t h e line l o w .
colors, the waterfalls usually have 16 colors or more. Added colors improve the T h i s a l l o w s an o s c i l l o s c o p e to see e a c h of
ability to see weak signals against a noise background.
the f i v e r o u t i n e s a n d t h e i r r u n n i n g t i m e s .
Most triggered oscilloscopes h a v e a vari-
a b l e " t i m e / d i v " w h i c h n e e d s to be set to
just cover the 5x20.833=104.2 microsec-
• A u t o - N o t c h i n g of t o n e s adequate bandwidth for future needs may
o n d s . U s u a l l y it u n d e s i r a b l e f o r the o s c i l -
• A u t o m a t i c c o r r e c t i o n of r e c e i v e r f r e - i n s t e a d add c o n s i d e r a b l y to the cost and
l o s c o p e to t r i g g e r f o r t h e n e x t 104.2
quencies for E M E * operation8 c o m p l e x i t y of the h a r d w a r e . W h i c h b r i n g s
m i c r o s e c o n d s . If t h e r e is a " H o l d - O f f "
• A v a r i e t y of l o n g - t e r m a v e r a g i n g m e t h - b a c k the p o i n t m a d e for a l l - h a r d w a r e ra-
a d j u s t m e n t o n t h e o s c i l l o s c o p e , this is e a s -
ods d i o s , that t h e p r i c e of t r y i n g to m a k e a s o f t -
ily h a n d l e d . O t h e r w i s e , s o m e c a r e in set-
• Frequency corrections for external w a r e r a d i o totally f l e x i b l e m a y well be an
ting the t r i g g e r level will n o r m a l l y result
transverters** unfinished project!
in a c o n s i s t e n t t r i g g e r point.
• A c c u r a t e S - m e t e r r e a d i n g d i s p l a y e d in
DSP-10 Multi-Rate
• S a v i n g of s p e c t r a l data in c o m p u t e r f i l e s
Processing DSP-Based Audio
T h i s s u m m a r y of t h e f e a t u r e s i l l u s t r a t e s As d i s c u s s e d earlier, t h e o n l y h a r d w a r e Processor
t h e p o t e n t i a l of a d d i n g s o p h i s t i c a t i o n lo i n t e r r u p t o c c u r s at a 4 8 - k H z rate. C e r t a i n T h e D S P - 1 0 r a d i o uses an I - F of 10 to
the radios operation through software. The p r o c e s s e s , s u c h as t h e a u d i o f i l t e r i n g and 2 0 k H z w i t h a d i g i t a l s a m p l i n g r a t e of 4 8
initial r a d i o c a n b e q u i t e p r i m i t i v e with the serial d a t a t r a n s m i s s i o n , d o n o t r e q u i r e this k H z . H o w e v e r , n o t h i n g r e s t r i c t s u s i n g the
f e a t u r e s g r o w i n g with time. N e w f e a t u r e s h i g h rate of p r o c e s s i n g . T o m i n i m i z e t h e I - F p o r t i o n of the r a d i o w i t h o u t R F h a r d -
are a d d e d to e x i s t i n g r a d i o s b y l o a d i n g the p r o c e s s i n g t i m e r e q u i r e s , m u c h of the p r o - w a r e by e x l e n d i n g t h e i n p u t f r e q u e n c y
n e w s o f t w a r e . T h i s p r o c e s s l e n d s itself to c e s s is p e r f o r m e d at 1/5 rate, o r 9 6 0 0 H z . r a n g e d o w n i n t o the a u d i o r a n g e . W h e n
g r o u p a c t i v i t i e s , w h e r e the f i n a l p r o d u c t S i n c c this is a s u b - m u l t i p l e of the b a s i c t h e " B F O ' " g e t s to z e r o H z , o n e h a s an
c a n be s h a r e d b y s o f t w a r e d i s t r i b u t i o n . r a t e , o n l y t h e o n e i n t e r r u p t r o u t i n e is a u d i o p r o c e s s o r . W h a t this m e a n s is that
A n a d d i t i o n a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of the s o f t - needed. the same EZ-K1T Lite D S P board used for
w a r e - b a s e d r a d i o is the ability to c h a n g e Within the interrupt routine, a software t h e o t h e r p r o j e c t s in this c h a p t e r b e c o m e s
its " p e r s o n a l i t y " b y t h e l o a d i n g of d i f f e r - d i v i d e - b y - f i v e is u s e d to d e t e r m i n e w h i c h a full-featured audio processor, suitable
ent s o f t w a r e . O f t e n , n e w m o d e s of o p e r a - of the 9 6 0 0 rate r o u t i n e s a r e t.0 b e p r o - f o r use with a n y t r a n s c e i v e r . O n l y t w o el-
tion a n d c o n t r o l of t h e r a d i o s o p e r a t i o n
m a y b e a d d e d a s s o f t w a r e is w r i t t e n . H o w -
e v e r , the h a r d w a r e d e s i g n p r o c e s s is c h a l -
l e n g e d lo a n t i c i p a t e f u t u r e a p p l i c a t i o n s .
A d d i n g a little m o r e c o n t r o l , such as a g a i n
a d j u s t m e n t , to t h e h a r d w a r e m a y a l l o w Input Spectrum
c o n s i d e r a b l e g r o w t h in c a p a b i l i t y b y f u -
ture s o f t w a r e changes. However, adding
c o n t r o l of e n o u g h f u n c t i o n s a n d h a v i n g
*EME refers to the Earth-Moon-Earth path
of signal reflection. Due to the Earth's ro-
tation and the non-circularity of the Moon's Fig 11.33—Input and output
orbit, there is a Doppler shift in the re- spectrums for the SSB l-Q mixer.
turned signal. This shift is up to about ±400 Output Spectrum
Note the simple shift in frequency
Hz at 2-meters and proportionally more at with no new introduced spectral
higher frequencies. components.
11.30 Chapter 11
1.1). D . R a s m u s s e n . "A Tuning Control 4. G . L . M a t t h a e i . L. Y o u n g , E. M . T . Signal, Direct-Conversion Receiver with
f o r D i g i t a l F r e q u e n c y Synthesizers." Q S T . J o n e s , Microwave Filters, Impedance- D S P , " QST, Apr, 1998, p p 40-45.
Jun. 1974, p p 29-32. This articlc on the Marching Networks, and Coupling
8. An excellent discussion of the general
inner w o r k i n g s of the rotary optical Structures, McGraw-Hill. 1964.
characteristics of E M E c o m m u n i c a t i o n s
encoder has all of the information needed R e p r i n t e d in 1980 by Artech H o u s e , Inc..
is C h a p t e r 10, " E a r t h - M o o n - E a r t h ( E M E )
to c o n s t r u c t an e n c o d e r instead of D e d h a m , M A . Section 8 . i i c o v e r s the
C o m m u n i c a t i o n s " by D . T u r i n and A.
purchasing a m a n u f a c t u r e d version. direct-coupled resonator filters. The
K a t z . f r o m the b o o k The ARRL UTIF/
2. T h e r e are m a n y registers that control r e m a i n d e r of this book is a wealth of R F
Microwave Manual, Antennas, Com-
f u n c t i o n s or sclcct options. T h o s e that are and m i c r o w a v e design i n f o r m a t i o n .
ponents and Design, A R R L , 1990.
selected through data m e m o r y m a p p e d
5. W . H a y w a r d . " M e a s u r i n g and C o m p -
locations must not also be used for other 9. J. Forrer, " A D S P - B a s e d A u d i o Signal
e n s a t i n g O s c i l l a t o r D r i f t , " QST. D e c ,
data storage. M o r e information on these Processor." QEX, S e p , 1996. This article
1993, pp 37-41.
registers is available f r o m " E Z - K I T Lite p r o v i d e s b a c k g r o u n d i n f o r m a t i o n on
R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l . " Analog Devices that 6. G. C . S o u t h w o r t h , Principles and several of the basic routines as well as a
is supplied as part of the E Z - K I T . Applications of Waveguide Transmission, set of routines that can be run on the E Z -
3. S. B. C o h n . " D i r e c t - C o u p l e d - R e s o n a t o r Van N o s l r a n d , 1950, p 606. Kit Lite. T h i s material is c o n t a i n e d on the
Filters," I'roc. IRE. Vol 45. Feb, 1957. pp 7. R. Frohne, "'A High-Performance, Single book CD.
This b o o k is perhaps more personal than the m o u n t a i n s of the Pacific West to the ety of rigs are described, showing one or
it's predecessor with the individual chap- coastal waters of Oregon; W e all operate more of our interests. The equipment is pre-
ters written by easily identifiable individu- stations f r o m home, with virtually all of sented not for exact duplication, but mainly
als. But there is also a strong c o m m o n that operation using, or relating to equip- as encouragement for other experimenters.
thread of interests a m o n g us: we all e n j o y ment we have built; Although Q R P is a None of the equipment we have built will
a wide sampling of f r e q u e n c y bands, rang- f r e q u e n t pursuit, we all use higher p o w e r include the features that another designer/
ing f r o m VLF through m i c r o w a v e s ; we all al limes, and wc all integrate e x p e r i m e n - builder will want. But, the tools of the other
have e q u i p m e n t that we have built that we tal activity with station operation. chapters can be evoked for the design of
take to unusual locations, ranging from the This chapter illustrates some of that activ- whatever you might need.
hills of M i c h i g a n ' s Northern Peninsula to ity. both from the field and at home. A vari-
Portable Antennas
Choosing a backcountry antenna pre-
sents interesting problems. The stay-
at-home radio amateur generates numer-
ous exciting ideas when first considering
field operation. Thoughts of exotic beams
hanging between the trees or other avail-
able structures are c o m m o n . But these
grand plans often change after the first trip
when the complications of getting lines
into available trees are encountered. Also,
the impact of long runs of coaxial cable is
greater when they must be carried over a
few miles of trail.
