PRP 115 Ug
PRP 115 Ug
PRP 115 Ug
User Guide
Release 11i
Part No. B12235-02
October 2004
Oracle Proposals User Guide, Release 11i
Contributing Authors: Bala Girisaballa, William Saylor, Sathiya Rajagopal, Farah Ahmed
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Preface............................................................................................................................................................ xi
How To Use This Guide ....................................................................................................................... xi
Documentation Accessibility .............................................................................................................. xii
Other Information Sources .................................................................................................................. xiii
Training and Support........................................................................................................................... xv
Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle Applications Data ............................................... xvi
About Oracle ........................................................................................................................................ xvi
2 Overview of Using Oracle Proposals
2.1 Logging In to Oracle Proposals ........................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Logging in to Oracle Proposals through JTF Mode................................................... 2-1
2.1.2 Logging in to Oracle Proposals through Self-Service Mode .................................... 2-2
2.2 Accessing the Oracle Proposals Dashboard User Interface............................................. 2-2
2.3 Accessing the Oracle Proposals Administrator Interface ................................................ 2-3
2.4 Summary of Oracle Proposals Tasks .................................................................................. 2-4
2.4.1 Administrator Proposal Creation Overview .............................................................. 2-4
2.4.2 User Proposal Creation Overview ............................................................................... 2-5
2.4.3 Getting Help.................................................................................................................... 2-6
iv Adding Files from the Desktop (With Oracle Content Manager Disabled). 3-15 Adding Files from the Desktop (With Oracle Content Manager Enabled) .. 3-16 Adding Files from the Oracle Content Manager Library................................ 3-17 Adding Files from the Oracle Content Manager Folders................................ 3-19
3.4.3 Editing Components .................................................................................................... 3-20 Adding Alternate Files to Components............................................................. 3-21 Deleting Files from Components........................................................................ 3-21 Associating Versions of a File ............................................................................. 3-22
3.4.4 Deleting Components.................................................................................................. 3-22
3.5 Administering Proposal Templates .................................................................................. 3-23
3.5.1 Multi-Language Functionality ................................................................................... 3-24
3.5.2 Creating Proposal Templates ..................................................................................... 3-24
3.5.3 Viewing Proposal Templates...................................................................................... 3-26
3.5.4 Editing Proposal Templates........................................................................................ 3-26
3.5.5 Editing Proposal Template Name, Description, and Category............................. 3-26
3.5.6 Allowing Users to Add External Files to Proposals Created From the Proposal
Template 3-27
3.5.7 Adding Components to Proposal Templates........................................................... 3-27
3.5.8 Removing Components from Proposal Templates ................................................. 3-28
3.5.9 Changing Component Order in Proposal Templates ............................................. 3-29 Changing Default Document and Mandatory Attributes............................... 3-29
3.5.10 Publishing Proposal Templates.................................................................................. 3-30
3.5.11 Unpublishing Proposal Templates ............................................................................ 3-30
3.5.12 Deleting Proposal Templates...................................................................................... 3-31
3.6 Administering Proposal Templates from Campaign Schedules .................................. 3-31
3.6.1 Viewing Proposal Templates Associated to Campaign Schedules....................... 3-32
3.6.2 Associating Proposal Templates in Campaign Schedules ..................................... 3-32
3.6.3 Deleting Proposal Templates Associated to Campaign Schedules....................... 3-33
3.6.4 Unpublishing Proposal Templates Associated to Campaign Schedules ............. 3-34
3.7 RTF Files Overview............................................................................................................. 3-34
3.7.1 Creating RTF Files Guidelines.................................................................................... 3-34
3.7.2 Dynamic Field Structure in RTF Files ....................................................................... 3-35
3.8 Other Administrative Tasks............................................................................................... 3-36
3.8.1 Setting Profile Options ................................................................................................ 3-36
3.8.2 Creating Proposals Using Unpublished Templates ................................................ 3-36
3.8.3 Concurrent Program for Offline Generation............................................................ 3-36
4 Accessing Proposals from the Dashboard
4.1 Overview of Accessing Proposals ....................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 View Recent Proposals.......................................................................................................... 4-1
4.3 View Proposals Due in "X" Days......................................................................................... 4-2
4.4 Search for Proposals .............................................................................................................. 4-3
4.5 Accessing Proposals from Other Applications ................................................................. 4-3
6.5 Changing Component Order in Proposals ........................................................................ 6-9
6.6 Personalizing Proposal Sections.......................................................................................... 6-9
6.6.1 Adding Values for Dynamic Fields ........................................................................... 6-10
6.7 Adding Quotes to a Proposal ............................................................................................ 6-10
6.8 Removing Quotes ................................................................................................................ 6-11
6.9 Editing Header Details ....................................................................................................... 6-12
A Seed Data
A.1 Seeded Data............................................................................................................................ A-1
A.2 Seeded Dynamic Fields ........................................................................................................ A-2
A.2.1 Proposal Dynamic Fields - General ............................................................................. A-2
A.2.2 Proposal Dynamic Fields - Customer.......................................................................... A-2
A.2.3 Proposal Dynamic Fields - Sales Representative....................................................... A-3
A.2.4 Quote Dynamic Fields - Header: General.................................................................. A-5
A.2.5 Quote Dynamic Fields - Header: Customer ............................................................... A-7
A.2.6 Quote Dynamic Fields - Header: Pricing.................................................................. A-12
A.2.7 Quote Dynamic Fields - Header: Contract ............................................................... A-15
A.2.8 Quote Dynamic Fields - Header: Payment............................................................... A-15
A.2.9 Quote Dynamic Fields - Header: Attachment.......................................................... A-16
A.2.10 Quote Dynamic Fields - Lines: General .................................................................... A-17
A.2.11 Quote Dynamic Fields - Lines: Pricing ..................................................................... A-19
A.2.12 Structure Dynamic Fields............................................................................................ A-20
Send Us Your Comments
Oracle Proposals User Guide, Release 11i
Part No. B12235-02
Oracle welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this document.
Your input is an important part of the information used for revision.
■ Did you find any errors?
■ Is the information clearly presented?
■ Do you need more information? If so, where?
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■ What features did you like most?
If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, please indicate the document
title and part number, and the chapter, section, and page number (if available). You can send com-
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Redwood Shores, CA 94065
If you would like a reply, please give your name, address, telephone number, and (optionally) elec-
tronic mail address.
If you have problems with the software, please contact your local Oracle Support Services.
■ Chapter 3, "Administering Oracle Proposals" - provides instructions on
administering template categories, templates, proposals, components, and
dynamic fields.
■ Chapter 4, "Accessing Proposals from the Dashboard" - provides instructions
for accessing and searching for proposals.
■ Chapter 5, "Creating and Deleting Proposals" - provides instructions for
creating and deleting proposals.
■ Chapter 6, "Personalizing Proposal Content" - provides instructions for
personalizing the proposal content.
■ Chapter 7, "Generating and Working with Proposal Versions"s - provides
instructions for performing the various activities of proposal version use and
■ In addition, the following appendices are included in this guide:
■ Appendix A, "Seed Data"
■ Appendix B, "Dynamic Field Structure in RTF Files"
■ Appendix C, "Creating Java Program Dynamic Fields"
■ Appendix D, "Permissions for Oracle Content Manager"
Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our
documentation includes features that make information available to users of
assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains
markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Standards will continue to
evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading
technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be
accessible to all of our customers. For additional information, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program Web site at
Other Information Sources
You can choose from many sources of information, including documentation,
training, and support services, to increase your knowledge and understanding of
Oracle Proposals.
If this guide refers you to other Oracle Applications documentation, use only the
Release 11i versions of those guides.
Online Documentation
All Oracle Applications documentation is available online (HTML or PDF).
■ PDF Documentation- See the Documentation CD provided with each release
for current PDF documentation for your product. This Documentation CD is
also available on OracleMetaLink and is updated frequently.
■ Online Help - You can refer to Oracle iHelp for current HTML online help for
your product. Oracle provides patchable online help, which you can apply to
your system for updated implementation and end user documentation. No
system downtime is required to apply online help.
■ 11i Release Content Document - Refer to the Release Content Document for
new features listed release. The Release Content Document is available on
■ About document - Refer to the About document for patches that you have
installed to learn about new documentation or documentation patches that you
can download. The new About document is available on OracleMetaLink.
Related Guides
Oracle Proposals shares business and setup information with other Oracle
Applications products. Therefore, you may want to refer to other guides when you
set up and use Oracle Proposals.
You can read the guides online by choosing Library from the expandable menu on
your HTML help window, by reading from the Oracle Applications Document
Library CD included in your media pack, or by using a Web browser with a URL
that your system administrator provides.
If you require printed guides, you can purchase them from the Oracle Store at
Guides Related to All Products
Oracle Marketing User Guide
This guide describes and explains the concepts and procedures that are helpful in
using the application.
From on-site support to central support, our team of experienced professionals
provides the help and information you need to keep Oracle Proposals working for
you. This team includes your technical representative, account manager, and
Oracle’s large staff of consultants and support specialists with expertise in your
business area, managing an Oracle server, and your hardware and software
OracleMetaLink is your self-service support connection with web, telephone menu,
and e-mail alternatives. Oracle supplies these technologies for your convenience,
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With OracleMetaLink, you can obtain
information and advice from technical libraries and forums, download patches,
download the latest documentation, look at bug details, and create or update TARs.
To use MetaLink, register at (
Alerts: You should check OracleMetaLink alerts before you begin to install or
upgrade any of your Oracle Applications. Navigate to the Alerts page as follows:
Technical Libraries/ERP Applications/Applications Installation and
Self-Service Toolkit: You may also find information by navigating to the
Self-Service Toolkit page as follows: Technical Libraries/ERP
Applications/Applications Installation and Upgrade.
About Oracle
Oracle develops and markets an integrated line of software products for database
management, applications development, decision support, and office automation,
as well as Oracle Applications, an integrated suite of more than 160 software
modules for financial management, supply chain management, manufacturing,
project systems, human resources and customer relationship management.
Oracle products are available for mainframes, minicomputers, personal computers,
network computers and personal digital assistants, allowing organizations to
integrate different computers, different operating systems, different networks, and
even different database management systems, into a single, unified computing and
information resource.
Oracle is the world’s leading supplier of software for information management, and
the world’s second largest software company. Oracle offers its database, tools, and
applications products, along with related consulting, education, and support
services, in over 145 countries around the world.
