Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan City, NIGERIA

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International Journal of Engineering Inventions

e-ISSN: 2278-7461, p-ISSN: 2319-6491

Volume 12, Issue 5 [May. 2023] PP: 145-161

Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of

Department of Architecture, Bells University of Technology, Ota, Ogun State, NIGERIA

This article explores the concept of sustainability in the context of developing cities in Africa, with a focus on
Ibadan, Nigeria. As a rapidly growing city facing a range of environmental, social, and economic challenges,
Ibadan provides a valuable case study for understanding the complex dynamics of sustainable urban development
in Africa. The article begins by providing an overview of the concept of sustainability, highlighting its importance
in addressing the pressing global challenges of climate change, resource depletion, and inequality. It then
examines the specific challenges facing developing cities in Africa, including urbanization, poverty, and
environmental degradation. The article goes on to explore the case of Ibadan, examining its history, current
development patterns, and potential for sustainable growth. Through a review of existing literature and empirical
data, the article highlights the ways in which Ibadan is grappling with issues such as slum development,
inadequate infrastructure, and poor waste management. Finally, the article considers potential strategies for
promoting sustainable development in Ibadan and other developing cities in Africa. These include measures such
as promoting sustainable transportation, improving access to basic services, and engaging local communities in
the planning and implementation of development projects. Overall, the article argues that while the challenges
facing developing cities in Africa are significant, there is also significant potential for sustainable development
through creative and innovative approaches to urban planning and management.
Keywords: Sustainability, Developing Cities, Urbanisation, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Date of Submission: 01-05-2023 Date of acceptance: 10-05-2023
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Sustainability is a crucial issue for developing cities in Africa, and Ibadan, as one of the largest cities in Nigeria,
is no exception. To better understand sustainability in Ibadan, researchers need to examine various aspects of
development in the city, including economic, social, and environmental factors.

Figure 1. Ibadan City Map Page | 145

Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
1.1 Economic Sustainability
Ibadan is an important economic centre in Nigeria, with a diverse range of industries including
agriculture, manufacturing, and services. However, the city's economic growth has been hampered by a lack of
infrastructure, poor governance, and corruption (Naher, et al., 2020). To improve economic sustainability, it is
important to invest in infrastructure such as roads, water supply, and electricity. Small and medium-sized
businesses (SMEs) can be supported by the government by giving them access to funding, education, alongside
other resources. Figure 1 shows the map of Ibadan. The city is a victim of unreliable data. This makes it very
difficult for any government to make accurate predictions of strategic development.

1.2 Social Sustainability

Ibadan has a rich cultural heritage and a diverse population, but the city is also facing social challenges
such as poverty, unemployment, and crime (AKANJI, 2022). To improve social sustainability, it is important to
promote inclusive growth, which involves creating jobs and economic opportunities for all members of society.
The government can also invest in social infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, and public housing to improve
access to basic services for the poor and vulnerable. Figure 2 shows Tenure Types in Ibadan and the unreliable
nature of land tenure in the city.

Figure 2. Tenure Types in Ibadan, Nigeria

Ibadan is facing a range of environmental challenges including air pollution, water pollution, and
deforestation. To improve environmental sustainability, it is important to promote sustainable land use practices,
such as afforestation and sustainable agriculture (Olowoyeye, 2021). To minimize emissions of greenhouse gases
and lessen the effects of climate change, the government may additionally invest in sources of clean energy and
encourage efficient use of energy.

Figure 3. Solid Waste Disposal in Ibadan

In summary, resolving financial, environmental, and social problems is key to encouraging equitable
growth. Sustainability is a critical concern for developing cities like Ibadan. To encourage environmentally
friendly growth in Ibadan and other African cities that are still in the emerging stage, the government, corporate
sector, and civil society must collaborate. Page | 146

Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
1.4 Goals and Implications
In order to advance environmental growth and raise the standard of living for its citizens, this study aims to analyse
the ecological problems that Ibadan, an African emerging city, is facing.
1. To identify the economic sustainability challenges facing Ibadan, including unemployment, poverty, and
limited economic opportunities.
2. To explore strategies to promote economic sustainability in Ibadan, including promoting the creation of
jobs, supporting medium-sized and small enterprises, as well as attracting investment.
3. To examine the social sustainability challenges facing Ibadan, including limited access to education,
healthcare, and other basic services, and social exclusion.
4. To identify strategies to promote social sustainability in Ibadan, including investing in social
infrastructure, supporting education and healthcare, and promoting inclusive growth.
5. To explore the environmental sustainability challenges facing Ibadan, including air pollution, waste
management, water pollution, and deforestation.
6. To identify strategies to promote environmental sustainability in Ibadan, including encouraging green
transportation, promoting waste management and recycling, protecting water bodies, supporting reforestation
efforts, and educating the public on environmental issues.
7. To examine the role of the private sector, civil society, and the government in promoting sustainability
in Ibadan.
8. To provide recommendations for policymakers, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders on
strategies to promote sustainability in Ibadan and other developing cities in Africa.


2.1 Economic Sustainability of Ibadan City
Ibadan is an important economic centre in Nigeria, with a diverse range of industries including agriculture,
manufacturing, and services. However, the city faces several challenges that hinder its economic sustainability,

2.1.1 Infrastructure Situation in Ibadan: Ibadan suffers from a lack of basic infrastructure,
such as good road networks, reliable electricity supply, and clean water supply. This
makes it difficult for businesses to operate efficiently and for the city to attract new
The Southwestern Nigerian state of Oyo has Ibadan as its capital city. With a population of more than three
million, it is the third-largest metropolis in Nigeria and one of the most populous cities in Africa.
Like many cities in Nigeria, Ibadan faces significant challenges with its infrastructure. The city's road network is
inadequate, with many of its roads in a state of disrepair. Traffic congestion is a significant problem, and the
transportation system in Ibadan is often unreliable.
The water supply in Ibadan is also a concern. Water shortages are frequent, and many locals lack access to potable,
safe water to consume. The city's electricity supply is also unreliable, with frequent power outages.