Our main antenna is an inverted-V
dipole. The inverted form is preferred over
a flat dipole because only one support is
needed. We usually carry three 50-ft
pieces of '/s inch nylon cord. T w o pieces
are tied together and attached to a rock that
is launched into a tree. This line supports
the dipole center and the feedline. Once in
the tree, only one line is needed to support
the center. The remaining two pieces then
support the dipole ends. Tf suitable rocks
are not found, a cloth bag filled with
smaller rocks, sand, or even snow can be
used.' Some back-country radio amateurs
will tie antenna ends to a cord that is then
tied to a rock. The rock is flung into the
tree where i( remains suspended during
Ohm Keyed Load. operation. This is a poor practice if there is
the slightest chance that the knot will
become undone in the wind and drop the
rock on a passing hiker!
25.5 Ohm "Key Up." DC load. Dipole center insulators are easily fab-
ricated from hardware store plastic water
pipe fittings. Plastic insulated wire is usu-
ally used for portable antennas, with the
Fig 12.1—Timing circuit for testing a single cell battery at 50-mA receive and ends secured with nylon cord or rope, so
300-mA TX current. RTX and RRX will change with a different transceiver.
end insulators are never needed.
The height of a dipole impacts perfor-
mance. More often than not, we are satis-
fied with an antenna that is only 25 or 30
or batteries. While the schcme is ccrtainly the entire battery life. This is the resull of feet above ground, high enough for effec-
not a standard, it approximates actual use internal battery resistance of about 0.33 12. tive daylight 7-MHz operation. A higher
with a rcpeatablc experiment. This scheme The perturbation at 360 minutes showed antenna will do as well during the day, and
tests the battery with a pulsed constant the result when the test was terminated will develop the low angle radiation
resistance load. The manufacturers also in (he evening, bul restarted the next needed for longer distance nighttime
show battery behavior with constant cur- morning. operation. But it will also require thai more
rent. Switch SI allows the circuit to be The battery life exceeds 1000 minutes rope and feedline be packed up the trail. A
switched off to read the receive voltage or for an AA cell for a key down voltage of simple transmateh (shown later) is usually
toggled to a "key d o w n " mode to measure 1.1 at "end of life." This constrains our used, even with dipoles.
transmit current. Manual measurements equipment design if we wish to obtain End fed wire antennas are especially
arc done with a DVM. maximum battery life. The AA cell i s p r o b - useful in the field, featuring a complete
Fig 12.2 is typical of the data we ablv suitable for higher transmit current, lack of feedline. A h a l f w a v e wire (67 feel
obtained, based upon the load presented by limited by internal resistance. at 7 M H z ) is easily hauled into a tree with
the "Western Mountaineer" transceiver We have modified one transceiver a single line. The polarization is usually a
described later. There was about a 0.1-V (below) to include a voltage measurement mixture of vertical and horizontal. The
difference between R and T loading over circuit and use a battery pack that can be wire end near camp is fixed in place with
12.2 C h a p t e r 12
Pulsed + D C loading, A A Cell
- v \ \
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000110012001300 1400
time, minutes
Fig 12.2—Battery voltage during pulsed testing for a single AA cell. See text for
The Trail-Friendly
Radio 12 Volt
The term "Trail Friendly Radio." or TFR
was introduced in 1996 by members of the
"Adventure Radio Society (ARS)." an in- JD
formal group of Q R F enthusiasts who
regularly take radio gear beyond the limits power PHP
of motorized travel.- A TFR need not look
like the usual home bound transceivers
that must sit on tables or shelves. Some of
the following equipment is in the TFR cat-
egory. Also see the "Sleeping Bag Radio" 2 1 V Open C k t ,
described elsewhere in this chapter. 0.65R S h o r t Ckt
-=r- 12 Volt
E q u i p m e n t for backpacking or other — Hi-Cad
field use should lie lightweight, compact,
and should be easy to operate. A minimum Transceiver
of controls is desirable, and they should be
capable of use even when the operator
wears gloves or mittens. Temperature test-
ing prior to use is vital.
The Adventure Radio Society sponsors
an informal, monthly contest called the
"Spartan Sprint" that e m p h a s i z e s these
ideals. The scoring for this contest is
essentially the number of contacts divided
by the total station weight, including key,
headphones, and batteries. It is common
to encounter several stations in the contest
with total station weight under a pound,
with some around 0.1 pound! This is real-
ized only with meticulous attention to
details such as small circuit boards with
less than normal thickness, screwdriver
tuning (with very light-weight tools), rigs
without cabinets. Lithium batteries, and
absolute m i n i m u m power. While most
Fig 12,3—Some circuits for handling solar panels. See text for discussion. A TIP-32
" w i n n e r s " are operating from a h o m e may be used for the power PNP, replacing the D43C8.
12.4 Chapter 12
Front panel of Portable CW transceiver. The station weight,
including batteries, earphones, keyer paddle, transmatch,
and an end fed antenna, Is about 2 pounds. The transceiver
includes a bridge and VSWR indicating meter, so the
transmatch consists of nothing more than the matching
T l : Bhout 15 t KT 37-
43, 3 o r 4 t l i n k
A Micromountaineer class transceiver C2=100
uses Internal crystals, but accepts an LI: D 7 - 6 t o r o i d . 18t #Z4
external VFO.
Adjust t h i s & t o
s e t VFO Output
Fig 12.6—7-MHz VFO for use with the July 2000 QSTtransceiver.
12.6 Chapter 12
to >
Coax to Freg.Mite o
m^^rnmmm' -
* «
Sel. —
Si tie tone The VFO operates directly at the 7-MHz
transmitter output f r e q u e n c y , making
From oscillator shielding vital. The shield was
built f r o m tin sheet stock. A wall was built
around the part of the circuit board con-
taining the oscillator and soldered directly
Fig 12.8—Sidetone signals from the counter and the keyer may be injected as to the ground foil. A lid was attached, leav-
shown. Removing R23 will disable the original sidetone from the output. ing access to C I . Compensation diode D.1
Fig 12.9—The VFO and transmitter portion of the "Western Mountaineer" direct conversion transceiver.
12.8 C h a p t e r 12
by several volts when the LO was attached
to U2, pin 6. This was the result of unbal-
ance in the input circuitry driving pins
I and 2. Changing to a fully balanced
topology at T ! eliminated the problem. If
the circuit was duplicated today, we would
use ac coupling between U2 and U4.
The receiver is muted with two FETs
during transmit intervals. Q12 was usually
adequate. Initially a pair of back-to-back
diodes was used across USA. but they dis-
torted on loud signals. Complete muting
was not possible after diode removal, so
Q14 was added. Q12 could probably be
The receiver schematic includes a volt-
age comparator using U7A. This circuit is
driven by a front panel mounted potenti-
ometer. R4. As R4 is varied, the voltage on
the non-inverting input of U7A also
changes. The reference voltage at the
inverting input is merely the 5 V regulated
supply. The output of U7A changes slate
when the two op-amp inputs are equal, Inside shot of the Western Mountaineer showing the VFO and transmitter,
which toggles the sidetone (Q9 and QIO) excluding voltage-measuring circuitry.
oscillator on or off. This serves as a vital information for equipment that will The transceiver is breadboarded on PC
method for measuring the battery voltage operate from a power source that may board material containing a matrix of islands
without a voltmeter, R4 is a 25-kQ pot. a change as it is consumed. The results are where components are mounted. The TX
small part that was 011 hand. The designer/ shown in Fig 12.11. The receive current is board had components on the ground foil side
builder may wish to use other values. nearly constant at 50 inA for this trans- while the RX used a surface mount like
The same results will be obtained if R5 ceiver. the result of having used a large scheme with standard leaded components
and K6 are scaled with R4. 1'he pot is number of 5532 op-amps. The designer/ The rig has most input and output c a h k .
normally set to rest in a position that inhib- builder may wish to find substitutes that attached to the small end of a 2 x 3.5 x h iiK"
its oscillation. consume less power while still offering box. shown in photos. This allows it •
The transceiver was examined for out- low noise. U4 and U6A should use fairly reside in a small camera baa that also inclutfc-
put power and key down current consump- low noise p a n s while the rest of the a battery pack. The rig can even he operate.;
tion as supply voltage changed. This is op-amps are less critical. from inside a down parka during winK*
12.10 Chapter 12
excursions. A keyer is built into the rig.