Part I
Introduction and Overview
This chapter discusses the key features and procedures of Oracle Proposals. Sections
in this chapter include:
■ Section 1.1, "Overview"
■ Section 1.2, "Oracle E-Business Suite 11.5.10 Release"
■ Section 1.3, "Oracle Proposals Key Features"
■ Section 1.4, "Oracle Proposals Integrations"
■ Section 1.5, "What’s New"
1.1 Overview
Oracle Proposals allows you to generate dynamic proposals using templates.
With Oracle Proposals, you can:
■ Shorten the sales cycle by reducing from days to hours the time needed to
generate a proposal
■ Project a consistent and high quality professional image
■ Free yourself to work with customers by automating the proposal process
Oracle Proposals streamlines proposal creation by automating time- and
resource-consuming tasks. You can generate proposals from templates that package
recurring proposal elements such as cover letters, executive summaries, and
product descriptions.
Central template administration guarantees standard and professional corporate
When utilizing Oracle Proposals, there are three major steps to consider:
■ Planning
■ Implementation
■ Maintenance
1.1.1 Planning
The planning phase involves three major steps:
■ Review the proposal
■ Identify the components
■ Identify the dynamic fields
The user who is the administrator for the company must review the proposal and
determine what are the primary and common elements of this and other proposals
sent out by the company’s sales force. At the highest level, these are components,
which exist in every proposal sent out by a sales person. These components will
form a template that a designated group of salespeople can use as their basis for
creating proposals for their customers. Within each component, the user can also
determine if there should be several different versions to use. For example, if the
user determines that there is more than one cover letter that can be used, those
variations can all be saved under the cover letter component. Also, the user can
determine which sections of the component can be personalized. For example, in
the cover letter version A, the user determines the potential customer’s address and
salutation are customizable areas. The user should then mark that this is where
dynamic fields should be entered on the RTF file that is created for each component
1.1.2 Implementation
Implementation involves doing the following:
■ Offline
■ Build content
■ Online
■ Register dynamic fields
■ Create template category
■ Create components
■ Create template
■ Publish
The implementing phase occurs after the user has determined which components
should comprise the template, how many versions of each component should be
saved, and where the dynamic fields in each component version should be placed.
The user now creates the pieces of information needed in the Proposals application.
The user must have administrator responsibility in order to create the template.
First, the dynamic fields should be registered that will be inserted into RTF file
created for each component version. Refer to Appendix B, "Dynamic Field Structure
in RTF Files" for examples and information on dynamic field creation. The
component versions should then be created as RTF files. The user then must create
components to which the component versions will be tied to. For instance, Cover
Letter version A must be tied to the Cover Letter component. Once the components
have been created, the user can then create a template and tie the components to the
template. The template must also be assigned to a category, which determines
access to that particular template.
1.1.3 Maintenance
The maintenance phase is ongoing once templates have been created and involves
the following tasks:
■ Translation
■ Modification/Deletion
■ Publish & Unpublish
As the application is utilized by the company’s sales force, the administrator must
be sure to make updates to dynamic fields, components, translated versions and
template as the sales force’s needs change.
■ Proposal Creation
■ Quoting Integration
■ Leads Integration
■ Content Management Integration
■ Campaign Schedule Integration
■ Opportunity Integration
■ Customer Integration
■ Guided Proposal Content Building
■ Proposal Document Generation
■ E-Mail Delivery
■ Proposal Views and Searches
■ Proposal Templates
■ Proposal Components for Standardized Content
■ Dynamic Fields
Proposal Creation
Users can create a proposal from a quote, opportunity, or lead or for a customer.
Users can also create a standalone proposal in which the user will provide the
customer and contact name. Users select a master proposal template from a list of
possible templates and can specify the proposal name, description, customer, and
due date. From the opportunity, lead, and customer, the customer name will
automatically be carried over along with a contact if one is available.
Quoting Integration
Users can create a proposal based on a quote in Oracle Quoting. When a proposal is
created from a quote, relevant quote information is automatically pulled into the
Leads Integration
Oracle Proposals is integrated with Leads in Oracle Sales. This integration allows
Oracle Proposals user in the Self-Service mode to create a proposal from a lead in
Oracle Sales, where information from the lead is pulled into the proposal during the
proposal creation process. If the lead is associated with a campaign schedule, the
proposal template associated to the campaign schedule will automatically be used.
Opportunity Integration
Oracle Proposals is integrated with Opportunity in Oracle Field Sales, Oracle
Telesales, and Oracle Sales. This integration allows Oracle Proposals users to create
a proposal from an opportunity in Oracle Field Sales, Oracle Telesales, or Oracle
Sales, where information from the opportunity is pulled into the proposal during
the proposal creation process. If the opportunity is related to a campaign schedule,
the proposal template associated to the campaign schedule will automatically be
Customer Integration
Oracle Proposals is integrated with Customer in Oracle Field Sales, Oracle Telesales,
and Oracle Sales. This integration allows Oracle Proposals users to create a proposal
from a customer in Oracle Field Sales or Oracle Telesales, where information from
the customer is pulled into the proposal during the proposal creation process. If the
customer is related to a campaign schedule, the proposal template associated to the
campaign schedule will automatically be used. Oracle Proposals users can also view
proposals from Customer in Oracle Sales.
E-Mail Delivery
Using Oracle Proposals, users can e-mail proposals to customers and other
recipients. The user selects the appropriate proposal document version, specifies
customer contacts, and then e-mails them to the contacts and other recipients. A
record of the e-mail delivery is also recorded under the customer name in
Interaction History.
Proposal Templates
Oracle Proposals uses proposal templates, which are predefined, standard
boilerplate documents from which proposals are created. Templates outline a
proposal’s structure. A template is made up of components such as cover letters,
product descriptions, and collateral.
Dynamic Fields
Administrators can include dynamic fields in the component documents to
reference information from various sources. For example, a cover letter, where the
customer name and address changes, can have a dynamic fields inserted into the
locations of where the customer name and address would be. The user can then
personalize the cover letter for a particular customer.
Specifically, values for dynamic fields can come from the user (such as proposal
title), database objects (such as items and pricing), or custom Java programs,
retrieving data from various objects and object sources.
Dynamic fields for values from Oracle E-Business Suite Quote and Proposal objects
are seeded with the application. Administrators can create user-defined and custom
dynamic fields.
This chapter provides an overview of the major tasks you can perform using Oracle
Proposals. Sections in this chapter include:
■ Section 2.1, "Logging In to Oracle Proposals"
■ Section 2.2, "Accessing the Oracle Proposals Dashboard User Interface"
■ Section 2.3, "Accessing the Oracle Proposals Administrator Interface"
■ Section 2.4, "Summary of Oracle Proposals Tasks"
Proposal Main Menu or the Proposal Homepage Function must be assigned to the
Oracle Proposals responsibility. Refer to Section 4.1, "Setting up Users" of the Oracle
Proposals Implementation Guide, Release 11i for more details. This is assumed for all
procedures in the chapters following this one.
Navigate to the Oracle CRM Applications login page at:
http://<host> :<apache port>/OA_HTML/jtflogin.jsp
Your system administrator can give you the values that should replace <host> and
<apache port> in this URL.
Select the Proposals tab to access Oracle Proposals.
Oracle Proposals Administrator or Oracle Proposals User. Refer to Section 4.1,
"Setting up Users" of the Oracle Proposals Implementation Guide, Release 11i for more
details. This is assumed for all procedures in the chapters following this one.
http://<host>:<apache port>/OA_HTML/<Language code>/ICXINDEX.htm
Your system administrator can give you the values that should replace <host>,
<apache port>, and <language code> in this URL.
Select the appropriate responsibility.
User must be a Resource in JTF Resource Manager, be logged in as a valid Oracle
Proposals user, and have the Proposals Homepage Function assigned to the
responsibility or have the Oracle Proposals User responsibility assigned.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard
Field Behavior
After logging in, users see the Dashboard page display with two major sections:
■ Create Proposal button: takes the user to the Create Proposal page. Refer to
Section 5.2, "Creating Proposals" for more details.
■ Search Proposal button: takes the user to the Proposals Search page. Refer to
Section 4.4, "Search for Proposals" for more details.
■ Recent Proposals: recently viewed, created or modified proposals. Clicking the
Full List button will display the full list of all recent proposals.
■ Due within "X" days: proposals due within a number of days as specified in
the PRP: Proposals Due Within "X" Days profile option. See Appendix A.4.5,
"PRP: Proposals Due Within ’X’ Days" of the Oracle Proposals Implementation
Guide, Release 11i. Clicking the Full List button will display the full list of all
recent proposals.
Users must be logged in as a valid Oracle Proposals user and have the Proposals
Main Menu assigned to the responsibility or have the Oracle Proposals
Administrator responsibility assigned.
Field Behavior
After logging in, users see the Administration page. The left-hand sidebar is the
primary navigation point to the administrative functionality, and displays the
following values:
■ Templates - Links to Templates page.
■ Components - Links to Components page.
■ Dynamic Fields - Read-only.
Sequence Task
5 Publish template.
6 Initiate proposal creation.
7 Select template.
8 Provide the following:
■ Proposal Name
■ Customer Name - Search for customer. Customer name defaults from
quote, opportunity or customer if proposal is created from one of those
■ Due Date
■ Contact (if the customer is an organization)
9 Create proposal.
10 Verify proposal is created successfully. Display confirmation message.
11 Verify/modify proposal components, their content and order, if needed.
Sequence Task
5 Verify proposal is created successfully. Check confirmation message.
6 Verify/modify proposal components, and their content and order, if needed.
Proposal administration tasks must be performed before users can create proposals.
Administrators must set up:
■ Template categories
■ Templates
■ Components
■ Dynamic fields (optional)
Only those users whose responsibility has been assigned the Proposal Main Menu,
or have the Oracle Proposals Administrator responsibility, are able to perform the
tasks outlined in this chapter.
This chapter is organized into the following sections:
■ Section 3.1, "Administering Template Categories"
■ Section 3.2, "Administering Quoting and Proposals Dynamic Fields"
■ Section 3.3, "Administering User Defined Dynamic Fields"
■ Section 3.4, "Administering Proposal Components"
■ Section 3.5, "Administering Proposal Templates"
■ Section 3.6, "Administering Proposal Templates from Campaign Schedules"
■ Section 3.7, "RTF Files Overview"
■ Section 3.8, "Other Administrative Tasks"
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Other Setup > Template Category > Template
Categories page > Template Category Name hyperlink > Template Category Detail
Field Behavior
■ Code: Auto-populated and is read-only. Not exposed to the proposal creator.