Figure 4. Access to Potable, Safe, Drinking Water

In recent years, the private sector and government have made efforts to develop the infrastructure in Ibadan.
Several road construction and rehabilitation projects have been undertaken, and plans are in place to improve the
transportation system in the city.
The government has also initiated efforts to improve the water supply and electricity infrastructure in the city.
However, these efforts are still in progress, and the infrastructure situation in Ibadan remains a significant
challenge. Figure 4 shows Data about safe, drinking water in Ibadan indicating very low population of users. Page | 147

Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
2.2 Unemployment Situation in Ibadan
Ibadan has a high unemployment rate, especially among young people. This creates social and economic
challenges, such as poverty and crime, and reduces the city's potential for economic growth.
Unemployment is a significant problem in Ibadan, Nigeria. The city has a large population of young people, many
of whom are unemployed or underemployed. (NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS, 2020).
The informal sector provides employment opportunities for many people in Ibadan, but these jobs are often low-
paying and unstable. The formal sector, including government jobs and jobs in the private sector, is limited and
highly competitive.

Figure 5. Unemployment Situation in Ibadan, Nigeria

There have been some efforts to address the unemployment situation in Ibadan. The government of Oyo
State has implemented various programs aimed at creating job opportunities for young people, such as skills
acquisition and entrepreneurship training programs. However, these programs have had limited success, and the
unemployment situation in Ibadan remains a significant challenge.
Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the unemployment situation in Nigeria, including Ibadan,
with many businesses struggling to survive and laying off workers (Statista, 2021). However, with the gradual
opening of the economy and vaccine rollout, there are hopes for improved employment opportunities in the future.

2.3 Informal Economy in Ibadan: A significant portion of Ibadan's economy is informal, which means that
many businesses operate outside the formal regulatory framework. This limits the potential for taxation and
revenue generation and makes it difficult to accurately track the city's economic activities.
The informal economy refers to economic activities that are not regulated or recognized by the government and
are not captured in official statistics.

Figure 6. Informal Employment in Ibadan, Nigeria

In Ibadan, the informal economy includes activities such as street vending, small-scale trading, and
artisanal work (Etim & Daramola, 2020). Many people who work in the informal economy have limited education
and skills, and they may lack access to formal employment opportunities. Page | 148

Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
Despite being unofficial, the business community is very important to the municipality's prosperity. It
provides employment opportunities for many people who would otherwise be unemployed, and it contributes to
the local economy by providing goods and services that are in demand.
However, the informal economy in Ibadan also faces significant challenges. Figure 6 shows the miserable
number of employed persons in various categories. Workers in the informal economy often lack legal protection
and are vulnerable to exploitation. They may also face harassment from government officials or other groups.
Additionally, because the informal economy is not regulated, it can be difficult for workers to access credit or
other financial services, which can limit their ability to grow their businesses.
Efforts have been made by the government and NGOs to support and regulate the informal economy in
Ibadan, including through skills training programs, microfinance initiatives, and efforts to formalize informal
businesses (Olubiyi, 2022). However, the informal economy remains a significant and complex part of the city's

2.4 Poor Governance and Corruption in Ibadan: Corruption and poor governance in Ibadan can
discourage foreign investment and harm the city's reputation as a reliable and transparent business destination.
Ibadan, Nigeria, faces serious issues with poor administration and mismanagement, which have an adverse effect
on the growth of the metropolis and the well-being of its citizens. Corruption is pervasive in Nigeria, and Ibadan
is no exception.
Bribery, misappropriation of funds from the government, and the abuse of authority by public servants
are just a few of the ways corrupt behaviour emerges. It weakens the rule of law, impedes the growth of the
economy, and erodes confidence among citizens in governmental entities by inhibiting investments.
Poor governance is also a significant challenge in Ibadan. Government institutions, including the
judiciary and law enforcement agencies, are often ineffective and inefficient (Ogunkan, 2022). This can lead to a
lack of accountability and transparency, which can exacerbate corruption and limit public access to services.
The impact of poor governance and corruption in Ibadan is evident in various areas. For example, the
city's infrastructure is inadequate, with poor road networks, unreliable water supply, and electricity, and
inadequate health and education systems (PAGE & WANDO, 2022). These problems are often compounded by
corruption and poor governance, as resources that should be allocated for public infrastructure and services are
mismanaged or embezzled.
Efforts have been made to address the problem of poor governance and corruption in Ibadan, among
other ways, by creating organisations to combat corruption and making an attempt to enhance transparency and
executive authority. However, progress has been slow, and corruption remains a significant challenge in the city.
To address these challenges, the government can take several steps to promote economic sustainability
in Ibadan. These include:

2.4.1 Investing in Infrastructure

The government can invest in critical infrastructure such as roads, water supply, and electricity to
improve the city's business environment (CFI Team, 2022). Infrastructure spending is crucial to the growth of
Ibadan, Nigeria. Facilities in the city is insufficient, which limits economic growth and hinders the welfare of its

Figure 7.Public-Private Partnerships in Ibadan, Nigeria Page | 149

Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
Investments in infrastructure can include road construction and rehabilitation, the expansion of the
transportation system, the improvement of the water supply, and the provision of reliable electricity. These
investments can create employment opportunities and stimulate economic growth, as well as improve the quality
of life for residents.
To attract investment, Ibadan needs to create a conducive environment for businesses to thrive. This may
involve performing steps to make it easier to start and incorporate an enterprise, making funding available, as well
as ensuring that the legal and regulatory framework is predictable and stable.
PPPs, which stand for public-private partnerships, are another effective strategy for luring capital to the
physical environment sector. Governments can use private businesses' effectiveness, finance, and knowledge to
create and manage construction initiatives by collaborating with them (THE INVESTOPEDIA TEAM, 2022).
However, investments in infrastructure in Ibadan must be made with a focus on sustainability and
inclusivity. It is essential to ensure that infrastructure investments benefit all residents, including those in
underserved communities. Additionally, investments must consider the potential impact on the environment and
address climate change challenges.
In conclusion, investing in infrastructure in Ibadan is crucial for the city's development, and efforts must
be made to create an enabling environment for businesses to invest. The government should explore PPPs and
prioritize sustainability and inclusivity in infrastructure investments.