TX Output (mW) and Total Current m A
A p o r t a b l e t r a n s m a t c h is s h o w n in t w o
f o r m s in Fig 12.12. This circuit uses s c r e w -
driver adjusted trimmer capacitors. While
less c o n v e n i e n t than c a p a c i t o r s with k n o b s ,
Fig 12.11—Power the c o m p a c t and l i g h t w e i g h t features are
Power Output output and key useful for b a c k p a c k i n g a p p l i c a t i o n s .
down power
consumption for
the transceiver Single Signal S y s t e m s
for voltages from
400 10 to 16 V. W h i l e the work reported here uses
300 Current I j d i r e c t c o n v e r s i o n f o r p o r t a b l e r i g s , t h e r e is
c e r t a i n l y n o t h i n g to p r e c l u d e t h e u s e of
super-heterodyne equipment. The "Unfin-
i s h e d " t r a n s c e i v e r d e s c r i b e d n e x t has been
u s e d f o r a n u m b e r of F i e l d Day e v e n t s ,
13 14
V„ a l w a y s with g o o d p e r f o r m a n c e . T h e ulti-
m a t e p o r t a b l e r i g m i g h t well be a s i n g l e
signal design (supcrhet or phasing) opti-
m i z e d f o r low c u r r e n t . A n e x c e l l e n t b e g i n -
n i n g d e s i g n is a t r a n s c e i v e r d e s c r i b e d b y
Benson.6 This design has been extended
in n u m e r o u s k i t s built b y Q R P c l u b s w o r l d
Lorr-Z w i d e including the p o p u l a r NorCaI-40.
ci C2 Antenna A d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n is p r e s e n t e d in
- f a o) t h e A R R L c o m p e n d i u m . QRP Power.
A R R L . 1996.7
12.12 Chapter 12
T h e bottom inside view of the "Unlinished-7" Transceiver.
u* 41 v ' —m* )X T h e upper circuitry includes audio, regulators, and
sidetone. T h e board along the lower edge is the transmit
Fig 12.14—Receiver front end for the Unfinished. A Gaussian- mixer and triple tuned bandpass filter. T h e transmitter
to-6 dB shaped crystal filter is included. T h e double-tuned cir- driver is the small board above the bandpass. T h e V F O
cuit is not symmetric, because an adjustment was made to com- module is at the right.
pensate for interaction with the tuned circuit in the T/R system.
to P r o d u c t D e t .
P. terminates
+ 1 2 T.
r W r
- i - IK
50 pF
12.14 Chapter 12
^ 47k
2N3904 ( " U i
6 8k <£
10l"£ 5-4
Prod "M"
Detector l-T)S13
2N3804 jfe>> L14 f 12 0
«SmH Qii y^r-h
Tc Au:i i:
<>51 -s[ 2 7K| Output
Tit I -=r
^ Audio Preamp
4- T
U5b 2.2K<\
' V2 •=
1468 2
U6b ico
Fig 12.19—Audio output system. An RC active low pass filter, The transmit mixer and triple tuned bandpass filter. Shield
sidetone oscillator, 6-V regulator and T/R control are strip along one side of the board helps to confine ground
included. currents.
shown in F i g 1 2 . 1 6 . A bipolar transistor shown) allows calibration in the field. with little shielding. The signal from Q 1 9
oscillator is followed by a pair o f F E T fol- T h e transmit mixer. 7 - M H z bandpass is routed to a keyed amplifier. Q 2 0 and
lowers. One drives a bipolar power ampli- filter, and R F power chain are shown in Q 2 2 with output "up to 0.5 W . The Q 2 2
fier that then drives a diode ring product F i g 12.17. A modest NK602, U8. works emitter resistor is adjusted for the desired
detector while the other routes signal to well as the transmit mixer. The B F O and drive to the PA in use. No power amplifier
the transmit mixer. A separate keyed car- V F O signals are both confined to 0.3 V design is shown, allowing the designer/
rier oscillator was originally used. How- peak-to-pcak at the IC. T h i s is a place builder to use what he or she needs. Spec-
ever, this produced a slight chirp. Any where measurement is important, for tral purity was measured with a high effi-
detectable chirp was deemed intolerable, " m o r e " is not better. A triple tuned ciency 8 - W PA in place ( S e e the W 7 E L
so the design was altered. T h e R1T is bandpass filter terminated in an un-keyed " B r i c k e t t " described in Chapter 2). T w o
always activated during use. with the " c e n - amplifier. Q 1 9 . follows the mixer. The non-harmonic output spurs found close to
ter" position providing a zero offset situ- circuitry from U8 through Q 1 9 is built on the 7 - M H z carrier at the - 6 0 and - 6 3 d B c
ation. A simple crystal calibrator (not a separate board with a long narrow shape levels.
12.16 Chapter 12
LI,2: 23t#22, T50-2 toroid
The IF system was breadboarded on a
( product detector
small scrap of PC board material and tested
board for the simple
superhet receiver. with the product detector, which had been
outfitted with a 10-MHz crystal. While
n i detailed evaluation of the IF filter would
happen later, wc used a signal generator to
confirm that the functionality of the cir-
cuit. The single signal response was dra-
matic, considering the circuit simplicity.
The next part that w a s built was the
17-MHz V X O , Q6. This circuit used a
crystal that had been specially ordered for
impedance. The crystal filter was also de- should be within about 50 Hz of each other. the desired frequency, although the crys-
signed for 150-£2 terminations at each end. Y2, the B F O crystal, is much less critical, tal is not otherwise special. We wished to
The builder should purchase a few inex- for that frequency will be adjusted with have the tuning approximately centered at
pensive HC-49 crystals from one of the C I . See Chapter 3 for information on crys- 7.040 MHz, the gathering spot for North
popular mail order sources (Mouser, Digi- tal filters. American Q R P operators. Our TF turned
Key, etc.) The crystals are then matched We used a 10-MHz IF in this example, out to be centered at 9.9989 MHz, just over
with an oscillator circuit and a frequency for crystals were available in our junk box. one kHz below 10 MHz. The sum of these
counter. The B F O ( Q 3 ) could even be used This presented a problem, for 10-MHz sig- frequencies is 17.039 MHz, VXOs tend to
as the test oscillator if you d o n ' t wish to nals f r o m W W V and/or W W V H leaked tunc upward with much greater ease than
build a separate test circuit. Y3 and Y4 through the front end and could be heard. they do downward, so we picked a fre-
12.18 Chapter 12
audio characteristics. 3-MHz signal generator, which worked terminated in this position. The additional
We measured MDS o f - 1 3 8 dBm with well. A simple single transistor oscillator two crystals should be frequency matched
this receiver, consistent with the NF mea- would serve in this application. to Y3 and Y4.
surement and an overall bandwidth Some users will want more selectivity. Ed Kessler, AA3SJ. built a similar re-
slightly narrower than the 500 Hz of the The crystal filter could be redesigned to ceiver with inexpensive o f f the shelve
crystal filter. use more crystals. A simple alternative crystals for the IF and the VXO. In his
The stability of the V X O was excellent, would add another crystal filter just like version, he used 4.0 MHz for the IF with a
but left us wondering what was happening the first one. The impcdancc at the output I.Q at 11.046 MHz. The L O used a "super
down just a few kHz down the band. So. of T3 and the input impedance of Q5 are V X D " with two parallel crystals, a topol-
we temporarily replaced the V X O with a both 15012. so the filter would be properly- ogy discussed in Chapter 4.
Fig 12.24—Block diagram for the dual band transceiver. The upper region is the receiver with the transmitter at the bottom of
the page. LO details appear In the middle of the block.
12.20 C h a p t e r 12
Fig 12.26—The LO signals are processed in this board. The 30-MHz signal is bandpass filtered, amplified, and low pass
filtered. The 5-MHz signal is amplified and low pass filtered. Outputs are combined with a 0-degree hybrid. Another hybrid
splits the signals, providing +7 dBm for both the transmit and receive mixers.
Fig 12.27—The receiver front end for the dual band transceiver. PIN diode switching is used to select the bandpass filter
output appropriate to the band in use.
(C? XF9-M
|65 -zL-
L16: 2.65 uH, 26t H30 T30-6 Mute + i -> 10K
Cascode JFET IF &mp from Side 1
Chapter 6, Sec,6.2 Tone I n
h a n k of a m p l i f i e r s is b i a s e d o n . S u p p r e s -
sion of the 5 - M H z c o m p o n e n t d u r i n g iz—r
2 1 - M H z o p e r a t i o n is i m p r o v e d w i t h a
shunt M O S F E T switch. Q10. The two out-
£ 122 OK i
p u t s are c o m b i n e d w i t h o u t s w i t c h i n g in a
0 - d e g r e e h y b r i d buill f r o m T 7 . T h e o u t p u t
i I -
w o u l d c o n t a i n b o t h s i g n a l s if b o t h w e r e o n
at t h e s a m e t i m e . T h e r e s u l t i n g o u t p u t is A >,
Fig 12.29—
split i n t o t w o e q u a l , but i s o l a t e d c o m p o - y T T f l H i Product detector
n e n t s w i t h a n o t h e r h y b r i d , T 8 . T h e result Fran
< -1 | S _ and audio
• i. 3X| —
amplifier. The
is a p a i r of + 7 - d B m s i g n a l s f o r the t w o
emitter of Q28
d i o d e r i n g m i x e r s in the r e c e i v e r a n d t r a n s - 1.33: 100 uH on tcrritc tocoid.
may be bypassed
mitter. for gain higher
T h e h a r m o n i c s a r e m o r e than 5 0 d B than needed here.