■ Name: The name of the template category
■ Description: Description of the template category.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Other Setup > Template Category > Template
Categories page > Create Template Category button
1. Enter a template category name.
A unique numeric code for the category is generated after you have entered all the
fields in the Create Template Category Detail page. The code is not exposed to
proposal creators.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Other Setup > Template Category > Template
Categories page > Template Category Name hyperlink > Template Category Detail
1. The relevant Template Category Detail page appears, displaying the category
code, name, and description. Make any changes you wish to the name or
2. Select Apply.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Other Setup > Template Category > Template
Categories page
Template categories can be deleted in either one of the following ways:
■ On the Template Categories page, select the delete icon in the Delete column
for the corresponding category. This icon is enabled only if this category is not
in use.
■ Select the hyperlink in the Name column for the category to be deleted. The
relevant Template Category Detail page appears. Select Delete. This button is
enabled only if the category is not in use.
Note: Seeded dynamic field codes are prefixed with PRP. You
cannot create user-defined dynamic fields with codes that are
prefixed with PRP.
After defining the dynamic fields, the next task is to create the components in which
those dynamic fields will be used. See Section 3.4, "Administering Proposal
Components" for instructions.
This section contains the following tasks:
■ Section 3.2.1, "Viewing Quote Dynamic Fields"
■ Section 3.2.2, "Viewing Proposal Dynamic Fields"
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Dynamic Fields > Quote > Dynamic Fields:
Quote page
Field Behavior
RTF Display: shows the name of the dynamic field as it must appear within the
RTF file that represents the component content. This column is used as a reference
for sales administrators to know how they need to represent proposal dynamic
fields within a file.
Oracle Contracts is a conditional dependency for Oracle Proposals if being pulled in
as a part of a quote through Oracle Quoting. If Oracle Contracts is enabled, Oracle
Proposals does not support table tokens in Contracts templates. Refer to Section 2.3,
"Oracle Proposals Conditional Dependencies" of the Oracle Proposals Implementation
Guide, Release 11i, for more details.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Dynamic Fields > Proposals > Dynamic Fields:
Proposal page
Field Behavior
RTF Display: shows the name of the dynamic field as it appears within the RTF file
that represents the component content. This column is used as a reference for sales
administrators to know how they need to represent proposal dynamic fields within
a file.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Dynamic Fields > User Defined > Dynamic
Fields: User Defined page > Dynamic Field Name hyperlink > Dynamic Field
Details page
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Dynamic Fields > User Defined > Dynamic
Fields: User Defined page > Create Dynamic Field button > Create Dynamic Field:
General Details page
1. Create a dynamic field code by entering a unique alphanumeric code in this text
field. This code is not translatable and cannot exceed 10 unicode characters.
Note: You will not be able to modify a dynamic field’s code after
the field is created.
drop-down, and Java program. Based on which type of dynamic field you are
creating, refer to:
■ Section, "Creating Text Dynamic Fields" if you are creating a text
dynamic field.
■ Section, "Creating Drop-down Dynamic Fields" if you are creating a
drop-down dynamic field.
■ Section, "Creating Java Program Dynamic Fields" if you are creating
a Java program dynamic field.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Dynamic Fields > User Defined > Dynamic
Fields: User Defined page > Create Dynamic Field button > Create Dynamic Field:
General Details page
1. When you select Field Type as Text from the Create Dynamic Field: General
Details page, you are taken to the Create (Text) Dynamic Field: Field Value
page. This page lists the Field Type, Data Type, and Maximum Display Length
2. The value you entered for Name populates the Field Prompt field. Enter a
different value if you wish, or keep the original. This will be used as a user
prompt for this dynamic field.
3. Select a type from the Data Type drop-down box. This field is used for
validating the dynamic field once values are filled out. Values are Character,
Date, and Number:
■ Character requires an alphanumeric value.
■ Date requires a date value.
■ Number requires a numeric value.
4. If your Data Type choice is Character, enter a maximum length value between
one and two thousand in the Maximum Length field (Maximum Length is
irrelevant for Date and Number). This value determines how many characters
can be entered in the text field. Any decimal values entered will be rounded.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Dynamic Fields > User Defined > Dynamic
Fields: User Defined page > Create Dynamic Field button > Create Dynamic Field:
General Details page
1. When you select the field type as Drop-down from the Create Dynamic Field:
General Details page, you are taken to the Create Dynamic Field: Field Value
2. The value you entered for Name populates the Field Prompt field. Enter a
different value if you wish, or keep the original. This will be used as a user
prompt for this dynamic field.
3. Enter a drop-down display value.
4. Select Add Row to enter multiple values.
5. To delete any of the values entered, select the delete icon in the Delete column.
You should have at least one remaining value specified.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Dynamic Fields > User Defined > Dynamic
Fields: User Defined page > Create Dynamic Field button > Create Dynamic Field:
General Details page
1. When you select Field Type as Java Program from the Create Dynamic Field:
General Details page, you are taken to the Create Dynamic Field: Field Value
2. Enter the class and method name of the Java program to be executed in the
Program Name field. Example: Class.Method. The program name is not
translatable. Any translations of value must be handled within a single
program. The Java file should already exist and be in CLASSPATH.
Consult Appendix C, "Creating Java Program Dynamic Fields", for more
information on creating Java program dynamic fields.
Open your RTF file requiring dynamic field insertion in a third party word
processing tool.
1. Place your cursor in the exact position within the content where the dynamic
field should be inserted.
2. Insert the field by entering:
<@DFC123:Author@> where DFC123 is the dynamic field code, and Author is
the field name. The RTF parser understands any string starting with <@ and
ending with colon (:) as a code, and replaces the string starting <@ and ending
@> with its value.
There cannot be any spaces between the dynamic field code and the <@ or colon (:).
Refer to Section 3.7.1, "Creating RTF Files Guidelines" for more examples of valid
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Dynamic Fields > User Defined > Dynamic
Fields: User Defined page > Dynamic Field Name hyperlink > Dynamic Field Detail
In the Dynamic Field Detail page, make any revisions you wish to.
You cannot change the dynamic field code.
them. Drop-down dynamic field values cannot be deleted if they are in use in a
proposal. Dynamic fields are in use when an RTF file references them
To delete dynamic fields:
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Dynamic Fields > User Defined > Dynamic
Fields: User Defined page
User defined dynamic fields that are not in use can be deleted in two ways:
■ On the Dynamic Fields: User Defined page, Select the Delete icon for the
corresponding dynamic field. This icon is enabled if the field is not in use,
otherwise it is disabled.
■ Select the hyperlink in the Name column. The Dynamic Field Detail page
appears. Select the Delete button. This button is enabled if the field is not in
use, otherwise it is disabled.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Components > Component Name hyperlink >
Component Detail page
Note: Files are parsed to check for all valid dynamic fields and
RTF construction.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Components > Components page > Create
Component button > Quick Create Proposal Component page
You can create proposal components by adding files from the desktop, from Oracle
Content Manager Folders, or from Oracle Content Manager Library. You can only
add files from the Oracle Content Manager Library or Oracle Content Manager
Folders if your system administrator has set the PRP: Use Oracle Content Manager
profile option to Yes or Optional. Refer to the following sections for adding files:
■ Section, "Adding Files from the Desktop (With Oracle Content Manager
■ Section, "Adding Files from the Desktop (With Oracle Content Manager
■ Section, "Adding Files from the Oracle Content Manager Library"
■ Section, "Adding Files from the Oracle Content Manager Folders"
If you experience any problems when associating files, please see Appendix C,
"Dynamic Field Structure in RTF Files" of the Oracle Proposals Implementation Guide,
Release 11i.
The file must be in the current language. To associate a file for a different language,
change the session language and select the component and associate file. Adding Files from the Desktop (With Oracle Content Manager Disabled)
Administrators can upload files from their desktop into their proposal.
To add files from the desktop with Oracle Content Manager disabled:
Oracle Proposals >Administration > Components > Components page > Create
Component button
You can create a component using the Quick Create Proposal Component page or
by selecting the Advance Create button to access the Advance Create Proposal
Component page. Quick Create allows for component creation with one file, while
Advance Create allows component creation with multiple files.
From the Quick Create Proposal Component page:
1. Enter a component name.
2. Optionally, enter a component description.
From the Advance Create Proposal Component page:
1. From the Quick Create Proposal Component page, select the Advance Create
2. Enter a component name.
3. Optionally, enter a component description.
4. In the Alternate files for this component section, select the Add Alternate File
button. The Advanced Create Component: Add File: Desktop page appears.
5. Enter a file name in the File text search field or browse your desktop for one by
selecting the Browse button.
6. Optionally, enter a name for the file. Adding Files from the Desktop (With Oracle Content Manager Enabled)
Administrators can upload files from their desktop into their proposal.
To add files from the desktop with Oracle Content Manager enabled:
Oracle Proposals >Administration > Components > Components page > Create
Component button
1. Follow the steps in Section, "Adding Files from the Desktop (With Oracle
Content Manager Disabled)".
2. Depending on the settings for the PRP: Use Oracle Content Manager profile
option, you may see additional fields after the Name field:
■ If the profile option is set to No, you will not see any additional fields.
■ If the profile option is set to Yes, an additional section called Content
Manager Folder appears. If the user does not have access to a folder in
Oracle Content Manager, the user will have to create a folder first. In Oracle
Content Manager access, or permissions, is given at the folder level. Access
to the folder can be given at the user level, group level, responsibility level,
or can be granted to the public (i.e. all users).
■ If the profile option is set to Optional, the drop-down field, Save in
Content Manager, appears under the Name field. You can select No or Yes
from the drop-down LOV. No is the default selection. If you select Yes, the
Content Manager Folder section appears. The default folder to store files is
the seeded administrator folder.
Since administrators will have the need to share files on a regular basis, all
Oracle Proposals administrators should be given access to the seeded
folder. Administrators can also save files in other folders. Refer to
Appendix D, "Permissions for Oracle Content Manager" to see the
Oracle Proposals >Administration > Components >Components page > Create
Component button > Quick Create Proposal Component page >
1. There are two ways to access the Add File from Library functionality:
■ From the Quick Create Proposal Component page, enter a name in the
Component Name field.