2.4.2 Promoting SMEs in Ibadan: Government agencies may help businesses that are small or medium-sized
by fostering a framework that makes it easier for them to take advantage of resources including funding, education,
and training.
With regard to Ibadan's economy growing, the growth of SMEs must be encouraged. SMEs are the underpinning
of many global economies across worldwide and play a vital part in creating employment, boosting the economy,
and eliminating of impoverished communities (WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, 2022). To promote SMEs in
Ibadan, the government and other stakeholders can implement various initiatives, including:
a) Providing Access to Finance: SMEs often face challenges accessing financing, which can limit their
growth potential. The government can partner with financial institutions to provide affordable and accessible loans
to SMEs.
b) Making the Starting and Registration Process for a Business Simpler: Reducing bureaucratic barriers
and minimising the complexity involved in establishing and incorporating an enterprise can encourage more
people to start SMEs.
c) Providing Training and Capacity Building: Many SMEs lack the skills and knowledge needed to
operate and grow their businesses. Providing training and capacity-building programs can help SME owners
acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.
d) Promoting Market Access: SMEs often struggle to find markets for their products and services. The
government can facilitate access to markets, both domestically and internationally, by providing information on
market opportunities and supporting SMEs to participate in trade fairs and exhibitions.
e) Supporting Innovation: Innovation is essential for the growth and competitiveness of SMEs. The
government can provide support for research and development activities and facilitate collaborations between
SMEs and research institutions.
f) Encouraging Partnerships: Partnerships between SMEs and larger companies can provide SMEs with
access to resources, technology, and expertise, which can help them to grow and become more competitive.
In conclusion, promoting SMEs in Ibadan is crucial for the city's economic development. By providing access to
finance, streamlining the procedure for establishing and incorporating a company, providing training and capacity
building, promoting market access, supporting innovation, and encouraging partnerships, the government, and
other stakeholders can create a more conducive environment for SMEs to thrive. Page | 150

Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan

Figure 8. Transparency and Accountability Levels in Ibadan

2.5 Encouraging Formalisation of the Economy in Ibadan

The government can create incentives for informal businesses to formalise their operations, such as tax breaks or
access to government contracts. Encouraging formalisation of the economy in Ibadan is essential for promoting
economic growth, creating employment opportunities, and reducing poverty (Adedapo & Demokun, 2021). A
significant portion of the city's economy is informal, which can limit the government's ability to collect taxes and
provide essential services to its citizens. To encourage the formalisation of the economy in Ibadan, the government
and other stakeholders can implement various initiatives, including:
i. Simplifying the Regulatory Framework: Complex regulations and bureaucratic barriers can discourage
businesses from formalising their operations (International Labour Organisation, 2021). The government can
simplify the regulatory framework and reduce the costs associated with formalisation.
ii. Providing Incentives: Providing incentives such as tax breaks or access to credit can encourage informal
businesses to formalize their operations.
iii. Increasing Access to Information: Many informal businesses may not be aware of the benefits of
formalization. Providing information and education on the advantages of formalization can encourage businesses
to formalize.
iv. Improving Access to Finance: Informal businesses may struggle to access finance, which can limit their
ability to formalize. The government can work with financial institutions to provide affordable and accessible
loans to informal businesses.
v. Strengthening Institutions: Strong institutions, such as the judiciary and law enforcement agencies, can
help to promote formalization by enforcing regulations and protecting the rights of businesses.
vi. Promoting Entrepreneurship: Encouraging entrepreneurship can help to create a culture of
formalization. The government can provide training and support for aspiring entrepreneurs and help to create an
environment that supports the growth of formal businesses.

In conclusion, encouraging the formalisation of the economy in Ibadan is crucial for promoting economic growth
and reducing poverty. By simplifying the regulatory framework, providing incentives, increasing access to
information, improving access to finance, strengthening institutions, and promoting entrepreneurship, the
government and other stakeholders can create a more conducive environment for businesses to formalize their
2.6 Tackling Corruption in Ibadan
By enacting laws that encourage openness and accountability in governmental organisations, the authorities may
enhance oversight and combat graft. Tackling corruption in Ibadan is essential for the city's development and the
well-being of its citizens (Feyisipo, 2022). Corruption undermines economic growth, erodes public trust in
government institutions, and perpetuates poverty and inequality. To tackle corruption in Ibadan, the government
and other stakeholders can implement various initiatives, including:
1. Strengthening Anti-Corruption Institutions: The Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related
Offences Commission (ICPC) and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) are two agencies the
government can enhance to combat unethical behaviour by providing adequate funding and resources and ensuring
their independence.
2. Increasing Transparency and Accountability: Transparency and accountability are critical for
preventing corruption (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), 2020). The government can Page | 151
Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
promote transparency and accountability by publishing information on government activities and expenditures
and ensuring that public servants become responsible for the actions they take.
3. Public Education: Public awareness campaigns about the risks of illicit activity as well as the value of
openness and accountability can help to create a culture that does not tolerate corruption.
4. Simplifying Bureaucratic Processes: Complex and cumbersome bureaucratic processes can create
opportunities for corruption. The government can simplify bureaucratic processes and reduce red tape to minimize
the opportunities for corruption.
5. Encouraging Citizen Participation: Citizen participation can help to hold public officials accountable
and reduce the opportunities for corruption. The government can encourage citizen participation by providing
opportunities for feedback and engagement and promoting citizen-led monitoring of government activities.
6. Punishing Corrupt Officials: Punishing corrupt officials sends a strong message that corruption will
not be tolerated. The government can ensure that corrupt officials are prosecuted and punished in accordance with
the law.
In conclusion, the elimination of corrupt behaviour in Ibadan is essential for fostering growth in the economy and
lowering income disparity, as well as ensuring public trust in government institutions. By strengthening anti-
corruption institutions, increasing transparency and accountability, educating the public, simplifying bureaucratic
processes, encouraging citizen participation, and punishing corrupt officials, the government and other
stakeholders can create a more transparent and accountable environment that discourages corruption.
In summary, promoting economic sustainability in Ibadan will need to be addressed together by the public,
business, and non-profit sectors to address the city's economic challenges and build a more inclusive and
prosperous economy.


Social sustainability is an important aspect of urban development that focuses on improving the quality of life and
well-being of people in the city. In Ibadan, there are several social challenges that need to be addressed to promote
social sustainability. Some of these challenges include:
3.1 Poverty in Ibadan: Ibadan has a high poverty rate, with many residents living in informal settlements
lacking permission to utilize necessities like health care, schooling, and sanitary facilities. Poverty is a significant
challenge facing Ibadan. Despite being one of Nigeria's largest cities and a hub for economic activities, a
considerable portion of the population in Ibadan lives below the poverty line. Poverty in Ibadan is mainly caused
by factors such as underemployment, low educational attainment, lack of ability to obtain basic amenities like
water that is safe and health care, and poor infrastructure. To address poverty in Ibadan, the government and other
stakeholders can implement various initiatives, including:
a) Creating Employment Opportunities: Creating employment opportunities is critical to reducing
poverty in Ibadan. Government subsidies to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can help create jobs,
investing in infrastructure, and implementing policies that encourage private sector investment.
b) Investing in Education: Education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty. The government can invest
in education by improving access to quality education and implementing policies that encourage school attendance
and retention.
c) Improving Access to Basic Services: One of the main factors contributing to poverty in Ibadan is the
lack of access to essential amenities like water that is safe and the health care system. The government can improve
access to these services by investing in infrastructure and implementing policies that ensure equitable access for
all citizens.
d) Providing Social Protection: Social protection programs such as cash transfers and food assistance can
help to alleviate poverty and reduce inequality. The government can implement social protection programs that
target the most vulnerable populations. Page | 152

Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
e) Empowering Women and Girls: Empowering women and girls is essential for reducing poverty in
Ibadan. The government can implement policies that promote gender equality, such as providing access to
education and healthcare and promoting women's participation in the workforce.
f) Strengthening Institutions: Strengthening institutions such as the judiciary and law enforcement
agencies can help to reduce corruption and ensure that public resources are used effectively to address poverty.
In conclusion, poverty is a significant challenge facing Ibadan. To address poverty, the government and other
stakeholders can implement initiatives that create employment opportunities, invest in education, improve access
to basic services, provide social protection, empower women and girls, and strengthen institutions. By addressing
the root causes of poverty and promoting inclusive economic growth, Ibadan can reduce poverty and improve the
well-being of its citizens.
3.2 Unemployment in Ibadan: There is a high rate of unemployment in Ibadan, particularly among young
people. This creates social and economic challenges such as poverty, crime, and social exclusion. Unemployment
is a significant challenge in Ibadan, with a considerable proportion of the population lacking access to decent
employment opportunities. The high level of unemployment in Ibadan is mainly due to several factors, including
the inadequate state of infrastructure, insufficient investment in the economy, and a lack of skills among the
workforce. To address unemployment in Ibadan, the government and other stakeholders can implement various
initiatives, including:
i. Encouraging Private Sector Investment: In Ibadan, promoting venture capital from the private sector
can help to provide job possibilities. By enacting laws that lower the overall cost of doing company operations,
government agencies may foster an atmosphere where companies can prosper and provide incentives for
companies to invest in Ibadan.
ii. Investing in Infrastructure: Investing in infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and public transportation
can help to create employment opportunities and stimulate economic growth in Ibadan.
iii. Improving Access to Credit: Medium-sized and small companies can grow and generate jobs by having
better chances of obtaining finance. The government can provide financial support for SMEs and implement
policies that reduce the cost of borrowing.
iv. Promoting Skills Development: Investing in skills development can help to improve the employability
of the workforce in Ibadan. The government can collaborate with private sector employers to develop training
programs that provide relevant skills for the job market.
v. Promoting Entrepreneurship: Promoting entrepreneurship can help to create employment
opportunities in Ibadan. The government can provide support for entrepreneurs, including access to financing and
business development services.
vi. Diversifying the Economy: Economic activity can become more diversified by opening up career
possibilities in other economic areas. The government can promote the development of new industries and support
existing ones to expand.
In conclusion, unemployment is a significant challenge in Ibadan. To address unemployment, the government and
other stakeholders can implement initiatives that encourage private sector investment, invest in infrastructure,
improve access to credit, promote skills development, promote entrepreneurship, and diversify the economy. By
creating employment opportunities, Ibadan can improve the well-being of its citizens and stimulate economic
3.3 Schooling in Ibadan: Ibadan City has restricted opportunities for excellent public schools, especially
for kids from families with limited resources. This limits their potential for social mobility and economic
Education in Ibadan is a critical issue that requires urgent attention. Although there are several educational
institutions in Ibadan, the quality of education remains a significant challenge. Because of insufficient facilities,
a lack of funding as well as and a dearth of appropriately trained teachers, numerous pupils in Ibadan are unable
to receive a high-quality education.
Government officials and other interested parties can pursue a number of efforts to enhance the standard of public
schools in Ibadan, including:
a) Investing in Infrastructure: Investing in infrastructure such as Libraries, labs, and instructional
facilities can all contribute to raising educational standards in Ibadan. The building and remodelling of public
schools and other institutions of learning may be funded by the authorities.
b) Improving Teacher Training: Improving teacher training can help to ensure that students in Ibadan
have access to quality education. The government can provide training programs for teachers to improve their
teaching skills and knowledge.
c) Increased Educational Access: The level of literacy in Ibadan can be raised through expanding
opportunities for learning. The government can implement policies that encourage school attendance and
retention, such as providing free textbooks and school meals.
d) Promoting STEM Education: Fostering STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
educational opportunities can aid in preparing learners for the employment market of the twenty-first century. The Page | 153
Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
government can collaborate with educational institutions and the private sector to develop STEM programs and
provide funding for STEM research and development.
e) Improving the Standard of Higher Education: Raising the standard of postsecondary education can
aid in producing graduates with the abilities required to succeed in the international labor market. The government
can collaborate with universities and other tertiary institutions to develop curricula that are relevant to the needs
of the job market.
f) Strengthening Vocational Education: Strengthening vocational education can help to provide students
with skills that are in demand in the job market. The government can collaborate with vocational institutions to
develop training programs that provide relevant skills for the job market.
In conclusion, education in Ibadan requires urgent attention. Government officials and other interested parties can
establish programs that make investments in infrastructure improvements to raise the standard of educational
institutions in Ibadan, improve teacher training, increase access to education, promote STEM education, enhance
the quality of tertiary education, and strengthen vocational education. By providing access to quality education,
Ibadan can prepare its citizens for the challenges of the 21st century and contribute to the development of the
3.4 Health in Ibadan: The healthcare system in Ibadan is under-resourced and overburdened, with many
people unable to access quality healthcare services.
Health is an essential aspect of human development, and Ibadan is no exception. The city is home to several health
facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and health centres. However, despite the presence of these facilities, the
health status of the population in Ibadan remains a significant concern. Some of the health challenges in Ibadan
include poor sanitation, inadequate healthcare infrastructure, and inadequate healthcare funding. Government
officials and other interested parties can put into action a number of efforts to enhance the overall wellness of the
people in Ibadan, including:
a) Improving healthcare infrastructure: Improving healthcare infrastructure such as hospitals, clinics,
and health centres can help to improve access to quality healthcare services in Ibadan. The government can provide
funding for the construction and renovation of healthcare facilities.
b) Increasing Healthcare Funding: Increasing healthcare funding can help to improve the quality of
healthcare services in Ibadan. The government can increase the allocation of funds to the healthcare sector and
provide incentives for private sector investment in healthcare.
c) Education for Public Health Promotion: In Ibadan, encouraging education about public health may
help to increase consciousness about the value of healthy lifestyle choices. The government can collaborate with
community organizations to promote public health education programs.
d) Improving Sanitation: Improving sanitation can help to prevent the spread of diseases in Ibadan. The
government can invest in sanitation infrastructure such as waste management systems and provide funding for
public sanitation campaigns.
e) Strengthening Disease Surveillance: Strengthening disease surveillance can help to identify and
respond to outbreaks of diseases in Ibadan. The government can invest in disease surveillance infrastructure and
collaborate with international organizations to strengthen disease surveillance and response systems.
f) Giving Patients Choice to Needed Drugs: The physical well-being of the people of Ibadan can be
improved by giving them access to necessary medications. To ensure that everyone has access to cheap necessary
medications, government officials can work with drugs companies.
In general, the health status of the population in Ibadan requires urgent attention. To better Ibadan inhabitants' state
of physical well-being, government officials and other stakeholders can implement initiatives that improve
healthcare infrastructure, increase healthcare funding, promote public health education, improve sanitation,
strengthen disease surveillance, and give people the ability to obtain necessary medications. By enhancing the
general public's state of physical well-being, Ibadan can contribute to the development of the country and improve
the well-being of its citizens.
3.5 Investing in Social Infrastructure in Ibadan: The government can invest in social infrastructure such
as schools, hospitals, and public housing to improve access to basic services for the poor and vulnerable. Investing
in social infrastructure in Ibadan, Nigeria has the potential to significantly improve the metropolis and its
inhabitants. The term "social infrastructure" means to the set of societal institutions and frameworks that facilitate
social contact, enable individuals to achieve their fundamental needs, and help them achieve their objectives.
Educational institutions, medical facilities, civic centres, recreational areas, and transportation systems are
scenarios that constitute social infrastructure. Here are some potential benefits of investing in social infrastructure
in Ibadan:
i. Improved Quality of Life: By investing in social infrastructure, residents of Ibadan can enjoy better
access to essential services like healthcare, education, and public transportation. This can improve their quality of
life and contribute to their overall well-being. Page | 154

Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
ii. Economic Growth: Investing in social infrastructure can stimulate economic growth by creating jobs
and increasing productivity. For example, building new schools and hospitals can create construction jobs, while
improving public transportation can make it easier for people to get to work and do business.
iii. Social Cohesion: Investing in social infrastructure can also promote social cohesion and a sense of
community. Community centers and public spaces can provide opportunities for people to come together and
build relationships, while schools and libraries can promote lifelong learning and intellectual development.
iv. Increased Resilience: Investing in social infrastructure can help communities to become more resilient
in the face of challenges like natural disasters, economic downturns, and public health crises. For example, a well-
equipped hospital can help to prevent and manage disease outbreaks, while a reliable public transportation system
can help people to evacuate in the event of a natural disaster.
Overall, investing in social infrastructure in Ibadan can have a positive impact on the city and its residents by
improving quality of life, promoting economic growth, fostering social cohesion, and increasing resilience.
3.6 Promoting Inclusive Growth in Ibadan: The government can promote inclusive growth by creating
jobs and economic opportunities for all members of society, particularly those from marginalized communities.
Promoting inclusive growth in Ibadan, Nigeria can help to create a more equitable and sustainable city. Inclusive
growth refers to economic growth that is accompanied by reduced poverty and inequality, and that benefits all
members of society. Here are some strategies that can be used to promote inclusive growth in Ibadan:
a) Help SMEs (Small and Medium-Sized Businesses): SMEs are an important source of job creation and
economic growth. The authorities may assist Businesses by facilitating the availability of financing, and education,
and by assisting with capacity development, and entrepreneurial development services.
b) Invest in Human Capital: Knowledge acquisition and skill-building investments can be beneficial to
build a skilled workforce that is able to compete in the global economy. This can be done by improving access to
quality education and vocational training, and by promoting lifelong learning.
c) Develop Infrastructure: Developing infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and public transportation can
facilitate economic growth by improving access to markets and reducing transaction costs. By ensuring that locals
have the opportunity to access basic amenities like medical care and educational opportunities, it may additionally
improve the general level of life for citizens.
d) Promote Social Protection: Social protection programs such as cash transfers, food subsidies, and
Insurance for Healthcare can aid in lowering impoverishment and raising the quality of life of the most vulnerable
members of society.
e) Encourage Private Sector Investment: Increasing investment from the private sector can boost the
economy while generating employment opportunities. This can be done by creating a favourable business
environment, reducing bureaucracy, and providing incentives for investment.
Broadly, promoting inclusive growth in Ibadan requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the structural
barriers that prevent some groups from benefiting from economic growth. By supporting SMEs, investing in
human capital, developing infrastructure, promoting social protection, and encouraging private sector investment,
Ibadan can become a more equitable and sustainable city for all its residents.
3.7 Supporting Education in Ibadan: The government can improve access to quality education by
investing in schools and training programs and providing scholarships and financial aid for students from low-
income families.
In order to grow Ibadan, Nigeria, and ensure the welfare of its citizens, funding for educational opportunities is
essential. As a fundamental human right and a major factor in both the growth of society and the economy,
educational institutions provide. Here are some strategies that can be used to support education in Ibadan:
a) Increasing Educational Access: By constructing additional schools, improving transportation, and
providing scholarships or financial aid to students in need, the authorities can enhance opportunities for learning.
No matter how rich or poor they are, this can support ensuring that all kids have an opportunity for learning.
b) Increasing Educational Quality: It is crucial to raise the standards of education in order to ensure that
students receive a meaningful education. This can be done by training and supporting teachers, providing quality
textbooks and teaching materials, and investing in educational technology.
c) Supporting Vocational and Technical Education: Vocational and technical education can help to
prepare students for the job market and promote economic growth. The government can support vocational and
technical education by partnering with businesses to provide apprenticeships and internships, and by providing
funding for vocational and technical schools.
d) Encouraging Community Involvement: Community involvement can help to support education by
providing resources and support to schools. This can include volunteering, donating books and materials, and
providing mentorship and support to students.
e) Addressing Gender and Social Inequalities: Gender and social inequalities can prevent some students
from accessing education. The government can address these issues by promoting gender equality, providing
support for marginalized groups, and implementing policies to address social inequalities. Page | 155

Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
In general, supporting education in Ibadan requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach that involves
government, civil society, and the private sector. By expanding educational opportunities, enhancing educational
standards, promoting occupational and technical schooling, encouraging community involvement, and addressing
gender and social inequalities, Ibadan can build a more educated and prosperous future for its residents.
3.8 Improving Healthcare in Ibadan: The government can improve the healthcare system by investing in
hospitals, clinics, and medical equipment and increasing the number of healthcare workers. Improving healthcare
in Ibadan, Nigeria is essential for the well-being of its residents and the city's development. Being able to have
access to excellent health care is important for the growth of society as well as the economy. Here are some
strategies that can be used to improve healthcare in Ibadan:
i. Strengthening Healthcare Infrastructure: The government can strengthen healthcare infrastructure by
building new hospitals and clinics, improving the quality of existing facilities, and ensuring that healthcare
providers have the necessary equipment and supplies to provide quality care.
ii. Investing in Healthcare Workforce: The quality of healthcare is closely linked to the quality of the
healthcare workforce. The government can invest in training and capacity building for healthcare professionals,
and offer competitive salaries and benefits to attract and retain qualified staff.
iii. Increasing Access to Healthcare: The government can increase access to healthcare by improving
transportation, expanding the reach of healthcare services to rural and underserved areas, and providing financial
support to low-income families to cover the cost of healthcare.
iv. Promoting Preventive Healthcare: Preventive healthcare can help to reduce the incidence of
preventable diseases and illnesses. The authorities can support preventative medicine by funding health promotion
initiatives, dispensing vaccinations, and promoting periodic examinations and diagnostics.
v. Leveraging Technology: Technology can play an important role in improving healthcare delivery,
particularly in remote and underserved areas. The government can leverage technology to provide telemedicine
services, mobile clinics, and health monitoring tools.
In summary, improving healthcare in Ibadan requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach that involves
government, civil society, and the private sector. By strengthening healthcare infrastructure, investing in the
healthcare workforce, increasing access to healthcare, promoting preventive healthcare, and leveraging
technology, Ibadan can improve the health outcomes of its residents and promote its development.
3.9 Community Engagement in Ibadan: Civil society organizations and community groups can play a vital
role in promoting social sustainability by engaging with communities, advocating for their rights and needs, and
promoting social cohesion. Community engagement in Ibadan, Nigeria is essential for the city's development and
the well-being of its residents. Community engagement refers to the process of involving community members in
decision-making processes and giving them a voice in matters that affect their lives. Here are some strategies that
can be used to promote community engagement in Ibadan:
a) Building Strong Community-Based Organizations: Strong community-based organizations such as
community associations, youth groups, and women's groups can serve as important platforms for community
engagement. These organizations can help to mobilize community members, provide a forum for discussion, and
encourage interactions with regional authorities.
b) Increasing Citizens' Engagement in Municipal Affairs: Local government officials can promote
community engagement by creating channels for citizen participation in decision-making processes. This can
include town hall meetings, public hearings, and community-based planning processes.
c) Encouraging Community Involvement in Service Delivery: It is possible to make the guarantee that
vital services like education and healthcare are responsive to community needs by enabling neighbourhood
residents to get involved in their implementation. This can include involving community members in the planning
and management of local health clinics and schools.
d) Supporting Community-Led Development Initiatives: Supporting community-led development
initiatives can help to build community capacity and promote community ownership of development initiatives.
This can include providing funding for community-led projects and supporting local entrepreneurship.
e) Contributing to Public Understanding and The process of Learning: Putting money into
neighbourhood awareness and education can help to build community capacity and promote citizen participation
in decision-making processes. This can include providing training on leadership and civic engagement, and raising
awareness about community rights and responsibilities.
Altogether, promoting community engagement in Ibadan requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach that
involves government, civil society, and the private sector. By building strong community-based organizations,
promoting citizen participation in local government, encouraging community involvement in service delivery,
supporting community-led development initiatives, and investing in community education and awareness, Ibadan
can build a more engaged and participatory community that is better equipped to address its development
challenges. Page | 156

Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
Finally, promoting social sustainability in Ibadan will require a joint initiative by the administration, civil society,
and the commercial sector to solve the humanitarian problems in the city and build a more inclusive and equitable
city for all residents.


Environmental sustainability is an important aspect of urban development that focuses on reducing
negative impacts on the environment and promoting the conservation of natural resources. In Ibadan, there are
several environmental challenges that need to be addressed to promote environmental sustainability. Some of
these challenges include:
4.1 Air Pollution: Ibadan suffers from air pollution due to emissions from vehicles, industries, and waste
burning. This contributes to respiratory problems and other health issues for residents.
Ibadan is a city located in southwestern Nigeria with a population of over 3 million people. Unfortunately, like
many other urban centres in the developing world, Ibadan is facing significant air pollution challenges.
The main sources of air pollution in Ibadan include vehicular emissions, industrial activities, solid waste burning,
and domestic cooking with biomass fuels. Such processes cause a variety of air contaminants, such as the gases
carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, particulates, and organic substances that are volatile, to be
released into the atmosphere.
The health of people can suffer greatly from the effects of pollutants in the air, with breathing problems being an
ongoing issue. Lung cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular disease can all be caused by pollutants in the air. People
who already have medical conditions, young people, and seniors are especially susceptible to the adverse
consequences of pollutants in the air.
To address the issue of air pollution in Ibadan, there needs to be a coordinated effort from the government,
industry, and the general public. Some potential solutions include:
i. Implementing stricter regulations on emissions from vehicles and industries
ii. Encouraging the use of clean cooking technologies like LPG, electric cookers, or solar cookers.
iii. Promoting public transportation and limiting the use of private vehicles.
iv. Proper waste management to prevent waste burning
v. Making people more aware of air environmental damage's negative impacts and the value of taking
personal action on one's own to lessen it.
These measures can go a long way in reducing air pollution levels in Ibadan and improving the health and well-
being of its citizens.
4.2 Waste Management in Ibadan: Ibadan generates a significant amount of waste, but the city lacks an
effective waste management system. This leads to littering and the dumping of waste in open spaces, which can
have negative impacts on the environment and public health.
Waste management is a significant challenge in Ibadan due to the city's rapid population growth and urbanization.
Poor waste management practices can lead to environmental degradation, health hazards, and unsanitary living
conditions. Here are some of the key issues and potential solutions:
1. Waste Collection: One of the major challenges in Ibadan is the inadequate waste collection
infrastructure. There is a need to improve the collection system by providing more waste bins and hiring more
waste collectors to ensure regular and efficient waste collection.
2. Waste Segregation: Another significant issue is the lack of proper waste segregation. Residents must be
educated on how to separate their waste at the source, such as separating organic waste from inorganic waste. This
will make it easier to recycle and reuse waste products.
3. Recycling: The recycling of waste is still not common in Ibadan. There is a need to establish a sustainable
recycling industry that can convert waste into valuable products such as compost, plastic granules, and paper
4. Landfill Management: Ibadan's main landfill site, Awotan, is nearing its maximum capacity, and
alternative sites must be found. Also, there needs to be effective monitoring and management of the existing
landfill to prevent environmental pollution and health hazards.
5. Public Awareness: It is crucial to educate the general public on the importance of proper waste
management practices. This can be done through public campaigns, community engagement, and outreach
In conclusion, the average citizen, the commercial sector, and government agencies must work together in Ibadan
to properly handle refuse. The standard of living of the population can be improved by using efficient waste
handling techniques, prevent environmental pollution and health hazards, and create job opportunities in the
recycling industry.
4.3 Water Pollution: Many of Ibadan's water bodies are polluted due to inadequate sanitation systems and
waste disposal practices. Page | 157

Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
Water pollution is a significant problem in Ibadan due to urbanization, industrialization, and poor waste
management practices. The major sources of water pollution in the city include untreated sewage, industrial
effluents, and agricultural runoff. Here are some of the key issues and potential solutions:
a. Untreated Sewage: A significant portion of Ibadan's sewage is discharged into water bodies without
treatment. This practice contributes to the spread of waterborne diseases and contamination of water resources.
There is a need to invest in adequate sewage treatment plants to treat and dispose of sewage properly.
b. Industrial Effluents: Some industries discharge untreated effluents into water bodies, contaminating
them with heavy metals and other toxic substances. There is a need to enforce regulations that mandate industries
to treat their effluents before discharging them into water bodies.
c. Agricultural Runoff: The excessive use of agrochemicals in farming activities leads to the accumulation
of these chemicals in water bodies through agricultural runoff. There is a need to educate farmers on best practices
for the use of agrochemicals and enforce regulations on their use.
d. Waste Management: Poor waste management practices contribute to water pollution, as solid waste
dumped into water bodies can lead to contamination. There is a need to improve waste management practices,
including proper collection, segregation, and disposal of waste.
e. Public Awareness: It is essential to educate the general public on the importance of protecting water
resources from pollution. This can be done through public campaigns, community engagement, and outreach
In conclusion, Users, the commercial sector, and the authorities must work together to combat the contamination
of water in Ibadan. Proper sewage treatment, enforcement of regulations on industrial effluents and agricultural
runoff, and improving waste management practices can improve the quality of water resources in the city. Also,
raising public awareness of the importance of protecting water resources from pollution is crucial.
4.4 Deforestation: The city has lost a significant amount of its forest cover due to urbanization and
agricultural practices. This has led to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and other environmental problems.
Deforestation is a significant problem in Ibadan due to agricultural expansion, urbanization, and the demand for
fuelwood. The loss of forests contributes to soil erosion, climate change, loss of biodiversity, and environmental
degradation. Here are some of the key issues and potential solutions:
1. Agricultural Expansion: The expansion of agriculture is a significant driver of deforestation in Ibadan.
There is a need to promote sustainable agriculture practices that do not require clearing large areas of forest for
farming. Such practices include agroforestry, crop rotation, and conservation agriculture.
2. Urbanization: The expansion of urban areas in Ibadan has led to the conversion of forests into residential
and commercial properties. There is a need for urban planning that incorporates green spaces and preserves forest
areas within the city.
3. Fuelwood Demand: Many households in Ibadan depend on fuelwood for cooking and heating. This
practice contributes to deforestation. There is a need to promote the use of clean energy alternatives like LPG and
electricity for cooking and heating.
4. Forest Conservation: There is a need to conserve and protect existing forest areas in Ibadan. This can
be done through forest management practices such as selective logging, forest restoration, and afforestation.
5. Public Awareness: Educating the general public on the importance of forests for the environment and
their livelihoods can help raise awareness of the need to protect and conserve forests. This can be done through
public campaigns, community engagement, and outreach programs.
In conclusion, deforestation in Ibadan requires a concerted effort from government, the private sector, and the
general public. Sustainable agriculture practices, urban planning that incorporates green spaces, promoting clean
energy alternatives, forest conservation, and public awareness can all help reduce deforestation rates in Ibadan.
To promote environmental sustainability in Ibadan, the government and other stakeholders can take several steps,
4.5 Encouraging Green Transportation: The government can encourage the use of public transportation,
bicycles, and other green modes of transportation to reduce emissions from vehicles.
Encouraging green transportation in Ibadan is an essential step towards reducing air pollution, promoting
sustainable mobility, and mitigating climate change. Here are some of the key strategies to promote green
transportation in Ibadan:
i. Public Transportation: The facilities for mass transportation in Ibadan need to be improved, including
the deployment of commuter light rail and metropolitan systems, the development of the rapid transit bus system,
and the promotion of the use of electricity-powered buses. As a result, there are going to be fewer automobiles on
the roadways, which will lead to lower emissions of carbon dioxide.
ii. Cycling and Walking: Encouraging the use of bicycles and walking is an effective way to reduce carbon
emissions, promote exercise, and improve public health. The city can provide dedicated bike lanes, bike-sharing
programs, and pedestrian walkways to encourage active transportation. Page | 158

Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
iii. Carpooling: The overall number of cars on the road and the amount of carbon dioxide released can be
decreased by promoting sharing a vehicle. The city can incentivize carpooling by providing carpooling lanes,
dedicated parking spaces for car-poolers, and other incentives.
iv. Electric Vehicles: Promoting the use of electric vehicles (EVs) is an effective way to reduce carbon
emissions from transportation. The city can incentivize the use of EVs by providing tax breaks, subsidies, and
charging stations.
v. Public Awareness: Educating the general public on the benefits of green transportation, such as reducing
air pollution and promoting sustainable mobility, is crucial to encourage the adoption of green transportation
practices. This can be done through public campaigns, community engagement, and outreach programs
In conclusion, Ibadan needs an integrated effort from the general population, the business community, and the
authorities to promote environmentally friendly transportation. Improving public transportation infrastructure,
promoting active transportation, encouraging carpooling, incentivizing the use of electric vehicles, and public
awareness campaigns can all contribute to reducing carbon emissions from transportation and promoting
sustainable mobility in the city.