below the desired LO outputs, and images
are d i f f i c u l t to f i n d . B e f o r e t h e shunt F E T
switch, Q10, was added, some 5 - M H z 0.1, lift
e n e r g y c o u l d be s e e n w h e n the 3 0 - M H z *
component was dominant. However, add-
4 1 JJJK 2ZK
ing t h e s w i t c h p u s h e d t h e 5 - M H z c o m p o - o. om, m
n e n t to the - 8 0 d B c level. T h i s is m o r e
e x t r e m e than n e e d e d , b u t i n s t r u c t i v e . Hide
Receiver Circuits
T h e r e c e i v e r is m u c h like o t h e r s w e h a v e
described. A low-gain, moderately low-
noise RI; amplifier drives a diode ring
mixer. The R F amplifiers were designed w h i l e t h e o u t p u t in t h e 2 1 - M H z c i r c u i t is d e s i g n e r / b u i l d e r m a y w i s h to a d d a trans-
f o r g o o d i n p u t m a t c h r a t h e r than l o w e s t t u n e d . A pad ( j u s t o v e r 3 d B ) d r o p s t h e f o r m e r t o m a t c h b e t w e e n t h e crystal filter
noise. A post mixer amplifier. Q 1 5 . pro- gain a bit and h e l p s to f i x the i m p c d a n c c and t h e 2.2 k Q o r i g i n a l l y in p l a c e ; the
v i d e s s i g n a l s to a c r y s t a l f i l t e r . A J F E T f o r the f o l l o w i n g d o u b l e t u n e d b a n d p a s s h i g h e r i m p e d a n c e will allow g r e a t e r g a i n ,
b a s e d IF a m p l i f i e r a d d s g a i n a n d p r o v i d e s filters. lower noise figure, and greater flexibility
a convenient place for A G C . Another T h e d i o d e r i n g m i x e r is f o l l o w e d by a in A G C t h r e s h o l d a d j u s t m e n t .
d i o d e ring s e r v e s as t h e p r o d u c t d e t e c t o r post m i x e r a m p l i f i e r w i t h m o d e s t c u r r e n t A n e a r l y v e r s i o n of this r e c e i v e r u s e d
with a conventional audio chain. of 18 m A . T h i s t h e n d r i v e s the crystal fil- nothing more than a single J F E T as the IF
The front end, the only place where band ter and I F circuit, s h o w n in the a b b r e v i - amplifier. Only manual I F gain control
s w i t c h i n g is n e e d e d , is s h o w n in F i g 12.27. ated c i r c u i t of F i g 12.28. T h e input 5 0 12 w a s u s e d ; m o s t of the o v e r a l l g a i n w a s
F.ach of the R F a m p l i f i e r s , Q 1 2 and Q 1 4 , is t r a n s f o r m e d up to 5 0 0 Q w i t h t h e L- o b t a i n e d at a u d i o . P e r f o r m a n c e w a s
is p o w e r e d o n l y w h e n the r e s p e c t i v e b a n d network s h o w n . A v a r i e t y of I F a m p l i f i e r s c x c c l l e n t f o r use in w o r k i n g o t h e r Q R P sta-
is s e l e c t e d . T r a n s i s t o r s w i t c h e s r e m o v e h a v e b e e n u s e d in this c i r c u i t , m o s t w i t h tions. H o w e v e r , w e f o u n d it l a c k i n g f o r
c u r r e n t f r o m Lhe R F a m p l i f i e r s d u r i n g l o w g a i n . T h e o n e p r e s e n t l y in u s e is t h a t general use when stronger signals were
transmit intervals. from Chapter 6 using cascode connected routine, T h e present system includes A G C
M P N 3 4 0 4 P I N d i o d e s are u s e d f o r b a n d J310 JFETs. The original circuit was with an a d j u s t a b l e t h r e s h o l d .
selection. T h e r e are slight d i f f e r e n c e s m o d i f i e d b y c h a n g i n g t h e input r c s i s t o r t o T h e d e t e c t o r and a u d i o s y s t e m , s h o w n
in the t w o R F a m p l i f i e r s . T h a t f o r t h e 5 1 0 Q to p r o p e r l y t e r m i n a t e the G e r m a n in F i g 1 2 . 2 9 . is t h e " s t a n d a r d " used
14-MHz band uses a ferrite transformer ( K V G X F 9 - M ) crystal filter w e u s e d . T h e throughout the b o o k for direct conversion
12.22 Chapter 12
Fig 12.31—Transmit mixer with PIN diode switched bandpass filters. See text for details.
systems and simple supcrhcts A TUF-1 op-amp keeps distortion low. This circuit, system. B F O and IF shielding would both
diode ring product detector drives a com- with only 10 mA in Q I 8 and Q19. would improve performance.
mon-base amplifier. The second audio benefit from increased standing current, re-
stage operates at a gain of about 0.2, but it
could be increased as needed. A f t e r the
ducing clipping that occurs with high output.
The rest of the receiver is routine and is
Transmitter Details
audio gain control, an op-amp provides not repeated here. The crystal controlled A simple heterodyne process generates
voltage gain, followed by a switchablc B F O and sidetone oscillator are not the output signals for the transmitter,
peaked low pass filter with a Q of 5. shown. This receiver measured NF=11 shown in Fig 12.31. A 9 - M H z crystal
The circuit shown in Fig 12.30 using plas- dB, IIP3=+3 dBm, for DR=93 dB with a oscillator is applied as the R F signal to a
tic transistors and an op-amp will drive a 500 Hz bandwidth. The receiver AGC is diode ring mixer. The larger drive at 5 or
small speaker. The high open loop gain of the degraded by BFO energy reaching the IF 30 MHz comes from the L O chain. The
I-A/AmT .22 A.J,
[ K«y
14 o r 21
MHz I n
- f g r ^
30 MHZ
< 0 . 1 Ch 23 MHz)
mixer output is then filtered in one of two The 14-MHz double-tuned circuit was 1Z32. begins with a 30-MHz trap, tuned by
PIN diode switched bandpass filters. changed to a triple tuned filter with a band- compressing turns on L32. A two-stage
The initial transmit mixer system used width of 0.5 MHz. The higher frequency driver amplifier then provides the bulk of
double tuned circuits for both bands and had spur was now1 suppressed to -75 dBc and the the gain and adequate drive pow:er for Q25.
no 9-MHz low pass filter. The results were lower one was lost in the noise. We later the 2SC2075 output stage. A wideband
interesting. Although the 21-MHz observed found some 30-MHz energy in the 21-MHz transformer. T14, reflects a load of about 28
output was clean, there were spurious out- output, which prompted a change to a triple Q to the PA collector. Both driver stages are
puts related to the 14-MHz band. These oc- tuned filter for that band as well. None of keyed to produce a backwave below -70
curred at 13 and 16 MHz at -52 and -56 dBc. these results would ever have been observed dBc. Low pass filters for both bands are se-
The ] 3-MHz spur was a 1:2 spur that could without the use of spectrum analyzer for the lected with the mechanical band switch. A
be solved with reduced harmonics in the experiment. But the result is a justification final 23-MHz low pass is then added to the
9-MHz drive. The higher frequency spur for using a triple tuned bandpass over a sim- output.
was related to a 5:1 product. ( A N:M spuri- pler double tuned circuit when one seeks im- We were still able to find two spurs in the
ous output frequency results from N x f L 0 proved spectral purity. While triple tuning output for each band. They were, however,
+/- Mxfgj.: Sec Chapter 5.) The third order uses more components, it is no more diffi- all at -62 dBc or less. The worst harmonic
low pass filter was added to the 9-MHz RF. cult to design or tune at HF than one with was the 2nd when operating at 14 MHz at -
pushing the first spur to the -72-dBc level two resonators. 63 dBc. With the exception of the VFO, only
with no change in the other. The transmitter power chain, shown in Fig incidental shielding is used.
12.24 Chapter 12
reduce this additive noise, since it is flat sidebands depends on the speed with which • Maximize the transmitter average
with frequency. This gives us a way to the amplitude varies. Faster changes pro- power by having it 011 continuously
remove noise from signals, so long as the duce sidebands farther from the carrier. In • Minimize the receiver (pre-detection)
bandwidth of the signal is less than the addition, the length of the transmission bandwidth, consistent w ith the signal and
filter bandwidth. path will vary, again often randomly. propagation path modulation
Movement of the refractive and reflective • Use detectors to estimate the signal
layers causes this. In this case, we have amplitude at each frequency
Signals and phase modulation (PM), again producing • Trade off time and sensitivity by fol-
Multiplicative Noise sidebands on either side of the signal. lowing the detectors with low-pass filterfs)
The signals being transmitted for weak- It is possible for the AM and PM side- to provide averaging (integration) of the
signal work can generally be chosen to bands to add and cancel in different ways signal amplitude.
occupy reasonable bandwidths. 9 Simple for those above the carrier than for those The performance of the system was lim-
modulation methods are the most easily below. Consequently, the modulation ited by the availability of low-pass filters
dealt with and can generally be used. An placed on the signal by the transmission (RC networks), suitable for very long inte-
example is a single frequency tone, trans- media is not symmetrical about the carrier gration times. But as Poor points out, so
mitted for a predetermined amount of time. frequency, and may not look like a typical long as one can build a low enough cut-off
This signal can be extended to two or more modulation spectrum. As a modulation it to the filter, the ultimate sensitivity of this
tones in order to convey information as is multiplicative noise and different from approach is limited only by our paticnce
frequency shift keying. This idea will be the additive noise just discussed. We do for the answers to appear.
explored further below, but here it is not have the option of removing this noise Going to more than two frequencies was
important to observe that the received sig- by filtering, since lowering the bandwidth not part of the 1965 system, but was known
nal is not generally an attenuated version removes the signal along with the noise. to offer improvement for communications
of that transmitted. Instead, as the signal The propagation media places a lower s y s t e m s . " Today the multi-tone filtering
passes through the transmission media limit on the filter bandwidth usable with a can be performed by discrete Fourier
(atmosphere, ionosphere. Moon reflec- narrow-band signal. transforms (see Chapter 10). Long-term
tion, etc.) modulation is applied to the sig- integration is easily done in a digital com-
nal. This is akin to the modulated signals puter. The following two examples, taken
described in Chapter 6. A General Approach from the DSP-10. show how these idea-,
As the signal passes through the trans- A wonderful paper by K3N10"'i>utlines can be applied using D S P techniques.