■ From the Quick Create Proposal Component page, select the Advance
Create button, and enter a component name in the Component Name field
on the Advance Create Proposal Component page. Then select the Add
Alternate File button.
2. From the Alternate Content Sources bin, select Add File: Library.
3. You can search for a file from the Oracle Content Manager Library in several
■ Search for the file by entering the first few characters of the file name in the
Search field and selecting Go. A Results table displays, showing matching
files based on the search.
■ Search for the file by selecting Advanced Search beside the Search field.
Advanced Search functionality allows you to search on the file name,
keywords, description, category, owner, and content type. Search for the file
by entering the first few characters of the search parameter and using the
drop-down LOV beside each search parameter to specify the type of search
condition. The types of search conditions are: Contains, Ends With, Is, and
Starts With. Select Go, and a Results table displays, showing matching files
based on the search.
■ Browse the Oracle Content Manager Library categories for which you have
permissions in Oracle Content Manager. Select category names to view the
contents. You can also select the Focus icon beside each category to view
only that category and files of RTF format within that category. Select the
radio button beside the file you want and then click Apply.
Optionally, you can go directly to the root category by selecting the
Navigate to Root Category hyperlink.
Oracle Proposals >Administration > Components > Components page > Create
Component button > Quick Create Proposal Component page
1. There are two ways to access the Add File from Folder functionality:
■ From the Quick Create Proposal Component page, enter a name in the
Component Name field.
■ From the Quick Create Proposal Component page, select the Advance
Create button, and enter a component name in the Component Name field
on the Advance Create Proposal Component page. Then select the Add
Alternate File button.
2. From the Alternate Content Sources bin, select Add File from Folder.
3. You can search for a file from the Oracle Content Manager Folders in several
■ Search for the file by entering the first few characters of the file name in the
Search field and selecting Go. A Results table displays, showing matching
files based on the search.
■ Search for the file by selecting Advanced Search beside the Search field.
Advanced Search functionality allows you to search on the file name,
keywords, description, folder, owner, and content type. Search for the file
by entering the first few characters of the search parameter and using the
drop-down LOV beside each search parameter to specify the type of search.
The types of search are: Contains, Ends With, Is, and Starts With. Select
Go, and a Results table displays, showing matching files based on the
■ Browse the Oracle Content Manager Folders for which you have
permissions in Oracle Content Manager. Select folder names to view the
contents. You can also select the Focus icon beside each folder to view only
that folder and files of RTF type located within that folder. Select the radio
button beside the file you want and then click Apply.
Optionally, you can go directly to the root folder by selecting the Navigate
to Root Folder hyperlink.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Components page > Component Name
hyperlink > Component Detail page
The following fields are editable:
■ Component Name: The component name.
■ Description: The component description.
■ File Name: The name of the file.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Component >Components page > Component
Name hyperlink > Component Detail page > Add Alternate File button
You can add files in the same way you upload files for a component from the
desktop, Oracle Content Manager Library, and Oracle Content Manager Folders.
Refer to Section 3.4.2, "Creating Proposal Components" for more information.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Component > Components page >
Component Name hyperlink > Component Detail page > Alternate Files for this
component section
Select the delete icon on the line where the file you wish to delete is located.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Component > Components page >
Component Name hyperlink > Component Detail page > Associate Version icon
Select the Associate Version icon on the line of the file you wish to associate
another version is located. If the original file was added from an Oracle Content
Manager Folder or from the Oracle Content Manager Library, you will have the
option of selecting a new version from Oracle Content Manager if one exists.
Otherwise you can upload a version residing on your desktop.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Components > Components page
You can delete components in either of the following ways:
■ Select the hyperlink in the Name column for the component you want to delete.
The Component Detail page appears. Select Delete. This permanently deletes
the component and all its associated files. It cannot be undone later.
■ Select the Delete icon in the Delete column for the component you want to
delete. This permanently deletes the component and all its associated files. It
cannot be undone later.
You cannot delete components that are in use in a proposal. Components included
in proposals or templates are considered in use.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Templates >Templates page > Create Template
button > Create Proposal Template page
1. Enter a name for the template in the Name field.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Templates > Templates page
1. To view template details, select the hyperlink in the Name column.
2. To reorder the template display, click on the column head by which you wish to
sort the templates.
The Delete column displays delete icon if template is not in use. Otherwise the
delete icon is disabled. A template is in use if it is being utilized by a proposal.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Templates > Templates page > Template Name
hyperlink > Template Detail page
1. For name or description changes, enter the new name or description in the
Name or Description fields.
2. To change Category, use the drop-down box to select a new value.
3.5.6 Allowing Users to Add External Files to Proposals Created From the Proposal
The administrator has the option to specify whether users can add external files to
proposals created from the template.
To allow users to add external files:
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Templates > Templates page > Template name
hyperlink > Template Detail page > Personalization section
1. Select the checkbox beside Users can add files to proposals created from this
2. The change is reflected immediately for all proposals using this template.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Templates > Templates page > Template Name
hyperlink > Template Detail page > Components section > Add Components button
1. Search for a component by searching for it by component code and/or name. To
search for components that start with the word Cover, for example, enter Cover,
then select Go. The results display in the Results table.
2. Select a component by using the checkbox in the Select column, then choose
Select. Use Select All if all components displayed are to be included in this
template. After making a selection, the Template Detail page appears,
displaying the component information in table format.
3. For each component, specify the following attributes:
a. Mandatory: Users cannot exclude mandatory components from their
proposals. Select the Mandatory checkbox for components requiring that
b. Default Document: A component can have multiple files (see Components
section for more details). You can specify a default file that is selected when
users pick this template. Select the flashlight icon in the Default Document
column. The Search and Select: Default Document page appears. Search
for the file, select it, then press Select. Alternatively, use the Quick Select
icon to automatically insert the document in the Template Detail page and
close the Search and Select: Default Document page.
4. This change will be reflected in all new proposals created using this template.
Existing proposals are unaffected.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Templates > Templates page > Template Name
hyperlink > Template Detail page > Components section
1. Select the Remove icon in the row of the component you want to delete to
remove the component from the template.
2. A warning page appears, asking you to confirm whether you want to remove
the component. Select Yes to continue with the operation, or select No to cancel
the operation.
After you have removed the component, this change is reflected only for new
proposals. Proposals already using this template will not be affected by this change.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Templates >Templates page > Template Name
hyperlink > Template Detail page > Components section > Change Order button >
Change Order: Component page
Select a component name and change the order of the components by using the Up
or Down arrows.
Proposals already using this template will not be affected by this change, while new
proposals using this template will show the component order change.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Templates > Templates page > Template Name
hyperlink > Template Detail page > Components section
1. Select the Mandatory checkbox for components requiring that status. Users
cannot exclude mandatory components from their proposals.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Templates > Templates page > Template Name
hyperlink > Template Detail page > Components section > Publish in Current
Language button
After selecting the Publish in Current Language button, a warning page appears
asking you to confirm that you want to publish the template. Select Yes to publish,
or No to cancel the publishing process.
You cannot add a component or change a default file in a template that is published
in any language. To add components or change the default file, you must unpublish
the template in all languages.
To unpublish templates:
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Templates > Templates page > Template Name
hyperlink > Template Detail page > Unpublish in Current Language button
Select Unpublish in Current Language to unpublish the template. A warning page
appears asking you to confirm that you want to unpublish the template. Select Yes
to unpublish, or No to cancel the unpublishing process. If the Unpublish in
Current Language button is disabled, the template is not published.
Oracle Proposals > Administration > Templates > Templates page
Templates can be deleted in one of two ways:
■ Select the Delete icon for the template you want to delete.
■ Select the hyperlink in the Name column for the template you want to delete.
The Template Detail page appears. Select Delete.
Log into Self-Service mode.
Campaign Workbench Super User responsibility.
Self-Service Login > Campaign Dashboard > Campaign Workbench > Shortcuts
section > Schedules List hyperlink > Schedules List page
1. In the Schedules List page, select a schedule from the View LOV, and then
select Go.
2. Select the appropriate schedule name.
3. In the Schedule Details page, select the Collaboration sub-tab.
4. You can view any associate proposal templates in the table, which are listed as
Proposal in the Type column.
5. Preview the proposal template by selecting the Preview icon in that row.
Log into Self-Service mode.
Campaign Workbench Super User responsibility.
Self-Service Login > Campaign Dashboard > Campaign Workbench > Shortcuts
section > Schedules List hyperlink > Schedules List page
1. In the Schedules List page, select a schedule from the View LOV, and then
select Go.
2. Select the appropriate schedule name.
3. In the Schedule Details page, select the Collaboration sub-tab.
4. Select Add Another Row.
5. In the Type column, select Proposal from the LOV.
6. In the Name column, select the flashlight icon to access the Search and Select:
Proposal Template page. From here, users can search for a proposal template
by name or by category.
7. In the Search and Select: Proposal Template page, select either Name or
Category from the LOV. Enter a value in the search field next to it and select
8. In the Results table, choose a proposal template by selecting Select in that row,
or use the Quick Select icon to automatically insert the selection in the
Schedule Details page and close the Search and Select: Proposal Template
■ There cannot not be any spaces between the inserted dynamic field token code
and the character combination that proceeds the code ("<@") and the colon (":").
For example, the following formats are valid:
■ <@PRP001: Proposal Name@>
■ <@PRP001:Proposal Name@>
■ <@PRP001:Proposal Name @>
The following formats are not valid:
■ <@PRP001 :Proposal Name@>
■ < @PRP001:Proposal Name@>
■ <@ PRP001:Proposal Name@>
■ <@PRP001: Proposal Name@ >
Invalid entries result in errors during the RTF file upload.
Note: Any quote related dynamic field placed outside the control
structure will be substituted using the primary quote in the
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Recent Proposals section
Field Behavior
■ Name: Proposal name displayed as a hyperlink. Select the hyperlink to access
the Proposal Detail page for the selected proposal.
■ Description: Proposal description
■ Customer: Customer for whom proposal was created
■ Due Date: Current due date for proposal
■ Status: Proposal status - either Draft or Complete
■ Full List: Select to change the page display to a full list of all recent proposals.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposals Due in "X" Days section
Field Behavior
■ Name: Proposal name displayed as a hyperlink. Select the hyperlink to access
the Proposal Detail page.