4.6 Promoting Waste Management: The government can invest in waste management infrastructure such
as waste collection and recycling facilities to reduce littering and improve waste disposal practices.
Promoting proper waste management in Ibadan is crucial to address the problem of environmental pollution,
promoting public health, and creating a clean and sustainable environment. Here are some strategies that can be
employed to promote waste management in Ibadan:
a. Education and Awareness: Raising public awareness about proper waste management practices and
their importance is essential. The city can use various channels, such as media campaigns, educational programs,
and community outreach programs, to educate the public.
b. Waste Collection and Segregation: Improving waste collection and segregation systems is crucial. The
city can invest in modern waste collection equipment, set up waste transfer stations, and encourage waste
segregation at the household level.
c. Recycling and Composting: To lessen the total quantity of solid waste that fills garbage dumps,
composting and recycling must be promoted. The city can set up recycling and composting facilities, offer
incentives for waste reduction, and promote the use of recycled materials.
d. Regulation and Enforcement: Establishing regulations and enforcing them is crucial to ensure that
waste management practices are followed. The city can establish laws on proper waste disposal, set up penalties
for non-compliance, and create a regulatory agency to enforce the laws.
e. Public-Private Partnerships: Effective methods for handling waste are capable of being promoted with
the support of public-private professional cooperation. The city can work with waste management companies to
set up waste management infrastructure, provide funding for waste management projects, and create job
opportunities in the waste management sector.
In summary, promoting proper waste management in Ibadan demands cooperation amongst the general public,
the business community, and government agencies. Educating the public, improving waste collection and
segregation systems, encouraging recycling and composting, establishing regulations and enforcement, and
creating public-private partnerships are some of the strategies that can be employed to promote proper waste
management practices in the city.
4.7 Protecting Water Bodies: The government can promote the protection of water bodies by improving
sanitation systems and regulating waste disposal practices.
Protecting water bodies in Ibadan is essential to promote public health, ensure a sustainable environment, and
preserve the ecosystem. Here are some strategies that can be employed to protect water bodies in Ibadan:
i. Regulation and Enforcement: The city can establish laws and regulations to protect water bodies and
enforce them through a regulatory agency. This can include measures such as restrictions on wastewater discharge
and penalties for non-compliance.
ii. Waste Management: Proper waste management practices can help prevent water pollution. The city can
improve waste collection and segregation systems, establish recycling and composting facilities, and promote the
use of eco-friendly products.
iii. Watershed Protection: The city can establish buffer zones around water bodies, protect wetlands, and
promote reforestation to protect watersheds. This can help prevent soil erosion, reduce nutrient runoff, and
maintain the water quality of the water bodies.
iv. Education and Awareness: Raising public awareness about the importance of protecting water bodies
is crucial. The city can use various channels such as media campaigns, educational programs, and community
outreach programs to educate the public.
v. Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between the public and private sector can help protect water
bodies. The city can work with industries to reduce their environmental impact, provide funding for water
protection projects, and create job opportunities in the water management sector. Page | 159
Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
In conclusion, protecting water bodies in Ibadan calls for an integrated approach by the general populace, the
business community, and government agencies. Establishing regulations and enforcement, improving waste
management practices, protecting watersheds, raising public awareness, and creating public-private partnerships
are some of the strategies that can be employed to protect water bodies in the city. By protecting water bodies,
Ibadan can ensure a sustainable environment and preserve the ecosystem for future generations.
4.8 Supporting Reforestation in Ibadan: The government can support reforestation efforts by planting
trees in urban areas and promoting sustainable agriculture practices.
Reforestation is essential to address the issue of deforestation in Ibadan, promote environmental sustainability,
and mitigate the effects of climate change. Here are some strategies that can be employed to support reforestation
in Ibadan:
a. Education and Awareness: Raising public awareness about the importance of reforestation is crucial.
The city can use various channels such as media campaigns, educational programs, and community outreach
programs to educate the public.
b. Community Participation: Engaging local communities in reforestation projects can promote
ownership and sustainability. Residents may be included in the preparation and implementation of forestry
endeavours by the municipality, provide training and support, and create job opportunities in the forestry sector.
c. Forest Management: Proper forest management practices can help promote reforestation. The city can
establish protected areas, promote sustainable forest management practices, and enforce laws and regulations to
prevent illegal logging and land use change.
d. Public-Private Partnerships: Both the private and public sectors working together could help in efforts
to regenerate forests. The city can work with businesses to promote sustainable practices, provide funding for
reforestation projects, and create job opportunities in the forestry sector.
e. Tree Planting Campaigns: Organizing tree planting campaigns is an effective way to promote
reforestation. The city can work with schools, local organizations, and businesses to organize tree-planting events,
distribute seedlings, and promote the importance of planting trees.
In conclusion, supporting reforestation in Members of the public, the business community, and government
agencies must work together to improve Ibadan. Raising public awareness, engaging local communities,
promoting sustainable forest management practices, creating public-private partnerships, and organizing tree
planting campaigns are some of the strategies that can be employed to support reforestation in the city. By
supporting reforestation, Ibadan can promote environmental sustainability and mitigate the effects of climate
4.9 Educating the Public in Ibadan: The government can educate the public on environmental issues and
promote sustainable practices such as reducing waste, conserving water, and reducing energy consumption.
Education is a crucial aspect of promoting sustainable development in Ibadan. Here are some strategies that can
be employed to educate the public in Ibadan:
i. School Curriculum: The city can incorporate environmental education into the school curriculum. This
can include teaching students about sustainability, climate change, waste management, water conservation, and
other relevant topics.
ii. Community Outreach: Engaging local communities is essential to promote awareness and
understanding of sustainable development. The city can organize community outreach programs to educate the
public on relevant topics, such as energy conservation, waste management, and water conservation.
iii. Media Campaigns: The city can use various channels such as radio, television, and social media to
promote sustainable development. This can include public service announcements, documentaries, and
educational programs.
iv. Workshops and Training Programs: The city can organize workshops and training programs for
various groups such as farmers, traders, and other professionals to promote sustainable practices in their respective
v. Public-Private Partnerships: Development that is sustainable can be aided through public-private
sectors cooperation. The city can work with businesses to promote sustainable practices, provide funding for
sustainable development projects, and create job opportunities in the sustainable development sector.

In conclusion, educating the public in Ibadan requires a joint initiative of the general public, the business
community, and the government at large. Incorporating environmental education into the school curriculum,
engaging local communities, using media campaigns, organizing workshops and training programs, and creating
public-private partnerships are some of the strategies that can be employed to educate the public on sustainable
development in the city. By promoting education on sustainable development, Ibadan can ensure a sustainable
future for generations to come. Page | 160

Sustainability in Developing Cities of Africa - A Study of Ibadan
In the final analysis, promoting environmental sustainability in Ibadan will require the authorities, social society
as a whole, and the business community, to work together to address the city's problems with the environment,
and build a more sustainable and resilient city for all residents.

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