mission media the amplitude varies—in this weak-signal communications problem
amateur lingo, this is QSB. Typically, this and proposes a practical solution that he
variation is random in nature. What we and K 8 D K C demonstrated on 2 0 meters. Example 1 - EME-2 for
have is a signal with amplitude modulation Poor's model for signal and noise were the Moon-bounce Echoes
(AM). Frequency sidebands will appear on ones w e have above and his communica-
either side of the transmitted carrier as with tions system, built around RTTY and FSK, THE GOAL
all AM signals. The frequency offset of the applied these principles: A 2-meter station, with the antenna
Pulses. Pic-Deiectwn Fi
— - —
Receiver Off ^ T ^ V t M . Time
i tcbon Integration
0 1 2 3 4 .> 6
12.26 Chapter 12
lion to continue as long as the M o o n is. c o m m e r c i a l M-* 2 M X P 2 8 p r o d u c t used method for weak-signal c o m m u n i c a t i o n .
within view. with a home-built c o m b i n i n g hybrid, has L o o k i n g at the spectral plot for E M E - 2
T h e r e m a i n i n g element is a means of circular polarization to minimi7.e the deg- certainly supports the idea that one might
displaying the return value. T w o systems radations f r o m Faraday rotation. c o m m u n i c a t e by lining up multiple fre-
h a v e proven of value for EME-2. A simple T h e lower tracc is the result of one quencies. each s o m e h o w corresponding to
tabic of the signal-plus-noise estimates, t w o - s e c o n d - p u l s e return. Because the a portion of a message. T h e reference by
expressed in dB, for 21 bins, centered on b a n d w i d t h of each D F T is wider than that Murray G r e e n m a n . Z L 1 B P U . points out
the return frequency provides most of the of the pulse, there are nine D F T ' s involved the advantage of using m o r e frequencies
data. A l o n g with this is the n u m b e r of in generating this tracc. T h e amplitude of than the two used by Poor. With an eye
power values that have been integrated. A the signal-plus-noise shown here is about towards pushing the limits of slow, weak-
graphical plot of this s a m e data also 6 dB over the average noise and somewhat signal communication, a modulation and
allows one to easily digest the results of a stronger lhan average. T h e upper trace is coding system was i m p l e m e n t e d in the
test and is always available. the result of a v e r a g i n g 71 t w o - s e c o n d D S P - 1 0 that applied these principles. This
A comparison of the improvement in pulse returns together, requiring about six used 43-tone modulation, where each tone
apparent signal-to-noisc ratio for the pre- minutes. The noise averages to its power represented a different symbol such as an
detection filtering and long-term post- at all f r e q u e n c i e s while the signal-plus- alphabetic character. At the time a number
detection integration is shown in F i g 12.34. noise at the 3 2 3 Hz line is about 2.4 dB of different s c h e m c s were being tried, and
For cither method, the parameter describ- greater. A f t e r this many pulses, the signal this particular one was nicknamed PUA43.
ing the amount of improvement is time. return on the upper trace b e c o m e s very P U A 4 3 sends the same message repeat-
Expressed in dB, the rate of improvement well defined and the level of the return can edly. once or twice during each minute. It
is twice as great for the pre-detection filter- be measured quite accurately. This signal is quite structured. The message length can
ing. This obviously only applies to the e c h o was never heard by ear. only be either 28 or 14 s y m b o l s long, each
extent that multiplicative noise from the corresponding to specific two-second time
modulation path is not a limiting factor.
Example 2 - PUA43 for periods. T h e number of minutes that the
M M M i M M H
H M M M H I M n i
The Transmitter
The transmitter s h o w n in Fig 12.37
begins with a V X O operating at 18.7
M H z . This free running oscillator is even-
tually frequency divided by 2, creating a
square wave. The third harmonic of that
signal, at 28 M H z , is selected with a
bandpass filter, amplified, and keyed to
form the transmitter. The V X O circuit
with oscillator Q1 w a s originally like
others shown in Chapter 4, providing Inside view of the 10-meter module with the VXO and triple tuned bandpass filter in
about a 4 0 - k H z tuning range at 28 M H z . the center. The receiver RF amplifier board is at the bottom of the photo.
12.28 C h a p t e r 12
Fig 12.37—An 18.7-MHz VXO (Q1) is frequency divided by 2 with U1 to form a square wave. The third harmonic is selected
with the bandpass filter and amplified to a 10-miiliwatt output level. T1 is 10 blfllar turns #28 on an FT-37-43. S1 is a wafer
switch with low capacitance. A toggle switch should not be used here.
~ 36S
The circuit was modified to use two each range. This variation is shown in Fig is a 2N3866 with a I -12 emitter degenera-
ranges and now tunes from 28.000 lo 12.38. Experimentation is almost always tion resistance. A 7-elcment low pass fil-
28.062 MH/ with the available compo- useful with VXO circuits. (We measured ter follows the transmitter, suppressing
nents. The low end of ihe band is tuned our crystal as having L m = 3.0) mH and harmonics and other spurious responses.
when SI inserts a series inductance in the C„=ft pF.» The only harmonic observed was the sec-
circuit. Experiments showed an even The transmitter continues in Fig 12.39 ond at -69 dBc. The 18-MHz output is
larger upward range was available if a with a driver using a parallel pair of present in the output, but at the - 7 3 dBc
separate tuning capacitor was used for 2N3904 transistors. The power amplifier level.
2 . 7u rfc > K1
2 215I
'f- 215
/2H3866 120
Receiving Converter
A d i o d e r i n g m i x e r is ihe b a s i s of t h e f i l t e r . T h e m i x e r is p r e s e l e c t e d w i t h a
receiving converter, driven from a double tuned circuit.
crystal-controlled oscillator using a A n R F a m p l i f i e r is i n c l u d e d in the
32-MHz third-overtone oscillator. T h e receiver. W e used a circuit left f r o m an ear-
p o s t m i x e r a m p l i f i e r is a c o m m o n g a l e lier e f f o r t e m p l o y i n g a dual gate M O S F E T .
J F E T w i t h a d r a i n c u r r e n t of a b o u t A c o m m o n gate J F E T , described in C h a p t e r
13 n i A . A n a r r o w b a n d w i d t h 4 - M H z o u t - 6, w o u l d b e ideal, o f f e r i n g low noise figure
put f e e d s a w i d e b a n d w i d t h b a n d p a s s with less gain.
12.30 Chapter 12
Active Filter
2N3904 shown
w i t h SSB parts.
2K -=±- 6.8K
ffij ™
Sidetone Osc
^ tMes
10Q <
Mixer c* 10n, 10% 15K 100
RF •
IF •
"Ann" >
Bad • (Gam I Out
LO • Switch) i2
A V v
**> -»6V 22k
Fig 12.41—Option with an added audio gain control. Also Fig 12.42—Calculated response for low pass filter with three
shown is an LC high pass filter. The altered or added different component value sets.
components are highlighted.
12.32 Chapter 12
These transceivers were built using pro-
totype circuit boards during the develop-
ment of the line of products sold by Kanga
+ 12 V + 13dBm
US. They illustrate different packaging
techniques, and also some of the effort that
goes into moving f r o m prototype or ugly
construction to a commercially available
production circuit board. Both transceiv-
ers use identical circuitry, and the basic
design is intended as a tunable IF for mi-
crowave transvcrtcrs. A wooden box was
chosen to investigate the problems that re-
sult from having no shielding at all around
the circuit boards. The radio works well as
Ant Relay
a tunable IF. but is subjcct to hum and noise
p i c k u p when directly connected to a
nearby, non-directional 2 - m e t e r antenna.
T i Keyed +12 V
It works fine on the 2-meter band, h o w - DC
) PTT, Semi-Break-In
ever, with a small Yagi 10 meters away,
i Ant Relay
and pointed away f r o m the transceiver. The
version built in the gray steel chassis has
no shielding between PC boards, but is well
shielded f r o m the outside world. It works Key
with a whip antenna, but has some micro-
phonics that are not present in direct con-
version rigs with more extensive shielding.
Fig 12.48—LM2 schematic #2 and parts C9 See Table 12.3 L1 VXO range inductor, 33t T37-2
list. C10 See Table 12.3 toroid. See Text.