■ Description: Proposal description
■ Customer: Customer for whom proposal was created
■ Due Date: Current due date for proposal
■ Status: Proposal status - either Draft or Complete
■ Full List: Select to change the page display to a full list of all proposals due
within X days.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Search Proposals button
Search results list all matching rows that begin with the search text. To refine your
search results, enter search criteria in as many of the search parameters as possible.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Create Proposal button > Create Proposal page
1. Enter a name for the proposal in the Proposal Name field.
2. Optionally, enter a description for the proposal in the Proposal Description
3. The Due Date field is automatically populated according to the value set in the
PRP: Default Number of Days for Proposal Due Date profile option by your
system administrator. Optionally, you can change the due date to a date you
specify by clicking on the calendar icon and selecting a date.
4. You can search for customers by customer name or by contact. Depending on
your Oracle Proposals implementation, the customer search will behave
a. Select a customer for your proposal.
■ If you see a flashlight icon next to the Customer Name field and select it,
the Search and Select: Customer Name LOV window appears. Your system
administrator has disabled Data Quality Management (DQM) functionality
through the HZ: Enable DQM Party Search profile option setting. You can
search by customer name or account number.
■ If you see a Select button next to the Customer Name field and select it, the
Simple Search: Person page displays. Your system administrator has
enabled DQM functionality through the HZ: Enable DQM Party Search
profile option setting.
You can search for a customer by Person or by Organization, along with a
variety of other parameters based on match rules. The default customer
type, Person or Organization, is determined your system administrator’s
settings for the PRP: Default Customer Type profile option. If you choose
Advanced Search, you can also search by Person or by Organization, along
with additional other parameters to search by.
b. Optionally, if the customer receiving the proposal is an organization, you
can specify a contact name.
■ If you see a flashlight icon next to the Contact Name field and select it, the
Search and Select: Contact Name LOV Window appears. Your system
administrator has disabled DQM functionality through the HZ: Enable
DQM Party Search profile option setting. You can search by contact name.
■ If you see a Select button next to the Contact Name field and select it, the
Simple Search: Contacts page displays. Your system administrator has
enabled DQM functionality through the HZ: Enable DQM Party Search
profile option setting. You can search for a contact by a variety of
parameters based on match rules.
5. You can select a template category using the Filter By Category drop-down.
The page refreshes, displaying a list of published templates from that category.
6. To view and/or compare the template components, select Show in the Details
column. The components for this template display in table format. Select Hide
to close the components list display.
7. Select the template you want to use by selecting the radio button in the row
where the template is.
8. After selecting the Apply button, the user will see either of the following:
■ A confirmation message appears at the top of the Proposal Detail page,
indicating whether the proposal has been successfully created. You can
generate the proposal after checking that all components are complete.
■ If the template does not require any further input, the Information page
appears, explaining that the proposal is being generated. Afterwards, the
Confirmation page appears, where the user can open or download the
proposal, e-mail the proposal, or go to the Proposal Detail page.
Oracle HTML Quoting Sales Agent responsibility.
Oracle Quoting > Main Quoting page > Quote Name hyperlink > Overview page
1. Select the Proposals link on the overview page. A page appears displaying the
Quote header information. If any proposals have already been created from this
quote, they will display in the table. Otherwise the table will be blank.
2. Select Create Proposal. The Create Proposal page appears with the Customer
Name field auto populated.
3. Notice the quote name in the Proposal header section. You may then proceed
with creating the proposal. Follow the steps in Section 5.2.1, "Creating a
Standalone Proposal".
Sales Online User responsibility for Oracle Field Sales, Telesales Agent
responsibility for Oracle Telesales, or Sales User responsibility in Oracle Sales.
Oracle Field Sales, Oracle Telesales, or Oracle Sales > Opportunity > Opportunity
Details page > Proposals > Create Proposal button
Selecting the Create Proposal button takes the user to the Proposals tab, where the
user may create a proposal. Refer to Section 5.2.1, "Creating a Standalone Proposal"
for more details.
Proposal customer name & primary contact name are auto populated based on the
information in the opportunity. Users can change the proposal contact on the Create
Proposal page.
There are several scenarios for proposal template selection:
■ If the opportunity is created from a campaign schedule, the user can only select
proposal templates associated to that campaign schedule. If there is only one
template associated with the campaign schedule, it will be auto generated for
proposal creation. If more than one template is associated with the campaign,
the first template is auto selected.
■ If all the components of the selected template are complete (meaning they do
not have any dynamic fields or do not need any objects), the first version of the
proposal document will be automatically generated. If any components of the
selected template are incomplete, users are taken to the Proposal Detail page
where they can personalize the proposal and modify the proposal further.
■ If no campaign schedule is associated to an opportunity, the user can select
from a list of all published templates to create the proposal.
■ The defaulting proposal name and description should be based on the template
name and description. If multiple templates are available via the campaign
schedule, the auto-selected template is used to default the name and
description. If there is no associated template, nothing is defaulted.
Sales Online User responsibility for Oracle Field Sales, Telesales Agent
responsibility for Oracle Telesales, or Sales User responsibility for Oracle Sales.
Oracle Field Sales, Oracle Telesales, or Oracle Sales > Customer > Customer Name
hyperlink > Customer Detail page > Proposals > Create Proposal button
Selecting the Create Proposal button takes the user to the Proposals tab, where the
user may create a proposal. Refer to Section 5.2, "Creating Proposals" for more
details. The customer name is carried over to the proposal.
Log into Self-Service mode.
Sales User responsibility.
Self-Service Login > Oracle Sales > Sales Dashboard > Leads section > Full List
button > Leads page > Lead name hyperlink > Update Lead page > Proposals
sub-tab > Create Proposal button
1. Select the Create Proposal button on the Proposals sub-tab section. The Create
Proposal page appears with the Customer field auto populated.
2. Notice the lead name in the Proposal header section. You may then proceed
with creating the proposal. Follow the steps in Section 5.2.1, "Creating a
Standalone Proposal".
Proposal customer name and primary contact name are auto populated based on
the information in the lead. Users can change the proposal contact on the Create
Proposal page.
There are several scenarios for proposal template selection:
■ If the lead is associated with a campaign schedule, the user can only select
proposal templates associated to that campaign schedule. If there is only one
template associated with the campaign schedule, it will be auto generated for
proposal creation. If more than one template associated with the campaign, the
first template is auto selected.
■ If all the components of the selected template are complete (meaning they do
not have any dynamic fields, have values for all dynamic fields, or do not need
any objects), the first version of the proposal document will be automatically
generated. If any components of the selected template are incomplete, users are
taken to the Proposal Detail page where they can personalize the proposal and
modify the proposal further.
■ If no campaign schedule is associated to a lead, the user can select from a list of
published templates to create the proposal.
■ The defaulting proposal name and description should be based on the template
name and description. If multiple templates are available via the campaign
schedule, the auto-selected template is used to default the name and
description. If there is no associated template, nothing is defaulted.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page
1. Select Delete in the upper right corner of the Proposal Detail page.
2. A warning page appears, asking to confirm if the proposal should be deleted.
3. Select Yes to confirm that the proposal is to be deleted. Select No to cancel the
deletion process.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Proposal Components section
Field Behavior
■ Generate New Version: Allows the user to generate a new version of the
■ Add File: Allows the user to add a file from their desktop, Oracle Content
Manager Folders or Oracle Content Manager Library. File addition available
only if permitted by template.
■ Change Order: Allows the user to change the component order.
■ Select: This column shows all included components as checked, all excluded
components as unchecked, and all mandatory components as checked and the
checkbox disabled.
■ Component Name: Displays the component name as a hyperlink for included
components. Selecting the link accesses the Component Details page.
■ Description: Component description.
■ Document: Displays the selected document name for a component.
■ Preview: Displays an icon that, when selected, opens the document in a
secondary window.
■ Status: Displays a checkmark if the component is complete, or an X if
■ Icon denotes added component/file. Components are added at the end of the
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Proposal Components section > Preview icon
Field Behavior
■ Preview: Selecting the icon in the Preview column for the component opens up
a word processor window.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Proposal Components section > Component Name hyperlink
You can view component details only for components that have been included in
the proposal. Included components’ names will be hyperlinked. When you select
the hyperlink in the Name column for the component, there are two possible
■ If the component is one of the already included components of the template
from which the proposal is built, the Proposal Component Details page
Alternate Documents section: To choose a different document for this
component, select the radio button in the document’s Select column. The page
refreshes and displays the dynamic fields for the document in the
Personalization section.
Personalization section: Contains personalization options, showing a list of all
dynamic fields based on document selected, if available. Otherwise it will
display the following message:
There are no personalization options available for the selected document
Quote section: This section displays only if the document selected contains
quote related dynamic fields. Displays a list of quotes associated with the
proposal if the document requires a quote. You can add/delete quotes as well as
designate a primary quote in this section. If you press the Make it Primary
button after selecting a quote, the selected quote then becomes the primary
quote for the proposal. The designated quote information is used if the
document requires information from a single quote. The Primary designation is
relevant only if there are multiple quotes.
■ If the component is an externally added file, the Added File page appears:
Name: View or edit the file name
Description: View or edit the file description. Optional field.
File Name: Select the file name hyperlink to view the file.
Content Manager Information: If the file was uploaded from Oracle Content
Manager, this section displays the file version, owner, location and last update
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Proposal Components section
Using the checkboxes in the Select column, select or deselect the component(s) you
want to include/exclude from the proposal. To select all components, use the Select
All link. If a component is mandatory, you will see a disabled checkbox. You cannot
exclude mandatory components.
You must generate a new version of the proposal before the changes are reflected.
3. The file must have valid RTF structure (Please see Appendix B, "Dynamic Field
Structure in RTF Files" for supported RTF structures).
The files will be parsed and validated. Newly added files are placed at the end of
the list. Users can move them using the Reorder functionality as outlined in
Chapter 6.5, "Changing Component Order in Proposals". Added files will be
flagged with an icon to denote that they weren't part of original template. Added
files are excludable. Users should be able to exclude them from structure, but
include later if they wish.
This section discusses the following topics:
■ Section 6.4.1, "Adding Files from the Desktop (With Oracle Content Manager
■ Section 6.4.2, "Adding Files from the Desktop (With Oracle Content Manager
■ Section 6.4.3, "Adding Files from Oracle Content Manager Library"
■ Section 6.4.4, "Adding Files from Oracle Content Manager Folders"
6.4.1 Adding Files from the Desktop (With Oracle Content Manager Disabled)
To add files from the desktop when Oracle Content Manager is disabled:
Oracle Proposals >Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Proposal Components section > Add File button
To add external files as components, select the Add File button. The Add File:
Desktop page appears. In this page, search for a file by selecting the Browse button
beside the File field. Optionally, give a name to the file in the Name field.
Otherwise, the file name will be used.
6.4.2 Adding Files from the Desktop (With Oracle Content Manager Enabled)
To add files from the desktop when Oracle Content Manager is enabled:
Oracle Proposals >Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Proposal Components section > Add File button
1. Follow the steps in Section 6.4.1, "Adding Files from the Desktop (With Oracle
Content Manager Disabled)".
2. Depending on the settings for the PRP: Use Oracle Content Manager profile
option, you will see additional fields after the Name field:
■ If the profile option is set to Yes, an additional section called Content
Manager Folder appears.
■ If the profile option is set to Optional, the drop-down field, Save in
Content Manager, appears under the Name field. You can select No or Yes
from the drop-down LOV. No is the default selection. If you select Yes, the
Content Manager Folder section appears.
3. If the profile option is set to Yes, save the file in Content Manager. This allows
you to reuse the file later for other components. You can save the file to Oracle
Content Manager in several different ways:
■ Create a folder in Oracle Content Manager to save the file in by selecting
the Create Folder button.
■ Choose an existing folder in Oracle Content Manager if you have been
given access to it by the administrator by selecting the flashlight icon. You
can view the content of the chosen folder by selecting the View Folder
4. Select the folder you want to save the file in. The default folder is set by your
system administrator in the IBC: Default Home Folder profile option.
Oracle Proposals >Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Proposal Components section > Add File button > Add File: Desktop page
1. From the Alternate Content Sources bin on the Add File: Desktop page, select
Add File: Library.
2. You can browse or search for a file from the Oracle Content Manager Library in
several ways:
■ Browse the Oracle Content Manager Library categories for which you have
permissions in Oracle Content Manager by selecting the Browse Library
button, if the Browse Library section isn’t already displayed. Select
category names to view the contents. You can also select the Focus icon
beside each category to view only that category and its contents. Select the
radio button beside the category you want and then select Apply.
Optionally, you can go directly to the root category by selecting the
Navigate to Root Category hyperlink.
■ In the Add File: Library: Search and Select File page, search for the file by
entering the first few characters of the file name in the Search field and
selecting Go. A Results table displays, showing matching files based on the
search. Select the radio button beside the file you want and then select
■ Select the Advanced Search hyperlink beside the Go button. The Add File:
Library: Advanced Search page appears. Enter or select values in the
search criteria fields, and then select Go. In the Results table, select the file
you want, and then select Apply.
By selecting a content type, the Attribute section will refresh to display additional
fields that the user can search by for that content type.
Oracle Proposals >Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Proposal Components section > Add File button > Add File: Desktop page
1. From the Alternate Content Sources bin on the Add File: Desktop page, select
Add File: Folders.
2. You can browse or search for a file from the Oracle Content Manager Folders in
several ways:
■ Browse the Oracle Content Manager Folders for which you have
permissions in Oracle Content Manager by selecting the Browse Folders
button, if the Browse Folders section isn’t already displayed. Select
category names to view the contents. You can also select the Focus icon
beside each category to view only that category and its contents. Select the
radio button beside the category you want and then click Apply.
Optionally, you can go directly to the root folder by selecting the Navigate
to Root Folder hyperlink.
■ In the Add File: Folders page, search for the file by entering the first few
characters of the file name in the Search field and selecting Go. A Results
table displays, showing matching files based on the search. Select the radio
button beside the file you want and then click Apply.
■ Select the Advanced Search hyperlink beside the Go button. The Add File:
Folder: Advanced Search page appears. Enter or select values in the search
criteria fields, and then select Go. In the Results table, select the file you
want, and then select Apply.
By selecting a content type, the Attribute section will refresh to display additional
fields that the user can search by for that content type.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Proposal Components section > Change Order button > Change Order page
Select a component name and change the order of the components by using the Up
or Down arrows.
You must regenerate the proposal before the changes are reflected in the generated
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Proposal Component section
1. In the Proposal Components section, checkmarks in the Complete column
indicate complete components. Crossmarks indicate incomplete components
that require your attention. For any components with crossmarks in the
Complete column:
a. Select the component name hyperlink. The proposal component detail page
b. In the Personalization section at the bottom of the page, provide the values
needed in the fields that appear.
Only proposal creators can update their proposals.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Proposal Components section > Component Name hyperlink > Proposal
Component page
In the Personalization section, you can provide values for any of the dynamic field
objects using the text fields and/or drop-downs.
Depending on whether a quote is reference in the document, user may need to
provide a quote. Refer to Section 6.7, "Adding Quotes to a Proposal" for more
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Components
section > Proposal Component Name hyperlink > Proposal Component page
1. In the Quotes section, select Add Quote. The Search and Select: Quote page
displays. Search for a quote either by Quote Name or Quote Number. The
search results display in the Results table. Select a quote by checking the
checkbox in the Select column. Press Select. You are taken back to the
component detail page and the quote information displays in the Quote table.
2. To add more quotes, repeat the above step.
3. The first quote added will be defaulted as the primary quote. To make another
quote primary, select the radio button in the Select column, then select Make It
Primary. The following quotes cannot be added to proposals:
■ Lower version quotes
■ Quotes in Order Submitted status
■ Expired quotes
■ Quotes with incomplete pricing
■ Quotes with incomplete tax
■ Quotes submitted for batch pricing
■ Quotes that are inaccessible to the user
■ Quotes for other customers
■ Quotes that have converted into Oracle iStore Shopping carts
■ Quote templates
It is possible that an eligible quote may become ineligible after it has been added. If
this happens, you will receive an error message when attempting to generate the
Oracle Contracts is a conditional dependency for Oracle Proposals if being pulled in
as a part of a quote through Oracle Quoting. If Oracle Contracts is enabled, Oracle
Proposals does not support table tokens in Contracts templates. Refer to Section 2.3,
"Oracle Proposals Conditional Dependencies" of the Oracle Proposals Implementation
Guide, Release 11i, for more details.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Components
section > Proposal Component Name hyperlink > Proposal Component Detail page
Select the icon in the Remove column in the row of the quote to be removed. The
page refreshes and the selected quote information is removed.
If there are multiple quotes, the primary quote cannot be removed. You will need to
specify another quote as primary before you can delete one currently defined as
primary. You must regenerate the proposal version before the changes are reflected
in the document.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page
Field Behavior
■ Name: Edit the proposal name.
■ Description: Edit the proposal description. Optional field.
■ Due Date: Select the calendar icon and pick a new date, or enter a new date in
the text field.
■ Status: Read-only.
■ Template: Read-only.
■ Customer: Read-only.
■ Proposal Contact: If the customer receiving the proposal is an organization, you
can choose a contact for that organization. Refer to step 4b of Section 5.2,
"Creating Proposals" for more details.
■ Created by: Read-only.
If a generated proposal version is final, the header status will be complete.
system administrator’s setting for the PRP: Maximum File Size For Online
Generation profile option. This profile option specifies the maximum size of the
generated document for which generation is done online.
If the total size of the generated proposal is less than the profile value, generation is
done online. If the total size is larger than the profile value, the proposal is
generated using the offline concurrent program. See Chapter 3, "Administering
Oracle Proposals", Appendix A, "Oracle Proposals Profile Options" of the Oracle
Proposals Implementation Guide, Release 11i , and the Oracle Applications System
Administrator’s Guide for more information.
face Times New Roman and Size 12, and your second file also contains a
customized style called Internal Use but with a different specification of Font face
Arial and Size 10, when the proposal is generated it will convert the style Internal
Use for the first component to have the specification of Font face Arial and Size 10
and override the definition in the first component.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Proposal Component section
Field Behavior
Generate New Version: If all components of the proposal are complete, the
Generate New Version button is enabled. If it is disabled, you cannot generate the
document until you have completed all components.
1. Select Generate New Version in the Proposal Components section.
2. The value set by your system administrator in the PRP: Maximum File Size For
Online Generation profile option determines if the proposal version will be
generated online or offline. If the size of the proposal version is less than the
value in the profile option, the proposal version will be generated online. If the
file size exceeds the value in the profile option, the proposal version will be
generated offline.
3. While the proposal is being generated offline, the following values display in
the Existing Versions section:
■ Select: The radio button in this column is disabled.
■ Document Name: Not displayed.
Proposals cannot be modified when in the Generation in Progress status.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Upload New Version button > Upload Proposal page
1. After selecting a file, select a status - Draft or Final -using the Status
2. Optionally, add any remarks in the Remarks text field.
3. After selecting Apply, the Proposal Detail page appears, either displaying a
confirmation message that the file was uploaded successfully, or an error
message. The uploaded version can be viewed in the Existing Versions table.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Existing Versions section > View/Download Proposal button
1. Select a document using the radio button in the Select column.
2. Select View/Download. Depending on your desktop settings, you may see a
File Download window, where you can choose to open the file, save the file to
your desktop, or cancel the action. You may also be able to select whether the
word processor should automatically open or save the file by deselecting the
Always ask before opening this type of file checkbox.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Existing Versions section > View/Edit Remarks button
Remarks text (if any) is displayed in the Proposal Remarks section of the page.
Make any edits you wish to make.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Existing Versions section > Status column
Using the drop-down, select Draft or Final as the status in the Status column.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Existing Versions section
1. Click on the Delete icon in the row of the generated proposal version you wish
to delete.
2. A warning page appears, asking you to confirm whether to delete the proposal
document or not. Select Yes to continue the operation, or select No to cancel the
Versions that have been e-mailed or that are being generated offline cannot be
To e-mail proposals:
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Existing Versions section
1. Using the radio button in the Select column, select a document from the
Existing Versions section. Select E-mail. The E-mail Proposal page opens.
2. Optionally, select the Blind Copy (BCC) Self checkbox to have a copy of the
proposal sent to yourself.
3. If the proposal has a contact selected, the e-mail address for the contact will
default in the To: field. To change or add "To" recipients, select Edit Recipients.
The E-mail ’To’ Recipients page appears. Select a name listed under Available
recipients and select the Move arrow. To move all, select Move All. To remove
recipients listed under Selected recipients, select a name and then select
Remove. To remove all recipients, select Remove All.