R1 4.7 kn C11 0.01 (iF disk ceramic L2 See Table 12.3
R2 10 k n C12 4.7 (iF tantalum L3 See Table 12.3
R3 50 kn Trimpot Panasonic 36C C13 10 jiF electrolytic L4 See Table 12.2
series C14 0.1 |iF Panasonic V series L5 See Table 12.2
R4 47 kfi C15 22 (iF tantalum CW semi-break-in L6 See Table 12.2
R5 100 kfl delay L7 6 turns FT 25-43 ferrite toroid
R6 1 M n C16 0.1 (iF Panasonic V series L8 See Table 12.2
R7 10 kfl C17 0.1 |j.F Panasonic V series L9 See Table 12.2
R8 10 k n C18 0.1 p.F Panasonic V series L10 See Table 12.2
R9 33 n C19 22 pF chip L11 See Table 12.2
R10 22 n C20 0.01 (iF chip L12See Table 12.2
R11 510 n C21 10 nF electrolytic L13See Table 12.2
R12 3.9 kn C22 See Table 12.2 L14See Table 12.2
R13 51 n C23 See Table 12.2 D1 1N4148
R14 4.7 kn C24 See Table 12.2 D2 MV2107 or similar tuning diode
R15 10 kn C25 See Table 12.2 D3 4.7-V Zener
R16 4.7 kn C26 See Table 12.2 D4 1N4148
R17 10 kn C27 See Table 12.2 D5 1N4148
R18 4.7 kn C28 See Table 12.2 D6 1N4148
R19 10 kn C29 0.01 (iF chip D7 1N4148
R20 4.7 kn C30 0.01 nF chip D8 1N4148
R21 10 kn C31 See Table 12.2 D9 1N4148
R22 10 kn C32 See Table 12.2 Q1 2N3906
R23 1 Mn chip C33 See Table 12.2 Q2 2N3904 or PN5179
R24 120 n 1/2 W C34 See Table 12.2 Q3 2N3904 or PN5179
R25 100 n chip C35 See Table 12.2 Q4 2N3906
R26 100 n chip C36 See Table 12.2 Q5 2N3904
R27 51 n chip C37 See Table 12.2 Q6 2N3906
R28 510 n C38 See Table 12.2 Q7 2N3906
C1 Approx 40 pF variable Main Tuning. C39 See Table 12.2 Q8 2N3906
See Text. C40 See Table 12.2 U1 78L09
C2 Upper frequency limit or C41 See Table 12.2 U2 78L06
temperature comp. See Text. C42 See Table 12.2 U3 74AC04
C3 RIT range set. See Text. C43 0.01 jiF chip U4 MAV-11 or MAB-4. See Text.
C4 0.1 (iF Panasonic V series C44 See Table 12.2 U5 Toko splitter
C5 0.01 |±F disk ceramic C45 See Table 12.2 U6 Toko splitter
C6 See Table 12.3 C46 See Table 12.2 U7 MAR-6
C7 See Table 12.3 C47 See Table 12.2 K1 OMRON 65V-2-H
C8 10 mF electrolytic C48 See Table 12.2 X1 Crystal See Text
12.34 Chapter 12
$ Shift
Receive Preamp
Table 12.2
Filter and Phase Shift Compnents
All chip capacitor values are in pF, 1206- or 0805-series ilc. All inductor values in nH, MC122- or MC134-series Toko
with case.
Frequency (MHz)
Component 18 21 24 28 SO 144 222
C22 56 56 39 33 20 3.9 3.9
C23 68 68 47 47 22 5.6 3.9
C24. C26, C33, C40, C46 10 10 10 10 5 1 1
C25 120 120 76 68 39 9.1 6.8
C27. C31, C34, C38, C41, C44, C47 180 180 120 120 56 12 8.2
C28, C32. C35, C39, G42, C45
C48 390 390 270 270 150 47 27
C38, C37 180 150 120 120 68 22 15
L4. L5, 16, L8, L9. L11, L12, L13. L14 422 422 422 350 226 108 53
Lib 422 383 350 291 159 53 32
boards have been previously described in L M 2 block diagram is shown in Fig 12.46. the w o o d - b o x e d transceiver, and Figs
QST.'9-20 The L M 2 P C board contains the Figs 12.47 and 12.48 are the LM2 sche- 12.51 and 12.52 arc the version in the
V X O . L N A and TR switching circuits. The matics. In Figs 12,49 and 12.50 you'll see metal chassis.
Table 12.3
VXO Components
All capacitor values are in pF, Panasonic 100 V COG, monolithic ceramic. L2 values represent the suggested number of turns on a
T37-2 toroid core. Adjust for maximum output across 50£2. L3 values are in LIH using a JW Miller epoxy conformal coated iron core.
Frequency Range (MHz)
Component 6-8 8-70 10-15 15-20 20-26
C6, C7 220 220 150 100 82
C9 150 120 82 68 56
C10 680 560 390 330 220
L2 24 21 19 17 16
L3 18 15 12 8.2 6.8
Fig 12.50—An interior view of the Wood Box 144-MHz Fig 12.52—An inside look at the Metal Box 144-MHz
transceiver. transceiver.
12.36 Chapter 12
This transceiver was designed and built
to serve as the base station tunable IF for
weak signal SSB and CW DXing on the
bands from 222 through 2304 MHz. It is
mounted in a large rack-mount box, and is
connected to a set of rack mount
transverters. A front-panel switch selects Fig 12.53—The 52-
the desired transverter. The transverters MHz IF transceiver
in operation.
provide 100-W output on 222 and 432
MHz. 10 W on 903 MHz, 15 W on 1296
MHz and 4 W o n 2304 MHz. with less than
2-dB noise figure on each band. 52 MHz
was chosen for the IF because it is not har-
monically related to any of the desired
band segments, and there is no CW or SSB
activity near 52 MHz to cause IF break-
through problems.
Fig 12.53 isaphotograph of the IF trans- in a steel chassis. The filters and preamp The LO phase shift adjustments and
ceiver in operation, and the block diagram are in aluminum boxes with screw-on cov- amplitude trimmer adjustments are acces-
is shown in Fig 12.54 Modular construc- ers. The receiver and exciter each has its sible on top of the shielded enclosures, but
tion is used, and each module is mounted own independent phase-shift network with after initial alignment they have remained
in a shield box. The T2 exciter and LO an air-variable phase trim capacitor, hard- untouched during the 6 years (and a move
modules are build in boxes soldered up wired directly to the receiver or exciter half-way across the country) that the rig
from PC board material: the R2 receiver is circuit board. has been in service. Detailed schematics
oae OdB OdB o as
R2 PC -fuD
-yyd © ® ©
joaa r^1 © 6dB 10 dB 20 dS Board —-gmutt
(•Hi) 52 MHz
r - S -- 8 - 1
TR Switched Attenuators quad hybrid
© - <•> relay
Board 3 KHZ L
52 MHz
quad hybrid
- t - - I n
- t >
t *»2T
: *i2R
51-9 - 52 4 MH*
j :
=5 LM-2 Board
rm*s RTF *12R •12T
T 4.7uF^
2.2 pf
• 220pF-
1M ^ J310
' NPO '
bearing piston
variable trimmer
4.7 pF
-16 0
12.38 C h a p t e r 12
52-MHz center freq. 2 MHz Bandwidth 1 dB loss LO Premix filter 47.5-MHz center freq. filter
: Cc
L j U
0 ©
; If t ;
+12 T
12.40 Chapter 12
Fig 12.64—A peek at the inside top of the 52-MHz transceiver. Fig 12.65—The inside bottom of the 52-MHz transceiver.
a keyed receiver L N A along with conven- through 12.69 illustrate the construction.
tional receiver muting eliminates any re- Figure 12.70 illustrates how the receiver
ceiver thumps during keying. The radio is c o m p a r t m e n t is d o u b l e shielded f r o m
built in two die-cast boxes screwed the o u t s i d e w o r l d . All c o n n e c t i o n s into
together, with feedthrough capacitors to the receiver c o m p a r t m e n t are m a d e using
carry the signals and power into the back 0.001 ,uF f e e d t h r o u g h c a p a c i t o r s into the
compartment. The back compartment con- V F O / P A c o m p a r t m e n t . F i g u r e 12.71 is a
tains an interchangeable receiver circuit block diagram. The VFO/frequenc\
board, which may be either an R1 direct d o u b l e r is shown in Fig 12.72. the PA.
conversion receiver, a mini-R2 receiver, or using a h i g h - g a i n d i f f e r e n t i a l a m p l i f i e r
Fig 12.66—The Sleeping Bag Radio. a binaural receiver. This radio has a solid d r i v i n g a 5 - W CB p o w e r transistor U
n ^ \
| / , A
H o B ^ — L = j = 3 — — . 1
I OfflMlFL 1
Fig 12.70—A Sleeping Bag Radio construction sketch.
12.42 Chapter 12
Field Operation, Portable Gear and Integrated Stations 12.43
6 hole bead trifilar 6 hole bead
150pF 4 10pF 150pF
feedthnj 3.1 uH ^ V 3.1 uH lOOOpF
12.44 Chapter 12
T h i s is a s i m p l e h o m e station r e c e i v e r s t r u c t i o n . T h e r e are i w o s c l c c t a b l e b a n d - s u p p r e s s i o n , 9 - d B n o i s e f i g u r e , a slow t u n -
f o r the C W p o r t i o n of the 2 0 - m e t e r band, w i d t h s a n d f r o n t - p a n e l m u l i n g f o r use with ing rate. 8 0 d B b e t w e e n (he r e c e i v e r n o i s e
ll uses R 2 p r o circuit b o a r d s and a K a n g a a small Q R P t r a n s m i t t e r o r v i n t a g e 4 0 - W f l o o r a n d o n s e t of a u d i o c l i p p i n g . 9 2 - d B
U V F O u n i v e r s a l V F O b o a r d , a l o n g wilh lube t r a n s m i t t e r . A p p e a r a n c e a n d c o n t r o l s SSB bandwidth two-tone third-order dy-
lightweight aluminum chassis construc- are b a s i c . P e r f o r m a n c e is u n c o m p r o m i s - n a m i c r a n g e , and a b s o l u t e l y no s p u r i o u s
tion. F i g 1 2 . 7 6 is a c o n s t r u c t i o n s k e t c h , ing, wilh o v e r 5 0 d B of o p p o s i t e s i d e b a n d responses or synthesizer noise.