Oracle Proposals > Dashboard > Proposal Name hyperlink > Proposal Detail page >
Existing Versions section > E-mail History column
1. Select the icon in the E-mail History column. The E-mail History page appears
displaying the e-mail information in the E-mail History table. Display values
for this table are:
■ Sent Date: Date e-mail was sent
■ Sent By: Sender’s name
■ Sent To: Names of all recipients
■ E-mail Message: E-mail subject displayed as a hyperlink
2. Select the link in the E-mail Message column of the E-mail History page. The
E-mail History: E-mail Message page appears displaying:
■ Sender: The name of the sender and whether the sender blind carbon
copied himself/herself.
additional attributes to fit your business processes through user defined tokens. The
following is a comprehensive list of the seeded data currently included in the
This appendix contains details, scenarios, and guidelines for dynamic field creation
in RTF files. Topics include:
■ Section B.1, "RTF Representation of a Quote"
■ Section B.2, "Example of a Quote in an RTF File"
■ Section B.3, "Quote Related Dynamic Field Scenarios"
■ Section B.4, "Control Structure Rules"
■ Section B.5, "Example of RTF Document with Dynamic Fields"
■ Section B.6, "Warnings"
■ Section B.7, "Common Errors"
Users can add multiple quotes to a proposal. Also, a single quote can have multiple
lines. To represent this variance generically in the RTF file, Oracle Proposals seeds
Structure Dynamic Fields. These dynamic fields are identified by the prefix
PRPSTR in the dynamic field code.
The structure tokens allow users to indicate structure where multiple quotes, lines
or other information is expected. Structure tokens are applicable only for designing
quote related information in an RTF file.
While quote related dynamic fields can be used outside of control structures, doing
so does not allow the parser to repeat the information for all the quotes associated
with the proposal. Any quote related dynamic field placed outside the control
structure will be substituted using the primary quote in the proposal.
<@PRPSTR006:End Contract@>
<@PRPSTR009:Begin Promocode@>
(Quote and Promotional code related dynamic fields inserted here.)
<@PRPSTR010:End Promocode@>
<@PRPSTR002:End Quote@>
Table B–1 Scenario 1: Quote Related Field Without, or Outside Control Structure
Field Token
Table B–1 Scenario 1: Quote Related Field Without, or Outside Control Structure
Field Token
What to expect:
Because there are no structure tokens, the parser does not know what section is a
quote or what needs to be repeated. When the parser encounters a quote dynamic
field it uses the values from the primary quote (in this case Simple Solution) to
substitute the quote name. For the product description and price, it selects the first
line item from the quote.
With the above RTF representation in effect, the following output will be generated
The following table outlines the output for the RTF representation listed above.
Scenario 2: Quote Related Dynamic Fields Within the Quote Header Control
Structure (But Without the Line Control Structure)
RTF representation:
<@PRPSTR001:Begin Quote@>
The following table outlines the RTF representation of quote related dynamic fields
within the quote header control structure.
Table B–3 Scenario 2: Quote Related Fields Within the Header and Control Structure
Field Token
Quote: Proposal: <PRP001:Proposal Name@>
<@PRPQOT044:Product $<@PRPQOT052:Line Total Selling Price@>
<@PRPSTR002:End Quote@>
Note the following changes between scenario 1 and 2: Scenario 1 did not have a
begin and end quote header structure so Oracle Proposals used the primary quote
information. In this case, the application knows that anything between PRPSTR001
and PRPSTR002 is a quote and needs to be repeated. Since there are two quotes on
this proposal, this structure will be repeated twice – once for each quote. But since
the structure needed to repeat quote line is not there, Proposals uses the first line
item for each quote while generating this RTF file.
The following table outlines the output for the RTF file structure outlined above.
Scenario 3: Quote Related Dynamic Fields Within the Quote Header and Line
Control Structure
RTF representation:
<@PRPSTR001:Begin Quote@>
The following table outlines Scenario 3: Quote Related Dynamic Fields Within the
Quote Header and Line Control Structure.
Table B–5 Scenario 3: Quote Related Fields Within the Header and Line Structure
Field Token
<@PRPSTR002:End Quote@>
Note the following changes between scenario 2 and 3: Scenario 2 did not have a
begin and end quote line structure so Oracle Proposals used the first quote line
information for each quote. In this case, the application knows that anything
between PRPSTR003 and PRPSTR004 is a quote line, and needs to be repeated for
each line in the quote. Since there are two quote line for each quote on this proposal,
this structure will be repeat twice for each quote.
The following table outlines the output for the above RTF file.
All control structures for a quote should be within begin quote and end quote
If a quote related dynamic field is placed outside of the control structure, the
substituted value will be taken from the primary quote.
Control structure for quote line, promotional code, and/or contract placed outside
of begin quote and end quote structure are invalid.
Every Begin structure should have its corresponding End structure.
Control structures should not overlap. For example, the following is invalid:
<begin quote line>
<begin promocode>
<end quote line>
<end promocode>
There should not be duplicate control structure within an existing one. For example:
<begin quote line>
<begin quote line>
<end quote line>
<end quote line>
Quote related dynamic fields can be placed anywhere within the begin quote and
end quote structure.
If a promotional code dynamic field is placed outside <begin promocode> and <end
promocode> structure, the first promotional code of the quote returned by the
database will be used during generation.
Similarly if a pricing dynamic field is placed outside the <begin quote line> and
<end quote line> structure, the first quote line of the quote returned by the database
will be used during generation.
<Begin Contract Article> and <End Contract Article> structure fields can be used
only within <Begin Contract> and <End Contract> structure.
the user to provide personalized text in the body section and a date dynamic field to
add even further personalization.
<@UDF004:Cover Text@>
As a Vision Enterprises customer, you already use our desktops to increase
productivity in critical areas of your business. I invite you to review the attachments
enumerating some of the key benefits of upgrading your systems. I can be reached
at <@PRP013:Sales Rep Phone Number@> or via email at <@PRP015:Sales Rep
B.6 Warnings
The following are not supported during the merging process and will result in
errors. Please note the following:
■ Page Setup that distinguishes Odd, Even and First pages in a document are
not supported.
This appendix contains details, guidelines, and code sample for creating Java
program dynamic fields. Topics include:
■ Section C.1, "Database Connection/Transaction"
■ Section C.2, "View Object"
■ Section C.3, "Registering Your Java Program"
■ Section C.4, "Java Program in Generated Proposal Versions"
Refer to Section 3.3.2, "Creating User Defined Dynamic Fields" of Chapter 3 for
information additional information on creating Java program dynamic fields.
application. For this it gets the user language from the View Object
UserLanguageVO (In /oracle/apps/prp/common/server directory).
■ Method getSystemTime: prints the current system time while generating the
proposals document.
package oracle.apps.prp.example.server;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransaction;
import oracle.jbo.Row;
import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;
//Empty constructor
public PRPJavaTokenExample()
while (UserLanguageVO.hasNext())
//Get the first row. This sql only returns one row.
Row rowUserLanguageVO =;
//Get the language code value from the view object.
String languageCode =
if (languageCode.equals("US"))
greeting = "Hello World!!";
else if (languageCode.equals("FR"))
greeting = "Bonjour Monde!";
else if (languageCode.equals("E"))
greeting = "Hola Mundo!";
else if (languageCode.equals("D"))
greeting = "Hallo Welt!";
greeting = "Hello!";
return greeting;
catch (Throwable ex)
return "<Unexpected Error! (Creating VO)>";
return "<Unexpected Error!>";
This section describes the permissions that are needed or recommended for the
Oracle Content Manager (OCM) Folders and Library categories. These permissions
are only needed if your system administrator has set the IBC: Use Access Control
profile option to Yes.
Table D–3 Permissions for Storing Files in an Oracle Content Manager Folder
Permissions Which
Flow Needed Folders? Default Folder
User Manage Item Any folder Folder specified in IBC: Default Home
with these Folder profile option.
Read Item
Administrator Manage Item Any folder Root/Proposals/Administrators/Documents
with these
Read Item
Note: If the administrator is uploading the base language in the Associate Version
flow, the permissions will be the same as the Add File from Desktop flow.
Piece of standard content that might be included in a proposal template.
Component Code
Unique, non-transferable code for proposal components.
Component Content
Content that is referenced to the physical component content. Content that is the
physical standard content (e.g. text, graphics, tables, etc.) that represents the
proposal component.
Component Document
A component document references piece of standard content that might be included
in a proposal template. Standard content can include any type of pre-defined text,
tables, graphs, gifs, etc. that are in RTF format.
Component Order
Order in which the components are generated into the proposal output document.
CRM Object
CRM Object that is referenced by the specific proposal component. Used to
determine which UI to draw from when providing sales proposal detail. An
example of a CRM Object that can be used within a Proposal Component is a quote
from Oracle Quoting.
An individual look-and-feel. Styles are created in Oracle Proposals by creating
different RTF files and then associating these documents to individual components.
Dynamic Field
References to the dynamic fields used to generate the proposal output. Based on
specific template chosen. Dynamic fields can either be seeded by application or
created by users. Placeholder within a pre-defined piece of content that references a
specific piece of information that gets substituted into the content during creation.
Customer presentable, customizable and manageable document. A proposal
positions a product or service as a solution to a customer’s business problem.
Proposal Name
Physical name of the proposal output file. At generation time, the name is
composed of the proposal name concatenated with the appropriate extension
depending on the format of the output file.
Proposal Output
The physical file that gets created for a proposal as part of the generation process.
There might be multiple version of proposal output files created during the life of a
proposal. The physical proposal output is the object that gets shared with the
A remark, or long description, that is entered every time a new proposal output is
RTF file
Rich Text Format file. RTF files are ASCII files with special commands to indicate
formatting information. The final generated version of a single proposal document
is in RTF format. Proposal files are the physical standard content in RTF format
representing the proposal component.
Standalone Proposal
A proposal that is generated using all original data, as opposed to a proposal
created from a quote.
Status of the proposal output file. Determines where in the proposal process the file
was generated or uploaded. Values are Draft and Final.
Pre-defined standard boilerplate document that users select to create a proposal for
a customer. Contains components.
Template Category
Group or type of template.
Template List
A displayed list of templates. You must choose a template to create a proposal based
Version of the proposal output file. Version number is automatically created every
time a proposal is generated or uploaded.