a n d F i g 1 2 . 7 7 is a b l o c k d i a g r a m . T h e
R 2 p r o receiver circuit h o a r d s are de-
s c r i b e d in detail in C h a p t e r 9 . F i g 1 2 . 7 8 is
a s c h e m a t i c of t h e U V F O b o a r d . F i g s
VFO compartment UVFO
12.79, 12.80 a n d 1 2 . 8 1 i l l u s t r a t e the c o n -
PC board
1 4 . 0 - 14.1 M H z
7.0 - 7.05
4- X 2 . r X 3"
utility box
LNA downconverter
PC board PC board receiver compartment
5" X 7" X 2" aluminum cap cover chassis analog signal processor _ filter A F amp
E — —<3
R2pro PC PC board PC boards PC board
. / m n r v - i RX
12tT30-6 |
Q Out
1. "How to Frustrate a Bear." Back-packer (QRP Transceiver for 40 or 30 Meters." modes. For US amateurs, a short summary
Magazine, Oct. 2001, p 86, (QST. Nov. 1994. pp 37-41. of die interpretation of FCC regulations on
2. Britain. "Some Really Cheap 17. J. Kleinman and Z. Lau. QRP Power, these matters is the sidebar by Paul Rinaldo,
Antennas". CQ VHF. Aug. 1998 and Oct. i
ARRL. 1996. "Is Hellschreiber Permissible Under Part
1998. f8. Detailed operation of the various weak- 97 ?." QST, Jan. 2000. p 54. Before using any
mode on the air, it is important to determine
3. "From Our Vantage Point."The ssignal modes is described in the file
the legality of its usage and the frequencies
Sojourner, on-line travel magazine of the fREADME20.TXT. The source code, in
that are allowable.
Adventure Radio Society (ARS), May. " C . for these modes is primarily in the
1998, www.natworld.com/ars/. ttiles LLCODE.C. UMATRIX'C and 10. V. Poor. "R9/S1," QST. Oct. 1965. pp
4. R. Lewallen. "An Optimized QRP MOONSUN.C. The specification for 33-37. This was not the introduction of
Transceiver." QST. Aug, 1980, pp 14-19. tthe -PUA43' code is in the file these ideas, but it is a good summary of the
PUA43_02.ZIP. All or these files are amateur experimenter art of the time.
5. W. Hayward. "Measuring and Comp- ?
1included on the CD-ROM. 11. The advantages of multi-tone keying,
ensating Oscillator Frequency Drift,"
QST, Dec. 1993. pp 37-41. S9. Different countries have different along with historic background is in the
6. D. Benson. "A Single-Board Supcr-hct restrictions
r on the amateur use of data article by M. Greenman. "MFSK. for the
12.48 Chapter 12
CD-ROM Contents
The material contained on the C D - R O M packaged on the 7. R. Campbell, "High Performance Direct Conversion
inside back cover o f this book contains articles, reference Receivers," QST. Aug. 1992, pp 19-28. q s t 1 9 9 2 0 8 . p d f
material, and software. This material is organized in the following 8. R. Campbell, " N o Tune Microwave Transceivers,"
directories: Proceedings of Microwave Update '92. Rochester. N Y . Ocl.
\software 1992. A R R L Publication number 161. pp 41-54.
\articles pmu1992.pdf
\dsp 9. R . Campbell. "High Performance Single-Signal Direct
The Vdsp directory contains specific lists of materia) for the Conversion Receivers." QST. Jan, 1993. pp 32-40.
DSP programs in Chapters 10 and 11 and the DSP-10 2-meter qst199301.pdf
transceiver project, 10. R. Campbell. " A Multimode Phasing Exciter for I to 500
MHz." @5T. Apr. 1993. pp 27-31. qst199304.pdf
ARTICLES AND REFERENCES 11.R. Campbell, "Single-Conversion Microwave SSB/CW
Transceivers." QST. May, 1993, pp 29-34. q s t 1 9 9 3 0 5 . p d f
A l l o f the following articles and references are on the CD-
12. R. Campbell. " A Single Board No-Tune Transceiver for
R O M in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Double-click a r t i c l e s . p d f
1296," Proceedings of Microwave Update '93. Atlanta, G A ,
to access a summary of these materials. Alternatively, open any
Sep. 1993, A R R L Publication number 174, pp 17-38.
PDF document in the \ a r t i c l e s directory to access that specific
article. The article filename on the C D - R O M is shown after each
13. R. Campbell. "Simply Getting on the A i r from D C to
reference listing.
Daylight," Proceedings of Microwave Update '94. Estes Park.
While the Adobe Acrobat Reader program used to view the
CO. Sep, 1994. A R R L Publication number 188. pp 57-68.
articles and references is normally run directly from the C D . there
is a copy included on the C D - R O M that you may optionally
14. R. Campbell. "Subharmomc IF Receivers." reprinted from
choosc to install on your hard disk for viewing other P D F files.
the North Texas Microwave Society feed/mint in Proceedings
T o Install Acrobat Reader for Windows: of Microwave Update '94. Estes Park. C O . Sep. 1994. A R R L
1) Close any open applications and insert the C D - R O M into your Publication number 188. pp 225-232. p m u 1 9 9 4 b . p d f
C D - R O M drive. 15. R . Campbell. " A V H F S S B - C W Transceiver with V X O . "
2) Select R u n from the Windows S t a r t menu. Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the Central States VHF
3 ) T y p e d : \ A c r o b a t \ s e t u p (where d : is the drive letter of your Society, Colorado Springs, CO, Jul, 1995. A R R L Publication
C D - R O M drive: if the C D - R O M is a different drive on your number 200, pp 9 4 - l 0 6 . p m u 1 9 9 5 b . p d f
system, type the appropriate letter) and press Enter. 16. R. Campbell. "The Next Generation of No-Tune
4 ) Follow the instructions that appear on your screen. Transverters," Proceedings of Microwave Update '95.
Arlington, T X , Oct. 1995. A R R L Publication number 208. pp
T o Install Acrobat Reader for the Macintosh: 1-22. pmu1995a.pdf
1) Close any open applications and insert the C D - R O M into your 17. R. Campbell, " A Small High-Performance C W Transceiver."
C D - R O M drive. QST. Nov. 1995, pp 41-46. qst199511.pdf
2) Open the ''Experimental Methods in R F Design C D " icon on 18. R. Campbell. "Direct Conversion Receiver Noise Figure,"
the desktop, then double-click the "Acrobat Reader" icon. QST. Technical Correspondence. Feb 1996. pp 82-85.
3) Double-click the "Acrobat Reader Installer" icon. qst199602.pdf
4 ) Follow the instructions that appear on your screen. 19. R. Campbell. " M i c r o w a v e Downconverter and Upconvertcr
Update." Proceedings of Microwave Update '98. Estes Park.
1.D. Benson. "Freq-Mite — A programmable Morse Code CO, Oct. 1998. A R R L Publication number 241. pp 34-49.
Frequency Readout." QST. Dec. 1998. pp 34-36. pmu1998.pdf
qst199812.pdf 20. R. Campbell. " A BinauralIQ Receiver." QST. Mar. 1999. pp.
2. D. Bramwell, "Understanding Modern Oscilloscopes." QST. 44-48. qst199903.pdf
Jul. 1976. pp 18-19. qst197607.pdf 21. R. Campbell. " L O Phase Noise Management in Amateur
3. D. Bramwell, " A n R F Step Attenuator," QST. lun, 1995. pp Receiver Systems." Proceedings of Microwave Update '99.
33-34. qst199506.pdf Piano, T X . Oct, 1999, A R R L . Publication number 253.
4. G. A . Breed, " A New Breed of Receiver," QST. Jan, 1988, pp pp 1-12. pmu1999a.pdf
16-23. qst198801.pdf 22. R. Campbell. "Medium Power Diode Frequency Doublers."
5. R. Campbell. "Binaural Presentation of SSB and C W Signals Proceedings of Microwave Update '99. Piano, T X . Oct. 1999.
Received on a Pair o f Antennas," Proceedings of the 18th ARRL. Publication number 253. pp 397-406.
Annual Conference of the Central Slates VHF Society. Cedar pmu1999b.pdf
Rapids. I A . Jul. 1984. p m u 1 9 8 4 . p d f 23. B. Carver, "High Performance Crystal Filter Design."
6. R. Campbell, "Getting Started on the M i c r o w a v e Bands." QST. Communications Quarterly. Winter, 1993, pp 11-18.
Feb. 1992, pp 35-39. qst199202.pdf cq199301a.pdf
24. B. Carver, "The LC Tester." Communications Quarterly, 51. D. Rutledge, el al, "High-Efficiency Class-E Power Ampli-
Winter. 1993. pp 19-27. cq199301b.pdf fiers." QST, May. 1997. Part I. pp 39-42, and Jun, 1997, Part
25. B. Carver, "A High Performance AGC/1F Subsystem," QST. II, pp 39-42. qst199705a.pdf, qst199706.pdf
May. 1996, pp 39-44. qst199605.pdf 52. W. Sabin, "Measuring SSB/CW Rccciver Sensitivity," QST.
26. R. Fisher. "Twisted-Wire Quadrature Hybrid Directional Oct, 1992. pp 30-34. qst199210.pdf
Couplers," QST, Jan, 1978, pp 21-23. qst197801.pdf 53. W. Sabin, "A Calibrated Noise Sourcc for Amateur Radio,"
27. J. Grebenkerapcr, "The Tandem Match — An Accuratc QST. May. 1994. pp 37-40. qst199405.pdf
Directional Wattmeter." QST, Jan, 1987, pp 18-26. 54. W. Sabin, "Diplexer Filters for an HF MOSFET Power
qst198701.pdf Amplifier." QEX. Jul/Aug, I999, pp 20-26. qex199907.pdf
28. R. Hayward. "The Ugly Weekender II. Adding a Junk Box 55. W. Sabin, "A 100-W MOSFET HF Amplifier." QEX, Nov/
Receiver." QST. Jun, 1992, pp 27-30. qst199206.pdf Dec, 1999. pp 31-40 qex199911.pdf
29. W. Hayward and R. Bingham, "Direct Conversion; A 56. B. Shriner and P. Pagel. "A Step Attenuator You Can Build,"
Ncslcclcd Technique." QST. Nov, 1968. pp 15-17. QST, Sep. 1982. pp 11-13. qst198209.pdf
qst196811.pdf 57. K. Spaargaren, "Frequency Stabilization of LC Oscillators,"
30. W. Hayward and J. I.awson. "A Progressive Communica- QEX. Feb, 1996. pp 19-23* qex199602.pdf
tions Receiver," QST, Nov, 1981, pp I I -21. qst198111 .pdf 58. J. Stephensen, "Reducing IMD in High-Lcvel Mixers," QEX.
31. W. Hayward and R. Hayward, "'The Ugly Weekender," QST, Mav/Jun, 2001, pp 45-50. qex200105.pdf
Aug, 1981, pp 18-21. qst198108.pdf 59. P. Wade, "Noise Measurement and Generation." QEX, Nov,
32. W. Hayward, "The Double Tuned Circuit: An Experimen- 1996, pp 3-l2.qex199611.pdf
ter's Tutorial". QST. Dec. 199I. pp 29-34. qst199112.pdf 60. A. Ward. "Noise Figure Measurements," Proceedings of
33. W. Hayward, "Reflections on the Reflection Coefficient: An Microwave Update '97, Sandusky. OH, Oct, 1997, ARRL
Intuitive Examination," QEX. Jan. 1993. pp 10-23. Publication number 231, pp 265-272. pmu1997.pdf
34. W. Hayward, "Measuring and Compensating Oscillator SOFTWARE
Frequency Drift," QST. Dec, I993.pp37-4l.qst199312.pdf • LADPAC-2002. Design programs for Windows. Run
35. W. Hayward, "Electronic T/R Switching," QEX, May, 1995. setup.exe and follow the on-screcn directions lo install the
pp 3-7. qex199505.pdf software.
36. W. Hayward. "Refinements in Crystal LadderFilterDesign,'' • Analysis of mixing with a JFET (Mathcad file
QEX, Jun. 1995. pp 16-21. qex199506.pdf mixerJfetl.mcd. Adobe Acrobat file mixer_jfet1.pdf).
37. W. Hayward, "Extending the Double Tuned Circuit to Three See Chapter 5, section 1. Using mixer_jfet1.mcd requires
Resonators." QEX. Mar/Apr. 1998. pp 41-46. qex199803.pdf Mathsoft Mathcad version x.x or higher. Mixer jfetl .pdf is
38. W. Hayward and T. White. "A Tracking Signal Generator for compiled from screenshots showing the equations used in the
Use with a Spectrum Analyzer." QST, Nov, 1999, pp 50-52. Mathcad file, useful the those who don't have Mathcad.
39. W. Hayward and T. While, "A Spectrum Analyzer for the
Radio Amateur," QST. Aug and Sep, 1998, pp 35-43. DSP (DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING)
qst199808.pdf, qst199809.pdf Programs for Chapters 10 and 11
40. W. Hayward and T. White. "The Micromountaineer The programs for Chapters 10 and l l arc in the directories
Revisited," QST, Jul. 2000. pp 28-33. qst200007.pdf CHAP] 0 and CHAP11. For each Clxxx.dsp file there is also a
41. W. Hayward and R. Larkin, "Simple RF-Power c1xxx.exe file created by the Id21 linker as described in
Measurement". QST, .kin. 2001, pp 38-43. qst200106.pdf read.txt. The contents of the two directories are:
42. N. Heckt, "A PIC-Based Digital Frequency Display," QST,
May, 1997, pp 36-38. qst199705b.pdf CHAPTER 10
43. H. Johnson, "Helical Resonator Oscillators." w4zcb.pdf d s h e l l . d s p Basic DSP structure for EZKIT- Lite
44. R. Larkin. "The DSP-10: An All-Mode 2-Meter Transceiver c1shell.exe
Using a DSP IF and PC-Controlled Front Panel." QST. Sep, d s i n . d s p Generates single sine wave at 1000 Hz
1999. pp 33-41: Oct, 1999. pp 34-40; Nov, 1999. pp 42-45. dsin.exe
qst199909.pdf, qst199910.pdf, qst199911.pdf d s i n 2 . d s p Generates 2 sine waves at 700 and 1900 Hz
45. R. Larkin. "An 8-Watt, 2-Meter Brickette," QST, Jun, 2000, dsin2.exe
pp 43-47. qst200006.pdf d s p n . d s p Generates 1000 Hz sine wave plus Gaussian noise
46. R. Lewallen. "An Optimized QRP Transceiver." QST, Aug, dspn.exe
1980. pp 14-19. qst198008.pdf d f i r . d s p FIR filter coefficients
47. R. Lewallen, "A Simple and Accurate QRP Directional dfir.exe
Wattmeter." QST. Feb. 1990, pp 19-23. qst199002.pdf fir200bp.dat Part of d f i r . d s p - Band pass FIR filter coeffi-
48. J. Makhinson. "A Dril't-Free VKO." QST. Dec, 1996, pp 32- cients
36. qst199612.pdf firdsn3.bas A QBASIC program for calculating FIR filters
49. J. Makhinson, "DEMPHANO. A device for measuring phase using the Kaiser window method.
noise." Communications Quarterly. Spring. 1999. pp 9-17.
cq199904.pdf CHAPTER 11
50. J. Reiscrt. "VHF/UHF Frequency Calibration." Haw Radio. C1 knob.dsp Interaction with a rotary knob, switches, LCD dis-
Ocl. 1984. pp 55-60. hr198410.pdf play
C l t b O X . d s p Uses the cl knob to generate 2 sine waves plus noise HARDWARE
c1tbox.exe dsp10hdw.txt - General notes, corrections and improvements.
c18.dsp An 18 M H z I-Q transceiver for CW and USB dsp10n45.txt - Assembly notes for the project
c18.exe dsp10pd2.txt - Assembly part-by-part list, with locations on
Ip2_8.dat Part of C18.dsp - Low pass FIR filter coefficients the PCB
lp_5_48.dat Part of C18.dsp - Low pass KIR filter coefficients dsp10ph5.htm - Part list for purchasing parts
b p c w l .dat Part of C18.dsp - CW audio FIR filter coefficients u 1 5 _ m o d . h t m - Improvement information referenced by
hil_3_48.dat Part of C18.dsp - Hilbert transform for 90 degree dsplOhdw.txt
phase shift. These are coefficients for a specialized FIR filter. ll15mod1.gif - A sketch required for u l 5 _ m o d . h t m .
f10.gif - A corrected figure 10 for the QST articles.
All of the c1xxx.exe programs can be put into E P R O M for f11.gif - A corrected figure 11 for the QST articles.
loading when the EZKTT-Lite starts operation. See the Analog
Devices P R O M Splitter for details. EXECUTABLE
Uhfa.exe - DOS Executable from panel program
Documentation for the DSP-10 Uhf3.exe - Machine language program (NOT A DOS . E X E
2-Meter Transceiver file)
Included in f i v e directories is a complete set of documentation Egavga.bgi - Borland graphics drivers for P C
for (he DSP-10 2-meter transceiver. All .TXT files are simple Gnugpl.txt - User license (Please Read)
ASCII text with embedded end-of-lines. All .HTM files can be Uhfa_43a.rnd - Random number list for several of the weak
read on a W e b browser. signal modes.
Readme16.txt - Software user information for basic modes
This documentation is up-to-date as of March 2002, Further Readme20.txt - Additional user information, including weak-
data may be available on the internet. The U R L currently is signal modes.
http://www.proaxis.com/~boblark/dsplO.htm. If the Web Wat_exe.txt - A reminder that U H F 3 . E X E is N O T a DOS .exe
page location is changed it will still include the word file.
ABCDSP10ABCD that may be helpful for locating it with a search
engine! See the .txt files listed below for more information. S O U R C E CODE A N D M I S C E L L A N E O U S
CSRC - Source code f o r the PC program, in Borland C: 28 files.
Here is a quick summary of the contents to help in finding D S P S R C - Source code forthe EZKit program: 33 files.
files. Included in the last two directories arc two batch files. U.BAT.
that assembles and links the program from the various mod-
ARTICLES ules. The file. U3.BAT. serves the same function for the DSP
Contains the Ihree QST articles from Sept-Nov 1999 in .PDF program.
1. R. Larkin, "The DSP-10: An All-Mode 2-Mcter Transceiver The file Pc_dsp2.txt in the directory C S R C has the details of
Using a D S P IF and PC-Controlled Front Panel," QST, Sep. the communication between the PC and the DSP.
1999, pp 33-41; Oct, 1999, pp 34-40; Nov, 1999. pp 42-45.
Editor's Note: Except for commonly used phrases and abbre- (such as "Modulator. Balanced" and "Balanced, Modulator"),
viations. topics are indexed by their noun names. Many topics The letters " f f ' after a page number indicate coverage of the
are also cross-indexed, especially when noun modifiers appear indexed topic on succeeding pages.