A associating component file versions, 3-22
associating proposal templates
accessing proposals, 4-1
campaign schedules, 3-32
FND user, 5-3
Oracle Field Sales, 4-3
Oracle Quoting, 4-3 C
Oracle Telesales, 4-3 campaign schedules
overview, 4-1 administering proposal templates, 3-31
resource, 5-3 associating proposal templates, 3-32
view proposals due in "x" days, 4-2 viewing proposal templates, 3-32
adding a quote to proposals, 6-10 Campaigns integration, 1-5
adding alternate component files, 3-21 changing component order, 3-29, 6-9
adding components component details
templates, 3-27 viewing, 6-3
adding external files, 3-27 component files
adding files adding alternate, 3-21
from desktop (with Oracle Content Manager associating component file versions, 3-22
disabled), 6-5 deleting alternate, 3-21
from desktop (with Oracle Content Manager components, 1-5, 1-7, 3-21, 3-22
enabled), 6-5 administering, 3-12
from Oracle Content Manager Folders, 6-8 changing order, 3-29, 6-9
from Oracle Content Manager Library, 6-6 creating, 3-14
adding files to proposals, 6-4 deleting, 3-22
administering Oracle Proposals, 3-1 editing, 3-20
administering proposal components, 3-12 including and excluding, 6-4
administering proposal templates, 3-23 previewing files of
campaign schedules, 3-31 previewing components, 6-2
administering Quoting and Proposals dynamic viewing, 3-13
fields, 3-4 viewing components, 6-1
administering template categories, 3-2 viewing details, 6-3
administering user-defined dynamic fields, 3-6 concurrent programs, 3-36
administrator content management integration, 1-5
accessing, 2-3 control structure rules, B-6
proposal creation overview, 2-4 creating Java program dynamic fields, 3-9
creating proposal components, 3-14 proposal
creating proposal templates, 3-24 customer, A-2
Creating proposals, 1-4 general, A-2
creating proposals, 1-5, 5-1, 5-3 sales representative, A-3
from a customer, 5-8 quote, 3-5
from an opportunity, 5-6 header - attachment, A-16
overview, 5-1 header - contract, A-15
setup, 5-2 header - customer, A-7
standalone, 5-3 header - general, A-5
creating RTF files, 3-34 header - payment, A-15
creating template categories, 3-2 header - pricing, A-12
creating text dynamic fields, 3-8 lines - general, A-17
CRM foundation, 1-7 lines - pricing, A-19
Interation History, 1-8 quote related scenarios, B-3
Oracle Content Manager, 1-8 seeded, 3-4, A-2
Resource Manager, 1-8 structure, A-20
Trading Community Architecture, 1-8 text
customer creating, 3-8
creating proposals from, 5-8 user-defined, 3-4, 3-6, 3-7
dashboard editing
accessing, 2-2 proposals
deleting alternate component files, 3-21 header, 6-12
deleting components, 3-22 editing components, 3-20
deleting dynamic fields, 3-11 editing dynamic fields, 3-11
deleting generated proposal versions, 7-6 editing proposal header, 6-12
deleting proposal templates, 3-31 editing proposal templates, 3-26
campaign schedules, 3-33 editing template
deleting proposals, 5-1, 5-10 name, 3-26
deleting template categories, 3-3 e-mail history
downloading viewing, 7-8
proposal versions, 7-5 e-mailing proposal versions, 7-6
downloading proposal versions, 7-5 e-mailing proposals, 1-6
dynamic fields, 1-5, 1-7, 3-4 errors
common errors, B-9 common, B-9
control structure rules, B-6 excluding components, 6-4
deleting, 3-11 external files
editing, 3-11 addition, 3-27
example of RTF document, B-7
inserting, 3-10
Java program
creating, 3-9 generated proposal versions
Oracle Proposals, 3-6 deleting, 7-6
generating proposal versions, 7-2 content, 1-7
overview, 7-1 proposal template, 1-6
getting help, 2-6 proposal views and searches, 1-6
help, 2-6 logging in, 2-1
JTF mode, 2-1
Self-Service mode, 2-2
including components, 6-4
inserting dynamic fields, 3-10
Integrations modifying template categories, 3-3
CRM foundation, 1-7 multi-language functionality, 3-24
Interation History, 1-8
Oracle Content Manager, 1-8
Resource Manager, 1-8
integrations, 1-7 opportunity
CRM foundation creating proposals from, 5-6
Trading Community Architecture, 1-8 integrations, 5-3
third party integrations, 1-8 Oracle Content Manager, 1-8
Interation History, 1-8 adding files from desktop, 6-5
adding files from Folders, 6-8
adding files from Library, 6-6
J integrations, 1-5, 1-8
Java progam dynamic fields permissions, D-1
view object, C-2 add file from desktop flow, D-2
Java program browse and search folders and library, D-3
registering, C-2 create folder, D-2
Java program dynamic fields seeded folders, D-1
creating, C-1 uploading an associated version flow, D-3
database connection/transaction, C-1 Oracle Field Sales
generated proposal versions, C-2 accessing proposals, 4-3
registering your Java program, C-2 integrations, 5-3
sample code program, C-3 Oracle Marketing
administering proposal templates, 3-31
campaign schedules
associating proposal templates, 3-32
Key Features deleting proposal templates, 3-33
campaigns integration, 1-5 unpublishing proposal templates, 3-34
content management integration, 1-5 integrations, 1-5
dynamic fields, 1-7 Oracle Proposals
e-mail delivery, 1-6 administering, 3-1
guided proposal content building, 1-5 administrator, 2-3
proposal components for standardized dashboard, 2-2
dynamic fields, 3-6 P
administering, 3-4
getting help, 2-6
Oracle Content Manager, D-1
integrations, 1-7
add file from desktop flow, D-2
CRM foundation, 1-7
browse and search folders and library, D-3
CRM foundation - Interation History, 1-8
create folder, D-2
CRM foundation - Oracle Content
seeded folders, D-1
Manager, 1-8
uploading an associated version flow, D-3
CRM foundation - Resource Manager, 1-8
personalizing proposals
CRM foundation - Trading Community
adding values for dynamic fields, 6-10
Architecture, 1-8
personalizing proposals sections, 6-9
third party integrations, 1-8
planning, 1-2
key features
profile options
campaigns integration, 1-5
setting, 3-36
content management integration, 1-5
proposal components
dynamic fields, 1-7
changing order, 6-9
e-mail delivery, 1-6
including and excluding, 6-4
guided proposal content building, 1-5
previewing files of components, 6-2
proposal components for standardized
viewing, 6-1
content, 1-7
viewing details, 6-3
proposal templates, 1-6
proposal creation overview
proposal views and searches, 1-6
administrator, 2-4
Logging in, 2-1
user, 2-5
JTF mode, 2-1
proposal searches, 1-6
Self-Service mode, 2-2
proposal templates, 1-6, 3-24
overview, 1-1, 1-2
adding components, 3-27
maintenance, 1-3
planning, 1-2
campaign schedules, 3-31
search for proposals, 4-3
adminstering, 3-23
summary of tasks, 2-4
allowing addition of external files, 3-27
what’s new, 1-9
Oracle Quoting, 6-10
campaign schedules, 3-32
accessing proposals, 4-3
changing default document and mandatory
dynamic fields, 3-5
attributes, 3-29
administering, 3-4
integrations, 5-2
changing order, 3-29
removing quotes from, 6-11
creating, 3-24
Oracle Telesales
creating proposals, 3-36
accessing proposals, 4-3
deleting, 3-31
integrations, 5-3
campaign schedules, 3-33
editing, 3-26
maintenance, 1-3
publishing, 3-30
planning, 1-2
removing components, 3-28
unpublishing, 3-30
campaign schedules, 3-34 removing quotes, 6-11
viewing, 3-26 Resource Manager, 1-8
campaign schedules, 3-32 RTF, 1-8, 3-34
proposal versions common errors, B-9
changing status, 7-5 dynamic field structure, 3-35
downloading, 7-5 example, B-7
e-mailing, 7-6 example of a quote, B-3
uploading, 7-4 representation of a quote, B-2
viewing and editing remarks, 7-5 warnings, B-8
working with, 7-1 RTF (Rich Text Format) files, 1-7
proposal views, 1-6 dynamic field structure, B-1
proposals, 1-5 RTF files overview, 3-34
adding files, 6-4
adding quote to, 6-10
changing document version status, 7-5
concurrent programs, 3-36 searching for proposals, 4-3
creating, 5-1 seed data, A-1
creating from quotes, 5-5 seeded dynamic fields, 3-4, A-2
creating using unpublished templates, 3-36 setting
deleting, 5-1 profile options, 3-36
editing header details, 6-12 structure dynamic fields, A-20
generating versions, 7-1, 7-2
integrations T
Oracle Field Sales, 5-3
Oracle Quoting, 5-2 task summary, 2-4
Oracle Telesales, 5-3 template categories
personalizing, 6-9 administering, 3-2
personalizing content, 6-1 creating, 3-2
removing quotes from, 6-11 deleting, 3-3
publishing proposal templates, 3-30 modifying, 3-3
viewing, 3-2
templates, 1-6
Q adding components, 3-27
quote administering, 3-23
adding to proposals, 6-10 campaign schedules, 3-31
example of in RTF file, B-3 associating
related dynamic field scenarios, B-3 campaign schedules, 3-32
RTF representation, B-2 changing defafult document and mandatory
atrributes, 3-29
R changing order, 3-29
remarks creating, 3-24
viewing and editing, 7-5 creating proposals using unpublished, 3-36
removing components, 3-28 deleting, 3-31
removing components from templates, 3-28 campaign schedules, 3-33
editing, 3-26
multi-language functionality, 3-24
creating using unpublished templates, 3-36
publishing, 3-30
removing components, 3-28
unpublishing, 3-30
campaign schedules, 3-34
viewing, 3-26
campaign schedules, 3-32
third party integrations, 1-8
Trading Community Architecture, 1-8
unpublishing proposal templates, 3-30
campaign schedules, 3-34
proposal versions, 7-4
proposal creation overview, 2-5
user-defined dynamic fields, 3-4
viewing and editing remarks
proposal versions, 7-5
viewing component details, 6-3
viewing components, 3-13
viewing e-mail history, 7-8
viewing proposal templates, 3-26
viewing template categories, 3-2
viewing user-defined dynamic fields, 3-7
What’s New, 1-9